1993-09-07 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS REGUL~%R CITY COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 7, 1993 MINUTES COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor, Gary Fickes; Mayor Pro Tem Jerry Farrier; Deputy Mayor Pro Tem Barry Emerson. Members: Jon Michael Franks, Andrew Wambsganse, Stephen Apple, and W. Ralph Evans. CITY STAFF PRESENT: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager; Billy Campbell, Director of Public Safety; LouAnn Heath, Director of Finance; Bob Whitehead, Director of Public Works; Greg Last, Director of Community Development; Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator; Shana Rice, Assistant to the city Manager; Eddie Cheatham, City Engineer; E. Allen Taylor Jr., City Attorney; and, Sandra L. LeGrand, city Secretary. INVOCATION: Mayor Pro Tem Jerry Farrier. WORK SESSION: The Work Session began at 6:30 p.m., where Councilmembers and Staff present were able to review agenda items for tonight's meeting. REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING: The Regular City Council meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m., by Mayor Gary Fickes. Aqenda Item ~I-B, Executive session Mayor Fickes advised the audience that Council would be going into executive session pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, Sections 551.071, 551.072, 551.074, 551.076, of the Open Meetings Act, to seek the advice of our City Attorney with respect to pending and contemplated litigations, to discuss the purchase, exchange, lease or sale of real property, and to consider the appointment and evaluation of public officials and regarding the deployment of specific occasions for implementation of security personnel or devices. Council adjourned into executive session at 7:05 p.m. Council returned to open session at 8:30 p.m. Aqenda Item ~1-C, Action Necessary/Executive Session city Attorney, Allen Taylor, stated as the result of the Executive Session, from the city Attorney's office, they request Council to authorize the city Manager to enter into a letter agreement with the Texas Municipal League (TML) to allow the TML legal staff to work with the City of Southlake in regard to certain litigations which are now pending in the U.S. District Court and the Southern District of Texas. Specifically, the name of the consolidated case Regular city Council Meeting Minutes September 7, 1993 page two &qenda Item #i-C. Continued is IDS Services v. Morales etal. The City of Southlake as well as many other cities have been enjoined in this case. This case is in regard to amendments to the Open Records Act with regard to police records. It is noted that this action will not cost the City anything as the TML is providing this legal counsel as a member service. Motion was made to authorize the City Manager to enter into a letter agreement with the TML to allow their staff to work with the City in regard to this litigation. Motion: Apple Second: Emerson Ayes: Apple, Emerson, Farrier, Franks, Evans, Wambsganss, Fickes Nays: None Approved: 7-0 vote Aqenda Item ~2, &pproval of the Minutes of the &uqust 17, 1993 Meetinq Motion was made to approve the Minutes of the August 17, Council Meeting as amended in work session. Motion: Emerson Second: Farrier Ayes: Emerson, Farrier, Franks, Apple, Evans, Fickes Nays: None Abstention: Wambsganss Approved: 6-0-1 vote 1993, City Aqenda Item #3. Mavor's Report Mayor Fickes announced that a Task Force is being formed for the purpose of promoting the Special Election for the One-half of One Percent Sales and Use Tax. The "kick-off" meeting will be held on September 8, 1993, beginning at 7:30 p.m., to be held in the Community Building at Bicentennial Park. All citizens are urged to attend. Mayor Fickes read a Proclamation, proclaiming the week of October 17-23 as Tarrant County Harvest Week, where volunteers serve meals to those in need in Tarrant County. This is the third year for the program, and it has become very successful. Agenda Item ~4, city Manaqer's Renort Curtis Hawk, City Manager, commends the Department of Public Safety, for a job well done, with the explosion and fire at the $outhlake Fuel Terminal, Brumlow Avenue, on Sunday morning, September 5, 1993. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes September 7, 1993 page three &qenda Item #4, Continued Hawk also noted, that the city of $outhlake has won a Budget Award through the Finance officers Association, where we have also won awards for two consecutive years for the city audit. &qenda Item ~5, Consent A~enda The consent agenda consisted of the following items: 5-A. Resolution No. 93-51, ICMA Deferred Compensation Program. 5-B. Authorizing the Mayor to enter for Consumer Health Services with Department. into a Renewal Contract Tarrant County Health 5-C. Authorizing the City Manager to enter into an Interlocal Agreement with Denton County Criminal District Attorney. 5-D. Authorizing an extension of Agreement between the city of Southlake and Hady Aghili. 5-E. Policy concerning Investments and Purchasing. 10-A. Authorizing the Mayor to execute an Interlocal Agreement between the City of Southlake and the City of Keller for use of Water Storage and Pumping Facilities, authorizing Cheatham and Associates to design improvements to the High Pressure Plane and Beach Street Pumping Station, and authorizing staff to seek these bids for Water System Improvements. Motion was made to approve the consent agenda, consisting of items ~5-A, #5-B, #5-C, #5-D, #5-E, #10-A. Motion: Farrier Second: Franks Ayes: Farrier, Franks, Emerson, Evans, Apple, Wambsganss, Fickes Nays: None Approved: 7-0 vote Additional Information on Consent Items. 5-A. The International City Managers Association (ICMA) offers a Deferred Compensation Retirement Plan, which is authorized under Section 457 of the Internal Revenue Code. The plan allows for the pre-income tax deduction of amounts that are deposited with the ICMARetirement Trust into participant-selected funds. Resolution No. 93-51 authorizes the city Manager to execute the Administrative Services Agreement with ICMA Retirement Corporation. Regular city Council Meeting Minutes September 7, 1993 page four ~aend& I~e~ #5, Continued 5-B. Tarrant County Health Department contract agreement for Consumer Health Services is up for annual renewal. Staff recommended approval. Tarrant County Health Department is currently drafting a new model food ordinance which will be provided to us when completed. 5-C. Interlocal Agreement between the City of Southlake, and Denton County District Attorney's office concerning distribution of proceeds from seizure or sale of contraband. This is a standard agreement used by Denton County and other area agencies. 5-D. Agreement between the city of Southlake, and Hady Aghili dba Southlake Food Mart, was considered for a one (1) year extension to the agreement written two years ago. The Tx-Dot indicated that highway elevation would be lowered and a box culvert at Southlake Food Mart would be installed by September 10, 1993. Since FM 1709 is not complete in front of the store, Mr. Aghili has requested a one year extension to construct the ditch. The drainage ditch was required by the Subdivision Regulation Ordinance. Mr. Whitehead recommends the Mr. Aghili be given a one year extension to construct the ditch that will conform to the agreement. 5-E. Fiscal Policies. The City Council, during the June, 1993 retreat, agreed that the city is in need of an Investment Policy and Purchasing Policy. Draft policies were presented at that time. Each policy is part of the City's Fiscal Policy, the framework in which governs the way that the City conducts its finances. The Fiscal Policy encompasses the Fund Balance Policy adopted by the Council at the August 17, 1993 meeting as well as the Tax Abatement Policy Statement adopted by Resolution 92-49, in October 1992. The Director of Finance recommends that the City establish the Fiscal Policy document as the umbrella under which all financially related policies will be grouped, including those previously approved for Fund Balance and Tax Abatement. It is also recommended that the Purchasing and Investment Policies as presented in June 1993 be approved by the City Council and included in the Fiscal Policy. 10-A. The Agreement with the City of Keller for use of Pearson Lane Pump Station. The agreement will provide the City of Southlake the capability to utilize excess capacity in Keller's Pearson Lane Pump Station. The agreement was approved by Keller on August 17, 1993. The item also authorizes Cheatham and Associates to design improvements to the High Pressure Plane and Beach Street Pumping Station, and authorizes staff to seek bids for these Water System Improvements. Regular city Council Meeting Minutes September 7, 1993 page five Agenda Item $6, Publio Forum Peter Sporrer, 1214 Woodsey Court, Southlake. Mr. Sporrer commented on the explosion and fire at Southlake Fuel Terminal, which occurred on September 5, 1993. He praises the Department of Public Safety for the less than three (3) minute response time, and a job well done. Agenda Item ~?-A, Ordinance No. 480-9l, 2nd readinu CZA 9S-51). Ordinance No. 480-92, is a rezoning request for 2.5067 acres situated in the Hiram Granberry Survey, Abstract No. 581, Tract 3J. The existing zoning is "AG" Agricultural, with a request for "SF- iA" Single-Family-lA Residential. Owner/Applicant: Mark Fowler. The Zoning Administrator, Karen Gandy, commented that eight (8) notices were sent to property owners within 200' and three (3) written replies have been received: John and Sharon Barmore, 381 S. White Chapel Blvd., in favor; Lenora Herron, 500 S. White Chapel Blvd., in favor; and, William and Cindy Baird, 380 S. White Chapel Blvd., in favor. The applicant plans to build a new single family residence on this site in the future. He currently lives on the site in a single family dwelling which he will remove prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy for the new structure. No comments were received during the public hearing. Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 480-92, 2nd reading. Motion: Emerson Second: Apple Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance. Ayes: Emerson, Apple, Evans, Wambsganss, Farrier, Franks, Fickes Nays: None Approved: 7-0 vote &genda Item #?-B, Ordinanoe No. 4S0-93, 2nd readin~ (ZA 93-52). Ordinance No. 480-93, 2nd reading, is a zoning request for 6.0 acres situated in the R. Price Survey, Abstract No. 992, Tract 4A. Existing zoning is "AG" Agricultural, requested zoning is "RE" Residential Estate zoning district. Owner/Applicant: R. Craig Saunders and Elizabeth A. Rohr-Saunders. The first reading of this item was approved during the August 17, 1993, City Council meeting. It was noted that the property has a lot width of 202' rather than the required 300' minimum width Regular City Council Meeting Minutes September 7, 1993 page six Aqenda Item #7-B. Continued required by the "RE" district. The lot meets the minimum acreage requirement of five (5) acres. The Saunders applied for the "RE" district because of the flexibility it offered in the construction of accessory buildings (i.e. 5% of the lot area in the "RE" district vs. a maximum 1,000 square feet in the "SF-1A" district), according to Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator. No comments were received during the public hearing. Motion was made to approve the 2nd reading of Ordinance No. 480-93, as presented. Motion: Wambsganss Second: Farrier Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance. Ayes: Wambsganss, Farrier, Franks, Emerson, Apple, Evans, Fickes Nays: None Approved: 7-0 vote Agende Ite~ ~7-C, Ordinenoe No. 480-94, 2nd readino (ZA 93-54). Ordinance No. 480-94, 2nd reading is a rezoning and Concept Plan request for First Baptist Church/Southlake, being 2.1912 acres situated in the O.W. Knight Survey, Abstract No. 899, Tracts 6D and 6F. Existing zoning is "AG" Agricultural and "CS" Community Service District, with a request for "CS" Community Service District. Owner/Applicant: First Baptist Church/Southlake; Beverly Bradley, Trustee; and Rev. Falis Holloway, Pastor and Agent. Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, noted the Council approved the first reading of the ordinance on August 17, 1993. The public hearing resulted with no comments from the audience. Motion was made to approve the 2nd reading of Ordinance No. 480-94, subject to the Plan Review Summary dated August 13, 1993; granting the following variances: 20% reduction of shrubs within the bufferyards, a division of plantings between Phases I and 2; and allowance for the one-story frame building to remain at its current location until the necessity of the fire lane. Motion: Emerson Second: Farrier Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance. Ayes; Emerson, Farrier, Franks, Evans, Wambsganss, Apple, Fickes Nays: None Approved: 7-0 vote Regular City Council Meeting Minutes September 7, 1993 page seven Aoenda Item #?-D. Ordinanoe No. 480-95. 2nd reading (ZA 93-55). Ordinance No. 480-95, 2nd reading, is a rezoning request for 8.471 acres situated in the A.A. Freeman Survey, Abstract No. 522, Tracts 2B and 2B5. Existing zoning is "AG" Agricultural, with a requested zoning of "RE" Residential Estates. Owner/Applicant: Karen Ledbetter. The Zoning Administrator, Karen Gandy, noted the first reading of the ordinance was approved on August 17, 1993. The applicant plans to build a new single family residence on the site and has submitted a plat showing for administrative approval. The public hearing resulted with no comments from the audience. Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 480-95, 2nd reading, as presented. Motion: Franks Second: Apple Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance. Ayes: Franks, Apple, Evans, Emerson, Farrier, Wambsganss, Fickes Nays: None Approved: 7-0 vote Aaenda Item #7-E. Ordinance No. 510-&, 2nd reading. Updatinq and Amendin~ the Imnact Fees, Ordinance No. 510. The city Manager, Curtis Hawk, commented that in March 1993, the city staff began the update process, which consists of three phases. Phase one is the Update of the Land Use Assumptions, which determines the population growth estimated for the next ten years, and at ultimate build out. Phase two is the determination of the Capital Improvements costs for water and wastewater within the next ten years, and at build out. The third phase compiles this cost information and allocates debt service costs and other factors to determine a maximum assessable impact fee for water and wastewater. If approved in second reading, the 1993 Impact Fee, will apply to lots platted after the adoption of this ordinance. Lots platted prior to the adoption of this ordinance will retain the prior impact fee rates for a period of one year. After one year has passed, all lots, regardless of time of plat, will be assessed the 1993 fees. The public hearing resulted with no comments from the audience. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes September 7, 1993 page eight Aaend& Item #7-S, continued Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 510-A, 2nd reading, as presented. Motion: Emerson Second: Evans Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance. Ayes: Emerson, Evans, Farrier, Franks, Wambsganss, Apple, Fickes Nays: None Approved: 7-0 vote &aend& Item #7-F, Ordinance No. 590, 2nd readinq, Fisoal Year 1993-94 _%nnual Budqet. The City Manager, Curtis Hawk, stated the budget, as presented, represents a budget that addresses the needs of the city with the existing tax rate of $.4550 per $100 of assessed value, adding, there are several items of General Fund revenue adjustments that need to be made, and two General Fund expenditure adjustments, which he will recommend. The revenue adjustments are in Permits and Fees and Sales Tax receipts for the current FY 1992-93 Budget year. It is anticipated there will be an increase of $90,000 in permit revenue and $39,000 in Sales Tax revenue, for a total increase of $129,000; however, we now anticipate Fine revenue to be $25,000 under our estimated revenue, resulting in a new increase of $104,000 which will be reflected in the year-end undesignated fund balance for FY 1992-93. Hawk added, in the proposed budget for FY 1993-94, there are two adjustments to be made in estimated expenditures which would increase the undesignated fund balance at year-end if nothing else changes. It is anticipated an increase in health insurance costs, but we have been notified by TML that the costs will remain the same, thus saving approximately $25,000. The city has been notified by the TML that our Workers' Compensation modifier will be decreased, resulting in a savings of approximately $25,000 from our budget estimate. The total savings in the benefits package will be approximately $50,000. Three (3) additional programs have been added to including: 1) staff person for Economic Development; 2) TMRS Buyback; and 3), Pay in classification plan. the budget, A copy of the Proposed Adjustments to FY 1992-93 Revised Budget and FY 1993-94 Budget subsequent to August 17, 1993, is hereby attached to the minutes of the meeting. The public hearing #2, resulted with no comments from the audience. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes September 7, 1993 page nine &aenda Item #8-F, Continued Motion was made to approve the FY 93-94 Annual Budget, including the amendments explained by the city Manager, including expenditures of $85,000 total for expenditures of Economic Development personal and support, and the Retirement Buy-Back. Motion: Franks Second: Farrier Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance. Ayes: Franks, Farrier, Evans, Emerson, Wambsganss, Apple, Fickes Nays: None Approved: 7-0 vote The city Manager stated for the record, he does have a letter from the current President of the Southlake Chamber of Commerce, and also he met with'the incoming president, and they are in support of the Economic Development staff member. He will be coming back to you with a recommendation of the structure of SEDC in the next couple of meetings, for Council approval. Aqenda Item #7-G. Ordinance No. 591, 2nd readlna. Tax Lew Ordinance. Ordinance No. 591, 2nd reading, Tax Levy Ordinance was addressed by City Manager, Curtis Hawk, who commented that the tax rate for the City of Southlake will remain for the third year at $.4550 per $100 per valuation, of which $.30132 is for general operations and maintenance and $.15368 is for debt service. Councilmember Andy Wambsganss asked the city Manager to address the next couple of years projection. Mr. Hawk gave an overview of the project for next few years, stating he feels very comfortable with our financial situation. He feels we must pay attention to our Economic Development program, paying attention to our growth, to be sure it is quality growth. The public hearing resulted with no comments from the audience. Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 591, 2nd reading, setting the tax levy for $.4550 per $100. assessed value. Motion: Apple Second: Emerson Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance. Ayes: Apple, Emerson, Evans, Wambsganss, Franks, Farrier, Fickes Nays: None Approved: 7-0 vote Regular city Council Meeting Minutes September 7, 1993 page ten Aqenda Item ~?-H, Ordinanoe No. 592. 2nd readino. Schedulin~ of Fees bY Resolution. Allowln~ for Ordinance No. 592, 2nd reading, prepared by the City Attorney, Wayne Olson, provides for the adoption of a resolution to establish and revise certain fees for city services, uses, and activities. This ordinance further repeals all previously adopted fees which are inconsistent with fees established by Resolution No. 93-47, which will be adopted pursuant to the ordinance. Only the fee provisions of the enumerated ordinances are repealed by Ordinance. No. 592. All other provisions of those ordinances shall remain in full force. The public hearing resulted with no comments from the audience. Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 592, 2nd reading, as presented. Motion: Franks Second: Evans Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance. Ayes: Franks, Evans, Wambsganss, Apple, Farrier, Emerson, Fickes Nays: None Approved: 7-0 vote Aqenda Item #7-I, Resolution No. 93-47, Schedule of Fees for Certain City Services, Uses, and Activities. Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, stated this resolution provides an expedient method to adopt, revise, and repeal applicable fees from time to time. No longer will each ordinance have to be amended in order to change the fee provision of that ordinance. The Resolution addresses Administrative Activities, Community Development Activities, Public Works Activities, and Park Activities. It is anticipated that the schedule of fees will be reviewed annually during the budget process. Changes were discussed, noting that the fee for the Plan Review Fee was changed to Administrative Processing Fee, to reflect the broader scope of services provided and was recommended for two percent (2%). After discussions by Council, motion was made to approve Resolution No. 93-47. Motion: Farrier Second: Evans Ayes: Farrier, Evans, Emerson, Apple, Franks, Wambsganss, Fickes Nays: None Approved: 7-0 vote Regular city Council Meeting Minutes September 7, 1993 page eleven Agenda Item #8-A, Ord~nanoe No. 480-89, 1st re&dino (ZA 93-37}. Ordinance No. 480-89, 1st reading (ZA 93-37) is a rezoning request for 1.17 acres located in the John A. Freeman Survey, Abstract No. 529, Tract 4Al. Current zoning is "AG" Agricultural, with a request for "O-1" Office-1 zoning district. Owner: Beverly Bratcher. Applicant: James R. Phipps. This item is being continued from the July 6, 1993, City Council Meeting. The zoning Administrator, Karen Gandy, noted nine (9) notices were sent to property owners within 200', with response of one (1) in favor, from Jack Petty, 616 S. Kimball Avenue; and two (2) responses were received opposing this action, within 200'; Donald Ramsour, 703 S. Kimball Avenue and Jerry and Mary Forbus, 595 S. Kimball Avenue. Other opposing include: Gary Fox, Jerry and Mary Forbus, Mr. and Mrs. C.S. Johnson. This evening, a letter was presented to Council from six (6) property owners in the area, opposing the request. A copy of the letter is attached to the minutes. Mayor Fickes noted this item was tabled on July 6 and July 20, 1993, to allow for a full Council prior to the vote on this item. Due to the fact that the Planning and Zoning Commission denied this action, it will take a super majority (six votes) to approve the zoning request. Mr. James Phipps, 603 Field Street, Colleyville. Mr. Phipps read a letter into the record, which is hereby incorporated into the minutes of this meeting and attached hereto. Mayor Fickes asked the city Attorney to respond to citizens in the audience who may wish to speak to a zoning request and their rights as citizens to give their opinions during a City Council meeting. E. Allen Taylor Jr., city Attorney, stated, the Bill of Rights of the United States Constitution provides each person the inalienable right to address their local elected officials and seek redress of grievances or to present their public position. That is a first amendment right of free speech, and they will not be subjected to liability for doing so. Donna Faglie, 505 South Kimball Avenue, Southlake. Mrs. Faglie stated she and her husband are here to speak against the zoning request, sighting S. Kimball Avenue as a narrow street, two buses cannot pass, and they do not need additional cars, it is a residential area, where children play outdoors. She referenced the "company party" which was held last year with numerous cars parked up and down the street. The structure in question was remodeled without Regular city Council Meeting Minutes September 7, 1993 page twelve ~aenaa Item ~s-&. continue~ permits and prior to property zoning. She asked that the request be denied. Jerry Forbus, 595 S. Kimball Avenue, Southlake. Mr. Forbus stated this issue has come up before, with the use of an office property. The structure was a residence when Mr. Phipps moved in. The owners of "Leaky Pipe" began using the structure as a business but were stopDed. He expressed opposition to this zoning being approved. Don Ramsour, 703 S. Kimball Avenue, Southlake. Mr. Ramsour stated he has lived there for twenty-two(22) years, and has seen the area develop. The business was already there, and the residence in front of them was used as a business, and were stopped. Leaky Pipe began to remodel the structure for office use, but the zoning change was denied. We do not need anymore problems with this property. He is opposed to this zoning change. Councilmember Jon Michael Franks stated last year when this item came before City Council he voted in favor of the office use, only thinking of the land. He now has also taken into account the neighborhood, and is changing his mind and intends to vote against the request. Councilmember Emerson stated he voted against it one year ago and will vote against it again tonight, he has not changed his mind. Motion was made to deny Ordinance No. 480-89, 1st reading, as presented, for office-1 use. Motion: Franks Second: Emerson Mayor Fickes read the caption of the Ordinance. Ayes: Franks, Emerson, Apple, Evans, Farrier, Wambsganss, Fickes Nays: None Denied: 7-0 vote &aen~a Item #8-B. SA 93-58. Pre Plat of Lots 1 & 2. Block 1, Reutlinqer &~dition. ZA 93-58, Preliminary Plat for Lots 1 & 2, Block 1, Reutlinger Addition, being 15.092 acres situated in the Hiram Granberry Survey, Abstract No. 581 Tract 3A, was considered. Owner/Applicant: Dr. Richard A. Reutlinger. Regular city Council Meeting Minutes September 7, 1993 page thirteen ~qenda Ite~ #8-B, Continued Motion was made to table action on the preliminary plat of Lots 1 & 2, Block 1, Reutlinger Addition, time certain, September 21, 1993, at the request of the owner. Motion: Emerson Second: Apple Ayes: Emerson, Apple, Evans, Wambsganss, Farrier, Franks, Fickes Nays: None Approved: 7-0 vote (to table). Aqenda Item~8-F, Ordinance No. 580, 1st readina. Callina a Snecial Election for Lew of a Sales/Use Tax. The city Manager stated during the August 17, 1993, City Council meeting, it was decided by Council not to call an election in November for the 1/2 cent sales tax. On Monday, August 23, the Mayor, members of the Park Board and city staff met with members of the Task Force which originally recommended the sales tax election to the city Council in December 1992. The consensus f~om the meeting is that Council should reconsider the matter, therefore, the Mayor had asked to place the item back on the agenda. A presentation was made by Mike Thompson and David Yelton from the Park Board, in regard to the preparation which has taken place in regard to a Special Election for the sales tax. It was the consensus of the group to focus on parks and short term needs and not on a library. A copy of the "C.A.P.$." Awareness and Education Plan, plan of action, is hereby incorporated into the minutes of this meeting. Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 580, 1st reading, calling a Special Election for levy of a Sales/Use Tax, to be held on November 2, 1993. Motion: Apple Second: Emerson Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance. Ayes: Apple, Emerson, Franks, Farrier, Wambsganss, Evans, Fickes Nays: None Approved: 7-0 vote Agenda Item ~8-C, Z& 93-59, Concept Plan for Farrar addition. ZA 93-59, is a request for approval of a Concept Plan for an office building being 1.16 acres situated in the T. Mahan Survey, Abstract No. 1049, and being proposed as Lot 1, Block 1, Farrar Addition. Owner/Applicant: Billie Farrar. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes September 7, 1993 page fourteen &qen~a Item #8-C. Continue~ The Zoning Administrator, Karen Gandy, stated the applicant proposed a 4,438 square feet, single story office building. Five (5) notices were sent to property owners within 200' and one response has been received from Dan Matise, 2191 E. Southlake, Texas, in favor of the request. John Levitt, Levitt Engineers, was present to represent Ms. Farrar. Levitt stated she plans to have a law office and two (2) other tenants. Motion was made to approve the Concept Plan, subject to the second Plan Review Summary dated September 3, 1993. Motion: Farrier Second: Franks Ayes: Farrier, Franks, Emerson, Evans, Apple, Wambsganss, Fickes Nays: None Approved: 7-0 vote Aqenda Item ~8-D, ZA 93-60, Pre Plat of Farrar Addition ZA 93-60 is a Preliminary Plat of Lots 1 & 2, Block 1, Farrar Addition, being 67.985 acres situated in the T. Mahan Survey, Abstract No. 1049, Tract 6. Owner/Applicant: Billie Farrar. The Zoning Administrator, Karen Gandy, noted the property is zoned "C-3" General Commercial District, with a mixed use Land Use category, sixteen (16) notices were sent to property owners within 200' and no responses have been received to date. John Levitt, Engineer, noted the final plat will be submitted on Monday, September 13, 1993. Motion was made to approve the Preliminary Plat of Farrar Addition, subject to the second Plat Review Summary dated September 3, 1993. Motion: Emerson Second: Evans Ayes: Emerson, Evans, Apple, Wambsganss, Farrier, Franks, Fickes Nays: None Approved: 7-0 vote &qend& Item #8-E. Resolution No. 93-52 ¢S~ 93-61). SPecific Use Permit for Equestrian Uses. Resolution No. 93-52, is a request for Specific Use Permit for Equestrian uses for a 2.545 acre tract of land being added to the existing 22.35 acres previously approved for a equestrian center Regular City Council Meeting Minutes September 7, 1993 page fifteen &aenda Ite~ #8-E Continued per Resolution No. 92-35; making a total of 24.895 acres situated in the R.D. Price Survey, Abstract No. 1207, Tracts 2F, 2F6, 2F7, 2F8, 3B1, 3B1A, 3B1B, and 3B1C. Owner/applicants: Jerry and Marilyn Gilbert. Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, noted that on November 3, 1992, the City Council approved Resolution No. 92-53, granting a specific use permit for equestrian uses for 22.27 acres located on the west side of Ridgecrest Drive, South of Kidwell Addition. This request adds the 2.545 acres located west of the original approval to the permit for equestrian uses. Twenty-two (22) notices were sent to property owners within 200' and to date, one response has been received, from W.D. Kizer, 3025 Brian Lane, in favor of the request. The public hearing resulted with no comments in regard to the request for SUP. Motion as made to approve Resolution No. 93-52, as presented, subject to the second Plan Review Summary dated September 3, 1993. Motion: Apple Second: Evans Ayes: Apple, Evans, Farrier, Emerson, Franks, Wambsganss, Fickes Nays: None Approved: 7-0 vote Aqenda Item ~10-Bo Developer Aareement for Timarron (Brenwvck. Phase I, Wyndsor Creek Phases i & 2. and Glendover Phase 1 a 2). The Developer Agreement for Timarron Addition (Brenwyck, Phase I, Wyndsor Creek Phases i & 2, and Glendover Phase 1 & 2, was discussed. Director of Public Works Bob Whitehead stated the agreement contains the standard requirements for the provisions of water, sewer, streets and drainage. Several conditions which are unique to this phase which resulted in revisions to our standard agreement are listed as follows: Developer is requesting 15% of the lots be released for residential permits after installation of water and sewer mains instead of 10%. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes September 7, 1993 page sixteen Aqond& Item #~O-B. ~ont~nued Timarron will present to the City a Letter of Credit from Chase Manhattan Bank, New York, for 100% of the value of the construction cost. This will satisfy the Developer's Agreement requirements for Performance Bond and Payment Bond. Timarron has done the same for their previous phases. In the preceding Timarron Phases, Timarron was granted a reduction of inspection fees from 3% to 1.5% because they provided a full-time construction inspector, which reduced the city's inspection time in half. In this phase, Timarron again agrees to provide a full-time construction inspector and has requested the inspection fee be set at 1.5% instead of 3%. The Developer has requested a 50% credit toward the park land fees for the amenities to be installed. During the regular Park Board meeting, held on August 9, 1993, the Board considered the Developer's request for credit and the motion was made to table granting a credit due to lack of specifics in regard to amenities offered in Phase III. The Developer has agreed to dedicate land for future right-of-way along Continental Blvd (84") and to finance major roadway reconstruction as shown in the Plans. The Developer is not required to pay Perimeter Street Fees. In discussing with Timarron, they would like to postpone the construction of the ultimate culvert on Continental Blvd. until their future phase is constructed adjacent to the culvert. They estimate that development will be in around two years. If the ultimate culvert is constructed now it will create a vertical curve in Continental Blvd. to provide for traffic to travel over the box culvert. According to Mr. Whitehead, staff has no objection to Council waiving this requirement for a two year period or until the phases adjacent to the culvert are developed, or which ever comes first. Susan Evans and Steve Yetts were present in behalf of Timarron. Councilmember Emerson explained the "Letter of Credit Policy". The city Manager stated for the record that Chase Manhattan Bank may not meet the ratio in regard to requirements for a Letter of Credit. Regular city Council Meeting Minutes September 7, 1993 page seventeen &qenda Item #10-B. Continue~ Motion was made to approve the Developers Agreement for Phase 3 of Timarron, making the changes as discussed, including; allow 15% of the lots be released, vs 10%; make the approval of the agreement subject to the city attorney and Mobil Land Attorney being able to come to agreement for wording in Section 2 (g) in regard to use of public right-of-way; that we exempt Timarron from items #4 and ~8, under requirements for the letter of credit; and waiving the drainage issue so that the developer will construct the drainage culvert at the earlier of, 1) date of which the city believes the culvert is necessary for drainage, or 2) three years after the execution of this agreement. Also, grant the credit for park fees. Motion: Emerson Second: Apple Ayes: Emerson, Apple, Franks, Farrier, Evans, Wambsganss, Fickes Nays: None Approved: 7-0 vote ~asnda Item #10-c, Road Alianment for Construction of south Peytonville ~venue: Permission to ~dvertlse for Bids for Drainaae Improvements: &hdc Permission to &oaulre Riaht-of-Wav. The Public Works Director, Bob Whitehead, stated that during the City Council meeting of August 17, 1993, Council asked that the final alignment along with a better understanding of the number and types of trees, be presented to them. Public Comments: Mrs. Johnson, 701 South Peytonville Avenue, Southlake. Mrs. Johnson stated she attended the meeting which was held on September 2, for the property owners on South Peytonville Avenue. She asked Council to save as many trees as possible. She stated she does not understand why the City would ever need a four lane road in that location. She stated she feels if we acquire right-of-way, then she fears down the road, the road will be widened. She asked Council to please look at every option to save the trees. Carol Lee Hamilton, 1210 Cross Timber Drive, Southlake. Mrs. Hamilton expressed that she is a concerned citizen, adding that South Peytonville is a special road. The Road Bond Committee wanted to preserve a country atmosphere. Curb and Gutter does allow for a narrow roadway. She suggested, spend more funds here and do it right. Curb and gutter might last longer. Mike Lease, 370 South Peytonville Avenue, Southlake. Mr. Lease stated he is not here to speak for curb and gutter, but he is not in favor of a wide street. He expressed concern that figures are Regular city Council Meeting Minutes September 7, 1993 page eighteen ~qenda Item #10-C, Continued under the estimate. is all residential. No businesses exist along S. Peytonville, it It has the whole personality of Southlake. Mayor Fickes expressed concern that the first street we did since the Bond Election was over budget. Also, to be over construction on Peytonville is not good. We must try and stay with the program that was started with the Bond Election. Motion was made to approve the improvements to South Peytonville Avenue, using Option lA-1 which is taking the right-of-way on the west side of South Peytonville Avenue; proceeding with permission to advertise for bids for drainage improvements; and granting permission to acquire right-of-way. Motion: Apple Second: Franks Ayes: Apple, Franks, Evans, Emerson, Wambsganss, Fickes Nays: Farrier Approved: 6-1 vote Councilmember Farrier thanked the staff and Eddie Cheatham for his persistence for at least examining the options, and for staff's willingness to accept that what was done in the past was not handled as well as could be, and their concession that on this section of road, they will make every effort to protect what we can leave. He stated he appreciates that. It has been a long drawn out process to get to this stage, and he stated he is disappointed personally, as he thinks we are building the wrong road on this instance, but it is consistent with what the Road Task Force asked Council to do. If we do not abuse the responsibility that is given to us, it will be a success. Mayor Fickes thanked Councilmember Farrier for bringing a certain concern to this, he feels it was needed and he feels that when we proceed with other streets, we should approach them with the same concerns. Aaenda Item #11-A, Discussion: Amen4ment to the subdivision Or4~ance, to provide for Public Landscape Easement. The city Manager, Curtis Hawk, noted that during the last Council meeting, there was a discussion about the potential use of a "public landscape easement" adjacent to arterial streets for the purpose of planting replacement trees due to tree removal caused by road improvements. If Council so desires, we will proceed with this amendment, by first going to the Planning and Zoning Commission for recommendation. Regular city Council Meeting Minutes September 7, 1993 page nineteen Agenda Item #11-B, Disousslon~ Issuance of GO Bonds, Refundino Bonds, and Contract Oblioations. The Finance Director, LouAnn Heath, stated during the Budget Work Session held on July 10, 1993, Jim Sabonis of First Southwest Company, Southlake's Financial Advisors, presented to Council refinancing opportunities on the City's outstanding long-term debt due to the low interest rates currently available. A portion of the 1990 $3.076 Refunding Bonds and the 1990 $1.1 million Certificates of Obligations are eligible for refunding. During the work session, the Council asked Mr. Sabonis and Staff to explore the possibility of accelerating the scheduled May 1994 issuance of $1.5 million and November 1995 issuance of $1.5 million in Street Bonds authorized by the voters in May 1992. Mr. Boyd London, First Southwest Company, was present and presented a schedule of events to Council, for the General Obligation Refunding and Improvements Bonds, Series 1993, and Contractual Obligations, Series 1993. A copy of the information is hereby attached to the minutes of this meeting. Aqenda Item ~12. Ad4ournment. Motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 12:20 a.m. Motion: Apple Second: Wambsganss Ayes: Apple, Wambsganss, Evans, Franks, Farrier, Emerson, Nays: None Approved: 7-0 vote Fickes ATTEST: ,,'~.~ ~ ~ T H t "?'".- -~.% .. - .. ~1%~ , .~.. · .~ ~ Sandra L. LeGrand '- ~" '" ~ city Secretary . . . City of Southlake, Texas CITY COUNCIL MEETING SIGN UP IF YOU WISH TO SPEAK DURING THE MEETING DATE:l 1 t73 NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE AGENDA ITEM ',�'P�r � � °z f 1 y go�0}x j C j 1k �I 7) n of Tr, �� je e._,__ • Agenda Item # 7 -F CITY OF SOUTHLAKE GENERAL FUND Proposed Adjustments to FY1992 -93 Revised Budget and FY1993 -94 Budget subsequent to August 17, 1993 First Reading FY1992 -93 Revised Budget Revenues Amount Sales Tax $39,000 Permits /Fees $90,000 Fines ($25,000) Net Increase to Revenues Revised Budget FY1992 -93 $104,000 FY1993 -94 Proposed Budget Expenditures Amount TMRS Buyback $35,000 Health /Dental /Life ($25,000) Workers' Compensation ($25,000) Net decrease - benefits ($15,000) Economic Development * Coordinator -Full time + benefits $47,500 Overhead /Secretary- Chamber $15,000 Printing /publications $5,000 FY1993 -94 SEDC Budget ($22,000) SEDC Reserve transfer in ($10,000) Net increase - economic development $35,500 Net increase in expenditures to Proposed Budget FY1993 -94 $20,500 Excess of Revenues over Expenditures 583,500 * The City has budgeted S20,000 for a Corridor study in Division 150. Total Economic Development budget with this addition will be $87,500. fY . Agenda Item #8 -A My name is James Phipps. I reside at 503 Field street in Colleyville. you know I have been here before. I am here tonight for the sole purpose of establishing for the record that I have made every effort to exhaust local remedies for solving the bureaucratic problems associated with and clarifying the zoning classification of the property located at 710 south Kimball Rd. which I purchased a little over a year ago. When I purchased the property I had no desire or intention of causing any harm to anyone or becomming a problem case for the city but due to the actions of a mental] disturbed neighbor who seems to be angry at the world this somehow has become e case. As a result of sour mouthing and negative garbage instigated by the Ramsours to surrounding neighbors concerning hypothetical problems caused by my use of the property for it's intended use along with pressure on the city by the Ramsours my Constitutional Rights have been severely violated. Last year after your decision to decline zoning on this piece of property 'red an attorney to represent me and defend my Constitutionally . .otected property rights in this matter. This attorney ended up being being totally incompetent and inteadvertantly caused the case which was filed aga':nst the city to be dismissed. Due to my busy schedule I have not had t to dedicate to following up on this case and have basically put any action on the back burner. assure you that I am not intimidated in the least by the city's intimidating and terroristic actions during the last year in trying to restrict my use of my property. In fact every action I took was for a purpose. In fact, For the record I was building my case against the city and establishing without doubt that there is a desire by the city to deprive me of the use of my property without justifiable legal cause. I am not here tonight to discuss points of law or reveal the next steps I . 11 take in this matter if satisfactory resolution to tnis problem cannot obtained by mutual agreement. As it stands the City has failed to show any legal grounds for denial of ning of this property which has anything to do with the public safety, _alth, or welfare of the neighborhood or show how the rezoning of the property would devalue anyones property surrounding the property. It would be highly unlikely that the city or anyone else could show any legitimate evidence as to how any person could injure a neighborhood by having an office where people simply sit around answering the phone and operating computers. This entire epesode has turned into a feasco orcastrated by clowns who fail to realize that the laws of this country are designed to protect all citizens not just a select few who feel they have some superior power over the masses who pay their salary. I assure you that I am well versed in the Constitutional laws and I know without a doubt that I have been injured by the city of Southlake and the Ramsours and appropriate actions will be taken to recover restitution for these injuries regardless of how long it takes to get the case in front of 'e proper court if necessary. The inalienable constitutional rights of a citizen are not statutory privelages which may be legislated by any state government or municapality. As far as zoning and administration policies concerning safety and welfare of the citizens there is no argument that a city does have a right and may inforce certain restrictions through local legislation when it comes to protecting the health and safety of citizens of its community in regards to commercial activity but that right has never been intended to extend beyond those guidelines or invade the personal liberties of any individual or to restricting property use or right to privacy. The tresspass laws of this country are some of the most well recognized laws which have protected the rights of citizens for over 200 years. will be filing an affidavit with the county clerk in a few days posting the operty at 710 Kimball road as private property, depending upon the _jtcome of this hearing. From that point on it will be a criminal act for any person to enter upon or restrict the use of the subject property for - ivate use. If the city of Southlake does not want to rezone this piece of property for office use as requested then I must insist that the council provide in writing and within 10 days by certified mail any reasons for denial which may relate to public safty, health or welfare. have been extremely patient with the city over this matter and I do not have any desire to continue to battle over such a rediculous, ignorant, blatantly unjustified abuse of my personal liberties. Do whatever you wish to do concerning this matter but remember that gave you plenty of opportunity to solve this matter without going before a judge. Every day you deprive me of my rightful use of this property is simply adding to the injury you are causing to me. I will not take any more of your time tonight nor will you hear from me in the future except through written correspondence sent by certified mail. a pologize for having to take this approach and make this presentation tonight but I feel that I have gone through the proper chanals to resolve this matter. I have simply run out of patience with the blatantant illegal actions of those who are responsible for solving this problem. Anything you say on this public record can and will be used against you in a court of law. Any action you or any other citizen takes to continue to harrass, intimidate or terrorize me or any person who is a guest at my property f�bm phis point on will be a criminal act and criminal complaint will be filed with the district attorney and restitution will be sought for damages caused by those individuals responsible for any and all actions. This property is to be considered a private residence until such time the council legally classifies it as commercial property and no city employee is to enter upon the property without a warrant upon sworn affidavit by a and jury based upon legitimate cause of action. Thank you. Agenda Item # 8 -A September 7, 1993 CITY MANAGER L)e r. x_ot� hl e Council P-embe 1 rs; g I _ y3 ' �/t LjG ,:t}u(.;;; <.� ?'•�.�° l.i)�.ifi�_ii i ;C'tiiv'':; .�� / _ �' —J_1 Due to Open House at our school, etc we may not be able to attend tonight's council meeting. We would like for our opposition to the proposed zoning change however to be heard. This concerns the 1,17 acres situated in the John A. Freeman Survey, at 710 South Kimball Avenue, owner James R. Phipps. The master plan for the city of Southlake clearly shows this to be low density residential property, The street is very narrow and does not need the extra traffic of a business. Plans for widening the street are at least three years in the future. Two school buses cannot meet without one being off the road, This problem occurs often since both school districts pick up on this road. This in itself is a hazard without the added traffic of another business in the morning and afternoon. Parking at the site is limited and will block the drive of the home behind it. We have had one taste of Mr. Phipps's occasional company party in the summer of 1992 when cars were parked not only at the site, but in the lot across the street. This created an unsafe and bothersome situation for all of us. This a residential area and we have small children in the neighborhood playing all of the time and the added traffic is a threat. to their safety. The zoning of the property being agriculture was ignored by the previous owner who proceeded to remodel the existing residential home into an office building without proper zoning. Just because Mr. Turner misrepresented this property to Mr. Phipps and he deemed it unnecessary to talk to neighbors or investigate the likelihood of rezoning, we the neighbors_ do not feel we should suffer, We the residents of . Oaks Subdivision ask the council to deny Mr. Phipps' request for rezonino of this property, Consider it as if it were a rezoning reduest for a residence in, :;our neighborhood. The only existing business in our neighborhood is Leaky Pipe 3 very unsightly piece of property, again we would like to refer to th master plan car o ee this area �? � p th ea residential, Sincerely, 4- /C,- 41 '�` '' _ < ' CS ,ter ' • (--, I. ;� 4 . � _,_— , -� ' •/ a C c i ' i �v % w J / .36 V 615 - t C . • 411��- 41,s S . ,c ..f...4.,.._ Agenda Item # 8 -F CITIZENS ADVOCATING PARKS in SOUTHLAKE "C.A.P.S." AWARENESS AND EDUCATION PLAN PLAN OF ACTION DATE DATE ACTIVITY RESPONSIBILITY ASSIGNED COMPLETED A ADMINISTRATIVE & ORGANIZATION David Yelton 1 Call Potential Committee members 2 Mayor's letter to select citizens G. Fickes 23 -Aug 1 -Sep 3 Fund Raising Activity L.Goldstein/D.Yelton 7 -Sep 4 Committee Meetings 23 -Aug 5 PAC Filing B. Bradley DONE 6 Change PAC name D. Yelton 23 -Aug 3 -Sep 7 Manage name /address database S. Rice 8 Read & Understand Tax Law all 9 Treasurer Appointed (D. Yelton) DONE 10 Council Meetings M. Thompson /DY 23 -Aug 11 Prepare Budget D. Yelton 23 -Aug B. PUBLICITY Janet Murphy 23 -Aug 1 Logo for campaign 2 Press Releases 3 Advertising 4 Signage 5 SL City Newsletter 6 Press Conference(s) 7 Create Brochure Copy 8 Publish Brochure 9 Publish Q & A's 10 Identify 4 committee members Janet Murphy 23 -Aug C. VOTER ID & AWARENESS Ann Barnes 23 -Aug 1 Identify Frequent Voters /Supporters 2 Prepare Target Mailings 3 Targeted Mailings 4 Develop Endorsement List 5 Election Day Activities (turnout) 6 Identify 4 committee members Ann Barnes 23 -Aug David T. Yelton 9/7/93 2:51 PM PALS2_RV.XLS D. SPEAKERS BUREAU David Yelton 1 Identify Speakers 2 Develop "consistent" presentation 3 Produce slide /overhead presentation 4 Develop Q & A's material 5 Identify groups to hear presentation 6 Telephone /schedule groups 7 Public Forum(s) 8 Identify 4 committee members D. Yelton 23 -Aug E. PHONE BANK & NEIGHBORHOODS Carol Lee Hamilton, 23 -Aug 1 Straw Polls 2 Election Day Phone Bank 3 Utilize auto phone call system (S.Scott) 4 Organize Neighborhoods 5 Flyers to Neighborhoods 6 Identify 4 committee members Carol Lee Hamilton 23 -Aug • David T. Yelton 9/7/93 2:51 PM PALS2_RV.XLS Agenda Item #11 -3 E O � p 4� CLI "'' V� a w C"� 0 z U z z M O 0 o 0 0 o o 0 o 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 OI M CD O M N .- t t [ LO to O O O CA U N N co as (D (O Ti N L U 0 to N to LO to Tr Q T T T T CO O 1 VJ VJ a te o CO O o 0 0 0 o CO Co Co Co M to CO O to to CO 0 0 Co 12 8 69. T tO C) CO t0 tO CO T C) CO N O N C) CO N to N nt. T O cc) N T N CO (O O T CO 0 CO C) to (O T C) T C) 1 C) It T U 9) O N ci C) O T ,- O O M r C) .- rS cr C) ch N O c+i O 0 C) to LO O to to to to to to O LO to If) 4t to M to co 1` 0 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N O te. ER N (D cO C) I' T t0 c0 t -0 CO I f ) 4C-1) O T T fit' CO CO CO CO N CO CO (O Kf' CD CO N to (D e' (D CD 2 M 1'- 0 to CO (0 N C) V' CO (D 0 to 10 0 0 CO 0) N 10 CO U I- O N 1` CO CD CD r N CO N CCI C7 tp CO N c'7 to ti Co CD C) .... C1 .. N M 0 0 0 CO M CO CO V' It �t M to N N O CO CO a Z t(0 O O O O CO CO CO CO CO C) CD CO CO CO CO to to N T ^ Z CD L1.1 O M N CO CO CO CO CO M CO O() CO CO M 0 CO t0 O O 01 CO CO 2 13 CO T cc) ti t... T CO N O) M O O CO V' CO O T O • to r- co M T to O co h CO co r- to to O M O d C N r M ,- CV N N T N T M N O c � O y EA 69 0 W CC CO a0 T M N (O ti CO M t0 M O O OI N uj 'O .. _ ( D c0 M O O O O f` CD M c0 M C tO (O d CD 5 C) T to CO (D 1� T N M N M CO O T C) O N Nt N tO T U U 1— O (D d co T co co f` T sf O M CD N: O C) i� CO (O d Q O O T T co co co [t In to 10 N N l0 M M 1 cr O O Cl y O O O O O M CO CO CO CO CO CO CO co co CO co to N T co 1— W d Z (j a ; r to O ~ ( N t0 o O v (O O t (D CO N O CO 1- ( v CO CO CO 0 O CO W T C) r O O Tr v N CO T t` (D N- O 4- co CO co co co co o O N - to C) - % (o CD T c") cr ti OO o) ('0 1 - C) ti c") N to 0 Q co N N .- N N N T T T T O O Li. Q >. a. N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N T T `V 3 Tr- D Z co co CO N CO M N. VD to T N CO C) N C) C) N 0 N 0I C) Z 'd M C) V" N O T (O 0 M d (D (O t0 C) 0 0 CO 0 M Tr U Q O M to co N. v T (D O N C) T et (D T M_ CO O O O CO co 0 Co co' �t o to O to M h (D T M N v T O co T T C) O N co co co in O co O to (O c0 (D co OF) co 4- T' t•-• M .O M N N T T 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1` N M N co - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - C) T U100000000000000000000110 13 0 CV C) O co CO LO CO O co O CA ei d 0 0 N. O� N ON 1 (O o M o ER a Eft CO CO C) N CO CO Cr h (D t0 T N CO O N O C) N O N OI T CO CO M V' M T (O 0 M (D (D to C) (7) O CO 0 M N If) O T C) CO T (D C) N C) T V' (D T CO CO O O CO C) - c v) M in (O c o (D u O co in in co (D co ( C TO C Tr d O n Tr N- X N T T O O O O O O O O O O O O O t, M N - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - W � co oT T 8 1- M co n Co C) O T N M et ID (0 N 00 C) 0 T N CO et• N ca 0) C) 0) 0) 0) (3) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 co co co O O O co C) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 >- N N co N 04 N N 04 N N N N N N N° w D J Q > Q 0 CO CO CO p CO I O N CD CO O N Cr) r CO O I O N O p N O O g C' C at N O v Ln Ln v O) V. N r r O o I- r C7 Q Cn O to O co CO O) O o N r t) r LD r I. o co •r r C7 Z 0 1 = g n CO C) f•-• (0 V N L r r O o O O o CO CO LO 11) C9 N r Z r o c Q u a 40 w a x a 1 — 0 0 az °oo N L o co N . 0 co O c O 69 r 4H • O IP Cn O CO cy 09 r Ln LA CD LO O N r r r O CD r W J Cr a) O O tO O r O Cp r Lo o in r co r I. ,t O co r r co Q w Q O O r. o to I , . CO ei N r r O O CA CD CO CO o LA co co N r CL I = Q O 1- 0000000000 W Z Q O W G C C C O t7 C °°°°°°°°°°°°°° Y a a ° t' . 5 J II 2 .+ a) 1" H CC M 0 2 c,) 110 L L CD v Ln p� r o � f� n n Ln r N r N C to 0. CO (1.1 Cr) r N O 0 CM 0 O o N ti O ° E O O V CO O h CO N r o O O N O O CO O �t O p CO O co O co N e Q) N N Ln u) r r r ca O) o a C7 � p }, m J w O f� mC� r r CO CO 0 3 O O Cn O C) r r N. r N N N ftS Q p 0 O r M M M N O O O O r O O O r r lA `, 0 w> ■ ° Ill I 3 p ' O 69 N .0 C -0 (� Z to N p_ c c 0 II ¢ a d9 a n w > cc 0 ° - o c °- c p CO CO R U O pO (I-- n CO LA N r of O tr) CO O d 7 r Q) Q p E (3 O N V r Cl 0 C Ch N c,r O M a ,r mr CO CD I� > (� co M CO N O LA co CO h CA N � N CD O O Cn t0 Cp t co •p )a a) o r- N t O CO CO r- 0 (Ai co N V 0 0)) CO N r r a) r o p J a V O CO Ns CO N I O \ LA O CO , cf N CO I. o o O CD Q t0 c e� v� `V O p co r Ln o N CD r Ln O LO O CD N CO r CO CO 0 M M CO I CO CO CA Cn O O r r N N M V V ID CO CO _ C a V) EA 69 E9 69 EA 69 69 Q Q m U 69 69 69 69 69 69 V3 69 03 V3 V3 69 69 r 1' o CD ti CO CA O r N Cr) V o CD h CO 0) o r N CO V ' CI D) 0) CI) C) O) C) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 p } O O O O O O N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N City of Southlake, Texas General Obligation Refunding and Improvement Bonds, Series 1993 and Contractual Obligations, Series 1993 Schedule of Events Completed Prepare and send list of information required to prepare official statements for bond and obligation sales Completed Receive required official statement information from City September 17 Draft preliminary official statement sent to City, Bond Counsel, Underwriters, and Underwriters' Counsel for review and comments September 21 1st reading of bond and obligation ordinances September 22 Receive comments on draft preliminary official statement September 29 Distribute final preliminary official statement for bonds sale to City, Bond Counsel, Underwriters, Underwriters' Counsel, Rating Services and Insurance Companies October 12 Receive bond and obligation ratings, and insurance qualification and quotes October 14 Bond and Obligation pricing October 19 2nd reading of bond and obligation ordinance Council adopts bond and obligation issuance ordinances Signing of bond purchase agreements October 20 to Attorney General's office reviews and approves transactions November 19 (review of all legal documents) October 22 Distribute final official statement to City, Bond Counsel, Underwriters, Underwriters' Counsel, Rating Services and Insurance Company November 23 Deliver bonds and obligations to Underwriters and City receives funds. Oftj Date: 8/30/93 Hady Aghili D.B.A.:Southlake Food Mart 2210 W. Southlake Blvd. Southlake, Tx. 76092 Tel.: 481 -0282 City of Southlake 667 N. Carroll Ave. '- Southlake, Tx. 76092 ..4. Att.: City Manager & Mr. R. Whitehead Subject: Request of contract extention. P BLi Dear Sir: I am writing this letter to request anextention of the contract, which was signed on Feb. 14, 1992 between me and Mr. Curtis Hawk. The above contract will expire on Sep. 11, 1993 unless extended by action of the city. Due to delaying of the Department of Highways construction of the new box culvert crossing 1709 at Randol Mill Avenue,I would like to request ONE YEAR extention for the contract. It has been clearly understood for your staff and I ,that without the completion of Department of Highways construction, it would be engineeringly inappropriate to install the improvements required of me as it would create a grade disparity and drainage problems in the area. Your immidiate attention to this matter is greatly appreciated. Yours Truely, / Hady Aghili 1 ‘4444 W I= 111111 DUI , ; Cityof c Southlake ----- .,,,,,„ �ii Ii h e r e a s : � Tarrant County Harvest y Inc., was formed in 1991 as an all volunteer, l ii ..* �. _ 4 nonprofit organization to help feed hungry people in Tarrant County; and, = — == Whereas,1 more than 1 million pounds of wholesome, nutritious N" , °. o �" . J food that otherwise would have been discarded; and, .- : � � +-'" Whereas, donations from more than 300 food establishment donors �s� • ..� have been coordinated by 250 volunteers and with a zero budget; and, :: ' Whereas, more than 65 recipient agencies have benefittedfrom Tarrant = ' ' County Harvest assisting them in feeding hungry people, now, .. THEREFORE, I, MAYOR GARY FICKES, of the City of Southlake, - Texas, do hereby proclaim the week of October 17 -23, 1993, as TARRANT COUNTY HARVEST WEEK - ;; _ J Passed and Approved this the 7th day of September, 1993. -- T 1 J ) Mayor, City o Southiake City Secretary '4*** 0 _ a. Y CI .__ ,_...._,.. ,11 • t , ,/ 1 , , , 1 //11 1 1 • 1 i i H 1 1 p I I . „, Cityof Southlake 'i , i , h e reas: Texas National Bank of Southlake is participating in an international _ - ' t program for European Bankers sponsored by : , ''' KPMG Peat Marwick, the Graduate School o f . - , ,, Banking at the University of Wisconsin- Madison, ::'i . . and the United States Treasury Department, and, .. � 4 Whereas, in an effort to promote the exchange of ideas and training 1 . 4 ' , with bankers from European countries which will produce tremendous - benefit to the world, cultural understanding and world peace; and, - V�z a Whereas, this international program has made it possible for a person from Bratislava, Slovak Republic to be hosted by Texas National Bank �' P y ,- of Southlake from August 1993 to September 1993; now, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL AND, I MAYOR GARY FICKES, OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, THAT: = ". MARIAN OKAL is hereby recognized by Mayor, Gary Fickes and members of the --_-7.--7._ = Southlake City Council, on this the 7th day of September, 1993. a , T= -_-_,,,....-..÷: '" ... ; .. fir= ' Passed and Approved this the 7th day of September, 1993. f ^ . TM ....,....••••••,.. ....4 .,..........6 * 4/it" xi a frxio 9v[ayor, Ci y of Soutklake City Secretary