MARCH 2, 1993
COUNCIl,MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor, Gary Fickes; Mayor Pro Tem, Rick
Wilhelm; Deputy Mayor Pro Tem Jerry Farrier. Members: Jon Michael
Franks, Barry Emerson, Stephen Apple; and, Mike O'Brien.
CITY STAFF PRESENT: City Manager, Curtis Hawk; Director of Public
Safety, Billy Campbell; Director of Finance, LouAnn Heath; Director
of Community Development, Greg Last; Zoning Administrator, Karen
Gandy; City Engineer, Eddie Cheatham; Deputy Director of Fire
Services, Jerry Williams; Fire Marshal, Roger Stewart; Assistant to
the city Manager, Chris Terry; City Attorney, Wayne Olson; and,
city Secretary, Sandra L. LeGrand.
INVOCATION: Councilmember Jerry Farrier.
WORK SESSION: The Work Session began at 6:30 p.m. where
Councilmembers and Staff present were able to review agenda items
for tonight's meeting.
The Regular City Council meeting was called to order at 7:08 p.m.
by Mayor Gary Fickes.
Aqenda Item ~I-B, Executive Session
Mayor Gary Fickes advised the audience that Council would be going
into executive session pursuant to Section 2(e) 2(f) 2(g) 2(j) of
the Open Meetings Act, to seek the advice of our city Attorney with
respect to pending and contemplated litigations, to discuss the
purchase, exchange, lease or sale of real property, and to consider
the appointment and evaluation of public officials and regarding
the deployment of specific occasions for implementation of security
personnel or devices
Council adjourned into executive session at 7:10 p.m.
Council returned to Open Session at 8:05 p.m.
Aqenda Item ~l-C, Action Necessary/Executive Session
No action was necessary in regard to the executive session.
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes
March 2, 1993
page two
Aqenda Item #2, ADDroval of Minutes,
City Council Meetinas
Motion was made to approve the Minutes of the February 16, 1993,
City Council Meeting.
Motion: Emerson
Second: Franks
Ayes: Emerson, Franks, Farrier, Wilhelm, Fickes
Nays: None
Abstention: Apple and O'Brien
Approved: 5-0-2 vote
Motion was made to approve the Minutes of the Special city Council
meeting held on February 22, 1993.
Motion: Farrier
Second: Franks
Ayes: Farrier, Wilhelm, Emerson, Fickes
Nays: None
Abstention: Franks, Apple, O'Brien
Approved: 4-0-3 vote
Aqende Item ~3, Mayor's Report
Mayor Gary Fickes reported that he, Curtis Hawk, Allen Taylor,
former Mayor Lloyd Latta, Bob Mundlin, and others went to Austin on
March 1, and attended the Senate State Affairs hearing in regard to
Senate Bill 348 and DFW Airport, and testified on behalf of the
City of Southlake.
Fickes also noted next week he and the City Manager and others will
be going to Austin to meet with the Highway Department concerning
the State Highway 114 Project. They hope to be able to get the
project moved forward on the time schedule.
Councilmember O'Brien commended Director of Finance, LouAnn Heath
on the excellent Fiscal Year 1992-93 Budget which was presented
this week.
Aqenda Item ~4, city Manaaer's RePort
No comments were made during the City Manager's Report.
Aqenda Item ~5, Consent Aqenda
The consent agenda consisted of Agenda Item #5-A, #5-B, and #5-C.
Item ~5-C was removed from the agenda.
Permission to advertise for bids for a water line
extension on White Chapel Blvd., north of Bob Jones Road
to Oakwood Estates and north of Dove Road.
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes
March 2, 1993
page three
Aaenda item #5. Continued
5-B Approval of an Interlocal Agreement with Denton County
for Fire Protection.
Motion was made to approve the Consent Agenda, including items #5-A
and #5-B.
Motion: Wilhelm
Second: Franks
Ayes: Wilhelm, Franks, Farrier, Emerson, Apple, O'Brien, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 7-0 vote
&d~itional Information on Consent Items
5-A. Permission to Advertise: Major water improvements are needed
all along North White Chapel Blvd., from Dove Road north to Bob
Jones Road. These improvements include upgrading the line in White
Chapel to a 12" line and installing a new 8" line in Bob Jones
Road. This project will be funded by the $1.3M bond issuance, in
conjunction with the developers of Oakwood Estates contribution.
5-B. Interlocal Agreement with Denton County for fire and EMS
protection within the County. This agreement is renewed annually
in cooperation with Denton County for mutual fire services
protection in the Southlake area. This agreement agrees to pay $85
per call to any part of Denton County and we have received $5,000
from Denton County for the past three (3) years.
Aqenda Item #6. Public Forum
Kelcie Nance, 1349 Cross Timber Drive, Southlake. Mr. Nance stated
he is on the committee for the new DFW Forum on Noise. Aloha
Payne, Whispering Dell Estates is also on the committee. The forum
will meet every month for six (6) months and then they will meet
by-monthly. Karen Robinson is the coordinator for the forum, and
is an employee of DFW.
1993 plans include a proposal for noise microphones, which will be
funded by a grant. During August or September, the forum will be
coming to City Council for placement of the microphones. The grant
money will be for a computer program used to register complaints
from citizens.
Mr. Nance stated the current problem is 13R runway. The Airport
has provided a twenty-four (24) hour hotline whereby citizens can
register complaints. He encouraged that specifics be given when
the number is used, including who, where, and times of over
flights. The number is 214/574-2538.
Regular city Council Meeting Minutes
March 2, 1993
page four
Aaenda Item #7-&, Ordinance No. 480-81, 2nd reading SA 92-74.
Ordinance No. 480-81, 2nd reading (ZA 92-74) is a request for
rezoning a 6.3725 acre tract of land situated in the R.D. Price
Survey, Abstract No. 992D, Tract 22, being more commonly known as
4825 T.W. King Road from "AG" Agricultural, to "S-P-l" Detailed
Site Plan District. Owner: DalDen Corporation.
Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator noted on January 21, 1993, the
Planning and Zoning Commission approved the request, subject to the
Plan Review Summary dated January 15, 1993, amending items #3 and
#8 and recommending approval of the 100% masonry variance. The
third submittal is included in the packet.
The public hearing resulted with no comments from the audience.
Motion was made to approve the second reading of Ordinance No. 480-
81, subject to the motion made in the minutes of February 16, 1993,
City Council meeting and subject to the notes added to the third
submittal plan and subject to the Plan Review Summary dated
February 25, 1993.
Motion: Wilhelm
Second: Farrier
Ayes: Wilhelm, Farrier, Franks, Emerson, Apple, O'Brien, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 7-0 vote
Aqenda Item ~7-B, Ordinance No. 480-83, 2nd readinq (Z& 93-01)
Ordinance No. 480-83, 2nd reading (ZA 93-01) is a zoning request
for 3.0 acres situated in the A. Robinson Survey, Abstract No.
1131-D, Tract 6. Owner: Maryon Richman. Applicant: Sonia
Thompson. Public Hearing.
Zoning Administrator, Karen Gandy, noted it is Staff's
understanding that there is a boundary dispute on this property.
The City should take no position on the resolution of this dispute.
The only action we should take is in regard to the adequacy of the
surveyor's plat as submitted. Any further determination will be
via the appropriate civil court. Thirteen (13) notices were sent to
property owners within 200' and to dated, three (3) responses have
been received. In favor of the request are Carl J. Smith and
Eugene Mr. Weston. Opposing the request are Phillip and Gail
Elkins, due to the boundary dispute.
Public Hearing:
Ilene Holcomb, 4488 Soda Ridge Road, Southlake. Ms. Holcomb asked
for a definition of "SF-1A' Residential Zoning.
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes
March 2, 1993
page five
Agenda Item #7-B. Continued
Councilmember Wilhelm
Ordinance as being one
foot residence.
replied "SF-1A" is listed in the Zoning
(1) acre minimum with a minimum 2,000 square
Motion was made to approve the 2nd reading of Ordinance No. 480-83
as presented, subject to the February 12, 1993, Staff Review
Motion: Emerson
Second: Farrier
Mayor Gary Fickes read the caption of the Ordinance.
Ayes: Emerson, Farrier, Franks, O'Brien, Apple, Wilhelm, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 7-0 vote
Councilmember Wilhelm asked the record to reflect that
Council did receive information that the plat owner does
hold a deed which will be transferred to Sonia Thompson
upon closing of the property.
Aqenda Item #8-A, Resolution No. 93-06, SUp Showtime Farms. Inc.
Resolution NO. 93-06, (ZA 92-70), Specific Use Permit for
equestrian uses per Ordinance No. 480, Section 45.1 (18) on
property zoned "AG" Agricultural. The site is approximately 9.615
acres situated in the A. Robinson Survey, Abstract No. 1311, Tract
9. Owner: Mildred M. Moore. Applicant: Dayle Binder dba
Showtime Farms, Inc.
Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator noted twelve (12) notices were
sent to property owners within 200' and to date the city has
received seven (7) written responses, all in opposition due to
increased traffic, noise, accumulation and runoff of animal waste,
dust, and/or devaluation of property values. On January 7, 1993
the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval of the
request with a 6-1 vote, subject to the Plan Review Summary dated
December 31, 1992, deleting item #8 and requiring the maximum
number of horses be twenty-five (25), that there be no horses for
rent, that there be no public address system (even hand held), that
there be no lights past 9:00 p.m. in the arena, and that the arena
be screened on the West and North with a hedge row for the length
of the structure.
On January 19, 1993, approval was given to tabling this item until
March 2, 1993, at the request of the applicant. The applicant was
to meet with the property owners in Lakewood Ridge in the interim.
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes
March 2, 1993
page six
&aenda Item #8-A. Continued
The Second Plan Review Summary dated January 14, 1993, is
submitted. No revisions to the plan have been made after this
letter. Mrs. Gandy reminded Council that the land area in
opposition does exceed 20% and will require a super-majority of the
City Council to approve this request.
Councilmember Jon Michael Franks stated he attended meeting in
regard to this action, and the homeowners expressed basic concerns.
Two weeks ago he met with the applicants and discuss items such as,
drainage. He toured their existing facility in Las Colinas.
Dayle Binder, 411 Pecos Trail, Irving, Texas. Ms Binder stated she
is here to answer questions. They did have a meeting and she
stated she went over about eight (8) concerns, and she was happy to
comply. One issue was a driveway in front of Mrs. Coopers house.
She stated they could curve the entrance to avoid the Cooper house.
Manure removal was another concern. She has agreed to remove the
manure twice per month, at a minimum. The front of the building
will be 100% masonry. There will be no loud speakers or lights.
They are fine with the restrictions. She stated they will not
store manure outside, it will be in a shed.
John Levitt, Levitt Engineers, 726 Commerce, #104, Southlake. Mr.
Levitt stated he is here to answer questions in regard to drainage.
Public Hearing:
Ilene Holcomb, 4488 Soda Ridge Road, Southlake. Ms. Holcomb stated
she was not invited to a meeting along with others in her
neighborhood. It was a last minute meeting, but they have had no
input. No matter what they do, it is still a commercial
enterprise. This area should remain residential. The people who
are in favor of this request have larger parcels of land. In the
area, all houses are very individual, and the residents do as they
please. She would like to keep it a residential area. She is
totally opposed to a business in that location.
Edward Hurst, 4382 Soda Ridge Road, Southlake. Mr. Hurst stated
what is the City going to do about the roads, and about trash.
This is a good residential area, with good people. They do not
want a business in that location. What if this property sold
later, will the plans apply to other owners in the future.
Mayor Gary Fickes stated, the rules for an equestrian center are
binding with other owners.
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes
March 2, 1993
page seven
Aaenda Item #S-A, Continued
Mr. Hurst stated, there was nothing said to the property owners
about a meeting. The Showtime Farms people only talked with Mr.
Franks and Mr. Sewall. The other people were not invited. The
whole thing was, that Ms. Binder was to set a meeting for all the
neighborhood to attend and talk to them as a group. That did not
happen. Mr. Franks and Mr. Sewall "cut their own deal", and the
other neighbors are not too impressed, according to Mr. Hurst.
Councilmember Franks stated he resents that remark. He was invited
to a meeting as a Councilmen, he stated he had nothing to do with
who was and wasn't invited. He understood that Mr. Sewall was a
spokesperson for the homeowners, and had been so designated prior
to that meeting. Franks stated he has not "cut any deals" with
anybody and he resents Mr. Hurst saying that at this public
meeting, and that he would repute that until his dying day. Franks
stated he was told when the meeting would be held. There were
other people there, and he does not know who they were.
Andy $ewall, 7 Soda Ridge Road, Southlake. Mr. Sewall stated the
meeting was held at a very short notice. Mr. Purdue and others
were able to attend. The purpose of the meeting was to clarify the
concerns to the applicant. Not to agree to anything, so that they
could go away and modify the site plan as discussed, and the
revised plan be presented to the neighborhood This
representation has not occurred. He understood all the changes
would be binding as conditions of the site plan before they would
be considered. He noted he does not think the site plan is ready
to be voted on by Council.
Mayor Gary Fickes stated the property is "AG" Agricultural and
Showtime Farms is a quality operation. On Agricultural, this
property could house twenty-seven (27) horses without any permits,
or they could have pigs, or any agricultural uses.
Sewell commented according to the Land Use Plan this area shows to
be "SF" Single Family Residential. It seems the plan is against
the there plan. General fear of the neighborhood is what about the
next application. There is no guarantee how Council will act in
the future.
Councilmember Mike O'Brien stated last year a similar request was
made in his neighborhood and he and others had the same concerns.
However, the equestrian center is now in place, and they are very
pleased with the use in their area. He invited those concerned
with the request to drive by and view the center on Ridgecrest.
There is no trash, no lights, no noise. This use has enhanced his
Regular city Council Meeting Minutes
March 2, 1993
page eight
&qenda Item #S-A, Continued
Carol Johnson, 4545 North White Chapel Blvd., Southlake. Mrs.
Johnson stated she has been in equestrians all her life. All her
father's developments were built around equestrian centers. All
the centers have increased property value, not decreased it. She
stated she is in favor of this use as requested.
Kathleen Cooper, 4553 North White Chapel Blvd., Southlake. Ms.
Cooper stated her reason for concern is she was not invited to the
meetings. She would like Showtime Farms, however, the drive-way
comes out on White Chapel across from her drive-way. She would
like for them to consider moving their drive-way away from her
drive-way. If this could be considered, she would feel better.
Councilmember Wilhelm asked if the trees are drawn accurately on
the plan. If so, it would require taking out some trees if the
drive-way is to move.
Charles Little, Architect for Showtime Farms, Inc. Mr. Little
stated the plat is not technically accurate. They will move the
drive way as far as possible, but do not want to remove the large
When asked, Dayle Binder replied there are about ten (10) cars per
day at the farm, and duel-trucks come in every so often to pick up
Mrs. Cooper stated if they move the drive-way to the south, it
would not be in front of here house, but across from her property,
and it would help a little bit.
Andy Sewall stated he feels it would be to everyone's benefit if
the applicant would prepare a plan and present it to the
homeowners, prior to coming to Council.
Ilene Holcomb stated in regard to twenty-eight (28) horses, the
value of land in Southlake is increasing, and no one would graze
animals on this expensive land for any length of time.
Dayle Binder stated Andy Sewall and she spoke nine or ten times in
regard to holding a meeting. She was under the impression that
Andy was the spokesperson for the group. She thought she was doing
what she agreed to do. She is sorry it worked out this way, it was
not her intention.
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes
March 2, 1993
page nine
Aqenda Item #8-A. Continued
Motion was made to approve the Specific Use Permit (SUP) in
Resolution No. 93-06, with the following conditions:
1) maximum of twenty-five (25) horses.
2) no horses for rent.
3) no Public Address System (even hand held).
4) no lights past 9:00 p.m. in the arena, other than safety
5) arena must be screened on the west and north.
6) regularly scheduled removal of waste products (a minimum
of two times per month).
7) the drive-way shown on the site plan be modified to move
to the south as it enters White Chapel Road, sufficient
to off-set the drive way on the Cooper property, across
the street.
8) subject to the second Plan Review Summary dated January
14, 1993.
Motion: Wilhelm
Second: Apple
Councilmember Jon Michael Franks stated in view of the charges
that have been made against him in regard to this time, he
will abstain from voting on this issue.
Ayes: Wilhelm, Apple, O'Brien, Farrier, Emerson, Fickes
Nays: None
Abstention: Franks
Approved: 6-0-1
Agenda Item ~8-B, ZA 92-71, Plat Showlnq of Lot 1. Showtime Farms
ZA 92-71 is a Plat Showing of Lot 1, A. Robinson No. 1131 Addition,
being 9.615 acres situated in the A. Robinson Survey, Abstract No.
1131, Tract 9. Owner: Mildred M. Moore. Applicant: Dayle Binder
dba Showtime Farms, Inc.
The Zoning Administrator, Karen Gandy, noted on January 7, 1993,
the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval with a 7-0
vote, subject to the Plat Review Summary dated December 31, 1992,
deleting item #8. The Second Plat Review Summary dated January 14,
1993 is in the packets.
Councilmember Jon Michael Franks again stated, in view
of the charges that have been made against him in regard to
Showtime Farmes, Inc., he will abstain from voting on this
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes
March 2, 1993
page ten
Agenda Item #8-B, Continued
Motion was made to approve the Plat Showing for Showtime Farms,
Inc., subject to the Second Plan Review Summary dated January 14,
Motion: Emerson
Second: Farrier
Ayes: Emerson, Farrier, Wilhelm, Apple, O'Brien, Fickes
Nays: None
Abstention: Franks
Approved: 6-0-1
Aaenda Item #8-C, Ordinance No. 581, 1st reading.
Offioial Boundaries for the City of Southlake
Curtis Hawk, City Manager, stated that Ordinance No. 581,
confirming and adopting the official boundaries for the City of
Southlake, is a routine ordinance. Due to the many different
annexations carried out by Southlake over the years, from time-to-
time we have difficulty locating the metes and bounds descriptions
of several small tracts. This creates problems with the Tarrant
Appraisal District, and makes it difficult to prove the tract was
annexed. The ordinance before you for consideration is a legal
formality that will clean up any questions about whether or not a
particular tract is included in the city of Southlake.
Attached to the minutes is the metes and bounds
description of the city.
Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 581, 1st reading, as
Motion: Franks
Second: O'Brien
Mayor Gary Fickes read the caption of Ordinance No. 581.
Ayes: Franks, O'Brien, Apple, Farrier, Emerson, Wilhelm, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 7-0 vote
Aqenda Item ~IO-A, Develoner Aareement for Monticello. Phase II
The City Manager, Curtis Hawk presented this item, stating, no
performance bond, etc., is required of the developer. This is in
keeping with the direction of City Council on the Monticello Phase
I Developer's Agreement. The Developer has requested 50% toward
the park dedication fees, as was granted by the City Council in the
Phase I agreement. The Park and Recreation Board would like to see
the developer pay the full fee. Should City Council want to
require full credit, the language on Section IV.C. (pg.7) of the
agreement will need to be changed.
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes
March 2, 1993
page eleven
Aqenda Item #10-A, Continued
Motion was made to approve the Developer's Agreement for
Monticello, Phase II, as presented.
Motion: Emerson
Second: O'Brien
Ayes: Emerson, O'Brien, Farrier, Franks, Apple, Wilhelm, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 7-0 vote
&qenda Item #10-Bo Austin Oaks Connection to State Hiahwav 114
The City Manager, Curtis Hawk stated the City of Grapevine has
requested the City of Southlake to approve the extension of Austin
Oaks Drive to SHll4. The proposed extension will be several
hundred feet to the west of the current temporary access road. A
copy of the letter and map from Grapevine City Manager Trent Petty
is hereby attached to the minutes.
Jerry Hodges, Director of Public Works, City of Grapevine, was
present to formally make the request for extension of $Hl14.
Hodges stated the morning traffic will be using McPherson, while at
night they will have a deceleration lane and will not create a
large amount of traffic. Where this change is taking place, it
will not be possible to cross over onto the east boundary traffic.
The service road will still be there for SHll4.
Councilmember Wilhelm questioned the advantages this extension
would bring, including fire and police ingress-egress.
It was established that the developer would build the street, and
City of Grapevine will do the inspections and plan review on this.
Motion was made to approve the request of the City of Grapevine to
approve the extension onto SHll4 as presented.
Motion: Wilhelm
Second: Franks
Ayes: Wilhelm, Franks, Farrier, O'Brien, Apple, Emerson, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 7-0 vote
Councilmember Wilhelm stated he was a member of a team
to look at the loans for First Gibraltar Savings, for
Bank of America. One of the loans was Austin Oaks
Subdivision. However, he does not feel there is any
reason he should not have voted on this item.
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes
March 2, 1993
page twelve
&qenda Item #11-A. Discussion= Animal Control
The City Manager stated Southlake has $40,000 in the Budget for
Animal Control. The Roanoke Shelter is not in business and
Southlake has looked at both city of Keller and City of Grapevine
for possible solutions to our animal control problems.
Director of Public Safety, Billy Campbell stated he has been in
contact with the City of Grapevine for animal control. They have
been working on a plan to integrate Southlake's animal control
situation with Grapevine's. Several issues include: l) strict
monetary subsidizing to the City of Grapevine for this service, 2)
employ a part-time street or water worker, certify him as an animal
control officer, provide him the minimum necessities to perform the
level expected, and then contract with the facility at Grapevine to
provide disposition of the animals after we deposit them at that
More details on this subject will be available by the next meeting.
Aqenda Item ~ 11-B, Discussion= Tree Preservation Ordinance
Director of Community Development, Greg Last, presented a draft of
the Tree Preservation Ordinance for review. There are still many
additions and clarifications to be made to this ordinance. The
purpose of providing this to Council at this point is to solicit
Council direction to aid in further development of the ordinance.
The Ordinance will go before the Planning and Zoning Commission on
March 4, 1993, and then it will be presented to Council.
Aaenda Item #11-C. Discussion= Update on Bond Proieots
Eddie Cheatham, City Engineer, presented an update on Bond Projects
which are currently in progress, noting that Carroll Avenue will be
broken into four phases.
Mr. Cheatham is to bring this item back Council during the first
meeting in April.
~qenda Item #11-D. Discussion:
Rehabilltatlon Proaram.
Tarrant County Houslnq
Curtis Hawk, City Manager, stated during the work session this
evening, Jim Stewart, with the Tarrant County Housing
Rehabilitation Program was present to answer questions for Council.
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes
March 2, 1993
page thirteen
Aaende Item #1i-D. Continued
A resolution will be placed on the
Southlake's cooperation in the
Rehabilitation Program.
next agenda in regard to
Tarrant County Housing
Aaenda Item #X-B. Executive Session. Continued
Council adjourned for Executive Session where Council will be
discussing Personnel in Section 2 (g) of V.T.C.S. Article 6252-17
including, appointments to the Capital Improvements Advisory
Committee and also to perform Annual Employment Evaluations for the
City Manager and City Secretary.
Council adjourned for Executive Session at 11~05 p.m.
Council reconvened in Open session at 12:25 a.m.
Aqenda Item ~9-A, Resolutlon No. 93-18. Appointments to capltal
Improvement Advisory committee-Impact Fees
In regard to Resolution No. 93-18, appointments to the Capital
Improvements Advisory Committee, motion was made to add Bruce
McCombs as a member of the committee.
Motion: Wilhelm
Second: Emerson
Ayes: Wilhelm, Emerson, Franks, Farrier, Apple, O'Brien,
Nays: None
Approved: 7-0 vote
The city Secretary was instructed to contact the members of
the original Capital Improvements Advisory Committee, in
regard to serving on this committee.
Aqenda Item ~1-C. Action NecessarY/EXeCutive Session
Mayor Gary Fickes reported that Council conducted annual employment
evaluations for the city Manager and City Secretary.
Motion was made to increase the salary of the city Manager by
$5,500. to $73,000, and increase the salary of the City Secretary
by $2,300. to $40,500.
Motion: Farrier
Second: Emerson
Ayes: Farrier, Emerson,
Nays: None
Approved: 7-0 vote
Franks, O'Brien, Apple, Wilhelm, Fickes
Regular city Council Meeting Minutes
March 2, 1993
page fourteen
Aaend& Item #12. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned by Mayor Fickes at 12:30 a.m.
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FEB 2 41993
A Future With A Past OFFICE OF CRY k
\ Y Y !
February 24, 1993
Mr. Curtis Hawk, City Manager
City of Southlake
667 North Carroll Avenue
Southlake, TX 76092
Re: Connection of Austin Oaks Drive to State Highway 114
Dear Sir:
On behalf of the City of Grapevine and, in particular, the citizens in the Austin
Oaks Addition, I am requesting that the City of Southlake City Council consent to the
extension of Austin Oaks Drive from the current south terminus in Grapevine to
connect to State Highway 114 in Southlake along the alignment identified in the
attached right -of -way dedication exhibit. We understand that this consent on the part
of the City Council of Southlake would be conditioned upon the City of Grapevine and
AustOak, Inc., meeting the following conditions:
1. The developer shall submit a preliminary and final plat of the tract located
in Southlake showing the proposed dedicated street right -of -way, or,
prepare a street right -of -way dedication exhibit with legal description and
submit by separate instrument. The right -of -way dedication will require
extending to the current State Highway 114 right -of -way instead of the
originally planned future north line of the State Highway 114 right -of -way.
2. The developer shall instruct the consultant engineer to complete the
design plans for the roadway improvements and make them available to
Southlake, Grapevine, and TxDOT for their review. These plans will
include provisions for paving, drainage, and water improvements.
3. The consultant engineer shall revise the plans per each reviewer's
comments and hold a meeting to resolve any possible design differences
between the three reviewing entities.
4. The developer shall process an "Access Permit" with TxDOT, which will
allow the connection of Austin Oaks Boulevard to State Highway 114.
CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE P.O. Box 95104 • Grapevine, Texas 76099 • Phone Metro 817/481 -0380
Mr. Curtis Hawk
Page 2
February 24, 1993
5. The developer shall hold a joint preconstruction meeting with Southlake,
Grapevine, and TxDOT officials.
6. The developer shall construct all improvements and have them accepted
by all parties.
We have been contacted by numerous residents of the Austin Oaks Subdivision
requesting that some action be taken to improve their subdivision's access via the
planned future connection of Austin Oaks Boulevard to State Highway 114. In an
effort to relieve any potential impact upon the City of Southlake, the City of Grapevine
is willing to review all construction plans for this project, ensure that the plans have
been developed in compliance with both state and Southlake requirements and
perform the construction inspection upon the work if the City of Southlake agrees.
This is a very important issue for this particular subdivision and for the City of
Grapevine as a whole. It is important for the future viability of this subdivision that
improved access be provided to this area. We appreciate any cooperation that you
may provide to us.
( U9, V -
Trent Petty
City Manager
TP /JSL /jh
cc: William D. Tate, Mayor
City Council
Jerry Hodge
Kevin Kendrick
D:IAusOkl 14.Hwk
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Revised 2/93
Field notes describing the metes and bounds of the City
of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas.
BEGINNING at a point in the North R.O.W. line of St.
Louis and Southwestern R.R., the same being the
Northeast corner of a tract of land conveyed by Robert
Eugene Tibbits and wife, Helen Elizabeth Tibbits to
William R. McKee by deed dated 8/31/53, filed for
record 9/12/53 in Volume 2612, Page 307, Deed Records
of Tarrant County, Texas, the same point also being the
most southerly southeast corner of a tract of land
conveyed by William R. McKee to Matalee S. Webster by
deed dated 12/16/60, filed for record in Volume 3738,
Page 157, Deed Records of Tarrant County, Texas;
THENCE Southwesterly along the northwest R.O.W. line of
St. Louis and Southwestern R.R. to a point for a corner
in the centerline of Big Bear Creek, said point being
in the common City limits line with the City of
THENCE Northwesterly up stream with the meanders of Big
Bear Creek to a point for a corner in the centerline of
a ravine in the Heirs of the J.H. Gibson Survey,
Abstract No. 591;
THENCE Northerly up the ravine to a point for a corner
in its centerline, said point being an easterly
extension of the North line of the W.M. Davenport
Survey, Abstract No. 432 and being in the south line of
a tract of land annexed into the City of Southlake by
Ordinance #88;
THENCE Westerly along the south line of said Ordinance
No. 88 and continuing along the south line of Ordinance
#199 an approximate distance of 2,000 feet to a point
for a corner in the north line of said Davenport
Survey, said point being the most southerly northeast
corner of a tract of land annexed into Southlake by
Ordinance No. 374 and being in the centerline of a draw
known as the Daley Branch;
THENCE Southerly along the centerline of Daley Branch
to a point for a corner at its intersection with the
centerline of Big Bear Creek;
THENCE Westerly with the meanderings of Big Bear Creek and the
south line of Ordinance No.'s 374, 291, 151, 375, 104, 76, 15,
and 219, passing the east line of the Hall Medlin Survey,
Abstract No. 1037, the east line of the Hall Medlin Survey,
Abstract No. 1038, the east line of the Wm. E. Crooks Survey,
Abstract No. 295, the east line of the M. M. Freeman Survey,
Abstract No. 533, to a point in the centerline of Big Bear Creek
and the east line of the Samuel Thompson Survey, Abstract
No. 1504, said point being at the intersection of Keller,
Colleyville and Southlake City limits, and being the place of
beginning of Southlake Ordinance No. 187, being a release of
territorial jurisdiction to the City of Keller;
THENCE continuing westerly with the meanderings of Big Bear Creek
following to its centerline to a point for a corner where said
centerline of Big Bear Creek intersects with the centerline of
the Jellico Branch;
THENCE Northwesterly with the centerline of Jellico branch and
crossing Davis Blvd. (F.M. 1938) to a point for a corner at its
intersection with the south R.O.W. of Union Church Road
(Co. Rd. #3099);
THENCE westerly along the south right -of -way line of Union Church
Road to the intersection of the south right- of-way line of
Union Church Road with the west right - of-way line of Pearson
Lane (Co. Rd. #4041) ;
THENCE Northerly along the west right - of-way line of Pearson Lane
to the point where such right-of-way line intersects with the
north right-of-way line of Florence Road (Co. Rd. #4088);
THENCE Easterly along the north right - of-way line of Florence
Road east to the point where said north right - of-way line of
Florence Road intersects with the west right - of-way line of
Randol Mill Ave. (Co. Rd. #3035);
THENCE Northerly along the west R.O.W. of Randol Mill Ave. to a
point intersecting the west boundary line of the W. Winn Survey,
Abstract No. 1660;
THENCE continuing in a northerly direction along the west line of
the W. Winn Survey passing its northwest corner and then
approximately 1,114 feet along the west line of the W.N. Martin
Survey, Abstract No. 1068 to a point for a corner, said point
being in the common city limit line of Southlake and the City of
Westlake and being further described as the southwest corner of
the E. H. Reeder 103.69 acre tract. (Field notes of Westlake,
Texas Corporate limits, June 16, 1974.);
THENCE Easterly along the south line of said Reeder. Tract
approximately 2,075 feet to a point for a corner in the west
R.O.W. of Randol Mill Ave. (Co. Rd. 3035);
THENCE Northerly along the west R.O.W. of Randol Mill Ave. to a
point for a corner in its intersection with the south line of the
C.M. Throop Survey, Abstract No. 1510;
THENCE East along the south line of said Throop Survey to a point
for a corner by deed call 472.91 feet west of the southeast
corner of said C. Tbroop Survey, said point being the most
southerly southeast corner of a tract of land as recorded in
Vol. 4113, P. 373, DRTCT;
THENCE N 01° 51' 30" W along the most westerly east line of said
tract 922.67 feet to a point for a corner;
THENCE S 89° 30' 31" E 472.5 feet to a point for a corner, said_
point being in the west line of the T. Mann Survey A -1107;
THENCE in a northerly direction along the west line of said
T. Mann Survey to a point for a corner, said•point being by deed
call 1739.7 feet north of the southwest corner of the T. Mann
Survey and being the northwest corner of a tract of land recorded
in Vol. 5092, P. 627, DRTCT;
THENCE N 79 ° 01' E 213.75 feet along the north line of said tract
to a galvanized iron pipe by a corner of the fence in the west
line of County Road #3088 (Sam School Road);
THENCE in a southeasterly direction crossing County Road #3088
(Sam School Road) to a point for a corner, said point being the
southwest corner of Lot 7 and the northwest corner of Lot 6 of
the R.P. Estes Subdivision as recorded in Vol. 1957, P. 324,
THENCE easterly along the common south line of Lot 7 and north
line of Lot 6 by deed a distance of 1,349 feet to a point for a
corner in the east line of the T. Mann Survey;
THENCE in a northerly direction along the east line of the
T. Mann Survey and the west line of J. Martin Survey A -1134 to a
point for a corner, said point being by deed South 910.51 feet
from the northwest corner of the J. Martin Survey and being the
southwest corner of the tract of land annexed into the City of
Southlake by Ordinance #319 (Tract II);
THENCE N 89 ° 27' 49" E to a point for a corner in the
northeasterly R.O.W. of State Highway 114;
THENCE northwesterly along the northeasterly R.O.W. of S.H. 114
to a point for a corner at its intersection with the west
R.O.W. line of T.W. King Road (Co. Rd. #3088);
THENCE Northerly along the west R.O.W. of T.W. King Road to a
point in its intersection with the west line of the W. Mills
Survey, Denton County Abstract No. 877;
THENCE continuing northerly along the west line of said Mills
Survey to a point in the re entrant west R.O.W. line of T.W. King
THENCE continuing northerly along the west R.O.W. line of
T.W. King Road, passing the south line of the M.
elDenton County Abstract No. 832, continuing along thwesSurVeY. t
R.O.W. to a point due west of the northwest corner of the
I. Belcher Survey, Denton County Abstract No. 30;
THENCE Easterly crossing T.W. King Road and continuing
north line of the I. Belcher Surve Y, to its northeast o the
st corner;
THENCE Southeasterly to a point in the north line of the Hardy
A. Throop Survey, Denton County Abstract No. 1273, said point
being the S.E. corner of the William Phillips Survey, Denton
County Abstract No. 1017 and S.W. corner of the N.S. Hazleton
Survey, Denton County Abstract No. 546;
THENCE Southerly to a point for the most westerly northwest
corner of the J. Wizwell Survey, Denton County Abstract No. 1348;
THENCE South along the west line said Wizwell Survey to its
S.W. corner, said corner being in the north line of the John
Wizwell Survey, Denton County Abstract No. 1347;
THENCE Southeasterly to a point for a corner, said
the northeast corner of the John Childress Survey, Abstract being
No. 254, the southe corner of the J. Wizwell Survey A -1347
(Denton Co.) and being in the east line of the F. Harris Survey
A -536 (Denton Co.);
THENCE Southerly along the east line of said Childress Survey to
a point for a corner, said point being the southeast corner of
the Freda and Joe Kennel Tract as recorded in Vol. 4251, Pg. 165,
DRTCT, and the southeast corner of a tract annexed into the City
of Southlake by Ordinance No. 143;
THENCE Westerly to a point for a corner, said point being in the
west line of the L. Lincoln Survey, Abstract No. 981, and being
a westerly projection of the south line of tract of land deeded
to Carl and Mary Rickett as recorded in Vol. 4177
DRTCT; Pg. 181,
THENCE Southerly along said west survey line to a point for a
corner, said point being in the north line of a 0.37 acre tract
of land deeded to Freddie and Glenda Cate as recorded in
Vol. 4173, Pg. 9, Der
THENCE Easterly to the northeast corner of said Cate Tract;
THENCE South 95 feet to the southeast corner of said Cate Tract;
THENCE Westerly along the south line of said Cate Tract to a
point for a corner in its intersection with said west survey line
of the L. Lincoln Survey;
THENCE Southerly along said west survey line of the L. Lincoln
Survey to a point for a corner at its intersection with the north
line of a tract of land deeded to Louis and Jean Monroe as
recorded in Vol. 3975, Pg. 93, DRTCT;
THENCE Easterly along the north line of said Monroe tract to its
northeast corner;
THENCE Southerly along the east line of the said Monroe tract to
its southeast corner;
THENCE Westerly along said Monroe Tract south line to a point for
a corn er at its intersection with the west line of the L. Lincoln
THENCE Southerly along said west line of the L. Lincoln Survey to
a point for a corner in its intersection with the north line of a
tract of land deeded to Robert and Shirley Norman as recorded in
Vol. 4258, Pg. 165, DRTCT;
THENCE Easterly to the northeast corner of said tract;
THENCE Southerly to the southeast corner of said tract;
THENCE Westerly along said tract south line to a point for a
corner in the west line of the L. Lincoln Survey, Abstract
No. 981;
THENCE Southerly along the west line of the Lincoln Survey,
Abstract No. 981 to a point for a corner, said point being in the
north line of F. Throop Survey, Abstract No. 1511;
THENCE Easterly along the north line of said Throop Survey to a
point for a corner, said point being in the west line of a tract
of land deeded to Jimmy Messina as recorded in Vol. 3830,
Pg. 381, DRTCT, and being that same tract of land annexed into
the City of Southlake by Ordinance No. 141;
THENCE N 01 ° 02'00" West to a iron pin for a corner, and being
the northwest corner of said tract;
THENCE N 85 ° 12'00" East 213.17 feet to a USA road easement cement
marker (USA Rd. #4) for a corner;
THE =NCE S 32 East 325.62 feet (along USA Rd. #4) to a USA
road easement cement marker for a corner, said marker being the
R.O.W. intersection of Kimball Rd. (Co. Rd. #3119) and USA
Rd. #4;
THENCE N 89 ° 13' 00" West passing at 383.65 feet the southwest
corner of said tract, and continuing to a point for a corner,
said point being in the east line of the F. Throop Survey,
Abstract No. 1511 and also being the northwest corner of the
F. Wood Survey, Abstract No. 1688;
THENCE Southerly along the west line of said Wood Survey also
being the centerline of North Kimball Ave. (Co. Rd. #3119) to a _
point for a corner, said corner being the southwest corner of
said Wood Survey and also being the northwest corner of the
Samuel Freeman Survey, Abstract No. 525;
THENCE Easterly along the North line of said Freeman to its
northeast corner, and being the most southerly southeast corner
of the John Whitman Survey, Abstract No. 1593;
THENCE due east to a point for a corner in the centerline of
Jones Branch;
THENCE Southerly with the meanderings of the centerline of said
Jones Branch to a point for a corner in the north line of a tract
of land deeded to Feeney and Frances Fry as recorded in
Vol. 2283, Pg. 592, DRTCT;
THENCE Westerly along the north line of said Fry Tract to its
northwest corner;
THENCE Southerly with the west line of said Fry Tract to a
point for a corner, said point being in the south line of a tract
of land deeded to Feeney and Frances Fry as recorded in
Vol. 2283, Pg. 592, DRTCT;
TRICE Easterly along the south line of said Fry tract to a point
for a corner in the centerline of the Jones Branch;
THENCE Southerly along with the meanderings of the centerline of
Jones Branch to a point for a corner, said point being
approximately 300 feet north of State Highway 114 as it stood
September 25, 1956;
TRICE Southeasterly parallel with and approximately 300 feet
north of State Highway 114 as it stood September 25, 1956 to a
point for a corner, said point being in the west curb line of
Park Boulevard;
THENCE Southerly with the west curb line of Park Blvd. and its
extension to its intersection with a 5 foot offset line 5 feet
north of the south curb line of the south paved roadway of the
section of State Highway 114 as it existed January, 1971 and
known as "Business 114" to a point for a corner;
THENCE Westerly along the 5 foot offset of the south curb line of
said "Business 114" to a point for a corner, said point being the
beginning of a 5 foot offset along a curve to the left of the
R.O.W. of said "Business 114 ";
THENCE along a 5 foot offset of said curve to the left to a point
for a corner in the intersection of the 5 foot R.O.W. offset of
S.H. 114 Business and a 5 foot offset of the west R.O.W. of the
most easterly access road to State Highway 114;
THENCE Southerly along the 5 foot offset of the west R.O.W. of
the most easterly access road to State Highway 114 crossing the
east line of the Thomas Easter Survey, Abstract No. 474 and
continuing approximately 600 feet from the east line of said
Easter Survey to a point for a corner, said point being a
projection of the north line of a tract of land platted as
Grapevine Industrial Park, an addition to the City of Grapevine;
THENCE Westerly with said projected line crossing a portion of
the R.O.W. of State Highway 114 and along the north line of said
Grapevine Industrial Park to its northwest corner;
THENCE Southerly with the west line of said Grapevine Industrial
Park and the east line of Southlake Bank Place as recorded in
Vol. 388 -177, Pg. 14, PRTCT, to a point for a corner, being the
most southerly southeast corner of said Southlake Bank Place;
THENCE Westerly along the south line of said Southlake Bank Place
passing its southwest corner and continuing along the south line
of Commerce Business Park as recorded in Vol. 388 -214, Pg. 60,
PRTCT passing its southwest corner, and continuing along the
south line of a 33.3 Acre tract of land as recorded in Vol. 3934,
Pg. 184, DRTCT, and the north line of a Webster Tract recorded in
Vol. 3738, Pg. 157 to a point for a corner being the northeast
corner of the C.B. McDonald Survey, Abstract No. 1013;
THENCE Southerly along the east line of said McDonald Survey a
distance of 1,500 feet more or less to a point for a corner, said
point being the most southerly southeast corner of said tract of
land by deed to Matalle Webster, Vol. 3738, Pg. 157, DRTCT;
THENCE Easterly along the south line of said Webster Tract 1,506
feet more or less to the POINT OF BEGINNING.