1989-02-21 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 N. Carroll Avenue Regular City Council Meeting February 21, 1989 7:30 p.m. Present: Mayor, Johnny H. Westerholm; Councilmembers: Betty Springer, Sally Hall, Pamela Muller, Ralph Evans, and Jim Wooll. City Staff Present: City Manager, Curtis E. Hawk; Public Works Director, William D. LeGrand; Police Chief, Billy Campbell; Fire Chief, R.P. Steele; Finance Officer, Renee McCarty; City Engineer, Eddie Cheatham; and City Attorney, Allen. Taylor. Karen Gandy, Zoning Clerk (present for zoning items). Invocation - Jim Wooll Work Session: A work session was held beginning at 6:30 p.m for the purpose of reviewing the items on the agenda. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Johnny H. Westerholm. Agenda Item #2, Approval of the Minutes The minutes of the February 7, 1989, regular City Council Meeting were approved as presented. Motion: Hall Second: Evans Ayes: Hall, Evans, Springer, and Muller Nays: None Abstained: Wooll Approved: 4 -0 -1 Agenda Item #3, Mayor's Report Mayor Westerholm stated that continuing discussions are being held concerning planned action of DFW Airport. They refer to the new runway as 16 -34 on their master plan. This runway will be a north -south runway running parallel to Main Street in Grapevine. There will be a public hearing tonight in the City of Coppell. More discussion will be held in Irving, Coppell and Grapevine, concerning the proposed runway. Council received a letter from Mayor Bill Tate in Grapevine, expressing concerns. This bears continued close watch from Southlake. Mayor Pro Tem Springer met with representatives from each mentioned above for discussions on the airport subject. City Council Meeting Minutes of February 21, 1989 Mayor Westerholm read a letter of resignation from Gary Fickes who has filed for a place on the ballot, for Mayor, in the May 6, 1989 election. Fickes resigned as P &Z chairperson, Election Judge and as member of the Southlake /Trophy Club Merger Study Committee. Westerholm also read a letter dated 2 -8 -89 from Phillip Bressinck, who resigned from the Parks and Recreation Board and the Southlake /Trophy Club Merger Study Committee. Mayor Pro Tem Springer stated that as a result of a CONET Meeting she attended, she feels the Northwest Tarrant County Freeway issue may be "sick" but it is not "dead." Agenda Item #5 was removed from the Consent Agenda and placed on the Regular Agenda. Agenda Item #7 was removed from the agenda altogether. Agenda Item #4, City Manager's Report Curtis Hawk reported that the department heads are present to answer questions on the monthly reports. On the budget report, Hawk noted that Sales Tax receipts are down again. He believes we will be short between forty -six thousand dollars and fifty four thousand dollars. He would like to have scheduled, the 2nd meeting in March, a work session on budget and budget amendments. Mayor Westerholm noticed by the graph presented by the police department, a large decrease in tickets. He feels it is not attributed to the lack of police officers. Agenda Item #5, Ord 478, Abandonment of Easement, Rainforest Addn Ordinance 0478, 1st reading, abandonment of a portion of a utility easement on Lot 9, block 1, Rainforest Addition, was discussed. Curtis Hawk explained the request and the ordinance for the audience, stating, we currently do not have utility lines in the easement. The request is for the City to abandon the utility easement in that area, as their pool encroaches into the easement by a 9' x 70' strip thus making it difficult for them to get financing on the property. The City Attorney advised Council to not act on this ordinance but that he will write a letter of encroachment that should satisfy the lending institution. Motion was made to direct the City Attorney to draft a letter of encroachment. Motion: Springer Second: Hall Ayes: Springer, Hall, Wooll, Muller, and Evans Nays: None Approved: 5 -0 -2- City Council Meeting Minutes of February 21, 1989 Agenda Item #6, Res 89 -13, Janitorial Service Agreement Resolution 89 -13, authorizing the City Manager to execute the renewal agreement for Janitorial Services for city hall facilities was discussed. Motion was made to approve Resolution 89 -13 as written. Motion: Wooll Second: Springer Ayes: Wooll, Springer, Muller, Hall, and Evans Nays: None Approved: 5 -0 Agenda Item #7, Res 89 -14, Renaming State Hwy 114 This item was withdrawn from the agenda. Agenda Item #8, Presentation, Fiscal Year 1988, Audit Report The City of Southlake auditors, Terry Bouton with the firm of Judd, Thomas, Beasley and Smith, made a presentation on the Fiscal Year 1988 audit. Bouton presented the FY88 financial highlights, the sources of water fund revenue and general fund dollars. He stated the general fund showed a $106,000 loss during FY88. During the fiscal year, 22.2% of each dollar went to street and roads. The water fund ended in a $20,000 loss, however there is a 1.1 million dollar surplus in that fund. Bouton commented that the audit transmittal letter presented by Curtis Hawk and Renee McCarty was excellent and it will answer the concerns in the audit letter. Agenda Item #9, Parks & Rec Board's Spring Basketball League Randy Robertson of the Park and Recreation Board, addressed Council in regards to a Spring Basketball league. He outlined the details of the league, stating there would be 7 teams, for men over 18 years of age. This program is sponsored by the City in conjunction with the schools. This league will not impact the City budget. The organizational meeting is complete and they would like to start on February 22, 1989. Mr. Robertson stated he will organize the league at no cost to the City. He presented an outline which is apart of the minutes. -3- City Council Meeting Minutes of February 21, 1989 Motion was made to approve the Spring Basketball League. Motion: Wooll Second: Evans Ayes: Wooll, Evans, Springer, and Hall Nays: None Abstained: Muller Approved: 4 -0 -1 Agenda Item #10, Ord. 477, Traffic Control Devises Ordinance #477, was discussed in 2nd reading, for Traffic Control Devises. Mayor Westerholm read the caption of the ordinance. The public hearing resulted with no comments. Motion was made to approve ordinance #477, 2nd reading, to include the intersection of Taylor at Emerald. Motion: Evans Second: Hall Ayes: Evans, Hall, Muller, Springer, and Wooll Nays: None Approved: 5 -0 Agenda Item #11. Ord 334 -48, Zoning, Chimney Hill Ordinance #334 -48, continuation of public hearing, was discussed. It does appear that the 20% rule is enacted at this time in regards to opposition from property owners within 200 feet. Ms. Karen Gandy, Zoning Clerk, gave the presentation. The latest submittal of the concept plan, brought on by a meeting of developers and property owners, was presented by John Levitt engineer for Chimney Hill Joint Venture. Levitt stated the lot changes were made to address comments at the last City Council Meeting and this plan exceeds the requirements of the City of Southlake. Councilmember Ralph Evans stated the lots to the north have been changed and the lots to the southwest can still be adjusted. Public Hearing - Casmir Muzyka - 823 S. Peytonville Ave. In reference to the meeting with the homeowners, he can sense no willingness to compromise. They do not have a problem with density, only with his transition. Jim Martin - 2230 W. Southlake Blvd. This subdivision is vital to Southlake. This needs to get started because we need sewer in that area, and it needs to be looked at from the City's standpoint. -4- City Council Meeting Minutes of February 21, 1989 Verney Sallee - 920 S. Peytonville Ave. He had hoped the developer would try to work something out. He appealed to the developer for realignment of Northridge. His concern did not receive a "token ". The zoning in the area may be agricultural, however, the use is along residential estates in that area. All they are asking for is transition zoning. His personal concern is Northridge Drive. He wants it aligned. Also, the visibility problem with Northridge on top of the hill. The best thing the City Council can do tonight is consider and wait for what the true roadway should be on South Peytonville Ave. Billy Jon Curb - 1640 W. Continental Blvd. He presented page 1 of Ordinance 420, highlighting Section 5.3 -1. He realizes that City Council does not have to comply, but that is why we have City Councilmembers to represent the citizens. We need to set a standard tonight. He asked City Council to deny the request. Allen Taylor stated that it appear 40% of the land owners are opposed. The existing base is agricultural and it has a temporary zoning. It appears that a 3/4 rule will apply. Mayor Westerholm reviewed what Billy Jon Curb stated, is this basically compatible for land around it. The City Council has the power to require that the distribution can be greater than 200 feet. The type of buffer can be looked at as Council's prerogative rather than an ordinance requirement. Councilmember Hall feels there is possibly a problem with the alignment of Northridge. City Council should make a statement, a guideline, of what transition buffering should be as it applies to residential estates, 1 acre lots and agricultural. Mayor Pro Tem Springer stated she took the developer to task 2 weeks ago and she feels they have made an effort, not enough to satisfy the property owners. What will it take. The developer has made concessions, the property owners need to also make concessions. Sewer line funds are needed. The proposed Northeast Tarrant County freeway runs through this property. Southlake is not going to stay this way or it will die. Councilmember Evans agreed with Springer and asked what will it take to make the property owners happy, what is the compromise. Mr. Curb stated, he is not looking at this plat, but is City Council ready to say 20,000 lots can go anywhere in Southlake. Use the zoning ordinance to require transitions. Mayor Westerholm disagreed with Curb, stating, that is what the concept plan is for. The City Council can require a mix. Verney Sallee - 920 S. Peytonville Ave. He believes and has no problem with land density on Peytonville. Northridge street is his problem. He feels lots should be 35,000 sq ft on the perimeter. He feels the Goode Airport will be developed someday and the city should be prepared to tie in the roads. -5- City Council Meeting Minutes of February 21, 1989 David McMahan - 1335 Hidden Glen. He stated, there is a compromise, however, they are getting to a point where they can't go on as its financially un- feasible. They have moved Northridge road twice. They will be happy to compromise. The Public Hearing was closed. Councilmember Wooll stated he does not like making decisions where compromise cannot be worked out. The precedent of smaller lots has been set in 1974 by Continental Park Estates. The City has committed to larger debt in the next several years, and we need more people out here. Mayor Westerholm read the caption of the ordinance. Motion was made to approve Ord. 334 -48, first reading and the concept plan. Motion: Wooll Second: Springer Ayes: Wooll, Springer, Muller, Hall, and Evans Nays: None Approved: 5 -0 Agenda item #12. Preliminary Plat Chimney Hill The preliminary plat of Chimney Hill (ZA88 -39) was tabled at the request of David McMahan, until March 7, 1989, so that the developer can take another look at the plat. Motion was made to table the preliminary plat of Chimney Hill, time certain March 7. This is at the request of the developer. Motion: Wooll Second: Evans Ayes: Wooll, Evans, Muller, Springer, and Hall Nays: None Approved: 5 -0 Council convened into a 10 minute recess. Agenda Item #13. Res 89 -15, Agreement- Humane Society No. Texas Resolution 89 -15 was discussed which is a resolution authorizing the Mayor to enter into an agreement with the Humane Society of North Texas for services. Lynn Buffington, Director of North Texas Humane Society, was present and answered questions for Council in regards to the agreement. They propose to provide on call emergency authorized service. We are to provide her with the name of the individual authorized to call for emergency service. They will work with our police department in training an animal control officer. -6- City Council Meeting Minutes A of February 21, 1989 The shelter will be open on Saturday, February 25. The fee shown in the agreement will take us until October at $2,000 per month. The $15,900 fee includes unlimited amount of call by the city. 4 Motion was made to recommend approval of Resolution 89 -15. Motion: Springer Second: Wooll Ayes: Springer, Wooll, Muller, Hall, and Evans Nays: None Approved: 5 -0 4 Agenda Item #14. Res. 89 -16, Personnel Policies Resolution 89 -16 was discussed. Curtis Hawk gave a presentation and noted the name change from Personnel Rules and Regulations to Personnel Policies. A copy of the outline of his comments is attached to the minutes. A discussion was held in regards to reestablishing "Good Friday" as a holiday for city employees. Also, the use of using sick leave during the probationary period. Public Hearing - Milton Bareth - Oak Hills Mobile Home Park. Questions wording concerning pay raises for employees. The Public Hearing was closed. Motion was made to approve Resolution 89 -16 with suggested changes and adding Good Friday as a holiday and granting sick leave during probation period. Motion: Wooll Second: Springer Ayes: Wooll, Springer, Muller, Hall, and Evans Nays: None Approved: 5 -0 Agenda Item #15. Res 89 -17, Affirmative Action Plan The City Manager, Curtis Hawk, reviewed the affirmative action plan, giving the background in the standard format suggested by the EEOC. The City Council is also adopting the policy statement - equal employment opportunity policy. Motion was made to adopt Res. 89 -17 as written. Motion: Wooll Second: Springer Ayes: Wooll, Springer, Hall, Muller, and Evans Nays: None Approved: 5 -0 -7- City Council Meeting Minutes of February 21, 1989 Agenda Item #16. Request for Variance to Sign Ord. Bob Couch A request for a variance to the sign ordinance was made by Bob Couch. He stated he has two signs, one at the grocery store and one at the real estate office. He added that the state is going to move out the building, so he does not want to put up a permanent sign. City Attorney stated there is no grandfather provision on signs, according to our ordinance. After discussion, Motion was made to direct the staff to defer any action against Mr. Couch while the ordinance is being amended. Motion: Wooll Second: Evans Ayes: Wooll, Evans, and Hall Nays: Springer and Muller Approved: 3 -2 Agenda Item #17. Amendment to Zoning Ord, Jim Martin, Jellico A discussion was held in regards to a request made by Mr. Jim Martin for an amendment to the zoning ordinance. Mr. Martin explained that they are going to close the nursery in Jellico Corners and he wants to lease to a person to sell used cars. His zoning is currently R -2 on the retail corner. The City Council discussed the issue with Mr. Martin and suggested this kind of thing could be included in the new zoning ordinance if it is the wishes of the Council. Mr. Bob Couch added that the area of 1709 and 1938 is only temporary, don't be to rough on the little people, they have to make a living too. Agenda Item #18. Public Forum Aloha Payne - 1413 Whispering Ct. What about the paint on Selwyn School. Ethyl Bouth - Oak Hills Mobile Home Park. She is interest in our zoning ordinance and the mobile home district. Jim Wooll - asked for a TRA Sewer update in the near future. Betty Springer - What about evaluations of City Officers. She would like to see this completed by May because of city elections. Curtis Hawk - Council should be thinking about whether or not to have a Charter amendment election at this time. Public Forum Closed -8- City Council Meeting Minutes of February 21, 1989 No Executive Session was held during this meeting. There being no further business the - g !••• •- 4111 jitidAWA■, _ mii ,MX Jo ny Westerholm, Mayor ATTEST: /t4/0 1/4 0, (116. ° • <`t Sandra L. LeGrand, City Secreta'Y; -9- City of Southlake, Texas AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PLAN FOR ASSURING EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Effective Date: /0203 / 4 a a w. TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Purpose II. Statement of EEO Policy III. Application of Policy IV. Dissemination V. Implementation Responsibilities VI. Recruitment and Selection Procedures VII. Job Structuring and Upward Mobility VIII.Training and Development IX. EEO Complaint Procedure X. Annual Program Review Appendices Appendix A: EEO Policy Statement Appendix B: List of Advertising Sources Appendix C: EEO Complaint Procedures Appendix D: Work Force Analysis Appendix E: Annual Affirmative Action Plan Evaluation Report AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PLAN FOR ASSURING EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY I. PURPOSE Equal opportunity for all people without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, or national origin is part of the American Ideal. City government, as a matter of public policy, can make a vital contribution towards this ideal by taking affirmative action to assure that equal employment opportunities are provided all applicants seeking employment with the city. The purpose of this Affirmative Action Plan (AAP) is to affirm the commitment of the City of Southlake, Texas, to the spirit and the law of equal employment opportunity (EEO) by stating the City's EEO policy and establishing guidelines for assuring compliance with, and measuring the effectiveness of, the stated policy. II. STATEMENT OF EEO POLICY It is the policy of the City of Southlake, Texas, to: - recruit, employ, promote, provide compensation and other employment benefits, and set conditions of employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, or national origin, and to provide productive employment opportunities for he handicapped by whenever possible placing such individuals in positions where their abilities can be effectively utilized; - make all personnel decisions on the basis of bona fide occupational qualifications; - continually monitor and regularly review its employment practices to assure that established personnel policies, procedures, or rules do not unlawfully discriminate against any individual or protected group. III. APPLICATION OF POLICY This policy shall be uniformly applied at all levels of operation in every work unit of the City. All employees of the City are required as a condition of their employment to cooperate fully with reviews, investigations, and other activities initiated within the framework of this policy. -1- IV. DISSEMINATION Internal Communication 1. The EEO policy statement shall be: a. posted on municipal bulletin boards b. included in summary form in the Employee Handbook c. included in summary form in operating manuals, handbooks, annual reports, and other official documents of the City. 2. A copy of the Affirmative Action Plan shall be included in the Personnel Policies Manual transmitted to all supervisory and management personnel. 3. A copy of the EEO Complaint Procedure developed as part of this plan shall be posted on all bulletin boards, and employees shall be provided reasonable access to the necessary forms. External Communication 1. Copies of the EEO policy statement shall be: a. distributed to local and area organizations representing minority and other protected groups; b. distributed to other community organizations where feasible and appropriate; c. distributed to local news media; d. distributed to all normal recruiting sources used by the City; e. transmitted to all contractors, vendors, and suppliers doing business with the City; f. incorporated in summary on application for employment forms, bid information packages, purchase orders, contracts, and reports and other documents released to the public. 2. All external communication involving the distribution of the EEO policy statement /AAP shall include a cover letter from the City Manager informing the recipient of the City's commitment to equal employment opportunity. V. IMPLEMENTATION RESPONSIBILITIES The primary responsibility for the implementation of the City's EEO policy and this Affirmative Action Plan, rests with the City Manager. Department heads and supervisors are responsible for the application and implementation of the EEO policy and AAP within their respective work unit(s). This includes all supporting programs and practices developed in accordance with this policy. -2- City Manager The basic implementation responsibilities of the City Manager include: 1. Commitment of resources in support of EEO; 2. The development and implementation of strategies necessary to carry our EEO policy and administer the AAP; 3. Annual transmittal of letter to all City employees reiterating City policy in support of EEO; 4. Monitor EEO /AAP implementation procedures to identify existing or potential problem areas; 5. Annually review and evaluate AAP, providing City Council with annual AAP performance report (to include implementation goals and objectives, and proposals if any for revisions to existing plan); 6. Provide EEO orientation and training for City staff; 7. Maintain liaison with appropriate state and federal agencies that have EEO compliance functions; 8. Receive and investigate allegations of unlawful discriminatory employment practices by the City. Department Heads The implementation responsibilities of the department heads shall include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Assure full compliance with established EEO policy within their organizational units; 2. Monitor progress of EEO /AAP within their organizational units, including an analysis of the utilization of protected groups. VI. RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION PROCEDURES The purpose of the City's recruitment procedure is to attract qualified applicants for job vacancies. The purpose of the selection procedure is to identify and select the job applicant most clearly suitable for a position, based upon bona fide occupational qualifications (BFOQ). All steps, forms, processes, etc., utilized in the recruiting and selection procedures shall be developed by, or approved by, the City Manager or the City Manager's designee. -3- Job Openings Job openings, that is, all job vacancies to be filled, shall be posted on City bulletin boards and advertised in the sources listed below. In an effort to provide upward mobility, job openings which potentially can be filled from within the existing work force shall be internally posted one week prior to outside advertising. Job openings which are to be filled internally will not be advertised in the external sources. Job Advertisements Job advertisements shall demonstrate the City's EEO commitment by: 1. including only job related information on job announcements; 2. including job requirements based solely on BFOQs contained in job descriptions; 3. including the phrase "Equal Opportunity Employer." Advertising Sources In order to enhance the success of the recruitment and selection procedures, and efforts to reach all segments of the community in the recruiting process, advertising sources shall include, but not be limited to, the following: 1. Texas Employment Commission (for all job vacancies); 2. newspaper classified advertising, including local, area, and other out -of -town newspapers when appropriate, depending upon the labor market for a given occupational field; 3. journal advertising (for certain technical and professional occupational groups); 4. employee referrals; 5. applicant files, i.e., applications maintained on file of applicants previously rejected (applicants considered unsuited for one position may be qualified for others); 6. community organizations serving the protected groups. Application Forms Only job - related informational items shall be included on the application form. To the extent possible, items needed for identification and statistical purposes shall be obtained after an applicant is hired. -4- Interviews Selection interviews shall be used only to assess job - related qualifications. Interviews shall follow a standardized process utilizing a structured form based upon job requirements. Orientation The orientation of newly selected employees, whether through new hire or promotion, shall be standardized and formally structured to assure that the new employees are informed of what is expected of them in terms of performance standards, working procedures, work environment, and lines of authority. VII. JOB STRUCTURING AND UPWARD MOBILITY Classification and Description The City shall develop a job classification plan and job descriptions, which shall be periodically reviewed, evaluated, and as necessary revised to assure that: 1. job descriptions accurately describe the job; 2. every job requirement, includingrequirements /restrictions based upon age, sex, or physical capabilities, and experience and educational /training requirements which may reduce competition for initial employment, promotions, and transfers between departments, shall be eliminated unless determined to be a BFOQ. Upward Mobility To provide equal opportunity for job and career advancement, the City shall: 1. notify employees of job opportunities within the organization by posting notice of job vacancies to be filled on the employee bulletin boards; 2. permit employees to apply for positions for which they believe they are qualified; 3. establish trainee classes in all situations where feasible, with the minimum job qualifications commensurate with job duties and responsibilities; 4. annually review and evaluate promotion patterns to assure that promotion requirements, including supervisory evaluations, do not constitute unreasonable barriers to promotional opportunities for the protected groups. -5- VIII.TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT EEO Compliance Provisions shall be made for department heads, supervisors, and other key administrators to receive orientation on the EEO policy and Affirmative Action Plan. Additionally, where feasible the City shall provide in- service training in such subject areas as principles of EEO, human relations, and interpersonal relations. Skills Development Training opportunities designed to develop skills needed to improve current employee performance, or to qualify for higher level positions, shall be made available to employees on a non - discriminatory basis. Current and proposed programs shall be examined to assure equal opportunity in training and development. IX. EEO COMPLAINT PROCEDURE The City shall develop a procedure for resolving employee complaints alleging unlawful employment discrimination. This shall be separate from any other complaint and grievance procedure. Employees who feel they have been discriminated against in their employment or conditions of employment solely because of age, sex, race, religion, national origin, or handicap condition shall have the right to file an EEO complaint directly to the EEO Coordinator. X. ANNUAL PROGRAM REVIEW The affirmative Action Plan shall be reviewed annually to monitor and evaluate the progress of the Plan in achieving compliance with the City's stated EEO policy. A written report outlining the findings of this annual review shall be submitted to the City Council and shall include a work force analysis, and analysis of any actions taken in the execution of the Plan during the period under review, and the continuing goals of the Plan. Work Force Analysis An annual survey of the City's work force and labor market shall be conducted to enable analysis of the utilization of protected group members in the work force. This survey shall identify: 1. the number and percentage of workers in the protected groups currently employed in the City by department, work unit, and job classification; -6- 2. to the extent possible, the total worker population and the number of people in the protected groups in the labor market, with requisite skills, available for employment; 3. The extent of utilization of people in the protected groups in the City's work force. Action Analysis The report shall include the analysis of actions taken by the City in the execution of the Plan during the period under review, the basis and reasons for the actions, and the results of the actions. The analysis shall include: 1. actions taken toward the utilization of protected group workers, including actions taken to correct any underutilization; 2. an analysis of all available statistical information on the applicant population and employment actions, including initial appointments, promotions, disciplinary actions and separations, written grievances and complaints, performance evaluations, failure of probation, transfers, individual salary adjustments; 3. a review of the City's personnel administration and human resources management system, the identification of any existing or potential problem areas impacting the City's stated EEO policy, and an indication of where revisions or adjustments are required, and why. Continuing Goals The work force analysis and action analysis shall form the basis for establishing the action plan for the coming year. The goals set out in the action plan shall include steps to correct any problems identified in the current Plan, any underutilization of protected group workers, and the development of programs to promote an support the City's stated EEO policy. -7- APPENDICES Appendix A: EEO Policy Statement Appendix B: List of Advertising Sources Appendix C: EEO Complaint Procedure Appendix D: Work Force Analysis Appendix E: Annual Affirmative Action Plan Evaluation Report -8- City of Southlake, Texas EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY POLICY STATEMENT Statement of Policy It is the policy of the City of Southlake, Texas, to: - recruit, employ, promote, provide compensation and other employment benefits, and set conditions of employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, or national origin, and to provide productive employment opportunities for the handicapped by whenever possible placing such individuals in positions where their abilities can be effectively utilized; make all personnel decisions on the basis of bona fide occupational qualifications; - monitor and regularly review its employment practices to assure that established personnel policies, procedures, or rules do not unlawfully discriminate against any individual or protected group. Application of Policy This policy shall be uniformly applied at all levels of operation in every work unit of the City. EEO Coordinator The City Manager, Curtis E. Hawk, shall be the designated EEO Coordinator. EEO Complaint Procedure The City has developed an EEO Complaint Procedure for resolving employee complaints alleging unlawful employment discrimination. This procedure is separate from any other complaint and grievance procedure. Employees who feel they have been discriminated against in their employment or conditions of employment solely because of age, sex, race, religion, national origin, or handicap condition shall have the right to file an EEO complaint with the City Manager. ..Age 41P G. Fick s, ayor APPENDIX B LIST OF ADVERTISING SOURCES (To be developed and maintained by the City Manager) Fort Worth Star Telegram, Northeast Edition Grapevine Sun TEC Office in Hurst -10- EEO DISCRIMINATION COMPLAINT PROCEDURE Filing of Complaint Any employee who feels that he or she has been discriminated against in any employment action or condition of employment solely because of age, sex, race, religion, national origin, or handicap condition shall have the right to file an EEO Discrimination Complaint with the City Manager. The complaint forms are available in the City Manager's office. All EEO complaints must be submitted in writing on the form provided. Employees wishing to file a complaint shall be assured of freedom from restraint, interference, or reprisal from their supervisors or other employees. Investigation by City Manager The City Manager shall designate someone to investigate the complaint and submit a finding in writing to the complainant employee and the complainant's department head within ten (10) working days after receipt of the complaint. If the complaint is determined to have merit, the City Manager's designee shall recommend action to be taken to resolve the complaint. If the complaint is found to have no merit, such finding and a recommendation that no action be taken shall be noted. A copy of the recommendation shall be forwarded to the City Manager. Appeal to EEO Review Committee If the finding of the complaint investigator is not satisfactory to the complainant or the complainant's department head, either may submit an appeal to an EEO Complaint Review Committee. An appeal of the finding must be submitted within five (5) working days after receipt by the respective parties of the finding. Notice of appeal to an EEO Complaint Review Committee shall be submitted to the City Manager, who shall appoint and schedule a meeting of a review committee. The EEO Complaint Review Committee shall hear matters pertinent to the complaint within ten (10) working days after the notice of appeal is received by the City Manager. The committee shall weigh facts of the complaint and recommend a course of action. The recommendation of the EEO Complaint Review Committee shall be presented in writing to the complainant and the complainant's department head within five (5) working days after the date of the appeal hearing. A copy of the recommendation shall be forwarded to the City Manager. Makeup of EEO Complaint Review Committee The EEO Complaint Review Committee shall be made up of three members, consisting of a department head (not to include the complainant's department head), an organizational peer of the complainant, and another employee. The department head shall chair the committee. Members of the committee shall be appointed by the City Manager. The City Secretary shall serve as permanent secretary to the committee. Hearing Before the City Manager If the finding and recommendation of the EEO Complaint Review Committee is not satisfactory to the complainant or the complainant's department head, either may request a hearing with the City Manager. Such request shall be submitted in writing within five (5) working days after receipt of the EEO Complaint Review Committee's finding and recommendation. Within five (5) working days after receipt of the request for a hearing, the City Manager shall notify the respective parties in writing of a decision to either hear the appeal, or let the finding and recommendation of the Review Committee stand without further review. Should the City Manager decide to hear an appeal of the finding and recommendation of the Review Committee, the City Manager shall hear and weigh the facts of the complaint and formulate a decision. The City Manager's decision on the matter shall be presented in writing to the complainant and the complainant's department head within five (5) working days after the date of the hearing. Hearing at request of City Manager The City Manager may, after reviewing the findings and recommendations of the EEO Complaint Review Committee, decide to hold a hearing on the complaint without receiving an appeal. Copies to Personnel Files A copy of the decisions at each level in the process shall be placed in the personnel files of the complainant and the complainant's department head. APPENDIX E ANNUAL AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PLAN EVALUATION REPORT (To be developed.) d -13- GlAssociates, Inc. Architectural Signage 250 Bank St Southlake, Texas 76092 (817) 481- 9777(Metro) February 20, 1989 Hon. Johnny Westerholm, Mayor Y � Y City of Southlake F ' S 0 1989 667 N. Carroll Blvd 2 Southlake, Tx 76092 Dear Mayor Westerholm, I have filed for the office of Mayor in the City of Southlake. According to our City Charter, I must resign for all city appointed positions I currently hold. So therefore I am submitting my resignation for the following positions; Chairman /Member- Planning and Zoning Commission Member - Southlake /Trophy Club Merger Committee City Election Judge I would like to thank you and Council for giving me the opportunity to serve in the above positions. Sincerely, Gary Fickes dr"..r I PHILLIP BRESSINCK , .x - COMPANY � 4 � 4S1 , - February 8, 1989 Mr. Curtis Hawk City Manager City of Southlake 667 North Carroll Southlake, Texas 76092 Re: Letter of Resignation Dear Curtis: Due to increased business activity and other personal reasons, I have decided that I cannot give the amount of time needed to pro - perly serve on various Committees and Boards in which I am involved. Therefore, please accept this letter as notification that I am resigning, effective immediately, from the Southlake /Trophy Club Merger Committee and the City of Southlake Parks Board. I will be happy to provide you with any information or knowledge that I have gathered that relates to either of these groups. Sincerely, ro Phillip C. Bressinck PCB /sh 1101 EAST NORTHWEST PARKWAY SUITE 106 SOUTHLAKE, TX 76092 817 (METRO) 481 -7090 City of Southlake, Texas M E M O R A N D U M February 21,1989 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR WESTERHOLM AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager SUBJECT: Personnel Rules and Regulations CHAPTER 1 PURPOSE OF PERSONNEL POLICIES Comments: Personnel rules and regulations adopted by the City Council are policy guidelines governing employment with the City, thus the reference change from "Rules and Regulations" to "Policies ". Chapter 1 is intented to introduce what is expected of the employee by the City as employer, and what the employee can expect from the City. In terms of what is addressed in the existing "Rules and Regulations" and the proposed "Policies ", there are no major differences. However, the proposed policies are more definitively phrased to * avoid creating a higher standard of care than necessary (for employee and employer) * that could come back to haunt the city in a negligence lawsuit. * that seems to place an impossible burden on the city or the employees Examples: ... to create a high degree of understanding..." thoroughly familiar with all provisions of these rules and regulations..." "to develop a program of ... tenure..." CHAPTER 2 DEFINITIONS Comments: This chapter defines words /terms used in the policies. Substantially, the existing and proposed definitions are identical with the exception of: three (3) additional definitions S * "Compensatory time" (p. 3) * "Independent Contractor" (p.4) * "Leave with Pay" (p.5) The deletion of the term "contract employee" from the "employee" definition, and as a separate term defined in the list of definitions, since the FLSA uses the term "Independent Contractor" to define this particular group. Rewrite "suspension" to read "... an involuntary discontinuance of pay and performance..." rather than just The deletion of the phrase "...and property rights in the position..." from the definition of the term "probation ", since these "policies" are not intended to give any employee a "property right" to a job. Other minor changes to more appropriately define terms (e.g. to use terms, etc. set out in the FLSA whenever possible. To include the term "reserves and national guard" in the definition of military leave, to reflect State and National Law) CHAPTER 3 PROBATION Comments: This is Chapter 4 in the existing "Rules and Regulations" Basically the same provisions, reworked in order to more pook succinctly spell out the purpose and effect of the provisions, with minor changes. For example: * extension of fire and police officer probationary period to twelve (12) months, to follow state requirements * more carefully spell out how and when a probationary employee's work will be formally reviewed /evaluated * remove references to "property rights" CHAPTER 4 WAGE AND SALARY ADMINISTRATION Comments: This is Chapter 5 in the existing "Rules and Regulations. "Substantively, Chapter 4 as proposed is basically the same as the existing Chapter on wage and salary administration. * add the words "in their opinion" in the last sentance of Section 2, "Salary Rates ". * under "Salary Reduction ", deleted reference to "just cause" and "property rights ", added "... when deemed ,,, necessary for the proper administration of the affairs of the city..." added reference to right of appeal by regular employees. * reworked "overtime" provisions to reflect FLSA requirements, particularly as it refers to compensatory time off. CHAPTER 5 DISIPLINARY PROCEDURES Comments: This is Chapter 7 in the existing. The proposed Chapter 5 is a substantial rewrite of the existing. Chapter 5 defines the purpose of standard disciplinary procedures, sets out authority and responsibilities, types and reasons for possible actions, procedures for actions, and rights of appeal. The onerous civil service provisions have been eliminated. Our organization is small enough that we can equitably, effectively manage without the civil service provisions contained in the existing. A more workable "Employee Complaint and Grievance Procedure" has been developed as a companion document. CHAPTER 6 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS Comments: This chapter is by and large identical to the provisions contained in Chapter 8 of the existing. Minor changes have been made in some instances to enhance readability or clarify points. Change of note: removed provision prohibiting use of sick leave or employee w'th less than six (6) months of service. Curtis . Hawk City Manager CEH /sl los } ✓ CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 478 \. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, ABANDONING A PORTION OF A UTILITY EASEMENT LOCATION ON LOT 9, BLOCK 1, RAIN- FOREST ADDITION TO THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, ' TEXAS, WHICH IS NO LONGER NEEDED OR NECESS- ARY FOR UTILITY EASEMENT PURPOSES; PRO- VIDING THAT SUCH ABANDONMENT SHALL NOT IN ANY WAY AFFECT THE RIGHT OF ANY PUBLIC UTILITY LOCATED IN SUCH REAR YARD; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. WHEREAS, a portion of a utility easement is no ! longer needed or necessary for use as an easement; and, WHEREAS, the City has concluded that it is the best O interest of the citizens and taxpayers of the City of South - lake and promotes the public safety, health, morals and general welfare to abandon a portion of the utility easement located on Lot 9, Block 1, Rainforest Addition to the City of South - lake; and, WHEREAS, the City does find that the hereinafter de- scribed portion of the utility easement no longer needed for the utility easement purposes and should be abandoned in order to relieve the property owner of any liability as the 9'X70' portion of the easement which is incroached upon by a swimming pool; now, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, THAT: Section 1. That all matters stated in the preamble are found to be true and correct, and are incorporated into the body of this Ordinance as if copied in their entirety. Section 2. That the hereinafter described portion of the utility easement within the property known as Lot 9, Block 1, Rainforest Addition, be and the same is hereby abandoned as a utility easement, is described as follows, to -wit: All of that lot, tract, and /or parcel of land described in Exhibit "A" which is attached hereto and incorporated herein. Section 3. That the above described portion of the utility easement is abandoned in favor of the property owner. Ordinance No. 478 Page Two Section 4. That the abandonment provided for herein shall extend only to the utility easement hereinafter described and shall be construed to extend only to the interests that the governing body of the City of Southlake may legally and lawfully abandon in said utility easement only. PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, on this the day of 1989. Johnny H. Westerholm Mayor of Southlake ATTEST: Sandra L. LeGrand City Secretary DEWEY & ASSOCIATES & ENGINEERS • SURVEYORS • LAND PLANNERS • CAD DESIGNS February 7, 1989 To Whom It May Concern: This letter is to request that an abandonment of a portion of an existing utility easement per plat of RAINFOREST ADDITION, an Addition to the City of Southlake, Texas, be granted. This request is being made because of an existing swimming pool which has been built within this area. ATTACHED EXHIBITS: (1) Exhibit A - Metes and bounds of area to be abandoned. (2) Exhibit B - Drawing of area to be abandoned. (3) Copy of the recorded subdivision plat. Should you have any questions or require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, . l ewey REGISTERED PUBLIC SPY 's' NO. 1641 JD:ls Attachments 3203 N. MacARTHUR IRVING, TEXAS 75062 214/255 -1501 P. 0. Box 153028 Irving, Texas 75015 -3028 February 9, 1989 Henry S. Miller, Realtors Mr. Richard W. Reissler 4835 N. O'Connor, Suite 200 Irving, Texas 75062 Re: Lot 9, Block 1 of Rainforest Addition, an Addition to the City of Southlake, Texas. Dear Mr. Reissler: Please be advised that GTE Southwest Incorporated has no objection to the encroachment of the swimming pool which extends approximately 9.0 feet into the 15.0 foot utility easement situated across the rear of the subject lot. If we may provide further assistance regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to call me at 256 -1943. Da "d Allen Sr. Engineer - R -O -W DA: ds 6 Lone Star Gas Company FORT WORTH DIVISION OF DISTRIBUTION l00 W. Morningside Dr. • Fort Worth, Texas 76110 February 8, 1989 Ref: Lot 9, Block 1 of Rainforest Addition Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas Lone Star Gas has no objection to the abandonment of the 9'x70' portion of the easement which is affected by the swimming pool. Suzan t inkle xc: T.R. Galloway OXIMMMUMMM MIMI MOM= TUELECTRIC TU Electric has no objection to the abandonment of the 9'x70' portion of the easement which is affected by the swimming pool on Lot 9 Block 1 of Rainforest Addition in Southlake. ,I?avya&A..7' LAPe91 e-• Margaret Woolery Customer Services Representative P. 0. Box 609 Euless, Texas 76039 City of Southlake, Texas M E M O R A N D U M February 16, 1989 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS FROM: Sandra L. LeGrand, City Secretary SUBJECT: Abandonment of a portion of a Utility Easement Ordinance No. 478. Attached is Ordinance No. 478 which abandons a portion of the utility easement on Lot 9, Block 1, Rainforest Addition to the City of Southlake, Texas. This request was made as the Swimming Pool at the residence, which is already completed, encroaches upon the utility easement at the rear of the property on a 9'X70' section. Letters of release are attached from each of the Utility Companies which may be effected by this. The City Staff urges you to approve Ordinance No. 478. / / / 'SLL /sl enclosures. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS "Sources of Water Fund Revenue" FYE FYE FYE FYE FYE 9 -30 -88 9 -30 -87 9 -30 -86 9 -30 -85 9 -30 -84 Water Sales $ 81.64 $ 88.93 $ 87.47 $ 78.84 $ 74.40 Garbage Revenue 1.53 .97 1.20 .97 .76 Sewer Revenue 1.27 1.22 .85 .45 .85 Water Taps 1.02 1.56 3.10 9.23 17.12 Inspection Fees 2.26 - - - - Miscellaneous 2.22 .30 .17 .61 2 Impact Fees 3.88 2.91 1.22 - - Interest Income 5.00 4.11 5.99 9.90 4.42 Fund Balance 1.18 - - - - $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 "Analysis of Water Fund Expenses" FYE FYE FYE FYE FYE 9 -30 -88 9 -30 -87 9 -30 -86 9 -30 -85 9 -30 -84 Personnel services $ 10.59 $ 11.25 $ 15.08 $ 19.52 $ 31.78 Operating costs 60.95 52.55 39.38 56.13 48.29 Depreciation 10.56 12.84 12.82 11.32 16.76 Bond Coupon Interest 17.90 23.36 32.72 13.03 3.17 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS "Sources of General Fund Dollars" 4 FYE FYE FYE FYE FYE 9 -30 -88 9 -30 -87 9 -30 -86 9 -30 -85 9 -30 -84 Ad valorem tax $ 44.11 $ 42.35 $ 40.80 $ 30.44 $ 32.30 Franchise tax 5.17 5.45 8.83 8.98 7.92 City sales tax 9.21 8.67 19.13 24.50 23.78 Licenses, permits and fees 8.42 7.06 10.30 17.63 24.63 Fines and forfeitures 9.47 11.18 13.39 11.38 8.72 Other 4.04 6.45 3.34 7.07 2.65 Gifts 19.58 - Fund Balance - 18.84 4.21 - - $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 0 "Uses of General Fund Cash" FYE FYE FYE FYE FYE 9 -30 -88 9 -30 -87 9 -30 -86 9 -30 -85 9 -30 -84 City Administration $ 18.49 $ 19.33 $ 16.63 $ 36.70 $ 35.86 Police Department 23.59 24.38 33.29 23.31 35.16 Fire Department 8.79 6.22 6.43 4.81 7.60 Building Department 5.19 6 10.03 7.06 4.68 Facilities - - 6.42 3.89 Streets and Roads 6.86 7.98 6.92 - Parks 1.70 . 6 7.29 1.27 - Municipal Court 4.47 4.71 7.14 - - Public Works 2.69 2.02 2.90 - - Miscellaneous .83 1.60 - - - Debt Service 7.89 6.28 8.31 13.51 12.81 Fire Truck 19.50 - - - - $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 A City of Southlake, Texas M E M O R A N D U M February 16, 1989 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR WESTERHOLM AND CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS FROM: Sandra L. LeGrand, City Secretary SUBJECT: Request for a Variance to the Sign Ordinance No. 350 On February 10, 1989, I received a request from Mr. Bob Couch, asking to be placed on the City Council Agenda for the next meeting. I contacted the Public Works Department for information concern- ing his request and ascertained that the request was due to a Code Enforcement action, which is sign related. Attached is a memorandum from John Elkins to Bill LeGrand which explains the reason for the request of Mr. Couch to go before the city council for a variance to the sign ordinance. X4111.144_,L-- 'SLL /sl enclosures B. J. Couch 1 FEB Rt. 1 Bx. 67C 10, 199 207 Davis Blvd, Keller, Tex. 76248 CITY I T Y s : c Feb.8,1989 To: City Secretary of Southlake Texas Please put me on the agenda for the City Council as soon as possible for the purpose of a sign variance at Century 21 Frontier and Couchs Gro and Feed on Davis Blvd. Thank You Hm# -1010 off. 488 -9558 City of Southlake, Texas M E M O R A N D U M February 16, 1989 TO: William D. LeGrand, DPW • FROM: John D. Elkins, Code Inspection SUBJECT: Portable Sign (Couch's C & H Feed & Supply) January 20, 1989 a complaint was received by this office of a portable sign at Couch's C & H Feed & Supply. A P. M. onsite inspection was made with a code violation to Ordinance #350. A certified letter was sent to owner or agent, Mr. Bob Couch,concerning this violation with a copy of the sign ordinance page twelve. The certified letter was received January 24, 1989 at which time he had 10 days to comply with provisions of the City Ordinance or could result in a fine up to $2000. per day. A follow -up inspection February 7 revealed that the sign was still there no additional action was taken by this department, pending review by staff. /jb , EXHIBIT "A" BEING part of Lot 9, Block 1 of RAINFOREST ADDITION, an Addition to the City of Southlake, Texas, according to the Map recorded in Volume 388 -165, Page 58, in the Plat Records of Tarrant County, Texas, and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at a point which is South 00 degrees 16 minutes 46 seconds East 140.00 feet and North 89 degrees 43 minutes 14 seconds West 6.00 feet from the most Northerly Northeast corner of the above mentioned Lot 9; THENCE South 00 degrees 16 minutes 46 seconds East and parallel with the East line of said Lot 9 for a distance of 70.00 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 89 degrees 43 minutes 14 seconds West 9.00 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 00 degrees 16 minutes 46 seconds West and parallel with said East line of Lot 9 for a distance of 70.00 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South 89 degrees 43 minutes 14 seconds East for a distance of 9.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 630.00 square feet. O�,,]'i- PREPARED BY: c . � � S *. oW '•. * '� JAMES DEWEY \t 5 / V ,�.I '- NOTARY PUBLIC 0 STATE OF TEXAS 0 BEFORE ME, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State on this date personally appeared JAMES DEWEY, known to me personally to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the for the purpose and consideration therein eLessed. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this 7 day of /� —�=/� __, 1989. ;�, ROBERT E. WHITE _ . COMMISSION EXPIRES / / t/i "3 if, -/L - ! '_ -- e / l /� i ' " ' • • • • ' � � { ! " ? NOTAR PU: L I I N AND FIR THE STATE OF TEXAS tl . i W N O a O W g 1 1 in S8 43' 14 "E ;00, 43 00' O p POINT OF O O BEGINNING O POOL Iti P• 6 3 F . _ W t0 t0 t0 e � RESIDENCE §1.1 0 9.00' N8 97 43' 1 "W (\ I" T /c / r r \ r4S LOT 9 BLOCK I \- f A°fHT RAINFOREST ADDITION \ VOL. 388 -165 PG. 58 '..„--...„.. RAINFOREST COURT 4?" '' **IP H EXHIBIT B ' � JAMES DEWEY SCALE: 1 11 = 30' DATE: ...1641 FEB. 7, 1989 B• - f vr4 .k' 2j' ' it w�nir nw / � 1r'' � ' SeUiVake, 7k • , ,z •,,:.,/ a A ' Loa Cro7n on • �6 / /V• MOW. . • ' • 9 i� 1 M/ /�►, , be. 7�2/! , ,� to • Q . e.Z — b� •b I t 6 •. R L•.�nccke i I _a '27 2S R4s/i2/ • . , : 10 a I < 6ou/'h/rke, rx. I ' NV . . 1 C ', . z1. il 9 Igo . t � i. i J '- `o 11 ' 1 ) t • k w 1 0- % n ■ `512(s. a . • as J( re•bis/ t - l P T 1 d \ a. , b op �'/f,(eks � • ii Tx, _ M • 41 • (TS op i e 74/ � q ,)st.ss ' ' - . F ? `�A 1- � r 7.111 ____ Al. 92.97 • 6* • 57'02 'W -579• 2 I /G1 ? •- ' - - -N •- ' I qt .J. 2. d11 C � 1 4 b . Q0.580 d/elenbee 1 ro ' t7 N1 eCtI 14.4e, Tx. 61 M V 1 1 • ■ • Sy /Vi:7 4. 4//rrc .0 I C O 5 251b r�Yt -r'1r/ yh 71 > 1 in . e'uth/ake Ik. u .� _ I 2:70,1.6 !'1 L V . _ - 7569 _,t - 4 v ik 4 ,, . _.. ...._ -••• 1 ,-, 1 , , GREINSOUON 2 k 1, • tO ( /49'4 --ipp dl A ....4.0.., '1 A nr C b ,„ M1 ,„ 41 p 0 M1t , 1 i /44..? 4 ` • U .Sdf•O,i QG' p 4 I u_ . I kN __ 1 /G ?.G , , \ ., A. . . , . ; T a , , . , _ ,('o6✓rf //otrto/7 I ,t^ , ° (1 � �1 a '� . t 2e /D,0 /»n9 H,//.4 I i ' • 1 I south /ake, TX. I ' t � 1 • L "` te' Wilily , t±a4ameni? • ROLLING HILLS 1 ' --- - - -- (i t ty lnrnin9 Aoy 2� W4u Bti, John S.i»mo/78 ,Box /7G Con�/can.r, 1x. ydi /D • • • • • . . . .. ,,,. 0 • , ... 4 :. . . .. ,,,.. . . .. , •, ., . . , . t.,, aIn ,,.., !..,,,,,.,...., , . . sii ... . . •.. . . , ., , ,t , , . 4 . . . . . . . . , .., . , .. „. . . . . . .. . , , .. . • „. . . . • ... . . . , . .. . .. . . , , . • . • ., i : • 0� /k. •itp of. 1 V � V C ;'tilt t••, �• r } • )•{ , t, ,'• ilt •.••� ; , h g', ; t / i y' ),',.') ,, 1 , n,� . . � ' . , , � , .. ;� ., , 1 k, •:{ • � • " •''• w�at► r V y `.. t..)•1 0 0.11 ,,.. 1 ;•l, O .r / •' . • .,` y /' +'1. j • .. r • - - • • DATE FEBRUARY 7, 1989 c - .. of -S o h I ake DA`= -'f'tiRfinav A.M. C ity � "Where ... w..e a C,:un..Y Living is A. 11,:s s s .es DAYS TOTAL/ I a f s W- VIOLATIONS TO CITY ORDINANCES DATE: / (7 2 0 - ?Y LOCATION: R 7 G aLP/ �� OWNER: From tax role NATURE OF COMPLAINT: SV c3 y )- . re4.jc,-rpmer_ y8 /,/6/? 43i 6.4,4 -) T7M / y j _ fi /rq /e s,�» J / f ee nfily at-Fro p7 tie g. ( \ 4. / ( 2T / ex --4 7 J /3 ©x 67-6 ktolito / ge)A-M63s_s / • 1 Signature Authorized Personnel Date Mif MOM City of Southlake January 20, 1989 Juthlo �e Owner or Agent Bob Couch C & H Feed & Supply Rt. 1 Box 67C Mayor: Keller, Texas 76248 Johnny H. Westerholm Mayor Pro Tem: RE: VIOLATION TO CITY OF SOUTHLAKE ORDINANCE(S) Betty Springer Councilmembers: Jim Wooll It has been brought to our attention that a vio- Pamela A. Muller lat ion (s ) to City Ordinance(s) exists on the Sally Hall property described herein: W. Ralph Evans City Manager. Legal Description: Block: Lot: Curtis E. Hawk Addition /Subdivision: City Secretary. Sandra L LeGrand Survey Abstract No.: Tract No.: Street Address: Rt 1 Box 65 Davis Blvd. City Ordinance Number(s): 350 Description of Violation(s): Portable Sign Century 21- Frontier You are hereby notified that you have ten (10) days from receipt of this letter in which to correct this situation. Failure to comply with provisions of the City Ordinance(s) could result in a fine up to $2,000 per day. It is anticipated that your cooperation in correcting these violations will eliminate any need for the issuance of citations. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to give me a call. Sincerely, CI7)OF SOOUTHLAKE John D. tlins Code Enforcement Certified: # P 888 880 262 667 North Carroll Avenue • Southlake, Texas 76092 • (817) 481 -5581 coo x W x pi w � oamv • c m a m 6 co c.f> m O C'.; ❑ma o WM 3 m > > O c+ $ 0 n N w � ° CO CO W o, c c F-+ . p i� m o i m Q 0° 0.12 I—+ (D D f mo = � o m (D N'1 C".a o° ....o•-•=-, mm A 1 1 11 O w m o. tU G 3 = -..3 = 3 • m a OUa • no 0 0� a _ ,— m a3 X CD � a 3 °x' <'�m G 1 • m 0 $ a m m o o • c, m X ---.1 c+ _ El ' . °� co 1 o Ul n C] 4m °O , ID 3 a m01 -I a- z p c�/� N Z..m N �\ F1 C nm ° o F :0 ‘,.....% 1 CC CD • . o m 0 a. m aa, 'mlm.... m OD " CD 1 i �f_ . m N o�m m as. 1 - amm 0 °3 m m po o p A Sam <° ° • , p Y a�a cmm`� co o• m A a O m- m r a- 2 N m c • m m °j o o Q, m m to 0 m S = m D `% 0 a o a o o G�Z ❑ m a 3 cc:, 0 0 ' ° c o 00 3 0 00. � m T 7 m CA m 1 N 0 m a G N 2a o ° 3, m 0 cc `y < y zn 3 0 CC a o o a 0 m m ° m p a oa '� m ° 3 c o° m c • ° C O t7 a m 3 m N ..TA – 3 27 Z �` m n9 0. 07 m °om v ' m m 8 N .2 , m , 0< m �m m `^ m °,0 3 m <� C1 0 mm.. m m mm 3 as a .-I 4 a ttachment c= street address numbers to curbs. F. Advertising by ballocr. crohibited. Advertisement by means cf a balloon or other floating devise anchored to the ground, a building or other structure is prohibited. G. Portable sicns and Off - Premise Signs, other than directional sicns crchibited, except as noted belcw. (1.) Portable sicns, as that term is defined in Section I (3) are prohibited, provided, however, that upon a special sign permit being granted by a majority vote cf the City Council a portable sign may be displayed cn pr= .,,ises for a maximum of one 7 -day period no more cf t =- than e•r = nett/ (90) days provided that such _ -_� ninety d= 1 Y is for non-profit organizational use. (2.) Signs other than political signs, which advertise for products, goods, services cr other items nct offered cn th= cam= pre_.. -ses utcn which the sic- is located ar= prth H. Special o rcOse sicns. (a) Special purpose political signs may be erected on any private property without limit as to number; provided, that such signs comply with other applicable requirements of this Ordinance and provided further that the owner or occupant of the property on which such signs is displayed: (1) shall not erect or cause to be erected Sign Ord., Page D 1 ;e 4 City of Southlake, Texas M E M O R A N D U M February 16, 1989 TO: William D. LeGrand, DPW FROM: John D. Elkins, Code Inspection SUBJECT: Portable Sign (Couch's C & H Feed & Supply) January 20, 1989 a complaint was received by this office of a portable sign at Couch's C & H Feed & Supply. A P. M. onsite inspection was made with a code violation to Ordinance #350. A certified letter was sent to owner or agent, Mr. Bob Couch,concerning this violation with a copy of the sign ordinance page twelve. The certified letter was received January 24, 1989 at which time he had 10 days to comply with provisions of the City Ordinance or could result in a fine up to $2000. per day. A follow -up inspection February 7 revealed that the sign was still there no additional action was taken by this department, pending review by staff. f CHEATHAM AND ASSOCIATES January 16, 1989 Curtis E. Hawk; City Manager City of Southlake 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas 76092 Subject: Periodic Status Report of Projects PROJECT STATUS Authorized Construction Projects: - Elevated Storage Tanks 1.5 MG Tank - Complete 0.5 MG - Complete - Assembly of God Sewer Complete - 12" Water Line on Dove Complete - Metering Manhole Material at Job Site awaiting installation. - Healy -Ruff Contract Awaiting new frequency approval by FCC Authorized Inspection Projects: - Elevated Storage Tank Complete - 12" Water Line Complete Authorized Surveying Projects: - Benchmark Grid System Field Work Complete - Will supply report & map pending City setting concrete monuments Plat Review and Site Plan Review: [See attached Plat Review Summary - 1/12/89] ENGINEERS • PLANNERS • SURVEYORS A Subsidiary Firm of Southwest Planning and Design, Inc. 2011 East Lamar Blvd. • Suite 200 • Arlington, Texas 76006 817/460 -2111 • Metro 265 -7948 Authorized Urban Planning Projects - Setbacks for SH 114 & RE 1709 - awaiting final geometry FM 1709 RE 114 - awaiting adoption of report and public hearings. - Complete Water & Sewer In progress - awaiting info from CCN for newly annexed City. areas - Subdivision Ordinance Currently at P & Z awaiting approval prior to City Council action. - Water & Sanitary Sewer Working with Public Works Director Ordinance & Design on draft. Criteria - Drainage Policy First round of revisions are (Ordinance) complete - draft delivered to City for further discussion. Authorized Mapping - Zoning Reclassification Complete Map - Colored Zoning Map Complete - Revise Base Map To begin work within next 30 days. (showing latest annexations) Miscellaneous Authorized Projects: - Keller water contract Second draft has been delivered - copy has been delivered to Fort Worth - HIA pending City's pursuit of TPA system take-over & other actions. - Boundary between Southlake Low priority given - will check & Grapevine with Grapevine when this can be done in conjunction with other work - Floor Plan for New Second concept completed. Await City Hall further directions from City. - Floor Plan for Fire Second concept completed. Await Substation further directions from City. 4 2 • Miscellaneous Authorized Projects (continued): - Intersection Study Gathering traffic accident reports (Traffic Engineering) & other data necessary for S. Peytonville at conducting analysis. Continental & T.W. King at Bob Jones Rd. Projects or Issues Pending - No Project Authorized as of this Report: Building Line Ordinance -- Held pending receipt of R.O.W. data on FM 1709 and SH114 and project authorization Ordinance 217 revision - - -- Held in Abeyance (HIA) Standard Specification - - -- Recent adoption by City Council of COG Specifications Urban design controls including appearance codes and other aesthetic based controls - - -- HIA [Sample Corridor Controls have been furnished] Park Grant - - -- HIA State Approval of water system - - -- Preliminary reports furnished -- -- Awaiting further direction from City. Capital Improvements Programming, long term - - -- HIA Development Guide and Handbook - - -- HIA Drainage Study (Concept Plan) - - -- Proposal submitted - awaiting further direction from City Please do not hesitate to call should you have any questions. We will contact you in a few days to review the status report for any changes you may wish to make. Eddie Cheatham, P.E. Principal 3 CITY OF SOUTHEIAKE PLAT REVIEW SUMMARY Sheet 1 of 3 CHEATHAM & ASSOCIATES *' January 16, 1989 PROJECT NAME DATE P &Z COUNCIL REVISIONS REVIEW ADD. REC. ACTION ACTION RECEIVED LETTERS NOTES Chapel Downs 1 -11 -89 1: 1 -12 -89 *15 Concept Plan Chapel Downs 12 -28 -88 1: 1 -13 -89 Prel. Plat Chimney Hill Addn. 12 -01 -88 12 -22 -88 12 -15 -88 1: 12 -09 -88 Prel. Plat *4 1 -10 -89 2: 12 -16 -88 3: 1 -13 -89 Milner Addn. 11 -15 -88 12 -08 -88 12 -20 -88 1: 11 -16 -88 *15 Final Plat *3 *3 Milner Addn. 9 -15 -88 10 -06 -88 11 -01 -88 1: 9 -26 -88 Prel. Plat *4 10 -20 -88 *3 Kimball /1709 8 -08 -88 N/A N/A 1: 8 -17 -88 *12 Site Plan Kimball /1709 Addn 6 -9 -88 7 -7 -88 7 -19 -88 7 -14 -88 1: 6 -14 -88 *15 Final Plat *3 *2 7 -27 -88 2: 7 -15 -88 8 -04 -88 8 -16 -88 10 -03 -88 3: 7 -27 -88 *3 *3 4: 10 -10 -88 Hart Ind. Park 6 -2 -88 6 -23 -88 7 -5 -88 1: 6 -3 -88 *13 Final Plat *3 *1 6 -28 -88 2: 6 -29 -88 Hart Ind. Park 6 -28 -88 7 -15 -88 1: 6 -29 -88 *11 Constr. Plans 2: 7 -18 -88 114 & Carroll Addn. 5 -18 -88 6 -23 -88 7 -5 -88 1: 5 -31 -88 *13 Prel. Plat *3 *1 2: 6 -24 -88 *KEY TO COMMENTS 1. Plat approved as submitted 9. No review by our staff 2. Plat denied as submitted 10. Action taken on plans not reviewed by our staff 3. Plat conditionally approved 11. Construction plan corrections still not received 4. Tabled by'applicant 12. Awaiting additional info from applicant 5. Tabled by City 13. Conditional approval not yet satisfied 6. Withdrawn by applicant 14. Approved subject to developers agreement 7. Plans currently being reviewed 15. All requirements to previous letters have been met 8. Plans approved by our staff .4 - CITY OF SOUTHLAKE PLAT REVIEW SUMMARY Sheet 2 of 3 • CHEATHAM & ASSOCIATES °"'' January 16, 1989 4N PROJECT NAME DATE P &Z COUNCIL REVISIONS REVIEW ADD. ■ REC. ACTION ACTION RECEIVED LETTERS NOTES Kimball /1709 Addn. 5 -18 -88 6 -9 -88 7 -5 -88 6 -6 -88 1: 5 -31 -88 *13 Prel. Plat *4 *1 2: 6 -14 -88 6 -23 -88 *2 4 Miron, Building 5 4 -26 -88 5 -3 -88 1: 4 -28 -88 *3, 13 Site Plan *3 Ravenaux Place 4 -26 -88 5 -19 -88 6 -7 -88 5 -16 -88 1: 4 -28 -88 *13 Final Plat *3 *3 6 -2 -88 2: 6 -2 -88 Ravenaux Place 5 -3 -88 1: 5 -11 -88 *11 4 Constr. Plans A Commerce Bus Park 3 -10 -88 3 -15 -88 1: 3 -10 -88 *13 Lot 1 -R, B.D. *3 Site Plan 4 -4 -88 *3 ,.., St. Laurence Church 1 -15 -88 1 -19 -88 1: 1 -15 -88 *13 Rev. Site Plan *3 4 Southlake Bank Place 2 -08 -88 3 -01 -88 2 -22 -88 1: 2 -17 -88 *13 L.5, B.B, Site Plan *3 2: 2 -22 -88 Brumlow Ind. Dist. 1 -04 -88 1 -21 -88 2 -02 -88 1 -26 -88 1: 1 -06 -88 *13 Replat L.5 *3 *3 2: 1 -26 -88 Brumlow Ind. Dist. 1 -06 -88 2 -02 -88 1: 1 -08 -88 *13 4 Site Plan, L.5 -A *3 ' Ravenaux Village 11 -24 -87 1 -19 -88 1: 11 -30 -87 *11 Constr. Plans *3 *KEY TO COMMENTS 4 1. Plat approved as submitted 9. No review by our staff 2. Plat denied as submitted 10. Action taken on plans not reviewed by our staff 3. Plat conditionally approved 11. Construction plan corrections still not received 4. Tabled by applicant 12. Awaiting additional info from applicant 5. Tabled by City 13. Conditional approval not yet satisfied . 6. Withdrawn by applicant 14. Approved subject to developers agreement 7. Plans currently being reviewed 15. All requirements to previous letters have been met 8. Plans approved by our staff . 41 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE PLAT REVIEW SUMMARY Sheet 3 of 3 CHEATHAM & ASSOCIATES January 16, 1989 PROJECT NAME DATE P &Z COUNCIL REVISIONS REVIEW ADD. REC. ACTION ACTION RECEIVED LETTERS NOTES Oak Knoll Lkvw. 11 -24 -87 1: 12 -2 -87 *11 Drng. Study MTP -IBM Lot 3 10 -13 -87 N.A. 7 -7 -87 1: 6 -23 -87 *13 Site Plan 7 -21 -87 2: 7 -14 -87 *3, 3: 10 -14 -87 Heritage Ind. Prk. 7 -23 -87 10 -28 -87 1: 7 -31 -87 *11 Constr. Plans 5 -16 -88 2: 11 -9 -87 3: 5 -31 -88 *KEY TO COMMENTS 1. Plat approved as submitted 9. No review by our staff 2. Plat denied as submitted 10. Action taken on plans not reviewed by our staff 3. Plat conditionally approved 11. Construction plan corrections still not received 4. Tabled by applicant 12. Awaiting additional info from applicant 5. Tabled by City 13. Conditional approval not yet satisfied 6. Withdrawn by applicant 14. Approved subject to developers agreement 7. Plans currently being reviewed 15. All requirements to previous letters have been met 8. Plans approved by our staff City of Southlake, Texas 4 M E M O R A N D U M February 16, 1989 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS 4 FROM: Sandra L. LeGrand, City Secretary A SUBJECT: Request for an amendment to Ordinance No. 334 4 Jim Martin has made a request for an amendment to the Zoning 4 Ordinance No. 334. He wishes the ordinance to reflect the use of New /Used Car Sales in Retail -2 Zoning District. He has been placed on the Council Agenda so that Council can hear his request and direct the city staff accordingly. 4f>/. Lii) S L sl M E M O R A N D U M February 17, 1989 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council FROM: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager Renee McCarty, Finance Officer SUBJECT: Annual Financial Statement The Annual Financial Statements of the City of Southlake for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1988, is herewith submitted. The City Charter requires an annual audit to be made of all accounts of the City by a certified public accountant selected by the City Council. This requirement has been complied with. In accordance with the Charter and state statutes, the independent accounting firm of Judd, Thomas, Smith & Company was hired to conduct the fiscal year audit for the year ending September 30, 1988. This is the fifth consecutive year the firm has conducted the audit. It is the responsibility of the auditors to issue an opinion on the fair presentation of the financial position of the City, free of any material errors or irregularities. The responsibility for the accuracy of the data and completeness and fairness of presentation rests with the City. We believe the enclosed data are accurate in all material respects and are reported in a manner designed to present fairly the financial position and results of operations of various funds and account groups of the City. All required disclosures for a clear understanding of the City's financial activities have been included. Financial Statement The annual financial statement is presented in three categories: (1) General Purpose Financial Statements, (2) Combining Individual Fund and Account Group Statements Schedules, and (3) Statistical Section. The General Purpose Financial Statements present Balance Sheets, Combined Statements of Revenue, Expenditures, and Fund Balance, for the General Fund, or Retained Earnings, for Enterprise /Water Fund, and required note disclosures pertinent to the reported data. The Combining Individual Fund and Account Group Statements and Schedules present each fund's Comparative Balance Sheet and Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Change in Fund Balance /Retained Earnings. Revenues and Expenditures are compared to the budget for operating funds, General and Water, for performance analysis of appropriations control. This section also presents Statements of General Fixed Assets and General Long -Term Debt that enumerate the City's assets, as well as their funding source, and liabilities associated with funds other than the Enterprise Fund. The statistical section presents schedules of investments, bonds payable, and insurance in force, at September 30, 1988. This report includes all funds and account groups of the City. They reflect the activity for the wide range of services the City provides. These services include police and fire protection, emergency medical response, municipal court, building inspections, recreational activities, sanitation services, and maintenance of streets and infra- structure. All services with the exception of water and sewer sanitation and infrastructure maintenance are provided by the general fund, which relies on ad valorem /property taxes as its primary source of funds. Material Weaknesses Identified In conjunction with the audit, there are three material weaknesses the partner in charge, Terry Bouton, feels the City must address: delinquent tax roll reconciliation, subsidiary listing of general fixed assets, and an unauthorized interfund loan. Upon reconciling the delinquent tax records for the audit, a discrepancy in the delinquent tax collections, based on information provided by Tarrant County Collections Office, was discovered. The beginning delinquent tax roll provided by Tarrant County last year and current year delinquent taxes outstanding less the delinquent collections this year was not equivalent to the confirmed ending delinquent tax roll for this year. The audit firm agreed to provide copies of the confirmations Tarrant County Collections sent them for both years. Upon receipt of these copies, the City will draft a letter to Tarrant County requesting on explanation for the difference. Stricter controls are necessary and an effort will be made to address this need. General Fixed Assets Inventory has not been updated in a diligent manner. A physical inventory should be conducted in a effort to identify all general fixed assets and insure that an inventory tag number has been assigned to each of them. This process was attempted in the past, but staff time and software restrictions prohibited project completion. The Fixed Asset Application was removed late 1986 due to the memory limitations of the computer at the time. The City has determined that the fixed asset application software can be reloaded on the computer, since memory space has been made available by a purchase of hard drive disk storage upgrade in late 1987. This software will -2- aid staff in valuation calculations and record keeping. Due to the materiality of this weakness and the reoccurring audit comments from year to year, staff will shuffle responsibilities and priorities to accomplish this task. An interfund loan was made by Water Fund to General Fund for a revenue shortfall of $140,544 in October, 1987, at an interest rate of 10.5 %. The loan was handled properly but the City Council authorization was apparently not received prior to transfer, as required by the Charter. Other Weaknesses Other identified weaknesses were not as material in nature, but the staff will address these during fiscal year 1989. Three weaknesses were listed for the Enterprise /Water Fund: customer deposit reconciliation, written policies for delinquency of utility bills, and recording water revenue on a full accrual basis. Two of these weaknesses, the reconciliation and the revenue accrual, will be addressed in conjunction with the general "clean -up" effort on the software. The installation was never completed in terms of account codes, report set -up, and full integration of all software modules. Software module integration would force a monthly reconciliation of customer deposits and a full accrual recognition of revenue. In conjunction with the audit, the Finance Office prepared a customer deposit reconciliation that identified those deposits that remain outstanding but had been purged from the computer records, due to a data entry error that occurred July, 1986. These accounts will be assigned new account numbers that identify them as a part of this group. Proper adjustments have been identified in this process. Although, the delinquency and termination of utility service has not been written in text form, the utility bills state that the customer must pay the "Total Due" within twenty days. On the 21st day, delinquent notices are issued that give the customer five days from the notice issuance date to pay. The sixth day, the utility service is terminated. A document will be drafted that addresses this policy and any exceptions that exist due to unusual hardships, and presented to Council for proper action. Four additional weaknesses were identified for General Fund: interest and sinking transfers for debt service, a separate purchasing function, proper approval for court check issuances, and inefficiency in the Court procedures and record keeping. Debt service transfers should be made according to the percentage identified by ordinance each year, upon collection of ad valorem taxes, without regard to principal and interest payment dates. Cash management determines the portion of the transfer that is applied to each bond issue. Due to the scarce cash availability and previous year -3- tti!f transfers, fiscal year 1988 and 1989 payments were scheduled at equal transfers over a twelve month period staggered by principal and interest payment dates. Therefore, some of the monies in the interest and sinking accounts at September 30, 1988 are the accumulations for payments in the fiscal ,, year 1989. Now that the initial transition /correction period has past, the debt service need for fiscal year 1989 will be compared to cash balances in the interest and sinking accounts, and only the remaining debt service requirements will be transferred. October, 1989, will be designated as an initiation date for the debt service percentage of ad valorem receipts transfer policy. Internal control is greatly enhanced by proper separation of duties. In this vain, the auditors have suggested the City hire a Purchasing Agent for additional control of disbursements, vendor selection, and compliance with proper purchasing procedures and laws. This will be addressed during the preparation of the FY89 -90 annual budget. The final weakness identified by the auditor pertains to the Court Department. Proper approval of any disbursement assigns accountability for the accuracy and compliance with policies, procedures, and laws. Initials or signatures indicate approval; and therefore, the accountability is assigned. The sample that the auditors selected for cash escrow, warrant, and court refunds were not initialled by the individual preparing the check request form. Attention has already been given to this matter. As mentioned earlier, the staff and the software company, Cameo Software Solutions, will be conducting a general "clean -up" of the software modules and a completion of the installation. Therefore, the Court module will be integrated with the general ledger, which will force reconciliations to help identify errors and allow for editing of information prior to commitment to the permanent file. Additional training is necessary and will be provided in conjunction with other application training and software updates. Therefore, the reliance on manual reports will no longer be needed and proper controls will be activated. Fund Balances General Fund In the audit report, the General Fund and the Street /Roads Fund are combined for reporting purposes. To analyze the fund performance the two should be considered separately, because the assets contributed by the Street /Roads Fund are restricted in use for capital improvements on streets and roads. The results of operations or the "bottom line" for the operating funds is the final and most important issue. The Financial statements indicate that the general fund completed the fiscal year with a fund balance of a negative $90,531 (see pages 2 and 25 of report). The negative -4- $90,531 is arrived at by taking into account operations during the year ending September 30, 1988, which include an operating loss of $77,902, and prior year adjustments. ($77,902) operating loss for year ending 9/30/88 ( 12,629) beginning fund balance for FY88 -89, i.e., the ending fund balance for FY87 -88 ($90,531) Water Fund The water fund suffered a loss of $20,119 (pgs 7 and 40). The water fund loss is due to an accounting issue. Two peak adjustments, 1987 and 1988, for the Fort Worth Water Contract have been recognized in the fiscal year 1988. The 1987 peak adjustment was not recognized for the 1987 fiscal year report. The auditors determined that it was immaterial in nature and "passed" on the adjustment. Therefore, it was recognized when paid. In fiscal year 1988, as a matter of policy and the apparent increasing materiality of the peak adjustment, it was recognized in the fiscal year for which it was calculated. Summary of General Government Another way of entering the operations during the year ending September 30, 1988, would be to examine the variances between the reporting year and the prior year. To aid in this, an analysis by departments has been included. Schedule A and Schedule B were extrapolate from pages 5 and 6 of the Annual Financial Statements. Revenue Schedule A presents a summary of general fund revenues for fiscal year ended September 30, 1988 and the amount and percentage of increases and decreases in relation to prior year revenues. The most significant percentage increase in actual continued revenue sources was derived from charges for services. Service revenue is a combination of several sources: ambulance revenue, county fire appropriations, police department, and concession stand. A large portion of the increase is attributable to new services. The ambulance was placed in service November, 1987, and the City ran the concession stand at the Park for the first time April through July, 1988. The City realized an increase of $15,429 or 456.35% over the ambulance recovery fees collected in fiscal year 1987. -5- CITY OF SOUTHLAKE SUMMARY OF GENERAL FUND REVENUES FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED, SEPTEMBER 30, 1988 (SCHEDULE A) Revenues Amount % of Increase % of Total (Decrease) Increase from 1987(Decrease) Taxes $1,784,045 58.50 $ 264,582 17.42 Licenses/ Permits 256,837 8.43 66,719 35.10 Charges for Services 55,804 1.83 39,570 243.75 Fines 288,974 9.48 (11,926) (3.97) Interest 8,097 .26 (24,551) (75.20) Developer Contribution 22,000 .72 22,000 100.00 Miscellaneous 36,746 1.20 19,900 118.13 N. Awareness (30,505) (100.00) Gifts 597,175 19.58 519,957 673.37 Total $3,049,678 100.00 $ 865,746 39.65 , -6- CITY OF SOUTHLAKE SUMMARY GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED, SEPTEMBER 30, 1988 (SCHEDULE B) Expenditures Amount % of Increase % of Total (Decrease) Increase from 1987(Decrease) General Govt: City Secretary $ 75,580 2.68 $ 75,580 100.00 Administration 513,739 18.28 (6,453) (1.25) Court 136,369 4.86 9,690 7.65 Total Gen Gvt $ 725,688 25.82 78,817 12.19 Public Safety: Fire 268,213 9.55 100,953 60.36 Police 719,605 25.62 63,581 9.70 Building 158,309 5.63 6,888 4.55 Total Pub Saf $ 1,146,127 40.80 $171,422 17.59 Public Works: Streets 209,201 7.44 (390,144) (65.10) Parks 52,010 1.86 (151,517) (74.45) Public Works 81,963 2.92 27,615 50.82 Total Pub Works $ 343,174 12.22 $(514,046) (59.97) Non - budgeted $ 594,752 21.16 $517,534 670.23 Total Expend. $ 2,809,741 100.00 $253,727 9.93 -7- The miscellaneous revenue also increased significantly. The additional revenue is partially due to the inclusion of an insurance claim of $13,291, for unit number 228 in the Police Department that was destroyed. Also, the City received $2,000 for street lights and refunds for excessive billing on ambulance insurance, as well as paid merchandise returned, $5,784. Interest is the only continued revenue source that shows a significant decrease. The sole contribution to this account is excess revenues invested in Certificates of Deposit throughout the year. The decrease is attributed to the fact that in fiscal year 1987 General Fund had $560,126 invested in its peak investment month, March, compared to $280,000 in the same peak month in fiscal year 1988. Expenditures Schedule B presents a summary of general fund expenditures for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1988, and the percentage of increases and decreases in relation to prior year amounts. The Public Safety departments of the City (Police, Fire, and Building) represent 41% of the total expenditures for the fiscal year 1988. Specifically, the Police Department finished the year at 26% of the total general fund expenditures. Two factors drive this percentage: $31,612 was spent on capital expenditures (two cars, property building, and other equipment, including radios and radar) and the Police Department personnel (24) represent 44% of the general fund work force (54) and 38% of the total municipal work force (63). Public Safety was the obvious priority for the City's scarce resources in fiscal year 1988. Several significant expenditure variances from the prior year merit discussion. The 1988 fiscal year was the first year to segregate the costs related to City Secretary /Mayor /Council in an effort to determine more accurately the cost of the administrative function; there- fore, an increase of 100.00% is reflected. The Fire Department began an new emergency response program, complete with a new ambulance. The significant increase over last year is due to the training cost of paramedics, additional equipment, and medical supplies for the ambulance. Also, $20,627 was spent for repairs and maintenance on equipment compared to $12,151 for fiscal year 1987, a 70% increase. An increase in comparison to the prior year is also reflected in the Public Works department. This is the -8- result of accounting for a $66,000.00 Schematic Design Study conducted on Highway 114 by Lockwood, Andrews, & Newnam, Inc., an engineering firm. Generally, this department is used only to account for expenditures associated with the Public Works Director. There were no other unusual expendi- tures. The Parks Department shows the greatest percentage decrease in comparison to the prior year. This is attributable to the fiscal year 1987 park improvement expenditures on equipment, paving, and landscaping for $158,259. In fiscal year 1988, the focus changed from improvements to maintenance, where the largest expenditures were the person- nel services ($20,336) and utilities ($8,261) or 55% of the total departmental expenditures. The emphasis was directed away from improvements to maintenance in the Street Department also. Fiscal year 1988 expenditures decreased significantly due to the lack of major projects or equipment purchases. The fiscal year 1987 report reflects expenditures of $366,380 for street upgrades. An upgrade on West Continental and an overlay on White Chapel were the major projects associated with this expenditure. The Street Department purchased two dump trucks and a cab /chassis combination for a pothole patcher totalling $49,663. These disbursements represent 69% of the total expenditures for fiscal year 1987. Finally, non - budgeted expenditures represent disbursements on fire equipment (platform and pumper trucks in fiscal year 1988 and an ambulance in 1987) funded by donations received. Concluding Comments The financial condition at September 30, 1988 guarantees the fiscal management in 1989 will be challenging. It will take the cooperation and teamwork of the citizens, policymakers, boards, and staff to meet the challenge. The staff looks forward to the oppor nities for improvement. frieetz.sai. LA Curtis E. Hawk 'e -e McC.F ty City Manager Finance Oar icer -9- CHEATHAM AND ASSOCIATES Jivary 16, 1989 Curtis E. Hawk; City Manager City of Southlake 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas 76092 Subject: Periodic Status Report of Projects PRCJECT STATUS Authorized Construction Projects: - Elevated Storage Tanks 1.5 MG Tank - Complete 0.5 MG - Complete - Assembly of God Sewer Complete - 12" Water Line on Dove Complete - Metering Manhole Material at Job Site awaiting installation. - Healy -Ruff Contract Awaiting new frequency approval by FCC Authorized Inspection Projects: - Elevated Storage Tank Complete - 12" Water Line Complete Authorized Surveying Projects: - Benchmark Grid System Field Work Complete - Will supply report & map pending City setting concrete monuments Plat Review and Site Plan Review: [See attached Plat Review Summary - 1/12/89] ENGINEERS • PLANNERS • SURVEYORS A Subsidiary Firm of Southwest Planning and Design, Inc. 2011 East Lamar Blvd. • Suite 200 • Arlington, Texas 76006 817/460-2111 • Metro 265 -7948 Authorized Urban Planning Projects - Setbacks for SH 114 & RE 1709 - awaiting final geometry FM 1709 RE 114 - awaiting adoption of report and public hearings. - Complete Water & Sewer In progress - awaiting info from CCN for newly annexed City. areas - Subdivision Ordinance Currently at P & Z awaiting approval prior to City Council action. - Water & Sanitary Sewer Working with Public Works Director Ordinance & Design on draft. Criteria - Drainage Policy First round of revisions are (Ordinance) complete - draft delivered to City for further discussion. Authorized Mapping - Zoning Reclassification Complete Map - Colored Zoning Map Complete - Revise Base Map To begin work within next 30 days. (showing latest annexations) Miscellaneous Authorized Projects: - Keller water contract Second draft has been delivered - copy has been delivered to Fort Worth - HIA pending City's pursuit of TRA system take-over & other actions. - Boundary between Southlake Low priority given - will check & Grapevine with Grapevine when this can be done in conjunction with other work - Floor Plan for New Second concept completed. Await City Hall further directions from City. - Floor Plan for Fire Second concept completed. Await Substation further directions from City. 2 Miscellaneous Authorized Projects (continued): - Intersection Study Gathering traffic accident reports A(Traffic Engineering) & other data necessary for S. Peytonville at conducting analysis. Continental & T.W. King at Bob Jones Rd. Projects or Issues Pending - No Project Authorized as of this Report: Building Line Ordinance -- Held pending receipt of R.O.W. data on FM 1709 and SH114 and project authorization Ordinance 217 revision -- -- Held in Abeyance (HIA) Standard Specification - ---- Recent adoption by City Council of COG Specifications Urban design controls including appearance codes and other aesthetic based controls - - -- HIA [Sample Corridor Controls have been furnished] Park Grant - - -- HIA State Approval of water system - - -- Preliminary reports furnished - -- Awaiting further direction from City. Abie Capital Improvements Programming, long term - - -- HIA Development Guide and Handbook - - -- HIA Drainage Study (Concept Plan) ---- Proposal submitted - awaiting further direction from City Please do not hesitate to call should you have any questions. We will contact you in a few days to review the status report for any changes you may wish to crake. Eddie Cheatham, P.E. Principal 3 i CITY OF SOUTHLAKE PLAT REVIEW SUMMARY Sheet 1 of .j CHEATHAM & ASSOCIATES January 16, 1989 , PROJECT N1ME DATE P &Z COUNCIL REVISIONS REVIEW ADD. , REC. ACTION ACTION RECEIVED LETTERS NOTES 6. Chapel Downs 1 -11 -89 1: 1 -12 -89 *15 Concept Plan Chapel Downs 12 -28 -88 1: 1 -13 -89 Prel. Plat Chimney Hill Addn. 12 -01 -88 12 -22 -88 12 -15 -88 1: 12 -09 -88 . Prel. Plat *4 1 -10 -89 2: 12 -16 -88 3: 1 -13 -89 Milner Addn. 11 -15 -88 12 -08 -88 12 -20 -88 1: 11 -16 -88 *15 Final Plat *3 *3 . Milner Addn. 9 -15 -88 10 -06 -88 11 -01 -88 1: 9 -26 -88 Prel. Plat *4 10 -20 -88 *3 Kimball /1709 8 -08 -88 N/A N/A 1: 8 -17 -88 *12 Site Plan Kimball /1709 Addn 6 -9 -88 7 -7 -88 7 -19 -88 7 -14 -88 1: 6 -14 -88 *15 Final Plat *3 *2 7 -27 -88 2: 7 -15 -88 8 -04 -88 8 -16 -88 10 -03 -88 3: 7 -27 -88 *3 *3 4: 10 -10 -88 Hart Ind. Park 6 -2 -88 6 -23 -88 7 -5 -88 1: 6 -3 -88 *13 Final Plat *3 *1 6 -28 -88 2: 6 -29 -88 Hart Ind. Park 6 -28 -88 7 -15 -88 1: 6 -29 -88 *11 Constr. Plans 2: 7 -18 -88 114 & Carroll Addn. 5 -18 -88 6 -23 -88 7 -5 -88 1: 5 -31 -88 *13 Prel. Plat *3 *1 2: 6 -24 -88 *KEY TO COMMENTS 1. Plat approved as submitted 9. No review by our staff 2. Plat denied as submitted 10. Action taken on plans not reviewed by our staff 3. Plat conditionally approved 11. Construction plan corrections still not received 4. Tabled by applicant 12. Awaiting additional info from applicant 5. Tabled by City 13. Conditional approval not yet satisfied 6. Withdrawn by applicant 14. Approved subject to developers agreement 7. Plans currently being reviewed 15. All revirements to previous letters have been me!: 8.,,Plans approved by our staff __..._ .__. _.. �W,. . ._....:....._._..._m.....:.... _ _. _. , ®mot � ..w....,....M _ CITY OF SOUTHLJKE PLAT REVIEW SUMMARY Sheet 2 of 3 CHEATHAM & ASSOCIATES January 16, 1989 PROJECT NAME DATE P &Z COUNCIL REVISIONS REVIEW ADD. REC. ACTION ACTION RECEIVED LETTERS NOTES Kimball /1709 Addn. 5 -18 -88 6 -9 -88 7 -5 -88 6 -6 -88 1: 5 -31 -88 *13 Prel. Plat *4 *1 2: 6 -14 -88 6 -23 -88 *2 Miron, Building 5 4 -26 -88 5 -3 -88 1: 4 -28 -88 *3, 13 Site Plan * 3 Ravenaux Place 4 -26 -88 5 -19 -88 6 -7 -88 5 -16 -88 1: 4 -28 -88 *13 Final Plat *3 *3 6 -2 -88 2: 6 -2 -88 Ravenaux Place 5 -3 -88 1: 5 -11 -88 *11 Constr. Plans Commerce Bus Park 3 -10 -88 3 -15 -88 1: 3 -10 -88 *13 ' Lot 1 -R, B.D. *3 Site Plan 4 -4 -88 *3 "`St. Laurence Church 1 -15 -88 1 -19 -88 1: 1 -15 -88 *13 Rev. Site Plan *3 Southlake Bank Place 2 -08 -88 3 -01 -88 2 -22 -88 1: 2 -17 -88 *13 L.5, B.B, Site Plan *3 2: 2 -22 -88 Brumlow Ind. Dist. 1 -04 -88 1 -21 -88 2 -02 -88 1 -26 -88 1: 1 -06 -88 *13 Replat L.5 *3 *3 2: 1 -26 -88 Brumlow Ind. Dist. 1 -06 -88 2 -02 -88 1: 1 -08 -88 *13 Site Plan, L.5 -A *3 Ravenaux Village 11 -24 -87 1 -19 -88 1: 11 -30 -87 *11 Constr. Plans *3 *KEY TO COMMENTS 1. Plat approved as submitted 9. No review by our staff 2. Plat denied as submitted 10. Action taken on plans not reviewed by our staff 3. Plat conditionally approved 11. Construction plan corrections still not received 4. Tabled by applicant 12. Awaiting additional info from applicant 5. Tabled by City 13. Conditional approval not yet satisfied 6. Withdrawn by applicant 14. Approved subject to developers agreement 7. Plans currently being reviewed 15. All requirements to previous letters have been met 8. Plans approved by our staff CITY OF SOUTHLAKE PLAT REVIEW SUMMARY Sheet 3 of 3 CHEATHAM & ASSOCIATES January 16, 1989 PROJECT NAME . DATE P &Z COUNCIL REVISIONS REVIEW ADD. REC. ACTION ACTION RECEIVED LETTERS NOTES Oak Knoll Lkvw. 11 -24 -87 1: 12 -2 -87 *11 Drng. Study MTP -IBM Lot 3 10 -13 -87 N.A. 7 -7 -87 1: 6 -23 -87 *13 Site Plan 7 -21 -87 2: 7 -14 -87 *3, 3: 10 -14 -87 Heritage Ind. Prk. 7 -23 -87 10 -28 -87 1: 7 -31 -87 *11 Constr. Plans 5 -16 -88 2: 11 -9 -87 3: 5 -31 -88 *KEY TO CCM ENTS 1. Plat approved as submitted 9. No review by our staff 2. Plat denied as submitted 10. Action taken on plans not reviewed by our staff 3. Plat conditionally approved 11. Construction plan corrections still not received 4. Tabled by applicant 12. Awaiting additional info from applicant 5. Tabled by City 13. Conditional approval not yet satisfied 6. Withdrawn by applicant 14. Approved subject to developers agreement 7. Plans currently being reviewed 15. All requirements to previous letters have been met 8. Plans approved by our staff City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM February 7, 1989 TO: Bill LeGrand FROM: Ron Morain SUBJECT: Street Report for January 1989 1. Sign maintenance used 47 signs, 164 man hours. Replaced lost signs, reset down signs and manufactured street name signs. 2. Pothole patching used 142 tons of material, 158 man hours. Patched various streets as required to maintain trafficability. 3. R.O.W. mowing used 58 man hours, 28 equipment hours. Began one -time R.O.W. mowing to clear all R.O.W.'s before onset of growing season. 4. Installed guardrails used 80 man hours, 450 ft. guardrails Installed 450 ft. guardrails on T.W. King adjacent to IBM Complex. 32 post yet to be installed. 5. Installed phone line 12 man hours. Line from Street Shop to City Hall. 6. Removed tree from R.O.W. 4 man hours Tree blown over during storm. 7. Maintenance 60 man hours. Repair and maintenance of Street Department equipment on routine basis. 2?-;1 /� t RM /c k City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM January 31, 1989 TO: Bill LeGrand • FROM: Mike LeGrand SUBJECT: Water Report for January 1989 1. Fixed service leak at 906 Emerald Blvd., located service and reset box at 904 Emerald Blvd., and fixed service at 120 East Southlake Blvd. 2. Fixed leak on corner of East Highland and North Kimball and flushed fire hydrants. 3. Fixed sewer problems at City Hall, flushed fire hydrants, and fixed leak on 1950 East Continental after hours. 4. Flushed fire hydrants all over the city. 5. Cleaned up the mud holes all over town, locked meters because of .•,r delinquent payments, chlorinated 1.5 water tower at 300 North White Chapel. 6. Pulled meter on 1203 Cross Timber Drive. 7. Unlocked meters for customers that paid their delinquent payments. 8. Moved water meter outside of the fence at 503 West Highland because of five Pit Bulls. 9. Dumped storage tank at City Hall. • 10. Filled storage tank at City Hall. 11. Worked on chlorinator at Fort Worth pump station. 12. Checked on low pressure on Timberline Court. 13. Explored water line on Johnson Road looking for valves. 14. Killed and abandoned 12 water line on Johnson Road. 15. Tap on Johnson Road uncovered water main on Jellico Circle. 16. Tap on Jellico Circle and laid 250 feet of pipe, fixed meter leak at 2715 Johnson Road. 17. Repaired fence on Dove and put 2" check valve in service on Brumlow. Bill LeGrand Water Report for January 1989 January 31, 1989 Two 18. Hung shelves in City Hall and looked for 6" main in Huntwick. 19. Cleaned up around City Hall. 20. Fixed leak between Shady Oaks and Peytonville 8" and 3 "- approx. 800,000 gallons. 21. Made tap at 2317 Crooked Lane, we had to bore the street and make a tap on the 6" water line. A 22. Cleaned up around City Hall on 27th and 30th. 23. Pulled vines off fence at City Hall and hauled to dump. 24. Put insulation in meter b. =s and wrapped well heads because of the freezing weather foreca! ed ML /cbk Attachment: List of flushed fire hydrants Bill LeGrand Water Report for January 1989 January 31,1989 Three Fire Hydrants flushed - 16,700 gallons water used for flushing 1 -4 -89 1 -5 -89 Cross Timber Drive Timberline Court Woodcreek Lane Woodsey Court Estella Way Brumlow Meadow Glen Carlisle Ten Bar Court Scenic Glen Cove Court Timberline Lane Woodbrook Lane Hillside Holland Hill Maranatha Way Lakeview Drive - east end Mockingbird Lakeview Drive - north end Commerce Kingswood Bank Street Hillside Court Woodbrook Court Brittany 1 -6 -89 Post Oak Cypress Creek Raven Bend Precinct Line Road or Randol Mill Road Mockingbird Lane Robin Lane Sleepy Hollow Oak Lane Forest Lane t MONTHLY REPORT SEND REPORT TO: TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH DIVISION OF WATER HYGIENE WATER WORKS OPERATION FOR 1100 WEST 49th STREET GROUND WATER SUPPLIES AUSTIN. TEXAS 78756-3192 (1) Name of System CITY OF SOUTHLAKE County TARRANT (1a) Water System I.D. No. 2200075 Month of , TANIIARY 19 89 Day Pumpage to Distribution System in Thousand Gals. (6) (7) (8) (9) of (2) Direct (3) From Gnd. (4) Purchased (5) Total Disinfection Corrosion Other Fluoride Month from Wells Storage from Others Pumpage Control Treatment Residuals 1 375.0 375.0 2 _ 487.0 487.0 3 418.0 418.0 4 433.0 433.0, 5 408.0 408.0 6 424.0 424.0 7 479.0 479.0 8 384.0 384.0 , 9 430.0 430.0 10 456.0 456.0 11 168.2 288. , 56.2 12 420.0 420.0 13 348.0 348.0 14 423.0 423.0 15 420.0 420.0, 16 426.0 426.0 , 17 417.0 417.0 SAMPLES - NEGATIVE 18 427.0 427.0 19 439.0 439.0, 20 408.0 408.0 21 537.0 537.0 22 531.0 531.0 23 441.0 441.0 , 24 1,748.0 1.248.0 25 626.0 626.0 26 375.0 375.0 27 360.0 360.0, , 28 380.0 380.0 29 401.0 401.0 30 424.0 424.0 31 400.0 400.0 Total 168.2 14,033.0 14,201.20 A 5.42 452.67 458.1 Mex. 168.2 1,248.0 1,248.0 Min. 0 288.0 360.0 _ No. of Active Water Services (10) 1990 Chemical Analysis (11) 11 - Dates and Results of Distribution Bacteriological Analyses (12) 7- SAMPLES NEGATIVE Dates and Results of Raw Unchlorinated Well Water Samples (13) NONE. Dead Ends Flushed (15) CROSS TIMBER DRIVE Reservoirs or Tanks Cleaned (14) 8 - 87 WOODCRIJI;K LANE General Remarks (16) ESTALLA WAY, MEADOW GLEN, TEN BAR COURT, Submitted By (1 C Certific No. (18� '\ Cr T t ~S 0 FORM NO. H 3 ~ All reports due by the 15th of the following month. 5/88 UTILITY DEPARTMENT REPORT • - M MONTH JANUARY 1989 • GALLONS PUMPED THIS MONTH FROM WELLS 168,200 PURCHASED FROM FORT WORTH 14,033,000 TOTAL PUMPED AND PURCHASED 14,201,200. • NEW WATER TAPS INSTALLED 4 REINSTALL -2 FIRE HYDRANTS INSTALLED NONE METER CHANGE OUTS 4 ADDRESSES: 140 JELLICO CIRCLE , 2715 JOHNSON ROAD, 1860 N. SUNSHINE, 1310 OAKHURST DRIVE PULLED METERS PER CUSTOMER REQUEST 0 PULLED METERS PER DELINQUENT PAYMENT 2 LOCKED METERS PER CUSTOMER REQUEST 12 LOCKED METERS PER DELINQUENT PAYMENT 16 PROCESSED WORK ORDERS 86 LEAKS: WATER MAIN BREAK REPAIRS 8" main between N. Peytonville & Shady Oaks approx. 800 000 g 11 ons lost. 16,700 gallons used to flush dead end water lines. SEWER LINE REPAIRS NONE FLUSHED WATER LINES SEE ATTACHED LIST DIRECT- OFLIC 0 4 Fire Hydrants flushed - 16,700 gallons water used for flushing 1 -4 -89 1 -5 -89 Cross Timber Drive Timberline Court Woodcreek Lane Woodsey Court Estella Way Brumlow Meadow Glen Carlisle Ten Bar Court Scenic Glen Cove Court Timberline Lane Woodbrook Lane Hillside Holland Hill Maranatha Way 4 Lakeview Drive - east end Mockingbird Lakeview Drive - north end Commerce Kingswood Bank Street Hillside Court Woodbrook Court Brittany 1 -6 -89 Post Oak Cypress Creek Raven Bend Precinct Line Road or Randol Mill Road Mockingbird Lane Robin Lane Sleepy Hollow Oak Lane Forest Lane rn 00 rn 0 cg C4 z R 5 g r Ei H U C 6) Ei E-+ rn U 8 n a a r-+ U U H ", - U W R d F A 0 00 CT) cd g O o 0 • . O N O C) N 4 00 C Cr) Cr) rl N N 0") N ri N CO r LC) 0 rl M Ln Cr N Cr) 64 63 4 o CO ' i 0 >4 O D • 8 0 E- N CO 0 0 '*' 0 a 0 ° o m II) Q) r- 0 di d+ 00 0 0 C+ ( ,..0 N P4 00 N 0 0 CO 0') o') r 09 69 8 W Q ri .L 8 a 1 1 2 a a a .i...1 8 a g o rg 6 .6, I.-4 E ,. Southlake Police Department Warrant Office Monthly Report January, 1989 Municipal Warrants Current Month Past Month YTD WARRANTS ON NAND Be ginning Count • 1119 1139 1119 Receiued 46 24 157 eru 55 39 169 Ending Count 1110 1124 1110 FINES COLLECTED Ay Warrant Officer 5452 3203 18,832 Other A eg ncg 2885 2678 6393 Total 8337 5881 25,225 ARREST /WARRANTS SERVED �,y Warrant Officer 32 19 116 Other A enc 23 20 53 Total 55 39 169 This report has been changed to reflect fiscal year amounts beginning with January, 1989. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 OD r- ma 1� M N O O 1 / 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 0 a liii{� � tffi:: w N i !!i8 ?i} }iii: p 0 LU LIJ = tt^ .:1117P.N114SS:1A7 (f') LU 03 N M itiiii { ........... i {:i {ti : .. z E CD 5 1 N :ti { { {: ? {i;i 1- a w o R. Q N. :i, :; {i1ti }1t {{ {! U W IX Z u Q i. ................ .......... 'J ?ii;i O > W Q Ns' OD 01 N v %..41Cti N 6 a 0 Cft N :..ii O _ cn Q .....:...::::::::::::.:i. O W V � :::" .:1� ': :.751..51517171 r" Q O .- ;ti {;}!,0,:t 1{71 Q cl Z Z LU O J d N l l },_, {{i '7 3: O O C<] IfiliW U `i 15:. ':.1:7111 r ® S csi l:• .71 {:' E u' CD N .5: :.:1{ 1 !Y a 1. .. i :i; ?:ti:i .,..' Q U1-1 1— Z i - : i; ;ii ;ii • i = _ I OD Cpi :.5:..}...; 4 Z CO OD CT :is ::i iitii titiiii': :tit7liii W w Q op ::': } } } }1 }11tR LL ), _ AMINI1111111.111111 1. I-- Z5 C'D V- i M '" ' 1ii i n' E W Or - iii; ^ Ja i' i0A Q 00 F- V ' Q CL 03 O O 0 © p • 0 0 0 ° 0 OD N '0 11) Vf M N Lu In 5 H Q 1- U v. > SOUTFLAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT {REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF: JANUARY 1989 OF"NSE THIS TOTAL JANUARY 1988 TOTAL MONTH TO DATE 1988 TO DATE MURDER /ATT. MURDER /HOMICIDE 0 0 0 0 SEXUAL ASSAULT /RAPE 0 0 0 0 ROBBERY 0 0 0 0 AGG. ASSAULT /ASSAULT ON POLICE OFFICER 0 0 1 1 BURGLARY (BUSINESS) 9 9 4 4 BURGLARY (RESIDENCE) 4 4 5 5 BURGLARY M/V 0 0 1 1 ATTEMPTED BURGLARY 1 1. 0 0 THEFT 0/20,000 1 1 0 0 750/20,000 1 1 1 1 200/750 1 1 1 1 20/200 0 0 4 4 U/20 6 6 5 5 AUTO THEFT 0 0 3 3 FRAUD /ATT. FRAUD /CREDIT CARD ABUSE 1 1 2 2 ARSON /ATTEMPTED ARSON 2 2 1 i POSSESSION OF STOLEN PROPERTY 0 0 0 0 CRIMINAL TRESPASS 0 0 0 0 CRIMINAL MISCHIEF 5 5 6 6 INJURY TO A CHILD /CHILD ABUSE- NEGLECT 0 0 0 0 SIMPLE ASSAULT 2 2 2 2 LEWDNESS /DISORDERLY - RECKLESS CONDUCT 2 2 1 1 RF .ISTING /EVADING ARREST 0 0 0 0 N' , OTICS & PARAPHERNALIA OFFENSES 1 1 3 3 UG ' 0 0 1 1 TERRORISTIC THREATS 1 1 1 1 HARASSMENT 4 4 2 2 DISTURBANCE /DOMESTIC VIOLENCE 6 6 6 6 PROWLER /SUSPICIOUS PERSON 1 1 2 2 DWI /DUID 2 2 4 4 POSSESSION OF ALCOHOL UNDER 21 YOA 0 0 4 4 RUNAWAY /MISSING PERSON 0 0 4 4 CINS 1 1 1 1 OPEN BUILDING /BURGLAR ALARM ACTIVATED 0 0 6 6 SUICIDE /ATTEMPTED SUICIDE 0 0 0 0 VIOLATION CITY ORDINANCE 2 2 4 4 ACCIDENT (NO ACC. REPORT) 0 0 5 5 FOUND /RECOVERED /CONFISCATED PROPERTY 5 5 3 3 CRUELTY TO ANIMALS 1 1 1 1 ABANDONED VEHICLE/PROPERTY 0 0 2 ANIMAL BITE /SCRATCH 0 0 1 1 DECEASED PERSON (NATURAL /ACCIDENTAL) 1 1 0 0 DEMENTED PERSON 0 0 0 0 MISCELLANEAOUS REPORTS 6 6 4 4 MONTHLY TOTAL 66 YEAR TO DATE 66 T' \L FOR JANUARY 1988 91 1 YEAR TO DATE . 91 City of Southlake, Texas POLICE DEPARTMENT 4 MILEAGE & GASOLINE REPORT FOR JANUARY, 1989 UNIT # 01 /01 01/31 TOTAL MILES TOTAL GALLONS MILEAGE MILEAGE DRIVEN GASOLINE USED 226 71,560 72,100 540 48.6 227 89,917 90,520 603 51.0 229 101,102 103,305 2,203 118.1 230 30,258 32,863 2,605 201.4 4 231 27,364 32,400 5,036 432.0 232 4,645 7,731 3,086 268.3 233 5,108 9,857 4,749 440.8 BUICK 116,507 116,507 0 0 VAN 80,324 80,324 0 0 K -CAR N/A N/A 0 _ 0 TOTAL MILES DRIVEN 18,822 TOTAL GALLONS GASOLINE USED 1,560.2 Southioke Police Department Warrant Office Monthly Report January, 1989 Municipal Warrants Current Month Post Month YTD WARRANTS ON HAND @eginning Count .1119 1139 1119 Receitred 46 24 157 Serer d 55 39 169 Ending Count 1110 1124 1110 FINES COLLECTED By Warrant Officer 5452 3203 18,832 Other Agency_ 2885 2678 6393 Total 8337 5881 25,225 ARREST /WARRANTS SERVED j_Werr nQ t O ffs er 32 19 116 0therfge 23 20 53 Tote' 55 39 169 This report has been changed to reflect fiscal year amounts beginning with January, 1989. 0 C3 0 ,`" 0 , f.. .-- ■-• lit 0 US in E 1 .... Pe) N ...1 ••■ SO '0 0 0 10 %a r•• CSI 474 , ■C NI: 4C 10 � u "%- u 43 CID N CA 1%. u) . 6 6 — — — — — — ..-. N •”- vv. 1 - I.-- C:1 N 10 1 .0- Ii" .6 U3 1 1 U7 t r - on 1 4) r - u) it) ea 1 - 1 u) P0 CJ at 411 :! 4 4 3 c.a It ui 77, E 4 11 •S' NI" P0 u) 4c 4. ad co CSI .20.. 0 •••• 0 0 0 lit 0 CI% 1r .-- CO (1 CO lo. 0 10 I -1 OL Ul ‚0'0 Cf■ PO 0 0 03 0% •••• N gi 1- .c 0 CL 04 PO In .-- I"- CO CSI ••• V at Ida d'Itu)TtNt40 to 4,0 al It CO —1 41 to L La. -J ....1 U7 ..-- Ch I"- .8- •-- 0' CO v-- CO - - r - o r - 40 In Nt r- 0 E 4E In ea m 03 N CSI ,-- I" CO 5 .- 03 0 0 ‘13 g- U) 10 CO 40 0 Ul 03 04 r - 10 4) 0 l•-• 0 2C so Ul It NI' NO , qr ir to cr, IS' CIC 1..-. • NI 0 TO ial V r - 0000000 N CO UJ .--0000•F-00 4:14 CO ,b- N to Se" ci 0 ae cm 2 In 1.... a. in to ...- 0 a. 0 03 = w V' 0 N •- NI tO •-• 0 03 U1 Cn _I .1." 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U x W cn to V 0 N N co w • � 1 0000 00 0 ° 00 °o °0 0 4000P. ••. .. • H o 0 0 ., 1/3 F ti i co el N 0 3 N 0000 00 000 00 0 0 000 00 000 0 sr SO 1•. • • . . • . • • • • • • • • p. g 0N0 bb 0 . SC p p 0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 aA ••• .. ... • • a N 0 b 01 t N � N it 141 0000 00 000 00 0 a 0000 00 000 00 0 0 • o.0 a; P• rNr N it 0 m 1+ F 0 a w2 6 a ° g4 e a 0 m 4 4 W o 0000 00 000 00 0 "� .0000 00 000 00 0 • O 0 ID 0 a0 0 h 4. N N ,y N V W 0 p P. W SC 0000 00 000 00 0 1+1R 0000 00 000 00 < .4 40 O 111 ' .i0 • W •w or •y N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O o3 to 0000 00 000 00 0 OCr 00.0 • • • • • • • I. 0 N 0 aa r m ri N Fll NC .r t N 1' 1 64 ..0 1+ In S4 re VD g Q .rat g a. O an Oa 4 F..i N 6.4 Y W R t•c US .4 V) U i•-• A. $4 A IN 111CCC ll�90 01 h. :G 00 0 r. ra • . u 1.1 s.a .a :i A. ZONING DEPARTMENT FEE REVENUE For The Month Ending January 31, 1989 Zoning $ 200.00 No. of Cases ( Platting .00 No. of Cases Board of Adjustment .00 No. of Cases Special Exception Use .00 No. of Cases Site Plan .00 No. of Cases Misc. Sales (Zoning) 128.00 No. of Receipts ( Total Revenue $ 328.00 Total No. Cases (7) CITY OF SOUTHLAKE FIRE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORTS TO: CITY MANAGER CURTIS HAWK FOR THE MONTH OF JANUARY 1989 RESPONSES THIS YEAR MONTH TO DATE STRUCTURE FIRES: HOUSE 0 0 MOBILE HOME 0 0 OFFICE BUILDING 0 0 RETAIL - RESTURANT 0 0 FACTORY - INDUSTRY 0 0 GRASS FIRES 3 3 CAR FIRES 3 3 TRUCK FIRES 3 3 CAR ACCIDENT 7 7 TRUCK ACCIDENT 0 0 MUTUAL AID FOR GRAPEVINE 0 0 MUTUAL AID FOR COLLEYVILLE 0 0 MUTUAL AID FOR KELLER 1 1 MUTUAL AID FOR TROPHY CLUB 0 0 FIRE CALLS IN WESTLAKE 1 1 EMS CALLS IN WESTLAKE 1 1 FALSE ALARMS IN WESTLAKE 0 0 FIRE CALLS IN TARRANT COUNTY 0 0 EMS CALLS IN TARRANT COUNTY 0 0 FALSE ALARMS IN TARRANT COUNTY 1 1 FIRE CALLS IN DENTON COUNTY 0 0 EMS CALLS IN DENTON COUNTY 0 0 FALSE ALARMS IN DENTON COUNTY 0 0 ( FIRE DEPARTMENT THIS YEAR MONTHLY REPORT MONTH TO DATE PAGE 2 AMBULANCE CALLS IN CITY 19 19 RESCUE ASSIST ON AMBULANCE CALLS IN CITY 6 6 FALSE ALARMS IN CITY 4 4 MISCELLANEOUS CALLS IN CITY (SEE ATTACHMENT) 4 4 TOTAL AMBULANCE CALLS 20 20 TOTAL FIRE CALLS 33 33 TOTAL EMERGENCY CALLS 53 53 TOTAL FIRE LOSS IN CITY 0 0 TOTAL FIRE LOSS IN WESTLAKE 0 0 MAN HOURS EXPENDED ON EMERGENCY CALLS 127 \. MEETINGS (4 PER MONTH) 142 SPECIAL TRAINING 0 TOTAL MAN HOURS EXPENDED 269 SPECIAL REMARKS: EMS CALLS TO IBM WESTLAKE = 0 FIRE CALLS TO IBM WESTLAKE = 0 FIRE CALLS TO IBM SOUTHLAKE = 1 EMS CALLS TO IBM SOUTHLAKE = 0 RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, _ _ _ R. ST E L FIRE CHIEF DATE: 02 -01 -89 FIRE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT PAGE 3 MISCELLANEOUS CALLS JANUARY 1989 4 F89 -010 PROPANE LEAK F89 -020 UNAUTHORIZED CONTROL BURN F89 -024 TRAPPED DOG IN FENCE F89 -032 STAND -BY ON DRUG RAID FOR P.D. SOUTHLAKE FIRE DEPARTMENT HOSPITALS TRANSPORTED TO JANUARY 1989 BAYLOR MEDICAL CENTER GRAPEVINE 06 ARLINGTON MEMORIAL 01 NORTH EAST COMMUNITY 01 NO TRANSPORT 09 FALSE ALARM 02 TOTAL AMBULANCE CALLS IN JANUARY 1989 19 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE GENERAL FUND COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF REVENUES EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE JANUARY 31, 1989 FY89 FY89 ENCUMBRANCE TOTAL ACTUAL YTD BUDGET YTD ACTUAL & ENCUMBERED 44 Revenues: Taxes: Property $1,156,873 $1,236,250 Sales $79,500 $61,228 Franchise $68,063 $61,968 Licenses and Permits $46,032 $40,404 4 Charges for Services $9,443 $11,483 Fines $113,040 $66,023 Interest $1,175 $0 Miscellaneous $5,721 $1,273 Total Revenues $1,479,847 $1,478,629 $0 $0 Expenditures: Current: General Government: City Sec /Mayor /Council $28,078 $29,764 $145 $29,909 Administration $155,756 $144,870 $2,060 $146,930 . Court $47,111 $34,760 $0 $34,760 Total Gen. Gov't $230,945 $209,394 $2,205 $211,599 Public Safety: Fire $121,699 $119,568 $6,503 $126,071 Police $285,665 $211,848 $8,938 $220,786 Building $46,063 $37,749 $1,943 $39,692 Total Pub. Safety $453,427 $369,165 $17,384 $386,549 Public Works: Streets $80,209 $60,279 $7,817 $68,096 Parks $14,154 $9,483 $527 $10,010 Public Works $11,255 $9,765 $800 $10,565 Total Public Works $105,618 $79,527 $9,144 $88,671 Total Expenditures $789,990 $658,086 $28,733 $686,819 • Excess Rev. (Expenditures) $689,857 $820,543 Other Financing Sources (Uses): Debt Service Transfers ($54,259) ($45,543) Excess Revenues & Other Financing Sources over Expenditures & Other Financing Uses - Actual $635,598 $775,000 4 • To restate fund balance* ($260,287) ($260,287) Fund Balance 1/1/89 $528,650 $208,727 Fund Balance 1/31/89 $903,961 $723,440 * As a result of final FY88 year end postings and audit completion. 41 I - 1 1 -I ID W W IC con - 1- 4- 43rrOar X£XIA( Woomm MZ3rr7C7CSS=00mmRITTOnntomm>, '0 ,Ic 1 <c7IDW3cmo SIDWOW Wr•r•0+W OW W WIDIDCW WnnOO<Cmwno.4DID-W n o ID Ot ID n Z v Mw7 w14 rtC 710 < n 1-7 3O33 0 Z n n 7 x7 W -A- nrtrtO r*H w0) Sr...mm 0 0 7 1114 rerm 7 ePI n ID ID Z Z 1-m m -Ar•rh n 010 9 0 O&M WO 0 0 C C ?o 7 n 1-n o r• -.M ID ID rtID O ID 0 m9000$ n 0 3 0 W n -. c r r r1.r7 C 00r3W WWlOnwwga 13< Zrti V/r701I<30,40 C rtW r. 7 W 00 7 I) Z077OSAao, ..M0 7 r-rt<<<o0art 7 03 ID .t ,00 ,0 WM W a .4.40 n7 nn S -AT we x O et r IC G) <11-3 Ow x 0 W a 1-r ID r. ID 0 et w .40... 1- 7 3 1< -- 0. 0 rt -4 10 S0 3 3 fi 1-3-.-. 3 1-0. \ -i v -11-.< x r.I< a Ic . 1 r <IO ID n 0-1 o 00.k I- r• wrt w NV) rt & 3 r r S ID 1-0 1-1- \ W War 0 r. 1-3 1 < oV r 1-70 r 07 VV el 0 - 4] O') \ V W 0 01 a CO 9 V H * * N N N i .. . w VI w NN N N 4,N. N N . -12 N r CO NNNNNN NVII- ***CO NwV -+NNN 414,4, 4,W 30 0 N N4,N4,W 04,0NrrWO VVWNVO..XW VO•V0rNO4,r NO.NONV) wrt N w Vr. NV0N0N0• 0M..JWNWO.r 01- ( . . 4,...... ... . N.... . N.. ✓ OOrVirVIO. ONV0V0 -V4,1- MW V r04WV0VN V 0 0 001 - 0, 0 01 . Nem -...w.,1 WW0VO V0.0I-.0W0WV0-4. n3 w1D V Os.wV1•(fl U) V.- 4. 07 Co ONr+OrVV O •NCW4•VOV4)Nwj•WO00Np.voNVNVV0.c ror art n n o w 3 1-r v 1c N N 4, W .-. r N Mn V) n NN N NNN. • 4,. 7 0 W 0 N O 0 NN NNN 41(211- ***Co WW WW-404.4.N NN NNO. 1-.0' D 3 0. N 41414,4,.' 4. .401 04V OV)r+NVNWO•NV) OONrr+r *NNj•4,0.00 or ID v V . p0.r orrroo rNNVVNr O.WWWr+NVNrrV)r V rrVVrrVr1- n0 0 .0 . N.... . . .... n r VOOONVIV O.wVV.OVV1 1N0 (TWV(rrr NrU7w000 o.oww(TNNO. -CV W O V 0 Wr+WNOVW Co 00 O 4, Vw0 4, rrW0.00 Vrr V00.0000'00VrW'. mW 3 w V VrU)VNUIV r4‘W4•00.000r10wv0V0 C01- oWV)WWrONrOOVN WIC a 1 "I3 0 (A V U(O.V OOVN 000 . 0 • 00-,00 r0 00 .O0r00-4NWO r+ ONNNVN1-©. ID C re 0 (.1 rNVNWWWOVVNVWWOr VODrrrV)r VrODrNNVODVI 3 0 W rt ID 0 1-r -4, ID -I E W M O 1 X c •-A 1 I I 1 1 I 1 1- I I Q 1 1 n r 1 ►' i W1- Nr I 1- N• ..4•411-.N.-. 1-•.4. 0 1 Nrr n 0 r. ID i O Co rNWNr1-0 V6. NV•rrOVWr.- •'00V0•w•IV000VNO.W S 3 n X VI O VVWVOrV O.rruiNU1N 00.0 - r ODVNWr+W0 7 W n 0 • ONrW000 V0(DIW.QO■w0 01‘ VODrOrOr01X0 40VOVU)0'.VO.O.W(fl 10 "I n (A O O C 7 7 1-t N 0 C , 4, N 4,4, 4, r 3 I-+ - 1-V r V 3 N NNN N ■ 4,N- .. N NN. CO W N 4, O. • NN NNN- ...... 4- rNNO rU1W(TNNW NNN I r1- - 7 . Co N -N4,4,U1 O 4,01- V'W - VONwVVO4 0 1< V N N1-.1- WVro•orV OO .O.r0.0. 0(flrVODN- 400VV(Nr . N. . . . . . . • . . N. . . • • • O W 0 • VONVI00(fl OOV1rOrN.X0000 I -+j• . 4000(flN0(flVNroVO(fl 0< 0 VW0 ( flV0 )NOr0DO 00 .03 V r+ODWrrVO O.Ali1)wW 00.VVrVWODNOONNNOWV 00' 0wU)wr0.0 00 • 7 • r VrooVO.U,.0 oO.W.OrO.Nww(TVO.00(fl00 W OUIV)OWVi(flWV(WV 1f O. O O. O .Nr O V -V 00.0. .r Wrr0+V10U1 In N N NN N r r' - 0..0. W V N *4.* N . 4,N. . N N N. 0 N N U 7 • 4,4,4,4,4,1-.. 1-V- 1-4,4,1- rro04,4,W NNN -WO. -102 . .0 4, -4,4,4,0 V 4,-40.1..01- 1-1 N . 0.-4ww(fl04, 0.NWNrWV)NOVN O 0 N N•-NN O•NV 1- VNNN NVUIrOOVVr+O.NNNI- .rwWW00•0.wr0 . . N. . OW V '. 0001INWW 4,000.41 -. 0VV WI< V W- 0-41000. 0 .V ( NO. O. VONrrOWVI00WrOO.WONN O)r VO•W1- rt3 O Vr . A 0100 O rU10.NV'0000 j`VV9V)j•OWOOj•VVVOO.rVNVV)V 00 • 7 0 0 00.0or0V 0 O 1.4 V 00 - N U)O.M00VO4•OW0•1•00 N.XVWVO rt M W NVV)rWV.X P004V1-w -ONV OOWO.WWVWVrVNM.X0..000•NrA 0 W 10 ID I 4 I 1 r 1 1 A- I i N 1-I -r+ rw-.N- I w 1 UI I •.. - I UIN I rrNNrr - 1 O.rO.N -N- n V r OO.VO rat -4 00 00rWNNVNWrrwr r+ (J)OrrOrU1 W 3 W r 0 VrNOVN r•VVVOVrOr OrV.'N WWVrOVU70•V)VVrP 7 O NVZV0V NIIID .4.10 1-000 00V1-- O0•4VVV0 V70w.rww 0 M E M O R A N D U M February 14, 1989 TO: Mr. Hawk FROM: Renee McCarty SUBJECT: Sales Tax Summary through 2/14/89 SALES TAX SUMMARY October, 1988 - February, 1989 MONTH RECEIPT AMOUNT SAME MONTH LAST YEAR %CHANGE OCT $ 27,970 $ 35,715 -21.69 NOV 15,428 22,647 -31.88 DEC 17,830 16,323 9.23 JAN 26,756 32,703 -18.19 TOTAL $ 87,984 $ 107,388 -18.07 AVERAGE DECREASE: - 15.63% Based on this average decrease, the sales tax collections will be $253,110 for fiscal year 1989, a difference of $46,890. Based on the percent decrease calculated on the total receipts to date compared to the same period last year, the sales tax collections will be $245,790 for fiscal year 1989, a difference of $54,210. City of Southlake, Texas CITY OF SOUTHLARE ENCUMBRANCE REPORT PERIOD ENDING JANUARY, 1989 1 of 2 DEPART. ACCOUNT PURCHASE AMOUNT SUB -TOTAL SUB -TOTAL NO. NO. ORDER NO. BY ACCT BY DEPT GENERAL FUND: 105 328.00 845 $ 205.81$ 205.81 $ 576.00 1021 375.00 375.00 640.00 121 150.00 150.00 730.81 120 316.00 1017 175.50 316.00 685 175.50 351.00 322.00 698 36.30 322.00 712 68.00 104.30 405.00 1136 3,888.00 3,888.00 700.00 1018 154.00 154.00 825.04 1023 1,372.50 1,372.50 5,869.80 130 305.00 866 570.00 570.00 405.00 1136 3,888.00 3,888.00 605.00 864 306.00 306.00 625.00 296 140.16 625.00 298 210.00 350.16 925.00 788 384.92 384.92 974.00 879 1,400.00 1,400.00 6,899.08 140 526.00 958 543.45 543.45 926.00 960 550.00 550.00 927.00 123 800.00 800.00 1,893.45 150 345.00 951 700.00 700.00 347.00 944 606.00 347.00 946 1,053.00 347.00 898 163.80 347.00 906 615.00 347.00 504 209.00 2,646.80 625.00 954 27.62 27.62 665.00 950 65.00 65.00 660.00 949 250.00 250.00 3,689.42 160 307.00 888 520.00 520.00 520.00 240 925.00 959 800.00 800.00 800.00 GENERAL FUND TOTAL $ 20,402.56$ 20,402.56 $ 20,402.56 Department Number Legend: 100 City Secretary /Mayor /Council 140 Building /Zoning 105 Administration 150 Streets 110 Court 160 Parks 120 Fire 240 Public Works 130 Police CITY OF SOUTHIAKE ENCUMBRANCE REPORT PERIOD ENDING JANUARY, 1989 2of2 9 DEPT ACCOUNT PURCHASE AMOUNT SUB -TOTAL SUB - TOTAL NO NO NO BY ACCT BY DEPT WATER FUND: 200 328.00 845 $ 61.47$ 61.47 $ 625.00 956 16.27 625.00 836 110.44 126.71 670.00 884 177.00 670.00 901 256.00 433.00 621.18 WATER FUND TOTAL $ 621.18$ 621.18 $ 621.18 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE CASH ACTIVITY REPORT - GENERAL FUND FOR THE PERIOD ENDED, JANUARY, 1989 WEEK ENDING DEPOSITS - ACCOUNTS PAY. - PAYROLL - DEBT = RUNNING SERVICE BALANCE Beginning Balance: $141,224 01/06/89 $ 133,699 $ 34,519 $ $ $240,404 01/13/89 421,069 19,916 48,169 475,000* 118,388 01/20/89 115,096 14,694 50,000* 168,790 01/27/89 169,203 43,957 80,000* 45,827 168,209 02/03/89 124,919 5,599 180,000* 107,529 Average Weekly Deposit: $ 192,797 Average Weekly Disbursement (excluding footnoted items): 23,737 Average Payroll: 46,998 Certificates of Deposit this month: 785,000 *Investment in Certificates of Deposit for the end of the year when revenues decline. $225,000 of these CD's are reserved to pay the principal due on the Tax Anticipation Notes, due April 1, 1989.