1989-04-18 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 N. Carroll Avenue Regular City Council Meeting April 18, 1989 7:30 p.m. Councilmembers Present: Mayor Pro Tem, Betty Springer; Sally Hall, Jim Wooll, Ralph Evans and Pamela Muller. Councilmember Absent: Mayor Johnny H. Westerholm City Staff Present: City Manager, Curtis E. Hawk; Director of Public Works, Bill LeGrand; Fire Chief, R.P. Steele; City Engineer, Greg Last; City Attorney, Allen Taylor and Karen Gandy from the Zoning Department was present to make presentations on zoning items. Invocation: Jim Wooll. Work Session: A work session was held beginning at 6:30 p.m. for the purpose of reviewing the items on the agenda. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Pro Tem, Betty Springer at 7:30 p.m. A~enda Item 92. Approval of the Minutes The minutes of the March 30, Special City Council approved as amended. Motion: wooll Second: Hall Ayes: Wooll, Hall, Evans, Springer, and Muller Nays: None Approved: 5-0 vote. meeting were The minutes of the April 4, also approved as amended. Motion: Hall Second: Evans Ayes: Hall, Evans, Wooll, Nays: None Approved: 5-0 vote. 1989 Regular City Council Springer and Muller meeting were A~enda Item ~3. Mayor's Report There were no comments under the Mayor's Report except that Mayor Westerholm is unable to attend tonight's meeting. City Council Minutes April 18, 1989 page two Agenda Item #4. City Manager's Report Curtis Hawk, city manager, called attention to the Departmental Reports which were in the packets. He stated that if Councilmembers had questions, the Department Heads are available to answer them. He stated that through March, revenues are $78,000 under the projected amounts. Sales tax revenues are higher by 58% for the same time last year. In regards to the budget, at the 50% mark, the city has expended only 48% of the budget. In reference to street repairs by Tarrant County, July 15, is the date the county has scheduled repairs to South Carroll Avenue. Councilmember Wooll asked for cost figures for repairs to Highland Avenue, one mile from Kim]~all Avenue to Carroll Avenue. Agenda Item #5, #6, #12, and #13. Consent items Item #5. Resolution 89-24. Authorizing the Police Chief submit applications for exempt tags for certain Police and Fire vehicles. Item #6. Resolution 89-25. Authorizing the Mayor to write a letter to the State Highway Department in request of stop lights at the intersections of Dove Road and SHll4 and White Chapel Blvd and SHll4. Item #12. Standardization of Police Weapons. Item #13. Approval of construction agreement with Assembly of God Church and authorizing the City Manager to reimburse the church for the city's share of the agreement. Motion was made to approved the consent agenda items listed above. Motion: wooll Second: Muller Ayes: wooll, Muller, Springer, Hall, Evans Nays: None Approved: 5-0 vote. City Council Meeting April 18, 1989 page three A~enda Item 97& Item ~8. Zoning Presentations Karen Gandy with the zoning department, gave agenda items #7 and #8. a presentation on There were no comments during the public hearing on the agenda items noted above. A~enda Item 97. Ord. No. 334-53, 2nd reading. Ordinance No. 334-53, 2nd reading was considered. A request for a zoning change for a 4.00 acre tract of land out of the A.H. Chivers Survey, Abstract No. 299. Present zoning is Agricultural, request was for the Retail-1 Zoning District. Applicant: Selwyn School. Mayor Pro Tem Springer read the caption of the ordinance as per city charter requirements. Motion was made to approve the zoning to Community District. Motion: Wooll Second: Muller Ayes: Wooll, Muller, Springer, Hall, Evans Nays: None Approved: 5-0 vote. Service Zoning A~enda Item #8. Ord.No.334-55, 2nd reading. Ordinance No. 334-55, 2nd reading was discussed. The request is for a zoning change for a 4.95 acre tract of land out of the A.H. Chivers Survey, Abstract No. 299. Present zoning is Agricultural, request is for the Community Service Zoning District. Applicant: Pleasant Hill Advent Christian Church. Mayor Pro Tem Springer read the caption of the ordinance. Motion 334-55, Motion: Second: Ayes: Nays: Approved: was made to approve the 2nd reading to the Community Service Zoning District. Muller Evans Muller, Evans, Springer, wooll and Hall None 5-0 vote. of Ordinance No. City Council Minutes April 18, 1989 page four Agenda Item #9. ZA 89-07 Pre Plat of Chivers Park A presentation on the preliminary plat of Chivers Park was made by Karen Gandy of the zoning department. She explained that the preliminary plat had been tabled until the zoning was in place, at the request of the applicant. A 23.935 acre tract of land out of the A.H. Chivers Survey, Abstract No. 299. Owners: Highland Group Joint Venture, Selwyn School, Inc. and Pleasant Hill Christian Advent Church. Motion was made to approved the preliminary plat of Chivers Park (ZA 89-07). Motion: Wooll Second: Muller Ayes: wooll, Muller, Hall, Evans, Springer and Muller Nays: None Approved:5-0 vote Agenda Item #10. Pre. Plat of Southwind Addition. A presentation was made on the 267.239 acre tract of land by Karen Gandy of the zoning department. It was noted that the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval of Alternate A, with items 1,2,3,4,7, & 8 being disregarded from the Cheatham review letter and the applicants being held to items 5 & 6. The City Engineers did find the plat to be compatible with the concept plan. Bruce Smith with Arvida Communities addressed the city council and explained the following items were addressed at the direction of the Planning and Zoning Commission. 1) Fred Joyce agreement. He will donate right of way of property in exchange for land for him to develop his land. 2) Length of cul-de-sac. Alternate A makes loop road bigger and got away from long cul-de-sac (now longest is 25 lots). 3) Jerry Black- concerned about the fence and tennis courts. They moved the courts and basketball goals are now forward. Mr. Black was receptive. The basketball court is not lighted. 4) At the entrance , they lost a lot, but changed lots so that the back of front two houses are not visible to the street. City Council Minutes April 18, 1989 page five Agenda Item 910 Continued Councilmember Wooll asked Mr. Smith to confirm the price of the homes in the development. It was confirmed to be from $175,000 to $250,000. It was also noted that all lots have sufficient building area. Councilmember Springer noted that there may be a problem several street names being duplicated. Mr. Smith stated," would be no problem to them, they will make adjustments". There were no public comments. with that Motion was made to approve the preliminary plat of Arvida Community subject to item ~5 and Item #6 in the Cheatham letter of March 30, being met. Motion: Wooll Second: Hall Ayes: Wooll, Hall, Springer, Evans and Muller Nays: None Approved: 5-0 vote. Agenda Item #11. Ord. No. 334-49, 2nd reading The zoning request for a 65.0 acre tract of land scheduled to be considered in second reading tonight was tabled, time certain July 5, at the request of the developer, John Moore. This was a continuation of a public hearing. Motion was made to table Ordinance No. 334-49, time certain July Motion: Wooll Second: Muller Ayes: Wooll, Muller, Springer, Evans and Hall Nays: None Approved: 5-0 vote (to table) Agenda Item ~14. Public Forum Michael Stevens, attorney for Express Concrete addressed the council in regards to his client operating their business during the night time hours. Tom Evans, general manager of Express Concrete was also present and indicated they were having problems living with Southlake Ordinance No. 435, Noise Control. He stated they are supportive of the ordinance and it is their intent to be good corporate citizens. They are under contract with Zackary Construction Co. to supply concrete to Dallas-Fort Worth Airport. City Council Minutes April 18, 1989 page six Agenda Item #14 public forum, continued They feel and believe that the spirit and intent of the ordinance will prohibit them from operating at night. They also feel they are operating in a normal manner, taking precautions to be quite and at no time are they passing through residences. There are residences that boarder the area. It is not their intent to be bad neighbors. They are concerned for the residences, however, they are abiding to a contract to serve concrete during night hours for safety reasons. Express Concrete has seven (7) other batch plants in Fort Worth, and they have tried to provide concrete from other plants but it is to far away from the DFW project. Mr. Evans stated they have attempted to work things out with the residents in the area. He would like to see the ordinance changed, to allow them to operate in an industrial area. Curtis Hawk stated there is a provision in the ordinance where the city manager can give a variance, however, he does not feel this qualifies as an emergency under the terms of Ordinance No. 435. Councilmembers directed the city secretary to place this item on the next city council agenda for consideration. Also to send letters to property owners from the area inviting them to the city council meeting. Public forum closed. A~enda Item #15. Executive Session At 8:30 p.m. council convened in executive session pursuant to the Open Meetings Law, Article 6252-17, Section 2(e), under the provision dealing with litigations and personnel (refer to posted list of litigations and personnel). Mayor Pro Tem Springer stated the reason for the executive session is for Council to discuss pending or contemplated litigations and personnel matters, including Boards and Commissions. Council reconvened in open session at 8:55 p.m. City Council Minutes April 18, 1989 page seven Agenda Item ~16 and Item #17. Action Necessary Mayor Pro Tem Springer stated that no action is necessary result of the closed session on agenda item #16 and item #17. Agenda Item 18. Adjournment Motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 9:00 p.m. Motion: Evans Second: wooll Ayes: Evans, Wooll, Springer, Hall, and Muller Nays: None Approved: 5-0 vote. ~'~ndra L. LeGrand . City Secretary as a pv/ • • C ityof South lake • Ills 1ter S • it has been consistently demonstrated since the founding of our Country that America's greatest natural resource is its volunteers; and, WHEREAS, Volunteer service has always been a distinguishing characteristic of the American people from early patriots striving to build a free nation, to neighbors helping community barn raising, to modern day neighborhood groups working to improve quality of life in their communities; and WHEREAS, the contribution that these American Volunteers make each year totals over 64 billion dollars; and WHEREAS, the citizens of Southlake are deserving of recognition for the contribution they make to improving quality of life for all citizens of Southlake; and, NOW THEREFORE, I, Mayor, Johnny H. Westerholm, do hereby proclaim April 9 through April 15 to be: VOLUNTEER WEEK PASSED AND APPROVED this 4th day of April, 1989. 1/ Mayor, City of Soutki.fnk.e City Secretary 1 ) I 19 Z ....„ tri ------___ ... - 1:1 Cr) -_, 1--4 (1) . i 0) 0 V) Z - - (1) - 5 1. "rI .—.. 0 = v 2 :.• 0 - C7; I T1 tri (ID t ' . . 0 En C C 7:1 I-1 Z , c) 6-3 = tTi n I-, ....< 'r \ I' sli .-3 t'll (-) 0 t'll Z *.., 0 Z 'cri X tri , ... c _ -3 ---, .... ,-, 1-i z c) 6-3 .........„ a 0 z tr1 CZ CI = 1-3 , g ,_. rd ......C=6‹:. .....Q . -., = n (JD 16-1 rri 6-3 I , r 410 61 WE THE UNDERSIGNED, CONCERNED CITIZENS OF SOUTHLAKE, OPPOSE THE INDUSTRIAL USE OF PROPERTY ADJACENT TO RESIDENTIAL AREAS r INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO CROSS TIMBER HILLS SUBDIVISION. li FURTHER WE INSIST THAT ALL EXISTING ZONING AND BUILDING ORDINANCES, CODES AND REGULATIONS BE ENFORCED, AND THAT "NON- CONFORMITY SHALL NOT BE ENLARGED UPON, EXPANDED OR EXTENDED AS IS THE INTENT OF THE EXISTING ZONING REGULATIONS. NAME ADDRESS J Nr A srEw izi 5 02cas rituff3M. 7 Septir4.410c- ,/ r '• / 16__sti,i;i4ti V _aoLeil,444 4.4A;a1:4_, LA, C 0 // '» 1 )4ili Jd 0 s izt4-4-6 C , /36/ 1.,940 ■ /34 werniSwvi: c A?ific:4.4) a/),-‘1X /Z V ? 400 e3t • 1 kr r [ 1 0, ill ill o ais WI OP . . . ,.. ,.. . . ... .... _. ,.. , ,. . . . , „ - T ' . • ' . . •!'sei..!'"... -- , ..,, „_, ''- , t' , : ■ .,, . . 11141 CITY '-'' WE THE UNDERSIGNED, CONCERNED CITIZEN S OF SOUTHLAKE, OPPOSE 3 THE INDUSTRIAL USE OF PROPERTY ADJACENT TO RESIDENTIAL AREAS INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO CROSS TIMBER HILLS SUBDIVISION. FURTHER WE INSIST THAT ALL EXISTING ZONING AND BUILDING ORDIN ON ANCES, CODES (ND REGULATIS BE ENFORCED, AND THAT "NON- 3 CONFORMITY SHALL NOT BE ENLARGED UPON, EXPANDED OR EXTENDED AS IS THE INTENT OF THE EXISTING ZONING REGULATIONS. 3 3 ....wilff.r.sip,t1::: ATAy /44.weed, &a4 hie, ?r, 3 .iLio-t/Litt-li-e/S 4v,A 40,1, 5 3 It i 4. ( 7 Iiiizep.v, ie 1 ,- fj-lj iSZOPI 7 , -.- 16 f r 1 I d 1 4- ,, ,i /345 ,itt 176: 7665z_ // 1 4;,,,,,__ - ..........._ 7,ora_ ., ..,, ,.._ , • .. /414 ,.. 1 / c, s'rtyi., /3 rt 64e.f.t.e.„- 7`47 76orz- 1 ii .,,, 39tifeA- 43 ee Aase;64) LcAkie7) 1 • . - .,./ 4 0) / 7 dr k 1 , v o 74f) 3 1 -----&- 141 47k ne6 4 riloove— ........t.2.2.Cf........._..„S.47.2‘z, 4, / 1 .,, ,..„.... .,. _ . . .. , „,, ._...„.,.„..,..,........ ....._ . ........- ..., ..., . „...,. ... . L i r v `,, '• - 1-, ' 1 ." . . ' ' 1 r 0 CITY SEC::,,,LL'iI.Y b WE THE UNDERSIGNED, CONCERNED CITIZENS OF SOUTHLAKF, OPPOSE THE INDUSTRIAL USE OF PROPERTY ADJACENT TO RESIDENTIAL AREAS lim INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO CROSS TIMBER HILLS SUBDIVISION. FURTHER WE INSIST THAT ALL LXIS ZONING AND BUILDING I ORDINANCES, CODES AND REGULATIONS BE ENFORCED, AND THAT "NON— [ CONFORMITY SHALL NOT BE ENLARGED UPON, EXPANDED OR EXTENDED AS IS THE INTENT OF THE EXISTING ZONING REGULATIONS. I • NAME ADDRESS iB7 0001.6 ('2 y / 0 [ . / 1 , 1 , /,-, , / , rne A iv ,,./„.s. 4C,J c pts- jO 1 1 Ir. -.00110. ..................._..... - • ...._ . . ............. .......... ....___ • . f l / 35 -ta 130- c 0 Ey-oxctjta) A ; i It 0 ' 1 6 6 c olLkou - tit,3 -4 e r . ........., . :,..,..:: . . ..,... .,.....„ . . .. ... _ , _ . . .. .... _.. .._. a ,: :7:::p .•, flo 1 f il KY? '''''''' • --': OFFIC E2 CITY. SEC:1111: WE THE UNDERSIGNED, CONCERNED CT.TIZENS OE SOUTHLAKE, OPPOsE 1 T1 IE INDUSTRIAL USE OF PROPEPTy ADJACENT TO RESIDENTIAL AREAS INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO CROSS TIMBER HILLS SUBDIVISION. FURTHER WE. INSIST THAT ALL EXISTING ZONING AND BUILDING 11 ORDINANCES, CODES AND REGULATIONS BE ENFORCED, AND THAT "NON- CONFORMITY SHALL NOT BE ENLARGED UPON, EXPANDED OR EXTENDED AS IS THE INTENT OF THE EXISTING ZONING REGMLATIONS. II NAME . ADDRESS il 1 ( i) /4( . . /.3.23......7)...._ ......„....._...J 1 2___._44?4!._____ 191/..igt.:.&13.„ek.av_k_....__ ,, ,90 lieviht„ 64-.4, 1 1 • 3a Vo i . , flq f r _...• „Wya.-1 I i 1 . ] dl_.a4atzfr...LC 401 0°rCtu-t) CLLuA ef-604 A 1 , Dow-e 1 , 1 : exit =,_i„..... .),... 1 .9 co a _La/LA.4w. 0A.A.A.k./ 1 1 . , I" ' " ' II I r 40 ,- -c<,M 1 71717rA ,: 3' --:;', F`:,•. 0 rr, • ' - , MAY 7jcg 411 CITY SECIILTARY: WE THE UNDERSIGNED, CONCERNED CITIZENS OF SOUTHLAKE, OPPOSE THE INDUSTRIAL USE OF PROPERTY ADJACENT TO RESIDENTIAL AREAS INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO CROSS TIMBER HILLS SUBDIVISION, FURTHER WE INSIST THAT ALL EXISTING ZONING AND BUILDING ORDINANCES, CODES AND REGULATIONS BE ENFORCED, AND THAT "NON— CONFORMITY SHALL NOT BE ENLARGED UPON, EXPANDED OR EXTENDED " 1 AS IS THE INTENT OF THE EXISTING ZONING REGULATIONS. 1 NAME ADDRESS i 1■4, 4- I 11((t,CAS.Jeal./.6'-- __/212_1(tzL 1 •00 acigi_s_et. i / 5 Ls w [ 4:) L . , 0.--..-- [ / 42 16.5 oi . 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V A/TIALSZ0,44.04-x) 1_3W.1._..2.a.k.edille4.4A-2,..___ '''3 . /0 " , ,- .,_...,- ../Ze..7.......73 Ce.E.EK C 0 /07..C.Z.5.7.-......_. 1 ' YMr( tl / P g i Ili &A 0 II . . .. .- - , . -,,,,•,\ ,--1,. r• , i OH. 0 WE THE UNDERSIGNED, CONCERNED CITIZENS OF SOUTHLAKE, OPPOSE THE INDUSTRIAL USE OF PROPERTY ADJACENT TO RESIDENTIAL AREAS INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO CROSS TIMBER HILLS SUBDIVISION. FURTHER WE INSIST THAT ALL EXISTING ZONING AND BUILDING ORDINANCES, CODES AND REGULATIONS DE ENFORCED, AND THAT "NON- CONFORMITY SHALL NOT BE ENLAGED UPON EXPANDED OR EXTENDED AS IS THE INTENT OF 7HE EXISTING ZCNING REGULATIONS. 1 NAME ADDRESS [ (Z0.6 1 i• 1 AI 8_6 06.,6 4.e ... - 0 .....,......_ xi / , " .. o / 353 „4 4. i . 11 •I CP ill rbs I--akeor Or o it --- , 1 • --jir 1 /t1"4-3t-t. 'SS 7 dzu6,21)-Lu ,W8:14 %ee.ftei:/-1 _ 4..._.......... 13_ ..._. _ • )01.,. E 1 , : __0.__ -..._ 17)A c)D—AILIA2 0 Ifigo_k r k .':-= -------- - -b ' • ,_:. :''''' 1 . • ., ,. OFFIC': rIT:' d 'W CITY SEC:LEL-11Y, WE THE UNDERSIGNt.D, CONCERNED CITIZENS OF SOUTHLAKE, OPPOSE : THE INDUSTRIAL USE OF PROPERTY AD ROPETCACENT TO RESIDENTI R AL AEAS INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO CROSS TIMBER HILLS SUBDIVISION. FURTHER WE. INSIST THAT ALL EXISTING ZONING AND BUILDING 3 ORDINANCES, CODES AND E. EN ATIONS 2E FORCE AN D, D THAT - "NON- CONFORMITY SHALL NOT BE ENLARGED UPON EXPANDED OR EXTENDED " AS IS THE INTENT OF THE EXISTING ZONING REGULATIONS. 3 3 ,2a 7//_, r - „iv ... 1 ........ ___ ..- ] IMO j4404cattr / . 3 ly fil )362- /4--eldieif . 0 /? Z.9.tvrt ______...______......___........._..........._ .,..),/, , # _ , 411F / 411P. ..../1.1.51/41.Lae60 3 ' 6 .# • 00 A (2 . 7 \571.....C_Led...C-ki _ _' • .., ) I 91 41111I 1 011 3W ' 9 ' 1 3 i s ” ' 13 g Wircritt • - l' C 13 `7 5 0 . 011 i 6 f L trldek. 1 1 l e,,i. F:2, rir t A r ' %IN / ' MAY ,c; 7.I.7; .....' r , 0 C: WE THE UNDERSIGNED, CONCERNED CITIZENS OF SOUTHLAKE, OPPOSE Po THE INDUSTRIAL USE OF PROPERTY ADJACENT TO RESIDENTIAL AREAS II INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO CROSS TIMBER HILLS SUBDIVISION. FURTHER WE INSIST THAT ALL EXISTING ZONING AND BUILDING P ORDINANCES, CODES AND REGULATIONS pE ENFORCED. AND THAT "NON— CONFORMITY SHALL NOT BE ENLARGED UPON, EXPANDED OR EXTENDED " AS IS THE INTENT OF THE EXISTING ZONING REGULATIONS. i NAME ADDRESS de 1 lir wa v■ , _..... i..39..0 . 7i l i,....,, f lreeerl'k . / Atcak.G.I C46‘7 , 1' C /, / 3 7 cf tr/ < -2 2. 4r .'" - ee ( -491 1 do g f-e-oc-de /3 74 ethe- coieec". / , 9 4V Plek : .../33‘...._./ kos....11A.a. ____ • ..._1 _ J i - A k . ._ . ..,._ . ,... . . _ .._. r,7 !'.'''''. ;;.. f• ;....; j :,,, ' .:',- -.--4. e:' , 3 - TII-N 2 1009 OFFME OF CITY SECRETARY. . au, WE THE UNDERSIGNED, CONCERNED CITIZENS OF SOUTHLAKE, OPPOSE 3 THE INDUSTRIAL USE OF PROPERTY ADJACENT TO RESIDENTIAL AREAS INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO CROSS TIMBER HILLS SUBDIVISION. FURTHER WE INSIST THAT ALL EXISTING ZONING AND BUILDING ORDINANCES, CODES AND REGULATIONS BE ENFORCED, AND THAT "NON- 3 CONFORMITY SHALL NOT BE ENLARGED UPON, EXPANDED OR EXTENDED " AS IS THE INTENT OF THE EXISTING ZONING REGULATIONS. .,: 1 NAME ADDRESS ..- ! :1 - -; 4.36 I 11, / Allo" 40 i-___---.7: 11 fie /ssy e.r-i‘w-e' A P tifq 1 t le/e'&041/ / 7E4 le 2. 4. tt, et 1 - :4 _ , .. / VZ Tii . 4 1 Abi 444)24/14_4(t.e 4,41--440. ii4i)ge- 1. _., _ . 0)0(i5A4.^4st_34.a.t3,_ IIIFf c ) I l& 1 V Iiiit43t(-byti . ._. d 4_ --- , A 1 1 ,.....■""1 P A . t3'7 ir (•2LIC' _____ W / 0 0 41 ■ /P/ i'/75».11 4 4 1 4VA6140. - ri-OtWAv 1.3 6 t A A f II %En 0 MAY2 1989 OFIT CE OF 0 CITY (SCREI:illY [ WE THE UNDERSIGNED, CONCERNED CITIZENS OF SOUTHLAKE, OPPOSE THE INDUSTRIAL USE OF PROPERTY ADJACENT TO RESIDENTIAL AREAS INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO CROSS TIMBER HILLS SUBDIVISION. FURTHER WE INSIST THAT ALL EXISTING ZONING AND BUILDING ORDINANCES, CODES AND REGULATIONS BE ENFORCED, AND THAT "NON- CONFORMITY SHALL NOT BE ENLARGED UPON, EXPANDED OR EXTENDED " [ AS IS THE INTENT OF THE EXISTING ZONING REGULATIONS. [ NAME ADDRESS (-- j - ,-- 0--_- -- 1 /s,Z,,,,,.171,-c-e• C e i _ i IW6 A1,40LcZ4LL..,_ E il , i- . ... /- z-.4r—& 10,e 0 ," / , / /330_ aDocihkenk._ ;010' -- 1,00 4;) _AL.,/ , f, .,,vt zilk idL,Z,If / 1344, dim_ 13aA,04 ait- li kl-t-a;i4- Ieckee„4,1102 41$34 1 3 1 43 FORGST LAJ I 74cA iip_./ 0 eA.A., c)?,),1,4 Aci. _Y141124,42 -/- // i -.1r.1V- 4 7 / C /fdy Z.4.%tt --P7€4.- &i ‚3 ri ..1.-". Itlif4. ,14;e. r oh pp _ ` - - :, 3 ' f 1KV T2 1989 =— go �w� w� ‘ill � OFFICE OF OFFICE SECRETARY CITY WE THE UNDERSIGNED, CONCERNED CITIZENS OF SOUTHLAKE, OPPOSE THE INDUSTRIAL USE OF PROPERTY ADJACENT TO RESIDENTIAL AREAS 1 INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO CROSS TIMBER HILLS SUBDIVISION. I FURTHER WE INSIST THAT ALL EXISTING ZONING AND BUILDING ORDINANCES, CODES AND REGULATIONS BE ENFORCED, AND THAT ''NON— CONFORMITY SHALL NOT BE ENLARGED UPON, EXPANDED OR EXTENDED " �� AS IS THE INTENT OF THE EXISTING ZONING REGULATIONS. | i I NAME ADDRESS mi __ __ ���� c�x���� / " 3 / 3 74 /~ .4 - -el / ' —' � —_-- ----------- --'---_____~._ _ _____ | L� /�. � '~` � err, « ���� c���� _________ __ _____ LC �� /�� /^� ---- -' �� ----- � -------- —' = -/ �� __ C��c'��� ��� _— � ' _�� �� �= � � _ _ ' __ Vr L ____ / ' ^__ _ -V ___ -- _____ __-_____��____ _____________�_-__�__Z__ 1 d ' / L � --�^/ //�1n __ -�� � "� _-_^�A����_ ' ._- �_____ �� �� P /^ ~' �r _����z ___ ,_2 s )7a ��' � � � *(1, :;:(41111,1" _ .:i� -, ' • ° _____ _ _ ) . x P _ WCZ:t41 idi .:'1 _''`_ _' __if~ - ' _ __ �_����____ ,/ '��_ '_+��� ' c� 1 ---- = - - ~ �— �--- --��-- ----- - �~� --�~=� --- / c,11"_,„t, ~ r y� � ~ ��� ` / 8� - _______ _-���__-,_=."�=-___`^+�= ���_ 1 . k8�Y� ���� '`^~'~~ '`_- OFFICE 02 CITY SECraEfil2Y. WE THE UNDERSIGNED, CONCERNED CITIZENS OF SOUTHLAKE, OPPOSE THE INDUSTRIAL USE OF PROPERTY ADJACENT TO RESIDENTIAL AREAS INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO CHDSS TIMBER HILLS SUBDIVISION. FURTHER WE INSIST THAT ALL EXISTING ZONING AND BUILDING ORDINANCES, CODES AND REGULATIONS BE ENFORCED, AND THAT "NON- CONFORMITY SHALL NOT BE ENLARGED UPON, EXPANDED OR EXTENDED " U� AS IS THE INTENT OF THE EXISTING ZONING REGULATIONS. (~ ^~- ADDRESS � ct/2)1„ 137, Adf_eaLea) - / ' Q� ���� ����� ge /� � (;) -_____________________ __________ _ _______________ • ------------------------- -- N0 ------- ------------------ wm ------------------------- ----------____________ 80 —_^~�^.~�~�~- '—^�~.~ | i / 1 ^ ^ , . ' ` � � x �J�d �� �� ��&� r89� '771 � � ��I�^� ~/ 114:) -- —� • �� �� .: -Z.::]ir � WE THE UNDERSIGNED, CONCERNED CirIZE�|S OF SOUTHLAKE, OPPOSE � I THE INDUSTRIAL USE OF PROPERTY ADJACENT TO RESIDENTIAL AREAS INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO CROSS TIMBER HILLS SUBDIVISION. FURTHER WE INSIST THAT ALL EXISTING ZONING AND BUILDING ORDINANCES, CODES AND REGULATIONS BE ENFORCED, AND THAT "NON- ]Q� CONFORMITY SHALL NOT BE ENLARGED UPON, EXPANDED OR EXTENDED " AS IS THE INTENT OF THE EXISTING ZONING REGULATIONS. II NAME ADDRESS 'ill 1/1) ^ �N � ��� � ' � �� �� ��� � (;) ________!�&��y _ k __________________________ ________________________ __________________________ _________________________ 11 ' l __________________________ _________________________ ill _________________ ____ ____________ __ i ' ;:l . 1 . 1 eiD 1 �� 1 A City of Southlake, Texas M E M O R A N D U M April 28, 1989 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCILMEMBERS FROM: Sandra L. LeGrand, City Secretary SUBJECT: Agenda Item #8. Request of Express Concrete During the public form on the City Council agenda for the April 18, 1989 meeting, Express Concrete asked to be placed on the City Council meeting agenda for May 2, 1989, as a consideration item, requesting a variance to the Noise Control Ordinance No. 435. As requested by council, on April 25, I mailed out letters to seven (7) residences on Brumlow Avenue, who will be effected by the night time operation of Express Concrete. I have attached for your convenience, a copy of the Noise Control Ordinance. LL /sl City of Southlake, Texas �. I M E M O R A N D U M April 18, 1989 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council FROM: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager SUBJECT: Agenda Item #12, Standardization of Police Weapons The Police Chief has requested that he be authorized to pursue a special program to standardize the weapons carried by the Southlake Police. Standardization will result in a number of benefits, among them control over the type of ammunition carried and an enhancement of the police uniform appearance. Currently officers in the department carry one of any number of caliber weapons, including .357, .38, .45, and 9mm. The Chief and the rank and file prefer the 9mm semiautomatic to be the weapon of choice in a standardization program. Many departments across the nation and state are beginning to convert to 9mm, including the City of Dallas and the FBI. Other agencies, including the Texas Rangers and the City of Ft. Worth, give their officers a choice of the semiautomatic 9mm or the six -shot revolver. The advantage of the 9mm over the 6 -shot revolver is the greater fire power of the semiautomatics, i.e., more rounds available at a faster rate. Given the changing nature of the drug traffickers, this advantage is significant. Choice of weapons by the individual offers, as practiced by many agencies, does not afford the advantages of - standardization. Currently, each officer purchases his own weapon. The Chief proposes to continue this practice, with the weapon of choice to be a 9mm, as indicated. To enable the individual officers to purchase the weapons, the Chief proposes to initially purchase the guns for the officers with the set -aside drug money, and have the officers reimburse the City through a payroll deduction. This is an appropriate use of the funds, and I concur with the Chief's proposal. Should you agree, we would request you approve this program with a minute order. a ll 4 /414 CEH /kb , City of Southlake, Texas • MEMORANDUM I a • March 22, 1989 TO: Bill I.cGrand FROM: Ron Morain • SUBJECT: Narrative Schedule of Pothole Patching of C_tv Streets. The following is a narrative description of the street pothole patching schedule depicted on the color coded map furnished previously. The area delineated by emerald green is designated for pot_.ole maintenance the first and third Monday each month. Streets to be covered these days are all of Lake Wood Acres Addition, North Carroll Avenue from Highway 114 to Highway 1T09, South Carroll Avenue, East Continental from South Carroll to Brumlow, Carlisle Lane, Rainbow Street, Westwood Drive, Eastwood Drive, Woodsey Court, Timberline Court, and East Haven Addition. • The area delineated by red is designated for pothole maintenance the first and third Tuesday each month. Streets to be covered these days are, East Continental from Brumlow to South Kimball, South Kimball, Bluebonnet Drive, Crooked Lane, East Southlake Blvd. from Short Avenue to Highway 114, and Oak Knolls Lakeview Addition. • I . The area delineated by royal blue is designated for pothole maintenance • the first and third Wednesday each month. Streets to be covered these days are North Kimball Avenue, Shady Lane, Rolling Hills Lane, Greenbough Drive, Raintree Drive, Raintree Court, Hillcastle, Brookwood and all of Briarwood Estates. The area delineated by brown is designated for pothole maintenance the first and third - Thursday each month. Streets to be covered these days are East Dove Road from North Carroll to North Kimball, Sunshine Lane, East Highland from North Carroll to North Kimball, Highland Estates, Whispering Dell Estates, Hunters Ridge Addition, Heatherwood Estates, Royal Oaks Addition, McPherson Addition, Twin Creek Addition, North Carroll Avenue from Highway 114 to East Dove Road, and Primrose Lane. • The area delineated by orange is designated for pothole maintenance the first and third Friday each month. Streets to be covered these days are, Ridgecrest Drive, Southlake Park Addition, Grace Estates, Hilltop Acres, North White Chapel from East Dove Road to north city limits, T.W. King Road, Bob Jones Road, Lakewood Ridge and Indian Creek Addition. The area delineated by purple is designated for pothole patching the second and fourth Monday each month. Streets to be covered these days are, East Dove Road from N. White Chapel to North Carroll, Huntwick Estates, Quail Creek Estates, Emerald Estates, North Carroll Avenue from East Dove - to Burney Lane, Burney Lane, Harbor Oaks Addition, Dove Estates, Hudson Bay Estates, and Lonesome Dove Avenue. Bill LeGrand Narrative Schedule of Pothole Patching of City Streets. March 22, 1989 Two The delineated by yellow is designated for pothole patching the second and fourth Tuesday each month. Streets to be covered these days are, West Dove Road from Shady Lane to Randol Mill Avenue, North and South Peytonville Avenue, Dove Acres, Randol Mill Avenue from West Dove to Morgan Road, Trail Creek Addition, Raven Bend Addition, Continental Park Estates, West Continental, and East Continental from White Chapel to South Carroll Avenue. The area delineated by lavender is designated for pothole maintenance the second and fourth Wednesday each month. Streets to be covered are West Dove Road from ri av 114 to Shady Lane, Shady Oaks, White Chapel from Dove Road to south city limits, Ginger Creek Estates, Southlake Estates, Highland Street from Shady Oaks to North Carroll Avenue, Summerplace. Addition, Pine Drive and Lilac Street. The area delineated by black is designated for pothole maintenance the second and fourth Thursday each month. Streets to be covered are Oak Lane North and South, Morgan Road, Cedar Creek Estates, Cross Timber Hills Addition, Randol Mill Estates, Randol Mill Avenue from Morgan Road to Highway 1709, Florence Road, Johnson Road, Pearson Lane, Union Church Road, Cirri;narron Acres Addition, Pearson Lane Addition, Pecan Acres, Whitner Addition, Vista Trails Addition, Jellico Circle Estates, Timberline Estates, Drake Estates, and Hillside Estates. The second and fourth Friday of each month and any nth day within one month are desiz..ated as days to perform maintenance of equipment and work on special projects which require more equipment, materials, and personnel than pothole patching requires. This schedule is based upon using two persons which is the assigned level in the Street Department at this time. The need to erect signs, remove dead animals from streets and perform other tasks which from time to time are assigned to the Street Department necessarily detract from this schedule. Major street repairs such as are now required in the Trail Creek Addition, Continental Park Estates, Summerplace Addition, Ridgecrest Drive, Southlake Park Addition, all mobile home parks, and newly annexed areas are deferred to the special project days. They may be further deferred pending personnel to do the work or funding depending upon costs. Potholes that are patched on this schedule are of two types. Emergency patching and permanent patching. Emergency patches are done to facilitate trafficability and holes are not dug out, squared up, compacted, filled and rolled as is the case with permanent patches. Permanent patches are made to all surfaces where the street is of a condition which will allow it. For example South finite Chapel, West Continental, North White Chapel from Highway 114 to Dove Road and Dove Road from North White Chapel to North Carroll are always permanently patched as these streets have adequate surfaces to accept a permanent patch. Burney Lane from N. Carroll to Lonesome Dove is not permanently patched since the entire surface has deteriorated to a point where no stopping place for the cut out portion exists. The holes are therefore merely filled and compacted. Bill LeGrand Narrative Schedule of Pothole Patching of City Streets. March 22, 1989 Three The two men assigned to the Street Department can place from six to ten tons of mix per day patching per this schedule. Extremely large failures are by passed as they need to be completely dug out have base installed and repaved. This type of work again is deferred as a special project pending funding and personnel availability. The schedule can be completed as planned and provides pothole repair to all city streets two times each month so long as weather remains stable. In the event of heavy or long tern rains potholes become more numerous and will require more time to repair simply because of the number. The special projects/ schedule catch up days are then used to complete areas not completed per the schedule. 'RM /Ak City of Southlake, Texas —1 • . I M E M O R A N D U M ! I February 28, 1989 TO:' Bill LeGrand FROM: Ron Morain SUBJECI':• Schedule for emergency pothole patching The attached map is a schedule which will provide emergency pothole patching to all City streets on a biweekly basis. It is a schedule which can be met if no projects are assigned which detract from the schedule. There is one day every two weeks which can be devoted to special projects, sign maintenance, equipment maintenance and schedule make up as required. All work other than pothole maintenance which must be accomplished will be noted on the daily reports for planning at some future date. The shoulder maintenance will need to be condinated prior to being done as is materials intensive and the funding levels are not adequate to complete this work without additional funds. In addition the same is true of major street repairs in subdivisions which will require considerable time and materials. This schedule will be followed and potholes patched as required. In the event the work proceeds ahead of schedule the next day schedule will be started and the schedule will be reworked to bring it into line with our capabilities. RM /cbk • • • CITY OF SOUTHLAKE PENERAL FUND - COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE MARCH 31, 1989 %er ;i!.. ,' • _-PY.89 , ENCUMBRANCE TOTAL ACTUAL j. t4TD - BUDGET'' YTE)' & ENCUMBERED Revenues: 'P. , 7 _,A1 : :'1::' ,:.:::: l'H:H' Taxes: Property $1,541,378 $1 540,925 Sales $129,000 $103,877 Franchise $124,575 $143,155 Licenses and Permits $62,353 $57,442 Charges for Services $17,624 $14,614 Fines $173,880 $102,282 Interest $1,850 $10,042 Miscellaneous $7,455 $7,891 TaiiiieNienues - ' - -. S2,0515'''$1,990,228 - ' - ' - $0 - '' J ' $0 Expenditures: Currefit-1- . . - General Government: , City Sec/Mayor/Council $41,510 $42,924 $328 $43,252 Administration $219,296 $228,283 --, $2_,321-::,, $231,604 ,; Court_ ,- _ $65,630 $50,521 $13 - $50,534 , - Total Gen. Gov't $326,436 $322,728 $2,662 $325,390 .,-. .,' ,s .- , :_;, , _ ,: . • PubIld Safety: Fire $178,508 $175,339 $11,662 $187,001 Police _ $389,999 $356,911 89,450' '-.:' $366,361 BuiIdin . , 868,459 860,497 , $5,439 $65,936 Total Pub. Safety $636,966 $592,747 $26551 $619,298 - - ,-, • ,, PublicWorks: - :- --, ,sdA Streets $142,636 $118,924 ' - $7,470 $126,394 Parks $22,539 $14,400 $778 $15,178 Public-Works $16,387, $16,344:-: $44 '(! $16,388 Total PUblic Works $181,562 $149,668 $8,292 $157,960 Total Expenditures $1,144,964 $1,065,143 $37,505 $1,102,648 Excess Rev. (Expenditures) $913,151 $915,085 Other Financing Sources (Uses): Tax Ant. Notes 10/88 $225,000 Extinguish Debt 10/88 ($175,:000 -, IBM Deposit Return 12/88 ($43„..000): AS35,00 Debt Service Transfers ($81;38 1$58,9591 --) Trans. Out-Police Fund 1/89 ($13,848) Trans. Out-Street Fund 2/89 ($12,572) Tax Ant. Notes Paia J/69 ($225,000) :f..: ' ' ' , • : :7! ''' , . Excess Revenues & Other Financing Sources over Expenditures & Other Financing Uses-Actual $623,764 $621,706 Fund Balance 10/01/88 ($90,531) (890,531) Fund Balance 3/31/89 $533,233 $531,175 ==========.======,======n========================= F:',",:c .,:::,. -.!'. •:' '.. ;'f:' .'. , .( '•i' 2 i. s -itisr.r i''.4'i :'. '...!), A ' : ik. i ...' ,:••••_' :I! if . :0: 7 i Gi i i, :.'L:.., ':'. .J CITY OF SOUTHLAKE c i ••.t .1 1 5i t . v7ITy FUND BEwg-. AqT FOR THE PERIOD ENDED, MARCH, 1989 ( .. , .. , - ..,:- 3 , f' . : • I" ' '.'y ,-. ', 9 •-- t i :. , t. ; :,:!, • , .„ . 1„ ,:, , .. 1 ',.-- r . '.', . 3, .„. . ' -1:sd!„.. 6 _, .; - .1 - , , , - i 1 iil - ,•)0.-....4f - :!6 , i.L,. --- .. , .!..t-i ...,.„ , _.„ A. .......... , .,. ,... _ .. _ ... ., . .......... ..,.. ., . ., _ . . ,. t,i ••,.; WEEK ENDING DEPOSITS, -.ACCOUNTS PAY,. - , :PAYROLL - DEBT . . _..... _ _....._ ....... .... , .... . , . . _ ... .... . _ . . SERVICE BALANCE .: .-.: Fi 1 r'.1 .:S ,. C.: ft '...Ja..: '-..:•.1. :. :Th''1.1 1 .. ':•.:: :, ;F., ..'': '4) . !'.. r''' '..:: . L. 1 'cl 8 ^, • --• . - .3, 7 ' 7 '' ' . -. ' ! s,' \ . . „ 'i• ''''' (''' `' — ;" ' - . Beginning Balance '- ; - -'.... - - a . ..... . ,.. , __ ...... ,.. __ ... „ ._ . . . . , . . _ , .. . .. ..... .. _ .. _ $ 73,092 '- -. • - — 03/10/89 - $ 79,317 • $ • -- • 46,209 $' . $ $ 63,252 '.,„) 7 •".: „ V 9 I ';',,' . „ 03/17/a9,:•.. 27,630 . -- .; 52,6i2. ! 50 000& ; .,., ,. ....,. 811;27-0 . . . . _ ' 3 - 3 - ir,-,": , • -,,:, 1 : 7. - - --- - 0.31-24A89 - ; — -- -15,405 --• - ---- --- ..- 5-,-973 -: - , -46-,465 .. . .... 225,000& „ 228,375* 'a S. I , . -3I ? 03/31/89 28,283 .--... - .i.:. 10,i716. c .'' ,:. - ;.i 1654429 1.. _______.._ _._ _ . .... . .. .. _ _ .... .. __.. _ ...._.._. _ 13,417 52,Q12 •'..11.. '. A ••. ''..;-', -': ' ' ': t. ::: :,.`- e ',-..,,'•+,- -- 1 i 's.1.!'--. ..A.t;13.0, , .- :3 , f 0 - 1, - . ' - : 3 •!' , 17. 'N. f , . V :0 r. 1, '..i .?: ■..7 .!. '. !:' - ?`" * :. , ..4. r. S 7 0 a ."!': „: .,. a - .c4) ''. 0 .:: 1,'li 11)1, . 1 xisT * Paying off the TOE Asitictrpation.'NOises - e 4 - , - .,!. 1,1,9(.1 il:n LI —* • & Redemption of Cerra at es of ,DepoSit..;.;' ... ,. t 1 - I ?.'' .=', 1 . \ . c. , ' 5 ',,..• L j' ',7 1 — : • 7 . i' , C '. i!. '.'j ; 7 .., A - Average Weekly Deposit: $ 37,659 (excluding footnoted items) Average Weekly Disbursement (excluding footnoted items): 28,878 Average Payroll: 44,707 Total Certificates of Deposit to Date: 670,000 o 1 .-/ i .'.!"“,r 0 Z.: 0:417.,'Criiit.r4 • .E , 11'.;,.‹ :. , - ,, , t :: li.i.:. ) e . 7, , , . i i -., r . ! ,. i. , 0 \.1.1.; \ Q f. .?..nr11,5 I bilts'.:'