1991-03-05 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 N. Carroll Avenue REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING March 5, 1991 7:30 p.m. COUNCILMEMBERS: Mayor Gary Fickes; Mayor Pro Tem Betty Springer. Members: W. Ralph Evans, Jerry Farrier, Rick Wilhelm, and Sally Hall. CITY STAFF PRESENT: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager; Billy Campbell, Director of Public Safety; Michael Barnes, Director of Public Works; Lou Ann Heath, Director of Finance; Don Wilson, Fire Chief; Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator; Greg Last, City Planner; Eddie Cheatham, City Engineer; Allen Taylor, City Attorney; and, Sandra L. LeGrand, City Secretary. INVOCATION: Councilmember W. Ralph Evans. The Work Session was called to order at 6:30 p.m. where Councilmembers present reviewed the agenda items for tonight's meeting. The Regular City Council meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m., by Mayor Gary Fickes. Aqenda Item #2, Approval of the Minutes The Minutes of the February 5, 1991, City Council approved as amended. Motion: Springer Second: Hall Ayes: Springer, Hall, Evans, Farrier, Wilhelm Nays: None Approved: 5-0 vote. meeting were The Minutes of the February 19, also approved as amended. Motion: Springer Second: Hall Ayes: Springer, Hall, Farrier, Nays: None Approved: 5-0 vote 1991, City Council meeting were Evans, Wilhelm Aqenda Item #3, Mayor's Report Mayor Fickes announced that the City of Southlake will be preparing a monthly newsletter to be sent to citizens. The intent is to send it each month with the water bill. The newsletter will consist of current events, items of interest, and news from boards and commissions, etc. Preparation of the newsletter will be accomplished by the administrative interin in the General Government Department, under the direction of the City Manager and City Secretary. City Council Minutes March 5, 1991 page two Aqenda Item #3, Continued The Mayor noted that he and the City Council would like to honor military personnel serving in the Persian Gulf War. He asked that anyone who has (or had) a sibling, parent, child, or spouse (or any relative) in the Persian Gulf contact the City Secretary. Mayor Fickes indicated that he will issue a proclamation for each person during a ceremony at City Hall. Mayor Gary Fickes reported that a Joint Meeting with Councils of the City of Colleyville, City of Keller, and City of Southlake, was held on February 26, at the Marriott Hotel in Irving, where items of mutual interest were discussed, including: a joint Fire Station; Police and Fire Dispatching; Storm Drainage; Parks and Beautification; Utilities, etc. Councilmember Rick Wilhelm reported that there has been a 17% return on the surveys sent out by the Southlake Economic Development Council. They are being tabulated now, and a report will be available soon. Also, Wilhelm will be attending a meeting tomorrow sponsored by the North Texas Commission, which is going to be discussing opportunities for local business to participate in the construction of the super conducting super collider. He would like to distribute a break down of items to local businesses, which they would be able to capitalize on. Mayor Fickes noted the death of former City Attorney, William H. "Bill" Smith, who was killed in an automobile accident on March 3, 1991. Smith served as City Attorney from 1980 to 1986. Aqenda Item #4, City Manaqer's Report Curtis Hawk announced that on March 21, 1991, the postal service will be on the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting agenda. Hawk announced that a public hearing for the application for the CCN, the private water system on the north side of town, will be held on April 18, in Austin. Also, the public hearing for the wastewater discharge permit for West Beach is scheduled to be held either on the 24th, 25th, or 26th of April in Southlake. Councilmember Sally Park Estates, as the in that addition. Hall asked about the streets result of the construction on in Continental the sewer line Michael Barnes, Director of Public Works, County has started working on Highland, and on South Kimball Avenue. noted that Tarrant from there will start City Council Minutes March 5, 1991 page three Agenda Item #4, Continued Councilmember Sally Hall stated that the Carroll Independent School District has Just been handed a bill from the state. The schools will have to raise funds which will in turn affect the city. The school will have to have some meetings to determine how to handle this. Mayor Pro Tem Springer added that some seven (7) million dollars over the next five (5) years of funds will go somewhere else. Agenda Item #5, Consent Agenda Award of bids for vehicles and a tow-paver for the Public Works Department. Motion was made to approve £tem #5 as a consent agenda. Motion: Hall Second: Evans Ayes: Hall, Evans, Farrier, Wilhelm, Springer Nays: None Approved: 5-0 vote Agenda Item #6, Public Forum No comments were received during the public forum. Agenda Item #7, Contract with BFI Waste Systems/Recycling Program Director of Public Works, Mike Barnes, informed the Council that he has been working with BFI in an effort to present the contract for a recycling program tonight. He stated that the contract will be reduced to one (1) year, and the renewal is not automatic. They will have to come back to Council in order to renew the contract. Mike Smith, BFI, stated it would be important to them to have an exclusive contract and they prepared the contract with that in mind. He stated that he will have to go back to headquarters to get approval of the conditions from their legal department. Mayor Fickes commented that where the city wants to move is right along with the recycling program. The city will take the advice of the City Attorney in regard to changes to the contract presented. City Council Minutes March 5, 1991 page four Aqenda Item #7, Continued It was determined that if first year, citizens will charged a $6.00 fee. the contract is not extended after the have to turn in their containers or get Motion was made to approve the for Southlake subject to made tonight. Motion: Wilhelm Second: Evans Ayes: Wilhelm, Evans, Nays: None Approved: 5-0 vote BFI Contract for a Recycling Program satisfactory solutions to the comments Springer, Hall, Farrier Mayor Fickes added that he would like to get the contract signed within one week. Aqenda Item #8, Park Master Plan City Planner, Greg Last, stated that the Park Master Plan selection committee consisting of Mayor Pro Tem Springer, Councilmember Jerry Farrier, Steve Bender from the Parks Board, and himself met on February 20, 1991 for final presentations by three selected consulting firms. After a thorough comparison, they unanimously recommend that Schrickel, Rollins, and Associates, Inc. of Arlington, Texas be selected to perform the required services. Mayor Pro Tem Springer commented that the presentations were very informative, and she feels she has learned much about the city. She also thanked Steve Bender from the Parks Board. Hershal Lindley was present from Schrickel, Rollins, and Associates. He stated that they have completed reports in the Cities of North Richland Hills, Colleyville, Hurst, Euless, and Plano. Motion was made to approve the firm of Schrickel, Associates to perform the required services and to City Manager to enter into contractual negotiations. Motion: Farrier Second: Springer Ayes: Farrier, Springer, Hall, Evans, Wilhelm Nays: None Approved: 5-0 vote Rollins, and authorize the City Council Minutes March 5, 1991 page five Aqenda Item #9, Contract with Shade Tree Toys, Playqround Equipment Steve Bender, Park and Recreation Board member, made a presentation in regards to the purchase of playground equipment at Bicentennial Park. He presented a purchase contract for phase two playground equipment, indicating that the funds for these improvements will come from the Parks and Recreation Special Revenue Fund which currently has a balance sufficient to cover these expenditures. The balance in the park fund is $3,636.64. Shade Tree Toys, Inc. will do the phase two installation for $3,636. The contract will include the weather sealing of the phase one equipment, valued at 3% of the phase one order ($3229.) Motion was made to approve the equipment f~om Shade Tree Tdys. Motion: Wilhelm Second: Hall Ayes: Wilhelm, Hall, Springer, Nays: None Approved: 5-0 vote contract for Phase 2 playground Farrier, Evans Aqenda Item #9, Park Use Policy City Planner, Greg Last, stated that the Park Use Policy for Bicentennial Park is one that was recommended for approval by the Park and Recreation Board on March 4, 1991. The concerns previously stated by Council have been resolved. Janet Murphy, Chairman of the Board, was present to answer questions for Council. Motion was made to approve a clause for liability insurance. Motion: Wilhelm Second: Farrier Ayes: Wilhelm, Farrier, Hall, Nays: None Approved: 5-0 vote. the Park Use Policy as submitted, adding Springer, Evans Aqenda Item #11, Presentation Annual Financial Report/Audit Curtis Hawk, City Manager, stated this is the first time the City of Southlake has prepared a Comprehensive Annual Financial Report which includes the Fiscal Year 1990 Audit. Jerry Gaither, with Weaver and Tidwell, made a presentation. He stated the opinion of the auditors is located on page twelve of the report. He added that Lou Ann Heath, during her first month with the city, has spent most of her time gathering information for this report. City Council Minutes March 5, 1991 page six Aqenda Item #11, Continued Gaither stated that the report is divided into three sections: 1) 2) 3) introductory financial section statistical information in the back Mayor Fickes stated the the credit for this report goes to the City Manager and City Staff in getting things under control. Aqenda Item #12, Humane Society Aqreement Director of Public Safety, Billy Campbell, made a presentation stating that currently we have a contract with the Roanoke Humane Society. ~ copy of an agreement is included in the packets for consideration. Mayor Fickes recommended that the Humane Society Agreement before Council be approved. Motion was made to approve the agreement with the Humane Society. Motion: Farrier Second: Evans Ayes: Farrier, Evans, Springer, Hall, Wilhelm Nays: None Approved: 5-0 vote Council adjourned for recess at 9:25 p.m. Council returned to open meeting at 9:50 p.m. Aqenda Item #13, Ordinance No. 480-C, 1st readinq Councilmember Rick Wilhelm reviewed the revisions in Ordinance No. 480-C, which were discussed during a work session held recently in which the Mayor, Counctlmember Hall and himself were present, as well as members of staff. A copy of the suggested changes is incorporated into the minutes (see memorandum from Zoning Administrator, Karen Gandy, dated March 1, 1991.) No comments were received from the audience as the result of the public hearing. City Council Minutes March 5, 1991 page seven Agenda Item #13, Continued Motion was made to tonight's discussion. Motion: Wilhelm Second: Evans approve Ordinance No. 480-C, as amended in Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance. Ayes: Wilhelm, Evans, Nays: None Approved: 5-0 vote Springer, Farrier, Hall The City Manager, Curtis E. Hawk, left the meeting at this time, as he was ill. Agenda Item' #14~ Discussion:' Animal Control Ordinance Director of Public Safety, Billy Campbell, led the discussion in regards to an animal control ordinance, in an effort to get a feel for Council concerns. He will prepare the ordinance for Council consideration in the near future. Agenda Item #15, Executive Session Mayor Gary Fickes executive session 6252-17 V.T.A.S. announced that Council would be going into pursuant to the Open Meetings Act, Article Council convened in closed session at 11:35 p.m. Council returned to open session at 12:35 a.m. Agenda Item #16, Action Necessary/Litigation No action was taken as the result of the executive session in regards to pending or contemplated litigation. Agenda Item %17, Action Necessary/Personnel Matters No action was taken as the result of the executive session in regards to personnel matters, including Boards and Commissions. Agenda Item %18, Action Necessary/Land Acquisition No action was taken as the result of the executive session in regards to land acquisition. City Council Minutes March 5, 1991 page eight Aqenda Item #19, Resolution 91-11, Appointment to Library Committee Resolution 91-11 was approved, naming Art Sorenson to the Southlake Library Committee. Motion: Farrier Second: Evans Ayes: Farrier, Evans, Springer, Hall, Wilhelm Nays: None Approved: 5-0 vote Aqenda Item #20, Resolution 91-13~ Appointment to P&Z Councilmembers instructed the City Secretary to advertising for applications to the Planning and Zoning and did not make an appointment during the meeting. continue Commission Aqenda Item #21, Resolution 91-14, Appointment to Parks Board Councilmembers instructed the City Secretary to continue to advertise for applications to the Park and Recreations Board and did not make an appointment during the meeting. Aqenda Item #22, Adjournment Motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 12:37 a.m. Motion: Wilhelm Second: Hall Ayes: Wilhelm, Hall, Springer, Evans, Farrier Nays: None Approved: 5-0 vote. ATTEST: Sandra L. LeGrand City Secretary