667 N. Carroll Avenue
August 1, 1989 7:30 p.m.
Present: Mayor, Gary Fickes; Mayor Pro Tem, Betty Springer.
Members: Sally Hall, Rick wilhelm and Pamela Muller.
Absent: W. Ralph Evans.
City Staff Present: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager; Mike Barnes,
Director of Public Works; Billy Campbell, Police Chief; R.P.
Steele, Fire Chief; Renee' Wheeler, Finance Officer; Karen
Gandy, Zoning Administrator; Betsy Elam, City Attorney; Eddie
Cheatham, City Engineer.
Invocation: Mayor Pro Tem Betty Springer.
A work session was held beginning at 6:30 p.m. for the purpose of
reviewing agenda items for tonight's meeting.
A~enda Item #2 Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the July 18, 1989 City Council meeting were approved
with changes.
Motion: Springer
Second: Wilhelm
Ayes: Springer, Wilhelm, Hall
Nays: None
Abstentions: Muller
Approved: 3-0-1 vote
A~enda Item #3 Mayor's Report
Mayor Fickes announced the changes that would be made in the order
of the agenda for tonight's meeting. Item #13 will be moved to
consent agenda and item #18 will be moved between items ~22 and #23.
The Mayor also announced that the first public hearing on the
FY90 Budget will be held during the August 15, city council
meeting, and also, the first public hearing on the new zoning
ordinance will be held on that date.
The Mayor noted that South Carroll Avenue is being reconstructed
with the help of Tarrant County, and will be completed this week.
A work session for the Fiscal Year 1990 Budget will be held on
August 7 and 8, beginning at 7:00 p.m.
City Council Minutes
August 1, 1989
page two
Agenda Item #4 Cit~ Manager's Report
City Manager, Curtis Hawk announced that on Friday (August 4), he
will be traveling to Longview, to sign papers for funding, for
damage that occurred as a result of rains during May and June. The
Federal Emergency Management Association (FEMA) has required that
the city manager go on-site for this process.
Motion was made to approved the following items under a consent
5. Park and Recreation Board, Men's and Co-ed Softball
6. Resolution No.89-46. Appointment to C.O.N.E.T.
13. Authorizing the City Engineer to proceed with the
sewer project for SouthRidge Addition.
Motion: Wilhelm
Second: Muller
Ayes: Wilhelm, Muller,
Nays: None
Approved: 4-0 vote
Hall, Muller
Agenda Item ~7. Ordinance No. 334-62 1st reading
Karen Gandy, zoning administrator, in her presentation stated that
the zoning request is for a 0.859 acre tract of land out of the
W.R. Eaves Survey, Abstract No. 500. Present zoning is
Agricultural, request is for the Retail-2 Zoning District. Owner
is Pat Sheehey and the applicant is Southlake Joint Venture.
John Drews, managing partner of Southlake Joint
present to answer questions for the city council.
Public Hearing:
Venture was
Bob Couch, representing Pat Sheehey, the owner, was present and
stated, Mr. Sheehey just wants to make Mr. Drews a happy owner.
Public hearing Closed
Motion was made to approve Ordinance No.
Motion: Muller
Second: Wilhelm
Ayes: Muller, Wilhelm, Hall,
Mayor Fickes read the
Nays: None
Approved: 4-0 vote
334-62, 1st reading.
caption of the ordinance.
City Council Minutes
August 1, 1989
page three
Agenda Item #8. ZA 89-23 Pre Plat of Southlake Crossing
The preliminary plat of Southlake Crossing, a 24.107 acre tract
of land out of the W.R. Eaves Survey, Abstract No. 500, was
Karen Gandy, zoning administrator gave a presentation on the
project by showing overhead transparencies.
Jim Brittain- Brittain Surveyors 3908 S. Freeway, Fort Worth,
was present and answered questions for the council.
Public Hearing:
Bob Couch- Union Church Road
He signed up to speak but had no comments.
Motion was made to approve the preliminary
Crossing Addition.
Motion: Muller
Second: Springer
Ayes: Muller, Springer, Hall and wilhelm
Nays: None
Approved: 4-0 vote
plat of Southlake
Agenda Item #9. Ord. 334-63, 1st reading
The zoning request for a 4.093 acre tract of land out of the J.J.
Freshour Survey, Abstract No. 521, was discussed. Request is for
the Single Family-1 zoning district and the present zoning is
A presentation was made by Karen Gandy,
stated that seven (7) letters were sent
200' and there was no opposition.
zoning administrator, who
to property owners within
Bob Couch, was present to represent Viola Newsom, owner of the
Councilmember Wilhelm had concerns in regards to the deeding of
this tract, and wondered, would it make the agricultural property
next to it a non conforming size.
Ken Willis, purchaser of the property stated he is actually
purchasing 7.34 acres of land with a 440' width.
City Engineer, Eddie Cheatham recommended that they come back with
a plat of the entire property.
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August 1, 1989
page four
Agenda Item #9 Continued
Motion was made to approve the zoning as
Family-1 as described in Ordinance No. 334-63.
Motion: Muller
Second: Springer
Ayes: Muller, Springer, Hall and Wilhelm
Nays: None
Approved: 4-0 vote
requested for Single
Agenda Item #10. ZA 89-25 Pre Plat of Willis Addition
A 4.093 acre tract of land out of the J.J. Freshour Survey,
Abstract No. 521, was presented as a preliminary plat of Willis
During the presentation by the ~oning administrator, it was noted
that the Planning and Zoning Commission agreed with the applicant
that 84' right of way is too excessive but left it to the City
Council to determine. Keller shows Florance in that area with
no plans for right of way width. Keller does propose 60' right
of way to the west of Pearson Lane on Florance Road.
Mayor Fickes stated that during the work session, the city council
and city staff discussed the right of way in that area, and they
both agreed that a 64' right of way would be adequate.
Motion was made to approve ZA 89-25, preliminary plat of Willis
Addition, subject to Council being presented with a preliminary
plat of the entire seven (7) acres and also authorizing the
reduction of right of way on Florance from 84' to 64'.
Motion: Wilhelm
Second: Muller
Ayes: Wilhelm, Muller, Hall, Springer
Nays: None
Approved: 4-0 vote
City Council Minutes
August 1, 1989
page five
Agenda Item #11. Ordinance No. 484. Noise Control
Curtis Hawk explained that for many months there has been a problem
with enforcement of the noise ordinance due to the fact that the
person violating the ordinance must be identified. This has
created problems, therefore, the city staff has come up with an
amendment to the existing ordinance, to serve as a stop gap measure
until the entire ordinance can be reworked.
Councilmember Wilhelm has a problem in the strict liability issue
in a criminal case and the difference in ordinance between the
states of culpability.
City Attorney, Betsy Elam stated the attorney's are comfortable
with the draft ordinance only because the ordinance addresses
Public Hearing:
Leroy Hess- Prestige Gunite, Tiffany Acres.
He invited everyone to come down in the morning and see how he
operates, at 5:00 a.m. He stated his trucks are already loaded
before the morning hours. He had someone come out three (3) months
ago and measure the noise, they found the trucks passing on Davis
Blvd. louder than his trucks leaving the yard.
Tim Farmer- Davis Blvd. next to Tiffany Acres
He stated that Mr. Hess, himself, is not
problems are when the trucks hit the bumps and
the noisy one. The
the drivers honk the
Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 484, 1st reading.
Motion: Muller
Second: Hall
Ayes: Muller, Hall
Nays: wilhelm, Springer
Mayor Gary Fickes voted against the motion, breaking the tie vote
Denied: 2-3 vote
Mayor Pro Tem Springer asked the city staff to come up with
changes to the language and present it to council in the near
City Council Minutes
August 1, 1989
page six
A~enda Item #12 Discussion:
Amendment to Truck Route Ordinance
Director of Public Works, Mike Barnes, led the discussion
concerning the possibility of amending the existing truck route
ordinance. He stated that his understanding is that South Carroll
Avenue is currently designated as a truck route. He added that by
continuing to use Carroll Ave as a truck route, would reduce the
life of the street. He feels the trucks need to go around when
there is no business in that immediate area.
Mayor Fickes stated he feels that before this item is on the agenda
for consideration, the major users should be notified of the
possible change to the truck route ordinance.
The question was asked of Mr. Barnes, how long would the newly
resurfaced street last with the truck traffic and how long would it
last without the traffic?
Barnes stated that he would have to become familiar with
Tarrant County specifications and also get core samples of the
road, before he could answer the question.
Councilmember Muller stated that because of the condition of the
road, she has always voluntarily gone around and it is not that
much of an inconvenience.
Councilmember Hall stated she considered South Carroll Ave an
unsafe road for any truck.
Mayor Fickes commented that the consensus is that City Council
would like to have staff continue to work on this ordinance change.
A~enda Item #14. Developers A~reement, SouthRid~e, Phase I
Mr. Sean Randoll, with Arvida Communities, 15303 Dallas
Parkway, Dallas, was present to answer questions for the City
Council in regards to the Developers Agreement. He stated that
this phase consists of 70 lots and they agreed to be complete by
November 15, 1989.
A discussion was held in reference to certificates of occupancies
being issued prior to tying on to a sewer system. The alternatives
to this issue were discussed at length. The developer agreed to the
following requirements: 1) that the subdivision be connected to
the TRA Bear Creek Sewer when it becomes available; 2) should the
TRA Bear Creek line not be available, the City of Southlake
pursue with the City of Colleyville, and agreement to allow
Arvida Communities to connect with Colleyville's sewer until
the TRA Bear Creek line becomes available; 3) should the TRA
line not be available in time for C.O.'s and the City of
Colleyville line not be available, the developer agreed to
City Council Minutes
August 1, 1989
page seven
Agenda Item 914 Continued
install holding tanks and to pump the sewer at its cost, subject to
the approval and requirements of the Texas Water Commission, until
such time the TRA Bear Creek sewer lines become available. The
city agrees to treat the sewer at no cost to the developer. The
developer will pay for pumping until March 30. At that time, the
city will bear the cost of pumping if the sewer is still not
Motion was made to approved the Developers Agreement
upon the city staff and the developers working out
discussed this evening.
Motion: Springer
Second: wilhelm
Ayes: Springer, Wilhelm, Hall
Nays: Muller
Approved: 3-1 vote
the items
City Council adjourned into a short recess.
Agenda Item 915 Variance to Administrative Freeze
The city manager explained the reasons for the request for a
variance to the administrative freeze by granting a building permit
for the purpose of renovating a building. The request is made by
Memo Industrial, 1950 E. Continental Blvd. Southlake.
Motion was made to grant the variance to the administrative freeze,
contingent upon all building codes being complied with, and all
building permits being issued.
Motion: Springer
Second: Muller
Ayes: Springer, Muller, Hall,
Nays: None
Approved: 4-0 vote
Agenda Item #16 Letter of Agreement, re Cross Timber Hills
A discussion was held in reference to authorizing the Mayor to
execute a Letter of Agreement between Ten Bar Property Company,
Cross Timber Hills Homeowners Association, and the City of
Southlake, for maintenance responsibility pertaining to
headwalls and entrance medians in Cross Timber Hills Addition.
Motion was made to table this item
discussed between the parties involved.
Motion: Wilhelm
Second: Muller
Ayes: wilhelm, Muller, Hall, Springer
Nays: None
Approved: 4-0 vote
until it can be further
City Council Minutes
August 1, 1989
page eight
Agenda Item #17. Fiscal Year 1990 Budget
The City Manager, Curtis Hawk, presented the draft of the Fiscal
Year 1990 Budget. He gave a brief overview of the budget, stating
that the effective tax rate is 35.9¢ and the current tax rate is
The major changes include: 1) traffic enforcement program, adding
two police officers, 2) community service officer (with cost shared
with school district, 3) adding a full time fire inspection program
to the Fire Department, 4) adding three street maintenance workers(
two, which were cut from current budget and the addition of one
more), 5) expand the computer terminals and software, 6) an
organizational change, creating a Department of Support Services.
The General Fund Budget will consist of the following:
City Secretary/Mayor/City Council Department
City Manager Department
Finance Department
Municipal Court Department
Support Services Department
Mr. Hawk added that in regards to personnel, he is proposing
setting aside 5% of the total personnel budget, preparing a salary
schedule, implementing performance evaluations, preparing job
descriptions, and coming back to council with a complete pay plan
and implementation in January, 1990.
He added that a draft of the Fiscal Year 1990 Budget has been
presented to the City Secretary for public review. The first
public hearing on the budget will be held on August 15, 1989, as
per city charter.
Agenda Item #19 Public Forum
Donna Hallay- 222 Westwood Drive
She speaks for buffer yards in areas around residential areas, with
industrial next to them. She feels the city need something to
protect the property owners.
In the noise ordinance which was proposed, the intent did not seem
unreasonable to her. She brought it up because of the potential of
residential next to industrial in her neighborhood.
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August 1, 1989
page nine
A~enda Item #19 Continued
Morris Farmer- North of Tiffany Acres
It's the different noise that wakes you up! Mr. Hess is the best of
the bunch as far as cooperation. The times of allowed operation
is confusing to them, in regards to the noise ordinance.
Tim Farmer- Davis Blvd. North of Tiffany Acres
In reference to the noise ordinance-- not only do they make noise
in the mornings, they make noise in the evenings also.
As far as Tiffany Acres and H&S Properties- What can we do now to
make them comply since zoning did not go through.
Mayor Fickes answered, maybe H&S Properties will request zoning
again. They did not oppose the zoning, only the restrictions the
city placed on him.
Mr. Farmer stated that if the city could control the noise and
dust, their will be no complaints from the property owners in that
area. He asked about paving Michael Drive.
Kathy Farmer- North of Tiffany Acres
She is concerned about tickets being issued and appealed to the
county. Violators are fined and just do it again. Something
needs to be done, because they are getting tired of being told, "we
are trying" by the city.
Public hearing closed.
A~enda Item #20 Executive Session
An executive session was held pursuant to the Open Meetings Law,
Article 6252-17, Section 2(e) and 2(g), under the provision dealing
with Litigations and Personnel. (Refer to posted list of
litigations and personnel).
Mayor Fickes stated the reason for the executive session is for
Council to discuss pending or contemplated litigations and
personnel matters, including Boards and Commissions.
Council adjourned to executive session at 11:30 p.m.
Council convened into open session
City Council Minutes
August 1, 1989
page ten
A~enda Item #21 Action Necessary in re~ards to Litigation
Curtis Hawk, city manager, explained for the audience, that the
city council has had a chance to review the documents in what is
known as the Garrett et al vs. City of Southlake Lawsuit.
There are three provisions in the settlement, including: 1) the
city agreed to execute a deed without warranty conveying all the
defendants rights, title and interest that is the city's to that
property, 2) the city will regrade the property that was altered by
the city when they began digging, and the city has agreed to plant
grass seed, and, 3) the city has agreed to pay the court fees in
the amount of $851.
Motion was made to authorize the City Manager
the compromising settlement agreement in
vs. City of Southlake lawsuit.
Motion: Springer
Second: Hall
Ayes: Springer, Hall, Muller and Wilhelm
Nays: None
Approved: 4-0 vote
and Mayor to execute
the Garrett et al
Mayor Fickes noted that the McGuire Claim is off the list, in
that the Department of Labor will not pursue the case, and also,
the Donald Sellers Claim will have been dismissed by the next city
council meeting.
A~enda Item #22. Action Necessary Personnel Boards and
Mayor Fickes stated that no action is necessary in regards to
Personnel, Board and Commissions.
Mayor Pro Tem Springer stated she would like to have on the next
agenda, appointment to Parks Commission and also, a Southlake
Economic Development Council appointment.
A~enda Item #18 New Proposed Zonin~ Ordinance
Henry Frost- appearing for Vibra Whirl had questions in regards
to the time schedule for the new ordinance, including public
hearing dates.
Mayor Fickes announced that work sessions will be held on August 7
& 8 in regards to the ordinance, beginning at 7:00 p.m. at city
City Council Minutes
August 1, 1989
page eleven
Agenda Item #18 Continued
Section 47 Special Use Permits for Alcoholic Beverages was
discussed during the meeting. Betsy Elam, City Attorney, is to
check on the percentage of mix as shown on Page 47-1. On Page 50-1,
she is to check on the amount of fine for violation of this section
of the ordinance.
Agenda Item ~23 Adjournment
Motion was made to adjourn the meeting.
Motion: Wilhelm
Second: Springer
Ayes: wilhelm, Springer, Hall, Muller
Nays: None
Approved: 4-0 vote
S~ndra L. LeGrand ~i ~ ~ ~
City Seeretary ~ i f/~\~c'~ :' ~
Mayor of/Southlake