667 N. Carroll Avenue
September 11, 1989 8:00 P.M.
CITY COUNCIL PRESENT: Mayor Gary Fickes; Mayor Pro Tem Betty
Springer (arrived at 8:30 P.M.) Members: Sally Hall, Rick wilhelm,
Ralph Evans and Pamela Muller.
SCHOOL BOARD PRESENT: Evelyn Urbanosky, Judy Gilmore,
Charlie Wegman, Tommy Morgan, Edie Watkins
Superintendent, John Lowrey.
Mike Brown,
and School
Absent from School Board: Ed Downing
City Staff Present: City Manager, Curtis E. Hawk; Director of
Public Works, Mike Barnes; Police Chief, Billy Campbell; Fire
Chief, R.P. Steele; and City Secretary, Sandra L. LeGrand.
The meeting was opened by Mayor Fickes at 8:05 p.m.
person in attendance to introduce themselves.
He asked each
The City Manager, Curtis Hawk, stated, that while in the city,
there have been many conversations of things that could be done
together in order for both entities to be able to save money.
Agenda Item #2 Selective Services Officer
Chief Billy Campbell led the discussion on the selective services
officer. He stated that this program is not a reaction to any
group or any situation that has happened in the past. It is a
pro-active program. The DARE program is being considered. It is a
seventeen week program conducted through science classes at the
schools so that all students are involved in it. The program will
allow for the city funding 1/2 of the wages plus training and
uniforms and the school funding 1/2 of the wages.
The officer will be at the school at lease 20 hours per week. Part
of his time will be spent in putting programs together with area
officers. The second half of the officers time will be spent going
into the neighborhoods with a crime prevention program, etc,
working with the parents.
Mr. Lowrey stated that the school board is equally as committed to
this program as is the city. The details will be up to Chief
Campbell and Mr. Lowrey.
Joint Work Session
September 11, 1989
page two
Agenda Item #3 Disc.
Joint Use of Land for Parks and Schools
This item was discussed by Bethann Scratchard, chairman of the Park
and Recreation Board. She stated that the city is always in need
of park land and that perhaps the city and school could work
together with joint utilization of land for schools and park.
Agenda Item #4 Disc. Joint Polling Places for Municipal
Mayor Fickes stated that each year as the city is preparing for the
general elections, the suggestion is made that perhaps it would be
of an advantage if the school and city share a common polling
place. This would be a convenience to the voters that in some
cases the voter could vote in one stop rather than two stops.
Mr. Lowrey stated that they are in favor of a joint polling place,
however, they would like it to be in their facilities.
Agenda Item #5 Disc. Update on City Developments
During the discussion on the update of city developments, Curtis
Hawk, city manager noted that the north side sewer project will
begin in June 1990. He advised the audience on the plans for Mobil
Development, which is to begin construction in from 18 months to
two years from this date.
Agenda Item #6. Presentation, Joint Facilities
Curtis Hawk gave a presentation on the possibility of the city and
school board sharing facilities in an effort to save funds from
both groups.
Agenda Item #7. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned by Mayor Fickes at 10:00 P.M.
~wa~ry Fickes z
Mayor of Southlake