1992-09-01 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 N. Carroll Avenue REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 1, 1992 7:00 p.m. MINUTES COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Gary Fickes; Mayor Pro Tem Wilhelm; Deputy Mayor Pro Tem Jerry Farrier. Members: Mike O'Brien, Stephen Apple, Barry Emerson, and Jon Michael Franks. Rick CITY STAFF PRESENT: City Manager, Curtis E. Hawk; Director of Public Safety, Billy Campbell; City Planner, Greg Last; City Engineer, Eddie Cheatham; Zoning Administrator, Karen Gandy; Assistant to the City Manager, Chris Terry; Deputy Director of Public Safety, Fire Services, Jerry Williams; City Attorney, Wayne Olson; and, Sandra L. LeGrand, City Secretary. INVOCATION: Councilmember Jerry Farrier The Work Session was called to order at 6:30 p.m. in order for Council to discuss the agenda items for tonight's meeting. Mayor Gary Fickes called the Regular City Council meeting to order at 7:07 p.m. Agenda Item #I-B~ Executive Session Mayor Fickes hereby advised the audience that Council would be going into executive session pursuant to Section 2(e) 2(f) 2(g) 2(j) of the Open Meetings Act, to seek the advice of our City Attorney with respect to pending and contemplated litigations, to discuss the purchase, exchange, lease or sale of real property, and to consider the appointment and evaluation of public officials and regarding the deployment of specific occasions for implementation of security personnel or devices. Council adjourned into executive session at 7:10 p.m. Council returned to Open Session at 7:45 p.m. Aqenda Item ~I-C~ Action Necessary/Executive Session No action was necessary as the result of the executive session. Aqenda Item #2t Approval of the Minutes Motion was made to approve the Minutes of the August 18, 1992, City Council meeting as modified in work session. Motion: Emerson Second: O'Brien Ayes: Emerson, O'Brien, Apple, Wilhelm, Franks, Farrier, Fickes Nays: None Approved: 7-0 vote City Council Meeting Minutes September 1, 1992 page two Aqenda Item #3~ Mayor's Report Mayor Fickes reported on the "Get Together" which was held on August 27, 1992 at Solana, Westlake, for the Metroport Cities Partnership, adding, the gathering was a big success. The Mayor stated the Lake Cities Community Band which performed at Bicentennial Park on Monday, August 31, 1992 was attended by approximately 100 people. The Southlake Lions Club sponsored the concert. The Mayor stated he is hopeful the sixty (60) member band will perform on a regular basis in and around Southlake. A Proclamation was presented, proclaiming the week of September 20-26 as Tarrant County Harvest Week. The organization was formed in 1991 as an all volunteer, nonprofit organization to help feed hungry people in Tarrant County. The Mayor added that approximately 250 volunteers work for this cause. Aqenda Item #4~ City Manaqer's Report The City Manager noted the Telephone Book Recycling Program is over, and it is estimated that eight and one-half tons of phone books were collected, which equates to 146 large trees. On September 9, 1992, at 7:00 p.m. a Sales Tax Task Force will be held. Anyone wishing to participate with this welcome to attend. meeting group is The deadline for Southlake Leadership Class is September 4, 1992. Aqenda Item #5~ Consent Aqenda The consent agenda consisted of items %5-A and #5-B. 5-A. Resolution No. 92-37, renewal of contract with Tarrant County for collection of Ad Valorum Taxes. 5-B. Dedication of Right-of-Way along Randol Mill Road, by Jim Martin to the City of Southlake. Motion was made to approve the consent agenda as presented. Motion: Apple Second: Emerson Ayes: Apple, Emerson, Wilhelm, O'Brien, Farrier, Franks, Nays: None Approved: 7-0 vote Fickes Item #5-C, was removed from the Consent agenda at the request of Councilmember O'Brien. City Council Meeting Minutes September 1, 1992 page three Information of Consent Items 5-ao Resolution No. 92-37, a renewal contract with Tarrant County for collection of Ad Valorem Taxes. Finance Director proposed changes to include: expanding monthly reports to include rollback tax report; deleting the right to increase the transactional fee if the city contracts with a law firm other than the firm contracted by the Commissioners' Court; add provision that the county will mail tax bills by October 1 and notify city of mailing date; change the effective date from "during the 1992 tax year" to "through September 30, 1993"; refunds will be in accordance with Section 31.11 Property Tax Code; and, add the right to perform audit of tax collections at the County as they relate to the City's collections. Jim Martin Agreement: stating the City will pay for plating of Mr. Martin's existing developed property, approximately 4 acres at the northwest corner of FM 1709 and FM 1938, if he will agree to dedicate sufficient property (approximately 17 feet) for an 84 foot row on Randol Mill Road. Cost of plating process will not exceed $1,500. Cheatham and Assoc. will preform the surveying work and prepare the plat. Aqenda Item #5-C~ Resolution No. 92-38~ Policy Position on Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program The City Manager, Curtis Hawk explained the resolution stating it supports a continuation of the current decentralized approach among Tarrant, Dallas, Denton, and Collin Counties to meet emission standards set forth in the Federal Clean Air Act. Such an approach calls for continued vehicle emissions testing procedures and improved enforcement actions. The North Central Texas Council of Governments' Air Quality Advisory Committee has studied this issue and developed the auto emission inspection and maintenance policy position. The NCTCOG action regarding auto pollutants is aimed at creating a cost effective regional approach to dealing with this critical environmental problem. A key element of the NCTCOG recommendation is to solicit support from State entities such as the Governor's Office, State Legislators, and the Texas Air Control Board to institute local air pollution control programs that provide adequate enforcement measures. City Council Meeting Minutes September 1, 1992 page four Agenda Item #5-C~ Continued After discussion by Council and non-successful motions, motion was made to table Resolution No. 92-38 until further information can be obtained on this issue. Motion: Wilhelm Second: Farrier Ayes: Wilhelm, Farrier, Franks, O'Brien, Apple, Emerson, Fickes Nays: None Approved: 7-0 vote Aqenda Item #6-A~ Public Forum Colby Springer, 1024 Mission Drive, Southlake. Mr. Springer was present .representing the Lake Cities Community Band, thanking the City Council for their contribution to the band as expressed in the FY 1992-93 Annual Budget. He referenced the concert which was held at Bicentennial Park on August 31, 1992, also thanking the community for their support of the band. Aqenda Item #6-B~ Public Appearance: Community Profile Bethann Scratchard, 1420 Whispering Dell Court, Southlake. Mrs $cratchard was present as a representative of the Southlak~ Economic Development Council, presenting to Council the SEDC Community Profile. Mayor Fickes stated the Community Profile tells an impressive story of the City of Southlake. Councilmember Rick Wilhelm thanked Greg Last for his work and guidance on the profile, along with Karen Gandy, Tom Elgin, Linda Carpenter, and others who worked on it. Wilhelm stated it was a policy decision that there will be a $15. charge per copy. He also thanked the City Council for their continued support, and he is looking forward to continued action by the SEDC. Agenda Item #7-A~ Ordinance No. 480-H~ 2nd readinq Ordinance No. 480-H, is an amendment to Section 34, "Accessory uses," to allow tents in all nonresidential districts for the purpose of promoting retail sales for a period not exceeding twenty-three (23) days twice annually with a sixty (60) day separation between uses. City Council Meeting Minutes September 1, 1992 page five Aqenda Item #7-A~ Continued The Zoning Administrator, Karen Gandy explained the ordinance is the result of a request from Rick Stacy for use of a tent on his commercial property. The proposed Ordinance amendment addresses permit fees, compliance with the zoning regulations, and that it be in accordance with Article 32 of the Uniform Fire Code. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended the use be permitted for 23 days instead of 21 days as noted on the agenda. The public hearing resulted with no comn~ents from the audience. Motion was made to approve presented. Motion: Franks Second: Apple Ordinance No. 480-H, 2nd reading as Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance. Ayes: Franks, Apple, Wilhelm, Nays: None Approved: 7-0 vote O'Brien, Farrier, Emerson, Fickes Agenda Item ~ 7-B~ Ordinance No. 569~ 2nd readinq. FY 92-93 Budget The City Manager, Curtis Hawk, stated the changes requested by the City Council during the August 18, 1992, City Council meeting have been incorporated in the summary sheets which are in the packets. Councilmember Stephen ApDle stated, once again, if there should be extra funds in the budget, he would like to see an increase in salaries for employees. He stated he feels strongly about this and asked the minutes to reflect his wishes. The public hearing resulted with no comments from the audience. Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. Year 1992-93 Annual Budget. Motion: Emerson Second: Farrier 569, 2nd reading, Fiscal Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance. Ayes: Emerson, Farrier, Franks, O'Brien, Nays: None Approved: 7-0 vote Apple, Wilhelm, Fickes City Council Meeting Minutes September 1, 1992 page six Aqenda item #7-C, Ordinance No. 570~ 2nd reading. Tax Levy The City Manager, Curtis Hawk, stated the staff has paid particular attention to the need to maintain the tax rate at the current level. It is important that we maintain the ratio of the maintenance and operation portion of the tax rate to the total rate. The tax rate being approved will stay the same as in the current year at $.4550 per $100. of assessed value. This ratio is divided as follows: Maintenance and Operation: .32232 Debt Service: .13268 There were no comments during the public hearing. Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. Tax Levy. Motion: .Apple Second: Franks 570, 2nd reading, for the Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance. Ayes: Apple, Franks, Nays: None Approved: 7-0 vote Farrier, Emerson, O'Brlen, Wilhelm, Fickes Aqenda Item #8-A~ Ordinance No. 480-74~ 1st reading. ZA 92-30 Ordinance No. 480-74, zoning change request for 1.17 acres situated in the John A. Freeman Survey, Abstract No. 529, Tract 4Al. Current zoning is "AG" Agricultural, with a request for "O-1" Office-1 Zoning District. Owner: Beverly Bratcher. Applicant: James Phipps dba Paymaster. Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, noted Mr. Phipps is a motivational speaker who plans to use this site for his office staff, Monday through Friday, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. On July 9, 1992, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended the request be denied, and expressed concern about the intensity of the intended use and the impact the parking needs would have on the surrounding neighborhood, especially to accommodate the once-a-month seminars. On July 21, 1992, the City Council approved the tabling of the action until August 4, 1992, to allow the applicant time to prepare a detained description of his business activities and submit it to the City Attorney for an opinion as to the appropriate district for the Paymaster Operation. City Council Meeting Minutes September 1, 1992 page seven Aqenda Item #8-A~ Continued On August 4, 1992, the City Council again tabled the action until the September 1, 1992 City Council meeting. Having received Paymaster's list of intended uses, the City Attorney will prepare an opinion addressing the appropriateness of the Office-1 Zoning District. Mrs. Gandy noted per Section 46.3 of Ordinance No. 480, an affirmative vote of at least three-fourths of all the members of the City Council shall be required to overrule a recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission to deny a proposed change of zoning. Mrs. Gandy noted she presented her response to the letter of intent received, by Mr. Marvin Maloney, attorney of Mr. Phipps, dated July 31, 1992. In her letter she stated, "Having completed a review of the ordinance and all documentation to date, I find that this use should be in the "B-l," Business Service Park district due to the proposed training seminar sessions and their impact on the surrounding residential neighborhoods. It is the intent of the "B-i" district that its permitted uses be designed to be compatible with adjacent single family uses and maintain the character and integrity of the existing neighborhoods." Mrs. Gandy stated the applicant stated he has agreed to eliminate all seminar use from the building on the property being considered for rezoning. Marvin Maloney, 1720 North Beach, Fort Worth, Texas. Mr. Maloney stated they are prepared to amend their letter of intent, on the top paragraph of page two, which stated, "It has been decided in recent days that no Business Opportunity Seminars for the public will be held at the subject site, and therefore no large amount of traffic or vehicles is expected. There will be occasional training seminars provided for the company's area consultants coming in from out of state, but it is estimated that there will be no more than twenty-five (25) additional people at a time in for this training, and that said training will be held on weekends and many of them will be shuttled by van to the property from the airport or the local motels at which they are staying." Mr. Maloney stated the building will be occupied solely to perform daily business with computers, telephones, etc. A copy of his letter of intent is included in the minutes. Councilmember Wilhelm asked the questions, rather than deleting seminars, he would like the applicants to agree that no seminars would be conducted. Mayor Flckes stated he is confused as to what type business Paymaster is. Mr. Maloney stated Paymaster sells "educational materials" and teaches people to put together businesses. It is a multi-level marketing company. City Council Meeting Minutes September 1, 1992 page eight Aqenda Item #8-A, Continued Councilmember Emerson stated he is not convinced that Office-1 is the proper use in that area. He also questions buying a piece of property without seeing about the zoning. Councilmember Franks stated he is not sure that Office-1 or B-1 is the proper use for that land. Mr. Franks suggested possibly a site plan zoning. Councilmember Wilhelm stated he wanted on record an affirmative statement of "no" seminars on the property in question. Public Comments: Don Ramsour, 703 South. Kimball Avenue, Southlake. Mr. Ramsour stated he cannot picture where they will put all the parking spaces suggested by Mr. Maloney. He stated he has not changed his opinions given at the previous meetings. Jerry Forbus, 595 South Kimball Avenue, Southlake. Mr. Forbus stated he has been on record at previous meetings, and his main objection still remains the parking and additional traffic. He is concerned about the long term enforcement of the property. He reminded council of the attempt to rezone in 1983, which failed fo~ similar reasons. Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. Office-1 Zoning District. Motion: Wilhelm Second: Farrier 480-74, 1st reading for Mayor Fickes read the caption of Ordinance No. 480-74 Ayes: Wilhelm, Nays: Emerson, Denied: 4-3 vote Apple, Farrier, O'Brien, Fickes Franks Aqenda Item #8-B~ Ordinance No. 480-76~ 1st readinq (ZA 92-31) Ordinance No. 480-76, is a zoning change request for 1, Jackson Addition from "AG" Agricultural, to Family-lA Residential. Owner: Charles N. Jackson. Block 1, Lot "SF-1A" Single Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, noted twelve (12) letters were sent to property owners within 200' and one (1) response was received from Linda Carter, 1961 E. Highland, who is in favor of the request. On August 20, 1992, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval with a 7-0 vote. No comments were received from the audience or from the applicant. City Council Meeting Minutes September 1, 1992 page nine Agenda Item #8-B~ Continued Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. Motion: Wilhelm Second: Apple 480-76, 1st reading. Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance. Ayes: Wilhelm, Apple, Farrier, Nays: None Approved: 7-0 vote Emerson, O'Brien, Franks, Fickes Council adjourned for recess at 9:40 p.m. Council returned to open session at 9:50 p.m. Agenda Item #8-C~ ZA 92~32~ Plat Showing for Phillip & Elsie Mummert ZA 92-32, is a Plat Showing for Lots 3 & 4, S. Freeman No. 525 Addition, being 2.012 acres situated in the Samuel Freeman Survey, Abstract NO. 525, Tract 5M. Location: 747 Shady Lane at Raintree Drive. Owners: Phillip L. and Elsie A. Mummert. At the request for the applicants, motion was made to table this item, time certain September 15, 1992. Motion: Apple Second: Franks Ayes: Apple, Franks, O'Brien, Farrier, Emerson, Nays: None Approved: 6-0 vote (to table) Flckes Councilmen~ber Wilhelm stepped out of the room and did not vote on item #8-C. Aqenda Item #8-D~ ZA 92-33~ Concept Plan for First American Savinqs Banc ZA 92-33 is a Concept Plan for 4.884 acres situated in the Littleberry G. Hall Survey, Abstract No. 686, Tract 1C3. Owner: First American Savings Banc. Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, noted the Current zoning is "S-P-2" with certain "C-3" uses, adding, the proposed are in compliance with the previously approved "S-P-2" zoning. On August 20, 1992, the Planning and Zoning Commission reconunended approval with a 7-0 vote, subject to the Plan Review Summary dated August 14, 1992, deleting items #1 & #3. Terry Cunningham, A.I.A., 1903 Central Drive, Bedford, was present, representing the owners. Greg Last, City Planner noted in his City Council Meeting Minutes September 1, 1992 page ten Aqenda Item #8-D~ Continued memorandum dated August 27, 1992, the requirements in the previous that the applicants have review letters. met all Motion was made to approve ZA 92-33, Concept Plan, to include the Staff Review Summary dated August 27, 1992. Motion: O'Brien Second: Emerson Ayes: O'Brien, Emerson, Nays: None Approved: 7-0 vote Franks, Farrier, Apple, Wilhelm, Fickes Aqenda Item #8-E~ ZA 92-34~ Site Plan for First American Savinqs Banc ZA 92-34 is a Site Plan approval for a portion of a 4.884 acre tract situated in the Littleberry G. Hall Survey, Abstract No. 686, Tract 1C3, for a branch bank operation of First American Savings Banc. Owner: First American Savings Banc. The Zoning Administrator, Karen Gandy, noted this site plan is fo~ a 1.05 acre site, being a portion of a larger 4.884 acre known a~ Tract 1C3, situated in the Littleberry G. Hall Survey, Abstract No. 686. The current zoning is "S-P-2" with certain "C-3" uses. the applicant proposed a 4,925 square feet two-story structure to be used as a branch bank facility for First American Savings Banc and as offices for a title company. To date, there have been no variances requested for this site plan. Five (5) notices were sent to property owners within 200' and at this time no responses have been received. On August 20, 1992, the Planning and Zoning Commission approved the Site Plan subject to the Plan Review Summary dated August 14, 1992. City Attorney, Wayne Olson commented zoning is not being amended tonight, whatever was previously approved still stands. Motion was made to approve ZA 92-34, Site Plan, subject to the Summary Review Letter dated August 27, 1992. Motion: Franks Second: O'Brien Ayes: Franks, O'Brien, Apple, Emerson, Farrier, Nays: None Abstention: Wilhelm Approved: 6-0-1 vote Fickes City Council Meeting Minutes September 1, 1992 page eleven Aqenda Item #8-F~ Ordinance No. 568~ 1st readinq Contractor Reqistration Curtis Hawk, City Manager, stated this ordinance has been discussed and includes additional language in the "Whereas" section prepared by the City Attorney to address the concerns voiced by the City Council. The definition section has not changed, however, if City Council feels the need to make changes or addition/deletions prior to second reading, it can be changed. After discussion with City Council it was suggested the definitions need to include sign contractor; pool contractor; or, anyone who has to pull a permit. Also, clarify whether a sub-contractor or contractor. Motion was made to approved Ordinance No. 568, 1st reading, with the changes noted above. Motion: Apple Second: Farrier Ayes: Apple, Farrier, Franks, Emerson, O'Brien, Wilhelm, Fickes Nays: None Approved: 7-0 vote Mayor Fickes was not present for Agenda Item #8-G Aqenda Item #8-G~ Ordinance No. 567~ 1st readinq. Ordinance Wastewater Curtis Hawk, City Manager, stated the proposed Wastewater ordinance was prepared by the Trinity River Authority (TRA). This ordinance will allow the City to regulate, control and enforce all wastewater, including industrial wastewater, discharging into the City's collection system. This ordinance is a requirement of the Texas Water Commission and the TRA for the protection of the citizens of Southlake and the surrounding communities that use the TRA system. This ordinance provides for the City to charge an industrial wastewater user for testing, sampling, and monitoring their wastewater discharging into the City's collection system. All fees required will be paid by the user. The actual fees for the different type of testing, sampling, etc., are attached and will be submitted to the Council for adoption by resolution at the September 15, City Council meeting. These fees, if approved, would become effective immediately. City Council Meeting Minutes September 1, 1992 page twelve Agenda Item #8-G~ Continued Ernest Bramlett, Water Superintendent, questions for Council. was present to answer Motion was made to approve Ordinane No. Motion: Emerson Second: Farrier 567, 1st reading. Mayor Pro Tem Wilhelm read the caption of the ordinance. Ayes: Emerson, Farrier, Franks, O'Brien, Apple, Wilhelm Nays: None Approved: 6-0 vote Aqenda Item #8-H~ Ordinance No. 520-A~ 1st readinq. Sewer Rates The City Manager stated Ordinance No. 520-A, amends the wastewater rate provisions of our current ordinance. The water rate remains unchanged. The ordinance in the packets is the current rate schedule. During the 1992-93 budget work sessions, it was proposed that the City adopt a revenue-neutral change to the wastewater rate for customers of the City. The recommendation is a result of comprehensive analysis earlier this year of the City's overall wastewater costs by utility rate consultant Lewis McLain and Cit% Staff. A standard rate that incorporates all elements of the City's wastewater treatment costs is necessary to provide uniformity for all customers. According to the Finance Director, LouAnn Heath, Alternative #3 of the Staff/Consultant report was presented as the most equitable of the choices. This alternative charges all customers a minimum of $9.50, includes 2,000 gallons, plus a volume rate of $1.92 per thousand. Residential maximum wastewater bills would be $24.86 (10,000 gallons), which is $.14 less than the current residential charge. Adoption of this rate will change a minimum billing for all services, (water, wastewater, garbage, sales tax) from $58.92 to $43.42, a decrease of $15.50. It is proposed that this rate ordinance be effective with the October billing, which will be at the end of October 1992. Motion was made to approve the Motion: Emerson Second: Apple 1st reading of Ordinance No. 520-A. Mayor Pro Tem Wilhelm read the caption of the ordinance. Ayes: Emerson, Apple, O'Brien, Franks, Farrier, Wilhelm Nays: None Abstention: Fickes Approved: 6-0-1 City Council Meeting Minutes September 1, 1992 page thirteen Agenda Item #8-I~ Ordinance No. 537~ 1st reading. "No Smokinq" The City Manager, Curtis Hawk, stated during the June 2, 1992, City Council meeting, Council instructed staff to gain community input into the "No Smoking" ordinance process by utilizing area newspapers and organizational newsletters. Articles asking for citizen input have appeared in the Southlake Journal, Southlake Newsletter, and the Cha~ber of Commerce newsletter. City Staff received a total of four (4) telephone responses in favor of adopting smoking regulations. The Chamber of Commerce newsletter article contained a survey designed to gauge the support of the business community for such an ordinance. Five (5) of these surveys were returned to the Chamber office which indicates general support for the proposed ordinance and its provisions. Mr. Hawk informed Council that the city attorney did not write this ordinance, Chris Terry drafted the ordinance using the North Central Texas Council of Governments model ordinance. Staff has asked the City Attorney to look at this ordinance, implementing the changes as reco~Taended to the definitions, and other things. Mr. Hawk feels it is appropriate to bring this ordinance back during the next meeting for 1st reading, if Council wishes. Question was asked how will we implement the method will we use to inform the businesses to the effective date. ordinance, and what in the City, in regard Councilmember Apple would like to see the ordinance move from a minimum enforcement to the mid-enforcement level. Motion was made to approve the 1st reading of Ordinance No. 537, with changes implemented into the ordinance, as suggested by the City Attorney and Councilmembers. Motion: Emerson Second: Apple Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance. Ayes: Emerson, Apple, Nays: None Approved: 7-0 vote O'Brien, Wilhelm, Farrier, Franks, Fickes Agenda Item %ll-A~ Discussion: Ordinance No. 571~ Lone Star Gas The City Manager, Curtis Hawk, stated the ordinance draft which is in the packets, is at the point to send it to the City Attorney's for review. Hawk noted they are still talking about the placement of the regulators and where this should fit in the agreement. City Council Meeting Minutes September 1, 1992 page fourteen Agenda Item #11-At Continued Mayor Fickes stated he would like the city to spend a lot less money on the review of the ordinance, than was spent on Southwestern Bell Franchise agreement. Councilmember Wilhelm asked for a provision in the ordinance where holes from installation of gas lines are filled in in a more timely manner. Vernie Henderson, General manager of Lone Star Gas Company, stated Lone Star stands ready to meet with Council members and Staff during a work session or anytime, in order to discuss this proposed franchise agreement. Agenda Item #11-Bt Discussion: Issues for Economic Development This items was not discussed during the meeting. Agenda Item #ll-C~ Discussion: Crossroads Square Development~ Sewer & related Fees The City Manager, Curtis Hawk referenced a memorandum from Mike Barnes, Director of public Works, in regard to the sewer and related fees for Crossroads Square Development, stating at th~ beginning of the Crossroads Square Development, the engineer for the development, Levitt Engineers' submitted to the City Engineer plans for a lift station and force main to serve the development. Levitt engineers submitted to the City two sizes of lift station pumps that were proposed to meet the Texas Water Commissions (TWC) minimum requirements. The first was two (2) 100 gpm pumps and the second was three (3) 50 gpm pumps. When these two sizes of pumps were submitted, the City Engineer and Staff determined that these pumps were the minimum that the TWC and developer required. The minimum required force main for both sizes of pumps was a 4" line. If the Council agrees that the City should pay the differential cost between the different sizes of lift stations, the developer will submit a cost estimate for the three (3) 43 gpm pumps, 3 inch force main and any difference there may be in the west well and ancillary facilities. Staff will get their own cost estimates for the proposed facilities and determine the estimated cost for the three (3) 43 gpm pumps and 3 inch force main. When an acceptable price for the pumps and force main can be determined between the city and developer, that cost will be subtracted from the actual cost of the two (2) 100 gpm pumps and 4 inch force main and the difference be reimbursed to the developer. It is estimated that this cost difference will be between $5,000 and #10,000. City Council Meeting Minutes September 1, 1992 page fifteen Aqenda Item %11-C, Continued Curtis Hawk stated he Agreement to Council be addressed. feels Staff needs to present a Developers for approval that will spell out what needs to Agenda Item %l-B~ Executive Session~ Continued Council reconvened in executive session at 11:20 p.m. Council returned to open session at 11:30 p.m. Agenda Item #9-A, Resolution No. 92-35t Appointment to Board of AJustments Motion was made to approve Resolution No. 92-35, naming Bill Towler as Alternate %2, on the Board of Adjustments, moving Sharon Hobbs to Alternate %1, thereby making Karen Reynolds a regular member of the board. Motion: Wilhelm Second: Farrier Ayes: Wilhelm, Farrier, Franks, Emerson, Apple, O'Brien, Fickes Nays: None Approved: 7-0 vote Aqenda Item #9-Bt Resolution No. 92-36~ Appointment to SEDC No action was taken on Resolution No. 92-36. additional applications to the Southlake Council. Council will seek Economic Development Agenda Item %12~ Adjournment The Meeting was adjourned at 11:35 p.m. ATTEST: ~andra L. LeGrand City Secretary C ! IU 1/1" 0\. ii Z CA nrn to PR . viDa R lil v ` L 1 is v iNi el J o : r . : ; I C 1 1.-7... z C c\N1 : ' S I F- - I ' . t - CI = ii:owe p c tr„...•. II r lei ; . ccl vs — rn —? AUG- 3 -92 MON 12:25 MARVIN L. MALONEY 8178340916 P.02 OP Law Office MARVIN L. MALONEY r & ASSOCIATES, P.C. -A Professional Coipoiadon ( N L MALONEY, J.D. 1720 N. BEACH (817) 834-ATTY =OHM DO 111:14.11 SWOUIS FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76111 FAX (817) 834-0016 is 0 July 31, 1992 Ms. Karen P. Gandy, Zoning Administrator City of Southlake *' 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas 76092 0. RE: Letter of Intent Zoning Action No. 92 -30 Jimmy Phipps d /b /a Paymaster /Multifax Property at 710 South Kimball Road Dear Ms. Gandy: As I have indicated in prior correspondence to you, I represent Mr. ' Jimmy R. Phipps regarding the subject pending application for zoning change. on After reviewing the zoning laws for the City of Southlake, and after meeting with Mr. Phipps and his support staff, the following e• is our formal statement of the intended use of the subject property. is DESIRED CLASSIFICATION: We desire that the zoning classification be changed from its present "Agricultural Use" to "Office -1 ". ;NTENDED USE OF LAND AND STRUCTURE The subject 2550 square foot, one story building situated on slightly over one (1) acre of land will be used for the operation of Paymaster /Multifax, which sells educational materials and or training manuals, and provides computer support to its students. OCCUPANCY LOAD - PRESENT AND FUTURE: `"' On a daily basis there is presently nine (9) clerical and 0* management employees of Paymaster, including Mr. Phipps. Many of these people are related and therefore share rides to and from work and thereby minimize traffic and parking requirements. It is projected that in the next two (2) years the company will grow to require a maximum of twenty -five (25) employees to administer the services of the company. AUG— 3 -92 MON 12:26 MARVIN L. MALONEY 8178349916 P.03 vim Page 2 *m Mrs. Karen P. Gandy, Zoning Adminstrator city of Southlake July 31, 1992 air It has been decided in recent days that no Business Opportunity Seminars for the public will be held at the subject site, and therefore no large amount of traffic or vehicles is expected. im There will be occasional training seminars provided for the company's area consultants coming in from out of state, but it is PI. estimated that there will be no more than twenty -five (25) additional people at a time in for this training, and that said training will be held on weekends and many of them will be shuttled by van to the property from the airport or the local motels at `"' which they are staying. 1. PARKING SPACER: Based upon the plat or survey attached hereto as provided by Wendell Hancock, a licensed surveyor, it will provide twelve (12) angle parking spaces off the street in a paved parking lot and thirteen (13) parallel spaces on the side street. These twenty -five (25) parking spaces exceed the city's requirements by approximately fifty percent (50 %) based upon the building's square footage and - its intended use. rr ACCESS FOR INGRESS AND EGRESS: • m its Because Kimball Road is a somewhat marrow street, it is planned that all vehicles coming to and from the office will do so by the 1.0 short distance to the South on Kimball Road and then traveling on Crooked Road; thereby eliminating any additional traffic on Kimball Road to the North. - APOLOGY FOR GROUND BREAKING CROWD: Mr. Phipps and his staff sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused by the large crowd which appeared at the ground breaking /dedication ceremony which occurred on July 4, 1992. In their zeal to show off the newly acquired property, they did not go., intend to offend any neighbors or cause any inconvenience to anyone. BUMMARYt The subject property is immediately adjacent to an industrial type building. The occupancy load will be limited to a maximum of "' twenty -five (25) employees during the week and no more than twenty- five (25) consultants coming in occasionally on weekends. The proposed parking spaces are more than adequate. The vehicle rw AUG- 3 -92 MON 12:27 MARVIN L. MALONEY 8178340016 P.04 mow✓ 1 mew' 0100 Page 3 Mrs. Karen P. Gandy, Zoning Adminstrator City of Southlake July 31, 1992 kr traffic created by this business will be minimal and werouted to the South. There will be no noise, no pollution, 410 manufacturing, no large neon signs and no disturbance whatsoever created by their proposed zoning change and /or use. Based upon the above, we respectfully request that th yode zoning change to "A -1" be granted, and we thank you for time IN and consideration. I will be happy to answer any questions either personally or at the scheduled Council Meeting on September 1, 1992. 40,. Yours very truly, LAW OFFICES OF MARVIN L. MALONEY & ASSOCIATES, P.C. By: Marvin L. Maloney 1 • MLM /ra cc: Mr. Jimmy Phipps li Enclosure (1) it , mow 1111 ''\ Rut h CI - to iti 1 In . _ , 1 I t i 1 0 1 1 1: C ityof South Iake5 ... khereas. a-: ` x Tarrant County Harvest, ' �. . '; , Inc. was formed in 1991 as an all volunteer, nonprofit i 0 organization to help feed hungry people in Tarrant County; '� :`\ ,� = `p and ` t , ,t . Whereas, more than 400,000 pounds of wholesome, nutritious food , ;% a x ` ' / �Y l has been harvested that otherwise would have been discarded; and, .3 V Whereas, donations from more than 80 food establishment donors have . been coordinated by 250 volunteers and without any money being spent; and, Whereas, more than 50 recipient agencies have benefitted from Tarrant County Harvest, assisting them in feeding hungry people; now, therefore, I, MAYOR GARY FICKES, of the City of Southlake, Texas, do hereby proclaim the week of SEPTEMBER 20 - 26, 1992 as TARRANT COUNTY IIARVEST WEEK Passed and approved this the 1st day of September, 1992. ::.., :.::: .;:c..... - I •.. ::: ,.::::::: O p k,,,,/,,,,im,,,,,,_, Mayor, Ci y of Southfake / City Secretary