667 N. Carroll Avenue
December l, 1992 7:00 p.m.
COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Gary Fickes; Mayor Pro Tem, Rick
Wilhelm; Deputy Mayor Pro Tem, Jerry Farrier. Members: Barry
Emerson, Jon Michael Franks, Mike O'Brien, and Stephen Apple.
CITY STAFF PRESENT: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager; Director of
Finance, LouAnn Heath; Director of Community Development, Greg
Last; Director of Public Works, Mike Barnes; Zoning Administrator,
Karen Gandy; Assistant to the City Manager, Chris Terry; City
Engineer, Eddie Cheatham; Deputy Director of Fire Services, Jerry
Williams; Code Enforcement Officer, Eddie Wilson; Fire Marshal
Roger Stewart; City Attorney, Wayne Olson; and, Sandra L. LeGrand,
City Secretary.
INVOCATION: Councilmember Jerry Farrier
The Work Session was called to order at 6:30 p.m.
Councilmembers present to discuss the agenda items in
for tonight's meeting.
in order for
Mayor Gary Flckes called the Regular City Council Meeting to order
at 7:05 p.m.
Aqenda Item #i-B~ Executive Session
Mayor Fickes hereby advised the audience that Council would be
going into executive session pursuant to Section 2(e) 2(f) 2(g)
2(J) of the Open Meetings Act, to seek the advice of our City
Attorney with respect to pending and contemplated litigations, to
discuss the purchase, exchange, lease or sale of real property, and
to consider the appointment and evaluation of public officials and
regarding the deployment of specific occasions for implementation
of security personnel or devices. Council adjourned into executive
session at 7:05 p.m.
Council returned to Open Session at 8:05 p.m.
Aqenda Item %1-C~ Action Necessary/Executive Session
No action was necessary at this time, as the result of the
executive session.
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes
December 1, 1992
page two
Aqenda Item #2~ Approval of Minutes
The Minutes of the November 17, 1992,
approved as presented.
Motion: Farrier
Second: Franks
Ayes: Farrier, Franks,
Nays: None
Approved: 7-0 vote
City Council Meeting were
O'Brien, Apple, Wilhelm,
Emerson, Fickes
Aqenda Item ~3~ Mayor's Report
Mayor Gary Fickes announced that Southlake City Council will be
participating in the Greater Grapevine Christmas Parade, to be held
on December 3, 1992 in Grapevine.
The Mayor also announced that on December 8, 1992, the City Council
will be holding a joint work session with the Carroll I.S.D. to
discuss items of mutual interest, such as dual utilization of
Aqenda Item #4~ City Manager's Report
No comments were made during this agenda item.
Agenda Item #5, Consent Aqenda
The consent agenda consisted of the following items:
5-A Permission to Advertise for Bids to Replace Lights on
Ballfield #1 at Bicentennial Park.
5-B Permission to Advertise for Bids for Mower for the
Street Department.
5-C Permission to Advertise for Bids for Renovation of the
Outside Walls of the Community Building.
5-D Permission to seek proposals for Computer Systems.
5-E Bank Custodial Agreement
Motion was made to approve the consent agenda items #5-A, #5-B,
#5-C, %5-D, removing #5-E from the list of consent items.
Motion: Wilhelm
Second: Apple
Ayes: Wilhelm, Apple, Emerson, O'Brien, Farrier, Franks, Flckes
Nays: None
Approved: 7-0 vote
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes
December 1, 1992
page three
Aqenda Item ~5-Et Bank Custodial Aqreement
Councilmember Barry Emerson did not vote on this item.
Motion was made to approve consent agenda item #5-E as presented.
Motion: Apple
Second: Farrier
Ayes: Apple, Farrier, Franks, O'Brien, Wilhelm, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 6-0 vote
Information on Consent Aqenda Items
Permission to advertise for bids: Replace Lights on
..Ballfield #1 at .Bicentennial Park. $30,00 was dedicated
from the Special Revenue Park and Recreation Fund for the
replacement of Field #1 lights. The money is still in the
fund from FY 1991-92 budget. Anticipated bid date is
Permission to Bid: Mower for Street Department.
FY 1992-93 Street Budget shows $30,000 for a side mount
mower for the Street Division. Anticipated bid date is
Permission to Bid: Renovation of the Outside Walls
of the Community Building. FY 1992-93 Park Budget shows
$15,000 to renovate the outside walls of the Community
Building. The exterior walls will be replastered with an
acrylic plaster cladding process.
Permission for Proposals: Computer Equipment. FY 1992-93
Budget includes various personal computer equipment in
several of the departments. The estimated total cost of
all the equipment exceeds $5,000. State Purchasing Law
requires cities with less than 50,000 population to
competitively bid purchases that are estimated to exceed
$5,000. Opening of proposals is anticipated for 12-30-92.
Southlake currently has an undated, yet approved,
custodian agreement with Texas National Bank and Texas
Independent Bank, Dallas. TNB is required to pledge
securities for deposits Southlake may have at any given
time that exceeds $100,000 FDIC insurance limits. These
securities must be held by a third party independent bank
in pledged safekeeping. TIB serves in this capacity for
Southlake and Texas National Bank. This custodian
agreement would be effective so long as TNB serves as the
City's Depository Bank.
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes
December 1, 1992
page four
Aqenda Item #6-A~ Public Forum
No comments were discussed during this agenda item.
Agenda Item #6-B~ Public ADDearance
Rob Glover, 265 Chapel Downs, Southlake. Mr. Glover stated he is
president of the Oak Hills Estates, Homeowners Association and they
are present tonight because they have concerns with the proposed
extension of Chapel Downs as it appears on the new Thoroughfare
Plan. They would like to see the street stop at the end of their
neighborhood. They are not concerned with who buys the property to
the west, only what will happen to the roadway.
Glover added, he attended.the August 6, 1992 Planning and Zoning
Commission Meeting, where the proposed Thoroughfare Plan was on the
agenda. They are asking for Council to revise the plan to stop the
roadway at Oak Hill Estates, and not extend to the west.
Hal Ottersen, 245 Chapel Downs Drive, Southlake. Mr. Ottersen
presented a map showing several city subdivisions, and alleged
there are inconsistencies in the subdivisions in regard to
thoroughfares going through the neighborhoods. He compared the
city plans in the selection of his residence. He and his wif.
looked for closed neighborhoods. He also showed photographs of the
"no outlet" sign at the end of Chapel Downs Drive, which indicated
to them the road would not be extended.
Howard Toole, 325 White Chapel Downs Drive, Southlake. Mr. Toole
was the first resident in Oak Hills Estates. He stated when they
looked at Oak Hills Estates, they tried to find out if this would
be a closed subdivision. He noted there are twenty-six (26) school
aged children on Chapel Downs Drive. When people are traveling
west to east, they will crest a blind hill, and will also
experience a glare on the windshield. As a through street, it will
open up the possibility of a "cut thru" street. Currently there
are twenty-two (22) subdivisions that exhibit a cul-de-sac in
Southlake at the current time, rather than extend to other
Karen Markum, 305 W. Chapel Downs, Southlake. Mr. Markum stated
she visualizes hazards involving the small children that come with
through streets. She mentioned her small child was almost hit by a
motor vehicle on her street and the trauma it has caused her. She
encourages Council to lean toward safety for the children's sake.
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes
December 1, 1992
page five
Aqenda Item #6-B~ Continued
Jim Murphy, 660 Truelove Trail, Southlake. Mr. Murphy stated he
feels ample precedent has been set by the twenty-two (22) closed
subdivisions in Southlake. He referenced the petition which has
been presented to the City Secretary with 100% of the neighbors
in their addition signing the petition. They asked what is next--
they want to work through the issues with the City.
Councilmember Barry Emerson commented the "barricade and stubbed
street" should have told the homeowners something.
Councilmember Wilhelm stated the issue will come to surface when
the zoning request for the property to the west comes to City
Council and P&Z. Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, noted the plat
will come to P&Z on December 17, 1992, for the entire tract of land.
Mayor Fickes commented he feels the City Council
understands the comments made and the concerns.
Aqenda Item #7-A~ Ordinance No. 577~ 2nd readinq Campinq
Ordinance No. 577, relating to Overnight Camping was discussed in
2nd reading. The City Manager stated there are no changes from the
first reading. Section 2 does provide for permitted use under the
Zoning Ordinance in certain circumstances. The companion Ordinance
No. 480-I, will be on the December 3, 1992 Planning and Zoning
Commission meeting agenda and is planned to come before City
Council on December 15, for 1st reading.
The public hearing resulted with no comments from the audience.
Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 577, leaving out
"Overnight" and referring to "Camping" only.
Motion: Franks
Second: Apple
Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance.
Ayes: Franks, Apple, O'Brien, Wilhelm, Emerson, Farrier, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 7-0 vote
Agenda Item #7-B~ Ordinance No. 571, 2nd readinq, Lone Star Gas
Franchise Agreement
The City Manager, Curtis Hawk commented the change requested to
Ordinance No. 571, Lone Star Gas Company Franchise Agreement, in
Section 2 line nos. 2 and 3 substituting "public right-of-way" for
"city streets" has been made. All other provisions remain the same
and Lone Star is agreeable.
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes
December 1, 1992
page six
Agenda Item #7-B~ Continued
Vernie Henderson, Manager of Lone Star Gas Company, was present and
stated this ordinance will replace the existing agreement that will
expire in December, 1992.
The public hearing resulted with no comments from the audience.
Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 571, 2nd reading,
Motion: Wilhelm
Second: Emerson
Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance.
Ayes: Wilhelm, Emerson, O'Brlen, Franks, Farrier, Flckes
Nays: Apple
Approved~. 6-1 vote
Mayor Fickes thanked Vernie Henderson and Lone Star
Gas Company, they have done a good job taking care of the
problems of a couple of years ago.
Councilmember Barry Emerson stepped down for Items #8-A,
#8-B, and #8-C. Items 8-A and 8-C, as Texas National
Bank has a pending loan application on this project and
he is the lending loan officer. Item #8-B, as Texas
National Bank has a current loan on this property and he
is the servicing loan officer.
Agenda Item #8-A~ Ordinance No. 480-67A~ 1st readinq Miron
Ordinance No. 480-67A, 1st reading, (ZA 92-55), is a zoning change
request for a 1.00 acre tract of land situated in the J.A. Freeman
Survey, Abstract No. 529, being legally described as a portion of
Lot 2B, Gorbutt Addition, and a revised concept plan for proposed
Lots 2 & 3, Block 1 of the Miron Addition. Current zoning is "C-2"
and "S-P-2;" requested zoning is "S-P-2" Generalized Site Plan
District for a large animal veterinarian clinic (totally enclosed)
and "C-2" uses. Owner: Robert W. Miron. Applicant: Paul Bruton,
Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator presented the case stating in
May, 1992, Council granted "S-P-2" zoning with certain "B-2" uses
to the area of the previous "B-2" request shown as Block 1, Lot 2,
Miron Additon on the original concept plan approved at that time.
Mr. Miron indicated that the intended use was for mini-warehouses.
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes
December 1, 1992
page seven
Agenda Item #8-A~ Continued
At this time, Mr. Mtron has reconfigured and renumbered the lots on
the concept plan and plans to incorporate a portion of Lot 3 into
Lot 2 and sell this acre site to Dr. Bruton for a veterinarian
clinic. Six (6) notices were sent to property owners within 200'
and no written responses have been received. Mr. Jon Napper made a
verbal inquiry. On November 19, 1992, the Planning and Zoning
commission recommended approved with a 5-0 vote, subject to the
Plan Review Summary dated November 12, 1992, with the following
recommendations: 1) that the exhibit show a shared access easement
between Lot 2R, Block 1 with the lot to the East and 2) that there
be a temporary turnaround at the west end of Miron Drive.
Mr. John Levitt, Levitt Engineers, 726 Commerce, Southlake, noted
they object to item #~ in the review summary dated 11-292 due to
the large specimen pecan trees that would have to be removed. Mr.
Levitt also noted there will be no overnight stay of horses and
there will be no corals, as it will all be inside.
Jon Napper, 4222 Hallmark Drive, Dallas.
are concerned that there needs to be
related to overnight stay of the animals.
be approved with restrictions.
Mr. Napper stated they
more understanding as it
He asked that the zoning
Dr. Bruton, 1125 Cable Creek, Grapevine. Dr.
not have room to put stalls on the property,
will be inside.
Bruton stated he does
and all facilities
Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 480-67A, subject to the
2nd Summary Review Letter dated November 25, 1992, with exception
of item #6.
Motion: Wilhelm
Second: Apple
Mayor Fickes read the caption of the Ordinance.
Ayes: Wilhelm, Apple, O'Brien, Farrier, Franks, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 6-0 vote
Agenda Item #8-B~ ZA 92-56, Plat Revision of Miron Subdivision
ZA 92-56, Plat Revision of 15.522 acres situated in the J.A.
Freeman Survey, Abstract No. 529, being legally described as the
Miron Subdivision and Block 1, Lot 2B, Gorbutt Addition, and being
revised to Block 1, Lots 1-3, and Block 2, Lots 1-3 Miron Addition.
Owner: Robert W. Miron.
Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator noted two (2) notices were sent
to property owners within 200' and no written responses have been
received. One verbal response was received from Jon Napper on
behalf of Smock and Husseini Joint Venture, who expressed
opposition to the possible extension of Miron Drive to South
Carroll Avenue.
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes
December 1, 1992
page eight
Agenda Item #8-B, Continued
The Planning and Zoning Commission on November 19, 1992,
recommended approval with a 5-0 vote, subject to the Plat Review
Summary dated November 13, 1992, adding the following two
comments: Provide a 15' drainage easement along the east line of
Lot 2, Block 1; and, Show access easement on Lot 2R in the
Northeast corner.
Greg Last, Director of Community Development, added as an amendment
to the Summary Review Letter dated 11-25-92, on item #11, add a 15'
utility easement along FM 1709.
John Levitt, Levitt Engineers, noted they need clarification of
item #3 and item #5. They will get with Mr. Last in regard to
these i~ems. Levitt added, basically they are combining two final
plat, the Gorbett Addition and Miron Addition.
The City Attorney noted he wants the Deed Restriction Statement on
the plat.
Mr. Levitt agreed with placing the Deed Restriction Statement on
the plat.
Jon Napper, 4222 Hallmark Drive, Dallas. Mr. Napper stated he ha.
asked since November 1991, where is the road going to be. He is
extremely opposed to having the road stub to his property. He
asked that the plat show a permanent cul-de-sac on Miron Drive. It
is not a good mixture of thoroughfare roads, according to Napper.
Levitt stated he can pull the street back and not stub it or
anything, showing a cul-de-sac on the plat.
Motion was made to approve the Plat Revision subject to the 2nd
Summary Review Letter dated November 25, 1992, modifying #5 as
discussed, deleting #8 and #9, and adding %11, as requested by Greg
Last, adding 15' utility easement along F.M. 1709 and requiring
that Miron Drive end at a turn around cul-de-sac.
Motion: Wilhelm
Second: Farrier
Ayes: Wilhelm, Farrier, Franks, O'Brien, Apple, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 6-0 vote
Agenda Item #8-C~ ZA 92-57~ Site Plan for Miron Addition
ZA 92-57 is a Site Plan approval in the "S-P-2" Zoning district and
building permit to construct a veterinarian clinic for large
animals on a 1.00 acre site situated in the J.A. Freeman Survey,
Abstract No. 529, and to be legally described as Block 1, Lot 2
Miron Addition. Owner: Robert W. Miron. Applicant: Paul Bruton,
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes
December 1, 1992
page nine
Aqenda Item #8-C~ Continued
Zoning Administrator, Karen Gandy, noted on November 19, 1992, the
Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval of ZA 92-57,
subject to the Plan Review Summary dated November 12, 1992. The
reco~mendation was subject to showing and labeling the common
access easement from Lot 2R to the East and mirror the footprint of
the proposed building. The second Summary Review Letter was
presented, dated November 25, 1992, adding a comment from Greg Last
on item #8 to add a landscape island on the West property to
replace one parking stall.
Motion was made to approve the Site Plan subject to the November
25, 1992 Summary Review Letter, adding item #8, a landscape island
be added on the West property to replace one (1) parking stall.
Motion: 'Apple
Second: O'Brien
Ayes : Apple, O'Brien, Wilhelm, Farrier, Franks, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 6-0 vote
Council adjourned for recess at 9:55 p.m.
Council returned to Open Session at 10:05 p.m.
Councilmember Barry Emerson returned to the Council
Aqenda Item %10-A~ Drainage Easement Agreement with Michael Benton
The City Manager requested no action be taken on this item at the
request of City Staff.
Aqenda Item #10-Bt Aqreement
Southlake-Stanhope Addition
between D. Hardy/City of
Curtis Hawk stated this item proposed an agreement between Mr.
David Hardy and the City of Southlake pertaining to condemnation of
a drainage easement to serve the proposed Stanhope Addition.
Mayor Fickes stated this item was tabled approximately thirty (30)
days ago in order for the two parties involved, David Hardy and Joe
Moore to try and work out an agreement in regard to the drainage
easement on Mr. Moore's property.
David Hardy stated he feels they have gotten closer on a dollar
amount. He has spoken with five (5) different appraisers, and they
will take into consideration the issues of safety and, the
emotional factor. It is not more than a fee simple transaction, as
they are not selling the property, according to Hardy.
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes
December 1, 1992
page ten
Aqenda Item #10-B~ Continued
Mayor Fickes referenced the costs which Mr. Moore has in this
issue, considering he is an unwilling participant. The Mayor
indicated he does not want this to go with condemnation, stating he
would like for the two parties to continue trying to work together,
and that he feels they will spend more money in legal fees should
they not work together.
Mr. Hardy stated he feels a third party arbitrator would be
helpful. He does not think they will make anymore headway.
Councilmember Wilhelm asked in the event the city, for the good of
the city, elects to condemn a tract of land, what are the steps?
City Attorney, Wayne Olson replied, the value is determined by the
fair market value and that it is technically done by an appraiser.
The City is under no legal duty to condemn this land for the
Stanhope Addition. If the city decides it is in the city's best
interest not to put the drainage easement in that location, that is
this council's decision to make.
Councilmember Wilhelm
parties work this out.
stated Council has tried to let the two
He suggests a third party arbitrator and ar
The Attorney for Joe Moore stated they do not want a third party,
they prefer to go through the legal proceedings.
Wayne Olson stated once initiated by the City only the two parties
can drop the process. He noted initially the fees will be
approximately $5,000, if appealed, another $5,000 to $20,000, plus
the costs for appraisals and costs of the taking.
Motion was made to take no action of this agenda item.
Motion: Franks
Second: O'Brien
Ayes: O'Brien, Apple, Franks, Fickes
Nays: Farrier, Emerson, Wilhelm
Approved: 4-3 vote (to take no action).
Mayor Flckes noted this item is off the agenda until
such time there is a request by a Councilmember to put
it back on the agenda.
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes
December 1, 1992
page eleven
Aqenda Item #10-C~ Resolution No. 92-55t Authorizinq Condemnation
of a Drainaqe Easement on Joe Moore's Property
Resolution No.
condemnation of
92-55, authorizes the City Attorney to proceed with
a drainage easement across Mr. Joe Moore's
Motion was made to take no action on Resolution No.
Motion: Franks
Second: O'Brien
Ayes: Franks, O'Brien, Apple, Fickes
Nays: Wilhelm, Farrier, Emerson
Approved: 4-3 vote (to take no action)
Councilmember Rick Wilhelm asked Mr. Hardy and Mr. Moore
that this time ~e used in a constructive way in regard to
agenda Item #10-B, and #10-C.
Agenda Item #10-Dt Contract with Cheatham for Engineerinq for
Desiqn of $1.5 Million Street Bond Proqram
Director of Public Works Mike Barnes stated at the November 17,
1992 City Council meeting, Council selected the following streets
to be designed for reconstruction for the $1.5 Million Street Bond
Carroll Road from SHll4 to Dove Creek
Carroll Road from FM 1709 to SHll4 and Dove Creek
to Dove Road
Carroll Road from Dove Road to Burney Lane
S. Peytonville from Continental Blvd to FM1709
Realignment of FM 1709 and Carroll Road
Realignment of White Chapel and Dove Road
Acquisition of row for reconstruction of S.
Peytonville Road.
The total cost for this service is #149,625, adding, the fees
presented by Cheatham and Associates are fair, reasonable, and
conform to good engineering practice. Staff would recommend
approval of the engineering contract.
Councilmember Rick Wilhelm again suggested bike lanes and
sidewalks should be considered during this time.
Motion was made to approve the Contract with Cheatham and
Associates for Engineering Services for the Design of $1.5 Million
Street Bond Program.
Motion: Emerson
Second: Franks
Ayes: Emerson, Franks, Farrier, O'Brien, Apple, Wilhelm, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 7-0 vote
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes
December 1, 1992
page twelve
Agenda Item #10-Ed Contract with Cheatham for Engineering for the
Design of $1.5 Million Water Improvements Program
Michael Barnes, Director of Public Works stated in the 1991-92
Budget, staff, in conjunction with Lewis McLain, analyzed the
City's Water and Sewer Rate Structure. As part of that analysis,
the staff proposed $1,3,000 of water improvements that would be
paid from the water and sewer rates and impact fees, but would not
increase the rates.
The projects are as follows:
Develop a high pressure plane that will include
the installation of 12" water lines, high service
pumps at Keller pump Station and
put into service the existing .5 million gallon
elevated storage tank on Florence Road.
Installing 12" and 6" water lines and appurtenances
along Kimball Road, Shady Lane, Greenbough, Rolling
Hills, Hlllcastle, and Hilltop Drive.
Installing a 12" water line and appurtenances along
State Highway 114, from White Chapel to North
The construction project is a total amount of $1,300,000 which
includes construction, engineering, and surveying, but does not
include any easement or right-of-way costs.
According to the contract with Cheatham and Associates to provide
for the engineering and surveying costs associates with the
improvements described, the total engineering contract is in the
amount of $123,125.
and Associates for Engineering Services for the Design
Million Water Improvements Program.
Motion: Apple
Second: Emerson
Ayes: Apple, Emerson, O'Brien, Farrier, Franks, Wilhelm,
Nays: None
Approved: 7-0 vote
was made to approve entering into the Contract with Cheatham
of $1.3
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes
December 1, 1992
page thirteen
Agenda Item #iO-Ft Developers Agreement/Crossroad Square
Director of Public Works, Mike Barnes, introduced this agenda item
stating, the Crossroad Square Developer's Agreement is the City's
standard developers agreement with four (4) other issues that the
developer needs to comply with, including:
Lift Station and Force Main
Park Fees
Perimeter Street Fees
Off-Site Drainage
Ail of the above fees and infrastructure facilities have been
installed or paid. This agreement is being presented to City
Council for their approval.
Curtis Hawk, City Manager, stated other fees not noted in the
memorandum from Mr. Barnes, include the developer agrees to pay
$6,600 for the forced main that serves only his property.
Councilmember Rick Wilhelm stated he will abstain
from taking action on this item, due to the fact
that he represents the developer of Crossroads
Motion was made to approve the developer's agreement of Crossroads
Square as presented.
Motion: O'Brien
Second: Apple
Ayes: O'Brien, Apple, Emerson, Farrier, Franks, Fickes
Nays: None
Abstention: Wilhelm
Approved: 6-0-1
Aqenda Item #10-G~ Electronic Readerboard Sign permit for Carroll
High School
Mike Barnes, Director of Public Works commented this application
for a readerboard sign to be placed at Carroll High School has been
requested by the Carroll Independent School District. The sign is
to be placed along FM 1709 in front of the new high school, with a
fifteen foot (15') setback from the right-of-way. Section 17(e) of
Ordinance No. 506 states that, "All electronic readerboard signs
must be approved by the City Council". Because the sign ordinance
does not place limitations on electronic readerboard signs, the
maximum allowable square footage, height requirements, etc., are at
the discretion of the City Council.
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes
December 1, 1992
page fourteen
Aqenda Item #10-G~ Continued
Eddie Wilson, Code Enforcement Officer stated a concern is
brightness of the sign with traffic on FM1709. This sign has a
dimmer switch and is to be located 25 foot from the edge of the
road. Also the sign does not back up to a residential development.
Jackie Mayfield, CISD, was present and stated the sign will
be paid for by Dr. Pepper and Coke. The only cost to the
School District is for installation.
Mayor Fickes stated he does not feet there will be a problem
with this sign, due to the size of the letters.
Motion was made to approve the request for an Electronic
Readerboard Permit for Carroll High School.
Motion: Wilhelm
Second: Emerson
Ayes: Wilhelm, Emerson, Farrier, Franks, O'Brien, Apple, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 7-0 vote
Aqenda Item #Ii-A, Discussion: Ordinance No. 572, 1991 Uniform
Fire Code with Local Amendments~ Amendinq Sections of the
Uniform Buildinq Code pertaining to Fire Safety Provisions
Jerry Williams, Deputy Director of Public Safety, Fire Services,
led the discussion in regard to the adoption of the 1991 Uniform
Fire Code with local amendments and amending Sections of the 1991
Uniform Building Code pertaining to Fire Safety provisions.
Roger Stewart, Fire Marshal, was presented and informed Council
that the parking specifications are being taken out of "policy"
form and incorporated into ordinance form.
The City Manager reminded the City Council about the
Appeals Board that would become involved where
problem with enforcement of this ordinance.
need for an
there may be a
Mayor Flckes suggested two Councllmembers be selected to work on
this ordinance with Jerry Williams and Roger Stewart.
Councilmember Mike O'Brien and Councilmember Rick Wilhelm agreed to
participate in this review of the ordinance.
The City Manager feels this ordinance will be ready to be brought
back to Council for consideration of first reading on the first
meeting in January, 1993.
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes
December 1, 1992
page fifteen
Agenda Item #12, Adjournment.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:15 a.m.
by Mayor Fickes.
S~ndra L. LeGrand
City Secretary
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(n and address)
I have a substantial interest in this business entity for the
following reasons: (Check all which are applicable)
74 Q Ownership of 10% or more of the voting stock or
... shares of the business entity.
/ Ownership of 10% or more or $5,000 or more of the
fair market value of the business entity.
Funds received from the business entity exceed 10%
of gross income for the previous year.
Real property is involved and
have an equitable or legal ownership with a fair
market value of at least $2,500.
A relative of mine has a substantial interest in the
business entity or property that would be affected
by a decision of the public body of which I am a
r member.
Upon filing of this affidavit with the City Secretary, I affirm
that I will abstain from voting on •ecision involving this
business entity and from any furt - par , •ation on this matter
Signed this , day of A , 19
+*� Signatu e of official
oft G A.I•c; L srtnbw■ � a o*
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ell /1 1 4e 4' *VP t_czA2.,*./ 401-
BEFORkME, th dersigned authority, this day personally appeared
y y k.f�,Q and on oath stated that the
facts here above stated are true to the best of .
knowledge o belief.
Swor4 to and subscribed to before me on this / day of
/ V1tii�/? ;�l.G (1 , 19 i& .
01111 .
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' _ • tart' • • c n an • or
Notary Public
STATE OF TEXAS the State of Texas
My Comm. Exp. 02,'04193 •
My Commission Ex e- c 6dfl 1,E ooloL
Type/Print Notary's Name