2013-01-08CITY OF
Special Senior Advisory Commission Meeting:
January 8, 2013
LOCATION: Southlake Senior Activities Center
307 Parkwood Dr
Southlake, Texas
Members Present: Chair Dick McCauley, Vice Chair Nancy Sporn and Secretary
Marge Kyle; SAC members David Baltimore, Beverly Blake, Jean Boland, Charlie Boyd
and Louis Braun
Commission Members Absent: None
Staff Members Present: Deputy Director of Community Services; Kari Happold,
Deputy Director of Community Services: Nancy Brown, Senior Services Coordinator;
and Communications & Website Manager Pilar Schank
Guests: City of Southlake Director of Finance Sharen Jackson
Liaisons: MMOW representative Darla Fowler; and Bernie McCauley, SSFI
representative; and Milton Blake
Public Forum: None
Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order — The meeting was called to order by Chairman
McCauley at 1:06 p.m.
Agenda Item No. 2A. Consent: Approval of the November 27 2012 special Senior
Advisory Commission meeting minutes — There was a correction to the minutes to show
that Jean Boland nominated Dick McCauley as Chair instead of David Baltimore.
A motion was made and amended to approve the minutes of the November 27, 2012
meeting as amended.
Motion: Baltimore
Second: Braun
Ayes: Baltimore, Blake, Boland, Boyd, Braun, McCauley, Kyle and Sporn
Nays: None
Abstention: None
Vote: 8-0
Motion Carried.
City of Southlake Values:
Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork
Senior Advisory Commission
Minutes of the January 8, 2013
Page 2 of 3
Agenda Item No. 3A. Discussion: Guest Presentation — City of Southlake Director of
Finance Sharen Jackson — Director Jackson gave a detailed informative presentation on
all phases of the 2013 city budget and financial issues related to the May referendum.
Agenda Item No. 3B. Discussion: Senior Advisory Commission/Southlake Steering_
Committee Relationship — A copy of the Southlake Steering Committee's bylaws was
distributed. Following discussion, the Commission agreed to table the item for
discussion at the next meeting.
Agenda Item No. 4A. Report: Senior Services Coordinator — Senior services coordinator
Brown reported activities at the center and mentioned a new housekeeping program
and the refurbishing of the Center. Progress is being made on the "Call System" and
automated ID cards for members.
Agenda Item No. 4B. Reports: Metroport Meals On Wheels — MMOW representative
Fowler presented a report. New restaurants will be contacted to participate in the senior
center lunches.
Agenda Item No. 4C. Report: Call A Ride Southlake — Chair McCauley reported over
50% of the requests for transportation are to the senior center.
Agenda Item No. 4D. Report: SPIN — Commission member Baltimore asked for
comments from the members for the SPIN meeting.
Agenda Item No. 4E. Report: Southlake Steering Committee — No report other than
discussion as noted in Item 3B.
Agenda Item No. 3F. Report: Southlake Senior Funding Inc. — No report this meeting.
Agenda Item No. 4G. Reports: City Manager's Office & Community Services —
Communications & Website Manager Schank announced Assistant City Manager Blagg
will retire effective January 30, 2013 and Alison Ortowski will replace Mr. Blagg
February 1, 2013. Other changes being made will affect the naming of departments.
The police and fire department will be separate departments. Information was shared
regarding the lighting request by Carroll High School that was denied by Planning &
Zoning. City Council will consider the issue at an upcoming meeting. Information
regarding upcoming civic events including the "Art In the Square" event was provided.
Agenda Item No. 4H. Reports: Guest Schedule — Tarrant County Commissioner Gary
Fickes is the scheduled speaker for the February 12, 2013 SAC meeting. Suggested
speakers for future meetings are Police Chief Steve Mylett, Fire Chief Mike Starr,
Council member Brandon Bledsoe and Council member Martin Schelling.
Another suggestion is to have representatives from local non-profit organizations that
host community events (ie. Southlake Women's Club and Art In the Square, Terri
City of Southlake Values:
Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork
Senior Advisory Commission
Minutes of the January 8, 2013
Page 3 of 3
Messing) talk to all the seniors about volunteer opportunities to benefit charities or other
Agenda Item No. 5. Public Forum – No one was present to address the SAC during
Public Forum.
Agenda Item No. 6A. Consider: Senior Advisory Commission Written Report to Citv
Council – Senior Services Coordinator Brown will prepare the next written report for City
Council based on the previous report format.
A motion was made to table this item
Motion: Baltimore
Second: Braun
Ayes: Baltimore, Blake, Boland, Boyd, Braun, McCauley, Kyle and Sporn
Nays: None
Abstention: None
Vote: 8-0
Motion Carried.
Agenda Item No. 6B. Consider: Renaming the Senior Activity Center – Each
Commission member expressed their opinion about changing or keeping the senior
center name and the majority favored keeping the current name. A suggestion was
made to use the slogan, "Your best memories are ahead of you!" as a logo where
A motion was made to maintain the name Senior Activity Center for the facility
Motion: Baltimore
Second: Braun
Ayes: Baltimore, Blake, Boland, Boyd, Braun, McCauley, Kyle and Sporn
Nays: None
Abstention: None
Vote: 8-0
Motion Carried.
Agenda Item No. 7.Adiournment.
A motion was made and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at 3:45 p.m.
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Dick McCauley, Chair (a4rriaWord., Deputy Director
Community Services
A tape recording of this meeting is available upon request from the Office of City Secretary.
City of Southlake Values:
Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork
CITY Of'�"`�j ] l� �/
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benior Advisory Commission Sign-in Sheet
January 8, 2013
Senior Activity Center.-/—
David Baltimore (Place 4, CW)
Beverly Blake (Place 9, Alt. 2)
Jean Boland (Place 1)
Charles Boyd (Place 3)
Louis Braun (Place 2)
Marge Kyle (Place 7)
Richard McCauley (Place 6ir
►/tCL-_&kc- I% -
Nancy Sporn ( , Sec)
Vacant (Place 8, Alt 1)
Kari Happold
Nancy Brown
Pilar Schank
Neal Perkins (CARS)
Darla Fowler (MMOW)
Bernie McCauley (SSC)
Sharen Jackson, Finance Dir.
(Guest Speaker)
Milton Blake