667 N. Carroll Avenue
June 2, 1992 7:00 p.m.
COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Gary Fickes; Mayor Pro Tem Rick
Wilhelm; Deputy Mayor Pro Tem Jerry Farrier. Members: Mike
O'Brien, Stephen Apple, Barry Emerson, and, Jon Michael Franks.
CITY STAFF PRESENT: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager; Billy Campbell,
Director of Public Safety; Michael Barnes, Director of Public
Works; LouAnn Heath, Director of Finance; Karen Gandy, Zoning
Administrator; Greg Last, City Planner; Eddie Cheatham, City
Engineer; Chris Terry, Assistant to the City Manager; Wayne Olson,
and Analeslie Muncy, City Attorneys; and, Sandra L. LeGrand,. City
INVOCATION: Jerry Farrier.
The Work Session was called to order at 6:30 p.m. to discuss the
agenda items scheduled for tonight's meeting.
Mayor Gary Fickes called the Regular City Council meeting to order
at 7:07 p.m.
Aqenda Item #l-B, Executive Session
Mayor Fickes hereby advised the audience that Council would be
going into executive session pursuant to Sections 2(e) 2(f) 2(g)
2(j) of the Open Meetings Act, to seek the advice of our City
Attorney with respect to pending and contemplated litigations, to
discuss the purchase, exchange, lease or sale of real property, and
to consider the appointment and evaluation of public officials and
regarding the deployment of specific occasions for implementation,
of security personnel or devices. Council went into executive
session at 7:10 p.m.
Council returned to open session at 7:50 p.m.
Aqenda Item #1-Cd Action Necessary/Executive Session
As the result of the executive session, motion was made to approve
a contract between the City of Southlake and James Sullivan Jr.,
James Sullivan Sr., and Elizabeth Brister, whereby the City of
Southlake will acquire 3,433 square feet of land along North
Peytonville Road, for the sum of $4,943.52.
Motion: Wilhelm
Second: Emerson
Ayes: Wilhelm, Emerson, Farrier, Franks, O'Brien, Apple, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 7-0 vote
City Council Meeting Minutes
June 2, 1992
page two
Agenda Item #2, Approval of the Minutes
The Minutes of the Regular City Council meeting held on May 19,
1992, were approved as revised in Work Session.
Motion: Emerson
Second: O'Brien
Ayes: Emerson, O'Brien, Apple, Franks, Wilhelm, Farrier, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 7-0 vote
Agenda Item #3, Mayor's Report
Mayor Fickes announced that the City Council will be attending the
Annual Retreat on June 4 and 5, at Marriott Solana. A copy of the
agenda appears on the official Bulletin Boards for exact time and
place. The sessions will be open to the public.
Mayor Pro Tem Rick Wilhelm reported on the Southlake Economic
Development Council, stating on May 28, they met on TW King Road at
the DalDen Corporation, in an effort to gain input from the local
business to find what the business finds good and not so good about
the city. SEDC has plans to visit other establishments in the
city. He added they were taken around the plant by Gary Rice who
lives in Southlake, who stated DalDen was a major supplier not
only for the United States government, but for foreign governments
throughout the world.
Agenda Item #4~ City Manager's Report
The City Manager's Report resulted with no comments.
Agenda Item #5, Consent Aqenda
The Consent agenda, consisted of one item:
5-A, Contract for Inspection Services, between the City
of Southlake and Tarrant County Health Department for
Motion was made to approve the consent agenda consisting of Item
Motion: Emerson
Second: Farrier
Ayes: Emerson, Farrier, Franks, O'Brien, Apple, Wilhelm, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 7-0 vote
City Council Meeting Minutes
June 2, 1992.
page three
Agenda Item #6~ Public Forum
The public forum resulted with no comments from the audience.
Agenda Item #7-A~ Ordinance No. 480-01B, 2nd reading. Timarron
Ordinance No. 480-01B, is a zoning change request and revised
concept plan approval for Timarron Planned Unit Development,
amending Ordinance No. 480-01A, adding a 10.932 acre tract in the
Hall Medlin Survey, Abstract No. 1038, Tract 2F and a 1.008 acre
tract of land in the John N. Gibson Survey, Abstract No. 591, Tract
lB1. Current zoning is "AG" Agricultural, with a request for
"R-P.U.D." Residential Planned Unit Development. Owner: Timarron
Land Corpgration, Inc.
Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator noted approval was given by the
Planning and Zoning Commission during their March 19, 1992 meeting,
subject to the March 13, 1992 summary review letter.
This ordinance was tabled by the City Council on April 7 and May 5,
1992. On May 19, 1992, the City Council approved the first reading
of the ordinance, by a 5-2 vote, subject to the April 16, summary
review letter.
The City Planner, Greg Last assured
plating stages, the road off of F.M.
Councilmembers that in the
1709 must line up with Diamond
Susan Evans, President of Timarron Land Corporation was present for
the meeting, but had no comments.
The public hearing resulted with no comments from the audience.
subject to the April 16, 1992, summary review letter.
Motion: Emerson
Second: Apple
Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance.
Ayes: Emerson, Apple, O'Brien, Wilhelm, Franks, Fickes
Nays: Farrier
Approved: 6-1 vote
* see Wilhelms comments on page nine in regard to his vote
Agenda Item #7-B~ Ordinance No. 565~ 2nd readinq~ SW
Telecommunications Agreement.
was made to approve Ordinance No. 480-01B, second reading,
The City Manager, Curtis Hawk, stated the second reading on
Ordinance No. 565, Southwestern Bell Telecommunications Agreement
was tabled during the last Council meeting, stating their are still
two areas that could not be resolved by the attorney's, however, by
leaving the ordinance silent in Section 10 and Section 17C, it
would make the ordinance the same as the current ordinance in
regard to venue and indemnity.
City Council Meeting Minutes
June 2, 1992
page four
Agenda Item 7-B~ Continued
The public hearing resulted with no comments.
Motion was made to approve the 2nd reading of Ordinance No. 565,
with the deletion of Section 10 and Section 17C, with the
inclusion of the "most favorite nation" clause being added in
Section 15.
Motion: Wilhelm
Second: Franks
Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance.
Ayes: W$1helm, Franks, O.'Brien, Apple, Emerson,
Nays: None
Approved: 7-0 vote
Farrier, Fickes
Agenda Item #7-C~ Ordinance No. 561~ 2nd reading. Administrative
Search Warrants
Director of Public Safety, Billy Campbell, stated during the last
Council meeting there were some questions concerning wording on the
execution of a search warrant. Also, Councilmember Stephen Apple
stated he would like the wording in Section 4-2 repeated in Section
7 and Section 14 to make it more clear. Campbell added, those
changes have been made.
Public Hearing
Robert Downard, 1255 Randol Mill Road, Southlake. Mr. Downard
stated his concerns with the ordinance have been lessened by
talking to Director Campbell. His concern is with entering a
private residence. He feels this could constitute unreasonable
search. He feels there should be great restriction in entering a
private residence.
was made to approve Ordinance No.
to Section 7.
561, 2nd reading, with the
Mayor Gary Fickes read the caption of the ordinance.
Ayes: Apple, Farrier,
Nays: O'Brien
Approved: 6-1 vote.
Franks, Wilhelm,
Emerson, Fickes
City Council Meeting Minutes
June 2, 1992
page five
Aqenda Item #8-A~ Ordinance No. 480-69~ 1st reading (ZA 92-16)
Ordinance No. 480-69, 1st reading, is a request for zoning change
for a 2.47 acre tract of land out of the Francis Throop Survey,
Abstract No. 1511, Tracts 1S, 1T, ltl, and 1U. Current zoning is
"AG" Agricultural, with a request for "SF-1A" Single Family-iA
Residential. Location: North side of East Dove Road,
approximately 600 feet West of the intersection of North Kimball
Avenue, with East Dove Road. Owner: Unique Incorporated; Barbara
Bone, President. Applicant: James M. and Linda Tompkins.
Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, informed Council that this
property falls within the low density residential district on the
Land Use Plan. She sent twelve (12) letters to property owners
within 200 feet and to date has received two (2) responses, both in
favor, fr~m Mable Cate an~ Jimmie Lee Cox.
On May 21, 1992, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended
approval of the zoning change request by a 5-0 vote.
Mr. James M. Tompkins was present for the meeting but had no
Motion was made to approve the 1st reading of Ordinance No.
as presented.
Motion: Franks
Second: O'Brien
Mayor Fickes read the caption of the Ordinance.
Ayes: Franks, O'Brien, Apple, Wilhelm, Emerson, Farrier,
Nays: None
Approved: 7-0 vote
Aqenda Item #8-B~ Final Plat for SouthRidge Lakes~ Phase Vd
Sections One and Two
Final Plat of SouthRidge Lakes, Phase V, Sections One and two.
Section One has 10.76 acres out of the A.A. Freeman Survey,
Abstract No. 522, the Littleberry G. Hall Survey, Abstract No. 686,
and the T.M. Hood Survey, Abstract No. 706. Sixteen (16) Lots are
proposed for Section One. Section Two is 25.177 acres out of the
T.M. Hood Survey, Abstract No. 706, and the Littleberry G. Hall
Survey, Abstract No. 686. Forty-three (43) lots are proposed for
Section Two. Current zoning is "SF-20A" Single Family-20A
Residential. Location: Section One is in the center of the
development, north of Phase I. Section Two is East of Section One
and North of Phase 2. Owner/applicant is Arvida/JMB Partners, L.P.
Mrs. Gandy noted on May 21, 1992, the Planning and Zoning
Commission recommended approval of the final plat subject to the
May 15, summary review letter with changes to #5, in regard to six
lots with frontage on two streets
City Council Meeting Minutes
June 2, 1992
page six
Agenda Item #8-B, Continued
Jonh Levitt and Sean Randol were present for the meeting.
Councilmember Jerry Farrier noted according to the summary
letter dated May 15, 1992, twenty percent (20%) of the
eleven (11) lots in this Phase are asking for an exception.
lots or
Sean Randol feels Council has been willing to work with them in the
past, therefore they are asking for a variance again. He added,
corner lots give them the problem with 35' on each side. Having
this variance will give the builders more room to work with.
Motion was made to approve the Final Plat of SouthRidge Lakes,
Phase V, subject to item #2 in the summary review letter dated May
29, 1992, and deleting item #4.
Motion: Wilhelm
Second: Emerson
Ayes: Wilhelm, Emerson, O'Brien, Apple, Farrier, Franks, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 7-0 vote
Aqenda Item #8-C, Ordinance No. 480-G, 1st readinq.
Ordinance No. 480-G, is a revision to the Zoning Ordinance No. 480,
Section 29, "MH" Manufactured Housing District and Section 34.1
(e), "Accessory Uses," adding the "MH" District to the permitted
districts for "private residential garages, carports, and unrelated
storage buildings and greenhouses accessory to permitted
residential uses."
Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator informed Council that this action
was initiated by Brian Higgins who would like to construct a
carport on the front of his manufactured home at 1218 Woodsey which
is zoned "MH." On May 21, 1992, the Planning and Zoning Commission
recommended adding the "MH" district to the referenced section.
P&Z felt that it was appropriate to treat carports as any other
accessory structure and to allow them in the front of the primary
structure as long as they did not encroach into the required front
yard setback.
Motion was made to approve Ordinance No.
Motion: Farrier
Second: Franks
1st reading.
Mayor Fickes read the caption of Ordinance No. 480-G.
Ayes: Farrier, Franks,
Nays: Wilhelm, Apple
Approved: 5-2 vote
O'Brien, Emerson, Fickes
City Council Meeting Minutes
June 2, 1992
page seven
Aqenda Item #9-A~ Resolution No. 92-25~ "Paying Aqent"
The City Manager explained Resolution No. 92-25, approving and
authorizing the execution of a "Paying Agent/Registrar Agreement"
in relation to the "City of Southlake, Texas, Tax and Waterworks
and Sewer System (Limited Pledge) Revenue Certificates of
Obligation, Series 1992, and resolving other 'matters incident and
related hereto," is the next step in the process of issuing the
Certificates of Obligation.
Motion was made to approved Resolution No. 92-25,
Motion: Emerson
Second: Apple
Ayes: Emerson, Apple, O'Brien, Wilhelm, Farrier,
Nays: None
Approved:'7-0 vote
as presented.
Franks, Fickes
Agenda Item #11-A~ Discussion: "No Smokinq Ordinance"
The City Manager, Curtis Hawk stated a draft of a "No Smoking"
ordinance was prepared by Chris Terry, Assistant to the City
Manager, derived from those used by area cities. This ordinance
has been on the back burner for sometime, and was initiation by
former Councilmembers. Now that it is apparent that Southlake will
have a grocery store and a sit-down restaurant, it is important
that we proceed to get our controls in place before their
occupancy. Staff would like Council direction on this ordinance.
After discussion, Councilmembers felt it is important that all
businesses be notified of this proposed ordinance prior to action
being taken to approve it. It was suggested over the next thirty
(30) days, City Staff advertise this ordinance in an attempt to
inform as many businesses as possible that the ordinance is being
considered, using the city newsletter and area newspapers.
Agenda Item #11-B~ Discussion: Establishment of an Appeal Board
The City Manager, Curtis Hawk explained under the Housing Code, the
Board of Adjustments serves as the appeals body. The Uniform
Construction codes provide for one, but we have not established who
that will be. Given this, the absence of an appointed board or the
assignment of the responsibility to the Board of Adjustment, City
Council is the only avenue of appeal.
The City Manger asked for Council direction on this issue.
Councilmember Wilhelm stated he feels it is imperative that members
of an appeal board have background in construction.
City Council Meeting Minutes
June 2, 1992
page eight
Agenda Item #11-B~ Continued
Mayor Gary Fickes asked if other area cities have an appeal board.
It was suggested that area cities work together on this, pooling
their resources, having one board for all cities to use. The
Mayor also asked if we are to the point of needing an appeal board.
The City Manager suggested possibly it could be handled through an
Interlocal Agreement, as most all cities use the Uniform Housing
Councilmember Jerry Farrier feels we should go like we are for the
time being, as there is not that much of a need at this time.
Agenda Item #ll-C~ Discussion:
TRA-Big Bear Creek Interceptor
The Director of Finance, LouAnn Heath stated TRA has approached
City Staff regarding the long-term financing of the Big Bear Creek
Interceptor Extension. The original contract was made in 1990 for
TRA to issue $12,759,000 in bonds to build the interceptor.
Southlake participated in this project 33.64%, along with the
cities of Keller (40.35%), and Fort Worth, (26.01%).
The City Manager stated there are two options in which to recover
the funds, as set out in the memo from Mrs. Heath. Fort Worth
wants to refund a potion of the outstanding bonds, and Keller wants
to use the amount to pay debt service in 1993 and 1994. Our vote
will decide which option to exercise. The refunding will produce
the most savings over the life of the bonds, the other option the
most immediate impact. Mr. Hawk expressed that Fort Worth and
Keller want to move quickly as they are funding a new project
together and need the funds.
Councilmember Wilhelm asked if all three (3) cities
on the same option? He stated he would like to
over the life of the bonds.
have to agree
see an analysis
The City Manager will get more information for Council, prior to
them having to make a decision.
City Council Meeting Minutes
June 2, 1992
page nine
Aqenda Item #12~ Adjournment
Motion was made to adjourn the meeting at
Motion: O'Brien
Second: Apple
Ayes: O'Brien, Apple, Franks, Farrier, Emerson,
Nays: None
Approved: 7-0 vote
9:10 p.m.
~andra L. LeGrand
City Secretary
* Agenda
Item #7-A~ Ordinance No. 480-01B~ 2nd reading Timarron
Mayor Pro Tem Wilhelm relayed his reason for voting in
favor of the zoning change as follows: having voted
against it last time, and Susan Evans understands his
reasons and being on the low side of the vote, he voted
for it, to demonstrate that he hopes this is a successful
community that they are building.
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