667 N. Carroll Avenue
Regular City Council Meeting
January 15, 1991 7:30 p.m.
COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Pro Tem Betty Springer. Members:
W. Ralph Evans, Jerry Farrier, Rick Wilhelm and, Sally Hall.
ABSENT: Mayor Gary Fickes.
CITY STAFF PRESENT: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager; Billy Campbell,
Director of Public Safety; Michael Barnes, Director of Public
Works; Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator; LouAnn Heath, Finance
Officer; Greg Last, City Planner; Eddie Cheatham, City Engineer;
Don Wilson, Fire Chief; Wayne Olson, City Attorney; and, Sandra L.
LeGrand, City Secretary.
INVOCATION:" Councilmember ~. Ralph Evans
The work session was called
Councilmembers present reviewed
to order at 6:30 p.m. where
the agenda items for tonight's
The Regular City Council
by Mayor Pro Tem Betty
meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m.
Springer, in the absence of Mayor Gary
Agenda Item ~2, Approval of the Minutes
The Minutes of the January 2, 1991
approved as submitted.
Motion: Wilhelm
Second: Evans
Ayes: Wilhelm, Evans, Hall, Farrier
Nays: None
Abstention: Springer
Approved: 4-0-1 vote
City Council meeting were
Agenda Item #3, Mayor's Report
Mayor Pro Tem Springer noted that City Council has been invited to
attend a meeting with the City of Colleyville and City of Keller,
for the purpose of discussing items of mutual interest.
Mayor Pro Tem Springer announced that the Special Election will be
held on January 19, 1991, between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00
p.m. at city hall. She urged all registered voters in the city to
vote. A Special City Council Meeting will be held on January 21,
1991 at 7:00 p.m. to canvass the election.
City Council Minutes
January 15, 1991
page two
Agenda Item #3, Continued
The Mayor Pro Tem announced that a couple of Councilmembers and
members of city staff will be meeting with Planned Cable Company on
January 16, 1991. Council is aware of some of the problems that
the citizens are having with the cable service and hopefully this
meeting will result with solutions to these problems.
A meeting will be held on January 17, at 10:00 a.m. at Marriott
Solana with the State Highway Department in regards to the State
Highway 114 reconstruction project.
Agenda Item %4, City Manager's Report
Curtis Hawk} City Manager, noted that the Department Reports are in
the packets. If there are questions, the Department Heads are
present to respond to the questions.
Councilmember Jerry Farrier commended the work being done by the
Public Works Department on the pot holes which were repaired during
the recent bad weather.
Agenda Item ~5, Consent Agenda
The consent agenda item was presented, including:
Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a Contract
with Cheatham and Associates for engineering the
bridge on North White Chapel Blvd.
Motion was made to approve the consent agenda as presented.
Motion: Farrier
Second: Wilhelm
Ayes: Farrier, Wilhelm, Springer, Hall, Evans
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0 vote.
Agenda Item %6, Public Forum
No comments were received during the public forum.
Agenda Item %7, Ordinance No. 527, 2nd reading. Firearms
The City Manager, Curtis Hawk, reported that the ordinance on
Firearms before Council is one that has been amended as the result
of the 1st reading of the ordinance.
The public hearing resulted with no comments from the audience.
City Council Minutes
January 15, 1991
page three
Agenda Item 97, Continued
Motion was made to approve the 2nd reading of Ordinance No.
Motion: Hall
Second: Farrier
Mayor Pro Tem Springer read the caption of the ordinance.
Ayes: Hall, Farrier, Evans,
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0 vote
Wilhelm, Springer
Councilmember Rick Wilhelm stepped down for Agenda Item
and #9.
Agenda Item #8, Ordinance No. 480-38, 1st reading. ZA 90-66
The Zoning Administrator, Karen Gandy, introduced Ordinance No.
480-38, 1st reading (ZA 90-66), a zoning change request for a
14.0748 acre tract of land out of the Littleberry G. Hall Survey,
Abstract No. 686, Tracts lC and 1C3. Current zoning is
Commercial-2 and the requested zoning is S-P-2 (Generalized) Site
Plan District. The owners of the property are; Trustees,
E-Systems, Inc. Pool Trust and the Estate of J. F. Schnitzer,
Inetta Schnitzer, Executrix. The applicant is PIMA Properties.
Ms. Gandy noted that fourteen (14) letters were sent to property
owners within 200' and to date she received no written responses.
On December 20, the Planning and Zoning Commission tabled the item,
and on January 3, 1991, they recommended approval by a 4-2 vote,
adding that the Planning and Zoning Commission members were
concerned with C-3 Zoning, as the uses were too intense.
It was established that the Cheatham review letter requirements
have all been met.
David McMahan, PIMA Properties, 1335 Hidden Glen, Southlake.
Mr. McMahan explained that he and Mr. Frank Plani are the owners of
PIMA Properties. They have done business together for the past
five (5) years.
McMahan indicated that the total space of the project is 115,000
square feet. Phase I consists of 100,000 square feet, however,
they will only build the space as needed. By reference, this site
will be slightly smaller than Skaggs in Grapevine. He noted that
the design of the center has not been finalized as of this date.
This is not the final site plan, but only for review purposes
during the zoning action. It is understood that the site plan
must be approved by City Council prior to building permits being
City Council Minutes
January 15, 1991
page four
Agenda Item %8, Continued
As a matter of history, McMahan noted that this property has been
zoned for commercial purposes for more than twenty (20) years. It
was zoned for commercial purposes prior to Diamond Circle Estates
being developed. In 1987 it was reclassified to R-2 and more
recently to C-2. He asked that certain uses be excluded in C-2 and
C-3 districts. Ail the market studies indicate that this is a
desirable location for that being proposed.
Mayor Pro Tem Springer noted that some of the things City Council
has concerns with are: sidewalks, landscaping, ingress-egress, etc.
Public Hearing.
Keith Letsinger, 804 Pearl .Drive. Mr. Letsinger noted he moved to
Southlake in May, 1989. He presented a petition with 160 names,
which were obtained within the last two (2) weeks. He has been
concerned that City Council has made up their minds before hearing
what the citizens have to say about the request. Mr. Letsinger
stated he feels that the shopping center will be like a magnet to
the kids. He does not think it is proper to build on that property
until the infrastructure is in place. He asked that Council not
change the zoning at this time.
Janie Mabry, 913 Emerald Blvd. Mrs. Mabry stated that she is
opposed to the zoning change because of concerns for the children
by the city park. The City Park is an enjoyable asset. It is poor
judgement and master planning to change this zoning. The traffic
is dangerous near the park. She asked that Council please not
allow a shopping center of any kind at this site.
Kathy Letsinger, 804 Pearl Drive. Traffic and safety are her
concerns. Mr. McMahan stated that White Chapel Blvd. was to be
widened to 84' Safety is a great concern because of this
additional development. She understands that sidewalks are not
included with the bond package.
Tamara McMillan, 1023 Mission Drive. Ms. McMillan stated that they
all come from different parts of the United States. They all chose
Southlake as their homes. It offers a quality of life. She asked
City Council to re-think this. She asked City Council to create a
task force with one member from each neighborhood that is being
considered for change, along with an appraiser and a lender.
Councilmember Sally Hall asked Ms. McMillan if she were not a
resident, what does she feel would be a suitable zoning. McMillan
replied, "office".
City Council Minutes
January 15, 1991
page five
Agenda Item ~8, Continued
Bob Dowdy, 1018 B Diamond Blvd. Mr. Dowdy addressed landscaping
and S-P-2 Zoning. He said if the City Council zones it, "hold it
and don't develop it until the proper time, when the infrastructure
is in place."
Randall Boyd, 807 Pearl Drive. Mr. Boyd addressed business and due
diligence (doing homework). He asked if Council has investigated
PIMA Properties. If the center folds, Mr. McMahan will be long
gone and they will be looking at an empty center.
Councilmember Sally Hall stated that Council is well aware of the
traffic counts and supporting data along FM 1709. FM 1709 was
scheduled to be complete in~1989. It will be done, if not started
in 1992. white Chapel Blvd. has always been designed as an 84'
right of way. Hall stated she understands the concerns about
sidewalks and the need for safety to the park.
Mayor Pro Tem Springer added that City Council has more control
with S-P-2 zoning than with Commercial-2 zoning. She added that
she resents the implication that her mind was made up prior to
listening to citizen comments.
Lee Schiavolin, 823 Pearl Drive. Mr. Schiavolin commented that
they all chose the community because of what it has to offer. He
thinks all the elements are in place, and they are opposed to S-P-2
zoning. They cannot stop progress, it is coming whether they like
it or not. The timing is not right for this zoning.
Infrastructure is not in place. Currently there are twelve (12)
developments in different stages of development. They want to see
planned and orderly growth. Let a shopping center come when the
time is right.
Ms. Hall noted that City Council is looking for commercial
developments as a tax relief. We need to generate a tax base and
give the property owners some tax relief.
Jay Mabry, 913 Emerald. Mr. Mabry stated that it is easy to get
emotional. Money and safety are the two real issues. The people
who live in Southlake want their homes and neighborhoods. The
developers want a "blanket" alcoholic beverage permit. If you let
one in, you have to let them all in. Is the developer willing to
guarantee their investments? When a business fails, it becomes an
eye sore. This one will fail because they will not support it.
There is no reason to make White Chapel a large street.
City Council Minutes
January 15, 1991
page six
Agenda Item #8, Continued
Jay Mabry, 913 Emerald, stated that they are going to continue to
circulate their petitions.
David McMahan stated that he cannot make everyone happy. He has
never seen a time when money was tighter; however, if financing is
available, they will do it. They are putting in major anchor
tenants. The building would be one story; however, grocery stores
do have a mezzanine.
Public Hearing closed.
Councilmember Jerry Farrier stated that the City Council
responsibility is to the entire citizenry, not just the 161 who
signed the "petition. He fe'els the land can support the commercial
use. If City Council does not accept S-P-2, they lose all
control. He does not want to see a strip center on that property.
S-P-2 zoning is the best thing that could happen to the property
for all the citizens. People shop out of convenience, not out of
vendetta. The development is not taking away park land, only the
property loaned to the city for ballfields.
Councilmember Ralph Evans stated that City Council is concerned
about safety, traffic, and the things that go up in the backyard.
He has been here twenty-six (26) years, and the nearest house was
one-fourth mile away. He has seen the City change.
Councilmember Sally Hall thanked all the homeowners and stated it
is difficult for City Council to make decisions and they need
citizen support. PIMA Properties could have gone into city hall and
got a building permit to build anything under C-2 zoning. The
zoning was in place for several years, but he wanted S-P-2, which
is harder on him and provides little control by City Council. Ms.
Hall prefers the S-P-1 because it allows City Council to address
the citizen concerns.
Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 480-38, 1st reading with
the stipulations that were discussed concerning bufferyards, and
remove the classifications in the letter dated January 15, 1991
from McMahan , and if needed, provide the sidewalks as requested by
adjacent homeowners.
Motion: Evans
Second: Hall
Mayor Pro Tem Springer read the caption of
Ordinance No. 480-38.
City Council Minutes
January 15, 1991
page seven
Agenda Item %8, Continued
Ayes: Evans, Hall, Farrier, Springer
Nays: None
Approved: 4-0 vote
Mayor Pro Tem Springer announced that the second reading
of Ordinance No. 480-38 will be held on February 5, 1991.
Council adjourned for recess at 10:20 p.m.
Council reconvened to open session at 10:45 p.m.
Agenda Item %9, Resolution 91-02 (ZA 90-71) Specific Use Permit
for Alcoholic Beverages
Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, introduced a request for a
Specific Use Permit for Alcoholic Beverage Sales, for the property
known as Crossroads Square, as discussed in agenda item #8.
Mrs. Gandy noted that fifteen (15) letters were sent to property
owners within 200' On January 3, the Planning and Zoning
Commission recom~nended approval by a 4-2 vote, limiting to the sale
of beer only to one (1) grocery store and one (1) drug store, at
the northwest corner of the center.
David McMahan, PIMA Properties, was present to answer questions for
the Council. He stated he is requesting the permit to sell beer at
one (1) grocery store and one (1) drug store. He added that there
are currently eleven (11) establishments.in Southlake that sell
beer. The convenience store location there will not add any burden
to Southlake. He requested that taverns and bowling alleys be
stricken from the list of uses. Concerns: Park, schools, churches.
They want the opportunity to compete in the market.
Public Hearing:
Charles Broadway, 600 Bentwood Lane. Mr. Broadway thanked the
D.A.R.E. Program in Southlake. He asked that Council stop
alcoholic beverages in the city, and he feels our ordinances are
too weak.
Dale Ryder, 193 South Pine Street. Mr. Ryder is pastor of the
White Chapel United Methodist Church. He asked that the permit for
alcoholic beverages, off premises, be limited to two buildings in
the shopping center. That way the applicant will have to come
back to Council for additional permits.
Public hearing closed.
City Council Minutes
January 15, 1991
page eight
Agenda Item 99, Continued
Councilmember Sally Hall referenced the fact that in 1973, an
election was held where Precinct 3 was voted wet for off premises
packaged beer. She feels that a grocery store is a far more
responsible place for the sale of off premises packaged beer.
Mayor Pro Tem Springer agrees with Mrs. Hall's comments, and feels
that the bulk of beer in convenience stores gets opened in the
parking lot, whereas in a grocery store, that is not likely the
Councilmember Hall stated that she feels the children should be
educated in regards to the use of alcoholic beverages, as our city
is surrounded by cities that sell alcoholic beverages.
Motion was made to approve Resolution
to the grocery store and drug store.
Motion: Evans
Second: Farrier
Ayes: Evans, Farrier, Springer, Hall
Nays: None
Approved: 4-0 vote
91-02, limiting the permits
Councilmember Wilhelm returned to the Council table.
Agenda Item 910, Ordinance No. 480-39, 1st reading.
Ordinance No. 480-39, 1st reading (ZA 90-69), a Zoning change
request for a 3.267 acre tract of land out of the Hiram Granberry
Survey, Abstract Not 581, Tract 4C. The property is located east
of south White Chapel Blvd., approximately 2,200 feet south of FM
1709. Current zoning is Agricultural, request is for the SF -lA
Zoning District.
Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, introduced the agenda item,
stating that ten (10) letters were sent to property owners within
200' and received one response, from Lenora Herran, who is opposed
because she feels this zoning will affect her property in the
future years.
Wilfred Anderson, 110 Cross Creek, Grapevine. He stated this is a
simple change of zoning in order for them to build a home on the
The public hearing resulted with no comments during the meeting.
City Council Minutes
January 15, 1991
page nine
Agenda Item #10, Continued
Motion was made to approve Ordinance No.
Motion: Wilhelm
Second: Evans
1st reading.
Mayor Pro Tem Springer read the caption of the ordinance.
Ayes: Wilhelm, Evans,
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0 vote
Springer, Hall
Item #11, ZA 90-70, Plat Showing, Lot 1 Hiram Granberry Addition
Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, stated that the Plat Showing of
Lot 1, Himam Granberry No. 581 Addition, is described as being
3.267 acres out of the Hiram Granberry Survey, Abstract No. 581.
The property is located east of south White Chapel Blvd.,
approximately 2,200 feet south of FM 1709. Owners, wilfred and
Veronika Anderson were present for the meeting to answer questions
for Council.
Motion was made to approve ZA 90-70 Plat Showing, with the
implementation of Item %1 in the January 9, 1991, Cheatham review
Motion: Wilhelm
Second: Farrier
Ayes: Wilhelm, Farrier, Springer, Evans, Hall
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0 vote.
Agenda Item %12, Discussion: Request by Mike
Park #2 Addition.
Greg Last, City Planner, explained this item to City Council in
that Mike O'Brien would like to informally discuss the issue of
subdividing a lot in order to give a portion to his son. A copy of
the memorandum presented to Council is hereby incorporated into the
Peggy Cardinal, daughter of Mr. O'Brien was present to discuss the
issue with Council.
After discussion, it was agreed upon that an "emergency access
easement" would be considered by the City Council.
City Council Minutes
January 15, 1991
page ten
Agenda Item ~13, Award of Bid for Fire Dept. Grass Truck
This item was presented to City Council by Director of Public
Safety, Billy Campbell, who stated that based on the analysis and
consideration of all the factors involved, it is recommended that
the City Council reject all the initial bids and award the chassis
bid to North Loop Dodge for $17,601 and the body apparatus to Casco
Industries for $28,558.31, with a total cost of the complete turn
key at $46,159.31.
Motion was made to reject the bids of December
Fire Department Grass Truck.
Motion: Wilhelm
Second: Hall
Ayes: Wilhelm, Hall, Springer, Farrier, Evans
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0 vote
18, 1990 for the
Motion was made to approve the bid from North Loop Dodge and from
Casco Industries as recommended by the Director of Public Safety.
Motion: Wilhelm
Second: Hall
Ayes: Wilhelm, Hall, Springer, Farrier, Evans
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0 vote
Agenda Item #14, Special Election
The City Manager, Curtis Hawk, explained that this item was placed
· on the agenda in order to give Council the opportunity to discuss
the Special Election to be held on January 19, 1991.
Agenda Item 915, and #16 Discussion: Ord. 75 and Ord. 418
Curtis Hawk explained to Council that Ordinance No. 75,
Sanitation, and Ordinance No. 418, Flood Control, were
the Council agenda for discussion. He stated that the
are in need of revisions in order to strengthen them.
Health and
placed on
A~nda Item #17, Executive Session
Mayor Pro Tem Springer announced that Council would be going into
executive session pursuant to the Open Meetings Act, Article
6252-17 V.T.A.S.
Council convened in closed session at 12:10 a.m.
Council returned to open session at 1:20 a.m.
City Council Minutes
January 15, 1991
page eleven
Agenda Item #18, Action Necessary/Litigation
No action was taken during the executive
pending or contemplated litigations.
in regards to
Agenda Item #19, Action Necessary/Personnel
No action was taken during the executive session
personnel matters, including boards and commissions.
in regards to
Agenda Item 920, Action Necessary/Land Acquisition
No action was taken during the executive session in regards
to land
Agenda Item ~21, Resolution 91-01, Appointment to Board of
Motion was made to approve Resolution 91-01, naming Fred Joyce as a
regular member filling the unexpired term of Stephen Apple, and,
appointing Patty McCarty as Alternate #2, for a term to expire in
May, 1991.
Motion: Wilhelm
Second: Evans
Ayes: Wilhelm, Evans, Farrier, Springer, Hall
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0 vote
Agenda Item #22, Adjournment
Mayor Pro Tem Springer adjourned the meeting at 1:25 a.m.
City Secretary
Mayor Pro ~ Bg%ty ~nger