1989-01-03 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 N. Carroll Avenue Regular City Council Meeting January 3, 1989 7:30 p.m. MINUTES Present: Mayor, Johnny H. Westerholm; Councilmembers: Betty Springer, Sally Hall, Pamela Muller, Jim Wooll and Ralph Evans. City Staff Present: City Manager, Curtis E. Hawk; Public Works Director, William LeGrand; Fire Chief, R.P. Steele; Police Chief, Billy Campbell; City Engineer, Eddie Cheatham; and, City Attorney, E. Allen Taylor. Invocation: Betty Springer The meeting was called to order by Mayor Johnny Westerholm. Agenda Item No. 2~ Minutes The minutes of the City Council Meeting held on December were approved as presented. Motion: Springer Second: Evans Ayes: Springer, Evans, Muller, Hall and Wooll Nays: None Approved: 5-0 20, 1988 Agenda Item No. 3, Mayor's Report Mayor Westerholm had no items to be covered under the Mayor's report. Councilmember Wooll stated he believes there will be a desire in the City to permanently recognize the accomplishments of the Carroll Dragons football team. He would like the city to think about how they would like to handle this, and get started. Mayor Westerholm stated several folks had indicated they would like to see a "nice" sign on Hwy 114 as you come in the City. The time to look at it is now, let's start working on it. Agenda Item No. 4, City Manager's Report Curtis Hawk stated he would like to firm up a date for the joint City Council and Planning and Zoning meeting for the purpose of discussing planning and development codes and policies. After discussion, the date was set for January 16, at 6:30 p.m. in the City Council chambers of city hall. City Council Minutes D~mk~xB~xx~ January 3,1989 Page 2 Consent Agenda Items Nos. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 Mayor Westerholm asked that item 11 be pulled off the consent agenda, leaving items 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 on the consent agenda. Mayor Westerholm read the caption of the ordinances on the consent agenda, as follows: 5. Ordinance No. 468, 1st reading, adopting the Uniform Mechanical Code, 1988 Edition. 6. Ordinance No. 469, 1st. reading, adopting the Uniform Building Code, 1988 Edition. 7. Ordinance No. 470, 1st. reading, adopting the Uniform Fire Code, 1988 Edition. 8. Ordinance No. 471, 1st. reading, adopting the Uniform Plumbing Code, 1988 Edition. 9. Ordinance No. 474, 1st. reading, adopting the Uniform Administrative Code, 1988 Edition. 10. Ordinance No. 475, 1st. reading, adopting the Standard Specification for Public Works Construction, 1987 Edition. Motion was made to approve the items on the consent agenda. Motion: Springer Second: Muller Ayes: Springer, Muller, Hall, wooll, and Evans Nays: None Approved: 5-0 Agenda Item No. 11. Dedication of French Circle Resolution #89-06, accepting the dedication of a public street and right-of-way within the City limits of the City of Southlake, was discussed. City Manager, Curtis Hawk, stated that this item was placed on the agenda at the request of Homer French. Additional research has been completed since the item was placed on the agenda and there are a number of questions which have come up about the item. This road has in the past been used as a private road and has never been dedicated. There are a number of problems, and we believe it would not be in the best interest of the citizens to bring this into the City at this time. Hawk feels before we bring this into the City we would first have to have additional right-of-way dedicated to the City as it is too narrow for a City street and City Council Minutes ~e~x~x~x January 3,1989 Page 3 not up to city standards. land, therefore, he cannot City. Mr. French does not own additional dedicate any additional property to the Motion was made to deny Resolution ~89-06. Motion: Wooll Second: Hall Ayes: wooll, Hall, Springer, Muller and Evans Nays: None Approved (to deny): 5-0 A~enda Item No. 12. Ord. 334-47, Zoning, Billy Jon Curb Ordinance #334-47, 2nd. reading (ZA88-36), a request for zoning a 6.14 acre tract of land out of the James Thornhill Survey, Abst 1505 from Agricultural to Residential Estates Zoning District, was discussed. Mayor Westerholm read the caption of the ordinance. Public hearing resulted with no comments. Motion was made to approve Ordinance #334-47, 2nd. Motion: Hall Second: Springer Ayes: Hall, Springer, Muller, Wooll, and Evans Nays: None Approved: 5-0 reading. A~enda Item No. 13. Ord. 334-48, Zoning, Chimney Hill Ordinance No. 334-48, a SF 20.0 B zoning request/concept plan for a 53.113 acre tract of land out of the J. Thornhill Survey, Abstract 1505, was discussed. Mayor Westerholm read a letter from Phillip Bressinck, developer, requesting the item be tabled until the next City Council Meeting. Councilmember Wool stated there is more work to be done on this as a conceptual site plan is not present as required by Ordinance #420. P & z Chairman, Gary Fickes, stated that the the P & Z Commission as the preliminary plat of the conceptual site plan. item was acted on by was to serve in place Westerholm addressed questions, including: location of zoning of less than one acre lots, sewer, roads, buffering and greenbelts. Public Works Director, Bill LeGrand, stated that the site plan must be approved by the City Council before building permits will be issued. The City has the control and nothing can happen until City Council Minutes ~x~$x~$~x January 3,1989 Page 4 Item 13, continued building permits are issued. The developer has been told that no lift stations will be permitted, they will put in a gravity system. The developer is responsible for the off-site sewer lines. This subdivision will have to provide perimeter streets. Public hearing: Billy Jon Curb - W. Continental Blvd. When someone says something he would like for it to be done that way. Look at Ordinance #420. Verney Sallie S. Peytonville Ave. The right-of-way of Airpark Estates will have to be altered, all the land is not dedicated. The land use plan should be carefully considered, consistent or not to the zoning ordinance. A conunent at P & Z meeting distressed him, with all the discussion and then a vote and then they discussed the plat. The city has no power to control. The city should be sure there is no commitment in the way of zoning until the development plan is approved. Public hearing closed. Motion was made to return Ordinance 334-48 to P & Z reason of incompleteness of the conceptual site plan. Motion: Wooll Second: Evans Ayes: Wooll, Evans, Muller, Springer, and Hall Nays: None Approved (to return to P&Z): 5-0 for the basic Agenda Item No. 14. Res. 88-108, Street Priority List Resolution ~88-108 was discussed, establishing a street priority list and authorizing the City Manager to enter into negotiations with Tarrant County for street repair. Councilmember Wooll is concerned that Highland from Kimball Ave. to Carroll Avenue was left out of the 5 year plan at budget time. He feels Highland is busier and in worse shape. City manager, Hawk feels we need a street inventory list, even though it will cost forty to fifty thousand dollars to have one completed. He explained the costs are included in the council packet. If we have the funds, additional work can be done. Motion was made to approve Resolution #88-108 Carroll Avenue and Shady Oaks for repairs. Motion: Muller Second: Springer Ayes: Muller, Springer and Hall Nays: Wooll and Evans Approved: 3-2 as written naming S. City Council Minutes ~x~i~xti%$~ January 3,1989 Page 5 Item 14, continued Councilmember Wooll stated he is not opposed to done, only in the priority as stated above. street work being Agenda Item No. 15. Res. 89-01, Appointment to C.O.N.E.T. Resolution #89-01 was approved naming Betty Springer representative to C.O.N.E.T. and Bill LeGrand as alternate. Motion: wooll Second: Evans Ayes: Wooll, Evans, Nays: None Approved: 5-0 Springer, Hall, and Muller as Agenda Item No. 16. Res. 89-02, Appointment to SL Economic Dlvp Resolution $89-02 was approved naming representative and reappointing Phillip and Barry Emerson as committee members. Jim Wool as the Council Bressinck, Virginia Clow Motion: Springer Second: Evans Ayes: Springer, Evans, Muller, Hall and Wooll Nays: None Approved: 5-0 Agenda Item No. 17. Res. 89-03, Appointment to Park Board Resolution $89-03 was discussed concerning appointment to and Recreation Board. the Park Motion was made to reappoint Randy Robertson and Larry Goldstein to one year terms. Also, appointing Ann Barnes for a one year term and appointing Bethann Scratchard and Sue McNutt to two year terms. Motion: Muller Second: Hall Ayes: Muller, Hall and Springer Nays: Wooll and Evans Agenda Item No. 18. Res. 89-04, Appointment to SL/TC Merger Resolution $89-04 appointing Ed Norman to take the Shanhouse on the Southlake Trophy Club Merger approved. Motion: Springer Second: Muller Ayes: Springer, Muller, Hall, Wooll and Evans Nays: None Approved: 5-0 place of Bill Committee was City Council Minutes ~x~x~x January 3,1989 Page 6 A~enda Item #19. Res 89-05, Moratorium on Certain Unzoned Property Resolution #89-05 adopting a moratorium on the use of properties which have not yet been reclassified was discussed. City Attorney, E. Allen Taylor, explained the reason for the resolution by stating that one of the relatively recent major changes to our zoning ordinance was the creation of a new series of zoning district names and definitions. This was done without a complete revision of the cities zoning map. We ended up with several areas of the community that carried the old zoning district name designations and definitions. The definitions and names were not carried forward in the new Ordinance ~334, therefore, they do not exist. We now have areas that have no zoning imposed upon them. The City Council has determined that it would be appropriate in order to make our zoning ordinance comprehensive to have a study done by the P&Z Commission to determine the most appropriate zoning classification for those pieces of property, and to have the P & Z submit their recommendations to the City Council for final action. In the interim we would not like some individual to come forward and seek building permits with no zoning in place and try and start construction of a nature on these properties that will be detrimental to area properties. This is a moratorium that prohibits the issuance of building permits on the processing of development applications on those specific areas that because of the change in the zoning ordinance have lost there zoning. Until such time until we have permanent zoning in place but not to exceed 180 days. This is a "house keeping" measure to prevent anything from falling through a crack until we have the zoning once again in a comprehensive status. After discussion motion was made to pass Resolution #89-05 calling for an "administrative freeze" in the issuance of building permits for properties that have no zoning, to last no more than 120 days. Motion: Wooll Second: Muller Ayes: Wooll, Muller, Hall, Evans and Springer Nays: None Approved: 5-0 A~enda Item No. 20. Public Forum Gary Fickes - Had questions concerning Resolution #89-05. Rick Stacy asked City Council to waive the fees for people that want to come in for reclassification as in Resolution ~89-05. Betty Springer Asked the status of the report from the Charter Review Committee. City Council Minutes ~DL~l~rX~x~x January 3,1989 Page 7 Agenda Item No. 21. Executive Session This item was deleted from the agenda was not required for this meeting. The meeting was adjourned. ATTEST: 'Sandra. L. LeGrand ~:¢ ~: City Secretary %~%~ because an Executive Session rl~o 1-m, Mayor I Pt V riS W. "."' -. ( r t 1/444.40I Z CD n VI Z �` ksis C n PT" K 0 C N 0 . y 0 t7 r; cn .,1 UJ ;b -d ts7 rri x t� ° c ..-S %%. Z rri . - n t71 0 L c MI Z J 'J .°z & rr 1 - z C W \ z a 01 a rn = w MA 4 _ City of Southlake Dutl la INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM 4 4 4 DATE December 15, 1988 FROM: William D. LeGrand Public Works Director 4 TO: Curtis E. Hawk SUBJECT: Street Improvements FY89 City Manager 4 4 I have made a recommendation for improving streets in Southlake using County contracts to complete the work. The work recommended was to make the maximum improvement possible within the limits of the budget for the current fiscal year. It should be noted that the recommended improvements do not address drainage improvements and therefore should not be ' considered as improvements which meet the City standards for street construction. The work will however provide a suitable travel way which can be reasonably maintained until funds can be made available for new standard streets to be constructed. I did consider utility improvements prior to determining that this type street upgrade would be practical. The streets to be upgraded in this manner will not need to be redone for water or sewer improvements as they will be in easements adjacent to such streets. Any future need to improve such streets adding drainage 4 improvements, correcting grade, adding curb and gutter, widening and such would of course result in a total rebuild of these streets. It is anticipated that this will be the case in many streets sometime in the future. I do not however expect such improvements within the near future. The recommendation is an interim solution to our street problems and will result in streets which will be suitable for 8 -10 years before requiring major maintenance. I recommend that this plan be approved so that these streets can be improved as soon as possible. , 9 ✓� William D. LeGrand 4 WDL /kb A 4 • • 4 km-1 I City of Southlake Duthla - INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM 4 1411W DATE: December 15, 1988 FROM: William D. LeGrand Public Works Director TO: Curtis E. Hawk, SUBJECT: Proposed Street Improvements City Manager 4 The following is my proposal for street improvement work for the current fiscal year. The work proposed is consistent with the five (5) year street improvement plan and the cost is within the budgeted limits. Cost 1. Lime Stabilize base, bring to grade and compact S. Carroll Ave. from FM1709 to Continental (5,280 linear feet @ $2.10 per foot) 11,088 Overlay S. Carroll Ave. with 2" HMAC from k FM1709 to Continental (5,280 linear feet @ $4.46 per foot) 23,549 Sub Total $ 34,637 2. Lime Stabilize base, bring to grade and compact ' Shady Oaks from FM1709 to W. Dove Road (11,000 linear feet @ $2.10 per foot) 23,100 • Overlay Shady Oaks from FM1709 to W. Dove Rd. (11,000 linear feet @ $4.46 per foot) 49,060 Sub Total $ 72,160 Sub Total 34,637 Contingency 10,000 4 TOTAL $116,797 I have included a contingency of approximately 10% of the two ,, projects to provide for unforeseen problems which may be encountered during the work, an example of such problems might be replacing a culvert, diverting underground water from the base, 4 removal of a minor portion of the base etc. This proposal is an estimate with the county being contracted to do the work and is contingent upon their agreement to perform the 4 work. Prices used were obtained from Tarrant County. 4 • A — Proposed Street Improvements 4 December 15, 1988 Page 2 I recommend that the county be requested to perform the above project and that a contract be signed for same if Council approves this proposal. C- 22. William D. LeGrand WDL /kb r 4 4 4 gOe 9 City of Southlake, Texas M E M O R A N D U M December 30, 1988 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: William D. LeGrand, Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Street Improvements, Fiscal Year 1989 As per the Council's request, I have prepared an estimate of the cost to add the section of North Carroll from F.M. 1709 to Highway 114 to the street improvements for FY 1989: 1. Lime stabilized base, bring to grade and compact approximately 5,100 lineal feet at a cost of $2.10 per foot $10,710.00 2. Overlay the compacted base with two (2 ") inch of HMAC at $4.10 per foot 22,746.00 Subtotal $33,456.00 Contingency 3,500.00 Total $36,956.00 My memo dated December 15, 1988 had a total cost of $116,796. With this additional work, the new combined total will be $153,752.00 which will be $25,752.00 over available budgeted monies for street improvements. As I stated during the Council meeting, the Staff is currently working with the Highway Department and land owners at the intersection of F.M. 1709 and North Carroll in an effort to affect an alignment of North and South Carroll as per the Thoroughfare Plan before the improve- , ments to F.M. 1709 are started by the Highway Department. In addition to working out the alignment, the Staff is of the opinion that this section of North Carroll will require additional base to support the starting and stopping loads generated by the Fire and Public Works equipment leaving and returning to City Hall on a frequent basis. This would add approximately $25,000.00 to the total cost. 4 0 4 9 Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager Street Improvements, Fiscal Year 1989 December 30, 1988 Page 2 In talking with Jane Sanford in Caimissioner Bob Hampton's office, she felt that if we could submit our request to her by January 5, 1989 that we would be in a good position to have this request completed early in the year. ! 6 1 - fir -� WDL /kg rf g „M$✓ 4 City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM January 3, 1989 TO: Bill LeGrand FROM: Ron Morain SUBJECT: Street Report for December 1988 1. Pothole patched streets on emergency basis used 80 tons FFF asphalt, 340 man hours. 2. Cleaned R.O.V. on N. white Chapel, used 104 man hours, picked up 60 bags of trash. 3. Placed road signs in newly annexed area used 80 man hours, 35 sign posts and 70 sign blades. 4. Repaired signs damhged throughout city, used 60 man hours, 6 sign post, 33 sign blades, 5 stop signs, 2 yield signs, and 1 do not enter sign. 04 5. Prepared dump truck for sanding used 16 man hours. 6. Pulled up political signs and Dragon Mania signs, used 16 man hours. 7. Cleared ditch at Whites Chapel and Dove road used 6 gradall hours, 12 dump truck hours , and 18 man hours. 8. Changed street signs on Randol Mill to read " Randol Mill Avenue ", used 10 sign blades and 6 man hours. 9. Repaired timed lights to City Hall, replaced light bulbs, worked on welding at Summerplace sewer plant, conducted inspections for Building Department, worked on road plan for 89 -90, did administration work for Street Department. 10. Performed routine maintenance on vechiles and equipment. Rbi /cbk, Ae- City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM January 3, 1989 TO: Bill LeGrand FROM: Mike LeGrand SUBJECT: Water Report for December 1988 1. Drained 1.5 water tank at West Dove for repainting. 2. Drained two reservoir and refilled. 3. Fixed leak at 2415 W. Southlake Blvd. $ 4. Fixed 2 leaks at Johnson Road cut by Vogt a subcontractor for GTE. 5. New taps: 3510 Burney Lane, 806 Pearl Drive, 2980 Burney Lane, 250 Ravenaux Village, 823 Pearl Drive. 6. Made 1" bore on Pearl Drive to install new service. 7. Fixed leak at 1500 East Dove Road. 8. Moved meter at 2054 N. Kimball out of driveway. 9. Put three long side services in for Burney Lane. 10. Fixed leak on Burney Lane, saddle rotted off main. 11. Reinstalled water meter at 3111 Gray Lane. 12. Had 6 rereads, 13 locks for delinquent payment and 38 finals. 13. Change out water meter . 607 W. Southlake Blvd. ML /cbk UTILITY DEPARTMENT REPORT • MONTH DECEMBER '88 GALLONS PUMPED THIS MONTH FROM WELLS 334,700 PURCHASED FROM FORT WORTH 13,359.000 TOTAL PUMPED AND PURCHASED 13,693,000 NEW WATER TAPS INSTALLED 5 REINSTALLED METER -1 FIRE HYDRANTS INSTALLED NONE METER CHANGE OUTS 1 ADDRESSES: 2607 W. SOUTHLAKE BLVD. PULLED METERS PER CUSTOMER REQUEST NONE PULLED METERS PER DELINQUENT PAYMENT 1 • LOCKED METERS PER CUSTOMER REQUEST 2 LOCKED METERS PER DELINQUENT PAYMENT 13 PROCESSED WORK ORDERS 69 LEAKS: WATER MAIN BREAK REPAIRS 1500 EAST DOVE ROAD (THE POND), 24151W. SOUTHLAKE BLVD.,JOENSON ROAD LEAKAGE FRO M WATER BREAK 1,000 gallons SEWER LINE REPAIRS NONE FLUSHED WATER LINES WEST SOUTHLAKE BLVD., EAST DOVE, JOHNSON ROAD ( 0`/? ' DIRELlu OF rUBLIC WORKS • MONTHLY REPORT SEND REPORT TO: TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH DIVISION OF WATER HYGIENE WATER WORKS OPERATION FOR 1100 WEST 49th STREET ,,GROUND WATER SUPPLIES AUSTIN. TEXAS 78756 -3192 (1) Name of System CITY OF SOUTHLAKE County TARRANT (la) Water System I.D. No. 220007S Month of DF,CFMBFR 19_ Day Pumpage to Distribution System in Thousand Gals. (6) (7) (8) (9) of (2) Direct (3) From Gnd. (4) Purchased (5) Total Disinfection Corrosion Other Fluoride Month from Wells Storage from Others Pumpage Control Treatment Residuals 1 0 494.0 494.0 2 0 580.0 580.0 3 0 620.0 620.0 4 0 631.0 631 n 5 0 638.0 638.0 , 6 0 0.0 0.0 7 0 373.0 373.0 , 8 0 467.0 467.0 9 0 439.0 , 439.0 10 0 430.0 430.0 11 0 486.0 486.0 , 12 0 412.0 412.0 13 0 448.0 448 n . 14 0 444.0 444.0 15 0 421.0 421.0 16 0 445.0 445.0 17 0 405.0 405.0 , °r.. 18 0 398.0 398 n 19 0 509.0 509.0 7 SAMPLES - NEGATIV': 20 0 474.0 474.0 21 171.7 183.0 354.7 22 163.0 388.0 SS1.0 23 0 448.0 44R 0 24 0 482.0 482.0 25 0 362.0 367 n 26 0 437.0 437.0 , 27 0 406.0 406.0 28 0 383.0 383 n 29 0 398.0 398.0 30 0 380.0 380.0 31 0 378.0 378.0 Total 334.7 13,359.0 13,693.7 Avg. 167 35 430.93 441.73 Mex. 171 _7 638 n 638.0 Min. 0 _ 0 n _ No. of Active Water Services (10) 1986 Chemical Analysis (11) 11 -83 Dates and Results of Distribution Bacteriological Analyses (12) 7 SAMPLES - NEGATIVE Dates and Results of Raw Unchlorinated Well Water Samples (13) Reservoirs or Tanks Cleaned (14) 8-87 Dead Ends Flushed (15) EAST DOVE JOHNSON ROAD, W. SOUTHLAKE BLVD. '* -'' General Remarks (16) Submitted By (17) C N-. -\-- - j� - Certificate No. (18) S - � y ` 3'.: y FORM NO. H -3 All reports due by the 15th of the following month. 5/88 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE FIRE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORTS TO: CITY MANAGER CUFTIS HAWK FOR THE MONTH OF DECEMBER 1988 RESPONSES THIS YEAR MONTH TO DATE STRUCTURE FIRES: HOUSE 0 MOBILE HOME 0 2 OFFICE BUILDING 0 RETAIL - RESTURANT 0 0 FACTORY - INDUSTRY 1 1 CRASS FIRES 3 42 CAR FlET:q L CAh 4 74 TRTJOY AOCIDENT 0 13 MUTUAL Alt' FOb G: 0 "JE MUTUAL AID FOR COLLEYVILLE 0 MUTUAL AID FOR YELLER 3 10 MUTUAL AID FOR TROPHY CLUB 0 4 FIRE CALLS IN WESTLAKE 2 EMS CALLS IN WESTLAKE 2 23 FALSE ALARMS IN WESTLAKE 0 4 FIRE CALLS IN TARRANT COUNTY 0 8 EMS CALLS IN TARRANT COUNT 0 5 FALSE ALARMS IN TARhAN'i COUNTY 0 YIFE CALLS IN DENTON COUNTY 0 9 ew „ EME CALLS IN DENTON COUNTY 0 4 4 FALSE ALARMS 1N DENTON COUNTY 0 1 I i :: FIRE DEPARTMENT THIS YEAR MONTHLY REPORT MONTH TO DATE • PAGE 2 AMBULANCE CALLS IN CITY 25 286 RESCUE ASSIST ON AMBULANCE CALLS IN CITY 12 110 iiii FALSE ALARMS IN CITY 5 43 MISCELLANEOUS CALLS IN CITY (SEE ATTACHMENT) 9 110 6 TOTAL AMBULANCE CALLS 30 332 TOTAL FIRE CALLS 36 505 TOTAL EMERGENCY CALLS 66 637 LOSS 350 67,450 '1'` 1E:L FIRE �C��� IN CITY TOTAL LOSS I B WESTLAKE < $13,200 '�`A� F: F.1 _OS IN _�u0 MAP: I UR:: =:P ENIjEr'. ' ON EMERGENCY CALLS 162 :::, 0 MEETINGS (4 PER MONTH) 120 1,342 SPECIAL TRAINING 0 140 TOTAL MAN HOURS EXPENDED 302 4,560 SPECIAL REMARKS: EMS CALLS TO IBM WESTLAKE = 2 FIRE CALLS TO IBM WESTLAKE = 0 FIRE CALLS TO IBM SOUTHLAKE = 0 EMS CALLS TO IBM SOUTHLAKE = 1 RESPECT Y SUBMITTED, 4 _, ,- ,,.;- „A- r ' k.P. S',EELE, FIRE CHIEF iii DA'Z'E: 01 -02 -S9 E 0 [ J� . , 111 r FIRE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT PAGE 3 r MISCELLANEOUS CALLS DECEMBER 1988 F88 -471. ELECTRICAL FIRE F88 -472 SHELL OF SMOKE F88 -473 BON -FIRE F8E -482 ELECTRiCAL SHORT ( BUSINESS ) F88 -4b3 ELECTRICAL SHORT (RESIDENCE) F88 -485 ELECTRICAL POLE FIRE F88-493 PUBLIC SERVICE F88 -500 POLICE ASSIST r F88 -503 NATURAL GAS LEAK ( 0 p w D .4<4 tfA�• Cl M * cm 0 O O - O F ^ F i CO t 0 " 4 JD N j W c0 O 0) .-c C) > •.c .r O 0 .a > s. cd 0 0 M 3 Q r1 0 4 C.4ina,C4 c4), F.3 4..44tOO 0�0� NCf CO ,4 O N r rl r-1 � 1 CO Q 01 ea al 44 ME4 V ++ 0 1: W O 0 >H 4J 4. cd G b m 0 m N O d N +1 Rr r4 .o cd N cd a O CL CO 4. .4 :Li O CO 0 W -' Ma# CO CO 00 VC)NUl01N • • • • LO .-4 0 0 pp C) • • G C CO OUN CON • • • • N • E. N m0 a w cCp 1A .. (1 1 t() 0�2 CO O CDCDOTrNM N TH �� N N V 1.4 Cci D+ G 02 .-1 N co M0 Od 0 E W O M a w m at U — T4 W cn E-4 O Z Ndr• O C4C4MCOMO * M Tr C) N O O O 1 01 >+ N O = 0 c.1 E. H I k4 .4 Tg w O CD. 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N g H H E. .r a W O W a @ W .3 a D3 F >• O .1 Opt o pp p pp pp 8 8 N F Z4 538' 8888 NN 8888 88 88 8 8 8 8 8 W O N • . '' .i C) ao ui • ui • T. of O x W E .� .� Ca) .M4 . .�4 N 003 0 F 4 - 4 W 44 r4 C4 N ►r :Ff F CO ..3 U td C4 W O a 14 x NOO cn .A 088 cMpN0880 80 88 8 8 8 00 .] N C:C. . -. ' u3 NM01 0.A • �O u)00 p • • a CO $ ( CI u N ) NM C+I u) N N M cm M M .-I .4 M Ca tz 8 2 88888 8 88 88 8 8 8 8 S MI Z F ca`�r7 . � °'8`' g° . 5 �°0 • • a t` M � a M N . .� c t r4 O .-1 4 pg H D @ g Q .4 0 °0 Q M V ` D W ► " W U ..7 cr, .a W H O p ..1 ► H M O t M I k h R O O C.7 14 W �� o R d w Z E " x`" M u v) - t) A o� �� A a // a c& E a � ~ �7 Ci z o 0 � � A W E . 6 EC GWc. U 0 W 04 A'??* 8888 8 8 cS W aa c�M w§ § P+ 4 o E PI O N a ID C%i ' 0 W ' 1 - 4 C. ,-4 to '1 rl r C7 L1 •-1 rl O c d � � r0 4 8�8888 N 8 al .a a 4144 tng�a - C M § i ,4 c yEC) .-I .01 Cr) u CO N N 0 N N H�-rH ♦+ ++ E A 0 0 0 w N .3 m O N a G0 8888 8 8 M .0 al 1444 44 41 0 1) C) C N c $' N N § C Cft �Np CO * �� v cc t O 0 444 I a E C. to r oo C: to cc C W C 00 : ii N B t � 0 8 N U ) 0Cs0o 00 8 8 • A CO EsCCOC cn O �D p h 0-1 01 0 CO N § O E E. :72 E tt) eM cO to N N M .;...2 i ri CO; W 0 O4 p. a w 5i a ° o 1 H� 88* 8888 8 8 8 vl E 0 �" 8 W O m >' r+ N Zj O 31 O W gs a >+ E W 31 V7 31 E a ':4. U a CC W O C11 o� x S Q 88888 Q 8 8 8 0 0-1 C V 0 O 0 ' Q Q Q Q N N • E+ 8888888 8 8 8 W0 § A E. g c4 0 FS 6 6 E E P ®�' U 0 .0 1/) co a ao p, D 5 � 1 D .-1 0 1.4 44 E� r r U C q Z to U E E. C) G a EN O O " 1 g 1.4 W " � " 0 a) 5 2 fa 2 g il 8 ri R ii E tie '4: 2 oa k. 0 g g 0 M r7 w H " U >i W a d waa >,dd 8 88 88 888 88 ° FU N 6 F G ~ v �� CI N N C a a n d co cal a a ca >4 H � 8 888 88 888 88 8 o ► - i[�.i t -t A coN �t� co x w ., cc F .i .0 as .i -4 as ea 7 .4 W • ea Id E. .0 >4 d 4 G E. .4o * a a 8 p pp d N 8N8 88 888 88 r • co • t- '.4 88 °N • 03 • .. O O .-1 tT .. N .+ M CC x 00 E. F .-4 N F a C4 .. w o ho a d W a a a W o H v za w o o ow 8 888 88 888 88 8 O a 0 W F c c�i 00 . OD >. F k. X in F " d d •-• X F co a c) cd a w o Ca. a w a co 8 888 88 888 88 8 a O a 4 � N .ti N � H 8 888 88 888 88 8 E. o . c In .-.1 :6 .i N W Z5 z z • CO 0 a W .. en F d 0 co 0) CC 00 Z aat F 0a as ., a O aW dd F AOLea z g co a w w a Z - d F O. E a F a — -4 •+ a a < zd CDa 014 I.44 Q tn. a 44) 5g adrn 144 m aaa co FW W as 4 = IQ 41 0 2% Faa Wza co 43 t�>.a0 0., 0) 0 43 44 20 dd 0) UUF a h40 (- 00 Cu zavi 04 0 ) 0•i o CC ., o = ►+do o as a 0 Southlake Police Department Warrant Office Monthly Report DECEMBER, 1988 Municipal Warrants Current Month Past Month YTD WARRANTS ON HAND Beginning Count 1139 1139 1139 Received 24 38 746 Ending Count 1124 1134 759 FINES COLLECTED By Warrant Officer 3203 4701 87,794 Other Agency_ 2678 830 3508 Total 5881 5531 $88,624 ARREST / WARRANTS SERVED By Warrant Officer 19 33 857 Other Agency_ 20 10 30 Total 39 43 867 co rn U 8 co 2 U 8 8 0 1 [--i H H N co rn tO U O 8 S M 0 00 r-1 CO CA d{ N O O r-I 'd+ CO 1--1 r1 N N CO 0 r-1 171 r♦ N In CO 89 69 g W DD to U N 0 H N r CO O a 0 U 0 N CO to N O 10 N N r-i CO p., N CO O O CO N CO CO 0 S O 0 N 4 9-1 4 C c ri N H i 1 l g i ; 4 6 1 1 , ) 1 ! p 6 6 r H H a g O ett <4 U a d U U w * * * * * ZONING DEPARTMENT FEE REVENUE For The Month Ending December 31, 1988 Zoning $ 300.00 No. of Cases (3) Platting 1,200.00 No. of Cases (1) Board of Adjustment .00 No. of Cases Special Exception Use 100.00 No. of Cases (1) Site Plan .00 No. of Cases Misc. Sales (Zoning) 140.00 No. of Receipts (3) Total Revenue $1,740.00 Total No. Cases (7) SOUTHLAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF: December, 1988 C - 'SE THIS TOTAL DECEMBER 1988 TOTAL MONTH TO DATE 1988 TO DATE MURDER /ATT. MURDER /HOMICIDE 0 0 0 2 SEXUAL ASSAULT /RAPE 1 5 0 1 ROBBERY 0 1 0 1 AGG. ASSAULT /ASSAULT ON POLICE OFFICER 0 8 1 4 BURGLARY (BUSINESS) 2 22 0 30 BURGLARY (RESIDENCE) 7 47 2 39 BURGLARY M/V 1 24 4 37 ATTEMPTED BURGLARY 0 5 2 12 THEFT 0/20,000 0 1 0 0 750/20,000 3 31 1 23 200/750 1 24 1 24 20/200 2 43 3 25 U /20 4 75 11 56 AUTO THEFT 2 24 0 14 FRAUD /ATT. FRAUD /CREDIT CARD ABUSE 2 12 1 6 ARSON /ATTEMPTED ARSON 0 2 0 1 POSSESSION OF STOLEN PROPERTY 0 2 0 3 CRIMINAL TRESPASS 1 9 0 8 CRIMINAL MISCHIEF 4 72 7 119 INJURY TO A CHILD /CHILD ABUSE— NEGLECT 1 9 1 3 SIMPLE ASSAULT 0 20 3 12 LEWDNESS/DISORDERLY—RECKLESS CONDUCT 4 18 2 12 F "STING /EVADING ARREST 1 6 0 5 N<.,,OTICS & PARAPHERNALIA OFFENSES 1 20 4 13 UCW 0 2 0 8 TERRORISTIC THREATS 0 16 2 12 HARASSMENT 1 35 2 23 DISTURBANCE /DOMESTIC VIOLENCE 6 62 0 34 PROWLER /SUSPICIOUS PERSON 1 16 0 20 DWI /DUID 0 17 2 16 POSSESSION OF ALCOHOL UNDER 21 YOA 0 11 2 9 RUNAWAY /MISSING PERSON 1 24 3 18 CINS 0 2 1 1 OPEN BUILDING /BURGLAR ALARM ACTIVATED 2 71 7 20 SUICIDE /ATTEMPTED SUICIDE 0 6 0 4 VIOLATION CITY ORDINANCE 2 70 0 23 ACCIDENT (NO ACC. REPORT) 0 25 4 ,2 FOUND /RECOVERED /CONFISCATED PROPERTY 2 53 3 71 CRUELTY TO ANIMALS 2 13 0 1 ABANDONED VEHICLE /PROPERTY 0 33 2 28 ANIMAL BITE /SCRATCH 1 14 0 22 DECEASED PERSON (NATURAL /ACCIDENTAL) 0 5 0 3 DEMENTED PERSON 1 2 0 0 MISCELLANEAOUS REPORTS 7 146 3 109 MONTHLY TOTAL 63 YEAR TO DATE 1,103 `.L FOR DECEMBER 1987 74 1987 YEAR TO DATE 895 City of Southlake, Texas POLICE DEPARTMENT MILEAGE AND GASOLINE REPORT FOR DECEMBER, 1988 12/01 12/31 TOTAL MILES TOTAL GALLONS UNIT # MILEAGE MILEAGE DRIVEN GASOLINE USED 219 96,182 96,182 0 0 226 71,286 71,560 274 85.3 227 89,462 89,917 455 60.0 229 99,883 101,102 1,219 132.0 230 26,474 30,258 3,784 378.6 231 22,743 27,364 4,621 370.4 232 3,024 4,645 1,621 263.7 233 3.459 5,108 1,649 246.0 BUICK 116,507 116,507 0 0 VAN 80,324 80,324 0 0 K -CAR N/A N/A 0 0 TOTAL MILES DRIVEN 13,623 TOTAL GALLONS GASOLINE USED 1,536.0 d O O CO g H h1I I 1 rn -1 2 z C rn -I Z Q 70 z C 70 rn r* , n a 3 • i • rn 74 rn n X z 3 8 `'' x) o z z -) n rn X) r r — r — - ..r -•• r .....s ..=• ...r ...a ...a * ..r _a v . N O O. N .,D . CO C p N O O+ N ■D — CO 3 c - y -- -•J -- -- N N N N N 2> p -J W W Cr, O+ ON N Z. U1 �G -.J W rr" U1 C.11 N O W W N O --- IV -- 74 W N Ul O 4 O SO N '.t7 --- U2 0 M _ rn C rn N — C z — z _ = W w O O Ul 0 -- w f`1 O CO 0 -.J -.l VD .p CO N O W N Cr I%) GO 0 0 -r CO -1 . r a a n rn _ -. - 3 tt1 < W Cn N 43 Cn a' — CO w 0 C'D r, w '.D O O+ O+ 4 C1l O N k0 .A O 0 z, O Cn — N .4. w 0 N 0 41 N -J n C7 0 .p W co Ca O+ A -- . i C' ■ -^ 3 -- r k.0 r- --i CO 03 z C z 3 a w r 4 .4. N 04 O+ — N w O O+ O" rn U1 Cn O+ W 44, O W O+ N -- a 0 < S "1, Cjj -- C X) CP rn S — I 0 0 7S XI -C W rrri N N 0 0 O O O— o CD O rn O 04 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W 0 z m Q S C'' ..t1 C. W �, a x) W w N CAI . Cr+ O+ 04 N (l O+ z CO — p 4 N r0 O+ NCI O CO O+ O C7 - C) ) 0 Ch O O+ 0+ (11 N N CO p . 07 CD Cfl -` 04 N W D 1 t0 N A c.n N O N N CN 07 4 N r Cs CO CO -,J CO RD O 04 Cfl ..0 -- r 3 r - rn w rn o W -+.1 W N . .A (ft -. . - r co --J .ti al 50 Cf1 N 07 as N .Q CO CO - 0 0 D rn I.. .! W O O+ W O+ W ON N W --I O+ Xi 70 O O+ O+ Cn CO CO 0) CO - J 0 C)0 CO 0 O1 4t. 0 N 0 0 0 O O O X, CO 0 Sr . W 4 c.n W 11 W Ul c.n O CO O+ W . 3 is) O ..l ON CO tit ON +D in �.J 77 N w _ --- cn Co -.1 ON = to O+ w N .A 41, O+ cn o N .4 w ON w o N w o v -4 0 VD O ND Z. -J , -.1 N CO ON N D Cn D U1 U1 -....1 3 CO O 0) --.1 ON N Q+ r CN 0 -- r U1 0 .p O -J 4 N W --I 4,0 CO CO 3 co co co W co W O N W O 3 a 0 C_ O 04 0 0 0 0 N O 0 ' 0 C CITY OF SOUTHLAKE GENERAL FUND COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF REVENUES EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE DECEMBER 31, 1988 FY88 FY88 ENCUMBRANCE TOTAL ACTUAL YTD BUDGET YTD ACTUAL & ENCUMBERED Revenues: Taxes: Property $481,890 $375,169 Sales $58,200 $43,398 Franchise $61,463 $61,968 Licenses and Permits $40,519 $30,919 Charges for Services $2,743 $8,577 Fines $78,480 $45,656 Interest $825 $0 Miscellaneous $5,142 $939 Total Revenues $729,262 $566,626 $0 $0 Expenditures: Current: General Government: City Sec /Mayor /Council $20,134 $22,548 $462 $23,010 Administration $99,128 $93,249 $2,738 $95,987 Court $27,768 $20,835 $171 $21,006 Total Gen. Gov't $147,030 $136,632 $3,371 $140,003 Public Safety: Fire $89,247 $94,915 $4,909 $99,824 Police $177,586 $158,263 $814 $159,077 Building $32,883 $29,425 $275 $29,700 Total Pub. Safety $299,716 $282,603 $5,998 $288,601 Public Works: Streets $50,345 $43,622 $4,582 $48,204 Parks $11,366 $7,471 $615 $8,086 Public Works $7,241 $7,411 $75 $7,486 Total Public Works $68,952 $58,504 $5,272 $63,776 Total Expenditures $515,698 $477,739 $14,641 $492,380 Excess Rev. (Expenditures) $213,564 $88,887 Other Financing Sources (Uses): Debt Service Transfers ($40,695) ($45,543) Excess Expenditures & Other Financing Uses over Revenue & Other Financing Source - Actual $172,869 $43,344 Fund Balance 12/1/88 $355,781 $165,383 * Fund Balance 12/31/88 $528,650 $208,727 * Subject to FY88 Audit Adjustments. CITY OF SOUIHLAKE ENCUMBRANCE REPORT PERIOD ENDING DECEMBER, 1988 1 of 2 DEPART. ACCOUNT PURCHASE AMOUNT SUB - TOTAL SUB -TOTAL NO. NO. ORDER NO. BY ACCT BY DEPT GENERAL FUND: 100 305.00 563 $ 73.68$ $ 305.00 820 47.33 305.00 621 16.12 137.13 700.00 571 115.00 115.00 710.00 573 58.85 58.85 310.98 105 305.00 621 16.12 16.12 574.00 571 44.25 44.25 640.00 121 150.00 150.00 210.37 110 305.00 621 16.11 16.11 16.11 120 305.00 621 16.11 16.11 314.00 686 135.00 135.00 316.00 685 175.50 175.50 322.00 710 109.09 322.00 699 11.19 120.28 405.00 1136 3,888.00 3,888.00 625.00 705 15.00 625.00 702 8.13 23.12 4,358.02 130 305.00 874 38.87 305.00 621 16.11 54.98 325.00 879 56.84 56.84 405.00 1136 3,888.00 3,888.00 605.00 864 69.00 69.00 625.00 873 88.00 88.00 925.00 788 384.92 384.92 4,541.74 140 305.00 621 16.11 16.11 305.00 820 47.33 47.33 63.44 150 341.00 895 125.00 125.00 345.00 896 53.16 53.16 347.00 898 163.80 347.00 504 209.00 372.80 550.95 160 307.00 121 520.00 520.00 674.01 814 45.90 45.90 565.90 240 305.00 621 16.11 16.11 16.11 GENERAL FUND TOTAL $ 10,633.62$ 10,633.62 $ 10,633.62 Department Number Legend: 100 City Secretary /Mayor /Council 140 Building /Zoning 105 Administration 150 Streets 110 Court 160 Parks 120 Fire 240 Public Works CITY OF SOU1'HLAKE ENCUMBRANCE REPORT PERIOD ENDING DECEMBER, 1988 2 of 2 DEPT ACCOUNT PURCHASE AMOUNT SUB -TOTAL SUB -TOTAL NO NO NO BY ACCT BY DEPT 4Mz1TER FUND: 200 305.00 621 $ 16.11$ $ 305.00 820 47.34 63.45 326.00 886 1.99 1.99 625.00 816 35.00 625.00 836 110.44 145.44 640.00 828 18.37 18.37 645.00 892 150.00 150.00 670.00 900 290.60 670.00 884 177.00 670.00 834 18.78 486.38 671.00 830 27.07 27.07 892.70 TWER FUND TOTAL $ 892.70$ 892.70 $ 892.70 City of Southlake, Texas M E M O R A N D U M January 11, 1989 TO: Mr. Hawk FROM: Renee McCarty SUBJECT: Quarterly Sales Tax Summary QUARTERLY SALES TAX SUMMARY October - December, 1988 CURRENT QUARTER* SAME QUARTER LAST YEAR %CHANGE $ 27,970.05 $ 35,715.09 -21.69 15,427.84 22,647.34 -31.88 17,829.89 16,323.46 9.23 $ 61,227.78 $ 74,685.89 -18.02 *Reminder: Month's sales tax disbursements are received the following month, (i.e. October sales tax received in November). A. 11 1 -I -4 -4 1,D W 9 1 K 1 W , - 4-4-431 - ..02...- ESN4 OMMM'0 Z3 rr, === G1, 0 m m m 0 M 1K Kc1ID Or3cCTO 71 DO! Om IDMOO! 07 0!IDNcOJod1004c0.0110r1DID1d 1 O A N ID 1 £ S T -•1 -•N rt= 710 < n .-7 7 7c7t 7 r 0 .-m Or 1 1 N .-10 x0 .-c o m.-7 0 E C) n 7 w7 m -wr 0.TrtOi -•ID 7 -•rt7ON ID A 7 .-U ...rte 7 erm 1 ID 1D E E rfp Gti. -•.t 0 010 7 0 O rtM n , e O A E C O 7 - .-n m -•-..0 9 -, gt o m m l9 Y1 n 0 .-N .o 7 0 C.6 -.. 0 r .• rt r 7 C 00 301 m O1 1p n -• -• = 0.1 •'•9< =.r 9 0 .-, ID K 3 0 110 C rt of -• 7 01 0 ft 70 E 07 7 O SlD 0.O w -MO 7 - -rt.0 < O O Grt 7 3 3 ID m error,. W M ma. .-.-.046-. 0=-6-6= -w 7 -c," 0 re. •• K O K rt7 .O1 7: W 0) O. rt.D -.ID OI .1. -1. -. •-7 7 K 0. 01 rt. -- I NSW 7 7 re ....V.-. 7 ... . \ •• •• -4 '0 -I.-..0 ' F -•K O. K , .- <10 A 0 0-4 0 OM- r -. -. -. N ".r .4.3.-1... 3'.' '. = A r0 0 .-0 \ \v 0I 0! ID .• ID -. .- 7 K O V •- ...7w r 0I 4 43 OHO r CO \V ID VI CD a O 7 .O N * q 0) N r q q g qqq. q q. -4Z g V1 Nq 000 (Ng 000N ww0404 r 0 0..... SID • .../D 0 r 0 Nh+gNWW 0Ag - -NIT 4.ODNODN00000N0WW1r ...el. 1.11 W V r OlT41W01 -N W•- VrWWWO OWPWWI`V1.•- VVVW100.r N g • gq. q. pFi� . . . . . . . . . q. . . . . V1 V r VVIV PNtT IT N 111 Vi ■ 0 1• VVVPtTNO)Vr0)07W1rNVIW 'pO7 r 14■4.440.r.. V 43 WNg0V03VVW(X0.0_ VVI VI OVO(3.OW_. 0'_.0 MK N 0000NOWWW 0.O1+ 10.0.0V310 ,i171Nr. 13 -31 W 0806...40w00. W ...ww 0m...w N6- 0 oV 0 00w0WOPITNrw0. 07 0 00000 W 0.0`03• --01' 3Vw3V50. t P Doi* 0 VI A.OrW 0030PN1' 0T 0 -• 0 -' 1 3 rt •O K 0 01 F .. r -v'7 N (7 g q q qqq. an 1 Cu Cu 0 0. r gq q 0 qrg 0 gN ....Love 0 0 00.0 -.Q 3 N 0 8171 •- • -4NgA i.V.W0W0w i. ✓y.VVr4V ..... V.C. 0r ID 0 V co .-V1 t V10N1*VV PVIN.-VVV0' .0' . 03V VIN (.034 1 00, 1ID 0 rt V1 CO NVVOW W.ONW. -NPW 000VW.C.WVP 004../ NrPV'NVIWV0. {M OI 0 0 V.001,N00-.N (. V1.000o0r - 0ONN.O PWNPV1VINr 4D 04 7 r O O 4000WWNV 000-4 VwNOiWW000i�P ODOrNrrNPVf.007_PNVV1` 0!K 0. r V wOONO.-A O r. COr O V Ir O .0 OL 11r NO•WOPNrvVrNNODNV.C , , ID C n rt W V007WVVV WODPV1010030 WNW r OWWVOVPOWV .-VtTP0.w.C. -WV 0 141 y r ., ID 0 en C -0 1,D 1 W 1) O 1 x x C - 1 r 1 s N ...I r 0 r -1 I 1 O 1.r N' V.-N 1 r •-•-VIN •- 411`•-w f rV rr .O7V -ITN r 0 -. 0 V W W03VW OVVIVOPVV 0.Ni•.000. 1 `i . . - VN0N00.00 7 9 n x N t t N.O.O. .00DVIT OOOoNPNr ONI..istT 7 01 > 0 W PO PNO NNWW.O.I7W 000VOVMrW NO.VPOo0wNVli'.-VPV C 1 n x *xx�:xx ...I: xxxa. xx *x::xxxxxx *xeexexxxxxxxxxx to n N 0 O C 7 7 • VI N C 0 Cr. r 3 N .0 3 0 - q 0 0 qqq. q q Co 0! g tT 00 qqq 0N0 000N r-VlWw r 0 qrr -4.0 1 N 0 •- 0 IV...0NWVI 2.01•0i.rNUI WWN0N000.00 NgWW1• 0 K tr W 00. V i OVw0. -.N Wr.OrWWWO OWPWWI•VfrvvVw00.►- - g g.G. . . . . r r . q. 003 W V r VV5V .0001csPNww Ni.r tTV 000wisNVIW 1K •- N0L400.. ' .OVf000Nr 0 WN(OVO7VVW00'00.vW 10VO03.0W r.0P r 1• rt3 N r 030NOWWW 0-0.+101 VlP r1.000w VIN.- V 44- 0W ID ID W 070WOWON.01• www00.- INV1y. 007 .•- V1N0...r0.0V1AVV.OW03 OPPtTN_ rt 0) 070000,4'0 Wi• 001. 0r04• 0DVwCoU11 •.OtT.0i..0i.W0001.N1 N k g r g g 4 , .. r 0 q g qqq. g 40 0 r 00 0 0 0...0 0 ON rr W.O4 0 0 00.0 -107 N P 0 0IT .O •.....(N0.. .WV2 rW V.0rq.0 00- 44.01. 0 V P w ...‘r+ .0 ITPN"0V I-VVV .- .• g .. gq. . VI m IVVVOIT .DNW• -.NP3 00VWi.VI.OP O Vg1•N0 -N - 09 r VI.O 00 rrPO V IN r 0 O 0703WWN.0 0'00 WO..N. PNVV1. ID 4D V WOONO. -1. 0.•!A1•VOrOtT. - • • • • • • • • • • . • • • . 7 OD V1r NOPOoOPN. VV• NN07NV2� et 0 W VOMWVVV X01 V 00 0 0 WNOrOWWVOVPOWVI•+VMPPw1.wWV y1 y C ID 4 •• 1 N x I VI 10 4.r N-- V....N •- I r 1 rr0VW • -wl..rw 1 r vrr.ONrtTN 0 • V WW WOWVW 00VtW00.V.0 PN4p.1.0Prr ......VNP 7 W N 07W WOV1NV V1`V N0 N.0.0.0V0V0 0003 0,N ON. - ONw4sW 7 r W 1 0 01NN(.ay1.0.0 (mow .- N0'' a : - .”x:,! N 070.00VV1 W .-.. r•-VPV 0 CITY OF SOU HLAKE CASH ACTIVITY REPORT - GENERAL FUND FOR THE PERIOD ENDED, DEER, 1988 WEEK ENDING DEPOSITS - ACCOUNTS PAY. - PAYROLL - DEBT = RUNNING SERVICE BALANCE Beginning Balance: $ 7,877.06 12/09/88 $49,078.54 $ 24,219.53 $ $ $32,736.07 12/16/88 132,032.99 23,043.79 46,672.60 95,052.67 12/22/88 41,645.98 136,698.65 12/30/88 132,795.32 26,576.05 33,000.00* 3,712.50& 48,068.56 158,136.86 12/30/88 16,913.02 141,223.84 Average Weekly Deposit: $ 88,888.21 Average Weekly Disbursement (excluding footnoted items): 18,459.84 Average Payroll: 47,370.58 * IBM Ad Valorem deposit return. & Interest payment on Tax Anticipation Notes.