to Date
$ 2,166,155
$ 1,297,699
November 190,845
Fiscal Year
Fiscal Year
Fiscal Year
October $192,022
November 190,845
December 281,020
January 159,364
February 158,580
March 210,042
April 201,261
May 196,725
June 224,631
July 190,257
August 181,522
September 216,716
TOTAL $2402,985
$300, 000
Three Year Revenue Comparison
by Month
o° o° o° Z° o°` o°` ot` (Z K o°
■ Fiscal Year 2001-02 Actual 0 Fiscal Year 2002-03 Actual 0 Fiscal Year 2003-04
(budget -est.)
$ 180,396
$ 184,004
$ 201,663
$ 201,663
$ 17,659
$ 2,486,454
$ 2,166,155
$ 1,297,699
$ 2,376,727
$ 210,571
Southlake Crime Control and Prevention District
FY 2004-05 Budget Calendar
Due Date
CCD Board Meeting
Discussion Item
Staff Budget Team Review #1
Budget Available for Public
10 days prior to public
Notice Appears in FWST
Packet Day—CCD Board
CCD Board Meeting
Public Hearing
Consider Item
CM Budget Filed w/City Secretary
Deadline for Board Adoption
within 10 days of
Of FY 2004-05 CCD Budget
public hearing
Budget Notice for CC Mtg.
10 days prior to
Appears in FWST
CC public hearing
Packet Day—City Council
City Council Meeting
Public hearing
Consider Item
Packet Day --City Council
If needed
City Council Meeting
If needed
City of Southlake, l exas
June 1, 2004
TO: Southlake Crime Control and Prevention District Board of Directors
FROM: Rick Black, Director of Public Safety (Ext. 2421)
SUBJECT: Selection Committee Recommendation for Construction Manager Agent for the
North DPS Facility
Action Requested: Review the selection committee's recommendation for CM Agent for the
North DPS Facility and provide staff with direction to entering negotiations
with Lee Lewis Construction, Inc.
Information: As construction of the North DPS facility was being considered, the Board
reviewed the various construction methods available. These included the
traditional design -bid -build, construction manager at -risk, and construction
manager agent. After lengthy consideration the Board approved the
Construction Manager Agent as the method of best value for the construction
of the North facility.
In April of this year, the City Council approved the Board's recommendation
to select RPGA Design Group, Inc. as architects for the North Facility. In
early May, RPGA and staff produced and distributed a Request for
Qualification (RFQ) document for Construction Manager Agent. Ten
responses were received. The selection committee reviewed all the proposals
in depth, met for discussion on May 24, and selected three firms to make a
final presentation. After the presentations on Friday, May, 28, the selection
committee determined that Lee Lewis Construction was the most qualified for
the North Facility project. The firm's experience as Construction Manager
Agent for the recently completed Garland Police Department and their
current position as CM Agent for Frisco Police Department; their experience
in building police, fire, and detentions facilities, their estimating, accounting,
web site management and support documentation; and their approach to
working with the design team and the owner was paramount in this decision.
Considerations: The estimated cost for Construction Manager Agent services is $600,000.
The funds will not be expended until the 2004-05 fiscal year and the funding
will be incorporated with the bond package in Spring 2005.
Impact: The approved CCPD CIP incorporates the cost for architectural and
construction manager services.
Southlake Crime Control and Prevention District Board of Directors
June 1, 2004
Page 2
Citizen Input/
Board Review: The selection committee has reviewed all candidates who submitted proposals
and recommends the firm of Lee Lewis Construction for the North Facility
Legal Review: Will be provided to the Professional Services Agreement.
Alternatives: The board may reject the committee's recommendation and ask for further
review of other construction firms.
Documents: Copy of the RFQ Advertised to Firms
Lee Lewis Construction, Inc. Company Profile
Recommendation: Given the vision of this facility and after review of the firms and their recent
project history, the committee recommends Lee Lewis Construction as the
Construction Manager Agent for the North DPS Facility. Based upon the
Board's direction, staff will begin negotiations with Lee Lewis Construction
and bring an agreement forward for funding approval at the Board's July
APRIL 27, 2004
Request for Qualifications (RFQ) April 27, 2004
Construction Manager Agency Services City of Southlake - Department of Public Safety
9, 10
Request for Qualifications (RFQ)
Construction Manager Agency Services
April 27, 2004
City of Southlake - Department of Public Safety
The City of Southlake is seeking a qualified Construction Management Agent to work along side the City's selected
Architect, RPGA Design Group, Inc. The firm must demonstrate they have the resources, experience and
qualifications necessary to provide services in connection with Construction Management Agent Services for the
design and construction of the Southlake North DPS Facility which will serve as the main headquarters of three
facilities. The facility will house police, fire, dispatch and detention areas as well as house the emergency operations
center (EOC) in Southlake, Texas. Responses are solicited for this service in accordance with the terms, conditions,
and instructions set forth in the RFQ guidelines.
The City will receive responses to this RFQ at the offices of RPGA Design Group, Inc., the selected Architect for the
project, 101 S. Jennings Avenue, Suite 100, Fort Worth, Texas 76104, until 3:00 p.m. on Monday, May 17, 2004.
Late responses will not be accepted. Each firm is responsible for insuring responses to this RFQ have been delivered
by date, time and location specified. Any proposal received after the date and/or hour set for proposal opening will be
returned unopened. If proposals are sent by mail, the Proposer shall be responsible for actual delivery of the proposal
before the advertised date and hour for opening of proposals. If mail is delayed either in the postal service or in the
internal mail system of Tarrant County beyond the date and hour set for the opening, proposals thus delayed will not
be considered and will be returned unopened.
The guidelines, as well as packets may be obtained from the office of RPGA Design Group, Inc. or on the City of
Southlake website, www.ci.southlake.tx.us. The guidelines will not be faxed or mailed. There will be a pre -submittal
conference from 9:00 -11:00 a.m. on Tuesday, May 04, 2004 at the City of Southlake East DPS Facility Training
Room, 667 N. Carroll Ave., Southlake, Texas 76092. The purpose of the meeting will be to discuss this solicitation
and answer any questions. Attendance is not mandatory; it is however, recommended.
Receipt of responses does not bind the City to any contract for said services, nor does it give any guarantee that a
contract for the Project will be awarded. Receipt of any Proposals shall be received and acknowledged only so as to
avoid disclosure of the contents to competing offerors and kept strictly confidential during the negotiation/ evaluation
process. However, all documents shall be open for public inspection after a contract is awarded to the extent
allowable under the Open Records Act.
Robert P. Garza, R.A., R.I.D. - Principal
RPGA Design Group, Inc. - Architects
Request for Qualifications (RFQ)
Construction Manager Agency Services
April 27, 2004
City of Southlake - Department of Public Safety
The City of Southlake ("City") invites the submittal of responses to this "Request for Qualifications"
(RFQ) from firms who can adequately demonstrate they have the resources, experience, and qualifications necessary
to provide "Construction Management Agency" services in connection with the design and construction of the
Southlake North DPS Facility.
The Southlake North DPS Facility will serve as the main headquarters of three facilities. The major components of
the facility will be to house police, fire, dispatch and detention areas as well as house the emergency operations center
(EOC) in Southlake, Texas. Together it is currently anticipated that these comprise a project that includes
approximately 70,000 square feet with a preliminary cost projection of $13,000,000.00 including site work, FF&E,
architectural fees, CM -Agent fees and soft costs.
The City is proceeding with the development of the Southlake North DPS Facility project that will be on
approximately twelve (12) acres located at the northeast corner of East Dove Road and North White Chapel Road.
Packet information regarding this facility is available on-line at www.ci.southlake.tx.us. or by request from RPGA's
1 St published advertisement of RFQ
RFQ Release
2°a published advertisement of RFQ
Pre -Submittal Conference
RFQ Submittal Deadline
Notification of Short -List
Short -List Interviews, Final Selection
Notify Finalist
CCPDB Review/Approval of Selection Committee Recommendation
CCPDB Review/Approval of CMA Contract
City Council Review/Approval of CMA and Contract
April 24, 2004
April 27, 2004
May 01, 2004
May 04, 2004
May 17, 2004
(Monday, 3:00 pm)
May 18, 2004
May 25, 2004
May 28, 2004
June 01, 2004
June 09, 2004
July 07, 2004
July 20, 2004
It is anticipated that the project will begin with construction activities in the year 2005.
The City of Southlake is requesting candidates include a completed AIA A305 Contractor's Qualification Statement
in addition to other submittal requirements as described in section XIV. Ten (10) copies shall be delivered to RPGA
Design Group, Inc., Architects, for the City of Southlake no later than 3:00 pm on Monday, May 17, 2004 at 101 S.
Jennings Avenue, Fort Worth, Texas 76104.
Request for Qualifications (RFQ) April 27, 2004
Construction Manager Agency Services City of Southlake - Department of Public Safety
A Construction Manager Agent Selection Committee will review the submitted Statements of Qualification and select
a short-list of Construction Manager Agents to interview for the project.
Respondents not selected for further consideration will be notified at the first opportunity. Selected candidates will
be notified of interview time.
On Friday, May 28, 2004 interviews with selected Construction Manager Agents will be held at the City of
Southlake East DPS Facility Training Room, 667 N. Carroll Ave., Southlake, Texas 76092. Times to be announced.
City of Southlake intends to award the Construction Management Services Contract to the firm that best demonstrates
commitment, experience, available resources and innovative methods to address the unique construction requirements
as well as the cost and schedule objectives established by City of Southlake.
The selection process will consist of two parts. Part A is the written response to this RFQ and will be used to evaluate
the firm's qualifications, including project team and the approach or plan for the project. A short-list of firms will
then be selected for oral interview. Representatives of the City of Southlake, the Selection Committee Team and the
Architect, involved in the planning process, will conduct both the initial screening and the oral interview.
The City will use an Evaluation Panel to evaluate the submittals. The statements of qualifications received will be one
Rant of the selection process utilized by the City of Southlake, together with the interview, to determine if a consulting
contract shall be pursued.
The preferred firm then will negotiate with the City on fee and contract conditions. If a reasonable fee cannot be
achieved with the firm of choice, in the opinion of the City, negotiations will proceed with the second choice firm
until a mutually agreed contract can be negotiated.
At each stage of the process, the City will consider factor weighting of each firm's qualifications. These
considerations will include but are not limited to:
01 The experience and capabilities of the firm(s) involved. This will focus on projects of similar scope
with specific emphasis on experience with Police and DPS facilities.
02 The experience and capabilities of key personnel on the project team with relation to structures of
similar scope and the willingness to commit those designated key personnel to this project.
03 The experience of firm's key personnel working together in similar contexts.
04 The ability of the construction management team to interact and work with the City's project team
members already in place.
05 How well the approach or plan of the construction management project team appears to integrate with
the City's specific needs.
06 Financial stability and generally reliability of the firm or any proposed team.
07 Historic projects of similar sized scope and references.
08 The successful responder must document experience in preparation of multiple bid packages as part
of a successfully completed, complex project. City of Southlake requires the work separated into
component packages to allow opportunities for local participation in this project.
Request for Qualifications (RFQ) April 27, 2004
Construction Manager Agency Services City of Southlake - Department of Public Safety
09 Other services as deemed appropriate by the City of Southlake.
A. Pre -construction Services:
The selected firm will assist City of Southlake during the design phase of the project by providing
pre -construction services, including but not limited to the following:
01 Prepare for review by the City and Architect complete detailed construction cost estimates
during each phase of the design.
02 Value Engineering Analysis.
03 Participate in project design review meetings with the City and Architect.
04 Review of the contract documents for completeness and
05 Schedule of all project construction related activities.
06 Make recommendations to the Owner, regarding division of work in order to facilitate
competitive bidding and awarding of subcontracts.
07 Prepare pre -qualification criteria for material suppliers and Contractors and develop Vendor's
and Contractors' interest in the project.
08 Expedite opportunities for local participation by material suppliers and Contractors in this
09 Conduct pre-bid conferences with Contractors.
10 Review competitive sealed bids from the various Contractors and make recommendations to
the City.
11 Obtain approvals of public agencies and approval authorities.
B. Construction Services:
The selected firm will provide construction management agency services during the construction
phase, including but not limited following:
01 Prepare, execute and manage contracts between the City and Contractors.
02 Coordinate and direct the work of the Sub -Contractors.
03 Conduct a general pre -construction and in-depth pre -construction meeting with all major
Sub -Contractors prior to the start of their work activities.
04 Provide temporary job site facilities and services.
05 Provide site security and control site access.
Request for Qualifications (RFQ) April 27, 2004
Construction Manager Agency Services City of Southlake - Department of Public Safety
06 Track construction costs and maintain detailed construction cost records.
07 Review and process shop drawings and other submittals.
08 Establish, monitor, and update a construction scheduling system.
09 Maintain and provide as -built information to Architect for preparation of record drawings.
10 Review requests for changes, challenge the cost of the Contractors as necessary, and make
recommendations to the City and Architect.
11 Review and process all pay request applications by the Contractors.
12 Develop and monitor a comprehensive safety program for the Project.
13 Conduct progress and coordination meetings with on-site trade foremen or superintendents.
14 Conduct meetings with the City's representative and Architect to review construction
progress, scheduling, conflict resolution, etc.
15 Supervise, direct and mange the complete construction of the Project.
16 Obtain governing authorities required permits and approvals.
17 Establish and maintain Quality Control and Quality Assurance standards.
18 Negotiate project agreement, which will mitigate disputes, work stoppages, or jurisdictional
19 Provide record keeping and insure proper reporting required by the City.
20 Other services as deemed appropriate by the City of Southlake.
A. The Construction Manager Agent will serve as an integral team member from the inception of the
programming and design efforts. Furthermore, the Construction Manager Agent will be used, in conjunction
with the design team, as the cost estimator, project scheduler, and phasing implications coordinator for the
project. The Architect/Design Team will collaborate, coordinate and cooperate with the Construction Manager
B. The intent of this solicitation is to obtain the professional services of a firm with demonstrated relevant
experience with Construction Management Agency projects. The objectives of the project may include, yet
may not necessarily be limited to, providing management direction over the design and construction of the
listed project so that the resulting facilities will be:
1. Designed and constructed in such a way that the City of Southlake will have a high value facility, well
constructed of quality materials and workmanship;
2. Designed and constructed in such a manner that it can and will be completed within the established
3. Designed and constructed in such a way that it can and will be completed in accordance with the
Request for Qualifications (RFQ)
Construction Manager Agency Services
April 27, 2004
City of Southlake - Department of Public Safety
approved schedule;
4. Designed and constructed in such a way that the maintenance of the facilities can be accomplished
efficiently and effectively with a minimal maintenance staff and a low operations and maintenance
5. Designed and constructed in such a way that it will be highly functional, responding to all of the
services outlined in the established criteria.
On September 2, 2003, the City Council approved the Crime Control and Prevention District Budget and Multi-year
CIP which included funding for the planning, design and construction of the North DPS Facility. Bonds for the
construction will be sold in Fiscal Year 04-05.
It is anticipated that bonds to fund the North DPS Facility may be sold in the Fiscal Year 04-05 allowing construction
to begin in 2005.
The criteria used to evaluate the RFQ responses will include, but not be limited to, the following (items listed below
are not listed in order of importance):
A. Qualifications of Firm
Qualifications of firm, specifically as they relate to this Project.
B. Firm Experience on Construction Management Agency Projects
Related project experience of the firm(s) and the individuals who would be assigned to this Project.
C. Firm Experience on Police and Public Safety Projects
Related specific project experience of the firm(s) and the individuals who would be assigned to this Project.
D. Available Resources to Complete Project
This criterion would include the analytical, design tools, personnel, resources or methodologies commonly
used by your firm that may be applicable to the project categories.
E. Responsiveness to the RFQ
F. Professional References
A. No Gratuities — Respondents shall not offer any gratuities, favors, or anything of monetary value to any
official or employee of the City of Southlake for the purpose of influencing this selection. Any attempt by the
Respondent to influence the selection process by any means, other than disclosure of qualifications and
credentials through the proper channels, shall be grounds for exclusion from the selection process.
B. All Information True - Respondent represents and warrants to the City of Southlake that all information
provided in the response shall be true, correct and complete. Respondents who provide false, misleading, or
incomplete information, whether intentional or not, in any of the documents presented to the City of
Southlake for consideration in the selection process shall be excluded.
C. Interviews - After the initial evaluation of the statements of qualification, Respondents will be notified via
Request for Qualifications (RFQ)
Construction Manager Agency Services
April 27, 2004
City of Southlake - Department of Public Safety
phone, fax, email, or letter by mail of their status in the selection process. Respondents who are `short-listed"
should expect and anticipate subsequent interviews which will most likely focus not only on the Respondent's
program approach but also on an appraisal of the people who would be directly involved in the Project.
D. Inquiries - Do not contact the City of Southlake or the Project team during the selection process to make
inquiries about the progress of this selection process. Respondents will be contacted when it is appropriate to
do so.
E. Cost of Responses - The City of Southlake will not be responsible for the costs incurred by anyone in the
submittal of responses.
F. Contract Negotiations - This RFQ is not to be construed as a contract or as a commitment of any kind. If this
RFQ results in a contract offer by the City the specific scope of work, associated fees, and other contractual
matters will be determined during contract negotiations. To ensure that the appropriate staff is assigned to the
Project, the City intends to make the inclusion of a `key persons" clause a part of the contract negotiations.
G. No Obligation - The City reserves the sole right to (1) evaluate the responses submitted; (2) waive any
irregularities therein; (3) select candidates for the submittal of more detailed or alternate proposals; (4) accept
any submittal or portion of submittal; (5) reject any or all Respondents submitting responses, should it be
deemed in the City's best interest; or (6) cancel the entire process.
H. Professional Liability Insurance - The respondent shall have the appropriate liability insurance written by
an insurer authorized to transact insurance in the State of Texas.
I. Owner and Construction Manager Agent Agreement — The Selected Construction Manager Agent will be
required to use an AIA B801 CMa — 1992 form of agreement between the Owner and the CMA. Review
J. Construction Manager Agent General Conditions — The selected Construction Manager Agent will be
required to use the following AIA A201/CMa —1992. Review attached.
There will be a pre -submittal conference from 9-11 a.m. on Tuesday, May 04, 2004 at the City of Southlake East DPS
Facility Training Room, 667 N. Carroll Ave., Southlake, Texas 76092. The purpose meeting will be to discuss this
solicitation and answer any questions. Attendance at the meeting is not mandatory; it is however, recommended.
Sealed submittals are required. Submittals shall be delivered to Mr. Robert P. Garza, RPGA Design Group, Inc. -
Architects, at the address set forth below at or before 3:00 p.m. on Monday, April 17, 2004. All submittals must be
labeled on the outside with the Respondent's name. The name of the Project. Late submittals will not be considered.
Eight (10) copies of the response are to be addressed to:
RPGA Design Group, Inc. - Architects
C/O Robert P. Garza, R.A., R.I.D. - Principal
101 S. Jennings Avenue, Suite 100
Fort Worth, Texas 76104
To enable the City to efficiently evaluate the responses, it is IMPORTANT that respondents follow the required
format in preparing their responses. RESPONSES THAT DO NOT CONFORM TO THE PRESCRIBED
Request for Qualifications (RFQ)
Construction Manager Agency Services
April 27, 2004
City of Southlake - Department of Public Safety
Each copy of the response shall be bound using a semi-permanent binding method, to ensure that pages are not lost.
Pages shall be no larger than letter -size (8'/z by 11") or, if folded to that dimension, twice letter size (11" by 17") each
section (defined below) shall be separated by a tabbed divider. Elaborate covers, binding, dividers, etc. are not
Each response shall be submitted as outlined in this section. Please include an outside cover and/or first page,
containing the name of the Project ("Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for Architectural Services for the Proposed
Southlake Civic Buildings"), the name of the Respondent, and the submittal date.
A table of contents should be next, followed by tabbed dividers separating each of the following 6 sections:
Divider #1: Letters
The first page following the divider shall be a letter transmitting the response to the City and stating that the
proposal set forth in it remains effective for a period of 60 calendar days. If the Respondent intends to subcontract
for any of the services, the transmittal letter shall contain the names of all such proposed subcontractors. At least
one copy of the transmittal letter shall contain the original signature of a partner, principal, or officer of the
Divider #2: Firm Information
a. Completed AIA A305 - 1986
Divider #3: General Company History/Qualifications
a. A brief history of the Firm and the services routinely provided in-house on CMA building projects.
b. An organization chart that explains team member responsibilities.
c. The resumes of all persons to be assigned to the project with their prospective roles identified.
Divider #4: Financial and Legal Status:
a. Describe the general financial capability of the Respondent and attach a current financial statement and
balance sheet.
b. List any actions taken by any regulatory agency against or involving the firm or its agents or employees
with respect to any work performed.
c. List all litigation against or involving the firm or its agents or employees with respect to any work
d. All insurance coverage that the firm has which would be applicable to the work.
e. Jurisdictions in which your organization's partnership or trade name is filed.
f. Jurisdictions and trade categories in which your organizations legally qualified to do business. (please
indicate registration or license numbers)
Divider #5: Experience and References
a. Discussion of Firm's experience in working with Government Agencies, specific experience in the
Construction Management Agent capacity, and Police/ Public Safety project experience.
b. List of all Comparable Civic Projects, whether ongoing or completed, including references. Please begin
with CMA projects in Texas specifically by the office that will handle this project. For each, please
i. Project name and location
ii Capacity of Firm on project
Request for Qualifications (RFQ)
Construction Manager Agency Services
April 27, 2004
City of Southlake - Department of Public Safety
iii. Year completed
iv. Short description of project
V. Names, addresses, and phone numbers of owner and contact person tasked with daily
responsibilities of project
vi. Names, addresses and telephone numbers of architect and engineer
vii. Design and construction cost and whether or not it was within the project budget
viii. Construction time and whether or not it was completed on time
c. List of all projects currently under contract
Divider #6: Management and Organizational Approach —on six pages or less, please describe your
management and organization approach to the this project. The following should be addressed within this
a. Please describe your firm's understanding of the project(s).
b. Describe how the firm will organize to perform the services.
c. Provide procedures and methodology for assisting in the development of project scheduling, coordination
of consultants, quality and cost estimating/control during and after the design phases.
e. Provide a sample of an actual preliminary cost estimate prepared during the design phase of a project.
Indicate the final cost of the project and explain the reason behind the differences.
f. Explain how your firm will perform estimation for MEP disciplines throughout the pre -construction
g. Describe the firm's approach to working with and communicating with the City and Design Team during
both the Design and Construction stages of the project.
h. Describe the firm's approach for working with the City and Design Team during the Construction Phase
of the project to assure the opportunity of local labor and vendors.
i. Description of Firm's approach to code analysis and jurisdictional approvals.
j. Based on the limited amount of project information, indicate your firm's concept of a reasonable
construction schedule.
General Company History/Qualifications
Firm History & Statistics — Lee Lewis Construction, Inc.
City of Frisco—New City Hall and Library
Building on Trust .. . Friscojexas
Number of States
in which Lee Lewis
is licensed
A. Brief history of the firm and the services routinely provided in-house on CMA
building projects.
Since 1976, the professionals at Lee Lewis Construction, Inc. have
operated with two goals in mind; to build high quality structures that stand the tests of
time, and develop relationships that last. From Design -Build to Construction Manager
Agent and negotiated services, we offer professional construction services through a
variety of working relationships and delivery methods. Through it all, one constant
remains; our commitment to customer satisfaction. This premise provided the
company with the foundation which proved to be the seed for steady growth and
development. It is this growth which has earned Lee Lewis Construction, Inc. a
position as one of the largest construction firms in Engineering News Record's Top 400
Contractors in the nation for the last 20 years.
Working closely with each client, the Lee Lewis Team builds strong working relationships
with the best and brightest minds from various industries in order to foster more
effective communication and collaboration. More importantly, our goal is to build a
superior project. By bringing together experts in various fields, we have completed
high quality projects for hundreds of clients across the nation.
The philosophy on which Lee Lewis built this company was based on the premise that
everyone within the organization works for the owner of that particular project. The
needs of that owner are of the utmost importance. The Lee Lewis Team strives to
Contact Information: establish a precise balance of construction time, quality craftsmanship, and cost
Gary Frazier effective construction which enables the successful completion of each project.
Vice President
Principal -in -Charge
Lee Lewis Construction, Inc. Licensed to do business in over 25 states, Lee Lewis Construction, Inc. has crossed the
17111 Preston Rd, Ste. 100 country to satisfy the needs of owners of commercial, industrial, medical,
Dallas, Texas 75379
Office: (972) 818-0700 educational, manufacturing, and institutional buildings. The company strives to meet
Fax: (972) 818-0706 the individual needs and challenges of each project implementing the expertise and
^frazierWeelewis.com organization needed in the construction of many different types of projects. Lee
Lee Lewis
Construction, Inc.
General Company History/Qualifications
Firm History — Lee Lewis Construction, Inc. (continued)
n an give Lee Lewis Construction, Inc. my unqualified recommendation for any and all construction related
services. You and your talented team of dedicated professionals have worked side by side with Facilities
Planning and Construction and our clients to design and construct several difficult and demanding projects.
I most appreciate your sense of honesty, integrity, and fairness in all our business dealing. I know that your
rice proposals are air and that you have negotiated with ourfunds as though they were our own. �112 ;
P P P f Y g f g ey y
Personally, I value our relationship and regard you as a source of good ideas and uncommonly good sense. " °`
Mike Ellicott—Vice Chancellor
Texas Tech University System
Lewis Construction, Inc. strives to establish a precise balance of construction time, quality
craftsmanship, and cost effective construction on each project which enables the successful
completion of each project.
We have experience in civic facilities and have constructed projects for numerous clients including:
City of Garland Justice Center—CM Agent, the City of Frisco Police and Courts Facility (Pre -
Construction CM -at -Risk), the City of Frisco City Hall / Library (Pre -Construction CM -at -Risk), the City
of Frisco Recreation / Aquatic Facility (Pre -Construction CM -at -Risk), the City of Frisco Senior
Center Complete - CM -at -Risk). We understand the complex environment of these facilities and
project components. The range of experience the Lee Lewis Team brings includes projects for both
the private and public sector.
A. Scott Young Joe Harn Wes Eversole
City of Frisco City of Garland Lake Dallas ISD
972-335-5551 972-205-2285 940-497-4039
In House Services: Lee Lewis Construction, Inc. typically performs all Pre -Construction Services and
Project Management with our own forces.
19 Lee Lewis
Construction, Inc.
RPGA Design Group, Inc.
Frank Call
Manager of Safety, Health and Environmental
Jim Graham
Preconstruction Director/ Senior Estimator
Emin Silay
City of Southlake
Lee Lewis
Lee Lewis Construction Inc.
Gary Frazier
Principal in Charge
Mike Morgan
Project Manager
Don Reed
John Givens
Field Operations Director
Gary Frazier
Work History
BA, Texas Tech University
Number of years of
experience Mr. Frazier
has in the areas of
General Construction.
As Executive Project Director, Mr. Frazier is responsible for directing and managing
construction projects from their initial planning stages through conceptual
estimating and scheduling, pre -construction services, construction services and
post -construction services. Mr. Frazier oversees the project administration and
reporting, bidding, contract negotiations, sub -contractor selection, value
engineering, cost control and quality control.
Relevant Experience
Garland Justice Center- City of Garland, Texas- The Garland Justice Center is a
three building project that includes a 133,500 square foot Police headquarters with
an attached jail, a 33,400 square foot municipal courts building, and a 10,000
square foot building containing a forensics lab and a central plant that services the
entire complex. The complex is complete with public parking for the municipal
courts building as well as private, fenced -in parking for the Garland Police
Department. The buildings have slab on grade foundations with steel frames and
composite deck. The built-up roof has a metal roof mansard surrounding each
building's perimeter that complements the brick and limestone skin that provides a
modern urban design.
City Hall/Library- City of Frisco, Texas- The new City Hall will be the future
centerpiece of Frisco Square, a 100+ acre, master planned facility with mixed-use
development. The 89,000 -SF, four-story facility will include offices for City
Management, Human Resources, Finance, Accounting, Mail Room, Planning and
Development, Staff Support, Council Chamber and Conference room, City
Attorney, Public Information Department, Purchasing Department, Tax Collections
Office, Technical Services, Zoning Department and Building Support. In addition to
the Council Chamber, Conference room and multiple offices, the new City Hall will
also be home to a new City Library.
Further Experience
City of Frisco New police/Courts Facility- Frisco, Texas
City of Frisco New Senior Center- Frisco, Texas
City of Frisco New Recreation Center- Frisco, Texas
References Joe Ham A. Scott Young Lee Lewis
City of Garland City of Frisco Construction, Inc.
217 North Fifth 6801 Main Street =
Garland, Texas 75042 Frisco, Texas 75304
(972) 205-5585 (972) 335-5551
Mike Morgan
Number of years of
experience Mr. Morgan
has in the areas of
General Construction.
Work History
Mr. Morgan has extensive experience on numerous types of construction projects
and has served in a variety of capacities since beginning his career. As Project
Manager, Mr. Morgan is responsible for Lee Lewis Construction, Inc.'s actions for any
project to which he is assigned, making all day-to-day decisions that are required to
insure the successful, timely completion of each project within budget.
Relevant Experience
Garland Justice Center- City of Garland, Texas- The Garland Justice Center is a
three building project that includes a 133,500 square foot Police headquarters with
an attached jail, a 33,400 square foot municipal courts building, The complex will be
complete with public parking for the municipal courts building as well as private,
fenced -in parking for the Garland Police Department. The buildings have slab on
grade foundations with steel frames and composite deck. The built-up roof has a
metal roof mansard surrounding each building's perimeter that complements the
brick and limestone skin to provide a modern urban design.
Garland Forensics Center- Garland, Texas- This new facility provided the City of
Garland with offices for forensics officers and staff, full investigative forensics
laboratory, evidence storage, and an evidentiary processing laboratory.
City Hall/Library- City of Frisco, Texas- The new City Hall will be the future
centerpiece of Frisco Square, a 100+ acre, master planned facility with mixed-use
development. The 89,000 -SF, four-story facility will include offices for City
Management, Human Resources, Finance, Accounting, Mail Room, Planning and
Development, Staff Support, Council Chamber and Conference room, City
Attorney, Public Information Department, Purchasing Department, Tax Collections
Office, Technical Services, Zoning Department and Building Support. In addition to
the Council Chamber, Conference room and multiple offices, the new City Hall will
also be home to a new City Library.
Further Experience
Allen High School- Allen, Texas
Allen High School Activity Center- Allen, Texas
Allen High School Baseball & Softball Complex- Allen, Texas
Joe Ham Phil Gaudreau Lee Lewis
City of Garland City of Frisco
217 North Fifth 6801 Main Street Construction, Inc.
Garland, Texas 75042 Frisco, Texas 75304
(972) 205-5585 (972) 335-5551
Don Reed
Number of years of
experience Mr. Reed has
in the areas of General
Work History
Mr. Reed is responsible for all activities on the jobsite. He is responsible for the
analysis of construction requirements to provide for and arrange for the proper
equipment, materials and manpower. In addition, he is responsible for the project
layout and site engineering to coordinate and schedule subcontractors. Mr. Reed
also promotes safety awareness.
Relevant Experience
Garland Justice Center- City of Garland, Texas- The Garland Justice Center is a
three building project that includes a 133,500 square foot Police headquarters with
an attached jail, a 33,400 square foot municipal courts building, The complex will be
complete with public parking for the municipal courts building as well as private,
fenced -in parking for the Garland Police Department. The buildings have slab on
grade foundations with steel frames and composite deck. The built-up roof has a
metal roof mansard surrounding each building's perimeter that complements the
brick and limestone skin to provide a modern urban design.
Relevant Experience
Garland Forensics Center- Garland, Texas- This new facility provided the City of
Garland with offices for forensics officers and staff, full investigative forensics
laboratory, evidence storage, and an evidentiary processing laboratory.
Garland Special Events Center- Garland, Texas- The sleek, new Garland I.S.D.
Special Events Center is multipurpose project that will serve as a facility for
competitive sport events, performance arts events and commencement for the
high school. The facility's amenities include: multi-level lobby, curved concourse,
moveable stage with curtain, bowl shaped interior space with stadium style seating,
press box, concession areas, dressing/locker rooms, restrooms, storage and covered
parking. Construction elements include: structural steel, brick and custom glazing
Denton High School- Denton, Texas
Allen High School- Allen, Texas
Walt Disney World- Multiple Proiects- Lake Buena Vista, Florida
Joe Horn
City of Garland
217 North Fifth
Garland, Texas 75042
(972) 205-5585
Clark Key
PGAL Architects
3131 McKinney
Suite 500
Dallas, Texas 75204
(214) 880-0700
Lee Lewis
Construction, Inc.
- _
Work History
Mr. Reed is responsible for all activities on the jobsite. He is responsible for the
analysis of construction requirements to provide for and arrange for the proper
equipment, materials and manpower. In addition, he is responsible for the project
layout and site engineering to coordinate and schedule subcontractors. Mr. Reed
also promotes safety awareness.
Relevant Experience
Garland Justice Center- City of Garland, Texas- The Garland Justice Center is a
three building project that includes a 133,500 square foot Police headquarters with
an attached jail, a 33,400 square foot municipal courts building, The complex will be
complete with public parking for the municipal courts building as well as private,
fenced -in parking for the Garland Police Department. The buildings have slab on
grade foundations with steel frames and composite deck. The built-up roof has a
metal roof mansard surrounding each building's perimeter that complements the
brick and limestone skin to provide a modern urban design.
Relevant Experience
Garland Forensics Center- Garland, Texas- This new facility provided the City of
Garland with offices for forensics officers and staff, full investigative forensics
laboratory, evidence storage, and an evidentiary processing laboratory.
Garland Special Events Center- Garland, Texas- The sleek, new Garland I.S.D.
Special Events Center is multipurpose project that will serve as a facility for
competitive sport events, performance arts events and commencement for the
high school. The facility's amenities include: multi-level lobby, curved concourse,
moveable stage with curtain, bowl shaped interior space with stadium style seating,
press box, concession areas, dressing/locker rooms, restrooms, storage and covered
parking. Construction elements include: structural steel, brick and custom glazing
Denton High School- Denton, Texas
Allen High School- Allen, Texas
Walt Disney World- Multiple Proiects- Lake Buena Vista, Florida
Joe Horn
City of Garland
217 North Fifth
Garland, Texas 75042
(972) 205-5585
Clark Key
PGAL Architects
3131 McKinney
Suite 500
Dallas, Texas 75204
(214) 880-0700
Lee Lewis
Construction, Inc.
Number of years of
experience Mr. Graham
has in the areas of
General Construction.
Jim Graham
Work History
As Senior Estimator, Mr. Graham is responsible for the estimating activities, including
estimate preparation and subcontractor solicitations. In addition, he is the team
leader in providing solutions in value engineering.
Relevant Experience
Further Experience
Garland Justice Center- City of Garland, Texas- The Garland Justice Center is a
three building project that includes a 133,500 square foot Police headquarters with
an attached jail, a 33,400 square foot municipal courts building, The complex will be
complete with public parking for the municipal courts building as well as private,
fenced -in parking for the Garland Police Department. The buildings have slab on
grade foundations with steel frames and composite deck. The built-up roof has a
metal roof mansard surrounding each building's perimeter that complements the
brick and limestone skin to provide a modern urban design.
Garland Forensics Center- Garland, Texas- This new facility provided the City of
Garland with offices for forensics officers and staff, full investigative forensics
laboratory, evidence storage, and an evidentiary processing laboratory.
City Hall/Library- City of Frisco, Texas- The new City Hall will be the future
centerpiece of Frisco Square, a 100+ acre, master planned facility with mixed-use
development. The 89,000 -SF, four-story facility will include offices for City
Management, Human Resources, Finance, Accounting, Mail Room, Planning and
Development, Staff Support, Council Chamber and Conference room, City
Attorney, Public Information Department, Purchasing Department, Tax Collections
Office, Technical Services, Zoning Department and Building Support. In addition to
the Council Chamber, Conference room and multiple offices, the new City Hall will
also be home to a new City Library.
Garland ISD Special Events Center- Garland, Texas
City of Frisco Recreation Center- Frisco, Texas
City of Frisco Senior Center- Frisco, Texas
Joe Ham A. Scott Young
City of Garland City of Frisco
217 North Fifth 6801 Main Street Lee Lewis
Garland, Texas 75042 Frisco, Texas 75304 19 Construction, Inc.
(972) 205-5585 (972) 335-5551
Number of years of
experience Mr. Givens
has in the areas of
General Construction.
John Givens
Work History
Relevant Experience
Construction Technology- Texas Tech University
Surveying, Project Management- Texas Tech University
As Field Operations Manager, Mr. Givens is responsible for monitoring and assessing
all project management tasks related to pre -construction and construction, such as
estimating, scheduling, scope definition and bidding.
Garland Justice Center- City of Garland, Texas- The Garland Justice Center is a
three building project that includes a 133,500 square foot Police headquarters with
an attached jail, a 33,400 square foot municipal courts building, The complex will be
complete with public parking for the municipal courts building as well as private,
fenced -in parking for the Garland Police Department. The buildings will have slab
on grade foundations with steel frames and composite deck. The built-up roof has
a metal roof mansard surrounding each building's perimeter that will complement
the brick and limestone skin to provide a modern urban design.
Preston E. Smith High Security Facility- Lamesa, Texas- The Preston Smith Unit is a high
security, direct supervision unit for the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. The
multiple building complex contains 660 -bed -inmate housing, 2 recreation yards,
kitchen facilities, administrative offices, medical facility with 2 minor surgery rooms,
auxiliary lab, dental clinic, and a central plant. The building elements include a
state-of-the-art security system with fully automated cell blocks with controls for
ingress/egress and lighting. The facility is constructed of reinforced concrete and
CMU as well as pre-engineered metal building structures.
John Montford Psychiatric Facility- Lubbock, Texas- The Montford Unit is a Psychiatric
Ward built for the Texas Department of Criminal Justice on over 1300 acres. The
300,000+ square foot facility contains cells for 550 prisoners, a trustee camp with a
400 prisoner capacity and a medical facility that can hold 80 prisoners. The facility
also includes an on-site hospital facility with full service medical/surgical services.
Joe Harn Michael Ellicott
City of Garland Vice Chancellor
217 North Fifth Texas Tech University
Garland, Texas 75042 P.O. Box 42014 lu Lee Lewis
(972) 205-5585 Lubbock, Texas 79410 Construction, Inc.
(806) 742-2216
Number of years of
experience Mr. Silay has
in the areas of General
k k Construction.
Emin Silay
Work History
Relevant Experience
Further Experience
Istanbul, Turkey, Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering
Masters Degree in Civil Engineering, Texas Tech University
As Scheduler, Mr. Silay is responsible fro project scheduling, initial set up and
schedule evaluation, and schedule maintenance and updating.
Clements High Security Unit- Amarillo, Texas- The Clements unit is a high security
direct supervision unit for the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. The multiple
building complex contains 660 bed -inmate housing, 2 -recreation yards, kitchen
facilities, administrative offices, medical facility with 2 minor surgery rooms, auxiliary
lab, dental clinic, and a central plant. The building elements include a state -of -art
security system with fully automated cell blocks with controls for ingress/egress and
lighting. The facility is constructed of reinforced concrete and CMU as well as pre-
engineered metal building structures.
Preston E. Smith High Security Facility- Lamesa, Texas- The Preston Smith Unit is a high
security, direct supervision unit for the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. The
multiple building complex contains 660 -bed -inmate housing, 2 recreation yards,
kitchen facilities, administrative offices, medical facility with 2 minor surgery rooms,
auxiliary lab, dental clinic, and a central plant. The building elements include a
state-of-the-art security system with fully automated cell blocks with controls for
ingress/egress and lighting. The facility is constructed of reinforced concrete and
CMU as well as pre-engineered metal building structures.
John Montford Psychiatric Facility- Lubbock, Texas- The Montford Unit is a Psychiatric
Ward built for the Texas Department of Criminal Justice on over 1300 acres. The
300,000+ square foot facility contains cells for 550 prisoners, a trustee camp with a
400 prisoner capacity and a medical facility that can hold 80 prisoners. The facility
also includes an on-site hospital facility with full service medical/surgical services.
TTU Jones SBC Stadium Expansion- Lubbock, Texas
TTU Experimental Sciences Facility- Lubbock, Texas
Frank Ragland
2711 North Haskell
Suite 2200, LB 37
Dallas, Texas 75204
(214) 824-3800
Pablo Perez
Texas Tech University
P.O. Box 42014
Lubbock, Texas 79401
(806) 742-2116
Lee Lewis
Construction, Inc.
Number of years of
experience Mr. Call has in
the areas of General
Frank Call
Education University of Texas
BA in Economics, MP in Public Administration, AD Mechanical Engineering
Registered Professional Engineer in Safety (P.E.)
National Board Certified Safety Professional (CSP)
Work History
Mr. Call is responsible for managing company safety, health, and environmental
programs at the jobsites to ensure compliance with governmental rules and
regulations. He works closely with all project managers, superintendents,
subcontractors and owners to ensure these guidelines are met. Mr. Call has
managed safety programs for all of the Lee Lewis Construction, Inc. Projects for the
past 14 years.
Employed with Lee Lewis Construction, Inc. since 1990.
Owner and Operator of F.A. Consulting Services 1980-1990.
Vice President of International Operations of Safety International, Inc. 1976-1980.
Managing Partner of Technical Management Consultants, Inc. 1971-1976.
Director of Economic Development, Texas Governor's Office 1969-1971.
Graduate School 1966-1969.
Undergraduate School 1966-1969.
Associates Degree Program for Mechanical Engineering and Machinist
Apprenticeship Program.
Lee Lewis
Construction, Inc.
June 04, 2004
Rick Black
City of Southlake
Director of Public Safety
667 N. Carroll Avenue
Southlake, Texas 76092
Re: North DPS Facility
Lee Lewis Construction Reference Check
Contractor's Qualification Review
Mr. Black,
RPGA has reviewed the qualification statement submitted by Lee Lewis Construction, Inc.
We have communicated with six of the individuals listed under Project Experience. All of the
individuals we contacted gave very positive comments regarding Lee Lewis Construction. Everyone,
without exception, indicated that Lee Lewis Construction's overall performance was very good. All
of the references have worked with Lee Lewis Construction on multiple projects and they indicated
that they have always been professional in the management of their work and they are also
conscientious and very easy to work with.
Below are the specifics of the conversations we had with each individual:
Owner: Texas Tech University
Lubbock, Texas
Contact : Mike Ellicott
(806) 742-2116 phone
Project Description: Jones SBC Stadium Renovation, Football Training Facility, Student Union
Renovation and Expansion, Experimental Sciences Building, Animal Food and
Science Facility, Natural Science Research Lab Addition, Health Science Center
Clinical Tower Research Center, Student Recreation Center, Frazier Pavilion,
Helen DeVitt Jones Auditorium, Chiller, English/Philosophy and Education
Complex, New Academic Classroom Building, Marsha Sharp Center.
Confirm Experience: ABSOLUTELY. I have worked with Lee Lewis Construction for the last 5
years on over 85 million in construction projects.
Professional Experience and Quality: Exceptional quality and professionalism.
101 S. Jennings Avenue, Suite #100 Fort Worth, Texas 76104 (817) 332-9477 (972) 445-6425 FAX (817) 332-9487
(888) TRY-RPGA www.rpgaarchitects.com
G R O U P,
I N C.
June 04, 2004
Rick Black
City of Southlake
Director of Public Safety
667 N. Carroll Avenue
Southlake, Texas 76092
Re: North DPS Facility
Lee Lewis Construction Reference Check
Contractor's Qualification Review
Mr. Black,
RPGA has reviewed the qualification statement submitted by Lee Lewis Construction, Inc.
We have communicated with six of the individuals listed under Project Experience. All of the
individuals we contacted gave very positive comments regarding Lee Lewis Construction. Everyone,
without exception, indicated that Lee Lewis Construction's overall performance was very good. All
of the references have worked with Lee Lewis Construction on multiple projects and they indicated
that they have always been professional in the management of their work and they are also
conscientious and very easy to work with.
Below are the specifics of the conversations we had with each individual:
Owner: Texas Tech University
Lubbock, Texas
Contact : Mike Ellicott
(806) 742-2116 phone
Project Description: Jones SBC Stadium Renovation, Football Training Facility, Student Union
Renovation and Expansion, Experimental Sciences Building, Animal Food and
Science Facility, Natural Science Research Lab Addition, Health Science Center
Clinical Tower Research Center, Student Recreation Center, Frazier Pavilion,
Helen DeVitt Jones Auditorium, Chiller, English/Philosophy and Education
Complex, New Academic Classroom Building, Marsha Sharp Center.
Confirm Experience: ABSOLUTELY. I have worked with Lee Lewis Construction for the last 5
years on over 85 million in construction projects.
Professional Experience and Quality: Exceptional quality and professionalism.
101 S. Jennings Avenue, Suite #100 Fort Worth, Texas 76104 (817) 332-9477 (972) 445-6425 FAX (817) 332-9487
(888) TRY-RPGA www.rpgaarchitects.com
North DPS Facility 2 June 04, 2004
On Budget: Lee Lewis Construction has worked with us on a Construction Manager @ Risk basis
and works with resolution options in mind so that budgets can be met. Lee Lewis Construction is a
true partner who works with an open book policy sharing information honestly and up front.
On Time: Lee Lewis Construction has worked with us to help us formulate and meet our schedules
even when Lubbock was overloaded.
Any Issues with buildings: NONE. Not to say that no problems arise in our projects but that Lee
Lewis Construction works through the issues and moves quickly to address the problems and
Would you use them again? Absolutely, without question.
Lee Lewis Team Members: Lee Lewis, Tom Ferguson, Liz Lonngren
Owner: City of Frisco
Frisco, Texas
Contact : A. Scott Young
(972) 335-5555 ext 120 phone
Project Description: New City Hall, New Police/Courts Facility, New Recreation Center &
Natatorium, New Senior Center, Frisco Soccer & Entertainment Complex
Confirm Experience: YES. Currently, and in the past.
Professional Experience and Quality: Very Impressed; Very Professional; High Quality. Very
pleased with their work.
On Budget: All projects have been well within budget.
On Time: All projects have been well within time schedule.
Any Issues with buildings: NONE. Lee Lewis Construction has excellent "Pre -Con" services
which allow them to perform excellent as a Construction Manager and is quick to resolve issues.
Would you use them again? YES.
Lee Lewis Team Members: Gary Frazier, Mike Morgan, Larry Wood, Don Reed
Owner: City of Garland
Garland, Texas
Contact : Joe Harn
(972) 205-2285 phone (214) 354-8692
Project Description: New Police & Municipal Courts Building, 911 Call Center
Confirm Experience: YES. Excellent experience both in my experience and the City's Facilities
people as well as the City's own Construction Manager Jennifer Shoulders.
Professional Experience and Quality: Excellent, very good job. Very professional and quality
101 S. Jennings Avenue, Suite #100 Fort Worth, Texas 76104 (817) 332-9477 (972) 445-6425 FAX (817) 332-9487
(888) TRY-RPGA www.rpgaarchitects.com
North DPS Facility 3 June 04, 2004
On Budget: Lee Lewis Construction has performed extremely well with our budget. They watch the
dollars very carefully and bring a true team effort to the project. Very good "value engineering" that
allowed us to save money.
On Time: Lee Lewis Construction performed very good on time schedule. They projected a
schedule a little faster than actual 18 months projected and 19 months performed.
Any Issues with buildings: Only one minor issue that comes to mind. In the Jail area where
concrete walls were used with sheetrock , one long wall should have had an expansion joint. When
Lee Lewis Construction saw the problem they quickly jumped on it an installed an expansion joint to
prevent hairline cracks. In an 180,000 square foot building that is really pretty minor.
Would you use them again? In a Heartbeat and without question
Lee Lewis Team Members: Gary Frazier, Mike Morgan, Larry Wood, Don Reed
Owner: Texas Department of Criminal Justice
Lubbock, Texas
Contact : Mack Grant
(806) 786-7504 phone
Project Description: High Security Facility for TDCJ, Preston Smith Unit- Lamesa, Texas, Clements
Smith Unit — Amarillo, Texas
Confirm Experience: Direct experience with Lee Lewis Construction on 5 projects totaling
Professional Experience and Quality: Lee Lewis Construction has always endeavored to meet or
exceed the quality standards of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice and the Construction
Documents. Lee Lewis Construction Staff has been very professional and pleasant. "They bend over
backwards to meet project goals and expectations and has always come to the table prepared.
On Budget: Lee Lewis Construction has always worked to meet defined budget expectations. Lee
Lewis Construction has been accurate on bidding and estimating without leaving much on the table.
On Time: YES. Lee Lewis Construction has been very good about meeting our schedules. On one
emergency bed expansion project, Lee Lewis Construction performed and met the schedule even
when the timeline was reduced by 6 months.
Any Issues with buildings: "0" issues to speak of. Have truly enjoyed working with Lee Lewis
Would you use them again? YES, absolutely. No hesitation to use them again.
Lee Lewis Team Members: Lee Lewis, John Givens, Martin Tickle
101 S. Jennings Avenue, Suite #100 Fort Worth, Texas 76104 (817) 332-9477 (972) 445-6425 FAX (817) 332-9487
(888) TRY-RPGA www.rpgaarchitects.com
North DPS Facility 4 June 04, 2004
Owner: Garland ISD
Garland, Texas
Contact : Jess Hudson
(972) 494-8780 phone
Project Description: Nita Pearson Elementary School (85,000 SF), Special Events and
Convention Center (200,000 SF 7000 seat)
Confirm Experience: Yes, Lee Lewis Construction is currently about 99% complete on Nita
Pearson Elementary and has just started the 200,000 SF Special Events Center.
Professional Experience and Quality: Lee Lewis Construction is very professional and great to
work with. On a scale from 1 —10 they would rate a high 9. The quality of their construction is
On Budget: Lee Lewis Construction has performed exceptionally well with our budget.
On Time: Lee Lewis Construction has been very committed to our schedule and is delivering our
project right when we need them to.
Any Issues: On Nita Pearson, we experienced an issue with the paving contractor doing the street
work. Lee Lewis Construction quickly resolved the issues even though lots of concrete had to be
torn up and re -poured to satisfy the City of Rowlett and it never turned into a problem.
Would you use them again? ABSOLUTELY!
Lee Lewis Team Members: Lee Lewis, Gary Frazier, Jim Nuckolls, Frank Fowler, Kasey Hester
Owner: Lubbock County Hospital — University Medical Center
Contact : Gary Yates
(806) 775-9307 phone
Project Description: University Medical center5TH AND 6TH Floor expansion, 60' floor finish out,
Southwest Cancer Center Expansion, ER fast Track expansion
Confirm Experience: Yes. It has been a positive experience working with Lee Lewis
Professional Experience and Quality: Very professional and high quality of work. Lee Lewis is
one of the larger construction firms here in Lubbock and they always work with quality
On Budget: Generally very good. We have experienced some problems not unlike any other
project here at the hospital but those issues affecting budget resulted more from changes by the
owner and issues with the plans.
On Time: Lee Lewis Construction has performed well on schedules even though some schedules
have been extended or delayed because of Owner changes.
Any Issues on buildings: No issues that result in problems.
101 S. Jennings Avenue, Suite #100 Fort Worth, Texas 76104 (817) 332-9477 (972) 445-6425 FAX (817) 332-9487
(888) TRY-RPGA www.rpgaarchitects.com
North DPS Facility 5 June 04, 2004
Would you use them again? Yes we would consider using Lee Lewis Construction again. They
definitely seem to use better subcontractors on a very consistent basis. Very good relationship.
Lee Lewis Team Members: Lee Lewis, Tim McLean, Randy Moss
Based on the information submitted and the references we contacted we have no reservation in
working with or recommending Lee Lewis Construction, Inc. as the "Preferred Finalist"
Construction Manager Agent for the North DPS Facility.
Please let me know if you have any questions or need any additional information.
Robert P. Garza, R.A. R.I.D. - Principal
RPGA Design Group, Inc. - Architects
cc: RPGA SL -DPS File
101 S. Jennings Avenue, Suite #100 Fort Worth, Texas 76104 (817) 332-9477 (972) 445-6425 FAX (817) 332-9487
(888) TRY-RPGA www.rpgaarchitects.com
Established by Resolution No. 97-72, 12/2/97
Updated June 2004
Board of Directors Term to Expire
1 Pam McCain
250 Highland Oaks Circle
Southlake, Texas 76092
2 Frank Pittman
1460 Bent Creek Drive
Southlake, Texas 76092
3 Lou Ann Heath
1351 Lakeview Drive
Southlake, Texas 76092
4 Martin Schelling * President
2665 N. White Chapel Blvd.
Southlake, Texas 76092
5 Bob Mundlin *Vice President
1658 Royal Oaks Court
Southlake, Texas 76092
6 Stuart Spencer
1702 Pecos Drive
Southlake, Texas 76092
7 Craig Sturtevant
302 Timber Lake Drive
Southlake, Texas 76092
Staff Support
Home: 817-488-0989
Email: pjmccain@earthlink.net
Home: 817-424-1631
Email: frank.pittman e,dresser.com
Work: 972-361-9880
Fax: 972-361-9883
Home: 817-481-7787 9/1/2005
Email: louann_heath@standardandpoors.com
Work: 214-871-1423
Fax: 214-871-1429
Home: 817-481-1551 9/1/2005
Email: mschelline a.wriahtdevelonment.net
Work: 817-481-7751
Fax: 817-481-2597
Cell: 817-475-3335
Home: 817-481-6955 9/1/2004
Email: bob@lbitx.com
Work: 817-481-7133
Home: 817-488-1126 9/1/2004
Email: captainstu7@msn.com
Home: 817-421-5793 9/1/2004
Email: sturtevc@pioneernrc.com
Work: 972-969-4032
Sharen Elam, Finance Director
* Board Treasurer
Rick Black, Director of Public Safety
Marlin Price, Chief of Police Services
Robert Finn, Chief of Fire Services
Garland Wilson, Chief of Administrative Services
Bobbye Shire, Administrative Secretary
* Board Secretary
Work: 817-481-1713
Work: 817-481-2421
Work: 817-481-2538
Work: 817-481-2913
Work: 817-481-5543
Work: 817-481-2421