1993-03-16 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUEt SOUTHLAKE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL HEETING I~,RCH 16, 1993 MINUTES COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Pro Tem, Jerry Farrier. Barry Emerson. Mayor Pro Tem, Rick Wilhelm; Deputy Mayor Members: Mike O'Brien, Stephen Apple, and COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT: Mayor Gary Fickes and Councilmember Jon Michael Franks. CITY STAFF PRESENT: city Manager, Curtis Hawk; Director of Public Safety, Billy Campbell; Director of Community Development, Greg Last; Eddie Cheatham, City Engineer; Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator; Deputy Director of Public Safety, Fire Services, Jerry Williams; Assistant to the City Manager, Chris Terry; Wayne K. Olson, City Attorney; and, Sandra L. LeGrand, City Secretary. INVOCATION: Councilmember Jerry Farrier. WORK SESSION: The Work Session Councilmember and Staff present were for tonight's meeting. began at 6:30 p.m. where able to review agenda items REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING: The Regular City Council meeting was called to order at 7:10 p.m., by Mayor Pro Tem Rick Wilhelm, in the absence of Mayor Gary Fickes. Agenda Item ~i-B, Executive Session Mayor Pro Tem Wilhelm advised the audience that Council would be going into executive session pursuant to Section 2(e) 2(f) 2(g) 2(j) of the Open Meetings Act, to seek the advice of our City Attorney with respect to pending and contemplated litigations, to discuss the purchase, exchange, lease or sale of real property, and to consider the appointment and evaluation of public officials and regarding the deployment of specific occasions for implementation of security personnel or devices. Council adjourned into executive session at 7:10 p.m. council returned to open session at 7:50 p.m. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes March 16, 1993 page two &~enda item 31-c, Action Necessary/Executive session As the result of the executive session, motion was made to approve the recommendation of the Director of Finance, LouAnn Heath, by appointing Renni Burt as Municipal Court Clerk. Motion: Emerson Second: Apple Ayes: Emerson, Apple, O'Brien, Farrier, Wilhelm Nays: None Approved: 5-0 vote Motion was also made to accept the recommendation of the City Manager, Curtis Hawk, by employing Robert "Bob" Whitehead as Director of Public Works. Motion: Emerson Second: Apple Ayes: Emerson, Apple, O'Brien, Farrier, Wilhelm Nays: None Approved: 5-0 vote Aqenda Item ~2, Approval of the Minutes The Minutes of the March 2, 1993, Regular City approved with a minor correction. Motion: Farrier Second: Apple Ayes: Farrier, Apple, Emerson, O'Brien, Wilhelm Nays: None Approved: 5-0 vote Council were Aqenda Item ~3, Mayor's Report Mayor Pro Tem Rick Wilhelm announced that the Cross Timber Hills Homeowners Association will host a garbage pick up in that area, on April 3, 1993. Keep Southlake Beautiful, city Garbage, and the city of $outhlake will be co-sponsoring a "Great Texas Trash Off" also on April 3. There will be collection bags offered to citizens, available at City Hall starting on March 24, 1993. KSB will be giving away approximately 300 trees the morning of "Trash Off" at Bicentennial Park. Contact Chris Terry for more information. The second annual "Southlake Earth Day" poster contest will take place the week of April 5, 1993. The posters will be judged at the CISD Schools on Monday, April 5, and the posters will be displayed at City hall following the judging. Mayor Pro Tem Wilhelm reported that the first Park and Recreation Coordinator, Tina Harvey is on board. She has her office at the Community building and is there weekdays from $ to 5 . Regular City Council Meeting Minutes March 16, 1993 page three Agenda Item #3, Continued The Official Ribbon Cutting for the new Southlake Post Office will take place on April 5, at 9:30 a.m. The public is invited to attend. March 17, 1993 at 5:00 p.m. is the last opportunity for signing up for a place on the official ballot for the May 1, 1993 General Election. Places 1 and 6 and Judge of Municipal Court will be on the ballot. Councilmember Barry Emerson extended congratulations to the Carroll Dragons Basketball Team for their win of State Championship for 1993. Agenda Item #4, city Manager's Report city Manager, Curtis Hawk, stated he, representatives from McGuire Thomas, and Susan Evans of Mobil Land Development went to Austin this week, meeting with Representative Nancy Moffat in regard to the State Highway 114 expansion project. They would like to see the start date for expansion move forward. A public hearing will be held on July 29, 1993 in Austin with the Texas Highway Commission in regard to this project. The Department Reports are in the packets, the Directors are available to answer questions should Council have them. Aqenda Item ~5, Consent Agenda The Consent agenda consisting of items #5-A, #5-B, #5-C,and $5-D, as follows: Rejection of bids for Exterior Synthetic Stucco System for the Community Building at Bicentennial Park, and Permission to Readvertise for bids. 5-B. Resolution No. 93-24, in support of Tarrant County Housing Rehabilitation Program. 5-C Resolution 93-25, amending the Resolution calling the General Election for May 1, 1993 for the purpose of extending Early Voting hours. 5-D Sanitary Sewer Easement Dedication for Timber Lake Addition. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes March 16, 1993 page four Aqenda Item ~5, Continued Motion was made to approve the Consent agenda as presented. Motion: Apple Second: Farrier Ayes: Apple, Farrier, Emerson, O'Brien, Wilhelm Nays: None Approved: 5-0 vote ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON CONSENT ITEMS 5-A. Exterior of Community Building. The city went to bid for the stuccoing of the Community Building at Bicentennial Park on December 29,1992. No bids were received. The second bid opening was held on March 10,1993, while the lowest bid was $23,989. from Wilson Construction, Inc. of Hewitt, Texas. The budgeted amount is $15,000. Staff requested rebidding of this item after they explore resurfacing options. 5-B. Resolution No. 93-24, Tarrant County Housing Rehabilitation Program. By approval, Council agrees to waive all building permit fees, bonding and licensing requirements, provided that each approved contractor holds a valid bond and license from any other city in Tarrant County, in accordance with State requirements. 5-C. Resolution No. 93-25, amending Resolution No. 93-13 Calling General Election for May 1, 1993 for Councilmembers Place 1 and Place 6 and Judge of Municipal Court. This resolution extends the Early voting hours to match those of Tarrant County to accommodate the citizens of Southlake. The city Secretary is responsible for Early Voting as outlined in the Texas Election Code, and the City Charter of the city of Southlake. 5-D. Sanitary Sewer easement dedication. This easement is to allow the extension of the sanitary sewer for the second phase of Timber Lake Addition. The extension goes through a future phase and will be a part of the street right-of-way with the final plat of the future phase. Agenda Item #$, Public Forum Peter Sporrer, 1214 Woodsy Court, Southlake. Mr. Sporrer came before Council commending the actions of Texas National Bank and Councilmember Barry Emerson (president of bank) for actions taken when he had a troublesome situation occur to him. Mary Flick, 730 Bluebonnet Drive, Keller. Mrs. Flick came before Council to request consideration of Ordinance No. 530, Animal Control. She presented a petition with the names of persons who Regular City Council Meeting Minutes March 16, 1993 page five Aqenda Item #6, Continued enjoy riding horses in Southlake as she and her husband do. They asked that Council make Southlake and the Army Corps of Engineers property on Lake Grapevine safer for trail riding. They feel the penalties set forth in Ordinance No. 530 are inadequate and ineffective. The petition states they believe that fines alone are not enough to keep dog owners from letting their dogs run loose to attack their families, pets and livestock. They feel strict guidelines and diligent enforcement will prove to be an effective deterrent for people who now allow their dogs to run loose in neighborhoods and on public property, causing injuries and damage. Mrs. Flick informed Council of a situation that happened to her and her husband and horses, when attack near Bob Jones Road and White Chapel Blvd., in $outhlake, by two large dogs. Mayor Pro Tem Wilhelm expressed that City Council recently passed a lease law and other things in Ordinance No. 530. Council understands this is a community that is changing. The City is trying to upgrade the system right now by hiring an animal control officer and working with the city of Grapevine for animal control. City Attorney, Wayne Olson stated he will review the Animal Control Ordinance No. 530 and see how it complies with state statutes. Councilmember Apple asked this item to be placed on the agenda in the near future. Aqenda Item #7-&, Ordinance No. 581, 2nd readin=. Official Boundaries for the city of Southlake Confirmin= The city Manager, Curtis Hawk stated that Ordinance No. 581, confirming and adopting the official boundaries for the city of Southlake, is a routine ordinance. Due to the many different annexations carried out by Southlake over the years, from time to time we have difficulty locating the metes and bounds descriptions of several small tracts. This creates problems with the Tarrant Appraisal District, and makes it difficult to prove the tract was annexed. The ordinance before Council in second reading, is a legal formality that will clean up any questions about whether or not a particular tract is included in the city of Southlake. The metes and bounds description of the City of Southlake is hereby attached to the minutes of the meeting. The Public Hearing resulted with no comments from the audience. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes March 16, 1993 page six Aqenda Item #7-A. Continued Motion was made to approve 2nd reading of Ordinance No. 581, Confirming the Official Boundaries of the city of Southlake. Motion: Emerson Second: Apple Mayor Pro Tem Wilhelm read the caption of the ordinance. Ayes: Emerson, Apple, O'Brien, Farrier, Wilhelm Nays: None Approved: 5-0 vote Agenda Item ~8-A, Ordinance No. 480-84. 1st readina (SA 93-07} Ordinance No. 480-84, 1st reading (ZA 93-07), rezoning request for 2.45 acres situated in the J.G. Allen Survey, Abstract No. 18, Tracts 6C1A and 6C2. Current zoning is "AG" Agricultural, with a request for "I-l" Light Industrial. Location: Davis Blvd. Owners: Leslie Hughes and Mark Stanfield. Zoning Administrator, Karen applicant has requested this 1993, City Council Meeting. Gandy, informed Council that the item be tabled until the April 6, Motion was made to table Ordinance No. 480-84, 1st reading, at the request of the applicant, time certain, April 6, 1993. Motion: Farrier Second: Apple Ayes: Farrier, Apple, O'Brien, Emerson, Wilhelm Nays: None Approved: 5-0 vote (to table) Agenda Item ~9-A, Resolution NO. 93-18. Capital Imnrovements Advisorv Committee, Impact Fees. Resolution No. 93-18 was approved, adding the names of Paul Callem, Bob Hopkins, and Ernest Johnson to the names which had previously been approved, including: Bruce McCombs, Joe Wright, Lanny Tate, and David McMahan. The members added this evening served on the advisory committee in 1989. Motion was made to approve the seven (7) Resolution No. 93-18, to the Capital Committee for Impact Fees. Motion: Emerson Second: Apple Ayes: Emerson, Apple, O'Brien, Nays: None Approved: 5-0 vote members noted above in Improvements Advisory Farrier, Wilhelm Regular City Council Meeting Minutes March 16, 1993 page seven Aqenda Item ~11-A, Presentation: Audit Report Presentation of the FY 91-92 Audit Report has been postponed until the April 6, 1993 City Council Meeting, due to the illness of the Finance Director this evening. Aaenda Item #11-B. Discussion: Land Use Plan Update Director of Community Development, Greg Last gave a preview of the progress made to date on the Land Use Plan. The schedule for the Impact Fee Update requires that Staff determine land use assumptions by April 14, 1993. Since these assumptions will be based on the Land Use Plan, the staff would like to use the updated version of the plan. This would require an initial City Council approval on April 6, 1993. The Planning and Zoning Commissioner's feel comfortable that they can recommend the graphic plan for city Council action on that date. A copy of the plan with exhibits is included in the minutes of this meeting. Aaenda Item #11-C. Discussion: Buildlna Permits on lots without Public Street Frontage. Greg Last, Director of Community Development stated they have had a request for a building permit on a lot within Spring Oaks Addition, a Gift-of-Love plat which was filed of record on June 26, 1984. The difficulty is that these lots were approved without frontage on a public street and the Zoning Ordinance No. 480 (section 7.5) requires that every building to be erected shall be on a lot adjacent to an approved public or private street. The reason this item have been brought to Council is to receive Council direction to deny the building permit request or proceed with an ordinance amendment which will provide an appropriate process. Counoilmember O'Brien asked Mr. Last to call around and see what other cities are doing in regard to this issue. Last will research this issue and bring back to Council in the near future. Aqenda Item ~11-D, Discussion: Revisions to Subdivision Ordinance No. 493 Director of Community Development, Greg Last, addressed Council in regard to the June 1992 Retreat, where Councilmember Mike O'Brien suggested staff prepare potential ordinance revisions which would reduce the city Council agenda items as well as the work load on staff. Regular city Council Meeting Minutes March 16, 1993 page eight Aqenda Item ~11-D, Continued Staff feels changes would be very beneficial to the overall productivity of the staff, reduce the City Council agenda items and still provide a high level of service to the citizens and the development community. Recommended changes to the subdivision ordinance include: 1) Final approval of Final Plats and Plat Revisions. 2) Single-lot Plat Showings. 3) Other Plat showings. A discussion was held on this item, where Councilmember Emerson stated he feels ~1 should be approved on staff level. O'Brien agreed. A copy of the memorandum from Mr. Last dated March 10, 1993 is hereby attached to the minutes. &~enda Item #11-E. Discussions: Revisions to Zonlnq Ordinance No, 480. Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator presented a summary of recommended changes to the Zoning Ordinance which should streamline certain review processes for the applicant, the City Council, the Planning and Zoning Commission , and the City Staff. A discussion was held by Council and Councilmember Apple had questions in regard to the tower locations and heights. He recommended adding five (5) feet to the tower height. Farrier agreed. A copy of the memorandum from Mrs. Gandy dated March 10, 1993, is hereby attached to the minutes of this meeting. Mayor Pro Tem Wilhelm thanked Councilmember O'Brien for bringing up the issues noted, as this encourages Council and Staff to proceed with suggested changes. Aqenda Item ~12, &d~ournment The meeting was adjourned by Mayo~ T_~l;~_~/.9.:j.~.p.m. Kichard W. Wilhelm Mayor Pro Tem S.andra L. LeGrand ~; ". city Secretary %~ "... ~"~ ./ ,-~ %.. .............. z..-- ( � Z -�-.v MI r M to d vs no R v Cr Z C • ` cio � L c I v c c c z i 1 . -� �' o c N .l Z c 3 r r ? _ z J Q CI z Z — s S i k cn cn — m -? J Revised 2/93 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE Field notes describing the metes and bounds of the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas. BEGINNING at a point in the North R.O.W. line of St. Louis and Southwestern R.R., the same being the Northeast corner of a tract of land conveyed by Robert Eugene Tibbits and wife, Helen Elizabeth Tibbits to William R. McKee by deed dated 8/31/53, filed for record 9/12/53 in Volume 2612, Page 307, Deed Records of Tarrant County, Texas, the same point also being the most southerly southeast corner of a tract of land conveyed by William R. McKee to Matalee S. Webster by deed dated 12/16/60, filed for record in Volume 3738, Page 157, Deed Records of Tarrant County, Texas; THENCE Southwesterly along the northwest R.O.W. line of St. Louis and Southwestern R.R. to a point for a corner in the centerline of Big Bear Creek, said point being in the common City limits line with the City of Colleyville; THENCE Northwesterly up stream with the meanders of Big Bear Creek to a point for a corner in the centerline of a ravine in the Heirs of the J.H. Gibson Survey, Abstract No. 591; THENCE Northerly up the ravine to a point for a corner in its centerline, said point being an easterly extension of the North line of the W.M. Davenport Survey, Abstract No. 432 and being in the south line of a tract of land annexed into the City of Southlake by Ordinance #88; THENCE Westerly along the south line of said Ordinance No. 88 and continuing along the south line of Ordinance #199 an approximate distance of 2,000 feet to a point for a corner in the north line of said Davenport Survey, said point being the most southerly northeast corner of a tract of land annexed into Southlake by Ordinance No. 374 and being in the centerline of a draw known as the Daley Branch; THENCE Southerly along the centerline of Daley Branch to a point for a corner at its intersection with the centerline of Big Bear Creek; la o. Westerly with the meanderings of Big Bear Creek and the south line of Ordinance No.'s 374, 291, 151, 375, 104, 76, 15, and 219, passing the east line of the Hall Medlin Survey, Abstract No. 1037, the east line of the Hall Medlin Survey, Abstract No. 1038, the east line of the Wm. E. Crooks Survey, Abstract No. 295, the east line of the M. M. Freeman Survey, Abstract No. 533, to a point in the centerline of Big Bear Creek and the east line of the Samuel Thompson Survey, Abstract No. 1504, said point being at the intersection of Keller, Colleyville and Southlake City limits, and being the place of beginning of Southlake Ordinance No. 187, being a release of territorial jurisdiction to the City of Keller; THENCE continuing westerly with the meanderings of Big Bear Creek following to its centerline to a point for a corner where said centerline of Big Bear Creek intersects with the centerline of the Jellico Branch; THENCE Northwesterly with the centerline of Jellico branch and crossing Davis Blvd. (F.M. 1938) to a point for a corner at its intersection with the south R.O.W. of Union Church Road (Co. Rd. #3099); THENCE westerly along the south right - of-way line of Union Church Road to the intersection of the south right-of-way line of • Union Church Road with the west right - of-way line of Pearson Lane (Co. Rd. #4041) ; TAE Northerly along the west right-of-way line of Pearson Lane to the point where such right-of-way line intersects with the north right-of-way line of Florence Road (Co. Rd. #4088); THENCE Easterly along the north right-of-way line of Florence Road east to the point where said north right- of-way line of Florence Road intersects with the west right - of-way line of Randol Mill Ave. (Co. Rd. #3035); THENCE Northerly along the west R.O.W. of Randol Mill Ave. to a point intersecting the west boundary line of the W. Winn Survey, Abstract No. 1660; THENCE continuing in a northerly direction along the west line of the W. Winn Survey passing its northwest corner and then approximately 1,114 feet along the west line of the W.N. Martin Survey, Abstract No. 1068 to a point for a corner, said point being in the common city limit line of Southlake and the City of Westlake and being further described as the southwest corner of the E. H. Reeder 103.69 acre tract. (Field notes of Westlake, Texas Corporate limits, June 16, 1974.); 2 02'42 THENCE Easterly along the south line of said Reeder Tract approximately 2,075 feet to a point for a corner in the west R.O.W. of Randol Mill Ave. (Co. Rd. 3035); THENCE Northerly along the west R.O.W. of Randol Mill Ave. to a point for a corner in its intersection with the south line of the C.M. Throop Survey, Abstract No. 1510; THENCE East along the south line of said Throop Survey to a point for a corner by deed call 472.91 feet west of the southeast corner of said C. Throop Survey, said point being the most southerly southeast corner of a tract of land as recorded in Vol. 4113, P. 373, DRTCT; THENCE N 01° 51' 30" W along the most westerly Past line of said tract 922.67 feet to a point for a corner; THENCE S 29° 30' 31" E 472.5 feet to a point for a corner, said_ point being in the west line of the T. Mann Survey A -1107; THENCE in a northerly direction along the west line of said T. Mann Survey to a point for a corner, said point being by deed call 1739.7 feet north of the southwest corner of the T. Mann Survey and being the northwest corner of a tract of land recorded in Vol. 5092, P. 627, DRTCT; THENCE N 79 E 213.75 feet along the north line of said tract to a galvanized iron pipe by a corner of the fence in the west line of County Road #3088 (Sam School Road); THENCE in a southeasterly direction crossing County Road #3088 (Sam School Road) to a point for a corner, said point being the southwest corner of Lot 7 and the northwest corner of Lot 6 of the R.P. Estes Subdivision as recorded in Vol. 1957, P. 324, DRTCT; THENCE easterly along the common south line of Lot 7 and north line of Lot 6 by deed a distance of 1,349 feet to a point for a corner in the east line of the T. Mann Survey; THENCE in a northerly direction along the east line of the T. Mann Survey and the west line of J. Martin Survey A -1134 to a point for a corner, said point being by deed South 910.51 feet from the northwest corner of the J. Martin Survey and being the southwest corner of the tract of land annexed into the City of Southlake by Ordinance #319 (Tract II); THENCE N 89 '27' 49" E to a point for a corner in the northeasterly R.O.W. of State Highway 114; 3 n z cal -o THENCE northwesterly along the northeasterly R.O.W. of S.H. 114 to a point for a corner at its intersection with the west R.O.W. line of T.W. King Road (Co. Rd. #3088); `HENCE Northerly along the west R.O.W. of T.W. King Road to a point in its intersection with the west line of the W. Mills Survey, Denton County Abstract No. 877; THENCE continuing northerly along the west line of said Mills Survey to a point in the re entrant west R.O.W. line of T.W. King Rd.; THENCE continuing northerly along the west R.O.W. line of T.W. King Road, passing the south line of the M. Medlin Survey, Denton County Abstract No. 832, continuing along the west R.O.W. to a point due west of the northwest corner of the I. Belcher Survey, Denton County Abstract No. 30; THENCE Easterly crossing T.W. King Road and continuing north line of the I. Belcher Survey, � its northeast o cor ner the northeast rner; THENCE Southeasterly to a point in the north line of the Hard A. Throop Survey, Denton County Abstract No. 1273, said Y being the S.E. corner of the William Phillip SurVe point County Abstract No. 1017 and S.W. co p Y. Deneo Survey, Denton County Abstract No. 546; of the N.S. Hazleton 6; THENCE Southerly to a point for the most westerly northwest corner of the J. Wizwell Survey, Denton County Abstract No. 1348; THENCE South along the west line said Wizwell Survey to its S.W. corner, said corner being in the north line of the John Wizwell Survey, Denton County Abstract No. 1347; THENCE Southeasterly to a point for a corner, said the northeast corner of the John Childress Surve point being S No. 254, the southeast corner of the J. Wizwell Survey A-1347 (Denton Co.) and being in the east line of the F. Harris Survey A -536 (Denton Co.); THENCE Southerly along the east line of said Childress Survey to a point for a corner, said point being the southeast corner of the Freda and Joe Kennel Tract as recorded in Vol. 4251, DRTCT, and the southeast corner of a tract annexed into the City of Southlake by Ordinance No. 143; THENCE Westerly to a point for a corner, said Survey, point . 98 wand be in the west line of the L. Lincoln S 3 Y. Abstract No. 981, and being a westerly pro of the south line of tract of land deeded to Carl and Mary Rickett as recorded in Vol. 4177 DRTCT; 4177, Pg. 181, 4 � -a�z THENCE Southerly along said west survey line to a point for a corner, said point being in the north line of a 0.37 acre tract of land deeded to Freddie and Glenda Cate as recorded in Vol. 4173, Pg. 9, Der THENCE Easterly to the northeast corner of said Cate Tract; THENCE South 95 feet to the southeast corner of said Cate Tract; THENCE Westerly along the south line of said Cate Tract to a point for a corner in its intersection with said west survey line of the L. Lincoln Survey; THENCE Southerly along said west survey line of the L. Lincoln Survey to a point for a corner at its intersection with the north line of a tract of land deeded to Louis and Jean Monroe as recorded in Vol. 3975, Pg. 93, DRTCT; THENCE Easterly along the north line of said Monroe tract to its northeast corner; THENCE Southerly along the east line of the said Monroe tract to its southeast corner; THENCE Westerly along said Monroe Tract south line to a point for a corner at its intersection with the west line of the L. Lincoln Survey; THENCE Southerly along said west line of the L. Lincoln Survey to a point for a corner in its intersection with the north line of a • tract of land deeded to Robert and Shirley Norman as recorded in Vol. 4258, Pg. 165, DRTCT; THENCE Easterly to the northeast corner of said tract; THENCE Southerly to the southeast corner of said tract; THENCE Westerly along said tract south line to a point for a corner in the west line of the L. Lincoln Survey, Abstract No. 981; TRICE Southerly along the west line of the Lincoln Survey, Abstract No. 981 to a point for a corner, said point being in the north line of F. Throop Survey, Abstract No. 1511; THENCE Easterly along the north line of said Throop Survey to a point for a corner, said point being in the west line of a tract of land deeded to Jimmy Messina as recorded in Vol. 3830, Pg. 381, DRTCT, and being that same tract of land annexed into the City of Southlake by Ordinance No. 141; 5 • THENCE N 01 ° 02'00" West to a iron pin for a corner, and being the northwest corner of said tract; THENCE N 85 ° 12 1 00" East 213.17 feet to a USA road easement cement marker (USA Rd. #4) for a corner; • THENCE S 32 ° 40'00" East 325.62 feet (along USA Rd. #4) to a USA road easement cement marker for a corner, said marker being the R.O.W. intersection of Kimball Rd. (Co. Rd. #3119) and USA Rd. #4; THENCE N 89 ° 13' 00" West passing at 383.65 feet the southwest corner of said tract, and continuing to a point for a corner, said point being in the Past line of the F. Throop Survey, Abstract No. 1511 and also being the northwest corner of the F. Wood Survey, Abstract No. 1688; THENCE Southerly along the west line of said Wood Survey also being the centerline of North Kimball Ave. (Co. Rd. #3119) to a _ point for a corner, said corner being the southwest corner of said Wood Survey and also being the northwest corner of the Samuel Freeman Survey, Abstract No. 525; THENCE Easterly along the North line of said Freeman to its northeast corner, and being the most southerly southeast corner of the John Whitman Survey, Abstract No. 1593; THENCE due east to a point for a corner in the centerline of Jones Branch; THENCE Southerly with the meanderings of the centerline of said Jones Branch to a point for a corner in the north line of a tract of land deeded to Feeney and Frances Fry as recorded in Vol. 2283, Pg. 592, DRTCT; THENCE Westerly along the north line of said Fry Tract to its northwest corner; THENCE Southerly with the west line of said Fry Tract to a point for a corner, said point being in the south line of a tract of land deeded to Feeney and Frances Fry as recorded in Vol. 2283, Pg. 592, DRTCT; THENCE Easterly along the south line of said Fry tract to a point for a corner in the centerline of the Jones Branch; THENCE Southerly along with the meanderings of the centerline of Jones Branch to a point for a corner, said point being approximately 300 feet north of State Highway 114 as it stood September 25, 1956; 6 THENCE Southeasterly parallel with and approximately 300 feet north of State Highway 114 as it stood September 25, 1956 to a point for a corner, said point being in the west curb line of Park Boulevard; THENCE Southerly with the west curb line of Park Blvd. and its extension to its intersection with a 5 foot offset line 5 feet north of the south curb line of the south paved roadway of the section of State Highway 114 as it existed January, 1971 and known as "Business 114" to a point for a corner; THENCE Westerly along. the 5 foot offset of the south curb line of said "Business 114" to a point for a corner, said point being the beginning of a 5 foot offset along a curve to the left of the R.O.W. of said "Business 114 "; . 1m « along a 5 foot offset of said curve to the left to a point for a corner in the intersection of the 5 foot R.O.W. offset of S.H. 114 Business and a 5 foot offset of the west R.O.W. of the most easterly access road to State Highway 114; THENCE Southerly along the 5 foot offset of the west R.O.W. of the most easterly access road to State Highway 114 crossing the east line of the Thomas Easter Survey, Abstract No. 474 and continuing approximately 600 feet from the east line of said Easter Survey to a point for a corner, said point being a projection of the north line of a tract of land platted as Grapevine Industrial Park, an addition to the City of Grapevine; THENCE Westerly with said projected line crossing a portion of • the R.O.W. of State Highway 114 and along the north line of said Grapevine Industrial Park to its northwest corner; THENCE Southerly with the west line of said Grapevine Industrial Park and the east line of Southlake Bank Place as recorded in Vol. 388 -177, Pg. 14, PRTCT, to a point for a corner, being the most southerly southeast corner of said Southlake Bank Place; THENCE Westerly along the south line of said Southlake Bank Place passing its southwest corner and continuing along the south line of Commerce Business Park as recorded in Vol. 388 -214, PRTCT passing its southwest corner, and continuing along the , south line of a 33.3 Acre tract of land as recorded in Vol. 3934, Pg. 184, DRTCT, and the north line of a Webster Tract recorded in Vol. 3738, Pg. 157 to a point for a corner being the northeast corner of the C.B. McDonald Survey, Abstract No. 1013; TIIFNVCE Southerly along the east line of said McDonald Survey a distance of 1,500 feet more or less to a point for a corner, said point being the most southerly southeast corner of said tract of land by deed to Matalle Webster, Vol. 3738, Pg. 157, DRTCT; 7 THENCE Easterly along the south line of said Webster Tract 1,506 feet more or less to the POINT OF BEGINNING. • • • 8 Southlake Residents: DID You Know? Did you know that if your pets or livestock are mauled or killed by a dog, the ONLY penalty for the dog's owner is a fine of $50 to $500? Did you know that if the dog mauls or kills AGAIN, the only penalty is another fine? There is a need to address the serious deficiencies in the Southlake City Ordinance #530, regarding Animal Control. We can no longer tolerate dogs running loose and endangering the welfare of our families, our pets and our livestock. We are calling on the Southlake City Council to set up stringent policies and penalties to enforce the Animal Control Article IV, described in Ordinance #530. Article IV is clear and concise. It states that it is unlawful for dogs to run f at large on private or public property other than that of the dog's owner. However, the penalties set forth in Article X are inadequate and ineffective. We believe that fines alone are not enough to keep dog owners from letting their dogs run loose to attack our families, pets and livestock. We need City Council to to set up specific penalties for dog attacks. We feel that strict guidelines and diligent enforcement will prove to be an effective deterrent for people who now allow their dogs to run loose in our neighborhoods and on public property, causing injuries and damage. itkisaaakinialoraignatures from IDELBEMEtilEwho board or horses in the Southlake area. Please help make Southlake and the Army Corps of Engineers property on Lake Grapevine safer for trail riding! W4 Please sign your name and list your address on the attached pages to r show your support for this very serious issue. `firs pet168Y1 /S belr9 a r a l . ( c L - C D C ec a a d u o - weilfr abfat- 6euesircap Try& a Lake &vpevv <t h r Saath eke dig 6-11116 l Alerting r 5 4 T e$da / 4,6 o f 7 Petition to Re- Evaluate and Strengthen Southlake City Ordinance #530. lo Name Address 1 tern 9+ Lfiggy el) 1-L Eli) F sV, ; ) ale // )Jn Tzb . evcAterOnl 11 " y AE •- l ' i rk& ifa4 6z_cm tfl-Ks be , w &-- K-(o v rl c,, / j- 750,4 1 Rat _Li % _ $: /t 11. . 1 ' A,! / _.,_!' A k J 1 A. ! '_... . J 1 /, 1 _, � lo aA Jk Re "''Y X10�!ge,� 1 ..) .�n,,irt") L �‘ k f� rIcs3 rl L-c^ f i w ✓v�oved -TIN a& 4t� 4 ,fix 4 D zj u . —, � 1s z3 i . . . � ,c Z),J ) Olt 5 *Xs 1 i,„ ,r _ q 1 0 0 01144 (-(/1. ( We-trig ilite.4. -S IL_ I_J____ 11 '1S0 c �/� ohite " id�.�) 74I3 UVeA4A4,14 £Z//A / 7Sa ? 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B �, #y Z1 / afrie , TV 7 4 I 01,t j I»f 7 l /0 //rn .n gMdAtaA, 7 7A2 1 _1:14tt_TatO ) atj • / I a AN a So. • • - _03.2 • 1 Petition to Re- Evaluate and Strengthen Southlake City Ordinance #530. b , . Name Address , 1 /*/ .A / 1 / ' I - 6 41 1 N6 lie' (‘"*Ii&7 ‘7.05 / J 4. / ?/ !a.J 0,,4---yoy © f 7' 904 e s7/ E P19-06 ye" T 1 7 , elKI6i2iic-6 1 aC is r< C r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 • 1 . 1 1 1 1 • I 1 . 1 1 • Petition to Re- Evaluate and Strengthen Southlake City Ordinance #530. Name Address 5,1 S. G° ua-6/a � ".1 Ja i / >1.-\( . l bo'1 c *- Zo 4J .kyKLi S300 wh ATE GK - wd4- riN, - 7(437 1 VvuW oQ o v o / go. 6 0 y g7 6 (,o l Q G .7ta' • t�� S76 ,(p 7o3y • 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Petition to Re- Evaluate and Strengthen Southlake City Ordinance #530. Name Address 1 - a,[Ac... , L Y75 5 S X » V" • VA. MIIIM. A "9- . 1 ..4 III MN Co , - ,/ 4. -140-1---( ,,,2c00 1:47„),...„,e 4 ' / i 1 ! 2 �� $ t ( VPP 7 7k3'1 1 e 44 / ;),6el 7/G/ � .A.,.L:1/ N/. ? . /J. r ai -7‘i to 4 1,0.6t-710.1)--Ot /9/3 .Sr00. , e1' Aim Circde. Kto.)6. 15 76418' 1 444 W' -t 3cx 4.4 . � r -- Dr . �t,�•�.t. - , T 1 C. 74 ? Z q r2:aAJ 3630 Cou.n-}r, 6 .6r. tom . iD r T f C 753' 1 AMR. i . 1 / 900 6/.D df2 /r . 76 0 ' X1/1 �ig&I.94( _ 1 �, ,,, • 1 0,.. G1 , O r, if_d&-ef � 2'�� ,� to 1 C ; aim , 97 4 0A uvq/ 4/ 7 4 I ._.‘i 5 T1t/49,- id 4 /6/c / 'he XXo.S/ 1 - 4 ._ I — / /5 ag,1041.6P *3 , 0 l 0 vii. l efkile9o/J4 1 1 1 b *. 1 1W - . • M - Petition to Re-Evaluate e Evaluate and Strengthen Southlake City Ordinance #530. Name Address 1 3 � ' ��2, '% r 7ei. 60A-/Fr z.� -� 7‘2_7t 1 / - iiiiMILIVY d . / /rli 6/65S,' . 01� �1 t!J� ►..Jt a S 1 . 1 - - ,a 1 - - - 140E Pis v,2 , Ste , '16 /17/08 /Ls (A ✓E Sv c A 7 7a _ 1 1 1 ° Petition to Re- Evaluate and Strengthen South-lake City Ordinance #530. ` .b Name Address 1 An„./ (-IP M, 1 1'141. r7 _ ?el r fit viii pp. 111/✓ 4 7 t 7 6OS - 3 . /640 6 l / 5 Cam-o -te ate ze.. 1 . / 1 4/. • S-0 i , . a 'i _ tr-1,0b,..0.4 .- . (-- jem u 3 (a A_L �� 1 Vilgi? .1115 Co te-i , 2.6 F n1 w Pl' L. -70.17_, 1 / / a 1S6 V I S t r..c) -SL —?(-00 9 z 1 /ill i _i / % /I �� � �,eOy 7( 4 2, fit:)4 "411747; ,� ■c -4 1b2 /.reel I � Ciabi h i .l 1, L97 1(0x3/ 1 z X r c / r d o n 5 Pa l M e-/-4 . oanixo Ke / .r 772(2 1 Val Q ac► /2. 1 a.0 ew�.0 1 1e 1 \ --- .2..___sctili4cQS.._ k 7 ... Q..n'l ce, QAD...z9.3\zae t alD# O 6c2o (Atg-)7tetiviev ic.I2gA6 -re,x4.4. ,, 1 /kJ :/ , Lo20 cA+v c - +1tals, 7---w..\% • lit.S , W .; , 1 . -Tnv 1 ' 11,74 Tv , ,... iit... , A _ . yn kit , - .. 01 0t - - 0 -13 I * '00) i ' , I el, m 1 it - l 74 T lire al ' - TR 1 C w` 10tv4 ci ri - v. -e_ Lh -- r` 5 -ice° 42 o 1 Q 4,07 -' t b to A .1 ottfritC, r Ee c.eca„ , l AO 1 I • •t I ' h Petition to Re- Evaluate and Strengthen Southlake City Ordinance #530. b ., Name ' / ' 1 Address 4-eir 4 P/;077)ah . ,[ �,c::_ - _, -s.._! 2 ffr3 I . A' ' - - 7 I ANTAR I I II A 1 ..;, 2 tM cv. . A , TT 601 J / Q,ore,^ Al f r `cI t (5oS PatJJ �- 7 76(4)0 i � � x ,_ - _ , ., ... - 77 -- z -%, V( w 3 x -7., «c6) 1 .p- A ? 7a7 - BZ V 7 ( - )b1,8'0 1 *INN , // 1 7 - /A/1 e A-vr ,t Y.) 6 / / 1 , P 1 1 1 1 1 li 1 1 w ti Petition to Fie - Evaluate and Strengthen Southlake City Ordinance #530. b . e Address 1 s. , i , .■ , __ 1 'its. , ,_ t o 5z, 7 ., 11 i6/X 1 '.! ;r6,,,,,) c., X13 - 7 - - �,..,C .:J.< L cj d'&76' (,: c ice--%' " 6 ' - "Z ..: 3 -t._A 1 %°C!/,►?/i , ( -7°,44 :/1 2 3 2 '..:re e.i , / - i A/' 4 .G.'' 12- 1/4. j-4-Z- w a/I C P 6 ,� -c1// c\ i � i .4A ,, t ""�-\ C 1 1 5 .. _ C (,, C I i t l 1 c ,, ni d ei{ io 6b ) OuT Kr • 0 , ° / /c54 l 1 A ME'e• ; _ /1 Pica.• 64., roli4/4A0 p zpiter.a..e.4edertzege)._ za.La_.a..4.4____Aa___. &LL4d(°lI 155G, Tom. g 'GA L ( f)o(.)-(-L(a. k 1 ,�s0) / 3(a0 WUUCtara0eLv S --- • 1 / .i... .i. /35,7�� 1� iJ 1 lff L 1 _ . '_ _ _ ... .Cs-1 "D. 0.Qa.43, QQ 5 C Lim g /i.- /3 7(� /.( el,��G .C/ / ,5.� 1 It 1 0 1 )\ij i\r'. J ?.11 rt is laN-4 $ R h . 4 SUJY�o I) r (,lrim vr ILiAalas_ki_kaus Z-% a Ul So h1 11/_,,,."--i>. ,,),gi foe it, _ s.,,t4i.h 14J, .e,e,/i/.4 1 I ^ Petition to Re- Evaluate and Strengthen Southlake City Ordinance #530. 11) Name Address 1 303u W ctlfh -91, 4 ?spa i i vcir ., L �� �� i u �r • C v 1 5/15 a 0.�, Grp n, 7/7 !',/(41-m R-)7/6-e / 0( ' 9 i( . �i �ZGt /� , TA/ 76).L//-( 1 ?°° � , ?"4.74AL �.. o. �. 76d /�_..... 1 ;• , - 3. 11 , , TX 7 oS/ 1 1 1 -. 1 1 1 1 1 1 Petition to Re- Evaluate and Strengthen Southlake City Ordinance #530. Name Address 1 - / " /4 -4 / ( ,),Vegt.freerr-zil riffi i � 6 3 flicat r f Az. , ?ay Ain r e/ Lv 13 eleorcer LL , )103 At.d.z.,: 3` ; �, •�„ / ' 411 1 51 '17 ry. u. RAa /1„. TeCIOUCIO(1 Jam-- Notrc, G- u - Q_ ?6aGo1 1 1 1 _. i 1 1 1 1 • ,1 Petition to Re- Evaluate and Strengthen Southlake City Ordinance #530. Name A• 1 , - 4.4sitz ,0 4, A, r tt . S I_11. 41404 1J. P1 aite,r 411( 10C(.. 1 - S TV C i 4t? cot a - 736 Rev( BoAm/eT lig it 1 164S iF 1+ 4/inv E Rcue rTX 1 1 1 1 1 • 1 1 1 !1 City of Southlake, Texas - CITY MANAGER M E M O R A N D U M �� March 9, 1993 3 1 /, TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Greg Last, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Status of Land Use Plan Update The Planning and Zoning Commission has been reviewing the Land Use Plan during public hearings over the past several months and they anticipate completion of the map revisions at their March 18th meeting. The emphasis has been on the graphic plan rather than the accompanying narrative, so there will still be some discussion on the narrative portion of the document. The schedule for the Impact Fee Update requires that staff determine land use assumptions by April 14, 1993. Since these assumptions will be based on the Land Use Plan, the staff would like to use the updated version of the plan. This would require an initial City Council approval on April 6, 1993. The Commissioner's feel comfortable that they can recommend the graphic plan for City Council action on that date. It would be unreasonable to think that the City Council will be completely comfortable with the recommended Land Use Plan with only one review. We anticipate a more extensive review with the City Council upon completion of the narrative by the Commission. Our purpose for the preview is to see if the City Council is comfortable enough with the plan to allow staff to begin projections needed for the impact fee update. Attached, you will find a reduced map of the City showing eight (8) planning districts throughout the City. These were determined based on similarity of demographics, development characteristics and anticipated future uses and were established to allow a segmented approach to the land use update. Also attached is Planning District Three (3) as recommended by the Commission. I have provided this at this time to allow the City Council time to understand the graphic legend used during the update. Although, you may feel this beyond comprehension at first (as some Commissioner's did also), the format seemed to work very well throughout the process. Most of the graphics are described in the text but feel free to call should you need further clarification. /1,6 -/ Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager Status of Land Use Plan Update March 9, 1993 Page 2 Our meeting on March 16, 1993 will be to discuss the approach used on the update and clarify the graphics on the maps and narrative. The City Council meeting April 6, 1993 will be a review of the entire plan as recommended by the Commission. Please place this on the City Council agenda as a discussion item. GL /gj Attachment: Planning District Map District No. 3 Recommendations cc: Planning and Zoning Commission Lou Ann Heath, Finance Director C: \CD \GREG \MEMO \LANDUSE.MEM CITY.....,,, r , ., O F S 0 UTHLAKE J. 4. • 141. IPI r , „„/,,, ......._ „iv .I s :... ... , ,,,,,,,,,,„.,4 , 4, m 2 Dove Street , : ' 1 .i.; r ...... . . i 8 1 E i E ro VI > a; 1N w e ad r OM 0 '- ra l tZ . 133, 1 „. ri, a --- epopfle al 41, A ma C4 - IT _ E ' m ob ' : _ _ a Southlake Blvd t� F M. . 17 09 '� _ ; 01101 5 I .., ..\\ la 117IL 1 WI > 0 6 a 1 i Continental Blvd. ,- , T .www„,,,w, 1 fa„ ,i, , : 4,4111m1 --E,. . , 1 / h, A . L. M 1 Planning Districts Map r ..... ._ Ihavoi 1 //.G -- 3 LAND USE MAP CHANGES - Planning District THREE , Staff has proposed changes in the Land Use Plan to coordinate with recently approved developments, zoning cases, the adjusted noise cone and changes in the Thoroughfare Plan. The changes are shown with circled numbers on the Existing and Proposed Land Use Plan, and are summarized as follows: O Old L.U.D.= Med. Dens. Res. New L.U.D.= Low Dens. Res. Reason: Area developed as 1 -acre lots (Hillwood Estates) 2. Old L.U.D.= Mixed Use /Low Dens. Res. New L.U.D.= Med. Dens. Res. Reason: Area zoned as R- P.U.D. (Myers Meadow) 3. Old L.U.D.= Med.Dens.Res. New L.U.D.= Low Dens.Res. Reason: Area is surrounded by low density NONCONFORMING USES - Planning District THREE Nonconforming uses create the greatest hardships for many of our citizens. They were on -going businesses when annexed into the City and are not appropriately zoned for their current use. The determination of the L.U.D. for these areas is particularly important to the business and the City. Staff has surveyed this district for legal non- conforming uses and offers the following summary. These are designated with numbers in square boxes on the Existing Zoning Map and the Proposed Land Use Plan. 1. Existing Zoning: AG Proposed L.U.D.: Low Dens. Res. Type of Use: Manufactured homes along Gifford Court 1 2.I Existing Zoning: AG Proposed L.U.D.: Low Dens. Res. Type of Use: Lemke Concrete /Construction and other light industrial uses with vested rights due to plan at time of annexation in October, 1987. 3. Existing Zoning: AG Proposed L.U.D.: Low Dens. Res. Type of Use: Commercial /Single Family Residential/ Manufactured homes 1 41 Existing Zoning: AG Proposed L.U.D.: Low Dens. Res. Type of Use: Wood's Mobile Home Park; retained AG zoning in September, 1989 during rezoning of the City. ro 1 LEGAL (ZONED) USES, BUT NOT CONFORMING TO LAND USE PLAN — re, Planning District THREE These are lots /tracts which are properly zoned for the existing use or have no established use and may not be compatible with the surrounding area as it develops. These properties are designated with numbers in triangles on the Existing Zoning Map and the Proposed Land Use Plan. Existing Zoning: S -P -1 Proposed L.U.D.: Low Dens. Res. Reason: This is the Eutectic Metals operation which was annexed in October, 1987 as "AG" and rezoned in June, 1988 to allow the existing metals reclaimation. 1 2. Existin g Zoning: : C -2 Proposed L.U.D.: Low Dens. Res. Reason: This property was annexed in October, 1987 and rezoned to C -2 in September, 1989 with the adoption of Zoning Ordinance No. 480. (Hick's Country Store) Existing Zoning: C -1 Proposed L.U.D.: Low Dens. Res. Reason: This property was zoned commercially prior to the city -wide rezoning in September, 1989, but has never developed. c]; DOCUMENT: LUDSUM.3 FOLDER: PLANNER SEPTEMBER 17, 1992 1 1 / /-6- -s ! 4 ; j • ''-7.. % I l'i III .. gi, I I . .;;;* ( .7,:.„,‘ . !I. :, .� i i = a s � ) T : ; t. I rw o.i'i i.t` I I {. • 1 t ' V , g 1 1 . i 1 . , 0 r.....;„. .. ,..b. ,... V.:' > •sh � - .JRTN PETrONY .. 'r' ' - • " . `` / x.74 - y ', L �� f , j , 1 („12,. 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A^o ARTERIAL UNDIVIDED SECTION EXISTING 84' R.O.W. Asu F.M. 170* aF.m. `yno 130' n.ovv. S.H. 114 FREEWAY zoo''soo R.O.W. -------- CORPS' npENGINEERS PROPERTY LINE AIRPORT NOISE CONTOUR #am LAND USE LEGEND FLOODPLAIN PUBLIC AND SEMI-PUBLIC MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL LAND USE ��U�l��U��l� � ~-^~^^"""~^" °� Proposed Land Use V/, �'/ / /�,- City of Southlake, Texas M E M O R A N D U M CM TA M NG Ell to ,co �U "U • March 10, 1993 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Greg Last, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Revision to the Subdivision Ordinance No. 483 During the 1992 June retreat, at the request of Councilmember O'Brien, staff prepared a memo outlining potential ordinance revisions which would reduce the City Council agenda items as well as the work load of staff. Although we have been unable to submit this to the City Council earlier, we still feel these changes would be very beneficial to the overall productivity of the staff, reduce the City Council agenda items and still provide a high level of service to the citizens and the development community. We have submitted this to Council under two separate agenda items, the first addressing platting changes in the Subdivision Ordinance and the second dealing with changes in the Zoning Ordinance. The following is a summary of the recommended changes in the subdivision ordinance: 1. Final approval of Final Plats and Plat Revisions would be the authority of the Planning and Zoning Commission rather than the City Council. 2. Single -lot Plat Showings would be approved administratively by staff. These plats are typical of someone who must plat prior to issuance of a building permit. 3. Other Plat Showings would be approved only by the Planning and Zoning Commission at a public hearing and would not go to City Council. This would include all plat showings where there was a proposed subdivision of the lot. The following are the major changes in the appropriate paragraphs within the ordinance. Deletions are shown as ctrikc out and .............................. additions are shown in a red-lirie format. /ct —/ Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager Revision to the Subdivision Ordinance No. 483 March 10, 1993 Page 2 Section 4.01 General Provisions: A. Authority For Approval: 1. City Staff: The City Manager, upon receiving a recommendation for approval from the appropriate City Staff, The City Engineer, and City Attorney, is hereby granted authority to approve all Amended Plats andone dot Plat :Showings. Upon approval by the City Manager, the Zoning Administrator will obtain the signature of the Mayor and City Secretary and file the plat in accordance with this section. 2. Planning and Zoning Commission: The Planning and Zoning Commission shall review and recommend approval or .......... ............................... disapproval on all prelim nary plats submitted to the City. - = - - - The Commission. shall have final approval of all Final Plats Plat Revisions, ,and Plat Showings of more ; :than one; lot. 3. City Council: The City Council shall establish development requirements and adopt guidelines and regulations governing the subdivision of land within the City and it's extraterritorial jurisdiction. The City "'" Council shall receive a recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission on each preliminary and final plat submitted to the City and shall then make a final decision as to the approval or disapproval of all preliminary plats. and Any ancillary agreements shall. he the sole;; respon o£ t City Council. Section 4.03 Final Plat, Processing: AIM B. The Final Plat will be accepted for review, Plat Review comments generated and a copy of this review given to the applicant. The Final Plat accompanied by the Plat Review „gym comments shall then be sent to the Planning and Zoning Commission and thcn the City Council for final action. Section 4.04 Plat Showing, Processing: A. Single -lot Plat Showings: All single-lot Plat Showings shall be submitted to the City Staff for review and final approval. City Staff shall prepare a Plat Review Summary and provide this to the applicant. It will be the applicant's responsibility to revise the plat as needed to receive approval from City Staff. Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager Revision to the Subdivision Ordinance No. 483 March 10, 1993 Page 3 wa A.P. i >' i.a. ` ? °WWW Plat Showings <th..,:mo e....thaxx..... xxe... 44# shall be accep the City, scheduled . for ... plat review and recommendation by the City Staff and their representatives, and placed on the agenda of the Commission for review and gaiia .................. action in accordance with the adopted schedule. ................... OS .................. Section 4.06 Plat Revision, Processing A. Plat Revisions shall be submitted to the City, scheduled for review and recommendation by the City Staff and their representatives, and placed on the agenda of the Commission .................. and Council for ? review and action in accordance with the ................... .................. "" adopted schedule: Please place this item on the City Council agenda for discussion. 4._ GL /gj 00 60 1 am mm C: \CD \GREG \MEMO \ORD483.MEM 40 / /cL -3 City of Southlake, Texas M E M O R A N D U M March 10, 1993 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Karen P. Gandy, Zoning Administrator SUBJECT: Revisions to the Zoning Ordinance No. 480 The following is a summary of recommended changes to the Zoning Ordinance which should streamline certain review processes for the applicant, the City Council, the Planning and Zoning Commission, and the Staff: 1. Authorize the Zoning Board of Adjustment (via a Special Exception Use Permit) to review portable building applications per the existing criteria described in Section 45.7. Require a plot plan for the exhibit instead of a concept plan. 2. Permit noncommercial satellite dishes and noncommercial radio and television receiving antennae as accessory uses in all residential districts via administrative approval of a plot plan meeting certain criteria. 3. Permit noncommercial radio and television transmitting antennae in all residential districts as accessory uses in all residential districts via administrative approval of a plot plan meeting certain criteria. 4. Authorize the Zoning Board of Adjustment (via a Special Exception Use Permit) to review satellite dishes, radio v. and television receiving and transmitting antennae, and telecommunication towers exceeding the maximum height regulations established in Section 34, "Accessory Uses." 5. Delete Section 34.1 (u) and create Section 34.1 (cc) for 4"' antennae and towers and Section 34.1 (dd) for commercial satellite dishes to permit them in the 0-1 and C -1 zoning districts in addition to those districts shown. 6. Require only a plot plan be reviewed for Specific Use Permit No. 25, "temporary concrete batching or transient mix plant exceeding 90 -day approval plus (1) 30 -day extension. Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager Revisions to the Zoning Ordinance No. 480 March 10, 1993 Page 2 The following are the recommended revisions to the appropriate sections in 0 the ordinance. Deletions are shown as oLrik s and additions are shown ........................... format. in a red> -:fie` .............................. .............................. .............................. .............................. Section 45.1 Beaton 412! District Where Permitted Portable buildings not otherwise All except RE, SF- permitted under this ordinance, to the 1A, SF -1B, SF -30, folIowtng requirements;::; of Ccction 45.7.) SF -20A, SF -20B, MF- 1, MF -2, MH ..................................... ............................... .... ................................ . ........ ........ .............. PLO`s' > P RE3CIEO .................................... ............................... ..................................... ............................... 45.7 SPECIFIC REQUIREMEENTS FOR PORTABLE BUILDINCD _ -- following rcquircmcnt3 (a3 amended by Ordinance No. 400 A): a. Approval of a portable building shall be on a temporary basis only. Any permit granted hereunder shall be for a maximum period of three (3) years subject to renewal for additional one (1) year periods. b. All portable buildings shall be constructed in accordance with the appropriate state or federal code which regulates their construction or shall meet all requirements of the City's building codes. c. Portable buildings shall be placed upon a permanent foundation and shall have a masonry facade meeting the requirements of the 0 City's Masonry Ordinance. In addition, hard surfaced parking shall be provided for portable buildings. The City Council .................. gd may waive these requirements where it determines that due to the location of the portable building on the premises or due to other unique circumstances, said requirements are not necessary to protect the health, safety and welfare of the public and that they would impose an unnecessary hardship on the applicant. d. Portable buildings shall be maintained in a neat and presentable condition at all times. Upon expiration of the siseee special. .: 0. exception use permit, the portable building shall be immediately removed and the premises shall be restored to their previous condition. The City Council may, in its discretion, require the applicant to po3t a bond in a reasonable amot to assure that removal, clean up and rc3toration arc accotpli3hed as required herein. Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager Revisions to the Zoning Ordinance No. 480 March 10, 1993 Page 3 e . -- -o = _ "- __ -_ - _ -o -.o -_ - kw .... ........................... accordance with Scction 45.2 above, Shall contain a ' 'p narrative explanation describing the applicant's plans to transition the portable building to a permanent structure. (A3 amcndcd by Ordinance No. 480 D.) . ....... ... ....... ............................ District Where Permitted Scction 45.1 `i`ri4 ....... ....... ........................ .................. ............................... .................. ............................... ;440 The erection and maintenance of antennas, All satellite dishes, telecommunication facilities or r�r towers in excess of maximum height regulations for this district where such structures are ° related to principal permitted uses occupying the structures to which they are attached or affixed. kw Scction 15.1 '<741 Y .............. ............................... .............. ............................... .............. ............................... 35. Non commercial radio and tclevision AC, RE, SF 1A, rccciving antcnnac and non commercial radio SF 1B, SF 30, transmitting antcnnac limitcd in hcight to Sixty SF 20A, SF 20D, (GO) fcct (m asurcd from thc ground linc in front MF 1, MF 2 and furthcr providcd no cicctri al, radio or wk tcicvision Signal intcrfcrcncc i3 crcatcd which audio or visual, to nearby dwellings and othcr di3hc3 shall be installed in thc required rear yard in Such a manner as to rcducc or eliminate their visibility from all public rights of way. RE, SF 1A SF- SF -20A >::;:: rim`:::' >:: >: , >.:<: >:::<::;e` ak ... a... . 1B, SF-30, - MF -1 .::::::: <.: MF -2, punmplawmpulgED ..................................... ............................... .................................... ............................... arr .... ........ ... ............................................................... ....................... .............................................................................. ............................... om .............................................................................. ............................... ............ ....::...::::::...:::::. .....:.:. .. M ax.....:..:::::. Roof :mourn*::: »:<.:>;..; » >:.::..::: 3 5 .. 'M4iHdtMA4056EadbOt visible : :::;.;f im ; publi ... .................... dw l in 'Pol mount 35;' 12'; Rear Yard : 10'> 11E - 3 • Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager Revisions to the Zoning Ordinance No. 480 March 10, 1993 Page 4 atiddhaeffitiiihtHMaMMMPMMMISWgMROWNWMffiffiagr ttOklItO*iIM0000tpm o*O0qmprOpOtygo4Ag prxp*ppambpwglomax aitniti#MUUMtb*W0id0 yardg Tvia06d6iviiilonii#4###WITIPO40 iftif fr QTn pub1 - Oitit thOgdW#Ilitg: .................... 4wall#gi.imb4tmn§#min tk e dWdillitiglititatitfavigmithogotwoogw bt0934 4010E:trOnggn:PVIngg:AnggPXA4g Uhl AG, RE, SF-1A, SF - t44UketIMX*ONOtbie4gPigOONA40*ffiXnaP44gM0g 1B, SF-30, SF-20A, SF-20B, ROOD, MF -1, *Qs The struattre shall be located behind the MF -2, tqii -D yard They ha11 not be any closer to a 4m0 t'ttti1.110w A#VP40#41X4dAtM00§4X41,40P000g#*§41.44*4444I 440161i#i0i0hMt4AotW4140 goMMO*0400NAPPPt% „„. ia-cc :FThe erection and maintenance of antennas, oatcllitc diohco, telecommunication C-2, C-3, C-4, B-1, facilities or towers not to exceed thirty- B-2, I-1, 1-2 itom five (35) feet in height in C-2, C-3 and. PteiTIDEAMMAgbalktb . • C-4, and not to exceed sixty (60) feet in height in B-1, B-2, I-1 and 1-2 where they are attached or affixed to the structure in which the principal permitted use is located. 1 E Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager Revisions to the Zoning Ordinance No. 480 March 10, 1993 Page 5 &to C- 2, C -3 , criteria : C B-1, B-2, I-1 1-2 PtOtMDL-41AUKttittR8b Type Max Ht. D Se • LO.CatIO.ri _ Roo mount 35t ROW 311 froflt af Q1 QUflt 3S' orBehJ ftio f0.69p4i%WidWPIllg * Neaured from the ground line in front o the yar3 lAtMiiaMiiig*I64N140 Section 45.1 25. Temporary concrete batching or transient mix plant exceeding 90-day ALL approval plus (1) 30-day extension. PLOTPLANnREOtiiiREP Please place this item on the City Council agenda for discussion. kei I E e MONTHLY DEPARTMENT REPORTS FEBRUARY 1993 ZONING 4A wfif PARKS & RECREATION 4B oma STREET 4C WATER /WASTERWATER 4D BUILDING 4E PUBLIC SAFETY 4F MUNICIPAL COURT 4G COMPLAINTS 4H FINANCE 4I City of Southlake, Texas PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT FEE REVENUE REPORT FOR THE MONTH ENDING 28 FEBRUARY 1993 ZONING $ 100.00 NO. OF CASES (1) PLATTING 6,700.00 NO. OF CASES (3) SITE PLAN /CONCEPT PLANS .00 NO. OF CASES (0) SPECIFIC USE PERMITS 50.00 NO. OF CASES (1) BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT .00 NO. OF CASES (0) MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 353.75 NO. OF RECEIPTS (23) TOTAL REVENUE $ 7,203.75 TOTAL NO. OF RECEIPTS (28) Ao stit cc: Karen Gandy Greg Last Linda Carpenter Gloria Hennen a«w DRIVE: C FOLDER: GLORIA FILE: REVENUE.RPT t ce 0 I ¢ :N 0 0 O 0 °- W O O 0 0 I- N O ri O In 0 • ,, ,, U Q W CO '-1 C� CC I- W 00 0 O C w >- O O O O O ,. I N O .�1 un O I- Cs-, M d' cC Q CC rc...)W W 00 0 C 0 CNICC c • • • ODZND to O al 0 Q Q O k.p 71 O W '7 J I- 4-1 Q .--I 4. (-) CC W -UW > W 00 0 C w>- F— 00 C 0 ,., CO CC O Q • • . arct 1 t/) O O 0 0Z• - ' in 40 Z Z Q 2 0 Ul NC O CO J '7 F- F- d F-1-O) JQOCO (..) 2 W O H I— cC a u,,, v w 0 W C C >- I VI CC 0 0 0 0 m >- Q 2 0 0 C C ct LL 0 J= • 0 Z 2 C N Z • 4 1- m Q 0 to Ill rr >- Z W J CV CV I- (r) 0 LL F■I Y . d CI- AO >- i • 00 0 0 .-.h -1 00 0 C V) • 4. • U n. O W w 0 • N CM 0) 2 0 . ("1- 00 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 O O C In in s 0 w 0 Z '--) N M Z O O N LL. I- 0 000 w d J J J J CC CC W W W W 1 J '--' N W W N Q U- I-- 11 U_. ti J m C7 '--' I- J= J J J Q O CD Z J C7 J J J I- 0 O W W Qom QQd O I _J Cd OC CO J 03 00 00 I - -K City of Southlake, Texas M E M O R A N D U M March 8, 1993 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Billy Campbell, Director, Department of Public Safety SUBJECT: Street Department Monthly Report - February, +es 1993. The enclosed report details the Street Department activities for the month of February, 1993. This report is to be included in the City Council packets for their March 16, 1993 meeting. Afie /O‘ BC /ck kPM I7,& City of Southlake, Texas M E M O R A N D U M March 08, 1993 TO: Billy Campbell, Director, Department of Public Safety FROM: Brad Payton, Street Superintendent SUBJECT: Monthly Report for Street Department February, 1992. Description Jan. Feb. 1. Tons of asphalt used a. Ultimate Petroleum Mix 0 25 b. Hot Mix Asphalt 0 0 c. Cold Mix Asphalt 75 200 2. Lane Miles of Road Repaired 95 100 3. Number of Street Signs Repaired or Replaced (all types) 21 26 4. Feet of Ditch Line Cleaned and shaped 0 0 5. Number of Vehicles Repaired 1 3 a. Replaced chain and sprocket on Roller b. Patch Truck broke down, waiting on gas retort burner c. Replaced adapter and drive plate on Gradall 6. Row mowed in miles of streets 0 0 7. Crack seal lane miles 25 22 8. Working on ballfields at Park placing sand on fields, repairing fence 40 Man Hours BP/cbk 17/@ —a City of Southlake, Texas M E M O R A N D U M March 10,1993 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Billy Campbell, Director, Department of Public Safety SUBJECT: Water Department Monthly Report - February, 1993. The enclosed report details the Water Department activities for the month of February, 1993. This report is to be included in the City Council packets for their March 16, 1993 meeting. BC /ck � d -/ UTILITY DEPARTMENT REPORT MONTH February, 1993 JAN. FEB. GALLONS PUMPED FROM WELLS 0 0 PURCHASED FROM FORT WORTH 25,404,000 22,275,000 TOTAL PUMPED AND PURCHASED 25,404,000 22,275,000 WATER METERS SET 26 41 NEW WATER TAPS MADE 1 1 VALVES REPAIRED 0 0 VALVES TESTED 17 10 FIRE HYDRANTS INSTALLED 0 0 FIRE HYDRANTS REPAIRED 0 1 FIRE HYDRANTS FLUSHED 1 7 DEAD END WATER MAINS FLUSHED 0 0 WATER MAINS REPAIRED 3 0 WATER METERS AND SERVICE LINE REPAIRED 10 12 NEW ACCOUNTS 57 55 FINAL ACCOUNTS 47 59 LOCKED METER FOR DELINQUENT PAYMENT 12 15 PULLED METERS 0 1 METERS REPLACED 2 5 MISCELANEOUS WORK ORDERS 108 78 SEWER LIFT STATIONS CHECKED (4 L.S.) 84 80 REQUIRED MONTHLY SEWAGE TESTS 8 8 SEWER PLANT MAINTENANCE (BANK & DOVE) 42 40 SEWER MANHOLES INSPECTED 8 0 MISCELLANEOUS PROJECTS 1 3 168 Man Hours lowering 2 section of 6 -inch water main on Jellico Circle Installed two 2 -inch conduct for new building at City Hall. WATER SUPERINTENDENT A id .41146•1411111 i/ / / DIRE'TOR */� PUBLIC WORKS �,/d -2 ' v.IONTHI,Y REPORT SEND REPORT TO: TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH DIVISION OF WATER HYGIENE MATER WORKS OPERATION FOR 1100 WEST 49th STREET ')UND WATER SUPPLIES AUSTIN. TEXAS 78756 -3192 Li) Name of System CITY OF SOUR LA E County T RRANT wwrla) Water System I.D. No. 2200075 Month of FERRIIARY 19 93 Day Pumpage to Distribution System in Thousand Gals. (6) (7) (8) ( of (2) Direct (3) From Gnd. (4) Purchased (5) Total Disinfection Corrosion Other Fluoride rw Month from Wells Storage from Others Pumpage Control Treatment Residuals 1 0 901.0 901.0 _ . 2 0 904.0 904.0 3 0 602.0 602.0 4 0 655.0 655.0 ' 5 0 674.0 674.0 , AO 6 0 779.0 779.0 7 0 834.0 834.0 8 0 782.0 782.0 9 0 , 1,005.0 1,005. 10 0 666.0 666.0_ . 11 0 851.0 851.0 SAMPT.FS ,NF(;ATTVF 12 0 853.0 853.0 13 0 704.0 704.0 .••14 0 741.0 741.0_ , 15 0 777.0 777.0 , 16 0 788,0 788.0 17 0 813.0 813.0 _ 18 0 762.0 762.0 ' 19 0 785.0 785.0 , 20 0 1,043.0 1,043.0 21 0 734.0 734.0 00 22 0 992.0 992.0 23 0 847.0 847.0 WO 24 0 904.0 904.0 tw 25 0 577.0 577.0 26 0 702.0 702.0 27 0 939.0 939.0 ow 28 0 656.0 656.0 , 29 30 31 Total 0 22,275.0 22,275.0 "" Avg. 0 795.54 795.54 Mex. 0 1,043.0 1,043.0 Min. 0 577.0 577.0 No. of Active Water Services (10) 2 .880 Chemical Analysis (11) 11 -83 Dates and Results of Distribution Bacteriological Analyses (12) 8 SAMPT FS - \FGATI\'F. • Dates and Results of Raw Unchlorinated Well Water Samples (13) NONE Zeservoirs or Tanks Cleaned (14) 8-87 Dead Ends Flushed (15) 0 General Remarks (16) ^ Submitted By (1 _ / 4 '"I - -•i �■� a. Certifirate No. (18) 463 -60 -5947 3 Air - FORM NO_ H -3 All reports due b • 15th of the following month. 5/88 , 1 N C1 C4 w I < 1 ', 1 T!' d' to N N O N ri CO 0 M r Ch CO WI O 0 0 l- 1•1 V H O r •"I N 0 b on ct' N to Tr to .. to Q1 .-' N .--I H r-I 01 E H to W O n M al Z g N W O a' lf1 MD M N O tD H l� ll1 d' • a' • CO CO O r-I N co 'JI () I tD r-1 1-1 d' C1 to CO N M N N C1 Vl N • - I M N r-I N '-1 Tr Cn H 01 il '' I-1 P4 E O r-I N W E CM ',I < r - .1 N•"It0N N r O.- -Iri 03 cO r-INOON N M A ul al r% to In . N N N C1 E sr al En E N r-i E 4 a> Ox � 41 44 g aw o 5 x WEC► CQ 'J•I g4 r...1 ,1 d' r-I O CD V3 r - 1 t11 O.i01 b ',I W Q tD N d' C1 1 .0 t■ . -4 VD .-I t0 E E� ►•a w HON •--I `n A �i cnnZ E W Tr O 44 Z -.- O f W Z W 04 H , E Z 4H O r-I NNO0 t` 0001 00 '--4 el Tr 00 '-I C1 U al O E M d' M M M .--I r-I r-I N N a C% CO a cnnw ,- t i T, ON r-I 00000 01 Oh0. -1O d'UD 00N r NO N M 00 C'(M d' N 0 C1.131 E M C1 0 W ` MNN000U, rIUD - t)0 01 00000 in .-a to d' M N , - 1 M t0 N • 4.0 on C1 r U t3) cn D W 0 ?4 2 4 0 0 E 0 f~ E+ 00 U] •• 1 )4 I I 0 0 0 .-111 •• C4 N wH • • r W .I.) o r-I .-1 0a 04.-1 0 o a v •I (i co (d a l o td 0 •'-1 Q '--I 0 0 CD b1 $4 m ••1 .4-1 • 131 EE.1 o tT « 4 W - H • U m 2 4 0 a ) C D U 0 4 ) 0 Z • • � � • r 1 � + � 0 0 0 1 x E H" . - 1 O $.4 •.1 $4 •rl a) x • • CO a cn ol O W H Q c n r-1 V N a) v U +) .Q '- a) '-I • 'd W x• c l o I-I W a < 11 I o E~ - > 0 E •'-4 W UZO • W H N 1 4 C90 - • r1. - I) I a) W a) r1H 8 PO W D o 00 03 � E1. • w a atx UUw cn u343axUA 0C 0 OZcnv)E -+.+ E N (1 0 0 0 0 0 0 O to to O O O O O O O O O M \ to 0 0 0 O 0 •4' to N N O 0 O O O O O O N r1 N r-1 N •-1 r-I CI' N in N 01 to to 0 Cp 0 O� 0 O to O t` d 01 '.0 01 N t 01 ri 01 O to 00 P . w H y ■ ON O1 00 00 r 01 • 00 N ri '.0 d' M N 01 R H ...1 . . . . . . . . . . . 44 ON ri ri N •N d' O N O ri N N rI ri I M O O O O O O O .4 O O O O O O O O O O O d' • \ O O O O O O O O to O O O O O O O O O O to N N 01 N I- s t0 CA u ri O In • 0 l0 ( ri d' b A O '.O NO rn N 0 00 O to M L0 ri N 01 CO to CN N CO M 1 ri N to ri th d' 00 01 t• N N O N ri ri N I-I C4 N . . . . . . . . . . . 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E �1 I to N to M O to ri ri A t7 E I E { 1 ri E8 H N 0000000 tnu,000 00 00000 0 N O O O O O O O 01 t` O O O O O O O O O O N U QI0 i " 01 Nd'Mri • • d' x)0000 • 0 N01 0 01 0.4 ri M 1• 00 CN 0 N .4' to O O N ri N 01 V' W 1 N 0 t0 CN co 00 b O b N r) 00 00 t0 a' to t to CO u) N o N ( N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N O O O O O O O O O O O N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 to to O O O O O O O O O O 0 M O El N tO O 0 CF t O t0 N to O N N ri •1' d' N N ri CO N !'7 .-1 •-t tD to N N to q' V' N 111 M �O 00 01 CM O H �0 N H H C t0 N ••i LO to M 01 r1 to O O O O O O O N to O O O O O O O O O O N O O O O O O O tO S O O O O O O O O O O t1' • A 0• O r1 O ri O N ri 0 N O 00 1"I 'Zi en to co b t0 to N O d' 01 O 10 G4 00 N N d d O 01 N s M to �1 (Sy . 00 (*) '.0 to N CO .• M to M 01 • 01 0 ,; ' as - ' • Ej • •.-1 0 ri \ 'Jr t� 00 A A 'O 0 3 Ri pq ppqq F E '- P cn N M P W ?t z RC O 4 0 I U � E-4 • M v p qq ca N 0 0 ra r- 0 0 V •-.4 0 0 co ri •0 0 p: a ri 0 CO td td 0 (d 0 -.I td . -I 0 a' a 0 O1 -rl to -r1 •.-t •.-1 b 0 0' )4 -r1 P4 4-) -r1 •-I 0 a S H H - RI 0 i w d a g4 N -d 00C) i •• 0) a u] to . co y N t A U) 11 0 N N 'd S 14.) \ N .-1 i 't7 N f •to O►+ W - 7 1 N O 10 +i 0 E > E-1 -d 0 z ppgq O z U W N CO 4) E a -rf 0 W 0 1 ri s 6 m E W to 0 x z z w P4 a CO a 4 O C w m 0 w 0 x O A p a O Z u) u) H w Epi • i g I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O H N N O O O O O O N Or O 0 0 0 0 o o ...4 o 0 a . 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T SOUTHLAKE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY MONTHLY REPORT ' SOUTHLAKE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY PATROL DIVISION SUMMARY February, 1993 CALLS FOR SERVICE 601 CITATIONS 368 PATROL 118 S.T.E.P. 250 ARRESTS 21 FELONY 2 MISD 19 ACCIDENTS 28 MINOR 18 MAJOR 10 V! ;L. eport Date: 03/08/93 Page 1 'Report Nmbr: OFF0300 OFFENSES BY OFFENSE DESCRIPTION FROM 02/01/93 TO 02/28/93 - Offense Offense Officer Property Date Number Detective Stolen POE MOE Status wilo ffenses for 911 HANG UP wo 02/08/93 301569 151 / 0 0 C 02/13/93 301767 132 / 0 0 C - 02/19/93 301987 139 / 0 0 C 02/21/93 302086 119 / 0 0 C mow 02/25/93 302266 146 / 0 0 C , 02/25/93 302283 108 / 0 0 C 02/24/93 302223 151 / 0 0 C 02/27/93 302346 146 / 0 0 C ` ' ffenses for ABANDONED VEHICLE 02/21/93 930087 501 / 999 0 0 A 02/08/93 930103 139 / 0 0 A - 02/08/93 301563 139 / 0 0 C 02/15/93 301858 111 / 0 0 C 4. 02/23/93 302175 132 / 0 0 C - 02/17/93 301925 139 / 0 0 C 02/20/93 302052 150 / 0 0 C - enses for ALARM CALL 02/01/93 301339 134 / 0 0 C 02/01/93 301340 108 / 0 0 C 02/02/93 301343 151 / 0 0 C 02/04/93 301393 144 / 0 0 C 02/04/93 301401 144 / 0 0 C 02/04/93 301406 144 / 0 0 C 02/04/93 301414 111 / 0 0 C 02/05/93 301435 144 / 0 0 C 02/11/93 301676 139 / 0 0 C 02/11/93 301677 139 / 0 0 C 02/03/93 301379 141 / 0 0 C 02/02/93 301372 127 / 0 0 C 02/05/93 301452 111 / 0 0 C .- 02/17/93 301933 139 / 0 0 C 02/17/93 301929 139 / 0 0 C - 02/17/93 301916 139 / 0 0 C 02/06/93 301492 132 / 0 0 C 02/06/93 301477 114 / 0 0 C 4. 02/03/93 301386 139 / 0 0 C 02/16/93 301906 127 / 999 0 0 C 02/16/93 301908 134 / 0 0 C 02/13/93 301779 119 / 999 0 0 C - 02/13/93 301785 500 / 999 0 0 C a 02/14/93 301789 119 / 999 0 0 C 02/14/93 301800 114 / 999 0 0 C yi3 ; ,deport Date: 03/08/93 Page 2 Report Nmbr: OFF0300 OFFENSES BY OFFENSE DESCRIPTION FROM 02/01/93 TO 02/28/93 Offense Offense Officer Property Date Number Detective Stolen POE MOE Status ffenses for ALARM CALL 02/14/93 301816 144 / 999 0 0 C 02/12/93 301729 119 / 999 0 0 C 02/12/93 301717 144 / 999 0 0 C • 02/07/93 301531 144 / 999 0 0 C 02/15/93 301847 150 / 0 0 C 02/10/93 301655 134 / 0 0 C 02/11/93 301661 151 / 0 0 C 02/11/93 301668 151 / 0 0 C 02/11/93 301673 151 / 0 0 C 02/11/93 301675 151 / 0 0 C 02/06/93 301486 150 / 0 0 C 02/06/93 301497 500 / 0 0 C 02/07/93 301509 500 / 0 0 C 02/21/93 302115 111 / 0 0 C 02/21/93 302097 150 / 0 0 C - 02/20/93 302069 144 / 0 0 C 02/20/93 301042 144 / 0 0 C 02/20/93 302048 144 / 0 0 C 02/20/93 302053 144 / 0 0 C 02/22/93 302155 150 / 0 0 C 02/22/93 302154 111 / 0 0 C 02/09/93 301615 151 / 0 0 C 02/25/93 302249 134 / 0 0 C 02/25/93 302244 134 / 0 0 C * 02/25/93 302251 151 / 0 0 C 02/25/93 302250 151 / 0 0 C 02/09/93 301623 108 / 0 0 C — 02/09/93 301625 108 / 0 0 C 02/10/93 301644 146 / 0 0 C 02/12/93 301728 114 / 0 0 C 02/14/93 301824 150 / 0 0 C 02/15/93 301846 144 / 0 0 C 02/16/93 301883 151 / 0 0 C 02/16/93 301895 151 / 0 0 C 000 02/16/93 301905 108 / 0 0 C 02/17/93 301932 139 / 0 0 C 02/18/93 301943 108 / 0 0 C b 02/18/93 301954 139 / 0 0 C 02/19/93 301979 151 / 0 0 C 02/19/93 301989 139 / 0 0 C • 02/19/93 301990 151 / 0 0 C 02/19/93 301992 151 / 0 0 C - 02/19/93 301996 139 / 0 0 C 02/19/93 302000 139 / 0 0 C 7 . / 4"/ eport Date: 03/08/93 Page 3 report Nmbr: OFF0300 w OFFENSES BY OFFENSE DESCRIPTION FROM 02/01/93 TO 02/28/93 Offense Offense Officer Property Date Number Detective Stolen POE MOE Status ffenses for ALARM CALL " 02/19/93 302008 134 / 0 0 C 02/19/93 302009 108 / 0 0 C - 02/20/93 302011 127 / 0 0 C 02/20/93 302060 144 / 0 0 C 02/20/93 302065 111 / 0 0 C • 02/22/93 302152 114 / 0 0 C 02/22/93 302158 143 / 0 0 C 02/23/93 302213 114 / 0 0 C 02/24/93 302215 132 / 0 0 C 02/25/93 302255 146 / 0 0 C 02/25/93 302278 139 / 0 0 C 02/26/93 302310 151 / 0 0 C - 02/24/93 302236 145 / 0 0 C 02/27/93 302331 139 / 0 0 C 02/27/93 302351 134 / 0 0 C 02/28/93 302388 150 / 0 0 C 02/28/93 302368 150 / 0 0 C enses for AMBULANCE CALL 02/13/93 301766 143 / 999 0 0 C Offenses for ANIMAL CALL 02/02/93 301353 151 / 999 0 0 C 02/04/93 301396 111 / 0 0 C - 02/05/93 301432 144 / 0 0 C 02/16/93 301907 108 / 999 0 0 C 02/14/93 301811 144 / 0 0 C =k 02/06/93 301485 144 / 0 0 C 02/09/93 301596 151 / 0 0 C 02/16/93 301898 139 / 0 0 C 02/19/93 301998 139 / 0 0 C 02/23/93 302188 150 / 0 0 C 02/24/93 302238 151 / 0 0 C `ffenses for ASSIST OTHER AGENCY 02/09/93 301620 108 / 0 0 C 02/24/93 302217 119 / 0 0 C _ 02/28/93 302386 144 / 0 0 C f►ffenses for BURGLARY (B) 02/08/93 930101 151 / 2 67 A 02/12/93 930112 108 / 999 I 1 51 A 02/15/93 930123 150 / 999 KH 15 65 A 02/15/93 930124 150 / K 15 90 A ?l .Jr ;r eport Date: 03/08/93 Page 4 Report Nmbr: OFF0300 OFFENSES BY OFFENSE DESCRIPTION FROM 02/01/93 TO 02/28/93 Offense Offense Officer Property Date Number Detective Stolen POE MOE Status ffenses for BURGLARY (B) 02/12/93 301693 108 / 0 0 C 02/15/93 301871 150 / 0 0 C 02/15/93 301867 150 / 0 0 C 02/08/93 301558 151 / 0 0 C Offenses for BURGLARY (R) 02/25/93 302276 146 / 0 0 C Offenses for BURGLARY IN PROGRESS 02/11/93 301672 151 / 0 0 C • 02/03/93 301382 151 / 0 0 C 02/15/93 301860 144 / 0 0 C 02/26/93 302317 108 / 0 0 C Offenses for BURGLARY M/V - 02/19/93 930133 151 / 999 ACK 0 0 A 02/19/93 301997 151 / 0 0 C enses for CITY ORDINANCE VIOLATION 02/02/93 301346 141 / 0 0 C 02/14/93 301827 150 / 0 0 C 02/15/93 301873 150 / 0 0 C - 02/13/93 301771 500 / 0 0 C 02/20/93 930134 134 / 0 0 A 02/21/93 930143 144 / 0 0 A 02/07/93 301523 143 / 0 0 C 02/21/93 302125 111 / 0 0 C - 02/21/93 302121 144 / 0 0 C 02/19/93 301995 151 / 0 0 C 02/19/93 302004 108 / 0 0 C 02/20/93 302019 134 / 0 0 C 02/20/93 302046 111 / 0 0 C - 02/27/93 930156 410 / 0 0 A 02/26/93 302314 127 / 0 0 C 02/24/93 302234 151 / 0 0 C 02/27/93 302347 151 / 0 0 C 02/27/93 302355 108 / 0 0 C Offenses for CIVIL STANDBY - 02/01/93 301334 151 / 0 0 C s* 02/01/93 301336 141 / 0 0 C 02/11/93 301670 151 / 0 0 C 02/02/93 301369 141 / 0 0 C 02/06/93 301483 150 / 0 0 C '1 G r eport Date: 03/08/93 Page 5 Report Nmbr: OFF0300 ,, OFFENSES BY OFFENSE DESCRIPTION FROM 02/01/93 TO 02/28/93 Offense Offense Officer Property Date Number Detective Stolen POE MOE Status ffenses for CIVIL STANDBY 02/16/93 301901 139 / 0 0 C 02/20/93 302062 150 / 0 0 C ffenses for CRIMINAL MISCHIEF 02/01/93 930086 134 / 145 0 0 S - 02/02/93 930088 151 / 145 0 0 S 02/02/93 301341 134 / 0 0 C 02/02/93 301356 151 / 999 0 0 C 02/17/93 930129 108 / 145 0 0 S 02/21/93 930139 119 / 0 0 A 3 02/24/93 930148 132 / 145 0 0 S 02/15/93 301876 132 / 0 0 C 02/17/93 301940 108 / 0 0 C 02/20/93 302013 108 / 0 0 C 02/20/93 302016 108 / 0 0 C 02/21/93 302092 119 / 0 0 C 02/21/93 302093 132 / 0 0 C 02/24/93 302218 132 / 0 0 C 02/28/93 930158 144 / 999 0 0 A 02/25/93 302275 151 / 0 0 C 02/28/93 930159 150 / 0 0 A 02/27/93 302344 146 / 0 0 C 02/28/93 930160 119 / 0 0 A 02/28/93 302383 144 / 0 0 C 02/28/93 302399 150 / 0 0 C 02/28/93 302402 119 / 0 0 C 'Offenses for CRIMINAL TRESPASS 02/02/93 301366 139 / 0 0 C ,.offenses for CRUELTY TO ANIMALS 02/06/93 930096 144 / 140 0 0 A ffenses for DELIVER MESSAGE 02/04/93 301392 108 / 0 0 C 02/24/93 302242 134 / 0 0 C orffenses for DISCHARGE FIREARM 02/01/93 301320 151 / 0 0 C 02/14/93 301836 119 / 999 0 0 C 02/07/93 301520 143 / 0 0 C 02/20/93 302066 144 / 0 0 C 02/23/93 302202 132 / 0 0 C *D ^7 w ,eport Date: 03/08/93 Page 6 Report Nmbr: OFF0300 - OFFENSES BY OFFENSE DESCRIPTION FROM 02/01/93 TO 02/28/93 Offense Offense Officer Property Date Number Detective Stolen POE MOE Status ffenses for DISTURBANCE 02/05/93 301466 114 / 0 0 C 02/06/93 301468 132 / 0 0 C 02/23/93 302171 114 / 0 0 C 02/12/93 301731 114 / 0 0 C 02/13/93 301778 500 / 0 0 C 02/25/93 302262 139 / 0 0 C Ai Offenses for DOG CALL - 02/04/93 301404 111 / 0 0 C 02/13/93 301752 150 / 0 0 C - 02/14/93 301810 143 / 0 0 C 02/05/93 301455 144 / 999 0 0 C 02/18/93 301948 139 / 0 0 C s 02/20/93 302049 150 / 0 0 C 02/25/93 302265 139 / 0 0 C - 02/26/93 302309 151 / 0 0 C 02/24/93 302229 151 / 0 0 C enses for DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE 02/07/93 930099 119 / 0 0 A -r 02/02/93 301368 141 / 0 0 C 02/20/93 930135 150 / 145 0 0 U 02/07/93 301539 119 / 0 0 C 02/08/93 301575 151 / 0 0 C 02/20/93 301038 150 / 0 0 C 02/27/93 302345 146 / 0 0 C ffenses for DRUNK 02/14/93 301825 111 / 0 0 C ffenses for DWI 02/16/93 301909 134 / 0 0 C o ffenses for FAIL TO GIVE INFORMATION 02/06/93 930094 114 / 145 0 0 S ffenses for FATALITY ACCIDENT -- 02/05/93 930093 114 / 133 0 0 A — ffenses for FIRE CALL „, 02/11/93 301666 139 / 999 0 0 C 02/10/93 301654 139 / 999 0 0 C 02/06/93 301499 500 / 0 0 C 02/23/93 302179 150 / 0 0 C *11-3 m eport Date: 03/08/93 Page 7 Report Nmbr: OFF0300 - OFFENSES BY OFFENSE DESCRIPTION FROM 02/01/93 TO 02/28/93 Offense Offense Officer Property • Date Number Detective Stolen POE MOE Status ffenses for FIRE CALL wo 02/12/93 301733 114 / 0 0 C 02/13/93 301775 119 / 0 0 C 02/17/93 301937 141 / 0 0 C • 02/27/93 302335 146 / 0 0 C 02/28/93 302404 119 / 0 0 C o ffenses for FORGERY 02/10/93 930113 141 / 145 0 0 S ,. 02/10/93 301638 141 / 0 0 C ffenses for FOUND PROPERTY 02/21/93 930140 114 / 0 0 A 02/21/93 302096 114 / 0 0 C w# Offenses for HARASSMENT - 02/09/93 930108 151 / 0 0 A 02/13/93 930116 144 / 145 0 0 S 02/18/93 930132 108 / 0 0 A 02/05/93 301464 132 / 999 0 0 C 02/22/93 302156 150 / 0 0 C t ,, 02/22/93 930145 150 / 0 0 A 02/09/93 301607 151 / 0 0 C 02/09/93 301618 151 / 0 0 C 02/13/93 301747 144 / 0 0 C 02/20/93 302078 119 / 0 0 C 02/21/93 302091 119 / 0 0 C 'Offenses for HIT & RUN ACCIDENT 02/15/93 930125 111 / 999 0 0 A 02/06/93 301474 114 / 0 0 C 02/22/93 930146 145 / 145 0 0 C 02/15/93 301872 111 / 0 0 C 02/19/93 302003 134 / 0 0 C 02/27/93 930157 134 / 0 0 A 02/27/93 302357 134 / 0 0 C ) ffenses for INJURED PERSON • 02/13/93 930117 150 / 999 0 0 A 02/20/93 302073 500 / 0 0 C 02/13/93 301765 150 / 0 0 C Offenses for INVESTIGATION 02/11/93 301683 151 / 0 0 C 02/03/93 301376 127 / 0 0 C eport Date: 03/08/93 Page 8 T Nmbr: OFF0300 OFFENSES BY OFFENSE DESCRIPTION FROM 02/01/93 TO 02/28/93 - Offense Offense Officer Property Date Number Detective Stolen POE MOE Status ffenses for INVESTIGATION 02/03/93 301385 151 / 0 0 C 02/07/93 301544 132 / 0 0 C ""' 02/22/93 302165 132 / 0 0 C ,m, 02/22/93 302161 150 / 0 0 C 02/25/93 930150 / 0 0 ,, 02/10/93 301651 146 / 0 0 C 02/14/93 301788 500 / 0 0 C " 02/16/93 301887 151 / 0 0 C 02/20/93 302059 150 / 0 0 C 02/28/93 302377 111 / 0 0 C ow Offenses for LOOSE LIVESTOCK - 02/04/93 301399 143 / 0 0 C 02/02/93 301375 127 / 0 0 C 02/05/93 301451 144 / 0 0 C 02/05/93 301467 132 / 0 0 C 02/19/93 301684 141 / 0 0 C 02/15/93 301874 119 / 0 0 C 02/18/93 301960 139 / 0 0 C 02/20/93 302033 150 / 0 0 C 02/23/93 302191 150 / 0 0 C 02/23/93 302200 150 / 0 0 C 02/25/93 302280 108 / 0 0 C 02/28/93 302372 150 / 0 0 C Offenses for MAJOR ACCIDENT 02/12/93 301726 119 / 999 0 0 C 02/12/93 301719 143 / 0 0 C 02/05/93 301460 114 / 999 0 0 C 02/10/93 301640 139 / 0 0 C 02/21/93 302145 132 / 0 0 C 02/24/93 302235 139 / 0 0 C 02/24/93 302239 139 / 0 0 C 02/21/93 930144 132 / 999 0 0 C Offenses for MEDICAL CALL 02/02/93 301351 139 / 0 0 C 02/18/93 301959 151 / 0 0 C 02/18/93 301970 127 / 0 0 C ,w 02/24/93 302240 108 / 0 0 C "'offenses for MEET COMPLAINANT 02/04/93 301400 144 / 0 0 C 02/04/93 301407 144 / 0 0 C j-- /6 teport Date: 03/08/93 Page 9 "T eport Nmbr: OFF0300 OFFENSES BY OFFENSE DESCRIPTION FROM 02/01/93 TO 02/28/93 Offense Offense Officer Property Date Number Detective Stolen POE MOE Status )ffenses for MEET COMPLAINANT 02/12/93 301722 114 / 0 0 C 02/12/93 301724 119 / 0 0 C 02/13/93 301748 150 / 0 0 C 02/10/93 301657 134 / 0 0 C 02/11/93 301682 151 / 0 0 C 02/02/93 301373 134 / 0 0 C 02/08/93 301564 151 / 0 0 C 02/09/93 301586 108 / 0 0 C 02/21/93 302127 144 / 0 0 C 02/21/93 302112 150 / 0 0 C 02/21/93 302105 144 / 0 0 C 02/20/93 302024 144 / 0 0 C 02/22/93 302162 150 / 0 0 C 02/10/93 301636 146 / 0 0 C 02/15/93 301878 119 / 0 0 C _ 02/18/93 301963 139 / 0 0 C 02/18/93 301969 108 / 0 0 C 4 02/19/93 301984 151 / 0 0 C 02/20/93 302063 111 / 0 0 C 02/23/93 302199 150 / 0 0 C 02/25/93 302258 141 / 0 0 C 02/26/93 302297 151 / 0 0 C 02/24/93 302237 151 / 0 0 C 02/28/93 302401 150 / 0 0 C Offenses for MINOR ACCIDENT 02/12/93 301698 111 / 0 0 C 02/12/93 301720 144 / 999 0 0 C 02/12/93 301706 111 / 0 0 C 02/02/93 301374 127 / 0 0 C 02/03/93 301380 139 / 0 0 C 02/05/93 301439 144 / 999 0 0 C 02/06/93 301484 144 / 0 0 C 02/09/93 301602 139 / 0 0 C 02/23/93 302178 150 / 0 0 C 02/09/93 301619 139 / 0 0 C 02/12/93 301732 114 / 0 0 C u 02/16/93 301896 139 / 0 0 C 02/18/93 301957 139 / 0 0 C 02/19/93 301993 139 / 0 0 C 02/20/93 302061 111 / 0 0 C " 02/23/93 302177 111 / 0 0 C 02/24/93 302224 139 / 0 0 C 02/24/93 302225 151 / 0 0 C // eport Date: 03/08/93 Page 10 'Report Nmbr: OFF0300 OFFENSES BY OFFENSE DESCRIPTION FROM 02/01/93 TO 02/28/93 Offense Offense Officer Property Date Number Detective Stolen POE MOE Status ffenses for MINOR ACCIDENT 02/27/93 302334 146 / 0 0 C 02/26/93 302311 151 / 0 0 C • 02/28/93 302403 119 / 0 0 C ffenses for MISSING PERSON - 02/08/93 930102 139 / 999 0 0 C 02/08/93 301561 139 / 0 0 C 02/25/93 302253 151 / 0 0 C 'ffenses for MOTORIST ASSIST 02/03/93 301387 139 / 0 0 C 02/14/93 301813 143 / 999 0 0 C 02/07/93 301507 114 / 0 0 C 02/21/93 302113 111 / 0 0 C h. 02/20/93 302074 114 / 0 0 C 02/24/93 302241 108 / 0 0 C 02/25/93 302252 139 / 0 0 C 'enses for OPEN DOOR 02/12/93 301692 108 / 0 0 C 02/06/93 301495 132 / 0 0 C 02/07/93 301508 132 / 999 0 0 C 02/06/93 301469 132 / 999 0 0 C 02/16/93 301911 108 / 999 0 0 C - 02/23/93 302173 114 / 0 0 C ""ffenses for POSS DRUG PARAPHERNALIA - , 02/24/93 930149 114 / 999 0 0 CA 02/24/93 302219 114 / 0 0 C ffenses for PROWLER 02/01/93 301314 108 / 0 0 C 02/05/93 301420 114 / 0 0 C 02/12/93 301727 114 / 0 0 C _^ 02/19/93 301999 139 / 0 0 C 02/22/93 302147 119 / 0 0 C offenses for RECKLESS DAMAGE 02/08/93 930100 151 / 0 0 A 02/08/93 301556 151 / 0 0 C "Offenses for RECKLESS DRIVER 02/06/93 301471 114 / 0 0 C 02/06/93 301480 150 / 0 0 C Vlet- /Z eport Date: 03/08/93 Page 11 'eport Nmbr: OFF0300 OFFENSES BY OFFENSE DESCRIPTION FROM 02/01/93 TO 02/28/93 Offense Offense Officer Property Date Number Detective Stolen POE MOE Status ffenses for RECKLESS DRIVER 02/13/93 301738 119 / 0 0 C 02/13/93 301770 132 / 0 0 C 02/16/93 301897 139 / 0 0 C 02/23/93 302196 111 / 0 0 C 02/27/93 302342 139 / 0 0 C ffenses for RECOVERED VEHICLE 02/02/93 930089 151 / 145 0 0 C 02/02/93 301358 151 / 999 0 0 C offenses for RUNAWAY 02/01/93 301332 146 / 0 0 C ffenses for SIMPLE ASSAULT 02/08/93 930105 108 / 999 0 0 A 02/08/93 301579 108 / 0 0 C :offenses for SPECIAL DETAIL 02/10/93 301656 108 / 0 0 C .,offenses for SUSP PERSON 02/02/93 301371 127 / 0 0 C 02/14/93 301830 114 / 0 0 C 02/05/93 301449 144 / 999 0 0 C °`° 02/05/93 301461 132 / 999 0 0 C 02/13/93 301781 119 / 0 0 C 02/21/93 302140 119 / 0 0 C 02/21/93 302143 119 / 0 0 C 02/21/93 302144 119 / 0 0 C 02/23/93 302185 111 / 0 0 C 02/24/93 302214 132 / 0 0 C J.ffenses for SUSP VEHICLE 02/05/93 301441 143 / 0 0 C 02/12/93 301716 144 / 999 0 0 C 02/10/93 301648 139 / 999 0 0 C 02/15/93 301851 111 / 0 0 C 02/15/93 301850 111 / 0 0 C 02/11/93 301667 151 / 0 0 C 02/02/93 301370 134 / 0 0 C 02/20/93 302077 114 / 0 0 C 02/13/93 301741 119 / 0 0 C 02/13/93 301768 132 / 0 0 C 02/19/93 302002 134 / 0 0 C V - i- - / 3 1 ?port Date: 03/08/93 Page 12 Deport Nmbr: OFF0300 OFFENSES BY OFFENSE DESCRIPTION FROM 02/01/93 TO 02/28/93 Offense Offense Officer Property Date Number Detective Stolen POE MOE Status (` fenses for SUSP VEHICLE ow 02/20/93 302037 150 / 0 0 C 02/20/93 302041 111 / 0 0 C - 02/27/93 302363 108 / 0 0 C Offenses for THEFT - 02/08/93 301559 146 / 999 0 0 C 02/12/93 301709 144 / 0 0 C " ' 02/07/93 301540 132 / 0 0 C 02/27/93 302348 139 / 0 0 C 60°fenses for THEFT 20/200 02/10/93 930110 141 / 140 I 0 0 CA o 02/10/93 301632 141 / 0 0 C Offenses for THEFT 200/750 02/08/93 930104 151 / 145 K 0 0 U 02/10/93 930111 151 / K 0 0 A 02/12/93 930114 144 / 145 K 0 0 S 02/12/93 930115 114 / 145 K 0 0 S 02/16/93 930127 146 / 145 K 0 0 S 02/12/93 301705 144 / 999 0 0 C 02/12/93 301723 114 / 0 0 C x 02/08/93 301576 151 / 0 0 C 02/10/93 301637 151 / 0 0 C - 02/16/93 301891 146 / 0 0 C 02/16/93 301899 139 / 0 0 C 02/26/93 930153 151 / AC 0 0 A -; 02/26/93 302305 151 / 0 0 C r fenses for THEFT 750/20,000 02/03/93 930090 151 / F 0 0 A }' 02/16/93 930126 151 / 145 KFECH 0 0 S ,p. 02/03/93 301383 151 / 0 0 C 02/23/93 930147 111 / BK 0 0 A - 02/16/93 301885 151 / 0 0 C 02/26/93 930154 141 / 999 H 0 0 A - 02/23/93 302198 111 / 0 0 C v; 02/26/93 302307 141 / 0 0 C offenses for THEFT U/20 02/07/93 930098 132 / 145 K 0 0 S • 02/05/93 301459 144 / 0 0 C 02/17/93 301931 139 / 0 0 C 02/21/93 302089 114 / 0 0 C report Date: 03/08/93 Page 13 Report Nmbr: OFF0300 OFFENSES BY OFFENSE DESCRIPTION FROM 02/01/93 TO 02/28/93 Offense Offense Officer Property Date Number Detective Stolen POE MOE Status offenses for THEFT U/20 02/27/93 302352 108 / 0 0 C gffenses for TRAFFIC ASSIGNMENT 02/09/93 301611 139 / 999 0 0 C 02/13/93 301763 111 / 0 0 C 02/20/93 302027 111 / 0 0 C 02/18/93 301968 139 / 0 0 C 02/20/93 302047 111 / 0 0 C 02/20/93 302055 111 / 0 0 C • 02/25/93 302247 108 / 0 0 C Offenses for TRAFFIC VIOLATION 02/05/93 301419 114 / 0 0 C Offenses for TRF VIOLATION 02/04/93 930091 114 / 0 0 A 02/05/93 930092 111 / 0 0 A 02/05/93 301450 111 / 999 0 0 C 02/20/93 930136 111 / 999 0 0 A 02/21/93 930141 111 / 0 0 A 02/21/93 302104 111 / 0 0 C 02/10/93 301635 139 / 0 0 C 02/20/93 302045 111 / 0 0 C dffenses for TRF WRNT ARREST 02/01/93 930085 108 / 999 0 0 CA 02/07/93 930095 114 / 999 0 0 CA 02/07/93 930097 144 / 999 0 0 CA 02/01/93 301313 108 / 0 0 C 02/09/93 930106 108 / 999 0 0 CA 02/09/93 930107 139 / 999 0 0 CA • 02/09/93 930109 139 / 999 0 0 CA 02/13/93 930118 114 / 999 0 0 CA 02/14/93 930119 114 / 999 0 0 CA 02/15/93 930120 145 / 999 0 0 CA 02/15/93 930121 111 / 999 0 0 CA 02/15/93 930122 144 / 999 0 0 CA 02/14/93 301832 114 / 0 0 C 02/15/93 301863 111 / 0 0 C 02/20/93 930137 119 / 999 0 0 CA 02/20/93 930138 119 / 999 0 0 CA • 02/21/93 930142 144 / 999 0 0 CA 02/06/93 301476 114 / 0 0 C 02/07/93 301519 144 / 0 0 C VI— LS- eport Date: 03/08/93 Page 14 "Ceport Nmbr: OFF0300 OFFENSES BY OFFENSE DESCRIPTION FROM 02/01/93 TO 02/28/93 Offense Offense Officer Property Date Number Detective Stolen POE MOE Status — ffenses for TRF WRNT ARREST • 02/21/93 302109 144 / 0 0 C 02/09/93 301614 139 / 0 0 C - 02/13/93 301769 114 / 0 0 C 02/15/93 301868 144 / 0 0 C • 02/26/93 930151 151 / 999 0 0 CA 02/26/93 930152 145 / 999 0 0 CA 02/27/93 930155 108 / 999 0 0 CA 02/20/93 302070 119 / 0 0 C 02/20/93 302072 119 / 0 0 C "" 02/26/93 302292 151 / 0 0 C 02/26/93 302323 108 / 0 0 C Offenses for UCW 02/17/93 930128 141 / 999 0 0 CA • 02/17/93 301926 141 / 0 0 C ffenses for WARRANT ARREST 02/18/93 930130 151 / 999 0 0 CA 02/18/93 930131 145 / 999 0 0 CA 02/18/93 301947 151 / 0 0 C Offenses for WELFARE CHECK ,. 02/09/93 301608 146 / 0 0 C 02/10/93 301652 146 / 0 0 C • 02/25/93 302261 151 / 0 0 C 02/25/93 302281 108 / 0 0 C ; metal Offenses Printed: 479 24 Adult Arrests 22 Accidents 8 Major 14 Minor SOUTHLAKE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY MILEAGE AND GASOLINE REPORT FOR FEBRUARY, 1993 02/01 02/28 TOTAL MILES TOTAL GALLONS UNIT # MILEAGE MILEAGE DRIVEN GASOLINE USED 232 123,655 124,447 792 57.0 234 103,309 104,700 1,391 94.5 235 126,475 128,744 2,269 109.6 236 93,609 95,491 1,882 211.8 237 98,079 99,090 1,011 119.0 238 44,787 45,341 554 61.0 239 43,241 44,719 1,478 147.5 . 240 78,031 80,937 2,906 117.6 241 31,179 32,307 1,128 52.4 242 55,877 57,656 1,779 135.2 243 37,292 37,738 446 39.1 244 13,822 15,622 1,800 80.8 245 15,629 21,108 5,479 424.9 246 8,684 11,021 2,337 171.5 247 664 1,645 981 52.3 249 43,518 44,915 1,397 63.1 250 (VAN) 98,914 99,637 723 53.5 319 59,674 60,833 1,159 68.0 C -1 664 1,051 387 28.1 - TOTAL MILES DRIVEN 29,899 M TOTAL GALLONS GASOLINE USED 2,086.9 INVESTIGATION DIVISION MONTHLY REPORT February, 199:1 NEW CASES ASSIGNED 39 CURRENT ACTIVE CASES 160 CASES CLEARED: UNFOUNDED 3 INACTIVATED /SUSPENDED 22 EXCEPTIONALLY CLEARED 4 BY ARREST /CITATION 7 WARRANT ACTIVITY: SEARCH WARRANTS OBTAINED 0 SEARCH WARRANTS SERVED 0 ARREST WARRANTS OBTAINED 4 ARREST WARRANTS SERVED 3 GENERAL ACTIVITY: MEETINGS ATTENDED 10 SURVEILLANCE TIME (approxl 0 PUBLIC SPEECHES /PRESENTATIONS 4 CRIME SCENES WORKED 5 SEIZURES FILED 0 VALUE $ 0 SCHOOL /TRAINING SESSIONS 0 days iff s C Pti L AK E DEPARTMEN DF E' T-31 3131.. I € SAFETY MONTHLY WARRANT ID Z NT S I C) Y C3 N REPORT FEBRUARY 1993 MUNICIPAL WARRANTS CURRENT MONTH PAST MONTH YTD WARRANTS ON #LAND Beginning Count 53 443 N/A Received 14 128 142 Served 27 39 66 • Purged 4 0 4 Ending Count 515 532 N/A FINES COLLECTED By Warrant Officer $3,651 $3,124 $6,775 By Other Agency $2,053 $3,074 $5,127 Total $5,704 $6,198 $11,901 • WARRANTS SERVED By Warrant Officer 17 19 36 • By Other Agency 10 20 30 Total 27 39 66 :SQL/ THL A K E L'EP 7 7 7/ F'L/E3L 1 G 3A / E T Y AQ/`'IINI5 TA 7.1 VE -�jU 'G) I/V,G 7 U/�' POL ICY ' S IN DEVELOPMENT PUL ILI ES APPROVED i . HIRING 2. PROMOTIONAL ' 5. UNIFORM 4. INFECTION CONTROL 4. 5. RULES OF CONDUCT ti . 6. DISCIPL INARY o . 8. . OUT — S IDE TRA 1 1 NAME COURSE DATE (S) K. SESSIONS VERBAL JUDO 02/09/93 - 02/10/93 " R. BLACK INCIDENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 02/06/93 - 02/07/93 R. FINN INCIDENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 02 /06/93 - 02/07/93 " R. MOORE CHILD ABUSE 02/06/93 R. FINN INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNIQUES 02/20/93 - 0z/21/93 K. HORNICK INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNIQUES 02/20/93 - 02/21 /93 R. MCAMIS VERBAL JUDO 02/2219., - 02/23 /93 IN— HOL/S'E 77A I N6 DATE COURSE INS rRUC T'OR 02/03 -02/05 EQUIPMENT IN- SERVICE SHIFT OFFICER (FIRE) 02/10-02/12 STRESS MANAGEMENT RO5ER7 FINN 02/17-02119 HYDRAULICS GARY INGRAM (NRHFD) 02/24 - 02/26 STRATEGY AND TACTICS CAPTAIN G'. WILSON 02/02/93 COMMUNCIA TIONS Z16 ZIG CORPORA TION 02/04 -02/24 COURTROOM SKILLS AND TACTICS SHIFT SERGEANT TOTAL NUMBER OF CONTACT HOURS FOR IN -HOUSE TRAINING: 48 PUS I( '!- U 3b 1 Z2 8 (J/1 "'i� l r t )tl { OTHER ACTIVITIES: 1 I BEGAN EMT SCHOOL IN TROPHY Li UB 2) A TTENDED T HE F IRS T LAW ENFORCEMENT ETHICS CONFERENCE OFFERED BY S. L . E . I. 3I BEGAN THE NEW F . T.0. PROGRAM F �� Z 6 ' SOUTHLAKE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY FIRE SERVICES DIVISION MONTHLY REPORT - February, 1993 FIRE CALLS: AVERAGE TIME ON CALL Structure - (residential) 1 0 Hrs_ 40 Min Structure - (commercial) 0 TOTAL $ LOSS (Fire) Structure - (other bldg) 0 $ 200 Vehicle - (car,boat,etc.) 0 Grass /Trash 2 CALLS BY TIME OF DAY Total Fire Calls 3 0700 -1200 12 21 % 1200 -1900 25 43 % OTHER CALLS: 1900 -2400 15 26 % Haz -Mat Incident 3 2400 -0700 6 10 % Bomb Threat /Call 0 Other Emergency 22 PLAN REVIEWS: Other Non - Emergency 4 Comm. /Indust. 1 Total Other Calls 29 Residential 0 Subdivision 3 EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICE: C/O Issued 10 Total EMS Calls 26 OTHER ACTIVITY TOTAL CALLS FOR SERVICE (Dispatched / Tone Outs) 58 Burn Permits 42 Public Educ. PATIENTS TREATED: Classes 1 Total Patients Treated 29 Grass /Weed Complaints 0 Medical Only 10 Pre -fire Plans Injury Only 19 Reviewed 0 Both Med /Inj 0 MVA Patients 16 MVA with Seatbelt 7 177c— OFFICIAL MUNICIPAL COURT MONTHLY REPORT 4 I MUNICIPAL February TRAFFIC MISDEMEANORS NON TRAFFIC MISDEMEANORS ;OURT OF ry Southlake • February 92 NON- PARKING STATE CITY FOR MONTH 19 - PARKING LAW ORDINANCE • 1. NEW CASES FILED DURING THE MONTH 350 0 60 2 PRIOR TO TRIAL: 2. DISPOSITIONS - - A. Deposit Forfeited 4 0 1 0 • • B. Fined (Before trial only. if the defendant goes before the :E 121 1 10 4 judge, enter In Item 3.) C. Cases Dismissed • (Do not include here those dismissals which are 93 1 4 2 — reported separately in 3C and 4 below.) • DISPOSITIONS AT TRIAL: IAL: R - ll there is no appearance before the 'ud a enter in - ...:......:..........:...:. :......:.:...:................. . ....................... . ( judge, - item 2.) A. Trial by Judge (1) Finding of Guilty 2 0 0 0 ' (2) Finding of Not Guilty 0 0 0 B. Trial by Jury 440 (1) Finding of Guilty 0 0 0 �+ (2) Finding of Not Guilty 0 0 O 0 • • C. Dismissed at Trial 0 0 1 0 4. CASES DISMISSED: A. After Driver Safe ty Course • 30 B. After Deferred Disposition (Art. 45.54 C.C.P.) 27 0 2 0 f C. Ater Proof of Financial Responsibility c • i • ° usual! liability insurance) n (usually, Y s a ce 42 5. CASES APPEALED 0 0 0 0 6. JUVENILE ACTIVITY: 11. SAFETY RESPONSIBILITY AND ... •_ DRIVERS LICENSE SUSPENSION 0 A. Warnings Administered HEARINGS HELD 0 12. SEARCH WARRANTS ISSUED (Do not include warrants for arrest) 0 B. Statements Certified ' (In accordance with Texas Family Code, 0 13. ARREST WARRANTS ISSUED: Sec. 51.09(6).) 44 C. Detention Hearings Held A. Class C Misdemeanors Only 62 (In accordance with Texas Family Code, 0 Sec. 54.01.) B. Felonies and Class A and B Misdemeanors Only 0 veil 7. COUNTY COURT COMPLAINTS 14. STATUTORY WARNINGS GIVEN 0 ACCEPTED (Complaints within jurisdiction of (Warnings given to defendants charged with County County Court accepted in magistrate capacity) 0 or District Court offense) ^.4 8. FELONY COMPLAINTS ACCEPTED 15. EMERGENCY MENTAL HEALTH 0 (Complaints within jurisdiction of District Court 0 HEARINGS HELD accepted in magistrate capacity) '). EXAMINING TRIALS CONDUCTED 16. TOTAL REVENUE (Include only preliminary hearings of felony cases) (Include all revenues collected during month to be remitted to the city 0 or state.) 10. INQUESTS CONDUCTED 0 $ 19, 373.00 y91_ 1 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE General Fund and Debt Service Fund I Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance for the period ended February 28, 1993 with Comparative Actual amounts for the period ended February 29, 1992 I To Date Percent To Date Actual Percent 1992 -93 Actual Collected/ Actual Total Collected/ REVENUES Budget 2/28/93 Expended 2/29/92 9/30/92 Expended ' Ad Valorem Taxes $2,909,533 $2,684,140 92.3% $2,417,225 $2,739,250 88.2% Sales Tax 579,000 194,645 33.6% 147,944 510,036 29.0% Franchise Fees 304,450 224,862 73.9% 201,816 279,619 72.2% I Fines 270,600 76,104 28.1% 89,682 207,499 43.2% Charges for Services 55,750 11,106 19.9% 12,385 47,540 26.1% Permits/Fees 622,150 427,043 68.6% 261,154 791,983 33.0% Miscellaneous 17,340 7,622 44.0% 5,944 42,194 14.1% I Transfer In -Other Funds 267,295 0 0.0% 29,451 191,224 15.4% Interest Income 65,000 27,796 42.8% 24,482 75,139 32.6% Total Revenues $5,091,118 $3,653,318 71.8% $3,190,083 $4,884,484 65.3% EXPENDITURES City Secretary $145,599 $54,614 37.5% $46,126 $124,457 37.1% City Manager 141,239 54,207 38.4% 54,498 129,129 42.2% Support Services 509,964 191,395 37.5% 185,965 417,493 44.5% Finance 205,487 94,561 46.0% 91,911 192,339 47.8% Municipal Court 162,858 46,398 28.5% 44,508 145,345 30.6% Fire 569,238 183,261 32.2% 186,956 531,671 35.2% Police 909,333 307,034 33.8% 312,724 825,242 37.9% I Public Safety Support 378,852 137,610 36.3% 112,250 340,626 33.0% Building 161,870 66,529 41.1% 53,009 127,329 41.6% Community Development 197,888 85,995 43.5% 54,536 145,414 37.5% Streets/Drainage 883,730 209,881 23.7% 189,126 685,700 27.6% I Parks 139,595 21,619 15.5% 25,549 101,924 25.1% Public Works Administration 93,739 23,625 25.2% 28,935 69,674 41.5% Debt Service- General Obligation Bonds 916,398 437,416 47.7% 348,433 758,997 45.9% 5 415 790 $1,914,145 35.3% $1734 26 $4 95 Total Expenditures $ , $ , ,5 ,5 ,3 40 37.7% Excess (deficiency) of Revenue over Expenditures ($324,672) $1,739,173 $1,455,557 $289,144 I OTHER FINANCING SOURCES AND (USES) Transfer to other fund $0 $0 $0 ($796) Excess (deficiency) of i Revenues and other sources over Expenditures ($324,672) $1,739.173 $1,455,557 $288,348, FUND BALANCE OCT 1 $1,276,569 $1,276,569 $988,221 $988,221 ENDING FUND BALANCE $951,897 $3,015,742 $2,443,778 $1,276,569 ■ CITY OF SOUTHLAKE Water and Sewer Enterprise Fund Comparative Statement of Revenues and Expenses for the period ended February 28, 1993 and February 29, 1992 To Date Percent To Date Total Percent 1992 -93 Actual Collected/ Actual Actual Collected/ 1 REVENUES Budget 2/28/93 expended 2/29/92 9/30/92 expended Water Sales- residential $1,677,540 $608,270 36.3% $531,518 $1,557,620 34.1% Water Sales - commercial 419,385 138,811 33.1% 119,825 318,453 37.6% Sewer Sales 205,454 78,143 38.0% 72,704 185,824 39.1% Sanitation Sales 258,000 118,392 45.9% 95,790 235,603 40.7% Other utility charges 145,067 111,108 76.6% 49,203 276,578 17.8% I Miscellaneous 22,118 20,853 94.3% 24,160 21,323 113.3% Interest Income 25,970 9,858 38.0% 11,737 35,693 32.9% Total Revenues $2,753,534 $1,085,435 39.4% $904,937 $2,631,094 34.4% EXPENSES Water $1,605,572 $415,793 25.9% $565,452 $1,244,888 45.4% Sewer 559,601 396,744 70.9% 386,390 866,652 44.6% Sanitation 232,200 83,311 35.9% 61,291 206,396 29.7% Debt Service - Revenue Bonds 79,719 19,930 25.0% 37,260 89,423 41.7% Other -Line Oversizing 25,000 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 3 Transfers -other funds 267,295 0 0.0% 0 159,446 0.0% Total Expenses $2,769,387 $915,778 33.1% $1,050,393 $2,566,805 40.9% Net Income /(Loss) ($15,853) $169,657 ($145.456) $64,289 1 1 1 1 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE UTILITY BILLING I MONTHLY REPORT FEBRUARY 1993 1 THIS LAST YEAR 1 MONTH THIS MONTH 1 ACCOUNTS BILLED: WATER $137,575.42 $107,366.82 1 SEWER 16,048.48 13,522.95 GARBAGE 23,760.81 17,448.42 SALES TAX 1,715.18 1,268.92 RECYCLE 0.00 4,228.16 OTHER 3,502.88 1,861.53 TOTAL $182,602.77 $145,696.80 I NUMBER OF CUSTOMERS: WATER 2,880 2,442 SEWER 764 448 GARBAGE 2,880 2,472 I TOTAL ACCOUNTS BILLED 3,115 2,637 in 1 CONSUMPTION BILLED (IN 000'S): WATER 23,835 17,606 SEWER 7,257 0 NEW CUSTOMERS 55 33 AMOUNTS COLLECTED DURING MONTH $167,830.61 $138,643.81 FINAL BILLINGS 59 26 ■ 1 1 1 M II 0, 0 1-1 el 1 1 w E. a I H a A W W h CO 01x0 ula IlIOUI 0 00f 001 M 0 0 0 0r 0100 00 00 0 0000 H N U CD C2 N0 CO 01 bb NON Ill 0 r1 000 O Ul U10 00 00 0 00100 O W 0 mbUf0 0C CO N C44.10 01 O V' V' M 0l ri r r O M W 00 N i/l 0 O U' M O a I W i I 0 ei d U101 rl III V d l/1 V AN 01M 01 P9 0 UlM 001 O r V CO CD W M CD W M W N CO CO 0 ) 01 U1 V' sr r V' o CO 0 ) .r CO ri M b 01 el 01 h sr W el rl M N V' rl a ....... ... ... .. ..... .. .... N O N V O b rl 01 N rt V' Cl b ut V' Ul Ul b r1 0 0 01 W N r r r♦ rl O r•1 r CO ill rl el sr 01 01 .-1 N w Cl N N rl U1 H M 10 el ri el W W N V V 0 0 0 0 0 0 O V' 000 O 0000 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 (-� co 00 0000 U1 M 000 0 U10 O Ul 0 0000 00 00 0 *11000 µ£ V. o o otO OD Ch rl o, CD CO tD o no o n 0 0000 on CD CD H .-400W H › r O Ul 01 O V' Co CD Ul CO l ri O u l Ul U Ill l ul O U1 U. V' rl O O O il ri H n V co h ul M O H W b h ri M M N Ili U1 N N rl N W a W rl M N 01 N M W W rl N W # ul N V V MV .-1 W W V' W n V' O r4 01 N M n U1 h n ul 01 01 1D ri .Y. M # W 0101 r1 M U101 010. N HN .-1 N N b M10100. NM Ut V' r4OM 01h t .Y M Q \10 t CO • # a N ri W I x F a'N� Q 0 A E a 111 1 Oazx H 0W L0. W O W M N H M VW IAb MOM O r1 r/ .r 0000 M rl00 00 00 0000 ^ � , F 0101N n 110 MM t ON 11l 0 U1 CO W 000701 V'Ul0 00 00 0,100 t A # Mb V' 01N el rl nbM 0 Ill U1 b 0l el C` r0lb el 00 W Ul O V' w WO # O O111!1 V• CO N III 01 IA V'O W N O I!1 U'. V� N0110 0 l 01 Ul to 01O W VI 1D0 O 1-10 *E. 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(JINN * H N er m m 01 H ► Ha, • H Q # 00 0 V' OO U110 N MOO V' V' 0 OO N n OU1 m .-4 H M O 00 0 OOMmU1m1(100 H NOOOnMON M UI ul N 0 O V'M Mmui UI H rl In bN Uf m U1 m 0 H O NNO. 01M10 co V'b Hu" 10 V' b b '' EE. 10111 N .4 1fl m N N W N 1n r 0 N H H V. A M H H m 10 N N O V' O H H N M V' m m V' N N V ri to to Z Z W Al 0 0 • gz�'a EA hU uJ Q U « wHm rn s H • « uDZ z • s 4 1] 0 i H R O O • a • U a w y [ • J w H U] u ( • w • 4, W �0 W H * N M ACH W HOZ>'7 l' W 4H woZD .0 H a1 H a a a u Z L � Y CZ OO aoa a 00 ( o 3 W N 44 1 W W Fzui RC zy UOW W Z u U co WZ Oz F Z H m E Z H W E 1 .4 F E MZ H a o. Z W E r aZ RC0. H r WO H 0 E E E i, °o o� o 0 c1: aovac001 ZaU n a 0 . .1t) o Sa m O U m 0 N IX Oa H . HE 0 0 W (7 00 0 000000000 a' 00000000 P$ 0 N w 00 H 000000000 EW 00000000 Hp 0 NH q E MW aZ HNM V'Ulbnmal ME HNM V'Ulrm01 a3 N az 2 1 W U 0Z 03 O0 q C0 w 3 3 3 3 o .0 0 0• 0 0 .o 1- • ~ o . o0 0 °o °o s z O O N O Co O. O M Al CO CO S 1 Al M M 3 Z fpMU� er . m t , L] N {� N N ._. •O .- O. .- O. P >` >. >. O W Ol al J OI 7 3 0. C C O C N 0 1 �> �> N > N N W 0 L 07 - Y- PA pp�. N N i- N F- O• a- . -V Y C C C n N CO m m 03 03 al iiii • Y O _ O _ O ce 2 co a a+ a+ a+ W m O /0 07 11111 U. 2 2 2 IX 0 O al a W d W OI w 1- i- H 1- 119 1 — 2 W O co w edi µ 2 03 O• /A 0 0 0 0 CO r- 0. .. M O N 1 0 M 2 J O UN M •p ILA CO W U N .- N N iii Y Q 1- r : CI) 1- N CO ti O. 0 co N O P Co at cid O 0 CV O O O O O 0,1 O • I- 1- U a M M .- '.- M in M u . 0 0 z N O1 .• .• co i0 C W M M M N N N N > 0 0 Q O O \ O O O O Q i- U x O CO .O .- O. j c4 N O ^ 0 O a o 0 0 M M M M M M M W P P O O\ O .-' O• [L' ...t IA � M M MI /- \ CO \ \ \ \ \ \ f O O O O O O O 71 1 t ) NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING 1 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, WILL BE MEETING WITH RESIDENTS OF CONTINENTAL PARK ESTATES, ADJACENT TO THE 1 DRAINAGE EASEMENT BETWEEN OAKWOOD TRAIL AND RIDGEWOOD CIRCLE. THE MEETING WILL BE HELD ON TUESDAY, MARCH 23, 1993 BEGINNING AT 1 7:30 P . M. , IN THE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS OF CITY HALL, 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS. ALL INTERESTED PERSONS ARE INVITED TO ATTEND. 1 1 CERTIFICATE I I hereby certify that the above NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING was posted on the official bulletin boards at city hall, 667 North Carroll I Avenue, Southlake, Texas, on Thursday, March 18, 1993, at 9:00 a.m. pursuant to the Open Meetings Act, Article 6252 -17 V.T.C.S. . 9Aaa' - / / /�� J ,,L1 0 ,� ` ' � .. !f e ndra L. LeGrand ; S . ''..:?% City Secretary _ ;,,'= 1 1 =r: /� ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 . ' CITY MANAGER 1:70) eiril 4 'larch 12. 1993 / City of Soutllake �`,•,(! Sohitnlake, 'Texas R continental a:hr•�__ L�ra..gage hsement 0 We, the . residents of Oakwood Trail and Ridgewood Circle, are concerned about the drainage plan for our neighborhood. The following is a fist of some of our concerns: 1) the do not agree that our subdivision should he saddled w rip rap to slow down the water flow from the Sourhlake Hills subdivision. The rip rap should be placed on the north side of Continental. Rip rap is an eye sore that collects trash and weeds and is difficult to maintain. It is being used to minimize the 1 size and cost of the culvert across Continental. This culvert is placed at the developers expense. If placed in the new subdivision the developer will be interested in designing a better li solution than rip rap. An older subdivision should not be required to have undesirable infrastructure changes in order to make a new development more cost effective. 1 2) We want a _fence with a gate across the drainage channel at Continental to prevent unauthorized access to the back of our lots. (:) This is a security concern since anyone will be able to drive in this maintenance path unnoticed. 3, we want the city to develop a portion of the drainage channel imnedh-ately, since the new subdivision is increasing runoff and the city 1s pia :ir 2• the culvert soon. Please develop •:rom Bear' Leek to the south edge of the Carpenter's prop •rt' to c:lioc: the water to :train better from the neighborhood. The D_alton's and Baker's 1 1 should be able to keep their retaining walls for now. If you will allow pasture fences in the easement, then horses can graze on the drainage channel. Therefore, the city will not have to mow this 1 portion of the channel. 4) We prefer a small concrete pilot channel, similar to the one at the baseball park, rather than a 35' earth channel. This can be placed between Continental and the Baker's south property line. the want the right to place our fences next to this concrete channel. We will maintain the grass if you provide this option. We believe that a concrete pilot channel enhances our property values, whil an earth channel may be poorly maintained in the future, 1 diminishing our property values. This is a more cost effective solution for the city, since the city will only maintain the concrete channel. Tne concrete channel will also involve less earth work and no sodding, seeding or mowing. The concrete channel can be placed to avoid removing our trees. We will be able to use more of our yards and keep all of our trees, which makes our property more valuable. The earth channel will require some our largest trees to be removed or die due to the soil being removed. 1 1 1 4 JA Li 5) If we do not get a concrete pilot channel, we want the city's - pledge to mow and maintain the drainage easement in a contract to 1 the property owners. So that a future city council or city manager can not take this maintenance serxice away from us. I 6) Looking at this drainage easement, one thing is clear. The property owners that have fenced the easement have mowed it. The unfenced areas are not maintained (with one or two exceptions). We would prefer to have the right to fence our property as we see fi II t and maintain all of our fenced area. 7) The city has promised to send crews to haul off debris that is I presently in the drainage easement. This needs to be done immediately to prevent standing water in the easement. I We request a meeting with city officials to discuss these concerns. We also request immediate response to items 1, 3, and 7 to prevent drainage problems in a neighborhood this spring. 1 IK:t; I dlitm k3 g 1 7. /��� �,J1 e 4. 1 1 4, e' Has invewoob milt_ thiric A. B CthelathCik., AWS 1 kleA$e7'hi •179 e /ZZ6 Ket t✓ 412, 1 /, ,ems /..14.3 o t ' &Ai_ /Poi 0.4410.0 .1 ' // 66,E ,f.t lPd9 ►../ 6X. 1 j 1 fr L f ZZ49 it 1 12b a� -. 1 lb 1 1