2003-07-23City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM July 17, 2003 TO: Southlake Crime Control and Prevention District Board FROM: Sharen Elam, Director of Finance, Ext. 1713 SUBJECT: Proposed Crime Control FY 2003-04 Operating Budget and Multiyear CIP Budget. Action Requested: Discussion of proposed FY 2003-04 Operating Budget and Multiyear CIP Budget. Background Information: Your packet contains the proposed operating budget and multiyear CIP. The proposed operating budget simply provides for the continuation of the SRO funding, lease payment for the police 800mhz-radio system, funding for the maintenance of the mounted patrol volunteer program and the annual debt service payment (final payment on debt related to the West facility and the first of two payments for the radio infrastructure). New request for FY 2003-04 include the following: $17,400 M-16 Patrol Rifles and Ammunition $10,000 Replacement In -Car Police Video Cameras $ 3,050 Tasers and Replacement Equipment $ 1,600 Pepperball Pistols and Ammunition $ 800 Creation of a DPS Explorer Program $ 5,000 Professional Services for Annual Evaluation $10,000 Segway Officer Transporter The multiyear CIP budget provides for the construction of the North facility in fiscal year 2004-05, as previously presented. Note that we have shifted the sale of the excess land on the North site to fiscal year 2003-04. The decision to move the sale of the property to next fiscal year was made to allow sufficient time for the Board and Staff to determine the future plans for this site. Financial Considerations: The proposed operating budget includes projected sales tax, grant and interest income of $2,271,155, $513,052 for four School Resource Officers and other related equipment/capital items, and $1,574,248 for debt service payments. Citizen Input/ Board Review: Public hearing is scheduled for the August Crime Control and Prevention District Board meeting. C"nnme Control and Prevention District Board Approval of Crime Control FY 2003-04 Operating Budget and Multiyear CIP Budget f my 17, 2003 Page 2 of 2 Legal Review: None required Alternatives: N/A Supporting Documents: FY 2003-04 Operating Budget and Multiyear CIP SOUTHLAKE CRIME CONTROL AND PREVENTION DISTRICT - OPERATING FUND REVENUES Sales Tax Grant Income Interest Income Total Revenues EXPENDITURES Personnel Operations Capital Total Expenditures Net Revenues Transfers Out -General Fund for debt service ransfers Out -Vehicle Replacement Total Other Sources (Uses) Beginning Fund Balance Ending Fund Balance FY2003-04 Proposed Budget 04:11 PM October 1, 2003 through September 30, 2004 07/17/03 2001-02 Actual 2002-03 Adopted 2002-03 Amended $ Increase/ (Decrease) Adopted % Increase/ -Decrease 2003-04 Proposed $ Increase/ (Decrease) Adopted % Increase/ -Decrease $2,602,202 $2,180,696 $2,180,696 $0 0.0% $2,166,155 ($14,541) -0.7% 0 45,000 45,000 $0 $45,000 $0 $43,854 $50,000 50.000 N0 $60,000 $10,000 20.0% $2,275,696 $2,646,056 $2,275,696 $0 $2,271,155 ($4,541) $188,237 $301,898 $301,898 $0 0.0% $336,191 $34,293 11.4% $147,344 $144,811 $144,011 (800) -0.6% $136,211 (8,600) -5.9% NO $49,186 $55140 5 954 0.0% $40,650(8,536) $335,581 $495,895 $501,049 $5,154 1.0% $513,052 $17,157 3.5% $2,310,475 $1,779,801 $1,774,647 ($5,154) $1,758,103 ($21,698) 2,253,715 1,526,370 1,526,370 1,574,248 0 0 0 0 2,253,715 1,526,370 1,526,370 1,574,248 $2,490,550 $2.547.310 $2,547,310 $2.800.741 $2,547,310 $2.795.587 $2,795,587 $2.979.442 TOTAL LINE ITEM BUDGET P-ge 1 of 2 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE TOTAL LINE ITEM BUDGET FUND DEPARTMENT DIVISION 331 CRIME CONTROL $3,399 -999 NON- $8,400 FINANCE 5103.00 INCENTIVE PAY OPERATING FUND $0 DEPARTMENTAL Account Number / Title Actual Budget Estimated Proposed F2003-2004 $1,500 2001-2002 2002-2003 2002-2003 $20,448 5101.00 REGULAR EARNINGS $147,139 $227,420 $227,420 $219,072 5102.00 OVERTIME $3,399 $8,400 $8,400 $8,400 5103.00 INCENTIVE PAY $0 $0 $0 $4,620 5104.00 LONGEVITY PAY $376 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 5111.00 HEALTH/DENTAL/LIFE $10,823 $20,448 $20,448 $17,600 5112.00 WORKERS COMPENSATION $4,525 $6,776 $6,776 $10,634 5114.00 FICAII-MEDICARE $2,156 $3,319 $3,319 $3,271 5120.01 RETIREMENT II $11,720 $22,926 $22,926 $63,733 5120.02 RETIREMENT I $8,099 $11,109 $11,109 $2,741 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES $188,237 $301,898 $301,898 $336,191 5230.00 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES $18,866 $0 $0 $5,000 5240.00 OTHER SERVICES $0 $0 $0 $0 5248.00 COMMUNITY SERVICES $0 $2,000 $1,200 $2,000 5260.00 ENGINEERING SERVICES $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES $18,866 $2,000 $1,200 $7,000 5353.00 LEASE-MISC EQUIPMENT $127,811 $127,811 $127,811 $127,811 TOTAL LEASE OBLIGATIONS $127,811 $127,811 $127,811 $127,811 5411.00 SUPPLIES -OFFICE $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL SUPPLIES $0 $0 $0 $0 5542.00 TRANSFER INTERFUND $0 $0 $0 $0 5545.00 TRANSFER -SUPPORT SERVICES $2,253,715 $1,526,370 $1,526,370 $1,574,248 5575.00 MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT $0 $15,000 $15,000 $1,400 TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES $2,253,715 $1,541,370 $1,541,370 $1,575,648 5821.00 UNIFORM -PURCHASE $667 $0 $0 $0 5823.00 UNIFORM -ALLOWANCE $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL PROFESSIONAL BENEFITS $667 $0 $0 $0 httns://www.city-crm.com/sniithiake/renorts total lineitemhudget.asn 7/17/2003 TOT A T LINE ITEM BUDGET P --e 2 of 2 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE TOTAL LINE ITEM BUDGET FUND DEPARTMENT DIVISION 331 CRIME CONTROL $0 -999 NON - $0 FINANCE $0 OPERA TING FUND $2,589,296 DEPARTMENTAL Account Number /Title Actual Budget EstimatedE2003-2004 Proposed 2001-2002 2002-2003 2002-2003 5910.00 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT 5920.00 FIELD EQUIPMENT 5930.00 VEHICLES 5970.00 BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS 5979.00 LAND TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL FOR 331-999 $0 $0 $0 $2,000 $0 $42,186 $0 $5,000 $0 $0 $0 $49,186 $2,589,296 $2,022,265 $0 $0 $2,000 $40,650 $48,940 $0 $4,200 $0 $0 $0 $55,140 $40,650 $2,027,419 $2,087,300 httns://www.city-cnn.com/southlake/renorts total lineitembudaet.asn 7/17/2003 w FY1997-98 Approved FY1999-00 FY2000-01 FY2001-02 FY2002-03 FY2003-04 FY2004-05 FY2005-06 FY2006-07 FY2007-08 TOTAL Budget FY1998-99 REVENUES/OTHER SOURCES $ $ 848,479 $ 3,384,556 $ 161,178 $ 66,262 $ 166,262 $ 816,262 $ 370,822 $ 370,822 370,822 Fund Balance $ - (1,999,503) $ - $ - $ 3,000,000 $ 23,796,999 $ $ 4,196,999 $ 2,600,000 $ - $ 1,000,000 $ - $ 13,000,000 $ $ $ - $ 150,000 Bond Proceeds $ $ - $ 150,000 $ - $ - $ $ - $ _ $ 437,261 Sales Tax -Operating Transfer $ 66,781 $ 128,577 $ 231,622 $ 10,281 $ $ $ _ $ 1,350,000 Interest Income $ - $ - $ - $ 400,000 $ 950, 000 $ $ Land Sales (west site/north site) $ Total Revenue (excluding fund balance carried forwarc $ $ 4,263,780 $ 2,878,577 $ 231,622 $ 10,281 $ 1`400,000 $ 950,000 $ 13,000,000 $ $ - $ 3,000,000 $ 25,734,260 REVENUES and FUND BALANCE in excess of/ $ (1,999,503) $ 848,479 $ 3,384,556 $ 161,178 $ 66,262 $ 166,262 $ 816,262 $ 370,822 $ 370,822 $ 370,822 $ 370,822 $ 1,370,822 (Less than) EXPENDITURES EXPENDITURES Land Acauisition $ 1,999,503 West Site $ 1,999,503$ $ $ 1,045,440 $ 1,045,440 East Site $ $ 1,415,798 North Site $ 1,415,798 $ - Construction Cost 300,000 $ 300,000 $ e W $ $ $ 942,500 3,505,197 Architectural fees $ $ $ 342,500 $ $ - $ - $ - $ $ $ - $ Construction cost $ $ $ 3,400,000 $ 105,197 $ 55,000 Additional FF&E $ - $ 55,000 $ $ 12,400,000 $ $ 12,400,000 Construction cost - North Site $ 3,000,000 $ 3,000,000 Construction cost - East Site $ 1,000,000 $ - Radio Infrastructure Initial Buy In $ $ $ 1,415,798 $ 342,500 $ 3,455,000 $ 105,197 $ 1,300,000 $ 300,000 $ 13,445,440 $ __ $ - $ 3,000,000 $ 24,363,438 Total Expenditures 1,999,503 0 SOUTHLAKE CRIME CONTROL AND PREVENTION DISTRICT 1/2% SALES TAX REPORT 2002-03 Collected Budget Balance Budget to Date Balance Percent $ 2,180,696 $ 1,628248 552,448 25.33% 11^� Fiscal Year Percent Fiscal Year Percent Fiscal Year Percent 1b � 3 2000-01 Increase/ 2001-02 Increase/ 2002-03 Increase/ MONTH Actual (Decrease) Actual (Decrease) Actual (Decrease) October $157,886 26.10% $192,022 21.62% $180,396 -6.05% November 162,373 75.79% 190,845 17.53% 185,174 -2.97% December 237,687 132.29% 281,020 18.23% 283,333 0.82% January 157,640 16.24% 159,364 1.09% 176,353 10.66% February 147,534 49.43% 158,580 7.49% 156,983 -1.01% March 206,912 115.86% 210,042 1.51% 219,395 4.45% April 185,555 34.76% 201,261 8.46% 204,622 1.67% May 213,711 68.82% 196,725 -7.95% 221,992 12.84% June 223,490 84.54% 224,631 0.51% - -100.00% July 190,151 20.40% 190,257 0.06% - -100.00% August 180,172 48.86% 181,522 0.75% - -100.00% September 199,217 62.63% 216,716 8.78% - -100.00% TOTALI - 164,730 - $2,262,328 $2,402,985 $1,628,248 300000 250000 200000 150000 100000 50000 0 Three Year Revenue Comparison by Month 3 9 11^� 11 ``b5� 1�6� r 3 3 1b � 3 � � 3 3 M Fiscal Year 2000-01 Actual ■ Fiscal Year 2001-02 Actual ❑ Fiscal Year 2002-03 Actual Actual Budget Actual Estimated (budget -est.) % 2001-02 2002-03 2002-03 2002-03 Difference Change October $ 192,022 174,259 180,396 180,396 $ 6,137 3.20% November 190,845 173,191 185,174 185,174 11,983 6.28% December 281,020 255,024 283,333 283,333 28,309 10.07% January 159,364 144,622 176,353 176,353 31,731 19.91% February 158,580 143,910 156,983 156,983 13,073 8.24% March 210,042 190,612 219,395 219,395 28,783 13.70% April 201,261 182,643 204,622 204,622 21,979 10.92% May 196,725 178,527 221,992 221,992 43,465 22.09% June 224,631 203,851 - 203,851 - 0.00% July 190,257 172,657 - 172,657 - 0.00% August 181,522 164,730 - 164,730 - 0.00% September 216,716 196,669 - 196,669 - 0.00% TOTAL $2,402,985 $ 2,180,696 $ 1,628,248 $ 2,366,155 $ 185,459