667 N. Carroll Avenue
Regular City Council Meeting
January 17, 1989 7:30 p.m.
Present: Mayor, Johnny H. Westerholm; Councilmembers: Betty
Springer, Sally Hall, Pamela Muller, Ralph Evans and Jim Wooll.
City Staff Present: City Manager, Curtis E. Hawk; Public Works
Director, William LeGrand; Fire Chief, R.P. Steele; Supervisor of
Finance, Renee McCarty; City Engineer, Eddie Cheatham; and, City
Attorney, E. Allen Taylor.
Invocation - Ralph Evans.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Johnny Westerholm at 7:30
Agenda Item ~2, Minutes
The minutes of the January 3, 1989, City Council
approved as presented.
Motion: Evans
Second: Muller
Ayes: Evans, Muller, Hall, Springer, and Wooll
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0
meeting were
Agenda Item #3, Mayor's Report
Mayor Westerholm read the resignation of Park and Recreation Board
member, James Arnold. Arnold has served on the board for the past
several years and his resignation is to be effective immediately.
Westerholm extended appreciation from the City Council and the
community to Mr. Arnold for his dedication and years of hard work
with the Parks.
Councilmember Betty Springer encouraged anyone to pick up an
application for Parks or any other City board or committee.
Councilmember Pamela Muller stated that on February 7, the City
Council will be appointing a new member to the Southlake Economic
Development Council as well as a member to the Planning and Zoning
City Council Minutes
January 17, 1989
Page 2
Agenda Item ~4, City Manager's Report
In reference to the monthly financial report, Mr. Hawk stated the
sales tax revenue is reflecting a decrease. The receipts for the
quarter are down 18%.
Hawk referenced the department reports, asking for questions from
City Councilmembers.
Westerholm questioned the West Dove water tower repainting. Public
Works Director, William LeGrand, answered that there was a problem
with deterioration at the rim of the tank and the contractor is
repainting it.
Councilmember Pamela Muller referenced signs in the right-of-way at
SHll4 and FM1709. Also, water leaks on Florence Road. She noted
changes in the police department report with increases in several
areas. Chief Campbell stated the increases are caused by a change
in the way reports are being compiled.
A~enda Item ~5. Presentation by LAN
A presentation was made by Henry Pearson with Lockwood Andrews and
Newnam Inc.
Mr. Pearson referenced the public hearing which was made at city
hall on August 18, 1988, in regards to a modification to the
Alternate 3 alignment of SHll4. Option A as it is referred to will
take a maximum of right-of-way from the north side with the
remainder of the right-of-way from the south side in the area of
North White Chapel Blvd. Pearson stated that there will be another
public hearing, however, prior to that, a environmental study will
be completed within 60-90 days. He asked the City Council to
consider Option A, Alternate 3 for the SHll4 alignment.
A~enda Item #6. Res. 89-06. Approvin~ Alternate 3 Option A
Resolution 89-06 was discussed by City Council and public comments
were made by the audience.
Harold Knight Southlake Realty. He showed the "plan" for
Southlake Realty dated 1983. The property is 4 acres in size.
Going for Option A will cut the number of square feet the city has
to purchase.
W.H. Crumbaker - Barber shop property.
Alternate 3 for the reasons he stated
August 18, 1988.
He is in favor of Option A,
in the public hearing held on
City Council Minutes
January 17, 1989
Page 3
Virginia Clow - Southlake Realty. Passed.
Tom Allen McGuire Thomas Partners. He feels the city should put
SHll4 on the same plan with the rest of the state.
Jerroll Shivers - 1849 White Chapel Rd. He has property on both
sides of SHll4 and feels Option A, Alternate 3 is the best for him.
J.R. Jones - 1250 N. White Chapel Rd. His property is on the north
side of SHll4. It would not make him any difference which option
is chosen but he thinks Option A is the best choice for the city.
L.O. Brightbill III 6116 Merrymount, Ft. Worth. He did not
receive a notice. He feels the way Option A is proposed, it won't
impact him to the point that he can't live with it.
Tom Jester - PJ's Grocery Store. He did not receive a notice, and
he is co-owner of PJ's store. He got a phone call yesterday
informing him. At this point he does not know how he feels.
Motion was made to approve Resolution
Option A alignment for SHll4.
Motion: wooll
Second: Evans
Ayes: Wooll, Evans, Muller, Springer,
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0
89-06, Approving Alternate 3,
and Hall
Councilmember Wooll stated he is delighted that the property
owners are united.
Mayor Westerholm stated this Resolution is modifying a
resolution passed in 1988.
Agenda Item ~7. Presentation-Parks & Recreation Board
A presentation was made by co-chairpersons of the Park and
Recreation Board, Larry Goldstein and Phillip Bressinck.
Goldstein reviewed for the City Council how the Park Board got
enthusiastic in park property again. There is only one park in
Southlake. The boys and girls softball teams are really in need.
There is also a need for soccer areas. He explained they looked
into grant money however, the City does not have matching funds.
The school administrators were favorable in joint use of property.
City Council Minutes
January 17, 1989
Page 4
Goldstein stated that the 6-7 acres south of the new elementary
school was a possible site. The board has talked with civic groups
and if a working plan is arrived at, the board would try and raise
funds for the improvements.
Phillip Bressinck explained that Cheatham and Associates, City
Engineer, drew plans for them to take to the school
administrators. If all goes well, the board plans to have the
improvements in place by May 1, of this year. This area will be
for practice fields only, including: jogging trails, bike trails,
fitness stations, ball fields, play ground and picnic area and
basketball goal.
Goldstein stated that a meeting was held for property owners that
would be directly effective by the park on January 16. Many
concerns of the group included traffic on Scenic Drive.
It was reported that the school administrators wanted the park to
stand on its own. They want the parking area to be from Scenic
Drive and for the school parking area not to be used.
Mayor Westerholm stated
spirit of cooperation.
the parking area.
it's a "joint park."
He questioned putting
This does not show a
additional dollars in
Councilmember Springer would like to proceed with joint efforts,
however, has concerns with the parking area coming off Timber and
Councilmember Muller is concerned about going to organizations and
trying to raise funds. Where would they get the rest of the
funds? Do they plan to start before funds are given? What if
people don't come through with funds?
Eddie Cheatham stated that out of the six concepts, the use of
Scenic Drive was his preference.
Councilmember Wooll asked for information concerning the cost
estimate for the City to maintain the park for the next several
Public Comments
Larry Samartin - 1211 Timber Court. He stated his kids have played
on Dallas Road in Grapevine, and if there is dirt, the people will
park on the roads. Bicentennial Park is not over used. The
baseball fields could be used for soccer. This town is in dyer
need for road repair and for sewer. He feels it is bad practice to
spend money on property you do not own. People who buy land with a
park next door is different then living there and having a park
built next to them.
City Council Minutes
January 17, 1989
Page 5
Ray Johnson - 1208 Timber Court. He is happy that there will be no
lights or bathrooms in the proposed park. It will keep down the
use. Scenic Drive is narrow and there are no sidewalks, children
play in the street. Also the pond in Continental Park is dangerous.
Steve Bender - 1203 Timber Court. He lives on the end of the
cul-de-sac and what is done on the land doesn't directly effect
him. He is concerned about the parking lot and also traffic on
Scenic. He has a parking lot out of the same material that is
being proposed, and it will cause problems for the City when we try
to maintain it. The lake is a problem, and trespassing is a
problem. Funding for the park is a concern, if we are going to do
it, do it right. Everything is undetermined as property still
belongs to the school.
Councilmember Muller stated the Park and Recreation Board meetings
are open to the citizens, there will be more discussions on this.
Pam Crenshaw 1201 Scenic Drive. She has 2
very concerned with it being on her street.
pond with lots of children in the area.
small children and is
She is afraid of the
Charles McRae - 1206 Timber Court. The initial concept of the park
sounds good. He does not like the phases, if the city is going to
do it, do it right. He questioned putting money in the land and
loosing it all. He questioned putting park in that area.
Joe Boyle - 1206 Scenic Drive. The field is level enough to use.
He feels we should use it as a park in off school hours and see how
it goes over a year. The parking lot is already there.
Loretta Keaps - 1204 Scenic Drive. She has no problem with the
park, only with the access.
Ed Downing - 1354 Woodbrook Lane. He is a member of the school
board, however, he is here as a citizen. He is in favor of the
park and the use of present school property. He has 3 questions:
(1) access, (2) liability, and (3) how would they tell the city
they want the land back. The issues need to be resolved before
proceeding. He suggested a joint work session.
John Levitt - Commerce Business Park. He is encouraging City
Council to work with the school and the park board. He suggested
that our staff talk to Grapevine staff and see how it operates. He
encourages the project.
Mayor Westerholm stated there has been lots of questions raised,
and the city needs to respond to each question. The system can
work as it works in other areas.
City Council Minutes
January 17, 1989
Page 6
Councilmember Muller stated the Council asked the Park Board to
look into the project. Citizens want parks. She hoped the
audience does not feel that Mr. Bressinck is trying to enhance his
residential project. This may not be the best location for the
park. This should all go back to the Park Board so that the
citizen concerns can be worked out.
Councilmember Springer is also concerned about the traffic
situation and is concerned about the private lake situation. We
need to work on a joint utilization. She would like to see the
staff and park board get there ducks in a row.
Mayor Westerholm stated everyone should work together to iron out
the problems.
Agenda items ~8, 917, and #18
Motion was made that agenda items 8, 17, and 18
time certain the February 7th City Council Meeting.
Motion: Springer
Second: Wooll
Ayes: Springer, Wooll, Hall, Muller, and Evans
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0
be tabled until
Agenda Item #15. Ord. 334-49, Zoning Request, Chapel Downs
Ordinance #334-49 (ZA88-40), 1st. reading, a zoning request for a
65 acre tract of land out of the W.W. Hall Survey, Abstract 687, to
be known as "Chapel Downs" from Agricultural and SF-1 to SF20.0A,
SF20.0B and SF30A, was discussed.
Director of Public Works, Bill LeGrand reported that the Planning
and Zoning Commission approved the zoning request by a 3-2 vote and
that the city staff concurs with the decision of the Planning and
John Moore, developer of the project, answered questions for the
Council. Alternates A and B, (road alignments) were discussed.
Councilmember Muller and Springer thanked Mr. Moore for the aerial
photo of the area and for the impressive notebook on the project.
Public Hearing
Ted Kasper - 750 N. white Chapel Road. He has a private air strip
and has had for 30 years including a permit from the FAA. He
stated the runway is 200' from the first lot on the plat of Chapel
Downs. He wants the people to be aware of his airstrip before they
purchase lots and build homes. He averages 3 take offs and landings
per week.
City Council Minutes
January 17, 1989
Page 7
Mr. Moore stated he will address the airstrip.
Mayor Westerholm read the caption of the ordinance.
Motion was made to approve Ordinance #334-49,
zoning request.
Motion: Muller
Second: Evans
Ayes: Muller, Evans, Hall, Springer, and Wooll
Nays: None
1st reading, for the
Motion was also made to accept the concept plan with "Alternate A."
Motion: Wooll
Second: Muller
Ayes: Wooll, Muller, Hall, Evans, and Springer
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0
Jim Wooll left the meeting at this time as he was ill.
A~enda Items 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14, Codes
Item ~9
Ordinance #468. 2nd Reading. Adopting the Uniform
Mechanical Code 1988 Edition. Public Hearing.
Item 910 Ordinance #469. 2nd Reading. Adopting the Uniform
Building Code 1988 Edition. Public Hearing.
Item #11 Ordinance #470. 2nd Reading. Adopting the Uniform Fire
Code 1988 Edition. Public Hearing.
Item ~12 Ordinance #471. 2nd Reading. Adopting the Uniform
Plumbing Code 1988 Edition. Public Hearing.
Item 913 Ordinance #474. 2nd Reading. Adopting the Uniform
Administrative Code. Public Hearing.
Item #14
Ordinance #475.
2nd Reading. Adopting the Standard
for Public Works Construction. Public
Mayor Westerholm read the captions of the Building
listed above.
There were no comments during the public hearings.
Code ordinances
Motion was made to approve 2nd. reading on Ordinances 468, 469,
470, 471, 474, and 475.
Motion: Springer
Second: Muller
Ayes: Springer, Muller, Evans, and Hall
Nays: None
Approved: 4-0
City Council Minutes
January 17, 1989
Page 8
Agenda Item #19. Consultant to Examine Sales Tax Customers
City Manager, Curtis Hawk, explained the need to have a consultant
to examine our sales tax customers.
Hawk explained the fee for this consultant is 28% of the first
$25,000 they recover and after the first $25,000 the fee is 14%.
If they do not recover any funds, the fee is zero.
Mark Faye, president of GRC, was present and answered questions for
the City Council.
Motion was made to authorize the City
agreement with GRC for services.
Motion: Springer
Second: Hall
Ayes: Springer, Hall, Evans, and Muller
Nays: None
Approved: 4-0
Manager to enter into an
Agenda Item #16. Ord #476, Traffic Devices at TW King/Bob Jones.
The City Manager explained that the city has received complaints of
a dangerous intersection at T.W. King and West Bob Jones Roads.
The city in turn installed 3 stop signs as an emergency measure.
This emergency ordinance will be in effect for 60 days. The city
will be passing an ordinance which will be permanent to include all
traffic control devices within the city.
Motion was made to approve Ordinance #476 as an emergency ordinance.
Motion: Muller
Second: Hall
Ayes: Muller, Hall, Springer, and Evans
Nays: None
Approved: 4-0
Agenda Item ~20. Public Forum
There were no comments during the public forum.
Agenda Item #21. Executive Session. Litigations-Closed Session
Executive session pursuant to the Open Meetings Law, Article
6252-17, Section 2E under the provision dealing with litigation
(refer to posted list of litigations).
The City Council convened in executive session at 10:25 p.m.
City Council Minutes
January 17, 1989
Page 9
Agenda Item #22. Executive Session. Open Session
City Council reconvened in open session at 11:15 p.m.
Mayor Westerholm announced that no action will be taken on any
as a result of the closed session.
Agenda Item #23. Meeting Adjourned.
Motion was made to adjourn the meeting.
Motion: Evans
Second: Hall
Ayes: Evans, Hall, Muller, and Springe~r /~ ,
Nays: None
Approved: 4-0
J¢ ~nn~ W~e~h61m, Mayo~
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City of Southlake, Texas
WHEREAS, the engineering study of the propose.; construction of
State Highway 114 resulted in three alternate routes for the
+ highway alignment; and,
WHEREAS, by Resolution 88 -67, approved on Aug st 2, 1988, the
City Council of the City of Southlake recommend d to the State
Department of Highways and Public Transportation hat Alternative
#3 be the preferred alignment for the proposed l construction of
SH114; and
WHEREAS, as a result of public comments received concerning
the three alternatives, during and following a pu lic meeting held
on August 18, 1988, a modification in the design of Alternative 3
was studied; and
WHEREAS, the modified Alternative 3, Labe ed "Alternative
3- Option A" has been determined by the engin ers to be the
recommended preferred alternative; and
WHEREAS, the City Council has now determined that it is in the
best interest of the citizens of the City of Southlake to recommend
to the State Highway Department that Alternate #3- Option A is the
preferred alignment; now,
Section 1. That all of the above premise are found to be
true and correct and are incorporated into t e body of this
Resolution as if copied in their entirety.
Section 2. That the City of Southlake hereby formally
expresses its recommendation to the State Highwa Department that
the preferred alignment is Alternate #3- Option A.
Section 3. This Resolution shall become effective upon its
approval by the City Council.
PASSED AND APPROVED this the /1 /• /
1 . J•'nn .' e•ter o m, Mayor
th / .W"
Sandra L. LeGrand
City Secretary
1989 t
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January 16, 1989
Mayor Johnny Westerholm
City of Southlake
Southlake, Texas 76092
RE: Southlake Parks and Recreation Dept.
Southlake, Texas
Dear Johnny:
Effective January 16, 1989, I am resigning from the Board of the Southlake
Parks and Recreation Department.
I find that lack of time prohibits me from acting effectively in this
position and feel it only fair to the board that you find s meone who will
be able to give the time necessary.
Johnny, I would like to take this opportunity to say that 't has been my
pleasure working with you and the members of the board.
Sincerely, f
x .
zi.77/4 1./.).
r �
James B. Arnold
JBA /ra
P.O. BOX 3045 / IRVING, TEXAS 75061 METRO 263 -4097
Dirt Excavation /Construction Control