1993-01-19 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 N. Carroll Avenue REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING January 19, 1993 7:00 p.m. MINUTES COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Wilhelm; Deputy Mayor Emerson, Stephen Apple, Mayor, Gary Fickes; Mayor Pro Tem Rick Pro Tem Jerry Farrier. Members: Barry and Jon Michael Franks. COUNCILMEMBER ABSENT: Councilmember Mike O'Brien. CITY STAFF PRESENT: City Manager, Curtis Hawk; Director of Public Safety, Billy Campbell; Director of Finance, LouAnn Heath; Director of Community Development, Greg Last; Zoning Administrator, Karen Gandy; City Engineer, Eddie Cheatham; City Attorney, Wayne Olson; and, City Secretary, Sandra L. LeGrand. INVOCATION: Councilmember Jerry Farrier. The Work Session was called to order at 6:30 p.m. in order for Council to discuss the items on tonight's meeting agenda. Mayor Gary Fickes called the Regular City Council Meeting to order at 7:10 p.m. Agenda Item #I-B~ Executive Session Mayor Fickes advised the audience that Council would be going into executive session pursuant to Section 2(e), 2(f), 2(g), 2(j) of the Open Meetings Act, to seek the advice of our City Attorney with respect to pending and contemplated litigations, to discuss the purchase, exchange, lease or sale of real property, and to consider the appointment and evaluation of public officials and regarding the deployment of specific occasions for implementation of security personnel or devices. Council adjourned into executive session at 7:12 p.m. Council returned to Open Session at 8:00 p.m. Agenda Item #l-Cd Action Necessary/Executive Session Motion was made to authorize the City Staff and City Attorney to proceed with condemnation proceedings as discussed in Executive Session. Motion: Franks Second: Emerson Ayes: Franks, Emerson, Nays: None Approved: 6-0 vote Farrier, Apple, Wilhelm, Fickes Regular City Council Meeting Minutes January 19, 1993 page two Aqenda Item #2~ Approval Of Minutes/January 5~ 1993 The Minutes of the January 5, 1993, City Council meeting were approved with the changes as noted: 1) Sandlin transaction, prior motions to be included; 2) Add discussion of drainage from the lot abutting the cul-de-sac into the current vacant lot where the drainage flume is going to be, in regard to Myers Meadows; 3) Issue on economic impact, related solely to the 6,000 square foot sprinkler building, and not related to roofs; and, 4) Concerning DFW Airport Resolution, no action was taken on Airport Resolution, and the Resolution presented was opposing airport action. Motion: Emerson Second: Farrier Ayes: Emerson, Farrier, Franks, Apple, Wilhelm, Fickes Nays: None Approved: 6-0 vote Agenda Item #3, Mayor's Report Mayor Fickes reported on the Mayor's Council meeting, which was held on January 11, 1993, where approximately twenty-two (22) Mayor's were present. DFW representatives were present and made a presentation on the proposed DFW Airport expansion. Presentations were also made in regard to a proposal from DFW from the Cities of Euless, Grapevine, and Fort Worth Chamber of Commerce. As the result of the meeting, the Mayor feels most cities will take no action on this issue. Agenda Item #4~ City Manaqer's Report The City Manager, Curtis Hawk, stated he received today, a letter from the DFW Noise Compatibility Planner, Karen Robinson, who would like for representatives from Southlake neighborhoods who have experienced noise from the airport, to be present for a meeting to be held on January 27, 1993, in the DFW Executive Committee room at the Airport. Aqenda Item #5, Consent Agenda The consent agenda presented consisted of items, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, as follows: 5-A. Award of bid for Baseball Field #1 Lighting at Bicentennial Park. 5-B. Reject bid for Cladding of Community Building at Bicentennial Park, and request permission to readvertise. 5-C. Award of bid for Side Mount Tractor for Public Works Department. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes January 19,1 993 page three Agenda Item #5~ Continued 5-Eo Resolution No. 93-05, entering into a renewal contract with the Fort Worth Star Telegram as Legal Publication for the City of Southlake. 5-F. Resolution No. 93-08, abandonment of an easement in Cedar Oaks Addition. 5-G. Resolution No. 93-09, declaring all City Facilities as Nonsmoking, as provided by Ordinance No. 537. 5-H. Permission to advertise for bids for Improvements to the Drainage Ditch at Bicentennial Park. Motion was made and approval given to the consent agenda including items, #5-A, #5-B, %5-C, %5-D, %5-E, %5-F, %5-G, %5-H, as presented. Motion: Franks Second: Apple Ayes: Franks, Apple, Wilhelm, Emerson, Farrier, Fickes Nays: None Approved: 6-0 vote Information in reqard to Consent Items Award of Bid for Baseball Field %1. Bids were opened for the purchase of lights for Field #1. Low Bidder was Musco Lighting at $13,496. for 28 metal halide, 1500 watt light fixtures. Funding for the lights and installation was budgeted at $30,000 from the Park Special Revenue Fund. Installation of the lights is anticipated to cost approximately $3,000, based on an estimate received by a local electrical contractor. 5-Bo Award of Bid for Side Mount Tractor for PW Department. Low Bidder was Dallas Ford New Holland for a Alamo Special mower mounted on a Ford 6610 for $29,250. They presented as alternate bid for $30,500. which included a transmission with a creeper range; a 5 year full or 5 year powertrain extended warranty, and a 60" boom axe head with a 3 leaf stacked blade bar. Staff recommends the alternate bid be accepted. 5-Co Award of bid for personal computer equipment. Low proposal was received from CompUSA. The computer systems that were bid are Compudyne brand, and the printer equipment is Hewlett-Packard. Staff recommended low bid be awarded to CompUSA for $15,498. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes January 19,1993 page four Aqenda Item #5, Continued B-Se Resolution No. 93-05, Legal Publication. A renewal Contract with the Fort Worth Star Telegram for Legal Notices was approved. New rates have been incorporated into the contract. Resolution No. 93-05 authorizes the City Manager to sign the contract. B-Fo Resolution No. 93-08, authorizing the abandonment of a 30" Public Access and Utility Easement in Lot 13, Block 1, out of the Cedar Oaks Estates. Owners of the property at 1500 Oak Lane, requested the abandonment of a 30' public access and utility easement along their eastern property line. Resolution No. 93-09, calls for declaring all of the City Municipal Facilities as nonsmoking. This prohibits smoking inside City Hall, Community Building, Lodge and Public Works buildings, as per Section 5 of Ordinance No. 537. 5-H. Permission to advertise for bids for Improvements to Drainage Ditch at Bicentennial Park. Agenda Item #6~ Public Forum No comments were made during the public forum. Agenda Item #7-A~ Ordinance No. 480-80~ 2nd reading (ZA 92-60) Ordinance No. 480-80, 2nd reading is a rezoning for 32.479 acres situated in the Hiram Grandberry Survey, Abstract No. 581, being a portion of Tracts 2 and 2C and all of Tract 2B from "AG" Agricultural and "C-2" Local Retail, Commercial to "SF-20A" Single Family-20A Residential (52) lots. Owner: Marvin E. Kennedy, Delbert E. Lawry, and Conner Lam. Applicant: Steve Gee dba G. Development. Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, noted ten (10) notices were sent to property owners within 200' and no responses have been received. On December 17, 1992, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval with a 7-0 vote, subject to the Plan Review Summary dated December 11, 1992. During the City Council meeting held on January 5, 1993, first reading was approved, subject to the Plan Review Summary dated December 28, 1992. The public hearing resulted with no comments. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes January 19, 1993 page five Agenda Item #7-A~ Continued Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 480-80, 2nd reading, subject to the Plan Review Summary dated December 28, 1992. Motion: Emerson Second: Farrier Mayor Fickes read the caption of Ordinance No. 480-80. Ayes: Emerson, Farrier, Franks, Apple, Wilhelm, Fickes Nays: None Approved: 6-0 vote Agenda Item #8-A, ZA 92-67, Concept Plan for Magic Mike's Convenience Store and Gas Station Mayor Rick Wilhelm stated he represents the owner of the property, none of the substantial interest tests apply, but to avoid the appearance of impropriety, he indicated he will abstain from voting on this matter. ZA 92-67 is a Concept Plan for Magic Mike's Convenience Store and Gas Station, being 0.83 acres situated in the L.B.G. Hall Survey, Abstract No. 686, being a portion of Tract lC (and a portion of Lot 4, L.B.G. Hall Survey, No. 686 Addition). Zoning is "S-P-2" Generalized Site Plan. Owner: PIMA Properties. Applicant: Mike Farhat. Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator noted nine (9) notices were sent to property owners within 200' and to date, no responses have been received. During the January 5, 1993 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, this item was approved with a 7-0 vote, subject to the Plat Review Summary dated December 31, 1992, modifying the second sentence of item #3; deleting item #10; and modifying #12. The Second Plan Review Summary dated January 14, 1993 is in the packets. Motion was made to approve ZA 92-67, subject to the second Plat Review Summary dated January 14, 1993. Motion: Emerson Second: Franks Ayes: Emerson, Franks, Apple, Nays: None Abstention: Wilhelm Approved: 5-0-1 Emerson, Fickes Regular City Council Meeting Minutes January 19, 1993 page six Agenda Item #8-B~ Resolution No. 93-06~ SUP Showtime Farms~ Inc. Resolution No. 93-06, Specific Use Permit (ZA 92-70) for equestrian uses per Ordinance No. 480, Section 45.1 (18) on property zoned "AG" Agricultural. The site is approximately 9.615 acres situated in the A. Robinson Survey, Abstract No. 1131, Tract 9. Owner: Mildred M. Moore. Applicant: Dayle Binder dba Showtime Farms, Inc. The Zoning Administrator, Karen Gandy announced the applicant has requested a specific use permit for equestrian uses. The existing residence is to remain and be used by the overseer. Twelve (12) notices were sent to property owners within 200', and as of this time, numerous responses have been received (included in the ZA 92-70 folder). On January 7, 1993, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval with a 6-1 vote, subject to the Plan Review Summary dated December 31, 1992, deleting item #8 and requiring: the maximum number of horses be twenty-five (25); that there be no horses for rent; that there be no public address system (even hand held); that there be no lights past 9:00 p.m. in the arenas; and that the arena be screened on the West and North with a hedge row for the length of the structure. Mrs. Gandy also noted the land area in opposition does exceed 20% and will therefore, require a super-majority of the City Council to approve this request. Dayle Binder, 411 Pecos Trail, Irving, Texas. Ms. Binder described Showtime Farms for Council and the audience, and presented a video tape showing exactly what they train the horses to do. Charles Little, 4500 Shanendoah, Dallas, Texas. Mr. Little stated he is the architect for the project, and they believe they have designed a beautiful structure, adding, they are planning an entrance to the property lined with trees. The front of the buildings will be masonry. The lights will be on only until 9:00 p.m., and the land will remain green. They will abide by any restrictions the city may have, and they will be placing the buildings as far away from White Chapel as possible. Mr. Little also noted, the horses will graze for short periods of time and will feed in the stalls. Councilmember Rick Wilhelm stated again for the record: there will be no speaker system, no trumpets, no bleachers, and will serve as a training facility only. John Levitt, Levitt Engineers, 726 Commerce, Suite 104, Southlake. Mr. Levitt was present to answer questions in regard to drainage of the property. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes January 19, 1993 page seven Agenda Item #8-B~ Continued There will be five or six horses out grazing at a time at most, usually, there will be only one to two horses. Public Hearinq John Barr, 1334 Englewood, Dallas, Texas. Mr. Barr stated he is an attorney who lives in Dallas, asking that the request for SUP be granted. He is interested in having an area like this to raise his family. They have had five (5) horses at a time with Showtime Farms, and are very pleased. He stated he has watched the way the animals are cared for and was very pleased. There is no smell, no chance for infection. He feels it is a positive thing for this community. Pollution is a non-issue, and insurance adjusters require certain conditions, in regard to the animals. Ruth Smith, 280 E. Bob Jones Road, Southlake. Ms. Smith stated the property owners surrounding the area do not have questions, or problems with this. Ms. Smith also has a big investment in her property adding, she would not be in favor of anything that would degrade the area. She stated, this is a way to get a green belt without having an actual park. Mildred Moore, 4552 N. White Chapel Blvd. the property being discussed. She cannot object to having this in their area. Ms. Moore is an owner of see how anyone would David Saunders, 6924 Edelweiss, Dallas. Mr. Saunders stated he is a physician in Dallas and rides his horse at Showtime Farms. This type of investment, a developer would like. Developers at their expense are putting in equestrian centers as amenities for their developments. There needs to be something such as this to upgrade the area. This would be a reason for people to buy in this area. Don Osle¥, 440 Brooks, Coppell, as his daughter rides. Mr. facility. Mr. Osley has moved to this area Osley stated this is a first class Baron Rittiwen, 134 Sam Bass, Southlake. Mr. Rittiwen stated he is twenty (20) feet away from this site. He has twelve acres. He stated there is a deed restriction of one (1) horse per acre in the area. He expressed, why do we need high density for this operation. Mr. Rittiwen noted economic conditions do change and horse waste may not be a commodity. He would like to see a facility like this, but his concerns include economics and high density. Terry Mitchell- left the meeting, did not speak. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes January 19, 1993 page eight Agenda Item #8-B, Continued Bob Hopkins, 2745 Raintree Street, Southlake. Mr. Hopkins stated he is the Real Estate agent on this and other properties in Southlake. Over the last few years, he has sold many "horse" properties. This is a prime and a positive move for this area. Carol Titley, 3850 Goodfellow Drive, Dallas. Ms. Titley stated she has just learned to ride a horse. Her husband works for IBM and they plan to move here. She alleged the owners will do everything they say they will do. Mike Sheaffer, 3550 Golfing Green, Farmers Branch. Mr. Sheaffer stated he has known "Paul and Dayle" for over a year. They are good people and they won't let you down. Horses will help keep sanity, according to Sheaffer. Andy Sewall, 7 Soda Ridge Road, $outhlake. Mr. Sewall stated he has been elected to serve as spokesman, stating integrity of the applicant is not an issue. He added, the petition was based on the facts taken from the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting held on January 7, 1993. The petitioners stated in the petition they feel the applicant cannot meet the safeguards required in number 18 of the Ordinane No. 480, relating to Special zoning requests. A copy of the petition is hereby incorporated into the minutes of the meeting. Bill Franklin, 1501 Chesterfield Drive, Dallas. Mr. Franklin stated he is the accountant for the applicants, adding, they have very high integrity. James King, 4650 White Chapel Road, Southlake. Mr. King stated he is the immediate neighbor to the north. He feels it will be a nice facility and he feels this would improve his property value. Fern Bugg, 1600 Chillam Drive, Euless. Ms. Bugg stated she worked and trained with the trainer for two years. Her horses are her most valuable asset, aside from her home. She has her horse there in a controlled environment. This project will be an asset to the community. Klm Semgan, 12317 Montego Plaza, Dallas. Ms. Semgan stated she has been a client of $howtime Farms for over twenty (20) years. They are the best. Given the monetary and emotional investment, the clients of Showtime Farms becomes the watch dogs for the community. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes January 19, 1993 page nine Agenda Item #8-B~ Continued Shana McDonald, 238 Meadowlark Drive, Dallas. Miss McDonald stated she trains with Paul and is among the youngest riders. They have all been searching for property for this activity, and she stated she feels the City should feel good about welcoming them into the community. Marilyn Tucker, 3lA Bob Jones Road, Southlake. Ms. Tucker stated she has lived on Bob Jones Road for many years. She has cows and horses and no one has ever complained about her, as there has never been a problem. She feels the proposed facility would be wonderful. Michel Daniel, 3131 Armstrong Avenue, #107, Dallas. Mr. Daniel stated the farm will enhance the value of the area and the only illusion will be from a DC-10. Monty Sparks (for Terry Sauder) Soda Ridge, Southlake. Mr. Sparks stated all the people who spoke for the project do not live here. He has lived in the area for eleven (11) years. The people who live here do not want it. Christine Mills, 9154 Stonecreek Place, Dallas. Ms. a professional equestrian center in a neighborhood is the community. Mills stated, an asset to Tracey Jackson, 4302 Westminister, Irving, Miss Jackson works for Showtime Farms and stated people are attracted to Southlake because of the trees, trails, etc. They would like to keep the area the same. Jane Shaw, 9 Sam Bass Ridge Road, Southlake. Ms. Shaw stated 74% of the people within 200' are in favor of this request. Rod Johnson, 4545 N. White Chapel Blvd., Southlake. Mr. Johnson stated one of the most attractive things we could have in Southlake is a nice horse facility. He feels the building could be aestically like a residential area. This operation could be a teriffic asset if properly put in, in that area. Public Hearing closed. Council adjourned for recess at 9:40 p.m. Council returned to open session at 9:55 p.m. Councilmember Wilhelm asked if there would be a tac room and sales at the facility? Dayle answered "no". Regular City Council Meeting Minutes January 19, 1993 page ten Aqenda Item #8-B~ Continued Councilmember Wilhelm commented in regard to points that were made. Public gathering shows are against the ordinance and if fined, it would be as much as $2,000 per day. They would have to comply with the ordinance. Posting a bond to be sure waste is removed-- we do not have that capability in the ordinance. Concentration of animals-- addition restrictions state one (1) horse per acre. Zoning ordinance allows for three (3) horses per acre. Pollution issue from ground water--- septic systems. Councilmember Franks commented he bought his lot some fifteen (15) years ago and was in a subdivision, and thought he would be protected because he has other homeowners all round him. As far as land use in this area, he invisioned the lot west of White Chapel would be residential. He had hoped for this, although no guarantee. He has heard the applicant, (missing presentation at P&Z meeting). Some of his concerns were answered tonight, satisfactory, and feels this may not be a bad land use on an interim basis. He has mixed emotions and talked with City Attorney in regard to a conflict of interest. City Attorney does not feel he has a conflict of interest, as he lives in the area. Franks added, the majority of neighbors in his addition, who share the exact situation, have apparently had some of the concerns answered. If a vote is forced tonight, he stated he would vote against the zoning request. Franks asked the applicant and the neighbors to have a meeting to try and work out some of the concerns. The applicant agreed to having a meeting with the area neighbors. Motion was made to table Resolution No. 93-06, Specific Use Permit for Showtime Farms, Inc., time certain March 2, 1993 meeting. Motion: Franks Second: Farrier Ayes: .Franks, Farrier, Emerson, Apple, Wilhelm, Fickes Nays: None Approved: 6-0 vote (to table) Agenda Item #8-C~ ZA 92-71~ Plat Showinq of Lot 1~ A. 1131 Addition for Showtime Farms~ Inc. Robinson No ZA 92-71, Plat Showing of Lot 1, A. Robinson No. being 9.615 acres situated in the A. Robinson Survey, 1131, Tract 9. Owner: Mildred M. Moore Applicant: dba Showtime Farms, Inc. 1311 Addition, Abstract No. Dayle Binder Dayle Binder, 411Pecos Trail, Irving. Ms. Binder requested ZA 92-71, Plat Showing of Lot 1, A. Robinson No. 1311 Addition, be tabled, time Certain March 2, 1993. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes January 19, 1993 page eleven A~enda Item #8-C~ Continued Motion was made to table time Showing of Lot 1, A. Robinson No. Motion: Apple Second: Emerson Ayes: Apple, Emerson, Franks, Nays: None Approved: 6-0 vote (to table) certain, March 2, 1993, the Plat 1131 Addition. Farrier, Wilhelm, Fickes Agenda Item #8-D~ ZA 92-72~ Plat Showing for Lot 5~ J.G. Allen No. 18 Addition ZA 92-72, Plat Showing for Lot 5, J.G. Allen No. 18 Addition, being 0.827 acres situated in the J.G. Allen Survey, Abstract No. 18, Tract 4A13. Zoning "C-2" Local Retail Commercial. Owner: Josh Davis. Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator stated five (5) letters were sent to property owners within 200', and no responses have been received. The Planning and Zoning Commission, on January 7, 1992, recommended approval with a 7-0 vote, subject to the Plat Review Summary dated December 31, 1992. The Revised Plat Review Summary dated January 14, 1993, has been provided. No comments were made by the staff or the applicant. Motion was made January 14, 1993, Motion: Emerson Second: Franks Ayes: Emerson, Nays: None Approved: 6-0 vote to approve ZA 92-72, Plat Showing, subject to the Revised Plat Review Summary. Franks, Farrier, Apple, Wilhelm, Fickes. Aqenda Item #8-E~ ZA 92-76~ Plat Showinq for Lot 4~ J.G. Allen No. 18 Addition. James and Doris Martin ZA 92-76, Plat Showing for Lot 4, J.G. Allen No. 18 Addition, being 4.407 acres situated in the J.G. Allen Survey, Abstract No. 18, Tract 2W, being more commonly known as 2230 W. Southlake Blvd. Owner: James H. and Doris Martin. Zoning Administrator, Karen Gandy, informed Council that nine (9) notices were sent to property owners within 200' and to date, no written responses have been received. On January 7, 1993, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval with a 7-0 vote, subject to the Plat Review Summary dated December 31, 1992. The revised Plat Review Summary dated January 14, 1993 has been presented. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes January 19, 1993 page twelve Agenda Item #8-E~ Continued Motion was made to approve ZA 92-76, subject Review Summary dated January 14, 1993. Motion: Franks Second: Emerson Ayes: Franks, Emerson, Apple, Farrier, Nays: None Approved: 6-0 vote to the Revised Plat Wilhelm, Fickes Aqenda Item #8-F~ ZA 92-73~ Revised Final Plat of Southlake Hills~ Phase Two ZA 92-73, Revised Final Plat of Southlake Hills, Phase Two, being 16.150 acres situated in the J. Thornhill Survey, Abstract No. 1505 was presented. Owner: Dale Poe Development Corporation. Twenty-eight (28) lots are being proposed. Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator commented the applicant has requested to revise the previously approved Final Plat of Southlake Hills, Phase TWo, to provide better lot utilization near the drainage area in the northeast corner. The final plat of Phase TWo was approved by a 6-0 vote during the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting held on March 29, 1990, and by City Council on April 3, 1990 with a 5-0 vote. Subsequently, the applicant requested a one-year extension to the expiration of the plat. The City Council granted the extension on May 5, 1992. The plat has not been filed. On January 7, 1993, the Planning and Zoning Commission approved the final plat with a 7-0 vote, subject to the Plat Review Summary dated December 31, 1993, deleting item #7. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended in regard to item #7 of P&Z meeting, that the setbacks be approved as shown on the plat. The Second Plat Review Summary dated January 14, 1993 has been presented. John Levitt, Levitt Engineers, 726 Commerce Street, Southlake. Mr. Levitt requested item #6 in the January 14, 1993 letter be waived, in regard to front setback on both streets of a corner lot unless approved by Council. Motion was made to approve ZA 92-73, subject to the Plat Review Summary dated January 14, 1993, excluding item #6. Motion: Wilhelm Second: Franks Ayes: Wilhelm, Franks, Farrier, Apple, Emerson, Fickes Nays: None Approved: 6-0 vote Regular City Council Meeting Minutes January 19, 1993 page thirteen Agenda Item #8-G, Resolution No. 93-07~ Specific Use Permit (ZA 92-77) City of Southlake Resolution No. 93-07, Specific Use Permit (ZA 92-77) for portable building per Ordinance No. 480, Section 45.1 (30) on property zoned "CS" Community Service. The site is legally described as Lot 1, R. Eads No. 481 Addition, being 3.00 acres situated in the Richard Eads Survey, Abstract No. 481 Addition, being more commonly known as 667 North Carroll Avenue. Owner/Applicant: City of $outhlake. Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, stated the City of Southlake Municipality is requesting the Specific Use Permit for a portable building and for two (2) future buildings at the locations as shown on the plat. During the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting held on January 7, 1993, approval was given with a 5-2 vote, subject to the December 31, 1992, Plat Review Summary. The 2nd review letter was presented, dated January 14, 1993. The public hearing resulted with no comments from the audience. Motion was made to approve Resolution No. Permit, subject to the January 14, 1993 Review Letter, permanent foundation and masonry requirements, structure behind the existing permanent City Hall and is not viewable from Carroll Avenue. Motion: Emerson: Second: Apple Ayes: Emerson, Apple, Wilhelm, Farrier, Franks, Fickes Nays: None Approved: 6-0 vote 93-07 for Specific Use waiving the locating the provided it Agenda Item #9-A~ Resolution No. 93-11~ Appointment to Parks Resolution No. 93-11 was approved, naming Francis Dorer to the Park and Recreation Board, to fill the unexpired term of Lynn Haggerty, which will expire in January, 1994. Motion: Farrier Second: Apple Ayes: Farrier, Apple, Franks, Emerson, Wilhelm, Fickes Nays: None Approved: 6-0 vote Agenda Item #10-A, Request to Variance to Sign Ordinance/Food Lion Councilmember Rick Wilhelm stated he will abstain from voting on this request, as he represents the owner of the property and to avoid the appearance of impropriety he will abstain from voting on this matter. A request was made by Food Lion, Inc., for a variance to the Sign Ordinance No. 506, regarding height requirements for a freestanding sign, and square footage for an attached sign. The location is 100 W. Southlake Blvd., in Crossroads Square Addition. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes January 19, 1993 page fourteen Agenda Item #10-A~ Continued Eddie Wilson, Building Inspector, was present to answer questions for Council in regard to the request. Mayor Fickes read a letter from Carol Lee Hamilton, in opposition to the request. The letter is entered into the record. Motion was made to approve Food Lion's request for sign variances as follows: deny the 4' increase in height, holding the pole sign to 20', requesting that they clad the 8" pole with masonry to match the shopping center structure, and for that to be put into a drawing to be submitted for the sign permit; signage on the front of the store front to be approved in accordance with the elevation that has been submitted. Motion: Farrier Second: Apple Ayes: Farrier, Apple, Franks, Emerson, Fickes Nays: None Abstention: Wilhelm Approved: 5-0-1 Agenda Item #11-A~ Discussion: Advisory, related to Impact Fees Committee Capital Improvements LouAnn Heath, Finance Director, explained in her memo to Council that the Texas Local Government Code, Chapter 395, sets forth the requirements for adopting impact fees. Southlake adopted water and wastewater impact fees in 1990. The law requires an update to the impact fee ordinance be completed within a three year period of the initial adoption. The first phase of the update requires the appointment of a Capital Improvements Advisory Committee, which will make recommendations to the City Council. The City Manager, Curtis Hawk, asked that Council be thinking about appointments, as the appointment of the committee will be considered during the February 2, 1993, City Council meeting. During that meeting, Council will also have on the agenda, the contract with Cheatham and Associates and Lewis McClain, in regard to the Capital Improvements Impact Fee update. Agenda Item #ll-B~ Discussion: Joint City Council/CISD Meeting The City Manager, Curtis Hawk stated also during the February 2, 1993 City Council meeting will be the Council appointments to the Joint Utilization Committee, which was discussed during the December 8, 1992 Joint Work Session, between the Council and CISD Board. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes. January 19, 1993 page fifteen Agenda Item #ii-B, Continued Staff suggests the following structure of such a committee: 2 members appointed by Southlake City Council. (at least one Councilmember) 2 members appointed by Carroll ISD Board of Trustees (at least one board member) Chairperson of the Park and Recreation Board CISD and City Staff Liaisons The City Manager, Curtis Hawk stated the school has all ready selected two board members to the committee; Buddy Luce and Bethann Scratchard. Agenda Item #12, Adjournment The meeting was adjourned 11:00 p.m. ~,,,,,.,, %~.... ~/~ .... ,~'andra L. LeGrand City Secretary by Mayor Gary Fickes at approximately i- w 1 C oc i .4 IF {) v Z ' - I'' -- 1 p c :i . - - i *. , 2 1 I - 4 t ,„ -- k ----J ____,.-p 0 4 ,J v 9 `1, -- W C c, - N Z c '.. 1 v T t ` c t o p I ::: c3.... ns:j (13 M . ‘ '' 1 1 "1 •-• , uu 1 / V : 1 - 1 -- �` re. i I v t e t ,d , z. ,_, 4..-- M �► p ' , .� LP ') 1 4 `J O Z _., W"' ., i , ) . a.i ., 1 a. k ii, 0 ,151‘ d sck) u a- --,,„ La a Gc ., J Z ( f )._. , ',. 3 - - - . a' Z ' - ".: , d 3 „:: 2 i I - , ' IF J ( - N „, -.- q g ' Q,47 ‘7 V t ..._ ,, , i-• , ,A ,,N ,,, 4 --i 4,1 1 c:, , --z iii 1 wl 3 i'i;' i ' -- 0 tt -N4 usl /-.3 1. -cr.! .. s,-/, , c; A 0 1 ti i . S Q V-- __._-' Z I .-. i—uJ r (/l V C .. .e. I gm z _ j < i E .., 4 , , i (,(3 _., .., ci\ • All (-k , z . '4 (N4 9 .eci ,c, .:J i (. 1 \ k. w t oh . p 1 I .%••••■ I 1 —i 14 ilkik ,:z i 1 2i.,,, '1/41 . j N 4 4 , , _ ., .4 , 0 ..., IN % \ \\?..\ '' .... :f ) ... \P 4 t i) 4 .... 3 ''''' In N r) Cr S .. '`L I a 1 / d an • X Z a.. ....` .., ,., ,- ., 1 _ .. , 1 . IA A Ai CU '1 4 NSW 1 \ k NI 4 i )\ , . • ,_... ei- C Nv. .......,.._ , per' , E THE STATE OF TEXAS * COUNTY OF Ta NT * ZA 1•10-4/ 4 9.AA4 r Std, �G.�,4,4V Gt, ttrf (J (. t.11.) h I, R'A1Zt Wi(,f4*1W as a member of the (,.,! CU1MW 1 make this affidavit and hereby on oath state the following: I, and /or a person or persons related to me, have a substantial I interest in a business entity l i t would be peculiarly affected by a vote or decision of the CpuM as those terms are defined in Chapter 17 , Texas Local Government Code. The business entity is s9 ,Dd44 Sri., LAC 1 (name and address) I i. - - 1 .usiness en 1 y or - e I following reasons: (Check all which are applicable) Ownership of 10% or more of the voting s .ck or shares of the business entity. 1 Ownership of 10% or more or $5,0Si or more of the fair market value of the busi.-ss entity. 1 Funds received from the ••siness entity exceed 10% of gross income for t previous year. ir:) Real property is 'nvolved and have an equi ..le or legal ownership with a fair market valu- of at least $2,500. 1 A rela ' e of mine has a substantial interest in the bus' --ss entity or property that would be affected I b a decision of the public body of which I am a Upon filing of this affidavit with the City Secretary, I affirm I that I will abstain from voting on any decision involving this business entity and from any further participation on this matter whatsoever. 1 Signed this it day of •Jw -h.v«. r y , 19 ) . ' ; t TtK. Signature of official 1 , uW +tt-5 494)1Y) l xv 6 p va o Al-1AL LkA r Prb -T�.4. rhil -- 106/ _ , t e4 Title • ... vir ii.t y *-K 4.MA•ta• BEFORE ME, the under i ned authority, this day personally appeared k`ji L.' t*) 0 and on oath stated that the facts hereinabove stated are true to the best of knowledge or belief. Swo to and subscribed to 9 � fore me on this 4 day of .. )t idef 4(A1) " SANDRA L LeGRAND ti i 1 . notary Public Notary Public in and for 1 STATE OF TEXAS the State of Texas M y Comm. Exp. 02/04/93 / / /,� 1 My Commission Expires: 1 nd W yr a ,/ Type /Print Notary's Name 1� rUl 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M C 1 p rr'r r II f JAN 1 8 1993 i ....... We the undersigned residents from the Lakewood Ridge Addition and surrounding area here by petition the City Council of SouthLake to deny the application for zoning change ZA92 -70 and ZA92 -71 in accordance with section 46, sub - section 46.3 (D). Page 45 -5 of special zoning requests number 18 states: II Equestrian riding stables, tack rooms, show rings, and rodeo grounds, either private or when operated as a business, provided adequate measures are employed to prevent health I hazards to humans or animals, and adequate controls are used so as not to create offensive nuisances or odors. The undersigned do not feel the applicant has nor can meet the 1 safeguards required in number 18, specifically: Animal waste will contaminate our ground water. Most of the I homes in the area are serviced by a single local water well. The seven acre pond located East of the zone change sight, c) approximately 150 feet, will become polluted with the run off containing the animal waste from the site. This pond is not a flow through pond, and as such, the waste will accumulate. In periods of low water the pollution and odors I will become concentrated, thereby destroying the quality of life enjoyed by the homes surrounding and facing the pond. The pollution also presents a hazard to the abundant wild I life and especially the fish. A concentration of horses of this magnitude in a confined area, will increase the number of disease carrying flying insects. Thereby posing a health hazard to the residents and animals of the surrounding areas. It is generally accepted that mosquitos and horse flies are known to carry I Encephalitis. The synthetic chemical pesticides used to control these insects represent an additional hazardous pollutant to the pond and the down stream environments to I Lake Grapevine. The applicant hasn't yet demonstrated the ability or provided the assurance to remove the significant amount of solid waste associated with horses. The applicant proposed 25 horses initially, and another 54 horses on additional land being considered for purchase for a total of 79 horses. (:) The applicant has stated that moving large numbers of horses to shows around the country will require the use of large 18 wheel trucks. Truck travel on Whites Chapel road is generally prohibited, and is so posted. / _ li . ri; 1 I The area has been established for 15 years as a low density residential area. Since the annexation of the area to SouthLake, there has been no significant change in the area which would warrant the intrusion of commercial enterprise. I The proposed zoning change is for the purpose of operating a commercial enterprise for boarding horses. As additional 1 revenues become either needed or desired the logical additional activities to generate revenues would be breeding, off premises trail riding, riding lessons, horse rental, and shows or competition opened to the public. Each of these activities has 1 an additional negative impact on the area. About four years ago the residents of the area petitioned the I City of SouthLake for annexation to enjoy the benefits of zoning, police, and fire protection. the proposed usage is contrary to the generally accepted planned use of the areas by the City of I SouthLake, and as such should be denied. IP Should the Council rule in favor of the applicant, for the zoning change, then the undersigned reserve the right to re- address the Council. 1 Respectfully Submitted, 1 1 1 1 I I I I 11 . r,, kis NAME : GJi/ 4/ `i ' . _ ,i /f/4 AP I ADDRESS : ?" 43 - -�k..0 WIZ PHONE: 4 V .11- 1 S I GNATURE : �� ���� ��� /�/ oppor 111 NAME : / D -71 L -vC- 4-6-4-/--" . I ADDRESS : -2 7 / 5 - ,Q 2 O / 'W ` PHONE: i 7 0 - i ,e• / 4, Age 1 SIGNATURE : � � ! ., /_. .f�.. S� NAME : A I AO/ - tif - It / _' A•ilo#, /: .«, . / 1 P ADDRESS : ¥7 ff ■ 44 � . PHONE : 1 a - oZ © _ i / 1 0 SIGNATURE: , RIERPWIIIIP7,5 .� /./. �� 1 NAME : VAY1 i -ieti 1 ADDRESS: LISTS-3 A), VU AA- PHONE : ' g r) / (3-d 3 S_ f 1 SIGNATURE• / ///, e / 1 NAME: Air ...�.___ ��.� _ // ' . -4 tL .i■k ADDRESS: 4/3 O I PHONE : f/9 -- JO - ‘71(90 /f,t/i,„ii___, (se) / „ Ar SIGNATURE : ... ✓ /�. _ �� - E r 1 1 . ,, rii, NAME : { U t 6 , L : 4 A-I v' � � , � , y a / 'L /,—, — / Nutc� 76'26 I ADDRESS: 4 Si1)Dt -� T ,) r�?� z_ n � PHONE • : 7? I - ti Li / 4O , / 1 . "------//: --7-:______,2 S IGNATURE: rc I NAME : 4..„' ADDRESS : / % S4. r / IC / ' PHONE• �� I a - 3 4/4' l 1 SIGNATURE: 1 NAME : AV/L <#42 C , // L4 ; ADDRESS : ) . S Ain A/} 5 S /P //I /�- /P /1 PHONE : S 4/30 0 f 41 1 SIGNATURE: :cam- -l-- --" 1 NAME : h rl 1,1AJ r/ ADDRESS : c2 7.4! f-1 4" ; r rl` l r% PHONE : ' ? fi r / / `/° �/ 1 S IGNATURE : d I" 0.6 4 el-P// 1 // DD NAME : /V / d�,, r 1G (,�a�l i 5.t.✓C+4 ADDRESS: 7 Ss-oti o. /a/ • PHONE: (97 1 . — � �- iMI SIGNATURE: ,,,.m _ 4 or 1 ( 1 ` , I 1 t 1 NAME: � : CAJA / _ I ADDRESS : V L 6 1 6-41 / , 0 J ' (2) PHONE: 0 i /_ 430- V02610 II SIGNATURE: 1! 1 C 4 �;,t �I 1 NAME : ge 71) A/O /4 d Pe fr-Su I ADDRESS : / /-S S / ` T JY) U/9 SS /2 / S G Rd P H O N E • /3 95 o �l7 z/36,- 1 S IGNATURE : b T .' 41 - ∎_- - ,■.4 " 1 NAME : D o o& /'' r/ , P ADDRESS: 1 88 S /Qa42 ugic e10676, ia b, PHONE : 6/ / " 27 ! `- Z02 0d 1 SIGNATURE: , i 1 NAME : /9 / Z. Ao ADDRES : /8 •Sv / /i :•, Cb7) ,, D ,gy(p ll.. 1 PHONE: //� ,2� 1 SIGNATURE: 472 1 NAME: ADDRESS: i • PHONE: ritt) SIGNATURE: II . Iry E .1 \?E 0 . JAN 191993 It) OFFICE OF C ITY SECIIETAR II January 19, 1993 II TO: Members of the Southlake City Council, Mayor, City Manager and Staff II FROM: Carol Lee Hamilton, 1210 Cross Timber Dr., Southlake RE: Food Lion's Request For a Sign Variance II Crossroads Square is an attractive, much needed addition to our community. I welcome Food Lion and other retail businesses to II Southlake. Food Lion will provide a valuable service, and as our first major food store, I am confident that it will prosper. Furthermore, I am confident that it will prosper equally well with II signs that are less conspicuous than those sought by Food Lion. In particular, I see no justification for granting a variance allowing the street sign to be 4' higher than the ordinance I permits. There are no obstructions, nor will there be high rise buildings in the foreseeable future. It will be difficult to deny IP the same variance to future commercial establishments who will argue that for equal visibility they, too, need the additional height. We are a community that prides itself on its natural beauty and I rustic atmosphere. It is my opinion that many residents will be more inclined to trade at Food Lion if the appearance of both the street sign and the sign on the building's facade are "low key" with an emphasis on good taste. Because of the size of the II storefront, it seems reasonable to grant a variance to permit a larger sign. Nonetheless, I question the necessity for granting a 317 sq. ft. sign. The store is centrally located and the II structure is strategically angled for maximum visibility from both Southlake Blvd. and White Chapel Blvd. Is there perhaps a middle ground that will provide for a suitable size, yet be more II compatible with Southlake's naturalistic setting? The Food Lion signs located at many of its existing establishments would not enhance the appearance of our community. Let Southlake's III commercial base grow and prosper as exemplars of aesthetic appeal and environmental respect, not as accessories of the status quo. II Thank you for your consideration. Respectfully submitted, &m.o./Y.42e. Rer.mds? Carol Lee Hamilton II II City of Southlake, Texas 1 MONTHLY DEPARTMENT REPORTS 1 DECEMBER 1992 1 1 ZONING 4A PARKS & RECREATION 4B STREET 4C WATER /WASTERWATER 4D BUILDING 4E 1 PUBLIC SAFETY 4F MUNICIPAL COURT 4G COMPLAINTS 4H FINANCE 4I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 City of Southlake, Texas riii:) 1 II PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT I FEE REVENUE REPORT 1 FOR THE MONTH ENDING 31 DECEMBER 1992 1 ZONING $ 300.00 NO. OF CASES (3) 1 PLATTING 2050.00 NO. OF CASES (5) 1 SITE PLAN /CONCEPT PLANS 150.00 NO. OF CASES (1) I SPECIFIC USE PERMITS 200.00 NO. OF CASES (2) L.:) BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT 200.00 NO. OF CASES (4) MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 241.00 1 NO. OF RECEIPTS (11) TOTAL REVENUE $ 3,141.00 1 TOTAL NO. OF RECEIPTS (26) 1 1 1 1 Ve -/ W >- Q\ 0 O V C ,./1 1 - - 0 f i v) Q\ r-. O O an Oa..... /....... 1 --- Q G tom/ N u I-- 01 O 00 O to r r _ O O O t— O� O Lc) O Lc) CP CV O t— ti M CT C I w< C.-) w 1— O O W Y- ,-- O O O CI O C o C • - G a LP, O (, 0 0 O a 0 O 1 o x cn rn'GGO CI.- -. en 7 — —J C U 1 C G C w I >-- v w>- P-- CI N < O N O O 00 O O ONt�Z --- O O t1) I x., J M M !— 1-- G k0 _-+ G C t..., = w O N 1--C c_ 01 ' w O1 I .-, 1-} — r - . 10 C 1 1 D.-. _m �+. O J F— 1--- Q OZ =•L., N= O0 O CD I.-- VI 40. w — x L) J C w C O C_ I -- 1-� CN CD a) O O- D O O O O O v tl - . W w O I of 0 O O w M tf) CO x N t- 0 0 O 0 R c> 1 —_ o I-- • 1 1 I C W CI Z .-+ N _ trl U- 1-- O O O 0 W d {C J J J --I 1a.1 La La LaJ 1 _l .-.. N w W tell d la P-- lt. La_ 114 J C I CD ^' J= -.J —I O C7 Z J t7 J J J O w w Q Q¢ 4 O O� J C C Q J O D D 1 — 1 City of Southlake, Texas M E M O R A N D U M (60) January 08, 1993 1 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager 1 FROM: Michael H. Barnes, Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Street D ?partment Monthly Report - December, 1 1992. The enclosed report details the Street Department activities for the month of December, 1992. This report is to be included in the City Council packets for their January 19, 1993 meeting. \ (\k.\(4 1 MHB /ck 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .1 1 City of Southlake, Texas M E M O R A N D U M 1:: January 08, 1993 1 TO: Michael H. Barnes, Director of Public Works I FROM: Brad Payton, Street Superintendent SUBJECT: Monthly Report for Street Department December, 1992. 1 I Description Nov. Dec. 1. Tons of asphalt used 1 a. Ultimate Petroleum Mix 0 0 b. Hot Mix Asphalt 0 50 c. Cold Mix Asphalt 250 100 1 2. Lane Miles of Road Repaired 90 100 3. Number of Street Signs I Repaired or Replaced (all types) 16 23 17) 4. Feet of Ditch Line Cleaned and shaped 250 0 5. Number of Vehicles Repaired 0 2 I a. Gradall engine replaced on substructure b. Hydrolic transmission pump replaced on Roller 1 6. Row mowed in miles of streets 10 0 1 BP /cbk 1 1 1 (10i 1 1 M N Z 00000000 to 00 O N M 0,10000 ri O O O O O O 00000 O O O O O O O O O O O O M N 00000000000000000 I CU • a w 0000000000000000000000000000000 0 .Q W 0 000000000000 M O 0 0 0 O 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • a 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N 000000000000000000 0 U x O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 ) 1r O s O O 00 to M 01 In to tY N to d' M M 01 N N N CO CT N CO tP O CO ri d' 0 V' O N I 0 in co '-1 O O o N ON t 01 ON O 4--I to 4--1 O 01 M O 1/40 N 01 N 03 M . 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Hawk, City Manager I FROM: Michael H. Barnes, Director of Public Works I SUBJECT: Water Department Monthly Report - December, 1992. 1 The enclosed report details the Water Department activities P P for the month of December, 1992. I This report is to be included in the City Council packets for their January 19, 1993 meeting. 1 1 MHB /ck c) 1 1 1 1 1 1 Loot 1 4(cG -1 1 UTILITY DEPARTMENT REPORT MONTH December 1992 C) NOV. DEC. 1 GALLONS PUMPED FROM WELLS 0 0 PURCHASED FROM FORT WORTH 28,714,000 25,957,000 1 TOTAL PUMPED AND PURCHASED 28,714,000 25,957,000 I WATER METERS SET I 44 54 NEW WATER TAPS MADE 4 1 VALVES REPAIRED 6 3 I VALVES TESTED 6 15 FIRE HYDRANTS INSTALLED 1 0 1 FIRE HYDRANTS REPAIRED 7 1 FIRE HYDRANTS FLUSHED 3 2 1 DEAD END WATER MAINS FLUSHED 30 35 WATER MAINS REPAIRED 1 1 1 WATER METERS AND SERVICE LINE REPAIRED 4 2 4 NEW ACCOUNTS 40 74 FINAL ACCOUNTS 43 53 LOCKED METER FOR DELINQUENT PAYMENT 11 4 1 PULLED METERS 2 1 METERS REPLACED 5 1 1 MISCELANEOUS WORK ORDERS 66 107 I SEWER LIFT STATIONS CHECKED (4 L.S.) 80 80 REQUIRED MONTHLY SEWAGE TESTS 12 8 II SEWER PLANT MAINTENANCE (BANK & DOVE) 40 40 SEWER MANHOLES INSPECTED 28 8 1 MISCELLANEOUS PROJECTS 0 0 - � 1 ,421f4ta27 / %/x41 f /r WATER SUPERINTENDENT \\K2\ \ , — ��G___ DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS 1 l id -- ° 2 - rl u 0 0 1 w 1.4 .-i "^ 04 AC 1 N MOl OOOcr d'I∎ONO r-10 d'OOOOIn 01 V r•I In r♦ 1--1 0 0 N O1 .--1 M '-1 (%1 WO Vl 01 . - i 1-1 111 E-1 N\ mw IMO MI CV N 01 ■w N W INC ri 01 riM OONO01 C. C4 O1Mr-1 et' In [ -01 000 ri 01 C.) 1 O r-1 N d' t0 ri 0 .-i tD • M • V1 N ri N ri r-1 .-i 01 CnN01 1-1 W \ WI E E -1 ri a 0 ri w o1 00 1 I E e< i1 N N d'In . - id' CD di OONMOd' 01 N A 01 M N N 0D M •-1 00 . i In d' 01 00 ri ri 0, E N 1-1 d• d' N N ri 1.1 01 V) O r•I N ri i • 43 H O I il w Z g N W W W U 0 x r - r4 OOd•1nd'N too I - I - NMtD to 04 W A r - 01 el OlCOM' -i O1lD N N N L 0 ) IP N O NN-I M .-1 b In ell M N M N E .I1 d O p� 44 X O EO 00, I i ra4 g r. "l'i U w a Z CONMOMOeN MMNriO �M 01N O 0 N C4 as El I y � 0 x �tONMOOe!' O 0 101 0 MN �InOOO CO I Vl M i N 01 E O w er crfO M 0CD ri d' VD COri0 r- s 1DOOO ri ,Z• A d' r♦ co to d' M e-1 N d' M • I 0 •• N >41:1 b1 b cj •i AA ro a� a 3 i r � •1 � ra p a O+ 0n lb . 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W W U U i1 C y H Z ••1 1J •. 1 C W H H •,{ H W )1 N 0 •.1 .a fn co 2 b }I b W 2 IL 1 [ Q � - i [ Q � i 2 •.1 041 U I r. A ER 01 0444 o o o u go E+ H zwaiz p rH 1 1 1 SOUTHLAKE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY 1 MONTHLY REPORT 1 16- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 *.. SOUTHLAKE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY PATROL DIVISION SUMMARY December, 1992 1 CALLS FOR SERVICE 578 CITATIONS 346 PATROL 122 S.T.E.P. 224 1 ARRESTS 21 1 FELONY 0 MISD 21 ACCIDENTS 17 MINOR 12 MAJOR 5 1 ( 1 1 1 1 1 1 -~ I: (::; INVESTIGATION DIVISION 11 MONTHLY REPORT II December., 1992 NI ( NEW CASES ASSIGNED 26 CURRENT ACTIVE CASES 141 II CASES CLEARED: N� UNFOUNDED 2 �� INACTIVATED/SUSPENDFD 8 II EXCEPTIONALLY CLEAR 5 II BY ARREST/CITATION 6 WARRANT ACTIVITY: 1 7 1 4:) SEARCH WARRANTS OB|AINED 0 II SEARCH WARRANTS SERVED 0 ARREST WARRANTS OBTAINED 4 ARREST WARRANTS SERVED 3 �� II GENERAL ACTIVITY: MEETINGS ATTENDED 7 II SURVEILLANCE TIME (approx) 0 PUBLIC SPEECHES/PRESENTATIONS 2 ~~ CRIME SCENES WORKED 3 II SEIZURES FILED 0 , VALUE $ 0 SCHOOL/TRAINING SESSIONS 7 days 1 ::) II �� � ��-~° - li 1::) SOUTHLAKE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY MILEAGE AND GASOLINE REPORT FOR DECEMBER, 1992 12/01 11/31 TOTAL MILES TOTAL GALLONS UNIT # MILEAGE MILEAGE DRIVEN GASOLINE USED I 232 120,334 122,305 1,971 98.5 1 234 99,350 101,205 1,855 98.1 I 235 123,616 125,166 1,550 104.6 236 88,987 90,875 1,888 204.3 I 237 96,317 97,495 1,178 130.3 238 42,254 43,901 1,647 131.3 1 239 40,456 41,974 1,518 145.6 240 72,900 74,619 1,719 68.9 241 29,606 30,320 714 34.1 ID 242 48,695 53,492 4,797 334.5 243 33,829 36,260 2,431 139.9 1 244 8,348 10,423 2,075 101.6 245 6,763 9,978 3,215 244.1 246 6,417 6,417 0 0.0 1 250 (VAN) 98,424 98,914 490 59.0 319 57,915 58,576 661 41.0 1 C -1 38,483 41,330 8,847 108.6 I TOTAL MILES DRIVEN 30,556 1 TOTAL GALLONS GASOLINE USED 2,044.4 (:) q_9 I • • ort Date: 01/07/93 Page 1 I eport Nmbr: OFF0300 OFFENSES BY OFFENSE DESCRIPTION FROM 12/01/92 TO 12/31/92 1 Offense Offense Officer Property Date Number Detective Stolen POE MOE Status Offenses for ABANDONED VEHICLE I 12/17/92 920999 132 / 0 0 A 12/24/92 230517 139 / 0 0 C 12/26/92 230548 111 / 0 0 C 12/07/92 229917 108 / 0 0 C I 12/10/92 230044 111 0 0 C 12/10/92 230037 111 / 0 0 C 12/15/92 230232 108 / 999 0 0 C I 12/15/92 230233 108 / 999 0 0 C 12/17/92 230308 132 / 999 0 0 C 12/31/92 230735 108 / 999 0 0 C 12/30/92 230722 134 / 0 0 C I 12/20/92 230424 141 / 0 0 C enses for AGG ASSAULT 12/03/92 920963 150 / 140 0 0 C 12/03/92 229807 150 / 0 0 C 12/21/92 921005 141 / 140 0 0 CA 12/21/92 230434 111 / 999 0 0 C �ffenses for AGG SEXUAL ASSAULT 12/15/92 920994 140 / 140 0 0 U I ffenses for ALARM CALL 12/01/92 229735 127 / 0 0 C 12/01/92 229736 127 / 0 0 C 12/01/92 229745 134 / 0 0 C 12/01/92 229746 134 / 0 0 C I 12/02/92 229757 119 / 0 0 C 12/02/92 229763 143 / 0 0 C 12/03/92 229784 143 / 999 0 0 C 12/03/92 229790 111 / 0 0 C I 12/03/92 229794 143 / 0 0 C 12/03/92 229798 111 / 0 0 C 12/04/92 229815 150 / 0 0 C I 12/04/92 229822 111 / 0 0 C 12/04/92 229828 111 / 0 0 C 12/04/92 229832 143 / 0 0 C 12/04/92 229834 150 / 999 0 0 C 12/06/92 229900 139 / 999 0 0 C 12/06/92 229905 134 / 0 0 C 12/14/92 230198 141 / 999 0 0 C 12/14/92 230199 150 / 999 0 0 C 12/09/92 229983 108 / 999 0 0 C 1 12/09/92 230007 139 / 999 Vet 0 C ■ 1 port Date: 01/07/93 Page 2 eport Nmbr: OFF0300 OFFENSES BY OFFENSE DESCRIPTION FROM 12/01/92 TO 12/31/92 1 Offense Offense Officer Property Date Number Detective Stolen POE MOE Status 1 —__ - -- Offenses for ALARM CALL I 12/12/92 230135 143 / 999 0 0 C 12/12/92 230146 141 / 999 0 0 C 12/08/92 229943 127 / 999 0 0 C 12/11/92 230099 141 / 999 0 0 C I 12/16/92 230270 108 / 999 0 0 C 12/14/92 230200 141 / 999 0 0 C 12/12/92 230109 150 / 999 0 0 C I 12/11/92 230086 150 / 999 0 0 C 12/10/92 230015 134 / 999 0 0 C 12/09/92 230011 134 / 999 0 0 C 12/09/92 229996 139 / 999 0 0 C I 12/09/92 229997 139 / 999 0 0 C 12/07/92 229929 139 / 999 0 0 C 12/24/92 230526 144 / 0 0 C Ale 12/24/92 230521 139 / 0 0 C 12/24/92 230522 139 / 0 0 C 12/25/92 230543 132 / 0 0 C 12/26/92 230555 143 / 0 0 C I 12/14/92 230227 132 / 999 0 0 C 12/08/92 229970 134 / 999 0 0 C 12/27/92 230573 141 / 999 0 0 C I 12/27/92 230588 143 / 999 0 0 C 12/17/92 230295 127 / 999 0 0 C 12/27/92 230584 111 / 999 0 0 C • 12/28/92 230624 143 / 999 0 0 C 12/10/92 230036 111 / 999 0 0 C 12/16/92 230276 132 / 999 0 0 C 12/11/92 230091 141 / 999 0 0 C I 12/18/92 230321 143 / 999 0 0 C 12/18/92 230340 119 / 999 0 0 C 12/10/92 230026 143 / 0 0 C I 12/11/92 230 094 150 / 0 0 C 12/11/92 230078 111 / 0 0 C 12/12/92 230104 141 / 0 0 C 12/12/92 230124 111 / 0 0 C 1 12/20/92 230431 141 / 999 0 0 C 12/20/92 230408 143 / 999 0 0 C 12/21/92 230448 114 / 999 0 0 C ZI:0) 12/21/92 230436 114 / 999 0 0 C 12/22/92 230486 132 / 999 0 0 C 12/23/92 230499 127 / 999 0 0 C I 12/23/92 230498 127 / 999 0 0 C 12/23/92 230510 127 / 999 0 0 C 12/22/92 230478 139 / 999 _ / 0 0 C 1 IK tI)ort Date: 01/07/93 Page 3 I eport Nmbr: OFF0300 OFFENSES BY OFFENSE DESCRIPTION FROM 12/01/92 TO 12/31/92 1 Offense Offense Officer Property Date Number Detective Stolen POE MOE Status Offenses for ALARM CALL 12/22/92 230480 139 / 999 0 0 C I 12/22/92 230481 139 / 999 0 0 C 12/25/92 230536 139 / 999 0 0 C 12/15/92 230260 134 / 999 0 0 C I 12/16/92 230269 108 / 999 0 0 C 12/19/92 230386 111 / 999 0 0 C 12/27/92 230594 143 / 999 0 0 C I 12/27/92 230595 143 / 999 0 0 C 12/15/92 230246 108 / 0 0 C 12/17/92 230312 139 / 0 0 C 12/18/92 230342 119 / 0 0 C I 12/19/92 230381 111 / 0 0 C 12/19/92 230384 111 / 0 0 C 1;:) 12/19/92 230369 119 / 0 0 C 12/29/92 230681 143 / 0 0 C 12/29/92 230651 141 / 0 0 C 12/14/92 230223 132 / 0 0 C I 12/17/92 230284 108 / 0 0 C 12/28/92 230632 111 / 0 0 C Il 12/28/92 230635 111 / 0 0 C 12/28/92 230633 111 / 0 0 C I 12/28/92 230648 143 / 0 0 C 12/31/92 230743 144 / 999 0 0 C 1 12/31/92 230742 144 / 999 0 0 C I 12/31/92 230730 108 / 999 0 0 C 12/31/92 230734 139 / 999 0 0 C 12/31/92 230731 139 / 999 0 0 C 12/31/92 230727 139 / 999 0 0 C I 12/30/92 230721 132 / 0 0 C 12/24/92 230512 134 / 0 0 C 12/28/92 230628 111 / 0 0 C I 12/27/92 230602 111 / 0 0 C 12/24/92 230530 134 / 0 0 C 12/13/92 230178 143 / 999 0 0 C I 12/15/92 230251 132 / 999 0 0 C 12/29/92 230683 141 / 999 0 0 C 12/30/92 230710 108 / 999 0 0 C 12/30/92 230707 108 / 999 0 0 C t 'enses for AMBULANCE CALL 12/14/92 230195 141 / 0 0 C 1 12/13/92 230194 141 / 0 0 C Offenses for ANIMAL CALL 56-e4 7 1 port Date: 01/07/93 Page 4 I eport Nmbr: OFF0300 OFFENSES BY OFFENSE DESCRIPTION FROM 12/01/92 TO 12/31/92 1 Offense Offense Officer Property Date Number Detective Stolen POE MOE Status 12/04/92 229820 143 / 0 0 C 12/04/92 229833 143 / 0 0 C 12/06/92 229906 132 / 0 0 C I 12/09/92 229994 139 / 0 0 C 12/11/92 230098 141 / 0 0 C Iffenses for ASSIST FD 12/02/92 229750 143 / 0 0 C 12/24/92 230529 134 / 0 0 C I 12/21/92 230445 111 / 0 0 C 12/31/92 230724 134 / 0 0 C 12/25/92 230531 132 / 0 0 C Iffenses for ASSIST OTHER AGENCY 12/03/92 229789 111 / 0 0 C coo) 12/05/92 229856 150 / 999 0 0 C 12/19/92 230362 140 / 999 0 0 C 12/13/92 230190 150 / 0 0 C II ffenses for BURGLARY (R) 12/08/92 920975 134 / ADFGK 6 55 A 12/08/92 229967 134 / 0 0 C Iffenses for BURGLARY IN PROGRESS 12/15/92 230234 108 / 999 0 0 C 12/19/92 230389 140 / 999 0 0 C Il ffenses for BURGLARY M/V 12/27/92 921015 143 / FKC 0 0 A 12/27/92 230583 143 / 0 0 C I 12/29/92 230665 111 / 999 0 0 C Offenses for CITY ORDINANCE VIOLATION I 12/04/92 229816 150 / 0 0 C 12/18/92 921000 141 / 0 0 A 12/10/92 230050 141 / 0 0 C I 12/12/92 230131 111 / 0 0 C 12/16/92 230275 132 / 999 0 0 C 12/21/92 230450 119 / 999 0 0 C 12/18/92 230323 111 / 0 0 C 12/18/92 230324 111 / 0 0 C 12/18/92 230322 111 / 0 0 C 12/21/92 230454 111 / 0 0 C Il ffenses for CIVIL DISPUTE ! 12/12/92 230125 143 / _ 0 0 C 1 ort Date: 01/07/93 Page 5 I eport Nmbr: OFF0300 OFFENSES BY OFFENSE DESCRIPTION FROM 12/01/92 TO 12/31/92 Offense Offense Officer Property Date Number Detective Stolen POE MOE Status 1 ___ ___ Offenses for CIVIL STAND BY 12/10/92 230029 143 / 0 0 C ffenses for CRIMINAL MISCHIEF 12/01/92 229739 108 / 0 0 C I 12/02/92 920958 143 / 0 0 A 12/02/92 229761 143 / 0 0 C 12/04/92 920965 111 / 0 0 A I 12/04/92 229823 111 / 0 0 C 12/ 08/92 920974 108 / 145 0 0 C 12/23/92 921013 139 / 0 0 A 12/08/92 229961 108 / 0 0 C I 12/23/92 230508 139 / 999 0 0 C 12/22/92 230474 139 / 999 0 0 C )enses for CRIMINAL TRESPASS 12/30/92 921022 132 / 140 0 0 A ffenses for DISCHARGE FIREARM 12/26/92 230545 143 / 999 0 0 C Offenses for DISTURBANCE I 12/06/92 229907 144 / 0 0 C 12/27/92 230580 150 / 0 0 C 12/25/92 230539 139 / 0 0 C I 12/10/92 230028 111 / 0 0 C 12/12/92 230106 141 / 0 0 C 12/19/92 230395 500 / 999 0 0 C 12/25/92 230535 139 / 999 0 0 C I 12/29/92 921019 141 / 0 0 A 12/31/92 230732 139 / 999 0 0 C 12/30/92 230723 132 / 0 0 C I 12/25/92 230533 132 / 0 0 C 12/12/92 230145 114 / 999 0 0 C I ffenses for DOG BITE 12/10/92 920977 111 / 0 0 A 12/10/92 230023 111 / 0 0 C fenses for DOG CALL 12/03/92 L, ) 229812 150 / 999 0 0 C 12/12/92 230137 143 / 999 0 0 C 12/11/92 230096 111 / 999 0 0 C 12/09/92 229980 108 / 999 0 0 C 12/13/92 230176 143 / 999 ? 0 0 C 17Y-- ort Date: 01/07/93 Page 6 II eport Nmbr: OFF0300 OFFENSES BY OFFENSE DESCRIPTION FROM 12/01/92 TO 12/31/92 I Offense Offense Officer Property Date Number Detective Stolen POE MOE Status Offenses for DOG CALL 12/15/92 230244 108 / 999 0 0 C I 12/18/92 230352 141 / 999 0 0 C 12/18/92 230319 119 / 999 0 0 C 12/18/92 230350 140 / 999 0 0 C I 12/22/92 230483 132 / 999 0 0 C 12/31/92 230728 139 / 999 0 0 C 12/28/92 230626 143 / 0 0 C I 12/21/92 230439 119 / 999 0 0 C 12/22/92 230470 127 / 999 0 0 C 12/30/92 230714 108 / 999 0 0 C 12/22/92 230479 139 / 999 0 0 C I 12/21/92 23 0443 111 / 999 0 0 C 12/21/92 230449 114 / 999 0 0 C fill: enses for DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE 12/02/92 229770 143 / 0 0 C 12/04/92 920964 150 / 0 0 A 1 12/04/92 229818 150 / 999 0 0 C 12/12/92 920984 141 / 0 0 A 12/08/92 229968 144 / 0 0 C 12/10/92 230025 111 / 0 0 C 1 12/12/92 230110 141 / 0 0 C Offenses for DRUNK II 12/24/92 230527 144 / 0 0 C Offenses for DWI 12/13/92 920993 141 / 999 0 0 CA ll 12/13/92 230191 141 / 999 0 0 C Offenses for FAIL TO STOP /RENDER AID 1 12/12/92 920988 143 / 140 0 0 C Offenses for FIRE ALARM 12/03/92 229796 143 / 0 0 C I 12/09/92 229995 108 / 0 0 C 12/09/92 230009 134 / 0 0 C fenses for FIRE CALL t) 12/03/92 229781 150 / 999 0 0 C 12/09/92 230003 108 / 999 0 0 C I 12/13/92 230188 143 / 999 0 0 C 12/23/92 230489 139 / 999 0 0 C 12/23/92 230506 139 / 999 _ /0 0 0 C r • ort Date: 01/07/93 Page 7 I eport Nmbr: OFF0300 OFFENSES BY OFFENSE DESCRIPTION FROM 12/01/92 TO 12/31/92 I Offense Offense Officer Property Date Number Detective Stolen POE MOE Status Offenses for FIRE CALL 12/31/92 230748 134 / 999 0 0 C I 12/31/92 230736 108 / 999 0 0 C 12/21/92 230452 111 / 999 0 0 C I ffenses for FOUND PROPERTY 12/11/92 920983 111 / 0 0 A 12/12/92 920987 111 / 0 0 A 12/12/92 230138 111 / 999 0 0 C i llffenses for HARASSMENT 12/05/92 920967 119 / 145 0 0 C I 12/05/92 229881 119 / 0 0 C 12/10/92 920979 150 / 0 0 A IP 12/17/92 920996 127 / 145 0 0 S 12/10/92 230051 150 / 0 0 C 12/17/92 230293 127 / 999 0 0 C I ffenses for HIT & RUN ACCIDENT 12/04/92 229842 150 / 999 0 0 C 12/12/92 230141 143 / 999 0 0 C 12/30/92 230696 139 / 999 0 0 C L enses for INJURED PERSON 12/03/92 229801 111 / 0 0 C 1 12/04/92 229830 111 / 0 0 C Offenses for INVESTIGATION 12/02/92 229776 150 / 999 0 0 C II 12/02/92 229775 150 / 999 0 0 C 12/24/92 230520 128 / 0 0 C 12/09/92 230004 139 / 999 0 0 C I 12/10/92 230024 143 / 0 0 C 12/10/92 230032 143 / 0 0 C 12/12/92 230155 500 / 0 0 C 12/12/92 230147 141 / 999 0 0 C ' 12/13/92 230168 143 / 999 0 0 C 12/14/92 230217 127 / 999 0 0 C 12/16/92 230261 132 / 999 0 0 C 12/18/92 230336 111 / 999 0 0 C 12/27/92 230607 141 / 999 0 0 C 12/27/92 230610 150 / 999 0 0 C 12/22/92 230485 134 / 0 0 C 12/30/92 230720 134 / 0 0 C 12/28/92 230647 150 / 0 0 C ort Date: 01/07/93 Page 8 j eport Nmbr: OFF0300 OFFENSES BY OFFENSE DESCRIPTION FROM 12/01/92 TO 12/31/92 I Offense Offense Officer Property Date Number Stolen POE MOE Status _= ____ =___ 1 = =_ = == = == = = = = == Offenses for INVESTIGATION 12/27/92 230593 143 / 0 0 C 1 12/30/92 230699 108 / 999 0 0 C 12/3 0/92 230711 127 / 999 0 0 C 12/29/92 230660 111 / 999 0 0 C I ffenses for LOOSE LIVESTOCK 12/02/92 229748 143 / 0 0 C I 12/13/92 230158 150 0 C 12/14/92 230210 1 @8 / 0 0 C 12/15/92 230236 139 / 0 0 C Iffenses for MAJOR ACCIDENT 12/02/92 229762 111 / 0 0 C IP 12/03/92 229806 111 / 999 0 0 C 12/29/92 230687 141 / 999 0 0 C 12/29/92 230684 141 / 999 0 0 C If ffenses for MEDICAL CALL 12/25/92 230534 139 / 999 0 0 C 12/28/92 23 0646 141 / 0 0 C 12/21/92 230453 111 / 999 0 0 C li ffenses for MEET COMPLAINANT 12/02/92 229747 143 / 0 0 C • 12/27/92 230574 150 / 0 0 C il 12/12/92 230139 111 / 999 0 0 C 12/16/92 230274 108 / 999 • 0 0 CA 12/28/92 230617 143 / 0 0 C I 12/30/92 230719 127 / 999 0 0 C 12/30/92 230718 127 / 999 0 0 C 12/21/92 230451 111 / 999 0 0 C 1 12/21/92 230447 111 / 999 0 0 C Offenses for MINOR ACCIDENT I 12/01/92 229734 139 / 0 0 C 12/02/92 229768 143 / 0 0 C 12/04/92 229831 111 / 0 0 C 1 12/06/92 229893 150 / 0 0 C 12/07/92 229915 144 / 0 0 C 12/09/92 229978 139 / 0 0 C 12/13/92 230175 111 / 999 0 0 C 12/18/92 230351 141 / 999 0 0 C 12/18/92 230317 111 / 999 0 0 C 12/12/92 230645 141 / ^77 0 0 C 1 ort Date: 01/07/93 Page 9 II eport Nmbr: OFF0300 OFFENSES BY OFFENSE DESCRIPTION FROM 12/01/92 TO 12/31/92 I Offense Offense Officer Property Date Number Detective Stolen POE MOE Status Offenses for MINOR ACCIDENT 12/23/92 230491 139 / 0 0 C I 12/23/92 230492 139 / 0 0 C 12/21/92 230440 119 / 999 0 0 C I ffenses for MISSING PERSON 12/15/92 230238 108 / 999 0 0 C 12/31/92 230733 139 / 999 0 0 C ` ffenses for MOTORIST ASSIST 12/02/92 229774 141 / 999 0 0 C 12/11/92 230087 141 / 0 0 C I 12/12/92 230134 111 / 0 0 C 12/12/92 230122 143 / 0 0 C 12/13/92 230174 143 / 999 0 0 C 12/18/92 230318 119 / 0 0 C 12/31/92 230737 139 / 999 0 0 C 12/22/92 230468 119 / 0 0 C 12/30/92 230698 139 / 999 0 0 C I 12/22/92 230484 134 / 999 0 0 C Offenses for OPEN DOOR I 12/11/92 230100 141 / 0 0 C 12/28/92 230639 111 / 0 0 C 12/20/92 230411 143 / 0 0 C 12/20/92 230397 140 / 999 0 0 C ffenses for PURSUIT 12/19/92 921003 140 / 999 0 0 C I ffenses for RECKLESS DRIVER i 12/24/92 230518 139 / 0 0 C II 12/08/92 229963 139 / 0 0 C 12/18/92 230355 141 / 999 0 0 C 12/22/92 230472 139 / 999 0 0 C I ffenses for RECOVERED PROPERTY 12/23/92 921012 127 / 0 0 A 12/11/92 230076 111 / 999 0 0 C 1::) 12/23/92 230507 127 / 0 0 C enses for RECOVERED VEHICLE 12/13/92 920990 141 / 999 0 0 C .12/13/92 230159 141 / 999 0 0 C Ili-- /3 ort Date: 01/07/93 Page 10 I I eport Nmbr: OFF0300 OFFENSES BY OFFENSE DESCRIPTION FROM 12/01/92 TO 12/31/92 I Offense Offense Officer Property Date Number Detective Stolen POE MOE Status II ffenses for RUNAWAY 12/02/92 920960 141 / 145 0 0 CA 1 12/02/92 229772 141 / 0 0 C Offenses for SIMPLE ASSAULT I 12/07/92 920969 127 / 140 0 0 C 12/10/92 920978 111 / 0 0 A 12/07/92 229923 127 / 0 0 C 1 12/09/92 230008 132 / 0 0 C 12/30/92 921023 132 / 0 0 A Offenses for STRAY DOG I 12/07/92 229918 108 / 0 0 C 12/10/92 230047 150 / 0 0 C ip 12/10/92 230020 143 / 0 0 C 12/10/92 230033 143 / 0 0 C Offenses for SUSP PERSON 12/05/92 229883 150 / 0 0 C I 12/27/92 230576 500 / 0 0 C 12/10/92 230046 141 / 0 0 C 12/12/92 230144 111 / 999 0 0 C I 12/19/92 230393 140 / 999 0 0 C 12/26/92 230566 143 / 999 0 0 C 12/22/92 230471 127 / 999 0 0 C I 12/21/92 230458 114 / 999 0 0 C 12/14/92 230201 139 / 0 0 C 12/28/92 230622 111 / 0 0 C 12/21/92 230455 111 / 0 0 C 1 12/30/92 230692 141 / 999 0 0 C Offenses for SUSP VEHICLE I 12/03/92 229795 111 / 0 0 C 12/04/92 229825 143 / 0 0 C 12/27/92 230579 150 / 0 0 C 1 12/25/92 230540 144 / 0 0 C 12/ 07/92 229937 144 / 0 0 C 12/09/92 229990 108 / 0 0 C 12/10/92 230021 143 / 0 0 C 12/11/92 230101 150 / 0 0 C 12/12/92 230136 111 / 0 0 C 1 :70) 12/12/92 230129 143 / 0 0 C I 12/12/92 230153 150 / 0 0 0 12/18/92 230349 119 / 999 0 0 C 12/18/92 230326 143 / 999 0 0 C gtc-P( • port Date: 01/07/93 Page 11 ( Report Nmbr: 0FF0300 OFFENSES BY OFFENSE DESCRIPTION FROM 12/01/92 TO 12/31/92 I Offense Offense Officer Property Date Number Detective Stolen POE MOE Status Offenses for SUSP VEHICLE 12/20/92 230403 119 / 0 0 C I 12/29/92 230682 150 / 999 0 0 C 12/30/92 230694 108 / 999 0 0 C I ffenses for THEFT 12/05/92 920966 / 0 0 12/25/92 230542 132 / 0 0 C I ffenses for THEFT 20/200 12/02/92 920956 143 / 145 K 0 0 S 12/02/92 229751 143 / 0 0 C I 12/07/92 920971 139 / K 0 0 A 12/ 08/92 920972 127 / K 0 0 A IP 12/24/92 921014 127 / A 0 0 A 12/24/92 230519 127 / 0 0 C 12/07/92 229933 139 / 0 0 C 12/08/92 229944 127 / 0 0 C I ffenses for THEFT 200/750 12/08/92 920973 139 / K 0 0 A 12/08/92 229964 139 / 0 0 C 12/15/92 230247 108 / 999 0 0 C Offenses for THEFT 750/20,000 12/02/92 920959 111 / 133 A 0 0 A 12/02/92 229767 111 / 0 0 C 12/03/92 920961 150 / 140 K 0 0 S 12/03/92 229808 150 / 0 0 C I 12/07/92 920970 139 / 133 A 0 0 A 12/11/92 920981 108 / 140 F 0 0 S 12/15/92 920995 108 / H 0 0 A I 12/17/92 920998 108 / B 0 0 A 12/23/92 921011 139 / CK 0 0 A 12/28/92 921017 111 / HKFC 0 0 A 12/07/92 229927 139 / 0 0 C I 12/11/92 230064 108 / 0 0 C 12/29/92 921018 143 / K 0 0 A 12/17/92 230307 108 / 999 0 0 C 12/23/92 230503 139 / 999 0 0 C 12/29/92 230675 143 / 0 0 C 12/28/92 230634 111 / 0 0 C I fn9es for THEFT U/20 12/03/92 229802 143 / 0 0 C _ /S i 0 ort Date: 01/07/93 Page 12 1 1 eport Nmbr: OFF 0300 OFFENSES BY OFFENSE DESCRIPTION FROM 12/01/92 TO 12/31/92 I Offense Offense Officer Property Date Number Detective Stolen POE MOE Status ffenses for THEFT U/20 12/04/92 229817 150 / 999 0 0 C I 12/05/92 229867 143 / 0 0 C 12/08/92 229946 108 / 0 0 C 12/11/92 230089 141 / 0 0 C I 12/19/92 230371 119 / 999 0 0 C 12/29/92 921020 150 / I 0 0 A 12/29/92 230689 150 / 999 0 0 C I enises for TRAFFIC ASSIGNMENT 12/04/92 229819 111 / 0 0 C 12/22/92 230482 134 / 0 0 C I ffenses for TRF VIOLATION ip 12/11/92 920980 111 / 999 0 0 CA 12/19/92 921002 111 / 999 0 0 CA 12/11/92 230063 111 / 999 0 0 C 12/19/92 230394 140 / 999 0 0 C 12/19/92 230366 111 / 999 0 0 C ffenses for TRF WRNT ARREST 12/02/92 920957 111 / 0 0 A 12/02/92 229755 111 / 0 0 C 12/05/92 920968 114 / 999 0 0 CA 12/05/92 229885 114 / 0 0 C I 12/09/92 920976 139 / 999 0 0 CA 12/11/92 920982 108 / 999 0 0 CA 12/12/92 920985 143 / 999 0 0 CA 12/13/92 920991 150 / 999 0 0 CA I 12/13/92 920992 114 / 999 0 0 CA 12/17/92 920997 108 / 999 0 0 CA 12/20/92 921004 111 / 999 0 0 CA I 12/22/92 921008 114 / 999 0 0 CA 12/23/92 921009 139 / 999 0 0 CA 12/23/92 921010 139 / 999 0 0 CA 12/27/92 921016 111 / 999 0 0 CA I 12/09/92 229988 139 / 0 0 CA 12/11/92 230075 108 / 0 0 CA 12/13/92 230117 143 / 0 0 CA (1 , 11) 12/12/92 230120 111 / 999 0 0 C 12/17/92 230301 108 / 999 0 0 C 12/22/92 230466 114 / 0 0 CA 12/13/92 230157 150 / 0 0 CA 12/13/92 230163 114 / 0 0 CA 12/30/92 921021 139 / 999 0 0 CA PI ‘7 li _ AMMO '1 11:s) ) ort Date: 01/07/93 Page 13 eport Nmbr: OFF0300 If OFFENSES BY OFFENSE DESCRIPTION FROM 12/01/92 TO 12/31/92 1 Offense Offense Officer Property Date Number Detective Stolen POE MOE Status = 1 ==== _ = = = == = == = == = = = = == I I ffenses for TRF WRNT ARREST 12/27/92 230586 111 / 0 0 C I 12/20/92 230417 111 / 0 0 C 12/21/92 230444 111 / 0 0 C 12/23/92 230490 139 / 0 0 C 1 12/30/92 230716 139 / 999 0 0 C Offenses for WARRANT ARREST 12/03/92 920962 140 / 140 0 0 CA I 12/12/92 920986 111 / 999 0 0 CA 12/12/92 920989 141 / 999 0 0 CA 12/19/92 921001 140 / 999 0 0 CA I 12/21/92 921006 111 / 999 0 0 CA 12/21/92 921007 111 / 999 0 0 CA 12/19/92 230360 140 / 999 0 0 C 12/21/92 230437 111 / 0 0 C 12/23/92 230495 139 / 999 0 0 C 12/12/92 230151 141 / 999 0 0 C Iffenses for WELFARE CHECK 12/05/92 229888 150 / 0 0 C 12/08/92 229960 108 / 0 0 C 1 12/10/92 230016 143 / 0 0 C 12/20/92 230420 111 / 0 0 C tal Offenses Printed: 442 1 24 Adult Arrests I 16 Accident Reports 4 Major Accidents I 12 Minor Accidents (:) 1 J e{.1 /7 1 S O DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY MONTHLY WARRANT DI VISION REPORT DECEMBER 1992 1 1 MUNICIPAL WARRANTS i CURRENT MONTH PAST MONTH YTD I WARRANTS ON HAND 1 Beginning Count 465 451 N/A 1 Received 0 51 816 Served 22 37 510 I Purged 0 0 172 1 Ending Count 443 465 N/A FINES COLLECTED 1 By Warrant Officer $1,465 $3,913 $57,530 By Other Agency $2,400 $4,575 $32,695 Total $3,864 $8,488 $90,225 WARRANTS SERVED 1 By Warrant Officer 11 19 338 By Other Agency 11 18 172 I Total 22 37 510 1 L i 1 1 i i/ - l' SOUTHLAKE OE/''ARTMfNT OF it=" LIE IC SAFETY tION 71-/1._ Y Rff aP? 7 ✓ ANCJAR Y 7 .g92 CI ) A OM NI S TRA TI VE COOFi'OI/VA TOR POL ICY'S IN DEVELOPMENT POLICIES APPROVED ill l . UNIFORM (POL ICE, FIRE, COMM) 1. 2. HIRING 2. 1 3. PROMOTIONAL 3. 4. RULES OF CONDUCT 4. 5. DISCIPLINARY 5. I 6. INFECTION CONTROL 6. 7. COMMUNICATIONS TIONS OPERATIONS 7. 8. 8. 9. 9. II OUT -SIDE TRA INING 1 NAME COURSE DATE (5) K. SESSIONS CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS 12/08/92 - 12/11/92 1K . SESSIONS BAL IFF /WARRANT SEMINAR 12/17/92 - 12/18/92 1 c) IN -HOUSE TRA INING 1 DATE COURSE INSTRUCTOR 1 1 1 TOTAL NUMBER OF CONTACT HOURS FOR IN -HOUSE TRAINING: 0 POLICE I 0 POLICE RESERVES S Q FIRE FIRE RESERVES I 0 C OMMUNICA TORS OTHER ACTIVITIES: ASSISTED WITH DEVELOPING AND PUT INTO ACTION THE FIRE L.., CAPTAINS EXAMINATION AND DRIVER /ENGINEER EXAMINATION. ATTENDED THE FIRE PERSONNEL ADVISORY BOARD IN AUSTIN, ' ' ` . 1 SPECIAL SERVICES DIVISION MONTHLY REPORT 1 December 1992 1 DARE Number of Days spent in schools. 7 __ Number of 5th grade classes. _28 Number of K-4 visitations. 05 �� U� Number of 6th grade classes. 0 Number of Middle school classes. O __ Total students taught. 337 Admin. Time. (hours) ^ ^ 30-- Crime Prevention o� Number of security surveys 2 __ Number of crime prevention presentations 2 __ Misc. Activities Outside meetings A __ Tours � 1 Training (Hrs. ) 0 __ Training Days (As Instructor) Vacation (Hrs ) . 0 __' (1 :10 ) m� • ,� SOUTHLAKE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY t::) FIRE SERVICES DIVISION MONTHLY REPORT - December, 1992 FIRE CALLS: AVERAGE TIME ON CALL 1 Structure - (residential) 2 0_Hrs_59_Min Structure - (commercial) 0 I i TOTAL $ LOSS (Fire) Structure - (other bldg) 0 $ 8,075 Vehicle - (car,boat,etc.) 2 1 Grass /Trash 4 CALLS BY TIME OF DAY I Total Fire Calls 8 0700 -1200_ 21.1 % 1200 -1900 35.5 % OTHER CALLS: I Haz -Mat Incident 3 1900 -2400 28.9 % 2400 -0700 14.5 % 1 Bomb Threat /Call 0 IR Other Emergency 5 PLAN REVIEWS: Other Non - Emergency 27 Comm. /Indust. Dec. figures Total Other Calls 35 Residential not I EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICE: Subdivision avail - able C/O Issued Fire I Total EMS Calls 33 Marshal out OTHER ACTIVITY of TOTAL CALLS FOR SERVICE City 1 (Dispatched / Tone Outs) 76 Burn Permits Public Educ. I PATIENTS TREATED: Classes Total Patients Treated 34 Grass /Weed I Complaints Medical Only 16 Pre -fire Plans Injury Only 7 Reviewed 1 Both Med /Inj 0 MVA Patients 11 �' MVA with Seatbelt 8 —a( 1 OFFICIAL MUNICIPAL COURT MONTHLY REPORT . . 1MUNICIPAL , COURT OF cs Southlake • • • : • : • • • • TRAFFIC MISDEMEANORS : NON-TRAFFIC MISDEMEANORS • DECEMBER NON- • • i STATE CITY 1 FOR MONTH 19 — PARKING PARKING LAW ORDINANCE • • • , • . 1. NEW CASES FILED DURING THE MONTH i 329 2 i : 90 1 .............................:,"R 1 2 DISPOSITIONS PRIOR TO TRIAL: : :i::::::::ii;iii1:::1::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::iti.:::::;::::::::::§mx::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::::::::::: :::::: • •:::::-•:::::::*::::.::::::::•::::::::::$.:.::-:::::::::::%:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::*.:::*::,:::.::::, A. Deposit Forfeited . . . 3 1 1 0 • . i . . . B. Fined 1 . • I (Before trial only. If the defendant goes before the 1 7 3 ; judge, enter in item 3.) . 110 : • C. Cases Dismissed • • I • (Do not include here those dismissals which are reported separately in 3C and 4 below.) 64 0 0 0 ...........-----............—.....••••—•••••••••••••.•••••••—..........................-- • . 3. DISPOSITIONS AT TRIAL: MiiViiiii.:::::M:::::::: :::&: •-• .0,imi::::: (I( there is no appearance before the judge, enter in ffigi :: "*.geftt ...im> / • 4:=:.x.::....* :::-::vx.::::::: I item 2.) •:•:.x.x.x.p:::::::::::::::::::::::::::K::::::::::5:::::;::::::::::::::::-.::::::;:k:::::::::::::::::::::::.::::::;.::;:ii::::::::::::::::::::::::: : ::.%::::::::::. A. Trial by Judge .:::T.m.N.:;:.:,:*:•i.:?:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:,:: ""..,,,.....,,,..,,........"-. ...................................................................................... ...................,...................._,.............. : • • : . (1) Finding of Guilty • 8 1 . . • 0 0 • • . • • . . - I B. Trial by (2) Finding of Not Guilty 0 0 0 0 B Jury . : . • • . : • • (1) Finding of Guilty : 1 0 0 0 . . . • • . • . . I (2) Finding of Not Guilty . : • • . 0 0 • • : 0 0 0 C. Dismissed at Trial : 5 0 0 400 44. CASES DISMISSED: A After Driver Safety Course • .. - z::::::***0::::::::::::::g:::::K.5;::::::::.*:;::::::::::::.;:i*i:Km:::::;:;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 32 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::§m:::::: ii.1.... .r.,..:.,,,,,,,,,,:...,..::::::::::::,,,::::::::::.:•.•:::::.:,...:•:.:•:::::•:•: ::::::*:::::::::::::::::: :::::: -:-:..... • B. After Deferred Disposition (Art. 45.54 C.C.P.) • ... . 1 C. After Proof of Financial Responsibility (usually, liability insurance) . • • . . • 35 o ::::::::*:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :.: ::::v c: :::::::::::•:•:.:.:.:.:.:.:•:•:•:•:•:.:•:.:•:•:•:•1•:.•a::::::::::.:: :: :::•• '..: ••••: .•:••• , ::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5 • gen...:0(.. 4s,: ::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::ii ;:,:::::::::. • : . . • 5. CASES APPEALED 1 0 0 „ . : , 0 0 •:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,•:.: ii::::::Iiiiiiiiim 11. SAFETY RESPONSIBILITY AND 6. JUVENILE ACTIVITY: :::::*::::::::::::::::::::§g:::::::!:::::::::::::::::::::::: DRIVERS LICENSE SUSPENSION 0 A. Wamings Administered 0 HEARINGS HELD 12. SEARCH WARRANTS ISSUED (Do not include waffants for affest) 0 1 B. Statements Cer wi tified • Texas Family Code (In accordance th , Sec. 51.09(b).) 0 13. ARREST WARRANTS ISSUED: A. Class C Misdemeanors Only C. Detention Hearings Held Cl 128 I (In accordance with Texas Family Code, 0 Sec. 54.01.) B. Felonies and Class A and 13 Misdemeanors Only 0 7. COUNTY COURT COMPLAINTS 14. STATUTORY WARNINGS GIVEN I ACCEPTED (Complaints within jurisdiction of 0 (Wamings County Court accepted in magistrate capacity) given to defendants charged with County 0 or District Court offense) 8. FELONY COMPLAINTS ACCEPTED 15. EMERGENCY MENTAL HEALTH 0 (Complaints within jurisdiction of District Court 0 HEARINGS HELD r , 14*%A accepted in magistrate capadry) ' . EXAMINING nc u de on l ypreliminary : TRIALS 1 A L Z a C i n O g N Dy 2iTyEeD 0 16. TOTAL REVENUE case e s ) t (Include all revenues collected during month to be remitted to the city 1 or state.) 10. INQUESTS CONDUCTED 0 $ 15,4155.00 1 6/a-/ „ CITY OF SOUTHLAKE ri General Fund and Debt Service Fund Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance for the period ended December 31, 1992 with Comparative Actual amounts for the period ended December 31, 1991 2 To Date Percent To Date Actual Percent 1992 -93 Actual Collected/ Actual Total Collected/ REVENUES Budget 12/31/92 Expended 12/31/91 9/30/92 Expended Ad Valorem Taxes $2,909,533 $1,264,882 43.5% $626,179 $2,722,621 23.0% Sales Tax 579,000 93,082 16.1% 74,660 510,036 14.6% Franchise Fees 304,450 90,451 29.7% 86,176 279,619 30.8% Fines 270,600 47,066 17.4% 48,210 203,565 23.7% Charges for Services 55,750 1,266 2.3% 3,769 46,357 8.1% Permits/Fees 622,150 283,702 45.6% 163,658 791,983 20.7% Miscellaneous 17,340 4,530 26.1% 2,422 32,213 7.5% Transfer In -Other Funds 267,295 0 0.0% 29,451 29,451 100.0% Interest Income 65,000 12,766 19.6% 11,397 67,118 17.0% Total Revenues $5,091,118 $1,797,745 35.3% $1,045,922 $4,682,963 22.3% EXPENDITURES City Secretary $145,599 $31,570 21.7% $25,319 $124,457 203% City Manager 141,239 29,732 21.1% 34,462 129,129 26.7% Support Services 509,964 101,928 20.0% 99,118 410,773 24.1% Finance 205,487 55,712 27.1% 47,239 192,339 24.6% Municipal Court 162,858 27,716 17.0% 25,808 145,345 17.8% Fire 569,238 99,551 17.5% 115,856 478,354 24.2% Police 909,333 155,506 17.1% 194,074 823,352 23.6% Public Safety Support 378,852 72,529 19.1% 64,324 340,626 18.9% Building 161,870 30,874 19.1% 26,482 127,329 20.8% Community Development 197,888 43,096 21.8% 32,139 145,364 22.1% Streets/Drainage 883,730 86,619 9.8% 86,509 642,300 13.5% Parks 139,595 5,835 4.2% 12,536 90,035 13.9% Public Works Administration 93,739 13,877 14.8% 15,261 69,673 21.9% gi Debt Service- General Obligation Bonds 916,398 21,498 2.3% 4,647 706,932 0.7% Total Expenditures $5,415,790 $776,043 143% $783,774 $4,426,008 17.7% Excess (deficiency) of Revenue over Expenditures ($324,672) $1,021,702 $262,148 $256,955 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES AND (USES) Transfer to other fund $0 $0 $0 ($796) Excess (deficiency) of Revenues and other sources over Expenditures ($324,672) $1,021,702 $262,148 $256,159 FUND BALANCE OCT 1 $1,244,380 $1,244,380 $988,221 $988,221 ENDING FUND BALANCE $919,708 $2,266,082 $1,250,369 $1,244380 mit id CITY OF SOUTHLAKE Water and Sewer Enterprise Fund Comparative Statement of Revenues and Expenses 3 for the period ended December 31, 1992 and December 31, 1991 To Date Percent To Date Total Percent 3 1992 -93 Actual Collected/ Actual Actual Collected/ REVENUES Budget 12/31/92 expended 12/31/91 9/30/92 expended Water Sales - residential $1,6717,540 $387,603 23.1% $355,621 $1,490,403 23.9% 3 Water Sales- commercial 419,385 96,563 23.0% 85,789 328,942 26.1% Sewer Sales 205,454 48,292 23.5% 45,529 97,953 46.5% Sanitation Sales 258,000 70,354 27.3% 61,132 19,816 308.5% 3 Other utility charges 145,067 74,466 51.3% 36,143 147,218 24.6% Miscellaneous 22,118 253 1.1% 6,448 51,556 12.5% Interest Income 25,970 6,133 23.6% 8,731 24,565 35.5% 3 Total Revenues $2,753,534 $683,664 24.8% $599,393 $2,160,453 27.7% EXPENSES 3 Water $1,605,572 $231,406 14.4% $215,098 $1,063,222 20.2% Sewer 559,601 120,526 21.5% 101,156 693,241 14.6% 3 Sanitation 232,200 41,184 17.7% 29,959 206,396 14.5% Debt Service - Revenue Bonds 79,719 19,930 25.0% 0 89,423 0.0% Other -Line Oversizing 25,000 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% Transfers -other funds 267,295 0 0.0% 0 159,446 0.0% Total Expenses $2,769,387 $413,046 14.9% $346,213 $2,211,728 15.7% Net "' Income /(Loss) ($15,853) $270,618 $253,180 ($51,275) ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 I A iiiii i M Cr. \ .... ._ 3 _ W W 0 I- < 3 , 0 .... 1 WW 0O'00.00ON ON 0101A 0 0000 '000001�M00 00 00 0 0000 ■ NU tAN0O NOOJ OM -01- 1!1 0001A ■O0000u'.0O11'0 00 00 0 00.00 0 .4< •00.000.0 OJ PJM J 000J PNlfl -I'-0. -0O OIA N 0 0000 1 0. *ICJ 0 00 00--0 0.1 1A00 0OJM M t.000O V>tA {A JPtA 0 111 .O 1A0 A0 O .ONMO w 1Y O<O •01-..- P•0.0•O .-111 0O.31A 1 '- N-00.! 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