667 N. Carroll Avenue
October 3, 1989 7:30 P.M.
COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Gary Fickes; Mayor Pro Tem Betty
Springer. Members: Sally Hall, Rick wilhelm, Pamela Muller and
Ralph Evans.
CITY STAFF PRESENT: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager; Mike Barnes,
Director of Public Works; Billy Campbell, Police Chief; R.P.
Steele, Fire Chief; Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator; Eddie
Cheatham and Greg Last, City Engineers; E. Allen Taylor, City
Attorney; and, Sandra L. LeGrand, City Secretary.
INVOCATION: Councilmember Ralph Evans.
A work session was held beginning at 6:30 p.m. in order for City
Council to discuss the items on tonight's agenda.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Pro Tem Betty Springer, as
Mayor Fickes will be arriving at a later time for the meeting.
A~enda Item #2. Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the September 19, 1989 City Council
approved as discussed in the work session.
Motion: Hall
Second: Evans
Ayes: Hall, Evans, Muller, Wilhelm, Springer
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0 vote
meeting were
Agenda Item ~3 Mayor's Report
Mayor Pro Tem Springer announced that agenda item #6 will be
removed from the consent agenda.
Springer invited council and audience alike to attend the Southlake
Economic Development Council meeting to be held on October 4,
beginning at 8:30 a.m., in the council chambers of city hall. Dr.
Bernard L. Weinstein, Director of the Center for Economic
Development and Research at the University of North Texas, will be
speaking on the subject of tax abatements.
On October 6, 1989, a Southlake Fire and EMS team will be
participating in Care Fair 1989, at Northeast Mall. Councilmembers
Muller and Hall will represent the city council.
City Council Minutes
October 3, 1989
page two
A~enda Item 93 Continued
October 6, will be "Denton County Day", held in Denton at the
University of North Texas Coliseum. If anyone is interested in
dropping by, it will be an" expo" of what is going on in and around
October 25, Metroport Board of Governors will be meeting in
Grapevine and on October 28, Southlake will be sponsoring a
"Wrangler Barbecue" at the Skaggs Alpha Beta in Grapevine.
A~enda Item %4. City Manager's Report
Curtis Hawk, City Manager stated that he and the Director of Public
Works, Mike Barnes, attended a meeting with Trinity River Authority
(TRA), and will have some information to report by the next city
council meeting.
A~enda Item %5 Consent A~enda
5. Consider:
Resolution No. 89-54, authorizing the Mayor to
enter into an agreement for Mutual Aid for Fire
Service with Tarrant County.
Motion was made to approve Resolution 89-54 as written.
Motion: Hall
Second: Muller
Ayes: Hall, Muller, wilhelm, Evans and Springer
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0 vote.
A~enda Item %6 Resolution 89-55, Continuin~ Education for EMS
Motion was made to table Resolution 89-55, time certain October
1989, in order for corrections to be made to the contract.
Motion: wilhelm
Second: Evans
Ayes: Wilhelm, Evans, Muller, Hall and Springer
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0 vote
A~enda Item %7 Public Forum
No comments were made during the public forum.
City Council Minutes
October 3, 1989
page three
Agenda Item #8. Ordinance No. 334-69, 2nd readin~
Zoning request for a 3.85 acre tract of land out of the J.J.
Freshour Survey, Abstract No. 521. Current zoning is
Agricultural, request is for the Single Family-1 Zoning District.
Owners are Jim and Cathy Brewerton.
A presentation was made by Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, who
noted that six letters were sent to property owners within 200'.
The Planning and Zoning Commission approved the zoning on
September 7, by a vote of 6-0 and the City Council approved the
first reading on the ordinance on September 19, 1989.
The public hearing resulted with no comments from the audience.
Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 334-69, 2nd reading.
Motion: Wilhelm
Second: Muller
Ayes: Wilhelm, Muller, Hall, Evans and Springer
Nays: None
Mayor Pro Tem Springer read the caption of the ordinance.
Approved: 5-0 vote
Agenda Item #9. Ordinance No. 480-01, 1st reading
The zoning request for a 826.386 acre tract of land out of the O.W.
Knight Survey, Abstract No. 899, H. Medlin Survey, Abstract No.
1037 and 1038, Hollingsworth & Barrett Survey, Abstract NO. 798,
John Gibson Survey, Abstract No. 591, is currently zoned
Agricultural and Single Family with a request for Planned Unit
Development (PUD).
The presentation was made by the zoning administrator who stated
that eighty-nine (89) letters were sent to property owners within
200' of the property in question. She stated that Phase I, will
consist of seventy-five (75) to one hundred (100) acres with
one-hundred twenty (120) to one hundred fifty (150) homes being
planned. The total project will be completed in from ten (10) to
twenty (20) years, depending on the market, with a start time of
from one (1) to three (3) years.
Larry Midtbo, representing Mobil Land Acquisitions, was present to
answer questions for the commission. He explained that Bear Creek
Communities is a subsidiary of Mobil. He has worked on the plan in
Southlake for about one (1) year now. Midtbo presented the slide
presentation for the Council and the audience, assisted by Dennis
Jerke, Dannenbaum Engineering.
City Council Minutes
October 3, 1989
page five
Agenda Item #9 Continued
Councilmember Wilhelm talked to the developer, as he is concerned
about lot sizes also. With the PUD, the city can have alot of good
out of this. He would like to see this be PUD of 20,000 square
foot lots.
Mayor Pro Tem Springer stated she has seen Mobil
over all is very impressed with the developments.
everything, but over all she likes what she sees.
Developments and
She may not like
wilhelm is very concerned about PUD developers having the zoning to
get around the lot sizes as in our ordinances. PUD developers will
be looked at very hard, he feels.
Mayor Fickes stated PUD is performance zoning. It is density and
quality and a uniqueness of plan.
Councilmember Hall stated she prefers PUD if landscaping,
topography and etc. are handled right, there should be no problems.
Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 480-01, 1st reading,
contingent upon items in the September 20, 1989, Cheatham review
letter being complied with and that construction will commence
before three (3) years from the date of approval of the final plat.
Motion: Springer
Second: Wilhelm
Ayes: Springer, Wilhelm, Hall, Evans, Muller
Nays: None
Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance.
Mr. Wilhelm added
581, be added to
to the motion, that H. Granberry, Abstract No.
the caption of the ordinance, before the 2nd
Approved: 5-0 vote.
Council adjourned for recess at 9:10 p.m.
Council reconvened to session at 9:20 p.m.
Agenda Item #15 Executive Session
Mayor Fickes announced that City Council would be going into
executive session pursuant to V.T.A.S. Article 6252-17 Section 2
(e), 2 (f), and 2 (g). Refer to posted list of litigations.
Council adjourned to executive session at 9:20 p.m.
City Council Minutes
October 3, 1989
page four
Agenda Item #9 Continued
Mayor Gary Fickes arrived at 8:05 p.m.
william L. Elkjer with Mobil Land Corporation was also present for
the meeting, answering questions for the City Council. He stated
as a theme for the project, their choice is, "sophisticated rural
development", however, the issue is not settled as of this time.
Councilmember Wilhelm stated he would like to set a tone tonight on
this case and possibly future Planned Unit Developments in the
event Council passes this request. He wants to go over the unique
characteristics as to why they selected a PUD instead of R-20. He
asked them to think of items that hit them about the site, other
than the sixteen (16) or so that were discussed in the presentation
Mr. Elkjer stated when they look for land, they look for a property
that will be hard to work with, as it makes one think, and come up
with something unique. Mobil develops communities, they do not
develop subdivisions. This is a wonderful piece of land, not to
ruin. If this is going to be developed, a PUD is the best way to
Wilhelm asked if they are going to require landscaping. Elkjer
stated they landscape the roadway, common areas and the builder
purchases lots and that landscaping is up to the builder. Wilhelm
questioned the "Clusters", and was informed that they can be zero
lot lines.
Councilmember Hall has done some very extensive research this year
on Landscaping. She noted that water is a shortage in Texas and
she also suggested that a wide variety of trees be planted so that
they will never have the entire city or community totaled by a tree
Mr Elkjer stated that all their projects have underground utilities.
Public Hearing
Jim wooll- 1400 Emerald, Southlake
He stated he is opposed to this development for many reasons. For
density, he feels this is a corruption for what the PUD district
was put in the ordinance for. The PUD was for flood plane, water
ways, and not for postage stamp size lots. If there are no fences,
how are their swimming pools. A development this size has a major
effect on the neighbors. His idea of preserving green space is
larger lots. This is a community to itself-- it is an isolated
Public hearing closed.
City Council Minutes
October 3, 1989
page six
A~enda Item 916 Any Action Necessary
Councilmember Wilhelm stated it is his understanding that they have
reached a potential settlement agreement with the plaintiffs in the
Swift et al, Lemke v. City of Southlake lawsuit. He moved to
authorize the city to expend the sum of $30,000 to settle the
litigation and all liabilities related to the plaintiff in the
Lemke lawsuit and authorize the city to execute the settlement
agreement that is reached by the parties.
Motion: Wilhelm
Second: Evans
Ayes: wilhelm, Evans, Muller, Hall
Nays: Springer
Approved: 4-1 vote
Mayor Pro Tem Springer stated she voted against the item, not
because she does not sympathize with the property owners in
question, but because she does not feel that the City did anything
that warrants this type of settlement and it is almost an admission
that council did do something wrong.
City Attorney, E. Allen Taylor commented that this action will
totally terminate the litigation and appeal related to the four
original plaintiff families in the Lemke dispute.
A~enda Item #17.
Resolution 89-53 Appt. to Parks
to approve Resolution 89-53,
Motion was made appointing Janet
Murphy to the Park and Recreation Board, filling the unexpired term
of Larry Goldstein.
Motion: Muller
Second: Hall
Ayes: Muller, Hall, Springer, Wilhelm and Evans
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0 vote
Councilmember Sally Hall left the meeting at 9:50 p.m.
Agenda Item #10. ZA 89-46. Final Plat of Whitener Addition
The final plat of Whitener Addition, Block 1, Lot 2, was
by the City Council. Owner of the property is Hinds
Enterprises, Inc.
and Stone
A presentation was made by Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator.
Motion was made to approve the final plat of whitener Addition,
ZA 89-46.
Motion: Muller
Second: Springer
Ayes: Muller, Springer, Wilhelm and Evans
Nays: None
Approved: 4-0 vote (Hall had left the meeting)
City Council Minutes
October 3, 1989
page seven
Agenda Item #11 Technical Review Committee Recommendation
Barry Emerson, representative of the Technical Review Committee,
was present for the meeting and stated the committee was formed in
June 1989, for the purpose of reviewing the water and sewer and
perimeter road policies of the city and to make a recommendation to
the City Council on the results of their findings.
The committee determined that they wanted the city to encourage
developments within the City of Southlake. They feel the
recommendations that are being made are fair to all the existing
citizens of the City as well as the new citizens that will be
moving here.
A copy of the information presented by the committee is
incorporated into the minutes of this meeting.
Curtis Hawk stated he has thoroughly enjoyed working with the
committee and appreciates the work which they have accomplished.
Agenda Item 913 Ordinance No. 483, Subdivision Control
A discussion was led by Greg Last, City Engineer, on
subdivision control ordinance. The ordinance is to
the October 17, City Council meeting for consideration.
the proposed
be placed on
Agenda Item 912 Ordinance No. 482, Drainage
A discussion was led by Eddie Cheatham and Greg Last, City
Engineers, in regards to the proposed drainage ordinance which has
been recommended by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
The ordinance is to be placed on the October 17, City Council
meeting for consideration.
Agenda Item 914 Discussion: Variance provision to Swimming Pool
A brief discussion was held in regards to consideration for a
variance provision and other amendments to Ordinance No. 481,
swimming pool ordinance and to the construction codes.
City Council Minutes
October 3, 1989
page eight
Agenda Item #18. Adjournment
Motion was made and approval given to the
Motion: Muller
Second: Evans
Ayes: Muller, Evans, Hall, Wilhelm, Springer
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0 vote
adjournment of this
Mayor Fickes announced that he and the Mayor Pro Tem would be
traveling to Atlanta, Georgia, on October 12 and 13, in order
to view several Arvida Projects.