1991-12-03 CITY OF SOUT}{LAKE
667 N. Carroll Avenue
December 3, 1991 7:00 p.m.
Wilhelm; Deputy Mayor Pro Tem Sally Hall. Members:
Barry Emerson, and, Mike O'Brien.
Pro Tem Rick
Jerry Farrier,
CITY STAFF PRESENT: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager; Michael Barnes,
Director of Public Works; LouAnn Heath, Director of Finance; Karen
Gandy, Zoning Administrator; Greg Last, City Planner; Chris Terry,
Assistant to the City Manager; Wayne Olson, City Attorney; Eddie
Cheatham, City Engineer; Roger Stewart, Fire Marshal; and, Sandra
L. LeGrand, City Secretary.
INVOCATION: Councilmember Jerry Farrier.
The Work Session was called to order at 6:30 p.m. to discuss the
agenda item for tonight's meeting.
Mayor Gary Fickes called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m.
A~enda Item #i-B~ Executive Session
Mayor Fickes hereby advised the audience that Council would be
going into executive session pursuant to Sections 2(e) 2(f) 2 (g)
2(J) of the Open Meetings Act, to seek the advice of our City
Attorney with respect to pending and contemplated litigations, to
discuss the purchase, exchange, lease or sale of real property, and
to consider the appointment and evaluation of public officials and
regarding the deployment of specific occasions for implementation,
of security personnel or devices. Council went into executive
session at 7:05 p.m.
Council returned to Open Session at 7:35 p.m.
Agenda Item #i-C~ Action necessary/Executive Session
No action was taken during the executive session in regard to
pending or contemplated litigation, purchase, exchange, lease or
sale of real property, or appointment and evaluation of public
officials, or deployment or specific occasions for implementation
of security personnel or devices.
City Council Meeting Minutes
December 3, 1991
page two
Aqenda Item #2~ Approval of Minutes
Motion was made to approve the Minutes of the November
City Council minutes as modified in work session.
Motion: Wilhelm
Second: Emerson
Ayes: Wilhelm, Emerson, Farrier, Hall, Fickes
Nays: None
Abstention: O'Brien
Approved: 5-0-1 vote
19, 1991
Agenda Item #3, Mayor's Report
Mayor Pro Tem Wilhelm reported on the Southlake Economic
Development Council, noting at the November meeting a member of
the Dallas Economics Development Council present. One of the
things the DEDC is trying to do is establish some ties with some of
the different counties. Southlake would like to broaden their base
and see if they can get on some of the Dallas area lists.
SEDC has also taken the initial steps in getting the property
profile on the computer. Several months ago, they discussed a GTE
Video of the Northeast Tarrant County area, which has been
completed. It will be distributed nation wide, and will serve as
a means to give general information of our area to a lot of
Deputy Mayor Pro Tem Sally Hall reported on the Teen Court, "mock
trial" which was held on Monday, December 2, noting the first real
Teen Court Trial will be held on December 9, 1991. A possible
scholarship fund for those who are working on the Teen Court has
been discussed, with the possibility the scholarship will be a
joint city, school, community effort.
Mrs. Hall explained the "Fire Truck" coloring contest.
Agenda Item #4~ City Manager's Report
The City Manager, Curtis Hawk reported on the stolen mirror which
was located on the corner of Randol Mill Road at Kingswood. He
stated the City does not plan to replace the mirror, however, they
are discussing a flashing light in that location, for a cost of
$2,000. He expressed the need at that particular dangerous
Mr. Hawk stated the Capital Improvements Road Task Force will be
bringing the final report to Council on December 17, 1991.
City Council Meeting Minutes
December 3, 1991
page three
Agenda Item #5~ Consent Agenda
Agenda Item #5-A was taken off the consent agenda at the request of
Mayor Pro Tem Rick Wilhelm, for procedural reasons.
The consent agenda, #5-B, was approved as presented:
5-B, Resolution No, 91-47, Recognizing Distinct Operating
Divisions within the Department of Public Safety,
including Organizational Charts.
Motion: Wilhelm
Second: Hall
Ayes: Wilhelm, Hall,
Nays: None
Approved: 6-0 vote
Farrier, Emerson,
O'Brien, Flckes
Agenda Item #5-A~ Resolution No. 91-48~ Abandonment of easement
in Monticello
Motion was made to approve Resolution No. 91-48, abandonment of an
access easement in Monticello subdivision, authorizing Mayor Flckes
to execute a quick claim deed to the owner of Monticello.
Motion: Wilhelm
Second: Emerson
Ayes: Wilhelm, Emerson, Hall, Farrier, O'Brien, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 6-0 vote
Agenda Item #6-A, Public Appearance
Karen and Stephen Apple were present, representing Friends of the
Southlake Library. She introduced the other members of the group,
present to show support. Mr. Apple, treasurer, presented a check
for $7,500. for the purchase of books through the Interlocal
Agreement with the City of Grapevine. Through the fund raising
efforts of the Friends, and other groups within Southlake, they
have contributed $12,500. to date for the purchase of books.
Agenda Item #6-B~ Public Forum
No comments were received during the public forum.
Agenda Item #7-A~ Ordinane No. 480-60~ 2nd reading (ZA 91-60)
Ordinance No. 480-60, 2nd reading, is a zoning change request for a
2.44 acre tract of land out of the John Childless Survey, Abstract
No. 254, Tract 1Al, being more commonly known as 1600 Burney Lane
Current zoning is "AG" Agricultural, with a request for "SF-1A
Single Family-lA Residential zoning district. Location is the
south side of Burney Lane at Midway Drive. Owner/applicant is Joe
E. Kennel.
City Council Meeting Minutes
December 3, 1991
page four
Aqenda Item #7-A~ Continued
Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator noted on November 7, the Planning
and Zoning Commission recommended approval of the request by a 5-0
vote. On November 19, 1991, the City Council approved the 1st
reading by a 6-0 vote.
Mr. Joe Kennel was present to answer questions for Council.
The public hearing resulted with no comments from the audience.
Motion was made
Motion: Emerson
Second: Wilhelm
for the approval of Ordinance No. 480-60, 2nd
Mayor Fickes re~d the caption of the ordinance.
Ayes: Emerson, Wilhelm, O'Brien,
Nays: None
Approved: 6-0 vote
Farrier, Fickes
Agenda Item #7~ Ordinance No. 544~ 2nd readinq. Landscape.
The City Manager suggested that this item be tabled, as the
requested information has not been completed.
Motion was made to table Ordinance No. 544, 2nd reading of the
Landscape ordinance time certain December 17, 1991.
Motion: Wilhelm
Second: Hall
Ayes: Wilhelm, Hall, O'Brien, Emerson, Farrier, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 6-0 vote (to table)
Aqenda Item #7-D~ Ordinance No. 555~ 2nd readinq Tri-County Rate
Curtis Hawk, City Manager, explained to Council the available
options in regard to the request for Rate Increase by Tri-County
Electric Cooperative Inc., including: approve the rates; deny the
rates; suspend for 90 days and hire a consultant; or, do
nothing. If Council chooses to do nothing, on January 2, 1992, the
rates would automatically go into effect.
Ed Kelly, representative with Tri-County was present to answer
questions for Council. He indicated all other communities are
holding the 2nd readings, as they are passing the ordinances on to
the Public Utility Commission.
City Council Meeting Minutes
December 3, 1991
page five
Agenda Item #7-D~ Continued
Mayor Pro Tem Wilhelm wanted the minutes to reflect that the last
rate increase was in 1984. Trl-County is a non profit corporation,
and is suppose to operate at cost.
The public hearing resulted with no comments from the audience.
Motion was made to approve
approving the rate increase.
Motion: Emerson
Second: Farrier
Ordinance No. 555, 1st reading,
Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance.
Ayes: ..Emerson, Farrier,
Nays: O'Brien
Approved: 5-1 vote
Wilhelm, Fickes
Aggnda Item #8-A~ Ordinance No. 480-58~ 1st reading (ZA 91-51)
Ordinance No. 480-58, 1st reading, a request for zoning change for
a 0.439 acre tract of land out of the C.M. Throop Survey, Abstract
No. 1510, Tract 7A4B3. Owner/Applicant: Jim and Beth Futch.
Zoning Administrator, Karen Gandy reported to Council that this
item has been withdrawn by the owner/applicant.
No action was taken on this agenda item.
Councilmember Barry Emerson stepped down for agenda items
#8-B and #8-C, stating conflict of interest as he is the
lender for this project.
Agenda Item #8-B~ Ordinance No. 480-61~ 1st reading (ZA 91-66)
Ordinance No. 480-61, is a zoning change request and concept plan
approval for 7.5 acres out of the John A. Freeman Survey, Abstract
No. 529, more commonly known as portions of Lot 1, Miron Addition
and Lot 2B, Gorbett Addition. Current zoning is "C-2"
Commercial-2, with a request for "B-i" Business Service Park.
Owner/Applicant is Robert Miron dba Miron Properties, Inc.
Mrs. Gandy noted ten (10) notices were sent to property owners
within 200' and she received one notice from Deryl McNutt, 212
Westwood, Southlake, who is opposed to the request.
On November 21, 1991 the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended
approval subject to the November 15, 1991 summary review letter.
City Council Meeting Minutes
December 3, 1991
page six
Agenda Item #8-B~ Continued
Mrs. Gandy presented a listing
of the comparison of uses for
John Levitt, Levitt Engineers, 726 Commerce, Suite 104, Southlake,
was present, representing the owner/applicant. Mr. Levitt noted
Mr. Miron has zoned and owned the property for the past 10-12
years. He has not been able to market the back part of the
property and the lenders would like to see him do something with
this tract of land. B-1 Zoning fits in with the current uses on
the property. Levitt stated the zoning provides a transition from
single family and fits the tract and allows him to market the
Mayor Pko Tem Wilhelm expressed he understands the need for B-I,
however, he would rather see commercial use stop at the end of the
Woodland Group. He fees it is too deep, and this use should not
stretch in that close to residential.
The public hearing resulted with no comments from the audience.
Motion was made to approve Ordinance No.
review letter dated November 27, 1991.
Motion: O'Brien
Second: Farrier
480-61, with the summary
Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance.
Ayes: O'Brien, Farrier,
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0 vote
Wilhelm, Fickes
Agenda Item #8-C, Ordinance No. 480-63, 1st reading (ZA 91-67)
Ordinance No. 480-62, is a zoning change request and concept plan
approval for 5.43 acre tract of land out of the John A. Freeman
Survey, Abstract No. 529, more commonly known as portions of Lot 1,
Miron Addition and Lot 2B, Gorbutt Addition. Current zoning is
"C-2" Commercial-2 and the request is for "B-2" Commercial
Manufacturing District. Location: 1600 Block of East Southlake
Blvd., behind Kids, Inc. and D & L Printing Company.
Owner/applicant is Robert Miron dba Miron Properties, Inc.
John Levitt, Levitt Engineers, was present representing Mr. Miron,
stating Miron is an investor at this time. His plan is for
Mini-warehouses for the 5.43 acres.
Mayor Pro Tem Wilhelm referenced the comparisons in the zoning
ordinance, which was prepared by Mrs. Gandy. Wilhelm stated he
does not object to B-1 uses but objects to the potential noises of
B-2 in that location.
City Council Meeting Minutes
December 3, 1991
page seven
Agenda Item #8-C~ Continued
Mayor Fickes stated he would like to see Mr. Miron come back with
S-P-1 zoning for this property.
Motion was made to continue Ordinance No. 480-62,
the December 17, 1991 City Council meeting.
Motion: Hall
Second: O'Brien
Ayes: Hall, O'Brien, Farrier, Wilhelm, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0 vote (to table)
1st reading, at
Councilmember Barry Emerson returned to Council table.
Agenda Item #7-C, Ordinance No. 506~ 2nd reading. Signs
Code Enforcement Officer, Eddie Wilson, presented the sign
ordinance which incorporated the suggested changes by Council. He
noted Section 27, a penalty of $500. for violation. Staff
suggested this penalty be changed to $2,000. per violation.
City Attorney, Wayne Olson, stated his interpretation of the Status
is that the fine must be a maximum of $500. Only Health, Safety
and Welfare ordinances can impose the $2,000. fine.
The public hearing resulted with no comments from the audience.
Motion was made to approve Ordinance No.
Motion: Wilhelm
Second: Emerson
506, 2nd reading.
Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance.
Ayes: Wilhelm, Emerson, Hall, O'Brien,
Nays: None
Approved: 6-0 vote
Farrier, Flckes
Agenda Item #8-D~ ZA 91-69~ Revised Development Site Plan for
Building Permit/Conoco
ZA 91-69, a Revised Development Site Plan for a building permit
approval for a 33.626 acre tract of land out of the Harrison Decker
Survey, Abstract No. 438, Tracts lB1, 1B1B, and 1BlC. Current
zoning is "I-2" Heavy Industrial District. Owner/Applicant:
Conoco, Inc.
Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, explained Conoco is revising the
development site plan as they wish to build a 10'X 30'foam stora~
building and ancillary utility services, on their site. Twent~
(20) notices were sent to property owners within 200' and to date
she received one reply from Joe Coker, 1233 Timberline: opposed.
City Council Meeting Minutes
December 3, 1991
page eight
Agenda Item #8-D~ Continued
The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval of the
request during the November 21, 1991 meeting with a 5-2 vote,
deleting #7, requirement for grading. Mrs. Gandy presented a
revised summary review letter dated November 22, 1991.
Roger Stewart, Fire Marshal, was present to answer fire safety
questions for Council.
Brad Prance, representative of Conoco, stated they propose
items #1 & #2 from the November 22, 1991 review letter.
currently all structures are steel and they would like to
with steel structures.
He noted,
City Manager, Curtis Hawk stated with
adding the emergency procedures which the
have been urging through conversations.
safety on site.
this addition, Conoco is
City Staff and Council
It will enhance the fire
Mayor Pro Tem Wilhelm stated this procedure will very much enhance
the safety in that area. He does not have a problem granting a
variance to the masonry ordinance because everything else is steel.
Roger Stewart stated Fina Oil Company is also working on adding
this procedure to their project.
The City Manager
resolution which
stated Staff will be bringing back to Council, a
will grant the variance to the masonry
Motion was made to approve ZA 91-69, allowing them to be excused
from Item #l & #2, on review letter dated November 22, 1991.
Motion: Hall
Second: Wilhelm
Ayes: Hall, Wilhelm, O'Brien, Emerson, Farrier, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 6-0 vote
Mayor Pro Tem Wilhelm thanked not only Conoco, Inc. but
Councilmember Sally Hall because she is the one who
has pushed this through over the years, which has
upgraded the fire safety in this area.
Agenda Item #8-E, Ordinance No. 536~ 1st reading. Weeds
The City Manager, Curtis Hawk introduced Ordinance No. 536, stating
this ordinance has been brought before Council on numerous
occasions for discussion. Director of Public Safety, Billy
Campbell, went through the ordinance for Council, calling attention
to: Section 2, grass and weeds over 12"; Section 5 & 6, procedures
for liens; noting this ordinance appeals Ordinances No. 361 in its
City Council Meeting Minutes
December 3, 1991
page nine
Agenda Item #8-E~ Continued
Mr. Hawk addressed the issue of right-of-way and who is responsible
to clear them, noting the Subdivision ordinance addresses this
Councilmember Jerry Farrier expressed concern with weeds in the
right of way. He stated he sees a problem with enforcement of the
ordinance in this respect.
The public hearing resulted with no comments from the audience.
Councilmember Barry Emerson stated he sees this ordinance as an
improvement over the ordinance which is currently on the books.
The City Manager stated staff can try
alternative wording prior to second reading
and come up with some
in regard to the issues
Motion was made to approve Ordinance No.
Motion: Emerson
Second Wilhelm
536, 1st reading.
Mayor Gary Fickes read the caption of the ordinance.
Ayes: Emerson, Wilhelm, Farrier,
Nays: None
Approved: 6-0 vote
O'Brien, Fickes
Council adjourned to recess at 9:15 p.m.
Council returned to open session at 9:30 p.m.
Agenda Item #8-F~ Ordinance No. 554~ 1st reading.
Police Reserve and Auxiliary Fire Service.
Curtis Hawk, City Manager, stated the main difference with this
ordinance is it deals with the requirement that volunteer fire
personnel be certified. Most of the personnel now involved with
the volunteer fire department are eligible for certification. This
ordinance is not something that has been done quickly, this is
probably the third draft of the ordinance. This ordinance
incorporates other ordinances on the books for auxiliary fire
department, reserve police officers and volunteer fire personnel.
The costs for training both fire and police reserve personal was
Mayor Fickes stated he would like to see a policy that the City
will reimburse the personnel for education for certification. ~
the City is going to require certification, the city should pay fo~
City Council Meeting Minutes
December 3, 1991
page ten
Aqenda Item 8-F~ Continued
Mayor Pro Tem Wilhelm stated, the City of Southlake will never make
anyone Join the volunteers.
Councilmember Barry Emerson stated he pushed to have this ordinance
on the agenda tonight because we have not been enforcing the other
ordinances in this area.
The Mayor noted it is essential that the training of our volunteers
be maintained in a current record.
Curtis Hawk stated he would like to bring the ordinance back on
December 17, for second reading, giving him the opportunity to pass
the ordinance around and also include the procedures and policies.
Tom Snyd~r, President of ~he Southlake Volunteer Fire Department.
Mr. Snyder stated the enrollment figure in the ordinance of twenty
(20) is low, he would like it to be raised to twenty-five (25). He
outlined the number of sets of gear which were purchased by the
Volunteer Fire Department. He asked that Section 21 of the
ordinance in regard to members of an organization be changed from
"may" to "shall".
Mayor Fickes noted he would be meeting with Volunteers next week
and Councilmember Emerson agreed to meet also.
Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 554, 1st reading, with the
modification to raise the cap on the number of volunteers to
twenty-five (25).
Motion: Emerson
Second: Wilhelm
Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance.
Ayes: Emerson, Wilhelm, Hall, O'Brien,
Nays: None
Approved: 6-0 vote
Farrier, Fickes
Aqenda Item #9-A, Resolution No. 91-44, Request for Variance to
Masonry Ord. for Timarron Addition
The City Manager noted Resolution No. 91-44, is a request for
variance to the masonry ordinance. Under our ordinance this is a
public hearing, and Council needs to be specific on the reasons for
and the requirements and special conditions applicable to the
Susan Evans, president of Timarron Corp. was present to answer
questions for Council. They are requesting a variance to the
masonry ordinance in order to create a unique identity for the
development of Timarron. They wish to provide a quality identity
City Council Meeting Minutes
December 3, 1991
page eleven
Agenda Item #9-A~ Continued
which will separate them from the other areas in Southlake. The
buildings which are proposed to be constructed are in line with the
renderings which are attached to the minutes. They are to contain
no less then 45% masonry materials and glass. Ms. Evans noted the
structure will be located at the entrance at Continental Blvd. and
White Chapel Blvd., being a wall or landscaping. The other 55%
would be wood siding, painted with a semi-transparent stain. The
structures would either be maintained by them or they would be
deeded to the homeowners association. The development would be
turned over the homeowners when the addition is 75% complete.
Councilmember Sally Hall commented in regard to the requirement for
masonry.. She would like .to see a higher percentage of masonry on
the buildings. As things get tough, the first thing people let go
is the homeowners association fees. She feels the structures
should be maintenance free, or as much so as possible.
Mayor Pro Tem Wilhelm commented the masonry ordinance was passed
because Council wanted structures to be esthetically pleasing. He
noted, the variance requested includes all the landmark and
recreational buildings over the 900 plus acre tract. Discusse
was the entrance feature, the recreational at the northern part.
and the potential recreational area down to the lake. He asked,
what will happen if Mobil sells off land in five or so years and
the new owner has been given a variance. Wilhelm would like for
the areas to be localized in some degrees. Ms. Evans stated she
does not see a problem with this request.
No comments were received during the continuation of the public
Motion was made to approve Resolution No. 91-44, including the
staff memorandum dated December 3, 1991, with materials to include
stone, glass and wood and a general location of the structures as
described, being included in the resolution.
Motion: O'Brien
Second: Wilhelm
Ayes: O'Brien, Wilhelm, Emerson, Farrier, Fickes
Nays: Hall
Approved: 5-1 vote
City Council Meeting Minutes
December 3, 1991
page twelve
Agenda Item #ll-A~ Discussion: S-2 Sewer Line Aqreement
Director of Public Works, Michael Barnes, presented a proposed
agreement for the S-2 sewer line. A copy of the memorandum dated
November 27, 1991, is hereby attached to the minutes.
Mr. Hawk noted staff will bring this item back to Council on
December 17, 1991 for consideration.
Aqenda Item #ll-B~ Discussion: Drainage Facilities for Proposed
Chevron Station at F.M. 1709 and F.M. 1938
The Memorandum dated November 27, 1991, from Director of Public
Works, Michael Barnes, in regard to the drainage facilities for the
proposed.. Chevron Station at F.M. 1709 and F.M. 1938, were
discussed. A copy of the memorandum is hereby attached to the
minutes of the December 3, 1991 City Council meeting.
Council is to consider this agreement during the December 17, 1991
City Council meeting.
Aqenda Item #11-C~ Ordinance No. 550~ Thoroughfare Plan
City Engineer, Eddie Cheatham, gave a summary of the changes to the
text of the proposed Thoroughfare Plan. Jack Hatchel, traffic
engineer, was present to answer questions for Council.
It was noted the Planning and Zoning Commission approved the plan.
This item is to be considered by the City Council during the
December 17, 1991 City Council meeting.
Agenda Item #ll-D~ Discussion: Ordinance No. 551~ Park Master
Greg Last, City Planner made a presentation of the Park Master
Plan. A copy of the memorandum from Mr. Last, dated November 26,
19991, is hereby attached to the minutes.
Agenda Item #12~ Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned as 12:20 a.m. by Mayor Fickes.
S~ndra L. LeGrand, City Secretary