2002-08-07%-ILY Vl CUUMMILC, I UAkth MEMORANDUM g -a - '200,5L TO: Southlake Crime Control and Prevention District Board FROM: Sharen Elam, Director of Finance Ext. 1713 SUBJECT: Crime Control FY 2002-03 Operating Budget and multiyear CIP Action Requested: Approval of FY 2002-03 Operating Budget and multiyear CIP Background Information: Your packet contains the proposed Operating Budget and Multiyear CIP Budget. The proposed operating budget provides for the continuation of the SRO funding including two additional School Resource Officers, lease payment for the police 800MHZ-radio system and annual debt service payment. New request for FY 2002-03 include the following: $ 42,186 new SRO vehicle and emergency equipment $ 2,000 Tactical Rifle $ 5,000 audio visual equipment and furniture for West DPS The multiyear CIP budget provides for the construction completion of the North facility during FY 2004-05 with architectural/design work starting FY2002-03. The funding for the radio communications strategic plan is also included for FY 2002-03. The proceeds from the potential sale of the excess land from the West and North sites are budgeted in FY 2002-03 $400,000 and $950,000, respectively. Financial Considerations: The proposed operating budget includes projected sales tax, grant and interest income of $2,285,696. Total personnel expenditures of $301,898, operational cost $144,811 and capital of $49,186. Total operating transfers of $1,526,370 for debt service. Citizen Input/ Board Review: Public Hearing is scheduled for August 7, 2002. Legal Review: None required Alternatives: Approve or amend the proposed budgets. Supporting Documents: FY 2002-03 Operating Budget and Multiyear CIP REVENUES Sales Tax Grant Income Interest Income Total Revenues EXPENDITURES Personnel Operations Capital Total Expenditures Net Revenues Transfers Out -General Fund for debt service Transfers Out -Vehicle Replacement Total Other Sources (Uses) Beginning Fund Balance Ending Fund Balance SOUTHLAKE CRIME CONTROL AND PREVENTION DISTRICT - OPERATING FUND FY2002-03 Proposed Budget October 1, 2002 through September 30, 2003 10:58 PM 08/01/02 2000-01 Actual 2001-02 Adopted 2001-02 Amended $ Increase/ (Decrease) Adopted % Increase/ -Decrease 2002-03 Proposed $ Increase/ (Decrease) Adopted % Increase/ -Decrease $2,232,252 $2,214,268 $2,214,268 $0 0.0% $2,180,696- ($33,572) -1.5% 0 0 0 $0 $45,000 $45,000 $61,398 $110,500 $50,000" ($60,500) $60,000 ($50,500) 45.7% $2,293,650 $2,324,768 $2,264,268 ': ($60,500) $2,285,696 ($39,072) $126,522 $132,116 $132,116 $0 0.0% $301,898 $169,782 128.5% $128,135 $127,811 $147,311 19,500 15.3% $144,811: 17,000 13.3% $00 L $6 0 0.0% $49,186 49.186 $254,657 $259,927 $279,427 $19,500 7.5% $495,895: $235,968 90.8% $2,038,993 $2,064,841 $1,964,841 ' ($80,000) ; $1,789,801 ($275,040) 1,971,899 2,253,715 2,253,715c 1,526,370; 0 0 0" 0 1,971,899 2,253,715 2;253,715 1,526,370' $2,366,695 $2.433.789 $2,433,789 $2.244.915 $2,433,789 $2,16`.915. $2,164,915 $2.428.346 (Reference to Section 363.203, Local Government Code, Annual Budget Proposal.) 1. Outstanding obligations of the District are the repayment of tax notes issued in October 1998 and March 2000 in the amount of $1,840,000 and $560,000 with a FY 2001-02 debt service payment of $2,253,715 and a FY 2002-03 debt service of $1,526,370. The tax notes will be paid off in FY2003-04. 2. There is $2,164,915 in the Operating Fund and $44,556 in the Capital Projects Fund estimated to be on hand as of the beginning of FY2002-03. 3. An estimated $2,180,696 is expected to be received by the District during FY2002-03 in sales tax revenues. 4. Total revenue is estimated at $2,285,696 consisting of sales tax, grant proceeds and interest income. 5. Total money requested to fund programs is $1,795,895 with $1,000,000 of that amount to fund Strategic Plan for Radio Communciations, $300,000 for initial architectural fees for Norh DPS site, $368,084 for four School Resource Officers and and related equipment. 6. Programs presented have been previously approved by the Board for funding. 7. The sales tax rate is .5%. 8. There is $2,428,346 in the Operating Fund and $1,094,556 in the Capital Projects Fund estimated to be on hand as of the end of FY2002-03. 9. Total revenues available to cover the proposed budget are $2,240,696 and bond proceeds. / A n CITY OF SOUTHLAKE Operating Account Budget Request Worksheet Fiscal Year 2002-03 DEPARTMENT: 331 -Crime Control & Prevention District Print Date: 0810 1 fro OBJECT CODE ACCOUNT TITLE FY00-01 ACTUAL FY01-02 ADOPTED BUDGET FY01-02 'AMENDED BUDGET FYOM3 BUDGET PROPOSED JUSTIFICATION' 101.00 Regular Earnings 103,535 107,136 107,136 227,420 Wages and salaries for four School Resource Officers. Two officers were previously funded from this account. The School Resource Officer was moved to this account and an additional officer is requested for the new Middle School. This account is supplemented by a COPS Office Grant for the new position in the total amount of $125,000 over a three year period. ($45,000/$40,000/$40,000) 102.00 Overtime 665 0 0 8,400 Overtime for training of officers in Weapons of Mass Destruction First Responder. Overtime is used to ensure proper staffing during training 104.00 Longevity 280 376 376 1,500 Amount paid to employees with at least 1 year of service 111.00 Health/Dental/Life 6,478 8,040 8,040 20,448 Insurance provided to employees of the city. 112.00 Workers Compensation 3,223 3,177 3,177 6,776 Premiums paid to an insurance pool for compensation to injured employees. ( Rate estimates provided by TML risk pool. ) 114.00 FICA II -Medicare 1,500 1,559 1,559 3,319 Medicare portion of annual salaries 120.01 Retirement 1 0 0 0 22,926 City's percentage contribution to TMRS employees with more than five years tenure. . 120.02 Retirement II 10,841 11,828 11,828 11,109 City's percentage contribution to TMRS for employees with less five years tenure. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE Operating Account Budget Request Worksheet Fiscal Year 2002-03 DEPARTMENT: 331 -Crime Control & Prevention District Print Date: OBJECT CODE ACCOUNT TITLE FY00-01 ACTUAL FY01-02 ADOPTED BUDGET FY01-02 AMENDED BUDGET FY02-03 BUDGET PROPOSED JUSTIFICATION Subtotal -Personnel 126,522 132,116 132,116 301,898 230.00 Professional Services 0 0 19,500 0 Public Communications Consultant Services for the Development of a Strategic Plan for Radio Communciations to Trott Communications Gr( 240.00 Other Services 324 0 0 0 248.00 Community Services 0 0 0 2,000 Funds provide for a Mounted Patrol Volunteer Program 353.00 Lease Misc. equipment 127,811 127,811 127,811 127,811 Payment for 800 radios system Police portion only 575.00 Miscellaneous Equipment 0 0 0 15,000 Provides for the purchase of Chemical, Biological, and Radiological protective equipment for police first responders. Subtotal -Operations & Maint 128,135, 127,811 147,311 144,811' 920.00 Field Equipment 0 0 0 2,000 Funds provide for the addition of a Tactical Rifle to ensure proper initial response in critical situations prior to the arrival of mutual aid tactical units. 930.00 Vehicles 0 0 0 42,186 Funds provide for the purchase of a new School Resource Officer vehicle and emergency equipment for departmental vehicles. Building Improvements 0 0 0 5,000 Funds necessary audio visual equipment and furniture for the West Facility. Subtotal, Capital 0 0 49,186 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE Operating Account Budget Request Worksheet Fiscal Year 2002-03 DEPARTMENT: 331 -Crime Control & Prevention District Print Date: 08101109 OBJECT CODE ACCOUNT TITLE FY00-01 ACTUAL' FYo1-02 ADOPTED BUDGET FYGI-02 AMENDED BUDGET FY02-03 BUDGET PROPOSED JUSTIFICATIONS Subtotal -Expenditures 254,657 259,927 279,427 495,895 542.00 Transfer - Interfund 0 0 0 0 545.50 Transfer - Debt Service 1,971,899 2,253,715 2,253,715 1,526,370 Subtotal -Transfers 1,971,899 2,253,715 2,253,715 1,526,370 ` GRAND TOTAL" 2,226,556 2,513,642 2,533,142 2,022,265 FY1997-98 Approved Budget FY1998-99 FY1999-00 FY2000-01 FY2001-02 FY2002- REVENUES/OTHER SOURCES Fund Balance $ $ (1,999,503) $ 848,479 $ 3,384,556 $ Bond Proceeds $ $ 4,196,999 $ 2,600,000 $ Sales Tax -Operating Transfer $ $ - $ 150,000 $ - $ Interest Income $ 66,781 $ 128,577 $ 115,000 Land Sales (west site/north site) $ $ - $ - $ Total Revenue (excluding fund balance carried forty $ $ 4,263,780 $ 2,878,577 $ 115,000 $ REVENUES and FUND BALANCE in excess of/ $ (1,999,503) $ 848,479 $ 3,384,556 $ 44,556 S (Less than) EXPENDITURES EXPENDITURES Land Acquisition West Site East Site North Site Construction Cost Architectural fees Construction cost Additional FF&E Construction cost - North Site Construction cost - East Site Radio Infrastructure Initial Buy In Total Expenditures $ 1,999,503 $ 1,415,798 $ - $ - $ 342,500 $ - $ $ $ - $ - $ 3,400,000 $ $ - $ 55,000 $ $ 1,999,503 $ 1,415,798 $ 342,500 $ 3,455,000 $ 44,556 $ 44 - $ 1,000 $ 1,350 $ 2,350 44,556 $ 1,094 ` %-Ity Vl OVU6MUftG, I VAAS MEMORANDUM July 31, 2002 TO: Southlake Crime Control and Prevention District Board of Directors FROM: Rick Black, Director of Public Safety, Ext. 2421 SUBJECT: Determine the Method of Awarding the Construction Contracts for the North DPS Facility. Action Requested: Board input on which method contains best value for the construction of the North DPS Facility. Background Information: The Seventy Seventh Texas Legislature made a number of changes to purchasing laws applicable to municipalities, broadening options in a number of ways. One of the bills, S.B. 510, provided alternative processes for the construction of municipal facilities (buildings, not infrastructure). The attached memo from City Attorney Betsy Elam provides a detailed review of the options now available. The CIP is scheduled to contain the funding necessary to complete programming and architectural design of the North DPS Facility in FY 02-03 and then construction in FY 03-04 and FY 04-05. This item is placed on the agenda so that the Board can determine the method of best value for the City of Southlake. This determination will be forwarded to City Council who will make the final decision. Financial Considerations: Each method contains a substantial financial comparison to one another ranging from 1.5% to 6% cost reduction. Citizen Input/ Board Review: The Crime Control and Prevention District Board of Directors will determine the funding that will be approved for use in constructing the North DPS facility, and will provide input to the City Council regarding the method of best value. Legal Review: The attached memo was prepared by City Attorney Betsy Elam to apprise municipal officials of the alternatives now available as a result of recent action by the Texas Legislature. Obviously, the attorneys would be intimately involved in the preparation of request for proposal documents as well as contracts, regardless of the method selected. Alternatives: Continue researching the various methods available for the construction of the North DPS Facility. Southlake Crime Control and Prevention District Board of Directors July 31, 2002 Page 2 Supporting Documents: "New Methods for Awarding Construction Contracts for Municipal Facilities," February 13, 2002, Betsy Elam Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends that the board discuss each method, share current research findings and decide which method contains the best value for the construction of the North DPS Facility. W'o"AI' FORT WORTH OFFICE: 6000 WESTERN PucE, Surm 200 I-30 AT BRYANT-WIN ROAD FORT WoETH, TExAs 761074654 'Ijolcm (817) 332-2580 oLL FREE: (800) 318-3400 r'A= (8 17) 3324740 EMAIL: TOASE@MASE.COM WEESITE: WWW.TOASE.COM ELIZABETH ELAM EXT. 211 betsvelamna toasexom Billy Campbell City of Southlake 1400 Main Street Suite 460 Southlake, Texas 76092 Ta loci February 13, 2002 Page 2 apply to all methods in Chapter 271 unless otherwise specifically noted: Determination of best value. For all methods except competitive bidding, the City Council (or its designated representative) must before advertising, determine which method provides the best value for the governmental entity. For example, before advertising begins, a city council could by resolution make a finding that the design- build method will provide the best value. If the City Council delegates its authority, the designated representative should make a determination in writing stating which method provides the best value. (Section 271.114). Criteria for selection of contractor. Unless otherwise specified below, for all methods, the City Council must base its selection among offerers on the following criteria (referred to below as the "selection criteria")': 1. the purchase price; 2. the reputation of the vendor and of the vendors goods or services; 3. the quality of the vendor's goods or services; 4. the extent to which the goods or services meet the City's needs; 5. the vendor's past relationship with the City; 6. the impact on the ability of the City to comply with rules relating to historically underutilized businesses; 7. the long-term cost to the City to acquire vendor's goods and services; and 8. any other relevant factors specifically listed in the request for bids or proposals. (Sections 271.113 and 271.114) Required publication of notice. A City must publish notice of the time and place the bids or proposals, or the responses to a request for qualifications will be received and opened. The notice must be published in a newspaper of general circulation in a county in which the municipality's central administrative offices are located, once a week for at least two weeks before the deadline for receiving the responses. (Section 271.112(d)) Criteria must be published. The City is required to publish in its request for bids, proposals or qualifications all of the selection criteria that will be used to evaluate the offerers and the relative weights given to the criteria. (Section 271.114(b)) Basis of selection must be documented. The City is required to document the basis of its selection and make all of the evaluations public not later than the seventh day after the date that the contract is awarded. (Section 271.114(c)) Recycled Materials. The City must comply with the requirements found in Section Some methods require other specific criteria in addition to the listed selection criteria. W:1Southlake\LETTERS\Campbell.EBE.002.wpd 4�' A6— February 13, 2002 Page 3 361.426 of the Health and Safety Code to give preference to regc-led materials. (Section 271.112(b)) A copy of Section 361.426 is enclosed. Engineer and Architect. Whenever an engineer or architect is required to be selected or utilized, the engineer or architect must be in-house or selected by demonstrated competence and qualifications in accordance with the Professional Services Procurement Act, found in 2254.004 of the Government Code. A copy of the Act is enclosed. Independent Testing. Whenever the City is required to provide independent testing, inspection or verification services necessary for acceptance of .the facility, those services must be selected in accordance with the Professional Services Procurement Act. Charter Controls. A charter provision that requires the use of competitive bidding or competitive sealed proposals or that prescribes procurement procedures, controls over these methods, unless the City Council elects to have these procedures supercede the charter. (Section 271.112(a)) DESCRIPTION OF EACH METHOD Following is a description of each of the methods available to municipalities for awarding contracts for the construction, rehabilitation, alteration, or repair of a facility: 1. Competitive Bidding. (Section 271.115) • Key points: a. Similar to traditional competitive bidding b. The City may use the procedures in Chapter 252 or 271 of the Local Government Code. C. The City may not negotiate with the bidders. • The City need not make a determination on which method provides the best value. • If the procedures in Chapter 252 are followed, the contract must be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder. The procedures in Chapter 271 allow more flexibility, and the contract may be awarded on the basis of best value. The procedures outlined here are those required by Chapter 271. • The City must publish notice seeking bids with selection criteria listed. • The City must award a competitively bid contract at the bid amount to the bidder offering the best value to the governmental entity according to the selection criteria that were established by the City and published in the notice. (Section 271.115(c)) • The bids may be opened only by the City Council at a public meeting or by an officer or employee of the municipality at or in an office of the City. (271.026) W.1Southlake\LETTERSNCampbell.EBE.002.wpd &/ February 13, 2002 Page 4 • A bid that has been opened may not be changed for the purpose of correcting an error in the bid price. (271.026) • A bidder has the right to withdraw a bid due to material mistake in the bid. (271.026(b)) • The City may not negotiate with bidders. • The City council may reject any or all bids. (271.027(a)) 2. Competitive Sealed Proposals. (Section 271.116) • Key points: a. The contractor is selected based on best value. b. Negotiations are permitted with the offerers in ranked order. C. Engineer and architects contracted separately. • The City Council or its designee must make a determination that this method provides the best value. • The City must publish notice seeking proposals. • The City must select or designate an engineer or architect to prepare construction documents for the project. (Section 271.116(b)) • The City is required to contract for the inspection services, the testing of construction materials engineering, and the verification testing services necessary for acceptance of the facility by the City. The entity or person providing these services must be identified in the request for proposals. (Section 271.116(c)) • The request for competitive sealed proposals must include the construction documents, selection criteria, estimated budget, project scope, schedule and other information that contractors may require to respond to the request. The proposals must contain the selection criteria that will be used in selecting the successful offerer as outlined above. (Section 271.116(d)) • The City is required to receive, publically open and read aloud the names of the offerers and if any are required to be stated, all prices stated in each proposal. (Section 271.116(e)) • Not later than the 45" day after the date of opening the proposals, the City must evaluate and rank each proposal submitted in relation to the published selection criteria. (Section 271.116(e)) • The City then selects the offerer that offers the best value to the City based on the published selection criteria. In determining best value, the City may consider any of the factors stated in the selection criteria, and is not limited to price alone. • After selecting the offerer that provides best value, the City must then negotiate a contract with the selected offerer. In negotiating the contract, the City and its engineer or architect may discuss options for a scope or time modification and any price change associated with the modification. If the City is unable to negotiate a contract with the first selected offerer, then the City must formally and in writing end negotiations and proceed to the next W.XSouthlakelLETTERS\Campbell.EBE.002.wpd % February 13, 2002 Page 5 offerer in order of the selection ranking until a contract is reached or all proposals are rejected. 3. Construction Manager -Agent Method. (Section 271.117) • Key points: a. Manager -agent manages the project for the City in a fiduciary capacity. b. The City retains control over procuring general, sub, and trade contractors. C. Engineer or architect are contracted separately. • The City must make a determination that this method provides the best value. • A construction manager -agent is a sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, or other legal entity that provides consultation to the City regarding the construction, rehabilitation, alteration or repair of a facility. (Section 271.117(a)) • The City, by contract, may require the construction manager -agent to provide administrative personnel, equipment necessary to perform the duties under this method, and on-site management and other services specified underthe contract. (Section 271.117(a)) • A construction manager -agent represents the City in a fiduciary capacity. (Section 217.117(b)) This imposes a special legal duty on the construction manager -agent to act primarily for the City's benefit in matters connected with the construction of the facility. Before, or concurrently with, selecting a construction manager -agent, the City must select or designate an engineer or architect to prepare the construction documents. The City's engineer or architect may not act as the construction manager -agent, unless the engineer or architect is selected in accordance with the procedures for selecting a construction manager -agent outlined herein. (Section 271.117(c)) • The City selects a construction manager --agent on the basis on demonstrated competence and qualifications in the same manner as provided for the selection of engineers or architects under the Professional Services Procurement Act, except that the notice must be published in the same manner as other methods, as outlined above. (Section 271.117(d)) • If the City uses this method, it must procure, "in accordance with applicable law" (which means competitively bid or competitive sealed proposals if required by law) a general contractor, trade contractor or subcontractors who will serve as the prime contractor for their specific portion of the work and, be supervised by the construction manager -agent. (Section 271.117(e)) • In accordance with the Professional Services Procurement Act, the City is required to procure all of the testing and inspection services necessary for acceptance of the facility by the City. (Section 271.117(f)) W:\Southlake\LETTERS\Campbell.EBE.002.wpd / „c� February 13, 2002 Page 6 4. Construction Manager -at -Risk Method. (Section 271.118) • Key points: a. Manager assumes risk and controls more aspects of the project. b. The City and the. manager -at -risk participate in competitive bidding contracts with subs. C. Engineer or architect contracted separately. d. The City may negotiate with ranked offerers. • The City must make a determination that this method provides the best value. • A construction manager -at -risk is a sole proprietorship, partnership, or other legal entity that assumes the risk for construction, rehabilitation, alteration or repair of a facility at the contracted price as a general contractor and provides consultation to the governmental entity regarding construction during and after the design of the facility. (Section 271.118(b)) • The City must designate an engineer or architect to prepare the construction documents. (Section 271.118(c)) • The City's engineer, architect or construction manager -agent for a project may not serve alone or in combination with another as the construction manager -at -risk unless that person or entity is hired to serve as the construction manager -at -risk under procedures in accordance with this section. • In accordance with the Professional Services Procurement Act, the City must provide for independent testing, and inspection services necessary for acceptance of the facility. • The City must select the construction manager -at -risk in either a one step or two step process: a. One step process. L The City must prepare a request for proposals that includes general information of the project site, project scope, schedule, selection criteria, estimated budget, and the time and place for receipt of proposals, and other information that may assist the City in its selection of a construction manager -at -risk. ii. Selection criteria is different from the general criteria for other methods and includes the offerer's experience, past performance, safety records, proposed personnel, and methodology and other appropriate factors that demonstrate the capability of the construction manager -at -risk. iii. The City may request as part of the offerer's proposal, proposed fees and prices for fulfilling the general conditions. b. Two step process. I. The City prepares a request for qualifications including the same information required in the request for proposal in a one step process. ii. The City may not request fees or prices. W:\Southiake\LETTERS\Campbell.EBE.002.wpd / 6 February 13, 2002 Page 7 iii. The City may request that five or fewer offerers selected solely on the basis of qualifications, provide additional information including the construction manager -at -risk proposed fee and its price for fulfilling the general conditions. iv. The time and place the second step bids or proposals will be received may be published at the same time the request for qualifications are published. • At each step, the City must receive and publically open and read aloud the names of the offerers and any fees and prices stated in the proposal. • Not later than the 45`h date after opening the proposals (or the fees and costs in a two step process), the City must evaluate and rank each proposal submitted in relation* to the criteria as set forth in the request for proposals. • The City selects the offerer that submits the proposal that offers the best value based on the published criteria, then attempts to negotiate with the selected offerer. If a contract cannot be successfully negotiated, the City negotiates with the next ranked offerer. • The construction manager -at -risk must competitively bid and receive proposals from trade contractors or subcontractors. The construction manager -at -risk may perform portions of the work only if it participates in the competitive bidding process and is determined by the City to provide the best value for the City., • The manager -at -risk and the City review all trade contractor and subcontractor bids and the manager -at -risk may recommend to the City to accept a bid or proposal. The City makes the final determination as to which trade or subcontractor to pick based on the best value. However, if the City accepts a different bid or proposal from the one recommended by the manager -at -risk, the City maybe required to compensate the manager -at - risk for changes in price, time or guaranteed maximum cost incurred because of the selection. • If a selected trade or subcontractor defaults in the performance, the manager -at -risk may, without advertising, fulfill the contract requirements itself or with a replacement contractor. • Must execute bonds. 5. Design -Build Method. (Section 271.119) Key points: a. One contractor designs and constructs the facility. b. The City may negotiate with ranked offerers. Determination of Best Value. The City must make a determination that the design -build method provides the best value to the City. Design -Build Contract. A design -build contract means a single contract with a design -build firm for the design and construction of a facility. (Section 271.111(3)) W:1Southiake\LETTERS1Campbell.EBE.002.wpd _ February 13, 2002 Page 8 • Design -Build Firm. A design -build firm means a partnership, corporation or other legal entity that includes an engineer or architect and builder qualified to engage in building in Texas. (Section 271.111(4)) • Independent Architect or Engineer. The City must designate an engineer or architect independent of the design -build firm to act as its representative for the duration of the work on the facility. (Section 271.119(b)) • Request for Qualifications. The City must prepare a request for qualifications that includes general information on the project site, project scope, budget, special systems, selection criteria, and other information that may assist potential design -build firms in submitting proposals forthe project. (Section 271.119(c)) • Design -Criteria Package. � The City must also prepare a design criteria package that includes more detailed information on the project. A design criteria package means a set of documents that provides sufficient information to permit a design -build firm to prepare a response to the request for qualifications and any additional information requested, including criteria for selection. It must specify criteria the City considers necessary to describe the project and may include, as appropriate, a legal description of the site, survey information concerning the site, interior space requirements, special material requirements, material quality standards, conceptual criteria for the project, special equipment requirements, cost or budget estimates, time schedules, etc. (Section 271.111(5)) • Publish Notice. The City must publish notice of the time and place the response to a request for qualifications will be received and opened as outlined above. • Phase I of Evaluation and Selection Process. (Section 271.119(d)(1)) a. The City must evaluate each offerer's experience, technical competence and capability to perform, past performance of the offerer's team and members of the team, and other appropriate factors submitted by the team or firm in response to the request for qualifications. b. Cost related or price related evaluation factors are not permitted and may not be considered. C. Each offerer must certify that each engineer and architect was selected in accordance with the Professional Services Procurement Act. d. The City may qualify a maximum of five offerers to submit additional information and, if the City chooses, to interview for final selection. • Phase Il of Evaluation and Selection Process. (Section 271.119(d)(2)) a. The City evaluates the information submitted by the offerers on the basis of the selection criteria stated in the request for qualifications and the results of an interview. b. The City may request additional information regarding demonstrated competence, qualifications, considerations of the safety and long term durability of the project, the feasibility of implementing the project as W:ISouthlake\LETfERSICampbell.EBE.002.wpd �� February 13, 2002 Page 9 proposed, the ability of the offerer to meet schedules, costing methodologies or other factors as appropriate. C. The City may not require the offerers to submit detailed engineering or architectural designs as part of the proposal. d. The City must rank the offerers and select the design -build firm that submits the proposal offering the best value to the City on the basis of the published selection criteria and its ranking evaluations. e. The City must negotiate with the offerers in the order they are ranked. If the City and offerer cannot successfully negotiate a contract, the City must end the negotiations in writing and proceed to the next ranked offerer until a contract is reached or all ranked offerers are rejected. Submission of Design Elements. The engineers or architects of the selected design -build firm will complete the design and submit all design elements to the City for review. Independent Testing. As in other methods, the City must provide for independent testing and verification services prior to acceptance of the facility. Completed Plans. The design build firm is required to supply a signed and sealed set of construction documents after completion of the project 6. Job Order Contracts for Facility Construction or Repair. (Section 271.120) • The City must make a determination that this method provides the best value. • Applies to contracts for minor construction, repair or alteration of a facility if the work is of a recurring nature, and delivery times are indefinite. • The City may establish contractual unit prices for a job order. • Awarded based on a sealed proposal method. • The contract may be for a fixed lump sum payment based on estimated quantities, or be a unit price order. • The contract may be renewable without advertising if the original publication states the term and any renewal options. I hope this has been helpful, please do not hesitate to call with any questions. EBE/tc/ke W:1Southlake\LETTERSNCampbell.EB E.002.wpd Very truly yours, February 13, 2002 Page 10 cc: Shana Yelverton City of Southlake 1400 Main Street Suite 460 Southlake, Texas 76092 W:1SouthiakelLETTERS\Campbell.EBE.002.wpd Southlake Crime Control and Prevention District FY 02-03 Budget JIL District Strategic Goals The development and construction of modern, efficient facilities, 2. The use of modern technology and equipment, 3. The promotion of professional development, and 4. The funding of special police initiatives. NOTES: Throughout the history of the District, the Board and staff have worked hard to address each strategy in a fiscally responsible manner. Prudent management of District funds have allowed us to successfully address each goal, without compromising the District's financial integrity. The presentation of this proposed budget will demonstrate how this year's proposed budget continues the articulated financial goals of the District. 2 Operating Budget Breakdown 02-03 d Personnel ($301,898) d Debt Services — Strategic Goal #3 and #4 — 1,526,370 Y Operations ($144,811) — Strategic Goal #2 and #4 Capital ($49,186) d Revenues — Strategic Goal #1 and #2 — 2,285,696 Proposed Operating Budget 02-03 (All Strategic Goals) YFY 01-02 total Operating Budget - $_ 2,5331,142 Y FY 02-03 Total Operating Budget - $2,022,265 Capital Improvement Program 1Y Architectural Services Accelerated for North Facility (SG #1) 1�/ Construction of North Facility (SG #1) d East Site Land Acquisition (SG #1) Y Construction of East Facility (SG #1) Y Radio Infrastructure (SG #2) Y Sell North & West Residual ($1,350,000) 1Y Remaining Fund Balance ($1,094,556) Summary YProposed budget consistent with articulated District Strategies; YProposed budget is fiscally responsible; Y Budget allows Southlake DPS to move forward with important initiatives utilizing dedicated funding source, which does not impact Southlake's property tax rate. I Southlake Crime Control and Prevention District FY 02-03 Budget