1988-01-19NA~IE OF COUNCILPERSON CITY OF SOUT[ILAKE, TEXAS MINIJTES OF THE MEETING. DATE: T [ME: PLACE: Regular CITY COUNCIL January 19,1988 ?:30 p.m. CITY OF SOUTtlLAKE, COUNCIL CIIA~IBERS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE TEXAS. PAGL: 1 INDEX COUNCILPERSONS PRESENT: Mayor, Johnny H. Westerholm; Mayor Pro Tem, Charles Curry. Betty Springer, Jim Wooll, David McMahan and Rick Stacy. CITY STAFF PRESENT: City Manager, Lloyd O. Latta Jr.; Director of Public Works, Bill LeGrand; Police Chief, Jerry Crowder; Fire Chief, R.P. Steele; City Accountant, Ren~e HcCarty; City Engineer, Eddie Cheatham and City Attorneys, Ken Dippel and Toni' Chamberlain. INVOCATION: Johnny H. Westerholm. Curry Springer McMahan Wooll Stacy Curry Springer McMahan Wooll qtacy The meeting was called to order by Mayor Johnny H. Westerholm. The Minutes of the January 5,1988 City Council meeting were approved as presented. MAYORS REPORT Councilperson Stacy gave a report on the status of the traffic signals which are to be installed along 1709, He informed Council and the audience that "Red Light" installatio: work will commence any day now. Jerry. Gibbs of the State Highway Department Traffic Division advised that all driving on EM 1709 may be hazardous during construction. He asked that everyone driving the roadway be extremely careful during and after the new signal lights have been installed. The contract for TRA was presented to Council this date, motion was made and approved to to a time uncertain. Approved S-0 vote. TRA CONTI XAME OF COUNCI LPERSON Curry Springer McMahan Wooll Stacy CITY OF SOUTItLAKE, TEXAS ~INUTES OF THE Regular MEETING. DATE: January 19,1988 TIME: 7:30 p.m. PLACE: CITY COUNCIL CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE TEXAS. PAGE: 2 Agenda item #17, Resolution 88-~-~, P.A.S. recommendation to County for Streets, has been deleted from tonights agenda. Agenda items #7, #11, #14, #18, & #19 are being considered as consent items. The items include: 7. Developers Agreement for Ravenaux Village. 11. ZA 87-48. Replat of Lots 2,3,4,5, & 6 of the Garden Addition. 14. Final plat of Lot 1, Loma Vista Addition. 18. Resolution 88-2. Agreement betwe- en City of Southlake and Tarrant County Health Department. 19. Ordinance No. 409. Food Service. 1st reading. Mayor Westerholm read the captions of the consent items. Motion was made and approval given to approve the consent agenda items as listed. Approved S-O vote. INDEX Resolution 88-5 acceptance of the petition of property and instructing the city staff to take necessary action to commence consideration of the anhexation, and therefore, auth- orizing city administration and the city attorney to institute necessary legal action to preserve the status quo of the land use was considered. The land in question is identified as being Tract 3iD. Mayor Westerholm stated that tonights action will be to either accept or reject the petition. RESOLUTIOb 88-5 PETITION NAME OF COUNC ~ LPERSON CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL MEETING. DATE: January 19,1988 TIME: 7:30 p.m. PLACE: CITY OFSOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CIIAMBER$ 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTItLAKE TEXAS, PAGE: 5 INDEX Curry Springer McMahan Wooll Stacy Curry Springer McMahan Wooll Stacy Motion was made and approval given to accept Resolution 88-S. Approved S-0 vote. The Mayor read the resolution and explained the contents. Motion was made and approval given to table the contract between the City of Southlake and the North Texas Commission. Ordinance No. 334-26 (ZA 87-46) 1st reading, was discussed, which is the zoning request for a 9.836 acre tract of land described as being Tract 4 of the R.P. Estes Subdivision, T.W. Mann Survey, Abstract No. 1107. Current zoning is Agricultural, request is for I-2 Zoning District. The owners of the property are: A.M. Franks, N.L. Franks and Bill Nelson. Mr. Dippel, City Attorney, stated the City Council can either refer the item back to the P & Z Commission or they can over-ride the action of the P & 2, as the item does not have a recommendation of the P & Z as a result of their meeting in which this item w~s discussed and a public hearir was he~d. Councilperson Jim Wool stated that at all past meetings of City Council that he has attended, it has taken a 3/4 majority vote of Council to over-ride negative vote by P & Z. He asked City Attorney to comment on this. Mr. Dippel answered that state statue provides that cities may pass an ordinance that provide 5/4 vote of th NORTH TEXA ZOMMISSION ZONTRACT DRDINANCE NO. 334-26 g NAME OF COUNCI LPERSON CITY COUNCIL ~ITY OF SOUTIILAKE, TEXAS MINUTES OF TIlE Regular MEETING, DATE: January 19,1988 TIME: 7:30 p.m. PLACE: CITY OF SO[JTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 667 NORTIt CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE TEXAS, PAGE: INDEX entire governing body can be used to over-ride a recommendation from city plan. That is the enabling legislation which comes directly from state statutes. The ordinance that Southlake has refers to 3/4 count of the members present, which is a less.restrictive vote than required by state law. Our ordinance does not comply with the basic legislation, therefore, in his opinion, we can over-ride City Planning and Zoning with a majority vote. Mr. Wayne Olson, attorney for Franks, was present. He stated he appeared before the Cit~ Council on November 5,1987 regarding the "grandfather status" of certain properties within the newly annexed properties. He seeks what they feel they need in order to continue the use of their land. They applied for I-2 zoning. The main issue at the P & Z level is the outside storage, and not the current use of the land. P & Z was against the potential junk yard as is in the neighborhood. Zoning Administrator, Bill LeGrand, gave him an opinion stating he feels the us~ would need I-2 zoning, due to the outside storage. They are only asking to continue the use that is already there. Mr. Franks, owner, stated there are some barrels of oil stored outside in order to be fire safe. They also have dumpsters, and some vehicle equipment as well as scrap bens, also, stored outside. NAME OF COUNCI LPERSON CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS MINUTES OF THE Regular MEETING. DATE: January 19,1988 TIME: 7:30 p.m. PLACE: CITY COUNCIL CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE TEXAS. PAGE: 5 INDEX Curry Springer McMahan Wooll Stacy e'rry ..cinger McMahan Wooll Stacy Mr. Olson said they would be glad to accept I-1 Zoning if they can use it the way they are using it for the 4.29 acres, leaving the residence on the property Agricultural zoning. PUBLIC HEARING Ed Waifs, IBM. They have no problem w'ith what Pranks is doing now- they are concerned about the zoning. They see the area as office-retail with residential. It would be helpful if the zoning ordinance allowed for Special Use Permit. Jim Wooll stepped down at this time as a conflict of interest, as he is IBM employee. mi Public Hearing closed. Mayor Westerholm questioned the precedent being set here by zoning industrial in that area of town. Motion was made to approve the zoning of 4.29 acres of land on the plat as Industrial-l, leaving the balance of the property in the current status. Approved 4-0 vote. Ordinance No. 334-27 (ZA 87-47) 1st reading. Request for a Special Bxcept,~on Use Permit for an Equestria: Center Complex. The property is located in the Hiram Granberry Survey Abstract S81, Tracts 3L & SM. There were no comments during the public hearing. Motion was made and approval given to ZA 87-47, Ordinance No. 334-27, ist reading. Apnroved $-0 vote. )RDINANCE NO. 334-27 NA,XlE OF COUNCI LPERSON Curry Springer McMahan Wooll Stacy Curry Springer iahan ~ooll Stacy Curry Springer McMahan Wooll Stacy Curry Springer McMahan Wooll Stacy Curry Springer McMahan Wooll Stacy CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS MINUTES OF THE Regular MEETING, DATE: January 19,1988 TIbIE: 7:30 p.m. PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, TEXAS. CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL CtlAMBERS SOUTHLAKE PAGE: INDEX The owners, Gary Hazlewood and Bobby Delvecchio were present for the meeting. The site plan for Delvecchio Equestri~ Center was withdrawn from the agenda at the owners request. The final plat of St. Laurence Episco- pal Church was approved, subject to the two items in the Cheatham review letter of January 15, 1988. Approved 5-0 vote. The revised site plan for St. Laurenc. Episcopal Church was approved subject to the buffer yards on the final site plan. Approved 5-0 vote. Resolution 88-3, accepting the Lodge- inTPark from the Southlake Lion's Club was approved, as recommended by the City Manager. Approved 4-0 vote. ~ESOLUTION 8-3 Resolution 88-4, Establishing new dat~ for city election and for runoff election. Adopting the use of electr¢ nic voting system for all city elect- ions was approved subject to modifi- cations. Approved $-0 vote. Ordinance No. 418 establishing provisions for Flood Hazard Reduction NO. was approved as an emergency on the 1st reading. Approved 5-0 vote. The monthly financial report was presented by the city manager. The department reports were discussed. .ESOLUTION 8-4 ~RDINANCE 418 NASIE OF COUNC I LPERSON CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS MINUTES OF THE MEETING. DATE: T[HE: PLACE: Regular CITY COUNCIL January 19,1988 7:30 p.m. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE TEXAS. PAGE: 7 INDEX The meeting was. adiourned by Mayo_r~-~ Westerholm. ~//i / ^ I/~ '/~ ~o~nhT]~. ~3te~holm ~or bf Southlake ( A~ST: /'~ .....~ ~' Sahara L. LeGra~ -.. .... C~t7 Secretar7 % .......... ,,- ■ _ AFFIDAVIT OF INTEREST THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT CITY OF SOUTHLAKE BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, n and for said State of Texas, on this day personally appeared j.,,.„�_ ,/,{,1 p -, . who after being by me duly sworn, did on oath StOe that he has an interest, as described below, in Agenda Item No. .. of the . �� .. , 1983_ , City Council Agenda, as described below, and th t he is executing this Affidavit of Interest and shall refrain from any vote or decision thereon, all as required by Article 988b, Texas Civil Statutes Annotated: Agenda Item: _ -(0,61G,m.;,,- d. - _ Interest Disclosed: . /. 1 1_1l,J9- �C�� _ _ _ _. _ .. V Signature of Elected or Appointed City Official of the City of South lake, Texas. GIVENUNDER MY AND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this the _ .. _-_ ... ./7. . _ . . .. day of /4“ ' - - - - - 19d_/J. . NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF TEXAS MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: 2-4-89 Filea with me, this the _ _�_ . .. _ ._.. _day of �. . Cee . . , 19 4(,l at 41- .a2O_ . . o'clock p.m. City Secretary, City of Southlake Hutchison Price Boyle & Brooks A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS AT LAW 3900 FIRST CITY CENTER AUSTIN OFFICE: DALLAS,TEXAS 75201-4622 2100 ONE AMERICAN CENTER AUSTIN,TEXAS 78701-3272 John F.Boyle,Jr. (214) 754-8600 (512)477-4121 (214)754-8611 DALLAS TELECOPY NUMBER: (214)754-0840 January 26 , 1988 Mrs . Sandy LeGrand City Secretary City of Southlake 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas 76092 Re: Resolution No. 88-4 establishing new dates for general City elections and runoff elections, and approving the use of an electronic voting system Dear Sandy: Enclosed is the captioned Resolution which has been revised to reflect the council ' s desire to approve the use of the electronic voting system for all future elections , provided the machines would be available . This change is reflected in Section 3 of the Resolution. After the Resolution has been signed by you and the Mayor , please send Toni Chamberlain a certified copy of the Resolution so that it may be included in the voting rights submission to the U. S. Justice Department. Thanks for your assistance. If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to call either Toni Chamberlain or me . Sincerely, HUTCHISON PRICE BOYLE & BROOKS John F. Boyle , Jr JFB/tic/kb Enclosure 20/1179T 41111 City of Southlake Duthla ' INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM DATE: 1/15/88 FROM: Finance Department ! Renee J. MCarty TO: Budget Comparison Report SUBJECT: Budget Comparison Users Data for the month of December, 1987 . The following charts and budget comparisons are provided to exhibit the financial performance of the City of Southlake for . the month of December, 1987 . Revenue and expenditure projections are compared to actual with the use of colored charts . Actual expenditures are red and actual revenues are green. i A couple of new features have been provided on this month' s report. First, year to date information has been added to indicate the City' s performance for one quarter of the fiscal year. The annual budget figure is the amount of the total budget allocated to this portion of the fiscal year (25%) . Another new feature included is the percent each account is over or under budget. The month of December brought a couple of cash outlays not associated with the expenditure accounts .. For instance, December was the first of three months in a payment structure for repaying the water fund for an interfund loan. Each payment is $56, 760 . 39, including interest at a rate of 10 . 25% . The City also repaid an $18 ,000 commerical loan, . including $399 . 50 interest, at Texas National Bank. ,S5 0 _ 8L ocN.e ;b. , vsk 600 ‘ ‘, 500 I+ 40° # fl#1 va. t f t ,.. u, 00 ,.: ,.... S tk+ 110 ilit Se 9 1101 It °S A . 4 bk-wi 4 .;4i r 11'4;14..;' A bbili lik 3011 30\ Puq \\Am 00 P.,9\' \f•,t-/,' T: j4 :A,,:z, to,... A VS •:!;,-'4,, •:''r - ,,,, - v-eb :_- 3 WI OS ' 1•f-*'\ A yrto t`i CP 0 eC 0 \AO`1 _ \AO VNI FRANCHISE TAX city m .ak17-18 AO \x 5 — c Z . / \ 40 ƒj ƒ / uEi / \ � , \ K § 2 3 % — / - 4 !b / . ] & ` E \ . [ 11 - ! % J l{ ' 1 s i 0 " , - , , / ! i 3 I , ! , !t Nov [c J n Febr Apr May Jun Jul Au Sep • COURT FINES City If =%-iuthlal a 1987-1' 58 4n A.'4 ' .— t ti t 35 — Py't t 3t — ' ' `N. ,• t v . 28 —,....:4.„4..0 fRE,H7v -7.,;.:,1:-:..f.,7", s.,<,,..,....‘ .....\,..,,, rs„\,,,.: „,........,...,, 8 2 v 44 :-'= ,4.-'.'- - \ "y'�• "s -_• -1.4- ', ••vim - 16 =�.: }$$ {{fi�r, . _ ,',',..,-.0* 4--,',.c,-; 4,4 \----„ \ . 1 G ors.:{r •;,-.:.;.�� _•w..... - --1 f. 0 i :y} i i l :' ! } 1 U. t P-Jav [se_ Jan Feb War Apr Way Jun Jul Aug pep I . I I SPENDING BY DEPARTMENT ray of `•;,-tuthkiko 1987-68 100 � 4 JO — d0 — 4S 1 t W U S `t `+` 4t� `� , w 4C7 — ,e - ` '. % % 3O -I v. ti - — •__ - - - I LCJ — Ck i'•'l'� •�""`F. �:0• ,M L ' �:- .t,�1r11.0 - ; I. _¢�.1 ` _ ll1.-1:1'::::-. `•1�`rt•� .••��^�.` i."i .i_'1 is T.T• -'-: �:�i :-;-':-1 --:::::, --,4:::. ::;::::-.. ;:"::: .. :::z.. 1:::::: I,* i i '1 • is• i i' i` f i 1 `i Oat _t Nv Elea Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aua Se F I."-, ( A rninlsitration %i'` Fire �:.`'., Police I SPENDING BY DEPARTMENT City of Scuthloko 1087-5 1 S e;;%a 13 — ` , 11 — •/ t t ti -. r ,fit h^t .a4 _ L� _„ - + :tom• _, s i _ § : =[ ;_ }� Q 7 •-1 •' -' ' a:4 1 ~ TI ti 7, L' -i .*:.\,'a :-%.6 •t1 `ta x' :: r 'y h:' '--ti �1 _ I -1 Oat Nov Deo Jan Feb Mior Apr Mfa, Jun Jul Aua �+ep r''--, 1 Elulldlno [partinent 1956 NOV. TOTAL /c/'f/11/r 4 NEW TAPS 1960 DEC: TOTAL is_ WATER DEPARTMENT REPORT MONTH DEC. 1987 GALLONS PUMPED THIS MONTH FROM WELLS 617,100 PURCHASED FROM FORT WORTH 17,701,000 TOTAL PUMPED AND PURCHASED 18,318,100 NEW WATER TAPS INSTALLED • 4 FIRE HYDRANTS INSTALLED 0 METER CHANGE OUTS 3/4"= 0 1"= 6 3/4" to 1"= 0 2"= 0 4"= 0 LEAKS 5 • PULLED METERS 0 LOCKED METERS 21 Customer request or Delinquent Payment PROCESSED WORK ORDERS 76 FLUSHED LINES N. SUNSHINE, N. PEYTONVILLE, W. SOUTHLAKE CROSS TIMBER WATER IMPACT FEES $ 2,500.00 TOTAL TO DATE $23,500.00 CbaL WATER SUPERINTENDENT • WATER TAPS INSTALLATION SEPTEMBER - 1987 I 1. PJ'S CONVENIENCE STORE- 101 ENW PARKWAY 9- 1-87 2. WENDW T, DOBBS - 1060 THOUSAND OAKS 9- 2-87 3. BILL TAYLOR - 3290 LAKE DRIVE 9-11-87 4. M.W. McMILLIAN -3280 LAKE DRIVE 9-11-87 5. ROBERT GATLIN - 3270 LAKE DRIVE 9-11-87 OCTOBER - 1987 1. DAVID RAMSEY - 127 N. PEYTONVILLE 9-23-87 2. JERRY McCONNELL - 1646 ROYAL OAKS COURT 10-14-87 3. TERRY SISK CONT. - 2113 GREENBRIAR 10-19-87 4. TERRY SISK CONT. - 2110 GREENBRIAR 10-20-87 5. HOMER FRENCH-1200 WEST DOVE 10-20-87 6. PJ'S CONVENIENCE STORE - 101 ENW PARKWAY 10-21-87 7. G.O. STEVENS - 1401 PLANTATION DRIVE 10-27-87 NOVEMBER - 1987 NO NEW WATER TAPS THIS MONTH. DECEMBER - 1987 1. MEGHANI & ASSOCIATES - 435 SHADY LANE v .12-9-87 2. G.L. HITCHCOCK - 1110 HARBOR HAVEN 12-9-87 3. COLONIAL SAVINGS - 1701 RANDAL MILL 12-9-87 4. CUSTOM ONE HAAG & CO. - 1479 FLAMINGO CIRCLE 12-16-87 IMPACT FEES b Started 7-22-86 JULY WATER $2 ,000. 00 SEWER S 2 ,000 . 00 AUGUST WATER S2 ,500.0O SEWER $2 ,500.00 SEPTEMBER WATER S3 ,000.00 SEWER S2 ,000 . 00 OCTOBER WATER S 1,000. 00 SEWER $1 ,000.00 NOVEMBER WATER $1 .000 . 00 SEWER $1 ,000 .00 DECEIBER WATER S 1.500. 00 SEWER $1,500.00 GRAND TOTAL WATER $11 .000. 00 SEWER $ 10,000.00 1987 JANUARY WATER S 2 .500. 00 SEWER $1 ,S 0 0 .00 FEERU ARY WATER SEWER 2.000.00 Sn AVER $1,50 0 .00 MARCH WATER d.000.nn SEWER$ a.00 n.00 APRIL WATER S ;,nnn no SEWER$ 7 Snn on MAY WATER $ 500.00 SEWER $ 500.00 JUNE WATER $ 2,000.00 SEWER $1,500.00 JULY WATER $ 500.00 SEWER 0.00 • AUGUST WATER $ 4.000.00 SEWER $2,775.00 SEPTEMBER WATER$ 500.00 SEWER $2 ,192. 75 OCTOBER WATER $ 2 .000.00 SEWER $ i ,con 00 NOVEMBER WATER 0.00 SEWER $ 13.064.00 DECEMBER WATER $ 2,500.00 SEWER $ 2.000.00 GRAND TOTAL WATER S23.500.00 SEWER $19,967.75 i' • r . • ANNEXATION PERMITS - BUILDING PERMITS Affordable Homes December 21, 1987 841 E. Southlake Blvd. Residential home for Shirley Reese, No charges for permits because of fire. $54,000. 00 N/A MECHANICAL PERMITS Jordan Bell December 10, 1987 1217 Brumlow Warehouse, Storage & Office Building. $46. 50 N/A Jordon Bell December 10, 1987 1219 Brumlow Warehouse, Storage & Office Building. $46. 50 N/A PLUMBING PERMITS Jordan Bell . December 10, 1987 1217 Brumlow Warehouse, Storage & Office Building. $67.50 N/A Jordon Bell December 10, 1987 1219 Brumlow Warehouse, Storage & Office Building. $67. 50 N/A PAGE 2 MONTH December ] i CITY OF SOUTHLAKE BUILDING DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT 11 IMPACT FEES: TOTAL AMOUNT TOTAL AMOUNT THIS MO. OF FEE LAST MO. OF FEE Road Impact (C.Y. 87) 4 4,000.00 4 25,928.00 Year To Date Road Fees 65,163 .50 Sewer Impact (C.Y. 87) 4 2 ,000.00 4 13 ,064.00 Year To Date Sewer Fees 17 ,756 .75 NUMBER OF INSPECTIONS: This Month 2g3 Last Month 160 Submitted by:(h�4ZG.) • . CITY OF SOUTHLAKE BUILDING DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT ISRMITS ISSUED: TOTAL AMOUNT TOTAL AMOUNT THIS MO. OF FEE LAST MO. OF FEE Single Family ' 4 4,304. 50 G ' 1,447 .00 'Foundation -0- -0- -0- -0= Commercial -0- -0- 3 51,699.00 Commercial Add/on 1 81. 00 1 17. 00 -;Additions/Accessory Bldg. 4 567.00 6 776.00 1Swimming Pools 3 504.00 1 207.00 Sub-Contractors: Electric 12 11 ,941. 28 6 385.07 Plumbing 12 1,139.25 5 2 ,241.00 Heat/Air 3 2 ,398.00 11 1,348.50 Septic 6 360.00 8 480.00 Culvert 3 195.00 4 260.00 I Demolition -0- -0- -0- -0- Other Fees: Septic Letters 4 60.00 8 120.00 C.O. 3 75. 00 1 25.00 •sc. Misc. Building 9 248.00 5 113.00 Sales: Accident Reports 20 40.00 28 75.00 City Maps 9 26.00 10 26.00 Copies 3 8. 00 1 .60 Signs -0- -0- 2 100.00 Schools -0- -0- -0- -0- Excavation -0- -0- 1 189.00 TOTAL - 96 21,947.03 103 59,509.17 , BUILDING DEPOSITS TO DATE THIS YEAR: $RS,214.59 _ BUILDING VALUATION THIS YEAR YEAR TO DATE ' Single Family 903 ,111 .OR 1,393,880.24 Foundation _O_ -0- Commercial _0_ 11,745 ,140.00 Commercial Add/on E ,000.00 62 .800.00 ; Additions/Accessory Bldg. 50,254.00 174 .382 . 40 Swimming Pools 47 ,000.00 133 ,500.00 Schools _0_ -0- II TOTAL 1 1 ,006,365.08 13 ,509 ,702.64 Sumitted B , GLG//tip V d /„) Inspections This Month Inspections Last Month 293 160 MUNTHuJecember CITY OF SOUTHLAKE PARKS MONTHLY REPORT DGE: TOTAL AMOUNT TOTAL AMOUNT THIS MONTH OF FEE LAST MONTH OF FEE Organizational , Registration 1 15.00 7 105.00 • Rental, Lodge Deposits , Lodge (Clean up) LIGHTS: Bailfield #1 Bailfield #3 Field Preparation Concession: Rental Sales 41/ 1 $15.00 7 $105.00 TOTAL Parks Deposit To Date This Year: $140 0D S MONTH DECEMBER 1987 v CITY OF SOUTHLAKE BUILDING DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT I IMPACT FEES : TOTAL AMOUNT TOTAL AMOUNT THIS MO. OF FEE LAST MO. OF FEE Road Impact (F.Y. 87-88) 4 4,000.00 4 28 ,928.00 Year To Date Road Fees 30,928.00 Sewer Impact (F .Y. 87-88) 4 2 ,000.00 4 13 ,064.00 Year To Date Sewer Fees 15 ,564.00 Submitted b /�� TO: LLOYD LATTA, CITY MANAGER FROM: MUNICIPAL COURT CLERK, JANIE BURNS SUBJEdT: MUNICIPAL COURT ACTIVITY REPORT FOR December 1987 DATE: January 12; 1988 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE FIRE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT TO: City Manager , Lloyd 0. Latta, Jr . for the month of December , 1987 This Year Month To Date Responses Structure Fires 1 13 House 1 13 Mobile Home 0 0 Office Building 0 0 Retail - Resturant 0 0 Factory - Industrial ect . 0 0 Grass Fires 2 38 Car Fires 0 5 Truck Fires 0 6 Car Accidents (Fire & Ambulance Units) 5 64 Truck Accidents (Fire & Ambulance Units) 0 24 EMS Calls In City 9 103 Mutual Aid For City Of Grapevine 1 10 Mutual Aid For City Of Colleyville 0 2 Mutual Aid For City Of Keller 1 9 Mutual Aid For Trophy Club 0 1 Fire Calls IN Westlake 2 6 EMS Calls In Westlake 3 15 Fire Calls In Tarrant County 0 24 EMS Calls In Tarrant County 0 19 -- lire Calls In Denton County 1__. 9 -- EMS Calls In Denton County 1 6 ZONING DEPARTMENT FEE REVENUE For The Month Ending December 31, 1987 Zoning $ 100 .00 No. of Cases 1 Platting 2,830.00 No. of Cases 3 Board of Adjustment 50 .00 No. of Cases 1 Special Exception Use 100 .00 No. of Cases 1 Site Plan 447.50 No. of Cases 1 Misc. Sales (Zoning) 0.00 No. of Receipts Total Revenue $3 ,527.50 Total No. Cases 7