January 7, 1992
City Council Present: Mayor, Gary Fickes; Councilmembers: Mike
O'Brien, Sally Hall, Rick Wilhelm, Barry Emerson, Jerry Farrier,
and Ralph Evans.
City Staff Present: Public Safety Director, Billy Campbell; Public
Works Director, Michael Barnes; Finance Director, Lou Ann Heath;
City Planner, Greg Last; Assistant to the City Manager, Chris
Terry; City Engineer, Eddie Cheatham; City Attorney, E. Allen
Taylor; and Acting City Secretary, Kim Bush. City Manager, Curtis
E. Hawk was absent from tonight's meeting; Director Campbell will
be sitting in as Acting City Manager.
The Work Session was called to order at 6:30 p.m. to discuss items
on the Agenda for tonight's meeting.
Mayor Fickes called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
A~enda Item No. lB. Executive Session
Mayor Fickes informed the audience that Council would be going into
executive session pursuant to Sections 2(e), 2(f), 2(g), and 2(j)
of the Open Meetings Act, to seek the advice of our City Attorney
with respect to pending and contemplated litigations, to discuss
the purchase, exchange, lease or sale of real property, and to
consider the appointment and evaluation of public officials, and
regarding the deployment of specific occasions for implementation,
of security personnel or devices. Council went into executive
session at 7:05 p.m.
Council returned to Open Session at 7:35 p.m.
A~enda Item No. 2..ADDrOVal of Minutes
Mayor Fickes announced that there wereno minutes for the December
17, 1991 regular City Council meeting due to the illness of the
City Secretary. Minutes should be ready for review and
consideration by the January 21, 1992 meeting.
Motion was made to suspend approval of the December 17, 1991 City
Council Meeting Minutes.
Motion: Wilhelm
Second: Hall
Ayes: Evans, Farrier, Emerson, O'Brien, Hall, Wilhelm, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved (to suspend): 7-0
City Council Meeting Minutes
January 7, 1992
Page 2
Aaenda Item No. 3. Mayor's Report
Councilmember Hall gave a brief follow-up on Teen Court.
commented that the program is progressing well.
Ms. Hall
Aaenda Item No. 4. city Manager's Report
Acting City Manager, Billy Campbell had no announcements
City Manager's Report.
for the
A~enda Item No. 5. Consent A~enda
Item #5. A. Agreement with Denton County for Fire Services.
B. Request for excuse of absence of two consecutive
meetings of P&Z member, Bob Dowdy.
Motion was made to approve Consent Agenda Item #5, A and B,
Motion: O'Brien
Second: Emerson
Ayes: O'Brien, Hall, Wilhelm, Evans, Farrier, Emerson, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 7-0
Auenda Item No. 6A. Public Forum
There were no comments during the Public Forum.
Aaenda Item No. 7A. 2nd Readinq, Ord. 480-63, Holbein, SF-1A Zoninq
City Planner, Greg Last, presented the zoning request for a 1.8465
acre tract of land out of the William Winn Survey, Abstract No.
1660, Tract iD, approved on 1st. reading, by the city Council,
December 17, 1991.
There were no comments during the Public Hearing.
Motion was made to approve ZA 91-71, Ordinance No.
Motion: Emerson
Second: Wilhelm
The caption for Ordinance No. 480-63 was read by Mayor Fickes.
Ayes: Farrier,
Nays: None
Approved: 7-0
Emerson, O'Brien, Hall,
Evans, Fickes
A~enda Item No. 7B. 2nd Reading. Ord. No. §56, Master Plan/Land Use
Acting City Manager, Billy Campbell, presented Ordinance No. 556
amending Ordinance No. 447, regarding the Master Plan/Land Use
City Council Meeting Minutes
January 7, 1992
Page 3
There were no comments during the Public Hearing.
Motion was made to approve Ordinance No.
Motion: Wilhelm
Second: Emerson
The oaption for ordinance No. 556 was read by Mayor Fickes.
Ayes: Emerson,
Nays: None
Approved: 7-0
O'Brien, Hall, Wilhelm, Evans, Farrier, Fickes
(Agenda Item 7c moved to end of agenda)
Aqenda Item No. 9A. Res. No. 92-02. Masonrv Variance. Conoco Inc.
City Planner, Greg Last, presented the request for a variance to
the masonry requirement for Conoco Inc., 3100 Hwy 26 West. The
variance is requested for a building to be constructed and used to
store fire safety equipment. Notices were sent to property owners
within 200 feet and three written responses were received. Phillip
and Wanda Thompson were in favor, John E. Hall was opposed, and
Explorer Pipeline Company was in favor of the request.
Jean O'Keefe, Conoco Inc., was available to answer questions for
the Council. She stated that this building will match the existing
buildings on the property.
Motion was made to approve Resolution 92-02.
Motion: Hall
Second: O'Brien
Ayes: Hall, Wilhelm, O'Brien, Evans, Farrier,
Nays: None
Approved: 7-0
Emerson, Fickes
Ms. Hall expressed her thanks to Conoco for providing the foam
suppression equipment.
~qeDda Item No. 10A, Appointments to Fire Reserve
Public Safety Director, Billy Campbell, informed the Council that
two (2) more applicants have successfully completed their
application for appointment to the Fire Reserve Force. The
Department is recommending that Dennis Minder and Justin Robinson
be appointed by the Council conditional upon drug screening and
physical. Mr. Campbell added that there are several more
applicants, but because of their incompleteness, they have been
sent back to the applicants with an explanation to complete.
city Council Meeting Minutes
January 7, 1992
Page 4
Motion was made to approve the conditional appointment of Mr.
Minder and Mr. Robinson to the Fire Reserve Force of the City of
Motion: Wilhelm
Second: Emerson
Ayes: Wilhelm, Evans, Farrier, Emerson, O'Brien, Hall, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 7-0
AGenda Item No. 10B. Vol. Firefi~hter Certification Policy
Public Safety Director, Billy Campbell, presented the Certification
Policy Statement. Mr. Campbell stated that this is the City's
commitment to fund the volunteer firefighter training which may
include additional training.necessary to meet the requirements for
State certification as a volunteer firefighter if it can not be
handled in-house. Training needs will be reviewed at budget time
by the Fire Services Director in the same manner as all training
matters are addressed by other City departments. This policy
statement will be included in the Employee Policy Handbook.
Mayor Fiokes expressed his hope that the Fire Service Director will
have a clear idea of what training and funds are needed during
budget consideration time. He would like to be able to assure
volunteers that even though funds may not be available in one year
there is a possibility for them to be reimbursed in the next budget
year. He believes it would be in the city's best interest to back
the volunteers by funding their training.
Director Campbell suggested that we will need to look at the Fire
Service Directors long range plans of education and then bring to
Council to provide the funding.
Motion was made to approve the Volunteer Firefighter Certification
Policy Statement.
Motion: Emerson
Second: Evans
Ayes: Emerson, Farrier, Evans, O'Brien, Hall, Wilhelm, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 7-0
(Agenda Item 11A was moved to the end of the agenda)
Aqenda Item No. i~B, FM 1709 Reconstruction Status
Mayor Fickes briefed the Council on the State's most recent
estimate on the costs for curb and gutter and parallel storm
drainage for FM 1709. The estimate is now at $1,750,000, and the
Mayor feels that the Southlake Council and other interested persons
need to get together and address this issue with the State Highway
City Council Meeting Minutes
January 7, 1992
Page 5
city Attorney Taylor commented that neither the City nor the County
have entered into any binding agreement. We entered into a
commitment for cost sharing.
Aqenda Item No. 7C. 2nd Reading. Landscape Ord. No. 544
City Planner, Greg Last, presented the 9th draft of Landscape
Ordinance No. 544, and handed out separate sheets on Section 3.3.
Mr. Last pointed out that he has revised text to address
landscaping requirements for multi-story buildings based on the
square footage of the first floor only. He also pointed out the
rework on percentage requirements on the different zoning
categories and the planting requirements within so many square
Councilmember Wilhelm expressed his concern on the effects of
landscaping requirements on large foot print buildings vs multi-
story buildings. Mr. Last noted that large retail buildings are
measured on a 60' depth basis only rather than the full square
Mr. Last explained that this is a starting point, once the
ordinance is implemented we may see where or if revisions are
Councilmember Farrier suggested that Mr. Last address in the
ordinance that if in any event the second floor footage is greater
than the first floor, the greater footage should take precedent.
Mr. Farrier was referring to those instances where the first floor
is used as parking.
There were no comments during the Public Hearing.
Motion was made to continue the 2nd Reading and the Public Hearing
time certain January 21, 1992.
Motion: Wilhelm
Second: Emerson
Ayes: Evans, Farrier, Emerson, O'Brien, Hall, Wilhelm, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved (to continue): 7-0
AqeDda Item No. 11A.. p&R Board Request for Donation on Water Bill
Janet Murphy, president of the Park and Recreation Board, addressed
the Council regarding the possibility of implementing a voluntary
Parks Donation on customer water bills. Ms. Murphy stated that
voluntary monies were eligible for grant matching funds.
It was the consensus of the Council.that if funds could not be made
available in the budget maybe a donation could be addressed on the
water bills in a similar fashion as other utility companies. The
Council feels that it would appear to be deceitful to include an
city Council Meeting Minutes
January 7, 1992
Page 6
amount on the water bill and then leave it up to the customer to
subtract that amount if they did not want to participate. Council
pointed out that there are a lot of major issues coming up i.e.,
street reconstruction, and to ask for donations for the park at
this time may cause a negative impact. Mayor Fickes stressed the
need to get input from the community. A suggestion was made to ask
the citizens in the newsletter if they would want to participate in
a donation program for parks or even other purposes i.e. bullet
proof vests.
A brief discussion was held on the 1/2 cent sales tax. Council
questioned staff what those monies could be used for and how much
money could be generated in Southlake. They also requested staff
to advise them on what the average monthly water bill is in
Aaenda Item No. lC.. Action NecessarY/Executive Session
No action was taken during the executive session in regard to
pending or contemplated litigation, purchase, exchange, lease or
sale of real property, or appointment and evaluation of public
officials, or deployment or specific occasions for implementation
of security personnel or devices.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:05.
~(imlBush, Acting City Secretary
1 City of Southlake, Texas
1 Volunteer Firefighter Certification Policy Statement
Volunteer firefighters appointed to the Fire Reserve Force of the
I City of Southlake are required to be certified as a Volunteer
Firefighter by the State of Texas, within twelve (12) months of
I appointment. Training necessary to meet the requirements for State
certification as a Volunteer Firefighter will be provided by the
City of Southlake at City expense.
It is the City's policy to provide opportunities and incentives for
1 members of our work force to increase their individual level of
education and expertise in their related job duties, thereby
1 enhancing their job skills and degree of professionalism and
subsequently improving the ability of the work force to provide
continued quality service to the community.
In keeping with the above, Volunteer firefighters who wish to
I pursue training courses which lead to State certification beyond
the required State Fire Marshal's recommended certification for
1 volunteer firefighters, may request to be reimbursed for the
tuition for the additional certification program.
Requests for reimbursement of certification training program costs
I must follow policies and procedures established by the Director of
Fire Services and must be submitted on the form provided by the
City. Such request are subject to the availability of funds, and
I approval by the Deputy Director of Fire Services, the Director of
Public Safety, and the City Manager.
1 .
t r >
Approved City Council Mating 1/7/1992