1992-08-18 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 N. Carroll Avenue REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 18, 1992 7:00 p.m. MINUTES COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Wilhelm; Deputy Mayor O'Brien, Stephen Apple, Mayor Gary Fickes; Mayor Pro Tem Rick Pro Tem Jerry Farrier. Members: Mike and Barry Emerson. COUNCILMEMBER ABSENT: Jon Michael Franks CITY STAFF PRESENT: City Manager, Curtis E. Hawk; Director of Public Safety, Billy Campbell; Director of Finance, LouAnn Heath; City Planner, Greg Last; Director of Public Works, Mike Barnes; City Engineer, Eddie Cheatham; Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator; Jerry Williams, Deputy Director of Public Safety, Fire Services; Assistant to the City .Manager, Chris Terry; Wayne Olson, City Attorney: and, Sandra L. LeGrand, City Secretary INVOCATION: Deputy Mayor Pro Tem Jerry Farrier. The Work Session was called to order at 6:30 p.m. to discuss the agenda items for tonight's meeting. Mayor Gary Fickes call the Regular City Council meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. Aqenda Item #i-B~ Executive Session Mayor Fickes hereby advised the audience that Council would be going into executive session pursuant to Section 2(e) 2(f) 2(g) 2(j) of the Open Meetings Act, to seek the advice of our City Attorney with respect to pending and contemplated litigations, to discuss the purchase, exchange, lease or sale of real property, and to consider the appointment and evaluation of public officials and regarding the deployment of specific occasions for implementation of security personnel or devices. Council adjourned into executive session at 7:05 p.m. Council returned to open session at 8:05 p.m. Agenda Item #1-Cd Action Necessary/Executive Session No action was necessary as the result of the executive session. City Council Meeting Minutes August 18, 1992 page two Agenda Item #2~ Approval of the Minutes Motion was made to approve the Minutes of the August 4, 1992, Council meeting as corrected in work session. Motion: Wilhelm Second: Emerson Ayes: Wilhelm, Emerson, Apple, Farrier, O'Brien, Fickes Nays: None Approved: 6-0 vote City Aqenda Item #3t Mayor's Report Mayor Fickes announced the Metroport Cities Partnership will be having a "Get Together" on August 27, 1992, at Solana, in Westlake. Mayors, Councilmembers, and Chamber members from the eight (8). cities involved with Metroport have been invited to attend. The Southlake Park and Recreation Board and the Friends of the Southlake Library requested City Council approve the formation of a special task force to research and undertake a campaign charge with promoting the passage of a 1/2 of 1% sales tax election. Mayor Fickes announced he has appointed Larry Goldstein to chair the task force, working with Rod Johnson of the Park and Recreation Board and Karen Apple, Friends of the Southlake Library, and other interested citizens. Mayor Fickes announced that Proclamations have been prepared for several Southlake "Call-takers", in celebration of the Fifth Anniversary of the cutover of 9-1-1- in Tarrant County. Those who will receive the proclamations for service with 9-1-1- over the last five years include: Daisy Mae Neathery, Theresa Tryon, Belinda Garza, and Jodi Foster. The Mayor commends these ladies for an excellent job. The Mayor announced that Art $orenson has resigned as chairman for the Board of Adjustments, noting that Mr. Sorenson has served the city well over the past several years on the board, and we will miss working with him in this capacity. Aqenda Item #4, City Manaqer's Report The City Manager referenced the Department Reports in the packets, adding if there are questions, the Directors are present to respond. Aqenda Item #5t Consent Aqenda No items were listed under the Consent Agenda for this meeting. City Council Meeting Minutes August 18, 1992 page three Aqenda Item #6~ Public Forum Dave Callahan, 2411 Taylor Street, Southlake, Texas. Mr. Callahan inquired if sewer for Emerald Estates has been funded in the FY 92-93 Budget, stating the citizens in Emerald Estates are now concerned with the upcoming school taxes they are faced with. Can the property owners in his area afford the increase in taxes and the assessment fees for sewer. He asked if in existing subdivisions, it is up to the property owners to repair the roads. The City Manager responded that the city has never implemented assessment paving in Southlake. Mayor Fickes stated with the passage of the Street Bonds, it will allow funds from the budget to focus on residential areas. If Mr. Callahan~has a "bad" area, the Mayor stated, he should report it to the Public Works Department. Aqenda Item #7-A~ Ordinance No. 480-75~ 2nd readinq (ZA 92-26) A zoning change request and concept plan approval for 12.36 acres situated in the J.G. Allen Survey, Abstract No. 18, Tracts 4A7, 4A7A, and 4A7B. Current zoning is "AG" Agricultural, with a requested zoning of "CS" Community Service. Owner: St. Martir in-the-Fields Episcopal Church. Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator stated the property was annexed into the City in September 1989 as agricultural property. She noted there has been no revision of the plan from last meeting and the plan still shows lighted ballflelds. On July 23, 1992 the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval subject to the July 17, Summary Review Letter. On August 4, 1992, the City Council approved the 1st reading of the Ordinance with the concept plan and removal of the lighted ballfields from the plan. Council also approved the variance to the masonry ordinance as requested. There was not a representative of the church present for the meeting. Councilmember Wilhelm asked if the City had the ability to stop p~rmits, if the applicants do not bring back a revised plan, deleting the lighted ballfield. According to the City Attorney, the city has the ability to stop permits. City Council Meeting Minutes August 18, 1992 page four Agenda Item #7-A~ ~ontinued Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 480-75, concept plan, subject to the 2nd review letter dated July the variance to the masonry requirement and subject to the of the lighted ballfield on the plan. Motion: Wilhelm Second: Apple 2nd reading, and 31, 1992, deletion Mayor Fickes read the caption of Ordinance No. 480-75. Ayes: Wilhelm, Apple, Nays: None Approved: 6-0 vote O'Brien, Emerson, Farrier, Fickes Agenda irem #8-At Ordinance No. 480-H, 1st reading Ordinance No. 480-H, 1st reading, amending Section 34, "Accessory Uses," to allow tents in all nonresidential districts for the purpose of promoting retail sales for a period not exceeding twenty-one (21) days twice annually with a sixty (60) day separation between uses. The Zoning Administrator, Karen Gandy explained the ordinance is the result of a request from Rick Stacy for use of a tent on his commercial property. On August 6, 1992, the Planning and Zoning Commission reviewed the proposed use and recommended it be added in the Accessory Section 34. The proposed Ordinance addresses permit fees, compliance with the zoning regulations, and that it be in accordance with Article 32 of the Uniform Fire Code. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended the use be permitted for 23 days instead of 21 days. Council discussed the zoning districts this amended use will be allowed in. Councilmembers had no problem allowing this use in Industrial-1 and Industrial-2. No comments were received from the audience. Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 480-H, 1st reading, with the proper language to allow the use twice annually, with "annually" defined as a "running year" and not a "calendar year", eliminating the use in Office-1 and Office-2 Zoning Districts. Motion: Apple Second: O'Brien Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance. Ayes: Apple, O'Brien, Nays: None Approved: 6-0 vote Wilhelm, Emerson, Farrier, Fickes City Council Meeting Minutes August 18, 1992 page five Aqenda Item #8-B~ Ordinance No. 569~ 1st readinq~ Annual Fiscal Year 1992-93 The City Manager, Curtis Hawk stated Council has before them not only the FY 92-93 budget, but also the revisions to the current operating budget for FY 1991-92. In the packets are the summary sheets that will make up the Budget being presented for first reading tonight. The budget proposal represents our best good faith effort to address community needs given the direction of City Council. Mayor Fickes stated the proposed budget reflects no increase in the tax rate of $.4550 per $100 of assessed value. Fickes stated, as all documents, this document is not perfect, however, he commends the staff who has brought forward a budget that meets the needs of the community and the .citizens. He stated he feels this is important in these hard economic times. First Public Hearinq on FY 1992-93 Budqet Peter Sporrer, 1214 Woodsey Court, Southlake, Texas Mr. Sporrer stated he is glad to hear the City is not going to raise taxes. He asked for repairs to be made to North Carroll Avenue at FM 1709. Councilmember O'Brien stated he has studied the budget, and thanked the City Manager, Director of Finance and the entire staff in its preparation. He stated he does not support the programs that do not support the entire city and its citizens, including: Keep Southlake Beautiful, Teen Court, Cable Television Channel, Volunteer Program, Sister City Program, and the Community Band. He added, the Teen Court is a worthwhile program, however, feels it should be funded by the School District. The other programs should be funded by the private sector, according to O'Brien. Mr. O'Brien also stated he feels the City should get back to the basics, and not drive out the people who helped build the City because they can no longer afford to live here. Public Hearing Closed. Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 569, 1st reading, FY 1992-93 Budget, as submitted. Motion: Wilhelm Second: Emerson Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance. Ayes: Wilhelm, Emerson, O'Brien, Apple, Farrier, Fickes Nays: none Approved: 6-0 vote Councilmember O'Brien indicated he voted for this budget because it does not result in a tax increase. City Council Meeting Minutes August 18, 1992 page six Aqenda Item #8-C~ Ordinance No. 570~ 1st readinq Tax Levy The City Manager, Curtis Hawk stated, the staff has paid particular attention to the need to maintain the tax rate at the current level. It will only work if growth continues, however, within growth the ability to pay for debt already incurred or committed to will be severely impaired. It is important that we maintain the ratio of the maintenance and operation portion of the tax rate to the total rate. We have been able to do so in the proposed tax levy ordinance before you for consideration. Given the situation with school taxes and other taxing entities, there will be additional pressures on City Council to maintain the tax rate constant. The tax rate being proposed will stay the same as in the current year at $.4550 per $100. of assessed value. Motion Levy. Motion: Second: Ayes: Nays: was made to approve 1st reading of Ordinance No. 570, Tax Apple Emerson Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance. Apple, Emerson, Farrier, O'Brien, Wilhelm, Flckes None Approved: 6-0 vote Agenda Item #ll-A~ Proposed Ordinance No. 568~ Reqistration Contractor The City Manager, Curtis Hawk, stated this is a discussion item, and it does propose to provide for the registration of contractors engaged in construction work within the city. Currently we do not have the mechanism to require that contractors be licensed except through the codes. We feel like in other areas we may need some control over the people who work in our community, we feel like this is necessary for the health, safety and welfare of our citizens. This ordinance does identify a number of different disciplines that would require a registration. This ordinance is not all inclusive, there may be some others that may be considered. As a staff we would like Council feed back on what needs to be in this ordinance. There are some different schools of thought on this. Mayor Fickes feels this ordinance would be of benefit to the City to have registration of the contractors. Councllmember Farrier would like for service the contractors will get relation to this ordinance. the ordinance to say what in return for registration in City Council Meeting Minutes August 18, 1992 page seven Aqenda Item #ll-A~ Continued Dennis McGrath, 2403 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake. Mr. McGrath stated two to three months ago he brought this issue up to the Building Official, Lee Roberts. He added, in each of the cities he works in, with his pool business, he has to register and pay a $50 to $75 Registration Fee. Councilmember Emerson stated he would like the registration tied to the permitted subcontractors. Councilmember Apple wants the intent of the ordinance made clear. The City Manager stated he will incorporate the comments from Councilmembers and bring this ordinance back for 1st reading in the near future. Agenda Item #ll-B~ Timber Laker Phase 2~ Revisions to Amenities Greg Last, City Planner, presented this item to Council, stating, the developer for Timber Lake has requested a modification to their common area in Lot #48 along the southeast edge of their property. They intend to delete lots #43, #44, #45, and turn them into commoD area with a recreation center and swimming pool. They will ad~ back two new lots, #36 and #37, in the common area. Last noted, staff feels that language shown on the approved Concept Plan for this development allows enough flexibility to make these changes without requiring the processing of a revised Concept Plan and Development Site Plan. Mr. Last brought this item before the City Council in order to make them aware that this modification is planned in case they have concern over the changes being made. Council adjourned for recess at 9:25 p.m. Council returned to open session at 9:37 p.m. Aqenda Item #11-C~ Discussion: ADA Transition Plan Chris Terry, Assistant to the City Manager stated the proposed transition plan which was presented to Council tonight represents the City of Southlake's prioritization and strategy for meeting compliance guidelines imposed by the passage of the Americans With Disabilities Act, (ADA). The City Staff has spent the last several months conducting a facilities inventory, personnel policies evaluation, and training on how to meet ADA compliance regulations. The Transition Plan indicates what City staff has determined is necessary to meet the "reasonable accommodation" requirements of the Act over the next three (3) years. This plan examines physical accommodation changes to existing municipa' facilities which should be undertaken in an effort to comply witk the specifics and spirit of the ADA. City Council Meeting Minutes August 18, 1992 page eight Agenda Item #ll-C~ Continued Mr. Terry stated City staff plans to gain community input into this process by holding a public hearing on the ADA Transition Plan at the September 15, 1992, City Council Meeting. Any additional input received at the public hearing will be evaluated and possibly included in an amended Transition Plan. Chris Terry stated the document includes: Title I includes employment practices such as, pre-employment applications, essential and nonessential records. Title II deals with public accommodations. Tom Elgin, Planning Intern reviewed the document in regard to public accommodations, answering questions of Council during his presentation. Mayor Fickes confirmed the public hearing will be held on September 15, 1992 in regard to the ADA Report. Aqenda Item #ll-Dt Discussion: FM 1709 Construction Site Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, informed Council that J.D. Abrams Company will be in change of the F.M. 1709 expansion project. Mr. Rick Schaefer of the company contacted Mrs. Gandy indicating they plan to utilize a two (2) acre tract of land on F.M. 1709 at North White Chapel Blvd., belonging to John Church. Zoning on the property is Office-1. He wants to be in compliance with City regulations, and seeks direction in accomplishing the necessary approvals. Mr. Schaefer was present for the meeting, informing Council of the requirements of the State Highway Department in regard to this type project. He stated the project will take approximately two (2) years. They plan to store a 12'X52' trailer and 15,000 square feet of yard area for the state. Abrams Construction will need a 8'X35' trailer and will store tool sheds, flatbed trailers, a stockpile of approximately 5,000 yards of base material, and large equipment such as graders, bulldozers, etc. The property will be located in the far west portion of the John Church tract of land, and will be fenced by the contractor. It was established this is the most appropriate site as it falls in the middle of the project. David McMahan telephoned to express that he is opposed to this construction yard being placed in that location, due to the new Cross Roads Square center and the two (2) churches in that location. Mr. Schaefer stated they wish to start on September 1, if given approval from the city. City Attorney, Wayne Olson stated as this is a city, county, state project, it will be possible for this property to be used in this way without obtaining a zoning change. City Council Meeting Minutes August 18, 1992 page City Council Meeting Minutes August 18, 1992 page nine Aqenda Item #ll-D~ Continued Council asked the Zoning Administrator to contact Mr. McMahan and Dr. Reutlinger in regard to this request, with staff working out the details and notifying Rick Schaefer of J.D. Abrams Company. CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION: FY 92-93 BUDGET The work session on the proposed budget was continued at this time. The City Manager expressed to Council that staff needs direction on the new position for Park Coordinator. It was concluded the new position be added in January on a full time basis, with lighting on .ballfield #4 being deleted from the budget. Councilmember Apple is concerned with only allowing $70,000 for pay increases for City Staff, stating he would like to see another $30,00 allocated for this , raising staff from 4% as planned, to 6%. Mayor Fickes stated he feels by raising staff to 6%, the wrong message to the taxpayers. would send Mike O'Brien suggested an system be added to the budget, Safety Department budget. automated computerized fuel delivery deleting the photo lab in Public It was the consensus that funding the Cable Access Channel be deleted from the budget for this year. In the Utility Budget, the the budget, with excess hydrants. $11,000 boring machine was deleted from funds added to the purchase of fire The City Manager encouraged Councilmembers to bring questions or suggestions to Staff prior to the next City Council meeting and final reading of the budget. City Council Meeting Minutes August 18, 1992 page ten Aqenda Item #12, Adjournment Motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 11:25 p.m. Motion: Wilhelm Second: O'Brien Ayes: Wilhelm, O'Brien, Apple, Farrier, Emerson, Flckes Nays: None Approved: 6-0 vote EST: A~ /Sandra L. LeGrand City Secretary . , . ,a iii 4 . \ r., .. 'X ai L2 8 y 4 I . Ira 0 \ V ?� Z J r 6 i r 1 3 :i K 1 I Z o ..4 I -1 j : i Li if ' ::J I 5 7 iii — ¢ ' cs _ ;II — • 3 � T • M + 1 f • ill y C T L PM a iii 43.1 N r0 w Pm 0.. v ii W 1..i Z i ow o ire aa A UG 181992 Arthur J. Sorenson OFFICE OF Q 1201 Oakhurst Court CITY SECRETF114L Southlake, Texas 76092 August 15, 1992 Hon. Gary Fickes, Mayor City of Southlake 667 No. Carroll Ave. Southlake TX 76092 IS Dear Mr. Mayor, This letter offers my resignation from the Board of Adjustment effective upon your appointment of my successor. SO I've served on the Board since January 1988. I'm pleased to say fox that I've never worked with a finer group of people than those who have served our city over these past four and one —half years. I'm proud to have been associated with this excellent team. In a few months I hope to again offer some time to the city, and look forward to further service with you. Sincerely, J r, All w Arthur Sorenson «.. Cy: City Council Members Planning & Zoning Commissioners up Board of Adjustment Members City Manager Hawk Public Works Director Barnes +w City Attorney Taylor Zoning Administrator Gandy Board Secretary Bryson kW rr 1 w rr OAP-- ,tm4 -e141, kte,Ki - 1,z-j ---- J P,A., ., cP-14-1-t-rt r3,z,i ,r Y-cw"; COvr? n3 �� . /oh, be c -- kts 1-9-1( S ilay45 k me 3 P , „ I .,,,J J C ;�--a' Lva riev „,-.7tile-e--..-e-t-i , ..9 tfr ovaki --6:14, Jiff ) `79 _./G14,,, -- Alto-44( vn r 3 S Ld9 _+'nos -e4,. &}f 1 wariAt ti/ N 1 f ec Gjed q . 4 4,y ftwelcyton.. orrunv v2,01 + , „AAA 64,14..c.i _......qzt Q t „f,_,:j - ›1A,L tit. ru :U -(1 _ y,-.:e . ci,„ L . ....--u-vvi 44,J tH 6_".„, y--,,,,....a.,,,----- k ixtrtz4.--- -4/ he, ,. 4 Jele 1,47ii o-7 .4- (4-(4A-K- ,„,,i4--- „ ' .)/7A14)(7,41) . — &Ole- )74 cv`l° 4 0 - - /-.---e- A. cou-ti d -41-172- ci .d.i_e_ /,,,,,_ 4. , , -, - , , , 4, . F rot (t;-t't. ,i1 i,d(i a,,,,,ix- --4i- ,. (• , ... w o Aef: 7/# 7�i ; curl ,-)24e_ do ,. , 0 1992 Property Tax Rates in the City of Southlake This notice concerns 1992 property tax rates for the City of Southlake. It presents information about three tax rates. Last year's tax rate is the actual rate the taxing unit used to determine property taxes last year. This '"" year's effective tax rate would impose the same total taxes as last year if you compare properties taxed in both years. This year's rollback tax rate is the highest tax rate the taxing unit can set before taxpayers can start tax rollback procedures. In each case these rates are found by dividing the total amount of taxes by the tax base (the total value of taxable property) with adjustments as required by state law. The rates are given per S100 of property value. APR Last year's tax rate: Last year's operating taxes 51,836,196 111•11 Last year's debt taxes 5775,869 Last year's total taxes 52,612,065 Last year's tax base 5574,080,211 ,., Last year's total tax rate 5.45500/5100 This year's effective tax rate: ... Last year's adjusted taxes (after subtracting taxes on lost property) 52,599,616 or — This year's adjusted tax base •• (after subtracting value of new property) 5576,609,016 = This year's effective tax rate 5.45084/5100 x 1.03 t- maximum rate unless unit publishes notices and holds hearing 5.46437/5100 This year's rollback tax rate: r Last year's adjusted operating taxes (after subtracting taxes on lost property) S1,827,444 This year's adjusted tax base 5576,609,016 = This year's effective operating rate 531693/5100 x 1.08 = this year's maximum operating rate 534228/5100 + This year's debt rate 5.13268/5100 = This year's rollback rate S.47496/S100 IRO • MIN trr w.. 111 err wr err Wit SCHEDULE A: Unencumbered Fund Balances a. The following balances will probably be left in the unit's property tax accounts at the end of the current fiscal year. These balances are not encumbered by a corresponding debt obligation. Type of Property Tax Fund Balance so General Fund 51,011,680 General Obligation Debt Service Fund 5124,101 Utility Fund 5590,000 SCHEDULE B: 1992 Debt Service The unit plans to pay the following amounts for long -term debts that are secured by property taxes. These •• amounts will be paid from property tax revenues. Principal or Description Contract Payment Interest Total 1-• of Debt to be Paid to be Paid Payment 1982 Series G.O. Bonds 545,000 510,300 555,300 1984 Series G.O. Bonds 35,000 15,198 50,198 err 1990 Series G.O. Refunding Bonds 45,000 189,245 234,245 1990 Public Property Contractual Obligations 35,000 10,487 45,487 ""' 1990 Tax/WW and Sewer System Revenue Certificates 25,000 82,849 107,849 1990 TRA- Denton Creek Revenue Bonds 35,000 101,263 136,263 1990 TRA- Southlake Sewer System Contract Revenue Bonds 30,000 84,700 114,700 1991 Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation 40,000 8,700 48,700 1992 Series Tax/WW and Sewer System Revenue Certificates 15.000 107,156 122,156 3305,000 3609,898 5914,898 "n Total required for 1991 debt service S914,898 - Amount (if any) paid from funds listed in m Schedule A 5107,849 - Excess collections last year SO el = Total to be paid from taxes in 1991 3807,049 is + Amount added in anticipation that the City will ON collect only 100% of its taxes in 1991 SO = Total Debt Service Levy S807,049 This notice contains a summary of actual effective and rollback tax rate calculations. You can inspect a copy of the full calculations at Southlake City Hall, 667 N. Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas 76092. Name of person preparing this notice Lou Ann Heath Title Director of Finance, City of Southlake Date Prepared July 30, 1992 +rr NO i au TARRANT APPRAISAL DISTRICT WILLIAM E. ROBERTS CHIEF APPRAISER CITY OF SGUTHLAKE NAME OF TAXING UNIT I, WILLIAM E. ROBERTS, CHIEF APPRAISER FOR TARRANT COUNTY, SOLEMNLY SWEAR THAT THE ATTACHED IS THAT PORTION OF THE APPRAISAL ROLL OF THE TARRANT APPRAISAL DISTRICT WHICH LISTS PROPERTY TAXABLE BY THE ABOVE NAMED ENTITY AND CONSTITUTES THEIR APPRAISAL ROLL 1992 APPRAISAL ROLL INFORMATION VALUATION SUMMARY TOTAL APPRA I SEO VALUE » » » » » »» » » » > » » »> 5676, 940, 128 — DEFERRED SPECIAL USE VALUE LOSS: ,,. AGRICULTURAL $78,029, 412 SCENIC LAND 50 PUBLIC ACCESS 5601,728 — PARTIAL EXEMPTION VALUE LOSS: DISABLED VETERAN 190,189 OVER— 65 58/736/574 HOMEST EA D SO DISABLED PERSCN 1805,932 NET TAXABLE VALUE »»» » » » » » »» »» » »» 5588 , 676,293 (SCHOOL DISTRICT INFORMATION — INCLUDES PROPERTY ON WHICH TAXES ARE "FROZEN ".) NEW CONSTRUCTION » » » » » »» » » » » » » »» 131 /645 /801 (INCLUDED IN NET TAXABLE VALUE) E — 25 JUL 92 WILLIAM E. ROBERTS CHIEF APPRAISER 2315 Gravel Road • Fort Worth, Texas-76118 • 284 -0024 or PGM: APR205BP CITY OF SOUTHLAKE ""RUNGATE :'17 JUL 92 * ** REAL PROPERTY TOTALS * ** ROLL: 25 JUL 9_ AS 1992 LINE REPORT ITEM VALUE ACCOUNTS ZERO APPRAISED VALU .,,", 1 TOTAL APPRAI SED VALUE: 663, 488, 752 5 1 730 663, 488, 75 we 2 ABSOLUTE EXEMPTIONS ( —) 27,797,037 233 27,797,03 3 CASES BEFORE ARE ( —) 28,661, 215 247 28,661,21 0. 11i 4 ADJUSTED VALUE TOTAL (_) 607,030, 500 5,250 607,030, 50 -- 5 AG DEFERRALS ( —) 78,029,412 327 78,936,35 6 SCENIC DEFERRALS ( —) 0 0 '®' 7 AIRPORT DEFERRALS ( —) 601,728 5 11291,18 8 PARTIAL EXEMPTIONS ( —) 9,625,780 231 23,966,6E •• 11 NET TAXABLE VALUE (_) 518,773,580 5,203 605,644,22 ow P ART I AL EXEMPTION DETAIL EXEMPT AMT ACCOUNTS APPRAISED VALL ... 12 DISABLED VETERANS 90,189 40 4041,11 - 14 CVER -65 8,729,659 191 19,178,83 16 DISABILITY 805,932 19 2,307, 81 wom NEW FOR 1992 TAXABLE VALUE ACCOUNTS ZERO APPRAISED VALL • 19 NEW CONSTRUCTION VALUE 0 288 31,645,8C OI„ 20 ANNEXATIONS 0 0 " • 21 NEW EXEMPTIONS 2,158,238 34 4,230,92 " 22 NEW DEFERRALS (AG, SCENIC) 2 ,302 4 618,65 Sr on 24 I MPRCVEMENT VALUE LOSS 916,600 11 air DETAIL ON NEW EXEMPTIONS EXEMPT AMT ACCOUNTS ZERO APPRAISED VALL MO 25 NEW ABSOLUTE EXEMPTIONS 778,896 2 778,8c ✓ 26 NE+. VETERANS EXEMPTIONS 12,500 5 525,6- 28 NEW OVER-65 1,131,286 24 2,746,9c "" 30 NEW DISABILITY 150,000 3 354,6 ■ 33 NEW AG DEFERRALS 616,351yyy Lyyyy y y yyy iy 66118,6 • * * * ** * ** * ** ** ** ** * ** ** * ** * ** ** * *** ** * ** ** ** ** **** ** ** ** ** ** * ** * ** **** ** ** ** ** * = ar .Item met uss PGM: A.PR205BP CITY OF SOUTHLAKE RUNDATE: 17 JUL 92 * ** PERSCNAL PROPERTY TOTALS * ** ROLL: 25 JUL 9: 1992 LINE REPCRT ITEM VALUE ACCOUNTS ZERO APPRAISED VALUE 1 TOTAL APPRAISED VALUE: 70,034,437 374 70,034,48 2 ABSCLUTE EXEMPTIONS ( —) 0 0 as 3 CASES BEFCRE ARE ( —) 124,859 3 124,85 4 ADJUSTED VALUE TOTAL (_) 69,909,628 371 69,909,62 *r 8 PARTIAL EXEMPTICNS ( —) 6,915 1 6,91 11 NET TAXABLE VALUE (=) 69, 902, 713 370 69,902, 71 di PARTIAL EXEMPTION DETAIL EXEMPT AMT ACCOUNTS APPRAISED VALU 12 DISABLED VETERANS 0 0 , ,, 14 CVER -65 6,915 1 6,91 16 DISABILITY 0 0 " NEW FOR 1992 TAXABLE VALUE ACCOUNTS ZERO APPRAISED VALI. 19 NEW BUSINESS IN NEW IMP 0 0 so 21 NEW EXEMPTIONS 0 0 24 IMPROVEMENT VALUE LOSS 0 0 DETAIL ON NEW EXEMPTIONS EXEMPT AMT ACCOUNTS ZERO APPRAISED VALL um 28 NEW CVER -65 0 0 30 NEW DISABILITY 0 0 +yy yyyyyyy .1V ya. y y yyy y +y yyy +i yyyyy.yyyyyyyy.yy +yy +yy yyy y * yyiyy MN *P. City of Southlake 540 rIc JUL 311992 -� July 31, 1992 Mayor OFFICE OF Gary Fickes CITY SECRETAR *R Mayor Pro rem: Honorable Mayor Fickes and el Richard W. Wilhelm Members of City Council City of Southlake Councilmembers: 667 N. Carroll Ave. w Barry K. Emerson Southlake, Texas 76092 Jerry Farrier e Stephen W. Apple Sr. Jon Michael Franks ow Michael J. O'Brien Dear Mayor and Councilmembers: ig City Manager: Curtis E. Hawk In accordance with the Texas Local Government Code and '" City secretary: the Charter of the City of Southlake, the proposed Annual i SandraL.LeGrand Budget for fiscal year beginning October 1, 1992 and ending September 30, 1993, is herewith submitted for your consideration. The Budget presents in financial terms the plan for ' accomplishment of municipal objectives during the .m forthcoming fiscal year. FUND SUMMARIES w Is The proposed FY92 -93 Annual Budget has four (4) separate fund accounts: General Fund; Utility Fund; Debt Service Fund; Special Revenue - Parks /Recreation Fund. ma General Fund Summary mg The proposed FY92 -93 Annual Budget projects $4,264,471 in „„ General Fund revenues, which is an increase of $580,640 or 15.8% from the 91 -92 Annual Budget. gm 667 North Carroll Avenue • Southlake, Texas 76092 (817) 481 -5581 • FAX (817) 481 -0036 Iwo AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER' Honorable Mayor Fickes and sw Members of City Council July 31, 1992 Page 2 all Revenues projected in the proposed FY92 -93 Budget will .., support the estimated $4,512,219 in General Fund expenditures. The proposed budget reflects a decrease in the undesignated Fund Balance, beginning at $1,011,680 and ending at an estimated $693,932. ifill w. Revenues The largest single revenue source in the proposed budget is the ad valorem (property) tax. The budget as proposed w will provide $2,205,735 in revenue for the General Fund maintenance and operations budget, an estimated increase of $237,040 or 12.0% from the current budget. gm The second largest general Fund revenue source in the proposed budget is derived from the municipal permits and fees charged for various development activities, such as fees for zoning, platting, and building permits. The proposed budget of $622,150 projects an increase of $217,650 or 53.8% over the current year. This increase reflects a continuation of the significant community egm development trend established in the current year. di The third largest General Fund revenue source is the municipal sales tax. Sales tax revenues are projected at *■ $579,000 in the proposed budget, an increase of $104,000 or 21.9% over the current year. This increase is based am upon the growth trend established over the last several w years, and reflects the growth in northeast Tarrant County. Based upon current collections, the sales tax for the current fiscal year are estimated to be $490,000, an increase of $15,000 or 3.2% over the amount projected for the current year. .AI ■r NM Honorable Mayor Fickes and Members of City Council July 31, 1992 "' Page 3 Sales tax collections have increased steadily over the ,p• past three (3) years. The other major revenue sources for the General Fund are franchise fees from the private utility companies operating in the City, municipal fines, and transfers into the General Fund from the Utility Fund. Franchise fees are projected to increase by $38,950 or 14.7 %, while oft revenues from fines are expected to decrease $14,400 or - i ' 5.1 %. The decrease in revenue from fines reflects a change by the state legislature in revenues that may be collected, and a decrease in citations issued due to increased calls for service. The proposed budget reflects $50,000 in interest earnings, the same estimated for the current year. • Expenditures e• The proposed General Fund budget provides $4,512,219 in an expenditures to accomplish municipal objectives. The proposed expenditures represent an increase of $780,442 IS or 20.9% over the current year. The bulk of the increase is in Public Works, $445,800 (51.2 %). es Tax Rate rr The proposed budget reflects a total taxable value of $608,254,817 in tax year 1992, an increase of 6.81% over the total taxable value of $569,475,542 in tax year 1991. Using this value, the proposed budget reflects a proposed .m tax rate of $0.4725 per $100 valuation, of which $0.33982 ao is for general operations and maintenance and $0.13268 is Honorable Mayor Fickes and Members of City Council July 31, 1992 moo Page 4 moo for debt service. The proposed tax rate represents an moo increase of 3.8% or $.0175 over the current tax rate. The portion of the tax rate available to support ,,,,, maintenance and operations is proposed to increase $0.01997 or approximately 6.2% from the current year. The effective tax rate in the 1992 tax year is $0.45084 up from the $0.43270 in the 1991 tax year. Essentially, the effective tax rate is that rate necessary to raise the same revenue as the previous year, excluding new '"" growth. The rollback tax rate for the 1992 tax year is $0.47496. mom Organizational Changes The proposed budget reflects one major organization change from the current budget approved last September: ilo the creation of the Community Development Department. • In previous years the Planning and Zoning was a division within the Public Works Department, under the direct management of the Public Works Director. The Community Development Department personnel schedule is lists one additional employee, the Planner I, which will be a proposed upgrade from the Public Works Intern ow position. Pm New Personnel The proposed budget projects an increase of ten (10) ow positions in the General Fund. These positions are needed to enable the City to maintain effective ai m. Honorable Mayor Fickes and Members of City Council July 31, 1992 "' Page 5 management of the service demands. The positions are: am • two (2) Full time Firefighters /Paramedics • one (1) Full Time Public Safety Officer • one (1) Full time Traffic Enforcement Officer • one (1) Part time Administrative Intern • one (1) Full time Building Maintenance Worker us • one (1) Part time Leisure Service Coordinator • one (1) Temporary Park Maintenance Assistant • one (1) Full time Engineer in Training • one (1) Full time Planner I AN im orr Utility Fund The Utility Fund revenues are projected at $2,753,534 for an increase of $229,500 or 9.1% in the proposed budget. Expenditures are projected at $2,745,262 for an increase of $221,228 or 8.8% over the current year estimates. The .�. proposed budget does not include any increase in water or sewer rates. Increased demand will be basically offset by increased revenue, however, this fund will need to be examined in January to assess fund integrity. There are 2 full time maintenance positions proposed, as well as ,.� $145,625 in capital improvements. MO MIN rr Debt Service Fund am Debt service expenditures have increased steadily over the past several years, from $145,135 in FY89 -90 to $771,185 in the current year, to a projected $916,398 in the proposed FY92 -93 Annual Budget. The latter represents an increase of $145,213 or 18.8% over the au current year expenditures. Honorable Mayor Fickes and Members of City Council July 31, 1992 Page 6 Special Revenue Fund -Parks and Recreation ,,,,, The proposed budget includes the special revenue fund to account for revenues and expenditures dedicated for park use. The proposed budget reflects revenues of $30,000 from park dedication fees, and $4,996 from other revenue sources. Expenditures are proposed at $37,000. ■r SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION rr The proposed FY92 -93 Annual Budget represents a keeping to in the City's commitment to respond to service demands. The bulk of the increases in maintenance and operations costs provide added attention to streets and other 4. infrastructure. The infrastructure improvements will serve to enhance the continued quality neighborhood growth and development of the community, and will serve as a catalyst to commercial growth and development. The latter will broaden the tax base and increase the City's financial ability to respond to service demands. Sin erely, S // Curtis E. Hawk 4' City Manager CEH /kb IS CITY OF SOUTHLAKE PROPOSED BUDGET 1992 -93 «• ALL FUNDS SUMMARY Special Revenue General Debt Service Utility Parks/ A Fund Fund Fund Recreation Total """ Projected Revenues $4,264,471 $929,898 $2,753,534 $34,996 $7,982,899 Less: Projected Expenditures $4,512,219 $916,398 $2,745,262 $37,000 $8,210,879 Less: Reserve- Personnel 70,000 0 0 0 70,000 err Total- Expenditures $4,582,219 $916,398 $2,745,262 $37,000 $8,280,879 " Net Revenues (317,748) 13,500 8.272 (2,004) (297,980) vie Estimated Fund Balance/ Working Capital 9 /30/92 $1,011,680 $124,101 $700,914 $68,856 $1,905,551 Estimated Fund Balance/ Working Capital 9 /30/93 $693,932 $137,601 $709,186 $66,852 $1,607,571 1991-92 1992-93 • Fund 1990 -91 Adopted Proposed $ Increase/ % Increase/ Actual Budget Budget (Decrease) (Decrease) General Fund Personnel $1,981,495 $2,106,429 $2,511,767 $405,338 19.2% ". Operations & Maintenance 1,147,338 1,266,224 1,394,157 127,933 10.1% ✓ Capital 606,158 359,124 606,295 247,171 68.8% Total Expenditures $3,734,991 $3,731,777 $4,512,219 $780,442 20.9% Utility Fund Personnel $218,004 $293,455 $359,416 $65,961 22.5% Operations & Maintenance 1,241,050 1,871,710 1,889,507 17,797 1.0% ON Capital 181,553 110,000 149,325 39,325 35.8% Debt Service 80,070 89,423 79,719 (9,704) -10.9% " Operating Transfer 159,446 159,446 267,295 107,849 67.6% es Total Expenses $1,880,123 $2,524,034 $2,745,262 $221,228 8.8% "" Debt Service Fund +l Debt Service $493,444 $543,306 $665,435 $122,129 22.5% Operating Transfer 0 227,879 250,963 23,084 10.1% .. Total Expenditures $493,444 $771,185 $916,398 $145,213 18.8% Special Revenue - Parks/Recreation Operations & Maintenance $5,850 $0 $2,000 $2,000 100.0% Capital 0 30,000 35,000 5,000 16.7% • Total Expenditures $5,850 $30,000 $37,000 $7,000 23.3% III GRAND TOTAL EXPENDITURES $6,114,408 $7,056,996 $8,210,879 $1,153,883 16.4% NM WI .M CITY OF SOUTHLAKE GENERAL FUND 08:37 AM .. REVISED 1991 -92 BUDGET and PROPOSED 1992 -93 BUDGET 93sumal4.vvk3 iii 07/31/92 1991 -92 1992 -93 't""' S Inc/ 1991 -92 $.4725/$100 $ Inc/ 1992 -93 1990 -91 1991 -92 1991 -92 (Decr) % Inc/ 1992 -93 (Decr) % Inc/ de REVENUES Actual Budget Revised Adopted (Decr) Proposed Adopted (Decr) Oa Ad Valorem Taxes S2,028.967 51.968,695 52,010,000 $41,305 2.1% 52,205,735 5237,040 12.0% Sales Tax 448,149 475,000 490,000 15,000 32% 579,000 104,000 21.9% Irr Franchise Fees i 255,643 265,500 275,225 9,725 3.7% 304,450 38,950 14.7% Fines 233,650 285,000 226,500 (58,500) - 20.5% 270,600 (14,400) -5.1% no Charges for Services 36,980 41,000 37,500 (3,500) -8.5% 55,750 14,750 36.0% IS Permits/Fees 557,685 404,500 626,800 222,300 55.0% 622,150 217,650 53.8% Miscellaneous 35,392 5,240 20,640 15,400 293.9% 17,340 12,100 230.9% ma Transfer- Utility Fund 159,446 159,446 159,446 0 0.0% 159,446 0 0.0% Transfer - Insurance Fund 0 29,450 29,450 0 0.0% 0 (29,450)- 100.0% IN Interest Income 66,780 50,000 50,000 0 0.0% 50,000 0 0.0% Total Revenues $3,822,692 $3,683,831 $3,925,561 $241,730 6.6% $4,264,471 $580,640 15.8% on EXPENDITURES tigi City Secretary 5131,102 5122,310 5119,581 ($2,729) -2.2% $148,656 $26,346 21.5% City Manager 136,854 120,464 128,077 7,613 6.3% 144,050 23,586 19.6% OM Support Services 538,946 409,520 423,350' 13,830 3.4% 529,397: 119,877 29.3% General Gov Total $806,902 $652,294 $671,008 $18,714 2.9% $822,103 $169,809 26.0% III Finance 170,568 196,883 199,382 2,499 1.3% 202,498 5,615 2.9% m Municipal Court 119,323 140,438 153,077 12,639 9.0% 160,510 20,072 14.3% Finance Total $289,891 $337,321 $352,459` $15,138 4.5% $363,008 $25,687 7.6% asi Fire 487,106 556,945 556,784 (161) -0.0% 553,782 (3,163) -0.6% Police 813,599 836,025 841,959 5,934 0.7% 896,289 60,264 7.2% OM Public Safety Support 1 257,723 313,940 320,635 6695 2.1% 366,392 52,452 16.7% Public Safety Total I $1,558,428 $1,706,910 $1,719,378 $12,468 0.7% $1,816,463 $109,553 6.4% 1111 Building Inspections 97,133 124,230 138,427 14,197 11.4% 1 158,432 34,202 27.5% aIPIL Streets/Drainage 1 649,128 597,178 614,004 16,826 2.8% 913,694 316,516 53.0% Parks and Recreation 110,146 90,385 89,560 (825) -0.9% 143,517 53,132 58.8% lir Public Works Admin 75,179 58,915 61,800 2885 4.9% 100,865 41,950 712% Public Works Total $931,586 $870,708 $903,791 $33,083 3.8% $1,316,508 $445,800 51.2% "' Community Dev. Tota $148,184 $126,044 $141,669 $15,625 12.4% $194.137 $68,093 54.0% Note Payable 0 38,500 0 (38,500) 0.0% 0 (38,500) - 100.0% ar Debt Service G.O. Bonds 0 0 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% tts Total Expenditures $3,734,991 $3,731,777 $3,788,305 $56,528 1.5% $4,512,219 $780,442 20.9% II 802) 5 87,701 (547,946) 5137,256 5185,202 (5247,748) ($199, Net Revenues Add: Proceeds from C.O. Sale 5200,000 SO 50 SO $0 50 "m Add: Proceeds from Note 0 107.775 0 (107,775) 0 (107,775) le Less: Reserve Personnel 0 0 0 0 (70,000) (70,000) Less: Reserve-Infrastructure (376,2:•:) 0 0 0 0 0 am Less: Transfer to Special Rev. 0 0 (796) (796) 0 0 Net Revenues (588.587)1 559,829 5136,460 576.631 (5317,748) ($377.577) MO 1 Beginning Fund Balance S963.807 S875.2201 5875220 50 51,011,680 5136,460 Ila. Ending Fund Balance 5875,220 5935.049 51.011.680 576.631 $693.932 (5241.117) SW iii OM NW NIS CITY OF S O UTHLAKE DEBT SERVICE FUND 013:37 AM so REVISED 1991 -92 BUDGET and PROPOSED 1992 -93 BUDGET 93sma14.wt3 07/31/92 as 1991 -92 1992 -93 Adopted $ Inc/ 1991 -92 $.4725/5100 $ Inc/ 1990 -91 1991 -92 1991 -92 (Decr) % Inc/ 1992 -93 (Decr) 1992 -93 REVENUES Actual Budget Revised Adopted (Decr) Proposed Adopted % Inc/ Ad Valorem Taxes S408,736 8769,685 8769,685 $0 0.0% $807,049 $37,364 4.9% gm Interest Income 10,098 12,600 12,600 0 0.0% 15,000 2,400 19.0% Operating Transfer In 0 0 0 0 0.0% 107,849 107,849 100.0% ase Total Revenues 8418,834 $782,285 5782,285, $0 0.0% 8929,898 8147,613 18.9% EXPENDITURES Principal $60,000 $205,000 $205,000 $0 0.0% $240,000 $35,000 17.1% Interest 433,444 336,806 336,806 0 0.0% 423,935 87,129 25.9% Admin. Expenses 0 1,500 1,500 0 0.0% 1,500 0 0.0% wn Operating Transfer/ Water /Sewer Fund 0 227,879 227,879' 0 0.0% 250,963 23.084 10.1% Total Expenditures $493,444 8771,185 8771,185 80 0.0% $916,398 $145,213 18.8% Net Revenues ($74.610) 811300 $11.100 0.0% 811500 82.400 Beginning Fund Balance $187,611 $113,001 $113,001 $0 0.0% $124,101'. Ending Fund Balance 5113,001 $124,101 5124.101 0.0% $137,601'_ moi to spa stss stw AIM MEM ION gig 4WI sssa ow 1rl PPM CITY OF S O UTHLAKE CONSOLIDATED GENERAL FUND AND DEBT SERVICE FUND . . REVISED 1991 -92 BUDGET and PROPOSED 1992 -93 BUDGET 93stmal...t) - 07 /31'92 1991 -92 1992 -93 MI Adopted S Inc/ 1991 -92 5.47256100 S Inc/ 1992 -93 . 1990-91 1991 -92 1991 -92 (Decr) % Inc/ 1992 -93 (Decr) % Inc/ REVENUES Actual Budget Revised Adopted (Derr) Proposed Adopted (Derr) ay Ad Valorem Taxes 52,437,703 52,738,380 52,779,685 S41,305 1.5% S3,012,784 S274,404 10.0% Sales Tax 448,149 475.000 490,000 15,000 3.2% 579,000 104,000 21.9% ' Franchise Fees 255,643 265,500 275,225 9,725 3.7% 304,450 38,950 14.7% IN Fines 233,650 285,000 226,500 (58,500) -20.5% 270,600 (14,400) -5.1% Charges for Services 36,980 41,000 . 37,500 (3,500) -8.5% 55,750 14,750 36.0% an Permits/Fees 557,685 404,500 626,800 222,300 55.0% 622,I50 217,650 53.8% Miscellaneous 35,392 5,240 20,640 15,400 293.9% 17,340 12,100 230.9% NI Transfer - Utility Fund 159,446 159,446 159,446 0 0.0% .267,295 107,849 67.6% Transfer - Insurance Fund 0 29,450: 29,450 0 0.0% . 0> (29,450) - 100.0% w Interest Income 76.878 62.600 62.600 0 0.0% 65.000 2 3.8% ON Total Revenues 54,241,526 54,466,116 54,707,846 5241,730 5.4% 55,194,369 5728,253 16.3% EXPENDITURES ow City Secretary S131,102 S122,310 5119,581 (S2,729) -2.2% 5148,656 526,346 21.5% City Manager 136,854 120,464 128,077 7,613 6.3% 144,050. 23,586 19.6% MI Support Services 538.946 409.520 423.350 13.830 3.4% 529,397 119.877 293% -= General Gov Total 5806,902 5652,294 5671,008 518.714 2.9% 5822,103 5169,809 26.0% Finance 170,568 196,883 199,382 2,499 1.3% 202,498 5,615 2.9% tow " Municipal Court 119,3231 140,438 153.077 12.639 9.0% 160,510 20,072 14.3% Finance Total 5289,891 I 5337,321 $352,459 515,138 4.5% 5363,008 525,687 7.6% +a Fire 487,106 556,945 556,784 (161) -0.0% 553,782 (3,163) -0.6% Police 813.599 836,025 1 841,959 5,934 0.7% 896,289 60.264 7.2% 1 ill Public Safety Support 257, 313.940 320,635 6 695 2.1% 366.392 52.452 16.74'5 1 MR Public Safety Total 51,558,428 51,706.910 51,719,378 512,468 0.7% 51,816.463 5109,553 6.4% Building Inspections 97,133 124,230 138,427 14,197 11.4% 158,432 34202 27.5% is Streets/Drainage 649,128 597,178 614,004 16,826 2.8% 913,694 316,516 53.0% Parks and Recreation 110,146 90,385 89,560 (825) -0.9% 143,517 53,132 58.8% OM Public Works Admin 75 179 58,915 61.800 2 4.9% 100,865 41.950 712% Public Worts Total 5931,586 5870,708 5903,791 533,083 3.8% 51,316.508 5445,800 51.2% fiii Community Dev. Tota 5148,184 5126,044 5141,669 515,625 12.4% 5194,137 568,093 54.0% „„ Note Payable 0 1 38,500 0 (38,500) - 100.0% 0 (38,500) - 100.0% Debt Service G.O. Bonds 493.444 i 771.185 1 771,185 0 1 0.0% 916.398 i 145213 18.8% 1 on Total Expenditures 54,228,435 1 54,502,962 1 54,559,490 556,528 1 1.3% I 55,428,617 925,655 20.6% ! IMO Net Revenues al= (136,114.6.)1 5148.356 IllaaL2 (5234,248) lii Add: Proceeds from C.O. Sale S200,000 0 0 SO 0 Add: Proceeds from Note 0 107,775 0 0 I 0 ,M, Less: Reserve - Personnel 0 0. 0 0 (70,000) Less: Reserve- Infrastructure (3762::) 0 1 0 0 0 ill Less: Transfer to Special Rev. 0 0 1 (796) (796) 0 Net Revenues ($163.197)1 570.929 � $147,560 576.631 (S304.248) - I Beginning Fund Balance 51,151,418 5988221 ; 51,059,150 570.929 1 51,206,710 Ending Fund Balance 1 $988.221 $1.059.150 y S l 206,710 $147.560 5902,462 Awe j 1 sin NS SUMMARY OF GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST REQUIREMENTS 1992 -93 REQUIREMENTS PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL alt 1982 General Obligation Bonds $45,000 $10,300 $55,300 1984 General Obligation Bonds 35,000 15,198 50,198 1990 General Obligation Refunding Bonds 45,000 189,245 234,245 1990 Public Property Contractual Obligations 35,000 10,487 45,487 * 1990 Tax/WW and Sewer System Revenue Certificates 25,000 82,849 107,849 #1990 TRA- Denton Creek Revenue Bonds 35,000 101,263 136,263 �. #1990 TRA- Southlake Sewer System Contract Revenue Bonds 30,000 84,700 114,700 • 1991 Combination Tax/Revenue Certificates of Obligation 40,000 8,700 48,700 1992 Series Tax/WW and Sewer System Revenue Certificates 15,000 107,156 122,156 GENERAL OBLIGATION DEBT SERVICE I NN REQUIREMENTS 1992 -93 $305,000 $609,898 $914,898 TOTAL REQUIREMENTS PRINCIPAL INTEREST* TOTAL 1982 General Obligation Bonds $100,000 $13,875 $113,875 1984 General Obligation Bonds 165,000 30,030 195,030 1990 General Obligation Refunding Bonds 3,036,137 2,408,486 5,444,623 1990 Public Property Contractual Obligations 165,000 24,736 189,736 * 1990 Tax/WW and Sewer System Revenue Certificates 1,075,000 932,857 2,007,857 #1990 TRA- Denton Creek Revenue Bonds 1,470,000 1,216,888 2,686,888 #1990 TRA- Southlake Sewer System Contract Revenue Bonds 1,225,000 1,008,525 2,233,525 1991 Combination Tax/Revenue Certificates of Obligation 165,000 20,250 185,250 MIR 1992 Series Tax/WW and Sewer System Revenue Certificates 1,300,000 1,069,681 2,369,681 or TOTAL OUTSTANDING GENERAL OBLIGATION DEBT REQUIREMENTS S8,701,137 $6,725,328 $15,426,465 iis INTEREST SHOWN IS THE TOTAL OF EACH ANNUAL REQUIREMENT FOR THE REMAINING LIFE OF THE SERIES rr # Utility related debt funded by property taxes * Utility related debt funded by transfer from Utility Fund gosum.wk3 07/24/92 arr arr aid .91 PROPERTY TAX proptax3.wk3 REVENUE ALLOCATION 1992 -93 AMOUNT Total Appraised Value 1992 ( +7% over 1991) $696,518,652 Less Exemptions ( -) (88,263,835) Total Taxable Value (Assessed Value) ( =) 608,254,817 Proposed Tax Rate (x) 0.47250 au Estimated Tax Levy ( =) 2.874.004 Estimated Percent of Collections (X) 97.00% ,.. Estimated Current Tax Collections ( =) 2,787,784 so Estimated Delinquent Collections, Penalty, and Interest ( +) 225,000 Estimated Available Funds (_) $3,012,784 ■r PROPOSED DISTRIBUTION VW GENERAL FUND RATE PERCENT TOTAL Current $0.33982 71.05% $1,980,735 Delinquent ( +) 225,000 Total General Fund ( =) 2,205,735 ar3.. DEBT SERVICE FUND Current 0.13268 28.95% 807,049 m. Total General and Debt Service Funds $0.47250 100.00% $3,012,784 °■■ HISTORICAL TAX INFORMATION DEBT NET GENERAL SERVICE TOTAL or FISCAL TAXABLE FUND FUND TAX YEAR VALUE RATE RATE RATE 1992 -93 S608,254,817 $0.33982 $0.13268 $0.47250 1991 -92 569,475,542 0.31985 0.13515 0.45500 1990 -91 520,442,493 0.36750 0.07750 0.44500 • 1989 -90 534,140,023 035830 0.02990 0.38820 1988 -89 437,252,301 0.34820 0.04000 038820 1987 -88 389,287,099 0.28831 0.04169 033000 ar 1986 -87 366,024,873 0.27480 0.04520 0.32000 1985 -86 248,920,765 0.22900 0.03100 0.26000 1984 -85 214,807,784 0.14300 0.03800 0.18100 1983 -84 85,604,834 0.30750 0.10750 0.41500 1982 -83 72,720,108 0.23500 0.18000 0.41500 arr : CITY OF S O UTHLAKE UTILITY FUND 02.11 PM wow REVISED 1991 -92 BUDGET and PROPOSED 1992 -93 BUDGET 93suma14.wt3 MI 07/31/92 1991 -92 1992 -93 an S Inc/ 1991 -92 S Inc/ fro 1990 -91 1991 -92 1991 -92 (Decr) % Inc/ 1992 -93 (Decr) 1992 -93 REVENUES Actual Budget Revised Adopted (Decr) Proposed Adopted % Inc/ ,_ Miscellaneous $51.556 521,200 521,400 5200 0.9% 522,118 $918 4.3% Interest Income 24.566 24,500 24,500 0 0.0% 25,970 1,470 6.0% a WaterSales residential 1,505,624 1,644,888 1,597,650 (47,238) -2.9% 1,677,540 32,652 2.0% Water Sales 313,720 411,222 399,420 (11,802) -2.9% 419,385 8,163 2.0% ow Sewer Sales 97,953 88,914 170,000 81,086 91.2% 205,454. 116,540 131.1% go Sanitation Sales 19,816 200,350 231,860 31,510 15.7% 258,000 57,650 28.8% Other utility charges 147218 132.960 139,62.7 6667 5.0% 145.067; 12.107 9.1% um Total Revenues $2,160,453 S2,524,034 $2,584,457 $60,423 2.4% $2,753,534 $229,500 9.1% EXPENSES lig Reserve-Vacation Benefits $0 50 50 50 0.0% $o! 50 0.0% Debt Service - Revenue Bonds 80,070 89,423 89,423 0 0.0% 79,719 (9,704) - 10.9% oda Water 1,387,977 1,387,395 1,393,355 5,960 0.4% 1,606,447 219,052 15.8% Illlli Sewer 252,630 708,060 712,610 4,550 0.6% 559,601 (148,459) - 21.0% Sanitation 0 179,710 203,225 23,515 13.1% 232,200: 52,490 292% MPS Operating Transfer Out 159,446 159,446 159,446' 0 0.0% 267,295: 107,849 67.6% Total Expenses 51.880.123 $2,524,034 : 52.558,959 $34,025 1.3% =g 262 $221,228 8.8% lilt Net Revenues $280,330 IQ 526,398 58.272 Beginning working capital 5394,186 $674,516 5674,516 5700,914;' Ending working capital $674,516 ,5674,516 5700,914 5709,186 1d SIM Mil an r OM iii OF arts um i mini nil INN .a d i illi III I� �. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE SPECIAL REVENUE FUND Parks/Recreation o&37 AM REVISED 1991 -92 BUDGET and PROPOSED 1992 -93 BUDGET 93suna14.wt3 07/31/92 sue 1991 -92 1992 -93 Adopted $ Inc/ 1991 -92 $ Inc/ 1990 -91 1991 -92 1991 -92 (Decr) % Inc/ 1992 -93 (Decr) 1992 -93 IM REVENUES Actual Budget Revised Adopted (Decr) Proposed Adopted % Inc/ Permits/Fees $0 $30,000 593,600 S63,600 212.0% $30,000 $0 0.0% Miscellaneous 5,263 1000 44 800 3 380.0% 4 996 i 3,996 399.6% Total Revenues 55,263 531,000 598,400 567,400 217.4% 534,996 53,996 12.9% EXPENDITURES Park Improvements $0 $30,000 $30,000 $0 0.0% $35000 $5,000 16.7% Parks and Recreation 5 850 0 2,575 2575 100.0% 2.000 2000 100.0% .-I. Total Expenditures 55,850 530,000 532,575 52,575 8.6% 537,000 57,000 23.3% 11r Net Revenues (5587) 51,000 565,825 564,825 (52,004) (53,004) Ins Beginning Fund Balance $3,618 $3,031 $3,031' $0 $68,856 011 Ending Fund Balance $3,031 54,031 $68.856 $64,825 $66.852' aWW 4Ua waa YI aiw VII asa IN NMI it nsn AM +sw ass Uhl ALL FUNDS SUMMARY 02:01 PM ow REVISED 1991 -92 BUDGET and PROPOSED 1992 -93 BUDGET 93stmal4. t3 07/31/92 , ry 1992 -93 asss Adopted 1991 -92 1991 -92 5.4725/5100 $ Inc/ 1992 -93 iii 1990 -91 I 1991 -92 1991 -92 $ Inc/ % Inc/ 1992 -93 (Decr) % Inc/ REVENUES Actual Budget Revised (Decr) (Decr) Proposed Adopted (Decr) 41. Ad Valorem Taxes 52.437,703 52,738.380 $2,779,685 $41,305 1.5% 53,0I2,784 5274,404 10.0% Sales Tax 448,149 475,000 490,000 15,000 3.2% 579,000 104,000 21.9% MI Franchise Fees 255.6431 265.500 275,225 9,725 3.7% 304,450 38,950 14.7% Fines 233,650 I 285.000 226,500 (58,500) - 20.5% 270,600 (14,400) -5.1% ON I Charges for Services 36,980 41,000 37,500 (3,500) -8.5% 55,750 14,750 36.0% ig Permits/Fees 557,685 1 434,500 720,400 285,900 65.8% 652,150 217,650 50.1% Miscellaneous 92.211 j 27,440 46,840 19,400 70.7% 44,454 17,014 62.0% we Transfer - Utility Fund 159,446 i 159,446 159,446 0 0.0% 267,295 107,849 67.6% Transfer - Insurance Fund 0 29,450 29,450 0 0.0% 0 (29,450) - 100.0% WaterSales- residential 1,505,624 1,644,888 1,597,650 (47,238) -2.9% 1,677,540 32,652 2.0% Water Sales-commercial 313,720 411,222 399,420 (11,802) -2.9% 419,385 8,163 2.0% WO Wastewater Sales 97,953 88,914 170,000 81,086 91.2% 205,454 116,540 131.1% • Sanitation Sales 19,816 200,350 231,860 31,510 15.7% 258,000 57,650 28.8% Other Utility Charges 147,218 132,960 139,627 6,667 5.0% 145,067 12,107 9.1% ON I nterest Income 101,444 87,100 87,100 0 0.0% 90.970 33870 4.4% Total Revenues 56.407.242 57.021.150 57.390.703 5369.553 5.3% 57,982,899 5961.749 13.7% II EXPENDITURES OM City Secretary $131,102 $122,310 $119,581' ($2,729) -2.2% $148,656 526,346 21.5% City Manager 136.854 120,464 128,077 7,613 6.3% 144,050 23,586 19.6% rltl Support Services 538.946 409,520 423,350 13,830 3.4% 529,397 119,877 29.3% General Gov Total 5806,902 5652,294 5671';008 518,714 2.9% $822,103 5169.809 26.0% Finance 170,568 196.883 199,382 2,499 1.3% 202,498 5,615 2.9% r Municipal Court 119,323 140,438 153.077 12,639 9.0% 160,510 20,072 14.3% Finance Total 5289,891 5337,321 5352,459 515,138 4.5% 5363,008 525,687 7.6% gm Fire 487,106 556,945 556,784 (161) -0.0% 553,782 (3,163) -0.6% Police 813,599 836.025 841,959 5,934 0.7% 896,289 60,264 7.2% es Public Safety Support 257,723 313,940 320,635' 6 2.1% : 366,392 52,452 16.7% Public Safety Total 51,558,428 1 51,706,910 51,719,378 512,468 0.7% $1,816,463 $109,553 6.4% "` Building Inspections 97,133 1 124,230 138,427 14,197 11.4% 158,432 34,202 27.5% Streets/Drainage 649.1281 597,178 614,004 16,826 2.8% 913,694 316,516 53.0% is Parks and Recreation 115,9961 120,385 122,135 1,750 1.5% 180,517 60,132 49.9% , Public Works Admin 75,179 58,915 61,800 2,885 4.9% 100,865 41,950 71.2% Water 1,387.977 1,387,395 1,393,355 5,960 0.4% 1,606,447 219,052 15.8% WI Wastewater 252,630 1 708,060 712,610 4,550 0.6% 559,601 (148,459) - 21.0% Sanitation 0 1 179,710 203,225 23,515 13.1% 232,200 52,490 100.0% 'A Public Works Total 52,578,043 53,175,873 53,245,556 569,683 2.2% 53,751,756 5575,883 18.1% 1111 Community Dev. Tota 5148,184 5126,044 5141,669 515,625 12.4% 5194,137 568,093 54.0% Transfer - General Fund 159.446 159,446 159,446 0 0.0% 267,295 107,849 67.6% I sw. Note Payable 0 I 38.500 0 (38,500) - 100.0% 0 (38,500) - 100.0% Debt Service 573.514 i 860.608 860,608 0 0.0% 996,117 135.509 15.7% IIIIII Total Expenditures 56.114.408 57.056.996 57.150,124 593.128 L3a 38.210.879 1,153,883 16.4% Net Revenues $292,834 (131, 240 579 276 425 (5227.980) ss>. Add: Proceeds from C.O. Sale 5200,000 50 50 $0 50 iii Add: Proceeds from Note 0 107,775 0 (107,775) 0 Less: Reserve - Personnel 0 1 0 1 0 0 (70,000) i Mw Less: Reserve- Infrastructure (376,288)1 0 0 0 0 Less: Transfer to Special Rev. 0 1 0 (796) (796) 0 Net Revenues 5116.546 1 571,929 $239,783 $167,854 (5297,980) Beginning Fund Balance 51,549,222 1 S 1.665,768 51,665,768 SO 51,905,551 mos Ending Fund Balance 51.665,768 ! 51,737.697 51.905,551 5167,854 $1.607.571 Si cam Its ■ W. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE PROPOSED BUDGET 1992 -93 ALL FUNDS SUMMARY EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT . 1991- 92 1992- 93 as 1990 -91 Adopted Proposed $ Increase/ % Increase/ GENERAL FUND Actual Budget Budget (Decrease) (Decrease) .. or City Secretary/Mayor /Council Personnel $52,060 $51,160 $56,229 $5,069 9.9% ▪ Operations & Maintenance 78,891 71,150 85,577 14,427 20.3% • Capital 150 0 6,850 6,850 100.0% Total 131,101 122,310 148,656 26,346 21.5% um • City Manager's Office Personnel 119,728 103,615 128,703 $25,088 24.2% " Operations & Maintenance 15,075 11,521 12,847 1,326 11.5% a" Capital 2,053 5,328 2,500 (2,828) - 53.1% Total 136,856 120,464 144,050 23,586 19.6% al Support Services ,. Personnel 0 0 20,673 20,673 100.0% Operations & Maintenance 332,921 408,520 475,224 66,704 16.3% OM Capital 206,025 1,000 33,500 32,500 3250.0% Total 538,946 409,520 529,397 119,877 29.3% a Finance *. Personnel 83,667 111,470 103,263 (8,207) -7.4% .. Operations & Maintenance 81,608 85,413 85,515 102 0.1% Capital 5,290 0 13,720 13,720 100.0% Total 170,565 196,883 202,498 5,615 2.9% r. Municipal Court Personnel 72,059 80,835 83,082 2,247 2.8% - Operations & Maintenance 42,323 59,603 76,728 17,125 28.7% Capital 4,941 0 700 700 100.0% "" Total 119,323 140,438 160,510 20,072 14.3% nn Fire Services "" Personnel 392,670 380,450 454,185 73,735 19.4% O. Operations & Maintenance 76,904 81,252 75,672 (5,580) -6.9% Capital 17,532 95,243 23,925 (71,318) - 74.9% ""� Total 487,106 556,945 553,782 (3,163) -0.6% u• Police Services A. Personnel 608,708 607,720 706,350 98,630 16.2% Operations & Maintenance 105,188 128,505 110,539 (17,966) - 14.0% . Capital 99,704 99,800 79,400 (20,400) - 20.4% Total 813,600 836,025 896,289 60,264 7.2% ei IS CITY OF SOUTHLAKE PROPOSED BUDGET 1992 -93 ALL FUNDS SUMMARY EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT e „ 1991-92 1992-93 1990 -91 Adopted Proposed $ Increase/ % Increase/ .... GENERAL FUND Actual Budget Budget (Decrease) (Decrease) m Public Safety Support "" Personnel $218,087 $270,085 $300,207 $30,122 11.2% "r. Operations & Maintenance 26,121 33,855 58,185 24,330 71.9% Capital 13,513 10,000 8,000 (2,000) - 20.0% Total 257,721 313,940 366,392 52,452 16.7% e Building Inspection " Personnel 82,102 92,200 124,852 32,652 35.4% +r Operations & Maintenance 13,518 18,430 19,880 1,450 7.9% Capital 1,512 13,600 13,700 100 0.7% w. Total 97,132 124,230 158,432 34,202 27.5% dr . Streets /Drainage Personnel 204,042 249,700 266,169 16,469 6.6% " Operations & Maintenance 211,270 244,450 284,525 40,075 16.4% Capital 233,815 103,028 363,000 259,972 252.3% a Total 649,127 597,178 913,694 316,516 53.0 %` emh Parks and Recreation Personnel 24,446 25,565 47,072 21,507 84.1% egs Operations & Maintenance 68,702 33,695 42,445 8,750 26.0% .. Capital 17,000 31,125 54,000 22,875 73.5% Total 110,148 90,385 143,517 53,132 58.8% eil .-" Public Works Administration • Personnel 59,662 49,990 91,190 41,200 82.4% Operations & Maintenance 12,845 8,925 9,175 250 2.8% " Capital 2,672 0 500 500 100.0% el Total 75,179 58,915 100,865 41,950 71.2% ' Community Development al Personnel 64,268 83,639 129,792 46,153 55.2% Operations & Maintenance 81,968 42,405 57,845 15,440 36.4% "°' Capital 1,951 0 6,500 6,500 100.0% • Total 148,187 126,044 194,137 68,093 54.0% Non - Departmentalized -Note 0 38,500 0 (38,500) TOTAL GENERAL FUND $3,734,991 $3,731,777 $4,512,219 $780,442 20.9% r r. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE PROPOSED BUDGET 1992 -93 ALL FUNDS SUMMARY EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT 1991- 92 1992 - 93 1990 -91 Adopted Proposed $ Increase/ % Increase/ UTILITY FUND Actual Budget Budget (Decrease) (Decrease) ao Water Utilities • Personnel $189,554 $263,425 $304,727 41,302 15.7% AN Operations & Maintenance 1,017,919 1,098,970 1,156,095 57,125 5.2% Capital 180,504 25,000 145,625 120,625 482.5% Total 1,387,977 1,387,395 1,606,447 219,052 15.8% wrr Wastewater Utilities Personnel 28,450 30,030 54,689 24,659 82.1% IN Operations & Maintenance 223,131 593,030 501,212 (91,818) -15.5% Capital 1,049 85,000 3,700 (81,300) - 95.6% Total 252,630 708,060 559,601 (148,459) - 21.0% vis Sanitation Personnel 0 0 0 0 0.0% Operations & Maintenance 0 179,710 232,200 52,490 29.2% Capital 0 0 0 0 0.0% Total 0 179,710 232,200 52,490 29.2% Non - Departmentalized • Debt Service 80,070 89,423 79,719 (9,704) -10.9% Operating Transfer 159,446 159,446 267,295 107,849 67.6% gas Total 239,516 248,869 347,014 98,145 39.4% TOTAL UTILITY FUND 1,880,123 2,524,034 2,745,262 221,228 8.8% DEBT SERVICE FUND Debt Service 493,444 543,306 665,435 122,129 22.5% "" Operating Transfer 0 227,879 250,963 23,084 10.1% • Total 493,444 771,185 916,398 145,213 18.8% • TOTAL DEBT SERVICE FUND SPECIAL REVENUE - PARKS/RECREATION FUND Operations & Maintenance 5,850 0 2,000 2,000 100.0% Capital 0 30,000 35,000 5,000 16.7% Total 5,850 30,000 37,000 7,000 23.3% GRAND TOTAL $6,114,408 $7,056,996 $8,210,879 $1,153,883 16.4% ... CITY OF SOUTHLAKE PROPOSED BUDGET 1992 -93 PROPOSED PERSONNEL (1) vo . 1991-92 1992-93 1990 -91 Adopted Proposed Increase a FUND Actual Budget Budget (Decrease) .. GENERAL FUND N•• City Secretary/Mayor /Council 1.5 1.5 1.5 0.0 • City Manager's Office 3.5 3.0 3.5 0.5 Support Services 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 . Finance 3.0 4.0 3.0 (1.0) • Municipal Court 3.0 3.0 3.0 0.0 Fire Services 11.2 11.2 13.2 2.0 "" Police Services 18.0 18.0 20.0 2.0 or Public Safety Support 9.0 10.0 10.0 0.0 Building Inspection 3.0 3.0 4.0 1.0 Streets /Drainage 8.5 8.5 8.5 0.0 VW Parks and Recreation 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 Public Works Administration 1.5 1.5 2.5 1.0 Community Development (2) 2.0 2.5 i 4.0 1.5 lais 4 . Total Personnel General Fund 65.2 67.2 76.2 9.0 sr UTILITY FUND gm Water Utilities 7.5 8.5 9.5 1.0 or Wastewater Utilities 0.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 .. Total Personnel Utility Fund 7.5 9.5 11.5 2.0 GRAND TOTAL PERSONNEL 72.7 76.7 87.7 11.0 Full Time 74.0 76.0 86.0 10.0 Part Time/Temporary 0.7 0.7 13 1.0 . Total Personnel 74.7 76.7 87.7 11.0 (1) Part time and temporary positions listed as an equivalent percentage of a full time position. (2) One part time intern position deleted, one full time position transferred from Ili Finance Division, one full time position added. City of Southlake, Texas AM MONTHLY DEPARTMENT REPORTS JULY 1992 ON wr ZONING 4A PARKS & RECREATION 4B de STREET 4C WATER /WASTERWATER 4D • BUILDING 4E PUBLIC SAFETY 4F MUNICIPAL COURT 4G COMPLAINTS 4H FINANCE 4I m t wr qm GIN or City of Southlake, Texas CITY - MANAGER .i, 1 (_13-yzi - m PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT rrr FEE REVENUE REPORT FOR THE MONTH ENDING 31 JULY 1992 m Mr ZONING $ 200.00 om NO. OF CASES ( - PLATTING 970.00 m NO. OF CASES ( me SITE PLANS 150.00 ., NO. OF CASES ( w SPECIFIC USE PERMITS .00 NO. OF CASES it BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT .00 NO. OF CASES MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 217.00 NO. OF RECEIPTS (11) ; a TOTAL REVENUE $ 1,537.00 TOTAL NO. OF RECEIPTS (17) iii gm a um b ■ 6/4 —/ M. rrr d W .-a O O O O W> O) 00 O O ,, N LC) CD p LC) dr .., F 4 G.. 00 p O Imo >- 01 0 0 p O N 1 N LC) Ln O O rim C.) _ c ) O 1.- LL WO .. Q r Or } W � - F- 00 O . - CI: 1 00 O O �, M .- CD Z N M Q+ Z 4d O W''7J1- J air 4 U orri i Q W 4 - >- W r F- 00 O O CD O O O ars N4�N LL) 01 G Z ..4 O^ r-4 W O LLJ I N ch '""" Y 0.4 J Q H 1- 4 or = W O N U U W O1 . - O N y = 0 0 O O r-4 w,.. O Z = J N Z L) .a C:7 dr YQZ .7) J ,d. dr 1 4 7rCC o U d' M Q d O CD N • O • Orr O O LC) C.., a C.', W W # N O K Or LPl 1=- O O O p0 NM �--� Z • . S O F - arr NM IIII WM ar) CM W D Z .-4 N Cl/ Z CD LL- Q P■4 O O G W cc J J J J MO C W W W W W F-' ...! LL F.. W Li- U J w p CD :2: JC4 JJJ F- CD W W 4 P-+ 444 O mod' a) ...1 mCGm 1-- * W ., City of Southlake, Texas 's CITY MANAGER MEMORANDUM August 11, 1992 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Michael H. Barnes, Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Street Department Monthly Report - July, 1992. go rrr .. The enclosed report details the Street Department activities for the month of July, 1992. This report is to be included in the City Council packets for their August 18, 1992 meeting. / s MHB /ck pa ow rrr Irr +rr ( ..A City of Southlake, Texas M E M O R A N D U M m. oi mm August 11, 1992 TO: Michael H. Barnes, Director of Public Works or FROM: SUBJECT: Monthly Report for Street Department July, 1992. Description July June 1. Tons of asphalt used 0 a. Ultimate Petroleum Mix 0 60 b. Hot Mix Asphalt 0 c. Cold Mix Asphalt 100 400 2. Lane Miles of Road Repaired 75 116 3. Number of Street Signs Repaired or Replaced (all 33 38 types) am 4. Feet of Ditch Line Cleaned and shaped 500 1000 5. Number of Vehicles Repaired 2 3 a. Rebuilt starter on one dump truck. sr b. Rebuilt starter motor on motor grader. 6. Row mowed in miles of streets. 65 50 �• MB /cbk IPS Os wr j a City of Southlake, Texas CITY MANAGER is as ' L August 11,1992 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager Michael H. Barnes, Director of Public Works FROM: - July, SUBJECT: Water Department Monthly Report 1992 --------------- - - - - -- The -enclosed report details the Water Department activities for the month of July, 199 report is to be included in the City Council packets imi mo op 4" This repo August 18, 1992 meeting. 4 44 for their Augu � I MHB/ck ,- I ■ `" ii pm \ r pm le OM i am Or Om I III Om _ UTILITY DEPARTMENT REPORT +a MONTH JulY 1992 ow JUNE JULY GALLONS PUMPED FROM WELLS 0 0 "". PURCHASED FROM FORT WORTH 37,791,000 64,293,000 or TOTAL PUMPED AND PURCHASED 37,791,000 64,293,000 UP WATER METERS SET 26 55 NEW WATER TAPS MADE 3 2 er e. VALVES REPAIRED 0 2 VALVES TESTED 15 23 FIRE HYDRANTS INSTALLED 0 1 or 0 FIRE HYDRANTS REPAIRED 3 m FIRE HYDRANTS FLUSHED 15 15 III DEAD END WATER MAINS FLUSHED 31 32 .. WATER MAINS REPAIRED 4 2 or WATER METERS AND SERVICE LINE REPAIRED 1 4 Pm W • NEW ACCOUNTS 55 44 FINAL ACCOUNTS 52 48 LOCKED METER FOR DELINQUENT PAYMENT 3 12 PULLED METERS 3 5 METERS REPLACED 38 6 or MISCELANEOUS WORK ORDERS 132 77 p. or SEWER LIFT STATIONS CHECKED (3 L.S.) 67 69 .. REQUIRED MONTHLY SEWAGE TESTS 8 12 or SEWER PLANT MAINTENANCE (BANK & DOVE) 47 46 SEWER MANHOLES INSPECTED 3 6 pm so MISCELLANEOUS PROJECTS 3 1 Pulled No.1 pump from N. Carroll lift station cleaned and reinstalled. or or WATER SUPERINTENDENT °"*, ‘--- DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS P i REPORT REPORT TO: oN OF DEPARTMENT - MONTHLY REP 1100 WEST 49th STREET i WATER WORKS OPERATION FOR AUSTIN. TEXAS 78756-3192 REET GROUND WATER SUPPLIES pm '1) Name of System, CITY OF soun-ELAKE County TARRANT M ot th of .7iTf,Y 19 92 ia) Water System I.D. No. 220007 (8) (9) am of (2) Direct (3) From Glut (4) Purchased (5) Total Da Pum ( page to Distribution System in Thousand Gals_ (6) (7) Fluoride y 4 l Disinfection Corrosion Other Residuals Month from wells Storage frorn Others Ptmtpage ` a Control Treatment Res 4.4 1 0 _ 1,137.0 1,137.0 Ow 2 0 1,540.0 1,540.0 3 0 1,707.0 1,707.0, u 4 0 1,801 n 1,801.0 ire 5 0 1,881.0 1.881.0 !!!� 6 0 � 2,244.01 2 gai 7 0 2,327.0 2,327.0 it 8 0 2,241.0 2,241.0 9 . 0 2,367.0 2,367.0 om 10 0 2,399.0 2,399.0 is 11 0 2,658.0 2,658.0_ 12 0 _ 2,724.0 2,724.0 13 0 2,964.0 2,964.0, ill 14 0 _ 2,863.0 2,863.0 • 15 n 2.852.0 2 857_A Pm 16 0 241.0 2.241.0 SAMPLES :NEGATIVE i• 17 n 7_ 'il7_ 7.117.0 18 n 1.601.1 1,601.0 �; — 19 0 1.01.• 1,916.1, 20 0 1,521.1 1,521.0 aim" , n _ 1.811. 1.811.0 22 0 1,634.1 1.634.0 • '"` 23 2,014.a 2,014.0 kr 24 0 2 2,187.0 2,494.0 2,494.0 26 n 25 am n 2,567.0 2.567.0 • 27 0 2,311. 2,311.0 28 n 1.399. 1.399.Q. �" 29 n 1 _709. 1.709.0 S r 30 0 2,075. 2,075.0 31 0 1,676. 1,676.0 ow Total 0 _ 64,293. 64,293.0 is Avg. 0 2,073.0 2,073.0 Mex. 0 2,964.0 2,964.0 """ Min. 0 1,016. 1,016.0_ is 2 .60 Chemical Analysis (11) 11 -83 No. of Active Water Services (10) 8 _SAMPLES NEGATIVE `M Dates and Results of Distribution Bacteriological Analyses (12) um Dates and Results of Raw Unchlorinated Well Water Samples (13) NONE 35 ▪ Reservoirs or Tanks Cleaned (14) 8-87 Dead Ends Flushed (15) General Remarks (16) Certificate No. (18)_45. 0 -31 -2 396 rr Submitted By (17) ' ,7/c--- L -%•-----------" 5/3S u"' FORM. 1.`10_EL -3 All reports due by the 15th of the following month. d -3 I — , WM N CIN W� o '�iI I 001001+INN erNN01n NOD N InIn0N d' Pm u 1•1 to N N N t0 M 0 N • er r" ) N In v- -I CO cn 01 •4 M M N •--1 — in Ws C/5 4 o am • 01 Cg 1 r < o PP W O .-1 in to 001 0 d' O O co .--I ,-I N CO O O N 001 0 04L) 1 If1 .-I N - rI CO - N 0 '-1 CO d' U1 r- '•I ill V) . - 1 N In d' ) N " N cn 1 01 N H W An gi . iii cal gm ria 0 4 4 " er erd'MCV NN If) el 0%Det 1(1 er '' I-M0t0 er Ns Q 0N- "4 01 erM ON . t0 W o • t i •-I N N H .-I 1 •-i " E1 N n" r O • p; eNI WW> W E 11 i aa al ',i+< 01N400al0 40)01 01 . -I +I CO 40NN0d' ••1 �4 Q 01 •-I .-1 .-1 t` O .--I M ai M .--1 In CO N N .--I er M N .-1 .--I t0 H g 4 r•1 1-I O H Mr C13 0 Ili X O NW ZWo1 Pi �.I O I � r•I 1EI X NM"OInoo •-1d'01. -40 CO I-4 ''t0. - I 00 tc ill H W x N "4 '' M N +1 +I co UaO EI 04 "4 Ps a t15 1.4 la Pm yip I eI ...1 O O Ifl N" t0 .--1 0 .--I N O N .-I 0 0 CO W 0 .- .4. ...4 "4 bInM N N In N IA '.'4 i N - E 0 ODNNd'NOM 40 03 el' H0 CD in Ot0 N • 17 d. .-I 01 t0 to M N in am in ils • MI •• •O •• Om Q eam s a Ri ., 0 x14 V) CD 0+4P1 ! 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HAND Beginning Count 443 481 N/A Received 0 9 546 Served 21 46 352 Purged 5 1 86 •. Ending. Count 417 443 N/A FINES COLLECTED ime By Warrant Officer $1,025 $5,017 $39,899 ors By Other Agency $1,596 $4,048 $18,455 Total $2,621 $9,065 $58,354 or +a' WARRANTS SERVED age orm By Warrant Officer 11 27 240 By Other Agency 10 19 112 Total 21 46 352 1w • Vj3 osi. iii 00 Page 1 \ t e: 08/13/9 t i r: OFF0300 OFFENSES BY OFFENSE DESCRIPTION FROM ~� 07/01/92 TO 07/31/9 ow ili Officer Property POE MOE Status ]f se Offense ti e Stolen === ====== ��` Detect v === Number ' - � ======= Da�� ======== ========== === ======== on C \ ns�� for 911 HANG UP 144 / '39'3 0 0 C � 07/21/92 225125 114 / 999 0 0 C ' � 225444 » 0 C 30/92 22542g 114 / 999 0 0 /92 0 ��-�-- 146 / 99� 07/31/92 225520 C ' �� A8ANDONED VEHICLE 0 0 sli *n��s for 224667 111 / 9g9 0��14/ C s fo r A BANDONED PROPERTY / ggg 0 0 sn'� 11/g2 224301 111 ` ' C e ��es f or ABANDONED VEHICLE g / 999 0 0 C /0 7/92 223856 l� 0 v C �� /Og/g2 224054 139 / ggg 0 0 C «/ 2 108 / 0 « C 0��21/92 22518g 132 / 999 0 0 ''3!"32 225383 111 / �r�28/ C fe��es for A8G ASSAULT 108 / ggg 0 0 A - 223448 0 0 �� /03/ 92 / 140 - 134 -- � 920611 ' - � 07/08/ p� AG8 ASSAULT ON POLICE OFCR 0 0 A fe��es for g20657 134 / 140 ~~ 7/23/9 2 C fs for ALARM CALL 132 / gg� 0 0 C ��7/01/ 223199 13 0 0 C 07/01/ 223208 132 / 9g9 0 C ��7/01/92 223211 132 / 9 9S 0 0 0 C �7/01/S 223213 13g / 0 0 C 7/02/92 223317 132 / » 0 C -7/02/92 223321 132 / ggg » 0 C 7/02/92 223327 140 / ggg » 0 C - 223331 0 C ��7 /02/9� 223421 111 / 999 0 0 C 07/03/92 2233g 119 / 999 0 0 C ��07/03/92 223405 420 / 999 0 0 C | 07/03/92 223407 11 / 999 0 0 C 07/03/92 223440 108 / 999 0 0 C ~� 07/03/92 223438 108 / 999 0 0 C 07/03/92 223428 108 / 999 0 0 C 7/03/92 223473 111 / 999 0 0 C '7/04/92 2234g5 119 / 999 0 0 07/04/92 223503 11g / 999 ill 07/04/ ,� 17/1c � �� ~___ , . . , - , _ , . . . . . - , ` . . \ / MO \ . NO 2 *M Pa ge - ___ ` +` ~ .`� . � ~ ~ F FENSE DESCRIPTION FROM _` � . .. �� u �` � 07/31/ _ 9� ._~� 0 - O1 /9 TO � property Sta at us ] er ProPe POE MOE �- S tole n === ====== De�sctive ========== === =========== op C 0 As 0 C 114 / 999 0 0 C 0 � 1� / 0 C 0 1 • 0 C �� / 0 0 1 z� ' 0 C 1 / 0 C • - 1 / 999 0 0 C 0 \ 1 �� / 999 0 � / ggg 0 0 ~ • 127 0 . ��2 / 999 0 0 C � - / 99 0 0 . at,: C 143 / 999 0 0 C 034 / 999 0 0 C ' 4 / 999 0 0 C .. 0 0 C / 0 0 .,122 C / 0 0 C ,,,,". 5 ,4 / 999 0 o C 0 132 / 0 C an •-2,4. / 999 0 0 0 0 0 C 134 / 999 0 0 C / 999 0 0 C 108 / 999 0 0 0 . 1111 / 999 0 0 C 143 / 999 0 0 0 w. 108 / 999 0 0 C ��1 14 / 999 0 0 C . : . 144 / 999 0 0 C • • C 144 / 999 0 « 0 114 / 999 0 0 C is 1 14 / 9 99 0 0 C 146 / 999 0 0 C um 144 / 999 0 0 0 a 119 / 999 0 0 C 134 / ggg 0 0 C I. 143 / 999 0 0 0 � 127 t"=- 0 0 iii 0 127 / 999 0 0 C 000 132 / .1 0 0 0 0 132 / 999 0 0 146 / 999 0 0 C 0 132 / 0 C 0 127 / 0 ` lir 134 / �� m g 1../t... - , -�-_ . _ ---_-,- -_.�'_'-_--. _ --__-_'_---�-.__ _-^.-_-_'- - p~ | t� �� Page 3 Pc Date: 08/13/9 po- ' Nmbr: OFF0300 O FFENSES BY OFFENSE DESCRIPTION FROM °~ 07/01/92 TO 07/31/9 ft 4. Offense Officer Property PO MOE Status ` ffense D e tective Stolen === � �ate Number ___ === om C for ALARM CALL 0 0 ff��ses 2248g8 139 / 999 0 0 C 07/18/92 132 / 999 0 C • 7/18/92 224915 132 / 999 0 0 C /18/92 224920 127 / 0 0 C w�' 224899 0 07/18/92 127 _ -- - 127 / 0 C ' 224916 0 07/18/92 127 0 -- - 127 / 0 C 07/18/92 224919 / 0 C • 224900 139 0 0 "07/ 1 27 / 0 C 07/18/92 224923 133 / 0 0 C P 107/18/92 224934 500 / 0 0 C 224995 145 ��07/18/92 224933 133 / 0 0 C 114 07/19/92 224940 / 0 C 07/19/92 0 0 p� 224399 / 0 0 C in 07/19/92 114 / 0 C 07/19/92 224993 108 / 0 0 C ~ 07/19/92 224998 114 / 999 0 0 C 7/20/92 225060 144 / 999 0 ' 0 C �_n7/20/92 225056 119 / 999 0 0 C 07/20/92 225050 11g / 999 0 0 C PR 07/21/92 225079 144 / 999 0 0 C to 07/21/92 225123 108 / 999 0 0 C 07/21/92 225131 11g / 999 0 0 C p� 07/22/92 225142 144 / 9 99 0 0 C 07/22/92 225143 144 / 999 0 0 C 0� 07/22 225155 11g / 999 0 0 C 07/22/92 225157 114 / 0 0 C 07/23/92 225178 w� 07/22/92 225165 127 / 999 0 0 C �� 07/23/92 225185 127 / 999 0 0 C / ggg 0 C w" 07/23/92 2 132 0 0 07/23/92 225192 132 / 999 0 0 C 07/23/92 225195 132 / 999 0 0 C 07/24/92 225214 139 / 999 0 0 C m 07/24/92 225219 139 / 999 0 0 C /11. 07/24/92 225216 139 / 999 0 0 C 07/24/32 225222 134 / 999 0 0 C " 07/25/92 225237 139 / 999 0 0 C 07/25/92 225247 139 / 0 0 0 w� 07/26/92 225269 139 / 0 0 0 07/26/92 225274 134 / 999 0 0 C ~� 225285 143 / 999 0 0 0 07/27/92 119 / 0 C 07/27/92 225318 119 / 0 0 C 07/27/92 225305 144 / 0 0 C ' 07/27/92 225303 0 W 07/27/92 225338 119 / � ~~ � m ~ _ - • • - - _- . „ - Wn _ - - _-- • • NW � ' . 4 page \ \ -~ .. \. at. 08/1 DESCRIPTlON FROM `` | ��: OFF0300 FENSES BY OFFEm�� 07/31/92 �m OF 07/01/g2 TO w� Status "� Office Proper POE MOE ====== .i Stolen e�ge Offense Detective== ~.======== — Number ======== e ==�== = 0 � === 0 :=!". 0 C 0 log ALARM CALL 146 / ggg 0 0 C for 0 0 as ALARM / 999 0 /��/92 225345 146 / 999 0 0 0 / / 225342 141 / ggg 0 0 C 72/P-42 225342 141 / 0 0 0 ,/ /92 22538g 141 / 0 0 C �^ 7/ �� /9 2 225424 144 / 999 0 0 0 7/��/92 225427 141 / 999 0 0 C 7/29/92 225479 144 / 9g9 0 0 C 7/4°,0/92 225473 111 / 999 0 0 C '7 `0/92 225467 119 / 999 0 0 C Il i() 141 0 0 )7 /30 225491 141 / ggg 0 0 0 )7��0/g2 225488 132 / 0 0 C 37 J1/g2 225496 132 / 0 0 0 077u1/92 225499 127 / 0 0 C 07 '�� /92 225501 13g / 0 0 0 0'. 1/g2 225500 127 / 0 0 0 0���1/g2 225515 10S / 999 0 0 07/�1/92 225523 108 / g99 0�YO1/92 225��30 143 / g9g C ��/� 22552 0 07/ 31/92 0 ~� AMBULANCE CALL 119 / ggg for C . � �es � ' 4666 ^ -- e 22 0 - � ��/14/92 '-- 0 C ~' 0 ANIMAL CALL 132 / 0 0 C �� for 0 0 fs ses � 224058 ^- / 0 41017/0q/92 2 .7 '4 05,9 108 / 999 0 07/19/92 225248 500 / --)7/ 25/92 225514 132 0 C �7/31 0 ww' for ANIMAL DETAIL 132 / CA ƒf�nses 2233 0 O�/02/92 O me ARREST ARREST 143 / C }ffene 22407 0 07/09/92 0 �� ASSIST FD 143 / 999 for C f nses ' �- 419� ^ �- Of e � 22 0 ' o7/10/92 '-� 0 0 C ~- AGENCY 0 C for ASGIST OTHER 119 / 0 0 C 0 �ses5/92 223610 119 / 999 0 0 07/[x2/g2 ��5159 143 / 999 07/2 /92 225284 114 / 999 ,� w� 07/27 2254 � 87/30/92 ����~~ di �� _~ ____ - _ ________ _-�,_- ___---_ � -___ '__ __"__-^_=-~_.��- °�~ �� oil P age 5 ,,,m,,, , or Date: 08/13/92 o- |mbr: OFF0300 OFFENSES BY OFFENSE DESCRIPTION FROM ~- 07/01/92 TO 07/31/9 mif ��fe nse Offense Of ficer Property POE MOE Status Detective o^"^e.. === === ==�___ | ��te Number =========== ========== � ________ OM • A feimses for ATT BURGLARY (R) 1g / 140 0 o C 77/30/92 920673 1 / ggg o , .,47/30/92 225460 119 A f�Ms for ATT SUICIDE 07/01/92 - 920592 143 / 0 0 . � WO A .f��ses for BURGLARY (B) / 0 0 C 07/17/g2 920636 132 0 0 A .4)7/17/92 224860 132 / 133 2 65 C 7/2 920655 1 .1 999 0 05 A / 225211 127 / 15 � ��7/24/92 g20664 119 / K 0 0 C 07/27/92 2252g1 119 / 6 55 A 07/27/92 920670 119 / 0 0 C wet )7 225406 119 / 14 90 CA 07/29/92 g20671 146 / 133 H 0 0 C _ r/29/92 2254 146 /" 999 '/29/92 , A /f��nses for BURGLA ( R) / ggg 14 90 C 07/16/g2 920632 132 / ggg 0 00 A �� 07/ 16/92 224826 132 / 133 KHFBG 5 G C 07/25 920661 500 / ggg 0 0 ~� 07/25/92 225262 500 C «� BURGLARY IN PROGRESS 0 0 ]ffenses for 224717 108 / 999 0 0 C °~ 07/14/92 224914 127 / 07/1B/9 *� A O ��enses for BURGLARY M/'•,2 07/ 16/92 920630 127 / FK 5 65 C 127 / 9'9'9 0 v5 A �� 07/16/92 224324 144 / FK 3 � C 07/28/92 920665 144 / ggg 0 `, ~� 07/28 225351 for CITY ORDINANCE VIOLATION 0 0 C Offenses 223241 143 / 0 0 C = 07/01/92 223515 119 / ggg 0 0 C w� 07/04/92 223534 114 / 999 0 0 C 07/04/92 223538 114 / 999 0 0 C 07/04/92 223550 108 / 999 0 0 C 07/04/92 223555 108 / 99g 0 0 C 07/04/92 223563 108 / 999 0 0 C 07/05/92 223640 111 / 0 0 C 07/05/92 22 3G66 114 / 999 07 / 05/9 2 x� �� ~�~�-� ,� =~ __'_ . .^- '.__- ow ^o ~~ 6 Page rt te: 08/13/92 DESCRIPTION FROM rt ,br: OFF0300 OFFENSES By OFFENSE ~� 07/01/92 TO 07/Jz /g au ~= Officer Property POE MOE Status Offense Stolen === ====== a `ense Detective ==== === \ �� Number ==== ====== D~.e ======== ======= ======== � 0 / °� VIOLATION 0 0 n�es for CITY ORDINANCE 11g / 0 0 0 07/06/92 223733 11g / 0 0 C ��/06/92 223735 108 / 999 0 0 0 /11/92 224340 146 / g99 0 0 C ` ` //15/92 224793 134 / g99 0 0 C "` /16/92 ' 224834 143 / 0 0 A �/� ��r/17/92 224882 114 / 0 0 0 /22/92 920649 114 / 999 ' 225166 07/22/ 134 / 999 0 0 C 1..7/27/92 225286 0 0 0 f ar es for CIVIL DISPUTE 132 / 0 � A =''s 223316 4.1.7/0 119 / 7/23/92 920667 C m� 0 0 ferses for CIVIL STANDBY 111 / 0 _ C '06/92 223739 11g / ��/27/92 225321 A 0 f CREDlT CARD ABUSE 0 �f��ses or g23645 110 / '7/21/ � - C 0 f CRIMINAL MISCHIEF 0 0 C ff�nses or 224047 1�9 / 0 0 07/09/92 224186 143 / 999 0 0 A ��07/10/92 224283 119 / 999 0 0 A 07/11/ 11g / 0 0 �� 07/11/92 920617 500 / 0 0 A �� 07/1 1/92 920620 134 / 0 0 C 07/15/92 920628 13g / 0 0 C w� 07/17/92 224853 143 / g99 0 0 C 07/17/92 224S89 500 / 0 0 A v� 07/1S/92 224931 500 / 0 0 C 07/18/92 920638 108 / g99 0 0 A 07/21/92 225074 108 / 0 0 S �� 07 /21/92 920642 144 / 133 0 0 S 07/21/92 920643 144 / 133 0 0 C v� 07/21/92 920644 144 / g99 0 0 C mil 07/21/92 225082 144 / g99 0 0 C 07/21/92 225085 134 / 140 "� 07/23/92 225199 C 0 for CRIMNAL MISCHIEF / 9gg 0 � nses 224333 500 07/11/ for DEL «� ��fenses DELIVER MESSAGE ���� ~~ v « �� =" ___'_'- _____ _^"_ _-_ -. - ~- Page 7 Rk ort Date: 08/13/92 Rr ~t Nmbr: OFF0300 OFFENSES BY OFFENSE DESCRIPTION FROM 07/01/92 TO 07/31/92 460 °m , Offense Offense Officer Property POE MOE Status Date Number Detective Stolen === === No 07/27/92 225280 134 / 999 0 0 C ift Oullenses for DEMENTED PERSON 0 0 C 07/27/92 225341 146 / 999 AM O_fenses for DISCHARGE FIREARM 0 0 C «� 07/0g/g2 224077 134 / 0 0 C 07/12/92 224362 114 / 999 „� 0 0 C 07/20/92 225064 108 / 999 0 0 C N* 07/26/92 225278 143 / 999 0 C 07/28/92 0 225366 119 / 999 . Om for DISTURBANCE 0 0 C 07/01/92 223238 134 / 999 0 0 C ~~ 07/09/92 224065 139 / 0 0 C 07/14/92 224658 119 / 999 0 C 0 07/14/92 224712 146 / 999 07/15 0 0 C /92 224788 143 / 999 0 C ~~ 07/16/92 2 0 24836 146 / 999 07/17/92 224887 143 / 0 0 C 0 0 C 07/22/92 225161 144 / 999 0 C 4" 07/26/92 920662 143 / 0 07/27/92 0 0 C 225277 143 / 999 0 0 C 07/ 225391 141 / 0 0 C 0.. 07/31/92 225531 108 / 999 drfenses for DOG CALL 0 0 C 07/06/92 223727 119 / 0 0 C °° 07/13/92 224552 144 / 999 m Offenses for DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE 0 0 C '� 07/03/92 223403 119 / 999 0 A 07/03/92 920594 108 / 0 M 07/06/92 223777 108 / 999 0 0 0 C 07/06/92 920603 108 / 999 0 0 C .m,• 0 07/11/92 224323 108 / 999 let 07/11/92 920619 108 / 0 0 A 0 C 07/15/92 224733 146 / 999 0 0 C ~" 07/31/92 225 0 529 146 / 999 ow Offenses for DRUNK 0 0 C "� 07/10/92 224182 134 / 999 . 'enses for DWI 0 0 `C 07/21/92 225073 114 / 999 0 CA 07/21/92 920641 114 / 140 0 -�� or ^� �� ~= � go _ . 0., we \ 8 Page 0,.. rt te: 08/13/92 � DESCRIpTION FROM � rt or: U�r«�v" OFFENSES BY OFFENSE 07/31/g2 =~ 07/01/92 TO or Officer Property POE MOE Status �� Offense Stolen O^ �ense Detective == === == = ====== �� Number == ======== D�.e ======== ========= ======== um angles for DWI 114 / 0 0 C 07/22/92 225162 OM e�~es for DWLS 111 / 140 ��/07/2:0/92 0 0 CA 920640 ' � C ' "� s for EVADING ARREST / 99g 0 v CA er �e 114 0 0 - 223552 / --- (OW/04/92 920598 114 / 140 07/04/ A TO STOP/RENDER AID 0 0 fe��es for FAIL 111 / 07/21/92 920646 A 0 �� 0 fe --,-.e--:. for FIRE CALL 410 / 0 0 C ��/13/92 920627 13 / 999 ~' 225218 o7/24/ 0 A f��=es for FIRE REPORT 108 / 0 07/07/92 920604 S 0 �f��ses for FOUND PROPERTY 11g / 133 o 0 A 07/06/92 920602 111 / " 0 C ..07/11792 920615 119 / 0 C 07/19/92 920639 113 / " 11 °07/19/ 92 224978 C 0 0 f� f or HARASSMENT so07/01/92 223201 132 / 999 0 0 3 ' 127 / g99 0 0 A 07/02/92 223328 127 / 140 0 0 C 0..07/0W 920593 127 / g99 0 0 A 07/16/92 224818 143 / 140 0 0 C 07/18/92 820637 143 / 0 0 0 07/18/92 224890 134 / 999 0 0 A mi. 07/19/92 224944 140 / 140 0 0 C �� 07/23/92 920659 140 / g99 0 0 A 07/24/92 225207 144 / 0 0 C °" 07/28/92 920666 144 / 999 0 O A w� 07/28/92 225367 144 / 140 0 0 A 07/30/92 920675 114 / 0 0 C _, 07/30/92 920676 144 / g99 0 0 C 07/30/92 225472 141 / g99 0 0 C )7/30/92 225487 114 / 9g9 0 0 A 07/30/92 225489 141 / 07/30/92 920677 �w �� .���� x« «�� u ... . , ' - ~~ :~,= =000 ~ =° F~port Date: 08/13/92 Page 9 Fr - Nmbr: OFF0300 OFFENSES BY OFFENSE DESCRIPTION FROM 07/01/92 TO 07/31/92 0* Offense Offense Officer Property IFIM Date Number Detective Stolen POE MOE Status __ === === am CA. for HIT & RUN ACCIDENT 07/04/92 223505 111 / 999 0 0 C orit 07/07/92 223875 139 / 999 0 0 C 07/21/92 225127 111 / 999 0 0 C loffenses for HIT AND RUN ACCIDENT 07/04/92 920596 111 / 133 0 0 A °� 07/04/92 920599 111 / 133 0 0 A erf Offenses for INFORMATION ~. 07/19/92 224958 144 / 0 0 C ��fenses for INJURED PERSON �� 07/23/92 920653 139 / 999 0 0 A 0- 07/23/92 225190 139 / 999 0 0 C ow 07/28/92 225392 141 / 999 0 0 C 07/31/92 225513 139 / 0 0 C = . anses for INVESTIGATION 07/01/92 223203 127 / 999 0 0 C 0 = 07/03/92 223346 134 / 999 0 0 C 07/03/92 223416 111 / 999 0 0 C l" 07/05/ 223658 111 / 0 0 C 07/06/92 223681 1 / 0 0 C ~M 07/06/92 223747 111 / 0 0 C w0 07/06/92 223775 108 / 999 0 0 C 07/07/92 223887 143 / 999 0 0 C ~" 07/08/ 223981 127 / 0 0 C 07/08/92 223995 134 / 999 0 0 C 4.0 07/11/92 224263 119 / 999 0 0 C 07/16/92 224838 143 / 999 0 0 C 07/19/92 224977 145 / 0 0 0 " 07/21/92 225070 108 / 999 0 0 C 07/21/92 225135 108 / 999 0 0 C ~- 07/23/92 225194 127 / 999 0 0 C 0t0 07/24/92 225217 127 / 999 0 0 C 07/24/92 225225 134 / 999 0 0 C ~� 07/25/92 225261 134 / 999 0 0 C 07/27/92 225282 134 / 999 0 0 C on 07/28/92 225363 111 / 999 0 0 C 07/29/92 225432 114 / 999 0 0 C 0= 07/30/92 225478 141 / 999 0 0 C 07/30/92 225470 119 / 999 0 0 C ./enses for LOOSE LIVESTOCK ell / 4- = es __- -_-_ __ . '------ —�— '— -- ^,._— �=w. ~~ low ~ • ~ Page 10 Rs ort Date: 08/13/92 R -t Nmbr: OFF0300 OFFENSES BY OFFENSE DESCRIPTION FROM ~ 07/01/92 TO 07/31/92 �e 0. Offense Offense Officer Property POE MOE Status Date Number Detective Stolen === === we === 0 0 07/02/92 223329 132 / 999 ~ ~~ 07/0g/g2 0 0 C 224064 139 / 0 0 C �� 07/12/92 224415 144 / 999 0 0 C 07/17/92 224862 132 / 0 0 C sm 07/18/92 224894 143 / 0 C 07/18/92 224901 12 0 7 / 07/19/92 224947 119 / 0 0 C 0 0 C =^ 07/19/92 224951 119 / 0 0 C 07/20/92 225035 119 / 999 w. Offenses for MAJOR ACCIDENT 0 0 C ~w 07/23/92 225187 139 / 999 0 C �� 07/30/92 225476 114 / 999 0 O'fenses for MEDICAL CALL 0 0 C 07/01/92 223243 143 / O��enses for MEET COMPLAINANT 0 0 C 07/03/92 223417 119 / 999 0 0 C ~~-' 07/04/92 223504 1 19 / 999 0 0 C 07/05/92 223660 119 / 0 0 C ~e 07/05/92 223624 119 / 0 0 C my 07/06/92 223760 119 / 0 0 C 07/06/92 223745 111 / 0 0 C $0m0 07/07/92 223891 134 / 999 0 C 07/08/92 223987 134 / 999 0 VW 07/11/92 224202 143 / 999 0 0 C 07/11/92 224280 144 / 999 0 0 C 9 0 C ~° 07/11/92 224322 108 / 999 0 '' 07/1 1/92 224324 500 / 999 0 0 0 C 07/12/92 224348 108 / 999 0 4 " 07/11/92 224345 114 / 999 0 0 C 0 C 0 0 7/12/92 224361 108 / 998 " - �� 07/13/92 0 0 C 224542 144 / 99� 0 C 0 0 7/13/92 224580 144 / 0 _ ~4.0 999 0 C 07/13/92 224586 144 / 999 0 0 C 11. 07/1 224702 108 / 999 0 07/14/92 224720 108 / 999 0 0 C 07/14 0 C 0 ". 1 34 / 999 0 , 07/15/92 22479 0 134 / 999 0 C "''^~' ~� -- - 0 0, 07/17/92 224884 143 / 0 - 07/1g/g2 22 0 0 C 4997 145 / 0 0 C °" 07/21/92 225120 119 / 0 0 C 07/23/92 224196 127 / 999 0 C 07/24/92 225210 139 / 999 0 07/ 0 0 C 25/92 225232 134 / 999 0 C 07/25/92 225239 139 / 999 0 me � � ^41.' ° � °� .' ' - ' , , ' . . _ - - �� - , __ , - _ . =° Aro . F port Date: 08/13/92 Page 11 F rt Nmbr: OFF0300 OFFENSES BY OFFENSE DESCRIPTION FROM ' 07/01/92 TO 07/31/92 um, . Offense Offense Officer Property Date Number Detective Stolen POE MOE Status a, === === [ for MEET COMPLAINANT as 07/27/92 225310 144 / 0 0 C 07/28/92 225382 119 / 999 0 0 C — 07/29/92 225412 144 / 0 0 C 07/31/92 2 108 / 999 0 0 C wsi . Q4fenses for MINOR ACCIDENT 07/01/92 223147 134 / 999 0 0 C 4 " 07/01/92 223195 139 / 999 0 0 C 07/01/92 223226 139 / 999 0 0 C 6 " 07/04/92 223479 119 / 999 0 0 C a lli 07/07/92 223825 132 / 999 0 0 C 07/07/92 2 139 / 999 0 0 C ~� 07/07/92 223884 134 / 999 0 0 C 07/08/92 223937 139 / 999 0 0 C *l 07/13/92 224541 111 / 999 0 0 C 07/13/92 224574 111 / 999 0 0 C 07/15/92 224786 139 / 999 0 0 C 4� 07/16/92 224815 139 / 999 0 0 C 07/16/92 224819 139 / 999 0 0 C " 07/17/92 224879 143 / 0 0 C 07/18/92 224918 132 / 999 0 0 C 07/18/92 :224917 132 / 999 0 0 C .... 07/20/92 225065 108 / 999 0 0 C 07/21/92 225137 108 / 999 0 0 C 07/22/92 225153 1 1 1 / 999 0 0 C 07/22/92 225158 111 / 999 0 0 C *. 07/22/92 225196 139 / 999 0 0 C IN 07/24/92 225212 139 / 999 0 0 C 07/25/92 225236 127 / 999 0 0 C = M 07/27/92 225320 1 1 1 / 0 0 C C7/30/92 225464 144 / 999 0 0 C ire ;6ffenses for MINOR IN POSS ALCOHOL 07/28/92 2 25393 114 / 0 0 C two Offenses for MISSING PERSON °" O7/03/92 223406 11R / 999 0 0 C w= 07/08/92 223986 132 / 0 0 C 07/11/92 224201 134 / 999 0 0 C _ • Ffenses for MOTORIST ASSIST 07/18/92 224921 127 / 0 0 C 07/19/92 224957 111 / 999 0 0 C 07/28/92 225372 111 / 990 0 0 C �� � u � �� , �� � - IOW ~~-___ - - . - , - ,- - - - - , _ - . ____� - `- - �. mo /... F "ort Date: 08/13/92 Page 12 F ~t Nmbr: OFFO300 OFFENSES BY OFFENSE DESCRIPTION FROM ~� 07/01/92 TO 07/31/92 Of "= Offense Offense Officer Property Date Number Detective Stolen POE MOE Status or _ === === __ ow fenses for MOTORIST ASSIST I. 07/29/92 225400 114 / 0 0 C 07/31/92 225502 139 / 0 0 C an � for OPEN DOOR 07/05/92 2236 119 / 0 0 C =° 07/12/92 224468 145 / 999 0 0 C 07/14/92 224615 146 / 999 0 0 C lw 07/17/92 224843 143 / 999 0 0 C 07/17/92 224848 143 / 0 0 C 010. 07/17/92 224356 132 / 0 0 C or 07/29/92 2 114 / 0 0 C 07/29/92 225403 119 / 0 0 C �� F f enses for OPEN GATE 07/02 223256 143 / 0 0 C ~-- C. :rises for PI 8 07/10/92 920614 134 / 999 0 0 CA 07/23/92 920656 146 / 999 0 0 CA ow Cierfenses for FOSS ALCOHOL U/21 07/28/92 920668 114 / 999 0 0 CA = / fen for PROWLER 07/09/92 224004 134 / 999 0 0 C ~= 07/13/92 224610 146 / 999 0 0 C 07/23/92 225197 132 / 999 0 0 C 41.1 07/25/92 225231 143 / 999 0 0 C 07/24/92 225228 143 / 999 0 0 C wI" 07/24/92 225226 134 / 999 0 0 C to Offenses for RECKLESS CONDUCT my 07/23/92 920654 127 / 140 0 0 A . 111, u,fenses for RECKLESS DAMAGE m 07/09/92 920610 139 / 133 0 0 S flOrfenses for RECKLESS DRIVER 07/21/92 225102 111 / 999 0 0 C °" 07/24/92 225208 134 / 999 0 0 C .enses for RECOVERED PROPERTY 07/06/92 223753 119 / 0 0 C 07/11/92 224253 111 / 999 0 0 C �� /5 °w � ~ . - __ - .— , ' . — _ . , ' _ —. me MO F pow nort Date: 08/13/92 Page 13 F rt Nmbr: OFF0300 OFFENSES BY OFFENSE DESCRIPTION FROM °� 07/01/92 TO 07/31/92 MO, ~m Offense Offense Officer Property Date Number Detective Stolen POE MOE Status === === • . for RUNAWAY wm 07/16/92 920635 146 / 0 0 A 07/16/92 224837 146 / 0 0 C ~° ' 'fenses for SALE OF ALCOHOL TO A MINOR law 07/23/92 920651 108 / 0 0 A °. 07/23/92 225172 108 / 999 0 0 C floffenses for SIMPLE ASSAULT 07/03/92 920595 108 / 999 0 0 CA 4.. 4ifenses for STRAY DOG 07/16/92 224810 132 / 999 0 0 C 00 " 07/17/92 224858 132 / 0 0 C 07/20/92 225029 144 / 999 0 0 C me 07/21/92 225086 119 / 999 0 0 C 07/22/92 225147 119 / 999 0 0 C 07/28/92 225365 144 / 999 0 0 C � Offenses for STRUCTURE FIRE ' 07/07/92 223797 145 / 999 0 0 C so fenses for SURVEILLANCE "� 07/24/92 225229 143 / 999 0 0 C * T I 'fenses for SUSP PERSON 07/04/92 223487 119 / 999 0 0 C .. 07/06/92 223756 119 / 0 0 C ow 07/08/92 223928 143 / 999 0 0 C 07/09/92 224072 134 / 0 0 C °� 07/12/92 224357 114 / 999 0 0 C 07/ 12/92 224473 108 / 999 0 0 C 07/13/92 22+526 111 / 999 0 0 C ~.. 07/13/92 224602 114 / 999 0 0 C 07/17/92 224878 134 / 0 0 C 41/1 07/18/92 224938 500 / 0 0 C 07/21/92 225071 114 / 999 0 0 C == 07/21/92 225069 114 / 999 0 0 C ea 0 7/25/92 225259 500 / 999 0 0 C �.ffenses for SUSP VEHICLE 07/02/92 223322 139 / 999 0 0 C 07/03/92 223443 108 / 999 0 0 C ~_ 07/10/92 224184 143 / 999 0 0 C 07/11/92 224222 143 / 999 0 0 C Mif �� '�x' �/� mom . Mg — __ _ . . — , — _ mek WO F "ort Date: 08/13/92 Page 14 F rt Nmbr: OFF0300 OFFENSES BY OFFENSE DESCRIPTION FROM . 07/01/92 TO 07/31/92 ow "= Offense Offense Officer Property Date Number Detective Stolen POE MOE Status alw ________ === === C for SUSP VEHICLE to 07/11/92 224244 119 / 999 0 0 C 07/13/92 224514 114 / 999 0 0 C sm 07/13/92 224545 144 / 999 0 0 C 07/13/92 224584 144 / 999 0 0 C we 07/15/92 224732 146 / 999 0 0 C pft 07/15/92 224792 134 / 999 0 0 C 07/18/92 224939 143 / 0 0 C sly 07/21/92 225121 144 / 999 0 0 C 07/27/92 225319 144 / 0 0 C °° 07/30/92 225437 114 / 999 0 0 C tag Offenses for THEFT **. 07/09/92 224063 132 / 0 0 C 07/09/92 224066 139 / 0 0 C ow 07/19/92 224954 144 / 0 0 C 07/26/92 225273 127 / 0 0 C [10 for THEFT 20/200 07/08/92 223958 127 / 0 0 C ~= 07/10/92 224180 134 / 999 0 0 C �� 07/31/92 920678 146 / K 0 0 A 07/31/92 225519 146 / 999 0 0 C �.. 'fenses for THEFT 200/750 ~" 07/01/92 223219 132 / 999 0 0 C 07/01/92 920590 132 / 133 K 0 0 S * pm 07/30/92 920672 144 / K 0 0 A lie 07/30/9 225456 144 / 0 0 C �''fenses for THEFT 750/20,000 07/06/92 22 C 372B 119 / 0 0 me 07/06/92 920600 119 / K 0 0 A ". 07/13/92 224525 144 / 999 0 0 C 07/13/92 920622 144 / 133 KF 14 90 S tw 07/20/92 225044 119 / 999 0 0 C 7 for THEFT U/20 ar 07/01/92 223217 127 / 999 0 0 C 07/03/92 2 140 / 999 0 0 C ~= 07/03/92 223412 119 / 999 0 0 C 07/16/92 224803 143 / 999 0 0 C 07/31/92 225493 141 / 999 0 o C ~~ 07/30/92 225477 141 / 999 0 0 C MO �� v � ~APO 1//".. _ __-_-__. ' ` ~° all r Date: 08/13/92 Page 15 F rt Nmbr: OFF0300 OFFENSES BY OFFENSE DESCRIPTION FROM ,_ 07/01/92 TO 07/31/92 Vit Offense Offense Officer Property °S Date Number Detective Stolen POE MOE Status or ____ ___ === === Owfen for TRAFFIC ASSIGNMENT 07/07/92 22 13 C 9 / 999 0 0 ON • 07/13/92 224547 111 / 999 0 0 C . 07/14/92 224704 111 / 999 0 0 C 07/19/92 224992 145 / 0 0 C 611 07/19/92 224994 108 / 0 0 C 07/27/92 225335 111 / 0 0 C . 07/31/92 225494 114 / 999 O 0 C mw Offenses for TRAFFIC STOP ' 07/24/92 920660 139 / 0 0 CA or fenses for TRAFFIC VIOLATION 07/24/92 225213 139 / 999 0 0 C Ilfenses for TRF VIOLATION 07/05/92 223667 108 / 999 0 0 C 07/07/92 223883 143 / 999 0 0 C 0, 07/07/92 223816 139 / 999 0 0 C 07/07/92 920605 139 / 999 0 0 CA . 07/08 223948 139 / 0 0 C 07/09/92 920612 143 / 999 0 0 C 41 " 07/10/92 224164 139 / 999 0 0 C _~ 07/10/92 920613 139 / 999 0 0 CJ 07/08/92 920607 139 / 999 0 0 CA wm 07/13/92 224560 111 / 999 0 0 C 07/13/92 920623 111 / 999 0 0 C °' 07/20/92 225005 100 / 0 0 C 07/20/ 225036 111 / 999 0 0 C 07/22/92 225139 108 / 999 0 0 C . 07/22/92 920650 114 / 999 0 0 CA 07/22/92 225168 114 / 999 0 0 C 4111P 07/27/92 225281 143 / 999 0 0 C 07/28/92 225371 111 / 999 0 0 C . 07/29/92 920669 111 / 999 0 0 CA NIN 07/29/92 225407 111 / 0 0 C 07/31/92 920679 145 / 999 0 0 CA " ' `fnses for TRF WRNT ARREST lop 07/01/92 223235 145 / 0 0 C w= 07/02 223304 139 / 0 0 CA 07/01/92 920591 145 / 999 0 0 C 07/04/92 223532 108 / 999 0 0 C 07/04/92 920597 108 / 999 0 0 CA °- 07/06/92 223761 111 / 0 0 C 11111 ��� � ����« � . . ____ __-___ ' . _ ` - , _ ow we 0. F �rt Date: 08/13/92 Page 15 rt Nmbr: OFF0300 OFFENSES BY OFFENSE DESCRIPTION FROM m= 07/01/92 TO 07/31/92 kw °' Offense Offense Officer Property Date Number Detective Stolen POE MOE Status ww _ === === ===_____ _ u= [ .fenses for TRF WRNT ARREST � " 07/06/92 920601 1 1 1 / 999 0 0 CA 07/08/92 2 23978 139 / 0 0 C 4. 07/08/92 223963 132 / 0 0 C ow 07/08/92 920609 139 / 999 0 0 C 07/08/92 92 132 / 999 0 0 C ~oo 07/12/92 224485 114 / 999 0 0 C 07/12/92 920621 114 / 999 0 0 CA iwo 07/14/92 224687 145 / 999 0 0 C 07/14/92 920624 145 / 999 0 0 CA 07/15/92 920626 139 / 999 0 0 CA 4116 07/14/92 224708 145 / 999 0 0 C 07/14/92 920625 145 / 999 0 • 0 CA °m 07/15/92 920629 143 / 999 • 0 0 CA ii , 07/16/92 920633 139 / 999 0 0 CA 07/16/92 920634 134 / 999 0 0 CA 07/16/92 224835 134 / 999 0 0 C 07/21/92 920647 114 / 999 0 0 CA a ' 07/21/92 225134 114 / 999 0 0 C 07/22/92 920648 145 / 999 0 0 CA �� 07/23/92 920652 108 / 999 0 0 CA mo 07/23/92 225173 132 / 999 0 0 C 07/23/92 920658 146 / 0 0 CA � 07/27/92 920663 143 / 999 0 0 CA 07/30/92 225474 1 1 1 / 999 0 0 C 07/31/92 225524 146 / 999 0 0 C "= 07/30/92 920674 1 1 1 / 0 0 CA ilTfenses for WARRANT ARREST 07/02/92 9205E19 l39 / 999 0 0 CA =" 07/07/92 S20606 143 / 999 0 0 C 4 1 0 07/11/92 224256 1 1 1 / 999 0 0 C 07/11/92 920616 111 / 999 0 0 CA w� 07/15/92 224779 139 / 939 0 0 C 07/16/92 920631 139 / 999 0 0 CA 00 07/16/92 224828 139 / 999 0 0 C 07/16/92 224831 139 / 999 0 0 C w� 07/22/92 225160 145 / 999 0 0 C II° 07/30/92 225490 146 / 999 0 0 C ��fenses for WELFARE CHEC 07/03/92 223422 119 / 999 0 0 C 07/06/92 223673 108 / 0 0 C ~ 07/16/92 224839 134 / 999 0 0 0 07/24/92 225223 143 / 999 0 0 C iiiN in � u� � �� --" F 'port Date: 08/13/92 Page 17 F rt Nmbr: OFF0300 OFFENSES BY OFFENSE DESCRIPTION FROM 07/01/92 TO 07/31/92 Offense Offense Officer Property Date Number Detective Stolen POE MOE Status Jam fens for WELFARE CHECK Total Offenses Pr 552 up Arrests 44 Minor Accidents 18 ~- Major Accidents 5 wow = -~ wm ONO °= 4101 =■ .�� V����� w� � , SOUTHLAKE DEPARTMENT OF PURL I C SAFETY MONTHLY REPORT .?ULYa 1992 PUBLIC SAFTY COORDINATOR EMS RESEARCHED POLICY'S IN COMPLETION DEVELOPMENT DATE(S) 1. INFECTION CONTROLL EQUIPMENT A. PROMOTION POLICY 09/01/92 2. JOB CLASSIFICATIONS B. INFECTION CONTROL 08/01/92 m3. ACLS CERTIFICATION DATES C. TRAFFIC CONTROL 08/01/92 4 "4. srr D. UNIFORM POLICY 10/01/92 5. " E. 6. a"w 7. EMS REPORTS GENERATED DAILY 0018. Q/A — C.E. VERIFICATION — MONTHLY REPORT em9. orip 10. TRAINING we NAME(S) TYPE OF TRAINING DATES . FIRE "A" SHIFT EMS 07/16/92 �2. 3. 4 . 5. ++sre ,6. .,. 7 . ' "'"' 10. OTHER ACTIVITIES: COORDINATED ACCIDENT REVIEW BOARD AND EMPLOYEE COUNCIL MEETINGS. ACTIVITY IS LOW DUE TO BUDGET WORK. RICKY BLACK 17i(-02/ PUBLIC SAFETY COORDINATOR SOUTHLARE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY FIRE SERVICES DIVISION MONTHLY REPORT - July, 1992 FIRE CALLS: AVERAGE TIME ON CALL Structure - (residential) 3 0 Hrs 41 Min Structure- (commercial) 0 ,., TOTAL $ LOSS (Fire) Structure - (other bldg) 1 S 564,300 M. Vehicle- (car,boat,etc.) 3 err Grass /Trash 3 CALLS BY TIME OF DAY Total Fire Calls 10 0700 -1200 15 26 % NI" 1200 -1900 26 46 % OTHER CALLS: 1900 -2400 11 19 % • Haz -Mat Incident 6 2400 -0700 5 9 % Bomb Threat /Call 0 Other Emergency 9 PLAN REVIEWS: Other Non - Emergency 11 Comm. /Indust. 3 Total Other Calls 26 Residential 0 Subdivision 0 aw• EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICE: C/O Issued 4 Total EMS Calls 21 OTHER ACTIVITY TOTAL CALLS FOR SERVICE IMINN (Dispatched / Tone Outs) 57 Burn Permits 46 w•• Public Educ. PATIENTS TREATED: Classes 4 Total Patients Treated 23 Grass /Weed Complaints 28 Medical Only 8 Pre -fire Plans Injury Only 15 Reviewed 0 Both Med /Inj 0 MVA Patients 6 MVA with Seatbelt 4 41110 171?Th22 • Ai m a co c- m N H O 0 O N 1.--- 0 co 0 H v u1 1 E In r 1 MS 0 E MID • air U m H O 000 0 0 O O O O co O ,aw Q E 0 X In AO E • Tr al 4 0 44 N W <1-4 I 'R' E4 a 00 0 0 0 0•-4 0 0 0 0 1 1 NI 0 Q O 1 I m >4 1 - E - 4 4 . 4 HE-Ii W O ZH 0 >+ 1 U 2 w to w 4) E" I 43 ,.� �� w w � W el xo �EEa C1 Z 11 r 3 '-4 H 0 0 0 0 0 0 v-4 0 0 0 0 F E ZE O W 04 0 ZD Z E 0 m 1 E U 1 W I - n 14 0 I 1 So Ua m N 0 H W.X. 111 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 •--1 0 O 0 0 40 OW .� aZ as ow H W 0 Z N 00 43 ... P o1 o1 mZ •-I %O(' 1 •-I 0 0 001 r- 0 , 0 c H H o1 O rI N .-1 Z ,Y, sr en U] SO I W H 04 Cie cn -. E Z M r.e h w a4 0 a A Z H E Hp 4W, 0 E 0 0 Ewo W ••Oz O 0 a Z H - 4 Z 3 E w w 0 w >+ W H W WI-4M OWN >+ ww ti ”C7WW 0 E oh E W N WNW E000 WOO N WZU3rzw . 0 W 0 0 m OWZ a ' - c c ' - z m > =w00 H w o OM Z Z wom m ZZ>• ZZ> C mHowHoaaa a 0 O 0 H Z'JrH1--1E,7+HHEH HWUWEW <I-I 4 0 w H EEC 0M004M0040 X0 CHNHC w oko as El-HZ H ZZ►-I ZZH m >+ m UZ a HE Hmwm E44)-4H=a l-inm HWEWOWZO N w Z maozw H4WW04WWOW OWWW W4 4 a 0 OHNO+m mH H m EwEmEZm mZ WWW44 oW • • W • • 4 mwawHwHW Cl) w mpoNE, tE+r+N E'-IN U wamacnawW 3 sz o • • • H • • a UE E<oo0 C m U Ua CO U 0 • • N • a 1 • • UM SPECIAL SERVICES DIVISION MONTHLY REPORT July 1992 DARE Number of Days spent in schools. 0 Number of 5th grade classes. __ 0 _ AN Number of K -4 visitations. _0 Number of Middle school classes. 0 ,.. Number of High school classes. _0 Total students taught. _0 Admin. Time. (hours) _2 op Crime Prevention Number of security surveys _5 Number of crime prevention presentations 1 Misc. Activities Outside meetings _3 Tours _ "' Training (Hrs.) _ 0 _ Training Days (As Instructor) _ 08_ Vacation (Hrs.) _ ,rw .,.t ISO CITY OF SOUTHLAKE I General Fund and Debt Service Fund - Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance am for the period ended July 31, 1992 with Comparative Actual amounts for the period ended July 31, 1991 To Date Percent To Date Actual Percent - 1991 -92 Actual Collected/ Actual Total Collected/ .,,, REVENUES Budget 7/31/92 Expended 7/31/91 9/30/91 Expended Ad Valorem Taxes $2,738,380 $2,692,913 98.3% $2,365,812 $2,437,704 97.1% m" Sales Tax 475,000 367,207 77.3% 328,177 448,149 73.2% Franchise Fees 265,500 269,683 101.6% 247,433 255,643 96.8% - Fines 285,000 180,326 63.3% 185,284 233,650 793% Charges for Services 41,000 39,915 97.4% 17,529 36,980 47.4% Permits/Fees 404,500 626,198 154.8% 452,098 557,685 81.1% ' Miscellaneous 5,240 19,561 3733% 28,677 35,392 81.0% Transfer In -Other Funds 188,896 29,451 15.6% 84,335 159,446 52.9% Interest Income 62,600 57,374 91.7% 44,771 76,877 58.2% - Total Revenues $4,466,116 $4,282,628 95.9% $3,754,116 $4,241,526 88.5% A EXPENDITURES ,. City Secretary $122,310 $94,905 77.6% $105,032 $131,102 80.1% • City Manager 120,464 107,157 89.0% 113,020 136,854 82.6% Support Services 409,520 341,701 83.4% 294,027 538,946 54.6% - Finance 196,883 162,925 82.8% 147,011 170,568 86.2% Municipal Court 140,438 122,170 87.0% 104,124 119,320 87.3% Fire 556,945 365,735 65.7% 432,046 487,106 88.7% ". Police 836,025 643,350 77.0% 696,444 813,599 85.6% Public Safety Support 313,940 281,729 89.7% 207,610 257,723 80.6% * Building 124,230 102,231 823% 84,543 97,133 87.0% Planning and Zoning 126,044 114,551 90.9% 116,204 148,184 78.4% "" Streets/Drainage 597,178 399,931 67.0% 511,943 649,128 78.9% s Parks 90,385 57,372 63.5% 68,544 110,146 62.2% Public Works Administration 58,915 56,494 95.9% 69,397 75,179 92.3% Debt Service- General Obligation Bonds 771,185 685,608 88.9% 396,722 493,444 80.4% Al Note Payable 38,500 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% Total Expenditures $4,502,962 $3,535,859 78.5% $3,346,667 $4,228,432 79.1% ;41 Excess (deficiency) of Revenue over Expenditures ($36,846) $746,769 $407,449 $13,094 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES AND (USES) Reserve - Infrastructure $0 $0 ($370,000) (8376,288) Loan Proceeds 107,775 0 0 0 «,* C.O. Proceeds 0 0 0 200.000 Excess (deficiency) of - Revenues and other sources over Expenditures $70,929 $746,769 $37,449 ($163,194) ,. FUND BALANCE OCT 1 $988,224 $988,224 $1,151,418 $1,151,418 ' ENDING FUND BALANCE $1,059,153 $1,734,993 $1,188,867 $988,224 4. rent CITY OF SOU]CHLAKE Water and Sewer Enterprise Fund Comparative Statement of Revenues and Expenses for the period ended July 31, 1992 and July 31, 1991 To Date Percent To Date Total Percent 1991/92 Actual Collected/ Actual Actual Collected/ REVENUES Budget 7/31/92 expended 7/31/91 9/30/91 expended IN Water Sales- residential $1,644,888 $1,180,802 71.8% $1,117,823 $1,490,403 75.0% Water Sales - commercial 411,222 241,172 58.6% 265,659 328,942 80.8% 41 Sewer Sales 88,914 150,804 169.6% 73,501 97,953 75.0% Sanitation Sales 200,350 190,406 95.0% 0 19,816 0.0% ", Other utility charges 132,960 168,726 126.9% 131,695 147,218 89.5% Miscellaneous 21,200 8,299 39.1% 37,082 51,556 71.9% Interest Income 24,500 26,192 106.9% 10,497 24,565 42.7% Total Revenues $2,524,034 $1,966,401 77.9% $1,636,257 $2,160,453 75.7% EXPENSES 4► Water $1,387,395 $801,239 57.8% $935,711 $1,392,492 67.2% Sewer 708,060 628,917 88.8% 188,543 252,631 74.6% "" Sanitation 179,710 146,595 81.6% Debt Service - Revenue Bonds 89,423 74,519 833% 66,725 80,070 83.3% • Transfers- General Fund 159,446 0 0.0% 84,335 159,446 52.9% Total Expenses $2,524,034 $1,651,270 65.4% $1,275,314 $1,884,639 67.7% Net • Income /(Loss) Q $315,131 $360,943 $275,814 4 OM oft ilr ,1. IM N P uw \ M_ \ r 411 W • 1 W '+.1 ■ 0 < Cl. 0 Al ■ z CC LL W W 1111 1" 000 PO •OOM M00001�C01A000 0 O OU10 r N_W OMMOO.t• OWN 000 r0 MOW .t.t000Mw U10000 ..0 0 .tr0 GI J< r'PM40000.0'J PU1.t COO MOW NNNM•00 CO.0000U1 COM 0 .OPO We 0. <J rm00.43r0Omm NU11- 00 NOCO OCOO.WOmw ZP.tr W W< P..mNO. tPmmr NOW MO 0400 PrU1 0rNrMr.t ON P.ON Z Ph1ANU11A.tNr.0 mw mot.- Pm.- 1�MMO.•ONNPN .ON •0.t' 7 sO r w1 r r r 0 W W 01000000000 0 0 00 000 0 0000 00 00 0 000 r7 0.00000000P 0 0 00 000 0 0000 00 00 0 000 . =W .0000000MOr 0 0 00 000 0 0000 ON MO r OUZO '� MOUI UIOOU1MWO. M Mr �Or 0 U10 r r ^ N MM1O ■ r W ^�C01 MW 0 CO N . 0 NM■ U1 WOC N sFdi W ■ N w:• W - OM ■1111'1 LOU% M M 01. st (41.1 .ON Pr 0 N CO IC P t m OP.c.Nr070 r0. 40 W ti .0010. U1 .- .UM 010 JN N WN.t < \M u r r r r _ . .... 1 J MM W r • CO r m. =111 0 r 0 0 =WO 1 - 0 M0z < W220 W 0. 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U J N O Z a U 0 0. 0 0 N O 0 . 1 N 6 A 0 0 0 000000000 = 00000000 a 0 S- O W O 1- 000000000 1-W 00000000 1-W 0 1-- 0 2 1- U1 0.2 .,-(VM1141.01.W O. 0.1- .'NM11411 W0• 0.3 N a2 2 7 < W 0 W< W W W< M W U 0 2 0 3 O N O N 14. w CITY OF SOUTHLAKE UTILITY BILLING MONTHLY REPORT JULY 31, 1992 THIS LAST YEAR 4' MONTH THIS MONTH ACCOUNTS BILLED: WATER $210,520.27 $264,178.38 SEWER 16,691.05 11,760.97 GARBAGE 21,940.51 16,394.14 SALES TAX 1,583.92 1,194.25 RECYCLE 0.00 3,991.05 OTHER 2,568.45 2,273.89 TOTAL $253,304.20 $299,792.68 4* NUMBER OF CUSTOMERS: WATER 2,612 2,294 SEWER 566 313 GARBAGE 2,640 2,340 TOTAL ACCOUNTS BILLED 2,858 2,524 CONSUMPTION BILLED (IN 000'S): WATER 49,064 67,513 NEW CUSTOMERS 44 62 AMOUNTS COLLECTED DURING MONTH $205,091.90 $208,968.17 FINAL BILLINGS 48 48 CITY OF SOUTHLAIKE SALES TAX REVENUES six year comparison 1991 -92 collected budget balance budget to date balance percent $475,000 $418.564 $56,436 11.88% 44 .FISCAL < FISCAL FISCAL FISCAL FISCAL FISCAL YEAR YEAR % Inc YEAR % Inc YEAR % Inc YEAR % Inc YEAR % Inc MONTH 86/87 87/88 (Dec) 88/89''. (Dec) 89/90 ; (Dec) 90/91 (Dec) 91/92 (Dec) October $25,135 ;$35,715! 42.1% ,$27,970 - 213% $37,776 35.1% $44,081'_ 163% 46,731 6.0% s November 19,304 22,647 173% ;15,428. - 319% 24,573 59.3% 37,117 51.0% 27,929 - 24.8% December 13,717 16,323 19.0% 17,830 92% 21,052 18.1% 28,464 352% 33,273 169% January 22,119 32 , 703' ; 479% 26,756 - 182% 34,4631 28.8% 47,106; 363% 40;012, -15 1% February 11,800 13,163 11.6% 15,894 20.7% 25,594 61.0% 22,487 - 12.1% 40,106 78.4% March 10,920 !: 9,325 - 14.6% 14,778 583% 30,657 1073% 32,955! 7.5% 37,488 13.8% April 37,129 37,845 19% 48,635 283% 37,201. -235% 41 445 11.4% 57,543 38.8% May 13,719 15,510 13.1% 27,824 79.4% 31,501'! 132% 36,627; 163% 41,020 12.0% June 12,613 22,195' 76.0% 24,051 8.4% 37,447' 55.7% 37,894: 12% 43;105 13.8% July 26,837 32,159` 19.8% 38,630 20.1% 51,374 33.0% 47,017 -85% 51,357 92% August 21,881 24,175! 103% 22,699' -6.1% 31,969 40.8% 35 12.5% September 18 066 19 141!' 6.0% 31,204 63.0% 32,499' 42% 37004; 13.9% TOTAL $233,240 $280 20.4% 8311,699'; 11.0% $396,106' 27.1% $448,148 13.1% $418,564 11.6% ' # a >ftXXXXX7tit�tXXXXxxxx tXXXXX>!txxxxxxxxxou _ p 1'•ONPcr -ow p.-r.2c.momP0. mmm MPIN1-M11 ~“..mo^mma. a c J111JM1.S4f 111PP M0 /�1/1J 00.m oo.m~..mm.r. mm -. - -. .. .. . w = t O. 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U N 01C 7Y N N•- s ' L L W W-• O L 109 7 P O O L L M@ 7 W W M 11 M O 10 W• -•- M M O A W WL 45 <0m000OW W 11.1 U. 44.00222YY..+-4220..0.. cNV1N2323 H �.w Annual Compliance Plan ADA Year 1 City Hall wo Area Description of Work Main Entrance Install building signage Police Entrance Install temporary intercom system; install building signage `` West Parking Lot Re- stripe parking lot (eliminate accessible spaces due to slope); add parking signage; add building signage Hallway by City Replace water fountain with an accessible unit — Administration Public Works Re -build ramp; add handrails; install building Entrance signage; enlarge landing; adjust closer on interior door mit Public Works Re- stripe two existing accessible spaces, add one Parking Lot accessible space and one van accessible space; add parking signage Miscellaneous interior signage, door hardware, door relocation or removal Bicentennial Park Area Description of Work Parking Lot Re- stripe parking lot to correct two spaces and add one additional accessible space and one van accessible space; add parking space signage; add handrails to ramp; build bottom landing for ramp Miscellaneous interior signage, door hardware, door relocation or removal t