1990-12-18 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 N. Carroll Avenue REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 18, 1990 7:30 p.m. COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor, Gary Fickes; Mayor Pro Tem Betty Springer. Members: W. Ralph Evans, Jerry Farrier, Rick Wilhelm, and, Sally Hall. CITY STAFF PRESENT: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager; Michael Barnes, Director of Public Works; Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator; Don Wilson, Fire Chief; Billy Campbell, Director of Public Safety; Eddie Cheatham, City Engineer; Greg Last, City Planner; Wayne Olson, City Attorney; and, Sandra L. LeGrand, City Secretary. A Work Session was held for the purpose of discussing the agenda items for tonight's meeting. Mayor Fickes announced that Council would go into executive session pursuant to the Open Meetings Act, Article 6252-17 V.T.A.S. Section 2(e) 2(f) 2(g). Council convened in closed session at 6:30 p.m. for the purpose of conducting the annual evaluation for the City Attorney and City Judge. Council adjourned the executive session at 7:30 p.m. INVOCATION: Councilmember W. Ralph Evans. The Regular City Council meeting was called to order at 7:40 p.m. by Mayor Gary Fickes. Agenda Item #2, Approval of the Minutes The Minutes of the City Council meeting held on December were approved as amended. Motion: Wilhelm Second: Springer Ayes: Wilhelm, Springer, Hall, Farrier, Evans Nays: None Approved: 5-0 vote 4, 1990, Agenda Item #3, Mayor's Report Mayor Fickes thanked the Carroll High School Team for a great season. Mayor Pro Tem Springer referenced the employee awards dinner, in which outstanding employees were recognized. The Mayor announced that applications are now being accepted for a place on the Board of Adjustments. City Council Minutes December 18, 1990 page two Agenda Item #4, City Manager's Report Curtis Hawk referenced the Department Reports which are in the Council packets. Mr. Hawk announced the winners of the awards which were presented during the Employee Awards Banquet, held on December 17, 1990, at the Marriott Solana. Awards were presented to the following: Police Department Employee of the Year- Charlie Ward Fire Department Employee of the Year- Ricky Black Civilian Employee of the Year- Karen Brown Directors Awards: Michael Bedrich, Public Safety; Karen Gandy, Public Works; and, Dorothy Woods, Administration. The City Manager announced the public hearing which will be held on January 17, 1991, at Solana, in regards to the State Highway 114 Project. The State Department of Highway and Public Transportation will be hosting the meeting. Mr. Hawk referenced the improvements being made to City Hall, and the conference room being prepared for the City Council. Agenda Item 95, Resolution 90-83, Ambulance Service for Denton County Interlocal Agreement for This item was removed from the agenda at the request of the City Manager. Agenda Item 96-A Public Forum The Public Hearing resulted with no comments from the audience. Agenda Item 97, Ordinance No. 480-33, 2nd reading (ZA 90-56) A zoning change request and Development Site Plan for 160.073 acres out of the R.J. Paden Survey, Abstract No. 1255 being located in the 900 to 1300 Block of West Southlake Blvd. Current zoning is Agricultural, with a request for Planned Unit Development (PUD). Owners: Estate of A.C. and Audrey Stone, Mary Stone Myers, Independent Executrix. Property owner is Phillip Jobe. Nelson Corporation is the applicant. Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator noted that twenty-three (23) letters were sent to property owners within 200' Seven (7) responses were received, all from Arvida Community, in which the main concern is the commercial across from the entrance to SouthRidge. City Council Minutes December 18, 1990 page three Mrs. Gandy noted that the City Council approved the 1st reading of Ordinance No. 480-33, on December 4, 1990, with the changes noted in the minutes of that meeting. Craig Curry, Nelson Corporation was present, representing Phillip Jobe. Councilmembers reviewed the uses in the Comn~ercial-2 zoning district of Ordinance No. 480, and agreed that the following uses were deemed undesirable for use on the commercial lot in the proposed Stone Lakes Addition. Including: #11, #21, #24, #25, and #36. The public hearing resulted with no comments from the public. Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 480-33, 2nd reading, for Residential Planned Unit Development (as residential is the primary use) and, subject to the changes discussed in the Planned Unit Development (PUD) Plan attached to the ordinance. Motion: Wilhelm Second: Farrier Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance. Ayes: Nays: Approved: Wilhelm, Farrier, None 5-0 vote Hall, Springer, Evans ~enda Item #6-B, Awarding Contract for Waste Recyclin~ A presentation was made by Brad Bradley, Chairman of the Environmental Task Force, in regards to their recommendation for awarding a contract for waste recycling. It was noted that a contract should be for a one (1) year time frame. The requests for proposals indicate the fees are as follows: Laidlaw- $1.75 per month BFI - $1.69 per month Citywide- -0- on an experimental basis Public Comments: Mickey Flood, 1364 LakeView Drive. Mr. Flood stated they did not submit a proposal because it was a one year contract. However, they would be interested in bidding in the future. Bob Mundlin, 1658 Royal Oaks Court, declined to speak. City Council Minutes December 18, 1990 page four Agenda Item #6-B, Continued A extensive discussion was held by the City Council in regards to awarding a contract for Waste Recycling. Mayor Fickes stated that the information is before the City Council and he feels Council needs to consider what the vendor will be doing for the schools, what will they do to pick up the other types of items such as batteries, tires and used oil. He indicated that the committee would like for Council to make a recommendation tonight. Motion was made for the city to enter into negotiations for a one year contract with BFI for a Recycling program, at $1.69 per month. Motion: Springer Second: Farrier Ayes: Springer, Farrier, Wilhelm, Evans, Hall Nays: None Approved: 5-0 vote Mayor Fickes asked that negotiations be completed by January 15, 1991, City Council meeting. Councilmember Ralph Evans stepped down for Agenda Item #8, #9, #10, and #11. Agenda Item #8, Ordinance No. 480-35, 1st reading. (ZA 90-61) A zoning change request for 0.35 acre tract out of the Littleberry G. Hall Survey, Abstract No. 686, being a portion of Tract 3D. Current zoning is Agricultural, request is for the Community Service Zoning District. Location: North of West Southlake Blvd. approximately 1,000 feet East of Shady Oaks Drive. Owner: Marion G. Truelove. Applicant: GTE Southwest Incorporated. Zoning Administrator, Karen Zoning Commission recommended 1990. Gandy, noted that the Planning and approval by 7-0 vote, on December 6, Brook Baker, GTE, was present for the meeting, and explained that the purpose of the zoning request is for building a remote switching station. It houses a computer used to extend service to this area. The reason the company selected this location is to be near the main trunk line along FM 1709. The public hearing resulted with no comments from the audience. City Council Minutes December 18, 1990 page five Agenda Item #8, continued Motion was made to approve Community Service zoning. Motion: Springer Second: Farrier Ordinance No. 480-35, 1st reading for Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance. Ayes: Springer, Farrier, Nays: None Approved: 4-0 vote Wilhelm, Hall Agenda Item ~9, Ordinance No. 480-36, 1st reading (ZA 90-62) Curtis Hawk, City Manager, explained to City Council that no action is necessary in regards to ZA 90-62, as the property has been given the permanent agricultural zoning at the time of annexation. Agenda Item #10, ZA 90-63, Preliminary Plat- Marion Truelove A preliminary plat of 15.37 acres of land out of the Littleberry G. Hall Survey, Abstract No. 686, Tracts 3C and 3D. Ms. Gandy commented that the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approved of the preliminary plat, subject to all the items in the November 28, 1990, Cheatham review letter being complied with. Motion was made to approve the Preliminary Plat recommended by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Motion: Springer Second: Farrier Ayes: Springer, Farrier, Hall, Wilhelm Nays: None Approved: 4-0 vote in ZA 90-63 as Agenda Item %11, ZA 90-64, Final Plat of Woodland Hills RSU A 0.35 acre tract of land out of the Littleberry G. Hall Survey, Abstract No. 686, being a portion of Tract 3D. Requested zoning is Community Service. Owner: Marion G. Truelove. Applicant: GTE Southwest Incorporated. The Zoning Administrator noted that on December 6, 1990, the Planning and Zoning Commission approved the final plat by a 7-0 vote. She noted the applicant accepts the risk of having both the preliminary plat and final plat on the same agenda. Michael Barnes, Director of Public Works noted that this is a one lot subdivision, therefore, they will be required to pay $500 Park Fee. City Council Minutes December 18, 1990 page six Agenda Item #11, Continued Motion was made to approve ZA 90-64, as recommended and Zoning Commission. Motion: Springer Second: Farrier Ayes: Springer, Farrier, Hall, Wilhelm Nays: None Approved: 4-0 vote by the Planning Council adjourned for recess at 9:35 p.m. Council returned for open session at 9:50 p.m. Councilmember W. Ralph Evans returned to the Council table. Agenda Item 912, Ordinance No. 480-37, 1st reading. (ZA 90-65) A Zoning request for 3.001 acres out of the Thomas J. Thompson Survey, Abstract No. 1502, Tract 1B1A1. The current zoning is Agricultural, the request is for the S-P-1 Zoning District. Owner: Linda L. Kane, dba Hilltop Kennels. Zoning Administrator, Karen Gandy noted that the property was annexed into the City in October, 1987. Eight (8) letters were sent to property owners within 200'. She received a reply from Elsie McClendon, who is opposed to the kennel. McClendon owns the property next to the kennel, however, lives in Oklahoma. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval of the request, subject to the Cheatham review letter dated November 27, 1990. John Levitt, Levitt Engineers, 726 Commerce, Suite 104, Southlake, was present and represented Ms. Kane. Levitt noted that she has a Special Exception Use Permit, which will expire in January. He added that the kennel has been there for six (6) plus years and they wish to continue the use. There have been no complaints from property owners in the area. City Attorney, Wayne Olson, commented, that if the S-P-1 zoning is approved, the residence on the property will remain a non conforming use. The public hearing resulted with no comments from the audience. City Council Minutes December 18, 2990 page seven Agenda Item ~12, Continued Motion was made to Approve Ordinance No. 480-37, 1st reading, with City Council granting variances in the side yard and rear set backs where the existing structures extend over the set back requirements. Motion: Wilhelm Second: Farrier Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance. Ayes: wilhelm, Farrier, Nays: None Approved: 5-0 vote Hall, Springer, Evans Agenda Item ~13, Ordinance No. 483-A, 1st reading. Subdivision Control Ordinance No. 483-A, amending the Subdivision Control ordinance was discussed. The public hearing resulted with no comments from the audience. Motion was made No. 483. Motion: wilhelm Second: Evans to approve Ordinance No. 483-A, amending Ordinance Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance. Ayes: Wilhelm, Evans, Nays: None Approved: 5-0 vote Farrier, Springer, Hall Agenda Item #14, Ordinance No. 480-C, 1st reading. Amending the Zoning Ordinance No. 480. After discussion, motion was made to table Ordinance NO. 480-C, until the first meeting in January, 1991, and continue the public hearing. Motion: Springer Second: Farrier Ayes: Springer, Farrier, Hall, Wilhelm, Evans Nays: None Approved: 5-0 vote (to table and continue the public hearing) City Council Minutes December 18, 1990 page eight Agenda Item 915, Ordinance No. 528, 2nd reading. Special Election Mayor Fickes explained Ordinance No. 528, calling a Special Election for January 19, 1991, with three (3) separate issues being placed on the ballot: 1) Court of Record 2) Charter Amendments 3) Bond Proposals The public hearing resulted with no comments from the audience. Mayor Fickes expressed the concerns of Jim Wooll who was present for the meeting, but had to leave prior to this item being considered. Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 528, 2nd reading, with amendments to Propositions #6 and 910. Motion: Springer Second: Evans Mayor Fickes read the caption of Ordinance No. 528. Ayes: Springer, Evans, Nays: None Approved: 5-0 vote Hall, Wilhelm, Farrier Agenda Item 916, Resolution 90-84, Supplement to Resolution Calling A Special Election and Establishing Propositions in regards to Bonds. Resolution 90-84, supplement to the resolution calling a Special Election and Establishing Propositions in regards to bonds was considered. The summary of costs for street construction, prepared by Cheatham and Associates, in the amount of $3,200,000, and the projected cost estimate for the proposed bond issue for construction of a new municipal facility, prepared by Allen/Buie Partnership, in the amount of $1,900,000 are hereby incorporated into the minutes. Mayor Gary Fickes stated that in the $1,900,000, we are talking about a complete City Complex Site. When the first phase is built, and we move to the new building, the existing city hall will become a police/fire/courts building. Then in future years, the city would be in a position to sell the present site, and Public Safety Departments will move to the new site. City Council Minutes December 18, 1990 page nine Agenda Item #16, Continued Patricia Gallaher, 1st SouthWest Company, was present to answer questions for Council. Motion was made to approve Resolution 90-84, with the issuance of General Obligation Bonds in the amount of $1,900,000 for City Hall improvements and $3,600,000 for street improvements. Motion: Springer Second: Evans Ayes: Springer, Evans, Hall, Wilhelm, Farrier Nays: None Approved: 5-0 vote Agenda Item #17, Award of Bid for Fire Grass Truck Curtis Hawk stated that this item has to do bid for a Fire Grass Truck. He recommended this item at the next City Council meeting. with the request for that Council continue Motion was made to continue this item until the City Council meeting. Motion: Wilhelm Second: Hall Ayes: Wilhelm, Hall, Farrier, Evans, Springer Nays: None Approved: 5-0 vote (to table) January 2, 1991 Agenda Item #18, City Hall Expansion Pro~ect, Change Order Michael Barnes, Director of Public Works commented on the memorandum he prepared for packets, incorporated into the minutes, in regards to change order #1 for.the City Hall Expansion Project. Motion was made to approve change order #1 for the Expansion Project. Motion: Farrier Second: Evans Ayes: Farrier, Evans, Springer, Hall, wilhelm Nays: None Approved: 5-0 vote City Hall Agenda Item #19, Amending Dev. Agreement for Oak Hills Estates Director of Public Works, Michael Barnes explained the request of the Developers of Oak Hills Estates in regards to their park fee obligation. A copy of the information presented is hereby incorporated into the minutes. City Council Minutes December 18, 1990 page ten Agenda Item #19, Continued Motion was made to approve the amendment to the Developers Agreement for Oak Hills Estates with the change to credit additional overrun to the Phase II Developer. Motion: Wilhelm Second: Farrier Ayes: Wilhelm, Farrier, Springer, Hall, Evans Nays: None Approved: 5-0 vote Agenda Item #20, Discussion, Entrance from Trophy Club onto T.W. Kln~ The City Manager briefly analyzed the effect of traffic flow entering and existing Trophy Club from T.W. King Road. The two major factors that will affect Southlake are the traffic flow (vehicles per day) and drainage facilities. This existing entrance and exit point is not an existing or future location of a dedicated road. The result of this non-planned entrance and exit point is an additional traffic load to T.W. King Road from Trophy Club. It was noted that T.W. King Road is in very poor condition. The City of Southlake is not in a position to make this a road, only to close the road. Public Comments: Jack Alfred, 3 Sky Line Drive, Trophy Club. Mr. Alfred asked the City Council to consider closing the roadway. He informed the Council on some of the facts concerning the drainage pipe and the use of the roadway by residents of Trophy Club. Len Kopel, Sky Line Drive, Trophy Club. Mr. Kopel also asked that Council consider closing the roadway. Councilmembers instructed the City Manager to have the roadway closed by January 15, 1991. Agenda I%em ~21, Ordinance No. 527, Firearms. Discussion A proposed Firearms Ordinance was discussed. instructed to delete the section in reference to and to bring back to Council for 1st reading. City Staff was archery equipment City Council Minutes December 18, 1990 page eleven Agenda Item #22, Executive Session Mayor Fickes announced that session pursuant to the Open Section 2(e) 2(f) 2(g). Council would be going into executive Meetings Act, Article 6252-17 V.T.A.S. Council convened in closed session at 12:05 a.m. Council returned to open session at 12:40 a.m. Agenda Item #23, Action Necessary/Litigation No action was necessary in regards to pending or contemplated litigations as the result of the executive session. Agenda Item ~24, Action Commissions) Necessary/Personnel (Boards and The following persons were selected to serve on a committee formed to promote the Special Election to be held on January 19, 1991. Including: Jim Burger, Joe Wright, Aloha Payne, Brad Bradley, Barry Emerson, Harold Knight, Tommy Morgan, Charles Wegman, Ruth Smith, Bob Mundlin, Bob Rockenbaugh, Eddie Watkins, Steve Apple, and, Rosann Stoltz. Councilmembers may include other names if desired. Motion was made to form a committee to promote the Special Election to be held on January 19, 1991, with the members as listed above. Motion: Springer Second: Evans Ayes: Springer, Evans, Farrier, Hall, Wilhelm Nays: None Approved: 5-0 vote Agenda Item #26, Adjournment The City Council meeting was adjourned by Mayor Gary Fickes. ATTEST: / ~,~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,~ ,, ,,,,'<~?~ ~ L .~/i, ".,,,,. Sandra L. LeGrand- ,~ ~)%% .......... F ~ City Secretary $~.."' ~ ~': ~ . t.,,, THE STATE OF TEXAS * �- * COUNTY OF t/'V�t.��, (� * I, � '.' ` PLai , 1'1'J as a member of the 1 i. L) make this Affidavit and hereby on oath state th following: I, and /or a person or persons related to me, ha e a substantial interest in a business entity that would be peculiarly affected by a vote or decision of the ; L6(/,./ � , ;�'1; 6 7)/V:, // as those terms are defined in Chpter 171, Texgs Local Government Code. The business entity is ZY) A - t'. 1, (name and address) I have a substantial interest in this business entity for the following reasons: (Check all which are applicable) Ownership of 10% or more of the voting stock or shares of the business entity. J Ownership of 10% or more or $5,000 or more of the ,i� fair market value of the business entity. 'OS Funds received from the business entity exceed 10% ,��\\� of gross income for the previous year. !� \ a c Real property is involved and have an equitable or legal ownership with a fair 7-� \� A market value of at least $2,500. ?i �!� A relative of mine has a substantial interest in the business entity or property that would be affected by a decision of the public body of which I am a member. Upon filing of this affidavit with the City Secretary, I affirm that I will abstain from voting on any decision involving this business entity and from any further participation on this matter whatsoever. p< "t 4GQ1');,/,' e/ Signed this / ,, day of , 19 ' . 4 1 1 1 / , Signature /of official ( .11- t ; " ( 7 Title 4 BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, this day personally appeared W (( J/ L ,i lui,) and on oath stated that the facts here above stated are true to the best of 7,. knowledge or belief. Sworn„ and� subscribed to before me on this " day of f /1 /11( U , 19c/ f; . r Y r S ti ts, ` r' k r IsC r' %1rd /{\ "' ' ` �' Notary Public in and for t he State of Texas My Commission Expires: ‘- Type / Print Notary's Name .Th/ 7 -.- - Cheatham& Associates December 1990 PROPOSED 1991 STREET EaRD PROGRN1 SCEMARY OF CCSTS: (1990 Prices) CALL : (Fran rave lbad to S.H. 114) Construoticn - $ 950,775.00 Utility Relocation - ..0- ItIght.-of-rAy - 142,800.00 Enginemmaing - 73,500.00 SUrveying - 44,500.00 Contirgency - 42,600.00 Subtotal $ 1,354,175.00 WHITE c8APET.4 (From S.H. 114 to F.M. 1709) Cornt=soltion - $ 725,830.00 Utility Relocatial 1 - -0- Rickt-at-Way 28,050.00 ErginewAring - 59,500.00 Sul-Yelling - 35,500.00 Contingency - 108.900.00 Subtotal. $ 957,780.00 PSYTCtiviaE: (FromFal. 1709 to Continental Blvd.) Construction - $ 267,525.00 Utility Re lccerticn - 115,500.00 Pight-of-Way - 178,155.00 Engineering - 35,750.00 Surveying - 20,250.00 Crintincpm=y - 57.500.00 - Subtotal $ 672,680.00 Tarn PROJECT COST = $ 2.984,635 2C 7% inflation = $ 3,200,000 =PAL B PRoastut Ccer = $ 3,200,000 Carroll & White Chapel - Corstruction =mists of cne-blf of a 64' bzuleirard section (2-12 lanes) Includiry' g drainage. Peytonville - Construction consists of 38' vide section tram P.M. 1709 south past . then 30' wide section to . Vicuthlake..o45 • The Allen /Buie Partnership DEC 1 21990 WEI December 10, 1990 Mr. Curtis Hawk City Manager City of Southlake 667 N. Carroll Avenue Southlake, TX 76092 Dear Curtis, - - The following is our projected cost estimate for the proposed bond issue for construction of a new municipal facility: 1. Site Purchase $250,000 2. Construction Contract for new facility $1,125,000 (15,000 s.f. @ $75 per s.f.) a. City Admin. & Council Chamber (5,000 s.f.) b. Public Works (3,000 s.f.) c. Finance (2,500 s.f.) d. Miscellaneous, including Public Areas, Toilets, Storage, Mechanical/Electrical (4,500 s.f.) 3. Site Development $150,000 (125 car parking, landscaping, utilities) 4. Furnishings and Equipment $125,000 5. Fees (Architectural, Engineering, Etc.) $100,000 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST $1,750,000 INFLATION CI TINGENCY $ 150,000 Sinc ely, $1,900,000 1/ ert E. Allen, FAIA REA /ja Arcnitec :s Planners Incorporatea ICCO Pe;Les Place Longview. Texas 7560 214, 753 - 5502 . _ _________ A __,.., •. /.., , , , ,.\. \ , , , _.0 -4/,',, \ . , / 4 / ,... \I i a. II I V ► I a ! '>> , ,, I Ai • �. to / �I E N j \\\\\.\\,, I - ---/. . . 1 I N u Li VI ] 0 I 2 Ill: r _OE_ m �--f o A A A w A 0 11 ill 1 ilia a T -} ' i 1 . a r • r W - • 1 ry 11 i . 111 t ! 1 ". ri y • f . r ` ,- ; r; ..� .! a F L . ncr �,y-0 • 1 r ✓ a tr f r .. 1 i? ■ t 41.-•1 " ` f .: ..' t • '_ r i J :t-, r r �` T - - • i i j •,t■ �k" �i � �j v^� ^ rl.r � rry : y I t J : �: " • • • r • YR{ .rw.� : !. • .•• ' T'i�:1 ' `. 1 f • i‘ ' . R•f x ' t.' 1 1 . ' j i? f + ; 1 s r l�� t s 'I M f r •_ y .. • . 1• f i \ ` �r t 1 _ L • .41°. r {� , � � tx . ._ i • . Y . 1 s.f I J II -e. 1' � � j T .� �'_ � j ' r v f f • i } , • i , , ' A ♦ 1 'r 11 { � 1 i a , • r i: 1- - e J S i i ! x /, ' N •` • • • . i f . ' • • ' ,r, i it t `T r 1 1 r y° .I Z :..: f .- 1/ t . ' M ;.a-.� Y A ' is - T s t i�fS ��M ...i r :! • '1'; _ 1 L: ' i '!'' S / ' . 7 - - ' 1-••i -� , ` Ili, ` X :. • Y , t :t ,'—k =!. -,- • � , r ' s z '' �f • . f Y I ' ' t a a �i ' L Y 1 ' t , t ,, • • . I 4 . .4T T ; t : F Ir t + � �Ty 1 . ! : . . I i ,. :: .. :. , .... . . ::: ti,:: , : ` - ..! :y..:41 .. ).. .:1 .,:: .._..::....,,,_; .,'.... 1 .. t 'LT. ,, .' , 1 - 1, . ,., .5, . .. 1, 1 , 7...: 1 ;:l . '„ , :.. " L' ..... 2 ...: ., ) 1'1: •01 e I •.1 3 t• r t, t • ,•: -i . -r i- f . . i r , ...- . .---..;.:f,-,..;. , .• f . -..! f t .{ 3 r • z •' ff `. .1 t r T � 'T t y ' r f { 1 _'' • •�' 1 ' \ •sM q! A.s �� s ue + i• �, ; a• :tai -. V# ' ;:. y i', - ty QS i � 'yYY' • , -% '� i { fi t ��� k T n fiC. " " ` "'' • '$ i Y r .% 3 - -ry A . • -7T j ti) - r � . :rJ � T z `; ■ . . „. _ • .i• i •a r . a' •I f � � t f • t ' i `� y •.ti i .� `l T A�i� J 1 ` t. � ' '. r r : fin t "l T t ,.• .. - 1 * y i•J. T2 !'_ .'i ' -- '- a ' 1 ::":::-.- „ r I '�r'r . c i=-- - - f i-'1 \ 21. ' -1\ Y n c,..., ,.......,, . , c. .,....1 3._ z . O r O > C 1 A 9 Q. V -1 "' a, /' - 01: 0 - - T � r ' / f i - "EYE � • 1 /, . �r j - r.- - - - - - -1- • -n - I ,, C — I P.� d ■ - *4 r ! , n i x " i n ‘.. & , • 4 . _____ TA. h on 1 .. gliL . . ..) . -4. q,k . / . 1 Iti■ ' 4 '` i . _ , ....... 0 _ , *4 • . i &iiII 1111111 ' __i_ i_.- ' - - -- 0 , ‘,..• ,._, --- 0 : 1 I ' L - HIIIIIII1.H1iIIttIII1I[E • �, N,� a-. s M E M O R A N D U M , � December 13, 1990 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Michael H. Barnes, Public Works Director SUBJECT: Change Order #1 for Modular Building Contract Attached is Change Order #1 in the amount of $7,305.35 for the additional improvements to the new City Manager's (Public Works old office) the new City Secretary's office, the new conference room (Curtis and Kim's old offices), Court Clerk and hallway. The attached change order outlines the work that was done which will bring the new contract amount to $ 76,059.35. This additional cost will be paid from the $200,000.00 contractual bond issue and is still within our budget. All work was priced before the work was started and was considered reasonable. Most of this work was planned to be included with the renovation that is to be performed upstairs, but it was felt that now would be the best time to get this work completed. Amtex was chosen to perform the work because they could start the work immediately after the Public Works Department moved out and because their prices were reasonable. The prices received were comparable to the prices that the City had received in the past. Please place this item on the Council's agenda for consideration . at t heir next meeting. MH /lc attachment: Amtex Change Order #1 t,+ty of ooutniaKe, i exas • CHANGE ORDER #1 Portable Prefabricated Structure for City of Southlake - City Hall December 13, 1990 1. ORIGINAL CONTRACT PRICE $ 68,754.00 2. Additional Work a. Move wall in new city manager's office, texture, paint and relocate electrical facilities. $ 1,500.00 b. Install and furnish new door for city secretary's new office. $ 380.00 c. Furnish and install vinyl covered gyprock over paneled walls in new city manager's office. $ 1,090.00 d. Furnish and install carpet and vinyl cove base in new city manager's office, city secretary's office, secretarial offices and court clerk office and tile in room next to court clerk. $ 2,210.35 e. Close off doorway to new city secretary's office and texture. $ 265.00 f. Remove wall in existing city manager's office, relocate door to new wall, install new wall, relocate electrical switch and light and furnish and install carpet. $ 2,075.00 Total Additional Work $ 7,520.35 3. Deduct Work Credit on carpet in original contract $ - 215.00 Total Deduct Work $ 215.00 Total Additional Cost for Change Order #1 $ 7,305.35 REVISED CONTRACT PRICE . . . . $ 76,059.35 1 Lwity 01 7ouJinias e, I exas M E M O R A N D U M December 13, 1990 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Michael H. Barnes, P.E., Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Exiting and Entering Trophy Club from T.W. King Road The Public Works Department was asked to briefly analyze the effect of traffic flow entering and exiting Trophy Club from T.W. King Road (see attached map). The two major factors that will affect Southlake are the traffic flow (vehicles per day) and drainage facilities. There exist a 48" pipe culvert on the west side of T.W. King Road where the flow of traffic enters and exits Trophy Club. It is not known at this time whether or not this pipe is adequate for. - existing or ultimate flows. It appears to be adequate at this time. The major factor is the amount of traffic flow that comes from Trophy Club. Traffic counters were placed on the north and south sides of the exiting points on T.W. King Road. The average flow from Trophy Club was 1,325 vehicles per day (1,302 V. Friday, 1,157 V. Saturday, 1,540 V. Sunday and 1,299 Monday). There were less than 100 vehicles per day north of the entrance on T.W. King Road. It should be noted that if development were to start up in this area of Trophy Club, material suppliers would probably use this entrance. This existing entrance and exit point is not an existing or future location of a dedicated road. The curb has been filled with dirt to form a ramp to make it easier for the cars. The result of this non - planned entrance and exit point is additional traffic load to T.W. King Road from Trophy Club. It should be pointed out that T.W. King Road is in very poor condition. If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact me. MHB /lc Abfb City of Southlake, Texas M E M O R A N D U M 9b27 December 13, 1990 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Michael H. Barnes, P.E., Director Public Works SUBJECT: Revise Oak Hill Developer's Agreement - Park Fees In the original Oak Hill Developer's Agreement, the developer agreed to install a 3/4 mile jogging trail in the park and resurface and paint the existing tennis courts. It was anticipated that the cost of these two projects would be less than the required park fee of $20,500.00 for Phase I. When the bids came in for the jogging trail ($15,150.00) and tennis courts ($4,509.00), the total cost came in under $20,500.00. However, the bidder for the jogging trail backed out of their agreement with the developer when they didn't get the contract for paving the subdivision. The contractor who is installing the streets has submitted a bid of $$24,076.80 for the 3/4 mile jogging trail. In the developers agreement, the City and developer agreed that if the cost for the jogging trail and tennis courts exceeded $20,500.00, "the Developer will confer with the City and decide who and by what manner the overrun will be paid." Therefore, the developer is requesting that the jogging trail be installed at his cost for $24,076.80 and that he be credited the cost overrun ($24,076.80 + $4,500.00 = $28,576.80 - $20,500.00 = $8,076.80) of $8,076.80 to his Phase II park fees. The total park fees for the entire project is $37,500.00. If the Council agrees to credit the developer the overrun cost of $8,076.80, the developer would have a park fee obligation of $8,923.20 for Phase II. Please place this on the Council's next agenda for consideration. MHB /lc 1 1 ~_ , „ Please give each prospective provider a numerical score of 1 to 5 for each of the points of consideration listed below, 1 being the lowest rating and 5 being the highest rating. `~ 1. education program , 2. price , 3. committment to recycling . , [ A 4. services provided (types of materials accepted, ~ i� possibility of future increases in this area) °4 ^� � � ` \ w / 5. overall program (frequency of pick equipment provided, � ` ease of use for citizens, anything else you want to |�'� i nc l uoe t�at �oesn't seem to �1t anywhere else!) r ° �� �� ' ' �_ ^. 11) LAIDLAW: '|�� �� ' '*°` :04, 1 -~ '' ~ �~ 2. _. ..k w ' ^ L' 3. C " ���� °� � 4. -~ r S. ^ ^ �■ 5. ^" '��^ . N.- ° � ' BFI: ' p�0��� 1 i T. 2. is , 3. 4. �� „ '1 f. 5. ~' - �v , / �- � ^. CITY GARBAGE: �� > `, ( ` 1. ? V. | ~.��'�'� 2. \ y — ',v' , , ; 3 � . � �� ,. 4 / ` 1 | '�' ^ ' `' �\��� ^ '` 5 '� `-_ PLEASE include comments whenever you wish! ^ ~" ' . . � .^ / ' r Y l� ,- �% - . ' . ` - ,! � ' � , ` ' � �� ' � � �~ ' `-�� - � . . -� ~ ' � L. �r ' � � � -_ ` w ' - ' � ,- -''� • . */ -' w ,���� �� ~ - | -- �-' -- - | ^ ' iI � Please give each prospective provider a numerical score of 1 to 5 for each of the points of consideration listed below, 1 ~ � being the lowest rating and 5 being the highest rating. ~�• 1. education program J 2. price 3. committment to recycling ` r ' ° 4. services provided (types of materials accepted, li. _ possibility of future increases in this area) > ' ' `^,\ / � 5. overall program (frequency of pick up, equipment provided, 1 *_, ease of use for citizens, anything else you want to It include that doesn't seem to fit anywhere else!) L 4 . ' ) '�r . k - 2 t ■ 5 %. e et , lir 7 p t 1 e r r 7 y$ I is, et * 1. .1... 4 ' S --- 7?tel itgi4 7;igive dvifileTeier,- ovE mfAir • :::, 4! \`)Pc. - 'i , - 7 i ...''' 1" i I .,,, � ' m ��^��� °' ' | �� � ^ ~��`* � �w4 | � A , , _~ . ,_ _________ ` 0 Please give each prospective provider a numerical score of 1 N to 5 for each of the points of consideration listed below, 1 being the lowest rating and 5 being the highest rating. 1. education program 2. p rice 3. committment to recycling ' 1 ° 4. services provided (types of materials accepted, ' � possibility of future increases in this area) * '=( / � 5. overall program (frequency of pick up, equipment provided, -� ease of use for citizens, anything else you want to Nsc include that doesn't seem to fit anywhere else!) ■ . �� " 47/ � �~�. � .�� ' ^ L �~--- - ' - ' ^-� �� ' f ^ ��� '�- LAIDLAW: — � . �� �� I. ' -� ` `° . _ �� � l m 2. � ~_ X _~ �^«�, ^� ~ / _ _^_ _ _ _` _~ ' � ` � 3. -° - �. /�{�� �� :.''''' ~.�' 4. «~ /» 7-w�Y_ �~~+~.��/ »~-~ ~, ~�_°^ __�_� °___ ~_ ~, �: 5 ~/ ~ � ° � ~~--~' - --^_.==~~_- ',~ - ~~^. ' ' '. ' \ � �. BFI: ~- �� � 1 . iS1 ' _ ,~ ..--(---v— / / f� � �m~m- ��"�0m�.�_ �� - 3' S --' ~�~~~��- ;y fri--tA..27,,gl-.4 ' . * . ~ \ �� " ` '� /«-*~ �^���ww�-�� � �� o T - - ^ �/ -- '_ /y - , v �� ' + . / ~ tA -. 2. vadeAtoidArci? -1/ Atfr 6-e-A/7 ' /& r , L 'e l- "t 4 #'"" . g--- 21 a A rer7 t- j1 1- . ' `' - / w ^� -� � ~- � ,����� �� � | � — --- | ____-_' , ,.. r y,„,,,,, Please give each prospective provider a numerical score of 1 t to 5 for each of the points of consideration listed below, 1 being the lowest rating and 5 being the hig rating. ' 1. education program 0 °� 2. price 3. committment to r ecycl in g ' 4. services provided (types of materials accepted, possibility of future increases in this area) � 5. overall program (frequency of pick equipment provided, 7:::)44,,, �� ease of use for citizens, anything else you want to include that doesn't seem to fit anywhere else!) * .' � ' ` / 4- `' '- LA IDLAW: ^^� ���`��~ 1. C ^?1��r»ki^' ^ -~ 2 �� . � w . . , `� � � / ' ' 3. ���� ,�x�- �/u�_ 44---6± t ,~ �/1� e�`.n-x�^�o_^ ~~ 4 «� v '� / � ^� ��r J^ *v , �� ~ ' � �. 5 . � � /// �� ���zx��^�u °^- '~ � , �1 \ 4-1,..,_, 4 . �� ' ' /77�[� `,' ,w4,,, k.„) ,?,, - B F I : i /644 4-A.c4.4, X.a.teLtec 1 4 , . Pp-6..tjc, kg.LCutt-t , ,..._ C I T Y IIi A 1:;:! F3 A 1..-:.i E 1 1111A ;-<-41, 4 -- . -'1 / 1 -- I - -1 -I ituide.., - ck1 /1-1- -1--fl tkiLit-i .., , , i ,1 - ' 'I''' ,„: h : ') : : - , ' -, 2 . I ' etai-4-ck" A-t-t- A-t LA--) - KG r-12-6-4- \ - 7h.L., pkt ai 13 Fl COUsk,— , . 4 i l ■ 1 - ' ,,,. A . w���� ~- ��^ ��� " | • vo- n OIW .,F r~. 1 d 1 ty,÷ Cl -m1-Q- �m amt 4k,ct, 4) /Lt.) a - a ' v c u �. a -e c.k., th.C - k.e. `y ee_ coat- nAj 0.4-tuA, ./rth--u-Letroc4) 4 or 4o TA-- of.A. " Ak/ 4,k ta, 44L-it. t irtIGL-4.1&1_ Olw � ^ |` • | N ,..1 Please give each prospective provider a numerical score of 1 ~ " to 5 for each of the points of consideration listed below, 1 / being the lowest rating and 5 being the highest rating. -- tlib 1. education program 2. pric °~ Ob 3. committment to recycling - �V A 4. services provided (types of materials accepted, ` L possibility of future increases in this area) �� ^ / - 5. overall program (frequency of pick equipment provided, ' ease of use for citizens, anything else you want to t - include that doesn't seem to fit anywhere else/ * . - . , ^. !' ' ',^.- ".^^ LAIDLAW: - �- ` �0 1. °f , ‘ m' 2^ is___ ` 3 ^ ����� �� ^ ' 4. ^/ ~ ��� 5. -2-- - � � \,_ �. BFI: r' ,� �" *» ~, ` 1. .5 ` � + ~ . L._-- 3. � � Ap i� � 4 ^f 4. . / � : .:4, � � . 5' 2.-- '^ / .�� ` -� CITY GARBAGE: ~ k��� `' 1. Z �� ~�� 2. �: ' ,T.:: -/ ^ ^ �� •� . ^_` � t °) 4. ^f 5 7...-- include comments whenever you wish! ,‘ .,...4 '^' vs „,,,,,,,, ...:„..t 4 .. ..1...,...,-,..,..,,t..fr . ,,_ _ , ... .,..„....,..„,,,,,,,,. ]� � V' ” *-.; .'-'''; . , 4 :: „, ,,,...,..„,,„ .,,......,, ., , ,::.4.5.14r,,:-..yi,... , :� - ` r ' '��� ' ' ' � - ���' .f , � �~ +�-� , L `� � \,. - � ' rd. It '���'~~'-,� ' ' �~° - ' .` � ~ ` - ' ^'~ ,_, _- � '� ^ - � � '� '- - w��" � , ' ����L ~�� , | �^ ~�~~~ ^ ^= �`~=~ | ...._____....... , . . . . Please give each prospective provider a numerical score of 1 to 5 for each of the points of consideration listed below, 1 , ........0 , . being the lowest rating and 5 being the highest rating. 1. edLic at o o ' i n pr g am [ 2. price 3. committment to recycling ,.. I. 4. services provided (types of materials accepted, ) .k, possibility of future increases in this area) i 1 I t 5. overall program (frequency of pick-up, equipment provided, --: ease of use for citizew.L, anything else you want to • r t 4 include that doesn't seem to fit anywhere else!) .P.i. 1.„. V ' 4 + 1) 4 ' ... I , ■ , \ ' LAIDLAW: .1,..f.? 1 '.\• ' ... , .....-. , ,) s.. ■ 17 it ...N l % - 2 . 5 jkL5 cor-,Apa, seer 4,„ h ave develop 4...5 a ,, e_o -tom i Z. e 1 proara_04 ., s „ 4-4._[cd‹e., 6 ,,,,,e 5. 5 , , ' are_ () 1 Ohl , 4 ix) 1 Qv e5.4- a._ la cy e Cc si-Ao c i elf a F it . . , 4 hi° ilej 4. je_ 6 0 ,..) - f h (ct. Ke i'76 k . 1. 4 ,,..... / L ITY GARBAGE: OA 1 lt Il • 1 - , 4,_ .1 - - r(44. • - ... vg rr . • 4' ,44— Pi ABE. 1 ri IL: I Li d e comm ell t S whenever yoll W j. S; h I . ''''''' F • .' , (71 . . ift, 4 : Al - ''. , „, ' .. ,, j : _ , Is • ' ,.., , % f.-• ....',"` "... "ilt ' '', > li 4IiiP" • • .s. on ti 1.: ..a.: ASP- _ _-_____�~.^-~-~.--~-~��~~^_-' |` 1 0 I ^ Please give each prospective provider a numerical score of 1 to 5 for each of the points of consideration listed below, 1 C being the lowest rating and 5 being the highest rating. 1. education program 2. price 3. committment to recycling . ` / � 4. services provided (types of materials accepted, �, ^ possibility of future increases in this area) ...-., ` ! . * ./ v r 5. overall program (frequency of pick-up equipment provided, �� . ' 1 ease of use for citizens, anything else you want to include that doesn't seem to fit anywhere else!) �� ^- ' " ' ' 4 . ii ' ' - `. ' ` � �� LAIDLAW: ' ~ � ?w�' l . ^ -~~ 1 . ' � �~ ~~~- ,/ .�� ` qc +�K`„ , .^» 3. » w�t ~��' ' 4 I / a == ^~� ■ ^ / �K � ~« .� ,° 5 _ ^^ �-� A O u�' /�e��.�' �,�� _ . - . - _, � "-/ .� � ^ \ � J��` wc�� ���.�� ' J / / �' L �_~ _ � � � BFI: / 2 . �' ' ��/ / �� / v ^ � 4 ` v ��c~ �1���� �� w - ' J �' 5. / -�/u '� / / � - A '''/ �� ^~ ' CITY ^ ^ ^ �c,^ - zy ' ^ ,� � ° �'�+�'� 1 �x�m � ^� »r u~~,-~� / . ' �^ ` ~ ,1%,.'7'. '` 2. u, ' ^ '0� 3. ' ' ' � c �� ~ f ''� a4/u\ ,--t '� �� ' " --= v *° 4 - � , ' -� r� � ^ '/ � / /��L�� �x�/ �) 5 . / / ' '~- �'~=---~- ~^-�-- ^ �^ e °..4 4 � . Q_�' , '`c . ^~�� ( n - � '' ' -~ / .- „ . ., - 1 ' . - 1-- "* . - 44e. . , , 'I ' ...4 L., ie„t^, t,,, ''''M ,:. 7 . 4, ■ j ,, ,, , 0 -, :-.,- dt k !,;". itui-, ,.. , > , ,-, - ' �� �����~ � �|~ 4 J ! t — December 12, 1990 Dear Environmental Task Force members, i In the never-ending battle to provide our beloved city with a curbside recycling program, you are now being asked to � analyze the programs submitted to the city through a proposal request. ~ '�� Yes, you're right. We already did this. But now we are �� }^ :� going to do it again in a more formal manner. The city � ` ^ council would like to be able to compare, for themselves, the �'�� various programs available to Southlake. They will then, I THINK, decide r •'' ~ ■ * i 1. whether or not our city WANTS curbside recycling � 4.'"q ,� ' 2. which provider is best suited to our city's needs .y ' ` , In order to assist the council members in this matter, Task � | � Force members will assign a numerical rating to each of the • '/ v lr-8`� p rogra ms submi for c onsideratio n. ` - • k fit, You have already heard from these people in person, t , n, a our ' - ` meetings. What you see in the formal proposals may differ ~~ �� -��. °' from what you heard o r iginally. My opinion is that this is '` ^ , . 4 \ , . ` due to increased compe in the tras b us i ness -- �»' everybody wants our business very badly. Please use the ;A information :in the proposals as well as your original ' �� � impressions when you assign your ratings. «`' • , , � Each of the providers that submitted formal proposals are, I -Ai believe, committed to serving Southlake. They have each �. � attempted to design a program which w i l l meet our needs. ^" „e'.'.'41,.: Since we submitted our original report to the city council, ' , ^ ' BFI and City Garbage have redesigned their programs in order ^mw -^ t 11� o rema i n i n contention for our recycling pr d . may wish to look closely at these proposals. . changes are VERY positive. Laidlaw's proposal has ��' � | �^ •� ` essentially remained the same, which is appropriate, since , �. �� � . � 'x� our original report supported their proposal. ‘„ |n t 1l1 b sked to consider come directly from + •, �` � ^ our original process. Please call me if you ' c �`� questions about our past discussions or impressions. . ...Alt* • _ ' � �� ` ` � " ~ .. - � .6. ° • ^ ' .- _�� - • �� '� - ` � - � � .� �- 1 » � . `u��".] �� _ � � � . . � _ ' ._ �^ ` v�� ,���~~~ -"..,.• ' `_~° - • �� . � xv `- ' ' ' ` � � ' 1 - w � ���� ' . ' '�� | �° / Stephen and Karen Apple DEC 11 1990 2819 Rainforest Court Sout ia.ke, Texas 76092 -8 782 OFFICE OF CITY SECRETARY'S December 6, 1990 Ms. Sandra LeGrand Mr. Art Sorenson City of Southlake 667 Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas 76092 Dear Sandy and Art: Since I have been appointed to the Planning and Zoning Commission, I hereby offer my resignation from the Zoning Board of Adjustments. It has been my pleasure to serve the city on the ZBA and look forward to working with the members again in the future. Sincerely, Stephen W. Apple City of Southlake, Texas M E M O R A N D U M December 13, 1990 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Michael H. Barnes, Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Street Department Monthly Report - November 1990 The attached report details the Street Department activities for the month of November 1990. This report is to be included in the City Council packets for their December 18, 1990 meeting. 4 MHB /lc City of Southlake, Texas M E M O R A N D U M December 12, 1990 TO: Michael H. Barnes FROM: Ron Morain SUBJECT: Monthly Report for Street Department November 1990. The Street Department repaired potholes per schedule using 100 tons of cold mix. Shoulder work was done on South Carroll Avenue using 200 tons of Flex base. Ditch cleaning was completed on Sam School Road. Repairs to Summerplace were continued with curb and gutter being replaced and rock back filled for street. The ground water on Summerplace has delayed completion of the surface. Ditch cleaning was completed on South Peytonville at West Continental Blvd. Sign repair work was accomplished as required using 8 Stop signs, 4 Speed Limit signs, 24 No Parking signs, 28 post and related clamps and bolts. Routine maintenance was performed as required to Street vehicles. 1 RM /cbk V -6 ZONING DEPARTMENT FEE REVENUE For the Month Ending 30 November 1990 Zoning $ 300.00 No. of Cases (3) Platting 1,450.00 No. of Cases (3) Board of Adjustment (Includes Appeal, Special Exception Use, and Variance Requests) 150.00 No. of Cases (3) Specific Use Permit .00 No. of Cases 0 Site Plans 300.00 No. of Cases (3) Misc. Income (Includes Maps and Ordinance Copies) 88.45 No. of Receipts (6) Total Revenue $ 2,288.45 Total No. of Receipts (17) /. J Q v ce sr) W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • • . . ?- 0 0 0 1-- Q 'O tC) - N}-- < O J }.- J C ti CC le) •C •-• 0 0 C00 00 00 = _ 0 00 . . c cfr a c 1- O o u r--I- - - C t LJ 0 0 000 0 0 0 >-F- 00 000 00 0 • 1- 0 Vi < O C eC y. e 0 g 00 0 0 O V! 0 co co co Lc) co co _O 2 F = co ^ ‘1 O W •-• Y 1- -J Lia CC C 0 o 0 W W 1-C 0 C C L 2< VI 0 }• - =} 00 000 00 0 ti 2 J E 00 000 00 0 O < = N LJ F- • • • • . • • • P.. 0 N - tel 0 z N J F ---- C = V C 0 = 0. 1-• 0 000 00 0 • • • • . . lie = L) � VI I- 00 000 00 0 ...Z • a • • • • • = O 2 0 S-+ N r) 1- Z aft lei Ilk * 0 d 1 000 la 2 g JJJCC O W .+ Nt�ta.t�0 H <N W 1• -1JJJ W1-W .-J 002 2JJ-1W 1.1 2 . --1 C 0WW 0eCCC ' 1 ' 4 2WC i OC jmGOt+ -• OCVi 0 FIRE SERVICES MONTHLY REPORT November, 1990 PREVENTION ACTIVITIES *Prevention Class Number - Students Reached Plan Review Age Group Totals 0 -5 25 Commercial /Mercantile 2 6 -12 32 Industrial 1 13 -18 0 Assembly 0 Adult 16 Residential 0 Subdivision Review 1 *Inspections /Plan Review Inspections Pre -fire Planning /Engine Commercial /Mercantile 1 Engine Company Inspection 0 Industrial 2 TOTAL 4 Assembly 0 Residential 0 TOTAL 3 FIRE SUPPRESSION ACTIVITIES *Incidence Response Fire Exposure N/A Structure Fire 1 Fire Loss $2,550 Automobile Fire 1 Brush /Grass Fire 3 Equipment Used MVA 8 Engines 15 Good Intent 9 Attack 23 False Alarm 2 Ladder 1 Mutual -Aid Ambulance 2 Given 3 Grass /Brush Unit 8 Received 2 Feet of hose used: Medical Assistance 8 Reel 80' Hazardous Materials 1 1 -3/4 500' Smoke Scare 0 2 -1/2 0 Rescue Call 2 Ground ladder /feet 0 Other 1 ' )TAL 39 EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES ACTIVITIES Equipment Used 1 Ills-for-Service Transport 18 Ambulance Miles Traveled 823 No Transport 14 Monitor /Difibulator 7 ' )TAL 32 Thumper 0 Suction 1 Type of Call I.V. Therapy 9 Medical Emergency Spinal Immobilzer 10 Cardiac 1 Traction Splinting 0 Respiratory 1 Bandaging 2 Sick Call 4 Splinting 1 Neurological 2 Intubation 2 TOTAL 8 Drug Therapy 3 Oxygen Therapy 8 rauma Emergency Injured Person 3 Training otor Vehicle Accident 9 CPR - Classes Taught 0 Industrial Accident 0 Total Students 0 DTAL 12 No.Pers. No. Hrs. Total Manhours Paid 9 S0 89 414 Volunteer 15 27 148 Report Date: 12/05/90 Page 1 Report Nmbr:UFF0300 OFFENSES BY OFFENSE DESCRIPTION FROM 11/01/90 TO 11/30/90 Offense Offense Officer Property Date Number Detective Stolen POE MOE Status Offenses for A6G ASSAULT 11/09/90 901090 111 / 140 0 0 A 11/14/90 901109 141 / 140 0 0 A Offenses for ATTEMPTED SUICIDE 11/23/90 901127 144 / 140 0 0 A Offenses for AUTO THEFT 11/02/90 901068 114 / 133 D 0 0 A Offenses for BURGLARY (R) 11 /01/90 901059 141 / 140 - F— 1 - 67 -A 11/30/90 901148 114 / 140 BFGK 1 67 A Offenses for BURGLARY M/V 11/13/90 901105 141 / 999 F 0 0 A Offenses for CINS 11129/90 901144 132 / 133 0 0 A 0 es for CITY ORD VIOLATION 11/05/90 901077 114 / 0 0 A 11/05/90 '301078 134 / 0 0 A Offenses for CRIMINAL MISCHIEF 11/06/90 901082 144 / 140 0 0 A 11/08/90 901088 147 / 140 0 0 A 11/19/90 901121 143 / 133 K 0 0 A 11/21/90 901125 144 / 133 0 0 A 11124/90 901130 144 / 133 0 0 A 11/29/30 901143 146 / 133 0 0 A 11/23190 901128 / 0 0 A Offenses for CRIMINAL TRESPASS 11/24/90 901134 114 / 140 0 0 A Offenses for DISORDERLY CONDUCT 11/24/90 901129 119 / 999 0 0 A Offenses for DOG BITE 11/05/90 901079 114 / 133 0 0 A Offense: for DWI 11/02/30 901G7 111 / 133 0 0 CA 11/14/90 901110 111 / 140 0 0 CA port Date: 12/05/90 Page 2 rteport Nabr: OFF0300 OFFENSES BY OFFENSE DESCRIPTION FROM 11/01/90 TO 11/30/90 Offense Offense Officer Property Date Number Detective Stolen POE MOE Status fenses for DWI 11/16/90 901112 119 / 140 0 0 CA 11/12/90 901102 134 / 133 0 0 CA :bfenses for OWLS 11/07/90 901086 111 / 133 0 0 CA 11/26/90 901137 146 / 133 0 0 CA Offenses for FOUND PROPERTY 11/02/90 901065 143 / 140 0 0 A 11/10/90 901093 132 / 999 0 0 C 11/12/90 901100 132 / 999 0 0 C 11124/90 901132 132 / 140 u 0 r; _:fenses for HARRASSMENT 11/29/90 901146 134 / 140 0 0 fenses for HIT & RUN ACCIDENT 11/10/90 901092 132 / 0 0 A 1 1/27/90 901141 144 / 140 0 0 A ulfenses for INJURED PERSON 11/13/90 901106 141 / 140 0 0 A fenses for PI 11/04/90 901070 147 / 999 0 0 CA 11/06/90 901081 132 / 0 0 CA Offenses for P055 DRUG PARAPHERNALIA 11/17/90 901114 146 / 140 0 0 CA ,:;fenses for P055 MARIJUANA 11/17/90 901117 114 / 999 0 0 CA fenses for RECKLESS CONDUCT 11/04/90 901072 134 / 140 0 0 A fenses for RECOVERED VEHICLE 11/26/90 901139 114 / 140 0 0 A fenses for RUNAWAY 11/04/90 901071 143 / 133 0 0 A - 'fenses for SIMPLE ASSAULT 11/20/90 301123 144 / 140 0 0 A Report Date: 12/05/90 Page 3 Report Nmbr: OFF0300 OFFENSES BY OFFENSE DESCRIPTION FROM 11101/90 TO 11/30/90 Offense Offense Officer Property Date Number Detective Stolen POE MOE Status Offenses for THEFT 20 /200 11/10/90 901095 147 / 133 I 0 0 A 11/19/90 901122 147 / 133 A 0 0 A 11/28/90 901142 132 / 999 I 0 0 U 11/29/90 901147 147 / 133 I 0 0 A Offenses for THEFT 200 /750 11/07/90 901084 141 / 140 K 0 0 A 11/09/90 901089 141 / 133 K 0 0 A 11/24/90 901133 144 / 140 FKC 0 0 A Offenses for THEFT 750/20,000 11/13/90 901104 143 / 133 JK 0 3 A Offenses for THEFT 0/20,000 11/16/90 901113 140 / 140 E 0 0 A Offenses for THEFT 0/20 11/02/90 901062 147 / 133 K 0 0 A 0 es for TRF VIOLATION 11/02/90 901064 111 / 999 0 0 CA 11/05/90 901074 139 / 399 0 0 CA 11/07/90 901083 139 / 0 0 CA 11/21/90 901124 139 / 999 0 0 CA 11/11/90 901097 139 / 999 0 0 CA 11/15/90 901111 139 / 0 0 CA 11/17/90 901115 139 / 140 0 0 CA 11/19/90 301119 139 / 140 0 0 CA 11/19/90 901120 139 / 140 0 0 CA 11/21/90 901126 139 / 999 0 0 CA 11125/90 901135 139 / 999 0 0 CA Offenses for TRF WRNT ARREST 11/02/90 901066 145 / 999 0 0 CA 11/04/90 901069 141 / 999 0 0 CA 11/01/90 901060 145 / 999 0 0 CA 11/02/90 901061 146 / 999 0 0 CA 11/02/90 901063 145 / 999 0 0 CA 11/05/90 901073 146 / 999 0 0 CA 11/05/90 901075 139 / 0 0 CA 11/05/90 901076 134 / 0 0 CA 11/24190 901131 132 i 999 0 0 CA 11/10/90 901094 143 / 999 0 0 CA 11/12/90 901098 108 / 999 0 0 CA F sort Date: 12/05190 Page 4 fit ort Nebr: OFF0300 OFFENSES BY OFFENSE DESCRIPTION FROM 1110'1/'90 TO 11130/90 3ffense Offense Officer rr;perty Date Nuvber Detective Stolen POE MOE Status ( lenses for TRF WRNT ARREST 11/12/90 901099 132 / 999 0 0 CA 11/12/90 901101 143 / 999 0 0 CA 11/13/90 901103 146 / 999 0 0 CA 11/19/90 901118 139 / 999 0 0 CA 11/14/90 901107 139 1 999 0 0 CA 11/26/90 901138 132 / 999 0 0 CA 11/25/90 901136 139 / 999 0 0 CA 11/27/90 901140 146 / 999 0 0 CA tenses for UCW 11/07/90 901085 111 / 133 0 0 CA 11/14/90 901108 134 / 140 0 0 CA ;..lenses for WARRANT ARREST 11/06/90 901080 146 / 0 0 CA 11/10/90 901091 127 / 0 0 CA 11/11/90 901096 108 / 0 0 CA 11/17/90 901116 111 / 140 0 0 CA 11/23/90 901087 144 / 999 0 0 CA 6,te,;ses for WRNT ARREST 11129/90 901145 129 / 999 0 0 CA tai Offenses Printed: 90 Arrests 51 Accidents 20 Alarm Calls 74 SOUTHLAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT WARRANT OFFICE MONTHLY REPORT • NOVEMBER , 1990 MUNICIPAL WARRANTS CURRENT MONTH PAST MONTH YTD WARRANTS ON HAND Beginning Count 602 571 N/A Received - - 0 83 861 Served 51 52 728 Purged 49 0 501 Ending Count 502 602 N/A FINES COLLECTED By Warrant Officer 5,613 4,645 74,808 By Other Agency 1,621 2,859 29,205 Total 7,234 7,504 104,013 ARREST /WARRANTS SERVED By Warrant Officer 37 23 507 By Other Agency 14 29 221 Total 51 52 728 INVESTIGATION DIVISION MONTHLY REPORT NOVEMBER 1990 NEW CASES ASSIGNED _43_ CURRENT ACTIVE CASES 55 CASES CLEARED: UNFOUNDED _4_ INACTIVATED /SUSPENDED 18 EXCEPTIONALLY CLEARED _8_ BY ARREST /CITATION 7_ WARRANT ACTIVITY: SEARCH WARRANTS OBTAINED _0_ SEARCH WARRANTS SERVED _0_ ARREST WARRANTS OBTAINED _5_ ARREST WARRANTS SERVED _5_ GENERAL ACTIVITY: MEETINGS ATTENDED 5 SURVEILLANCE TIME (approx) _4_hr PUBLIC SPEECHES /PRESENTATIONS _0_ CRIME SCENES WORKED _2__ SEIZURES FILED _0_ VALUE $ 0 SCHOOL /TRAINING SESSIONS 5 SOUTHLAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT PATROL DIVISION SUMMARY November 1990 CALLS FOR SERVICE 638 CITATIONS 644 PATROL 320 S.T.E.P. 324 ARRESTS 43 FELONY 4 MISD 39 ACCIDENTS 19 MINOR 14 MAJOR 5 44—/5- SPECIAL SERVICES REPORT NOVEMBER NOV: 1 Administrative Day 2 Administrative Day 5 Administrative Day* Security Survey 6 -7 Crime Prevention* D.A.R.E. Prep. Grant Writing Vehicle Markings 8 Visitation Carroll Middle School 64 visitation students 9 Grant Writing 12 Austin -Grant Writing Class ** Crime Watch Presentation 13 Administrative Day ** Department Meeting Worked Explosion on Lomesome Dove 14 Crime Prevention in Haltom City ** 15 Visitation Carroll Middle School 52 visitation students Grant Meeting in Grapevine P.T.O. 16 Administrative Day 17 Haz -Mat Training 19 Core Johnson Elem. 87 core students Visitation Johnson Elem. 18 visitation students 20 Core Carroll Elem. 71 core students 21 Grant Writing 22 Thanksgiving Holidays 23 Thanksgiving Holidays 26 Core Johnson Elem. 87 core students Visitation Johnson Elem. 63 visitation students 27 Range Visitation Johnson Elem. 57 visitation students 1/ —// SPECIAL SERVICES REPORT NOVEMBER NOV: 28 Core Carroll Elem. 71 core students 29 Visitation Carroll Middle School 12 visitation studnets 30 Administrative Day * Denotes days missed at elementary level due to ITBC testing. ** Denotes days missed at elementary level due to Cogat testing. V /7 D.A.R.E. VISITATION OFFICER /INSTRUCTOR SCHEDULE TOTAL CORE STUDENTS M. Bedrich 11/08/90 Officer /Instructor Day of Week Carrot 1 Middle School Mr Wtl ki nsn' Principa 1100 N. Carroll Address - Office Manager 481 - 2183 Telephone No. of kindergarten classes No. of 4th grade classes No. of lst grade classes No. of 5th grade classes No. of 2nd grade classes No. of 5/6 grade classes No. of 3rd grade classes No. of 6th grade classes TIME GRADE /ROOM # TEACHER 0815 -0910 6/5 Mrs Rapkoch 22 0915 -1010 6/5 Mrs Rapkoch 20 • 1015 -1110 6/5 Mrs Rapkoch 22 Nutrition to Lunch to v--/e D.A.R.E. 'VISITATION_. OFFICER /INSTRUCTOR SCHEDULE TOTAL CORE STUDENTS • M. Bedrich 11 1S A Officer /Instructor / Day of Week Carroll Middle Mr Wilkinson School Principal 1100 N. Carroll Address Office Manager 481 - 2183 Telephone No. of kindergarten classes No. of 4th grade classes No. of 1st grade classes No. of 5th grade classes No. of 2nd grade classes No. of 5/6 grade classes No. of 3rd grade classes No. of 6th grade classes TIME GRADE /ROOM f TEACHER 0815 -0910 7/17 Mrs Bryant 20 1250 -1345 8/17 Mrs Bryant 2n 1440 -1530 8 /CR Mrs Wayland 12 Nutrition to Lunch to V--/F D.A.R.E. 87 OFFICER /INSTRUCTOR SCHEDULE TOTAL CORE STUDENTS M. Bedrich 11/ - 19/9 Week Officer /Instructor y of Johnson Elem. Mrs Cousions School Principal 1300 N. Carroll M Stansell Address - Of fice Manager 481 - 2184 Telephone No. of kindergarten classes 5 No. of 4th grade classes No. of lst grade classes 5 No. of 5th grade classes _4 No. of 2nd grade classes 5 No. of 5/6 grade classes No. of 3rd grade classes 5 No. of 6th grade classes TIME GRADE /ROOM # TEACHER 0830 -0930 5 /Core Mrs ,larnhsPn 0930 -1030 5 /Core Mrs JarnhsPn 1330 -1430 5 /Core Mrs ,larnhsPn 1430 -1520 5 /Core Mrs 1larnhsPn Nutrition to Lunch to 92 U VISITATION OFFICER /INSTRUCTOR SCHEDULE TOTAL CORE STUDENTS M. Bedrich 11/19/90 Officer /Instructor Day of Week Johnson Elem. Mrs Cousions School Principal 1300 N. Carroll Mrs Stansell Address Office Manager 481 - 2184 Telephone No. of kindergarten classes 5 No. of 4th grade classes 5 No. of lst grade classes 5 No. of 5th grade classes 4 No. of 2nd grade classes 5 No. of 5/6 grade classes No. of 3rd grade classes 5 No. of 6th grade classes TIME GRADE /ROOM # TEACHER 1345 -1415 _ 3/304 Mrs Cnnkcay 18 • Nutrition to Lunch to Y--.2 D.A.R.E. 71 OFFICER /INSTRUCTOR SCHEDULE TOTAL CORE STUDENTS M. Bedrich 11/20/90 Officer /Instructor Day of Week Carroll Elem. Mrs Henderson School Principal 1705 W. Continental Mrs Address - Office Manager 481 - 8899 Telephone No. of kindergarten classes 2 No. of 4th grade classes 4 No. of 1st grade classes 3 No. of 5th grade classes 3 No. of 2nd grade classes 3 No. of 5/6 grade classes No. of 3rd grade classes 3 No. of 6th grade classes TIME GRADE /ROOM # TEACHER 0815 -0900 5 /Core Mrs Heath 0900 -0945 5 /Core Mrs Harding • 0945 -1030 5 /Core Mrs England Nutrition to Lunch to —a� D.A.R.E. R7 OFFICER /INSTRUCTOR SCHEDULE TOTAL CORE STUDENTS M. Bedrich 11/26/90 Officer /Instructor Day of Week Johnson Elem. Mrs Cousions School Principal 1300 N. Carroll Mrs Stansell Address - Office Manager 481 - 2184 Telephone No. of kindergarten classes 5 No. of 4th grade classes 5 No. of 1st grade classes 5 No. of 5th grade classes 4 No. of 2nd grade classes 5 No. of 5/6 grade classes No. of 3rd grade classes 5 No. of 6th grade classes TIME GRADE /ROOM # TEACHER 0830 -0930 5 /Core Mrs Jacobsen 0930 -1030 5 /Core Mrs Jacobsen 1330 -1430 5 /Core Mrs Jacobsen 1430 -1520 5 /Core Mrs Jacobsen Nutrition to Lunch to 44023 VISITATION D.A.R.E. OFFICER /INSTRUCTOR SCHEDULE TOTAL CORE STUDENTS M. Bedrich 11/26/90 Officer /Instructor Day of Week Johnson Elem. Mrs Cousions School Principal • 1300 N. Carroll Mrs Stansell Address - Office Manager 481 - 2184 Telephone No. of kindergarten classes 5 No. of 4th grade classes 5 No. of lst grade classes 5 No. of 5th grade classes 4 No. of 2nd grade classes 5 No. of 5/6 grade classes No. of 3rd grade classes 5 No. of 6th grade classes TIME GRADE /ROOM # TEACHER 1045 -1115 4/403 Mrs Hix 20 1130 -1200 4/403 Mrs Anders 22 • 1215 -1245 1/102 _ Mr�Miller 21 Nutrition to g--0? Lunch to VISITATION D.A.R.E. • OFFICER /INSTRUCTOR SCHEDULE TOTAL CORE STUDENTS M. Bedrich 11/27/90 Officer /Instructor Day of Week Johnson Elem. Mrs f'oi s; n School arinci 1300 N. Carroll Mrs Sta sell Address Office Manager 481 - 2184 Telephone No. of kindergarten classes 5 No. of 4th grade classes No. of 1st grade classes 5 No. of 5th grade classes 4 No. of 2nd grade classes 5 No. of 5/6 grade classes No. of 3rd grade classes 5 No. of 6th grade classes TIME GRADE /ROOM f TEACHER 1215 -1245 1/103 Mrs James 1Q 1300 -1330 2/206 Mrs Wilkinson 2n • 1345 -1415 3/304 Mrs CooksPy 1R Nutrition to Lunch to �aS 71 D.A.R.E. OFFICER /INSTRUCTOR SCHEDULE TOTAL CORE STUDENTS M. Bedrich 11/28/90 Officer /Instructor Day of Week Carroll Elem. Mrs Henderson School Principal 1705 W. Continental Mrs Address Office Manager 481 - 8899 Telephone No. of kindergarten classes 2 No. of 4th grade classes 4 No. of 1st grade classes 3 No. of 5th grade classes 1 No. of 2nd grade classes 3 No. of 5/6 grade classes No. of 3rd grade classes 3 No. of 6th grade classes TIME GRADE /ROOM # TEACHER 0815 -0900 5 /Core Mrs Heath 0900 -0945 5 /Core Mrs Harding 0945 -1030 5 /Core Mrs Fngland Nutrition to Lunch to Vf oZ6 VISITATION D.A.R.E. OFFICER /INSTRUCTOR SCHEDULE TOTAL CORE STUDENTS M. Bedrich 11/28/90 Officer /Instructor Day of Week Carroll Elem. Mrs Henderson School Principal 1705 W. Continental Mrs Williams Address Office Manager 481 -8899 Telephone No. of kindergarten classes 2 No. of 4th grade classes 4 No. of 1st grade classes 3 No. of 5th grade classes 3 No. of 2nd grade classes 3 No. of 5/6 grade classes No. of 3rd grade classes 3 No. of 6th grade classes TIME GRADE /ROOM # TEACHER 1245 -1315 1/101 All Firtt Gracie 47 Nutrition to Lunch to y a D.A.R.E. VISITATLON OFFICER /INSTRUCTOR SCHEDULE TOTAL CORE STUDENTS • M. Bedrich 11/29/.9(1 Officer /Instructor Day of Week Carroll Middle Mr Wilk'nsnn School Pr{ n c i pal 1100 N Carroll Address - Office Manager 481 Telephone No. of kindergarten classes No. of 4th grade classes No. of 1st grade classes No. of 5th grade classes No. of 2nd grade classes No. of 5/6 grade classes No. of 3rd grade classes No. of 6th grade classes TIME GRADE /ROOM # TEACHER 1440 -1530 _ 8 /CR Mrs Wayland 12 • Nutrition to Lunch to Lf a z c a AE0 O NU)o-iO N O O O r CD ri%V r O O i O) rl U) r♦ 1-4 M N r-I ri ri Cr ri • V. 4 E U CD 0 6 ) O Ui N N to 0� o co o c M N O M V) ? V) M Cp Lc, a.. N M 0 H M to W H • a <4 w 41 E4 4.A N(Ori -C C � tl)OOt[)N %/ 01 ri O M ri N E %V N M N %1 U0 O CO rl O N 11) N 00 � . ^ r1 rl (0 A 41 0 til El 44 CON4er 00N%M CD 01N0000 Tr ri OUl dI M rl a0 Tr Q C0 N N N M M M 00 ri 00 to N M C- V) ri M N ri ri 01 O 1=1' 2 E ,-+ E a Ct W C3 CO �rr E z 0 . Q z o r4 31 a '� - l - 4 0 4 0 ( 0 0 MMt- OO rr U)O 000 N o O O C.. N ri E R a) CO n P1 i r1 ONN 0(0OM i`00U]OC�)O dt 00 O00 r+ O O N O O rl M N N ri N C- M� NNN0C+70N to TV 00.-IO Ord OM Tr N O N [� � ri N N N rl N E O ri 31 • H ri 0 co D 01 ri4 a H i o h w 1 z 31 O x H O W o z z z li 11 il ig Q g 0 g F..4 � t� o C.) F m u, 0 0 rn 1-4 U t/) W c 88°888 8 888888 88 88 8 8 8 8 8 � N TMC � r CO Og�C 8 0 E E- r-1 CO r i •-I . t o CO ,, N .-1 t() (/ M O N N .-1 0 1 • 8 �8�8 °° °8°888 88 88 8 8 . ri 41 1.1 0 �p • t� • • tri • 3) • 0� • 0 CO U1 N in el 'V+ d' C � O M N O N r-i M 0 N dr ri N dt M E. 0 . to CO . N O M N N N O N 0) ri 0 01 Q U3 M M M r-1 O to co r-1 to ri CD W E• • � w 88°888 8 08888 8 °0 88 8 8 8 8 M C �ccei (iTs ti 0) .:ti rn CO A N N C M ti A E. Q MN r-N N CDNTV r-i r1 Q1 0 �7 51 4' °88 • 8 . 888 88 8 co 0 0 LO . . 8 • W�7 Cam[ _OMI�h M ri00N O u 0 i1) O M M 0 to4 hri VV W N O Ori0 TV N N 00 N co rn rlTVUl CD O O MriTV O V' O co l� Cr) CO 0 N0 CO M r C M N .N-1 ri ri M N CO M 00 M E a) E r-1 M {{.3 M c4 ppppppp p p pp pp pp 8 p p 0 IQ Z Z [ 1 � 888088 8 �N°t!)888 88 88 8 8 8 8 N i {g, O D c O N t rz ;1 O N O .-+ u8•) . l CO N CO 0 ,y CO `' M ri .1 MN. TV ri M O t H R EA M r-i r-i ao w a • (jj O � O � O M dtN8888 00 00 8 8 8 00 N ',� Tr e-1 TV O I O TV ' 0 O CO O to M O M N M .-i 00 Cl CO 0 dt N 0 .-i O . 21 ri Cr) VV N C- tf) CD CO 1-1 N N O d' ri N M N ri ri tt7 N M Ca �t • ••8.8 • 8 .... . • • . • m r O i CV . 1 0 NNN to 4 •i M • 0 HAR 6 0 ri 0 Q F 0. M U3 g 6 M W y P4 E" H V g t-� g ' > 03 0 8 cd � t O O rif E 0 PI �. x a a 0 0 ~ (IN6 p ~~ `i �� ( :gyp ' „� w Z w IMM 1 MN 1 fI N E 1 U U co � 0 0 c en b 6 1 ,>) 8888888 8 8 8 (n:44 pp a W 00 O O 0 N 1-4 N n4 8888888 8 8 8 HU 0. .0M N '-1 co H 4. c9i co 88888 8 w ra r� VI x 14 H N 8 8 8 a 8 '" N tn O omen [M N N �NNtrc N ' D 7 1 • a W A888288 8 8 N �� ��iNC °+�irNi a � al vi C3 O w N � '���77 r er M (3) A co . "U E. CD N N N rl 0 co N t? CT) E' W O N rl m . x a a W a x x PI El M x M H 88 to 8 8 8 _ Cr) z Z O�a 00 N n CD t-C) N r iN I o M rl rl O 14 .e t0 ,-;c4%-7 O H 4-+ ¢ ¢ .-1 r1 H (/) •-.1 W O a a W M V)H 8888888 8 8 8 a = N CDN O O co co to N 00 . -1(DIN M IM N M . 1 . / - 1 1 0 . . - 11 . N V4 In N r-1 0 M e11 M h 8 S 8 S 8 8 HO1 r- OC1 � t N D {{ 11) °- O O ti �O.�nIM C" I M r4r1 M d , C CD riri TM M 00 T 6 ° W t; 0 ad Q 0 M N r I-1 6 0 Z M O w H ► + Q ,� l' pli w E. 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