2002-02-05City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM January 27, 2002 TO: Southlake Crime Control and Prevention District Board of Directors FROM: Rick Black, Director of Public Safety SUBJECT: West Facility Construction Progress Report Action Requested: Board discussion of West Facility Construction. Background Information: The City of Southlake entered into an agreement with CMPA, Inc for the construction of the Department of Public Safety - West Facility on December 12, 2000. Progress is noted as follows: • The stenciled concrete is being installed in the courtyard. • The carpet installation is underway, and is approximately 65 % complete. • All of the trim has been installed and is currently being painted. • The generator is installed. • The fire alarm system is installed. • The fire sprinkler riser has been installed and is ready for reinspection. • All electrical and light fixtures, with exception to the bay, are installed and functioning. • The acoustical ceiling grid is in place in most rooms. • Currently completing the installation of the combination restroom units in the secure interview rooms. • The CMPA job trailer has been removed from the lot and CMPA is working out of the storage room inside the training room. • Stone masonry complete except for small areas of repair, finish installation, pointing up mortar joints and final cleaning of the building. • Some of the kitchen appliances are installed (i.e. refrigerators, gas line and valves for the range, range hood, etc.) • The main water heaters for the facility have been installed. ��AR Southlake Crime Control and Prevention District Board of Directors January 28, 2002 Page 2 • CMPA has rough graded the site along the property line where the cast concrete fence is to be installed. • Primer and the first coat of paint have been applied in almost all of the office areas. • The glazing has been installed in most of the aluminum window frames. The storefront in the interior of the building between the Dining Room and the hallway has been glazed, but the front entry and storefront between the courtyard and dining and the courtyard and the lobby/training room is still being erected and waiting for glazing. • The hanging light fixtures in the hallways are installed and functioning. • Most of the remaining concrete has been installed in the dumpster and generator alcoves, sidewalks and drive aprons. This includes required fixtures, bollards, etc. in each concrete area. • The flagpole bases and poles have been installed. Travis Stacy, with his Eagle Scout group, provided the labor to prepare and install the flagpoles. Financial Considerations: The contract currently provides a "contingency" item in the amount of $150,000.00. Change orders are included under this "contingency" item and no change in the contract amount or the contract time will occur as a result of these changes. No change orders have been received since my last report, therefore, the balance of the contingency item remains at $120,362.00. Citizen Input/ Board Review: N/A Legal Review: N/A Alternatives: N/A Supporting Documents: Pictures of Construction Progress Staff Recommendation: N/A West Facility Construction .(I) West Facility Construction (2) L,> a West Facility Construction (3) West Facility Construction (4) r y - W7 Twin WW= . TOO" t �y kiii � �'k'ti*%-x�i����8-°j � abk ' ^.w`�,{t•=,Odi.Y'4 3�*� �` r I , i � . � -- _ . ems,.: "•.- ., ate'- .".,` Fr '',' H-.c-� a.., t .+*...$„""+" - City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM January 28, 2002 TO: Crime Control and Prevention District Board of Directors FROM: Rick Black, Director of Public Safety SUBJECT: Progress Report — FF&E for West DPS Facility Action Requested: Board discussion of West Facility FF&E Background Information: The City of Southlake entered into an agreement with CMPA, Inc for the construction of the Department of Public Safety — West Facility on December 12, 2000. This agreement was not inclusive of the coordination of furniture, fixtures and equipment (FF&E). In July, 2001 PSA was contacted and requested to submit a quote for FF&E services. The quote submitted resulted in a total sum of $218,012.00. After careful review, staff determined that the City could coordinate and purchase the necessary FF&E needed to open the facility at a more reduced and responsible cost. In August, 2001 staff began developing the specifications for the furniture needs of the West site. In addition, staff also requested quotes from applicable dealers to provide fitness equipment, paging/speaker systems, emergency notification systems, closed circuit television systems, computers and audio- visual equipment for the training room. Most FF&E has been ordered for the West DPS facility and will be installed or delivered prior to opening day. Items remaining include a television for the dayroom and signage for the interior portion of the building. The current cost matrix is outlined below. Financial Considerations: The budgeted amount allocated for FF&E is $152,000.00. Purchases made to date towards FF&E total $144,164.15 Citizen Input/ Board Review: N/A Legal Review: The City Attorney has reviewed all applicable bids associated with purchases. Alternatives: N/A Supporting Documents: N/A Staff Recommendation: N/A W City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM January 25, 2002 TO: Crime Control and Prevention District Board of Directors FROM: Rick Black, Director of Public Safety SUBJECT: Approve funding of a Public Communications Consultant Services for the Development of a Strategic Plan for Radio Communications to Trott Communications Group and amending the FY 01-02 operating budget. Action Requested: Approve funding in the amount of $19,500 for Trott Communications Group to develop a strategic plan for radio communications and amending the current operating budget to reflect the approval. Background Information: In 1993 the City of Southlake entered into a contract with the City of Ft. Worth to provide radio coverage for the City of Southlake. This agreement allowed for emergency fire radio transmissions but due to the tower location, there were many areas of the city that coverage was poor and/or non- existent. To improve this coverage issue and bring police services up on a trunked frequency, the City executed an interlocal agreement with Denton County in 1997 for trunked radio service at no cost. Denton County had planned to complete construction of a tower in Grapevine in December 1999 to service the Southlake area, providing more than adequate coverage. After many problem areas were identified and repaired, Southlake Police Services went live on the Denton system in December, 2001, however, the entire Department of Public Safety is not on the Denton system because the service has not proven to be reliable and coverage has proven to be no better than Fort Worth's system. In addition to DPS, public works and community services have field workers with radio needs. Staff has determined that due to the complexity of the radio issues and available technology, a consultant with expertise in radio systems is necessary to identify which system provides employees with the safest and best coverage available and develop a strategic plan to implement a city wide radio system with emphasis on public safety. Trott Communications has over twenty-three years experience in radio frequency system design and planning. They have performed similar work at a county wide level such as Bastrop County and Kerr County, and in cities such as City of Rockwall, City of Corpus Christi and City of Irving. Staff has both requested and reviewed a proposal for their services and determined it necessary and appropriate to meet our immediate and long term needs. � dr Crime Control and Prevention District Board of Directors January 26, 2002 Page 2 Financial Considerations: Trott proposes to perform the above listed scope of services for $19,500 which includes approximately 152 man hours and $500 expenses. Sales tax revenues for FY 00-01 exceeded budget projections by $306,801.00. These funds are currently recorded in the operating budget unreserved fund balance and may be used for projects of this type. Citizen Input/ Board Review: N/A Legal Review: The proposal and been reviewed by our City Attorneys office. Alternatives: Deny funding of the consultant services and staff will continue to explore measures to improve the safety and operational function of its current radio system. Supporting Documents: Staff Recommendation: Proposal from Trott Communications Group. Amended 2001-02 Operating Budget Staff recommends approving the funding of the proposal as submitted by Trott Communications for the amount of $19,500.00. ori Public Safety Communications Consultant Services for the Development of a Strategic Plan for Radio Communications Presented to: City of Southlake, Texas September 19, 2001 01TROTT COMMUNICATIONS GROUP 1425 Greenway Drive, Ste 350 Irving, Texas 75038 972/580-1911 972/580-0641 Fax http://www.troftqroup.com Contact: Walter Jon Stewart Trott Communications Group, Inc. 0 _1111111110 INTRODUCTION IVLL �U1 1 1U111UdL1U11, yrUUP, inc. t i roil ) is pleases to submit this Proposal for the Development of a Strategic Plan for Radio Communications to the City of Southlake, Texas ("Southlake"). Trott is an independent engineering firm formed in January 1978 to provide services to the Land Mobile and Telecommunications industries. Trott has no vested interest in the sale of any communications equipment and is independent of all equipment manufacturers. The firm employs a full-time staff, several of which are Registered Professional Engineers, serving Public Safety, Utility, Transportation, Common Carrier, Business, Cellular and Industrial clients. Trott's staff has extensive experience in multiple technical disciplines and gives each client solutions in the most cost-effective, timely and functional manner possible. At Trott, outstanding service is not only desirable, but essential to its success and to the success of its customers. Finding talented individuals with a wide range of experience before their association with Trott has been another key to the firm's success. The engineering staff, both before and during their tenure with Trott, have had many years of practical experience in the design of small-, large- and wide -area radio systems using all technologies and RF frequency bands. Since joining the Trott team, these individuals have concentrated on project planning, design, procurement and implementation of advanced telecommunications and automation systems. Trott's personnel have extensive hands-on experience in City of Southlake, Texas Proposal Proprietary and Confidential 1 Trott Communications Group, Inc. equipment installation, alignment, testing and maintenance and are skilled at identifying, isolating and resolving system/equipment problems and interference. While Trott's engineers are experienced in older technologies, its major projects are typically at the cutting edge of communications technology. In fact, Trott frequently helps develop new technology and products for its private sector clients. Trott uses its experience in design, evaluation, implementation and testing of public safety communications systems when taking on radio communications projects. Trott's extensive technical capability and experience will provide assistance in obtaining a thorough and comprehensive understanding of the configuration options available to proceed with its selection of the communications system approach which best meets its needs. Trott's offers a wide array of professional engineering services to meet the needs of its clients which stem from Public Safety, Utility, Transportation, Common Carrier, Business, Industrial and Cellular industry needs. With its broad experience and diversified staff, Trott can offer each of its clients an infinite number of engineering solutions from one common source. City of Southlake, Texas Proposal Proprietary and Confidential 2 I I r Trott Communications Group, Inc. Relevant Engineering Services Trott has over twenty-three years experience in RF system design using a wide range of RF engineering methods and techniques. Trott, over the years, has proven its ability to evaluate and design a variety of radio systems for its client's needs. Trott's engineering services offer proficiency in the following areas: Simulcasting, broadcasting and multicasting technologies; Diversity concepts and design experience using diversity; Frequency re -use experience; Knowledge of various propagation models, applications and selection of different design applications; Understanding of measurement processes, methodologies, data collecting, processing, and analytical software systems; Knowledge of measurement data analyses, qualification, data correlation, and statistical analyses for model and tool calibration purposes; Proficiency with mapping software, geodetic reference systems and mapping skills; PC (Microsoft tools) proficiency for data analyses, manipulation, and statistical analyses of amplitude and performance data; Unix/Solaris operating system knowledge; RF planning tool experience (multiple vendor environment); Abilities to prove and disprove tool and prediction model accuracy; Understanding of RF hardware systems and applications; Understanding of different modulation methods; Proficiency in site selection, site design, and site configuration; and Proficiency in site noise measurement and mitigation processes Additional engineering services provided by Trott include Public Safety system engineering, RF compliance, FCC licensing activities, needs assessments, project management. Trott can also provide specification preparation, propagation analyses, system performance analyses and evaluations, interference studies, installation City of Southlake, Texas Proposal Proprietary and Confidential 3 , Trott Communications Group, Inc. supervision, acceptance testing, microwave intraconnections, feasibility studies, 800/220 MHz SMR system design, traffic and loading studies, site selection and site acquisition. Trott provides unbiased Public Safety engineering services to various municipalities and counties nationwide. These services include needs assessments, procurement, project support, licensing assistance, contract negotiations, project management, and system testing and acceptance. These types of services are often provided when a municipal, county or state organization is considering a new system or upgrade to its present radio system, 800/900 MHz trunking or conventional radio system, microwave system, dispatch center, E-911 system, mobile data system, antenna system and/or CAD system. PROJECT UNDERSTANDING AND TASKS The City of Southlake, Texas ("Southlake") requested a proposal from Trott Communications Group, Inc. ("Trott") to develop a Strategic Plan for effecting radio communications for all Southlake departments and their users with emphasis on Law Enforcement communications. Trott understands that this plan will become a part of Southlake's overall strategic planning efforts. This proposal provides to Southlake the process Trott proposes for conducting its investigation and developing its part of the plan. The tasks listed and identified below are proposed to Southlake in order for Trott to acquire sufficient data, conduct the proper analyses, document all findings and provide to Southlake information sufficient to establish goals and a transition process whereby those goals can be achieved. City of Southlake, Texas Proposal Proprietary and Confidential 4 Trott Communications Group, Inc. TASK LIST 1. Discuss project and plan goals with Southlake Administration. 2. Discuss project and systems operations with Southlake Department heads. 3. Discuss radio systems and operations with Southlake Department field users. 4. Document requirements for project and system operations for project staff review. 5. Investigate options available to Southlake with the advantages and limitations of each. 6. Develop each optional scenario in sufficient detail to define: i. Extent each option meets user department requirements, and ii. Cost to Southlake to own and/or operate each option 7. Prepare "Draft Report" of user requirements and system options for Southlake review. 8. Prepare "Final Report," and a separate presentation, of the user requirements, system findings, ownership/operations costs and recommendations. TASK DESCRIPTIONS Discuss project and plan goals with Southlake Administration In order for Trott to understand the dynamic environment in which Southlake operates, Trott will discuss with the Southlake Administration its current operations, established goals and project limitations. This will provide insight concerning Southlake's operating environment, Southlake's environmental and area dynamics, and the options and limitations of Southlake's overall Strategic Plan constraining this project. These discussions will also help Trott determine which issues, decisions and actions are most important to Southlake as a whole. The Southlake Administration will also assist the City of Southlake, Texas Proposal Proprietary and Confidential 5 Trott Communications Group, Inc. project by identifying the participants in the study, clarifying their roles in the process, and providing their assessment of the current situation. Discuss project and systems operations with Southlake Department heads Trott will discuss with Southlake's Department Heads the current Department operations, the project goals and limitations established by the Southlake Administration, and obtain a perception of the Department as a whole, including prior or current planning activities and programs. Trott will obtain a situation assessment of each Department's current radio communications capabilities and the impact upon field users. The Department Heads will also identify to Trott the issues which are deemed critical to the Departments mission. Discuss radio systems and operations with Southlake Department field users Trott will discuss with Southlake Department Field Users, briefly the overall planning process and activities, and in detail the radio communication system effectiveness and efficiency. Intensive discussions will focus on user requirements and identification of processes and methods of operations. Activities at this level within the Southlake organization will minimize the overall Southlake resource impact and is usually more effective and accurate. Since the final plan will provide the framework and direction for the future, participating users can obtain an increased level of commitment to the ultimate system and be part of the quality of service improvement that permeates the entire organization. City of Southlake, Texas Proposal Proprietary and Confidential 6 Trott Communications Group, Inc. Document requirements for project and system operations for project staff review At this point in the planning process, it is advisable that Southlake's planning committee or staff review the actions taken and data acquired to insure that it is comprehensive, accurate and complete. Trott recommends that general concurrence be obtained prior to continuation. Therefore, an "Interim" Requirements Report will be prepared for Southlake review prior to investigation and data acquisition concerning the potential solutions. Investigate options available to Southlake with the advantages and limitations of each Trott will fully investigate the radio system options available to Southlake. These options include the shared use of neighboring communities' systems or the procurement of a new/upgraded Southlake-owned system. Trott will review and evaluate the following options: Obtaining radio service from the Denton County radio system Obtaining radio service from the Ft. Worth radio system Obtaining radio service from the N.E. Tarrant County radio system Procurement of a UHF conventional or trunked system Procurement of a 700/800 MHz conventional or trunked system In all cases, Trott will acquire (for shared resources) or develop (for new resources) the data necessary to evaluate the advantages and limitations of each option. The investigation will include an analysis of the expected coverage area for mobile and portable radios under the various operational scenarios, including portable outdoor head - level, hip -level, and portable indoors. These studies will utilize the system parameters for each option and Trott's own coverage model and not rely upon performance City of Southlake, Texas Proposal Proprietary and Confidential 7 Trott Communications Group, Inc. predictions by other governmental entities or equipment vendors. Trott will also document the capacity and channel resources available to the Southlake users from each option to ensure that the current and anticipated user needs can be met. A technology assessment will be performed for each option to assess the advantages and limitations of the specific technology utilized, including future plans for shared system options. Since Southlake does not operate in a vacuum, each option will be evaluated for conformance to stated requirements for Mutual Aid functions and compatibility. System expansion capabilities for both service area and capacity will be analyzed consistent with anticipated growth of Southlake in area, development and personnel/services. In addition, Trott will assess the anticipated time frames and time constraints for each option so that Southlake's planning and decision process is based upon realistic and attainable concepts. The Importance of Coverage EDX's Signal TM is the RF Propagation Tool that will be used to establish the suitability of candidate antenna sites as well as evaluating its current locations. TROTT has utilized this tool and its updates for over six years. We have found it to be extremely reliable for the level of detail that is required for projects similar to Parker County's. The computer modeling is based on industry standard techniques that are similar to the various Vendors' offerings. This propagation program is especially well suited to duplicating and verifying the plots offered by the Vendors. City of Southlake, Texas Proposal Proprietary and Confidential 8 Trott Communications Group, Inc. Develop each optional scenario in sufficient detail to define: i. Extent each option meets user department requirements, and ii. Cost to Southlake to own and/or operate each option In order for Trott to assist Southlake in its planning efforts, detailed information concerning the identified optional configurations must be analyzed to determine to what extent Southlake's requirements are satisfied by each. Once the results of this analysis has determined the detailed configuration, the costs to Southlake to participate (for shared -use systems) and/or procure equipment will be estimated, based upon recent procurements in the Public Safety/Services industry. The cost, for analysis purposes, will include not only equipment and/or service cost, but also the cost of ownership. These ownership costs include warranty, maintenance, facility leases, and other recurring expenses, such as software maintenance agreements and upgrade protection. A large portion of the data developed will be presented in the Appendix of the Plan; however, the analysis results will become an integral part of the planning and decision process. Prepare "Draft" of Strategic Planning Report for Southlake review As the final strategic planning report is being compiled, a draft will be prepared and distributed for review by Southlake staff and planning committee to insure that: a.) it accurately documents the findings reported, b.) it accurately documents the decisions made, c.) it represents the consensus of the participants, and d.) it has the support of those responsible for implementation. City of Southlake, Texas Proposal Proprietary and Confidential 9 Trott Communications Group, Inc. Prepare "Final Planning Report" (with a separate presentation) of the critical issues, strategies for resolving issues, goals and objectives, and recommendations Since this report will not be the complete Strategic Planning Report for the City of Southlake, but rather, a portion dedicated to Southlake's radio communications facilities, it will take on an abbreviated format. That format will include an Executive Summary, Critical Issues (definition of the overall requirements for radio communications), Strategies (options available to Southlake and an assessment of those options), Goals and Objectives (based upon consensus, the methodologies for resolving the critical issues), and Recommendations (of both the Southlake Staff and Trott). Appendices will be provided with the report that contain the documentation, analysis results, detailed configuration options, and costs. Continuing Support Available After selection, by Southlake, of the appropriate direction to follow in providing radio communications for the Southlake departments, Trott will be available to support Southlake with procurement and implementation tasks. Sufficient data will be developed through the process identified above to define the overall system requirements. Trott can develop a "Request for Proposals" (RFP) to select a system/equipment vendor and support Southlake's required functions throughout that selection process, including development of a contract with the selected vendor. Trott is also willing and able to support the implementation process, which includes reviewing the detailed design offered by the selected vendor, reviewing, approving and verifying the acceptance testing process, and inspecting the entire installation. Trott has performed similar services for many systems in the Dallas/Fort Worth area and throughout Texas and the City of Southlake, Texas Proposal Proprietary and Confidential 10 Trott Communications Group, Inc. nation. A detailed scope of services, estimated costs for those services, and project schedules can be discussed once a direction for the system upgrade is chosen by Southlake. Proposed Costs Trott proposes to perform the above tasks for the City of Southlake, Texas in the most cost-effective manner possible. From the above task descriptions, Trott is assuming maximum cooperation from the User Departments and Southlake Administration to complete this Strategic Plan properly. It is Trott's estimation that the above tasks can be completed for $19,500 (nineteen thousand, five hundred dollars), approximately 152 man hours and $500 in expenses. In the event that Southlake wishes to alter the Scope of Work by additional work or less work, Trott will invoice Southlake at actual time spent at its current hourly fees listed as follows: Project Managers/Principal Engineers $125/hr Senior RF Systems Engineers $115/hr RF System Engineers $105/hr Expenses will be billed to Southlake at cost. A cost breakdown of the above estimate by task is as follows: A Requirements meetings and Document Requirements Labor Hours - 44 hrs. Labor Cost - $5,500 B Investigation Options and Alternatives Labor Hours - 60 hrs. Labor Cost - $7,500 C Development of Final Report and Documentation Labor Hours - 48 hrs. Labor Cost - $6,000 D Estimated Expenses Expenses - $ 500 City of Southlake, Texas Proposal Proprietary and Confidential 11 Trott Communications Group, Inc. RESUMES Raymond C. Trott, P.E. Chairman Ray Trott has more than 38 years of varied, in-depth communications and RF engineering experience. In 1978 he formed what is now Trott Communications Group and served as President from the company's formation until being elected as Trott's Chairman of the Board in 1998. When he founded Trott, Mr. Trott initially dealt with the design of antenna systems, detailed interference and propagation studies and training seminars in many areas of RF engineering. Among his early assignments was the development of a wide -area simulcast UHF voice system for the Los Angeles Police Department. Soon after, he took on assignments for other public safety radio systems and RCC mobile telephone and paging systems. Mr. Trott's knowledge and expertise led many clients to offer him challenging assignments in the more complex areas of system design, public safety systems design and the development of licensing procedures for paging, cellular and SMR systems. In response, he began assembling a talented staff with various skills and specializations to fit the needs of his diverse client base. City of Southlake, Texas Proposal Proprietary and Confidential 12 Trott Communications Group, Inc. Mr. Trott also has been in the forefront of the development of cellular technology. In the early 1980s, he handled the engineering aspects of the applications and comparative hearings cases for cellular clients in Houston, Texas. Before starting Trott, Decibel Products hired Mr. Trott in 1964 to help in developing a new line of microwave antennas. He later designed and expanded the company's line of antennas, cavity filters, duplexers and combiners. With his management and leadership skills, they promoted him to Vice President of Engineering and managed the development of an entire line of products, many of which Decibel still markets to the industry today. Mr. Trott's career includes a tenure with Texas Instruments in Dallas, where he began research and development of extremely low noise parametric amplifiers for use in radar systems and radio telescopes. One of these amplifiers was used for the first communications satellite, Telstar, in the early 1960s. Mr. Trott also worked for Gabriel Electronics designing radar antennas for the Federal Aviation Administration. Mr. Trott's pioneering work in the mobile radio industry has earned him recognition from his peers. He received the Fred M. Link Mobile Radio Award in 1990 and the Radio Club of America Special Services Award in 1993. Many booklets that Mr. Trott has written explaining various antenna system concepts can be found in the technical libraries and files of engineering departments and shops of the land mobile industry. He is on the technical editorial boards of trade magazines dedicated to the radio industry, and he contributes regularly to the PCIA's organization's magazine. City of Southlake, Texas Proposal Proprietary and Confidential 13 Trott Communications Group, Inc. Mr. Trott is frequently asked to serve as an expert witness on RF engineering and to address industry groups on issues such as RF radiation and regulation. He is associated with many industry councils that want an independent perspective on legislative and technical matters. Formerly President of the Radio Club of America, Mr. Trott served from 1987 to 1990 and from 1995 to presently on the Board of Governors of the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society. He is also a Life Senior Member of IEEE. Mr. Trott pursues ongoing management training and education specifically tailored to independent consulting engineering. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts. He is a Registered Professional Engineer in the State of Texas and is a member of APCO. Walter J. Stewart President Walter J. Stewart has over 29 years of varied business experience, 18 years of these years with Trott. As president of Trott, he is responsible for all phases of the engineering services provided by the firm as well as for all areas of business that the firm pursues. Mr. Stewart is also President of Trott's subsidiary, RETCOM, Inc., a site management/site acquisition firm that has been performing these specialized services since 1984. RETCOM has conducted numerous site acquisition projects, surveys of sites in many top metropolitan areas as well as performing valuation services on a number of towers. With Mr. Stewart's guidance, RETCOM has also worked with many clients to determine the City of Southlake, Texas Proposal Proprietary and Confidential 14 Trott Communications Group, Inc. commercial viability of undeveloped sites. In 1997, Mr. Stewart managed a large site acquisition project for Paging Network (PageNet). Mr. Stewart joined Trott as a cellular system designer. As the firm grew, he became business manager and is current the President of both firms. One of Mr. Stewart's duties as President of Trott is to design the company's management and control functions to ensure that its clients receive the best value for their investment. Before joining Trott, he was account administration manager for Bank Building Corporation ("BBC"), an architectural/engineering design firm. His responsibilities there included client services, project planning, control management and sales and marketing administration. He also directed strategic planning for BBC. Mr. Stewart's career includes work with Saxon Business Products, where he was operations manager, and International Harvester, where he was an accountant for both wholesale and retail sales operations. Mr. Stewart holds Master of Business Administration and Bachelor of Business Administration degrees from the University of North Texas, Denton, Texas. George W. Weimer, P.E. Vice President of Engineering George Weimer has more than 30 years experience in land mobile and microwave communications. He is currently working on these Texas County Radio Communications projects: Kerr County, Bastrop County, Rockwall County, and Collin County. Other current Public Safety projects include: Clay County, Florida and the City of Miramar, Florida. City of Southlake, Texas Proposal Proprietary and Confidential 15 Trott Communications Group, Inc. His duties with Trott include: • Analyzing functional and operational requirements and designing radio communication systems and upgrades for various clients • Helping clients prepare requirements documentation, manage configurations, and procure computer automation including CAD, records management and MDT systems • Assisting government, utility and private agencies with strategic and tactical planning • Designing microwave, fiber optics and radio common carrier systems including trunking, paging, mobile telephone and cellular radiotelephone • Designing multi-user antenna systems to control interference, performing interference studies and solving existing interference problems Before joining Trott, Mr. Weimer was a program manager and a project engineer with E- Systems, Inc., Commercial Division, in Arlington, Texas. A mobile digital system for the City of Miami, Florida was a three-year project that involved design of an 800 MHz conventional radio system and MDT and CAD systems. Mr. Weimerwas responsible for system design, both digital and RF, and implementation, including testing. While with E-Systems, Mr. Weimer also designed the transmitter control system for the City of Los Angeles Police Department simulcast radio system and a digital signaling system for a mobile data system for Orange County, California. Mr. Weimer also served as the communications engineer for the State of Louisiana Department of Transportation. This assignment involved system planning and design, preparation of procurement specifications and implementation management. While with the State of Louisiana, Mr. Weimer provided communications consultation to other state, local and federal government agencies for system design, evaluation, implementation and maintenance planning. He also served as frequency coordinator for the state's Highway Maintenance and Local Government Radio Services. He was a radio City of Southlake, Texas Proposal Proprietary and Confidential 16 Trott Communications Group, Inc. maintenance supervisor and microwave and a two-way radio technician for the Department of Highways. Here he gained in-depth experience in all phases of RF system maintenance, scheduling, and supervision. Mr. Weimer holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from Louisiana State University and is a Registered Professional Engineer in the State of Texas. He is also a Fellow of The Radio Club of America. City of Southlake, Texas Proposal Proprietary and Confidential 17 Trott Communications Group, Inc. John G. Griesel, P.E. Director of Public Safety Systems PROFESSIONAL Mr. Griesel has more than 35 years experience in PROFILE communications engineering and management. As the Public Safety Systems Director, Mr. Griesel analyzes client communications needs and designs communication systems and upgrades to meet client requirements. These systems include public safety trunked and wide area simulcast systems, communications center upgrades, microwave and wide area, voting repeater systems. Member of IEEE. EMPLOYMENT Trott Communications Group, Inc. Apr. 1982 — Present HISTORY Director of Public Safety Systems, Irving, Texas City of Dallas, TX 1970 —1982 Chief Engineer and Director of Communication Services EDUCATION B.S. Electrical Engineering, Aug. 1960 University of Texas, Austin Major: Electrical Engineering PROJECT City of Irving, TX — 800MHz Trunked Radio System EXPERIENCE City of Norman, OK — Needs Assessment, Procurement and Implementation City of Victoria, TX - Needs Assessment, Procurement and Implementation City of University Park, TX - Needs Assessment and Procurement City of Tyler, TX — Outdoor Warning System City of Longview, TX - Needs Assessment, Procurement and Implementation City of Corpus Christi, TX — 800MHz Multi -site System City of Richardson, TX - Needs Assessment, Procurement, Implementation and Radio Communications Center Design Texas Department of Transportation — Needs Assessment City of Southlake, Texas Proposal Proprietary and Confidential 18 Trott Communications Group, Inc. Director of Engineering Services PROFESSIONAL Mr. requiring complete system planning, site acquisition and FCC/FAA paging terminals, fixed -site equipment and RF and satellite control. Mr. Whitt has extensive knowledge managing and commercial industries. EMPLOYMENT Trott Communications Group, Inc. Nov. 1991 — Present HISTORY Director of Engineering Services, Irving, Texas University of Texas of Arlington Major: SOFTWARE EDX Signal RF Prediction Software EXPERIENCE LCC CelICAD RF Prediction Software CNET WiNGS RF Prediction Software Denve Distribution Network EXPERIENCE Design and enhancement of the multi -site distribution backbone • Develop and execution of the acceptance and test planning • Interference studies and frequency coordination • Design and support of airport's public safety interface to the network • Design and support of commercial interface to the network City of Los Angeles, CA — Public Radio System • Evaluation of radio site facilities • Intermodulation and interference analysis • Development of radio installation standards Arch Wireless / PageNet - Design and Implementation 940MHz Nationwide Two-way Messaging System • Site design / selection • FCC / FAA license applications • Frequency planning and interference analysis • Project Management_ Proprietary and Confidential 19 Trott Communications Group, Inc. James E. Calkins Senior RF Systems Engineer During the past eleven years, James Calkins has been involved PROFESSIONAL in licensing, frequency planning and coordination, coverage PROFILE predictions and site selections for cellular telephone systems. Mr. Calkins has performed microwave path designs and FCC licensing applications for radio common carriers and private radio users. Member of IEEE. EMPLOYMENT Trott Communications Group, Inc. Jan. 1990 — Present HISTORY Senior RF Systems Engineer, Irving, Texas EDUCATION B.S. Electrical Engineering, May 1989 University of Texas of Arlington Major: Electrical Engineering SOFTWARE EDX Signal RF Prediction Software EXPERIENCE PROJECT Broward County, FL — CAD, Fire Records and Emergency EXPERIENCE Management Information System • Vendor selection, contract negotiation City of Ft. Worth, TX — 800MHz Multi -site Simulcast System City of Houston, TX — Simulcast Interference Studies DFW International Airport — 800MHz Trunked System City of Duncanville, TX — Integrated CAD and MDT System City of Corpus Christi, TX — 800MHz Multi -site System • Alignment and acceptance testing City of Tallahassee, FL — 800MHz Trunked and Data Systems • Evaluating vendor proposals • Coverage predictions City of Southlake, Texas Proposal Proprietary and Confidential 20 Trott Communications Group, Inc. City of Tyler — Outdoor Warning System • Needs Assessment • Site Surveys City of Norman, OK — 800MHz Trunked System • Needs Assessment • Site Surveys PageNet VoiceNow - Antenna Site Acquisition • Project Management • Locating viable antenna site installations • Lease negotiations • Detailed Site Surveys City of Southlake, Texas Proposal Proprietary and Confidential 21 Barry S. Black, E.I.T. RF Systems Engineer Barry Black has over six and a half years of experience in systems PROFESSIONAL engineering, including antenna site engineering, RF propagation PROFILE studies, interference studies, site surveying, RF emissions/exposure studies, FAA studies, needs assessments, FCC licensing, site acquisition and lease negotiations. EMPLOYMENT Trott Communications Group, Inc. Jan. 1995 — Present HISTORY RF Systems Engineer, Irving, Texas EDUCATION B.S. Electrical Engineering, Dec. 1994 University of Texas of Arlington Major: Electrical Engineering SOFTWARE EDX Signal RF Prediction Software EXPERIENCE LCC CelICAD RF Prediction Software Logica Odyssey RF Prediction Software PROJECT EXPERIENCE Arch Wireless/PageNet - Design and Implementation 940MHz Nationwide Two-way Messaging System • Site design / selection • FCC / FAA license applications • Frequency planning and interference analysis • Project Management City of Tyler — Outdoor Warning System • Needs Assessment • Site Surveys City of Norman, OK — 800MHz Trunked System • Needs Assessment • Site Surveys PageNet VoiceNow - Antenna Site Acquisition • Project Management • Locating viable antenna site installations • Lease negotiations • Detailed Site Surveys City of Southlake, Texas Proposal Proprietary and Confidential 21 Trott Communications Group, Inc. Thomas P. Murphy, E.I.T. RF Systems Engineer PROFESSIONAL Tom Murphy has six and a half years of experience in systems PROFILE engineering, including antenna site engineering, RF propagation studies, interference studies, site surveying, FAA studies, needs assessments, FCC licensing, site acquisition and lease negotiations. EMPLOYMENT Trott Communications Group, Inc. Jan. 1995 — Present HISTORY RF Systems Engineer, Irving, Texas EDUCATION B.S. Electrical Engineering, May 1994 Duke University Major: Electrical / Biomedical Engineering SOFTWARE EDX Signal RF Prediction Software EXPERIENCE LCC CelICAD RF Prediction Software Logica Odyssey RF Prediction Software PROJECT Arch Wireless / PageNet - Design and Implementation 940MHz EXPERIENCE Nationwide Two-way Messaging System • Site design / selection • FCC / FAA license applications • Frequency planning and interference analysis • Project Management Saratoga County, NY — Radio System Upgrade • Needs Assessment • Site Surveys PageNet VoiceNow - Antenna Site Acquisition • Project Management • Locating viable antenna site installations • Lease negotiations • Detailed Site Surveys City of Southlake, Texas Proposal Proprietary and Confidential 22 Trott Communications Group, Inc. Tracy L. Keller Business Manager BBA, University of North Texas, 1984 Over 16 years business experience, eight years in Mobile Radio REFERENCES Trott has been fortunate to develop good working relationships with its client's technical and management personnel and equipment manufacturers/suppliers. Because of this relationship, very few of Trott's projects stop after system implementation. Most develop into a long-term relationship including other activities, services or support. Trott encourages you to contact as many references as possible to gather first-hand knowledge of Trott's Public Safety project experience and methodology. The following are a few of Trott's recent/current projects that are complete, nearing completion, still ongoing or have evolved into follow-on activities. Contact names and telephone numbers as well as brief project summaries have been included in this section. City of Southlake, Texas Proposal Proprietary and Confidential 23 Trott Communications Group, Inc. Bastrop County, Texas Contact: Jim Wither, (512) 332-7222 Trott was retained by the County to evaluate the status and performance of its current radio communications systems and to provide recommendations for system upgrades to meet the current and future needs of the users. This study documented the activities performed and provided recommendations to the County concerning their radio communications systems. The Sheriffs Department and School District utilize leased service on a commercial 800 MHz trunked radio system. In addition to the leased service, the Sheriffs Department has a single site VHF (150 MHz) system. The complaints from both the Sheriffs Department and School Board concerning the leased 800 MHz system were similar; the lack of complete County -wide coverage, lack of control and access during emergencies, and the expectation of conversion by the system lessee to an all digital format, requiring complete replacement of all user equipment. During the study, Trott reviewed several options including replacing current aged equipment and upgrading the current systems to incorporate additional capabilities. For the most part, these problems cannot be improved unless additional radio channels are made available by the FCC. Other problems such as radio coverage, reliability, maintainability, etc. can be improved by replacing, redesigning and/or relocating the present system and its equipment. After review of the requirements of the County's communications needs and the candidate solutions to provide long-term radio communications, Trott provided various options to the County. After reviewing Trott's Radio Communications Study, the County awarded Trott Phase II of this project. In this phase, Trott has provided procurement and implementation City of Southlake, Texas Proposal Proprietary and Confidential 24 Trott Communications Group, Inc. engineering support services in the County's radio communications system upgrade and developed a RFP for an upgraded radio system. Trott and the County are reviewing Vendor proposals at this time. Trott will assist with Vendor Contract Negotiations, Design Review, Acceptance Testing, and Final Acceptance for the County in this Phase. Kerr County, Texas Contact: Sheriff W.R. Hierholzer, (830) 896-1216 Kerr County, Texas has retained the services of Trott to provide assistance in addressing their long-term needs for Public Safety Radio Communications. Trott's first assignment included a limited needs assessment focusing primarily on system coverage, an assessment of current and vendor -proposed system coverage and performance, and a review, including comments and recommendations, concerning a County -developed Request for Offer for a system upgrade. A Report was submitted to the County addressing all of the above tasks. An alternative leased system, being considered by the County, was also investigated in the Report. Trott's next assignment included conducting meetings with the County and various radio manufacturers to resolve any issues concerning coverage or operational parameters of the system to be procured. Each issue and its resolution was documented and provided to the County. Site issues were also resolved by a detailed evaluation of all potential sites and discussions with site owners concerning availability. Trott also City of Southlake, Texas Proposal Proprietary and Confidential 25 Trott Communications Group, Inc. participated in County meetings with potential system participants to explain the system, its mode of operation and discuss requirements for possible joint use of the system. Trott has developed the technical portion of the County's RFP which is due to be released. Trott will also assist the County with the release of the RFP to vendors and then assist the County thru the System's Final Acceptance stage. City of Rockwall, Texas Contact: Rick Crowley, (972) 771-7790 x103 The City of Rockwall, TX has retained Trott to assist in the development of a "Public Safety Radio Study and Needs Assessment" for the City of Rockwall, TX the City of Heath, TX and Rockwall County, TX; collectively referred to as "Rockwall." Rockwall sought a review of its operations with the specific objective of the development of a three -to -five year strategic plan. A review of Rockwall's dispatch center's radio operations was also addressed in the study. Through interviews with staff from each participating radio user group, and site visits to the Police/Fire Dispatch Center, Trott gathered information regarding present radio communications systems, reviewed the status of existing radio communications equipment and operations, and identified future communications needs. These interviews included detailed discussions with more than 10 individuals from five different departments representing all municipal radio users. Additionally, site visits were made to four separate radio communications installations. During this analysis, Trott reviewed Rockwall's existing radio communications facilities and system documentation. Comments and recommendations for this review were included in the Report. City of Southlake, Texas Proposal Proprietary and Confidential 26 Trott Communications Group, Inc. Matthew Stillwell, Police Department. (9541 346-1365 coral Springs, Florida awarded Trott a contract for professional services to assist the City with the development, design, procurement and implementation of an 821 MHz trunked radio/data communications system. The radio system uses seven 821 MHz radio channels licensed according to the NPSPAC guidelines and that of the Florida - Region 9 Plan for Public Safety Radio Communications. Trott designed the system for portable -only coverage throughout the City and surrounding areas that the City's dispatch center serves. The project included the design and construction of a new consolidated public safety dispatch center. The Motorola radio/dispatch system was purchased by the City through a sole -source procurement and was completed and operational in July 1994. A follow-on project was the development of an MDT system using laptop personal computers. That portion was completed in January 1996. City of Corpus Christi, Texas Contact: Captain Leonard Scott, Police Department, (512) 886-2746 Trott contracted with the City of Corpus Christi to: • Survey existing conventional VHF radio communications system • Design the most cost-effective system to handle present and future requirements • Develop procurement documents • Evaluate bid/proposal responses City of Southlake, Texas Proposal Proprietary and Confidential 27 Trott Communications Group, Inc. • Provide technical management for system implementation and acceptance testing These activities resulted in the procurement of a multi -site, 800 MHz trunked radio system that supports Corpus Christi and the Regional Transit Authority ("RTA"), County agencies and several other cities. As an interim measure, Trott further recommended a complete alignment of their present system, including microwave, to significantly improve their current system's efficiency and reliability while they are implementing the trunked system. As part of separate contracts, Trott assisted the City with the design and procurement of a CAD and police records management systems and the development of request for proposals for trunked radio and microwave system maintenance. In addition, Trott has concluded the procurement phase of an upgrade to the Corpus Christi radio system to add mobile data communications in support of Police, Fire and County emergency vehicles as well as Transit intelligent vehicle AVL/AVM/fleet management data. The system was operational by early year 2000 and is undergoing final optimization and test. City rof Irving, Texas Contact: Lieutenant Mark Ferris, Police Department, (972) 721-2643 Trott conducted a comprehensive radio communications study for Irving's Police, Fire and General Government Departments. The result of the study was the implementation of a totally reconfigured system designed to dramatically improve the reliability of the emergency and general government mobile and portable radio systems. City of Southlake, Texas Proposal Proprietary and Confidential 28 Trott Communications Group, Inc. Part of the new system included a cost-effective microwave system to interconnect ten of the radio sites. This gave total control of the system to the City by eliminating costly and unreliable telephone lines. Trott designed the entire system for maximum reliability, redundancy and maintainability. Trott also provided total system management and engineering during the implementation phase of the project. In addition, Trott was also contracted to develop the Public Safety Communications Center at the new Irving Criminal Justice Center facility. This contract involved preparing a functional design report for the recommended system and to prepare technical procurement specifications for the recommended communications equipment. This included an upgrade to full -featured, CRT -based console units with system switch capability for the protected dedicated cable and microwave paths with full communications backup provisions. Trott was next contracted to conduct a Needs Assessment of the existing radio system and to prepare procurement specifications for a City-wide, 10 channel, 821 MHz trunked radio system. The project also included an integrated intelligent mobile information system with data trunked on the voice radio system. This included preparing and submitting all coordination and license documents for the new system. Trott was retained to continue services through installation, testing and acceptance phases. City of Southlake, Texas Proposal Proprietary and Confidential 29 Trott Communications Group, Inc. Stephen Trevino, City IMS Department, (361) 572-2770 i rots was initially retained to provide a thorough investigation, analysis and evaluation of the existing Victoria radio communications system. The investigation addressed the capabilities and limitations of the present system, the system design and its flexibility, the impact of available technology and frequency spectrum reforming on the system. Trott conducted this review with a survey of the existing system, with a review of existing system documentation and with interviews of designated personnel. This review addressed such items as system configuration, equipment types, equipment age, suitability of intended use, cost and availability of system replacement parts, system and equipment maintainability, adequacy of radio coverage, radio interference and system expansion capabilities. The results and recommendations of this study were submitted in a recommendations report. This report included a description of the findings and recommendations of the assessment of the existing radio system. Trott continued with the project by providing procurement assistance for an eleven - channel, two -site simulcast trunked radio system and a separate single -channel, two -site mobile data system. Trott was asked to proceed on the next phase of the project to provide project implementation engineering services. Trott assisted the City to coordinate and oversee the project through the implementation, testing, and acceptance activities. This included: Development of Project Work Plan and Schedule; Providing Project/Selected Vendor Coordination; Conducting a system design review with the selected vendor's engineering team; Providing System Installation Design; Inspection of delivered voice radio and mobile data system; Preparation of Acceptance Test Plan; and Assistance during the Final System Acceptance Tests. This also included the City of Southlake, Texas Proposal Proprietary and Confidential 30 Trott Communications Group, Inc. development of a comprehensive test plan to ensure compliance of the delivered system performance with the City's requirements. Finally, this included a review of the test data recorded during the testing of System Performance Features and Functionality Tests as well as review of the test data for the System Radio Coverage Test. System Testing and Acceptance concluded in September 2000. City of Margate, Florida Contact: Commander Lynn Schroeder, (954) 972-7111 x 427 The City of Margate in June 1995 retained Trott to evaluate their current radio system, identify problem areas and recommend upgrades to meet their current and future requirements. Due to the frequency congestion of the South Florida area, the ultimate recommendation was a consolidation of resources with the City of Coral Springs, Florida into a single system composed of a 13 -channel, two -site simulcast, three -site receive trunked system with two parallel, fully functional dispatch centers. Trott then assisted the City with the implementation planning necessary to insure proper system configuration. Trott recommended that this upgrade be performed under a sole -source procurement to Motorola. City of Norman, Oklahoma 'Contact: Major Russell Graham, (405) 321-8696 The City retained Trott to conduct a comprehensive Needs Assessment study. Through interviews with staff from each participating radio user group, site visits to each of the City's radio installations and to the Police/Fire Dispatch Center, the study gathered information regarding the present radio communications systems, reviewed the status City of Southlake, Texas Proposal Proprietary and Confidential 31 Trott Communications Group, Inc. of existing radio communications equipment and operations and identified future communications needs. These interviews included detailed discussions with more than 16 individuals from seven different departments representing all municipal radio users. Additionally, site visits were made to seven separate City radio communications installations. The needs and requirements for improving radio communications were identified and analyzed. As a part of the system analysis, Trott investigated emerging technologies in the radio communications field, while maintaining focus on the project objectives of improving radio communications. Trott was retained to continue this project into Phase II. The Testing and Acceptance of the new system was conducted in November 2000. City of Longview, Texas Contact: Leroy Salyards, Longview Police Department, (retired) Trott was retained to conduct a Needs Assessment of the City's radio communications systems and to provide a recommendations report. Upon City approval of the selected upgrade alternative, Trott proceeded to develop procurement specifications to procure an APCO compliant, 800 MHz trunked radio system. The City asked that the specifications permit City-wide operation to support all City departments. Trott was also retained to follow the delivered system through the implementation and acceptance stages, to ensure that the system meets the City's requirements. System dedication occurred in June 1999. City of Southlake, Texas Proposal Proprietary and Confidential 32 Trott Communications Group, Inc. Richard Herndon, P.E., (512) 416-3129 Trott was retained to conduct a study of the radio communications system for the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) to review the capabilities and limitations of the existing system and to develop a ten-year plan for the department. The study included: • Conducting a review of the existing system radio communications for the 25 Highway Districts in the State, to determine coverage, performance and reliability of the system and the suitability of the equipment to fulfill the Department's assignments. • Examining alternative system configurations and functional designs for use in the TxDOT radio communications system. • Addressing the requirements of inter -agency communications requirements between TxDOT and other state agencies as well as local government agencies needing communications with TxDOT District crews. • Developing recommendations for improvements to the existing statewide radio communications system to be implemented in a multiple year plan. • Assisting with recommendations for procurement specifications to implement system upgrades. City of Tyler, Texas (Police) Contact: Joe La man, Tyler Police Department, (903) 531-1048 Trott was retained by the City of Tyler to develop procurement specifications to permit the City's use of the infrastructure of a private, APCO compliant, 800 MHz trunked radio system. The City asked that the specifications permit City-wide operation to support all City departments. Trott's responsibilities included an evaluation of vendor proposals and assistance with vendor selection. The City then awarded a contract to Trott to continue services with the City on the System Implementation phase of the project, to ensure the suitability of delivered system performance to meet the City's needs. City of Southlake, Texas Proposal Proprietary and Confidential 33 Trott Communications Group, Inc. Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport Joe Blair retired - - Bill Bowens 972 574-6642 The Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport retained Trott to develop system requirements and procurement specifications for an APCO 16, 821 MHz NPSPAC trunked radio system and to assist in the implementation. Using a test installation, Trott conducted extensive coverage testing to detect problem areas in buildings, parking garages and maintenance tunnels. Further testing provided solutions to coverage in these problem areas. Trott conducted user requirement surveys, produced a detailed RFP and helped with vendor evaluation and contract negotiations. The resultant system uses CRT -based consoles and 15 NPSPAC channels in a main and backup site configuration. Trott prepared all coordination and licensing documents and supervised testing and acceptance of the system. Additionally, Trott assisted in the design of a new dispatch center. Recent projects have involved assisting the Airport with Y2K issues and concerns, engineering assistance with a People Mover system project, and conducting RF Radiation measurements and a RF Radiation study. SUMMARY Trott Communications Group, Inc. is pleased to submit this Proposal to the City of Southlake, Texas. Trott has been dedicated to the Public Safety Industry throughout its 23 years, both nationally as well as internationally. The firm is confident that, with its experience and Local presence, it can provide Southlake with the most qualified and City of Southlake, Texas Proposal Proprietary and Confidential 34 Trott Communications Group, Inc. cost-effective Radio Communications Consulting firm available. Trott's clients find that its services, with its thorough feasibility studies and competitive bidding process, generally save more money than they cost. Finally, Trott is a financially -stable, fully - insured (including Professional Liability), independent, unbiased engineering firm with no vested interest in the sale of any communications equipment and is independent of all equipment manufacturers. City of Southlake, Texas Proposal U_ Proprietary and Confidential 35 Trott Communications Group, Inc. City of Southlake, Texas Proposal APPENDIX A Trott Brochures Proprietary and Confidential 36 s SOUTHLAKE CRIME CONTROL AND PREVENTION DISTRICT 1/2% SALES TAX REPORT 2001-02 Collected Budget Balance Budget to Date Balance Percent $ 2,214,268 $ 582,083 1,632,185 73.71% MONTH Fiscal Year 1999-00 Actual Percent Increase/ Decrease Fiscal Year 2000-01 Actual Percent Increase/ Decrease Fiscal Year 2001-02 Actual Percent Increase/ Decrease October $137,412 9.75% $169,140 23.09% $199,217 17.78% November 134,564 45.68% 157,886 17.33% 192,022 21.62% December 123,346 20.54% 162,373 31.64% 190,845 17.53% January 160,790 18.56% 237,687 47.82% 29,780 -100.00% February 133,181 34.89% 157,640 18.37% - -100.00% March 122,112 27.40% 147,534 20.82% - -100.00% April 167,030 21.31% 206,912 23.88% - -100.00% May 149,947 18.45% 185,555 23.75% - -100.00% June 149,028 23.05% 213,711 43.40% - -100.00% July 170,640 8.05% 223,490 30.97% - -100.00% August 153,942 27.19% 190,151 23.52% - -100.00% September 145,397 18.70% 180,172 23.92% - -100.00% September 180,172 178,720 TOTAL $1,747,389 - r$2,232,25, $582,083 $2,232,251 $ 2,214,268 $ 582,083 $ 2,310,895 $ 96,627 3.52% Actual Budget Actual Estimated (budget -est.) % 2000-01 2001-02 2001-02 2001-02 Difference Change October $ 169,140 167,777 199,217 199,217 $ 31,440 18.59% November 157,886 156,614 192,022 192,022 35,407 22.43% December 162,373 161,065 190,845 190,845 29,780 18.34% January 237,687 235,772 - 235,772 - 0.00% February 157,640 156,370 - 156,370 - 0.00% March 147,534 146,345 - 146,345 - 0.00% April 206,912 205,245 - 205,245 - 0.00% May 185,555 184,060 - 184,060 - 0.00% June 213,711 211,990 - 211,990 - 0.00% July 223,490 221,690 - 221,690 - 0.00% August 190,151 188,619 - 188,619 - 0.00% September 180,172 178,720 - 178,720 - 0.00% $2,232,251 $ 2,214,268 $ 582,083 $ 2,310,895 $ 96,627 3.52% COD 1� RonCOD D O 42 mo 02 Ron 06 cc O ANNCDCOD i C.7 cc S� CD copa �r dMEd Am CD CRO GD cc N co co O N 4 r 40 Mo 1' // I OF/ I SOUTHLAKE CRIME CONTROL AND PREVENTION DISTRICT ANNUAL PROGRAM EVALUATION June 2002 The Southlake Crime Control and Prevention District was created by Southlake voters in November 1997 and a half -cent sales tax to fund the District was authorized. Voters dictated that the City Council appoint an independent Board of Directors to oversee the District. The Board of Directors was subsequently appointed by the City Council for the District and began its work in December with the identification of specific strategies for addressing public safety within the city and the development and adoption of a budget to accomplish the strategies. During the course of the initial five- year authorization of the District, the Board and staff worked diligently to address the strategies, as shown below. In February 2002, Southlake voters approved a 15 -year extension of the District. Continuation of the District will provide the funding necessary to pursue the full accomplishment of each of the strategies. State law requires the District to fund an annual evaluation program to study the impact, efficiency, and effectiveness of new or expanded crime control and prevention programs. This report examines each identified strategy for the Southlake Crime Control and Prevention District. Strategy One: Enhancing Community Safety Through Modern, Efficient Facilities This strategy promotes a safer environment for the community through an increased police presence, particularly in neighborhoods, to deter crime and to reduce the Annual Program Evaluation Approved - June 5, 2002 -1- response time for calls for service. Although the geographical size of the city is large at 23 square miles, until recently Department of Public Safety personnel operated out of one facility. The District's initial plan identified the purchase of three sites and the development of two district facilities as its highest priority for the use of crime control funds. Evaluating the District's efficiency and effectiveness in achieving this strategy involves analysis of five major tasks for the District's first four years, including: 1) site evaluation and budgeting, 2) site selection, 3) land acquisition, 4) concept planning, and 5) facility construction. An examination of the District's efforts on these tasks reveals that the District is operating effectively and efficiently, although quantitative measures (i.e., reduction in Part I crimes or response times) cannot yet be analyzed. This evaluation will review the District's initial efforts for acquiring land for the new facilities, planning for their development, and construction. Site Evaluation Process. Work began with staff identifying a step-by-step process to determine response times and corresponding target areas, and continued to the selection of twenty-five sites. Annual Program Evaluation Approved - June 5, 2002 -2- Upon identification of sites and mapping of response times, all suitable and available tracts were identified for evaluation. Each potential site was evaluated using the following criteria: ■ Access - arterial street capacity, direct site access, proximity to parking, visibility to public/sight lines, proximity to response location, access to two streets; ■ Physical Characteristics - configuration, zoning restrictions, easements, topography, physical constraints, site evaluation, drive-through bays; ■ Environmental - noise, tree loss, contamination potential, risk factors (e.g., flooding), lighting; ■ Site Development - compatibility with adjacent uses, complex planning issues, expansion potential, site assemblage, time constraints, utility availability; ■ Functional - shared services potential, building footprint flexibility; ■ Financial -property values, demolition costs, energy criteria. An evaluation matrix assigning points for each criterion was prepared for each potential site, which helped determine the appropriate sites for serious consideration. Site Selection Process. The District Board and staff reviewed the sites, evaluating each with the identified criteria. Staff then initiated conversation with property owners to determine their willingness to sell, to ascertain purchase terms, and to identify other issues which might affect the ultimate purchase and development of the site. Specific sites for each of the target areas were identified, and staff was instructed to negotiate purchase contracts for each. Annual Program Evaluation Approved - June 5, 2002 -3- Land Acquisition. The Board has been able to successfully purchase tracts of land for two of the three needed sites. Approximately 4.8 acres were purchased for the west site and a 32 -acre tract was purchased for the north site. Acquisition of a three -acre site on the east side of the city has been delayed for the present time, although continued funding through District continuation will provide the needed funds to acquire the site in the near future. This will be accomplished upon completion of an updated risk assessment, currently being conducted. by Department of Public Safety personnel. Please see Exhibit A for a location map of sites. Concept Planning. To determine the utility of the smaller sites, an architectural consultant was hired to assist with site evaluations, as well as to develop conceptual drawings showing the layout of the facility on the sites. These drawings were particularly needed for the smaller southern sites to ensure their viability. Additionally, the Board approved funding necessary to enter into an agreement with an architectural firm to design a facility in compliance with city regulations at the west site. Initial design concepts were presented to the Board in April 2000, and were formally submitted to the City for zoning and concept plan approval. The City Council approved the zoning and site plan for the west site facility on July 18, 2000. Additionally, zoning and concept plan approval was achieved for a 35,813 square -foot residual lot to be sold as a commercial tract. Please see Exhibit B, approved site plan (DPS site), and approved concept plan for the residual lot. Annual Program Evaluation Approved - June 5, 2002 During FY2001-02, space planning for the North facility began in earnest. Initial concepts were presented to the board during the February 2001 meeting. This process should be finalized by the end of the fiscal year. Facility Construction. Once approval of the site plan for the West facility was achieved (showing a proposed one-story 21,573 square foot DPS building), city staff, the District Board of Directors,. City Council, and Phillip Swager and Associates (architect) went to work to finalize construction plans for the west building. A construction budget of $3,863,681 was approved for the project. Exhibit C shows the final plans developed for the facility. A total of $4.2 million (including architectural fees) was allocated for facility construction. On October 10, 2000, the City opened sealed bids for construction of the project. Eleven bids were received. The low bidder, OMPA, Inc., submitted a base bid of $3,194,000. The District Board approved funding for the project in an amount not to exceed $3.4 million (base bid plus alternatives and contingencies) and City Council entered in to a contract on November 7, 2000 with CMPA, Inc. The City took possession of the building in April 2002, celebrating its grand opening on April 13. Total estimated cost for the building including land, architecture fees, furniture and equipment was $5,100,000. Of that cost, $3,375,000 was approved for construction of the facility, and it is anticipated that the actual cost for construction is below the budgeted amount by approximately $25,000. Note that funding to staff the facility was requested through the City of Southlake's general fund and, upon approval, provided for staff acquisition and training in advance of the opening of the new facility. Annual Program Evaluation Approved - June 5, 2002 ME As noted previously, a quantitative analysis of the effectiveness and efficiency of the Board's program to meet this strategy cannot be performed at this time. However, the first important steps toward realizing the benefits to be derived from the district facilities have been taken. The first goal set for accomplishing strategy one (evaluating and acquiring sites for optimum delivery of public safety services) is moving toward completion. The opening of DPS West is the first completed project of the district, clearly meeting the objectives of strategy one. Strategy Two: Enhancing Community Safety Through the Use of Modern Technology & Equipment The District Board allocated funding in Year One for the purchase of two fully equipped police patrol vehicles, as well as portable radios and other related equipment needed by the School Resource Officers. The vehicles were purchased through a cooperative purchasing agreement between the Houston -Galveston Area Council of Governments (HGAC). Working through HGAC allowed the City to take advantage of "bulk" buying opportunities. As such, the vehicles were purchased and equipped well within the budget parameters established by the Board. The District has also funded the purchase of portable radios for police use, and recently commissioned a study for the development of a radio master plan for DPS. This plan will guide the development of the city's ultimate radio infrastructure to ensure reliable communication for officers in the field. With renewed attention to homeland security following the terror attacks of September 11, the District has contemplated future funding of equipment to address these Annual Program Evaluation Approved - June 5, 2002 types of threats. The continuation of District funding will allow the Department to address these equipment needs as well. These equipment needs include field analysis equipment to determine the nature of any chemical, biological, or radiological threat; personal protective gear to allow officers to function safely in hazardous environments; and intelligence gathering and community notification systems_ Strategy Three: Enhanced Community Safety Through Professional Development The District's commitment to land acquisition and facility development have prevented a direct allocation of funds for professional development initiatives. However, continual and advanced training of public safety personnel must be a priority to maintain in-service training requirements in such a manner that the skills, knowledge and abilities of each individual remain at peak levels for both present and future job assignments. In order to meet the objectives of this strategy, the District incorporated training needs into its evaluation of potential sites and in construction plans for the West district facility. Targeted sites were of at least three acres in size to ensure adequate space for training activities. Having training facilities available in the district stations will ensure that most training programs can be coordinated without requiring officers to leave their assigned posts. This maximizes the time available for training. The design of the west facility has fully incorporated training needs, and use of the indoor training facility has already begun. Special attention will be given to developing both of the future facilities in a manner conducive to meeting the training needs of the entire Department. Annual Program Evaluation Approved - June 5, 2002 -7- Strategy Four: Enhance Community Safety through Special Police Initiatives The establishment of a crime control and prevention district in Southlake provides an opportunity to establish police initiatives that enhance the community's quality of life. While the City of Southlake previously offered a School Resource Officer (SRO) to Carroll High School, no such officers were assigned to any middle school campus. To address issues of campus safety, student education, and deterrence for drug and gang - related activity, the Department has attempted to expand the program, but limited funding resulted in limited implementation of this vital program. The District's first special initiative involved hiring two additional School Resource Officers. Recruitment efforts began as soon as the Board approved the budget, but advertising was repeated when the initial process did not result in a successful hire. The two positions were successfully filled in December 1998, with one officer assigned to Carroll Junior High School and the other to Carroll Intermediate School. The School Resource Officer's presence in the aforementioned schools has resulted in: ■ Reduction in prank fire alarms, minimizing disruptions and danger to the public and DPS personnel when responding; ■ Deterrence of violence; and ■ Collection of valuable intelligence resulting in numerous arrests on and off campus for possession and use of alcohol and drugs as well as collection of information regarding "copy cat" threats mirroring recent shooting events around the nation. Annual Program Evaluation Approved - June 5, 2002 Financial Considerations Collection of the Crime Control District sales tax began in April 1998, and the first allocation of sales tax from the Comptroller was received in June 1998. Through the fiscal year ending September 30, 2001, the District had collected $ 2,232,252 in sales tax, and $293,020 in interest. Expenditures for the same period total $4,379,562 with $126,846 for two School Resource Officers and related benefits for the year; $2,153,006 for construction costs related to the West facility $127,811 for leased radio equipment; and $1,971,899 for the debt service payment. Construction costs associated with the West facility were funded through bond proceeds from previous years. The City's annual audit for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2001 was completed during March 2002. The Crime Control and Prevention District accounting records was part of that audit, and the report will be presented to the City Council in late June. Funds received by the District are invested according to the City's investment policy. The District's funds are pooled for investment purposes. For the quarter ending September 30, 2001, the District's yield to maturity on pooled investments was 3.47%. For the fiscal year that began October 1, 2001, an estimated $2,214,268 in sales tax is expected. $132,116 is budgeted for two School Resource Officers and related benefits, $127,811 for leased radio equipment and $2,253,715 is budgeted for debt service payments. Conclusion The Board of Directors of the Southlake Crime Control and Prevention District has, during the first four years of the life of the District, successfully implemented the Annual Program Evaluation Approved - June 5, 2002 actions necessary to meet the strategies identified in its plan and budget. The Board's primary activity has been the acquisition of suitable public safety sites in targeted areas and construction of the West facility. Other initiatives are progressing as planned. During its first four years, the Southlake Crime Control and Prevention District has successfully accomplished its goals and with the successful outcome of the continuation election, the future implementation of District strategies is ensured. Annual Program Evaluation Approved - June S, 2002 - 10- .ze : i C x r 4 ��t'j�r'ir , ' 'st 1! 4 � rpt i1�I�tr{tsi�Etl�„ � � ------------ a itl{{tllt1��11l!1111;H1 C lit RYMRIT R r�y�M�C`�i1 s o P .ze : i ,t �,...�..........,..�.,.1 3/! Y 7V 1! 4 � rpt ` ------------ �i A �,...�..........,..�.,.1 3/! Y 7V N rpt ` ------------ �i lit RYMRIT R s o P do �l �,...�..........,..�.,.1 3/! Y 7V ------------ �i lit RYMRIT R I Ar a mill, I, Ar a a