1988-03-15 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 N. Carroll Avenue REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING March 15, 1988 MINUTES Present: Mayor, Johnny H. Westerholm; Councilmembers: Springer, David McMahan, Jim Wooll and Rick Stacy. Betty Absent: Charles Curry. City Staff Present: City Manager, Lloyd O. Latta, Jr.; Public Works Director, Bill LeGrand; Police Chief, Jerry Crowder; Fire Chief, R.P. Steele; City Attorney, Ken Dippel and Legal Assistant, Toni Chamberlain; City Engineer, Eddie Cheatham. Invocation: Rick Stacy. Mayor Westerholm called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. He asked the City Council to approve the absence of Councilmember Charles Curry as he was absent due to work. The minutes of the Regular City Council meeting of March the Special City Council meeting of February 29, March 1, 8 were approved as presented. Motion: Wooll Second: McMahan Ayes: Wooll, McMahan, Springer and Stacy Nays: None Approved: 4-0 1, 1988, and March Mayor's Report Mayor Westerholm asked City Council to approve two proclamations after reading. Proclaiming April 17 to April 23 as Volunteer Week, for the Volunteers of America and also proclaiming March as National Kidney Week. Copies of the documents are a part of the record. Motion: Wooll Second: Springer Ayes: Wooll, Springer, Stacy and McMahan Nays: None Approved: 4-0 Members of the Women's Division of the Southlake Chamber of Commerce presented gifts to the Southlake Police and Fire Departments. Marsha Coker, Debbie Abitz and Margaret Cook, members, presented $373.25 to Chief Crowder for raincoats and a check for $500.00 to Chief Steele for a much needed exhaust fan. City Council Meeting Minutes March 15, 1988 Page 2 Councilmember Springer, also a member of the group, stated that the 30 member ladies group is very active in community affairs and this year the group is contributing to the Women's Shelter and Boy Scouts of America as well as the police and fire departments. Ann Barnes, a resident of Highland Estates, presented the Mayor with "letters of request" from the subdivisions of Cross Timber Hills, Dove Acres, Whispering Dell and Highland Estates. They each asked to have a "Straw Vote" question on the May 7 election ballot in regards to changing the lot size from one acre minimum to smaller lots. They asked for an answer tonight. Mayor West~rholm answered fhat it cannot be acted on tonight as it is not an agenda item. He suggested that City Council can hold a special meeting if the majority agrees to it. He also stated he has reservations to a non-binding vote being on the ballot and suggested that an effort be made to educate the citizens concerning lowering the lot sizes in Southlake. Agenda Items #11, 913~ 914 and 919~ Consent Approval Agenda Items 911, Resolution 88-21. Criminal Justice Department Grant for Crime Prevention/Major Crime. #13, Resolution 88-23. Police Mutual Aid Agreement. #14, Resolution 88-24. Tarrant County Narcotics Intelligence and Coordination Unit Interlocal Assistance Agreement. #19, Resolution 88-25. Authorizing the City Manager to purchase an Irrevocable Letter of Credit payable to the City of Colleyville for the purpose of insuring performance of sewer services. Motion was made and approval given to approve consent agenda. Motion: McMahan Second: Wooll Ayes: McMahan, Wooll, Stacy and'~pringer Nays: None Approved: 4-0 the listed items for Agenda Item 94~ Ordinance 9415~ Amendment to Masonry Ordinance 9415, 2nd. reading, amendment to the Masonry was discussed. Ordinance City Council Meeting Minutes March 15, 1988 Page 3 Public Hearing: Jim Martin - questioned the ordinance. Ann Barnes - She is pleased to see that the City Council is acting on the petitions that were presented by the public. Motion was made to approve change: On page 2, paragraph B Motion: McMahan Second: Wooll Ayes: McMahan, Wooll and Stacy Nays: Springer Approved: 3-1 Ordinance #415 with the following "except for agricultural zoning". Councilmember Springer stated she is against metal buildings in Southlake. Mayor Westerholm stated that he is also against metal building in Southlake. A~enda Item 85~ Ordinance 8416~ Permitted Uses Ordinance 8416, 2nd. reading, adding provisions to the zoning ordinance allowing for requests in relationship to permitted uses within certain zoning district. Public Hearing: Neil McKinnon - Dove Acres. He questioned 15% variance to office zoning district uses only. Bill Spivey - Randol Mill Ave. He questioned Hotel/Motel zoning districts. Also industrial zoning. Motion was made to approve Ordinance 8416, Motion: McMahan Second: Springer Ayes: McMahan, Springer, Wooll and Stacy Nays: None Approved: 4-0 2nd. reading A~enda Item 86~ Ordinance 8424~ Nuisance. Ordinance 8424, 1st. reading was held, amending Ordinance 8306, Nuisance. Mayor Westerholm explained the changes in the ordinances. Public Comments: Joe Bentley - 214 Westwood. He feels the ordinance is an imperfect ordinance - it needs to be handled by the elected officials rather City Council Meeting Minutes March 15, 1988 Page 4 than the City Manager. He suggested rewritten and he offered new wording. Motion was made to approve Ordinance #424, Motion: Stacy Second: McMahan Ayes: Stacy, McMahan, Springer and Wooll Nays: None Approved: 4-0 that paragraph 1st reading. "B" be Agenda Item #7~ Ordinance #421~ Procedures Amending Zoning Ord. Ordinance "~421, 1st. reading, an ordinance with respect to the procedures and requirements for an amendment to the zoning ordinance #334. Public Hearing: Neil McKinnon - He questioned the ordinance. Motion was made and approval given to Ordinance #421, Motion: McMahan Second: Wooll Ayes: McMahan, Wooll and Springer Nays: Stacy Approved: 3-1 1st. reading. Councilmember Wooll stepped down for agenda items ~8 and ~9, having a vested interest as an IBM employee. Agenda Item #8 & ~9, Ordinance #334-29 & ~334-30~ IBM Zoning Ordinance #334-29, 2nd. reading, zoning request for a 5.919 acre tract of land out of the R.D. Price Survey, Abstract 1207. Request is for Planned Unit Development District, and Ordinance #334-30, 2nd. reading, zoning request for 4.999 acre tract of land out of the R.D. Pr\ice Survey, Abstract 1207. Request is for the Planned Unit Development District zoning. Owners: IBM. There were no comments during the public hearing. Motion was made to approve the Planned zoning for items #8 and #9, 2nd. Reading. Motion: Springer Second: McMahan Ayes: Springer, McMahan and Stacy Nays: None Approved: 3-0 Unit Development District City Council Meeting Minutes March 15, 1988 Page 5 Councilmember McMahan stepped down for agenda item #10 as he has a vested interest. Agenda Item ~10~ Final Site Plant L-IRt B-Dr Commerce Bus. Park. The final site plan for Lot iR, Block D, Commerce Business Park was discussed. The property is owned by PIMA, Inc. It was noted that city staff recommended approval of the final site plan. Scott Dyer, engineer with John Levitt Engineering Co., represented the owners. He stated he does not have problems with the Cheatham letter of 3-10-88. They will meet items #1 and #2. Motion was'made to meeting conditions 3/10/88, with the landing 2 inches. Motion: Wooll Second: Springer Abstained: Stacy Ayes: Wooll and Springer Nays: None Approved: 2-0 approve'the site plan subject to the developers in items 3, 4 and 5 in Cheatham's letter of facing the fire lane being no higher than Agenda Item #12~ Resolution 88-22~ Timber Knoll/Lake Shores Resolution 88-22, authorizing the City Manager to submit a support plan to the City of Keller for the Timber Knoll/Lake Shores Addition. Mayor Westerholm explained the issue for the audience. Councilmember Wooll encouraged the City Council to annex land to the south and also to make the street be brought up to city standards before we take them in. Motion was made to approve Resolution 88-22. Motion: Stacy Second: McMahan ~, Ayes: Stacy, McMahan, Wooll and ~pringer Nays: None Approved: 4-0 Agenda Item #15~ Zoning Reclassification~ Discussion Councilmember McMahan explained the reclassification process stating it is very important that this be disposed of as soon as possible for the sake of the property owners and for the ease of City Council Meeting Minutes March 15, 1988 Page 6 staff. There are 15 properties left in the proposed office and retail districts. Council will address 5 properties on each of the next three City Council meetings in order to complete the reclassification process for office and retail zonings. The industrial zonings are to begin the process at Planning and Zoning with public hearings. Agenda Item #16, Department Reports The department reports were reviewed. The financial report for February was discussed and explained by the City Manager. A work session is"to be held on 3/~9/88 for the FY88 Budget revision. Public Forum Aloha Payne - questioned the DFW-FAA litigation. She asked why was the Zone "B" reclassified and what kind of zoning will be allowed in Zone "B". She referred to the "Great Southlake Sell Out". Neil McKinnon - asked if Planning and Zoning could meet at a different (larger) place at the March 17, meeting. He feels we will have about 300 persons here. Jerry Crowder - stated that on April 8th. the CAP and Southlake Police Department will have a Barbecue at Nine Acres. Catered by Vance Godby. The meeting was adjourned by Mayor W. ATTEST: ,Sandra L. LeGrand, City Secretary City of Southlake