1990-08-21 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 N. Carroll Avenue REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 21, 1990 7:30 p.m. COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor, Gary Fickes; Mayor Pro Tem, Betty Springer; Members: Sally Hall, Rick Wilhelm, Jerry Farrier and Ralph Evans. CITY STAFF PRESENT: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager; Michael Barnes, Director of Public Works; Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator; Renee Wheeler, Finance Officer; Billy Campbell, Police Chief; Eddie Cheatham, City Engineer; E. Allen Taylor, City Attorney; and, Sandra L. LeGrand, City Secretary. INVOCATION: Councilmember Ralph Evans. A work session'was held beginning at 6:30 p.m. in order for Council to review the items on the agenda. Mayor Pro Tem Betty Springer was present for the first thirty minutes of Work Session and had to leave, arriving for the regular meeting at 8:45 p.m. The Regular City Council meeting was called to order by Mayor Gary Fickes at 7:30 p.m. A~enda Item #2, Approval of the Minutes The Minutes of the Regular City Council 1990, were approved as modified. Motion: Wilhelm Second: Farrier Ayes: Wilhelm, Farrier, Hall, Evans Nays: None Approved: 4-0 vote. meeting held on August 7, The Minutes of the Special City Council 1990, were approved as presented. Motion: Wilhelm Second: Farrier Ayes: Wilhelm, Farrier, Hall, Evans Nays: None Approved: 4-0 vote. meeting held on August 14, A~enda Item #3, Mayor's Report Mayor Fickes reported that Lone Star Gas Company will be installing a high pressure line over FM 1709 this week. Hopefully we will not have the outages we have had in the past, he added. City Council Minutes August 21, 1990 page two Agenda Item %3, Continued The Mayor noted that Park and Recreation Board Chairman, Randy Robertson has requested a Joint Work Session with the Council and Park Board present. It was determined that the'work session will be scheduled for August 30, 1990, after the public hearing on the tax rate increase. Mayor Fickes commented on the Environmental Impact Study for Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport. Curtis Hawk, City Manager prepared a draft response to the E.I.S., 'which will be further discussed at a later time during this meeting. Councilmember Rick wilhelm reported on the Southlake Economic Development Council, stating that on August 24, the Annual Realtors Rally will be held and the Southlake Chamber of Commerce and Economic Development Council have a booth set up for the purpose of promoting Southlake. The Southlake video will be shown, among other things. Wilhelm stated that the second promotional item which has been prepared is a folding brochure, in four colors, to be used by individuals to learn about Southlake. The third item, which is being prepared, is an Economic Profile, prepared in a thirty page booklet. Mayor Fickes announced that on August 23, 1990, at 12:45 p.m., North Central Texas Council of Governments will be meeting. One of the items on the agenda is the adoption of the Mobility 2010, North Tarrant County Freeway. Mayor Fickes stated he will be attending, and is hopeful that other Councilmembers will be able to attend. Agenda Item #4, City Manager's Report The City Manager, Curtis E. Hawk, stated that the Department Reports are in the packets, if there are questions, he is prepared to answer them. Mayor Pro Tem Springer asked Hawk to announce that she had talked with the State Highway Department in regards to the construction of the lights on Hwy 114 at Dove Road and North White Chapel Blvd., and they are scheduled to begin construction in latter October. Also, the letting date for the Southlake portion of FM 1709, is still March 1992. Councilmember Sally Hall had questions in regards to the monthly court report and also in regards to the number of calls the Fire Department makes to Westlake. The City Manager replied that he attended a meeting'with Trophy Club Mud %1 recently, and the issue is being worked out. City Council Minutes August 21, 1990 page three Agenda Item #5, Consent Agenda The Consent Agenda consisted of Agenda Item #5: Resolution 90-58, in support of the Tarrant County Community Block Grant Program. Requesting the City of Southlake be included as a participant in the program. Motion was made to approve the consent agenda item, Motion: Farrier Second: Wilhelm Ayes: Farrier, Wilhelm, Evans, Hall Nays: None Approved: 4-0 vote as presented. A~enda Item #6 Public Forum #A Cotton Thompson, 1363 South Brumlow Avenue. Mr Thompson stated he has lived in that location for more than thirty years. He has burnt up two air conditioning units, due to the concrete plants and the dust and dirt that is in the air. He stated the city has good ordinances, and he would like them enforced. Three mornings last week they started working at 4:00 a.m., and they pull in at all hours of the night. The ordinance is 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. He would like the concrete plants to put dust collectors on the plants. He asked Council to enforce the ordinances on noise as well as the dust problem. Public Forum #B. By Friends of the Southlake Library. Karen Apple Karen Apple, informed the City Council and audience, that the Friends of the Library is a newly formed citizens group. They were formed to insure that library services are available to the citizens of Southlake. Currently citizens can get a library card for no fee, from the Grapevine Library. 35% of the card holders of the Grapevine Library are from Southlake. Mrs. Apple asked that the City Council look into forming a committee to look into an agreement with City of Grapevine for Library services. Mayor Fickes added, that the committee should also look into a library site and building as well. Mrs. Apple stated that the City of Arlington has an interlocal agreement with surrounding cities in that area for library services. It is not unique, however, the nature of it may be unique in this area. City Council Minutes August 21, 1990 page four A~enda Item 96, Continued An announcement was made that September 22, 1990, will be "Casino Night", sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce, where the proceeds will go toward the Southlake Library Fund. Councilmember Wilhelm commented that he feels the library is a terrific idea. Ed Brown, 1231 Timberline Court, commented that he does not know Mrs. Apple, but he feels the town is loaded, and we cannot fund a library. Lets take care of the needs first before the luxury. He is not in favor of funding a library at this time. A~enda Item #7, First Public Hearin~ on FY 90-91 Proposed Budget In accordance with the Texas Local Government code and the Charter of the City of Southlake, the proposed Annual Budget for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 1990, and ending September 30, 1991, is herewith submitted for your consideration. The City Manager, Curtis Hawk stated the Annual Budget presents in financial terms the plan for City services during the forthcoming fiscal year. The financial outlook for the City entering FY90-91 reflects continued improvements. To balance the annual budget in FY88-89 the City was forced to borrow $225,000 in anticipation of the collection of the property tax for the year. It is anticipated that the City will end the current fiscal year with an undesignated fund balance of $201,542 in the General Fund. A number of factors have contributed to this improved condition. Tax collections during the year amounted to approximately 97% of the levy. Revenue from collection of prior year delinquents increased approximately 56% over the previous year, the result of increased attention to the source. Sales tax and other revenues such as franchise fees, fines, and forfeitures, and permit fees have continued to hold steady or increase. It is anticipated that platting fees and building permit fees will continue to be significant vis a vis previous years as a result of the continued development activity in the community. The 1990 total taxable value of $520,442,493 is approximately 2% less than the 1989 total taxable value of $531,341,816, which is the result of a significant number of properties under protest. City Council Minutes August 21, 1990 page five Agenda Item #7, Continued According to the Central Appraisal District, this is a phenomenon broadly applicable across Tarrant County this year. However, the number of new construction properties which will be added to the role in 1991 illustrates the anticipated continued expansion of the tax base. The program and services provided in this budget are based on a tax rate of $0.4550 of which $0.3775 is for operations and $0.0775 for debt service. Although this represents an increase of 17.2% over the 1989 rate of $0.3882, the increase in the general operations portion of the budget is little more than 6% (up to $0.3775 from $0.3559). The debt service portion of the tax rate has increased approximately 140% (up to $0.0775 from $0.0323). The primary difference in the increase cost of the debt service is associated with the TRA sewer system costs. The effective tax rate for 1990 is $0.4017. In simple terms, the effective tax rate is that rate which allows the City to collect the same amount of tax revenues from the same property as the previous year. The rollback tax rate for 1990 is $0.4779, due to the debt tax rate of $0.0775. The proposed budget contains two major organizational changes. One change is the consolidation of the Fire and Police operations into a Department of Public Safety with three separate divisions of Fire, Police, and Public Safety Support. The Director of the Public Safety Department will be the Police Chief, who will report directly to the City Manager. The Fire Chief will continue to head the operations of the Fire Services, and will report to the Director. The Director will supervise the Public Safety Support Division, which performs the dispatching and clerical support functions for the Department. The City Manager added that the new positions being proposed for FY90-91 are: a Telephone Receptionist, two Communicators for public safety (one to be added at mid-year), a Planner, one Sewer Maintenance Worker, and two Street and Drainage Maintenance Workers. Public Hearing: Ed Brown, 1231 Timberline Court, asked, "what is the bond rating for the city". The answer was Baa-1. Public hearing closed. City Council Minutes August 21, 1990 page six A.~enda Item #8 A. Resolution 90-59, Settin~ date to Adopt Tax Rate Resolution 90-59, setting the date to consider a proposal a tax rate was considered. Motion was made to approve Resolution 90-59, as written. Motion: Hall Second: Evans Ayes: Hall, Evans, wilhelm, Farrier Nays: None Approved: 4-0 vote to adopt A~enda Item #8 B. Resolution 90-60, Setting date for Tax Rate Public Hearin~ Resolution 90-60, setting the date for the proposed increase public hearing was considered as presented. Motion was made to approve Resolution 90-60, as written. Motion: Wilhelm Second: Farrier Ayes: Wilhelm, Farrier, Evans, Hall Nays: None Approved: 4-0 vote tax rate Agenda Item #9, Ordinance No. 516, 1st reading. Tax and Waterworks and Sewer System Revenue Certificates of Obligation The City Manager, Curtis Hawk, explained that Ordinance No. 516 is an ordinance authorizing the issuance of "City of Southlake, Texas, Tax and Waterworks and Sewer System (limited pledge) Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 1990". He further explained that the funds will be used for relocation of water lines on FM 1709. The proposed FY 90-91 Budget has the debt service on this amount included in it. Mr. Hawk introduced Patricia Gallaher with First Southwest Company, who is present to answer questions for Council. The public hearing resulted with no comments. Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. Motion: Wilhelm Second: Evans 516, 1st reading. Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance. Ayes: Wilhelm, Hall, Evans, Nays: None Approved: 4-0 vote Farrier City Council Minutes August 21, 1990 page seven Agenda Item #10, Ordinance No. 517, 1st reading. Public Property Finance Contractual Obligations The City Manager, Curtis E. Hawk explained that the Public Property Finance Contractual Obligations will be used to provide funding for the addition to City Hall, and for Fire Department apparatus. Motion was made to approve the first reading on Ordinance No. Motion: Farrier Second: Evans 517. Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance. Ayes: Farrier, Evans, Nays: None Approved: 4-0 vote Hall, wilhelm Agenda Item #11, Water Rate Study. Freese & Nichols The City Manager, Curtis Hawk, explained that this item has been worked on for sometime. The City Council has contracted with Freese & Nichols to prepare a Water Rate Study for the City of Southlake. Hawk noted that a study of this sort has never been prepared for the city in the past. Tony Reed and Mike Porter were present and gave a brief overview of their findings for the Council. They asked Council to review the draft report and they will address questions during the City Council meeting to be held on September 4, 1990. Mayor Pro Tem Betty Springer arrived at 8:45 p.m. Councilmember Wilhelm indicated that Council will need to look at the assumptions in the report and decide what they want to do. Council went into recess at 9:15 p.m. Council returned to open session at 9:25 p.m. Agenda Item #19, Response to Dallas/Fort Worth Airport Environmental Impact Study The City Manger presented Council with a draft letter prepared as a response to the E.I.S. Mayor Fickes read through the draft letter with Council and indicated that this item will appear on the next City Council agenda for action. City Council Minutes August 21, 1990 page eight Agenda Item #14, Ordinance No. 480-26, 1st reading. (ZA 90-35) Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, presented Ordinance No. 480-26, to the City Council, stating that a zoning change has been requested for a 43.222 acre tract of land out of the S.H. Thompson Survey, Abstract No. 1504, Tracts 3 and 4A. Current zoning is Agricultural, with a request for the SF 20 A Zoning District. The location of the property is the west side of West Continental Blvd. Owner: Continental Joint Venture. Ms. Gandy indicated that the property was considered for SF 20 B Zoning District, in September 1989, and was denied by the City Council. Nine letters were sent to property owners within 200' and she received responses from Bob Goode, and Betsy Shatley, of TexArt Stone Company. Mr. Goode was opposed due to safety concerns and Shatley, due to her industrial use being next to the property in question. On August 9, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval by a vote of 4-1. Craig Curry, Nelson Corporation, was present, representing the applicant, Continental Joint Venture. He stated, they feel this is the best use of the property. He added that they are proposing a six (6) acre park, they would provide landscaping and burming along Continental Blvd., in front of the property, they will provide an irrigation system for the City and add grassing, and, the land use plan does show this to be the best use of the land. Public Hearing Robert Goode, 1080 South Peytonville Avenue. Mr. Goode, owner of Goode Airport, stated that the runway is 3,130 feet long. Flying normally, the planes would go over thirty-one (31) homes when they take off. Norman Scroggans, stated that the buffer of the six acres has improved the situation, from the previous plan. Steve Goode, 436 Brook Lane, Coppell, stated he is a DC-9 pilot for American Airlines, with 8,000 flight hours. He stated that safety and good judgement is the primary thing he learned at Goode Airport when he first learned to fly. He feels that industrial use for that property would be better than residential use. Councilmember Farrier stated he sees two options for the property: 1) residential use, or, 2) an extension of the runway. City Council Minutes August 21, 1990 page nine A~enda Item #14, Continued Bob Patterson, Colleyville, stated he cannot believe that City Council would approve homes at the end of the runway. He feels when a City approved a development like this one, they should know that over one hundred (100) airplanes are based there. He feels City Council is to protect the interest of the citizens. Mayor Pro Tem Springer stated she feels City Council is responsible to protect the interest of the "entire city", and not just the homeowners in that area. She stated Mr. Goode has really been an asset to this community. She stated that probably, she will vote for this zoning request, however, this in no way reflects Mr. Goode. Sometimes the fear is of the unknown, and, this may work out better than we feel. Councilmember Rick wilhelm stated he feels the developer in good faith, has attempted to resolve the safety issues except for the requirements for noise insulation. Can Council require that some options be a condition of the zoning. E. Allen Taylor Jr., City Attorney, stated that zoning cannot have conditions attached to it. It would be permissible for Council to amend the zoning ordinance to require identifying aviation criteria as a condition. Public Hearing closed. Councilmember Ralph Evans stated he feels that the City Council and the City staff will have problems with future homeowners in the addition, as people cannot tell how high up 150 feet is. Motion was made to approve 1st reading of Ordinance No. 480-26, and prior to the 2nd reading, having the details worked out with the developer regarding avigation releases and noise, and, insulation concerns, as previously discussed. Motion: Springer Second: Wilhelm Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance. Ayes: Nays: Approved: Springer, wilhelm, Hall, Farrier Evans 4-1 vote City Council Minutes August 21, 1990 page ten Agenda Item #15, Preliminary Plat of Country Walk The Zoning Administrator, Karen Gandy, presented the preliminary plat of the Country Walk Addition, a 43.222 acre tract of land out of the S.H. Thompson Survey, Abstract NO. 1504, Tracts 3 and 4A. Councilmember Wilhelm stated that he would like to see an avigation release shown on the final plat. Motion was made to approve the preliminary plat of Country Walk, subject to the avigation release shown on the plat and subject to the August 15, Cheatham review letter except for item #2. Motion: Springer Second: Farrier Ayes: Springer, Farrier, Hall, Wilhelm Nays: Evans Approved: 4-1 vote Agenda Item #12, Ordinance No. 480-24, 2nd readin~ (ZA 90-24) Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, introduced Ordinance NO. 480-24, a zoning change request and concept plan for a 21.719 acre tract of land out of the W.W. Hall Survey, Abstract No. 695. Current zoning is Agricultural, with a request for the SF 20-A zoning district. The public hearing resulted with no comments. Motion was made to approve the 2nd reading of Ordinance No. 480-24. Motion: Farrier Second: Evans Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance. Ayes: Farrier, Evans, Nays: None Approved: 5-0 vote Hall, Springer, wilhelm Agenda Item #13, Ordinance No. 480-25, 2nd reading. (ZA 90-25) A zoning change request for a 3.477 acre tract of land out of the W.W. Hall Survey, Abstract No. 695, the southern portion of Tract 3E. Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, noted that it was established in the first reading that 1.90 acre of land (easterly) would be zoned OF-1 zoning and 1.58 acres of land (westerly) portion of the property would be zoned C-1. The public hearing resulted with no con~ments from the audience. City Council Minutes August 21, 1990 page eleven Agenda Item #13, Continued Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 480-25, 2nd reading, zoning the westerly portion of the property as C-1 and the easterly portion of the property as O-1. Motion: Springer Second: Evans Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance. Ayes: Springer, Evans, Nays: None Approved: 5-0 vote Hall, Farrier, Wilhelm Agenda Item #16, Ordinance NO. 514, 2nd reading Septic System Requirements The City Manger, Curtis Hawk, explained that this ordinance is an attempt to resolve problems in the city for lots which are less than one acre, even though the area is basically residential. Ordinance No. 514, is an amendment to Ordinance No. 440, establishing requirements for septic systems. The public hearing resulted with no comments from the audience. Motion was made to approve amending Ordinance No. 440. Motion: Wilhelm Second: Evans the 2nd reading of ordinance No. 514, Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance. Ayes: Wilhelm, Evans, Farrier, Nays: None Approved: 5-0 vote Springer, Hall Agenda Item #17, Change Order #1, for S-6 Sanitary Sewer Line The proposed change order will extend the S-6 sanitary sewer line to the point on the N-3 line located at approximately Dove Creek and Carroll Avenue. The extension will be advantageous to the City in that it will enable the city to construct a portion of the N-3 line at a considerable savings. The Director of Public Works, Michael Barnes, was present to answer questions for the Council. City Council Minutes August 21, 1990 page twelve Agenda Item #17, Motion was made line. Motion: Evans Second: Farrier Ayes: Evans, Farrier, Nays: None Approved: 5-0 vote Agenda Item 918, Motion was made Evans Springer Estates. Motion: Second: Ayes: Nays: Approved: Continued to approve change order extending the S-6 Sewer Hall, Springer, Wilhelm Developers Agreement for SouthView Estates to table the Developers Agreement for SouthView Evans Springer, Hall, Farrier, Wilhelm None 5-0 vote (to table) Agenda Item #20, Executive Session An executive session was not held during this meeting. Agenda Item #21, Action Necessary/Litigation No action was taken in regards to litigations. Agenda Item #22, Action Necessary/Personnel No action was taken in regards to personnel. Agenda Item ~23, Action Necessary/Land Acquisition No action was taken in regards to land acquisition. Agenda Item #24, Ad3ournment Motion was made and approved, Motion: Springer Second: Farrier Ayes: Springer, Farrier, Hall, Nays: None Approved: 5-0 vote to adjourn the meeting. Evans, wilhelm Sandra L. LeGrand City Secretary Kfr cGOULE1 ) R. G. t liUI)E F,E1:-BSIT "A„ 106il S. 1'E_Y 11-..1_,E AVE it SOUTHLAI:E. TEXAS (C09 C I T Y OF SOUTHLAKF PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 76092 HONORABLE P Z C O M M I S S I O N : ( REF ._A90 - -3 5) I SUBMIT THE FOLLOWING TO YOU REGARDING THE PROPOSED R E Z O N I N G FROM AG TO RESIDENTIAL BY SOUTHLAKE JOINT VENTURES - - REFERENCE ZA'.�O 5 : IN THE INTEREST OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND TO PROTECT GOODE AIRPORT AND THE COMMUNITY, I REQUEST THAT THIS DOCUMENT BE ENTERED INTO THE RECORD OF THIS MEETING AND CONSIDERED IN THE MATTER OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF SOUTHLAKE JOINT VENTURES. 4 1 ) 1 RECOMMEND A ZONING ORDINANCE P R O V I D I N G FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF, OR IN PREVENTING HEIGHT HAZARDS IN THE VACINITY OF GOODE AIRPORT. 5) THE RECOMMENDED AVIGATION RIGHTS OF THE AREA BE RECOGNIZED BY AN ORDINANCE OR BY DEED RESTRICTION TO PROTECT THE INTEREST OF EXISTING BUSINESSES AS WELL AS THE INTEREST OF THE CITY. FURTHERMORE. THAT A COPY OF DOCUMENTS REFLECTING NOISE IMPACT BE INSERTED OR MADE AVAILABLE TO PROSPECTIVE HOME OWNERS AS PART OF THEIR CONTRACT OR RESALE. 4 I ALSO REQUEST THAT THE DEVELOPERS OF THE LAND BE REQUIRED TO PLACE SIGNS ON THE PROPERTIES BENEATH THE FLIGHT PATH INFORMING POTENTIAL, BUYERS OF THE PRESENCE OF AN AIRPORT I N THE AREA. IN A D D I T I O N . . I REQUEST THAT MY RIGHT TO PROTECT MY PROPERTY DI ` 1 7ED THROUGH THE PLACEMENT OF S I M I L I A R SIGNS WITHIN THE AIRPORT 4 BOUNDARIES. THE PLACEMENT OF HOUSES AND LOTS. AND ALSO SPECIFIED SOUND PROOFING TO 4 t';AXAMIZE SAFETY OF FLIGHT WHILE MINIMIZING SOUND IMPACT. IT SHOULD BE NOTED THAT GOODE AIRPORT IS A PRIVATE FACILITY AVAILABLE FOR PUBLIC USE. BASED AIRCRAFT AND PROJECTED ACTIVITY HAVE FAR EXCEEDED EARLIER PROJECTIONS. GOODE AIRPORT'S LOCATION BETWEEN OTHER MAJOR AIRPORT FACILITIES PROHIBITS ADJUSTMENTS OF FLIGHT PATTERNS EITHER IN HEIGHT OR DIRECTION: THE PATTERN PRESENTLY CROSSES A MAJORITY OF THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT. AGAIN, I REQUEST THAT THIS LETTER BE INSERTED INTO THE RECORD DUE TO THE IMPORTANCE OF THIS MATTER TO THE PRESENT AND FUTURE INTEREST OF .,, THE COMMUNITY. a SINCERELY. �ri' R. G. GOODE A r7 r , r4 F Ib✓ s August 21, 1990 Louis J. Zapata Chairman, DFW Airport Board and 0 Oris W. Dunham, Jr. Executive Director DFW International Airport Board P.O. Drawer DFW DFW Airport, Texas 75261 Dear Messrs. Zapata and Dunham: We have reviewed the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for Runways 16/34 East and 16/34 West. There are numerous comments that could be made concerning the document's text (for example, the existing noise - sensitive land uses and noise impacted dwellings listed in the report for Southlake). However, given the spirit of our agreement with the "' FAA, the D /FW Airport Board, and American and Delta Airlines, we will restrict our comments to Alternative 4 of what the report refers to as viable alternatives for Runway 16/34 West, and the resultant new diagonal Runway 12/30. The report narrative on 16/34 West stresses that each of the eleven alternatives provide the benefits of a reduction in delay time and an increase in airport capacity, among other things. In reviewing the description and advantages of Alternative 4, several salient facts become evident vis -a -vis the other alternatives: . alternative 4 includes two runways - -the Runway 16/34 West, and a second Runway 12/30 which would be located 3,000 feet south of, and parallel to, existing Runway 13R /31L; • existing Runway 13R /31L is planned to remain open, and, staggered parallel approaches would be possible when needed on Runways 13R /31L and 12/30, but most of the operations on 13R /31L would shift to the new parallel '" (:: diagonal Runway 12/30; y Louis J. Zapata Oris W. Dunham, Jr. A August 21, 1990 Page 2 . the construction of the 16/34 West and Runway 4 12/30 together would "...give the airport the highest operational capacity of the alternatives considered." The comment concerning the "highest operational capacity" is particularly troublesome to the City of Southlake. Although it is not listed as the preferred A alternative, the fact that Alternative 4 is considered "viable" coupled with the "highest operational capacity" comment leads us to believe that it is an a alternative that D /FW would give serious consideration to. The described disadvantages of Alternative 4 do not give us comfort (highest impacts to wetlands, uplands, water quality, floodplains, and air quality, plus a more perceptible change in noise levels due to shift of aircraft operations over additional areas of Southlake). It is also troublesome to find that data concerning the impact of the proposed Alternative 4 does not appear to 4 differentiate between 16/34 West and 12/30 (for example, the future noise contour projections listed on "'' page 3 -67). It is clear, however, that under me Alternative 4 "...the noise contour extension generated 4 by aircraft operations on Runway 13R /31L would be shifted approximately 3,000 feet south representing A increased noise impacts..." over the portion of i Southlake that is most rapidly developing. Yet the DEIS gives scant attention to this fact. It appears that the inclusion of Alternative 4 for Runway 16/34 West is a signal that the existing Agreement over Runway 13R /31L has little meaning to the airport signatories to the Agreement. The City of Southlake has taken steps to make sure there would be no future incompatible land uses in the 13R /31L corridor as set out in the Agreement. The construction of a new diagonal 12/30 would effectively nullify our efforts. It is our firm belief that any action inconsistent with the terms of the Agreement would be totally unacceptable on our part and evidence of bad faith on 4 the part of the airport signatories. The issue of bad faith by D /FW has been bantered about in the media by many. One way of establishing good faith on the part of D /FW and the other airport signatories would be to eliminate Alternative 4 from further study concerning 16/34 West. Louis J. Zapata Oris W. Dunham, Jr. August 21, 1990 Page 3 In the absence of such a move, we feel it imperative that more attention be given to the impact of the new diagonal on the developing portion of Southlake, and that the airport signatories let us know in writing whether or not our 1988 Agreement is still viable. p 6 1i- i B 1' R 1 or (:: 1€ 1 1 1 /R