1988-06-07 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 N. Carroll Avenue Regular City Council Meeting June 7, 1988 7:30 p.m. MINUTES Present: Mayor, Johnny H. Westerholm; Councilmembers: Springer, Jim Wooll, Ralph Evans, Sally Hall and Pam Muller. Betty City Staff Present: City Manager, Lloyd O. Latta, Jr.; Director of Public Works, Bill LeGrand; Fire Chief, R.P. Steele; Fire Marshal, David Barns; City Engineer, Eddie Cheatham; City Attorney, Adrienne Leonard and Legal Assistant, Toni Chamberlain. Invocation..- Ralph Evans Mayor Westerholm called the meeting to order and public forum item #30 would be moved to item #4 tonight. announced that the on the agenda for The minutes of the following City Council meetings were approved as presented. They include: May 17, 1988, May 19, 1988, May 24, 1988 and June 1, 1988 Motion: Springer Second: Wooll Ayes: Springer, Wooll, Hall, Evans and Muller Nays: None Approved: 5-0 Public Forum: Mayor Westerholm read the following statement: "Several weeks ago allegations were made to City Officials regarding certain wrongdoings within the Southlake Police Department. State law requires any allegations against members of a police department be sworn statements in written form Those allegations, initially verbal, were subsequently put into writing and sworn to in affidavit. These statements were provided to Chief Crowder and he is aware of the nature of the allegations. As a result, the City Manager, in concert with the City Attorney's office, proceeded to investigate these allegations. The City Manager attempted to obtain the assistance of another jurisdiction to conduct the initial investigation, but because of time constraints, was not practical. Therefore, through the City Attorney's office, an investigator was hired to take sworn depositions. In the process of obtaining depositions additional information was provided. The depositions were then turned over to the City Manager and City Attorney. City Council Minutes June 7, 1988 Page 2 Upon review of the documents, it was felt that the information should be turned over to the Tarrant County District Attorney's office for review and further investigation by that office if it was felt appropriate. None of the alleged charges have been made public by City Officials. The nature of the charges will not be released, pending the completion of any action by the District Attorney's office. It is our intent that full due process be involved in the investigation have their intentionally or unintentionally. observed and that no one right violated,, either As is standard operational procedure, those individuals involved were placed on administrative leave until such time as the investigation can be completed. I would point out that individuals on admini§trative leave ~re in paid status and receive all benefits. These men are currently assigned to the City Manager's office and available for any duties to which the City Manager may assign them. No disciplinary action of any kind has been taken. The City Council has been kept informed of the situation, but has, as provided for in the City Charter, left the management of the situation in the hands of the City Manager. This obviously has not been an easy situation for the City Manager, the Council, or citizens, and especially the Police Department. Many rumors are circulating throughout the City, many of which have no basis of truth. This is indeed unfortunate, but occurs in the type of situation. Individuals reputations are involved. It is not our intent to diminish any ones reputation. It is for the reason that we have refused to divulge any information regarding the nature of the allegations. I am requesting your continued patience in this matter. I cannot give a date for resolution but I assure you that the Council wants the matter resolved, not covered up. W~nen this is over, we want no clouds over the city or the Police Department. We feel we have a good department, with good men and women, dedicated to upholding the law and protecting our citizens, and we will take whatever action is necessary to ensure its\continuation. Thank you for your patience in the rather lengthy statement." Cheryl Gielow - 1417 Whispering Dell Ct. She asked who has the final say in hiring an investigator. She had questions for the City Council but was informed that Council would not answer questions at this time. She feels it was a misuse of public funds to spend up to $4,000 on investigator fees. She also questioned the danger of Southlake not having a full staff in the police department. City Council Minutes June 7, 1988 Page 3 Roger Lemieux 1214 Oakwood Trail. He stated he resents not being able to ask questions concerning the Police Department matter. 'Why was the City Secretary not present for the closed session on June 1, 1988, City Council meeting to take minutes. Who authorized the city manager to spend the unbudgeted funds for an investigator. Rhonda Smith - 300 Ginger Court. Concerned that the Police Department issue is being handled so unprofessionally. Have any provisions been made to replace the 6 officers. She agrees with every thing else that has been said~ Marion Compton - 225 Sweet Street. The City Council has a responsibility to know what is going on. The issue here is the way this thing has been handled. It has been handled the wrong way. They came here tonight with many questions - which they have been told cannot be answered. Mayor Westerholm answered by saying the rumors that are out there are not being passed around by any member of the City Council. Council is trying to follow the proper procedures and that is by turning the signed allegations over to the District Attorney. Barry Hinkle - Southlake Police Officer. He expressed his pleasure in working for the City of Southlake, however, at this time he is a little bit disillusioned. He asked why his name was released to the media if he has not formally been charged with any offense. If the allegations are not public record, why are the names public record. Jim Wooll stated he thought the allegations should be given to the officers involved. Adrienne Leonard, City Attorney, stated she thought they had been provided and would look into that. David McMahan - 1335 Hidden Glen. He stated the administrative duty lies with the City Manager but, the responsibility lies with the City Council. He challenged each City Coun¢ilmember to look into the allegations. Lowell McGuire - Southlake Police Officer. Passed. John Huffman Southlake Police'gfficer. He stated he spends most of his time in Southlake. He came to Southlake because he has confidence in Chief Jerry Crowder. He does not need this job, he does need his reputation. He blames the City manager for trying to ruin his reputation. Jeff Marler - Southlake Police Officer. He requested a copy of the allegations but was denied it by the City Manager. He also requested a copy of his personnel file and that too was denied by the City Manager. He is asking city Council for copies of City Council Minutes June 7, 1988 Page 4 allegations, his name is in them and he has a right to see them. He referenced meetings attended by a member of the City Council. He wanted to know if that person represented City Council or was he acting on his own. He has asked a lot of questions and cannot get answers. Bill Low - 3111 'Woodland Drive. He referred to the commitment of Chief Jerry Crowder, in enforcing the law. He is more inclined to believe Chief Crowder than the investigator. Lets keep Southlake from becoming another Colleyville. He is concerned about the way this matter has been handled. He asked City Council if they are pleased with the manner in which this has been handled. Lynn Haggerty - 1200 Taylor Street. The way this matter has been handled scared her to death. She is very concerned. Mayor West~rholm stated if'the problems are policy in nature, the City Council and City Manager will deal with them. He is a supporter of the police department. He commended their work with crime watch program, and cap-teens. He feels our officers go beyond the call of duty. he asked for patience and prayers. A five (5) minute recess was held so that the room could be cleared. The meeting reconvened at 8:50 p.m. Agenda Item #5. City Facilities. David McMahan gave a follow-up report on the selling of City assets for the purpose of raising cash, replenishing reserves, purchase of new city hall site and potential of purchase of park land. He stated for the sale/lease back of city facilities, there are three ways to attract buyers: 1) pension funds, 2) insurance companies and 3) individual investors. He feels the best method for the city would be by individual as they will pay more for the building. He restated he nor his company require fees for this service. Phillip Bressinck talked to City Council about a double opportunity. The main opportunity is in a sale/lease back as it will provide immediate cash for the City. Second, expansion of city facilities. It is obvious'\that the city has out grown their present facilities. On December 14, 1987, he made a presehtation for a new city hall, using the current facilities for Police and Fire Departments. he feels the city should not own its own real estate. He is proposing a method where citizens own the city hall facilities and have a good return of their money and a break in their tax rate. He stated he has a 10.4 acre tract of land adjoining the city facilities know as the "Baird Tract" under lease. He has allowed for the expansion of HW~ll4 right-of-way. He would like to work with the city on a lease of this property. They will build to suit. City Council Minutes June 7, 1988 Page 5 Fred Joyce made a presentation on a 38.6 acre tract of land which is located on North Carroll Ave., for a sale price of $24,000 per acre. They will also work with the city on a lease agreement and they will build to suit. Ken Stone, who signed to speak on this matter, passed at this time. Agenda Item #6. Res. 88-45, P&Z Appointments Resolution ~88-45 and Jim Vorhis to term each. Motion: Springer Second: Evans Ayes: Spr%nger, Evans, Nays: None Approved: 5-0 was approved naming Larry Samartin, Joe L. Wright the Planning and Zoning Commission for a two year Hal%, Muller and'Wooll Agenda Item #7. Res. 88-49~ CISD - Advisory Group Resolution #88-49 was approved naming Sally Hall as Carroll Independent School District's Advisory Group. Motion: Wooll Second: Springer Ayes: Wooll, Springer, Hall, Muller and Evans Nays: None Approved: 5-0 liaison to the Agenda Item #8~ 9 & 16. Conse.nt Agenda Items The following agenda items were approved under consent agenda: Item #8 Resolution ~88-50, appointment Of representative to the Trinity River Authority Advisory Group. Item #9 Resolution #88-48, SoUthlake's endorsement of legislative strategy for Clean Air Act, as adapted by the Executive Board of the North Central Texas Council of Governments. Item %16 Ordinance ~438, extendiDg the city's building codes to the extra-territorial jurisdiction of the City Southlake. 1st. reading. of Motion: 'Wooll Second: Evans Ayes: Wooll, Evans, Nays: None Approved: 5-0 Muller, Hall and Springer City Council Minutes June 7, 1988 Page 6 Agenda Item 910. Res. 88-52, Appointment to Board of Adjustments Resolution #88-52 naming Art Sorensen to the Board of Adjustments, regular member form an alternate member was approved. Motion: Springer Second: Evans Ayes: Springer, Evans, Hall, Muller and'Wooll Nays: None Approved: 5-0 Agenda Item #11~ Res. 88-53~ Appointments to Park Board A discussion was held and Resolution 88-53 was approved naming Bethann Scratchard and Sue McNutt as members of the Park Board. Motion: Muller Second: W6~ll Ayes: Muller, Wooll and Evans Nays: Springer and Hall Approved: 3-2 Agenda Item %12. Res. 88-51r Acceptance of Fence Bid Site ~4 Resolution %88-51, acceptance of low bid for the #4, was approved. Motion: Wooll Second: Evans Ayes: Wooll, Evans, Hall, Springer and Muller Nays: None Approved: 5-0 fence at well site Agenda Item #13. Res 88-47~ Withdrawing Res 86-9 re: Curb/Gutter Resolution #88-47, withdrawing Resolution #86-9 gutter on FM1709, was approved. Motion: Wooll Second: Springer Ayes: Wooll, Springer, Hall, Muller and Evans Nays: None Approved: 5-0 concerning curb and Agenda Item #14. Ord. 437r Reclassifying Areas 31~32~37 The first reading on Ordinance %437, reclassifying zoning of areas 31, 32 and 37, was discussed. Area 31 & 32A. John Newberry was present, representing Loyd Carder & Associates. He stated they want Retail 1. City Council Minutes June 7, 1988 Page 7 Area 32A. Ron Miracle - 917 Emerald Blvd., was present and stated his property backs up to this property. He also want Retail 1. Area 32B. Owner was not present, recommendation was Retail 2. Area 37. John Church, owner, was not present. It was noted that P & Z recommended Office 2. Motion was made to approve to Office 2. Motion: Wooll Second: Evans Ayes: Wooll and Evans Nays: Hall, Springer and Muller Approved: 2-3 Motion was made to approve area 31 to Retail 1, Retail 1, Area 32B to Office 1 and deleting area 37. Motion: Springer Second: Wooll Ayes: Springer, Wooll and Hall Nays: Evans and Muller Approved: 3-2 Area 32A to Motion was made to table Area 37 until June 21, Motion: Wooll Second: Springer Ayes: Wooll, Springer, Muller, Evans and Hall Nays: None Approved (to table): 5-0 1988. Agenda Item #15. Ord. 420r Lot Sizes Ordinance #420 was discussed in continuation of the public hearing on 1st. reading. Councilmember Hall stated City Council is not ready for the ordinance at this meeting. She wants to see the Master Plan in place and also the City Council has not had the meeting with the school board at this time. S~9 feels we need more input, more public education, more insight from the citizens on this ordinance before a vote is taken. Councilmember Muller stated she wants to have the master Plan in place. Councilmember Evans stated it's good to have Master Plan in place if we can get the Master Plan in place. City Council Minutes June 7, 1988 Page 8 Public Hearing: Roger Lemieux - passed. Conner Lam - 1280 Post information going to the in .Southlake. We are planning. Oak Trail. There is a serious lack of citizens, concerning development of a lot having a serious crisis because of poor David' McMahan - 1335 Hidden Glen. Comments concerning costs for developing one acre lots in $outhlake. Neal McKinnon - 1603 Mockingbird Lane. Southlake should not be in the habit of being shelter for developers. We should not be addressing this issue until the Master Plan is in place and also the sewer ~ystem is on its way. Motion was made to continue the 1st. reading until the June 21, 1988, City Council Meeting. Motion: Wooll Second: Muller Ayes: Wooll, Muller, Hall, Springer and Evans Nays: None Approved: 5-0 on Ordinance ~420 Agenda Item #17. Ord. 434r Zoning Reclassification Area 24r29~30 A discussion was held concerning the 2nd. reading on the reclassification of areas 24, 29 and 30. Public Hearing: Barbara Paty - 1000 N. White Chapel Road. getting retail zoning on her property. She is concerned at not Motion was made and approval given to Ordinance ~434, Motion: Wooll Second: Evans Ayes: Wooll, Evans, Hall and Springer Nays: Muller Approved: 4-1 2nd. reading. Agenda Item #18. Ord. 334-36~ Zoning Request-Eutectic Metals Ordinance #334-36, 2nd. reading (ZA88-10) was discussed. The zoning request for Eutectic Metals Company, Inc. was discussed. Owner, Bill Spivey, was represented by attorney Wayne Olson. Ernest Elbert was also present on behalf of Spivey. City Council Minutes June 7, 1988 Page 9 Motion was made to approve Ordinance #334-36, the property S-P-1. Motion: Wooll Second: Evans Ayes: Wooll, Evans, Springer, Muller and Hall Nays: None Approved: 5-0 2nd. reading, zoning The Public Hearing was opened for Agenda Items 19, 20, 21, 23 and 24. No comments were received. Agenda Item #19. Ord. 334-22~ Zoning L-2/B-i~ Greenlee Bus. Park ~.~ request for zoning a 2.3 acre tract of land out of the' John A. Freeman Survey, Abstract 529, commonly known as Lot 2, Block 1, Greenlee BUsiness Park, wa~s discussed. Current zoning is Light Industrial with a request for Ind. 2. Motion was made to approve in 2nd. reading Zoning District. Motion: Wooll Second: Springer Ayes: Wooll, Springer, Hall and Evans Nays: Muller Approved: 4-1 (ZA 88-06) to Ind. 2 Agenda Item #20. Ord. 334-34~ Zoning Request-Justin Grocery n'-dinance #334-34, zoning request for a one acre tract of land out of the Jesse G. Allen Survey, Abstract #18, was considered for Retail 1 zoning district. Josh Davis, owner of Justin Grocery Store was not present for the meeting. Motion was made to approve Ordinance ~334-34 Retail 1 Zoning District. Motion: Wooll Second: Springer Ayes: Wooll, Springer, Muller, Evans and Hall Nays: None Approved: 5-0 in 2nd. reading for Agenda Item #21. Ord. 334-35, Special Use Permit, Justin Grocery A -..quest for a Special Use Permit for the Sale of Off Premises Packaged Beer was considered in Ordinance #334-35. Motion was made and approval given for Ordinance reading for a Special Use Permit. Motion: Springer Second: Evans Ayes: Springer, Evans, Hall, Muller and Wooll Nays: None Approved: 5-0 #334-35, 2nd. City Council Minutes June 7, 1988 Page 10 Agenda Item #23. Ord. 334-38~ Zonin~ Hart Addition ?he request for zoning change for an 11.303 acre tract of land out of the J. N. Gibson Survey, Abstract 591 was discussed for Industrial 2 zoning district. Owner: Joseph Hart. Motion was made to approve in 2nd. reading, Ordinance 9334-38. Motion: Evans Second: Springer Ayes: Evans, Springer, Muller, Hall and Wooll Nays: None Approved: 5-0 Agenda Item 924. Ord. 436~ Building Fees Ordinance '%436, repealing Ordinance 9290, providing for a portion of building permit fees to be set aside and paid into the city of Southlake fund for streets and roads maintenance and improvements was discussed. Motion was made to approve in 2nd. reading for Ordinance Motion: Wooll Second: Hall Ayes: Wooll, Hall, Evans, Muller and Springer Nays: None Approved: 5-0 9436. Agenda Item 922. Ord. 334-33~ Zoning, Tiffany Acres O--'d~nance 9334-33, 2nd. reading was discussed for zoning to Industrial 2 for land known as Tiffany Acres. Owners: Lee Roy Hess, Gary Messer, Robert Van Til, Henry J. Strand, Verlo J. Strand, Roger L. Strand and Bradley Scribner, were not present for the meeting. Public Hearing: June Haney - 400 Brock Drive. She presented 8 letters opposing this action and wanted it denied by the City Council. She read a letter which is attached to the records. She is requesting that the City Council deny this request for Industrial 2. Martha Horton 320 Brock Drive. This area is a bad image for the whole city. she has a child with asthma and indicated the dust and etc. has made it worse. Carl Williams - 2509 West Southlake Blvd. Tiffany Acres still disturbs him at night with all the noise. Opposed to zoning. Kay Kleinkauf - passed. City Council Minutes June 7, 1988 Page 11 Glenda 'Wiseman - 2607 W. Southlake Blvd. She experiences noise early mornings and evenings. They object to Tiffany Acres expanding. Pam Farmer - Rt. 1, Box 64-C. She concurred with Mrs. Haney's letter. She presented a letter for the record. She stated that construction started after annexation had begun. Joe Bentley 214 Westwood. from our city Attorney. He wants opinions on nonconforming Tim Farmer - Davis Blvd. In order to make the people in the area happy, it will take a block wall fence. Motion was made to continue the public hearing on July 19, 1988 at 7:30 p.m.,.at this time, prpperty owners of Tiffany Acres should be present. Also-, it allows time to start city initiated zoning for Brock Addition and possibly Farmer property. Motion: Wooll Second: Evans Ayes: Wooll, Evans, Muller, Hall and Springer Nays: None Approved: 5-0 A~enda Item #25. Ord. 435, Repealin~ Ord. 306 & 424~ Nuisances Ordinance #435, repealing Ordinance #306 and 424, providing a new ordinance relative to nuisances, was discussed. Public Hearing: June Haney - Brock Drive. She would like to have added to the ordinance, electrical systems. Motion was made and approval given to Ordinance #435, Motion: ~Wooll Second: Hall Ayes: Wooll, Hall, Springer, Muller and Evans Nays: None Approved: 5-0 2nd. reading. '\ A~enda Item #26. Request for Variance to Impact Fee A request for variance to Impact Fees, Ordinance #330 was discussed at the request of Bob Miron. It was agreed that on his 10 acre tract of land, he will have a one time impact fee at $1,500 per acre. City Council Minutes June 7, 1988 Page 12 Motion was made to deny the request for a variance Ordinance #330. Motion: Wooll Second: Muller Ayes: Wooll, Muller, Hall, Springer and Evans Nays: None Approved (to deny): 5-0 to Impact Fees, Agenda Item #27. Request for Variance to Sign Ord~ Cleaners A request for a variance to the Sign Ordinance #350 for Price Rite Cleaners was discussed. The owners agreed to a smaller sign on the building to comply with the ordinance. There was a double face pole sign for Price Rite Cleaners. Motion was made for Motion: Wooll Second: Evans Ayes: Wooll, Evans, Nays: None Approved: 5-0 replacement of the free standing sign only. Springer, Muller and Hall Agenda Item #28. Final Plan Ravenaux Place ZA 88-17, the final plat for Ravenaux Place Addition was considered. Public Works Director, Bill LeGrand, stated that staff recommends approval. John Levitt, engineer for owner/developer K. Wayne Lee, stated he had no problems with the Cheatham letter. Motion was made to approve the final plat conditions in the June 2, 1988 Cheatham letter. Motion: Wooll Second: Hall Ayes: Wooll, Hall, Springer and Evans Nays: None Abstained: Muller Approved: 4-0-1 subject to the two Agenda Item #29. Developers Agreement, Ravenaux Place Motion was made and approval given to the Developers Ravenaux Place Addition, amending Section 3, Part A. Motion: Hall Second: 'Wooll Ayes: Hall,'Wooll, Springer, Muller and Evans Nays: None Approved: 5-0 Agreement of City Council Minutes June 7, 1988 Page 13 Agenda Item #31. Executive Session~ Garret vs City of Southlake The executive session pursuant to Article 6252-17 V.T.A.S. under the provision dealing with litigation. City Council convened in executive session at 1:30 a.m. to discuss litigation -'Walter D. Garret et al vs City of Southlake. Cause ~141-104-325-87. Council reconvened in public session at 2:05 a.m. Mayor Westerholm explained that Council discussed the litigation. Walter D. Garret et al vs City of Southlake. Cause ~141-104-325-87. Motion was made to reject the demands as presented. Motion: Wooll Second: Springer Ayes: Wooll, Springer, Hall, Nays: None Approved (to reject): 5-0 The meeting was adjourned. Muller and Evans ) ATTEST: ~,,,~r~ ~'~ ~ L ~/f ~',,,~. 'Sandra L. LeGrand City Secretary ~-~ ".. .... .." O' O U .J • w a[ w 0 • a G H ul LL ° ¢ O .r+ w Y iJ U LU z 44 a O d) (d0 EA 0 44 ri / Z 04 (d 44 O 414 aJ (d 4 r-I C. i N.s~r�1rI'� 4J 4J r-i k r-i - 4J >, N r� c~ +� r0-1 O Ul (d4J4J U Ul+'hrn (d �41ou r-I z a,ra�iH (d a o � �+ � �-wo Oo w zz 4J 4J E ON 4J 4J o H d) rd Sri O (n p� 4J a) ON �4 'd 4Jri WWy E� 't" N 4-) (d 1� d l� 4J Aa 4J to � W4-4 m El) z w o °N �40 W4)o •rI W 4J h 44 4) M i-1 -rl 0 41 aJ $ 1 4J ri o>O 000W(d44 W (d >i r- U d) 41 � � ON (*1 r-i 4J 4J r-4 O D U M M O b( O aJ -rl r-I En 41 r. 4) 0 r. 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U, �+ r{ Ul N N N 0 G T r-{ i 0 N a) _ a) ; r1 r1 r-i N r+. U) U) a) a o , c ra)� 0 4--) J C; 11 a) .� U )) Si 41 .C; + tJ'Ln Jj -1 > al ) � r{ 'J O R7 ' Q) •C; U ) V m ,) rl .Ci U a) N >0 0 0 44 U) F: ri Y F a ;, r{ r{ � (n 0 Yin 0 N )� N o a) 'U C' `v aU) Y a) v •{ � IU U a) 11 Id � j 4) N a) . > O QI rl 41 r{ N Q) tn •� ro0 r{ A Ea z •r{ rl •ri tn t` U O r-{ r-) N N U) rt 44 O [ ;) N 1JO .o 41 >' A b U 0 ro V rd 44 Q tT a) 4-) 4a a)� 0 ;' > p .o H O W r{ r rd Q^ U 4� tr O 44 Q 4 (Ti Ci N �n �� 144J r (d S,4 o Qi rvra ) ra a) O G 1)j �U) Q) N4 �b rUO GrnrNi 1N Q.) Q 1N tN71 ' N � r ul Cd a� Ha a) Cd 4-3 O V) r� a) •bL, cad E0 CH a) al .. w a a ar, Ic H \o W Cd •�c vWi H O ►u-� cc .-d to to 4D H .r{ cc ca FE w •r• pq U � 0 Cd 4-1 a C— to U)►-� a ( v V) I t1� co U W :s O p 4 W f� H 5: re.Illn, W �, 0 lJ .-1 W W u OA C�- •-� W cy, E-H E-• G H u r a w 4 w O a H H W 4c Ic * (► is a) 4: P4 .: 4c +j .K •rl 4: E H * a, 4 a .c 4c 49 •Y. 4: is ic 4c •• >, 4c CA 4c a V } 4c 14 * P. 49 it a 4: O * +j 4: co * u +t a v ro x d A 4c 4 � •� m A _rn � Q g U -If'r) U) Q X W H 0 w Q F- V) r z 0 0 U ON 00 z Q Q �- w \ w O Q F- V) w o w T� H 0- U X H W _J m z � o I H U) H Q � 0 0 z U - wo.+c sp�N9GF Roofs Iigw�stieo Ai-; I� 1 PRICE R I E CLEA N ERA ;1 _ _ , . ,h -- -_-I _.1____ I' �worm S iG A% FAGS 7/e PIEr IOv(lAsS ri RM L6nEaiuj � 3y ! ' II i j FLot6sFi�r $ut 95 t. T= - 3 DEL CrArniU ' ' } I � TiFO iN�o m.1u5�e9 }' 1. MAY 1 S 198P , t q •.?.0 1 PUBLIC WORKS r f cp(14 P�cfr W piTE 'p(Er. i?EO l.�rTTE Pp C L E4 lei E T I q I Ex r5r/"'9 I�N co c1, -V L .-, .1, -P U -P ED LS.F C ..:,'_ - C �. C aJ -.J CL Jl :g ram• L Fv� Gbi Uj 0 � 0 a 0 J •T1 n U+ •r+ � -i Ga C U as LP -0 {� U C -0 '� 0 E ,u L G; fit �pp��11 0 ;T .. L E C - C C -+ C 2+ QI •,•+ - � TO C d��ayn. `" "'y -� E.I.. •,i 0 -P L 0 0- � fG w+ Ul -1 •H `"' -C 7- 1i -C �1 n riii C E _0 '' 0 C •a u 0 C L -0 C J Ca u ID0 P r, +,, a GJ i c = , Url c .-. Ga -0 ul z - = rr) G; u u • • 4 G; •r7 Gl G; > L '-+ U 10 'C, • + cr, 4-' 0 +ti `0 C V E 0 p1 _C + C -+ C at C G; CT+ E r: 0 m 0 ;+ to u Ga •-+ 'd + r; r- C .,i L 1,11 C C G '-+ Ga L -0 -P .14 [1 4J Ga Ul GI QI -i L 0•E Ul QI G; L I*rJ Iq U 0 111 C CL Cl Ga 4J ILL L G; C 0 0 Z 0 G; -H C i -0 -+ Ga a. L LI C U Et_ •,-r Ir, •ri ?- L Ul 0 Zl ID ?t ^u C.. M •+J rti 4J -i > Ga T Ut 0 -P > 0 -+ J' a Ga C U •-a L fu G; -401 � f� L u fil `- ul w T > QI rli L E M L _0 = L•L -0 Q! 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Tj -+ Ga U Ga -+ ❑_ L -, -+ 4-' 1 L fJ; - 0 ru L C- L rri C 0 Ga + rG -0 L Qt G. Ca �' , G; C+ +7i 0 �,: , . Ul G; _-r U =i L r4 ul C '-+ -0 C' !!1 ; - ra C ILI' C Cl 0 GS 0 = 0': tat 67 it, C 0 •�- rf [ J L ''Im 0- G; -+ > Ul 0 —+ C a ,- C QI Ga U! .,..r -t i. Ga n L , ti^, 0 -a Ga t,P, '-•r ,•-•t ii L ul _ ',-! `_ > >'• U+ 'it 0 _0 L W fri Ga ,-+ -, -0 Ga -u � ,u ID 'Gt = -0 --+ r E C Ill--r 0 C U U+ G; C ID r? C J r- -0 G} 'G ' _C ILL • -t 3 U+ Ga ni G; ,.+ > r(j to -t .i ,` , .. C t-i 0 0 L C. •,-., -i y-t 1 C z ,; Q Cc _+Ul> u4-'3 ^saG; 'Ua QaQsu L•-� >. >• t + L •r•t •; + C rt •-s •r. -t •- 0 C '^ l i 4. J Ti -C.. J1 r`•• =j > • ti Ul 0 -u 0 -Ci. > U -+ C CT• CL U Ul L •-+ -+ 4) 0 tCi C1 Ga 0 + :1 C w -0 —, Qt ra 3i1 L 0 Ga E 0 Ga 0 3:J C; '•L W,, `,_ >; Ci ri Ui 3 0 -+ •ra 0 rti 01 tom. ID '+ -t-+ 0 of Lea Ga E in r O rl ecn � 4-).H oo Cd U C% 4 W O Cd moo PLul aOP,orn o J^ '. E-4 x O :.-.:,. r 1 P. Q) lri " O O rO1 O O •H Cn O S-, (1) Ln 4-J 4a Cd 4-' In O +� x (1) +- •� •� ao cd o 4a r-1 Cd O Cd r-1 'd +-J ri • H ri Ln r-1 �''., • rl U r-i In (1) �-, a) U 9 • 7 a) a) Ol O U N • ri E� ? o a) ti~ P, U b0 • ra +j Q • • O �-+ +- • H , Cd co • r-t U () 4H Q$ O Cd ^ +-) • ri U (1) • ri a) Cd 1-4 f-, x Cd U (1) a) .ci +-) - S-a (1) +j ^ O a) 4 (1) +-> 4J +J Cd E- +-> (1) Ln cd 4 +j r-i U) 00 Cd a) � U Cd N 4 4-J ri ri F-, 00 a bo O a ri Q ul U O rn Cd Cn 4 0 +-) o 0 m 9 'd (-+ � • t~ 4-J x Ln +J O a) �5 Cd O ^ O Cd LH �-, Cd �-4 O N L 00 'dU o� N b z1— �U�ord �d x ?� ?� >1 +-L $ + ri • ri U Cd >1 Cd P� ? O +J +-) L-- ; Cd 4-1 U) Cd 4J O a) Cd Cd r I • H • H "D O 4a (L) r-1 O • r1 r--1 $- 91, a U U �o Cn Q d (D 'd " +-) U a P, E- o 4 V) ct o u O Ln rd 4-J _S4 moot~ (1)rxc:•r-i Jac �, Cd � w Cd d-) 0 �-q Q) E, 'd 1) V) Q rU) 0 0 U U 41 (1) • H to acn�>Un n w N �±1 °' 4-4 Q) 4-I 01 rd $ rd �, b U � ui 4 ro 41 rd Q) (a ss`�trr Elm e� 04 o a o o a ro 04- (1) Uu) 4+J +-J ro I ro (a + y 3 0 +J >-I rd • i" I J C >rd ri , rO M � 0 a) OIowa O r0 41 r-I A, +� ro .1 � 0 ro -14 � ° ° U Q) U) � nA ri O 4-1 U � U ro smog Sri o ��,N �3ro,°+�°0° b+�3+�� G� +' 44 u 44 4., a� a n rd a a� ro rI rn ro o a Q) rd O 44 E: a04 l Q) ° � U) Q) ro r1 0o H r.o �U� 0 a, Uo ro 0 0 ro o•ri 4,'H+J a °� o44 p� �, fa b )-� p 3�4j ro+' •J 3na a)roa)O (1) ��--ro °'ao '�04 �a'•�,ro °'° b 0a obi ° U U a) p U 4 J ro (ai" O > Q) ro ti 0M x �� 4J0ro3 N(a > U) ro a) z 4a +•J 4� C: 4-I 0) Q) >1 N O � •r l �-� r 4 rn o a) a) s4 -r-I a -P � ro � u, � A �' �+ b00 �O +1 ri O +1 L' Q) U +� 4' Q) 4J ra � p 44 N a) N 41 (� w +� is r I En . 4a a ro 00 g N O� T) � Oa O Q) ro a 3 pa, O 4J O M O a) rd O •,-1 M I{ r-1 o ul N r "'i > o ro r N r. s4 ul a) ti P p ° �+ a� ro .rlr. 04 �, , 0 'o ro m p p 4 ro Q) Q) Q) 41 U a) 4a rd U O a H .r.°� roa°iria)•,+ a)r-I o k�0 O� v { 4-4 1~ X. �v r I 41 ° 1 lU/1 (�l� � N rd � S-I � N ro ri N a 3 1~ ri q rd e 0 ��uro� U�1, �a�0 �rd oN • rn 4� ro .n •ri ) ro Q) 4-4 >~ •� >~ td "N -P p r-•I A Q)C) prd 4J �' mO 4-)x O U`.0 {d 0 ro O Q) > I G "U) ) I Q) U) 4 � G U r I 0 a) O U O (a � 0 U) a +� N 4J p p 4a 3 Q) A a >4 3 is 0o r-I -1 A O ro ., 1 Q) 44 U O G 00 4 � X P o' p, ro a rd 3 o rd O >1 ai r�-I Ti °° .H ° � O E 4 Q) N �, y.J V� ro r-I > ro 3 U > O 4 .. -'4.� 1 o b ro r-I Q) O U) °� H(1)Q) (a k U �; r U) U) 41 (x 0 -P M 4 1 U k .� A El ° 44 COX 4-4rO t4-1 r-Io U (j U) 14 Q) b N 401 O- r Ul ro N x U)° � Q)ri ro (a 3 N z 4 H • O ° d-) > 4 0 3 CO 4J U) a) � rd ro ro � a) U >1 41 N :� 4J rd '1 U (1) >I $ l4 (a %lD rd u r-i --I .�G X ro > 1-1 +1 f— .:$ (a U' U) O H ro rd -P Q) 4-J U • Q) Q) •r•I .7 r-A rd H U I (a •r+vo0 Q) a)Ua)(or-I U)pO•H(1) 4I~000a) 4N0wG a)ro(a .'�". 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