1990-02-20 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 N. Carroll Avenue REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 20, 1990 7:30 p.m. COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor, Gary Fickes; Mayor Pro Tem, Betty Springer. Members: Ralph Evans, Sally Hall, and, Rick Wilhelm. COUNCILMEMBER ABSENT: Pamela Muller CITY STAFF PRESENT: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager; Robert P. Steele, Fire Chief; Billy Campbell, Police Chief; Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator; Eddie Cheatham, City Engineer; Wayne Olson, City Attorney; and, Sandra L. LeGrand, City Secretary. INVOCATION: Councilmember Ralph Evans. A work session was held beginning at 6:30 p.m. for the purpose of discussing the items on the agenda for tonight's meeting. The Regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Gary Fickes at 7:30 p.m. Agenda Item #2 Approval of the Minutes The minutes of the February approved as presented. Motion: Evans Second: Hall Ayes: Evans, Hall, Springer Nays: None Abstention: wilhelm Approved: 3-0-1 6, 1990, City Council meeting were Agenda Item ~3 Ma~or's Report Mayor Fickes commended the Fire and Police Departments for the extremely good job that was done in protecting residences during the very large fire which took place south of FM 1709 on February 12. He expressed that it was miraculous that we did not loose any homes, however, many acres were burnt and several out buildings. Including the studio of Tony Eubanks, artist, who lost his entire stock of art supplies and many paintings. The Mayor announced that from February 19, until March 21, citizens can file for a place on the ballot for city council. The election will be held on May 5. Candidate packets are available in the City Secretary's office. City Council Minutes February 20, 1990 page two Agenda Item 93 Continued Councilmember Rick Wilhelm reported the first meeting of the new board for the Southlake Economic Development Council, was held on February 7, 1990. He added, the committee reviewed the draft of the economic profile which will be put out to different industries and organizations that may be interested in coming into Southlake. The next meeting will be held on March 7, 1990. Agenda Item #4 City Manager's Report Curtis Hawk, City Manager, reported that the department reports were in the council packets. If there are any questions, the department heads are here to answer them. He expressed that the financial picture is better than it was last year. Sales tax receipts are up as are the other revenues. Later in the meeting, a presentation will be given by the city auditor. Councilmember Hall thanked the Police Department for the upgrade on the police reporting mechanism. She stated that this helps the City Council to identify high crime areas, and to determine if there are patterns. The reports will also be helpful with the Crime Watch Program. Councilmember Evans reported that last Thursday, the D.A.R.E. Officer spoke at the P.T.O. meeting, it was very informative. Mayor Fickes read a letter which was received from the Meadow Oaks Addition Homeowners Association, which will be made a part of the minutes. Mary Forbes attached pictures of the road situation, in which they asked Council to help them, in this area. A~enda Items #5, #6, #7, #8, and, #9. Consent Agenda The consent agenda items were considered in one action, including: Resolution 90-09, in support of Toyoma, Japan as a Sister City. Resolution 90-12, authorizing the City to participate with Maguire Thomas Partners and the Perot Group in funding a project with Lockwood, Andrews, and Newnam to develop a Scaled Schematic for the Southlake portion of SHll4; Authorizing and Directing the Mayor to enter in Ad Valorum Tax Deposit Agreement with Maguire Thomas Partners to fund the City of Southlake's participation. Resolution 90-13, authorizing the Director of Public Works to advertise for bids for metal halide lighting fixtures for Bicentennial Park, Baseball Field #2. City Council Minutes February 20, 1990 page three Consent Agenda Items Continued 8. Resolution 90-16, selection of a "make up day" for second City Council meeting in March. Resolution 90-15, setting the public hearing on land use assumptions relating to possible adoption of impact fees. Mayor Pro Tem Springer noted the Sister City is located in Toyoma, in the prefecture of Mayoka, Japan. Councilmember Hall noted that on item 97, the lighting for Bicentennial Park should be coming in at approximately $15, 000, which is a savings to the city and she thanked the City Manager and Director of Public Works for their efforts, and also for volunteer efforts. March 27, was set as make-up day for the second City Council meeting, in Item 98. Motion was made to approve the consent agenda as shown. Motion: Springer Second: Hall Ayes: Springer, Hall, Wilhelm, and Evans Nays: None Approved: 4-0 vote. Agenda Item #10 Public Forum The public forum resulted with no comments from the public. Agenda Item #11 Planned Cable Company Mayor Fickes reported that this item will not be discussed tonight as their is not a representative from Planned Cable Company with us for the meeting. Agenda Item ~12 1st Public Hearing /Annexation Process Mayor Fickes informed the audience that this is the first public hearing in regards to the possible annexation of two tracts of land into the City of Southlake. Public Hearing Bill Massey, 2929 North White Chapel Blvd. Mr. Massey stated he is here in regards to the possible annexation of his property located in Tract 1. He again informed the City Council that he does not want to be in the city, he is perfectly happy to be in the County. He stated his property represents a lot of hard work. If he would have been in the city five years ago, he could not have converted his barns to a furniture store. Because he did convert the barns to a furniture store, the city will get more property tax, more personnel property tax, and sales tax. City Council Minutes February 20, 1990 page four A~enda Item #12 continued Mr. Massey stated the City Council has a very serious impact on the citizens who live here, especially the ones we annex. When annexed, we loose freedom. He referenced Mr. Newsom who died of a heart attack after getting so upset at the annexation of his property. He asked the Council what zoning will he come in as. He also asked, if he has a fire, can he rebuild the barns and sell out of them. City Attorney, Wayne Olson, commented that the City Council has the option to zone the property at the time of annexation, or he will come in as "Agricultural", and rezone it later. Public hearing closed. Mayor Fickes noted that the second public hearing on the annexations will be held during the March 6, City Council meeting. A~enda Item ~13. Ordinance No. 480-11, 2nd reading. (ZA 89-71) A zoning change for a 33.626 acre tract of land out of the Harrison Decker Survey, Abstract No. 438, Tracts lB1, 1B1C, was discussed. Current zoning is Industrial-1 with a request for Industrial-2. Owner of the property is Conoco Inc./CITGO Petroleum Corp. Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator made a presentation and noted that this is a continuation of a public hearing which had been tabled during the January 11, Council meeting in order for Conoco to regroup and find some answers to the problems. Mayor Fickes thanked Councilmember Hall for all the work she has put into this zoning case. Jim Rau, Conoco, 3100 Highway 26 West, was present for the meeting. Councilmember Hall stated in the work session, she has not seen any solutions to the problem with the flare. The information City Council currently has, is not sufficient to address the safety issues. Mr. Rau stated he is not aware of any safety issues, as he has been working with the City Fire Marshal, who stated they are in very good condition at this point. Conoco is awaiting information which will be forwarded to the Fire Marshal. City Council Minutes February 20, 1990 page five A~enda Item #13 Continued Bo McCall, District Engineer from Conoco, was present to answer questions for the Council. He stated in regards to the fire wall that he contacted the Railroad Commission in this regards. The NFPA-30, 1984, is the code to use and they are using it. He added that all liquids at the Southlake terminal are below PSIG Standards. Ms. Hall asked for documentation on the items discussed. She had asked for reports but did not get them. This caused her concern. She stated City Council is very concerned and she is asking the company to be as concerned as Council is over all the people in that area (School and residences). Mayor Fickes noted that he feels the applicant had a problem and feels they did not take the problem seriously in the beginning in regards to safety. They would like some documentation in writing, Also, that any other meetings should include the City of Grapevine, as they are also affected by the plant. Chief R.P. Steele noted that a meeting is being considered for March 5, and area Fire Officials are invited to attend. Public Comments: Ed Brown, 1231 Timberline Court. He stated they had meetings and he was told no smoke, no noise, and no flare. When are the residents going to get some results on the problems. There are fire hazards and health hazards there. As long as the equipment is new it will be okay, but, when its worn, there will be defects. Mayor Fickes noted that the equipment is being checked daily. Public hearing closed. Motion was made to table the action on reading, time certain April 17, 1990. Motion: Hall Second: Evans Ayes: Hall, Evans, Springer, Wilhelm Nays: None Approved: 4-0 vote (to table) Ordinance No. 480-11, 2nd Councilmember Wilhelm noted that he is heartened over the spirit of cooperation--- City Council Minutes February 20, 1990 page six Agenda Item #14, Ordinance No. 480-13, 2nd reading (ZA 89-72) A zoning request for a 37.253 acre tract of land out of the James Thornhill Survey, Abstract No. 1505, Tracts lC, 1D, and 1L. Current zoning is Agricultural, request is for the Single Family 20.0A Zoning District. Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, made a presentation and stated that thirteen (13) letters were sent to property owners within 200' and she has received one response, from Mr. Holstein, opposed due to lighting and drainage. Mr. Levitt, however, has resolved those concerns. John Levitt, Levitt Engineers, stated he has redesigned the entrance to the addition as requested by Council. Also, he has realigned Summertree Lane to align with Oakwood. Public Hearing: Billy Jon Curb, 1640 W. Continental Blvd., was present and asked Council if he could review the revised plat. Rob Rankin, Scenic Drive, asked if the developer could plant seed or something to keep the water from washing them out. Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. the substitution of the concept plan, presented during the work session tonight. Motion: Wilhelm Second: Springer Ayes: Wilhelm, Springer, Hall, Evans Nays: None 480-13, 2nd reading, with with that which was Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance. Approved: 4-0 vote Agenda Item #15, Final ~lat of Arnold Estates The final plat of Arnold Estates, a 5.23 acre tract of land out of the Thomas M. Hood Survey, Abstract No. 706, Tract 8H, was presented to the council. A presentation was made by Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, who stated that on February 8, the Planning and Zoning Commission approved the final plat, without an easement around the pond, and reducing the easement around the perimeter from 15' to 5'. City Council Minutes February 20, 1990 page seven Agenda Item #15 Continued Motion was made to approve the final plat of subject to the January 30, 1990, Cheatham review amendment to reduce the easement around the perimeter 5' and eliminating the easement around the pond area. Motion: Wilhelm Second: Evans Ayes: Wilhelm, Evans, Hall, Springer Nays: None Approved: 4-0 vote Arnold Estates, letter with the from 15' to Agenda Item #23, Request to build in Drainage Easement/Rob Rankin Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, began by introducing Mr. Rob Rankin to the City Council, and turned the item over to him to explain his request, which is to build in a drainage easement in Continental Park Estates. Mr. Rob Rankin, 1203 Scenic Drive, Southlake, addressed the City Council and stated that one-third of his property is under water. He wanted to build a shed in the side yard of his property. He discovered there is a 15' side yard requirement with a 20' easement on that side of his property. His request is to get a variance to build in the drainage easement. He presented a letter to the City Council stating his intent, including: 1) he has agreed to build with the floor elevation a minimum of one foot above the dam (at the request of the city). 2) he agrees to hold the city harmless if it caves in. 3) he agrees that if the easement is needed, he will move the shed. 4) the letter will be a deed with the land and will inform any new owners of this agreement. He will be building on piers, and can move it if necessary. Wayne Olson, City Attorney, recommends that the detailed indemnification, and make sure the city does liability. Olson will draw up the agreement. city draft a not incur any City Council Minutes February 20, 1990 page eight Agenda Item ~23 Continued Motion was made to releasing the city of the letter and deducting the fee from the Motion: Hall Second: Wilhelm Ayes: Hall, Wilhelm, Springer, Evans Nays: None Approved: 4-0 vote approve the request pending indemnification any liability and the city attorney writting amount of the letter. Council adjourned to recess at 9:05 p.m. Council returned to open session at 9:15 p.m. Agenda Item 916, Pre Plat of Austin Oaks Addition The preliminary plat of Austin Oaks Addition, a 1.33 acre tract of land out of the Thomas Easter Survey, Abstract No. 458, Tracts 2C and 2D, was reviewed by City Council. The property will access a 39.91 acre Single Family development in the City of Grapevine. Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, made a presentation stating that on January 8, 1990, the Planning and Zoning Commission considered the request, however, ended up with a 2-2-1 vote being passed on to City Council. Lynn Meyer, Unzicker Engineering, was present and introduced a Traffic Consultant, with Barton Ashmond, who explained that they have worked the area and he presented several sheets of data, which are a part of the minutes. Don Hertzog stated there is a history on this proposed development. In 1981, Javatex came before the City Council and it was denied because of not having a second ingress/egress. In 1987, a resolution was approved by the City Council with the State Highway recommendation, because the roadway was to exit only to the west (right) with no left turns from the addition. Now they are back again with the request. They have provided a second ingress/egress road (McPherson). They are proposing 128 single family residences with R7.5 zoning. The date the State Highway Department will be letting bids for improvements at this location has been set for September 1993, according to Hertzog. Mr. Hertzog added that they will provide a five (5) year maintenance bond for maintaining the road, instead of the required one (1) year. City Council Minutes February 20, 1990 page nine Agenda Item #16 Continued City Attorney, Wayne Olson informed the Council that due to the fact that the Planning and Zoning Commission did not make a recommendation, it will take a majority vote of City Council to approve the plat. Mayor Fickes noted that he feels this will generate a lot of traffic. He feels an entrance is needed but it needs to be when we get the access road to protect the people coming and going. He added, that he feels this will be the main entrance to the addition. Grapevine will get all the benefits of the addition, and Southlake will get only the negative side of the project. The City Attorney advised that Council has the right to consider safety and traffic factors when making their decision. Motion was made to approve the preliminary plat with (out only). Motion: wilhelm Second: Evans Ayes: Wilhelm, Evans Nays: Hall, Springer, Fickes (Mayor Fickes cast a negative vote, due council). Denied: 3-2 vote one way exit to the tie vote by Motion was made to approve contingent upon the frontage Motion: Hall Second: Evans the preliminary plat road being in place. of Austin Oaks Motion and second withdrawn. Motion was made to table the action on the preliminary Austin Oaks Addition, time certain, March 6, 1990. Motion: Springer Second: Hall Ayes: Springer, Hall, Evans, Wilhelm Nays: None Approved: 4-0 vote (to table) plat of Mayor Pro Tem Springer left the meeting at 10:35 p.m. due to illness. City Council Minutes February 20, 1990 page ten Agenda Item #17. Ordinance No. 479, 1st reading. Airport Compatible Zoning Ordinance. It was reported that the Planning and Zoning Commission held a public hearing on the Airport Compatible Zoning Ordinance No. 479, and approved it as presented on February 8, 1990. City Attorney, Wayne Olson stated the Council would be ordinance with the 1974 Contours, due to the fact that contours are not adopted at this time. adopting the the updated Public Hearing: Aloha Payne, 1213 Whispering Lane. Mrs. Payne commented that the B Zone was 55 it is 65 to 75 decibels. to 65 decibels, and now Motion was made to approve the 1st reading Compatible Zoning Ordinance with the changes made tonight attorney is to make the changes and present a revised before the next reading). Motion: Wilhelm Second: Hall Ayes: Wilhelm, Hall, Evans Nays: None of the Airport (the city ordinance Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance. Approved: 3-0 vote Agenda Item ~19, Ordinance No. 497, 1st reading, Establishment and Administration of a Records Management Program for the City The City Secretary explained that the Texas Local Government Records Act, enacted by the 71st Legislature, effective on September 1, 1989, governs the destruction, preservation, microfilming, electronic storage and other disposition of the records of all local governments. June 1, 1990 is the deadline for designation of a records management officer by each local government. Ordinance No. 497 provides for the establishment and administration of a records management program, and, names the City Secretary as the Records Manager for the City. Motion was made to approve the 1st reading of Ordinance presented. Motion: Hall Second: Wilhelm Ayes: Hall, Wilhelm, Evans Nays: None Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance. Approved: 3-0 vote. No. 497 as City Council Minutes February 20, 1990 page eleven Agenda Item 919~ Ordinance No. 500, 1st reading. Signalization at the Intersection of SHll4 with Wall Street and Park Blvd. The City Manager, Curtis Hawk, explained that Ordinance No. 500, approves the signal plans for a traffic signal at the intersection of State Highway 114 (frontage road) with Wall Street and Park Street, located in the City of Southlake and City of Grapevine, and, converting the east frontage road of SHll4 from the existing two-way traffic to the proposed one-way (northbound) traffic. Motion was made to approved the 1st reading of Ordinance No. 500. Motion: Evans Second: Wilhelm Ayes: Evans, Wilhelm, Hall Nays: None Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance. Approved: 3-0 vote. Agenda Item #20, Garbage Collection Service/Rate Increase Buck Hubbard, General Manager of Lakeside Sanitation, was present for the meeting and informed the City Council that they serve twelve (12) cities in the area. Southlake was looked at very closely when consideration of raising the rates came up, as the company has to travel a distance to serve all the Southlake customers. Oscar O'Brien and McGafferty are owners of the company. Mr. Hubbard stated that Federal Law requirements have changed, which have caused more expense to the company in serving Southlake and the other cities. He added, that currently the rate is $6.25 in Southlake, and the request is for an increase to $7.25, with the city retaining 10% for administrative costs. The City Manager, Curtis Hawk, stated that he feels the increase requested is justified, they have the same problems as other services in Southlake. Motion was made to approve an increase in rates for Lakeside Sanitation to $7.15, not raising the portion that the city retains as administrative fees. Motion: Evans Second: Wilhelm Ayes: Evans, Wilhelm, Hall Nays: None Approved: 3-0 vote. City Council Minutes February 20, 1990 page twelve Agenda Item #21 1989 Audit Report A presentation was made by Jerry L. Gaither, with Weaver and Tidwell, the city's auditors, who presented the 1989 Audit Report. Mr. Gaither reviewed the documents for the City Council and was prepared to answer questions. The city manager asked the Council to go through the report and present their questions during the Council work session to be held on March 13. Agenda Item #22, Chapel Downs Developers Agreement The changes in the Developers Agreement for Chapel Downs was reviewed by the City Attorney, Wayne Olson. He indicated that the "set aside letter" has been removed from the document, and the maintenance bond was changed to 20% for utilities and 50% for street paving. Motion was made to approve Downs and authorization was document. Motion: Hall Second: Wilhelm Ayes: Hall, Wilhelm, Evans Nays: None Approved: 3-0 vote the Developers Agreement for Chapel given for the Mayor to sign the Agenda Item 924 Discussion: Sewer Connection Fees Councilmember Wilhelm informed Council that he had asked this item to be on the agenda, as the city council needs to come up with a plan where people can tie onto the sewer line, primarily in the Continental Park Estates addition. The financial policy needs to be discussed. Curtis Hawk suggested that staff will come up with some numbers and the item can be placed on the Work Session agenda for March 13. Agenda Item ~25. Additional Inspection Personal The City Manager reminded Council that adding another employee to the inspection department was discussed during the budget process last summer. He feels at this time, another inspector is needed and would like to place this item on the March 6, City Council meeting agenda for consideration. City Council Minutes February 20, 1990 page thirteen Agenda Item #26, Executive Session. Mayor Fickes announced that the City Council would be going into executive session pursuant to V.T.A.S. Article 6252-17, Section 2, (e), 2(f), 2(g). Refer to posted list of litigations. Council went into Executive Session at 12:05 a.m. Council returned to Open Session at 12:15 a.m. Agenda Item #27, Action Necessary in regards to Litigation No action was necessary as a result of the executive session. Agenda Item #28, Action Necessary in regards to Land Acquisition No action was necessary as a result of the executive session. Agenda Item #29 Adjournment The meeting was adjourned 12:20 a.m. Motion: Hall Second: Evans Ayes: Hall, Evans, Wilhelm Nays: None Approved: 3-0 vote M~or Garl~ Fickes City of Southlake, Texas M E M O R A N D U M A C February 16, 1990 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR FICKES AND CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS FROM: Councilmember Pamela Muller 1 SUBJECT: Absence from City Council Meeting 2/20/90 a Please excuse my absence at the Tuesday, February 20, City Council Meeting. PAM/ S1 1 1 C 1 4 4 s 4 1 ge !re t ' FE�1��� � � • 4 FEB .19 '^n ° u A �?T�� OF The Meadow Oaks Homeowners Association _~�~^ SE TAR y 4 C/O Mary Forbus 595 S. Kimball Ave. Southlake, Texas 76092 4 Feb. 18, 1990 .4 A City Of Southlake A Mayor Fickes City Council City Manager A This is a formal request from the Homeowners Association of the Meadow Oaks Subdivision for the repaving and improvement of South Kimball 4 Avenue. South Kimball is used as a connecting street by traffic moving from Highway 26 to Highway 1709 & Highway 114 which thereby creates a heavy traffic flow situation. There are also two school a districts whose buses and passengers must be put in jeopardy every �� �� school day due to the improper maintenance of this street. A �- Without a doubt South Kimball is one of the worst roadways in 4 Southlake. South Kimballs' average street size is from ten to twelve feet wide (whereas the normal street should be from twenty to twenty A four feet wide) thereby forcing vehicles to pull off into a ditch area 4 in order to pass each other. This can be very dangerous as some areas have a one to one and a half foot drop off due to improper water A drainage. 4 This request should be met with urgency as the above conditions are totally unacceptable and are extremely hazardous. i4 A e ' A Mary F. rbu 4 The Mea°nw Oak- Homewner- Association 4 �� �_ ��^' February 20,1990 err✓ City of Southlake 667 N. Carroll Ave. Southlake, Tx. 76092 Attention: Mr. Mike Barnes Re: 1203 Scenic Drive, Southlake Lot 13 -R, Block 2, Continental Park Estates, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, as recorded in Revised Plat recorded in Volume 388 -121, Page 59, Tarrant. County Plat Records. Gentlemen: As you know, I have requested approval of the issuance of a building permit to allow me to construct a storage shed within an existing twenty foot (20') drainage and utility easement on the northerly portion of my property (please refer to the enclosed site plan). The Zoning Board of Adjustment has granted me a variance to the side yard building set -back line (Case # 80, January 22, 1990) and I am set to present my request to the City Council on February 20, 1990. It is my understanding that the City Staff has recommended approval of my request subject to meeting three requirements: (1) the top elevation of the shed's foundation will be a minimum of one foot (1') above the maximum elevation of the spillway dam; (2) I would "indemnify" the City from damages to the shed or my property should the retaining wall fail; and (3) If the City requires the shed to be removed for draining or safety reasons, I would do so within forty -five (45) days after receipt of notice from the City. In order to comply with your requirements, and to induce the City Council to grant my request, I hereby covenant and agree as follows: A. The minimum floor elevation of the shed will not be less than one foot (1') higher than the maximum elevation of the spillway dam forming the abutting private lake. B. If for any reason the retaining wall which now borders the pro - posed shed location should fail and cause damage or loss to my property and /or my shed, I hereby release any claim whether legal, equitable or contractual, for any such damage or loss which I may have or may have been able to assert against the City and I covenant and agree to take no action, directly or indirectly, to file or cause to be filed any suit or institute any proceedings against the City, it's staff, employees and officials, or any of them, for or in connection with any and all such claims. C. In the event the City determines that for drainage or other safety related purposes, the shed improvements should be removed from the easement area, then within forty five (45) days after the City's written request, I hereby covenant and agree to remove from the drainage and utility easement the shed improvements above the finished floor foundation. In the event that I fail to do so after such request, I hereby grant the City the right to enter upon 111 ,. City of South].ake February 20, 1990 Page 2 A ✓ property and remove such improvements and I hereby agree to pay all costs associated with such removal within ten (10) days after ,14 receipt of the City's demand therefor. Notwithstanding the fore- going, however, I understand that the City has determined that this 4 structure would not now he in violation of Subdivision Ordinance #483 since it will not now impede or hinder the safe transfer of water through the easement. 4 It is understood that any written notice referenced in this paragraph will be in the form of certified mail, return receipt requested. D. This agreement is a covenant running with the land and is binding upon my heirs, successors and assigns. I agree to inform any purchaser of the terms and conditions hereof and I grant the City the right to attach this letter agreement to an affidavit or other recordable instrument and cause this agreement to be recorded in the Deed Records of Tarrant County, Texas. 4 Should you need further clarification of any of these matters, please contact me. Very truly yours, Robert C. Rankin 4 4 4 4 a 4 _ by metes and bounds as follows; (SEE EMHTFI" "A••) NI W t!•l Uleele eV.t _ rr tr••r k..lew11e uoa W .4n( ern or of tMr .d}1n1wg de•rrlhd intprosoonowes upon the rirrr bd p.w.rp anew. 1203 Scenic Drive. SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SUBJECT PROPERTY IS WITHIN THE LIMITS OF A SPECIAL t'LOOP` HAZARD AREA ACCORDING TO H.J.D. /F.I.A. COMMUNITY, MAPS (IDENTIFICATION DATE 7/5/R2 ) . t zo.S3 • 3 o I . �.- 1111 o ' ` `� to r 1 , i ___ ____ ____ ....._. O..,n�,t 4 , Ja 1,4 Es r~4 a o = i_ 1 f fi a r . 3,..) 1;3 _ • r �2 LOT 13 p c 111 �� a o • al (.a IA I ff C . TTI A _, _• r ` S r , vn s 1 \\\N, e c. T Q . v ..... 1 . N • Rr v�V c X 0 S %.. ) N v " ....!---).. - ., 64 o o f .i( � y N 1 +• U P OC W i LDT 13 -R r T4:7 4.0 -4. 44 3 1 `� � J a J 1 L .0 (0 , _ , i 0 ` i ' o.••• S +0ry - c A N J I W - Frarnt • / o 3o - F5 y �' ~ } if 37 /, 4. IN N i ::-.. :`-' /C / tA la 0 � _ / 0 / 5' UTILIT'! ESMT . S — • ♦ ..../' ..../' � V2,4.90' V2,4.90' \ Q p 1 7 1.186 ` Gy4,1•wb f P t .4 x I •♦ t•80' lt 9 LOT I 1 1 - F' 10 TM p4n M..• 111• IMP. <11nM .od. rep...0t.uon of lM prop.n es Me.weel I. Uw.e., flee Io.. mod dioseossoeis of .W p. WW1 to laellfralell In flee pea. IM um I . IxMwo .od ,p of ►dNl•1 .od repro. etnewn ere • role.. ea lwpo..•e..e. 11•r•l .MW flee Iw••wt_ 'law •••wty. ew ewe free proven, Mon Use wl•neee ftrr.wed .od th.t the ol11eac• from ohs sewage In•.t.etlly arm w rood - • IN 66..0 a ••• plum. 1•••11, w•w•tw soled Im o. • 1 ._ -- CITY OF SOU HLAKE 667 N. Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS REQUEST FOR APPEAL NAME: Robert C. Rankin FEE: $50.00 ADDRESS: 1203 Scenic Drive, Southlake, Texas 76092 TELEPHONE NUMBER: (817) 488 -1772 LOCATION OF APPEAL: (address /legal description) Lot 13R, Block 2, Continental Park Estate REASON FOR APPEAL: (describe in detail) 1)Requesting a variance to the side yard requirement as established by Ordinance No. 480, Section 14.5(c) [15 foot] and 2) requesting to build in the drainage and utility easement. Approximately 1/3 of this lot (most of the back yard) is under water. There is no feasible space to put this storage shed in the remaining back yard. Most of the usable ground on this lot is in the side yard to the North. Placement of this shed is designed a) not to interfere with the septic system also in the side yard and b) not to require removal of any trees located in the side yard. All utilities (g s, phone, sewer) run parallel to the street. Electric service is from the south side of the lot. No Utilities run down this easement, and drainage is not inhihited in any way. • DATE: 12/29/89 SIGNATURE: ire, ' 6tr■ CASE NO.: 80 City of Southlake, Texas CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS MEETING JANUARY 22, 1990 LOCATION: 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake City Council Chambers of City Hall TIME: 7:30 P.M. AGENDA 1. Call to order. 2. Approval of the Minutes of the January 8, 1990, Board of Adjustments Meeting. 3. Administrative Comments. 4. Consider: Case #80. Request for a variance to the side yard - OL. requirement as established by Ordinance No. 480, e e Section 14.5 (c) and a request to build in the q-D drainage and utility easement. ` ,aA Zoning on the property is Single Family 20.OB. ( S ( Owner: Robert C. Rankin. 5 Location: 1203 Scenic Drive, being legally described as Lot 13R, Block 2, Continental Park < Estates. Public Hearing. 5. Consider: Case #81. Request for a Special Exception Use permit for Petroleum Operations per Section 44.12 (pp), Ordinance No. 480. shy' Current zoning is Industrial -2. e N , \ Owner: Fina Oil and Chemical Company. ti a c , � Location: North side of Highway 26, across from 19- C o w ' Grapevine High School Stadium. Legal description: Tracts 3A, 3B1, and 3B2, C.B. McDonald Survey, c, Abstract No. 1013. Public Hearing. 6. Meeting Adjourned. I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the official bulletin board at city hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas, on Thursday, January 18, 1990, at 10:00 a.m. pursuant to the 0 n Meetin s La , Article 6252 -17 V.T.A.S. V / , J � • ' t'i 'Sandra L. LeGrand ► � City Secretary =o ; ' ' _ a - -4.4/ :3 =r-i 0 Jos! s va .,. ,.• `. y'4 * * ,� "a s rA re Iwo_ y �1 ` i�3. �ro�tA goes ‘\ t 1mv � .s Pr ont a9e Road Not to Scale • A.M. PEA/( f/OuiQ 7, - 1.7,5" 2 F nt srAT H1pHwA 1 �� .."'• �6c�; rO " 0„, wad t4 � Jr" f N N /5,2 z � rr ‘\ SS Pr Road Ikl v Not to Scale PM -n i 1L cx‘;• } 5;00 - G:0 por-∎ , 0 • METAL STRUCTURE FLAME i I I I I NV I I STANCHION FLARE I I L L SIDE VIEW • S- INSUL ATION Z TANCHION FLARE TOP VIEW • City of Southlake, Texas M E M O R A N D U M February 2, 1990 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR FICKES AND CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS FROM: Sandra L. LeGrand, City Secretary SUBJECT: Resolution 90 -09, Sister City At the request of Mayor Fickes, and, as the result of the presentation made by Brad Bradley, during the last City Council meeting, you have on the agenda, Resolution 90 -09, in support of an affiliation between Toyoma, Japan and City of Southlake. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Me. (11/ t 4.eel 'SLL /s City of Southlake, Texas BID PROPOSAL FOR METAL HALIDE SPORTS LIGHTING FIXTURES I. DESCRIPTION OF BID ITEM: Contractor shall furnish twenty -two (22) Metal Halide Sports Lighting fixtures with lamp, ballast, and crossarm bracket as manufactured by Hubbell SLH -1500 Halide- 1x8, 240 volt single phase or approved equal. Contractor shall deliver fixtures to a point within the city limits of Southlake. However, exact delivery point will be verified with the Director of Public Works prior to delivery. Contractor shall obtain prior approval of fixtures not specified, herein, from the Director of Public Works at least forty -eight (48) hours prior to bid opening. II. WARRANTY PERIOD: Contractor shall give details of warranty period and length of warranty period. III. TIME OF DELIVERY: It should be noted that time is of the essence and delivery time will be a factor in selecting the successful bidder. IV. BID OPENING DATE: Contractors shall submit their bids by 10:00 a.m., Tuesday, March 6, 1990 to the City Secretary's Office located at 667 N. Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas, 76092. Bids not received by this time shall not be opened or considered. Bids will be opened and read aloud by the City staff. V. BID AWARD: The City staff will review the bids and make a recommendation to the City Council based on bid price, length of warranty period, and delivery time. It is anticipated that the City Council will make an award at the March 6, 1990 City Council meeting. The City Council has the right to accept or reject the bids submitted by City staff not meeting specifications. City of Southlake, Texas SPORTS LIGHTING BID DESCRIPTION: NO. UNIT COST TOTAL COST Metal Halide Sports Fixtures 22 TOTAL BID AMOUNT: WARRANTY PERIOD: DELIVERY DATE: NAME OF FIRM: BY: TITLE: M E M O R A N D U M — w February 16, 1990 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Michael H. Barnes, Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Utility Department Monthly Report - January 1990 Attached is the Utility Department Monthly Report for January 1990. The report submitted is to be included in the City Council's packets for the February 20, 1990 meeting. If there are any questions, please contact me. A MHB /ew *7 MEMORANDUM February 15, 1990 TO: Michael H. Barnes FROM: Ron Morain SUBJECT: Monthly report for the Water Department for January. The Water Department performed routine duties obtaining daily meter readings at the Fort Worth pump station and Pearson Lane. They maintained chlorine levels at water sites and sewer plants. Routine maintenance and cleaning of all facilities. All work orders received were accomplished and returned to water office. Water samples were taken to Fort Worth lab for monthly testing and results were good. Six water breaks were repaired during the month. We repaired two sewer pumps and changed oil in all sewer blowers. Assisted county on Shady Oaks in rebuilding road and repairing drainage. (Z1, I' RMcbk • • UTILITY DEPARTMENT REPORT MONTH ,TANTIARY 1990 GALLONS PUMPED THIS MONTH FROM WELLS 201,000 PURCHASED FROM FORT WORTH 17,069,000 TOTAL PUMPED AND PURCHASED 17,270,000 NEW WATER TAPS INSTALLED 19 FIRE HYDRANTS INSTALLED 0 METER CHANGE OUTS 7 -1" 6 -3/4" ADDRESSES: 1201 SCENIC DRIVE /1635 S. BRUMLOW /913 PEARL DR., /430 E. DOVE/ 300 GINGER CT.,/ 1236 TIMBERLINE CT., /1000 CARLISLE/ 1090 BURNEY LN./ 1230 TIMBERLINE CT.,/ 1255 SHADY OAKS/ RT.1 BOX 74 -B W. DOVE/ 1228 W. CONTINENTAL /1460 N. KIMBALL PULLED METERS PER CUSTOMER REQUEST 2 PULLED METERS PER DELINQUENT PAYMENT 0 LOCKED METERS PER CUSTOMER REQUEST 17 LOCKED METERS PER DELINQUENT PAYMENT 11 PROCESSED WORK ORDERS 111 LEAKS: WATER MAIN BREAK REPAIRS N. WHITE CHAPEL BY CHAPEL DOWNS/ TIMBER COURT (FIXED FIRE HYDRANT) /SHADY OAKS/ RAVENAUX/ N. KIMBALL/ E. CONTINENTAL SEWER LINE REPAIRS FLUSHED WATER LINES N. WHITE CHAPEL/ TIMBER COURT/ SCENIC DRIVE/ RAVENAUX / E. CONTINENTAL/ N. KIMBALL /SHADY OAKS DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS �ec � d i a -i4' -, M E M O R A N D U M February 16, 1990 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Michael H. Barnes, Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Street Department Monthly Report - January 1990 The enclosed report details the Street Department activities for the month of January 1990. This report is to be included in the City Council packets for their February 20, 1990 meeting. 4 4/4 MHB /ew MEMORANDUM February 15, 1990 TO: Michael H. Barnes FROM: Ron Morain SUBJECT: Monthly report for Street Department for January. The Street Department patched potholes per schedule using 50 tons of cold mix asphalt. Cracks were routed in Diamond Estates, Mission Hills, Bank Street and Commerce Business Park streets in preparation for sealing. Signs were replaced or repaired as required using 19 street name blades, 12 stop signs, 3 no outlet signs, 2 speed limit signs, 1 no parking sign and 13 poles with hardware. Shady Oaks rebuilding was started using County crews assisted by City personnel for flagging. • RM /cbk j MONTHLY REPORT SEND REPORT TO: TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH DIVISION OF WATER HYGIENE WATER WORKS OPERATION FOR 1100 WEST 49th STREET GROUND WATER SUPPLIES AUSTIN. TEXAS 78756 -3192 _1 Name of System CITY OF SOTTTHLAKF County TARRANT (la) Water System I.D. No. 2200075 Month of .TANITARY 19 90 Day Pumpage to Distribution System in Thousand Gals. (6) (7) (8) (9) of (2) Direct (3) From Gnd. (4) Purchased (5) Total Disinfection Corrosion Other Fluoride Month from Wells Storage from Others Pumpage Control Treatment Residuals 1 0 500.0 500.0 2 0 653.0 , 653.0 3 0 480.0 480.0, 4 0 662.0 662.0 5 0 452.1 452 n . 6 0 674.0, 674.0, 7 0 492.0 492.0 8 0 704.0 704.0 9 0 695.0 695.0_ 10 0 703.0 , 703.0, 11 0 677 n 677 n SAMPLES T`T(;ATTVF 12 0 452.0 452.0 13 n 779.0 729.0 , 14 0 844.0 844.0 15 n 535.0 535.0 16 0 499.0 , 499.0 17 0 377.0 377. 18 0 _ 444.0 444.0 19 0 414.0 , 414.0, 20 0 437.0 437.0 , 21 n 438.0 438 n 22 0 454.0 454.0 23 0 439.0 439 n 24 0 466.0 466.0 25 0 1,242.0 1.242.0 , 26 201.0 2.0 203.0 27 0 689.0 689.0 28 0 454.0 454.0 29 0 484.0 484.0 , 30 n 546.0 546.0 31 0 432.0 432 n . Total 201.0 17.069.0 17,270.0 Avg. 6.48 550_6 557 1 Mex. 201.0 1.242.0 1,242.0 Min. 0 2.0 203.0 No. of Active Water Services (10) 2051 Chemical Analysis (11) 11 -83 Dates and Results of Distribution Bacteriological Analyses (12) 7 SAMPLES Dates and Results of Raw Unchlorinated Well Water Samples (13) NONE, N. WHITE CHAPEL /TIMBER Reservoirs or Tanks Cleaned (14) 8-87 Dead Ends Flushed (15) General Remarks (16) N. KIMBALL /E. CONTINENT Submitted By (17) Certificate No. (18) 450-31-2306 FORM NO. H - 3 All reports due by the 15th of the following month. 5/88 1 1 -) ZONING DEPARTMENT FEE REVENUE For the Month Ending 31 January, 1990 Zoning $ 100.00 No. of Cases (1) Platting 1,190.00 No. of Cases (3) Board of Adjustment (Includes Appeal, Special Exception Use, and Variance Requests) 100.00 No. of Cases (2) Specific Use Permit 100.00 No. of Cases (1) Site Plans .00 No. of Cases 0 Misc. Income (Includes Maps and Ordinance Copies) 198.25 No. of Receipts (23) Total Revenue $1,688.25 Total No. of Receipts (30) 113 0r4 r4 . l OMAN O MN ODM O rl O N rl N k4i rl rl ri - rl tf� d� N rl N rl N r4 cn N • P 4 4 E4 4 dr 00NMOto O eMl- 00rl OOM OM B! e .--1 H t■ M rl O O N H rl rl rl O H H P7 r a d Q 02 g U1 COIAOMOri O1�O0Or4O U1 r1 Od O O O 0 I . 1W d A O r l M N r l O rl 00 O O O O O to to O rl M O O r4 U) H A rl NN O a to o al0 H O i tpODUlO CDh000r4O U,.4 CD NP O O O O Ul Mi Ia �� a i HpC n ,t COrIOOrION N(DN0O0 CV 'di Orl rl O O O N Q ill) 1 Ul r1 MNrl CD 0000000 Ul M C5 r4 M O O rl 0 PR rl NN CD Cb ch r4 fa fa a g 0 a a w 0 CU 2 ; ° 0 r 64 21 1 11 iiii H � a g U w co u) 0 co �a44 144 g8 `ca 88 8 s 8 8 011 M 1 744Cr)4 N 46.-I s P44 NM 8 88 Si8 �38 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 M 648 graoR g ..� •g . o § 4. $ 0 ar r+ 4 N ti 6 ri i� ki 88 888 N 88 88 88 8 8 8 8 H A M N p ti rl r, %04 8800 N88 5Sntf)888 88 88 8 8 8 8 8 A L��O) O • 4 ,4 •� � d p4 N 7 O M P[ M N N t N rl 07 d� ri Mg 4 a M N ti E L d 1a s-4 tl 8388888 Nn8888 88 88 8 8 8 8 0 • O i a H rn�M ci • N �� ;� r, rl �2 1 62 8Ma a i ti Q t:I:i p 8O • 18.8. ��100 8 . 8 88 8 8 8. 8. N OD N M OHO M 01 l: r, .4 Cy � 8.8. ss s s rl C C V N 6 z Em r 0 0 1 ill Q 0 4101 1 ,� W " co NI - Q M off H o 0 (� c4 0 0 A F 1 ,2, ., '‘' . "tiNilligi 6 id L Niii ai 11 i a, 0) l to q i • 1.4 slig r • N .§. F .q c4 . 4 , p, • P tinclEi V). § ,.., 4888888 8 8 • r 14 N (6 od N888888 8 8 N W tr iii i 0 F?: M N N rq r-i • • • Or c4660:4 •./i 4888888 8 8 N O M M r-1 �fi ri C4 a P+ 44 N888888 8 8 N 111 1Pe § r , O At Q E'+ n r1 N N O ,T, uIt • 14 1 a i • 8$88888 8 s 8 1 R N W 61 M g � N p i u �7 • M M dj 14 P3P3N� Fi ° I • r-1 4 v 2 ij g.888888 8 8 N ,. • � §Clg M LI § 0 i oM m IA % R z `„ cNv M , O N M _, El a i g 0 ii 1 4 .. ti Er gi .4 63 p,1 • NI:= i ji rn $ ° w N C7 � _ r1K1 . _ � 4 k. I a a� w� o ° o ° o ° o 00 000 00 ° o t 000 0 0 P 4 • , 0 000 00 000 00 . 0 0 000 00 000 00 0 • CO • ri w 0 000 0 0 00 O o 0 000 00 O Er 0 000 00 0 • Id t- N t- CD O vi . 0 000 00 000 00 O A O 000 00 000 00 O • 0 o uj V, E E ` ri ri ql i\ 4! : il " 6� o a Ai Ai 0 0 .1i O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 r E O *I 0 C. Nn OD U Pd O .i P e i tI 0 000 00 000 00 0 � O o 000 00 000 00 0 0 • O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 M O O O O O O . O O O O o 0 a . . E -1 0 0 O .1 pq ° o a �� F k Al El d 0 D �a oom Z a:� CI ti 0 g - - C� �� a O J a� a a r/) we E.12 a. 0) 4 CO CO U c4 ~ Om .10 "' r <oaw w FI O F4 0 M a CITY OF SOUTHLAKE FIRE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORTS TO: CITY MANAGER CURTIS HAWK FOR THE MONTH OF JANUARY 1990 RESPONSES THIS YEAR MONTH TO DATE STRUCTURE FIRES: HOUSE 0 0 MOBILE HOME 1 1 OFFICE BUILDING 0 0 RETAIL - RESTURANT 0 0 FACTORY - INDUSTRY 0 0 GRASS FIRES 15 15 CAR FIRES 0 0 TRUCK FIRES 2 2 CAR ACCIDENT 5 5 TRUCK ACCIDENT 4 4 MUTUAL AID FOR GRAPEVINE 1 1 MUTUAL AID FOR COLLEYVILLE 1 1 MUTUAL AID FOR KELLER 3 3 MUTUAL AID FOR TROPHY CLUB 1 1 FIRE CALLS IN WESTLAKE 0 0 EMS CALLS IN WESTLAKE 0 0 FALSE ALARMS IN WESTLAKE 0 0 FIRE CALLS IN TARRANT COUNTY 0 0 EMS CALLS IN TARRANT COUNTY 0 0 FALSE ALARMS IN TARRANT COUNTY 0 0 FIRE CALLS IN DENTON COUNTY 0 0 EMS CALLS IN DENTON COUNTY 0 0 FALSE ALARMS IN DENTON COUNTY 0 Y--5/ FIRE DEPARTMENT THIS YEAR MONTHLY REPORT MONTH TO DATE PAGE 2 AMBULANCE CALLS IN CITY 31 31 FIRE UNIT ASSIST ON AMBULANCE CALLS IN CITY 09 09 FALSE ALARMS IN CITY [FIRE CALLS) 7 7 MISCELLANEOUS CALLS IN CITY (SEE ATTACHMENT) 15 15 TOTAL AMBULANCE CALLS 35 35 TOTAL FIRE CALLS 63 63 TOTAL EMERGENCY CALLS 98 98 TOTAL FIRE LOSS IN CITY $021,300 $021,300 TOTAL FIRE LOSS IN WESTLAKE $0000 $0000 MAN HOURS EXPENDED ON EMERGENCY CALLS 204 204 MEETINGS (4 PER MONTH) average men (12) 120 120 SPECIAL TRAINING 0 0 TOTAL MAN HOURS EXPENDED 324 324 SPECIAL REMARKS: EMS CALLS TO IBM WESTLAFE = 0 FIRE CALLS TO IBM WESTLAKE = 0 FIRE CALLS TO IBM SOUTHLAKE = 1 EMS CALLS TO IBM SOUTHLAKE = 0 RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, 4 0/) 112111V R.P. STEELE, IRE CHIEF DATE: 02-05 -90 FIRE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT PAGE 3 MISCELLANEOUS CALLS JANUARY 1990 RUN # 900001 NATURAL GAS LEAK @ 2100 JOHNSON RD. 900010 SEARCH FOR LOST CHILD @ 1401 S. WHITE CHAPLE. 900021 UNAUTHORIZED CONTROL BURN @ 311 S. KIMBALL. 900033 INVESTIGATE LIGHTNING STRIKE @ 2711 ROLLING LN. 900034 INVESTIGATE LIGHTNING STRIKE @ 851 WILDWOOD DR. 900036 SMOKE INVESTIGATION @ 3105 BRIAR LN. 900037 WATER VAC RESIDENCE @ 300 GINGER CT. 900043 UNAUTHORIZED CONTROL BURN @ 1207 TIMBER CT. 900048 SMOKE INVESTIGATION @ 1700 SHADY OAKS. 900049 WIRES OVERHEATING @ 1095 HARBOR HAVEN. 900050 SHORTED HOT PLATE @ IBM SOUTHLAKE CAFETERIA. 900052 GASOLINE SPILL @ 401 N. KIMBALL. 900054 MUTUAL AID SAGINAW ON A GRASS FIRE. 900059 NATURAL GAS LEAK @ 500 E. DOVE. '300060 UNAUTHORIZED CONTROLED BURN @ W. DOVE. SOUTHLAKE FIRE DEPARTMENT AMBULANCE SERVICE CALLS JANUARY 1990 BAYLOR MEDICAL CENTER GRAPEVINE 12 H.E.B. METHODIST 1 NORTH HILLS 2 HARRIS FT. WORTH (VIA CARE - FLIGHT) 1 JOHN PETER SMITH 1 NO TRANSPORT 13 FALSE ALARMS 5 TOTAL AMBULANCE CALL FOR JANUARY 1990 35 X17 City of Southlake, Texas TO: CURTIS HAWK, CITY MANAGER FROM: JANIE BORUM, MUNICIPAL COURT CLERK SUBJECT: MUNICIPAL COURT ACTIVITY REPORT FOR January 1990 DATE: February 12, 1990 City of Southlake, Texas MUNICIPAL COURT MONTHLY REPORT MONTH OF January 1990 MONTH OF Jan 1989 Plea Trl *Cases Set For Trail 119 38 100 *Cases Heard 77 23 32 Cases Dismissed 03 05 Cases Reset 09 03 10 Cases Appealed 132 39 Past Due Letters 60 30 Cases Refered to DSC 73 43 Citations Issued 726 361 Citations Paid 253 162 *Fines Collected From Court $2,683.00 $92 00 Total Revenue $32,899.00 $20,367.00 * 2 Plea Courts a Month * 2 Trial Courts a Month * Total Money Collected in Four (4) Courts Southlake Police Department Warrant Office Monthly Report JANUARY, 1990 Municipal Warrants Current Month Past Month YTD WARRANTS ON HAND $eginning Count 490 454 490 Received 124 61 316 Served 61 65 213 Ending Count 553 490 553 FINES COLLECTED By Warrant Officer 6646 4766 15572 Other Agency 3459 5846 18252 Total 10105 10612 33824 ARREST /WARRANTS SERVED By Warrant Officer 43 29 101 Other Agency 18 36 112 Total 61 65 213 MEMORANDUM 02 - D Febaruary 16, 1990 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Billy Campbell, Chief of Police SUBJECT: Monthly Reports Attached are our monthly reports which were generated off our computer system. For the next month or so we will be experimenting with the best form to bring them to you that will provide the most accurate picture of police activities. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. 134 BC /mr Attachments ��s Southlake Police Department • Warrant alive Monthly Report JANUARY. 1990 Municipal Warrants Current Month Past Month YTD WARRANTS ON HAND Begjg Count 490 454 490 Received 124 61 316 Served 61 65 213 Ending Count 553 490 553 FINES COLLECTED By Warrant Officer 6646 4766 15572 Other Agency , 3459 5846 18252 Total 10105 10612 33824 ARREST/WARRANTS SERVED By Warrant Officer 43 29 101 Other Agency 18 36 112 Total 61 65 213 4/`7b SOUTHLAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT PATROL DIVISION SUMMARY JANUARY 1990 CALLS FOR SERVICE 756 CITATIONS 721 PATROL 325 S. T. E. P. 396 ARRESTS 44 FELONY 13 MI SD 31 ACCIDENTS 23 MINOR 19 MAJOR 4 SOUTHLAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT MILEAGE AND GASOLINE REPORT FOR JANUARY, 1990 01/01 01/31 TOTAL MILES TOTAL GALLONS UNIT # MILEAGE MILEAGE DRIVEN GASOLINE USED 226 88,304 90,462 2,158 145.7 227 99,375 99,720 345 55.5 229 123,825 125,234 1,409 97.7 230 72,190 73,655 1,465 166.3 231 65,288 67,835 2,547 209.0 232 54,578 59,667 5,089 429.7 233 56,784 61,857 5,073 399.4 234 13,426 18,131 4,705 441.3 235 12,760 14,578 1,818 44.1 250 (VAN) 81,986 83,429 1,443 71.8 TOTAL MILES DRIVEN 26,052 TOTAL GALLONS GASOLINE USED 2,057.5 SOUTHLAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT - OFFENSE /INCIDENT REPORT DATA RPDATE OFFDESC DIST DAYWK STATUS 01/26/90 AGG ASSAULT ON POLICE OFFICER 1 FRI CA 0°'24/90 AGG ASSAULT ON POLICE OFFICER 4 WED CA 0. 20/90 AGG SEXUAL ASSAULT 4 SAT CA 01/23/90 AGG SEXUAL ASSAULT 4 TUE C 01/17/90 ARLINGTON PD TRF WRNT 3 WED CA 01/16/90 ATT BURGLARY 4 TUE A 01/29/90 ATT BURGLARY 2 MON A 01/19/90 AUTO THEFT 2 FRI A 01/11/90 BURG WRNT 4 THU CA 01/18/90 BURGLARY (9) 1 THU A 01/23/90 BURGLARY (B) 3 TUE A 01/25/90 BURGLARY (B) 1 THU CA 01/12/90 BURGLARY (R) 2 FRI A 01/12/90 BURGLARY (R) 2 FRI • A 01/16/90 BURGLARY (R) 2 TUE A 01/02/90 BURGLARY M/V 4 TUE A 01/05/90 BURGLARY M/V 2 THU A 01/05/90 BURGLARY M/V THU A 01/22/90 CHILD NEGLECT FRI C 01/29/90 COCKRELL HILL PD TRF WRNT 4 MON CA 01/02/90 CRIMINAL MISCHIEF 3 TUE A 01/13/90 CRIMINAL MISCHIEF 2 SAT A 01/28/90 CRIMINAL MISCHIEF SUN A 01/18/90 CRIMINAL TRESPASS 1 THU A 01/01/90 CRUELTY TO ANIMALS 4 MON A 01/19/90 DISTURBANCE 3 FRI C 01 DOG BITE 2 MON A 01, 1/90 DOG BITE 2 MON A 01/30/90 DOG BITE 4 TUE A 01/31/90 DOGG BITE 2 TUE A Q1/01/90 DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE 1 MON C: 01/03/90 DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE 4 WED C 01/22/90 DOMESTIC: DISTURBANCE 1 MON C 01/25/90 DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE TH7 CA 01/30/90 DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE 4 TUE A 01/30/90 DPD ASSAULT WRNT TUE CA 01/13/90 DPS TRF WRNT 3 SAT CA 01/17/90 DPS TRF WRNT 3 WED CA 01/18/90 DPS TRF WRNT 3 THU CA 01/27/90 DPS TRF WRNT 2 SAT CA 01/30/90 DPS TRF WRNT 4 TUE CA 01/16/90 DPS TRF WRNT 4 TUE CA 01/03/90 DWI 1 WED CA 01/01/90 DWI 2 WED CA 01/01/90 DWLS 2 MON CA 01/27/90 FAIL TO ID TO OFFICER 1 SAT CA 01/17/90 FAIL TO STOP & RENDER AID 4 WED A 01/27/90 FARMERS BRANCH PD TRF WRNT 4 SAT CA 471-( bUU 1 1"1LHKt 1•'UL 1 Lt Utr'HK 1 ri t MONTHLY REPORT - OFFENSE /INCIDENT REPORT DATA REPDATE OFFDESC DIST DAYWK STATUS 01/27/90 FORGERY 3 SAT A 01/06/90 FOUND PROPERTY 2 SAT A 0' 4 0/90 FOUND PROPERTY 3 WED A 0.. 7/90 FOUND PROPERTY FW WED A 01/22/90 FOUND PROPERTY 4 MON A 01/29/90 FWPD TRF WRNT 2 MON CA 01/13/90 FWPD /WATAUGA DPS TRF WRNTS 4 SAT CA 01/18/90 GV TRF WRNT 3 THU CA 01/13/90 HEALTH CODE VIOLATION 3 SAT A 01/09/90 INJURED PERSON 4 TUE C 01/13/90 LOOSE LIVESTOCK 4 SAT C 01/05/90 MISSING PERSON 4 FRI C 01/13/90 PI 7 SAT CA 01/17/90 PI 4 WED CA 01/28/90 POSS CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE 3 SUN CA 01/06/90 PUSS CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE 4 SAT CA 01/12/90 POSS CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE 2 FRI CA 01/20/90 POSS CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE 1 SAT CA 01/26/90 POSS CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE 4 FRI CA D1/25/90 POSS DRUG PARA 3 THU CA D1/17/90 POSS DRUG PARA 4 WED CA 01/30/90 FOSS MARIJUANA TUE CA : PROWLER 4 MON C )1/01/90 RUNAWAY 4 MON C 01/21/90 RUNAWAY 1 SUN C 01/21/90 RUNAWAY 1 SUN C 71/25/90 SIMPLE ASSAULT 2 THU A 01 SLPD TRF WRNT 3 TUE CA 01. 5/90 SLPD TRF WRNT ARL SAT CA )1/07/90 SLED TRF WRNT 1 SUN CA ?1/10/90 SLPD TRF WRNT 3 WED CA ('1/25/90 SLPD TF:F WRNT DAL THU CA )1/15/90 SUSPICIOUS PERSON 3 MON C )1/05/90 TCSO WRNT 2 FRI CA 01/02/90 TELEPHONE HARASSMENT TUE A 01/10/90 TELEPHONE HARASSMENT 4 WED A :11/23/90 TELEPHONE HARASSMENT 1 TUE A 01/09/90 THEFT 20/200 4 TUE A 01/30/90 THEFT 20/2010 4 TUE A 1 1/31/90 THEFT 20/200 1 WED A ?1/13/90 THEFT 200 /750 2 SAT A 01/25/90 THEFT 200/750 2 THU A )1/07/90 THEFT 750/20,000 2 SAT A )1/21/90 THEFT 750/20,000 3 SUN A 01/23/90 THEFT 750/20,000 2 SUN A 01/30/90 THEFT 750/20,000 1 TUE A 71/09/90 THEFT U/20 2 TUE A )1/09/90 THEFT U /20 2 TUE A SOUTHLAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT - OFFENSE /INCIDENT REPORT DATA REPDATE OFFDESC DIST DAYWK STATUS 01/11/90 TRF HAZARD 2 THU A 01/22/90 TRF VIOLATION 4 MON CA 0' '3/90 TRF VIOLATION 2 TUE CA 01.23/90 TRF VIOLATION 2 TUE CA 01/26/90 TRF VIOLATION 4 FRI CA 01/14/90 TRF VIOLATION 3 SUN CA 01/22/90 TRF VIOLATION 4 MON CA 01/05/90 UUMV 1 FRI C 01/15/90 UUMV 3 MON C 01/16/90 WARRANT ARREST 3 TUE CA f��l SOUTHLAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT -- ARREST DATA ARRDATE TIME OFFENSE RACE SEX AGE 01/26/90 430 AGG ASSAULT ON POLICE OFFICER W M 31 01/21/90 208 AGG SEXUAL ASSAULT W M 28 17/90 1325 ARLINGTON PD TRF WRNT W M 28 01/06/90 229 ARSON W F 42 01/10/90 1255 BURGLARY W M 18 01/10/90 1700 BURGLARY W M 17 01/25/90 226 BURGLARY W M 19 01/25/90 308 BURGLARY W M 19 01/25/90 1725 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE W F 35 01 /20/90 415 DPD TRF WRNT W M 24 01/30/90 1123 DPD TRF WRNT 8 M 35 01/13/90 1 158 DPS TRF WRNT B M 43 01/16/90 ' 1145 DPS TRF WRNT W F 30 01/18/90 41 DPS TRF WRNT 8 M 32 01/27/90 2224 DPS TRF WRNT W M 34 01/30/90 1000 DPS TRF WRNT W M 58 01/17/90 1211 DPS TRF WRNTS W M 62 01/20/90 415 DSO WRNT W M 39 01/20/90 500 DSO /FARMERS BRANCH PD WRNTS W F 20 01/03/90 2030 DWI W M 39 01/24/90 51 DWI W M 31 01/03/90 229 DWI W F 26 01/29/90 1 000 FWF'D TRF WRNT 8 M 38 01/13/90 905 FWPD /WATAUGA DPS TRF WRNTS W M 20 01/18/90 859 GV TRF WRNT W F 26 01/16/90 105 PAROLE VIOL WRNT W M 27 01/01/90 241 PI W M 30 0 t3/90 37 PI W F 22 x_ /90 28 PI W F 27 01/17/90 414 PI W M 31 01/11/90 1542 PLANO PD BURG WRNT W M 19 01 /05 /90 19 POSS CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE W F 39 01/12/90 172 0 POSS CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE W M 26 01/20/90 415 POSS CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE W M 30 01/26/90 20 POSS CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE W F 31 01/26/90 433 POSS CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE W M 30 01/26/90 433 POSS CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE W F 25 01/28/90 43 POSS CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE W M 20 01/17/90 28 POSS DRUG PARA W F 28 01/02/90 918 SLPD TRF WRNT W M 27 01/06/90 1637 SLPD TRF WRNT W M 24 01/07/90 307 SLPD TRF WRNT W M 29 01/25/90 2037 SLPD TRF WRNT W M 21 01/10/90 1535 SLPD /GVPD TRF WRNTS W M 17 01/04/90 16 TCSO WRNT W F 29 01/30/90 924 TCSO WRNT W M 27 01/14/90 1415 TRF VIOL W F 41 01/22/90 1127 TRF VIOL W M 30 SOUTHLAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT +, MONTHLY REPORT -- ARREST DATA ARRDATE TIME OFFENSE RACE SEX AGE 01/22/90 940 TRF VIOL W M 25 01/23/90 1013 TRF VIOL W M 21 C 23/90 1411 TRF VIOL W M 32 02/25/90 1157 TRF VIOL W M 26 01/26/90 1400 TRF VIOL W M 21 01/27/90 100 TRF VIOL W M 18 01/27/90 1615 TRF VIOL W F 33 4'.-.- 5 City of Southlake, Texas CITY OF SOUTHL TIKE CASH ACTIVITY REPORT - GENERAL FUND FOR THE PERIOD ENDED, JANUARY, 1990 WEEK ENDING DEPOSITS - ACCOUNTS PAY. - PAYROLL - DEBT = RUNNING SERVICE BALANCE Beginning Balance: $134,499 01/05/90 $ 96,977 $ 50,135 $ 12,120 169,221 01/12/90 522,809 6,195 100,000* 55,178 530,657 01/19/90 242,063 162,513 450,000* 47,288 112,919 01/26/90 354,635 156,805 53,799 26,612 230,338 *Invested excess cash in a Certificate of Deposit Average Weekly Deposit: $ 304,121 (excluding footnoted items) Average Weekly Disbursement (excluding footnoted items): 93,912 Average Payroll: 54,489 Total Certificates of Deposit to Date: 975,000 as XXXXX.` xxxxXXXXXXXXXXXXA•XXXXXXXX *X XXXXXXX. 12 M0JIfl0,47.4.NMM047..- sIpPM1[10Mule-.0JO1s...NIAM. -W1 O MC MP..0../M S C Ols[Oip.- 4PPMI( 1011.. -1.00 IAN..aNPM.pPJP- OI/1U1n+{f10 1- JN ' L OO/ WI Mf. f. JNJM JNM1 J NNWCOP.M.-. C1 N .-rN 1 NS .•1 1 .. 1 .•IN M .40•0101 1 NN 1 .y.' 1 1 1 1 X 1 1 1 1 1 1, f a 15 N Y10Y1.OJJM..4.0. 000. 7 .440040.Otn,INAmOM1�.- 41AM.40.•000". 00.41■03AN•0 d PM1f 1M1O0WOCOM OICOM PJW•0WIfl00.OPIflMMN■0•-.PM.000 0. If1 C . . . • . . • • JOJMIf1 103... 00nMONNNocomomP ..PIs.OWMN11t1J0.0 OIsJ. m03. -. ... E.1.4 0 0 3 -030.-. •0.OSN111111 JI- WP O.oMNMM 3.003OJON toP.D 111 !-30.01-..0..• a W 11 1030.. OSfV► rlO WN I11 COPtflN.OMOS.+•OPPPJNJO. -.1A[O O tflO3OtfN3pl. /1113 .40_ .40_ 0. .TNNh.rJ0,1100.LMINN VWN.r It PJW.OJP M .ON.r.+N N 0 WWNWWMNOWN• 400.4:0 MNpNf.MM(OP.. 0 1•01-. 4103 W I0m4040.4 b W1- •.J.y NOW - 0 10011101 If1J OON.•r ../s.- .-0000 .0 40 Co .00 0 . .00 . 0 000 0 P .7 ••4 -. 41 N M 30• WON.�.'I0... 34 JMNN..1�10 PM.7NI11 OM 1-.t M NPWN.... o 4' . 1 J1 . .(QNI./ /OY1...M.r1-33-0 .JONNM111u1►,I.O.O MO■.OMMN CO C . . . . • . • . . . . • • • . • W ..` OMINOp. ON• OIA PIf11 ...O.OMJ...r.OP111P.OPJPPMOSPPP M.- .MNN111M Ea+ NI( 11fl 1110 PNNN .TNUONMPIOPJN•OM.O.-r P.O.OIfiM..y1flP - tOM.OtO.T.0s1 NM 73 - . - . NMIf 301! N3(-.ON IA t I 30TH SN60l WG ....... .N 440 0. 314 - 4 .0 NI�(O.OJtOPCOOJ-1 .o(O t11111 a 0 M MOOPtfl J.OM .0...... -4M N o NWMO .•rMNNMNfs.- ..01t1.00P(..SMNP. PJ(�..t110...0 .440040.4 0 a 01•• N3Ifl.4 .-104 01 043ON1114. 0040 .1 -ti(O.4 .40 .0 0 W L P .0 40 40 0 . .40 0 40 0 4 • W P J C-.4 .. 0 .4 0 WW 4 E 7 N N 4• C C - 3 0 O N • XXXXXXXXXXXXX .\•XXXXXXXXXX2tXXXXX*X. XXXXXXXXpe t) •. 01 COI -NP.ONM.coNW0.0n.10 IMNMOJ..Mt11MJM.40.IN (O .4tO0MI�.r(00.10 0 L C 11 1^. 04. CO. 0. JMOMJNM N < W W • • • • • • • • • • • • W 0: t N1..0100.01I∎4• JMr .O. N.-. (OO. N.00P PMIfl 11 1NI , NO1OJ 0 S•OJONMN x 0 E E 0 1.41 N I•'•J•... 1 ..MI 111 .41 1 11..41.+ N 1 1.x...0.+ 1 I• I- -. u J,0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I M •'- 7 x - 0 0. W 1- • •I. .1.' 4+ 0 • C .. CO.+• O. OJONIsNPNIRI ..JNCOOOMJMNPI.OI,.JMONO.O P/�..100.- m10...d1s W N 01 . M( �J ..4PPPIs.-I3�JJPS..PPPP(OSMMJMPO 001-111. -.OI-- If1t111nM10.0 .• L = E L • • • • • • • • • • • N 01 NM .'PP••00•Y1404000130.r( .OPMPMO.40• 1• ••1∎ NO.4tOPtl1MOY1 f.M.•..r.,WN •" 'O O W WW00Wr∎rs N4'J4'0(OrsW OMIO0 f1P01. NN0P.MMJ -' C 0.• . N1 r.. MCOMPMM MNtf 1 WPWJOM01 ∎Y1PJ1'-04••14/-N O •0111.•111••0W03 O 'W ...............0 .40 .W L 1116 M•OJSN•0J■M0.04.•04'.O J.OMNMI••NM WNPNWW N 03.-4.•.-4(0 - ♦+ N •40 IflN '+1J430.40M0.1, 03M•••■•0 0 0100400 0■ O. • .0+ OMN 000 N404..3-MN 304000 ..4. !140 40000040 .y E xi- .40 40 .040 0 0 0 O Al 1.0. M In • U N W 40 40 •+ 0. 0 ). E 4' 0 • V 0 LO T.-.Is YI. OM... NS• O.. OP .- .WJWNWN..NV•OPMOO..Mt11r..00 NM.r111J..f1A C 0 WWNMO JMN . OYI. 001401 . . ( OMI-..0.0...I.-MdM.rPNNM3O.0. 14. •- .04011101010 IV-- • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • E L '+iJ•.I111.-1fl111.•.SMM•O WNPJS•OJOOI O111P 01!1.001 Otf1P.O 1. • 300401 -0' NP NIf11�.-. 01�•OP 03 t(1 N.•. J PIS ...a...0 ...t J M.ON 1`tf1 01 41* NI •4 .0 CV ..7 • 034 N'+1 its 1 N4f1■ MMN•OS P MP N I1l•OIs 030 N 0. 1-.. -.0O.N 1041110 0. JMP.ONWf� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .0 • .Y40 . 0 N SNP.4.oul n•ONWWWJN.-..••.4.nONMOP.. .O•NMJNI..N W.-, O .r L+ 04031 ■OWN..40M.1•Ifl.01.4N001.:01■40M0W 0 •401..013.040 040 41 4 OIL WM* 4000 1 30000 0 1.00 00404000 O N Z1- .0 0 40040 N 040 N 111 40 40 40 30 - 0 C 0. A\ o N • Otl- W -. 1 0.0 !. C•1 - W C•-• o rs■ i+ OA = N ..r • W W NN y.. d = A .-0E44 0 1--0 0 • 0> •-• L ). '0 A� >/-41- • - O \ O - C ••'L -- 40 t C W = N L 4 C F - .. .. 7. 0 0 • +1f ....I.. W •... •d. W 30 Y W • LM 7. W 1.7 a 4' 0 Y 7+ L11. = L L C(.1 0.4L0.4 E • C 4.'0300»).4. C OO.+ W O'O •L O C CO 2 W WY LN C • O W C 354 3 0L0ZT•6- 41004J3 >E4+ 5 '03•••■00WW WE -'aWo 3 3 .44+ .0 •0 3 LS 0 COL •. '0150.4+•• 404.-- •0•.LC0t7..3.0 03100 •4.0 0 MO 0 4' +4-11 •.' 3 3 • • L •4+ 00.4+- 3 N.r 0 • • N3Y4' -L •.- 404+ 354+4+4+3.) .-11l- W CY C 0 0.) 0 C.-IM C 7N 0••. Of•". • L L W W.. 30 L• -, 3.l > OI C 7_i+ N N+ L 55 • ••1 O L W'O 3> 0 0 L L W W 7•• W 35 35 0 35• +•- W 35 0 W• •L 0.05 E 35. 1. 3 3. 0. 1<30303003) 0W W 04.33. O==ZYYJJ Z Z0.a000C U11f)!401113 •■1 <03r- 1JZ1 ■1 L 35 1. 1- W 3-- I I1 • • • ' `: TARRANT COUNTY WASTE b 1SPOSAL,1HC , STANDARD COI1IIRRCIAL RATES i • , . •• _. . • • and Loading .. Il . $ 35 M(i Per Dour • • "ins or Bags.. 4.5(1 Per can 4i.th n 9.0.0. per month • minimum for twice a week service, i STANDARD CONTAINER RATES,' • . • , ' ' •: .: • " . • r 2 YARD Containers • 1 Dump Per Week ' : 30,00 Per Month - On Call Service. $21 2 • 47.00 per •month. including 1 dump 3 64.00 and 13,00 for each additional 4 81.00 • . dump 5 . ' 98.00 • , 6 •• 1 . • 115,00. • . . 3 YARD Container t • • ' • •, , • 1 Dump.Per Week 37.00 Per Itonth On Call Service $25,00 2 • • • .62 :0Q per month including dump 3 87.00 •.' and $13.00 for each additional 4 • 112,00 dump. - . 5 • ' • 137.00 s. - 6 ., 162,0Q : 4 Yard Containers . , 1 Dump Per Week I • 45.00 Per Itonth. On Call Service $28,00. • 75,00 per month including 1 dump J • 105.00 • and $13.00 fot each additional 4 135.00 . du,np. - - 5 165.00. • • 6 • • • 195.00 6 YARD Container,. , . . , 1 Dump. Per Week. •• ' 62.00 Per Itonth On Call Service $34.00 2 100;00.. per month including 1 dump 3 • . 140.00, and $15.00 for each additional 4 180.00.. dump. 5 220.00. ; : 6 . • • . • .260.00 . • 8-YARD Container, • 1 Dump Per . Week • : • 78.00 Per Month_ . . On Call Service $37.00 2 ' . 1.28.00' . per month including 1 dump. 3 �„ �„ • �, 178.00 • and $15.00 for each additional 4 228.00 dump. 5 l.. ' •, 278.00 . 6 .. . ' • 328 40Q • DUE to the rapid changes in prices of equipment we will set•Roll -Off prices for both eervice•and egytipment at the time they are needed,based on a then c rest cost. . • LAI SANVIIAI1UN CU. ' 3355 Raider Drive Hurst, Texas 76053 (817) 283 -3092 1- 800 -633 -7871 LI, E E JAN 301990 MAYOR OFFICE OF CITY COUNCIL CITY SECRETARY, / CITY SECRETARY /�' CITY MANAGER Dear Curtis, It now becomes necessary for us to request a rate change for the present service, due to changes in regulations. We propose a budget increase necessary to comply with the new regulations. E.P.A. has established more riged rules in the Title D regulations for all disposal of solid waste. The Department of Public Health requested the legislation to pass new regulations also. S/B 1519 added a yard charge for all solid waste disposal. Workmans Compensation increased 21% in No- vember. All trucks weighing over 26,000 lbs. must meet all Department of Transportations regulations, which adds much more cost to the trash and refuse hauling. The weight regulations, limits the use of certain garbage trucks. We began in 1985 to improve our fleet. With the newer type trucks, which you see on the streets, we should have this complete within three five years. Curtis, I would like to meet with the Mayor and City Council soon. As you and I have talked the price of fuel has increased 30 per gallon, in one week. This does create a small problem. Sincerely, Buck ubbard JANUARY 12,1990 PRESENT BUDGET PROPOSED BUDGET 25.47% LABOR ON TRUCKS $ 42,752 30.7% $ 69,972 21.89% DISPOSAL COST 36,743 22.5% 51,288 5.60% FUEL COST 9,399 5.6% 12,780 4.92% SUPV /SALARY /P /UPS 8,258 5.5% 12,528 16.41% EQUIPMENT REPAIR 27,545 7.4% 16,884 4.68% TIRE REPAIR 7,855 2.9% 6,612 6.73% DEBT SERVICE EQUIP. 11,296 9.2% 21,000 11.64% OVER HEAD /SHOP /OFF. 19,538 10.8% 24,708 5.5% FLEET LIABILITY 9,232 5.4% 12,396 $ 172,618 TOTAL $ 228,240 TOTAL 167,856 REVENUE (4,762) / / .... ; -'r 7 3TAMIl)ARI) CUt V %11i:C 1 AI, RATES t - it Loading ' $35,00 Per Hun, ' :ntle or Onge•' $ 4,5(1 Per cna uItti n ').(!il poi wuntli • . minimum tor t.ui ce a week tiel;vice, I 1UNDARD C0NTAIHER RATES 1 ' ,. , ' . j 2 YARD Containers i < 1 pum Per Week • ' : 30,00 Per llouth On Call Service $21400. • 2 t • : 47.00 per month including 1 dump 64.00 and 13,00 for each addition • 81.00 dump • • 5 98,00 6 .. ' . . 1 . • 11 ,00 . • ' YARD Container t ► ' . .r_ - • . • r t?er Weak 37.00 Per Month on Call Service $25,00 p D 62. per m011111 includln 1 dump 2 1111 87,00 .' and $1.3 .0U for each additonel • '4 • 112,00 (titian, , ' ; _, 5 . • . 131 .00. - , . f • b ,.t ., 162,0Q ' 4 Yard Containers - . • . ! • 1 ,imp Per Week i , . 45,00 Per Month on Call Service $28,00. • , 2 75,00. per month including dump 3 105.00 and $13.00 fot each additional. 135.00 . dump, • 5 . ' 165.00 6 . • . 195,00 ' 6 YARD Contaiher. t• ' • . , t 1 Dump. Per Week .. • 62,00 Per Muth On (��i I l Service $34,00 2 . • 100;00•, pot u inciuding 1 (coop . 3 .' • . l40,00 end $1').00 1ter eacc additional 4 ion .00 • 4 ump . ' 220.00 • ' 5 6 • • .260.0(1 i 8• YARD Contaiher 1 1 DunpPer.Week ' . f.' • 78.00 Per ttontl► On Call Service 37.09 Z ; -128,00' per month includ 1 dump '"'r "' � � 178 c 00 c 111t1 $)5.00 for each addition "' « ,�" � � • : 229.40 dump, • 278,00 6 '!, c; 32840( 6 DUE to the rapid changes in prices of equipment we will Get Roll-Off privea I tr both .arV A Oa nd •yPiltlI%eIl 81 11 1 i t 11*e :y ui a IletsA.rd,l,uuttil on • then c4 ,aat CPAt, ' . 1 • ' : . . ' Humber of Number nt Weekly Conttnctor Ito,tthly • Halle Collections • Compensation • 1 - 2 2 9 9.00 . 1 11.00 A.......••..••.•.•••• 13.00 . 5 15.00 • 6 11.00 • 3 - 4 2 I...• 11.00 3 15.00 4 19.00 5 24.00 . 6 '29.00 . 3 - 6 2 13.00 • •'.:r 3 • .... 19.00 • • - A 75.00 • . 5 31.00 6 441.*•••• 37.00 7 - e 7 15.90 • 1 23.00 . 4.... : 31.90 . 5 39.00 • . f• 47.00 9 - 10 7 17.09 •77.00 . 4 37.00 . 5 47.00 6 57.00 1 • , ' • 0 • ' . • • x • . • • i • . ,. • ; i • • • .•• • ■ AI►Ul:, t'A" - • I flea 1 h c, lcm - • 6 1 The charges for ouch set vIc a nun hereby established t to 1)01 / r per u tmc; 1;iettl. I a 1 tut 1 per ca 1 etelar hunt 11. I 6 Qea. 2 Cal 61ger011i ._1111l111:i11,1ul1tlt..ttlIl_. II'J'!etllllll-i:oIIec.: %jt,11 t 7 01$lJRM I .1�Q1lTA1HE1 _RAT•E4 1 . • t t 1. xxsz! Yflr_d_SQnt11j.nc-'! 11 1'el-_Uf�n�l1 is �. . • • • 1 clump per weok 1 ... ,��� 2 dumpn per week $51.61 t rt ► . . t ,, • , 3 dumps tier woek 51. t.�'r t t• 6 9 . 5 7 i . r l 0 0 .4, di mple f 1�sr weok OO. u 1 t • 04 h 11/40. D l dumps per week 1 6 W 4i, ••�;Ay 6 dumps per week ( t •'�2 .;c• 11t ; ' i1 �� t . 125.00 • 0 +. extra pick up i 4'. 13 13 2. 7'llrly_Ynrs_Calltaln9 r� . 14 1 clump per week 40.2'4 2 dumps per week dumps per week 15 • 4 dumps per week 94.51 • 5 dumps per wank 121.74 140.91 • 16 6 dumps per week 176.09 extra piok up 14.11 I 17 3. EQi1t_Yflrd ('-nll(f lllcl'EI 16 1 dump per week • 2 dumps 1►ur Weak 1 II . 1 eft • `.�t 19 3 dumps por wook • 4 dumps por Woek 11. ' 1 1 6 r - 5 dumps per week . 1 7 t ZO 1/9.15 • 6 dumps per week _' 1 1. 9 G extra tack u1► 1 1 . 1 ► 21 • 4. LiX_X$LSl_Co11t.n111e1:=i 22 1 clump per week t !J 2 dumps per week 60 "0 • 3 dumps per week .152,117 7 100.70 I `• !, 4 dumps per week 195.65 5 dumps per Weok 2)9.17 . 6 dumps per week • 202.61 1 • • 1 26 • 1 • ....._..... N_ tI • .2 I t . - extra•pick up 16.30 ► 5 . Eight Y @lcl Ccllltil lnet e • 4 1 ► dtump per week 84.78 1 2 clumps per week 139.13 6 3 dumps per week ` 193.48— I 4 dumps per weak 241.83 6 5 dumps ptr week 302.17 • _ 6 dumps per week 356.52 7 extra pink up 16.30 • 1 ' : •1 : • • • Caitert $5.55 per month additional 1 • • �•• • • • Looks( $8.89 per month additional 1 !•io!} *}: )rQ1 Tun_ Cmidtru ctiQt l _JIttl- _Vemslit�i2tt�QJltginarn 1 :Om , ,, ,, :; 1 11.1• . , Delivery Feet $50.00 . - I • V 1 :,f F t�• �, s ; � ' i , 2• . • i capacity of Container Service charge :' 1 � �.= . .,•: .a • . 1.i • . :. • ': t. (Cubic Y9rs1 )-_ e_�ll Eenth Ys+I_I 011 • -• cubic yards 134.78 135.87 . 1 13 30 cubic yards - 134.70 135.81 t ' 14 40 cubic, yards 134.10 179.35 I 3. Temporary Ilse, one (1) or two (2) loads, less than 15 thirty (30) days, but 1 nc:lnc� i ny construction eil • for less than twelve (12) months t 1 i 16 , Delivery feet $50.00 I • 17 Rental charge* $8.70 dollars per day or $134.78 per 1 month, whichever 1 u less. 18 Each load* $135.01 per :10 yards : 19 Initial payment muccl. I,u made In advance before . • container is de 1 1 vc:1 cad • rc,ul ::i l ner 011 nc►t be I 20 returned to customs( a►(t er !het load unl eun pay*ant►1 ' for second load 1 u mode l n advance. ' 21 • I • • 21 t 23 ► 24 • 1 . 25 1 • 2 1 , 1 •• , i1• • • , . ,: 1 • 1.11 : t •