667 N. Carroll Avenue
June 20, 1989 7:30 p.m.
Present: Mayor, Gary Fickes; Mayor Pro Tem, Betty Springer.
Councilmembers: Sally Hall, Rick Wilhelm, Ralph Evans and Pamela
City Staff Present: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager; Fire Chief, R.P.
Steele; City Engineer, Eddie Cheatham; City Attorney, E. Allen
Taylor and Karen Gandy, Zoning Assistant.
Invocation: Ralph Evans
A work session was held beginning at 6:30 p.m. for the purpose of
reviewing agenda items for tonight's meeting.
Agenda Item #2. Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the June
Motion: Springer
Second: Evans
Ayes: Springer, Evans,
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0 vote
6, City Council meeting were
Hall, wilhelm, Muller
approved as
The minutes of the June 12, Special
approved as presented.
Motion: Springer
Second: Evans
Ayes: Springer, Hall, Wilhelm, Muller
Nays: None
Abstention: Evans
Approved: 4-0-1
City Council meeting were
Agenda Item ~3. Mayor's Report
Mayor Fickes announced that tonight's meeting will be conducted out
of order with the agenda. Also that agenda item ~12, Ordinance No.
480, will be a discussion rather than a consider item.
Agenda Item #4. Cit~ Manager's Report
Curtis Hawk reported that the department reports were in the
packets and if Council had any questions, he would be glad to
answer them.
City Council Minutes
June 20, 1989
page two
A~enda Item #4 Continued
Mr. Hawk stated we have a list of public property that has been
damaged by the recent rains, including; bridges, roads and
culverts. We have had the opportunity to apply for disaster
relief. The governor declared a number of Texas counties including
Tarrant County, a disaster area, eligible for federal relief.
We have submitted our name to them and they will be coming out in
the very near future to inspect those facilities that have been
damaged. Those that are determined damaged are eligible for 75-25%
participation in the correction of those.
Disaster relief is also available to citizens. There is a Hot-Line
number at city hall for those who may have a problem.
We have again for the third consecutive month, received more sales
tax receipts as for the same period last year. One reason, one of
our accounts had been going to Roanoke. Because of several things,
we will be close to budget projections this year.
A~enda Item #5. Ordinance No. 481. Adopting 1988 UBC Swimming
Pool, Spa and Fence Code
Ordinance No. 481, 1st reading, amending Ordinance No. 344 by
adopting the 1988 UBC Swimming Pool, Spa and Fence Code, was
discussed. Mr. Hawk explained the change from Ordinance No. 344
which we are now under.
Mayro Pro Tem Springer stated she is uncomfortable with a four
(4)' fence around pools. She feels small children can go over a
four (4)' fence easier than a six (6)' fence. She is also opposed
to the 6" sphere openings in the fence.
Councilmember Hall stated she agrees with Springer in that swimming
pool deaths in children are the biggest cause of death in
children. She wants to stay with the UBC but would like to see
council amend it.
Motion was made to adopt the UBC with the amendment leaving a
four (4) feet fence and having a four (4) inch maximum on the pass
through sphere, making the latch 3 1/2 feet from the ground on the
Motion: Wilhelm
Second: Evans
Ayes: Wilhelm, Evans
Nays: Springer, Muller and Hall
Denied: 2-3 vote
City Council Minutes
June 20, 1989
page three
Item 95 Continued
Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 481, 1st reading
amending it to read, a five (5) feet fence, and the gate latch
being no less than four (4) feet from the ground and the pass
through sphere no more than four (4)inches.
Motion: Springer
Second: Muller
Ayes: Springer, Muller, Hall, Wilhelm and Evans
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0 vote
Mayor Fickes read the caption in regards to consent agenda items.
Agenda Item 96 & 913 Consent Agenda Items
Resolution No. 89-40 In support of Highway 114/121
corridor study.
Travel Policies.
Motion was made to approve the consent agenda, amending the travel
policies as discussed in the work session.
Motion: Springer
Second: Muller
Ayes: Springer, Muller, Hall, Wilhelm and Evans
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0 vote
Agenda Item #15. Executive Session
An executive session was held pursuant to the Open Meetings Law,
Article 6252-17, Section 2(e) and Section 2(g), under the provision
dealing with Litigations and Personnel. (Refer to posted list of
litigations and personnel).
Mayor Fickes stated the reason for the executive session is for
Council to discuss pending or contemplated litigations and
personnel matters, including Boards and Commissions.
Council convened in Executive Session at 8:00 p.m.
City Council Minutes
June 20, 1989
page four
Council reconvened in Open Session at 10:00 p.m.
Agenda Item 97. Ordinance No. 334-58, 2nd reading
A zoning request for a 2.45 acre tract of land out of the Jesse G.
Allen Survey, Abstract No. 18, Tracts 6C2 and 6C1A. Present
zoning is Agricultural with a request for the Industrial-1 and
Industrial-2 zoning district. Owners: Leslie Hughes and Mark
Stanfield, dba H&S Properties, Inc.
Mayor Fickes read a letter from H&S Properties, where they
requested the zoning request be withdrawn.
Motion was made to accept the withdrawl of
ZA 88-35 and authorize the city secretary
records of the city that Ordinance No. 334-58 was not
effective because it was not passed on second reading.
Motion: Wilhelm
Second: Springer
Ayes: Wilhelm, Springer, Hall, Evans and Muller
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0 vote
the applicants for
to reflect on the
made fully
Mayor Fickes stated he thinks council may have stubbed their toe on
this in some way because of the requirement that was placed on the
owners in regards to the road. Now we don't have the control on
the property that we might have had. They were willing to accept
Industrial-1 zoning, it was the dirt road that was the problem.
They might come back at some later date when they need zoning.
Councilmember Hall stated she does not think city council stubbed
their toe, as it was a reasonable direction by council to get some
resemblance of control and organization regarding this industrial
zoning. Council backed off of masonry, we didn't require a paved
surface, just dust free, all in compliance with council's regards
for health, safety and welfare. If the owner doesn't wish to
follow, it is his opinion, we are no better off than we were
before, he is still a non conforming use.
A~enda Item %8. ZA 89-17 Final plat, Chivers Park.
The final plat of Chivers Park was discussed. Karen Gandy, zoning
assistant, gave a presentation.
Jim Burger, partner in the Highland Group Joint Venture, was
present and answered questions for the council.
City Council Minutes
June 20, 1989
page five
Agenda Item #8 Continued
Councilmember wilhelm stated he wants the 15' utility easement to
be identified and labeled on the plat, rather than a dash line.
When asked about the perimeter street, Mr. Burger stated he was not
told about the ordinance being enforced.
Mayor Fickes stated the perimeter street ordinance is one of the
projects that the newly formed technical review committee will be
looking at.
Motion was made to approved ZA 89-17, waiving the requirement to
pave perimeter streets, pursuant to the subdivision control
Motion: Wilhelm
Second: Evans
Ayes: wilhelm, Evans, Muller, Hall and Springer
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0 vote
Mayor Pro Tem Springer stated she wants the check list for
developments revised and made perfectly clear.
Davis Bradley, with Highland Group Joint Venture, stated they
accept the perimeter street concept on Lot 4 of Chivers Park.
Councilmember Sally Hall stepped down for agenda items
~9 and #10, as being a property owner within 200'
Agenda Item #9. Ordinance No. 334-59, 1st reading.
Ordinance No. 334-59, 1st reading (ZA 89-14) Zoning request for
a 17.876 acre tract of land out of the Heirs of Christopher Dart
Survey, Abstract NO. 2003 and the W.H. Martin Survey, Abstract No.
1068 was discussed. The present zoning is Agricultural, with a
request for the Single-Family 1 Zoning District. Owners: DDFW
Triangle Properties, Inc. and Bob Petty. This is a public hearing.
Karen Gandy, zoning assistant gave a presentation stating the
future land use map shows medium density for the property. During
the June 8, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, they
recommended approval as requested.
Public Hearing
Don Peebles,
Peebles Associates, answered questions for the
City Council Minutes
June 20, 1989
page six
Agenda Item #9 Continued
No further comments during the public hearing.
Motion was made to approved Ordinance No. 334-59,
Motion: Muller
Second: Springer
Ayes: Muller, Springer, Wilhelm, Evans
Nays: None
Approved:4-0 vote (Hall stepped down for the item)
1st reading as
Agenda Item #10 ZA 89-15 Preliminary Plat of Hillwood Estates
A preliminary plat of Hillwood Estates, a 17.876 acre tract of
land out of the Heirs of Christopher Dart Survey, Abstract No. 2203
and the W.H. Martin Survey, Abstract No. 1068 was discussed.
The owners; DDFW Triangle Properties, Inc. and Bob Petty, were
present for the meeting to answer questions.
After discussion, motion was made to approve the preliminary plat
of Hillwood Estates, subject to a change in the street names and
correction of the calls on the preliminary plat.
Motion: Muller
Second: Evans
Ayes: Muller, Evans, Wilhelm, Springer
Nays: None
Approved: 4-0 vote (Hall stepped down for this item)
Agenda Item #11. Ordinance No. 334-60, 1st readin~
Ordinance No. 334-60, 1st reading was discussed. The zoning
request is for a 73.188 acre tract of land out of the N.E. Thompson
Survey, Abstract No. 1563. The concept plan was also presented.
The current zoning is Agricultural, with a request for Single
Family 20.0B Zoning. The owners, DDFW Properties, Inc. and Bob
Petty were present to answer questions for the Council.
Mr. Wayne Lee, owner, stated the lots abutting Emerald Estates are
over 30,000 square feet in size. He also noted that the entry
markers for the subdivision will be maintained by the homeowners
The staff presentation was made by Karen Gandy, zoning assistant.
City Council Minutes
June 20, 1989
page seven
A~enda # 11 Continued
A discussion was held in regards to an easement being provided on
the preliminary plat for future ingress/egress off Lonesome Dove
Councilmember Hall stated, since there will be no school bus
pick-up in that area, she would like to see a sidewalk or walkway
for children to use to and from school.
Public Hearin~
Michael Totin- 1230 Taylor Street
He contacted thirty (30) people in Emerald Estates and they all
wanted one acre next to them and not 30,000 square feet lots. He
asked City Council to amend the ordinance to allow for one acre
next to one acre. The drainage ditches in Emerald Estates are
always full. That subdivision needs sewer before anyone else.
They also need their culverts checked for size.
Public hearing closed.
Mayor Fickes read the caption of ordinance No. 334-60 as required
by city charter.
Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 334-60, 1st reading
provided the five (5) lots south on Court D be 30,000 square feet
and zoned 20.0A with the remaining lots being zoned 20.0B.
Motion: Springer
Second: Evans
Ayes: Springer, Evans, Hall, Wilhelm and Muller
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0 vote
A~enda Item #12 Ordinance No. 480, 1st reading.
A discussion was held in regards to Ordinance No. 480, the city's
new proposed zoning ordinance.
As stated during the Mayor's Report, this item will not be acted
upon as a 1st reading tonight.
City Council Minutes
June 20, 1989
page eight
A~enda Item 912 Continued
Public Hearing:
Mary Knuff- 1381 Lakeview Drive
She expressed concern over "MH" being adjacent to Cross Timber
Hills Estates on the new zoning map. During the June 12, work
session, it was stated that this zoning was placed there in error,
however, it is still on the map.
Jim Martin- 768 Bandit Trail, Colleyville
The city council is aware of what he needs for
as Jellico Corner.
his property, known
John Levitt- Levitt Engineering
He expressed concern over the set-backs in residential areas. He
is seeing problems in working up plats, with all the set-backs, it
leaves a very small building pad. He is asking City Council to
look at this and reduce the front set backs to 30' or 35'
Wayne Lee-
He is also having problems with
to take a closer look at this.
set backs.
He asked City Council
Agenda Item %14. Public Forum
There were no comments during the public forum.
Agenda Item #16, #17 Action Necessary
Mayor Fickes stated that no action is necessary as a result of
agenda item #16 and item %17.
Agenda Item #18. Resolution 89-41
Resolution 89-41 was approved naming Art Sorenson as chairman
the Board of Adjustments and John Scoggan as vice-chairman.
Motion: Muller
Second: Springer
Ayes: Muller, Springer, Hall, Wilhelm, Evans
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0 vote
Motion was made to appoint Joe Bentley
Board of Adjustments, also in Resolution
Motion: wilhelm
Second: Evans
Ayes: wilhelm, Evans, Hall
Nays: Springer
Abstention: Muller
Approved: 3-1-1
as an alternate member to
City Council Minutes
June 20, 1989
page nine
Councilmember Springer is not questioning Mr. Bentley's
qualifications to serve on the Board of Adjustments, but rather is
concerned about the ramifications of appointing the spouse of a
current Councilmember to a board which will be hearing and voting
upon matters that potentially will have been voted upon by the
Councilmember also.
Agenda Item #19. Resolution 89-42
Resolution 89-42 was approved, appointing a technical review
committee to review certain aspects of the city's development
Motion was made to approve Resolution 89-42, naming the following
persons to the committee: Barry Emerson, Charles Curry, Jim
Wooll, Bruce McCombs, Fred Joyce, Joe Wright and Harold Knight.
Motion: Hall
Second: Evans
Ayes: Hall, Evans, Muller, Springer and Wilhelm
Nays: None
Approved:5-0 vote
Agenda Item #20. Adjqurnment
Motion was made to adjourn the meeting.
Motion: Muller
Second: Hall
Ayes: Muller, Hall, Evans, Wilhelm and Springer
Nays: None
Approved:5-0 vote
BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, in and for said
State of Texas, on this day personally appeared s• _.. /R. H LL +
who after being by me duly sworn, did on oath tt,ate that he has an
interest, as described below, in Agenda Item No. _9 - /pof the rti,J -- . -.
O 1981, City Council Agenda, as described below, and that he
is executing this Affidavit of Interest and shall refrain from any
vote or decision thereon, all as required by Article 988b, Texas
Civil Statutes Annotated
Agenda Item:__ Q __ -_
Interest Disclosed:. - - - L a ; - - , q00
_ - 1� -
Signature of Elected or Appointed
City Official of the City of South-
lake, Texas. ���� �
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June 14, 1989 ` q � f `�
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City of Southlake t
667 N. Carroll Avenue
Southlake, Texas 76092
Attention: Mayor, City Council Members, City Manager & City Secretary
Re: Zoning Application for H & S Properties
Leslie Hughes and Mark Stanfield, co- owners of H & S Properties, respectfully
request withdrawal of their application for I -1 and 1 -2 zoning because of changes
by the City Council to strictly I -1 zoning.
H & S ipperties
Leslie Hughes
Mark Stanfield
MAY 31, 1989
Property $1,601,824 $1,600,673
Sales $168 600 $167,290
Franchise $159, $167 638 $182,097
Licenses and Permits $85,918 $88,489
Charges for Services $26,912 $18,709
Fines $239,400 $147,564
Interest $3,460 $18,064
Miscellaneous $9,171 $14,864
Total Revenues $2,294,923 $2,237,750 $0 $0
General Government:
City Sec /Mayor /Council $55,127 $56,904 $404 $57,308
Administration $283,990 $338,897 $603 $339,500
Court 593,774 $78,508 $0 $78,508
Total Gen. Gov't $432,891 $474,309 $1,007 $475,316
Public Satety:
Fire $238,302 $232,873 $823 $233,496
Police $503,514 $469,548 $5,081 $474,629
Building $90,309 $80,971 $0 $80,971
Total Pub. Satety Sti3U,125 $783,192 $5,904 $789,096
Public Works:
Streets $295,864 $138,666 $5,606 $144,272
Parks $35,271 $21,444 $1,179 $22,623
Public Works $21,269 $20,208 $0 $20,208
Total Public Works $352,404 $180,318 $6,785 $187,103
Total Expenditures $1,615,420 $1,437,819 $13,696 $1,451,515
Excess Rev. (Expenditures) $679,503 $799,931
Other Financing Sources (Uses):
Debt Service Transfers ($108,515) ($58,959)
`trans. Out- Police Fund 1/89 ($13,848)
Excess Revenues & Other
Financing Sources over
Expenditures & Other
Financing Uses - Actual $570,988 $727,124
Fund Balance 10/01/88 ($90,531) ($90,531)
Prior Period Add. ($4,015) ($4,015)
Fund Balance 5/31/89 $476,442 $632,578
City of Southlake, Texas
June 12, 1989
TO: Mr. Hawk
FROM: Renee McCarty
SUBJECT: Reasons for large May sales tax disbursement
I called the State Comptroller's office today after
receiving our May sales tax disbursement. I was concerned
that an error occurred since it had increased by 75% over
last year for the same period.
The Mr. Faner from their office assured me that the
disbursement was correct. He gave me the following reasons
for the large amount the City received this month.
1. We had some accounts that filed late.
2. One account had been reporting to Roanoke in
error. Also, that account's sales increased
significantly over last year.
3. Generally, Southlake's sales increased slightly.
4. Approximately $8,000 of the disbursement was
associated with IBM functions. If IBM brings
anything in from out of state for the portion of
their buildings that are on the Southlake side, we
still receive sales tax on those items. The
example he gave was communications equipment.
City of Southlake, Texas
June 12, 1989
TO: Mr. Hawk
FROM: Renee McCarty
SUBJECT: Sales Tax Summary through 6/12/89
October, 1988 - May, 1989
OCT $ 27,970 $ 35,715 -21.69
NOV 15,428 22,647 -31.88
DEC 17,830 16,323 9.23
JAN 26,756 32,703 -18.19
FEB 15,894 13,163 20.75
MAR 14,788 9,325 58.47
APR 48,635* -6.58
(13,281) 35,353 37,845
MAY 27,825 15,510 75.40
TOTAL $ 181,844 $ 183,231 -.76
Based on the percent decrease calculated on the total year
to date receipts compared to the same period last year,
sales tax collections will be $297,720 for fiscal year 1989,
a difference of $2,280.
* The April receipt includes $13,281 in back taxes
collected as a result of the tax consultant's
investigations. Our regular monthly receipt amounts to
$35,353. The year to date total of is calculated based
upon the regular receipts, in order to facilitate
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FISCAL YEAR 1988 -89
Beginning Cash Balance 8,324 79,343 7,877 141,224 107,529
Deposits 399,159 164,041 355,553 963,986 350,601
Investments (785,000)(160,000)
Accounts Payable (232,437i (64, 788)(110,552)(118,685)(132,930)
Payroll (84,284)(139,661) (94,741) (93,996) (92,108)
Debt Service (11,419) (31,058) (16,913)
Ending Cash Balance 79,343 7,877 141,224 107,529 73,092
Beginning Cash Balance 73,092 52,012 14,325
Deposits 425,635 178,028 244,413
investments dd
Accounts Payable (343,88511(123,805) (95,767)
Payroll (89,413) (91,910)(139,752)
Debt Service U
Ending Cash Balance 65,429 14,325 23,219 0 0
1. 225000 Tax Anticipation Notes
2. 175972 Pay ott commercial loan
3. Redemption of Certificates of Deposit
4. Pay off of lax Anticipation Notes
5. Redemption of Certificate of Deposit
6. Redemption of Certificate of Deposit
Beginning Balance:
$ 14,325
05/05/89 $ 19,851
49,868& $ 16,739 $ 45,219 $ $ 22,086
05/12/89 24,600 27,715 18,971
05/19/89 66,045 6,911 45,714 32,391
05/26/89 16,392 6,178 42,605
06/02/89 67,657 38,224 48,819 23,219
& Redemption of Certificates of Deposit
Average Weekly Deposit: $ 38,909
(excluding footnoted items)
Average Weekly Disbursement
(excluding footnoted items): 19,153
Average Payroll: 46,584
Total Certificates of Deposit to Date: 520,000