667 N. Carroll Avenue
May 1, 1990 7:30 p.m.
COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor, Gary Fickes; Mayor Pro Tem Betty
Springer. Members: Sally Hall, Rick Wilhelm, Ralph Evans, and,
Pamela Muller.
CITY STAFF PRESENT: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager; Michael Barnes,
Director of Public Works; Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator; Billy
Campbell, Police Chief; Eddie Cheatham, City Engineer; E. Allen
Taylor, City Attorney; and, Sandra L. LeGrand, City Secretary.
INVOCATION: Councilmember Ralph Evans.
A work session was held beginning at 6:30 p.m. for the purpose of
discussing the items on the agenda for tonight's meeting.
The Regular City Council meeting was called to order by Mayor Gary
Fickes at 7:30 p.m.
Agenda Item #2, Approval of Minutes
The Minutes of the April 17, 1990, City Council meeting were
approved as amended.
Motion: Wilhelm
Second: Muller
Ayes: Wilhelm, Muller, Springer, Evans, Hall
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0 vote
Agenda Item #3, Mayor's Report
Mayor Fickes reported that there will be a meeting concerning FM
1709, at City Hall on May 15, at 9:00 a.m., which will be attended
by members of the Southlake and Keller City Councils and members
of the State Highway Department. House Speaker, Gib Lewis has been
invited, as well as State Representatives Carolyn Park and Bill
Carter. County Commissioner Bob Hampton and Judge Roy English have
also been invited to attend. Fickes stated that basically this
will be a continued update on what is happening on FM 1709. It is
the feeling of both Southlake and Keller Councils, that the more
they stay on top of this issue with continued meetings, the more
likely the project will stay on schedule.
Mayor Fickes reminded the audience of the General Election which
will take place on Saturday, May 5, 1990. Council Places 3,4, & 5
will be voted on. The Carroll I.S.D. election will be held at the
Middle School, as well as an election for Tarrant County Crime
City Council Minutes
May 1, 1990
page two
Agenda Item %3, Continued
Councilmember Sally Hall reported that she attended a meeting where
representatives from Fina, Diamond Shamrock, Conoco, Explorer
Pipeline, and, Vibra Whirl. All gasoline tank farms, were in
attendance. She feels they have made excellent progress. They are
in the process of submitting plans which will be brought before the
Board of Adjustments, which will address the Fire Marshal's request
for adequate hard surface access to all facilities, which will
provide a safer environment for firefighters and citizens as well.
Mike Barnes, Director of Public Works, presented to them a proposal
for looping a water line, and feels that we will get an
agreement with them to jointly pay the $65,000 for the water line
The final meeting will be May 21, and at that point, they will have
finalized all the aspects of the plan. They hope to have before
Council in June, the updated ordinances for fire codes for
consideration by the City Council.
Councilmember Rick Wilhelm noted that on Saturday evening, as he
was driving on Peytonville Road, he spotted man made, what looked
like plastic mushrooms beside the roadways. It turns out,quite a
few people of Cross Timber Hills, have donated their time and
backs, and cleaned up along the right of ways on Peytonville
Avenue, Morgan, Dove Road, and Kingswood. He publicly thanked
them for their efforts and sharing their time with others in the
city, as those roads are not within Cross Timber Hills Addition.
Springer noted that a few weeks ago, a Girl Scout Troop had also
cleaned up trash on the roadways in the city.
Mayor Fickes read a Proclamation, proclaiming May 6 thru May 13 as
National Nurse Appreciation Week.
Mayor Pro Tem Betty Springer reported that she spoke with Mr.
Barney Cleghorn, the new Postmaster of Grapevine, in regards to a
postal service in Southlake, stating, "weather permitting, the
postal service is to be in Southlake next week, to look at the
sites that are being proposed for a post office substation." She
was told that if all goes as planned, they hope to have a
substation operational by the end of the year. It will be a self
service automated station, but the equipment will far exceed
anything they have in Grapevine, according to Cleghorn. It will
be state-of-the-art equipment.
Councilmember Sally Hall stated she has had several calls this
week, from citizens, who are interested in working with the city on
a recycling program for Southlake. She feels the city will
possibly form a committee soon to begin such a program for
City Council Minutes
May 1, 1990
page three
A~enda Item #4 City Manager's Report
During the City Manager's Report, Curtis Hawk, reported that at the
intersection of White Chapel Blvd. and FM 1709, seven accidents
have occurred this year, due to the narrow turn lane to the south,
off of FM 1709. He has contacted the State Highway Department and
they intend to make the proper repairs to this intersection, from
the north and south. The time frame is not known at this time.
Hawk also reported that the lighting project at Bicentennial Park
is still uncompleted due to heavy rains.
A~enda Item #5 & #6, Consent
Councilmember Rick Wilhelm requested that agenda item #6 be removed
from consent agenda.
Consent agenda is to consist of only agenda item #5:
Resolution 90-30, urging Congress to reinstate full
funding for the V-22 aircraft program into the
defense budget.
Motion was made to approve Resolution 90-30,
Motion: Evans
Second: Muller
Ayes: Evans, Muller, Springer, Hall, Wilhelm
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0 vote
as a consent item.
A~enda Item #6, Resolution 90-32, Control of Stratospheric Ozone
Depletin~ Compounds
Curtis Hawk, City Manager, informed the Council that by approving
the resolution, Council would be accepting the recommendation of
North Central Texas Council of Governments.
Councilmember Wilhelm stated that he would be more comfortable if
he had the opportunity to look into the background of this item and
report to Council at the next City Council meeting.
Motion was made to table, Resolution 90-32, time
Motion: Wilhelm
Second: Evans
Ayes: Wilhelm, Evans, Springer, Hall, Muller
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0 vote
certain, May 15,
City Council Minutes
May 1, 1990
page four
Agenda Item 97, Public Forum
Aloha Payne, 1213 whispering Lane. Mrs. Payne thanked
Councilmember Pamela Muller for all the hours she has spend as a
member of the City Council and also, all the hours she spent on the
Airport Noise Awareness Committee. We will miss her.
Agenda Item #8, Ordinance No.507, 1st reading. TU Electric
Ordinance No. 507, 1st reading, TU Electric Rate Increase was
discussed by Council.
Curtis Hawk explained that on February 6, 1990, Council passed
Resolution 90-10, suspending the proposed ten percent TU Electric
Rate Increase until May 21, 1990, and authorizing our participation
in the Steering Committee of TU Electric Service Area Cities to
retain legal counsel and engage rate case consultants to intervene
on the cities behalf before the PUC. The cost to the City of
Southlake for this was $650.00. The Public Utility Regulatory Act
requires regulatory agencies including municipalities to make a
finding on the prudency of the rate request related to nuclear
power generation before such can be included in the rate base.
The Consultants retained by the Steering Committee have recommended
that the requested rate increase be denied based upon the rate case
testimony. Ordinance No. 507 included in your packet would deny
the rates. TU Electric has been notified of this action.
Springer expressed concerns about a blanket denial of the
ordinance. Wilhelm also had reservations.
Motion was made to
the requested rate
Motion: Muller
Second: Evans
approve Ordinance
No. 507, 1st reading, denying
Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance.
Ayes: Muller, Evans, Springer, Wilhelm
Nays: Hall (out of the room for the vote)
Approved: 4-0 vote.
Agenda Item #9, Ordinance No. 480-15, 1st reading
Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, made a presentation stating that
sixteen (16) letters were sent to property owners within 200', and
she received three (3) responses. She noted that the Planning and
Zoning Commission denied the request on February 2, 1990, due to
the nearness to Kids Kourt. The request has been tabled several
times at City Council level at the request of the applicant.
City Council Minutes
May 1, 1990
page five
Agenda Item %9, Continued
Mrs. Gandy noted that the parking requirement for a sit-down
restaurant of that size would be 76 spaces, and they would fall 8
spaces shy. She also indicated that the applicant was informed of
the meeting tonight and they did not show up.
Mayor Fickes commented that the applicants have been called each
time that they were on the agenda, and have asked for tabling of
their item. The Mayor expressed concern with the level of
responsibility they have shown through this process.
No comments were received during the public hearing.
Motion was made to disapprove Ordinance No.
Motion: Wilhelm
Second: Muller
1st reading.
Mayor Pro Tem Springer stated she will vote against the
denial due to what she feels is confusion on the part of
the applicants, because she had talked with the
applicants prior to this meeting.
Ayes: Wilhelm,
Nays: Springer
Denied: 4-1 vote
Muller, Hall, Evans
Agenda Item %10, Ordinance No. 480-19, 1st reading Fina Oil
Ordinance No. 480-19, 1st reading, (ZA 90-13), zoning request for a
3.61 acre tract of land out of the C.B. McDonald Survey, Abstract
No. 1013, Tracts 4,4B, and 4C, and the P.R. Splane Survey, Abstract
No. 1453, Tract lB, was discussed. The current zoning is
Agricultural, request is for the Industrial-2 Zoning District.
During the presentation by Zoning Administrator, Karen Gandy, it
was noted that this property was recently annexed into the City.
Gandy noted that two letters were sent to property owners within
200' and she has not received any replies.
The public hearing resulted with no comments.
Motion was made to approve the 1st reading, of Ordinance No.
Motion: Wilhelm
Second: Evans
City Council Minutes
May 1, 1990
page six
Agenda Item #10, Continued
Mayor Ficked read the caption of the ordinance.
Ayes: Wilhelm, Evans,
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0 vote
Springer, Hall
Councilmember Ralph Evans stepped down for Agenda Items
#11, #12, & #13.
Agenda Item #11, Ordinance No. 480-20, 1st readin~ Truelove
Ordinance No. 480-20, 1st reading, is a zoning request and concept
plan for a 39.5508 acre tract of land out of the Littleberry G.
Hall Survey, Abstract No. 686, Tracts 1D and 1F and the Thomas M.
Hood Survey, Abstract No. 706, Tracts 9A and 9Al. Current zoning
is Agricultural, request is for the Single Family 20 B Zoning
The Zoning Administrator, noted that the Planning and Zoning
Commission approved the zoning as Single Family 20.A with a 4-3
Jim Harris, President, Harris Company, was present for the meeting
to answer questions for the Council, as well as Dick Perkins,
Teague, Null & Perkins, Engineers.
Mayor Fickes asked the applicant to explain what they will be doing
for an entrance to the project. Mr. Harris replied they are
proposing to have brick at the entry with a combination of brick
and landscaping. They plan to keep as many trees as possible. He
added that they would like to start the project in September or
October, of this year.
Harris stated that a good deal of landscaping can take place on the
south side of the property, against the City Park, to screen the
outside storage to the lots on the south side of the property.
Public Hearing:
Eleanor Kasper, 750 North White Chapel Blvd. She thanked Council
members for all their efforts and time they devote to the City.
She stated that she has finally talked with Jim Harris and they
have come to a compromise on all the issue of concern that she had
on the project. He has agreed on all the issues.
City Council Minutes
May 1, 1990
page seven
Agenda Item %11, Continued
Ralph Evans, 315 North Shady Oaks Drive. He stated he has property
which boarders the property being considered. He feels it would be
most appropriate to require 30,000 square feet lots next to
Kasper's property, also, he has a concern with their being one
entrance, with that many homes.
Public Hearing Closed.
Mayor Pro Tem Springer stated she has concerns with only one
ingress-egress into the addition. This street shows to be 60' when
across the street, it is a 64' right-of-way.
Councilmember wilhelm stated in reference to Ralph Evans comments
in regards to 30,000 lots to the north and south. He feels the
ordinance does not require it. Also, the Kasper's have not
objected to the lot size next to their property.
Mr. Perkins requested that the item in the Cheatham letter in
reference to the stub-out to the north, be eliminated.
Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 480-20,
20.A lots, as opposed to SF 20.B as requested.
Motion: Wilhelm
Second: Hall
1st reading, with
Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance.
Ayes: Wilhelm, Hall,
Nays: None
Approved: 4-0 vote
Springer, Muller
Agenda Item %12, Ordinance No. 480-21, 1st reading. Truelove
A presentation was made by Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, who
stated that Ordinance No. 480-21, is a request for zoning change
and concept plat for a 3.87022 acre tract of land out of the
Littleberry G. Hall Survey, Abstract No. 686, being a portion of
Tract 1F. Current zoning is Agricultural, request is for the
Single Family 30 Zoning District. She stated this is the southwest
corner of the proposed development, adjacent to Southlake Estates.
Five letters were sent to property owners within 200' and no
responses were received.
The applicants had no comments.
The public hearing resulted with no comments.
City Council Minutes
May 1, 1990
page eight
Agenda Item #12, Continued
Motion was made to approve the 1st reading of Ordinance No.
zoning request for a 3.87022 acre tract of land.
Motion: Wilhelm
Second: Muller
Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance.
Ayes: Wilhelm, Muller,
Nays: None
Approved: 4-0 vote.
Hall, Springer
Agenda Item ~13, ZA 90-17, Preliminary plat of Oak Hill Estates
Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, introduced the preliminary plat
of Oak Hills Estates, a 43.421 acre tract of land out of the
Littleberry G. Hall Survey, Abstract No. 686, Tracts 1D and 1F and
the Thomas M. Hood Survey, Abstract No. 706, Tracts 9A and 9Al.
Owner: Marion Truelove
Eddie Cheatham, City Engineer, reviewed the changes which were made
to the plat as the result of the comments made by the Planning and
Zoning Commission.
Motion was made to approve ZA 90-17, preliminary plat of Oak
Estates, as presented.
Motion: wilhelm
Second: Hall
Ayes: Wilhelm, Hall, Evans, Springer
Nays: None
Approved: 4-0 vote
Council went into recess at 9:15 p.m.
Council returned to session at 9:30 p.m.
Councilmember Ralph Evans returned to the Council table.
Agenda Item 914, Ordinance No. 480-A, 1st reading, Allowing for
Portable Buildings in Certain Districts.
Mayor Fickes stated that it was discovered, after the zoning
ordinance was completed, that their is no allowance in the
ordinance for portable buildings. From time to time, this issue
needs to be addressed. The amendment to Ordinance No. 480, has
gone through the process with the Planning and Zoning Commission,
where a public hearing took place, and the amendment is now being
considered by the City Council.
City Council Minutes
May 1, 1990
page nine
Agenda Item #14, Continued
Council addressed restrictions which they feel need to be
considered when approving the amendment to Ordinance No. 480. Some
of the possible restrictions mentioned include: compliance with
the building codes; a time requirement on the buildings, upon
issuance of the permit; a plan being presented to the City Council,
from the applicant, when the request is made; compliance with the
masonry ordinance; and, enforcement.
Councilmember Wilhelm stated he fees the real issue is what is the
purpose of a temporary structure.
Allen Taylor, City Attorney, stated, part of the problems is, once
a portable building is made to comply with the masonry
requirements, it is going to look like a permanent structure. For
the purpose of what our zoning administrator and building officials
are going to have to deal with, the real test of a portable
building is, it was designed to be transported from site of
construction to a site of placement and use and design so that it
can once again be picked up and relocated again. The real
difference of a portable building is it was designed to be
After further discussion, motion was made to continue
reading on Ordinance No. 480-A, to allow the City Attorney
incorporate the concerns made tonight, into the ordinance.
Motion: Springer
Second: Muller
Ayes: Springer, Muller, Evans, Hall, wilhelm
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0 vote (to table)
the 1st
time to
Agenda Item #15, ZA 90-14, a Plat Showing 5.493 Acres/Lemke
The Zoning Administrator presented a plat showing 5.493 acres of
land out of the Benjamin J. Foster Survey, Abstract NO. 519, Tract
1A1A3A, stating the property was annexed into the City of Southlake
as agricultural zoning on October 20, 1987. Mrs. Gandy added that
on April 19, 1990, the Planning and Zoning Commission approved this
plat with a 7-0 vote in favor, with the exception of a fire hydrant
being added if no pro rate fees exist on this property.
Mark Hammon, engineer for Lemke, was present to answer questions
for the Council. He stated that he had no problem with the April
25 Cheatham review letter. Some discussion was held in regards to
the comments concerning water, in the April 26, Cheatham review
City Council Minutes
May 1, 1990
page ten
A~enda Item 915, Continued
Public Hearing:
Mary Knuff, 1381 Lakeview, Southlake. Passed.
Joy Clark, Randol Mill Road, asked
become of her property. She stated
in front of the Lemke property.
Council, in plating, what will
she owns approximately 11 acres
Mayor Fickes informed Ms. Clark that Council cannot answer the
questions about her property.
City Attorney, Allen Taylor advised Ms. Clark that this is a
private access easement and she will need to talk to her attorney
in regards to this.
Taylor informed the City Council that a "plating" does fall under
the thirty (30) day filing requirement.
Motion was made to approve ZA 90-14,
requirements of the April 25 and April 26,
and subject to approval of a drainage study, specifically
Cross Timber Hills Addition.
Motion: Wilhelm
Second: Evans
Ayes: Wilhelm, Evans, Springer, Muller, Hall
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0 vote
subject to meeting the
Cheatham review letters,
into the
Agenda Item 916, Conditional Sign Permit for SouthRid~e Lakes
The City Manager noted that the conditional sign permit requested
for SouthRidge Lakes is being brought before the City Council
because the sign is located in a subdivision of more than 100 acres
and in a non-business zoning district. A sign may not exceed 35
square feet in area or 7 feet in height. This sign exceeds both of
those requirements.
This sign will be a lighted Arvida entry sign. The sign itself
will be of wood construction, and the stone surrounding the sign
will be in the same stone as that of the pavilion and sales
Sean Randol presented a rendering of the sign and a site plan
showing location and landscaping around the proposed sign. He
added that the sign is 82 square feet and is 13 feet tall to the
top of the rock.
City Council Minutes
May 1, 1990
page eleven
Agenda Item #16, Continued
Motion was made
SouthRidge Lakes.
Motion: Springer
Second: Hall
Ayes: Springer,
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0 vote
to approve the conditional sign permit for
Hall, Evans, Wilhelm, Muller
Agenda Item #17, Ordinance No. 505, 1st reading. Abandon Vehicles
Police Chief Billy Campbell explained to the City Council that this
proposed Ordinance No. 505, is given to the City by State Statutes,
not only for junk cars but for abandon vehicles. He stressed that
he proposes that this ordinance be enforced on a complaint basis
only. It given the city a chance to look at the situation and it
gives the Police Department a tool to enforcement.
Public Comments:
Jerry Farrier, 1330 Glen Cove, he questioned, Section 7 of the
ordinance, as there is no "out" for vehicles. He feels the City
needs to look at his point.
Motion was made
Motion: Wilhelm
Second: Muller
to approve Ordinance No. 505,
1st reading, Abandon
Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance.
Ayes: Wilhelm, Muller,
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0 vote.
Springer, Hall, Evans
Agenda Item #18, Continental Park Sewer Connection Fee Policy
City Manger, Curtis Hawk, informed the audience and City Council
that they can rule out any Water Development Board or Community
Development Block Grand assistance in regards to funding the sewer
project for Continental Park Estates, as the city does not
qualify. In order to qualify, the city would have to show
Hawk noted that there are two ways the city can borrow the money:
1) issue Certificate of Obligation, and 2) issue Tax Anticipation
City Council Minutes
May 1, 1990
page twelve
A~enda Item #18, Continued
Public Comments:
Norma Chambers, 1312 Oakhurst. Passed
Mr. E.P. Leitz, 1316 Oakhurst Drive. Mr. Leitz stated, his lot is
fine but his neighbor is pumping sewerage on the road, and has been
for years.
Art Sorenson, 1201 Oakhurst Court. Mr. Sorenson referenced the
survey which he has prepared, stating they have a 50% return of the
survey in a very short time. 91% of the property owners (who
returned the survey) support the sewer and 59% are opposed to the
homeowners putting money up front.
Charles Curry, 1203 Ridgewood Circle. Mr. Curry stated the people
in Continental Park Estates feel that sooner or later, every house
in Southlake will have to have sewer. They feel by getting a
figure now, that is realistic, and setting up a sewer fee, everyone
could start contributing to the fund and the city will begin to
draw interest.
Joe Bentley, 214 Westwood Drive. Mr. Bentley stated that if
Council would look at the history of Southlake, it appears that the
people of Southlake wanted to keep it rural, with large lots and
septic systems. We were committed to septic systems. He would
venture to say that Continental Park was built according to city
codes and ordinances. The City sets the standards which are
suppose to be for the health, welfare, and safety of the
citizens. He feels we should look at an approach that will best
utilize the city tax base. He also feels it is fine for him today,
for the people in Continental Park Estates to pay $5,000 each, but
when it gets to his area, he will be singing another tune!
A~enda Item 919, Discussion: Charter Amendments.
Motion was made to table the discussion on the
charter amendments, time certain, May 15, 1990.
Motion: Wilhelm
Second: Springer
Ayes: Wilhelm, Springer, Hall, Evans, Muller
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0 vote (to table)
consideration of
City Council Minutes
May 1, 1990
page thirteen
Agenda Item 20, Executive Session
Mayor Fickes announced that the City Council would be
executive session pursuant to V.T.A.S. Article 6252-17,
(e), 2(f), 2(g). Refer to posted list of litigations.
going into
Section 2,
Council went into executive session at 12:20 a.m.
Council returned to open session at 12:50 a.m.
Agenda Item #21, Action Necessary- Litigations
No action was necessary in regards to pending or
litigations, as the result of the executive session.
Agenda Item #22, Action Necessary- Board and Commissions
No action was necessary in regards to personnel matters,
and commissions, as the result of the executive session.
or boards
Agenda Item #23, Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned by Mayor Fickes.
M'a~ cke~
~andra L. LeGrand
City Secretary
COUNTY OF ��,s�'�{�•till
'." I, 0), W4LPW 67)13,6 as a member of the J0‘. nryadiveiA,
make this affidavit and hereby on oath state the following: I,
and /or a person or persons related to me, have a substantial
interest in a business entity that would be peculiarly affected by
a vote or decision of the as
P10 those terms are defined in Chapter 171, Texas Local Government Code.
The business entity is
*0 (name and address)
I have a substantial interest in this business entity for the
• following reasons: (Check all which are applicable)
Ownership of 10% or more of the voting stock or
shares of the business entity.
Ownership of 10% or more or $5,000 or more of the
fair market value of the business entity.
Funds received from the business entity exceed 10%
of gross income for the previous year.
Real property is involved and
have an equitable or legal ownership with a fair
market value of at least $2,500.
A relative of mine has a substantial interest in the
business entity or property that would be affected
v by a decision of the public body of which I am a
Upon filing of t i av t h the City Se etary, I ffirm
that I will abstain from voting on any decision involving this
business entity and from any further participation on this matter
Signed this / day of
112/V, , 1990
' K 1 /
Signature o' official
/ /
BEFO E ME, the u dersigned authority, this day personally appeared
/ + ,T and on oath tated that the
facts herei stated are true to the best of
knowledge or belief.
Sworn o and subscribed to fore me on this / day of
i// , 1976 .
,� /
':' "��•�� SANDRA 1. LRGRAND
;•, k PFr�tary Public AV,/ -
''. STATE OF TEXAS / • -- " •‘ ' My Comm. Exp. 02/04/93 3 otar Pu • ic in and for
the State of Texas
/ l
My Commission Expires: i�
1` 22 Type /Print Notary's Name
7 .Ts
jl h atm; May 6 -13 is National Nurse
Apprecia on ;
, all nurses in Southlake area hospitals, nursing centers, offices
and schools and in private practice deserve our recognition and honor; and,
WHEREAS, all these nurses care for patients and clients with steadfast
dedication, expert skills and technology and the, healing touch of skilled
care; and,
WHEREAS, the knowledge and skills these Southlake area nurses bring to work
each day move our society closer to the conquest of disease; their bright
smiles, gentle touch and comforting works improve someone's recovery in our
city every day.
NOW, THEREFORE, I GARY FICKES, Mayor of the City of Southlake, and on behalf
of the Southlake City Council, do hereby proclaim the week of May 6 -13, 1990
in Southlake, and urge all citizens to recognize the contributions made by
the nurses in our city.
Mayor, City of Soutkfake City Secretary •
~ J