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~;,\,M E OF %OUNCI LPERSON · CITY OF SOUTIILAKL", 'i:EXAS MINUTES OF TIlE Regular CITY COUNCIL ME ET I NG. DATE: February 2,1988 T I[qE: 7:30 p.m. PLACE: CITY OF SOUTIILAKE~ COUNCIl, (:llAMBEI),.q 667 NORTII CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTIILAKE TEXAS. PAGE: 1 INDEX COUNCILPERSONS PRESENT: Mayor, Johnny H. Westerholm; Mayor Pro Tem, Charles Curry. Rick Stacy, Jim Wooll, David McMahan and Betty Springer. CITY STAFF PRESENT: City Manager, Lloyd O. Latta Jr.; Director of Public Works, Bill LeGrand; Fire ~hief, .R.P. Steele; City Accountant, Renee McCarty; City Engineer, Eddie Cheatham; City Attorney, Ken Dippel; and, Toni Chamberlain, Legal Assistant INVOCATION: Jim Wooll Curry Springer blcMahan Wooll Stacy Curry Springer McMahan Wooll Stacy The City Council meeting was called to order by Mayor Johnny Westerholm. The Minutes of the City Council Meetin of January 19, 1988 were approved as presented. The 14inures of the Special City Counci Meeting of January 25,1988 were also approved as presented. MAYORS REPORT Mayo~ Pro Tem, Charles Curry reported that the 4th annual Chamber of Comm- erce ~anquet was held on January 30, at th~ Harvy House Ho~l~ The Man of the Year Award was given to Fire Chief, R.P. Steele and the Woman of the Year Award was presented to a Carroll ISB Elementary School Teacher bls. Dell Stith. Guest Speaker was Ms. Ann Richards, Treasurer for the State of Texas. Curry also reported that citizens Joe & Stella Pelej presented a gift of $1,000 to the Police Department for the purchase of six ballistic vests. The gift was matched by the ';AMC OF 20UNC! LPERSON CITY COUNCIL · CITY OF SOUTIILAKIi., 'i'IiXAS MINUTES OF TIlE Regular MEETING. DATE: February 2,1988 TIME: 7:30 p.m. [)LACIi: CITY OF S()IJTIILAKE, COUNCIl, CIIAMBER.q 667 NORTII CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTIILAKE TEXAS. PAGE: 2 INDEX Chamber of Commerce, Chief Crowder underwent oral surgery today and therefore, was unable to be at this meeting. It was also noted that he is now a resident of Southlake The McKee Water System Contract was McKEE discussed, in which they are request- WATER ing a rate increase of 215%. SYSTEM CONTRAC? Mr. Bill Boomer, an attorney with LandCon Inc. was present and answered questions for the City Council. Mr. Boomer stated he was contacted by' the PUC who raised questions about the form that was used in notifying the public. Therefore, they renotified the public. They mailed notices to 57 customers within the City of Southlake, out of 520 customers in the entire system. Public Hearing Owen Pinkston- He has no complaint about the quality of the water, however, in the summer, he cannot shower for days at a time because of no water. He just wants water. When a~ked for a raise of hands, five additional persons in the audience also on the system states they have the same problem. City Attorney, Mr. Dippel stated the reason the request came to use in the first place, is that cities have the right to protest the application and request a hearing. If we do not protest, it just becomes effective. ';AME OF %OUNCI LPERSON Curry Springer McMahan oll ~acy Curry Springer McMahan Wooll Stacy I I I 'CITY OF SOUTIILAKE, 'i!EXAS MINUTES OF TIlE Regular MEETING. DATE: February 2,1988 TIME: 7:30 p.m. PLACE: CITY OF SOUTIILAKE, COUNCIL 667 NORTII CARROLL AVENUE, TEXAS. CITY PAGE: 5 Councilperson Curry asked the City Manager if tho city can have a back- up water line available. Mr Latta stated, we can, however, they must apply for the service. Latta also noted that the area is in a duel certified water district, established by the.PUC. Councilperson Sprin~er asked about repairs to the ground storage tank. The requested rates are not unreason- able, but because of the problems the system, the motion was made to take no action. Approved 3-2 vote. COUNC I L CIIAbtBERS SOUTIILAKE INDEX Motion was made and approval given tc table~he TRA contract issue at this time. Approved 5-0 vote. Councilperson Wooll explained to the audience that Soutblake has been working to try to obtain sewer on the north side of the city. This is something that TRA promised when we signed the contract for the south side of the city in March of 1987. He came to the meeting tonight prepared to sign contracts, however, there are Latta recommended the city table the action at this time, as we have until April to make a decision. City Manager, summarized the letter by saying due to a bond councils findings, Lake Turner MUD cannot enter into an agreement at this time. Reference was made to the January 29, TRA 1988 letter from TRA concerning the CONTKKC] North Side Sewer Project. gAME OF UOUNCI LPERSON 'CII'Y OF SOUTIILAKE, 'H!XAS MINUTES OF TIlE Regular MEETING, DATE: February 2,1988 T I~IE: PLACI~,: CITY COUNCIL 7:30 n.m. CITY OF sOIrTIILAKE, COUNCIL CIIAHBEP,.q 667 NORTII CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTIILAKE TEXAS. PAGE: 4 INDEX no contracts. There are some delays concerning Lake Turner MUD, which is a Circle T Ranch Utility District. The delays are until about April or May. This means the south side of the city will have sewer approximatel' one year ahead of the north side of the city. That presents a problem of funding for the city. It is his position that TRA has failed in their committment to the city. He ho~es when the time comes that Southlake will consider some alternatives, such as Trophy Club, or the City funding its own plant. A request for a six month extension to the temporary occupancy permit for the Flying Burrito Restaurant was discussed, then postponed until later in the meeting, in order for the Director of Public Works to review th~ permit information. Mr. Wayne Olson, attorney, was present and represented Ms. Janie Benavides. He stated they are asking for a permanent occupancy to continue the operation of the restaurant. The item will be continu ed later in the meeting. Ordinance No. 334-28 (ZA 87-50), the zoning request for a 4.7 acre tract of land and a 4.742 acre tract of lam out of the J.G. Allen Survey, Abstrac' 18. Current zoning is Agricultural, request is for Ind~strial-2 Zoning District, was discussed. Rita Cannella was present represent- ing the owners, Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Lippincott, who were also present for the meeting. Mr. Lippincott stated he has bis )RDINAXC 334-28 ~:AME OF COUNCI LPERSON Curry Springer blcbiahan Wooll Stacy · CITY OF SOUTIILAKF, '~I~XAS 'MINUTES OF TIlE Regular CITY COUNCIL MEETING, DATE: February 2,1988 TIME: 7:30 p.m. PLACE: CITY OF SOUTIILAKE, COUNCIL C[IAIqBER.q 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, Sou'rIILAKE TEXAS. PAGE: 5 INDEX property up for sale as it is no longer a pleasent place to live. Due to the Industrial uses in the area. It was noted that the P ~ Z Commission denied the request. Public Hearing Les Clow- in favor of the zoning request for I-2. He feels the city should give him the zoning so he can do something with his land. Harold Knight- He feels the land is going industrial in that area. We might as well get started. The City Manager recommended approval of the request. Motion was made and approval given to grant a zoning change on ZA 87-28, 1st reading, for Industrial-1 on the 4.7 acre tract of land on the road, and I-2 on the 4.742 acre tract of land in back. Approved S-0 vote. Mr. Lippincott agreed with the motion. ZA 87-51. The replat of Tract 5 of the Brumlow Industrial District, makir Lot SA and 5B, located in the 3.H. Gibso~ Survey, Abstract 591, was discussed. Bi]] LeGrand, reviewed the action taken by the P & Z. tie stated, property owners to the north do not have a problem with the replat, they only want a buffer between the indus- trial use and their property. H.C. Maples, with an architectural firm, represented EBY Construction Company,was present. ZA 87-5 ;AblE OF ]OUNCI LPERSON Curry Springer McMahan N~ll S cy Curry Springer McMahan Wooll Stacy Curry Springer McMahan oll btacy 'CITY OF SOUTIILAKI"., TEXAS MINUTES MEETING. DATE: TIblE: PLACE: OF TIlE R~gl,lnr CITY COUNCIL February 2,1988 ?:30 p.m. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERg 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE TEXAS. PAGE: 7 INDEX being talked about is Stowe's drive- way. EBY is the least offensive neighbor they have in the area. Stowe's would like consideration. Councilperson McMahan stated he feels we should use our buffer yards as we have them in our ordinances. Motion was made to approve the site plan based on the Cheatham letter of January 26, with the two comments: 1) change the utility easement from 10' to 15' 2) buffer yard level "H" be required. Approved S-0 vote. Ordinance No. 334-26 2nd reading. (ZA 87-46) Zoning change for A.M. Franks, for Industrial-1 Zoning District was approved as presented. Approved 4-0 vote. Mayer Westerholm read the caption of the ordinance for the audience. There were no comments during the public hearing. Ordinance No. 534-27 (ZA 87-47) 2nd reading. The request for Special Exception Use Permit for an Equestrian Center Complex for Bobby Delvecchio and Gary Hazlewood was discussed. Motion was made and approval given to table the 2nd reading until the next city council meeting as the applicants were not present for the meeting. Approved 5-0 vote. ORDINANC NO. 334- ORDINAN( NO. 334- ':AblE OF :OUNC I LPERSON Curry Springer McMahan Wooll Stagy . d TY OF MINUTES MEETING. DATE: TIME: PLACE: SOUTIILAKI"., 'i:IiXAS OF TIlE Regular CITY COUNCIL February 2,1988 7:30 p.m. CITY OF SOUTIILAKE, COUNCIL CIIAblBERS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTIILAKE TEXAS. PAGE: 6 INDEX He stated, he is to add onto the existing building at the company. The property needs to be replatted, and that is what his firm is doing. They have no problem with the Cheatham review letter of January 26. Motion was made and approval approve the replat. Approved 5-0 vote. given to The site plan of Lot SA, Brumlow Industrial District for EBY Construc- tion Company was presented. Bill LeGrand, recommended a buffer yard to the north be imposed as the land is Agricultural. Mr. Maples feels by looking at the area, to require a buffer is to excessive. It would be a handicap and unreasonable to buffer all the area to the north. Maples stated he will be happy to put a "C" buffer in front of the property, but a "H" buffer will be hard for them. Public Hearing Bill Stowe- property owner to the north.. They feel they should have a buffe~. The equipment is very close to their house now. They are parking vehicles as close as 40' to their house. They want a buffer, especiall close to their house. Ron LeVance - Manager, for EBY Construction. tie stated they sold TR. 5B to the Harts 3 years ago, it was an 11 acre tract. Joe Wright- No problem with the re- plat of the property. The road b\ME OF ~OUNCI LPERSON 'CITY OF SOUTIILAKE, TEXAS M]~NUI'ES OF TIlE Regular CITY COUNCIL MEETING. DATE: February 2,1988 TIME: 7:30 PLACE: CITY OF UTIILAKE, COUNCIL CIIAblBERS 667 NORTII CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTIILAKE TEXAS. PAGE: 8 INDEX Curry Springer McMahan Wooll Stacy Curry Springer McMahan Wooll Stacy Curry Springer McMahan Wooll Stacy The request for an extension of the temporary occupancy for the Flying Burrito Restaurant was again discussed. Bill LeGrand, DPW, reviewed the build- ing permit information for the City Council. Motion was made and approval given to grant the Flying Burrito Restaurant an extension of the temporary permit for four (4) months. Approved 5-2 vote. Jim Martin had questions about the temporary occupancy permits. The 2nd reading, was approved for Ordinance No. 418, Flood Hazard Reduction. Motion was made and appro- val given to approve Ordinance No. 418. Approved 5-0 vote. Mayor Westerholm read the caption and there were no co~nents during the public hearing. Ordinance No. 409, Food Service, 2nd reading was approved, after the public hearing resulted with no comments. Approved S-0 vote. Mayor Westerholm read the caption and there were no comments during the public hearing. Ordinance No. 412, and ordinance adding provisions for S-P-1 and S-P-2 Site Plan District to tile ordinance. 1st reading. ORDINANC NO. 418 ORDINAN( NO. 409 ORDINANt NO. 412 ':AME OF ZOUNCI LPERSON 'CITY OF SOUTII£AKIi., TEXAS MINUTES OF TIlE Regular MEETING. DATE: TIME: PLACIi: CITY COUNCIL February 2,1988 7:30 p.m. CITY OF SOUT[ILAKE, COUNCIL CIIAMBERg 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTIILAKE TEXAS. PAGE: 9 INDEX Curry Springer McMahan Wooll Stacy Curry Springer McMahan Wooll Stacy Public Hearing Wayne Olson- He realizes the purpose is to accommodate the residents in the newly annexed area. He questioned the dedication of right-of-way on page 4, paragraph 1. Joe Wright - The site plan is a guide- line. Lot line requirements are not exact but are very close. Motion was made and approval given to the 1st reading of Ordinance No. 412. Approved 5-0 vote. Ordinance No. 414 Hotel-Motel, an ordinance adding provisions to the zoning ordinance, 1st reading. The public hearing resulted with no comments. Motion was made and approval given to approve Ordinance No. 414, 1st read- ing. Approved 5-0 vote. Ordinance No. 415, an ordinance amending Masonry requirements, 1st reading. PubliC, Hearing Wayne Olson- He understands that if they should want a building permit, to match existing structures, they should go to city council for a variance. Pam Muller- She is uneasy with the ordinance. The 100% Masonry ordinanc is a good start. She wants existing Ordinance No. 317 to remain as is. Joe Bentley-Stated he feels it is the duty of the city council to prote( ORDINANC NO. 414 ORDINAN( NO. 415 ':AME OF L'OUNC I LPERSON rry Springer McMahan Wooll Stacy Curry Springer McMahan Wooll Stacy 'CITY OF SOUTIILAKE., 'iqiXAS MINUTES OF TIlE Regular MEETING. DATE: February 2,1988 TIME: 7:30 p.m. PLACE: CITY OF SOUTIILAKE, 667 NORTII CARROLL AVENUE, TEXAS. CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL CIIAMBERS SOUTIILAKE PAGE: 10 INDEX the property owners and the citizens. The city council is charged with pro- tecting the citizens. If this ordinance is approved, it will be an act of discrimination against resident near industrial areas. Dennis Mender- Presented a letter, opposing the amendments. Joe Wright- He feels buildings on the road should have masonry fronts. Buildings behind buildings, can be metal. He feels the city needs metal buildings. Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 415, with the addition of "Hotel" on page 1, last paragraph. Approved 3-2 vote. Ordinance No. 416, an ordinance adding provisions to the zoning ordinance, allowing for requests for principal uses in certain less restricted zoning catagories. 1st reading. Councilperson McMahan explained the original intent of the ordinance. Moti6n was made and approval given to table the ordinance. Approved 5-0 vote. Ordinance No. 417, an ordinance adding a new Sec. 5.18 pertaining to Temporary Limited Time Permits for the Sale of Seasonal Items. 1st reading. Public Hearing Jim Martin- opposed to the ordinance. ORDINAN( NO. 416 ORDINA× NO. 417 ;AME OF :OUNCI LPERSON Curry Springer McMahan Wooll Stacy 'CITY OF 'MINUTES MEETING. DATE: TIME: PLACE: PAGE: SOUTIILAKE, 'I;EXAS OF TIlE Regular CITY COUNCIL February 2,1988 7:30 p.m. CITY OF SOIJTIILAKE, 667 NORTII CARROLL AVENUE, TEXAS. COUNCIL CIIAbIBERS SOUTIILAKE 11 INDEX Motion was made and approval given to approve Ordinance No, 417, 1st reading. Approved 5-0 vote. Curry Springer McMahan ooll Stacy Curry Springer McMahan Wooll Stacy Curry Springer McMahan Wooll Stacy Ordinance No. 419, Seasonal items ORDINANC 6n property not zoned for such sales. NO. 419 1st reading. No comments during the public hearing. Motion was made to approve with a $25. fee. Approved 5-0 vote. Resolution 88-7 calling the Municipal RESOLUTI Election was discussed. 88-7 Motion was made and approval given to approve Resolution 88-7 for places 3,4, & 5. Approved 5-0 vote. Resolution 88-8 was deleted from tonights meeting. Thoroughfare Plan. Resolution 88-9, authorizing the city manager to contract with Lockwooc Andre~ks & Newnam, Inc. for a Schemati( Design of SHll4. Motion was made and approval to approve Resolution 88-9. Approved 5-0 vote. given City Council convened into closed session as per V.T.A.S. Article 6252-17. Litigation. RESOLUT: 88-9 %\lqE OF ]OUNC! LPERSON 'CITY OF SOUTIILAKE, 'ILI';XAS MINUTES OF TIlE Regular MEETING. DATE: TIME: PLACE: February 2,1988 7:30 p.m. CITY OF SOUTIILAKE, 667 NORTtl CARROLL TEXAS. PAGE: 12 CITY COUNCIL COUNC I I, C[IAMBERS AVENUE , SOUTIILAKE INDEX Curry Springer McMahan Wooll Stacy Council reconvened in open session. Motion was made and approval given to Resolution 88-10. Airport Litigation. Approved 5-0 vote. ~here were no comments during the public forum. The meetin Westerholm. Ma' ,r Joh tn] f ' SouthIake H. Westerholm ATTEST: ~.. ............ Czty Secretary SIGN UP IF YOU WISH TO SPEAK DURING THE CITY COUNCIL MLiiNG iuiJIG J4-1fa-/gier,. / /?,i _ NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE CITY (Please Print) TELE, HON.� AGENDA ITEM USE /4F - en,y/V,L-Z.. -4 sour/tt Kr AlG cy-y* 'KW-e/Sfr'S a! 1l kiP/o/e/✓eb7`t j .``z,l 06NTiN4=7Y7-19-A. -# 7 I . E//4 f'//=Z -),„ cri'.S'a✓i-Axiv,e isi�-i/, V l ( / r • / J O Vt�9-�-/ U Cv. )\GI -Ot, Z V 2vr. M 0( S a.-- �t-e,.J� n°5 T-K_ %(0Z 8? 7 -8 1 2� 6, // (1-- / T L 17 J...,---,___ C,°_,1243-1-._)--- . ,. -:,?_zi- Ssie:137 (Q4Z., ,gl_c_ . c, T Z l 7 if e? . k// kW a CUD I 141z-6 G b /?mac Ct I-CT- 56 d-/ 4(2. Y l - zcCe ( 7 V, \\ .\ _ \x\v.\\fir' w v 7n /7 a -YY The purpose of requiring an all masonry ordi°"ance was to allow the city to exercise some control over the aesthetic look of Southlake . We all know, this does not always guarantee an attractive building, but, it does set a minimum standard to begin with. To drive down Hwy. 114 and see the carpet outlet and the Mesco ' s rusting roof is enough to make any citizen uneasy with this proposed amendment. I agree the masonry buildings in Bank Place are not an attractive sight, but , they are an improvement over the before mentioned properties . However, it is well known that industrial uses , and especially metal buildings have a deleterious effect on surrounding residential areas, causing increased crime and downgrading of residential property values . It is the city council ' s responsibility to control these adverse effects and thereby preserve the values of surrounding homes . Nonetheless , this city has allowed Industrial zoning bordering residential areas . When Mr . Monroe drew up his first Master Plan over two years ago, he recognized the need to protect our neighborhoods . His plan was quickly pushed aside and in fact we still have not adopted a plan. This proposed amendment is to allow metal buildings where they will be less visible to the public traveling through our city. I have trouble understanding why you show such concern for motorists who spend only a few minutes a day in our city, but have shown no concern for our homeowners . We are in an economic slump and there are people in this city who want to sell their properties and feel they can attract buyers with less restrictive requirements . Ann Richards , Texas State Treasurer, in speaking at the Chambers Banquet, encouragetlour city to borrow kn=owwle-dge from 4nc ez1'er'cnce gag other cities , so Southlake would grow in the best possible manner. An example we can use for comparison are the cities of Garland and Richardson . I selected these two cities since David and . I are both alumni of Garland) and I remember when I was in High'school Richardson was the place to live because "they require the buildings to be built of brick" . Recalling this I decided to see what effect it had on the city) besides it being more aesthtp.,tically pleasing. I found out that Richardson still had a 100% masonry requirement for all their buildings , including industrial , and Garland does not . However, Richardson has a tax rate of 32 cents per $100 . valuation, whereas , Garland residents pay 41% more in taxes at 45 cents per $100. Therefore a city can have both high building standards and lower taxes . �4 L• In my area the city has collected over $200,000 . in taxes - over the last four years from my neighbors and me . However , I find it very disconcerting that you have continued to put the financial concerns of business people , who do not even reside in this city, over taxpaying residents of Southlake . What of the Homeowners financial investments, not to mention their right to a liveable habitat? As written, I am against this proposed amendment and feel the masonry ordinance should remain as is . If the council pursues this amendment, then an additional clause should be added to ensure that the quality of life and property values of our citizens are protected . I would strongly suggest that any building situated within 1 , 000 feet of any residential district, any school or any church, should be constructed of 100% masonpry. ///J Alifite0V)-) , 100Stinl) / 1 -eir- Se ', tal cEn TO _ `` fl l ,, c VIM SEO E'fi� ' iipti-J)RA4 eit6 (-eA7 L"-- ,,, a. 6iA,L- arrl-Pe, - -- 67 . . „2",,,,.--, . ,,, \ • ,, , 1-e- _ ,,i-iwy,z-0,,--(-- - 4,,-,{4 .i , ,,,.../ rem- s • ,401 #40e MA- - '-' ti.,4- ..1% :i„. dri'Ll)--- 1 ‘ -ap,_ , ) 64 ,,,I.L-6. , _ - A , . ,,,,,t.,,,,-4-1 ,g2/A. i Aw-e Ulaljee''.''r 4 44(I j();;ZI:74-# ' - 0 ?-t-- 4 ' ,i,,,,d) 1 ,.i ,4A' --"c,6,p"r/ri,._.k--,„,e cL-4r,e-*0t,eAr,r cam- ' " 1 I iI_ . '‘ o...,,.,r.,‘'„„'4'r„,.0.-...-g,iL, e r ii-4oG/eo-.,,l`e-41-c&7-'Jei°7-_.,e-,'fI1-.-.,.4,(1_' ..-01N,.,i,,-tt,Ytgp,i."v-, e;:,p-_ -(/-—1_A--r,„#J,1i,-k,e x„_,,, -av,)...„ ,;,6. .7, .4-_.- Lr ,� p / ',may 0,-,.dj:- „1- -6. -,41,4e,.",,s,- ,,,- :.ft! ,e„ s 1 .cps L - st-j„,,J,, AA,_ ea,6-. Q2e '4?1 ' ' 1 qt(33--Q- 1 :, cot. & (.,ivt14. 'betas.E. Atidei" I I -r, 1 t _ January 28, 1988 The Flying Burrito 202 E. Northwest Parkway Southlake,i;lexas Bill LeGrand, Superintendent Building Inspection ection City of Southlake Southlake , Texas Dear Mr. LeGrand: ! We , the undersigned, do hereby make application for a six month extension of our Occupancy Permit to operate the Flying Burrito Restaurant. We kindly request an opportunity to meet with the Southlake City Council at their next meeting on February 2„1988 to discuss the six month extension and the possibility of erecting a new building for the Flying Burrito at its present site. At present we are investigating cost and plans with architects and building contractors and would like to express our plans and views for the future of the Flying Burrito. Thank you for your kind cooperation. Respectfully submitted, J yne Benavides tephen Joseph Benavides f-�4619:142S4 IC�'� ;sr s ` i .ems; • FAN 2 81988 PUBLIC WORKS DEPTA • Hutchison Price Boyle & Brooks A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS AT LAW 3900 FIRST CITY CENTER AUSTIN OFFICE: DALLAS,TEXAS 75201-4622 2100 ONE AMERICAN CENTER 0 AUSTIN,TEXAS 787 01-32 72 John F.Boyle,Jr. (214)754-8600 (512)477-4121 (214)754-8611 DALLAS TELECOPY NUMBER: (214)754-0840 January 29 , 1988 Honorable Johnny Westerholm Members of the City Council City Manager Lloyd 0. Latta, Jr . City of Southlake 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas 76092 Re: O©0npk.itor1 "= eye n ,-: e,:.=Geri °r E� E1ec Dear Mayor Westerholm, Members of the Council and City Manager Latta: Enclosed is the captioned resolution for your consideration. This resolution will officially order the election, establish the election precincts and polling place within the City, appoint the election judges, and set forth certain of the procedures required for conducting the election. It also establishes the Monday following the election as the day that the Council will meet to officially canvass the returns . This, of course, will need to be posted at the proper time as a special meeting of the Council . Much of the Resolution simply recites certain procedures and time requirements of the Election Code . This is for the information and convenience of you and the citizens of Southlake . If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to call either me or Toni Chamberlain, a legal assistant with this firm. Sincerely, HUTCHISON PRICE BOYLE & BROOKS I - John F. Boyle , Jr JFB/tic/kb Enclosure 20/1188T cc: Mrs . Sandy LeGrand Hutchison Price Boyle & Brooks A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS AT LAW - I 3900 FIRST CITY CENTER AUSTIN OFFICE: ] DALLAS,TEXAS 75201-4622 2100 ONE AMERICAN CENTER John F.Boyle,Jr. (214)754-8600 AUSTIN,(12 47 -4121 3272 (214)754-8611 (512)477-4121 DALLAS TELECOPY NUMBER: (214)754-0840 February 2, 1988 Honorable Johnny Westerholm Members of the City Council City Manager Lloyd 0. Latta, Jr . - City of Southlake 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas 76092 Re: Resolution No. 88-9 Approving the execution of a Contract for the S.H. 114 Schematic Design Project Dear Mayor Westerholm, Members of the Council and City Manager Latta: As requested by Mr . Latta, we have prepared and enclose a basic resolution which would approve the contract with Lockwood, Andrews & Newnam, Inc. ( "LAN" ) for their services relating to preparation of schematic design drawings and preliminary estimates of construction and right-of-way costs for improvements to Hwy. 114 between Dove Road and Loop 382. Please note that the contract you have been presented with by LAN incorporates in full the terms of their proposal dated December 14, 1987 . If you have any questions or comments , please do not hesitate to call either me or Toni Chamberlain, a legal assistant with this firm. L Sincerely, HUTCHISON PRICE BOYLE & BROOKS John F. Boyle , J . JFB/tic/kb Enclosure 20/1195T cc: Mrs. Sandy LeGrand City Secretary i. � I2n cElk Lockwood,Andrews -, Jop�1 &IVewnam,Inc. �, crry ee 0 a3.i 2 Enginoering•ArchitecIre•Pienning•Proiect Menegemenl January 25,1988 cn T Mr. Lloyd 0. Latta, Jr. City Manager City of Southlake 667 N. Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas 76092 Re: SH114 Schematic Design Contract Southlake, Texas Dear Mr. Latta: Please find enclosed two (2) copies of a contract for the above-mentioned project. Please sign both copies, keeping one for your files, and returning one copy to us. � If you should have any questions or comments or need any additional information, please call . We look forward to working with you on this project. Sincerely, LOCKWOOD, ANDREWS & NEWNAM, INC. c2114/tdt,,,,0/,61,7,) J. Michael Wilson, P.E. Vice President JMW/tkp Enclosures i Stemmons Tower North,Suite 1200 • 2710 North Stemmons Freeway• Dallas,Texas 75207 • 214/630-1414 tan Lockwood, Andrews & Newnam,Inc. Enq.n..n y Arcrnurc+we Punning Prow.Menege•nsr• December 14, 1987 City of Southlake 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas 76902 Attention: Mr. Lloyd 0. Latta, Jr. City Manager Reference: Schematic Design Services for State Highway (SH) 114 in Tarrant County - --= From: Dove Road To: Loop 382 Project Length: 4.0 miles Gentlemen: Lockwood, Andrews & Newnam, Inc. (LAN) , is pleased to submit this proposal to provide engineering services for the above referenced project. The information contained in our proposal shows, we believe, an exceptional understanding of the full range of project requirements. LAN's experience includes a long list of completed projects which directly relate to the schematic design of SH 114 and the Spur Freeway. In addition, Henry Pearson, the designated project manager, has been involved in schematic design studies for other portions of SH 114. LAN will provide these professional services with the interests of the client in mind and will provide the needed interface with the State Department of Highways and Public Transportation (SDHPT) . PROJECT FAMILIARITY As previously mentioned, Henry Pearson is familar with the current planning underway for SH 114 and the Spur Freeway. Over the past year he has been involved in preliminary design studies of SH 114 for private developers, and - has coordinated these activities with SDHPT. The studies accomplished to date include the Spur Freeway from US 377 to SH 114. This involvement will assure the City that LAN will perform these services in a timely manner and that consultation with SDHPT will be well received. 111 - 500 CaD'tn of Texas Han+.a;, No",, • Bu.:o^.c 3 1 Aushn TX 78746 338.9 • 512 32F.320 Kin Lockwood, Andrews & Newnam,Inc. Eng.ne.•eng Amndecrure Piann.ng Proffer Manaoemnn• Page 2 December 14, 1987 PRIOR EXPERIENCE In addition to project familiarity, LAN also has an impressive list of completed and on-going projects of similar scope and magnitude. A few of these are listed below to indicate -ourr experienre-thdt relates directly to SH 114 schematic design. Included in the project listings are brief descriptions with particular emphasis on the elements that will relate to this project. Project Location Description Spur Freeway (Fort Worth) Henry Pearson has been involved in consultation services for a portion of the proposed Spur Freeway on behalf of the Hunts during the past year. The study boundaries are US 377 to SH 114. Also • included in the study were portions of SH 114 from the Roanake Bypass to Dove Road. SH 121/Southwest Freeway (Fort Worth) Route location studies, design schematics and environmental reports for the extension of SH 121 beginning at IH 35W extending southwesterly a distance of thirty miles to a connection with SH 174 near Cleburne. SH 121/Lewisville Bypass (Dallas) Route location studies, design schematics, environmental documents and right-of-way plans for a section of SH 121 near Lewisville, Texas. The proposed freeway facility is 27 miles in length with an estimated construction cost of $150 million. SH 71/US 290 (Austin) Schematic design, right-of-way documents, environmental reports, public involvement process and surveying for 17-mile section of SH 71/US 289. SH 45 (Austin) Route location studies, schematic design, environmental reports and public involvement process for 82-mile loop around Austin. • Lockwood, Andrews & Newnam, Inc. En9.n ennp Arcnaeci.re Plammmc Protect Manapemen. Page 3 December 14, 1987 SCOPE OF SERVICES LAN has successfully completed numerous highway projects and we are fully cognizant of all applicable design and procedural manuals. In this description of our scope we illustrate our understanding of this particular project by briefly describing our. strategy 'for each of-the major tasks -- - - -- associated with the schematic design. , Our scope of services is divided into three phases: Data Assembly and Review, Schematic Design and Engineering Summary. _ _ Data Assembly and Review o Establish Design Criteria - Geometric design criteria, typical sections and other design policies will be established and reviewed with the City and SDHPT. • o Study Previous Schematic Design - Engineering data related to the current schematic design will be obtained including pertinent reports, maps, plans, surveys, traffic, controlled aerial photography and planimetric and topographic information. All data will be reviewed in light of City concerns with the current schematic design. Aerial photography suitable for use in preparing base maps will be required for schematic design. o Land Use/Property Ownerships - Assemble land use information, both existing and planned, for parcels adjacent to the project. In addition, property ownerships will be obtained. Property boundaries will be developed from record information without field survey verification. Property values will also have to be established through the cooperation of the City of Southlake and local Tax Appraisal Districts. o Utility Information - Existing utility information will be developed from record information. Data will be used in development of schematics and in the preparation of construction costs. Schematic Design o Prepare Preliminary Schematic Design - Prepare preliminary schematic design alternatives or t e proposed project. Coordinate and review the alternatives with the City and SDHPT. o Develop Mainlane and Ramp Profiles - Prepare mainlane and ramp profiles for use in the evaluation and selection of the preferred schematic design. 1 Lockwood, Andrews & Newnam, Inc. Engneernc A n.lect.re ryannny Proroct Manapemen• Page 4 December 14, 1987 o Coordinate and Review - Results pf the preliminary schematic design will be reviewed with the City of Southlake and SDHPT. A preferred design will be selected from the discussions. o Final Schematic Design - Refine the selected -schematic design and profiles. A set of final schematic design plans will be developed for the selected alternative at a scale of 1" = 200' . The schematic will contain a plan view for all roadways and profiles for the mainlanes and ramps. There will be no frontage road profiles shown but these will be considered during the design process. • Engineering Summary o Report Preparation - Prepare a brief engineering summary report including the following: - Project History - Construction Procedures - Typical Sections - Construction and ROW Cost Estimates - Design Criteria o Distribution = Distribute the report to the City of Southlake and the SDHPT. COMPENSATION We will provide the services itemized above on an hourly charge basis with an estimated maximum amount which would not be exceeded without your prior authorization or a change in scope. Estimated costs are presented below by phase. Billing will be monthly based on hourly rates, overhead, expenses and profit accumulated. Field surveying, if required, will be provided as an additonal service. Estimated Task Fee Data Assembly and Review $10,300 Schematic Design 45,400 Engineering Summary 11,200 Total $66,900 ism • Lockwood Andrews & Newnam,Inc. Enpwrmq Arcnnectwe Punning P.p4cI Manegemen. Page 5 December 14, 1987 WORK SCHEDULE The listing of tasks and the time frame for accomplishing each task are illustrated on the attached schedule. Work on the various tasks has been carefully scheduled to minimize delay -caused by the review and approval process. Note that we propose to complete and receive approval of the schematic design within three (3) months. CONCLUSION We appreciate the opportunity to submit this proposal to provide schematic Alb design services for the proposed SH 114. We look forward to working with you on this most important project. Sincer ly, FopIthe Firm: L-f ' orr/2/40/1 A. Henry �"earson Farland Bund Transportation Manager Managing Principal LAN*Austin LAN*Austin Attachment 0 PROJECT SCHEDU E SPUR FREEWAY FROM: DOVE ROAD T.0: LOOP 382 DEC. 14, 1987 MONTH I I MONTH 2 I MONTH 3 TASK WEEKS I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO II 12 13 I. DATA ASSEMBLY AND REV IEW_•, A. ESTABLISH DESIGN CRITERIA B. STUDY PREVIOUS SCHEMATIC DESIGN - C. DEVELOP TYPICAL SECTIONS D. OBTAIN AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY -�-- E. DEVELOP EXIS1 ING LAND USE DATA _ F. DEVELOP PROPERTY OWNERSHIP _ C. OBTAIN EXISTING UTILITY DATA II. SCHEMATIC DESIGN SH 114 A. PREPARE. PREL. SCHEMATIC DESIGN B. DEVELOP PROFILES C. COORDINATION WITH CITY & SDHPT -- D. FINAL SCHEMATIC DESIGN . 3 • III. ENGINEERING SUMMARY A. PROJECT SUMMARY B. DRAINAGE REQUIREMENTS 3 C. COST ESTIMATES • J WORK TIME CITY OR SDHPT REVIEW TIME - t - • - •, ENGINEERING COST ESTIMATE 0 STATE HIGHWAY 114 FROM: DOVE ROAD TO: LOOP 82 IN TAF:RANT COUNTY LOCI WOOD. ANDREWS, t< NEWNAM. INC. DEC. 14, 1987 500 CAPITAL OF TEXAS HIGHWAY NORTH, BUILDING 2 (ECESH114) AUSTIN, TEXAS 78746 SUMMARY I . DATA ASSEMBLY AND REVIEW TOTAL LABOR F'LUS OVERHEAD $8, 37.4. 14 II . SCHEMATIC DESIGN STATE HIGHWAY 114 TOTAL LABOR PLUS OVERHEAD — — $=7, C`,C, 39 III . ENGINEERING SUMMARY TOTAL LABOR FLUE OVERHEAD $.9. 095. 54 TOTAL LABOR PLUS OVERHEAD ITEMS I — III $.54. 692. c i7 NON—SALARY $.7. 500. 00 411 TOTAL LABOR PLUS OVERHEAD PLUS NON—SALARY $58. 192. 07 FIXED FEE ( 15%) $2,728. 81 TOTAL LABOR, OVERHEAD, NON—SALARY. AND FIXED FEE $66. 920. 88 SUBCONTRACTORS $0. 00 TOTAL ESTIMATED ENGINEERING COSTS $66, 920. 88 EMPLOYEE CLASSIFICATION AND RATES HOURS CLASSIFICATION PATE PROJECT TOTAL PROJECT MANAGER $'2. 24 156 DESIGN ENGINEER $22. 29 152 AEST. DESIGN ENGINEER $15. 95 508 CADD TECHNICIAN $17. 87 DRAFTER $10. 96 4 CLERICAL S7. 88 7^ 1 . 212 SHEET 1 OF 5 ENGINEERING COST ESTIMATE FROM: DOVE ROAD FROM: DOVE ROAD TO: LOOP 782 IN TARRANT COUNTY LOCKWOOD. ANDF:EWS. Q.c NEWNAM. INC. DEC. 14. 1987 500 CAPITAL OF TEXAS HIGHWAY NORTH. BUILDING 2 (ECESH114) AUSTIN. TEXAS 78746 MAJOR WORK TASKS I. DATA ASSEMBLY AND REVIEW A. ESTABLISH DESIGN CRITERIA B. STUDY PREVIOUS SCHEMATIC DESIGN - C. DEVELOP TYPICAL SECTIONS D. OBTAIN AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY E. DEVELOP EXISTING LAND USE DATA F. DEVELOP PROPERTY OWNERSHIP - - - G. OBTAIN EXISTING UTILITY DATA II . SCHEMATIC DESIGN STATE HIGHWAY 114 A. PREPARE PRELIMINARY SCHEMATIC DESIGN B. DEVELOP PF:OFILES FOR MAINLANES AND RAMPS C. COORDINATION AND REVIEW WITH CITY OF SOUTHLAKE AND STATE DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS AND PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION D. FINAL SCHEMATIC DESIGN III . ENGINEERING SUMMARY ' A. PROJECT SUMMARY B. DRAINAGE REQUIREMENTS C. ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION AND RIGHT OF WAY COSTS SHEET 2 OF 5 ENGINEERING COST ESTIMATE 0 STATE HIGHWAY 114 FF:OM: DOVE ROAD TO: LOOP Z82 IN TARRANT COUNTY DEC. 14 . 1987 LOCKWCOD, ANDREWS. & NEWNAM, INC. (ECESH114) I. DATA ASSEMBLY AND REVIEW ( INCLUDES ITEM A-G) CLASSIFICATION ESTIMATED HOURLY RATE TOTAL HOURS PROJECT MANAGER 16 32. 24 $515. 84 DESIGN ENGINEER 40 22. ^9 $891 . 60 ASST. DESIGN ENGINEER 72 15. 95 $1 . 148. 40 CADD TECHNICIAN 0 17. 87 S0. 00 DRAFTER 48 10. 96 $526.08 CLERICAL B 7. 86 $67, 04 TOTALS 184 $7, 144. 96 OVERHEAD 165. 00% - *5, 189. 18 TOTAL SALARY + OVERHEAD $8, C._4. 14 II . A. PREPARE FRELIMINARY SCHEMATIC DESIGN CLASSIFICATION ESTIMATED HOURLY RATE TOTAL III HOURS PROJECT MANAGER 40 72. 24 $1 . '89. 60 DESIGN ENGINEER 40 29 $891 . 60 ASST. DESIGN ENGINEER 168 15. 95 $2. 679. 60 CADD TECHNICIAN 0 1_. 87 $0. 00 DRAFTER 140 10. 96 $1 . 574 . 40 CLERICAL 32 7. . 88 $252. 16 TOTALS 420 $6, 647. 76 OVERHEAD 165. 00% $10. 968. 14 TOTAL SALARY + OVERHEAD $17. 615. 5C> II . E. DEVELOP PROFILES FOR MAINLANES AND RAMPS CLASSIFICATION ESTIMATED HOURLY RATE TOTAL HOURS PROJECT MANAGER 8 =2. 24 $257. 92 DESIGN ENGINEER 0 22. -.o $0. 00 ASST. DESIGN ENGINEER 120 15. 95 $1 . 914. 00 CADD .TECHNICIAN 0 17. 87 $0. 00 DRAFTER 40 10. 96 $478. 40 CL.ER I CAL 0 7. 88 $0. 00 TOTALS 168 $2, 610.32 OVERHEAD 165. 00% . $4. =07.0. TOTAL SALARY + OVERHEAD $6, 917. 35 SHEET OF 5 , ENGINEERING COST ESTIMATE STATE HIGHWAY 114 FROM: DOVE ROAD TO: LOOP . 82 IN TARRANT COUNTY DEC. 1.4, 1987 LOCKWOOD. ANDREWS. & NEWNAM. INC. (ECESH114) II . C. COORDINATION AND REVIEW WITH CITY OF SOUTHLAK:E AND SDHF'T CLASSIFICATION ESTIMATED HOURLY RATE TOTAL HOURS PROJECT MANAGER 48 2. 24 $1 , 547. 52 DESIGN ENGINEER 16 29 $-=56. 64 ASST. DESIGN ENGINEER 16 15. 95 $255. 20 CADD TECHNICIAN 0 DRAFTER 0 10. 96 so. c-?0 CLERICAL 8 7. 8S S67. 04 I TOTALS 88 t2. 222. 40 OVERHEAD 165. c is i% $7, 666. 96 ITOTAL SALARY + OVERHEAD $5. 889. 36 II . D. FINAL SCHEMATIC DESIGN ICLASSIFICATION ESTIMATED HOURLY RATE TOTAL HOURS I PROJECT MANAGER 24 2. 24 $�, . -,G DESIGN ENGINEER 16 29 =56. 64 ASST. DESIGN ENGINEER 56 15. 95 $897. 20 I CADD TECHNICIAN c_) 1 87 $0. 00 DRAFTER 48 l c_?10. 96 $J26. 08 CLERICAL s' 4 7. 8S $71 . 52 ITOTALS 148 $2, 581 . 2�? OVERHEAD 165. 00% $4. 258. 98 ITOTAL SALARY + OVERHEAD $6, 840. 18 III . A. PROJECT SUMMARY , ICLASSIFICATION ESTIMATED HOURLY RATE TOTAL HOURS IPROJECT MANAGER 8 _^. ^4 $257. 92 DESIGN ENGINEER 16 22. 29 $--=56. b4 ASST. DESIGN ENGINEER 16 15. 95 $255. 20 I CADD TECHNICIAN 0 17. 87 $r_?, 00 DRAFTER 24 10. 96 $26=. 04 CLERICAL 16 7. 88 $126. 08 I 111 TOTALS 80 $1 . 258. 88 OVERHEAD 5 ITOTAL SALARY + OVERHEAD $3, = 6. 03 1 SHEET 4 OF 5 ENGINEERING COST ESTIMATE I 0 STATE HIGHWAY 114 FROM: DOVE ROAD TO: LOOP 382 IN TAF:RANT COUNTY DEC. 14. 1987 LOCKWOOD. ANDREWS. E, NEWNAM, INC. (ECESH114) III . B. DRAINAGE REQUIREMENTS I CLASSIFICATION ESTIMATED HOURLY RATE TOTAL HOURS PROJECT MANAGER 4 2. 24 $128. 96 DESIGN ENGINEER 8 22. 29 $178.72 ASST. DESIGN ENGINEER. "0 15. 95 $719. 00 CADD TECHNICIAN 0 17. 87 $0. 00 DRAFTER B 10. 96 $87. 68 CLERICAL 0 7. 88 $0.00 TOTALS 40 - $71 . 96 OVERHEAD 165. 000-7..--. - $1 , 178. 03 TOTAL SALARY 4- OVERHEAD $1 , 891 . 99 III . C. ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION AND RIGHT OF WAY COSTS I CLASSIFICATION ESTIMATED HOURLY RATE TOTAL11/ I HOURS PROJECT MANAGER 8 7.2. 24 $'57. 92 I DESIGN ENGINEER 16 22. 29 $756. 64 ASST. DESIGN ENGINEER 40 15. 95 $678. 00 CADD TECHNICIAN 0 17. 87 $0. 00 I DRAFTER 16 10. 96 $175.=6 CLERICAL - 4 7. 88 $71 . 52 TOTALS 84 $1 , 459. 44 I OVERHEAD 165. 00% $C, 408. 08 TOTAL SALARY + OVERHEAD $7. 867. 52 I SUMMARY OF NON-SALARY COST COMPUTER (VAX 785 AND HP =000) (0 HRS. AT $25. 00 / HR. ) $0. 00 I COMPUTER (CADD) (0 HRS. AT $25. 00 / HR. ) $0. 00 REPRODUCTION AND PRINTING $2, 400.00 TRAVEL (AIR FARE) $600. 00 I TRAVEL (AUTO) (400 MILES AT $0. 25 PER MILE) $100. 00 TRAVEL (PER DIEM) $ 00. 00 TELEPHONE AND MISCELLANEOUS $100. 00 TOTAL NON-SALARY $',500. O0 IS U B C O N T R A C T O R S $0. 00 $0. 00 TOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS $0. 00 SHEET 5 OF 5 f