667 N. Carroll Avenue
May 5, 1992 7:00 P.M.
Wilhelm; Deputy Mayor
O'Brien, Stephen Apple,
Mayor Gary Fickes; Mayor Pro Tem Rick
Pro Tem Jerry Farrier. Members: Mike
Barry Emerson, and, Jon Michael Franks.
CITY STAFF PRESENT: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager; Billy Campbell,
Director of Public Safety; LouAnn Heath, Director of Finance;
Michael Barnes, Director of Public Works; Karen Gandy, Zoning
Administrator; Greg Last, City Planner; Eddie Cheatham, City
Engineer;..Malcolm Jackson,.Deputy Director of Public Safety; Chris
Terry, Assistant to the City Manager; Wayne Olson and Analeslie
Muncy, City Attorneys; and, Sandra L. LeGrand, City Secretary.
INVOCATION: Councilmember Jerry Farrier.
The Work Session was called to order at 6:30 p.m.
agenda items scheduled for tonight's meeting.
to discuss the
Mayor Gary Fickes called to Regular City Council meeting to order
at 7:05 p.m.
Aqenda Item %2, Approval of Minutes
The Minutes of the Regular City Council meeting held
1992 were approved as presented.
Motion: Wilhelm
Second: Emerson
Ayes: Wilhelm, Emerson, O'Brien, Farrier, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0 vote
on April 21,
Aqenda Item #3~ Oath of Office for New Councilmembers
The Oath of Office was administered by the City Secretary, Sandra
L. LeGrand, to Councilmembers elected at the May 2, 1992 General
Election. Those taking the oath include: Jerry Farrier; Stephen
W. Apple Sr., and, Jon Michael Franks. New members will serve
terms to expire in May, 1995.
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes
May 5, 1992
page two
Agenda Item #1-B~ Executive Session
Mayor Fickes hereby advised the audience that Council would be
going into executive session pursuant to Sections 2(e) 2(f) 2(g)
2(J) of the Open Meetings Act, to seek the advice of our City
Attorney with respect to pending and contemplated litigations, to
discuss the purchase, exchange, lease or sale of real property, and
to consider the appointment and evaluation of public officials and
regarding the deployment of specific occasions for implementation,
of security personnel or devices. Council went into executive
session at 7:10 p.m.
Council returned to Open Session at 7:35 p.m.
Agenda Item #l-C, Action Necessary/Executive Session
No action was necessary as the result of the executive session.
Agenda Item #3~ Mayor's Report
Mayor Fickes noted on May 18, 1992 the City Council will hold
interviews for applicants for positions on the Planning and Zoning
Commission, Board of Adjustments, and, Park and Recreation Boards.
The interviews will begin at 7:30 p.m.
The Mayor expressed appreciation to Aloha Payne and
Election Judge and Alternate Judge respectfully,
Sue Eubanks,
for a job well
On May 9, 1992, Mayor Fickes will lead a team of area citizens for
the annual "Making Strides Against Cancer" 5 mile walk, to be held
at Marriott Solana, Westlake. He invited everyone to attend this
event which will start at 10:00 a.m.
A special thank you was expressed to those citizens who put so much
time into promoting the Bond Election, which was a success.
On Friday evening, May 8, at the pool at Marriott Solana, the
Chamber of Commerce will be sponsoring a "Gib Lewis" appreciation
gathering. Anyone interested in attending can acquire tickets from
the Chamber office.
Councilmember Jerry Farrier announced that May 7, 1992, from 12:20
p.m. to 12:40 p.m. has been designated "National Prayer Day". He
invited those interested in participating to come to City Hall for
Agenda Item #4~ City Manaqer's Report
Curtis Hawk, City Manager, announced the annual retreat will be
held on June 4 & 5 in the Southlake Room at Marriott Solana.
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes
May 5, 1992
page three
Aqenda Item #4, Continued
The City Manager announced that a Work Session would be held on May
12, 1992 at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of discussions with Timarron
Land Development Corporation.
Agenda Item #5t Consent Aqenda
The Consent agenda consisted of the following items:
Modification to SouthRidge Lakes Subdivision Phases I-IV
Developer's Agreement.
Southlake Hills., Phases I & II, extension of final
Motion was made to approve the Consent Agenda consisting of items
#5-A and #8-D on the agenda.
Motion: Emerson
Second: Farrier
Ayes: Emerson, Farrier, O'Brien, Wilhelm, Apple, Franks, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 7-0 vote
Aqenda Item #6-A~ Public Forum
Peter Sporrer, 1214 woodsey Court, Southlake. Mr. Sporrer spoke in
regard to the need for traffic lights within the school zones. He
would like to see a study conducted and bids taken for the traffic
lights, especially at Carroll Elementary School.
Mayor Fickes requested that Mike Barnes, DPW, look into
the possibility of traffic lights in these areas.
Lisa Stokdyk, 720 North Peytonville Avenue, Southlake. Ms. Stokdyk
spoke in regard to a "Tree Fest" she had attended, and asked why
Southlake is not currently a "Tree City USA".
Mayor Pro Tem Wilhelm stated that Southlake did
celebrate "Earth Day" with a poster contest,
presentations at the elementary schools and a tree
planting ceremony. Chris Terry, Assistant to the
City Manager organized the activities and was
congratulated for his work on this project.
Councilmember Barry Emerson stepped down for Agenda Item
#7-A, stating conflict of interest.
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes
May 7, 1992
page four
Agenda Item #7-Al Ordinance No. 480-67t 2nd reading. R.W. Miron.
Ordinance No. 480-67 (ZA 92-08), is a zoning change request and
concept plan approval for 5.43 acres out of the John A. Freeman
Survey, Abstract No. 529, and legally described as a portion of Lot
1, Miron Addition and Lots 2B of the Gorbutt Addition. Current
zoning is "C-2" Commercial-2 zoning district, with a request for
"S-P-2" Generalized Site Plan District with certain "B-2" uses
which are listed on the plan. Owner: Robert W. Miron.
Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator made the presentation stating two
notices were sent to property owners within 200' and to date, she
has received one response, from the property owner to the west, who
voiced copcerns with the type of use being proposed.
April 9, 1992 the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended
approval with a 6-0 vote, with the concept plan subject to the Plan
review summary dated April 3, 1992 and further requested the area
shown as "gravel" be replaced with concrete.
April 21, 1992, the City Council approved the 1st reading of the
ordinance, with the attached concept plan subject to the Plan
Review Summary dated April 16, 1992, and adding recreational
vehicle and boat storage as permitted uses for Lots 2,3, and 4.
John Levitt, Levitt Engineers, 726 Commerce, Suite 104,
Mr. Levitt was present representing Bob Miron, to answer
for Council.
The public hearing resulted with no comments from the audience.
Motion was made to approve the 2nd reading of Ordinance No.
Motion: Farrier
Second: O'Brien
Mayor Fickes read the caption of Ordinance No. 480-67.
Ayes: Farrier, O'Brien, Franks, Wilhelm,
Nays: None
Approved: 6-0 vote
Apple, Fickes
Councilmember Barry Emerson returned to the Council
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes
May 5, 1992
page five
Agenda Item #7-Bt Ordinance No. 480-68t 2nd readinq S.C. Kidwell
Ordinance No. 480-68, (ZA 92-10) is a zoning change request for
Block A, Lots 1,2, & 3, Kidwell Addition being 20.8146 acres in the
R.D. Price Survey, Abstract No. 1207. Current zoning is "RE"
Residential Estates (Lots 1&3); "SF-1A" Single Family-lA
Residential for Lots 1,2, & 3. Owners: Stephen C. Kidwell and
William D. Kaizer.
Zoning Administrator, Karen Gandy, made the presentation stating
twenty-one (21) notices were sent to property owners within 200'
and to date she has received no written responses. On April 9,
1992 the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval with a
5-0 vote. On April 2~, 1992, the City Council approved the 1st
reading with a 6-0 vote.
The public hearing resulted with no comments from the audience.
Motion was made to approve Ordinance No.
Motion: O'Brien
Second: Apple
2nd reading.
Mayor Fickes read the caption of Ordinance No. 480-68.
Ayes: O'Brien, Apple,
Nays: None
Approved: 7-0 vote
Wilhelm, Emerson,
Farrier, Franks, Flckes
Agenda Item #8-AI and #8-B~ Tlmarron Land Development~ Inc.
Agenda Item #8-A, Ordinance No. 480-01B, 1st reading (ZA 92-03),
is a zoning change request and revised concept plan approval for
Timarron Planned Unit Development, amending
Ordinance No. 480-01A, adding a 10.932 acre tract of land in the
Hall Medlin Survey, Abstract No. 1038, Tract 2F and a 1.008 acre
tract in the John Gibson Survey, Abstract No. 591
Tract lB1. "AG to R-PUD". Owner Timarron Land Corp. Inc.
Agenda Item #8-B, Development Site Plan for Timarron, Phase III,
"R-P.U.D." Residential Planned Unit Development, being
300.82 acres out of the Hall Medlin Survey, Abstract No.
1037, the Hollingsworth and Barrett Survey, Abstract No. 797, the
O.W. Knight Survey, Abstract No. 899, and the M. Davenport Survey,
Abstract NO. 432. Owner: Tlmarron Land Corp. Inc.
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes
May 5, 1992
page six
Agenda Item #8-A and #8-Bf Continued
Zoning Administrator, Karen Gandy reported that Susan Evans,
Timarron Land Development Corporation, Inc. has requested these
items be tabled, time certain, May 19, 1992, and that a Work
Session be scheduled on May 12, for discussion of these items.
Motion was made and approved to table Agenda Items #8-A, and #8-B,
time certain, May 19, 1992, at the request of the developers.
Motion: Wilhelm
Second: Franks
Ayes: Wilhelm, Franks, Farrier, Emerson, Apple, O'Brien, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 7-0 vote
Agenda Item #8-Ct Ordinanc~ No. 480-Ff 1st reading
Ordinance No. 480-F, 1st reading, revisions to the Zoning Ordinance
No. 480, Section 45, "Specific Use Permits", to amend to allow
"Churches, synagogues, temples and other similar facilities for
worship, fellowship and education", subject to certain conditions
listed in Section 45.1 (2), Ordinance No. 480 to locate in ALL"
zoning districts with a specific use permit approved by the City
Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, noted that on March 3, 1992, the
City Council directed staff to seek the Planning and Zoning
Commission's recommendation on a revision to Section 45.1 (2),
"Specific Use Permits" to allow the uses shown above. Currently,
the zoning ordinance allows religious institutions to locate in the
"CS" Community Service district as a permitted right and to locate
in certain residential zoning categories by specific use permit.
On April 23, 1992, the Planning and Zoning commission recommended
approval of the proposed revision and added the following sentence
to Section 45.1 (2) "Any permit granted hereunder shall be for a
maximum period of three (3) years subject to renewal for additional
one (1) year periods".
The City Attorney, Wayne Olson recommended that the permit not
place a specific time limitation if churches were to locate
permanently under the S.U.P. approval process, and that each
request be considered on a case by case basis.
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes
May 5, 1992
page seven
Aqenda Item #8-C~ Continued
Motion was made to approve the 1st reading of Ordinance No. 480-F,
deleting Section 1.2 (d), in regard to placing a time limitation on
Specific Use Permits.
Motion: Emerson
Second: Farrier
Mayor Gary Fickes read the caption of the ordinance.
Ayes: Emerson, Farrier,
Nays: None
Approved: 7-0 vote
O'Brien, Apple, Wilhelm, Fickes
Aqenda Item #8-E~ Ordinanc9 No. 565~ 1st reading. Southwestern
Bell Telecommunications Aqreement
Curtis Hawk, City Manager, stated the franchise agreement between
Southwestern Bell and the City expired in January, 1992. Last year
a steering committee representing the Texas Municipal League member
cities was formed to study the proposal due to the large number of
cities faced with expiring telephone franchises, and the position
taken by Southwestern Bell. Southwestern Bell contends that it is
not legally required to obtain a franchise from cities. The TML
was concerned that the proposal submitted by Southwestern Bell may
in fact be an attempt to eventually have franchise fees invalidated
by a Court, which, if it were to occur, could possibly have an
adverse impact on other franchise fees received by municipalities.
The City of Southlake has been deliberately slow to bring our
agreement before the Council, choosing to let larger cities
negotiate favorable changes in the model agreement as originally
submitted by Southwestern Bell.
Mr. Hawk, stated Analeslie Muncy, City Attorney, was the City
Attorney for the City of Dallas when its agreement was negotiated
last year, and she has worked with Southlake in preparing this
ordinance for 1st reading. Ms. Muncy reviewed the ordinance for
Gary Terry, Southwestern Bell, was present indicating they feel we
have an ordinance we can all work with, with only minor changes
Motion was made to approve 1st reading of Ordinance No. 564.
Motion: Wilhelm
Second: Farrier
Mayor Flckes read the caption of Ordinance No. 564.
Ayes: Wilhelm, Farrier, Franks, Emerson,
Nays: None
Approved: 7-0 vote
O'Brien, Apple, Fickes
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes
May 5, 1992
page eight
Aqenda Item #8-F~ Ordinance No. 564~ 1st readinq. Certificates of
The City Manager, Curtis Hawk explained Ordinance No. 564, issuance
of $1,300,000 "City of Southlake, Texas, Tax and Waterworks and
Sewer System (Limited Pledge) Revenue Certificates of Obligation,
Series 1992" dated May 1, 1992, as being for F.M. 1709 curb,
gutter, drainage and water line relocation. $1,000,000 will be for
the City's participation with the State in the reconstruction
project. The remainder will be for the last portion of our water
line relocation and the cost of issuance.
Patricia Gallaher, First Southwest Company, was present to answer
questions for Council.
Motion was made to approve the 1st reading of Ordinance No.
Motion: Emerson
Second: Farrier
564, as
Mayor Fickes read the caption of Ordinance No. 564.
Ayes: Emerson, Farrier, Franks, O'Brien, Apple, Wilhelm,
Nays: None
Approved: 7-0 vote
Aqenda Item #8-G, Ordinance No. 562~ 1st readinq. Traffic Devises
The City Manager, Curtis Hawk, explained the need for Ordinance No.
562, and that it would be replacing Ordinance No. 118, which was
enacted in 1958. The ordinance changes the responsibility for the
installation of traffic control devices from the Police Chief to
the Director of Public Works. It also includes the latest
requirements as required by law for the installation and placement
of traffic control devices.
This ordinance does not specifically repeal existing Ordinance No.
118, which addresses traffic control devices, but the attorneys
determined that there are some items in the existing ordinance that
should not be repealed. There is a "cumulative clause" in the new
ordinance that repeals conflicting provisions with previous
Motion was made
Motion: Farrier
Second: Apple
to approve Ordinance No. 562, 1st reading, as
Mayor Fickes read the caption of Ordinance No. 562.
Farrier, Apple, Fickes, O'Brien, Emerson, Wilhelm, Flckes
7-0 vote
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes
May 5, 1992
page nine
Agenda Item #9-At Resolution No. 92-15t Mayor Pro Tem
Resolution No. 92-15, appointment of a Mayor Pro Tem, was approved,
naming Rick Wilhelm to another one (1) term in that position.
Motion: Emerson
Second: O'Brien
Ayes: Emerson, O'Brien, Apple, Farrier, Franks, Wilhelm, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 7-0 vote
Aqenda Item #9-B, Resolution No. 92-17, Appointment of Deputy
Mayor Pro Tem
Resolution No. 92-17, appointment of a Deputy Mayor Pro Tem, was
approved,., naming Jerry Farrier to a one (1) year term to that
Motion: Franks
Second: Emerson
Ayes: Franks, Emerson, Farrier, O'Brien, Apple,
Nays: None
Approved: 7-0 vote
Wilhelm, Fickes
Aqenda Item #10-A, Award of Bid for Fire Bay Improvements
The City Manager stated that Staff has met with several
Councilmembers and several contractors concerning the bids received
on April 15, for Fire Bay Improvements. The low bid of $21,600 was
considerably over the $10,000 budgeted for the improvements. Staff
recommends that City Council reject the bids, and revise the
specifications and the project rebid in the following manner:
1) instead of a lump sum bid, the proposal would be broken
down as follows:
a) demolition.
b) furnish and install steel building.
c) furnish and install concrete foundation.
d) furnish and install 18'X12' metal door.
2) contractors would bid on a one-story and two-story
3) no bonds would be required.
4) alternative bids for demolition, steel building,
materials, steel erection, and the concrete foundation
would be included in the proposal so that a contractor
could bid on one or all four items.
Motion: Wilhelm
Second: O'Brien
Ayes: Wilhelm, O'Brien,
Nays: None
Approved: 7-0 vote
was made to reject the bids and rebid in the manner stated
Apple, Emerson, Farrier, Franks, Fickes
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes
May 5, 1992
page ten
Agenda Item #11-A~ Discussion: Emerald Estates Sewer System
The City Manager stated several weeks ago the citizens of Emerald
Estates submitted a petition to the City Council requesting the
City to assist them in the installation of a gravity sewer system
in their subdivision. The Council instructed staff to prepare a
cost estimate to install a sewer system in Emerald Estates, and
staff has responded to the petition.
Cheatham and Associates has prepared a cost estimate for a gravity
sewer system that would serve the Emerald Estates Subdivision. The
total cost estimate, including construction, engineering and
surveying is estimated to be approximately $7,000 per lot. There
are 49 lots in Emerald Estates.
Mayor Fickes asked Staff to come to a feel for what the city could
do to help on this sewer project.
It was determined that city participation is the Emerald Estates
Sewer System project would need to be looked at during the budget
process, and that drainage should also be looked at.
David Galliher, Emerald Estates. Mr. Galliher stated he is more
than willing to continue talking with his neighbors about the sewer
process, adding at some appropriate time, he would like for Council
to meet with his neighbors in a question and answer session.
Agenda Item #11-B~ Petition to propose Amendments to Ordinances
The City Manager explained to Council the process involved in
regard to a petition which was submitted to the City Secretary for
the purpose of a proposed initiative ordinance. He reviewed the
Certificate of Insufficiency of the Petition for Initiative and
Referendum which was mailed to the Petitioner's Committee on May 5,
1992 by the City Secretary, as required in Section 7.33 of the
Charter of the City of Southlake.
In accordance with Section 7.33 (a)(3) of the City Charter, the
petitioners have five days after receiving a copy of the
certificate to file with the City Secretary a notice of intention
to amend and ten days after receiving a copy of this certificate to
file a supplementary petition correcting the current
Aqenda Item #ll-C~ Road Pro~ects in Southlake
Curtis Hawk stated since the County is limited this year on the
number of road projects they can reconstruct, staff needs direction
from the Council on the streets that will be reconstructed. In the
1991-92 Street Budget, $101,000 was budgeted to reconstruct city
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes
May 5, 1992
page eleven
Agenda Item #11-C~ Continued
A discussion was held by Council where Jellico Circle and Trail
Creek Estates (Post Oak Trail and Cypress Creek) were considered to
be in need of reconstruction. Council was asked to be prepared to
establish a priority list during the next Council meeting, where an
item will be on the agenda asking for permission to advertise for
bids for this project.
Conner Lam, Post Oak Trail, Southlake. Mr. Lam asked if it were
feasible for sewer lines to go in while the street are being
Curtis Hawk replied, it is possible, however, the City needs
to 10ok at the costs..
Agenda Item #11-D~ Discussion: Ord. 561, Administrative Search
Director of Public Safety, Billy Campbell presented for discussion,
an ordinance administrative search warrants, stating over the last
several years the City has begun to develop a code enforcement
program. A basic component of any concentrated code enforcement
program will be the ability to access areas for inspection.
Campbell explained the ordinance has two basic components: an
enforcement order, and a search warrant. The ordinance gives the
inspectors with nontraditional police power authority to inspect
areas that have been denied them. Most inspections are covered in
Article 2, Section 3, concerning zoning, building, mechanical,
electrical and fire codes. When an inspector is denied access to
areas that need to be inspected and there are no other
alternatives, this procedure will provide the inspector an
enforcement tool.
Councilmember O'Brien suggested that a proposed ordinance be
discussed by Council prior to it being put into ordinance form by
the City Attorney, so that Council can discuss what should go into
the particular ordinance, and if one is needed. He stated he feels
ordinances take people's freedom away. O'Brien asked for more time
to study this ordinance.
Director Campbell stated he will make himself available to any
Councilmember for discussions on this ordinance.
Councilmember Franks suggested anytime discussions are held in
regard to this ordinance, an attorney from our City Attorney's
office or Judge Brad Bradley be present.
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes
May 5, 1992
page twelve
Agenda Item #12~ Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 9:35 p.m.
Motion: Apple
Second: Farrier
Ayes: Apple, Farrier, Emerson, O'Brien, Wilhelm, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 7-0 vote
City Secretary
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In the name and by authority of
The State of Texas
i .
1, JON MICHAEL FRANKS , do solemnly swear (or
affirm), that 1 will faithfully execute the duties of the office of
State of Texas, and will to the best of m ability ty preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution and laws
of the United States and of this State, so help me God.
i / /) / ' '��� , /
SWORN TO and Subscribed before me by Jon Michael Franks on this
5 day of May , 19 92
$ • te a
I Js.
I` • •�, • T _ ignature of Person Administering Oath
.. , e. Sandra L. LeGrand
4 (serif • ...... ' Printed Name
,,, *r �nuo a���� `'��� Notary Public
aaurr^ �t¢✓ aa:. atnu^ ocaze;r ytra�ni^+ e.: aurr^ u�. ,- :u+nru,,ar:,ut*ye- 7.fac;.^e^ yvrr+^:^+ r. rutr:►* s. rtui::. awtrr snuu. ttuu.:: :ame�w'tu,,.ar^am.+'�+vc.,^v: sm.e^vn,.:^,'a„�T1;; V.: tin;:;..
el 4 ,
In the name and by authority of
The State of Texas
I, STEPHEN W. APPLE, SR. , do solemnly swear (or
affirm), that I will faithfully execute the duties of the office of
State of Texas, and will to the best of my ability preserve, rotect, and defend the Constitution and laws
1! P 4
of the United States and of this State, so help me God.
SWORN TO and Subscribed before me by Stephen W. Apple, Sr. on this 4
5 day of May , 19 9
If 1
o Signature of Person Administering Oath <�
='- ; .. x = Sandra L. LeGrand
v . ( / �\ . c" = Printed Name 4
Notary Public
4 �� �� i+ ++ + * �► *`r„ ` Title '(
� F
I, ktIlekV SME2vIJ as a member of the £ 6 j,iev/
make this affidavit and hereby on oath state th following: I,
and /or a person or persons related to me, have a substantial
interest in a business entity that would be peculiarly affected by
a vote or decision of the .1J6) . 14v _ ,7 as
those terms are defined in Chapter 171, Texas Local Government Code.
The business entity is Rb / /(-).
11015 Scu /aKe Zl ✓D.
r a nd ridoram),pwuk LNO D+J �1ro nd
I have a substantial inte st in this business entity for the
following reasons: (Check all which are applicable)
Ownership of 10% or more of the voting stock or
shares of the business entity.
Ownership of 10% or more or $5,000 or more of the
fair market value of the business entity.
Funds received from the business entity exceed 10%
of gross income for the previous year.
Real property is involved and
have an equitable or legal ownership with a fair
market value of at least $2,500.
A relative of mine has a substantial interest in the
business entity or property that would be affected
by a decision of the public body of which I am a
Upon filing of this affidavit with the City Secretary, I affirm
that I will abstain from voting on any decision involving this
business entity and from any further participation on this matter
Signed this A __ day of .441T40. , 19 9.Z •
4111r i ligiril iMIL------
ignature of official
6 2,042-( - 10a/10 - 11i2 /10 V
BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, this day personally appeared
and on oath stated that the
facts hereinabove stated are true to the best of
knowledge or belief.
Sworn to and subscribed to before me on this day of
, 19
Notary Public in and for
the State of Texas
My Commission Expires:
Type /Print Notary's Name
F 1 N A' Diane M. Combs
Project Engineer
Engineering & Construction
April 9, 1992
Ms. Karen Gandy
Zoning Administrator
City of Southlake
667 North Carroll Ave.
Southlake, TX 76092
RE: Fina Southlake Terminal
Request for Masonry Requirement Variance
Dear Ms. Gandy:
The purpose of this letter is to request that the Southlake City Council grant a variance for Ordinance No.
557, as a masonry requirement for the new Fire Pump Building at the Fina Fueling Terminal.
I feel a variance for the masonry requirement is justified at this location for the following reasons:
1. The variance will allow the new Fire Pump Building to remain compatible with all of the existing
buildings on the Fina property.
2. The Fina property is currently being used as a Fueling Terminal which is wholly compatible with the
development of adjacent properties along State Hwy. No. 26.
3. The location of the new Pump building is approximately 480 feet from State Highway No. 26 R.O.W.
which is greater than 300 feet as described in Ordinance No. 557.
4. The new Fire Pump Building is pre-manufactured with external Fire Department connections on the
wall where the masonry is required. Access to these connections would be impeded or blocked
if masonry is added to the wall.
The new Fire Pump Building is part of a totally new fire suppression system at the Fina Terminal. This
system was designed and constructed to comply with a Southlake Fire Department directive to improve fire
protection at the Fina facility. The design of this system has been reviewed and coordinated with several
individuals with the Southlake Fire Department.
If you have additional questions or if I can be of further assistance, please call me at (214) 750-2375.
Si cerely,
Diane Combs
cc: Southlake Fire Suppression
Joe Baxley
Fina Oil and Chemical Company
P.O. Box 2159 • Dallas, Texas 7' '50 -2400 • Fax (214) 750 -2582
KD -2