1990-09-18 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 N. Carroll Avenue REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 18, 1990 7:30 p.m. COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor, Gary Fickes; Mayor Pro Tem Springer. Members: Sally Hall, Rick Wilhelm, Jerry Farrier, Ralph Evans. CITY STAFF PRESENT: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager; Michael Barnes, Director of Public Works; Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator; Renee Wheeler, Finance Officer; Wayne Olson, City Attorney; Eddie Cheatham City Engineer; and, Sandra L. LeGrand, City Secretary. INVOCATION: Councilmember Ralph Evans WORK SESSION: During the discussion on Agenda Item ~24, Resolution 90-73, it was noted that this resolution will be added to the consent agenda. Council asked that the record show that this item is being approved, based upon three (3) conditions: 1) The masonry requirements are waived because members of City Council have investigated and found that similar brick is not available; 2) the portable building is attached to an existing building and is not free standing and the portable building cannot be seen from the street, and 3) the metal building is not on permanent foundation and in the future, City will be moving the building and it will be used for other uses. The Regular City Council meeting was called to order at 7:40 p.m. by Mayor Gary Fickes. Agenda Item #2, Approval .of the Minutes The Minutes of the Special City Council meeting of August 30, 1990, and the Minutes of the Regular City Council meeting of September 4, 1990, were approved with changes. Motion: Springer Second: Hall Ayes: Springer, Hall, Evans, Farrier, Wilhelm Nays: None Approved: 5-0 vote Agenda Item #3, Mayor's Report Mayor Fickes announced that on September 24, 1990, at approximately, 11:00 a.m., he will be speaking in behalf of the City of Southlake, in regards to the Environmental Impact Study for Dallas Fort Worth International Airport. Mayor Pro Tem Springer announced that 8:00 p.m., the Chamber of Commerce Nite", at the Marriott Solana Village, the Southlake Library Fund. on September 22, 1990, at will be sponsoring "Casino with net proceeds supporting City Council Minutes September 18, 1990 page two Agenda Item #4, City Manager's Report City Manager, Curtis E. Hawk, announced that the new recording system, purchased primarily for "Court of Record" has been installed. The City Manager noted that a notice appeared in the Fort Worth Star Telegram, in reference to a bad test the city received on water samples during the month of July. In order to meet the requirements of the Texas Department of Health, the city had to publish the notice, informing the citizens of the test which had failed. There is no problem with the water supply, we were meeting a requirement of the Texas Department of Health. Fire Chief, Robert P. Steele is retiring at the end of the month of September. Chief Steele addressed Council, officially announcing his retirement, to be effective on October 1, 1990. He noted that his last working day is September 28, 1990. Chief Steele stated there has been a lot of Council meetings over the years he has served as Chief- some good and some bad. He is proud to be a part of it all and he will always be available to help in any way he can. The Mayor announced that on September 30, 1990, from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m., a reception will be held for Chief Steele in the Council chambers, and the public is invited to attend. House Speaker Gib Lewis will be attending the event. Mayor Fickes read a Proclamation, proclaiming "Constitution Week". Agenda Item 9 5,6,7,8,9 & 24. Consent Agenda Mayor Fickes reviewed the items on the consent agenda, including: 5. Establishing certain water and sewer fees. Resolution 90-70, authorizing the Mayor to execute a renewal agreement with Tarrant County for the collection of Ad Valorem Taxes in Tarrant and Denton Counties. Resolution 90-71, authorizing the Mayor to execute an agreement with Tarrant County Health Department for inspections of Food Establishments and Public Swimming Pool Inspection Program Service. Vote for Randy Moravec to Place 1 of the Texas Municipal League Intergovernmental Risk Pool Board of Trustees. City Council Minutes September 18, 1990 page three A~enda Item #Consent, Continued 9. Amendments to Personnel Policies. 10. Waiver to Park Use Policy regarding lighting fees and ballfield preparation fees, pending development of a new Park Use Policy. 24. Resolution 90-73, a request for a Special Use Permit for a Portable Building per Ordinance No. 480-A (ZA 90-43). The property is described as 3.00 acres out of the Richard Eads Survey, Abstract No. 481, Tract 3C, being more commonly known as 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas. The tract of land is zoned Community Service. Owner: City of Southlake. Motion was made to approve agenda items #5,6,7,8,9,10, & 24, in consent agenda with changes and modifications as outlined in work session. Motion: Wilhelm Second: Farrier Ayes: Wilhelm, Farrier, Hall, Evans, Springer Nays: None Approved: 5-0 vote A~enda Item #11, Public Forum Bob Couch, 2535 Union Church Road, Southlake. Mr. Couch wants a protected left turn lane on FM 1709 and Davis Blvd., and FM 1709 and Randol Mill Road. He would like it to show, "wait for arrow". Currently the sign is stop and wait for arrow to turn left, he would like for it to show, "protected left on arrow only". Joe Thomas, 538 Indian Creek Drive, Trophy Club. Mr. Thomas stated that on August 30, 1990, he had the pleasure of being booked in the Southlake jail for expired inspection sticker. He has a complaint against the officer. He willfully came to jail, and alleged that he was physically abused in the "booking process" by the police officer. A~enda Item #12 and #13, 3rd Public Hearin~ on Budget and 2nd reading of Ordinance No. 518, FY 90-91 Budget The City Manger, Curtis E. Hawk, stated that this budget being presented, represents about six (6) months of work by City Staff and City Council as well. City Council Minutes September 18, 1990 page four Agenda Item #12 and #13, Continued Hawk stated that the proposed Fiscal Year 1990-91 Budget was conducted in accordance with the City of Southlake Home Rule Charter. He explained that the two organizational changes included in this proposed budget are the creation of a Department of Public Safety, which will be headed by Chief of Police Billy Campbell, and, the creation of the Wastewater Utilities Department. He has proposed seven (7) new positions in the budget, six in the general fund and one in the revenue fund. This will include: one planner, two communications personnel, receptionist, wastewater worker, two street maintenance workers. The public hearing resulted with no comments from the audience. Motion was made to approve the Fiscal Year 1990-91 Budget Ordinance No. 518, 2nd reading. Motion: Wilhelm Second: Evans Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance. Ayes: Wilhelm, Evans, Nays: None Approved: 5-0 vote. Springer, Hall, Farrier Agenda Item #14, Ordinance No. 519, 2nd reading. Tax Levy The Tax Levy Ordinance No. 519, was discussed. The City Manager stated that there is a big increase in the portion of the tax rate which is reserved for debt. It was noted that increasing the amount of sales tax from $294,000 to $370,000 will drop the proposed tax rate from $.4550 to $.4450. Hawk also stated that the budget has a $200,000 undesignated fund balance built into it. No comments were received as the result of the public hearing. Councilmember Sally Hall thanked staff for the work on the budget and for the assistance given to the City Council. Motion was made to approve the 2nd reading Tax Levy, setting the tax rate to $.4450. Motion: Springer Second: Farrier on Ordinance No. 519, Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance. Ayes: Springer, Nays: None Approved: 5-0 vote Farrier, Evans, Wilhelm, Hall City Council Minutes Septenlber 18, 1990 page five Agenda Item #15, Ordinance No. 516, 2nd reading. Issuance of Bonds The City Manger, Curtis Hawk, explained that Ordinance No. 516, is an ordinance authorizing the issuance of "City of Southlake, Texas, Tax and Waterworks and Sewer System (limited pledge) Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 1990". He further explained that the funds will be used for relocation of water lines on FM 1709. The FY 90-91 Budget has the debt service on this amount included in it. Patricia Gallaher, 1st Southwest Company, was present for the meeting to answer questions for Council. She stated they received four (4) bids and she announced the bidder and the net effective interest rate. Including: Merrill Lynch Capital Markets 1st Southwest Company Paine Webber Levitt Newhouse 7.491633 7.641802 7.670931 7.744006 Ms. Gallaher noted that Ed Esquivel, with Fulbright & Jaworski, Bond Counsel, was present for the meeting to answer questions. She stated 1st Southwest Company recommended that Southlake accept the bid from Merrill Lynch. The public hearing resulted with no comments from the audience. Motion was made to accept the net effective interest rate. Motion: Wilhelm Second: Evans bid from Merrill Lynch at 7.491633 Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance. Ayes: Wilhelm, Evans, Springer, Farrier, Nays: None Approved: 5-0 vote Hall Agenda Item #16, Resolution 90-68, Paying Agreement Agent/Registrar The City Manager, Curtis E. Hawk, stated that Resolution 90-68, approving and authorizing the issuance of "City of Southlake, Texas, Tax and Waterworks and Sewer System (limited pledge) Revenue Certificates of Obligations, Series, 1990" is a continuation of action taken on Ordinance No. 516 during this meeting. City Council Minutes September 18, 1990 page six A~enda Item #16, Continued Motion was made to approve Resolution 90-68, as presented. Motion: Evans Second: Hall Ayes: Evans, Hall, Springer, Farrier, Wilhelm Nays: None Approved: 5-0 vote Agenda Item #17, Water Rates Ordinance NO. 520, 2nd reading Curtis Hawk stated that this item goes hand and hand with the annual budget. The water rate ordinance includes a 13.75% increase in the rates as recommended in the Water Rate Study recently prepared by Freese and Nichols, Consulting Engineers. Added to the ordinance is a section to include the ability of the city to charge a fee for late water bills. The public hearing resulted with no comments from the audience. Motion was made to Rate Increase. Motion: Farrier Second: Springer approve Ordinance No. 520, 2nd reading, Water Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance. Ayes: Nays: Farrier, Springer, Wilhelm Hall and Evans Councilmember Wilhelm noted that a monthly charge for sanitary sewer services has been set at $25.00. The City Manager noted that we do not have a large enough volume of customers to charge by the gallon, therefore, all customers will be charged the same rate at this time. Approved: 3-2 vote Agenda Item #18, Ordinance No. 521, Creating Administrative Departments Curtis Hawk stated that Ordinance No. 521 is in keeping with the budget. As discussed earlier, the budget does provide for a change in the Administrative Departments. Section 4.01 of the City Charter provides for the City Council to provide for a Department of Administration, headed by the City Manager; Department of Public Safety, headed by the Director of Public Safety; and, the Department of Public Works, headed by the Director of Public Works. City Council Minutes September 18, 1990 page seven Agenda Item #18, Continued Mayor Fickes stated that he feels this is the right time to implement a Department of Public Safety. We have a new Fire Chief coming on board, and with the size of our city, this is the time to establish this new program. Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. Motion: Hall Second: Farrier 521, 2nd reading. Mayor Fickes read the caption of Ordinance No. 521. Ayes: Hall, Farrier, Springer, Wilhelm, Nays: None Approved: 5-0 vote Evans Agenda Item #19, Ordinance No. 480-22, (ZA 90-21) E-Systems, Inc. A request for a zoning change for a 5.732 acre tract of land out of the Hiram Granberry Survey, Abstract No. 581, Tract lC. Applicant: Trustees, E-Systems, Inc. Pool Trust, represented by A1 wilkie, Land and Planning Consultant. The representative of the applicant, A1 Wilkie, withdrew this request during the work session tonight. Agenda Item #20, Ordinance NO. 480-27, 2nd reading. (ZA 90-34) A zoning request for a two (2) acre tract of land out of the J.G. Allen Survey, Abstract No. 4A16. Current zoning is Agricultural, request is for the B-2 Commercial Manufacturing District. Owner: Jean Snow. Applicant: Tony Chavez. The Zoning Administrator, Karen Gandy, presented this zoning case, stating the request has been changed from B-2 to B-l, during the 1st reading of the ordinance. The public hearing resulted with no comments from the audience. Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 480-27, ordinance to B-i, Business Service Park District. Motion: Wilhelm Second: Hall amending the Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance. Ayes: Wilhelm, Hall, Springer, Farrier, Nays: None Approved: 5-0 vote Evans City Council Minutes September 18, 1990 page eight A~enda Item #21, Ordinance No. 480-28, 2nd reading (ZA 90-37) A zoning change request for a 16.48 acre tract of land out of the H. Decker Survey, Abstract No. 438, and the P.R. Splane Survey, Abstract No. 1453, and the C.B. McDonald Survey, Abstract No. 1013. Current zoning is Industrial-1 with a request for Industrial-2 Zoning District. Owner/Applicant: Explorer Pipeline Company. Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, stated she sent out three letters to property owners within 200' and received three replies, all in favor. During the 1st reading of the ordinance, Council requested the Fire Inspectors comments on the access to the north, fire break to the west, and the need for additional fire hydrants. A copy of the comments of the Fire Inspector are hereby incorporated into the minutes of this meeting. Lt. Roger Stewart was present for the meeting to answer questions for the Council. He noted that they had asked Explorer Pipeline to change the lock on the gate, to chains, so the Fire Department could get in if needed for emergency reasons. They also asked that the tanks be labeled. Councilmember Sally Hall stated she is still very concerned for the water supply and asked the Director of Public Works for documentation in regards to "cost sharing" the expansion of the water system in that area. Michael Barnes, Director of Public Works, stated the five terminals have verbally agreed to pay for looping the water system . He will have completed within 45 days, the costs for the project. At that time, the project will be negotiated by the fuel terminals and a decision will be made. Public Hearing: Ed Brown, 1213 Timberline, Southlake. Mr. Brown stated he has met with Mr. Richard Addy in regards to the trees on the west side of the Explorer Pipeline property. He feels they need a fire break on that west side. Addy told Mr. Brown that they would all join forces and work with the city on whatever needs to be done. Lt. Roger Stewart stated that he feels, it will not do any good to have a fire break , if there is a fire, the radiant heat will be bad. Curtis Craig, Attorney for Explorer Pipeline. They provided City Council a future site plan and they included a buffer zone on the west side. It would be a task to make a fire break, but they would be willing to do this. They will provide a vegetation break. Councilmember Wilhelm noted that he sees Mr. Browns concerns but the other people may not want to have the trees removed. City Council Minutes September 18, 1990 page nine A~enda Item #21, Continued Councilmember Wilhelm added, that he things for health, safety and welfare, by the Fire Department. feels we need to do required and those things recommended Councilmember Farrier stated that unless the break is a lot wider than FM 1709, he feels it won't do any good to have the fire break. Motion was made to approved Ordinane No. 480-28, 2nd reading. Motion: Farrier Second: Evans Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance. Ayes: Farrier, Evans, Springer, Hall, Wilhelm Nays:~ None Approved: 5-0 vote Agenda Item #22, Site Plan for Texas National Bank Mayor Gary Fickes stepped down for this item. Mayor Pro Tem Springer chaired the meeting. A Site Plan for Texas National Bank, a 1.88 acre tract of land out of the Thomas Easter Survey, Abstract No. 474, being legally described as Block A, Lot 5, Southlake Bank Place. The zoning on the property is Commercial-3, according to the Zoning Administrator, Karen Gandy. The owner is Texas National Bank. Barry Emerson, representing Texas National Bank a copy of the September 13, 1990, letter Associates, and they have no problems. stated that he has from Cheatham and The applicant and the engineer are aware that the airport overlay does cut across the property within the 65 Ldn and are willing to address the avigation release. Mr. Emerson stated that they anticipate a total completion date of November 1991. The public hearing resulted with no co~ents from the audience. Director of Public Works, Michael Barnes noted that by the time the building is completed, there will be an adequate size water line to serve the property. It was determined that the bufferyard ordinance was not applicable as the property is next to C-3 Zoning within the subdivision. City Council Minutes September 18, 1990 page ten A~enda Item #22, Continued Motion was made to approve ZA 90-41, subject September 13, 1990, Cheatham review letter. Motion: Evans Second: Farrier Ayes: Evans, Farrier, Springer, Hall, Wilhelm Nays: None Approved: 5-0 vote to item 91 on the Mayor Fickes returned to the Council table. Agenda Item #23, ZA 90-42, Final Plat Revision of Cedar Oaks Addition Replat of Lots 4,5, & 6, Block 1, Cedar oaks Estates, being 11.815 acres out of the John Childress Survey, Abstract No. 253. The property is zoned SF-1A Zoning District. Owner: R.D. "Skip" Turns Jr. and Thomas Benner. Zoning Administrator, Karen Gandy noted that during the preliminary plat, a protest petition was presented to the City. It is still valid and therefore would require at least a three-fourths vote of all members of the Council for approval. Warren Hagen, Washington and Associates, 500 Grapevine Highway, Hurst. Mr. Hagen indicated that all concerns have been addressed with regard to the final plat and the concept plan. He indicated that they had meetings with Ken Saunier in regards to his concerns. Mrs. Gandy indicated that Mr. Saunier expressed to her that he was comfortable with the engineers corrections, however, he did not reply in writing. Motion was made to approve the final plat of Cedar Oaks Estates, subject to compliance with the August 30, 1990, Cheatham review letter. Motion: Wilhelm Second: Springer Ayes: Wilhelm, Springer, Evans, Farrier Nays: None Councilmember Hall did not vote, she was out of the room at this time. Approved: 4-0 vote. A~enda Item #25, Oak Hills Estates, Developers Agreement Director of Public Works, Michael Barnes, reviewed the Developers Agreement for Oak Hills Estates for City Council. Mr. Dick Perkins, Teague, Null & Perkins Consulting Engineers, was present for the meeting, to answer questions for Council. Perkins stated that Phase I will have 44 lots and Phase II will have 34 lots. City Council Minutes September 18, 1990 page eleven Agenda Item #25, Continued Mayor Fickes thanked the Park and Recreation Board for their input in reference to the Park Fees for the addition. Motion was made to approve the Developers Agreement Estates. Motion: Hall Second: Farrier Ayes: Hall, Farrier, Springer, Evans, Wilhelm Nays: None Approved: 5-0 vote for Oak Hills Agenda Item #26, Continental Park Estates, Sewer Project The City Manager, Curtis E. Hawk, reported that on June 26, bids were opened for the Continental Park Estates Sanitary Sewer Project. The City was guaranteed 90 days to see what percentage the participation from the property owners in Continental Park Estates would be. It was established that $104,000 is needed for for 2/3 participation and as of this date, we have a firm $91,500. Hawk feels comfortable that the city will get the $99,900. We have until September 24 for the guarantee from the bid, and the contractor may be able to extend the bid. Art Sorenson, property owner within the Continental Park Estates, stated he has spoken to the property owners and he feels the city has unanimous support and he received commitments of $105,000. Mayor Fickes thanked the City Staff, Art Sorenson and the property owners in Continental Park Estates. Motion was made to award the bid to Wright Construction Sanitary Sewer Project in Continental Park Estates. Motion: wilhelm Second: Evans Ayes: wilhelm, Evans, Springer, Hall, Farrier Nays: None Approved: 5-0 vote for the Agenda Item #27, Ordinance No. 522, 1st reading, Court of Record The City Manager introduced Ordinance No. 522, 1st reading, establishing a Court of Record. The City Attorney, Wayne Olson noted that they have done research and based on case law, any appeal taken as of the date of adoption of the ordinance establishing a "Court of Record", will be subject to Court of Record. He suggested that the City may ~want to postpone the effective date and send out courtesy letters informing ticket holders of the change. City Council Minutes September 18, 1990 page twelve Agenda Item #27, Continued Discussion was held in regards to residency of the judge and the appointment of an alternate judge. Motion was made to approve Ordinane No. 522, 1st reading, with changes to be made prior to second reading, stating that the judge must reside in the City of Southlake or adjacent contiguous cities and allowing for appointment of an alternate judge. Motion: Springer Second: Hall Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance. Ayes: Springer, Hall, Farrier, Nays: None Approved: 5-0 vote Evans, Wilhelm Agenda Item #28, Ordinane No. 523, 1st reading. Police Reserve Program Chief of Police, Billy Campbell, introduced Ordinance No. 523, informing Council that the ordinance restricts the number of reserves and what the reserves can do, adding, that reserves have to go through all the same attitudes as regular police officers. He feels that Southlake is ready to take on an active reserve program. Currently the city has two reserve officers; Charlie Foster. Campbell added that they officers Southlake has. Richard Anderson and are among the best Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 523, 1st reading, changing Section 7 to be in compliance with the Local Government Code Section 341.012, in that Council must approve reserve officers. Motion: Springer Second: Farrier Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance. Ayes: Springer, Farrier, Nays: None Approved: 5-0 vote Hall, Wilhelm, Evans Agenda Item #29, Executive Session Mayor Fickes announced that at this time, the City Council would go into executive session pursuant to V.T.A.S. Article 6252-17, Section 2(e) 2(f) and 2(g). City Council Minutes September 18, 1990 page thirteen Agenda Item #29, Continued Council went into executive session at 10:35 p.m. Council returned to open session at 12 midnight. Agenda Item #30, Action Necessary/Litigation No action was taken on this item as the result of the session. Agenda Item #31, Action Necessary/Personnel No action was taken on this item as the result of the session. Agenda Item #32, Action Necessary/Land Acquisition No action was taken on this item as the result of the executive session. Agenda Item #33, Resolution 90-66, Committee for Southlake Library executive executive No action was taken on this item as the result of the executive session. Agenda Item #34, Adjournment Motion was made to adjourn the meeting at Motion: Wilhelm Second: Hall Ayes: Wilhelm, Hall, Springer, Evans, Nays: None Approved: 5-0 vote 12 midnight. Farrier ~'ary Fickeg Mayor of Southlake AT~EST: . J Sandra L. LeGrand City Secretary %:......./ A A • / A /F A A A City of Southlake 2 - A II L the Constitution , as ratified, ideals embodies the idea o - l iberty under law and was designed to maintain our free government in perpetuity as a more perfect A union and to secure the blessings of liberty by consent of the governed; and, WHEREAS, few governments in the world have been able to provide liberty and stability to their citizens under a written constitution for more than a A A generation; and, WHEREAS, Constitution Week will offer the opportunity for the American people to rededicate themselves to the great principles that have formed the basis for our national strength and prosperity; and, WHEREAS, it is timely and appropriate for us to keep in our hearts and minds the marvelous achievements of thg Constitutional Convention in 1787, and to preserve the Constitutional Republic and the high ideals of our Founding Fathers; now, THEREFORE, I, Gary Fickes, mayor of the City of Southlake, Texas, do hereby proclaim September 16 -22, 1990 as A A C0� TITUTION WEEK .4■00fillP ( 2141ti " Mayor ity of Soutk.fake City Secretary A A City of Southlake, Texas 'k- pie 4 MEMORANDUM J` - Y6 ) /Z September 14, 1990 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Michael H. Barnes, Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Water & Sewer Fees There are certain fees that are being charged in the Water Utility Division that need to be ratified and /or increased. Below is a brief description of the fees that need Council approval: 1. Reconnection Fees: These fees are charged to the customer to turn water on during the day or night. Existing Fee Proposed Fee Description $10 $15 Reconnect Fee 8:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. $10 $40 Reconnect Fee after 5:00 p.m. 2. Sewer Tap Fee: This fee is charged for tapping the customer's sewer line to the City's main sewer line. Existing Fee Proposed Fee 0 $ 75 3. Water Tap Fees: These fees are charged for making the various water taps to the City's main water line. Water Meter Size Existing Fee Proposed Fee 3/4" $ 250 same 1" $ 360 1 1/2" $ 410 2" $ 600 4" $ 1,900 6" $ 2,777 8" $ 4,054 " s -� Curtis E. Hawks September 14, 1990 Page 2 4. Reinstallation Fee: This fee is charged to cover the cost of reinstalling a meter after it has been removed. This fee has never been approved by the Council. This fee historically has only been used three or four times a year. $ 50 Deposit 15 Administrative Fee 35 Reinstallation Fee $ 100 Fee 5. Testing Fee: This fee is charged to a customer that believes that their meter is registering incorrectly. The policy is that the customer pays the City $50 prior to testing the meter. If the meter is correct the City reinstalls the meter and keeps the $50. If the meter is incorrect, the City sets a new meter for the customer and refunds the $50 to the customer. $ 50 Testing Fee Please place these fees on the Council's agenda for consideration as proposed. Should the Council agree with the proposed fees, the approval will be reflected in the minutes of the meeting. If you have any questions, please contact me. MHB /lc �J� MONTHLY DEPARTMENT REPORTS SEPTEMBER 1990 Building 4 -1 Zoning 4 -4 Police 4 -5 Fire 4 -23 Municipal Court 4 -31 Street 4 -34 Utility 4 -35 Parks & Recreation 4 -38 Finance 4 -39 rz a waa a44 .44 E - 4 C.) TM CD N 00 CO M N M ri M U7 ri r1 ri CO CAM .-i ri N M M H OCD V4NM N a' CO r-I UD ri C4 t- c ts Cl Nto N is CO El N rl ri C- 1 w M .44 41 D+ 4:C C A r1 COTr r -!N M Or Ul CD CV ri TM CD 000 C) r1 N TM M CO 0 M dr N N N CO M Cr) If) ri C M C7 M OD Nay N `"� M N .--1 CJ M r4 .I H Cd W 41 >4 44 N.1 CO Carl CI C) U)C■ Cr) O U) r1 M U) O er N O N ri N A H MNN N M r1 - C- rI to Cr .1 0) 00 c4 E.4 a 0 .4 w W H O OO ri Tr CA N CA 00 Cs Cs 0 N O ri N O C) CA ri ri TP ri . Mri r1 TM COCOM ri Cfl[r 00 N C. co q r i r i N r1 0 0 N o cb C4 4 41 0 W w (1) x a 41 E. (I) • a M .i. 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CO W I zQgQ E w "' 4 � 6 a0 6 FAQ z CD CO 4o 2 M M M il d U X L' g ';' c) N E (1 M '4 c...) •--1 AMMJ A bHhli � f4 5g 6 g U W U x W m C! ) n rn rn ,1 .4 4,' 2220888 N 0 0 0 P" 'g 'C V N gi d1 ri 6 0 00 C� CV I O aow O O.-1 2 0 � G4 Nri �N CD H N `n ,j 2 ei. r N d� In ri 03 ri H pp pp 8 Cp 8 8 8 (.4 ���GOr 8 8 � tt)M M woo HNN000O0n o 0 iii N >.(U Ma)TImriar- N $ o N n N LID 0) C7 00 O to H 6) 69 O O Vr • R H 7 F 44 8 VDN+)MOCOO I ) 00 N N o M >.§ Q F N ‹c �� M N 888888 8 8 0 aw 41 fl u N 1 >4 .4 MN . 1«)00 N V. N ri . 6) na m WH 28 �i8 8 8 ri V, ›...c � -4 N 0 O OON O 8 H L() (13 O C r--I c+ O' N c 0) O CO 0 H0 r)N000d'�(f) c' N d' 01 tqF NHMQDriri N N H o (� a F ri F ONNN00 r i N / '. a 1, N N a a A •lam M E o 0 x a H 8888888 8 8 er • "' z v OW $ § 0) 8 `§) o O 0 cd = F u) r i 1-1 Cr o) 2 � r) I 2 21F2 > F 0 $ U) V� r) ri O ► = F ai a 0 a a W 0 a a w a ' 88888 8 8 8 a o S 8 2 N 4 c.) O a) o t) C ON e8 `CD1 § N � 9 c . � •1 �N t � G I M� H IT1 • .-1 CV ri mm 8888888 8 8 8 mz FZi co g S tc CO CO 00 t`- O I C) m r) NNri C e eM 11),•IriN(0 N N C) 0 ri ,-i ri N T N W F-. ` • o z a g2R Q rn O � 6 ) • co (01 ri H H PV H .. M F H 6E .1 E, ig M a m 1 gn � a w z w d al 7 z .i s. • � r �a W A r �M" p" 0 a 2 Ul O . i 0, D w A;� AACJ A 0 v z d �1 w a §" w a iP0fIg O x w o a: to to w c.. m ZONING DEPARTMENT FEE REVENUE For the Month Ending 30 September 1990 Zoning $ 300.00 No. of Cases (3) Platting 15,570.00 No. of Cases (3) Board of Adjustment 100.00 (Includes Appeal, Special Exception - 50.00 (Refunded) Use, and Variance Requests) 50.00 No. of Cases (Net) (1) Specific Use Permit 200.00 No. of Cases (2) Site Plans No. of Cases Misc. Income 202.00 (Includes Maps and Ordinance Copies) No. of Receipts (9) Total Revenue $16,322.00 Total No. of Receipts (18) SOUTHLAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT PATROL DIVISION SUMMARY SEPTEMBER 1990 CALLS FOR SERVICE 621 CITATIONS 460 PATROL 318 S.T.E.P. 142 ARRESTS 42 FELONY 4 MISD 38 ACCIDENTS 15 MINOR 9 MAJOR 6 SOUTHLAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT PATROL DIVISION ACTIVITY SUMMARY SEPTEMBER 1990 OFFICER DAYS CALLS REPORTS CITATIONS ARREST ACCIDENTS MILES DAY SHIFT STEWART 19 40 7 12 0 0 1073 MOORE 18 67 21 35 2 2 1085 McAMIS 22 53 15 40 0 5 1788 SANDERS 7 14 2 87 1 0 572 -- - -- -- - -- -- — - - -- SHIFT TOTAL 66 174 45 174 3 7 4518 EVENING SHIFT HINKLE 19 82 13 35 10 0 1854 WOOD 20 88 21 50 8 4 1746 WYRICK 20 70 17 21 2 1 1974 PAUL 7 30 7 55 3 3 499 SHIFT TOTAL 66 270 58 161 23 8 6073 NIGHT SHIFT HART 20 60 6 14 2 0 1415 MARLER 5 16 1 8 0 0 482 ROBERTSON 18 36 9 30 4 0 1602 DANIELS 22 41 11 72 9 0 1487 ROBINSON IN TRAINING WITH FTO -- - -- -- -- -- — - - -- SHIFT TOTAL 65 153 27 124 15 0 4986 RESERVES SGT.ANDERSON 4 23 0 1 1 0 100 FOSTER 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 -- - -- -- -- -- — - - -- SHIFT TOTAL 7 24 0 1 1 0 100 - -- - -- - -- - -- -- TOTALS 204 621 130 460 42 15 15,677 INVESTIGATION DIVISION MONTHLY REPORT SEPTEMBER 1990 NEW CASES ASSIGNED 51 CURRENT ACTIVE CASES _ 62 _ CASES CLEARED: UNFOUNDED 4 INACTIVATED /SUSPENDED _ 21 _ EXCEPTIONALLY CLEARED 13 BY ARREST /CITATION _ 6 _ WARRANT ACTIVITY: SEARCH WARRANTS OBTAINED 0 SEARCH WARRANTS SERVED _ 0 _ ARREST WARRANTS OBTAINED _ 4 _ ARREST WARRANTS SERVED 4 GENERAL ACTIVITY: MEETINGS ATTENDED 6 SURVEILLANCE TIME (approx) _ 4_hr PUBLIC SPEECHES /PRESENTATIONS _ 1 _ CRIME SCENES WORKED 11 SEIZURES FILED 0 VALUE $ 0 SCHOOL /TRAINING SESSIONS _ 0 _ SOUTHLAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT WARRANT OFFICE MONTHLY REPORT SEPTEMBER, 1990 MUNICIPAL WARRANTS CURRENT MONTH PAST MONTH YTD WARRANTS ON HAND Beginning Count 572 491 N/A Received 53 142 778 Served 54 61 625 Purged 0 0 452 Ending Count 571 572 N/A FINES COLLECTED By Warrant Officer 4,528 5,626 64,550 By Other Agency 2,859 660 23,088 Total 7,387 6,286 87,638 ARREST /WARRANTS SERVED By Warrant Officer 38 43 447 By Other Agency 16 18 178 Total 54 61 625 ( I — g D.A.R.E. SEPTEMBER MONTHLY REPORT Sept. 3 -7 Administrative Activities pertaining to D.A.R.E start up for the fall, assisted in dressing out partol vehicles, assisted at high school from 1115 hrs until 1315 hrs Monday through Friday. 10 Assisted middle school staff with a special assignment for one of their studnets. (Mental Health Warrant) Assisted at high School 1115 hrs -1315 hrs. 11 Administrative Day, Assisted at High School 1115 hrs- 1315 hrs Just Say No Rally- Grapevine High School Scout Tour, 14 scouts 12 Core- Carroll Elem. 71 core students Assiisted at High School 1115 hrs- 1315 hrs 13 Administrative Day, Conference with 7 yr. old juvenile and parents at request of CID Assisted at High School 1115 hrs- 1315 hrs. Department Tour, 8 persons 14 Administrative Day, vehicle marking (Forest Hill), meeting in Arlington, Assisted at High School 1115 hrs until 1315. 17 Core- Johnson Elem. 87 core students Conference with 7 yr. old juvenile and parents at request of CID, Assisted at High School 1115 hrs- 1315 hrs 18 Core- Johnson Elem. 87 core students Assisted at High School 19 Core- Carroll Elem. 71 core students Assisted at High School 20 Security Survey, 1302 Pecos Assisted at High School 21 Administrative Day Conference with 16 yr. old juvenile, per request of #134 24 Core- Johnson Elem. 87 core students Assisted at High School 7 D.A.R.E. SEPTEMBER MONTHLY REPORT Sept. Continued 25 Administrative Day 26 Core - 'Carroll Elem. 71 core students Safety Fair, IBM 27 Program for Private School Meeting in Grapevine 28 Administrative Day Programing for October Meeting in Grapevine D.A.R.E. 71 OFFICER /INSTRUCTOR SCHEDULE )TAL CORE STUDENTS M. Bedrich #142 Wednesday 9 12 Officer /Instructor Day of Week Carroll Elem. Mrs Henderson School Principal • 1705 W. Continental Mrs Williams Address Office Manager • 481 - 8899 Telephone No. of kindergarten classes 2 No. of 4th grade classes 4 No. of 1st grade classes 3 No. of 5th grade classes 3 No. of 2nd grade classes 3 No. of 5/6 grade classes No. of 3rd grade classes 3 No. of 6th grade classes TIME GRADE /ROOM # TEACHER 0815 -0900 5 /Core Mrs Heath 0900 - 0945 5 /Core Mrs Harding 0945 - 1030 5 /Core Mrs England Nutrition to Lunch to y— 7/ D.A.R.E. R7 OFFICER /INSTRUCTOR SCHEDULE TOTAL CORE STUDENTS M. $edrich #142 Mnnri . - 17 - Officer /Instructor y of Wee 'Johnson Flpm. Mrc ('nu iri School Principal 1300 N. Carroll Ave Mrs �t n sal l Address - Off Manager 481 - 2184 Telephone No. of kindergarten classes 5 No. of 4th grade classes 5 No. of 1st grade classes 5 No. of 5th grade classes 4 No. of 2nd grade classes 5 No. of 5/6 grade classes No. of 3rd grade classes 5 No. of 6th grade classes TIME GRADE /ROOM # TEACHER 0830 - 0930 5 /Core Mrs Jacobsen 0930 - 1030 5 /Core Mrs Jacobsen 1330 - 1430 5 /Core Mrs Jacobsen 1430 - 1520 5 /Core Mrs Jacobsen Nutrition to Lunch to 17/_ / Z 87 OFFICER /INSTRUCTOR SCHEDULE OTAL CORE STUDENTS M B XIIPC 09 -18 -90 Officer /1ri instrh u1 49 T ctor ` ay of Week - Johnson Elem. Mrs. Cousins School Principal 1300 N. Carroll Ave. Mrs. St Address - Office Manager 481 -2184 Telephone No. of kindergarten classes 5 No. of 4th grade classes 5 No. of 1st grade classes 5 No. of 5th grade classes 4 No. of 2nd grade classes 5 No. of 5/6 grade classes No. of 3rd grade classes 5 No. of 6th grade classes TIME GRADE /ROOM # TEACHER 0830 - 0930 - 5 /Core Mrs Jacobsen 0930 - 1030 5 /Core Mrs Jacobsen 1330 - 1430 5 /Core Mrs Jacobsen 1430 - 1520 5 /Core Mrs Jacobsen Nutrition to lunch to y—/ 3 D.A.R.E. 71 OFFICER /INSTRUCTOR SCHEDULE TOTAL CORE STUDENTS M Rarlrirh #142 Wpdn+ sda 9 -}9 - QO Officer /Instructor Day of Meek Carroll F1am Mrs Hanri�rcn9 School Principal • 1705 W. Continental M rs Wi1 1iamc Address Office Ma nager 481-88(19 Telephone No. of kindergarten classes 2 No. of 4th grade classes 4 No. of lst grade classes 3 No. of 5th grade classes 3 No. of 2nd grade classes 3 No. of 5/6 grade classes No. of 3rd grade classes 3 No. of 6th grade classes TIME GRADE /ROOM # TEACHER 0815 - 0900 5 /Core Mrs Heath 0900 - 0945 5 /Core Mrs Harding • 0945 - 1030 5 /Core Mrs Enaland Nutrition to Lunch to �/, / D.A.R.E. 87 OFFICER /INSTRUCTOR SCHEDULE OTAL CORE STUDENTS M. Bedrich #142 Monday 09 - 24 - 90 Officer /Instructor Day of Week Johnson Elem. Mrs Cousins School Principal 1300 N. Carroll Mrs Stansell Address Office Manager 481 - 2184 Telephone No. of kindergarten classes 5 No. of 4th grade classes s No. of 1st grade classes 5 No. of 5th grade classes 4 No. of 2nd grade classes 5 No. of 5/6 grade classes No. of 3rd grade classes 5 No. of 6th grade classes TIME GRADE /ROOM # TEACHER 0830 - 0930 5 /Core Mrs Jacobsen 0930 - 1030 5 /Core Mrs Jacobsen 1330 - 1430 5 /Core Mrs Jacobsen 1430 - 1520 5 /Core Mrs Jacobsen Nutrition to Lunch to �.,�� 71 D.A.R.E. OFFICER /INSTRUCTOR SCHEDULE TOTAL CORE STUDENTS M. Bedrich #142 Wednesday 09 - 26 - 90 Officer /Instructor Day of Week "Carroll Elem. Mrs Henderson School Principal 1705 W. Continental Mrs Williams Address Office Manager 481 -8899 Telephone No. of kindergarten classes 2 No. of 4th grade classes 4 No. of 1st grade classes 3 No. of 5th grade classes 3 No. of 2nd grade classes 3 No. of 5/6 grade classes No. of 3rd grade classes 3 No. of 6th grade classes TIME GRADE /ROOM # TEACHER 0815 - 0900 5 /Core Mrs Heath 0900 - 0945 5 /Core Mrs Harding 0945 - 1030 5 /Core Mrs England Nutrition to Lunch to 9-1/° SOUTHLAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT MILEAGE AND GASOLINE REPORT FOR SEPTEMBER, 1990 09/01 09/30 TOTAL MILES TOTAL GALLONS UNIT # MILEAGE MILEAGE DRIVEN GASOLINE USED 226 101,672 102,527 855 74.0 227 116,545 118,102 1,557 90.4 229 137,226 138,546 1,320 79.1 230 83,531 85,679 2,148 145.8 232 88,973 89,347 374 30.9 234 46,833 52,043 5,210 463.1 235 45,543 51,271 5,728 495.5 236 1,941 3,084 1,143 127.1 237 1,783 5,892 4,109 386.1 238 1,516 2,200 684 30.9 239 339 489 150 10.2 250 (VAN) 85,043 85,426 383 28.8 TOTAL MILES DRIVEN 23,661 TOTAL GALLONS GASOLINE USED 1,961.9 q--/ 7 Report Date: 10/09/90 Page 1 Report Nmbr: OFF0300 OFFENSES BY OFFENSE DESCRIPTION FROM 09/01/90 TO 09/30/90 Offense Offense Officer Property Date Number Detective Stolen POE MOE Status Offenses for AG6 ASSAULT 09/02/90 300842 132 / 133 0 0 A 09/09/90 900856 114 / 140 0 0 A 09/16/90 900894 127 / 133 0 0 A Offenses for ARSON 09/12/90 900879 119 / 0 0 A Offenses for ASSIST OTHER AGENCY 09/15/90 900887 146 / 0 0 C Offenses for BURGLARY (BD 09/04/90 900849 144 / 140 K 2 65 A 09/14/90 900884 143 / 133 GK 2 55 A 09/19/90 900906 144 / 140 K 1 55 A Offenses for BURGLARY (R) ^4/01/90 900837 114 / 140 KC 1 75 CA .103/90 900845 143 / 140 K 25 65 A 09/10/90 900867 143 / 133 EK 25 65 A 09/10/90 900874 134 / 140 K 25 65 A 09/10/90 900870 143 / 133 K 25 90 A 09/19/90 900905 127 / K 1 65 U 09/20/90 300914 144 / 140 K 1 80 A 09/21/90 900917 144 / 140 FGBK 25 90 A 09/27/90 900934 139 / 140 K 15 30 A Offenses for BURGLARY M/V 09/01/90 900834 143 r 140 K 0 0 09/05/90 900852 144 / 133 F 0 0 A 09/10/90 900869 132 / 133 K 0 0 A 09/10/90 900871 143 / 133 K 0 0 A 09/13/90 900580 144 / 140 KF 0 0 4 09/14/90 900833 143 / 140 F 0 0 4 09/14/90 900836 114 / 140 KF 0 0 09/15/90 900890 141 / 140 F 0 0 A 09/17/90 900899 132 / 140 FK 0 0 A 09/17/90 900897 143 / 133 K 0 0 A 09/17/90 900898 143 / 133 K 0 0 A 09/23/90 900925 132 / 140 F 0 0 9 09/29/90 900940 144 / 140 FK 0 0 A Offenses for CINS /02/90 900839 146 / 140 0 0 C„ Report Date: 10/09/90 Page D.trt Nmbr: OFF0300 OFFENSES BY OFFENSE DESCEFTION FROM 0 °3/01/30 TO 09/20 :90 Offense Offense Officer Property Date Number Detective Stolen POE MOE Status Offenses for CITY ORDINANCE VIOLATION 09/07/90 900857 111 / 0 0 Offenses for CIVIL DISTURBANCE 09/10/90 900875 134 / 0 0 C Offenses for CRIMINAL MISCHIEF 09/01/90 900835 143 / 140 0 0 A 09/10/90 900868 132 / 140 0 0 A 09/12/90 900878 141 / 133 0 0 A 09/17/90 900896 132 / 133 0 0 A 09/18/90 900903 134 / 140 0 0 A 09/22/90 900922 114 / 133 0 0 A 09/27/90 900933 144 i 133 0 0 A 09/10/90 900872 132 / 140 0 0 A Offenses for DISORDERLY CONDUCT '/16/90 900892 127 / 0 0 CA A/19/90 900910 141 / 0 0 CA Offenses for DISTURBANCE 09/06/90 900855 132 / 0 0 A 09/13/90 900881 134 / 0 0 A 09/22/90 900923 114 / 0 0 C Menses for DOG BITE 09/28/90 900938 141 / 133 0 0 A Menses for DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE 09/07/90 900861 141 / 133 0 0 A 09/20/90 900911 147 / 0 0 A 09/20/90 900912 147 / 0 0 0 Offenses for DWI 09/14/90 900888 141 / 140 0 0 CA 09/21/30 900916 146 i 133 0 0 CA 09/29/90 900941 141 / 133 0 0 CA 03/30/90 900942 146 / 140 0 0 CA Offenses for FAILURE TO STOP & RENDER AID 09/01/90 900840 146 i 140 0 0 A Offenses for FOUND PROPERTY /18/90 900885 141 / 140 0 0 +; v1/20/90 900915 141 / 140 0 0 C Report Date: 10 /05/90 Page 3 ?eon *t Nebr 3FF0300 3FFENSES BY OFFENSE DESCRIPTION FROM 09/01/90 TO 09/30/90 Offense Offense Officer Pr3perty Date Nusber Detective Stolen POE MOE Status Offenses for FOUND PROPERTY 09/22/90 900920 144 / 0 0 A Offenses for HARASSMENT 09/09/90 900864 143 / 140 0 0 A 09/12/90 900877 127 / 133 0 0 A Offenses for INJURED PERSON 09/02/90 900841 127 / 140 0 0 A 09/09/90 900865 143 / 0 0 C Offenses for MINOR ACCCIDENT 09/21/90 900919 141 / 0 0 }i Offenses for MINOR CONSUMING ALCOHOL 09/07/90 900862 141 / 0 0 CA Of es for MINOR IN POSSESSION ALCOHOL A /08/90 900863 146 / 0 0 CA • Offenses for MISSING PERSON 09/16/90 300893 146 i 0 0 Offenses for PI 09 /01 /90 900838 141 i 0 0 CA 09/05/90 900853 139 / 0 0 CA 09/24/90 900927 114 / 0 0 CA 09/28/90 900939 141 / 140 0 0 CA Offenses for POSS DRUG PARAPHERNALIA 09/07/90 900860 119 / 0 0 CA 3ffenses for POSS MARIJUANA 09i25/90 900930 111 / 140 0 0 CA Offenses for PURSUIT 09/01/90 900851 108 i 0 0 C Offenses for RECOVERED STOLEN PROPERTY 09/03/90 900846 134 / 140 0 0 A Offenses for RUNAWAY 09/10/90 900873 114 / 123 0 0 /27/90 900937 134 0 0 Report Date: 10/09/90 Page 4 e" Nobr: OFF0300 OFFENSES BY OFFENSE DESCRIPTION FROM 09/01/90 TO 09/30/90 Offense Offense Officer Property Date Number Detective Stolen POE MOE Status Offenses for TERRORISTIC THREATS 09/25/90 900928 141 1 140 0 0 A 09/30/90 900944 134 1 140 0 0 A Offenses for THEFT 20/200 09/17/90 900900 143 / 133 K 0 0 A 09/18/90 900904 141 / 133 K 0 0 A 09/17/90 900913 140 / 140 K 0 0 A Jffenses for THEFT 200/750 09/16/90 900895 134 / B 0 0 U 09/25/90 900929 114 / 133 6 0 0 A Offenses for THEFT 750/20,000 09/02/90 900843 134 / K 0 0 A 09/06/90 900854 144 / 140 K 0 0 A 09/24/90 900926 134 / 133 KB 0 0 A /27/90 900935 141 / 140 K 0 0 A u9/27/90 900936 141 / 140 K 0 0 A Offenses for THEFT U /20 09/11/90 900876 134 / 133 I 0 0 CJ 09/18/90 900909 134 i 140 I 0 0 A Offenses for TRF VIOLATION 09/02/90 900844 114 / 0 0 CA 09/07/90 900858 111 / 0 0 CA 09/17/90 900901 134 / 0 0 CA 09/21/90 900918 114 / 0 0 CA Offenses for TRF WRNT ARREST 09/01/90 900833 106 1 0 0 CA 09101/90 900836 145 / 0 0 CA 09/04/90 900848 146 / 0 0 CA 09/04/90 900850 111 / 0 0 CA 09/07/90 900859 145 1 0 0 CA 09/15/90 900889 146 / 0 0 CA 09/22/90 900921 145 / 0 0 CA 09/23/90 900924 145 / 0 0 CA 09/26/90 900931 141 / 0 0 CA 09/30/90 900943 114 / 0 0 CA Offr for UCW /15/90 900891 114 / 140 0 0 CA Report Date: 10/09/90 Page 5 Report Nebr: OFF03C0 OFFENSES BY OFFENSE DESCRIPTION FROM 09/01/90 TO 09/30/90 Offense Offense Officer Property Date Number Detective Stolen POE MOE Status Offenses for UMW 09/26/90 900932 134 / 133 0 0 A Offenses for WARRANT ARREST 09/03/90 900847 146 / 0 0 CA 09/07/90 900856 146 / 0 0 CA 09/14/90 900882 143 / 0 0 CA 09/18/90 900902 143 / 0 0 CA 09/19/90 900907 145 / 0 0 CA 09/19/90 900908 145 / 0 0 CA Total Offenses Printed: 112 Arrests 43 Alarm Calls 73 Accidents 22 CITY OF SOUTHL tKE FIRE DEPARTMENT XONTHLY REPORTS TO: CITY MANAGER CURTIS CURT HAWS; FOR THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER 1990 RESPONSES THIS YEAR MONTH TO DATE STRUCTURE FIRES: HOUSE 1 7 MOBILE HOME 0 1 OFFICE BUILDING O RETAIL — RESTAURANT 0 1 FACTORY — INDUSTRY 0 0 GRASS FIRES 7 CS VEHICLE FIRES 1 16 MOTOR VEHICLE ACCIDENTS 14 69 NATURAL GAS LEAK 0 10 GASOLINE SPILL 0 4 MUTUAL AID FOR GRAPEVINE 1 7 MUTUAL AID FOR COLLEYVILLE 0 1 MUTUAL AID FOR KELLER 0 11 MUTUAL AID FOR TROPHY CLUB 0 4 FIRE CALLS IN WESTLAKE 1 11 EMS CALLS IN WESTLAKE 2 14 FALSE ALARMS IN WESTLAKE 1 7 FIRE CALLS IN TARRANT COUNTY 0 1 EMS CALLS IN TARRANT COUNTY 0 0 FALSE ALARMS I N TARRANT COUNTY ict 0 FIRE CALLS IN DENTON COUNTY 0 0 EMS CALLS IN DENTON COUNTY 0 0 FALSE ALARMS IN DENTON COUNTY 0 0 y42 3 FIRE DEPARTMENT THIS YEAR MONTHLY REPORT MONTH TO DATE PAGE AMBULANCE CALLS IN CITY 44 268 FIRE UNIT ASSIST ON AMBULANCE CALLS IN CITY 16 99 FALSE ALARMS IN CITY (FIRE CALLS) 8 62 MISCELLANEOUS CALLS IN CITY (SEE ATTACHMENT) 0 55 SMOKE INVESTIGATIONS 4 2 TOTAL AMBULANCE CALLS 44 294 TOTAL FIRE CALLS 5e 417 TOTAL EMERGENCY CALLS 96 711 TOTAL F I R E LOSS IN CITY $026,000 $608,475 TOTAL FIRE LOSS IN WESTLAKE $0000 $0300 MAN HOURS EXPENDED ON EMERGENCY CALLS 425 2074 MEETINGS (4 PER MONTH) average men (12) 144 1272 SPECIAL TRAINING 000 203 TOTAL MAN HOURS EXPENDED 369 3549 SPECIAL REMARKS: MIKE SCAMARDO HAS BEGUN HIS PARAMEDIC TRAINING. JOE PARKER, JEFF POWELL, AND ROBERT FINN COMPLETED ACLS TRAINING THROUGH BAYLOR MEDICAL CENTER. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, DON WILSON DATE: 10 -09 -90 y -a FIRE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT PAGE mISCELLANEUUS CALLS SEPTEMBER 1990 RUN # aW SOU HLA ;E F i rE DEPARTMENT AMbULi -1NCE SE R v I CE CALLS EEPTEMELR 1994' BAYLOR MEDICAL CENTER GRAPEVINE 19 HEB BEDFORD 3 NORTH HILLS 1 N.E. COMMUNITY 1 HARRIS METHODIST FT WORTH 1 ARLINGTON MEMORIAL 1 NO TRANSPORT 12 FALSE ALARMS 06 TOTAL AMBULANCE CALLS FOR SEPTEMBER 1990 44 x-06 VOLUNTEER RESPONSE FOR THE YEAR 1990 MONTH YEAR TOTAL TOTAL ' OF OF MONTH YEAR CALLS CALLS ALLEN, REXENE 07 82 12 19 ALLEN, RICHARD 16 52 30 12 DAVENPORT, KATHY 04 17 07 04 FISHER, GEORGE 06 42 11 10 LEONARD, KENDALL 02 73 04 17 MANNO, V I NCE 13 64 23 15 MINDER, DENNIS 03 03 05 01 MOORE, CHRIS 37 119 69 29 MURRY, BRIAN 01 39 02 09 PRUITT, SCOTT 23 62 42 15 ROOT, PATRICK 03 03 05 01 SCHNIDER, TOM 16 83 30 19 SULLIVAN, JAMES 01 17 O2 04 WHITE, CHAD 14 50 24 11 TOTAL FIRE CALLS SEPTEMBER 1590 56 TOTAL FIRE CALLS YEAR TO DATE: 421 yr, .2 7 Date: 18/84/98 incident listing Page: 8 Time: 9:32 AM Southlake Fire Department Reps INCIDENT Nue Incident Alarm FS Nes Aid Aid Nui Date Time Type Situation Found Per Shift Eng Rec 6iv Complex Aer s-=-- - - - = s =X :--= - 289/22/90 14:12 Ssoge scare 2 A 0 N N * No Data Found * 3 03/23/90 14:37 Power line dowh 3 3 1 N P4 No complex 0 15:59 ES. 1 2 3 1 Y Y Road complex a 08/24/90 32:42 Eaerg'y medical call 1 B 1 N N Dwelling complex 1 -2 fmly 3 18:29 Malic /aischiev call 2 C 8 k N Public recreation complex 0 18:43 MvA 2 C O N N Road complex 0 19:47 INSURED PERSON 2 C 8 N N Dwelling complex 1-2 filly 0 03/35/93 01:29 System malfunction 4 C 1 N N Hotel complex 0 08/37/90 08:51 Vicinity alarm 3 C 1 N N Duelling complex 1 -2 fely 8 14:30 ASSIST PUBLIC WORKS 1 C *** N N Road complex * ** 16:32 Power line down 2 C 1 N N * No Data Found * 0 08/88/98 86:26 Smoke scare 3 A 1 N N * No Data Found * 8 09:49 Spill, leak, no fire 3 A 1 N N * No Data Found * 8 10:42 Spill, leak, no fire 3 A 1 N N * No Data Found * 8 11:19 Energy medical call 1 A 1 N N * No Data Found * 8 08/09/90 82:22 MVA 1 A *** N N * No Data Found * *** 21:51 Eserg'y medical call 1 B O N N Business i resident. cmpl 0 03/11/90 13:03 Eserg'y medical call 1 A 0 N N * No Data Found * 8 13:36 Unintentional :ail 2 A 3 4 N * No Data Found * 2 88/12190 17:04 air, gas rupture 5 B 2 N N * No Data Found * * ** 22:43 Vehicle fire 6 B 2 N N Road complex * ** 38/15/90 17:13 Spill, leak, no fire 3 B 0 N N * No Data Found * a 18:37 Eaerg'y medical call 3 B 0 N N * No Data Found * 0 20:19 Emerg'y medical call 2 B 3 N N Road complex 8 23:39 System malfunction 6 B 1 N N * No Data Found * 1 08/16/90 10:54 MVA 1 �. 8 N N Road complex 3 14:10 Situation not class. 2 C 1 N Y FIRE STATION a 08/18/:0 17:12 Venicle fire 5 B 1 P4 P4 Dwelling complex 1 -2 fily * ** 83/13/93 18:39 MA 5 C 1 Y 4 Road complex 3 08/20/93 18:12 Good intent call 3 A 1 N v * No Data Found * *+* 20:04 MVA It A 1 N h * No Data Found * *** 2 Arcing, elect. short 6 A 1 N N * No Data Found * 0 08/21/90 14:21 System malfunction 2 B *t* N ?: Dwelling complex 1 - filly *** 08/22/98 11:27 MVA 3 C 1 4 Y Road complex 0 13:41 Unintentional call 2 C 1 N N industrial /mfg complex 0 88/23/90 18:05 MVA WITH NATURAL SAS LK. 1 A 1 N N * No Data Found * 0 19:36 BPCK PAIN 2 A 2 P4 N * No Data Found * a 22 :42 E*erg'y medical call 2 A * ** P4 . t No Data round * *** aa,27iia 18:ft MOTORCYCLE ACCIDENT c A *t* N + .,.:eta Fount * *** 19:20 Smoke scare 2 B a h N No complex a 06/26/52 15:14 PRCPANE TANS{ FIRE 6 C 1 Y N Dwelling coaplex 1 -2 filly 3 28123192 23:26 Emerg'y medical call 2 A 0 N P4 * No Data Found * 0 39/31/90 13:48 Eserg'y medical call 3 A *** N N * No Data Found * * ** 09/03/90 10:17 E:erg'y sedical call 2 C *** N N Dwelling complex 1 - 2 filly * ** 21:39 *** P4 N Road complex * ** ,.a9 �;aza, Maus coed. uncl 2 C 39/04/90 16:36 533rie scare s' A 0 N P4 * No Data our * a 19:35 E*erg'y medical call 2 A 2 Y N + No Data Found * 3 V-02g Date: 18/04/98 incident listing Page: 9 Tiae: 9:32 AM Southlake Fire Department Rep: INCIDENT Num Incident Alarm FS Num Aid Aid Nua Date Tiae Type Situation Found Per Shift Eng Rec Giv Complex Aer 29/85/90 17:21 False call 3 B O N N No complex 0 09/06/90 17:19 NVA 2 C O N N Raad complex 0 09/27/90 23:59 Eserg'y medical call 2 A 0 N S * No Data Found * 0 09/88/90 21 :51 Smoke scare 2 8 O N N No complex 8 09/09/98 18:13 Controlled burning 5 C O N N BUSINESS 8 19:25 INJURED PERSON 2 C 3 N N Dwelling complex 1 -2 filly 3 29/10/90 22:56 False call unclass. 6 A 2 N N * No Data Found * 0 89/12/90 23:47 Vehicle fire 7 c O N 4 Na complex 0 09113/90 29:34 Eaerg'y medical call 2 A 3 N N * No Data Found * 0 10:50 Eaerg'y medical call 1 B O N N Hate1 complex 0 89/14/98 87:40 Eaerg'y medical call 1 B O N N Dwelling complex 1 -2 fely 0 88:01 Structure fire 2 B O N N Dwelling complex 1 -2 filly 0 11:18 Eserg'y medical call 1 B O N N Shopping complex 0 22:15 Eserg'y medical call 2 B 0 Y N Road complex 8 09/15/98 80:3 Eserg'y medical call 2 B 8 N N Road complex 8 18:54 M.V.A. 4 C 1 N N * No Data Found * *** 09/16/90 . ":22 Good intent call unc 2 C *** N N * No Data Found * * ** 01:38 Spill, leak, no fire 2 C *** N N Road complex *** 14 :37 Not determined /reptd 2 A 0 N N * No Data Fat.nd * 0 09/17/90 09:26 Eaerg'y medical call 1 B O N N Office complex 0 22 :58 Unintentional call 3 B 1 N N Dwelling complex 1 -2 filly 2 09/19/90 18:23 System malfunction 2 A 0 N N * No Data Found * 0 15:39 MVA 2 A O N N * No Data Found * 8 09/28/90 18:55 Cover assignment 3 8 1 N Y Unclassified 0 17:02 Eaerg'y medical call 3 B 0 Y N Road complex 0 09//90 13:12 GRASS AND ROUND BALES 6 A 0 Y N * No Data Found * 0 17:34 GRASS AND HAY 3 A 0 N N * No Data Found * 8 09123/90 09 :07 Good intent call 2 B 0 P4 N No complex 2 25/24/98 13:15 Tree /brush /grass fr. 4 C 0 N P * No Data Found * 3 23:47 Tree /brush /grass fr. 5 C O N N Farm complex 0 29/25/90 81:17 Smoke scare 6 C 1 N N Dwelling campiex 1 -2 ft 0 14:59 HAY SMOLDERING 2 A 0 N N * No Data Found * 0 18:48 Eaerg'y medical call 2 A *** N N * No Data Found * *** 23:06 MVA 2 A * ** N N * No Data Found * *** 09/26/90 10:23 Eaerg'y medical call 1 B 8 N N Office complex 0 15:31 System malfunction 3 B 1 N N Dwelling complex 1 -2 filly 0 19:50 Smoke scare 6 B 1 N P4 Dwelling complex 1 -2 filly 0 29/27/90 32:41 Eserg'y medical call 2 9 O N N Dwelling complex 1 -2 filly 8 87 :Z2 Soo in :en: jai: :Inc 3 C 2 N N 3a; station 8 11 :13 Rescue call 2 C O N N Dwelling complex 1 -2 filly 2 21:47 Rescue call 2 C 2 N N Dwelling complex 1 -2 faly 8 29:23/90 07:47 Unintentional caii 1 A 0 N N * No Data Found * 3 36:10 Unintentional call 1 A 0 N N * No Data Found * 0 28:46 Eaerg'y medical call 1 A 0 N N * No Data Found * 0 09/29/90 12:21 Eaerg'y medical call 2 B O N N Road complex 0 16:56 Eaerg'y medical call 2 B 2 N N welling complex 1 -2 fely 2 19::3 Eserg'y medical call 2 B 8 N P4 No complex 2 4-021' Date: 18/04/90 incident listing Page: 10 Time: 9 :32 AN Southlake Fire Department Rep: INCIDENT Nue Incident Alarm FS Num Aid Aid Nue Date Time Type Situation Found Per Shift Eng Rec 6iv Complex Aer :---- z = ---- 09/29/90 19:44 Exergly medical call 4 B 1 N N Road complex 0 20:05 SMELL CF SMOKE 4 B 1 N N No complex 0 09/30/90 17:48 grass fire 4 C 0 N N Dwelling complex 1-2 fmly 0 22 :06 Rescue call 2 C O N N gelling complex 1 -2 fmly 0 10/01/90 18:16 Controlled burning 3 A O N N * No Data Found * 8 21:01 GASOLINE SPILL 11 A 1 Y N FUEL STATIGN 0 10/02/90 01:44 Good intent call unc 4 A 0 N N * No Data Found * 8 17:32 MVA 2 B O N N Road complex 0 22:06 Unintentional call 2 B O N N Dwelling complex 1 -2 faly 0 OVFL 214 3 432 Records Written. `J 4 —‘3() City of Southlake, Texas TO: CURTIS HAWK, CITY MANAGER FROM: JULIE HINKLE, MUNICIPAL COURT CLERK SUBJECT: MUNICIPAL COURT ACTIVITY REPORT FOR DATE: OCTOBER, 1990 City of Southlake, Texas MUNICIPAL COURT MONTHLY REPORT m N II OF September '90 MasITH OF Sept. '89 *Cases Set For Trail 193 122 *Cases Heard 107 64 Cases Dismissed 23 13 Cases Reset 16 15 Cases Appealed 150 106 Past Due Letters 67 93 Cases Refered to DSC 46 51 Citations Issued 466 386 Citations Paid 278 177 *Fines Collected From Court 3,860.00 1, 376.00 Total Revenue 15,955.00 22 ,152.00 * 2 Plea Courts a Month * 2 Trial Courts a Month * Total Money Collected in Four (4) Courts SOUTHLAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT WARRANT OFFICE MONTHLY REPORT SEPTEMBER, 1990 MUNICIPAL WARRANTS CURRENT MONTH PAST MONTH YTD WARRANTS ON HAND Beginning Count 572 491 N/A Received 53 142 778 Served 54 61 625 Purged 0 0 452 Ending Count 571 572 N/A FINES COLLECTED By Warrant Officer 4,528 5,626 64,550 By Other Agency 2,859 660 23,088 Total 7,387 6,286 87,638 ARREST /WARRANTS SERVED By Warrant Officer 38 43 447 By Other Agency 16 18 178 Total 54 61 625 y -33 City of Southlake, Texas M E M O R A N D U M -W12 ._ / October 10, 1990 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Michael H. Barnes, Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Street Department Monthly Report - September 1990 The attached report details the Street Department activities for the month of September 1990. This report is to be included in the City Council packets for their October 16, 1990 meeting. m MHB /lc City of Southlake, Texas M E M O R A N D U M October 4, 1990 TO: Michael H. Barnes FROM: Ron Morain SUBJECT: Monthly Street Department report for September. The Street Department patched streets per schedule this month using 450 tons of cold mix asphalt. Three ditches were cleaned using the Gradall. Mowing was accomplished on an emergency basis to keep intersections clear and comply with requests. Sixteen street name sign, 12 stop signs and three speed limit signs were repaired using sixteen sign blades, seven stop signs, three speed limit signs and 22 posts with clamps. Summerplace repair work was started by removing 52 dump truck loads of unsuitable material including damaged curb and gutter from 260 feet of the street. Crushed stone base was placed and graded in preparation of street and curb and gutter replacement, to be accomplished in October. Routine maintenance of equipment was performed as required. cbk "F3 City of Southlake, Texas M E M O R A N D U M . October 10, 1990 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Michael H. Barnes, Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Water Department Monthly Report - September 1990 The enclosed report details the Water Department activities for the month of September 1990. This report is to be included in the City Council packets for their October 16, 1990 meeting. M B/lc I � ;4-3s'9 City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM October 4, 1990 TO: Michael H. Barnes FROM: Ron 'brain SUBJECT: Monthly Water Department report for September. The Water Department repaired 6 main breaks, made 3 water taps located 5 taps which already existed. All water and sewer sites were cleaned and mowed. :assistance was provided to the Street Department in their daily task. Routine maintenance was performed as required. A program of locating water valves previously lost to employee knowledge was began this month. Eighteen valves have been located and maintained with approximately 200 additional valves to be located and maintained. This program is scheduled for completion by the end of November 1990 with 100% of the water valves being located and maintained performed at the end of this program. The required water samples were submitted for analysis with all tests being negative coloform found. — RM/cbk MONTHLY REPORT SEND REPORT TO: TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH DIVISION OF WATER HYGIENE WATER WORKS OPERATION FOR 1100 WEST 49th STREET tOUND WATER SUPPLIES AUSTIN. TEXAS 78756 -3192 (1) Name of System CITY OF SOUTHLAKE County TARRANT (la) Water System I.D. No. 2200075 Month of SEPTEMBER 19 90 Day Pumpage to Distribution System in Thousand Gals. (6) (7) (8) (9) of (2) Direct (3) From Gnd. (4) Purchased (5) Total Disinfection Corrosion Other Fluoride Month from Wells Storage from Others Pumpage Control Treatment Residuals 1 0 2,472.0 2,472.0 2 0 2,062.0 2,062.0 3 0 2.782.0 2,782.0 , 4 0 _ 2,090.0 2,090.0 , 5 0 2,399.0 2,399.0 6 0 2,345.0 2,345.0 7 0 2,445.0 2,445.0 8 0 1.843.0 1.843.0 9 0 1,595.0 1,595.0 10 0 1,456.0 1,456.0 11 0 972.0 972.0 12 0 _ 1,041.0 1,041.0 , 13 0 1,005.0 1,005.0 14 0 1,016.0 1,016.0 15 0 1.656.0 1.656.0 16 0 2,180.0 2,180.0 17 0 - 1.031.0 1.031.0, 9 -17 -90 NEGATIVE 18 0 1,045.0 1,045.0 19 0 1,260.0 1.260.0, , 20 0 _ 1,090.0 1,090.0 21 0 700.Q 700.0 2 2 0 1,381.0 1,381.0 23 0 _ 1,664.0 1,664.0 Z 0 _ 1,314.0 1,314.0 , 25 0 1,819.0 1,819.0 26 0 1,959.0 1,959.0 27 n 2.062.0 2.062.0 28 0 1,559.0 1,559.0 29 0 2,204.0 2,204.0 30 0 1.835.0 1,835.1k 31 Total 0 50,282.0 50,282.0 Avg. n 1.676.06 1.676.06, Mex. 0 2,782.0 2 , 782. Min. 700.0 700.0 , No. of Active Water Services (10) 2 ,175 Chemical Analysis (11) 11 -83 Dates and Results of Distribution Bacteriological Analyses (12) 9 -17 -90 SAMPLES NEGATIVE (3) Dates and Results of Raw Unchlorinated Well Water Samples (13) NONE N. WHITE CHAPEL Reservoirs or Tanks Cleaned (14) 8 Dead Ends Flushed ( E . DOVE, TIP 1EER LAKES S General Remarks (16) SHADY OAKS, 1709 SubmittedBy(17) Certificate No. (18), 450 -31 -2306 1.••• .. L. All .....nnc A.,e by the 1 5th of the fnllnwino mnnth. Shig UTILITY DEPARTMENT REPORT MOTH SEPTEMBER 1990 GALLONS PUMPED THIS MONTH FROM WELLS 0 PURCHASED FROM FORT WORTH 50,282,000 TOTAL PUMPED AND PURCHASED 50,282,000 NEW WATER TAPS INSTALLED 27 FIRE HYDRANTS INSTALLED 0 METER CHANGE OUTS 3 ADDRESSES: 1024 ALAMO DRIVE/ 2202 SHADOW CREEK/ 209 E. SOUTHLAKE BLVD. PULLED METERS PER CUSTOMER REQUEST 0 PULLED METERS PER DELINQUENT PAYMENT 1- 721 E. SOUTELAKE BLVD. LOCKED METERS PER CUSTOMER REQUEST 12 LOCKED METERS PER DELINQUENT PAYMENT 6 PROCESSED WORK ORDERS 122 LEAKS: 6 WATER MAIN BREAK REPAIRS N. WHITE CHAPEL /E. DOVE $ CARROLL/ TIMBER LAKE (2)/ SHADY OAKS/ 1709 SEWER LINE REPAIRS FLUSHED WATER LINES E. DOVE, N. CARROLL, N. WHITE CHAPEL 11 X1 ; DIRECTOR OF P :LIC WORKS X37 el r ° cna0 -7 1 C72 ww... aa -1 a .- . :Cm Sib aGI m m v m- rn r -- - N r r -- C/ D -n —n n r -a o 7) C rn 1 a z rri -4 a SD O aaaat z -I w N .-A .-r O Z w w, O O O = • • • • . pp z ..r • O 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 S N N I-+ 0 ,Q o a O 00 000 00 =� a a C) 3 7717 .-. N :0 :170 3 m --.1 N -< 0 00 000 00 �m m r Z � O Of 00 000 00 -< 3 -t 0 m 0 w to �- m r m c s a C - i ►� ° a x up a m r c 0 m 1-' -1-4 z C:71 ca c. CM ° - O O O � o N • a 0 0 000 0 0 m Dm. o a N a� 0 00 000 00 m rnn S. a 1-. --4 416 C.11 ~ w O . ?N O . • P 0 00 00 0 0 Turn p 00 ,...> N 72 A a r -4 r o a c cr at �N -i 0 0 -c O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D O O N D 1 y - CITY OF SOUTHLAKE CASH ANALYSIS SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1989 -90 OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB Beginning Cash Balance $104,126 $71,669 92,753 134,499 230,338 Deposits 166,479 313,556 339,510 1,216,484 642,358 Investments (95,000) (550,000) (450,000) Accounts Payable (101,077) (187,811) (121,585) (375,648) (189,458) Payroll (97,859) (101,524) (64,203) (108,977) (109,358) Debt Service 0 (3,137) (16,976) (86,020) Ending Cash Balance $71,669 $92,753 $134,499 $230,338 $123,880 MAR APR MAY JUN JUL Beginning Cash Balance 123,880 113,311 64,874 51,652 60,125 Deposits 148,382 167,458 218,836 163,894 167,259 Investments 200,000 100,000 95,000 630,000 200,000 195,866 (500,000) Accounts Payable (124,014) (195,866) (150,395) (176,838) (257,546) Payroll (110,276) (116,086) (174,185) (108,583) (110,791) Debt Service (124,661) (3,943) (2,478) (4,653) Ending Cash Balance $113,311 $64,874 $51,652 $60,125 $54,394 AUG SEPT 54,394 15,099 Beginning Cash Balance Deposits 187,564 174,571 100,000 Investments Accounts Payable (115,261) (158,883) Payroll (111,598) (113,986) Debt Service Ending Cash Balance $15,099 $16,801 Footnotes: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE CASH ACTIVITY REPORT- GENERAL FUND FOR THE PERIOD ENDED, SEPTEMBER 30, 1990 WEEK ENDING DEPOSITS ACCTS PAYROLL DEBT RUNNING PAYABLE SERVICE BALANCE Beginning Balance 15099 September 7, 1990 16285 23005 57612 0 -49233 September 14, 1990 35257 60850 0 0 -74826 September 21, 1990 96292 8869 56374 -43777 September 28, 1990 26736 66159 0 16800 100000 Average Weekly Deposit: 43643 (Excluding redeemed CD's) Average Weekly Disbursement: 39721 (Excluding investments) Average Payroll: 56993 Total Certificates of Deposit: 900000 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE GENERAL FUND COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE SEPTEMBER 30, 1990 FY90 FY90 ENCUMBRANCE TOTAL ACTUAL YTD ACTUAL ANNUAL BUDGET & ENCUMBERED Revenues: Taxes: Property $2,191,064 $2,088,151 Sales $363,606 $370,000 Franchise $222,331 $222,222 Licenses and Permits $435,338 $313,062 Charges for Services $28,662 $52,650 Fines $240,819 $255,435 Interest $49,818 $35,000 Other $190,439 $213,602 Total Revenues $3,722,077 $3,550,122 $0 $0 Expenditures: Current: General Government: City Sec /Mayor /Council $110,282 $114,139 $1,084 $111,366 City Manager's Off $85,068 $81,556 $190 $85,258 Support Services $294,350 $362,236 $2,532 $296,882 Finance $177,842 $173,541 Court $112,421 $124,673 $30 $1,73 $852 $11313,2273 Total Gen. Gov't $779,963 $856,145 $4,688 $784,651 Public Safety: Fire $413,114 $430,324 Police $2,185 $415,299 $892,430 $938,611 $5,895 $898,325 Building $186,334 $183,161 $505 $186,839 Total Pub. Safety $1,491,878 $1,552,096 $8,585 $1,500,463 Public Works: Streets $345,254 $360,307 $1,124 Parks $59,109 $66,364 $60,052 $346,378 9 Public Works $58,966 $0 $59,109 $73 $59,039 Total Public Works $463,329 $486,723 $1,197 $464,526 Total Expenditures $2,735,170 $2,894,964 $14,470 $2,749,640 Excess Rev. (Expenditures) $986,907 $655,158 Other Financing Sources (Uses): Debt Service Transfers ($163,937) ($157,696) Excess Revenues & Other Financing Sources over Expenditures & Other Financing Uses - Actual $822,970 $497,462 Fund Balance 10/01/89 $169,834 $169,834 Reserve - Uncompensated Vac. ($27,600) ($27,600) Fund Balance 09/30/90 $965,204 $639,696 & Expected Yr End Bal