JULY 24, 1989
667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas
TIME: 7:00 P.M.
1. Call to order.
2. Discussion: New Proposed Zoning Ordinance No. 480.
3. Meeting Adjourned.
I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the official
bulletin board at city hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake,
Texas, on Thursday, July 20, 1989 at 5:00 p.m. pursuant to the Open
s Law, Article 6252-17 V.T.A.S.
Sandra L. LeGrand ~ ~... .. / ~
% '. ............ ·
667 N. Carroll Avenue
July 24, 1989 7:00 P.M.
Present: Mayor
Council Members:
Gary Fickes; Mayor Pro Tem Betty Springer.
Rick Wilhelm, Pamela Muller, Sally Hall and Ralph
City Staff Present: Curtis Hawk, City Manager; Mike Barnes,
Director of Public Works; Eddie Cheatham, City Engineer; Karen
Gandy, Zoning Administrator; Allen Taylor; City Attorney.
The work session was called to order at 7:15 p.m. by Mayor Gary
Fickes, who stated that this work session may be continued each
night this week in an effort to complete the review of the new
proposed zoning ordinance No. 480.
A copy of the changes to the proposed ordinance, ~L]~aft #1 dated,
May 18, 1989 is hereby attached to the~~
~or ~[ry Fyckes
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/~hdra L. Le~r~nd ~ ~/~ ~
City Secretarv %' %~ F ~../
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City Council Work Session: Jul~ 24, 1989
ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 480- Draft #1 dated May 18, 1989
Councilmembers Present: Mayor Gary Fickes,
Tem,BettySpringer, Sally Hall, Rick Wilhelm, Ralph
Pamela Muller
Page 26-1
Page 26-1
Page 26-2
Page 27-1
Page 27-2
Page 26-1
Page 27-1
Page 27-1
Page 27-4
Change name from "C-5" to "B-2"
Section 26-2. Delete 1 and 2
Pawn Shops go to Planning and Zoning Commission and
City Council if the Zoning Administrator has a
problem with where to place it.
5. Add "and sales"
Change name from "C-6" to "B-l"
Section 27.3 add "n" and "P" from Page 36-4
Section 26.1 add "n" and "p" from Page 36-4
B-1 add "any use permitted in O-1 category is a
Section 27-2
Section 27.7
Sandra L. LeGrand
City Secretary
Permitted Uses, delete #1 and #6.
a.(1) change 110 decibels to 85
change hours to 9 p.m.
change "Ldn" to "Leq"
change "Ldn" to "Leq"
and 6 a.m.
and "75" to "65
Work Session July 25, 1989, Continued from July 24, 1989
Proposed Zoning Ordinance #480
Present: Mayor Fickes; Councilmembers: Pamela Muller,
Evans, Rick Wilhelm, and Betty Springer.
pg. 28-3
pg. 28-4
pg. 28-5
pg. 28-5
pg. 29-2
pg. 29-7
pg. 29-8
pg. 29-10
pg. 30-1
pg. 31-1
pg. 31-1
pg. 19-3
pg. 32-5
Section 28.4, Special Exception. Outside storage
may be allowed if approved by ZBA. (Staff to
develop guidelines, site plan, screening
requirements, etc.)
h. unless approved by ZBA through Special Exception.
b. leave outside storage areas with Special
c. leave outside storage areas with Special
Delete numbers 23, 26, 31, and 33
Section 25.5:
f. have Allen Taylor look at "of a lot" and compare
with definition
add Outside storage allowed only in
accordance with Section 40. (consistent with
Section 29.7. Performance Standards - match up with
B-1 and I-l, hours and noise
Section 29.7 (e). Odor - have Allen Taylor look
at and check into how to enforce, etc.
Section 30.2, delete "except that suite
Word in the State's requirement for tie downs.
Section 31.2 (c). possibly delete check with Allen
Taylor to see why here.
Section 19.6. Usable Open Space -change to 250
sq. ft. of usable open space.
City/Developer Agreement include (5) a
maintenance requirement for open space--who will
pg. 32-4 Change wording from "infeasible" to "may not be
feasible and it may be unrealistic..."
work Session July 25, 1989, Continued from July 24,
Proposed Zoning Ordinance #480
Page 2
pg. 33-1
pg. 35-1
pg. 35-1
pg. 35-2
pg. 35-4
pg. 35-6
pg. 35-7
pg. 36-3
pg. 36-5
Section 33. Allen Taylor to make sure latest
amendments of S-P-1 ordinances are included.
Section 35.3 (a), add that barbed wire prohibited
in zoned and platted SF districts.
Section 35.4, change to "...promptly removed within
30 days after the earlier of the 2 the substantial
completion of the construction or the issuance of a
certificate of occupancy."
Section 35.5 (a), delete entire paragraph.
Section 35
Taylor why
.9 (a), possibly delete,
was this put in.
check with Allen
Section 35
.13 and 35.14, check wording/definition on
use." Is non-conforming use a permitted
Section 35.18 delete I-3
g. possible special exception for taller antenna.
Pamela Muller to check on height.
q. add B-1 and B-2.
s. if in excess of maximum height take
s. add B-1 and B-2.
5. add B-1 and B-2.
to ZBA.
Thoroughfare Plan. It was noted that the thoroughfare plan
needed to be worked on.
Swimming Pools. In hotel districts we will want controlled
access to pool area. Staff is to check, and the issue can be
addressed during site plan review.
B-1 and B-2 districts. Check entire ordinance and change or
add where appropriate zoning districts B-1 and B-2. C-5
should be changed to B-2 and C-6 should be B-1.
Work Session July 26, 1989, continued from July 25, 1989
Zoning Ordinance No. 480- Draft 91 dated May 18, 1989
Councilmembers Present: Mayor, Gary Fickes. Pamela
Rick Wilhelm.
Page 36-3
(g) change to allow for Special Exception to the
height of radio antennae in residential districts.
Page 36-5 (s) change to allow for 35' tower in C-2,C-3,C-4
and a 60' tower in B-l, B-2, I-l, I-2
Page 36-2
Page 37-2
Page 37-7
page 37-9
Page 37-8
Page 37-8
Page 38-3
Page 38-3
Page 38-3
Page 38-3
Page 38-7
Page 38-1
Page 40-1
Page 40-2
Section 37.3 (b) delete
Section 37.7 remove "C-5" and add "B-1 and B-2"
Section 37.7 remove "5%" and add "to be in
compliance with state and federal regulations"
(e) remove "zoning districts" and add "area"
(c) add this section in all districts.
(3 at top of page) delete
(b) remove "I-3" and add "I-2" also, change "will"
to "may"
(2) remove "I-3" and add"I-2"
(b) remove statement printed and add "no loading
space will be located closer than 50' to any lot in
any residential district."
Add "d" "all parking loading spaces and vehicle
sales areas on private property shall not park
motor vehicles in any required landscape areas,
prevent any parked vehicles from over hanging a
public right of way line or public side walk on
property line"
(b) check with the city attorney on this statement
as written in this ordinance.
Section 38.2 change "retail" to "conu~ercial"
Section 40.2 (2) add "or fence"
(d) Delete paragraph "d" at the top of page
Work Session July 26, 1989 continued
Page 46-9
(p) omit "C-3" from this section.
Page 46-9 (q) change "C-5" to "B-2"
Page 40-3
Section 40.4 (a) change "C-5" to "B-2"
Rick Wilhelm will look into screening
lots. Also screening on roof tops.
in parking
Check with the city attorney: If the site plans go
to P&Z and City Council, does the staff need to
advertise them and send notices to property owners
within 200'.
Page 43-1
Section 43.3 (e) add "and variances from" after
B-i, B-2 should have a concept plan. Should a
concept plat be required in C-4, I-l, and I-2, as
well? Discuss this issue with the entire council.
Add to each section under Development Site Plan
"for a building permit" removing "each development
Page 25-3 Section 25.6
Page 26.6 Section 26.6
Page 27.3 Section 27.6
Page 28-5 Section 28.6
Page 29-7 Section 29.6
Page 24-2
17. Delete: " Hotels, Motels, or Motor Hotels"
Sandra L. LeGrand
City Secretary