667 N. Carroll Avenue
November 20, 1990 7:30 p.m.
COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor, Gary Fickes; Mayor Pro Tem, Betty
Springer. Members: Sally Hall, Rick Wilhelm, Jerry Farrier.
CITY STAFF PRESENT: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager; Michael Barnes,
Director of Public Works; Billy Campbell, Police Chief; Don Wilson,
Fire Chief; Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator; Eddie Cheatham, City
Engineer; E. Allen Taylor, City Attorney; and, Sandra L. LeGrand,
City Secretary.
INVOCATION: Councilmember Jerry Farrier.
The Regular City Council meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m.,
by Mayor Gary Fickes.
A~enda Item #2, Approval of Minutes
The Minutes of the City Council Meeting held
were approved as modified.
Motion: Wilhelm
Second: Springer
Ayes: Wilhelm, Springer, Hall, Farrier
Nays: None
Approved: 4-0 vote
on November 6, 1990,
The Minutes of the Special City Council
13, 1990, were approved as presented.
Motion: Wilhelm
Second: Springer
Ayes: Wilhelm, Springer, Hall, Farrier
Nays: None
Approved: 4-0 vote
Meeting held on November
Agenda Item #3, Mayors' Report
Mayor Fickes announced that the Tarrant County Mayor's Council
will be holding the annual Christmas Banquet soon. He asked that
Councilmembers consider attending.
The Mayor announced that Mr. Jim Devine has resigned from the
Planning and Zoning Commission, and asked the City Secretary to
advertise for applications to the board.
City Council Minutes
November 20, 1990
page two
Agenda Item ~3, Continued
The City Manager, Curtis Hawk, reported in regards to the FM 1709
Project, that he and Mayor Pro Tem Springer have attended several
meetings concerning the project. The Council offered several
months ago to assist the County in the legal work necessary to
proceed with the condemnations necessary to proceed with
acquisition of the right of way. He thinks after the meeting
yesterday, that the Commissioners Court will consider, possibly at
their next meeting, additional staff in the District Attorney's
Office to get through the title work. The County is concerned with
working with Southlake and Keller, (that the County doesn't do
something to get the priorities out of order). They feel if they
can get some additional help, they can get this project going, and
still keep the project on schedule.
Mayor Fickes reported that he had a conversation on Friday with Mr.
Ryke, Assistant District Attorney, who stated that we really aren't
in bad shape at this time. He feels that by March, it will be all
Councilmember Wilhelm stated that the Southlake Economic
Development Council is following up on the Chamber letter, writing
letters to elected officials in an effort to get FM 1709 completed.
Mayor Pro Tem Springer announced that she has had several
complaints on the Cable Television service, and would like for the
company to meet with Council and report what they will be doing to
improve the service to the citizens of Southlake.
Agenda Item #4, City Manager's Report
The City Manager reported that the traffic signals on State Highway
114 at White Chapel Blvd. and at Dove Road, are up (not operational
at this time).
Councilmember Sally Hall had questions in regards to "Austin Oaks"
addition, and what they are doing at this time with the ingress and
egress onto SH 114. Also, she thanked the concrete companies and
fuel terminals for complying with the various requests made by the
Councilmember Hall also asked that Council consider the "Ostrich
Farm" on South Kimball Avenue. The City Manager reported that the
Agricultural Department has reported to the City and stated that it
is an agricultural use. They will be sending the City a
seventy-seven (77) page report to that effect.
City Council Minutes
November 20, 1990
page three
Agenda Item #5, #6, #7, #8, #9- Consent A~enda
The consent agenda consisted of the following items:
Resolution 90-78, authorizing the City Manager to
execute the renewal Contract with the Fort Worth Star
Telegram as the legal publication for the City of
6. Resolution 90-79, calling a Special Election for
January 19, 1991.
Resolution 90-80, Approving the appointment of two
Police Reserve Officers.
Approval of a Letter Agreement with Carroll Independent
School District for Sanitary Sewer.
Resolution 90-81, authorizing the Mayor to execute a
contract with Cheatham and Associate for engineering on
sewer line for Carroll Independent School District.
Motion was made to approve the consent agenda, with
that agenda item #8 and #9 are approved contingent
Board approving agenda item #8.
Motion: Springer
Second: Hall
Ayes: Springer, Hall, Wilhelm, Farrier
Nays: None
Approved: 4-0 vote.
the exception
to the School
A~enda Item #10, Public Forum
Bruce Smith, Arvida, 1100 SouthRidge Blvd., Southlake.
Mr. Smith thanked the Police Department for assisting in the
SouthRidge Lakes addition. They have had a rash of thefts and the
department has always responded promptly. He wanted the record to
reflect their thanks.
Agenda Item #11, Contract for Waste Recycling
Buck Hubbard, 413 L.D. Lockett, Colleyville. He represents Lakeside
Sanitation. He is on the Solid Waste Task Force with the State and
they are studying recycling reduction "material separation at the
curb". He stated the company is willing to perform whatever the
city wishes in the recycling program. He presented information
which will be a part of the record.
Mickey Flood, 1364, LakeView Drive, Southlake. Vice President of
Waste Management Company. Mr. Flood made a presentation and also
presented information which will be a part of the record.
City Council Minutes
November 20, 1990
page four
Agenda Item #11, Continued
Herb Allred, Laidlaw Division Manager. Mr. Allred stated they
provide recycling to two million homes at this time. He elaborated
on the education program they present to the schools. The
information presented by Laidlaw is also incorporated into the
Mayor Fickes stated he would like to see a written proposal from
the companies and a recommendation from the committee. He asked
that this be on the next Council agenda for consideration.
Mayor Pro Tem Springer stated she would like to see the
Environmental Task Force put together the kind of plan that they
would like for council to implement. Then Council would have some
specifics to go out to these companies with. If we don't have a
plan, then each company will bid differently. She wants the
companies to bid apples to apples.
Mayor Fickes agreed with Ms. Springer's suggestion.
Emily williams, 3131 Briar Lane, Vice-Chairman of the Environmental
Task Force. She gave a brief overview of what the Committee did
do, so Council will know. Their first imperative was to look at a
recycling effort for the city. They contacted all the companies
that they felt were involved in this kind of effort. They
identified the companies as Laidlaw, Browning Farris (BFI), Waste
Management and City Garbage. BFI, Laidlaw Industries and City
Garbage did come and talk with them. They told the companies that
they were interested in a once per week recycling program for as
many items as possible. They received proposals from BFI and
Laidlaw. After interviewing them, they felt that Laidlaw costs and
education programs put them out in front.
Bob Mundlin, 1658 Royal Oaks Court. Task Force Member, He stated
that the task force did an exhaustively thorough job in
investigating the alternatives available to them. If the City
Council and Citizens have decided they want a recycling program,
all we need to do is decide who will be the vendor. The two single
requirements, as he stated earlier, are convenience and education.
Based upon the Task Force recommendation and what has been heard
tonight, he recommends that they stay with the recommendation of
Laidlaw. They feel Laidlaw is dedicated to the recycling effort
and a plan.
Brad Bradley, 1657 Creekside. Chairman of the Task Force. He
feels the Committee did what they thought they were supposed to
do. He needs some direction and a timetable to take back to his
committee in order to keep the effort going.
City Council Minutes
November 20, 1990
page five
Agenda Item #11, Continued
City Attorney, Allen Taylor suggested that the request for
proposals come to the city through the City Secretary's Office.
Solid Waste collection is not automatically subject to bidding
requirements, however, he would like to see a final letter go out
from city hall, so that we have an audit trail.
Curtis Hawk stated from what the City Attorney is saying, we need
to treat this like any other professional services contract. We
will have to put this in the newspapers.
Allen Taylor stated after the proposals are received, they can be
returned to the committee for review and a recommendation can be
presented to the City Council for consideration.
It was determined that moving quickly, this item will be ready for
consideration during the second City Council meeting in December.
Agenda Item #13, Ordinance No. 480-32, 2nd reading. Muzyka zoning
Ordinance No. 480-32, 2nd reading, (ZA 90-52), is a request for
zoning change for a 4.2514 acre tract of land out of the J.G. Allen
Survey, Abstract NO. 18, Tracts 4A2, 4A4, 4A5, 4A6, and 4All. The
current zoning on the property is Agricultural, with a request for
Commerical-2 Zoning District.
Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, presented the request to the
City Council stating that on October 18, 1990, the Planning and
Zoning Commission recommended approval, and on November 6, 1990,
the Council approved the let reading on the ordinance. The
proposed use of the property is for a Day Care Center. The issue of
a common easement was discussed during the Work Session.
The public hearing resulted with no comments from the audience.
A discussion was held in regard to the common access easement. The
applicant agreed to have the plat amended to provide the common
access easement.
Motion was made to approve
include the access easement.
Motion: Farrier
Second: Hall
Ordinance No. 480-32, 2nd reading, to
Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance.
City Council Minutes
November 20, 1990
page six
Agenda Item 913, Continued
Councilmember Wilhelm asked that the record reflect that
he does not consider this to be guidance or precedent
later on to zone any other tracts on the south side of
Southlake Blvd. that are adjacent to this tract, to
commercial zoning. It is his firm intent that the
reason that it is perhaps appropriate on this tract
is that there was an existing use that classified as
con~nercial use. He feels it is important that there is
not an erosion of commercial on this section of
Southlake Blvd.
Ayes: Farrier, Hall, Wilhelm,
Nays: None
Approved 4-0 vote
Agenda Item #14, Ordinance No. 480-33, 1st reading. (ZA 90-56)
Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, introduced the zoning request
and development site plan for 160.073 acres out of the R.J. Paden
Survey, Abstract NO. 1255, and the J.T. Bailey Survey, Abstract No.
97, being located in the 900 to 1300 block of West Southlake Blvd.
Current zoning is Agricultural, request is for the Mixed Use
Planned Unit Development (PUD). Owners: Estates of A.C. and
Audrey Stone, Mary Stone Myers, Independent Executrix. The
proposed developer is Phillip Jobe. The applicant is the Nelson
Mrs. Gandy stated that the plan shows 1.8 units per gross acre or
284 units. Originally five commercial lots were presented
fronting FM 1709, however, this has been changed to two commercial
lots on the northeast corner of the development. Twenty-three (23)
letters were sent to property owners within 200' and three letters
were received, opposing the commercial lots.
Mayor Fickes referenced letters from the following property owners,
opposing the commercial lots: Thomas O'Mally, Ted Smith, Mike
Riedy, Charles Dody, Kenneth MacMorran, and Bruce Smith. The
letters are hereby made a part of the record.
Craig Curry, Nelson Corporation was present representing the
Councilmember Wilhelm asked that the record show whether
this does or does not meet the 20% requirement.
City Council Minutes
November 20, 1990
page seven
Agenda Item ~14, Continued
Craig Curry, Nelson Corporation, presented a copy of the
preliminary plat. He added that the development style is that of
Timber Lakes Addition. The addition allows for seventeen (17)
acres of open space, or public park area. Some of the amenities
include: entry way with water features; circulating water
features; trail and jogging system for public use; play areas for
public use; gazebo, fencing and landscaping. The road is designed
to align with SouthRidge Blvd., however, it is not proposed for a
four-way intersection. They agree to the points in the Cheatham
review letter.
Public Hearing
Ken MacMorran, 1202 Sabine Court, Southlake. He stated he has
lived by two other schools and there was no commercial zoning by
the schools. His plea to Council is now that the high school is
happening, it will change traffic development. He does not feel
there should be commercial where the kids could hang out. FM 1709
has this potential. He asked what the 20% rule is, if needed, they
can acquire as many signatures as needed.
City Attorney, Allen Taylor explained the 20% rule.
It was determined that the 20% rule did not apply.
Patty McCarthy, 312 SouthRidge, Southlake. She referenced a
meeting held at City Hall on October 30, with the Mayor, City
Manager, and Director of Public Works present. She is now
concerned about strip zoning. She requests that the City plan
carefully. Let's not destroy the country atmosphere of Southlake.
Bruce Smith, Arvida. In 1989 as they introduced Arvida, if it was
said once, it was said one thousand times, "we don't want FM 1709
to be built out like Highway 26 in Colleyville". He added, that
Timber Lakes has done an excellent job, we know Mobil Land
Cooperation will do an excellent job. Southlake needs quality
retail development, the city has to stop stripping out FM 1709.
They only object to the commercial across from the Arvida property.
Public hearing closed.
Mayor Fickes stated that the City is not against commercial
zoning, but put it at major intersections on FM 1709. On SH 114,
the plan is like the I.B.M. facilities. The Council is not looking
at small areas of retail. He stated he does not see where any of
the commercial on this plan serves the property owners in the
development. His concern with the plan is in regards to the
City Council Minutes
November 20, 1990
page eight
Agenda Item 14, Continued
Phil Jobe, proposed owner/developer. Stated he feels there is a
need for commercial shopping in Southlake. It makes more since to
him to have the commercial across from the major street in Arvida.
Economic factors come to play.
Motion was made to table this issue at the request of Phil Jobe,
time certain December 4, 1990, and to continue the public hearing.
Motion: Springer
Second: Hall
Ayes: Springer, Hall, Wilhelm, Farrier
Nays: None
Approved: 4-0 vote (to table)
Agenda Item #15, ZA 90-57, Preliminary plat of Stone Lakes
Motion was made
request of the developer, Phil Jobe, time certain, December 4,
Motion: Springer
Second: Hall
Ayes: Springer, Hall, Wilhelm, Farrier
Nays: None
Approved: 4-0 vote (to table)
to table the preliminary plat of Stone Lakes at the
Council adjourned to recess at 10:25 p.m.
Council returned to open session at 10:45 p.m.
Agenda Item #20, ZA 90-55, Plat Showing for Carol Tetrualt
Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, introduced the Plat Showing for
Lots 1 & 2 Samuel Freeman No. 525 Addition, being legally described
as two (2) acres out of the Samuel Freeman Survey, Abstract NO.
525, Tract 2H. Property location is 2505 Rolling Lane, Southlake.
Owner: Carole M. Tetrualt.
She noted that twelve letters were sent to property owners within
200' with no replies, however, Mr. Whisby, the property owner that
fronts Shady Lane, asked that the drainage easement be maintained.
On November 9, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended
approval subject to the November 1, 1990 Cheatham review letter.
Councilmember Wilhelm commented that the applicant owns to the
center of Rolling Lane and the City should acquire right-of-way
dedication on Rolling Lane. He talked with Ms. Tetrault in
reference to part of her property being in the noise corridor, and
that the avigation release should be on the plat.
Ms. Tetrault was present and had no comments.
City Council Minutes
November 20, 1990
page nine
Agenda Item %20, Continued
Motion was made to approve ZA 90-55, subject to items #1, 93, and
#4, in the Cheatham review letter of November 1, 1990, and subject
to showing the right-of-way dedication on the center line of
Rolling Lane as well as the avigation release being shown on the
final plat.
Motion: Wilhelm
Second: Springer
Ayes: Wilhelm, Springer, Hall, Farrier
Nays: None
Approved: 4-0 vote
Agenda Item %16, Ordinance No. 480-34, 1st reading C.I.S.D. Zoning
Ordinance No. 480-34, 1st reading (ZA 90-58), a zoning change
request for 54.615 acres of land out of the R.J. Paden Survey,
Abstract No. 1355, Tracts 3, 3E, 3F, and 3Fl. The property is
located in the 1300 to 1500 block of West Southlake Blvd. Current
zoning is Agricultural, with a request for Commercial Service
Zoning District. Owner: Carroll Independent School District.
Mrs. Gandy, Zoning Administrator, noted for the record that fifteen
letters were sent to property owners within 200' and to date no
written replies have been received. On November 8, the Planning
and Zoning Commission recommended approval of the zoning by a 5-1
vote. Gandy added that they now have an application to the Board
of Adjustments for buffer yards and parking requirements.
At this time, she sees no reason why the city could not work with
the school on the parking requirement, it is a matter of the
ordinance requirements.
Public Hearing
Don Thompson, South Peytonville Avenue. He is concerned with the
folks who live on the west side of Peytonville Avenue, who will
have a problem with the lights at night games as well as traffic.
Can they move the stadium east of the trees as shown on the plan.
Is the city forgetting the property owners who live in that area at
this time? What is the proposed date of building the stadium?
What is the proposed date of widening Peytonville?
A discussion was held by Council in regards to traffic
ingress-egress from the school site.
City Council Minutes
November 20, 1990
page ten
A~enda Item #16, Continued
Motion was made
zoning for Carroll
Motion: Wilhelm
Second: Hall
to approve Ordinance No. 480-34,
Independent School District.
1st reading,
Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance.
Ayes: Wilhelm, Hall,
Nays: None
Approved: 4-0 vote
Springer, Farrier
Mayor Pro Tem Springer expressed concerned with the
traffic patterns and with the 6,000 seat stadium in
the middle of the residential area.
A~enda Item #17, ZA 90-59, Preliminary plat for C.I.S.D.
The preliminary plat of the Carroll High School Addition, 54.615
acres out of he R.J. Pedan Survey, Abstract NO. 1255. The property
is located at the southeast corner of the intersection of West
Southlake Blvd. and South Peytonville Avenue.
Zoning Administrator, Karen Gandy, stated that fifteen letters were
sent to property owners, and no responses have been received. The
City Engineer's letter dated November 2, 1990 was discussed,
adding to ~3, an 84' right-of-way along the full length of the
school's property on South Peytonville Avenue.
Councilmember Wilhelm noted that he understands that the School is
going to donate 42' from the center line on their side of
Peytonville Avenue, but if the road is upgraded, where will the
other 42' come from?
City Manager, Curtis Hawk answered that the possibility for the
west side of the roadway is that if the property develops at some
time, it will come from there, if the property does not look like
it is going to develop, if the city feels they will have to move
ahead for right of way, the city will be in a position to have to
purchase some right of way. The city has discussed with the school,
by them giving us some additional right of way on their property,
beyond what they originally proposed, we may have a third lane, but
the turn lane will be added, until such time that the city is in a
position to acquire some additional right of way.
City Council Minutes
November 20, 1990
page eleven
Agenda Item #17, Continued
One of the things, high on the list, is looking at a thoroughfare
plan and the right of ways on some existing roads. These are
things that changed when the school came and said, " this is our
site", the school recognized that this has changed city plans.
Councilmember Hall questioned the drainage to the southeast corner
of the school property. Hawk answered, this is the natural flow of
the drainage in that area.
Andrea Greenwood, 210 South Peytonville Avenue, asked, what is the
space measurement and when will it be considered condemned, in
regards to widening of South Peytonville Avenue. There will be
about three homeowners that will be about 20 feet to the porches in
that area.
Councilmember Farrier stated that we are looking at 10' difference
due to the high school impact at this point.
Motion was made to approve ZA 90-59, preliminary plat for Carroll
High School.
Motion: Wilhelm
Second: Farrier
Ayes: Wilhelm, Farrier, Hall, Springer
Nays: None
Approved: 4-0 vote
Agenda Item 818, ZA 90-60, Final Plat of Carroll I.S.D.
Karen Gandy introduced the final plat for Carroll Independent
School District stating that on November 8, the Planning and Zoning
Commission recommended approval of the final plat subject to the
Cheatham review letter of November 2, 1990.
Motion was made to approve the
that all requirements in prior
school have been met.
Motion: Wilhelm
Second: Hall
Ayes: Wilhelm, Hall,
Nays: None
Approved: 4-0 vote
final plat subject to confirmation
conversations between the city and
Springer, Farrier
The City Manager asked for some direction of Council so that the
Board of Adjustments will have some understanding of what was
discussed by the City Council. It is Staff understanding that
Council has some concerns and Council needs to take some
documentation to Board of Adjustments so that they will understand
what some other schools are doing in meeting parking requirements
and also discussion was held in regard to buffer yards.
City Council Minutes
November 20, 1990
page twelve
Agenda Item #18, Continued
Allen Taylor stated that what Board of Adjustmenst needs is a
statement from Council, stating that they believe, based upon
review of the plans presented, that the granting of the variances
as requested, would not in their minds defeat the intent of the
zoning ordinance or the cities comprehensive
Mayor Pro Tem Springer is concerned about the financial impact
this is going to have on the city, because of the changes on
Peytonville that the city has not planned for. She is concerned
about the traffic situation, the safety situation, and a number of
things that bother her about this site. She is thrilled that we
are getting a new high school, but this is putting the city in an
adverse position as we will have to deal with the properties
across the way. She hopes that the city will get cooperation from
the school district when it comes time to deal with the roadway.
Councilmember Sally Hall stated that she does not think that there
is a road in Southlake that will have not been impacted any
differently than what we are experiencing here. All the
developments that have come before us have impacted the streets in
Dr. Annette Griffin, school superintendent, stated that she
appreciates all that is being done and they are going to
cooperate. They too are concerned about safety and development.
They want very much to be cooperative partners by working together.
Mayor Fickes stated that Arvida put in the sewer line that enables
them to put the high school in that location. The City recognizes
that and we want the school to recognize that. We want to
recognize each other's strong points and continue to work together.
Agenda Item #19, ZA 90-54, Plat Revision, Whispering Dell Estates
The plat revision on Lots 6 & 7 Whispering Dell Estates,
1213 Whispering Dell is owned by Glen and Aloha Payne.
the property is Single Family-lA.
located at
Zoning on
Karen Gandy made the presentation, stating the Planning and Zoning
Commission recommended approval of ZA 90-54.
John Levitt, Levitt Engineers, 726 Commerce, Suite 104, Southlake,
represented the owners. He asked that the avigation statement be
left off the final plat and that the 25' set back line remain on
the plat. Levitt noted that if they were to sell the property, it
would market best as one lot instead of two lots, and this is the
reason for the replat.
City Council Minutes
November 20, 1990
page thirteen
Agenda Item #19, Continued
The City Attorney noted that the avigation release should be
applicable to every plat after the date that we entered into the
settlement agreement with the airport.
Mr. Levitt noted that the applicant wishes to withdraw the plat,
and feels it would be an unfair requirement for the avigation
release to be on the replat.
Motion was made to accept the
applicant in ZA 90-54.
Motion: Wilhelm
Second: Hall
Ayes: Wilhelm, Hall, Springer, Farrier
Nays: None
Approved: 4-0 vote (to accept withdrawal)
request for withdrawal by the
Agenda Item #12, Ordinance NO. 526, 2nd reading. Amending Ord.409
Ordinance No. 526, 2nd reading, amending Ordinance No. 409, in
regards to Health Services was discussed.
The public hearing resulted with no comments from the audience.
Motion was made to approve
regards to Health Services.
Motion: wilhelm
Second: Farrier
Ordinance No. 526, 2nd reading in
Mayor Fickes read the caption of Ordinance No. 526.
Ayes: Wilhelm, Farrier, Hall
Nays: None
Approved: 3-0 vote
(Mayor Pro Tem Springer was out of the room and did
not vote on this item).
A~enda Item #21, Ordinance No. 515, 2nd reading. Park and
City Manager, Curtis Hawk, reviewed the changes made to Ordinance
No. 515.
The public hearing resulted with no comments.
Motion was made to approve Ordinance No.
Motion: wilhelm
Second: Hall
515, park and Recreation.
City Council Minutes
November 20, 1990
page fourteen
Agenda Item # 21, Continued
Mayor Fickes read the caption of Ordinance No. 515.
Ayes: Wilhelm, Hall,
Nays: None
Approved: 3-0 vote
(Mayor Pro Tem Springer was out of the room and did
not vote on this item)
Agenda Item #22, Ordinance No. 480-B, 1st reading. Zoning Ord.
A discussion was held in regards to the suggested amendments to the
Zoning ordinance No. 480.
The public hearing resulted with no comments.
Motion was made to approve the modification to the zoning ordinance
as suggested in Section 32, Section 34.14 and Section 45.6B (300'
limit), by approving Ordinance No. 480-B, 1st reading.
Motion: Wilhelm
Second: Farrier
Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance.
Ayes: Wilhelm, Farrier,
Nays: Hall
Approved: 3-1 vote
Councilmember Hall expressed that her negative vote was
in regard to Section 45.6b. She feels the distance
should remain at 1,000 feet from school or church.
Agenda Item #23, Ordinance No. 483-A, amending the Subdivision
Control Ordinance, 1st reading
Motion was made to table Ordinance No.
public hearing, time certain, December 18,
Motion: Wilhelm
Second: Farrier
Ayes: Wilhelm, Farrier, Springer, Hall
Nays: None
Approved: 4-0 vote (to table)
483-A, and continue the
Agenda Item #24, Discussion: Firearms Ordinance
Chief Billy Campbell led the discussion of a new ordinance in
regards to the discharge of firearms in the City limits of City of
Southlake. The Chief is to prepare an ordinance and bring to
council for consideration.
City Council Minutes
November 20, 1990
page fifteen
Agenda Item 925, Discussion:
and Charter Revisions.
Recommendations for Bond Proposals
The City Manager reviewed the suggested amendments to the City
Charter which are hereby incorporated into the minutes.
Mayor Fickes indicated that he and Jerry Farrier met today to
discuss bond proposals including road improvements and a city hall
complex. The Mayor reported that the roads discussed are Carroll
Avenue, from Dove Road to FM 1709; Peytonville Avenue expansion to
cover the new high school; and, White Chapel Blvd. from SH 114,
south. Fickes asked City Staff to get the costs together.
Agenda Item #26, Executive Session
Mayor Fickes announced that Council would be going into executive
session pursuant to the Open Meetings Act, Article 6252-17 V.T.A.S.
Section 2(e) 2(f) 2(g).
Council convened in closed session at 1:10 a.m.
Council returned to open session at 1:50 a.m.
Agenda Item #27, Action Necessary/Litigation
No action was necessary in regards to pending
litigation as the result of the executive session.
or contemplated
Agenda Item #28, Action Necessary/Personnel
No action was necessary in regards to personnel matters, including
Boards and Commissions, as the result of the executive session.
Agenda Item #29, Adjournment
Motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 2:10
Motion: Springer
Second: Farrier
Ayes: Springer, Farrier, Hall,
Nays: None
Approved: 4-0 vote
Section 2.01, 2.02, 2.03, 2.06, 2.12
2.01 Governing Body Amend to provide for Mayor and six (6)
2.02 Elective Offices Amend term of office to three (3) years;
amend the election cycle.
2.03 Limitation on Successive Terms Amend term of office
definition to a period of three (3) years.
2.06 Presiding Officer - Duties of Mayor Amend to provide Mayor is
regular voting member.
2.12 Quorum Amend to provide that four (4) Councilmembers shall
constitute a quorum.
3.06 Appointive Offices Amend to delete Judge of Municipal Court
as an appointive officer.
3.13 Procedures for Enacting Ordinances Amend the sentence
"All ordinances, exclusive of emergency ordinances, defined in
Section 3.11 of the Charter of the City, shall be read in open
meetings of the City Council on two (2) consecutive Council
meetings, which shall be a regular meeting ...." by deleting the
word consecutive, (perhaps substituting the word "separate ").
4.15 Acting City Manager Amend by adding sentence in first
paragraph, which provides that upon resignation or termination of
City Manager, the Acting City Manager designated by the City
Manager, and appointed by the City Council shall continue as Acting
City Manager until such time as a new City Manager, or a new Acting
City manager, is appointed by City Council.
Charter Revisions
page two
5.02 Judge of Court Amend to provide that should the voters
approve a provision which requires the Judge of the Court to be
elected, the Judge shall be elected.
r 7.01 City Elections Amend to read the regular City election
shall be held annually on the first Saturday in May.
7.11 Holding Other Office Amend second paragraph to read: If
a any member of the Council shall become a candidate for election to
any public office, except for reelection to his current place on
the Council or as Mayor, he shall immediately upon becoming a
a candidate forfeit his place on the Council
114 t4,00e
8.03 Taxes When Due and Payable Amend to provide that the City
Council shall designate a Tax Collector, rather than as currently
4 specified, the Office of Tarrant County Tax Collector or City Tax
Collector, if such a function is created by Council.
9.05 Public Notice and Hearing Amend last sentence to read: The
City Council shall adopt the budget by ordinance.
9.34 Borrowing in Anticipation of Property Tax Amend last
sentence to read: Notice may be issued for period not exceeding
one (1) year.
11.03 The Planning and Zoning Commission
Amend to have same attendance requirements as City Council.