2013-02-04—� ' v Students and Parents Against Risks to our Kids Teens & Parents are invited to a powerful town hall meeting on February 4, 2013 7:30pm - 9:00pm at CSHS. Parents and Students (Grades 7-12) are urged to attend. S.P.A.R.K. wants to start a conversation in every home. Our children are growing up in a very difficult world where Anxiety and Depression are far too preva- lent. • How do parents and teens talk to each other about painful subjects • How does a parent know when their child is struggling • What can your child do if they see a friend in crisis The Grant Halliburton Foundation will present this "Must -See" program. Please go to www.granthalliburton.org for more information. Any questions please contact Laura Hill 817-797-0782 Lhill@downeypublishing.com J I Y( Y SOUTHLAKE 0 L�1 CARROLL INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Sponsored By: TCCNS �O SCHOLARS & ATHLETES SERVING OTHERS