2001-02-19WEST SITE FACILITY CONSTRUCTION City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM February 14, 2001 TO: Shana Yelverton, Assistant City Manager FROM: Rick Black, Interim Director of Public Safety SUBJECT: Progress of West Department of Public Safety Facility Work in progress on the West Department of Public Safety site consists of the following: • The storm sewer lines are installed and covered. The storm sewer inlets along the parking, front apron and drives are installed and filled with gravel. The fire hydrants, manholes and water valves are in place. • Because of the heavy rainfall, the site has been muddy and unworkable. Kiln dust has been added to help dry out the soil to allow excavation and grading to proceed. • The building "footprint" has been surveyed and staked on the site and excavation has begun to reveal the shape of the building. Work that has been completed at the West Department of Public Safety site are the electricity and phone lines are in place in the job trailer and the storm sewer lines and inlets, fire hydrants and manholes are in place. Assuming that the weather cooperates, the concrete work should begin late February or early March. Upon completion of the preliminary site work, trucks will be allowed to enter the site from Randol Mill instead of pulling into Schlotzky's and having to back into the site. The existing house on the property has been removed. I am available for any comments or questions you may have. RB/bls 174--/ City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM February 16, 2001 TO: Billy Campbell, City Manager FROM: Rick Black, Interim Director of Public Safety (Ext. 2421) SUBJECT: Request for Approval of Change Order No. 1 to CMPA, Inc for the Department of Public Safety West Facility, City of Southlake Project No. 00-3320. Action Requested: Approval of Change Order No. 1 to CMPA, Inc. Background Information: The City of Southlake entered into an agreement with CMPA, Inc for the construction of the Department of Public Safety West Facility on December 12, 2000. To date, two items have come about that have necessitated the issuance of Change Order No. 1 for the project. These are listed below: Item #1— Grade Change After this project had advertised and before the bid opening, Planning requested a grade change on the north side of the facility. In response to that request, the city's architect, Phillips Swager Associates (PSA), made the change and asked for Planning's approval. Approval from Planning was not received until after the bid opening date. Therefore, PSA and staff requested and received a proposal from CMPA to make the change for an increase of $3,080.00. PSA and staff have reviewed this proposal and find it to be acceptable. It is recommended that this change be approved for an increase of $3,080.00. Item #2 —12" Waterline Relocation and French Drain During the installation of the 21 -inch storm drain that runs from the facility to Randol Mill, a conflict was discovered with the existing 12 -inch waterline that runs along Randol Mill. Since the storm drain is a gravity system, grade is critical and can't be modified without affecting the hydraulic capacity of the storm drain. Therefore, it was necessary to lower the existing waterline to clear the 21 -inch storm drain. PSA and staff requested and received a proposal from CMPA to lower the waterline for an increase of $6,100.00. In addition, it appears that the site for this facility contains a considerable amount of groundwater. Some of this water is possibly migrating from the pond located to the north of the site. Furthermore, the natural drainage of the Billy Campbell February 16, 2001 Page 2 Financial Considerations: Citizen Input/ Board Review: Legal Review: Alternatives: area is from east to west and is probably impeded, somewhat, by Randol Mill and FM 1709. This amount of groundwater is of concern due to the fact that an access road to the facility is to be constructed over the storm drain and the water line that run from the facility to Randol Mill. If this material is' not dried and compacted, more than likely, the structural integrity of the drive will be compromised. Therefore, all parties agreed that the best solution would be to install a French drain system below and to the side of the 21 -inch storm drain with laterals penetrating the waterline ditch that would allow the water to drain from the area. Staff requested and received a proposal from CMPA to install 200 linear feet of French drain and 100 linear feet of lateral drain for an increase of 1,900.00. The total additional cost for the 12 -inch waterline relocation and the French drain is as follows: Waterline Relocation $6,100.00 French Drain $1,900.00 Subtotal $8,000.00 10% Contractor's OH&P 800.00 Total $8,800.00 The Contract currently provides a "Contingency" item in the amount of $150,000.00. Approval of these changes will be included under this "Contingency" item and no change in the Contract Amount or the Contract Time will occur as a result of these changes. As a result of this action, the new balance of the Contingency item is $138,120.00. At its November 1, 2000 meeting, the Crime Control and District Board approved $150,000.00 for the purposes of creating a contingency line item. None No other alternatives exist that would better facilitate the completion of this project. Billy Campbell February 16, 2001 Page 3 Supporting Documents: Change Order No. 1 Document Staff Recommendation: Staff has reviewed this proposal and finds it to be acceptable. It is recommended that this change be approved for an increase of $8,800.00. Staff recommends the placement of the aforementioned Change Order No. 1 on the February 20, 2001 City Council Agenda for approval. RB/rb 8 CHANGE ORDER Dated:.Ianumy 25, 2001 No. I OWNER'S Project No. 00-3320 Architect's Project No. 4156.10 Project Department ofPublic Salty Building — West Facility OWNER City of Southlake Contract for Construction of the DPS West Facility Contract Date: 12112100 To: CMPA Inc Contractor You are directed to make the changes noted below in the subject contract: Nature of the changes:Field modifications as follows: Item 1: Grade Change (RFP #1) Lin Citv of Southlake. Texas Owner Billy Campbell Title: City Manager Date: , 2001 1 is Grade change as requested Planning @ 3,080.00 = $3,080.00 Subtotal $3,080.00 Item 2: Waterline Relocation and French Drain (RFP #3) 2 ea. Emergency waterline connection to existing @ $ 950.00 = $1,900.00 20 if 12" PVC C-900 waterline @ 50.00 = 1,000.00 1 is Ductile iron waterline fittings @ 2,100.00 = 2,100.00 4 ea. Thrust blocking @ 150.00 = 600.00 1 is Temporary thrust blocking @ 500.00 = 500.00 200 if 4" French drain @ 8.00 = 1,600.00 100 ea 20' lateral drain w/rock and fabric @ 3.00 = 300.00 1 is Contractor's Overhead & Profit @ 10.0% = 800.00 Subtotal $ 8,800.00 TOTAL $11,880.00 1 General Conditions — Contingency $150,000.00 Change Item No. 1 <$11.868.00> Balance in Contingency $138,120.00 These changes result in the following adjustment of contract price and contract time: Contract Price Prior to this Change Order $ 3.375.500.00 Net Increase Resulting from this Change Order $ 0.00 Current Contract Price Including this Change Order $ 3,375,500.00 Contract Time Prior to this Change 365 days (Days or Date) Net Increase Resulting from this Change Order 0 days (Days) Current Contract Time Including this Change Order 365 days (Days or Date) The above changes are recommended: Phillips. Swager Associates Architect/Engineer LIM 2001 The above changes are recommended: City ofSouthlake city By: Title: Construction Manager Date: 2001 NSPE-ASCE 1910-8-B (1978 Edition) The above changes are accepted: CMPA. Inc. Contractor 0 Title: 2001 7z4-7 NORTH SITE FACILITY PROGRAMMING City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM December 19, 2000 TO: Rick Black, Acting Director of Public Safety Marlin Price, Chief of Police Services Malcolm Jackson, Chief of Building Services Shana Yelverton, Assistant City Manager FROM: Bobbye Shire, Administrative Secretary SUBJECT: December 19, 2000 PSA Meeting Minutes — North Facility Kick -Off Meeting A meeting convened at 1:30 p.m. on Tuesday, December 19, 2000 in the Administrative Offices Conference Room with representatives from PSA and city staff. Those present at the meeting were: PSA representatives Greg Schon and Tom Shaw; and city staff Rick Black, Charlie Thomas, Shana Yelverton, Malcolm Jackson, Marlin Price, Gary Gregg, Bruce Payne, Mike Hutchison and Bobbye Shire. Mr. Greg Schon of PSA and Chief Rick Black, Acting Director of Public Safety, presided over the meeting. Chief Black commented to PSA representatives that they would be working with entirely new city staff on the North DPS facility site, versus the city staff that was in place at the kick-off meeting for the East/West DPS facilities; with the exception of Shana Yelverton and Gary Gregg. Mr. Schon advised the group that subjects to be discussed at this meeting are overall goals and staffing projections to include new hires 5 years out and long term ten years out. Staffing ratios will be looked at and police and fire will be considered separately. The capacity of the holding facility and duration of stay for prisoners will be discussed. Mr. Schon said the holding facility is a high dollar item and he will need specifics early on in regards to this. Gary Gregg stated CALEA will require Southlake DPS to meet jail standards in order maintain accreditation status, therefore, from that aspect, we must plan accordingly. Various other scenarios will be discussed and PSA will identify existing facilities, both local and out of town, for staff to tour. Chief Black stated the North DPS site will be the central main headquarters for the Southlake Department of Public Safety which will house 24 or 48 fire personnel, 8-5 administration and administrative adjunct personnel, and 8, 10 and 12 hour shifting police personnel. Additionally, the communications center, holding facility, and EOC will be located at this facility. Initially, training was to be accommodated in each of the three facilities for the employees stationed at each facility, with training accommodations at the North facility that would accommodate the entire DPS for special training/meeting needs. This space could be coupled and used as the centralized training community room for public use and a separate training/briefing room provided for police to hold daily briefing and posting of information not intended for public display. Building Services will also be housed at this facility, as they are not slated to move to Town Hall and the old City Hall building will be sold. Currently, the city's plan is to keep only the 11 acres at Dove and White Chapel Blvd. south of the easement and sell the excess city owned property north of the easement. PSA Meeting Minutes December 19, 200_0 Page 2 Mr. Schon proposed a split-level DPS facility and suggested touring split level facilities located out of town. Police, fire, and staff accessibility comings and goings would predominately take place on the lower level at the rear of the building and the public entrance would be located on the second floor. With the contour of the property, the building could be designed with the lower level being dug down into the higher elevation on the property to form a basement like effect. PSA will include split level facilities in the list that will be provided of facilities for city staff to tour. Mr. Schon asked about training elements for Fire Services such as a training tower and a firearms range. He also suggested the feasibility of having a driving track located in the utility easement. He said since these are costly additions, his suggestion would be to lay these options out in the master plan and when funds become available at a later time, make these additions to the property. The master plan should explore all options that might be utilized in the future. Assistant City Manager Shana Yelverton will supply population projections, land use, and contours of the property to Mr. Schon. Chief Black will provide more detailed staffing projections. In order to get started, however, the staffing projections which were put together for the East/West facility kick- off meeting will be used as a baseline for PSA to start with. Chief Black provided a copy of the projections to Mr. Schon. Mr. Schon said he would take the current organization chart and show the baseline projections and then do another organization chart with the more detailed projections, once they are provided. Mr. Schon said layering of the building probably mandates only a two-story building. He said there is no advantage of a three-story building because of available land. His feeling is that this facility will be harder to intermix due to the imbalance of fire and police personnel. He said there was more of a balance of fire and police at the East and West facilities and, therefore, the ability to centralize the sharing of the facility was easier. Chief Black disagreed and felt it would be easier to mingle together the uses but is open to whatever the outcome is after the plan is put together. Another factor to consider is staffing on the second floor, which will also alter where some things are located. Mr. Schon will review the questionnaires that were completed by all DPS personnel during the initial stage of the design process for the East/West facilities. Employees were asked what they personally would like to see included in the building and asked their thoughts on what they did not want in the building. Chief Black and Chief Price will review these as well. Based on the staffing projections, PSA will put together a first pass working document of what they think the spaces of the various areas are. They will then meet with various representatives for each area, such as CID, Traffic, etc., and see what their ideas are. Mr. Schon said final staffing projections from Chief Black are critical to accurately determine the space needed. Additionally, the inclusion of Building Services was not taken into account during the initial stage of design discussion and this will need to be added and the information gathered. Mr. Schon said they are not yet ready to look at zoning on this site. Ms. Yelverton said to get a footprint and decide what we are going to need. Look at the area constraints and the dimensions of the triangle, look at the topography and utility easement, factor whether the property is in the flood plane and determine if we want to retain water on property. Ms. Yelverton stated she has the PSA Meeting Minutes December 19, 2000 Page 3 environmentals that were compiled when the city purchased the property and she will pull up the reports and provide them to PSA. PSA said this technical information is needed as soon as possible, especially if there is anything buried on property. There was no tree survey done during the purchase process, however, aerials were taken on a scale of one to one hundred and the trees should be visible. These aerials will also be provided to PSA. Another matter to consider are the water wells on the property. In looking at the big picture goal, it was asked if the building should be environmentally friendly with thermostats and lighting automatically shutting down when people are not around. Chief Jackson asked if we should consider a public friendly area in front of the building with a duck pond or other aesthetics to attract the public. Mr. Schon said the front of the building should be public friendly and the back designed for efficiency. He said 90% of staff will be coming and going from the back of the building and this needs to be a professional atmosphere. We don't want to relegate personnel entering through a garage door entry and the need for the back of the building to be friendly to the staff is essential. Chief Price suggested using glass for natural light. It was noted that due to the size of the building the public will be able to see higher elevations and, therefore, the need to make the second level look aesthetically pleasing is desired. Chief Black summarized by saying the building needs to be user friendly to both staff and the public. Distinct entrances are needed for the two with accommodations laid out that will allow both to come together. Ms. Yelverton stated this building will be located in a low-density residential area and it will be a trick to get this project completed without opposition from citizens. Fortunately, we will have a brand new facility to compare this to before we go forth with this project, which should help influence neighborhood cooperation. Resident Bobby Rawls has already contacted Martin Schelling of the Crime Control Board voicing concerns and Mr. Schelling has commented that we need to be sensitive to neighborhood input. Mr. Schelling also suggested that we might want to rezone the property quickly so that when we sell the north portion of the property, it will bring a higher price. Chief Black pointed out that there are no city complexes north of S.H. 114 and he feels we have advantages that will work for us. There is currently no existing structure in the North area of Southlake like the planned DPS facility and even though this will be the first, the community should welcome it. PSA said the building is a civic building and should be designed as such. Some residential aspects will be put in place, however, the design should not be dictated to be residential. PSA will work to make it transitional and blend in with the neighborhood, however, this will be an enormous facility, and to try to design it as residential will cause the project to fail. PSA will begin work with the baseline projections and all of the information to be supplied by Ms. Yelverton. Bubble drawings will be presented at the next meeting and expanded as information is determined. Once the adjacency of departments and areas within the building are worked out, then work will begin on the internal relationships of departments. PSA will plan to present the first round of information at a meeting to be scheduled with staff in mid to late January. PSA Meeting Minutes December 19, 2000 Page 4 PSA asked about the time frame on proceeding with the East facility. Ms. Yelverton said the Crime Control District must be reauthorized and the earliest date to hold an election is November 13, 2001. If the District is not reauthorized, then all bets are off. She said we would prefer to build the East site first, however, property must be sold or the District reauthorized before we can do anything. Mr. Schon will contact Chief Black two weeks before he is ready to set at meeting time in mid to late January. The meeting adjourned at 3:05 p.m. /bls SOUTHLAKE CRIME CONTROL AND PREVENTION DISTRICT 1/2% SALES TAX REPORT 2000-01 Collected Budget Balance Budget to Date Balance Percent $ 1,925.450 $ 727.086 1,198,364 62.24% MONTH Fiscal Year 1998-99 Actual Percent Increase/ Decrease Fiscal Year 1999-00 Actual Percent Increase/ Decrease Fiscal Year 2000-01 Actual Percent Increase/ Decrease October $ 125,207 100% $137,412 9.75% $169,140 23.09% November 92,367 100% 134,564 45.68% 157,886 17.33% December 102,325 100% 123,346 20.54% 162,373 31.64% January 135,618 100% 160,790 18.56% 237,687 47.82% February 98,730 100% 133,181 34.89% 52,844 -100.00% March 95,853 100% 122,112 27.40% - -100.00% April 137,694 100% 167,030 21.31% - -100.00% May 126,588 64% 149,947 18.45% - -100.00% June 121,107 41% 149,028 23.05% - -100.00% July 157,929 46% 170,640 8.05% - -100.00% August 121,035 15% 153,942 27.19% - -100.00% September 122,495 36% 145,397 18.70% - -100.00% September 143,990 158,657 TOTAL $1,436,950 207% $1,747,389 $727,086 $ 1,674,304 $ 16.52% -7 20.48% Actual Budget Actual Estimated (budget -est.) % 1999-00 2000-01 2000-01 2000-01 Difference Change October $ 147,339 $ 162,315 $ 169,140 $ 169,140 $ 6,825 4.63% November 107,155 156,924 157,886 157,886 962 0.90% December 118,876 131,316 162,373 162,373 31,057 26.13% January 157,385 184,843 237,687 237,687 52,844 33.58% February 115,527 141,906 - 141,906 - 0.00% March 112,178 125,732 - 125,732 - 0.00% April 159,059 191,005 - 191,005 - 0.00% May 147,339 154,999 - 154,999 - 0.00% June 140,642 157,309 - 157,309 - 0.00% July 184,173 199,477 - 199,477 - 0.00% August 140,642 160,968 - 160,968 - 0.00% September 143,990 158,657 - 158,657 - 0.00% $ 1,674,304 $ 1,925,450 $ 727,086 $ 2,017,138 $ 91,688 16.52% -7 20.48%