667 N. Carroll Avenue
November 21, 1989 7:30 p.m.
CITY COUNCIL PRESENT: Mayor Gary Fickes; Mayor Pro Tem, Betty
Springer. Members: Rick Wilhelm, Ralph Evans and Pamela Muller.
ABSENT: Councilmember Sally Hall.
CITY STAFF PRESENT: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager; Michael Barnes,
Director of Public Works; R.P. Steele, Fire Chief; Karen Gandy,
Zoning Administrator; Eddie Cheatham, City Engineer; E. Allen
Taylor, City Attorney; and, Sandra L. LeGrand, City Secretary.
INVOCATION: Councilmember Ralph Evans.
A work session was held beginning at 6:30 p.m. in order for City
Council to discuss the items on tonight's meeting agenda.
Mayor Fickes called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
A~enda Item #2 Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the November 7, 1989,
approved as corrected.
Motion: Wilhelm
Second: Muller
Ayes: Wilhelm, Muller, Evans, Springer
Nays: None
Approved: 4-0 vote.
City Council meeting were
A~enda Item 93 Ma~or's Report
Mayor Fickes announced that he met with Mayor Chris Hawkins of City
of Colleyville to discuss sewer facilities between the two cities.
The City Manager, Curtis Hawk, noted that on November 15, a Special
Session was held for the purpose of discussion of the new proposed
subdivision control ordinance. The reason the item is not on
tonight's agenda is because of the all ready crowded schedule.
A~enda Item ~4. Cit~ Manager's Report
Curtis Hawk announced that the Department Reports are in the
packets. If their are any questions, the Department Heads are
present to expand on them.
Hawk also noted that City Hall will be closed on Thursday and
Friday of this week, for the Thanksgiving Holidays.
City Council Minutes
November 21, 1989
page two
A~enda Item #5,6,7 Consent A~enda
The consent agenda items were considered as follows:
Resolution 89-65, authorizing the Mayor to enter
into an Interlocal Agreement with City of Bedford
for an Arson Task Force.
6. Resolution 89-66, in support of the quality of life
for City of Grapevine with respect to DFW Airport.
7. Resolution 89-67, authorizing participation in Texas
Surplus Property Program.
Motion was made to approve the consent
shown above.
Motion: Springer
Second: Muller
Ayes: Springer, Muller, Evans, wilhelm
Nays: None
Approved: 4-0 vote
agenda, items 6,7,8, as
A~enda Item 98 Public Forum
The public forum resulted with no comments from the audience.
A~enda Item %9 Ordinance No. 491, 2nd reading. TRA A~reement
Wayne Hunter, Manager of Development for the Trinity River
Authority (TRA), was present and briefly outlined the Interim
Diversion Agreement and the Financial Contract for the Council.
He stated that both agreements have been considered by the twenty
(20) city, Central Regional Wastewater System Advisory Committee
and the five (5) city, Denton Creek Regional Wastewater System
Advisory Committee.
Councilmember Wilhelm stated he is excited about this as it will
open up a whole new area of Southlake to development and quality
The public hearing resulted with no comments.
City Council Minutes
November 21, 1989
page three
Agenda Item 99 Continued
Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 491,
Motion: Muller
Second: Evans
Ayes: Muller, Evans, Wilhelm, Springer
Nays: None
2nd reading.
Mayor Fickes read the caption of Ordinance No. 491.
Approved: 4-0 vote.
Agenda Item #11 Ordinance No. 480-03, 1st reading
Ordinance No. 480-03, 1st reading (ZA 89-52). A zoning request for
a 0.499 acre tract of land out of the Oak Knoll-Lake View Addition,
Block E, Lot 20. Owner: Keystone Partners.
Motion was made to table this item, time
the request of the owner/applicant.
Motion: Springer
Second: Muller
Ayes: Springer, Muller, Evans, Wilhelm.
Nays: None
Approved: 4-0 vote (to table)
certain, December 5, at
Agenda Item #10, Ordinance No. 489, 2nd reading Speed Limits
Ordinance No. 489, altering the prima facie speed limits
established for vehicles on certain streets and highways within the
corporate limits of Southlake was discussed.
No comments were received during the public hearing.
Motion was made to approve
Motion: Evans
Second: Wilhelm
Ayes: Evans, Wilhelm
Nays: Springer, Muller
Ordinance No. 489, 2nd reading, as
Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance.
Mayor Fickes voted in favor of the motion as a tie vote was cast.
Approved: 3-2 vote.
Councilmember Muller expressed that her vote against the
ordinance was because of school children who may cross
Highway 114, and because of the fast traffic.
City Council Minutes
November 21, 1989
page four
Agenda Item #12, Ordinance No. 480-04, 1st reading. (ZA 89-53)
Zoning request for a 27.81 acre tract of land out of the J.N.
Gibson Survey, Abstract No. 591, being more commonly known as Lot
1, Brumlow Industrial District. Current zoning is Industrial-l,
with a request for Industrial-2 zoning district.
Karen Gandy, zoning administrator, made a presentation stating that
eleven letters were sent to property owners within 200' and she
received no opposition. The Planning and Zoning Commission
recommended approval of the request during their November 9, 1989,
regular meeting, by a vote of 6-0
The public hearing resulted with no comments.
Councilmember wilhelm noted for the record that the minimum size
acreage for Petroleum Use in Industrial-2 Zoning District is ten
(10) acres.
Rodney Reece, Operation Superintendent for Diamond Shamrock was
present to answer questions for the Council. He stated they have
made application to the Board of Adjustments for their Special
Exception. They have no planned expansion at this time, however,
during 1990, they would like to add one tank and more foam fire
protection equipment.
Motion was made to approve the request for
Ordinance No. 480-04, 1st reading.
Motion: wilhelm
Second: Evans
Ayes: Wilhelm, Evans, Springer, Muller
Nays: None
Industrial-2 zoning, in
Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance.
Approved: 4-0 vote.
Agenda Item #13, Ordinance No. 480-05, 1st reading (ZA 89-58).
Ordinance No. 480-05, 1st reading consists of a zoning request for
a 8.23 acre tract of land out of the W.W. Hall Survey, Abstract No.
695, being the eastern portion of Tracts 5 and 5A. Current zoning
is Agricultural, request is for the Office-1 Zoning District.
City Council Minutes
November 21, 1989
page five
Agenda Item 913 Continued
Mrs. Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator made a presentation, stating
the owner, T.J. McHale, is not present, however, he is represented
by Scott Dyer, of Levitt Engineers. Gandy noted that all property
owners in the area requested that the height of the proposed
buildings be limited to one story. During the P&Z meeting held on
November 9, 1989, recommendation was made to approve the request.
Scott Dyer noted that the requested Office-1 Zoning District, is
very compatible to Lake Wood Acres.
The future width of Carroll Avenue was discussed, as well as the
zoning around the city hall area.
The public hearing resulted with no comments.
Motion was made to approve
Motion: wilhelm
Second: Springer
Ayes: wilhelm, Springer,
Nays: None
the 1st reading of Ordinance No. 480-05.
Evans and Muller
The caption of the ordinance was read by Mayor Fickes.
Approved: 4-0 vote.
~genda Item #14, Ordinance No. 480-06, 1st reading. (ZA 89-59)
A zoning request for a 32.72 acre tract of land out of the W.W.
Hall Survey, Abstract No. 695, being the western portion of Tracts
5 and 5A was discussed. The request is for Single Family lA
Residential zoning district. Owner: T.J. McHale.
The zoning administrator noted that sixteen (16) letters were sent
to property owners within 200' and she received three (3)
responses, in favor of the request.
The public hearing resulted with no comments.
Motion was made to approve Ordinance No.
Motion: Muller
Second: Wilhelm
Ayes: Muller, Wilhelm, Springer Evans
Nays: None
1st reading.
Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance.
Approved: 4-0 vote.
City Council Minutes
November 21, 1989
page seven
Agenda Item #20 Continued
Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, noted that on November 9, the
Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval of the final
plat, subject, to item #10 on the Cheatham review letter of October
21, being omitted.
At the request for Mayor Fickes, Eddie Cheatham addressed the
comments in his November 17, 1989 review letter in regards to 76
lots having a single access to one entrance.
Sean Randall, Southwind Partners, L.P. noted that it would be
September, 1990 before homes in Phase II are completed. He stated
that on Phase II, they would pay for pumping of sewer through
November 30, 1990.
Motion was made to approve ZA 89-57, final plat of SouthRidge
Lakes, Phase II, provided that Items ~3 and #4 of the November 17,
1989 Cheatham review letter are met, and granting a variance to
Lots 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, Block 1, with respect to Ordinance No. 443.
Motion: Wilhelm
Second: Evans
Ayes: Wilhelm, Evans, Springer
Nays: Muller
Approved: 4-0 vote.
Councilmember Pamela Muller stated she has seen too many
delays with the TRA sewer, and she is not
comfortable with approving this final plat, however, if
the developer wants to absorb the costs for pumping, she
has no problems with this.
Agenda Item #16, Ordinance No. 480-07, 1st reading (ZA 89-61)
A zoning request and development concept plan for a 242.4624 acre
tract of land out of the John T. Bailey Survey, Abstract No. 97,
Tract lA; P.J. Hyde Survey, Abstract No. 667, Tracts 1, lA, 2, 3
and James Thornhill Survey, Abstract No. 1505, Tract 1F. Current
zoning is Agricultural, request is for the Planned Unit Development
(PUD) for Residential use.
A presentation was made by Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, who
stated they are proposing 460 lots maximum. On November 9, the P&Z
recommended approval with a 6-1 vote, omitting the Peytonville
Craig Curry, Nelson Corporation, was present and showed a slide
presentation to the City Council and audience as well. He stated
that the over all density for the project is proposed to be 1.9
units per acre, with 460 lots maximum.
City Council Minutes
November 21, 1989
page eight
A~enda Item #16 Continued
Mr. Curry went on to say that they propose placing a "hard edge" on
each of the lakes shown on the plat, and that their major entrance
will be at FM 1709. In regards to Peytonville Avenue extension,
they are only showing it on the plat because the City of
Southlake has it on their thoroughfare plan. It is not necessary
to their development and not anything they will need.
Public Hearing:
william W. Bell- 1200 West Continental Blvd.
He is representing his neighbors and read several letters into the
record, including: 1) a letter from himself, stating he is in
favor of the zoning change under certain conditions, 2) James T.
Bradley, 1202 W. Continental Blvd., conditionally in favor of the
zoning change, 3) Kurt D. Miller, 1196 W. Continental Blvd.,
opposed to the zoning requested. The letters are incorporated into
the body of the minutes.
Some of the concerns include: Small lots abutting the larger
acreage in the area, fencing, sewer, small lots do not preserve the
rural area, flooding, traffic, and, Peytonville Ave. extension, to
name a few .
Councilmember Ralph Evans expressed concern about the "hard edge"
on ponds and tanks. They would be 3 to 4 feet deep at the edge,
who provides insurance to cover kids who would drown in the ponds
and tanks?
Mr. Curry replied that the Homeowners Association will be
responsible to furnish the insurance. They are trying to preserve
the natural areas, and if they are forced to build on one acre
lots, it will change their plan.
Curry also noted that the parks, lakes, etc. will be available to
the developed area only, they are not public areas.
Mayor Fickes asked the developer if they had met with school
officials in regards to school sites being set aside. Curry
commented that they had met with school officials and were told
that there was not a need for a school site in their area. Fickes
stated that he was told the School Board did not want to shut the
door to that need.
Mr. Curry stated what they are giving the city is a very creative
type development and they are working toward preserving the
natural trees, landscaping, etc.
City Council Minutes
November 21, 1989
page nine
Agenda Item #16 Continued
Councilmember Evans stated the developers are "takers" with this
development. They are not giving City Council any incentive to
grant the Planned Unit Development request.
Councilmember Wilhelm stated he is concerned with the PUD request.
What is unique about this plan, that City Council should note on
the PUD v. R-20 zoning.
Curry answered, all the green areas are not all flood plain, they
are trying to develop where all lots are outside flood plain and
the flood way. They feel they have more amenities than any other
area. The treatment on FM 1709 is going to be very detailed. They
feel their plan is a very creative one. Each phase is a looped
system and all cur-de-sac streets are very short.
Mayor Fickes noted once again, that PUD is only for very unique
properties. He sees it as you take a property and do something
unique with it. He is more concerned with quality and density
rather than lot sizes.
Mr. Curry explained that the development will have a mandatory
homeowners association. Timing of the development is an issue of
sewer. They have been working closely with city staff on this.
They are anticipating not using the sewer line until it is ready.
They are not talking of pumping or of sewer plants.
Their development schedule is also for October, 1990. They are
working with the city on a sewer easement through their property.
Also, they are aware of the perimeter street ordinance, impact
fees, and, park land ordinance.
Mayor Fickes noted that the city will not let them start homes
until everything is in place. It may be February or March before
the city will have a feel. Fickes asked the developers to consider
larger lots in the southwest corner next to the existing larger
acreage areas.
Mr. Wilhelm commented that a PUD is nice, but they should consider
the neighbors around them. While an acre is not required, they
should provide a lot larger than they have planned. The
developers need to think of this before they are ready for Phase
III approvals.
Mr. Curry stated they would work with property owners to the
southern portion of the property.
City Council Minutes
November 21, 1989
page ten
A~enda Item %16 Continued
Councilmember Pamela Muller commented that she needs to see what
the developers are giving to the city. She made a promise to the
citizens that elected her that if small lots were given, they would
be given in return for something advantageous to the city.
Mayor Pro Tem Betty Springer stated she feels this land does lend
itself to a PUD because they have taken the best parts of the land,
the tree portion, and made them into areas that are not within the
confines of the lot lines and are available to all the property
owners. Where Arvida is a quality addition, not all of the land is
open to all of the communities use.
Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 480-07, 1st reading,
omitting the Peytonville extension to the south.
Motion: Springer
Second: Wilhelm (noting that the concept plan does not have lot
Ayes: Springer, wilhelm
Nays: Evans and Muller
Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance.
Mayor Fickes voted in favor of the motion as a tie vote was cast.
Approved: 3-2 vote.
A~enda Item %17 and %18 Dev. Site Plan and Pre. Plat for Timber
Lakes, Phase I.
Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, made a presentation on the
development site plan and the preliminary plat for Timber Lakes,
Phase I. An 85.12 acre tract of land out of the John T. Bailey
Survey, Abstract No. 97, and P.J. Hyde Survey, Abstract No. 667.
Owner: Southlake Joint Venture, Inc.
Couneilmember Wilhelm expressed concern in regards to the density
in Phase I, being proposed for 1.90 units per acre. He is
concerned about the over all lot sizes in the interior of the
phase. He stated that he would like more specific data on the wall
which is to run along FM 1709. Also the buffer along FM1709 is a
Councilmember Evans expressed concern about the size of the lots,
with some being 12,000 square foot." This is awfully small," he
City Council Minutes
November 21, 1989
page six
Agenda Item #15, ZA 89-60 Pre Plat of South View
The preliminary plat of South View, a 40.948 acre tract of land out
of the W.W. Hall Survey, Abstract No. 695, Tracts 5 and 5A, was
presented. Applicant: Flowers/Meredith. Owner: T.J. McHale.
The presentation was made by Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator.
Scott Dyer, Levitt Engineers, was present to answer questions for
the council. He stated that the office site will be developed at a
later time, when the need arises.
Motion was made to approve the preliminary plat of South View,
subject to the requirements in the Cheatham review letter of
November 17, 1989 being met.
Motion: wilhelm
Second: Evans
Ayes: wilhelm, Evans, Springer, Muller
Nays: None
Approved: 4-0 vote.
Agenda Item # 19, Pre Plat of Hershaw Estates
The preliminary plat of Hershaw Estates, a 5.459 acre
out of the Francis Throop Survey, Abstract No. 1511,
3A1E2A, and 3A1E2A1, was discussed.
tract of land
tracts 3ALE2,
Karen Gandy made a presentation, noting the property is located on
the east side of Sunshine Lane. Twelve property owners were
notified with no responses received.
It was established that the items in the Cheatham review letters of
November 17 and October 23, have been met.
Motion was made to approve the preliminary plat of Hershaw Estates.
Motion: Muller
Second: Evans
Ayes: Muller, Evans, Springer, Wilhelm.
Nays: None
Approved: 4-0 vote.
Agenda Item #20, ZA 89-57, Final Plat of SouthRid~e Lakes, Phase
The final plat of Phase II of SouthRidge Lakes, consisting of 7.072
and 36.740 acres of land out of the L.G. Hall Survey, Abstract No.
686, and the A.A. Freeman Survey, Abstract No. 522, was reviewed by
City Council Minutes
November 21, 1989
page eleven
Agenda Item 917 and #18 Continued
Mayor Fickes stated some of the other areas of concern included:
1) fencing, what will it be made of.
2) the two lots up front, a problem.
3) over all lot sizes.
4) 25' building line on the lots is a problem.
After further discussion, motion was made to table
918, time certain, December 5, city council meeting.
Motion: Muller
Second: Wilhelm
Ayes: Muller, wilhelm, Springer, Evans
Nays: None
Approved: 4-0 vote (to table).
items ~17 and
Agenda Item ~21 Engineerin~ Contract for En~ineerin~ and Plannin~
City Manager, Curtis Hawk explained to the City Council that before
an engineering contract for Planning and Engineering, to help the
city comply with Senate Bill 336 is finalized, a study is needed
that will help the city determine how it is going to pay for it's
water and sewer improvements in an effort to comply.
He presented a contract from Rimrock Consulting Company which
included the following:
1) scope of services
2) coordination of the advisory committee
3) development of impact fees
4) proposed time scheduling of study
5) cost of the study by components
The contract is incorporated into the minutes of this meeting.
City Attorney, Allen Taylor answered when asked what the advisory
committee is for," the Advisory Committee is to act as a cross
check of the numbers, in regards to our community. To make sure
the math makes sense to the people in the community. The committee
must recommend the fees, not the city council. This is the group
%ha% will go out into the community and help sell the idea.
City Council Minutes
November 21, 1989
page twelve
Agenda Item 921 Continued
The City Manager explained that
$43,721. will be paid for out of
accounts. However, the city will
funds over a period of time.
the contract in the amount of
special services in a couple of
be able to recover most of the
Motion was made to enter into the contract
planning services.
Motion: Muller
Second: Wilhelm
Ayes: Muller, Wilhelm, Springer, Evans
Nays: None
Approved: 4-0 vote
for engineering and
Agenda Item #22 Executive Session
Mayor Fickes announced that the City Council would be
executive session pursuant to V.T.A.S. Article 6252-17 ,
(e), and 2(f). Refer to posted list of litigations.
going into
Section 2,
Council adjourned into executive session at 12:50 a.m.
Council returned to open session at 12:55 a.m.
Agenda Item #23, ~24, #25
No action was taken on agenda items #23, #24, #25, as a result of
the executive session.
Agenda Item 926 Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned by Mayor Gary~__/~~