1993-11-02 CITY OF SOUTHLAKEv TEXAS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUEw SOUTHLAKE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 2v 1993 MINUTES COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor, Gary Fickes; Mayor Pro Tem Jerry Farrier; Deputy Mayor Pro Tem Barry Emerson. Members: W. Ralph Evans (arrived late) Stephen Apple, and Andy Wambsganss. COUNCII~4F~IBER ABSENT: Jon Michael Franks STAFF PRESENt: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager; LouAnn Heath, Director of Finance; Greg Last, Director of Community Development; Bob Whitehead, Director of Public Works; Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator; Shana Rice, Assistant to the City Manager; Jerry Williams, Deputy Director of Public Safety, Fire Services; Malcolm Jackson, Deputy Director of Public Safety, Police Services; Wayne K. Olson, City Attorney; and, Sandra L. LeGrand, City Secretary. INVOCATION: Councilmember Jerry Farrier. WORK SESSION: The Work Session began at 6:30 p.m., where Councilmembers and Staff present were able to review agenda items for tonight's meeting. REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING: The Regular City Council meeting was called to order by Mayor Gary Fickes at 7:25 p.m. (Late due to Special Election held in Council Chambers). Aqenda Item ~i-B, Executive Session Mayor Fickes advised the audience that Council would be going into executive session pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, Sections 551.071, 551.072, 551.074, 551.076, of the Open Meetings Act, to seek the advice of our city Attorney with respect to pending and contemplated litigations, to discuss the purchase, exchange, lease or sale of real property, and to consider the appointment and evaluation of public officials, and regarding the deployment of specific occasions for implementation of security personnel or devices. Council adjourned into executive session at 7:25 p.m. Council returned to open session at 8:00 p.m. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes November 2, 1993 page two Aqende Item ~1-C, &ction NecessarY/Executive Session Motion was made to authorize the City Attorney to proceed with the settlement agreement of the Johnson lawsuit as discussed in executive session. Motion: Apple Second: Emerson Ayes: Apple, Emerson, Wambsganss, Farrier, Fickes Nays: None Approved: 5-0 vote AGenda Item $2. &DDrov&I of the Minutes/October 19, 1993 Meetinq Motion was made to approve the Minutes of the October 19, city Council Meeting, as amended in work session. Motion: Emerson Second: Farrier Ayes: Emerson, Farrier, Apple, Wambsganss, Fickes Nays: None Approved: 5-0 vote 1993, A=enda Item #3. MaYor's Report Mayor Fickes announced that the final vote on the one-half of one percent sales/use tax election was 701 votes in favor and 303 votes against. He congratulated the members of the task force that worked so hard to get this issue passed in the election. He feels it is in the best interest of the city. Mayor Fickes also announced that Southlake will be represented in a Chili Cook-off to be held at Classic Chevrolet in Grapevine, on November 3. &qenda Item ~4, City ManaGer's Report During the City Manager's Report, Shana Rice, Assistant to the City Manager, reported on a Permanent Noise Monitoring System for Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport, which will also be located within the City of Southlake, and other locations. A copy of the information presented, is hereby attached to the minutes of the meeting. &Genda Item ~$, Consent &Genda The Consent agenda including the following items was considered. 5-A. Resolution No. 93-63, Authorizing Clean Cities Grant Application. Regular city Council Meeting Minutes November 2, 1993 page three Amend& Item #5. Continued 5-B. Resolution No. 93-61, appointment of a Police Reserve Officer. 5-C. Authorizing the city Manager to enter into a renewal Contract with Executive Janitorial Service. Motion was made to approve the Consent Agenda including items #5-A, #5-B, and ~5-C, as presented. Motion: Farrier Second: Apple Ayes: Farrier, Apple, Wambsganss, Emerson, Fickes Nays: None Approved: 5-0 vote Additional Information on Consent Items 5-A. Resolution No. 93-63, Clean cities 2000 Grant Application has a purpose to recruit local municipalities to voluntarily reduce solid waste going to landfills, and to reduce pollution going into Texas' skies, land and waterways. Southlake, Grapevine, Colleyville and Coppell have participated in a series of informal work sessions in anticipation of the announcement of the Comprehensive Community Waste Reduction Grants. The goal is to apply for joint funding as a four city cluster, with administration provided by the City of Grapevine. Grapevine would act as the leading entity and sponsor agency. Clean Cities 2000 program requires no cash matching funds. Cost to the city of Southlake will be minimal, consisting primarily of in-kind services provided by staff working on the projects. 5-B. ADpointment to Reserve Police Officer Craig Nelson. Mr. Nelson is a former Samsom Park police officer and prior to that time he served in the Air Police with the U.S. Air Force. 5-C. Janitorial Contract Extension. The original contract was amended February 1993, to include services for the Community Building. The contract includes a renewal option for one year. The City is currently paying $1,500.00 per month for janitorial services. Item #6, Public Forum Dennis McGrath, 2403 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake. Mr. McGrath referenced Ordinance No. 599, Section 4, in regard to Levying sales and use tax. It was noted the effective date of the tax will be April, 1994. Mr. McGrath also discussed with Council his recommendation in regard to Park Dedication Fees. Regular city Council Meeting Minutes November 2, 1993 page four Councilmember W. Ralph Evans arrived at this time. Aqenda Ie-m #7-A, Ordinance No. 483-C, 2nd readina, Revisions to the Subdivision Ordinance No. 483. Greg Last, Director of Community Development, explained that Ordinance No. 483-C, is a revision to the Subdivision Ordinance, to include Public Landscape Easements, and revisions to the Plat Vacation Procedures. He noted there have been no changes to the ordinance since the first reading. The public hearing resulted with no comments during the public hearing. Motion was made to approve 2nd reading of Ordinance No. 483-C, as presented. Motion: Emerson Second: Farrier Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance. Ayes: Emerson, Farrier, Evans, Apple, Wambsganss, Fickes Nays: None Approved: 6-0 vote Aqenda Item #7-B, 0rdi~ce No. 597, 2nd readinq, Creation of the Southlake Parks Development Corporation. The City Manager, Curtis Hawk, stated no changes have been made between first and second readings. Note that Councilmember Franks asked Staff to look at the possibility of staggered terms. The attorneys have presented an alternative Article Ten for Council consideration. Mayor Fickes asked the City Secretary to seek applications for appointments as Directors of the $outhlake Parks Development Corporation, for the three (3) non councilmembers on the board. He also asked Councilmembers to report to either the city Manager or himself if they wish to be considered for appointment to the board. Public hearing: Dennis McGrath, 2403 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake. Mr. McGrath referenced several sections of proposed Ordinance No. 597. A copy of a transcript of the comments made by Mr. McGrath is hereby attached to the minutes of this meeting. Public Hearing closed. Mayor Fickes stated he would like for city Council to work on some of the suggestions made by Mr. McGrath. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes November 2, 1993 page five Aaenda Item #7-B. Continued Motion was made to table the second reading of Ordinance No. 597, time certain November 16, 1993. Motion: Apple Second: Evans Ayes: Apple, Evans, Farrier, Emerson, Wambsganss, Fickes Nays: None Approved: 6-0 vote (to table). Aaenda Item #S-A. SA 93-73. Plat Revision of Lots 4BRI and 4BR2, Block 1. C.A. Sweet Addition. ZA 93-73, Plat Revision of Lots 4BR1 and 4BR2, Block 1, C.A. Sweet Addition, being 2.45 acres situated in the J.W. Chivers Survey, Abstract No. 350. Location: 180 Sweet Street. Current zoning is "SF-1A" Single Family-iA Residential. Owners: Lee F. and Mary L. Conway. Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, noted the applicant has met all the review comments of the first Plat Review Summary dated October 15, 1993, with the exception of those items addressed in the second Plat Review Summary dated October 29, 1993. Eight (8) notices were sent to property owners within 200' and to date no responses have been received. Mr. Lee Conway was present to answer questions for Council. Motion was made to approve the Plat Revision of Lots 4BR1 and 4BR2, Block 1, C.A. Sweet Addition, subject to the second Plat Review Summary dated October 29, 1993. Motion: Emerson Second: Apple Ayes: Emerson, Apple, Evans, Wambsganss, Farrier, Fickes Nays: None Approved: 6-0 vote Aqenda Item ~S-B. Prelimlnary Plat of Lot 1, Roucemont ZA 93-86, is a preliminary plat of Lot 1, Rougemont, being 14.782 acres situated in the Thomas Beedy Survey, Abstract No. 72, Tracts 2A12 and 2A1A. Owners: Yves and Sharon Meyers. The Zoning Administrator, Karen Gandy, noted the applicants propose platting the property into one lot and keeping the "AG" Zoning. They plan to demolish the residence on the south side, keep the residence on the north side for a caretaker's quarters, and build a new residence for themselves to the East. Regular city Council Meeting Minutes November 2, 1993 page six &qend& Item #S-B. Continued Dr. Sharon Meyers, 1924 North Peytonville Avenue, Southlake. Dr. Meyers was present to answer questions for Council. She read her statement, stating they are opposed to a dedication of right-of-way or "reservation" of property being shown on the plat. The City Manager, Curtis Hawk, stated we understand her intended use, however, we must point out what the ordinance states and to put on record that this item was discussed. In general, the ordinance requires that every lot which will have a structure built upon it must be adjacent to an approved public or private street. Ordinance No. 480-K amended the zoning ordinance to allow building permits in certain situations when the lot is not adjacent to an approved street. Councilmember Jerry Farrier, stated at some point in the future, City Council will be dealing with this tract of land again. He supports her intentions to build a home, however, he knows that at some point in time, 14 acres will become a burden, by a tax standpoint, or a maintenance standpoint. With the right-of-way, this issue would be much more simple than it will be without it. Motion was made to approve ZA 93-86, letter dated October 29, Motion: Farrier Second: Apple Ayes: Farrier, Apple, Nays: None Approved: 6-0 vote subject to the second review 1993, with the removal of item ~1. Evans, Wambsganss, Emerson, Fickes Farrier asked if we need to go back to Brittany Court and abandon the street stub, which is not built. Director of Community Development, Greg Last, stated, he thinks the existing dedication of the stub-out still provides the opportunity for this applicant to extend the right-of-way and extend the road, at some point in time. Regular city Council Meeting Minutes November 2, 1993 page seven Item #8-C, Ordinance No. 598, 1st reading, establlshinq the 8outbl~ke Proaram for the Involvement of Neighborhoods The City Manager, Curtis Hawk, stated at the last meeting the establishment of a Southlake Program for the Involvement of Neighborhoods was discussed. Since then, it was felt it was important to have each of the sixteen (16) neighborhoods represented with a city Council appointee. The ordinance provides that six (6) members shall constitute a quorum. This is because of the difficulty in scheduling meetings. There are still details to be worked out, but we would like to get the program established and ready to "kick-off" by the end of the year. The program will evolve and the Articles will probably need to be amended as the program evolves. Mayor Fickes stated he feels this program will be a good vehicle to gather input. The 1/2 cent sales tax election was possible because of community involvement. Motion was made to approve the first reading of Ordinance No. Motion: Farrier Second: Evans Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance. Ayes: Farrier, Evans, Apple, Wambsganss, Emerson, Fickes Nays: None Approved: 6-0 vote 595. Agenda Item #9-A, Resolution No. 93-57, adopting fees and procedures for Animal Control. Resolution No. 93-57, adopting fees and procedures for Animal Control was presented. Curtis Hawk, the City of Southlake will have the same services as provided in the City of Grapevine. Motion was made to adopt Resolution No. 93-57, as presented. Motion: Farrier Second: Wambsganss Ayes: Farrier, Wambsganss, Evans, Apple, Emerson, Fickes Nays: None Approved: 6-0 vote &qenda Item #10-&, Election Ballot for Board of Tarrant Appraisal District. Motion was made to apply all fifteen Southlake to Lou Hillman. Motion: Emerson Second: Evans Ayes: Farrier, Wambsganss, Evans, Approved: 6-0 vote (15) votes from the City of Apple, Emerson, Fickes Regular City Council Meeting Minutes November 2, 1993 page eight Aqenda Item ~ll-A, Discussion: Cable Bervioe Reaulations The city Manager, Curtis Hawk, stated we recently adopted a cable rate regulation ordinance. The other issue involves the regulation of customer service standards. We have had this item on the list waiting for an opportune time to bring before City Council. There are a number of considerations at play. Do we want to regulate standards? Do we have the staff to oversee? We do not have all the issues, therefore, it is on the agenda for discussion. After discussion, the City Manager, stated staff will bring an ordinance back in the future for Council to look at. Agenda Item ~11-B, Discussion: Increase Park Dedication Fees. Mayor Gary Fickes stated the purpose of the Park Dedication Fees is to bring in funds for parks, and to encourage the developers to participate. We have seen credits issued. We have seen many amenities. The Mayor added, he feels the developers have put in amenities to stay competitive. A survey was presented of area cities. After further discussion, Mayor Fickes asked the City Manager to bring this item back to city Council, with verbiage included in favor of reducing credits, raising the fees to $750.00, and dropping credit to 33%, and Council will go from there. Aqenda Item #12. Adgour-ment The meeting was adjourned by Mayor Gary Fickes. ATTEST: Sandra L. LeGrand City Secretary City of South lake, Texas CITY COUNCIL MEETING SIGN UP IF YOU WISH TO SPEAK DURING THE MEETING DATE: Z 43 NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE AGENDA ITEM 3haroo me er /Qasi/• fow //e 32953000 zA q3 --8(0 - ,✓ l o,�►r /���� .?yD� �. L,// Y��.7� �� 7� f3 City Council Meeting November 2, 1993 Dennis McGrath Comments Public Forum: Item 8E. Ord. 599. Section 4. The effective date of the tax is April 1, 1993. Is this correct? Mayor: should be 1994. item 11B. Park Dedication Fees. I believe it is time for the City to reduce some aspects of Article 7 parks and recreation dedication requirements in your subdivision ordinance. I believe the concept of Article 7 is excellent; I think some of the actual functions of this article self par( ?) (sub -par) . In essence to the per lot fees which have been $500, I think that they have been inadequate to meet the needs of the Community. I believe a per lot fee of $2000 would be more realistic in obtaining some of the goals that this will do. I believe it would be good to start this as soon as possible and have it apply to all subdivisions who have not final plotted their property. I feel the $200 is a fair figure, since developers are paying less than 50o impact fees they pose upon the City. Also I feel the credits since there are credits allowed for them to reduce that there's the credit need to be defined and limited in scope. Lakes whose primary function is a retention /detention pond for run -off water should not be allowed for credit -is one of many examples. I think you should establish some type of criteria that the recreation, the open space, or the amenity must be physically able to he used and to be free of charge. Agenda Item 7B -1, Public Hearing: I've got a copy of this draft. I have got a lot of comments in respect to that. In the preamble on page 7b -1 the third "whereas" and in the Articles of Incorporation page 7b -7 starting at line 7 with the corporation and continuing on that sentence and in Article 5 Financing sections "a" and "b" there seems to be some contradictory in terms to Section 5 of your ordinance 7b -3. A lot of this has to do with is giving this corporation the powers and City Council Meeting November 2, 1993 Dennis McGrath Comments Page 2 making them all subjective to having the Council in essence vote on everything it does. I think you need to re -look at some of that and there is some contradictory things in essence you are going to be voting on everything that the Council does. I think that because you have the effect that you are going to have four Councilmembers on this is going to sit there and pretty much put you in the situation as a corporation you are going to vote on everything as the time it gets to Council the three remaining members are just going to be have not left much to do but to rubber stamp the decisions of the corporate making process and it just removes them from their own ability to make any decisions in it. Section 6, page 7b -3. This says the "ordinance shall be accumulative of all provisions of the ordinances of the City of Southlake except where the provisions of this ordinance are in direct conflict with such ordinances..." I think in here there needs to be some mention from the fact is that in our ordinances or in our City Charter it states that "...for any referendum there must be 200 of the registered voters signatures are needed." I think that this here is governed by the State mandate which says that it only needs 10% of the voters registered. So I think this here needs some clarification so to resolve differences between our City Charter and the State laws on this act that was passed. Unless that the State law is not needed, then we would have to get 200 of the registered voters, but I think the State law would apply in this where you would only have 100 of the registered voters to be able to initiate a referendum on it. Article 7, Sales Tax, that's on page 7b -9. I think it should have a little terminology added to this so that the Sales and Use tax proceeds are transferred in an expedient manner and shall not be held up. I think it needs to be a point that the Council can't use the money as leverage in this respect. I think it should be pointed that it be transferred in an expedient manner to the corporation so that they may use the funds. Article 10, I spoke on this a couple of weeks ago in regard to the City Council Meeting November 2, 1993 Dennis McGrath Comments Page 3 Board of Directors. I still believe that the wording for the Senate Bill 37E I believe is what is correct 4b -2c is better suited and not hindering future Councils should they not want to have 4 members of the City Council on this. I think as a City Councilmember you are elected to govern and direct, and I think you should be able to appoint people on here to let them make decisions because you will have all the overwriting values as far as being able to do what you want. I think the legislature made a good decision and shows wisdom in changing the original make up which had your 4 councilmembers on it to allow the discretion of the Council to put people on it to keep the politics out of the decision making process. Having 4 Councilmembers on this corporation, I think will have an intimidating, demoralizing effect on the remaining directors of this corporation. Part of the problem too is that when this decision comes before the Council in regards to this corporation, the three remaining Councilmembers, I mentioned earlier, won't really have an input in the decision process because 4 people on the corporation, Councilmembers, can make the decision, and when it gets to Council, I think that we are usurping the integrity of the three remaining Councilmembers who are reduced to just rubber stamping these decisions. Also I feel that this corporation is going to have a tremendous work load in its first few years, which I believe a Councilmember will impose a tremendous amount of work upon himself with these extra meetings that they are coing to have to attend, the extra paper work that they are going to have to read and I think it is going to be difficult to do justice to both positions. And again as Councilmembers in these articles, you have the power to reduce any corporate director at any time without cause. The at large members and the parks board chairman should have some alternating terms which is what you have just brought up I think is a good idea. I think by havinc less Councilmembers on it more participation from the Community then you increase the creativity and the flexibility of the Corporation. I'm going to back up a second here to Article 8 which is amendments. In_ going back to Article 4 "purpose and limitations" City Council Meeting November 2, 1993 Dennis McGrath Comments Page 4 on page 7b -7 is that this is something that you approved last week and :'m not really certain exactly as how this is done but in the Articles of Incorporation you've totally circumvented this facet. It really irritates me that I don't know if this was on purpose or deception or something but when you go to Article 8 amendments you give yourself the authority "...at its sole discretion at any time to amend these Articles of Incorporation alter or change the structure, organization, programs or activities of the Corporation..." so you can usurp this power at any time and circumvent what you told the people that they would have the right to be able to vote on. Something Gary you have said at meetings you said last week at Council here and in the Article here its just totalling usurping that. It also allows the Corporation should they want to change or amend these articles that they can change them by bringing them to you and having you approve them. There needs to be some language added so that if the scope of this changed the people will have the right to vote on it. And I believe that was the intention you voted on last week without giving yourself any recourse in that matter. Goinc back to Article 10 on page 7b -12 #c, I don't if it's just with the language in here "...the directors shall serve without compensation but they shall be reimbursed for their actual expenses incurred in the performance of their duties as directors." I wonder if going to the National Recreational Expo in Hawaii next year is, I wonder who is going to be the one who is going to control what the expenses are in this respect? I think overall in this there needs to be some language added in respect to that a percent of money spent on administrative expenses be limited to 2Wa of the sales and use tax on a yearly basis. We need to get this money spent on parks and recreational facilities, not on administrative bologna stuff, traveling here and there, and doing all sorts of stuff. I think that this is just too open in that respect. Barry Emerson - Dennis I am going to stop you right there and I am going to make a statement. I encourage you to look at City Council Meeting November 2, 1993 Dennis McGrath Comments Page 5 the expense reimbursement that I have had, and maybe the other Councilmembers feel that way, for any expenses we have incurred on business for the City. I resent, and I am going to say it on the record, I resent an insinuation that this money would be spent by any member on this Council foolishly for anything other than what we told you it would be used for and that is to put parks in this City. Let me make myself clear, I resent those remarks. McGrath: You may not be here next year or in two years or four years, but somebody may. The remark is not intended for you. The remark is intended to close loop holes to prevent any problems down stream. Potential is there for people to use that. I only think that it is only fair that you close the loop holes so that you remove it from anybody who has the oppertunity to use it. I think I also see in #d is that you have the City Manager serve as the executive director of the Corporation to provide administrative support services. It seems more like an executive director is more going to be carrying on everything and f unction in some aspects of how the City Manager functions. This is going to be a tremendous amount more duties for the City Manager, its probably going to add somewhere down the line that he may feel that there's compensation required for the additional duties that he is taking on. Where are the funds to pay for this going to come from are they going to come out of this corporation? Or are they going to co7:e out of the City's budget? I am not certain if this can not create a conflict of interest if he has got two bosses sc to speak. Why not let the Corporation do the work? It would sure save some money and let the money be spent on parks and recreation things. I understand that they will probably use the City for support services, but I don't know if really an executive director, in terms of how an executive director would implies what a person does, is really maybe the correct term. Mayor Fickes: I think that anytime that you are issuing debt, you have to look at the big picture of what this City is City Council Meeting November 2, 1993 Dennis McGrath Comments Page 6 doing. And I think that the Cizy Manager is probably better equipped, he along with working with the Finance Director, in doing that. McGrath: Yes but back sooner in here you covered that in respect to that with the City Manager and the City Council. Article 13 says that "No dividends shall ever be paid by the Corporation and no part of its net earnings remaining after payment of its expenses shall be distributed to or inure to the benefit of its directors or officers or..." The word inure, I am not sure that it really fits into this set up. I have looked it up in the dictionary and it just seems like that if you just changed that and took that out it would be more in respect to that - -that something I think as far as wordage should be looked at unless someone can give a definition what inure means? Wayne Olson: means it shall not be distributed to, it shall not be used for the benefit of. McGrath: Let me give you the definition from Webster - -to make use to something hard or painful; accustom. This isn't something I made up it is copied right out of the dictionary. Something they gave as far as explaining it - -his term as Mayor has inured him to criticism. In other words, his term as Mayor has accustomed him to criticism. I am not certain if it really fits in there as far as that word. It also comes in again later on under corporation. On page 7b -14, it discusses at some time should this corporation shut down and that the funds that are left over there are accrued shall be paid to the City. I think it should be paid to the City with these funds being earmarked for parks and recreational facilities. There is also another place in there that I think that it would be good to have also so that they do not go into the General budget because the people voted on these funds being used for parks and recreational facilities. Stephen Apple: I would like to make one point that was City Council Meeting November 2, 1993 Dennis McGrath Comments Page 7 brought out. If there are four Councilmembers on this board, the assumption that was brought out that all four members of the seven members would always be in total consensus on a vote coming back to the Council is highly unusual. You could have the three other vote on something with one Councilmember, it pass, come to the City Council and you have one member of the City Council be in favor. So it is no insurance by any means that by having four people on the Council its always going to flow through the Council. I would like to make sure for the record that everyone understands that. That it is not a consensus vote at this point by any means. Mayor Fickes: I think the reason for putting four members from the Council on this incorporation board was that Councilmembers can be removed from office by the Citizens--the Citizens can not remove board members of this board unless they are a Councilmember, and once that Councilmember has been removed he automatically comes off the Board. But there are a number of mechanism out there where a Councilmember can be removed from office if he is doing something that is not in the best interest of she City and that is by recall and by their regular election. So that was the whole purpose, that gave the power back to the Citizens to make changes. So that was the reason. And : agree, quite often there will not be four members that agree on anything. Barry Emerson: What this Board does and recommends to this Council defiantly needs to be in harmony with the economic direction that this City is headed in. In fact our bond rating, we just went :through a bond rating up -grade if you will by Moody's that saved the City almost $50,000 on the refinancing and on the new bonds that we are going to issue. The $50,000 being a reduction in insurance premium. We have to pay to go from an "A" rating to a "AAA" rating which is what the City typically does -- there is a lot of things that have to be considered in the financial picture when this board is making a decision. It means spending a 1/2 cent sales tax on City Council Meeting November 2, 1993 Dennis McGrath Comments Page 8 whatever you're spending on -- there is a lot more involved. So everybody has to be on the same wave length regardless of whether they are Councilmembers or -- :hey have to be doing and working toward a common goal that's in the best interest of the Citizens of this City. Mayor Fickes: One of the comments was: do we want to table this until the next meeting to think cf some of the changes that McGrath want to make? (proceeded with motion to table) t • a wo. • z,_., C 4 a a O .,. • in • T ommi CD II 0 �� 0 • ell 0 0 ci • ci) 4! M 0. C1, Z 4) ct vim-4 1-4 0 • c4 r•—i ct ;-4 0 51 H • 1-4 y ....4 4 8 'ZS • Z CD CZ; 0 i..) W • C4 4 Q ', , � �,� � w 0 0 • (1.) E-"4 • � CD H • CD alidi Pl-i C4 il WR 0 • • • • E a • C/) O c • . ,..., C4 'L 1. bJJ O O ~ 0 O ,.S E aA • � c 0 • U cat > O • - • • 0 ct 0 = , ' • v' • V) v' • , .. Z � O a • 0 • 0 • • 1 • • ■ • .= N O) �' ilig C O7 i Q� } C m c C :: : ' O LI • •= N .... C ....... C 7. v • cZ$ a • ^ O p FN- U i. cz cs) - CT, ii::::: 7) = (S. 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I ill' - .44 I . i ham, /A OFFICIAL BALLOT ELECTION OF MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF THE TARRANT APPRAISAL DISTRICT We, the governing body of City of Southlake, having been advised by the Chief Appraiser of Tarrant Appraisal District that we are entitled to cast 15 votes collectively or separately for the following nominees for the Board of Tarrant Appraisal District: Mr. David Averitt, Jr. Ms. Ruth Ann McKinney Mr. Jimmie E. Gill Mr. Gene Miers Mr. Lou Hillman Mr. Joe Potthoff Mr. David R. Hunt Mr. Tommy Vaughn Mr. Jim Jeffrey Mr. Mac Wilburn Mr. Rob Jones do hereby resolve and order that City of Southlake cast, and does hereby cast, it's votes as follows: 15 votes for Mr. Lou Hillman votes for votes for votes for votes for Passed this 2nd day of • _ . - , 1••3. o S � - e 1,. •residing O % ice r AT ST i � •' y - ti •••S.cr.tary or Clerk, City of Southlake IMPORTANT: This ballot must be returned by November 14, 1993 to John R. Marshall, Chief Appraiser, Tarrant Appraisal District, 2315 Gravel Road, Fort Worth, Texas, 76118