667 N. Carroll Avenue
December 19, 1989 7:30 P.M.
COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor, Gary Fickes; Mayor Pro Tem Betty
Springer. Members: Sally Hall, Rick Wilhelm, Ralph Evans, Pamela
CITY STAFF PRESENT: Curtis Hawk, City Manager; Michael Barnes,
Director of Public Works; Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator; Eddie
Cheatham, City Engineer; Wayne Olson, City Attorney; and, Sandra L.
LeGrand, City Secretary. Renee' Wheeler, Captain Malcomb Jackson
and R.P. Steele, Fire Chief were present for the Department Reports.
INVOCATION: Councilmember Ralph Evans.
A work session was held beginning at 6:30 p.m. for the purpose of
discussion of the items on the agenda.
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Gary Fickes.
Agenda Item #2 Approval of the Minutes
The minutes of the Special City Council
28, 1989, were approved as presented.
Motion: Wilhelm
Second: Muller
Ayes: Wilhelm, Hall, Muller
Nays: None
Abstention: Springer and Evans
Approved: 3-0-2 vote
Meeting held on November
The minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting
1989, were also approved as presented.
Motion: Wilhelm
Second: Hall
Ayes: Wilhelm, Hall, Springer, Evans
Nays: None
Abstention: Muller
Approved: 4-0-1 vote
held on December 5,
Agenda Item #3 Mayor's Report
Mayor Fickes stated that he has met with City of
and they are working toward an agreement between
Southlake, for sewer.
Colleyville Mayor
Colleyville and
City Council Minutes
December 19, 1989
page two
Agenda Item #3 Continued
The Mayor reported on a traffic accident which happen December 16,
in which Annie Oehert and Gena Ansohn were involved, adding, that a
fund has been set up at American Bank of Commerce in Grapevine.
Those who wish to contribute may do so.
Councilmember Rick Wilhelm reported that the next S.E.D.C. Meeting
will be held the 1st Wednesday in January.
Councilmember Pamela Muller reported on a seminar she attended in
Austin, December 13,14,15 on the Aids Program in Texas.
Mayor Fickes stated he and others from the City attended the
opening of Alliance Airport on December 15, 1989.
Mayor Pro Tem Springer announced that the Southlake Chamber of
Commerce Banquet will be held on February 3, 1990 and that Ross
Perot Jr. will be speaker.
Councilmember Muller thanked Shirley Robbins and members of City
Staff for planning the very successful employee dinner held on
December 16, at the Grapevine Steak House. A good time was had by
all who attended!!
Agenda Item #4 City Manager's Report
Curtis Hawk, City Manager, reported that the Department Reports are
in the packets, if their are any questions, the Department Heads
are present to answer questions for Council.
Hawk also reported that the sales tax receipts are up over the same
period last year.
Captain Jackson was present and reported
adding that this is the first time we have
officers in a long time.
on the S.T.E.P. program,
had a full compliment of
Councilmember Sally Hall commented on a program being used by the
City of North Richland Hills for a juvenile court. She
ascertained if possibly Southlake would benefit from this kind of
Eagle Scout, Michael Bettis, was present for the meeting, working
on his "Citizenship in the Community" badge. Mayor Fickes and
Councilmembers welcomed Michael to the meeting.
City Council Minutes
December 19, 1989
page three
Agenda Item #5 Consent Agenda
The consent agenda was presented as follows:
Resolution 89-70, authorizing the City Manager to
enter into an agreement with Delmar Disposal
Company for dumping City Hall and Bicentennial Park
septic at Bank Street Treatment Plant.
Motion was made to approve Resolution 89-70,
consent agenda.
Motion: Evans
Second: wilhelm
Ayes: Evans, Wilhelm, Springer, Muller, Hall
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0 vote
as presented in the
Agenda Item #6. Public Forum
No comments were received during the public forum.
Agenda Item #7. Presentation/Brad Bradley on SL-Troph~ Club
Brad Bradley, chairman of the Southlake-Trophy Club Merger
Committee, was present for the meeting and reported on the results
of a meeting held by the Trophy Club Merger Committee and the
action taken during the meeting. He stated that the idea of the
merger was initiated by Mayor Jim Carter with City of Trophy
Southlake's committee has been in operation for eighteen (18)
months, and the committee was broken down into sub-committees.
Other members present from Southlake Committee were Vice-Chairman,
Ernest Johnson, and members, Aloha Payne and Bob Steele.
Bradley announced that during Trophy Club meeting held on December
5, they voted unanimously to dissolve their committee, which in
turn caused the Southlake Committee to become mute. He stated the
two issues involved were; 1) dealing with MUD and tax issues and,
2) the representation issue.
Mr. Bradley referenced letters dated November 15, December 5, and
December 7, which are included with the minutes of the meeting.
Mayor Fickes stated he would have liked to get a little more
information and knowledge on certain areas, to see what the whole
picture would have looked like.
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December 19, 1989
page four
Agenda Item #7 Continued
Mayor Pro Tem Springer thanked the committee members, and stated
she is personally disappointed that it ended this way. She felt
this would have been an opportunity for both cities. She does feel
however, that this will come up again.
Councilmember Hall stated she feels the cities wasted time and
money. She would hate to see this come up every two years.
Councilmember Muller was disappointed that the committee ended this
way. She was under the understanding that when the facts were
gathered, a report would be submitted and further action would be
taken. Where she remained neutral, she was looking forward to
looking at all the issues and then the vote. She too feels the
possibility of a merger will come up again.
Motion was made to disband the Southlake-Trophy Club
Committee and extend thanks to the members of the committee.
Motion: Springer
Second: Muller
Ayes: Springer, Muller, Evans, Wilhelm, Hall
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0 vote
Agenda Item #8 Ordinance No. 480-03, 2nd reading (ZA 89-52)
Ordinance No. 480-03, 2nd reading, a zoning request for 0.499
acres of land out of the Oak Knoll-LakeView Addition, Block E, Lot
20, was discussed. Current zoning is Single Family-l, with a
request for Office-1 Zoning District.
Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, made a presentation
six letters were sent to property owners within
responses were received, all opposed to the request.
stating that
200', three
Gandy stated that on October 19, the Planning and Zoning Commission
voted 3-1 to approve the request. On December 5, the 1st reading
was approved by City Council, with a vote of 4-0.
David McMahan, an owner with Keystone Partners, was present to
answer questions for the Council. He stated that all access into
the addition will come from the Highway 114 service road.
Mayor Pro Tem Springer stated that considering the plans for
Highway 114, this site lends itself to office rather than
residential, with the highway traffic and also with the air flights
over the property. She stated that she certainly sympathizes with
the property owners in that location.
City Council Minutes
December 19, 1989
page five
Agenda Item ~8 Continued
It was noted that the land use plan for the city, shows this
property as mixed use.
The public hearing resulted with no comments.
Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 480-03,
Motion: Springer
Second: Evans
Ayes: Springer, Evans, Hall, Wilhelm, Muller
Nays: None
2nd reading.
Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance.
Approved: 5-0 vote
~.genda Item #9. Ordinance No. 480-08, 1st reading (ZA89-64)
Ordinance No. 480-08, 1st reading, a zoning request for a 5.23 acre
tract of land out of the Thomas M. Hood Survey, Abstract No. 706,
Tract 8H. Current zoning is Agricultural, request is for the
Single Family-lA Zoning District.
A presentation was made by Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator.
The owner, Mary Arnold, was present for the meeting to answer
questions for the Council. She stated that there is currently an
older home on the property. She wishes to utilize the home until
the new home is completed, then she agrees to tear down the old
The public hearing resulted with no comments.
Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 480-03, with the amendment
changing the zoning from Single Family-lA to Residential Estates
Zoning District, and with the proviso that the applicant agrees to
execute an agreement with the City of Southlake, to tear down the
older house and with the understanding that a temporary certificate
of occupancy will be issued on the new home, until the older home
is torn down, with a time limit of 60 days within completion of the
new home.
Motion: Wilhelm
Second: Springer
Ayes: Wilhelm, Springer, Muller, Evans, Hall
Nays: None
Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance.
Approved: 5-0 vote.
City Council Minutes
December 19, 1989
page six
Agenda Item #10 ZA 89-65, Pre Plat of Arnold Estates
The preliminary plat of Arnold Estates was
Council. The 5.23 acre tract of land is out
Survey, Abstract No. 706, Tract 8H.
presented to the City
of the Thomas M. Hood
Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, made the presentation.
The Cheatham review
which indicated that
letter of December 1, item #9, was discussed,
an easement should be provided around the lake
Motion was made to approve ZA 89-65, preliminary plat
Addition, provided the final plat is in compliance
Cheatham review letter of December 1, 1989.
Motion: Springer
Second: Muller
Ayes: Springer, Muller, Hall, wilhelm, Evans
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0 vote
of Arnold
with the
Mayor Gary Fickes stepped down for agenda items #11 and
912, as he is a property owner within 200 feet.
Mayor Pro Tem Springer chaired the meeting for those
Agenda Item #11, Ordinance No. 480-09, 1st reading. (ZA 89-67)
ordinance No. 480-09, 1st reading, A zoning request for a 3.00 acre
tract of land out of the Thomas Easter Survey, Abstract No. 474,
Tract 2A4, and the Samuel Freeman Survey, Abstract No. 525, Tracts
3Al and 3B1, was discussed. Current zoning is Agricultural,
request is for the Commercial-3 Zoning District.
A presentation was made by Karen Gandy, who noted that the property
is within the 65 Ldn, noise contours and that the Planning and
Zoning Commission recommended approval of this agenda item during
the December 7, meeting, with the proviso that when planning the
buffering, that the Single Family-1 buffering be used.
The public hearing resulted with no comments.
Motion was made
Motion: Wilhelm
Second: Hall
Ayes: Wilhelm,
Nays: None
to approve Ordinance No. 480-09, 1st reading, as
Hall, Evans, Springer, Muller
Mayor Pro Tem Springer read the caption of the ordinance.
Approved: 5-0 vote
City Council Minutes
December 19, 1989
page seven
Agenda Item 912 Pre Plat of Carrick Press Addition
The preliminary plat of Carrick Press Addition, was presented to
Council for approval. The 3.00 acre tract of land is out of the
Thomas Easter Survey, Abstract No. 474, Tract 2A4 and the Samuel
Freeman Survey, Abstract No. 525, Tracts 3Al and 3B1. Owner: C.C.
Hall Jr.
Mrs. Gandy made the presentation.
Motion was made to approve the preliminary plat subject to the
items in the November 30, 1989 Cheatham review letter being adhered
Motion: Muller
Second: Evans
Ayes: Muller, Evans, Hall, Wilhelm, Springer
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0 vote
Mayor Fickes returned to the City Council table.
A recess was held from 9:10 p.m. to 9:20 p.m.
Agenda Item 913, Ordinance No. 480-10, 1st reading (ZA 89-69).
Zoning request for a 17.9977 acre tract of land out of the C.B.
McDonald Survey, Abstract No. 1013, Tract 3B1 and 3B2. Current
zoning is Agricultural, request is for the Industrial-2 Zoning
A presentation was made by Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, who
stated she sent out six letters to property owners within 200 feet.
Shelley Hacker, 8350 North Central Expressway, with Fina Oil and
Chemical Company, was present and stated they have no near term
expansion plans for the property. This action is being requested
in order for them to be in compliance with Ordinance No. 480.
The public hearing resulted with no comments.
Motion was made to approve Ordinance No.
Motion: Springer
Second: Evans
Ayes: Springer, Evans, Muller, Evans,
Nays: None
480-10, 1st reading.
Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance.
Approved: 5-0 vote
City Council Minutes
December 19, 1989
page eight
Agenda Item #14 Final Plat of By Faith Baptist Church
The final plat of By Faith Baptist Church Addition was presented to
the City Council. The 1.0591 acre tract of land is out of the S.H.
Thompson Survey, Abstract No. 1504, Tracts 5B1 and 5C and the L.A.
Clay Survey, Abstract No. 346, Tract lA3.
Charles David Oxley, Deacon with By Faith Baptist Church, was
present for the meeting to answer questions for Council.
Motion was made to approve ZA 89-66, final plat of By Faith
Church, subject to the staff requirements of items 1-4
December 1, Cheatham review letter.
Motion: Evans
Second: Muller
Ayes: Evans, Muller, Hall, wilhelm, Springer
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0 vote
in the
Agenda Item #15 ZA 89-63, Pre Plat of Timber Lakes, Phase I
The preliminary plat of a 85.12 acre tract of land out of the John
T. Bailey Survey, Abstract No. 97 and P.J. Hyde Survey, Abstract
No. 667, was considered by the City Council.
Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, noted that this item was tabled
from the December 5, City Council meeting so that the engineers
could have additional time to review the plat.
Bryan Marcus with Nelson Corporation was present to answer
questions for the Council. He stated they have reviewed the
engineers comments and agree with them.
Mayor Pro Tem Springer remarked that everyone on the City Council
is concerned about preserving the trees and they will be looking at
this development very closely.
Motion was made to approve the preliminary plat of Timber Lakes,
Phase I, subject to items #3, #4, #5, in the December 14, Cheatham
review letter being complied with, also with the informational
comments in the letter being adhered to.
Motion: Wilhelm
Second: Muller
Ayes: Wilhelm, Muller, Hall, Evans, Springer
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0 vote
City Council Minutes
December 19, 1989
page nine
Agenda Item # 16, Ordinance No. 483, 2nd reading. Subdivision
The subdivision control ordinance was reviewed by Wayne Olson, City
Attorney. The corrections which were made at the previous meeting
were discussed.
Curtis Hawk, City Manager, suggested that the changes which were
discussed this evening be incorporated into the ordinance and
delivered to the City Council members prior to the next meeting, in
order for them to have time to review the completed ordinance
before the vote on the 2nd reading.
Motion was made to continue the public hearing
of Ordinance No. 483, subdivision control, time
Motion: Evans
Second: Muller
Ayes: Evans, Muller, Springer, Wilhelm, Hall
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0 vote (to continue the public hearing)
on the 2nd reading
certain January 2,
A~enda Item #17 Ordinance No. 482, 2nd reading. Drainage
The Drainage Ordinance was discussed.
The public hearing resulted with no comments.
Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 482,
Motion: Evans
Second: Muller
Ayes: Evans, Muller, Hall, Wilhelm, Springer
Nays: None
2nd reading, as
Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance.
Approved: 5-0 vote
Agenda Item #18, Ordinance No. 492, 1st reading, Providing for
taxation of property exempted under Texas Constitution
Ordinanoe No. 492, providing for taxation of property exempted
under Article VIII, Section I-j of the Texas Constitution, was
City Council Minutes
December 19, 1989
page ten
Agenda Item #18 Continued
Motion was made to approve Ordinance
Motion: Hall
Second: Springer
Ayes: Hall, Springer, Muller
Nays: Wilhelm and Evans
No. 492, 2nd
Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance.
Approved: 3-2 vote.
Mayor Pro Tem Springer asked that City Staff prepare
additional information after the first of the year on
this issue, so that the exemption can be considered
before the April 1 deadline.
Agenda Item #19, Ordinance No. 392, 1st reading. Pro Rata Fees
Off-Site Sewer.
The City Manager briefly explained how the pro rate fee ordinance
for off site sewer came about. He referenced the Technical Review
Committee and the report which they presented by Council.
After discussion, motion was made to approve Ordinance No.
reading, subject to the comments made in tonight's meeting.
Motion: wilhelm
Second: Muller
Ayes: wilhelm, Muller, Springer, Evans, Hall
Nays: None
493, 1st
Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance.
Approved: 5-0 vote
Agenda Item #20, Ordinance No. 494, 1st reading. Pro Rata Rate
Perimeter Roads
City Manager, Curtis Hawk, reviewed the ordinance for Pro Rata
Rates for Perimeter Roads.
Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 494, 1st reading, for Pro
Rata Fees for Perimeter Roads, including the changes submitted this
evening as a result of the last discussion on the subject.
City Council Minutes
December 19, 1989
page eleven
Agenda Item #20 Continued
Motion was made to approve Ordinance No.
including the changes submitted this evening.
Motion: Springer
Second: Evans
Ayes: Springer, Evans, Hall, Muller, Wilhelm
Nays: None
494, 1st reading,
Mayor Fickes read the caption of the Ordinance
Approved: 5-0
A~enda Item #22, Amendment to Water Contract- Keller, Fort Worth,
The City Manager made an explanation as to what led to the dispute
over the water bill.
Motion was made to authorize the Mayor to execute
amend the Fort Worth Contract for Water Service
Fort Worth, City of Keller, and City of Southlake.
Motion: Muller
Second: Hall
Ayes: Muller, Evans, Wilhelm, Hall
Nays: SpringerApproved: 4-1 vote
the agreement to
between City of
A~enda Item #22 Executive Session
Mayor Fickes announced that the City Council would be going into
executive session pursuant to V.T.A.S. Article 6252-17, Section 2
(e), 2(f), 2(g). Refer to posted list of litigations.
Council adjourned to executive session at 12 midnight.
Council returned to open session at 12:45 a.m.
A~enda Item #23 Action Necessary
No action was necessary as the result of the executive session.
Agenda Item %24 Action Necessary
No action was necessary as the result of the executive session.
City Council Minutes
December 19, 1989
page twelve
Agenda Item #25, Resolution 89-68, Appointment
Resolution 89-68 was discussed. The City Secretary is to contact
citizens from a list prepared by City Council, in order to
establish who might be interested in serving on the Capital
Improvements Advisory Committee. No action was taken on the
resolution during this meeting.
Agenda Item #26, Adjournment
Motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 1:50 a.m.
Motion: Wilhelm
Second: Springer
Ayes: Wilhelm, Springer,
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0 vote.
Hall, Muller, Evans
M~fyor Gars Fickes