1990-01-02 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 N. Carroll Avenue REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING January 2, 1990 7:30 P.M. COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor, Gary Fickes; Mayor Pro Tem Betty Springer. Members: Sally Hall, Rick Wilhelm, Pamela Muller. COUNCILMEMBER ABSENT: Ralph Evans CITY STAFF PRESENT: Curtis Hawk, City Manager; Michael Barnes, Director of Public Works; Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator; R.P. Steele, Fire Chief; Billy Campbell, Police Chief; Eddie Cheatham City Engineer; Wayne Olson, City Attorney; and, Sandra L. LeGrand, City Secretary. INVOCATION: Mayor Pro Tem Betty Springer. A work session was held beginning at 6:30 p.m. for the purpose of discussion of the items on the agenda. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Gary Fickes. A~enda Item #2 Approval of the Minutes The Minutes of the December 19, 1989, Regular City Council meeting were approved, subject to the changes discussed in the work session. Motion: Wilhelm Second: Springer Ayes: Wilhelm, Springer, Muller, Hall Nays: None Approved: 4-0 vote. Agenda Item #3 Mayor's Report Mayor Fickes announced that agenda item #19 will be moved between items #12 and #13. The Mayor announced that on January 11, beginning at 7:00 p.m., Congressman Pete Geren will be hosting a town hall meeting at the Southlake City Hall. Congressman Geren represents the 12th District. Mayor Pro Tem Springer commended the Fire and Police Department in regards to the letter which appeared in the Grapevine Sun, written by a Careflight Attendant, as a result of a recent accident. Councilmember Hall thanked the Public Works Department employees for their hard work and extended hours during the recent cold weather. City Council Minutes January 2, 1990 page two A~enda Item #3 Continued Mayor Fickes informed the audience that Vernie Henderson, Manager of Lone Star Gas Company, met with City Council members during the work session, to discuss the problems incurred during the recent cold weather which interrupted service in Southlake. The letter distributed by Mr. Henderson is incorporated into the minutes. A~enda Item 94 City Manager's Report Curtis Hawk, City Manager, reported on the activities which occurred in the Water Department as a result of the recent cold weather. He informed the City Council and Audience that thirteen meters were reported frozen, and, sixty calls were answered from citizens with broken water pipes in structures. There were three minor water main brakes. Southlake experienced minor problems primarily because the system is fairly new and we have no cast iron pipes. Slightly over $2,000. was spent on overtime for personnel. Agenda Item #5 Consent A~enda The consent agenda, which consisted of item #5: Resolution 90-01, authorization for the Mayor to enter into an Interlocal Agreement with Denton County for Fire Protection. Motion was made to approve the consent agenda, Motion: Springer Second: Muller Ayes: Springer, Muller, Hall, Wilhelm Nays: None Approved: 4-0 vote. as presented. A~enda Item #6 Public Forum No comments were received as a result of the public forum. Agenda Item #7. Ordinance No. 480-08, 2nd reading. Zoning,' M~ry Arnold Zoning request for a 5.23 acre tract of land out of the Thomas M. Hood Survey, Abstract No. 706, Tract 8H. Current zoning is Agricultural, request is for the Residential Estates Zoning District. Owner: Mary Arnold. City Council Minutes January 2, 1990 page three Agenda Item #7 Continued Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, noted that nine letters were sent to property owners within 200'. On December 7, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval of the zoning requested. On December 19, the City Council approved the 1st reading of Ordinance No. 480-08, with the agreement that the applicant will remove the existing older home, when the new home is completed. Ms. Arnold agreed to enter into the agreement with the city. No comments were received as a result of the public hearing. Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 480-08, Motion: Wilhelm Second: Hall Ayes: Wilhelm, Hall, Springer, Muller Nays: None 2nd reading. Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance. Approved: 4-0 vote. Mayor Fickes stepped down for Agenda item %8, as he is a property owner within 200' Mayor Pro Tem Springer chaired the meeting. Agenda Ite~ %8.. Ordinance No. 480-09, 2n.d reading. C.C.Hall Jr. Zoning request for a 3.00 acre tract of land out of the Thomas Easter Survey, Abstract No. 474, Tract 2A4, and the Samuel Freeman Survey, Abstract No. 525, Tracts 3Al and 3B1. Current zoning is Agricultural, request is for the Commercial-3 Zoning District. Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator made a presentation, stating that the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended that when the buffer yards are planned, SF-1 buffering be used. The public hearing resulted with no comments. City Council Minutes January 2, 1990 page four Agenda Item #8 Continued Motion was made to approve the Motion: Wilhelm Second: Hall Ayes: Wilhelm, Hall, Springer, Nays: None Mayor Pro Tem Springer Approved: 4-0 vote. 2nd reading of Ordinance No. 480-09. Muller read the caption of the ordinance. Agenda Item %9, Ordinance No. 480-10, 2nd reading. Fina Oil Zoning request for a 17.9977 acre tract of land out of the C.B. McDonald Survey, Abstract No. 1013, Tract 3B1 and 3B2. Agricultural to Industrial-2 Zoning District. The zoning administrator made a presentation. Shelley Hacker, with Fina Oil and Chemical Company, 8350 N. Central Expressway, Dallas, was present to answer questions for the Council. Mayor Fickes returned to the Council table. The public hearing resulted with no comments. Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 480-10, 2nd reading. Motion: Springer Second: Wilhelm Ayes: Springer, Wilhelm, Hall, Muller Nays: None Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance. Approved: 4-0 vote. Agenda Item #10 Ordinance No. 480-11, !st reading. Zoning request for a 33.626 acre Decker Survey, Abstract No. 438, Current zoning is Industrial-1 Zoning District. Jim Rau, 2901 Valleyview, questions for the Council. Conoco Inc. tract of land out of the Harrison Tracts lB1, 1B1C, and 1B1B. with a request for Industrial-2 Grapevine, was present to answer City Council Minutes January 2, 1990 page five Agenda Item #10, Continued Director of Public Works, Michael Barnes, noted that he and Eddie Wilson went out and took readings, 100 foot from the flare. It was noted that the flare has been operational for one and one-half years, and it has the City and Environmental Control Permits. Public Hearing: Ed Brown, 1231 Timberline Court. Mr. Brown noted that on January 1, about 1:30 p.m. the noise was very loud. He knowns we need change, but he does not want any more noise. The noise is not regular and not twenty-four hours per day. They have had another fumes problem between December 21 and tonight. He cannot say for sure it was Conoco but it was one of them. He asked the City Council to look at this before they issue Industrial-2 Zoning on the property. Councilmember Wilhelm noted that having the Industrial-2 Zoning on the property, will give the City Council more control. Councilmember Sally Hall asked the purpose of the flare. Public Hearing closed. Mayor Fickes remarked that the other two terminals have expressed an interest in working with the citizens and he hopes Conoco will too. The staff will continue to stay on this problem and as long as the problems exist. Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 480-11, Motion: Wilhelm Second: Springer Ayes: Wilhelm, Springer Nays: Hall, Muller Mayor Fickes voted in favor of the motion. 1st reading. Mayor Fickes read the caption of the Ordinance. Approved: 3-2 vote. Councilmember Hall stated her "no" vote, reflects that we need a solution to these problems. Mayor Pro Tem Springer stated that her "yes: vote, does not reflect that she is in favor of the noise. City Council Minutes January 2, 1990 page six Agenda Item #11 ZA 89-70, Final plat of Hershaw Estates The final plat of Hershaw Estates was presented. The property, a 5.475 acre tract of land is out of the Francis Throop Survey, Abstract No. 1511, Tracts 3A1E2A, 3ALE2, and 3A1E2A1. Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator made a presentation stating the property is located approximately 400 feet south of Dove Road. 1821 Sunshine Lane. Melvin Hershaw was present to answer questions for the Council. Motion was made to approve ZA 89-70, final subject to the items in the Cheatham review Motion: Muller Second: Springer Ayes: Muller, Springer, Hall, Wilhelm Nays: None Approved: 4-0 vote plat of Hershaw Estates, letter. Agenda Item ~12 ZA 89-74, Final plat of SouthView, Phase 1 A presentation was made by Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator. John Levitt, Levitt Engineers was present for the meeting to answer questions on the final plat. His office is located at 726 Commerce, Suite 104, Southlake, Texas. Levitt stated they have no problems with the Cheatham review letter dated December 15, 1989. They ask that the appropriate right of way access to North Carroll Avenue, be dedicated as a requirement. Motion was made to approve the final plat with the following proviso: 1) the plat be signed by Mr. McHale. 2) that SouthView Drive, 50' right of way, extended through to Carroll Avenue is dedicated to the city. 3) that the plat is in compliance with Cheatham letter of 12-15-89. Motion: Wilhelm Second: Springer Ayes: Wilhelm, Springer, Muller, Hall Nays: None Approved: 4-0 vote. City Council Minutes January 2, 1990 page seven Agenda Item 919. Waiving Plating Requirements for C.J. Brewer The City Manager, Curtis Hawk, explained that in November, 1987, the City of Southlake purchased a five acre tract of land out of a larger tract of land for a water tower site. When the city purchased the land, we got a 30 foot roadway easement and 15 foot utility easement. Mr. Brewer lives on the existing property, and also has another home on the back of the property. It was established that this property was annexed into the city in December, 1988. Although it was purchased before it was annexed, the property still should have been plated under our Subdivision Ordinance and the State Statute. By dedicating the roadway to the city, the City would agree to maintain the gravel road in its current condition. The City would work to have the road paved by the developer in the event that the property is further devided and developed. Mr. Brewer needs a letter from the city saying the city will maintain the road. The City Manager feels that, 1) if he would dedicate the land as roadways, then it would give the city the right to do some things, and, 2) all the city needs is a plat. After discussion, motion was made to require Mr. Brewer to a plat of the property he owns, with a 50' dedicated right The city would waive the plating fees. The city would draw plat of the property we own. Both documents would be filed. Motion: Wilhelm Second: Springer Ayes: Wilhelm, Springer, Hall, Muller Nays: None Approved: 4-0 vote. present of way. up a A~enda Item #13. Ordinance No. 483, 2nd readin$. Control Subdivision A discussion was held in regards to the subdivision control ordinance presented this evening. Motion was made to approve the 2nd reading of Ordinance No. Motion: Hall Second: Muller Ayes: Hall, Muller, Springer, Wilhelm Nays: None 483. Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance. Approved: 4-0 vote. City Council Minutes January 2, 1990 page eight Agenda Item #14, ordinance NO. 494, 2nd reading. Perimeter Roads. Pro Rate Fees, The City Council discussed the Pro Rata Fees, for Perimeter Roads. The public hearing resulted with no comments. Motion was made to approve the 2nd reading Pro Rata Fees, for Perimeter Roads. Motion: Muller Second: Hall Ayes: Muller, Hall, Springer, Wilhelm Nays: None of Ordinance No. 494, Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance. Approved: 4-0 vote. Agenda Item #15, Ordinance No. 493, 2nd reading. for Off-Site Sewer. Pro Rata Fees The 2nd reading of Ordinance No. 493, pro rata fees for sewer was discussed. The public hearing resulted with no from the audience. off-site comments Motion was made to approve the 2nd reading of Ordinance No. modified this evening. Motion: Wilhelm Second: Hall Ayes: Wilhelm, Hall, Springer, Muller Nays: None 493, as Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance. Approved: 4-0 vote. Agenda Item #16. Accepting Copier Bid/Awarding Contract City Manager, Curtis Hawk, explained to the City Council that the city has advertised for bids for the purchase of two copiers for city hall. He added, that two bids were received; from Southwest Office System and Lanier World Wide Inc. Lanier was low bidder, with the best buy back provision. The total cost is less than budgeted this year. The new contract with Lanier is much more favorable to the city than is Southwest Office System. Mr. Hawk recommended to the City Council that the low bid from Lanier be accepted and he be authorized to enter into an agreement. City Council Minutes January 2, 1990 page nine Agenda Item #16 Continued Motion was made to accept the low bid from Lanier for two copiers. Motion: Wilhelm Second: Muller Ayes: Wilhelm, Muller, Hall, Springer Nays: None Approved: 4-0 vote. Agenda Item #17. Colleyville/Southlake Sewer Agreement The City Manager, Curtis Hawk, explained to the City Council that no new information has been received from the City of Colleyville, in regards to an agreement between the two cities for sewer. Therefore, no action was taken on the matter this evening. Agenda Item #18. Water Rates Curtis Hawk, reminded the City Council that during the Budget process, he mentioned that in January, the city would need to take a look at a water rate increase. The problem is compounded by lots of things, including operating expenses and the 48% increase in the price we pay for surface water from City of Fort Worth. The City Manager asked the Council to take the information provided in the packets, look at it and he will bring the item back on the next Council agenda. The informational packet is incorporated into the minutes. Motion was made to table any action on the proposed increase, time certain January 16 City Council meeting. Motion: Springer Second: Muller Ayes: Springer, Muller, Hall, Wilhelm Nays: None Approved: 4-0 vote. water rate Agenda Item #20. Executive Session Mayor Fickes announced that the City Council would be executive session pursuant to V.T.A.S. Article 6252-17, (e), 2(f), 2(g). Refer to posted list of litigations. going into Section 2 Council adjourned to executive session at 11:05 p.m. Council returned to open session at 12 midnight. City Council Minutes January 2, 1990 page ten Agenda Item #21 Action Necessary No action was taken as a result of the executive session. Agenda Item 922 Action Necessary No action was taken as a result of the executive session. Agenda Item 9 23, Resolution 89-68. Appt to Capital Improvements 'Committee Resolution 89-68, appointment to Committee was approved, with the to the committee: a Capital Improvements Advisory following persons being appointed Barry Emerson Kurt Miller Paul McCallum Stephen Apple Joe Wright Ernest Johnson Bob Hopkins Bruce McCombs (alternate) Motion: Muller Second: Hall Ayes: Muller, Hall, Wilhelm, Springer Nays: None Approved: 4-0 vote City Council deems that they have met the 40% requirement with the appointment of the committee. Agenda Item ~24, Adjournment Motion was made meeting. Motion: Wilhelm Second: Muller Ayes: Wilhelm, Muller, Nays: None Approved: 4-0 vote. and approval given to the adjournment of the Hall, Springer Mayor of Southlake THE STATE OF TEXAS C COUNTY OF . 7 - 191-2Ax- 7 * I, 6:74 F7��� as a member of the (/•'6 / make this ffidavit and hereby on oath state the following: I, and /or a person or persons related to me, have a substantial interest in a business entity that would be peculiarly affected by a vote or decision of the as those terms are defined in Chapter 171, Texas Local Government Code. The -bu-si entity is /5 lj , / K " ni A / (name and address) I have a substantial interest in this business entity for the following reasons: (Check all which are applicable) Ownership of 10% or more of the voting stock or shares of the business entity. ,) Ownership of 10% or more or $5,000 or more of the fair market value of the business entity. Funds received from the business entity exceed 10% , . of gross income for the previous year. Real property is involved and V have an equitable or legal ownership with a fair market value of at least $2,500. A relative of mine has a substantial interest in the business entity or property that would be affected by a decision of the public body of which I am a member. Upon filing of this affidavit with the City Secretary, I affirm that I will abstain from voting on any decision involving this business entity and from any further participation on this matter 6 whatsoever. Signed this _ day of ,AI „x,1 , 199 6 ignature of official / 4-7 ia--- Title BEFORE , the u dersig d authority, this day personally appeared AA �( ,' and on oath stated that the facts a eina ove state are true to the best of 7 knowledge or elief. ;k Sworn t and subscribed to before me on this day of /f'l�tf /LLB , 19 70 . �•ac►a ..alp IVatarY o ary Public in and for S taTE OF TEXA the State of Texas 4 ,,r, t1 My . E* vv"- C / My Commission Expi , �6 rld t Ad , Le Type /Print Notary's Name 4 ;,/ 4/ 9. 4 N S /1 A /79 d Lone Star Gas Company V. R. HENDERSON Manager 173 Highwoy 114 West • Gropevine, Texas 76051 January 2, 1990 Mayor Gary Fickes City of Southlake 667 N. Carroll Ave Southlake, Tx 76092 Dear Mayor Fickes, The recent gas outages in Southlake on December 22nd and 23rd was most unfortunate for our customers and caused undue hardship on them. Lone Star Gas Company sincerely regrets the outages and will strive to improve our gas supply to Southlake. Some of our fortification work is already in progress and some has al- aW 0 ready been completed. Listed below is our plan of action. Work in Progress - Replace major feed line from Grapevine measuring station west in Dallas Rd to Hwy 114 with 8" IP Poly - This line when completed will provide additional gas supply feeding north to Roanoke Dove Rd and west to Continental Blvd. Install - 3400 ft 8" poly northeast in Hwy 121 - Northwest in Grape- vine Parkway and west in Mustang to present 6" dead end. This add - "'.,' itional line will provide gas into Southlake through 114 connection and Continental Blvd connection at South Kimball. Completed - 2500' of 4" to tie in two dead end on Hwy 1709. This connection allows for additional gas to feed either direction on Carroll Rd and Kimball Rd north to the low pressure areas. Action plan - 1. Install charts on Burney Lane to monitor pressure to determine fortification requirement for the area. Action plan - 2. As Hwy 1709 is widen the existing mains will be re- placed with 8" HP from Keller Station to Hwy 114 in Grapevine. (est- imated 1991 -1992) This line in combination with transmission forti- fication of C -10 -4 should supply the necessary major feed for the further growth of Southlake. As we go about evaluating our total system, let me assure you again son that we are concerned and will strive to meet what Southlake expects of our Company. However, most of the problems we experienced on December a r 22nd and 23rd occurred because of weather conditions below the norms that caused all the gas fired heating equipment throughout Texas to be on at the same time without cycling off. Had the wind chill factor been less severe, our outages would have been much less. We again apologize to our consumers and to the City of Southlake for the undo hardship caused. :;11t,22:2:) V. R. Henderson xc: Councilmembers City Manager 1 ■ 6 - - _ City of SuuthIake, 1 exas ,/ ‘,. / ! um i Ili e .1°-Cl i i . I aeo M E M () 1; A h 1, Il M .' 1)ecem}u•r 12, 198`) ill ii TO: Curti E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Michael H. Barnes, Public Works Director SUBJECT: Water Pates The City of Fort Worth has once again: raised their water Il ill rates effective October 1, 1989. Table 1, attached, compares Fort Worth rates to Southlake's "4 rate from Fiscal Year 85 -8E to present. This comparison iti points out that while Fort Worth has raised their rates approximately 48% from FY85 -86 to FY89 -90 the City of Southlake has not raised their rates at all for the same ail time period. Table 2, attached, compares the City's net income for the same time period and shows a stead: decline ir net revenues with a net loss in FY87 -88 of $20,119 and a projected net loss of approximately $247,779 for FY88 -89 (Revenues and Expenses for FY88 -89 are estimated). ii The reasons fcr the :esses accelerating are Ii iii 1. The water. sales for F'Y85 -89 were less t.?, ., projected. 'I 2. The City of Fort Worth has raised their rates ii twice since FY86 -87 while the City of Southlake has not raised their rates at all. Il 3. The City has greatly increased their bond indebtedness through additional infrastructure (20" water line and two 1.5 million gallon 1 elevated storage tanks). di 4. Development has not occurred as fast as debt has m, occurred. it Consequently, it is necessary to increase water rates as I expeditiously as possible until a water" rate study, can be performed. 4 The methodology used to estimate low much the water rates needed to }�c raised to maintain positive cash flow is as 0 s follows: .ii .14 A/ (..-- Pr lik Curtis F. Hdwl'. Deccmher 13, 1989 r" Page 2 b r 1. AF Sun that i he C i t y \•J 1 1 raise 1 h( i r water rates enough to produce a zc21 riet i nc<mic until a water rate study can be performed. 2. Project as practical as possible the water 6 revc,ucr for FYR9 -90. This figure was calculated Ly averaging the projected budgeted revenue amount r ($1,763,130) tor FY89 -90 and the estimated revenue b amount ($1,441,332) for FY88 -89 which equals $1,602,231. r 3. To figure the percentage needed to raise, existing it rates to produce a zero net income divide the projected net income loss of $267,79 by the fr projected water revenues of $1,602,231 or 15% r increase in rates. p 4. The last column under Southlake Water Rates on Table 1 lists the proposed rates. Belo;-: is a comparison of the proposed rates versus the r existing rates for different volume users- Usage Existing Proposed (gals.) Pate Pte A^ i I b 10,000 j $ 39.20 ! $ 45.08 20,000 $ 63.20 ; $ 72.68 P 50,000 $135.20 1 $155.48 100,000 $255.20 $293.48 Attention is drawn to the fact that the rates are being_ raised as an interim measure until a rate study can be ito performed and to insure that the City is not continually loosing money in selling water. Al74e 111 MHB /kb w it p iw 6 Q iii r it 05 * r k A 0 fJ 0 N b ' 0 (1) N o ti f+ (�D n C" ` di n O ti • ` c-,) AIM N rt N to p C lit :1 H co rt . n 4.,, O rt a) 00 �0 0 0 (1) n 0 t j CD A., N O O r N G co 1I C O N ° r AI 0 CD l0 La ° . .... H. O (D 11 o () O La — ' fa) W 0 F- F-' C ° 1.0 m co rt cu ° I 0 CO : Cr-, . OD 1-+ 0 J -( 0 �n 0 O O 1 " i 1--' O O O O c. 00 O O TJ rt u) k.o I ° 0 00 0 .t ,V) f - i CO 1-, ~ F% CO 07 O CO co F- Ql O CO CO CO Vn 0 V1 I 1 O vi g) ‘..0 • i IV Ln 0 o C G ° w `-`' 0 di ® �1 0� 1 % rt 1-' n : n '-j N • W _ f- C � . 'A T ill 4,9 L 1+9 ...._ 1 1--' C7 w III W Co 0 0 CO O I ~' C` O0., "1 rt o rn c L oCO. 1 - ' 111 o .b. I o o 1 ' O ° ° • CO rt w w .3 � rt I N I--, `f "+A In to illi (D -A I- I--. N I-. ,x] 7`' CO ~ u fJ O rt to 0 CO W N I C 0 CO J (D • O .A O O I 01 .A O O I N O O OO O • CO a/ CD U1 -69 1-' 1- 1 J 1-• 1 ' 1 1 N F VI N O OD W CO O O CO J N N O CO . I • O CO Ol .P O O I O O I U1 J Cn co • O o ° • l0 LA kr> IL 1- I- UI • N w a- O CXl W N I W 0 p J U O ■.0 ,p v O 0 1 0 06 01 V� O I 11i Q\ [ CO ■VI �G Q 0 O C7 (I1 N 1-+ 1-' ID N , 10111111011111. ow II 0 ill PP * .y o ill rt Ti li O I-1 0 rt rt u. 1 ✓ 0 O R iii W N rt V rt C (D ' C L rt R rr vii C N G t. rt rn (1) !r tn } rt iii ( ; r a. o 1r a 49 D.I . ;,n O CO U II - J r' N rt J N .A I J CC lT1 y Q1 .A ■9 VD O I 1 I J J L O y O? C F O CO O v < I PP fry r, r J. N .A J L. :.'1 W C n ? ` O W . 1.—. CC ~ J O CO J I—' J .." I--+ O CO W s * ._■-• [ CO J CO l.O N ¢ r ft m 49 � N N lrl co N I rt pp tJ J ' co op 1 C It I--. co co 01 co N az. 00 I .._. N * lin I--. W 00 W f/P. lib PIP 1J I- N N .• CO illb .P co U1 .P .P M J J W W I-' 1 • . • CO J O O O W LO 1 J W I C W v .P N C PI lib . PP 1 ill . ! 1 r City of Southlake, Texas gm M E M O R A N D U M ill gm 4 , December 28, 1989 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager j FROM: Sandra L. LeGrand, City Secretary SUBJECT: Interlocal Agreement for Fire Service mg Denton County ad On December 14, 1989, Mayor Fickes received the attached information from Denton County Judge Vic Burgess. The Interlocal Agreement for Fire Service is to be effective for the year 1989 -1990. This is a standard agreement, renewing an existing agreement. I have forwarded a copy to the Fire Chief and he has no problem with this document. The amounts have changed however, with the 1988-89 agreement showing payment to the City of Southlake as $5,000. with $85.00 per call as opposed to the Fiscal Year 1989 -90 agreement showing payment to the dr City of Southlake as $4,750. with $80.75 per fire call. i If you have any questions, I will assist in answering your questions. Ami di LL /sl Agi 3 4., O di Ami Ad Ali Ili 11