667 N. Carroll Avenue
April 2, 1991 7:30 p.m.
COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor, Gary Fickes; Mayor Pro Tem Betty
Springer. Members: Sally Hall, Rick Wilhelm, Jerry Farrier, W.
Ralph Evans (arrived at 8:20 p.m.).
CITY STAFF PRESENT: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager; Billy Campbell,
Director of Public Safety; Michael Barnes, Director of Public
Works; Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator; Greg Last, City Planner;
Don Wilson, Fire Chief; Eddie Cheatham, City Engineer; Wayne Olson,
City Attorney; and, Sandra L. LeGrand, City Secretary.
INVOCATION: Councilmember Jerry Farrier.
The Work Session was called to order at 6:30 p.m. where
Councilmem~ers and staff present reviewed the agenda items for
tonight's meeting.
The Regular City Council meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m.
by Mayor Gary Fickes.
Aqenda Item #2, Approval of the Minutes
The Minutes of the Regular City Council
1991, were approved as presented.
Motion: Wilhelm
Second: Hall
Ayes: Wilhelm, Hall, Springer, Farrier
Nays: None
Approved: 4-0 vote
meeting held on March 19,
Aqenda Item #3, Mayor's Report
Mayor Ftckes announced that every year the city participates in the
Tarrant County Volunteer of the Year Program. This year our winner
is Debbie Baum, who is ill and could not be present tonight so next
meeting we will honor her with a proclamation which will also
proclaim April as Volunteer Month.
The Mayor announced that the recycling contract with BFI has been
signed and is scheduled to start in Southlake on April 22.
Tomorrow the Public Works Director will be having a meeting with
BFI and members of the Environmental Task Force in an effort to set
up route scheduling.
In regards to the Park Master Plan, a questionaire will be mailed
to approximately 600 citizens, chosen at random, on the 2nd week
in April. The Mayor encouraged everyone who gets a questionaire to
please return it to the city. The information included in the form
is very important to the city.
City Council Minutes
April 2, 1991
page two
Aqenda Item #3, Continued
Councilmember Rick Wilhelm commended the Cross Timber Hills
Homeowners Association for the interest they have shown in their
community by participating in a "Clean Up Campaign", a couple of
weeks ago. Members of the association walked along Peytonville
Avenue, from FM 1709 to Dove Road picking up trash left along the
Councllmember Sally Hall reported that on March 27, she and the
Mayor, with Dr. Annette Griffin, Superintendent of C.I.S.D.;
Assistant Superintendent, Bill Branum; and, Judy Gilmore, School
Board Member, went to Austin in regards to the State Education
Tax Bill and the effect it would have on the citizens of
Southlake and on the school district. She stated they saw a lot of
people in a few hours and ~uccessfully, as the bill was not passed
at this time.
Mayor Fickes added that if the bill would have passed, it would
have increased the Carroll I.S.D. tax rate from $1.05 to $1.60 and
he felt it would ruin a good school district. They met with a
Tarrant County delegation, while there. He stated it was a very
successful trip, however, the battle is not over.
Mayor Pro Tem Springer stated in regards to the litter problems we
are having in Southlake, she hopes that City Staff will concentrate
on the area of North White Chapel Blvd. at SH 114.
Springer referenced a letter which Council received today from
Barbara Paty, North White Chapel Blvd., also in regard to litter
in Southlake.
Springer stated that the Southlake Business and Community
Directories are here and available at the Chamber of Commerce
The Mayor Pro Tem announced that the Annual Chamber of Commerce
Candidates Forum will be held on April 25, beginning at 7:00 p.m.
at Johnson Elementary School for those who wish to attend.
On April 17, Leadership Southlake will be meeting at City Hall,
beginning at 7:30 p.m. where members will be presenting their
advocacy projects. The public is invited to attend.
A meeting will be held on April 3, at 7:00 p.m. in regards to the
Sister City Program and the trip to Toyoma Japan which is being
planned for September, 1991. The meeting will be held in the
office of Brad Bradley, on East Southlake Blvd.
City Council Minutes
April 2, 1991
page three
Agenda Item %3, Continued
Mayor Fickes announced that agenda item #8 and item #11 have been
requested for tabling by the applicants.
Agenda Item %4, City Manaqer's Report
The City Manager, Curtis E. Hawk, noted that the sound system is
not working properly tonight, and hopefully within the next couple
of Council meetings, the system will be better as we are in the
process of making some improvements to the system.
Continental Park Subdivision is currently on sewer with some
quality roads. The city has been working on this project for some
time and we are happy to announce that it is now complete.
Curtis Haw~' stated that Ta~rant County is finishing the work on
Highland and will soon begin work in Summerplace Addition.
Mr. Hawk also noted that the City's of Keller, Colleyville and
Southlake have recently held joint meetings with City Manager's,
Park Boards, and Fire and Police Departments, working on some of
the issues which were presented during the joint dinner which was
held last month.
Councilmember Sally Hall noted that she has looked in Southlake for
a Planned Cable Company office and has not found one. She stated
that she is offended by the letter in the newspaper in regards to
Planned Cable Company and the City.
Councilmember Hall also noted that the condition of Mid Cities
Ready Mix Company on Brumlow Avenue has worsened. She feels they
have been dumping more debris on their property and asked the City
Manager to please keep up with this problem.
Mayor Fickes added that he has met with Mr. and Mrs. Stowe in
regards to the dust being generated on Brumlow Avenue. He has
written a letter to the companies on Brumlow and asked that they
voluntarily take steps to correct the problem.
Agenda Item %5, Public Forum
Mayor Fickes announced that due to the fact that Agenda Item #11,
Revised Preliminary Plat for SouthRidge Lakes Addition, has been
requested for tabling, persons requesting to speak on that item
will need to voice their comments during this time.
Greg Jones, 1365 Cross Timber Drive, Southlake. Mr. Jones stated
that he has several points to make against the proposed SouthRidge
Lakes Blvd. being changed from four to two lanes. He noted that a
petition was presented to the City Secretary on this date with 177
names of persons opposing this change.
City Council Minutes
April 2, 1991
page four
Aqenda Item #5, Continued
Mr. Jones referenced several points, including: the Minutes of the
February 5, City Council meeting where Councilmember Wilhelm stated
that this issue cannot be looked at as an isolated situation; the
schools; he feels the long time residents are not being considered
in this instance; SouthRidge Lakes Blvd. being continued across FM
1709 to West Continental Blvd.; recent Bond Election and the fact
that it failed should be an indication that the citizens don't want
Peytonville to be widened; the Minutes of the February 5, City
Council meeting where Councilmember Farrier stated he feels Arvida
did a tremendous sales job to the community and now they are
changing their plan; traffic lights on FM 1709; zoning in Arvida
being under one/half acre.
Mr. Jones stated that he feels the credibility of the
Councilmembers is at stake and the citizens present are questioning
a developer changing their plans in the middle of a project.
Mayor Pro Tem Springer stated in response to Mr. Jones, that
traffic lights are engineered to a specific site by the State
Highway Department and cannot be moved; the zoning in Arvida is
SF-20, which is 20,000 feet, Just less than one/ half acre; and,
the bond election did not address North Peytonville Avenue, only
South Peytonville Avenue.
Doug Brister, Rt 2 Box 326, Boyd, Texas. Mr. Brister was present
representing the Sullivan Property, described as Tracts 2A1A, 2AiB,
and 2Al out of the A.A. Freeman Survey, Abstract No. 522.
Mr. Brister stated he feels the expansion of Peytonville will
effect all the property surrounding the area and it should be
looked at carefully.
Councilmember Ralph Evans arrived at this
time (8:20 p.m.).
Chuck Ross, 1359 Cross Timber Drive, $outhlake. Mr. Ross
referenced the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting when this
issue was before the commission. The P&Z Commission stated that
whatever they do with this issue, they did not want to impact the
traffic in changing the four lane road to two lane road. He
referenced emergency vehicles being a problem; a two lane road
creates traffic congestion; and, a traffic light needs to be
Mr. Ross suggested that Council must consider both roads or City
Council will be short changing its citizens. He does not want to
see a decision being made now that will be a mistake later on. He
referenced Arvida offering to pay for a portion of the improvements
to Peytonville and feels it is a bribe or a serious trade off. He
referenced the Thoroughfare Master Plan Study which is being
City Council Minutes
April 2, 1991
page five
Aqenda Item #5, Continued
Mayor Gary Fickes noted that the Thoroughfare Plan Study will be
designed for a fifteen (15) to twenty (20) year time frame. A
draft study will be ready for review in about sixty (60) days.
The study will give the city some hard data and something we can
use as an aid to gage what traffic conditions will be. He is
looking forward to the study being completed.
Fred Joyce, 455 Randol Mill Road, Southlake. Mr. Joyce stated that
during the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting some options have
been submitted in regards to the changes being proposed to
SouthRldge Parkway. He noted that there has not been an agreement
made between him and the Arvida people in regard to his property.
Ann Morris0n, 210 Donley Court, Southlake. Mrs. Morrison lives in
SouthRldge Lakes Addition. She has the only home that backs up to
Peytonville Blvd. She added that they took a lot of time choosing
the lot and they opted for Peytonville as they were told that it
would remain the same. They are upset at Arvida for misleading
them. For the welfare of the community, she feels the boulevard
could not look better. The private drives sets them a part from
tract housing. She feels that their property will be devalued.
Mrs. Morrison stated that the builders have been told to "stay away
from city meetings". Why would the city give up one great road for
two mediocre roads?
Trish Jones, 1365 Cross Timber Drive, Southlake. Ms. Jones
stated she resents that her new neighbors are on one side of the
room and the old neighbors are on the other side of the room. She
feels the issue is between the developer and the city. She is
concerned that if the developer is allowed to change the plan, this
will set a precedent.
Mayor Pro Tem Springer stated in reply to Mrs. Jones,
bad as it looks. Most of the people in the audience
other items on the agenda.
it is not as
are here for
Conner Lam, 1280 Post Oak Trail, Southlake. He had questions in
regards to the improvements to be made to North Peytonville Avenue
and the $100,000 plus which is being offered by Arvida. Is the
plan to widen the roadway up to 24'? Is the paving to be
comparable to the southern part of the roadway? He is glad to hear
the City say they are going to reevaluate the road situation in
Southlake. It bothers him that people move in and want the latest
developer to solve all ills. If we can get a 24' roadway between
FM 1709 and Dove Road it would be wonderful.
City Council Minutes
April 2, 1991
page six
Aqenda Item #5, Continued
James Hollstein, 1201 Oakwood Trail, Southlake. He lives in
Continental Park Estates and stated the sewer is in and the
pavement is complete. He has a problem that he cannot get solved
in regards to the berm on the right of way of his property. Mr.
Hawk suggested the city would get with Mr. Hollstein in regard to
the problem.
Rich Goldfuss, 1355 Cross Timber Drive, Southlake. Mr. Goldfuss
asked Council what benefit we would receive by changing the plan?
Everyone agrees that North Peytonville Avenue needs repair. Please
consider both streets at the same time.
Tina Vanderford, 1337 Ten Bar Trail, Southlake. No comments.
Wendell Uldrich, 1000 Raven Bend Court, Southlake. Mr. Uldrick
stated that the four lane road was approved as designed to handle
the traffic and safety of the children, why change the plan now?
Richard Norman, 1336 Meadow Glen, Southlake. Mr. Norman stated he
is concerned about the developer being able to change an approved
plan and also about the City Council approving the change.
Bruce Smith, 111 SouthRidge Lakes, Southlake. Developer for
SouthRidge Lakes Addition. Mr. Smith stated since they have
asked for a continuance, he wants to hold his remarks until then.
They are willing to comply with the findings of the Thoroughfare
Plan Study.
Mayor Fickes stated the only thing approved by
this time is the roadway the way it is. What
is a change from the way it is.
the City Council at
Arvida is requesting
Aqenda Item #11, ZA 91-07, Revised Pre Plat of SouthRidqe Lakes.
Mayor Fickes stated
Arvida, asking that
City Council meeting.
the City received a letter from the developer,
this action be tabled until the May 21, 1991,
Motion was made to table ZA 91-07, time certain, May 21,
requested by the developers and that the letter of request
a part of the record.
Motion: Wilhelm
Second: Evans
Ayes: Wilhelm, Evans, Hall
Nays: Springer, Farrier
Approved: 3-2 vote (to table)
1991, as
be made
City Council Minutes
April 2, 1991
page seven
Aqenda Item #11, Continued
Mayor Pro Tem Springer voiced her opinion stating that it is
difficult to speak against utilizing a traffic study to make
decisions as that makes good logic. She is perturbed that this
item has been brought to Council and then the developer asked to
have it tabled. She feels that after conversations of late, if
the developers wait until after the election the votes may change.
Mrs. Springer stated that reducing the roadway concerns her
Bruce Smith, Arvida. Mr. Smith commented that Mrs. Springer is
wrong, the election has nothing to do with it. The item was
requested for tabling because of the study and the information it
might give them. He felt her comments were not fair.
Citizens present asked Councilmembers
Thoroughfare Plan Study at this time.
what prompted the
Curtis Hawk, City Manager, stated that after the bond election
failed, he felt that the City needed the Thoroughfare Plan Study in
order to get accurate numbers to take to the City Council.
Councilmember Sally Hall stated that in her three years on the City
Council, she has been working long and hard hours on such items as
zoning, and development ordinances, as well as other things in the
citizens behalf. Council has had to prioritize the items that need
to be done with the funds the city has to spend. She resents the
comments she has heard from the audience in regards to things being
done in favor of developers.
Aqenda Item #6, Ordinance No. 480-01-A, 1st readinq. Timarron
The Zoning Administrator, Karen Gandy made a presentation in behalf
of Bear Creek Communities, Inc., and the request for a zoning
change for eight (8) parcels of property to be added to the
existing residential P.U.D. The parcels are described as follows:
Parcel A: 9.011 acres out of the O.W. Knight Survey,
Abstract No. 899, Tract 2A3, and a portion of Lots 2 & 3
Spring Creek Acres. Parcel B: 8.771 acres out of the O.W.
Knight Survey, Abstract No. 899, Tract 2C1A. Parcel C: 8.298
acres out of the O.W. Knight Survey, Abstract No. 899, Tracts
6B1, 6B2, 6B3, 8B, and 8C. Parcel D: 4.014 acres out of
the O.W. Knight Survey, Abstract No. 899, Tract 6A. Parcel
E: 2.810 acres out of the O.W. Knight Survey, Abstract No.
899, Tract 6Fl. Parcel F: 1.047 acres out of the J.N. Gibson
Survey, Abstract No. lB2. Parcel G: 10.68 acres out of the
Hall Medlin Survey, Abstract No. 1038, Tracts 2D, 2D1, 2D2,
2D2A, 2D2B, 2D3, 2D4, 2D5, and 2D6.Parcel H: 31.518 acres Out
of the Hall Medlin Survey, Abstract NO. 1038, Tracts 2G, 2H,
2J, and 2J1. The addition of these eight (8) parcels will
increase the acreage of the project to 902.80 acres.
City Council Minutes
April 2, 1991
page eight
Agenda Item %6, continued
Mrs. Gandy noted that the owner of the property is Bear Creek
Communities, Inc. All the tracts are zoned Agricultural, with the
exception of 2.978 acres which is Zoned SF-1. The requested zoning
is for Residential P.U.D.
Gandy stated that eighty-two (82) letters were sent to property
owners within 200' and she received three (3) replies. In favor
were Bill Stowe, and James Stahala. Opposed was B.J. Marriott who
resides on Lilac Lane.
Dennis Jerke, Carter & Burgess, 7950 Elmbrook Drive, Dallas, Texas.
Mr. Jerke noted that the name of the property was Creekside and has
been changed to Timarron, and added that they are not changing
anything, only adding to the' P.U.D.
The public hearing resulted with no comments from the audience.
Councllmember Sally Hall commented on the proposed 84' right of way
on West Continental Blvd., adding, that she has had several calls
from property owners in the area who are concerned with stakes
being placed on their property.
Mr. Jerke noted that they will only provide improvements to land
that they own and that they will abide by the Thoroughfare Study.
Mayor Fickes referenced a linear park along Big Bear Creek, which
has been discussed with the City of Colleyville and the City of
Larry Mldtbo with Bear Creek Communities, commented that they have
discussed this with the Park Board and they are showing on their
first Phase, a section along Bear Creek as being reserved for parks.
Councilmember Hall asked that the developers be generous in regards
to schools in Southlake.
Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 480-01-A, 1st reading, to
include the staff review letter of March 25, 1991, and the
correction on the caption of the commercial tract.
Motion: Wilhelm
Second: Springer
Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance.
Ayes: Wilhelm, Springer,
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0 vote
Farrier, Evans
City Council Minutes
April 2, 1991
page nine
Council adjourned for recess at 9:30 P.M.
Council returned to Open Session at 9:50 P.M.
Aqenda Item #7t ZA 91-031Dev Site Plan for Timarron, Phase l&2
The Development Site Plan for Phases 1 & 2, of Timarron Addition,
consists of a 165.01 acre tract of land out of the Hiram Granberry
Survey, Abstract No. 581, the O.W. Knight Survey, Abstract No. 899,
and the Hall Medlin Survey, Abstract No. 1037 and 1038, were
Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, noted that the property owner is
Bear Creek Communities, Inc. Phase 1 proposes 158 residential
units and 18.1 acres of open space. Phase 2 proposes 76
residential units and 10.1 acres of open space. The developer
plans to build a swim/tennis club on 11.9 acres. A copy of the lot
size summary, prepared by C~rter and Burgess is hereby attached to
the minutes.
Larry Midtbo stated he anticipates fifteen (15) to twenty (20)
builders in the project and they are not thinking of "big box"
residential housing.
Dennis Jerke noted they intend to meet all city ordinances on the
road. They plan to landscape Continental Blvd as it is in the
middle of the project. They will use the "rural character"
approach rather than curb and gutter on Continental Blvd. and it
will be good quality. Continental Blvd. is their "front door" and
they will improve Continental Blvd. as they go.
Motion was made to approve the development site plan for Phase 1 &
2 of Timarron, including:
a) side yard (not more than 25% and not less than
20 feet away from the next house)
b) variation to development standards on page 7-2.
c) to include items 1 & 2 in the review letter of
March 26, 1991.
d) not approving any variances to building structures
on pages 7-9 to 7-14.
e) P&Z requirements stated on page 7-1.
Motion: Wilhelm
Second: Evans
Ayes: Wilhelm, Evans, Springer, Hall, Farrier
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0 vote.
City Council Minutes
April 2, 1991
page ten
Aqenda Item #8, ZA 91-04, Pre Plat of Timarron, Phase l&2
ZA 91-04, preliminary plat of Tlmarron, Phase 1 & 2, a 165.1 acre
tract of land out of the Hiram Grandberry Survey, Abstract No. 581,
the O.W. Knight Survey, Abstract No. 899, and the Hall Medlin
Survey, Abstract No. 1037 and 1038. This plat includes 234
residential lots with 28.2 acres of open space. Owner of the
property is Bear Creek Communities, Inc.
Motion was made to table the preliminary plat of
& 2, at the request of the developers until April
Motion: Springer
Second: Farrier
Ayes: Springer, Farrier, Hall, Wilhelm, Evans
Nays: None
Approved: 5~0 vote
Tlmarron, Phase 1
16, 1991.
Aqenda Item #9t ZA 91-05, Pre Plat of Block 7, Lots l&2, SouthView
Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, presented the preliminary plat
of Block 7, Lots 1 & 2, SouthView Addition. A 4.937 acre tract of
land out of the William W. Hall Survey, Abstract No. 695, being a
portion of Tracts 5 and SA. The current zoning is Office-1. The
owner is T.J. McHale and the applicant is United States Postal
Service. Mrs. Gandy stated two letters were sent to property
owners within 200' and she received no responses.
Motion was made to approve the preliminary plat of
& 2, subject to the review letter of March 25, 1991.
Motion: Springer
Second: Farrier
Ayes: Springer, Farrier, Evans, Hall, Wilhelm
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0 vote.
Block 7, Lots 1
Aqenda Item %10, ZA 91-06~ Final plat of Block 7~ Lot 1,
SouthView Addition.
Zoning Administrator, Karen Gandy stated the final plat consists
of a 1.002 acre tract of land out of the William W. Hall Survey,
Abstract No. 695. The property is located on the corner of
Southcrest Lane and North Carroll Avenue, across from Southlake
City Hall. It was established that the post office will have to
acquire a Special Exception Use Permit prior to building permits
being issued.
City Council Minutes
April 2, 1991
page eleven
Aqenda Item #10, Continued
Motion was made to approve ZA 91-06, Final Plat of Block 7,
of SouthView Addition, subject to the informational comments
March 25, 1991 memorandum from City Planner, Greg Last.
Motion: Wilhelm
Second: Hall
Ayes: Wilhelm, Hall, Springer, Evans, Farrier
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0 vote
Lot 1
in the
Aqenda Item #12, ZA 91-08, Final Plat of SouthRidqe Lakes, Phase
ZA 91-08, "the final plat' of SouthRidge Lakes, Phase III was
considered. The 18.282 acre tract of land is out of the A.A.
Freeman Survey, Abstract No 522. The property is zoned SF-20A.
The final plat is a portion of the previously approved Phase III
Final plat and represents thirty (30) lots north of Phase I and
east of Peytonville Avenue. The owner is Arvida/JMB Partners, L.P.
Doug Brister, Rt 2, Box 326, Boyd, Texas. Mr. Brister was present
representing the Sullivan property on North Peytonville Avenue, at
the curve. He requested the City Council consider what they can
do for the Sullivan's. He asked Council to do what they are
going to do and get it over with. He is asking Council to take the
best options at this time. He added, can the additional right of
way come from the undeveloped property on the north/west side of
Peytonville Avenue.
Councilmember Rick Wilhelm commented that he does not feel the
owners and the developers are at odds in their thinking. The
issue is do we need 64' of right of way. The answer will come from
the Thoroughfare Plan Study. It is important that we maintain our
esthetic atmosphere, by saving our trees.
Councilmember Farrier stated if it warrants waiting for the
Thoroughfare Plan Study for one agenda item, it warrants waiting
for it for the other item.
Motion was made to table ZA 91-08 until the Thoroughfare Plan
Study is in hand.
Motion: Farrier
Motion died for lack of a second motion.
Bruce Smith, Arvida. Mr. Smith asked Council to get on with
business, as they have complied with the right of way requirement
of 64' on Peytonville Avenue.
City Council Minutes
April 2, 1991
page twelve
Aqenda Item #12~ Continued
Councilmember Jerry Farrier stated he feels the developer should
wait the six (6) weeks until the Thoroughfare Plan Study is
complete then the width of right of way needed for North
Peytonville Avenue will have been determined. Farrier noted that
in his discussions with Arvida, they complained about having to
give the 400' and that it was something they did not want to give.
They did not want to give the 64' right of way, and he wants to be
sure they understand that they have a right to wait and then they
will know what they need when the Thoroughfare Plan Study is
complete. Wilhelm commented that the developer has agreed to give
the 64' knowing the risks and that the Council feels that a 64'
right of way would be a maximum.
Motion was made to approve the final plat of SouthRidge Lakes,
Phase III, 'subject to the March 27, 1991 review letter with item #3
showed to be changed to a 25' set back along Pecos.
Motion: Wilhelm
Second: Evans
Ayes: Wilhelm, Evans, Springer, Hall
Nays: Farrier
Approved: 4-1 vote
Aqenda Item #13, Ordinance No. 480-C, 2nd readinq
The Zoning Administrator, Karen Gandy reviewed the changes to the
amendments to the Zoning Ordinance No. 480.
Councilmember Rick Wilhelm commented he and Greg Last have met in
regard to the ordinance, and feel they have expanded beyond a lot
of other cities in Tarrant County by requiring concept plan
approval in all Commercial, Industrial, B-1 and B-2 types of
zoning. Mainly because they want to know where things are going
and to try and maintain the quality. They have worked on
establishing a consistent reference prior to administrative
review and building permits.
Public Hearinq
Randall Boyd, 807 Pearl, Southlake Mr. Boyd stated the purpose
here tonight is to communicate to the elected representatives on
City Council his opinion to the proposed changes to the zoning
ordinance. Recently Council changed the zoning on the northwest
corner of North White Chapel Blvd. and West Southlake Blvd. from
the C-2 classification to S-P-2 zoning with C-3 uses. The strong
endorsement of this change was based on Council ability to have
more control of the construction of the proposed shopping center
with S-P-2 zoning since it required site plan approval. They
strongly argued that Council should change the C-2 zoning to give
them this control and tonight Council is doing precisely what they
City Council Minutes
April 2, 1991
page thirteen
Aqenda Item #13, Continued
There would have been no need to change the zoning from C-2 on this
property. It is his opinion and the opinion of several others in
Diamond Circle Estates that Council's true desire was to expand the
uses of this property which C-3 provides rather than to protect the
interests of citizens of Southlake by requiring a site plan.
He felt it important that Council know that the citizens view
these amendments as confirmation that Council intentions all along
were to increase the uses of this property to support the
developer rather than the rational Council used with them, which
was protecting the citizens of this community.
They do not want Council to do anything about it, only to know that
they are s~aying abreast of'the consistency of the decisions that
are made in the Council meetings. In summary, he contends that
the rational for changing the zoning on this corner was to support
the demands of the developer rather than to protecting the future
of the citizens of Southlake. In the future he encourages Council
to keep the horse before the cart. In his area the citizens did
not even talk about the traffic study. He is disappointed and
disillusioned and he feels that this will be a better town if
Council can get the processes and laws straight before they make
key decisions.
Mayor Pro Tem Springer commented that he may be
he is wrong if he thinks Council acted on his
disillusioned, but
zoning to help the
Mayor Fickes stated that the property he is talking about was zoned
Commercial some twenty years ago. What Council did on that tract
of land offered the citizens two things: 1) a commercial tract of
land that would bring a tax base, and 2) it gave Council and the
citizens much more control.
Kathy Letsinger, 804 Pearl Drive. She has a question that has not
been addressed. She asked that Council understand their point of
view. Ten days after the zoning had been approved, this new zoning
change came up. Did it come up out of the blue, or was it
contemplated before?
Mayor Fickes stated that Council has been reviewing the zoning
ordinance for several months. A couple of weeks ago, he met with
Councilmembers Wilhelm and Hall and made several recommendations in
regard to the zoning ordinance. Ordinances are either introduced,
discussed, or changed at almost every meeting.
City Council Minutes
April 2, 1991
page fourteen
Aqenda Item #13, Continued
Public hearing closed.
Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 480-C,
Motion: Wilhelm
Second: Hall
2nd reading.
Mayor Fickes read the caption of the Ordinance.
Ayes: Wilhelm, Hall,
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0 vote.
Farrier, Evans
Aqenda Item #17, Professional Services/Thorouqhfare Plan Study
Michael Barnes, Director of Public Works, stated that Cheatham &
Associates, at the direction of the Council, has prepared a scope
of services proposal for a City Thoroughfare Plan for the City of
Southlake. Cheatham is planning to subcontract the traffic
engineering work to a traffic engineering consultant.
This plan will be the foundation in determining street and
right-of-way widths for the future of Southlake.
Jack Hatchel & Associates was introduced, and was chosen to
perform the traffic study. He stated that the information will be
ready for review within 60 days.
Motion was made to approve authorization of city staff
a City Thoroughfare Plan Study.
Motion: Hall
Second: Farrier
Ayes: Hall, Farrier, Springer, Wilhelm, Evans
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0 vote
to complete
The City Manager, Curtis Hawk noted that the funds are to
come from the infrastructure reserve fund in the amount
of $30,000.
Agenda Item #14~ Ordinance No. 529, 1st readinq. Fire Code
Director of Public Safety, Billy Campbell, stated that currently
the city is under the 1988 Fire Code and because of the development
which is taking place in Southlake, it has become necessary to
update our codes in certain areas. Between Chief Campbell and
Chief Don Wilson, the ordinance was reviewed during the meeting.
City Council Minutes
April 2, 1991
page fifteen
Motion was made to approve the 1st reading of
Fire Code, with minor changes as discussed.
Motion: Hall
Second: Farrier
Ordinance No. 529,
Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance.
Ayes: Hall, Farrier,
Nays: None
Abstention: Springer
Approved: 4-0-1
Wilhelm, Evans
Aqenda Item #15, Addition to FM 1709 Water Line Relocation
Michael Barnes, Director of Public Works explained to Council the
two areas ih which a chang~ is necessary in regards to the water
line relocation to FM 1709. A copy of the memorandum from Barnes
to the City Manager dated March 22, 1991 is hereby incorporated
into the minutes of the meeting.
Motion was made to approve the addition to the
location project design contract.
Motion: Hall
Second: Evans
Ayes: Hall, Evans, Farrier, Springer, Wilhelm
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0 vote
FM 1709 water line
Aqenda Item %16, Extension to Southlake Hills Final Plat
The Zoning Administrator, Karen Gandy, explained to Council the
need to extend the approval of the final plats for Southlake Hills,
Phases I & 2, noting that the plats were previously approved on
April 3, 1990.
John Levitt, Levitt Engineering, was present and commented to
Council that the developer, Dale Poe Development Corporation, does
have full intention of developing the project, however, he feels
that this is not the right time. He asked that Council consider the
request for extension.
Motion was made to approve the
plats for Southlake Hills, Phases
Motion: Springer
Second: Farrier
Ayes: Springer, Farrier, Evans,
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0 vote
one year extension of the final
1 & 2.
Hall, Wilhelm
City Council Minutes
April 2, 1991
page sixteen
Agenda Item #18, City hall Renovation Pro~ect/Acceptinq Low Bid
Director of Public Works, Michael Barnes, explained that bids for
the renovation of City Hall were opened and read aloud on Friday,
March 22, 1991, at 10:00 a.m. The contract calls for a base bid
and four (4) alternate bids. A copy of the memorandum dated March
26, 1991, is hereby attached to the minutes of the this meeting.
Barnes asked Council to consider the low bid from S.D. Peterson
Construction in the amount of $95,700.
Motion was made to approve the recommendation of
Option #1 which illuminates alternate bid of item #3.
Motion: Farrier
Second: Evans
Ayes: Farrier, Evans, Wilhelm, Springer, Hall
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0 vote
City Staff of
Agenda Item #19, Executive Session
Mayor Fickes announced that Council would be going into executive
session at 1:00 a.m., pursuant to the Open Meetings Act, Article
6252-17 V.T.A.S. Section 2(e) 2(f) and 2(g).
Council returned to open session at 1:25 a.m.
Agenda Item #20, Action Necessary/Litigations
No action was necessary in regards to pending or contemplated
litigations, as the result of the executive session.
Agenda Item #21~ Action Necessary/Personnel
No action was necessary in regards to personnel matters including
boards and commissions, as the result of the executive session.
City Council Minutes
April 2, 1991
page seventeen
Aqenda Item #22~ Action Necessary/Land Acquisition
No action was necessary in regards to land acquisition,
result of the executive session.
Aqenda Item #23, Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 1:30 a.m. by Mayor Gary Fickes.
as the
.~h~r~ L. ~eGrand
City Secretary