1999-12-07REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS DECEMBER 7, 1999 MINUTES COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Rick Stacy; Mayor Pro Tern Gary Fawks; Deputy Mayor Pro Tem Ronnie Kendall. Members: Patsy DuPre, Debra Edmondson and Rex Potter. COUNCILMEMBER ABSENT: Wayne Moffat CITY STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Billy Campbell; Assistant City Manager Shana Yelverton; Assistant to the City Manager Shelli Siemer; Director of Finance Sharen Elam; Director of Public Safety Garland Wilson; Director of Economic Development Greg Last; Senior Civil Engineer Shawn Poe; Interim Director of Planning and Zoning Administrator Karen Gandy; Director of Human Resources Lauren Safranek; Public Information Officer James Kunke; Assistant to the Director of Public Works Valerie Bradley; Director of Public Works Ron Harper; Chief of Building Services Malcolm Jackson; Director of Community Services Kevin Hugman; Deputy Director of Public Safety, Fire Services Division Ricky Black; City Attorney E. Allen Taylor, Jr., and, City Secretary Sandra L. LeGrand. WORK SESSION: Mayor Rick Stacy called the work session to order at 5:45 p.m. Councilmembers and staff discussed items on the agenda. The work session was audio and video tape-recorded for future reference. Agenda Item #5-B, Renewal contract with Minors Landscape Services, including Change Order gl and #2, additional facilities, for mowing of parks and City facilities. Councilmember Gary Fawks suggested the City use less toxic products for the treatment of fire ants. Fawks and Debra Edmondson suggested Director of Community Services Kevin Hugman provide additional information on products used for the treatment of fire ants. It was suggested adding "non-toxic" in the appropriate place in the agreement. Agenda Item #5-C, Professional Services Agreement with Carter & Burgess, Inc. for consulting services for Trail System Master Plan update. Councilmember Patsy DuPre stated that there is an area whereby the contracts for the trails are overlapping as prepared by Carter & Burgess and HNTB. Director of Community Services Kevin Hugman explained the process for the City Council. Agenda Item #5-D, Award of bids for sub-trades for the construction of Town Hall and reject bids for masonry. During the discussions regarding the award of bids for Town Hall, Councilmember Rex Potter stated it looks like the City is getting to the point with the new building of selecting flooring and things like that. He stated he Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of December 7,1999 Pagelof 36 has asked on a number of occasions to be included in the process. Harper stated the first week in January he will have available to present to Council and othem the entire color pallets. He stated the bids are not impacted by those selections. Potter stated he has asked for a reconciliation with the citizens committee that worked on the City Hall facilities. He stated he has never received that information. Harper will look into the matter. Councilmember Edmondson asked for information on the "project contingency account." Harper responded to the question. Agenda Item #5-E, Resolution No. 99-80, amendments to the Personnel Policies Handbook to include nepotism policy and amend vacation accrual rates. Mayor Stacy commented regarding the issue of nepotism that he feels our Home Rule Charter is wrong. He stated his nephew was approved as a reserve fireman, and is next in line as a paid fireman, but was told he cannot work for the City because the Mayor is his uncle and the Charter will not permit it. The Mayor stated he feels the city should have a nepotism policy and that the Charter's provision should be reviewed. Agenda Item #10-F, Request for variance to Sign Ordinance No. 704-A, for Gene Kouri, DDS, MSD, Inc., located at 480 West Southlake Boulevard. Dr. Kouri was present and stated he is a pediatric dentist and he would like to raise his name on his sign making room for the names of the associate doctors in his office. It was noted that by adding the names, he would be going over the limit in the sign ordinance by seven foot (7'). Councilmembers indicated that they would not consider the request for the variances as noted by Dr. Kouri. Atter discussion Mr. Kouri withdrew his request. It was determined that there will be an item on the first Council meeting agenda in January regarding the review of the Charter. If councilmembers feel there may be items that need to be changed, a Charter Review Committee could be formed to prepare for a Charter amendment election along with the general election to be held in May 2000. The work session was adjourned at 6:50 p.m. REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Agenda Item #1, Call To Order. Mayor Rick Stacy called the Regular City Council meeting to order at 6:55 p.m. The City Council meeting was audio and video tape recorded for future reference and made a part of the record. Agenda Item #2-A, Executive Session. Mayor Rick Stacy advised the audience that the City Council would be going into executive session pursuant to the Texas Government Code Sections 551.071, 551.072, Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of December 7, 1999 Page 2 of 36 551.073, 551.074, 551.076, and 551.086, to seek legal advice from our City Attorney; to deliberate regarding real property matters; to deliberate regarding a prospective gift; to deliberate personnel matters; to deliberate regarding security devices; and/or to deliberate regarding economic development negotiations. Council adjourned into executive session at 6:55 p.m. Council returned to open session at 8:00 p.m. Agenda Item #2-B, Action Necessary/Executive Session Motion was made to authorize staff to counter the offer received on the 12,000-foot easement up to the amount discussed during the executive session. Motion: Second: Ayes: Nays: Approved: Kendall Edmondson Kendall, Edmondson, Potter, Fawks, DuPre, and Stacy None 6-0 vote Motion was made to authorize staff to enter into a contract to purchase land for an easement and right-of-way along SH 114, in the amount of $45,100. Motion: Second: Ayes: Nays: Approved: Kendall DuPre Kendall, DuPre, Edmondson, Potter, Fawks, and Stacy None 6-0 vote Motion was made to authorize staff to make an offer in the mount discussed during the executive session for the 6/10 of an acre to be used as a portal. Motion: Second: Ayes: Nays: Approved: Kendall Fawks Kendall, Fawks, DuPre, Edmondson, Potter, and Stacy None 6-0 vote Agenda Item #3, Invocation: Coy Quesenbury, Chaplain of the Month Chaplain of the Month for December, Coy Quesenbury, pastor of Lonesone Dove Baptist Church gave the invocation. Quesenbury stated the chaplain program is open to all who would like to participate. The chaplain must be an ordained minister and available to help with fire, police and city employees. He continued by explaining the duties of the chaplain of the month. Agenda Item #4-A, Mayor's Report Mayor Stacy presented a proclamation to Jean Marie Sperduti, Vice President of the Southlake Sister Cities organization, who in conjunction with Sister Cities International, Regular City Council Meeting Minutes ofDecember Y, 1999 Page3of 36 will be hosting a "Pause for Peace" campaign with an insertion of a pause and a collective wish for peace during the count down for the year 2000. Mayor Stacy noted the following announcements: December 8, 1999, at 7:00 p.m. in the Southlake Senior Activity Center, will be a Sister City Christmas Reception. December 9, 1999, at 5:30 p.m., a Ribbon Cutting for Dr. Scott Kasden at 1422 Main Street in Town Square. Councilmembers are invited to attend and Mayor Stacy will cut the ribbon in the ceremony. December 10, 1999 at 11:30 a.m. a Ribbon Cutting for Northwest Highway in Grapevine. Councilmembers will meet in Bealls parking lot. The City of Grapevine is hosting this event. The Tarrant County Mayors' Christmas Banquet will be held on Monday, December 13, 1999 at 6:30 p.m., at the Worthington Hotel in Fort Worth. Sabre Groundbreaking Ceremony will be held on December 16, 1999 at 9:00 a.m. The ceremony will begin at 10:00 a.m. The Tarrant Appraisal District Board of Directors election was held and 1,768 votes were cast for new members, including: Mike Davis, James Dennis, Joe Potthoff, Charles Rogers, and Tommy Vaughn. Southlake Council cast their votes for Robert Hatfield. City Offices will be closed on December 23 and 24, 1999 for Christmas and December 31 for New Years. Agenda Item #4-C, SPIN Report SPIN #7 Representative Darrell Faglie was present to give the report of their activities. He stated his area contains the Gateway development in Southlake. The main thing that is going on in their community and SPIN #8 as well, is the new schools being planned by the CISD. He stated they are also planning to build a football stadium in his area. The school has been kind enough to keep the citizens involved. He stated he feels everything will be alright. Agenda Item #5, Consent Agenda Mayor Stacy read the consent agenda items into the record as follows: 5-A. Approval of the minutes of the Regular City Council meeting held November 2, 1999. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of December 7, 1999 Page 4 of 36 5-I. Authorize the Mayor to enter into a renewal contract with Minors Landscape Services, including Change Order #1 and #2, additional facilities, for mowing of parks and City facilities. Authorize the Mayor to enter into a professional service agreement with Carter & Burgess, Inc. for consulting services for Trail System Master Plan update. Authorize award of bids for the following sub-trades for the construction of Town Hall and reject bids for masonry. (14 separate bids). Resolution No. 99-80, Amendments to the Personnel Policies Handbook to include a nepotism policy and amend vacation accrual rates. Authorize the mayor to enter into an architectural contract with Phillips Swager Associates (PSA) for the West DPS facility. Award of bid to Tri-Dal, Ltd., for construction of channel improvements to the West Jones Branch, from SH 114 to Shady Lane. Award of bid to Integrated Roadway Services for F.M. 1709 traffic signal modifications and installation of a dynamic lane assignment sign at the intersection of North Kimball and SH 114. Resolution No. 99-82, extending the moratorium on construction of non- residential carports and covered parking until February 2, 2000. Resolution No. 99-83, Clarifying expiration of terms of Library Board members. Resolution No. 99-81, Authorizing the acceptance and filing of the base amount of revenues from the City's telecommunications providers and allocation of the base amount with the Public Utility Commission of Texas. Approval of application from Lennie Johnson for exemption of development fees under the Zoning Fees Hardship Policy adopted by Council October 5, 1999. Award of bid to Dallas Offset, Inc., for the printing of City newsletters. Resolution No. 99-87, Authorizing the City Attorney to bring a condemnation action for the purpose of obtaining a permanent utility easement and temporary construction easement for use by the City for the construction of a sanitary sewer line. Resolution No. 99-88, Authorizing the City Attorney to bring a condemnation action for the purpose of obtaining a permanent sanitary sewer easement and temporary construction easement for use by the City for the construction of a sanitary sewer line. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of December 7, 1999 Page 5 of 36 ZA 99-119, Plat Vacation, Lots 1 & 2, Block 1, E.A. Smith Subdivision, save and except South Carroll Avenue right-of-way dedication, as recorded in Volume 388-154, Page, 91, P.R.T.C.T. Current zoning is "SF-20B" Single Family Residential District. Owner: Versailles, III, Ltd., and Emalyn Mobley. Applicant: Versailles, III, Ltd. 5-Q. Resolution No. 99-89, Identifying the State Highway 114 and State Highway 121 Corridor (The Funnel) as a project of state and national significance and requesting that the Texas Transportation Commission direct staff to develop a multi-year phasing and funding program and to identify fimds in future unified transportation plans to facilitate the express/managed alternative improvement. 5-R. Authorize the Mayor to enter into an agreement with McElroy, Sullivan, Ryan & Miller for legal services related to Pioneer Concrete. Resolution No. 99-90, Allowing the City to accept proposals fi.om and award a Depository Contract to a Texas financial institution outside the city limits of Southlake. 10-A. Authorize the Mayor to approve a Scope of Service Agreement with the Southlake Chamber of Commeme for 1999-2000. 10-B. Authorize the Mayor to enter into Amendment//3 with Cheatham and Associates for architectural and engineering services relating to proposed improvements at Bob Jones Park. 10-D. Developer Agreement for Phase 2, Town Square. 10-E. Request for a variance to Sign Ordinance No. 704-A, for Southlake Town Square development signs located at the northeast comer of Carroll and East Southlake Boulevard and SH 114. 10-G. Approval of Change Order No. 3 to the contract with Pate Brothers Construction, Inc., for the construction of a 14-inch and 18-inch force main along Dove Road. 10-I. Consideration of an employment contract for the City Manager. 10-J. Consideration of an amendment to the City Secretary's employment contract. Motion was made to approve the Consent Agenda including the following: Item #5-A, #5-B, stipulating only non-toxic fire ant treatments; #5-D, changing Item #9 roofing bid to Supreme Systems;//5-E, as presented during the work session by staff; #5-F,//5-G, #5- H, //5-1, #5-J, //5-K, //5-L, //5-M, #5-N, #5-0, #5-P,//5-Q, #5-R, #9-A, //10-A, gl0-B, gl0-D, gl0-E, gl0-G, gl0-1, restricting the health insurance contribution to $300 per month maximum;//10-J, restricting the health insurance contribution to $300 per month Regular City Council Meeting Minutes ofDecember 7,1999 Page6of 36 maximum, extending the City Secretary's employment contract to December 2000, and increasing the current compensation by 2.5%; Item #10-H, no action taken. Motion: Second: Ayes: Nays: Approved: Fawks DuPre Fawks, DuPre, Edmondson, Potter, Kendall, and Stacy None 6-0 vote ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS 5-A. Approval of the Minutes of the Regular City Council meeting held November 2, 1999. The minutes were approved as presented. Authorize the Mayor to enter into a renewal contract with Minors Landscape, Services, including Change Order #1, and #2, additional facilities, for moving of parks and city facilities. The bid opening for this contract was held on April 20, 1999. Minors Landscape Services submitted the low bid in the amount of $45,420.50, plus Alternate #1 of fire ant treatment at $10,062.36 for a total bid price of $55,482.86. Change Order No. 1, dated May 5, 1999, added the Department of Public Safety's future site north of F.M. 1709 and east of Randol Mill Avenue to the agreement. Change Order No. 1 totaled $2,275.00, a four percent (4%) increase. Change Order No. 2 adds the Bicentennial Park Phase II and the Coker property, which totals $10,655.00. A copy of the memorandum from Director of Community Services Kevin Hugman dated December 3, 1999, is hereby attached to the minutes of the meeting. Authorize award of bid for the following sub-trades for the construction of Town Hall and reject bids for Masonry. A copy of the information provided by Director of Public Works Ron Harper in his memorandum dated December 3, 1999 is hereby attached to the minutes of the meeting. Resolution No. 99-80, Amendments to the Personnel Policies Handbook to include nepotism policy and amend vacation accrual rates. During the Budget Retreat in June, council expressed an interest in reviewing employee benefits as they compare with our market cities, especially in the areas of vacation accruals and holidays. After research, staff chose to align the City's vacation leave with Grapevine and North Richland Hills. Twenty-three (23) days of vacation accrual after ten (10) years of employment and twenty-six (26) days of vacation accrual after twenty (20) years of employment. Regarding the nepotism issue, staff has developed a nepotism policy that addresses the employment of relatives within the city and within the same departments. This policy prohibits the employment of employees in departments where relatives are currently employed, or the employment of employees that are related to the City Manager or department heads anywhere in the City. This policy will not apply to employees with relatives already working in the same department. The policy does address the fact that the Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of December 7, 1999 Page 7 of 36 potential for conflict will be taken into consideration in any future placement of these relatives within the department or city. Authorize the Mayor to enter into an architectural contract with Phillips Swager Associates (PSA) for the West DPS facility. PSA has been working with the Department of Public Safety to develop a needs assessment and space planning study for the West DPS facility to be located at the northeast comer of Randol Mill Road and F.M. 1709. Their services under this contract will include the development of the design drawings, submittals to Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council, completion of construction documents and assistance during the construction phase in reviewing shop drawings and product submittals. The proposed fee for basic services for this project is $342,500. In addition to this amount, the City can expect to spend approximately 10% or $34,250 for reimbursable expenses such as plan reproduction, travel, comer service, models, etc. This would result in a total cost of $376,750. Award of bid to Tri-Dal, Ltd., for construction of channel improvements to the West Jones Branch from SH 114 to Shady Lane. The improvements are needed to abate stream bank erosion and to improve the 100-year floor flow conveyance. Some of the improvements for this project are highlighted: · Widening a section of earthen trapezoidal channel between SH 114 and Kimball Avenue. · Installation of new culverts beneath Kimball Avenue and also beneath Shady Lane. · Installation of approximately 700 feet of gabion walls. Gabion walls are fabricated using large rocks that are held together by a galvanized wire mesh. The gabions provide erosion protection, yet are permeable which allows water to penetrate in between the rocks to the subsurface below the gabions. · Installation of a bioengineering structure at a severe bend in the stream. The bioengineering structure is an erosion control device that is sensitive to the environment. The bioengineering structure proposed will consist of live native vegetation such as tree branches and bushes that are installed in such a manner that will withstand high water velocities that cause erosion. · Installation of overtopping protection on an existing earthen dam for a pond near Shady Lane. Tree mitigation measures are also included in the scope of this project. This project will be funded from the CIP budget. The CIP budget has $1,000,000 allocated for this project. The construction cost is $705,238.75. The engineering and surveying cost is $111,800. The cost to pumhase the required drainage easements is estimated to cost $113,483. Therefore, the cost for the project totals $930,521.75, which is $69,478.25 below the budgeted amount. Award of bid to Integrated Roadway Services for F.M. 1709 traffic signal modifications and installation of a dynamic lane assignment sign at the Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of December 7, 1999 Page 8 of 36 5-I. intersection of North Kimball and SH 114. The City believes that the additional permissive left turn movement at the signalized intersections will allow the intersections to operate more efficiently, thus permitting more vehicles to travel through the intersection during each cycle. As part of the agreement with TxDOT to allow the permissive left turning movements, the City will monitor the accidents at each intersection following the conversion. TxDOT reserves the right to force the City to change the signals back to exclusive protected left turns if it is determined that accidents have increased substantially due to the signal conversions. This project will be funded from the FY 99-00 CIP Budget. The CIP budget has $200,000 allocated for this project. The costs associated with this project are tabulated: · The construction cost is $108,949.00 · The engineering and surveying cost is $14,450 Therefore, the cost for the project totals $123,399 which is $76,601 below the budgeted amount. This project has been added to the CIP Project Costs ledger. Resolution No. 99-82, Extending the moratorium on construction of non- residential carports and covered parking until February 2, 2000. The resolution extends the moratorium on non-residential carports, covered parking and parking garages for thirty-five (35) days. An extension is required to allow time for the first and second readings of Ordinance No. 480-II. Resolution No. 99-83, Clarifying expiration of terms of Library Board members. Resolution No. 99-83, seeks to extend the current appointments of the Library Board members to the May following the effective date of expiration, allowing the Board appointments to coincide with those of those other City boards and committees. The proposed resolution would also provide for the appointments of three (3) members in each even-numbered year and four (4) members in each odd-numbered year. Resolution No. 99-81, Authorizing the acceptance and filing of the base amount of revenues from the City's telecommunications providers and allocation of the base amount with the Public Utility Commission (PUC) of Texas. Beginning March 1, 2000 all telecommunication franchises in Texas will be based on a fee-per-access line method. HB1777 requires the PUC to establish not more than three types of lines, also known as categories of access lines. At present, the PUC has proposed three categories of access lines. Each category of line will have a rate. This rate will be unique to each municipality. The rate for each category, multiplied by the total number of lines in that category in that mtmicipality, will he equal to the municipality's Base Amount. Approval of application from Lennia Johnson for exemption of development fees under the Development Fee Hardship Policy adopted by Council October 5, 1999. On October 5, 1999, the City Council approved a Development Fee Regular City Council Meeting Minutes ofDecember 7,1999 Page9of 36 5-0. Hardship Policy. City staff received the first application on October 18, 1999, fi.om Ms. Johnson. Ms. Johnson meets the requirements (age, income and ownership of property). Award of bid to Dallas Offset, Inc. for the printing of City newsletters. The bid received from Dallas Offset, Inc., was $9,396.22 for the base package with two- color printing; $11,799.84 for Option IA with full-color cover only; and $13,645.20 for Option lB with full-color printing on all pages. The contract requires a maximum five-day turnaround from the time the document is delivered to the printer until the finished newsletters are delivered to the Post Office for mailing. The 12-month agreement language is included in the event that the vendor does not meet specification requirements. Dallas Offset was used to print the December newsletter. The FY 99-00 Community Service budget includes $22,000 printing the city newsletter. Approval of Resolution No. 99-87, Authorizing the City Attorney to bring condemnation action for the purpose of obtaining a permanent utility easement and temporary construction easement for use by the City for the construction of a sanitary sewer line. The City has been in the process since March 1999 of acquiring 54 easements in order to construct sanitary sewer lines to serve the Cross Timber Hill subdivision. As of this date, the city has obtained fifty of the easements. There are two property owners who have agreed to grant the easement but have yet to send the easement to the City. One other easement will have to be condemned for acquisition. The City has made several attempts to acquire the easement from the property owner, Mr. and Mrs. Davis of 1342 Woodcreek Court, to no avail. The City is in the process of having the property appraised. The City will be required to pay the appraisal cost. The City will have to pay the property owner fair market value for the easement. Additionally, if the condemnation action proceeds to the Commissioner's Court, the City will incur attorney's fees and possible consulting fees from the appraiser, engineer, etc. Approval of Resolution No. 99-88, Authorizing the City Attorney to bring a condemnation action for the purpose of obtaining a permanent sanitary sewer easement and temporary construction easement for use by the City for the construction of a sanitary sewer line. The City has made several attempts to acquire an easement from the property owner, Mr. and Mrs. Sunstnma of 1332 Hidden Glen Court, to no avail. The property owner has requested $1,500 and a waiver of the $1,300 participation fee for consideration of the easement. The City is in the process of having the property appraised. The City will be required to pay the appraisal cost. The City will have to pay the property owner fair market value for the easement. Additionally, if the condemnation action proceeds to the Commissioner's Court, the City will incur attorney's fees and possible consulting fees from the appraiser, engineer, etc. Plat Vacation of Lots 1 & 2, Block 1, E.A. Smith Subdivision. This plat vacation is associated with the Versailles Phase III residential development and is Regular City Council Meeting Minutes ofDecember 7,1999 Pagel0of 36 5-Q. IO-A. iO-B. necessary in order to vacate any existing deed restrictions, easements, and lots established by the E.A. Smith Subdivision plat. The filling of this plat vacation is a condition of approval for the Versailles Phase III final plat. Resolution No. 99-89, Identifying State Highway 114 and State Highway 121 Corridor (The Funnel) as a project of state and national significance, and requesting that the Texas Transportation Commission direct staff to develop a multi-year phasing and funding program and to identify funds in future unified transportation plans to facilitate the express/managed alternative improvement. The Metroport Cities Transportation Parmership is planning another advocacy appearance before the Texas Transportation Commission on January 27, 2000 in Austin. They have asked all member cities to declare their support for the funding of improvements to the SH 114/SH121 Funnel by approving the resolution. Authorize the Mayor to enter into an agreement with McElroy, Sullivan, Ryan & Miller for legal services related to Pioneer Concrete. Council voted to enter into an agreemem with McElroy, Sullivan, Ryan & Miller for legal services related to Pioneer Concrete. Resolution No. 99-90, Allowing the City to accept proposals from and award a Depository Contract to a Texas financial institution outside the city limits of Southlake. The City's current bank depository contract will expire on February 1, 2000. Within the next week, staff will be sending Request for Proposal (RFP) forms to financial institutions to solicit proposals for depository services. To insure the City obtains high quality banking services at a reasonable cost certain criteria will be used to evaluate the proposals. Authorize a Scope of Service Agreement with the Southlake Chamber of Commerce for 1999-2000. The agreement for 1999-2000 is basically identical to agreements of prior years. The agreement identified the various services the Chamber provides to the benefit of Southlake in exchange for the monthly payment of $1,250. The approved budget amount of $15,000 year would be made in monthly payments. Amendment No. 3 with Cheatham and Associates for architectural and engineering services relating to the proposed improvements at Bob Jones Park. Proposed Amendment No. 3 includes a listing of the planned design items. These design items were also presented to the Parks and Recreation Board at their August 9, 1999 meeting and to the SPDC at their August 23, 1999 meeting. The design items are preliminary in nature and can be modified pending the discussion of the Parks Five Year CIP by the Parks Board and SPDC, as well as, the relationship of the design components to the grant awarded by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. SPDC approved an additional $1,810,000 for Bob Jones Park Development in the FY 2001 Parks Capital Improvements Budget at their November 1, 1999 meeting. Based upon this amount, as well as Bob Jones Park Regular City Council Meeting Minutes ofDecember 7,1999 Pagellof 36 IO-D. 10-E. components previously budged in the FY 1999 Parks CIP, but not currently under contract for design ($231,500), the proposed architectural and engineering services, based on a flat rate of 9.8% of the design budget would be $177,380. Developer Agreement for Phase 2, Town Square. Block 10 of Town Square is located on the North Carroll Avenue directly across from Southview subdivision. This block contains the new U.S. Post Office and several commercial buildings. This is a standard agreement however several items need to be highlighted: iV.C-PARK FEES. The Phase I developer agreement allowed for a Park carryover credit of 0.9 acres. The park dedication requirements for this block are 0.16 acres and the developer wishes to apply this to his carryover, resulting in a can~over balance of 0.74 acres. iV.E-CITY'S PURCHASE OF LAND AND RIGHT-OF-WAY. In the Phase 1 development the city agreed to reimburse the developer for cost of public infrastructure at the 40% level. These costs have been identified in the TIF project plan for all phases of this project. The developer is seeking reimbursement of infrastructure costs of 40% not to exceed $500,000 for this phase. This reimbursement is subject to a City audit of all construction costs and contracts. IV-H. NORTH CARROLL AVENUE RELOCATION AND WIDENING. The developer has incurred roadway impact fees for Phase I and Block 10 of approximately $271,000. In lieu of payment of these fees, the developer has proposed to continue the reconstruction and widening of North Carroll Avenue to a point north of this project. The advantage to the City is the construction of a roadway at a possible cost less than the City can construct it. The developer is requesting credit against current and future roadway impact fees up to the cost of construction. These costs would be audited and a credit balance would be maintained and tracked. Request for variance to Sign Ordinance No. 704-A, for Southlake Town Square development signs located at the northeast corner of Carroll and East Southlake Boulevard and SH 114. Section 2 l-D-2 of the Sign Ordinance limits development signs to 32 square feet in area. On September 2, 1997 the City Council granted a variance allowing two development signs of 150 s.f. each, one on Southlake Boulevard, and the other on SH 114. At that time the Sign Ordinance in effect would have permitted three signs of 100 s.f. each, one on each street frontage; Southlake Boulevard; and SH114, and Carroll Avenue. A condition attached to that variance was that it would expire in two years, rather than at the completion of the project, as is normally the case for a development sign. This appeal is to extend the time period previously granted. The applicant has provided a photograph of the signs and indicated the portion of the sign that may be subject Regular City Council Meeting Minutes ofDeeember 7,1999 Pagel2of 36 to rewording. There is no intention to change the overall size or shape of the signs. The variance was granted. 10-I. Consideration of an Employment contract for the City Manager. In general, the contract provides for a one-year term with an option to extend if mutually agreeable. If during the term, the council terminates the contract at a time when the city manager is willing and able to serve, the city manager will be offered the opportunity to retire and will be paid three (3) months severance pay. If during the term the city manager desires to retire, he must give three (3) months notice, after which he may retire with no severance pay. In either event, the city is obligated to pay the city manager's health insurance with a cap of $300 per month, until the city manager is eligible for federal government insurance assistance. 10-J. Consideration of an amendment to the City Secretary's Employment Contract. An addendum was added to the employment contract for the City Secretary to include an extension until December 2000; a compensation increase of 2.5%; and, in the event the City Secretary voluntarily retired or is terminated pursuant to Section 3.C of the agreement, the city agrees to pay the City Secretary's health insurance until the City Secretary reaches the age of eligibility for federal health insurance assistance in the form of Medicare or Medicaid or in the form available at the time the City Secretary is eligible for such assistance, with a cap of $300 per month. Agenda Item #10-I~ Approval of the Five (5) Year Parks Capital Improvements Program for FY 2000 through FY 2004, including FY 1999-2000 CIP Budget. Director of Community Services Kevin Hugman stated in his memorandum dated December 3, 1999, "At the time of approval of the Parks Five (5) Year CIP by SPDC at their October 26, 1998 meeting, staff committed to annually reviewing and refining project costs for factors such as inflation, clearer definition of project scope, etc. Staff has been working on the revision process, and now seeks approval of the refinements and the Parks Capital Improvement Budget for FY 1999-2000. SPDC and the Parks and Recreation Board prioritized ten (10) capital projects at the September 27, 1999 joint meeting, and the Parks and Recreation Board prioritized the remaining projects at their October 11, 1999 meeting. Staff took this direction and incorporated the prioritization into the Proposed Parks Five (5) Year CIP and the FY 1999-2000 Parks Capital Improvements Budget. The proposed CIP was considered by SPDC at their November 1, 1999 meeting. At this meeting, several changes were made to the proposed plan, including allocation of $1.25 million over three years towards the proposed Carroll ISD natatorium, and changes in fimding regarding a Recreation/Teen Center." A copy of the memorandum from Mr. Hugman, dated December 3, 1999, is hereby attached to the minutes of this meeting. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of December 7, 1999 Page 13 of 36 Richard Anderson, 4553 North White Chapel Boulevard, Southlake. Mr. Anderson stated he is member of the Parks and Recreation Board and will speak on the budget that is before the City Council. He stated they spent a number of weeks with citizens coming before the Park Board making recommendations on the kinds of things they wanted to see in the Southlake parks organization. He stated they believe that the way the budget is currently set out is a very good way to get the projects completed. It takes into consideration the many different user groups, it also takes into consideration the desire to develop the trail system. He stated he believes that the $10,000 that is in the budget for the survey for the teen center is a very worthwhile expenditure and he feels it will help them to determine what the citizens really want when it comes to the teen center. Shelby Stengle, 318 Blanco, Southlake. Miss Stengle urged the City Council to take action as far as what the SPDC approved during last night's meeting as far as taking it forward with the $300,000 to be put into a teen center, reflecting whatever the survey says, assuming that the survey would have a majority vote and go forward with the teen center. Ms. Stengle expressed why the teens of Southlake want a teen center, noting, they want a place where older teens can be minters to the younger teens. They want their home base! She supports the recommendation for a "stand alone" teen center. Jennifer Engle-Key, 105 Killdeer Court, Southlake. Miss. Engle-Key stated she did not have anything specific to add to Shelby Stengle's comments, but she is in favor of a "stand alone" teen center. Joshua Kendall, 203 Canyon Lake Drive, Southlake. Mr. Kendall presented a scroll naming the kids who want a "stand alone" teen center. He stated the list include 160 names, and includes several letters in support of a "stand alone" teen center. He stated to Council that they have done their research and asked that the City Council go forward with the "stand alone" teen center as planned. Bess Frost, 1928 SheffieM Street, Southlake. Miss Frost named some of the items that would be included in a "stand alone" teen center, and stated a teen center is a good place for people to go. They want a board of teenagers who will be in charge of the center and will control activities at night. She included the comment that the items in the center could change from year to year depending on the interests of the teens at the time. Al Suarez, 311 SheffieM Drive, Southlake. Mr. Suarez stated he is in support of the teen center. Suarez stated, "We know it will cost a lot of money, but we could help raise the money, and we are only asking for the shell of the building." Diane Green, 1703 Egret Lane, Southlake. Miss Green stated she feels a "stand alone" teen center will be a good idea and give the teens a place to go. Regular City Couneil Meeting Minutes ofDecember 7,1999 Pagel4of 36 Kenny Brown, 402 Bosque Circle, $outhlake. Mr. Brown stated he just moved to Southlake two months ago and feels this is a great idea and good place for teens to go. DarylA. Deutsch, 1211 Wood Creek, Southlake. Mr. Deutsch stated he is in favor of the teen center but wanted to say a few things. Mr. Deutsch stated, "I would like the entire community involved. As much as I would like to give the teenagers their whole separate building, I won't do that in my house either. My kids have a room there and I would like for them to have a room in a community center. One of the big things about living in Southlake is that it has that small town environment. When I go with my kids to Town Square, we go as a family, because I like to keep my family together. Soon enough my kids will be driving and going to college and I would like to be with them as much as possible. It's low pay and high abuse, but you do it for your kids. I too would like to have a center for all those kids, but I would like to go there with them, and I would like to be included with them, and I would like to embrace their growth. I do not want to "drop them off' at the teen center. I would like to say that there is probably no study that says dropping your kids offis a benefit to anyone. I urge all of you to keep your kids close, and lets all get along and hopefully the community will vote for the right thing." Blaine McGaffigan, 2885 Burney Lane, Southlake. He stated he is here in support of the teen center. He stated he feels the teens should have a part in designing and building the teen center. Chris O'Conner, 1064 Harbor Retreat, Southlake. Mr. O'Conner stated he wants to speak in favor of the teen center, as it will be a good place to go, instead of going over to his friends house, until his parents make him go home. The teen center would be a place they could go and actually do something constructive and not just hang around. Daniel Kulhanek, 2156 Idlewood Drive, Grapevine. Mr. Kulhanek stated, "I am in support of the teen center because in our society teens need a place to hang out and have fun. Sometimes I have to baby-sit my sister and she has mental disabilities and physical limitations and I have to give her multiple medications and many times I have messed up and my parents get frustrated with me, and I need a place to go where I can relax and be myself." Wes McFall, 860 Harbor Court, Southlake. Mr. McFall stated he and all his friends are very excited about having a teen center. They all feel a teen center would be more effective than a recreation center. Vicki Johnson, 1208 Timber Court, Southlake. Ms. Johnson gave some history and informed everyone about how we got to this point. She stated, "I think you can see that the teens of Southlake are very committed to his project, and I am hoping that everyone is giving them a open ear." [see the tape recording of the meeting Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of December 7, 1999 Page 15 of 36 for Ms. Johnson's comments regarding the history of the teen center discussions. Tape 1, Section 1512]. Dana McGrath, 1319 Byron Nelson Parkway, Southlake. Ms. McGrath stated she thanked every City Councilmember who supported the decision to review plans for the $1 million dollar, 5,500 s.f. stand-alone teen center in the City of Sonthlake. She stated she "firmly believes that had the City Council failed to survey a broader opinion base on this matter, such would have shown fiscal irresponsibility." She stated she does not support a stand-alone teen center, but will accept the final decision made by the City Council based upon their thorough examination of the issue. She stated she expects the City Council to take the responsibility for each tax dollar just as she takes responsibility for the amount of money in her child's pockets. Residents need to be award that this teen center request is in addition to an already planned multi-use Southlake recreation center, thus, the residents are being asked to additionally support this $1 million dollar plus, stand alone teen center. She stated she finds the usage level of a stand alone center vs. costs, to be unbalanced. Michael Dotti, M.D., Chief of Family Practice, Baylor Medical Center, Grapevine, 1310 Tinker Road, Colleyville. Dr. Dotti stated, "I am very much in favor of a "stand alone" teen center but not in favor of limiting its budget as being proposed tonight. Historically, I became involved with the Southlake Teen Center when I read an advertisement in the newspaper in the fall of 1998 for a meeting to be held regarding a teen center. I went to that meeting because of my practice. I have patients in Southlake that live in the big houses and some that live in the little houses. The problems are the same. I wish that all kids grew up in the ideal family situation that Mr. Deutsch described to us tonight, but they don't. I see children in all families that have absentee parents, with two parents working - that come home day after day from school to a home where they are alone -- unsupervised and able to get themselves into trouble. I see a number of my patients totally shipwreck their lives. Children ages 13, 1 4, 15, 16, 17 and on, distroy their lives with drugs and teen pregnancies. Because of this I attended the meeting of the teen center, hoping this could make a difference in the children and teens in Southlake. While there, I volunteered to be the chairman of the committee that would decide on the usage of a teen center. I should say that at that meeting, the teen center was presented as something that had already been approved as an "A" priority in the budget, and that a timeline had been given for completion as summer, 2000. With that understanding [which was communicated to the teenagers that were in attendance at that meeting] they were promised a stand alone teen center with a budget of $1 million dollars." He stated he found out l~om Councilmember Ronnie Kendall that the promise may not have technically been a promise. Dotti stated, "But that was morally a promise to the teens of this community." Dotti stated, "Over the next six months, a number of meetings took place whereby the teens went to other teen centers and developed a list of the things that they Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of December 7, 1999 Page 16 of 36 would like to see in their teen center. As a result of that, I would ask the Council tonight to affirm the importance of the teens in this community. I would ask the City Council to put this project back to an "A" priority and provide the funding. Lets make this community stand out from all the rest." Wendy 0 'Conner, 1064 Harbor Retreat, Southlake. Did not speak but indicated she is in support of the teen center. Ginny Elder, 180 Creekway Bend, $outhlake. Did not speak but indicated she is opposed to the teen center. Mark Fidlen, 912 Turnberry, Southlake. Mr. Fidlen did not speak but indicated he is opposed to the teen center. Bill Elder, 180 Creelm,ay Bend, Southlake. Did not speak but indicated he is opposed to the teen center. Chris and Becky Miltenberger, 1401 Exeter Court, Southlake. They did not speak but indicated they are in support ora survey and in support of a multi-use facility. Bobby Raw& 165 East Dove Road, Southlake. Mr. Rawls was not present, but Mayor Stacy was asked to read a letter from him into the record: "Dear Council: After last night's SPDC meeting, I came away with a few thoughts. 1) Dr. Dotti who is a bi-partisan observer from Colleyville called this a political issue, which it has turned out to be. He spent a lot of his free time on this issue and came to the conclusion this needs to be a free standing teen center. 2) All members, except Mayor Stacy present Monday night, thought 6,000 s.f. was too small for a center but tried to pacify the teens by insulting them with a 1,000 s.f. Community Center. Would you please make up your minds! 3) The issue of a $10,000 study is not the answer at all. Dr. Dotti did a study and has the answers. They are organized [the kids] and want answers now. I think all Council wants to get is an organization together to defeat the teen center. Quit wasting our childrens' time; this was suppose to be close to opening by now. Council was invited to all meetings but chose not to come, instead thinking the kids would go away. 4) Having members of Council write and draft a letter for Billy Campbell to sign -- Edmondson and DuPre admit to this. Mrs. DuPre calling the school to pick up fliers at the Junior High that was just an informational meeting for the teens and then coming to the meeting and acting so concerned. So they think they run the schools now! 5) Do the right thing, put your own agendas to the side and do something for the future of our youth who will one day be leaders here in Southlake. Did we send out a survey for the Hockey Arena, the Nature Trail? I know I never received one. The kids are smart, articulate, and passionate about this and they are not going to go away. This is right and you should set an example tonight and give our kids a place to call their own. Do the right thing, do it for the kids." Regular City Councii Meeting Minutes of December 7,1999 Pagel7of 36 Sherry Berman 818 Parkdale Drive, $outhlake. Ms. Berman stated she is Park Board President and a member of the SPDC, and stated, "There has been a lot of controversy about this. Through the newspaper more information in favor of this. At one of the park board meetings a couple of teenagers came to the meeting stating what they did not want. The park board thought that if the teens did not want this, then why are they doing this. So after that she starting asking the teens that she knew and there was not a censuses about this. We thought it was a compromise to do the survey, and it was a difficult time for the city staff. Some of the information that Dr. Dotti is talking about, she has never seen. With all the controversy, she thought maybe the board should go back and look at the entire issue again." She stated, "The thing that is important is that we care about our teens. We want to do something for our teens. The teens are a priority; they are still on the "A" list. Lets try to find out what the citizens of Southlake [teens and parents] want in a teen center. Yes, it puts us behind but it is better to try and find out what they want, and I would spend the money and do a building where the teens will go to and the parents are in support of and we can be proud of. I think it is worth the time to do." Public comments closed. Mayor Stacy thanked everyone who spoke, especially the teens. He stated he appreciated their professionalism and the way the people stated their positions on the issue. There is always two or three sides to an issue, and he is a firm believer that if you talk through the issue, the right thing will be done. He stated everyone worked very hard at the SPDC meeting last night; he felt that everyone came away with a compromise. He stated the survey should be completed in January and it is not like the City is putting this off for four or five years. The survey can happen in the next 30-45 days and the City can move ahead. Councilmember Ronnie Kendall stated, "I would like to share my own history from a Council perspective, and I do not agree with some of the things that Mayor Stacy said. I have a history of mixed signals. We knew of a teen center committee but we also heard from other children who said that they would not go to a teen center, that they "would not be caught dead in one." Our own Youth Park Board recommended against a teen center. They voted for an overall community center philosophy. This has been ongoing with e- mails, with phone calls, and we have gotten mixed signals all the way along. All we said is let's wait a minute and research this. I resent those who come up here and try to draw a line in the sand and say if you don't do this stand-alone center, then you don't support teens. You know that is wrong and a bold statement for you to make. Because it is absolutely not true. Teens are very high on the priority list. Phase II of Bicentennial Park is for the teens and we very much pushed for that. For those of you who say we have no teen programs, check it out -- we do. Do we need more? Yes. Do we need the teens to be involved? Yes. And I love the idea of them wanting to have a board to give input; that's wonderful and we need to do that anyway regardless of the facility. I resent those who come forward to say that this council does not support the teens. You are absolutely Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of December 7, 1999 Page 18 of 36 wrong and I don't know what the motivation is, only you know that. I disagree with you Rick, based on these mixed signals. It is absolutely important that we find out from the community one of two issues: Do they want a stand-alone building, or do they want a recreation center? We are not saying to do nothing; we are saying which way should we go. It is going to be for the teens, and it will be for everyone. We have so much documentation of the success and failures of other teen centers in various other cities. We have looked into this and researched this. We do care, in spite of what people would want you to believe. This survey will be complete in a couple of months. SPDC has put away some funds to start construction this year, whichever way to goes. I want the public to know that we are very much for the teens." Councilmember Patsy DuPre stated, "I agree with everything that Ronnie said. I did attend one of the teen center meetings and one of the most exciting things I heard was when the teens said they want to be involved. That sense of ownership whatever we end up with, I hope stays with the teens in the community. We do have some facilities that are for separate interests like the senior center and adventure alley. If you will look at those, they are all put together with volunteer efforts and donations, and not tax dollars. If it roms out that a teen center is what our survey says we want, we have committed SPDC money towards the project. At no time has anyone on the Council said that they did not want to do something for the teens. We just said we want to get more information. We will know when we get the results of the survey." Councilmember Gary Fawks stated, "Ronnie put it pretty well, the people who talked about the survey spoke as if it were a survey to determine whether or not to build a teen center and that is not what we are talking about at all. What we are talking about is trying to determine what the teens and youth of the community want so that we can build the right thing. I have been at the Drug and Alcohol Awareness Committee meetings where this idea hatched and I look forward with enthusiasm to the oppommity to put a facility on the ground for the youth of this community. It is one of the highest funded parts of the budget as anything before Council tonight. I am excited that we move forward and it is exciting to see the young people out tonight pledging not to support it but to participate in it - it is so very important. One thing that carries forward is if we, if the Council and adults try to plan and hand over a facility to the youth in the community, it would be doing the youth a great injustice. What counts is the participation of the youth in the community." Mayor Stacy asked who would be surveyed, the teens or the adults? Councilmember Kendall stated both would be surveyed. There is a committee working with a professional service who is putting together the survey, so that the right questions will be asked to both youth and adults. Dana McGrath stated she feels the committee should be opened up to the community for input into the survey. Motion was made to approve the Five (5) Year Parks Capital Improvement Program for FY 2000 through FY 2004, including FY 1999-2000 Capital Improvements Budget. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of December 7, 1999 Page 19 of 36 Motion: Second: Ayes: Nays: Approved: DuPre Kendall DuPre, Kendall, Edmondson, Potter, Fawks, and Stacy None 6-0 vote Council adjourned to recess at 9:15 p.m. Council returned to open session at 9:35 p.m. Agenda Item #8-A, Ordinance No. 480-320, Ist Reading, (ZA 99-105), Rezoning and Site Plan for Pi Systems Ordinance No. 480-320, 1st Reading, (ZA 99-105), Rezoning and Site Plan for Pi Systems, on property legally described as Tracts lB14, IB15, 1B6E and 1B6F situated in the Harrison Decker Survey, Abstract No. 438, and being approximately 0.892 acres. Current zoning is "MH" Manufactured Housing District, with a requested zoning of"SP- 1" Detailed Site Plan District with "I-1" Light Industrial District uses. Owner and Applicant: Pi Systems. Planner Ken Baker presented ZA 99-105, stating that seventeen (17) notices were sent to property owners within the 200' notification area and two (2) responses were received from: James Edward Hall, 812 Belaire Drive, Burleson, Texas, no comment, "I no longer own this property. "And, Sam Hughes, 1207 Timberline Court, Southlake, in favor of, "Gets rid of two worn out rent trailers and the type of tenants they attract." Mr. Baker stated on November 18, 1999, the Planning and Zoning Commission approved this item (7-0 vote), subject to the Site Plan Review Summary No. 2, dated November 12, 1999, eliminating the following uses: sexually oriented businesses; aluminum product fabrication; bakery, wholesale; blacksmithing or horse shoeing; broom manufacturing, cabinet or carpentry ship; candle manufacturing; candy plant or production facility; carpet cleaning operations; clothing manufacturing; compounding of cosmetics and toiletries; creamery and dairy product processing; egg storage, candling, sorting and grading; farrier (horseshoeing); feed stores; glass blowing; ice cream manufacturing; ice manufacturing and bulk ice storage; insulation application business; linen and towel service; mattress manufacturing or mattress renovation; mini-warehouses; pest control businesses; sheet metal ship and spray painting shop. F.C. LeVrier, Suncoast Architects, 379 North Carroll Avenue, Suite 200, Southlake. Representing Richard and Nancy Andrews owners of Pi Systems. Mr. LeVrier stated they are the owners of Pi Systems who are currently operating their business at 1937 East Continental Boulevard, Southlake. He stated they current operate a computer hardware/software sales and service business, which includes maintenance to various ATM machines for financial institutions. They also train employees who go out and service different financial institution's computers. They set up the network systems. They have grown in their business and have several branch offices throughout the state. They also have a manufacturing plant in Mexico. They have purchased this property and Regular City Council Meeting Minutes ofDecember 7,1999 Page20of 36 wish to construct their own corporate office and move from the lease space they have on Continental Boulevard to this new location. This will serve as their office building and warehouse. Mr. LeVrier stated they have no problem with the staff review summary as presented. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Barbara Misuk, 1227 and 1229 Timberline Court, $outhlake. Ms. Misuk stated they purchased their property in 1983 and Southlake annexed them into the City in 1986. She stated she is present because they want to keep in touch with what is going on and they want to have their neighborhood. She stated she is very happy where she is. Bill Kubicek, 1230 Woodsey Court, $outhlake. Mr. Kubicek stated he is concemed with the piece-mealing of industry coming into the area. He does not want industrial uses in his neighborhood. Bonita Lightcap, 1206 Timerline, Southlake. Ms. Lightcap stated she lives directly across the street from the proposed property. They bought their property in 1983, they are retired, and are owners flee and clear and they want the property to stay as it is right now. Joe Hazelwood, 1222 Timberline Court, Southlake. Mr. Hazelwood stated he is opposed to this zoning. John Cernicek, 1232 Woodsey Court, Southlake. Mr. Cemicek stated they were the first people out there and stated they were not notified about the zoning change request until last Saturday. They are opposed. Mayra Cernicek, 1232 Woodsey Court, Southlake. Ms. Cemicek asked why they were not notified? She commented that they pay their high taxes just like everyone else in Southlake. They need to know what to look for fi'om the City when changes are being proposed. Jimmy Hale, 1234 Woodsey Court, Southlake. Mr. Hale stated he did not wish to speak, but is opposed. Glinda Kubicek, 1230 Woodsey Court, Southlake. Did not wish to speak but indicated she is opposed. W.R. Lightcap, 1206 Timberline Court, Southlake. Did not wish to speak but indicated he is opposed. Duard W. Turner, 1219 Timberline Court, Southlake. Did not wish to speak but indicated he is opposed. Tracy Willoughby, 1221 Timerline Court, Southlake. Did not wish to speak but indicated she is opposed. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of December 7, 1999 Page 21 of 36 Sharon Ammerman, 1234 Timberline Court, Southlake. Did not wish to speak but indicated she is opposed. Daniel d. Lammers, 1219 Timberline Court, Southlake. Mr. Lammers did not wish to speak but indicated this zoning change would be disruptive to the community, increase traffic in an area with children and possible decrease of property values. Rafael M. Trevino, 1228 ~ Timberline Court, Southlake. Did not wish to speak but indicated he is opposed. Lavro Mendoza, 1232 Timberline Court, Southlake. Did not wish to speak but indicated he is opposed. David Winters, 1220 Timberline Court, Southlake. Mr. Winters stated he owns property in that location, 1-½ acres north of the subject property. He stated he is one of the people who rent property on that street. He stated since 1987 when he pumhased the property, John Boyle, City Attorney at the time, suggested there would be all stick-built homes on that property. He stated currently there are sixteen stick-built homes on that property in which he owns one. He stated the mobile homes are all non-conforming use and the Code Enforcement Department is enforcing the life span of a non-conforming property. He stated you couldn't sell those homes on a conventional loan. The majority of the mobile homes on the property do not meet the zoning ordinance. All the lots except his are ½ acre. Mr. Boyle promised the property owners that there would be sewer there within ten years; there is not. By definition, the area is a non-conforming use. Councilmember Rex Potter asked Mr. LeVrier why he did not have a SPIN meeting on this issue? Mr. LeVrier stated the only way he can answer that is when the owner was looking at purchasing the property, they came to the site and inquired about property and the zoning and inquired about what the potentials were [that is what he was told] and that was the basis which they used to purchase this property rather than put an option on the property to purchase it. After they had purchased the property, Mr. LeVrier became involved in the project. The reason there was no SPIN heating was that the neighborhood around the property was trying to sell their property to other users that want to do the same thing. From the onset of this endeavor, everything seemed very positive for this property. That is his only answer. Nancy Andrews, 508 Colleyville Terrace, Colleyville. Ms. Andrews stated she and her husband purchased the property in March 1999. Prior to purchasing the property they called the City and talked with someone in Planning and Zoning and told them where their property was and that they were interested. She was told that the Master Plan for that entire area was shown as hopefully going light industrial for the entire court. The property on the comer, where Stowe's plumbing is already zoned light industrial, and with the property next door to Stowe's being zoned to light industrial, they felt the Regular City Council Meeting Minutes ofDecember 7,1999 Page22of 36 property they were interested in being adjacent to these two lots, according to that, the City employee stated she did not feel that there would be a problem with pursing this zoning in that area. Mr. Andrews stated they purchased the two lots based on what they were told, and had them replatted into one lot with the intent of building a building for their business. Mr. Andrews stated to the people who are present tonight that they are not new to their area, they have leased property on East Continental Boulevard for the past six years and are a low-key business with the employees being mostly off-site. The way the building is being planned, she is hopeful that the residents will find that this is something that will raise the property values instead of lowering the property values, and will consider them an asset to that street rather than anything else. Davis Fergerson, 1236 Timberline Court, Southlake. Mr. Fergerson stated obviously they did not take the consensus of the residents before they went into this venture. None of the residents that live down there even knew about this until last Saturday. He stated the City did not notify the people in the area. The 200' notification area only included one resident on each side of the lot. His main concerns are: If we let this zoning take place, other businesses will come in and it will ruin this area for a residential neighborhood. There are children who play on this street. We realize the business in now on Continental Boulevard, but this is not Continental Boulevard. We don't want commercial sites coming onto our road. He stated he is opposed to this case being presented tonight. Mayor Stacy stated he appreciates everyone who came tonight and expressed his sorrow that everyone was not advised earlier. It is obvious now why they were not at the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting; because they did not know about it. Councilmember Patsy DuPre stated she appreciates the neighbors who came out tonight, noting this is probably an outstanding business, but stated she is concerned for the residents in that area. She stated she is opposed to the piece-meal zoning in that area. She expressed that she is sorry for the owner, knowing she has gone to a lot of expense, but she is not comfortable in approving this action tonight. Councilmember Edmondson expressed the same comments as Ms. DuPre. Motion was made to deny ZA 99-105, Zoning "S-P-l" Detailed Site Plan District with "I- l'' Light Industrial District uses. Motion: Second: Ayes: Nays: Denied: Potter Edmondson Potter, Edmondson, Fawks, Kendall, DuPre, and Stacy None 6-0 vote Councilmember Ronnie Kendall commented on the fact that the residents in the neighborhood did not get notification on this zoning change. She stated according to the record that seventeen (17) notices were sent out and only two responses were received. What happened to the other fifteen notices who have not responded? Councilmember Edmondson expressed Regular City Council Meeting Minutes ofDecember 7,1999 Page23of 36 that the state law is 200' notification area and that is why we use that calculation when we notify for zoning cases. Mayor Stacy stated perhaps the area should form a homeowners association with a representation, so that they can be informed of what is going on in their neighborhood. He stated we need to get a SPIN Representative for that area. F.C. LeVrier stated, since it has come to light that there was a possible break-down in the notifications, he asked if the Mayor and Council would amend their motion and allow them to table this action, while they go ahead and try to communicate with the residents about what they would like to build in that area and what the business actually does, and that the development is a clean, quality development and it is not something that will offend the residents in the area. He stated if the residents were still opposed, they would withdraw their request. The residents present stated nothing would change their minds about this action. Agenda Item #6, Public Forum Charlie Broadaway, 600 Bentwood Lane, Southlake. Mr. Broadaway approached the City Council regarding City literature that referred to the Christmas Season as the "holiday" and wanted to know who was responsible for this term being used rather than using Christmas Season. He stated he feels someone is trying to censor Christmas writings and he asked for a response from the City Council as to "who" and ''why" this has happened. Bill Spivey, 1520 Randol Mill Road, Southlake. Mr. Spivey approached the City Council regarding his annual garage sale and the signage they used. Mr. Spivey stated he followed the requirements of the Sign Ordinance and was concerned about the interpretation used by the Code Enforcement Officer regarding this ordinance. Agenda Item #7-A, Ordinance No. 480-317, 2nd Reading, (ZA 99-057), Rezoning and Development Plan for Crown Ridge Addition. Ordinance No. 480-317, 2nd Reading, (ZA 99-057), Rezoning and Development Plan for Crown Ridge Addition on property legally described as Tracts 8,9, 18, and 19, situated in the R.D. Price Survey, Abstract No. 992, and being approximately 64.43 acres. Current zoning is "R-PUD" Residential Planned Unit Development District with an Amended Zoning Request to "SF-1A" Single Family Residential District. Applicant: Huitt- Zollares. Owner: Southlake/Solana, Ltd. Planner Ken Baker stated fourteen (14) notices were sent to property owners within the 200' notification area and four (4) responses were received from: W..E. Larnoreaux, Jr., 6967 Blackwood Drive, Dallas, in favor; Barbaara G. Larnoreaux, 6967 Blackwood Drive, Dallas, in favor; Jim Makens, Copper Vine, J.V. 2300 Airport Freeway, #230, Bedford, in favor; Marzell F. Evans, 9426 Braddock Road, Fairfax, VA. undecided. Mr. Baker stated three responses were received from outside the notification area. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of December 7, 1999 Page 24 of 36 Zoning Administrator Karen Gandy noted the subdivision has fifty-three (53) lots and that the details of the plat will be available with the preliminary plan. PUBLIC HEARING: Dick Anderson, 4553 North Yr~hite Chapel Boulevard, $outhlake. Mr. Anderson stated the residents have not seen anything about the plat and drainage issues. He asked the City Council to table this item until the plans are available and they get to see something. Klm 0 'Brien, 4380 Shaddle Ridge Road, Roanoke. Ms. O'Brien stated she did not wish to speak but wanted to wait until the applicant was present and could answer questions. Pete and Julie Landesberg, 305 Bob Jones Road, Roanoke. They stated they did not wish to speak but wanted to wait until the applicant was present to answer questions. Public hearing closed. Motion was made to table ZA 99-057, until the first City Council meeting in January 2000. Motion: Second: Ayes: Nays: Approved: Fawks Kendall Fawks, Kendall, DuPre, Edmondson, Potter, and Stacy None 6-0 vote (To table) Councilmember Gary Fawks stepped down during Item #7-B, citing "vested interest." Agenda Item #7-B, ZA 99-092, Site Plan for Southlake Marketplace. ZA 99-092, Site Plan for Southlake Marketplace, Phase III, on property legally described as Lots 5 and 6, Block 1, Southlake Crossing, Phase II an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant Council, Texas, according to the plat recorded in Cabinet A, Slide 2425, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas, and being approximately 10.067 acres. Current zoning is "C-3" General Commercial District. Applicant: Michael F. Twichell, L. P., Owners: Drews Reatly Group. City Planner Ken Baker noted that eight (8) notices were sent to property owners within the 200' notification area and one (1) written response was received from R.B. Goode, Route 1, Box 215H, Canton, Texas, in favor, "No Objection." A petition with eighty-six (86) signatures was received on December 2, 1999, opposing this request. On November 4, 1999 the Planning and Zoning Commission approved the Site Plan Review Summary No. 3, dated October 29, 1999 deleting Item #1.c (masonry construction), #2.a (parking spaces), and #3 (bufferyards). Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of December 7, 1999 Page 25 of 36 John Drews, 580 Commerce Street, Southlake. Mr. Drews stated he is the applicant and is presenting the final phase of the Southlake Marketplace, Phase III. He noted as far as the Site Plan Review Summary No. 4, they are still requesting variances as previously approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission [a couple of them are minor] and he stated he would be happy to answer questions. Mr. Drews reviewed the entire property for Council, including the portion in Phase III. Mr. Drews referenced the letter submitted to Planner Dennis Killough dated December 7, 1999 [attached hereto and included in the minutes of this meeting]. Councilmember Debra Edmomdson stated, "I attended the SPIN meeting as an observer, [I was asked to attend by residents] and Mr. Drews discussed the fact that he was presenting the plan through P&Z with no variances, and I understand what you have done with the tower and I think that is great." She stated she was very pleased to see a lot of open space on the site and thanked Mr. Drews for that; it will make a good addition. She stated, "I do have some huge concerns in particular with the Hobby Lobby building and the way that it looks. I think since it is basically the size of Albertson's and the location that it becomes the center piece of the development." Ms. Edmondson noted one concern is the large amount of concrete tilt wall, it may not even be allowed under the ordinance. She compared the building with the Tom Thumb Market that is being built, and noted that there is so much brickwork on that store. She referenced the back of the Hobby Lobby building that will be facing the residents and that is a concern. From an architectural interest, it is simply a tilt-wall building. Councilmember Rex Potter stated," The thing John, is that today we would never do the cinder-block type construction and times have changed and expectations are higher. I know that stucco is higher than concrete, but I was looking for a not predominately stucco, but a fair mixture of stone and brick." Mr. Drews suggested different types of construction. PUBLIC HEARING: Bill Stone, 15087 Pecos Drive, Southlake. Mr. Stone stated he is the SPIN #13 Representative and that the people of the area were notified and attended the SPIN meeting where the issues expressed included lighting and landscaping. Murteze Ali Nabalwalle, 103 Killdeer, Southlake. Mr. Nabalwalle expressed concerns about the terms of the lease for Hobby Lobby being ten (10) years. Stan Key, 105 Killdeer, Southlake. Mr. Key asked the City Council what there vision for Southlake is and encouraged them to give careful attention to this site. Terri Castro, 607 Stonebury Drive, Southlake. Ms. Castro thanked members of the City Council and Mayor Stacy for letting the residents speak and be heard. She stated she is very much opposed to the 55,000 s.f. commercial building that Hobby Lobby plans to build in the Southlake Marketplace Addition. The area is very congested as it stands now. She referenced the entire commercial site in that area. This site is disturbing to her and Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of December 7, 1999 Page 26 of 36 all the other area residents. She stated they were never notified of the P&Z meeting pertaining to this building. She asked why this building passed through the P&Z hands down? She stated, "We are creating here in Southlake a traffic concern, not to mention the noise. I suggest a building of this size should be located on SH 114." Lynette Carter, 1808 Native Dancer Place, Southlake. Ms. Carter stated they are currently building their residence in Southlake Woods Addition. She stated if the City Council does put this structure in; please do something about the back of the building. Antoine Larkins, 523 Indian Paint Brush Way, Southlake. Mr. Larkins stated he is concemed about the lighting and the noise. He asked the City Council to keep those issues in mind when voting on this issue. Roseanne Swager, 605 Stonebery, Southlake. Ms. Swager stated during the SPIN meeting that was held the developer stated he would not be asking for variances on this project. She stated that if the building does go through, that it be an architecturally designed property. Why can't we be like Highland Park if we are paying higher taxes in Southlake? Rick Bean, 513 Stonebury Drive, Southlake. Mr. Bean stated he believes that the developer has the fight to develop that property. He stated they all knew that the building would be built. He stated we have a high-bay warehouse building there. We need to do something to lower the eve height to go with the building. He stated he feels the berming and landscaping is critical. He asked Council to consider these issues. Sue Patch, 610 Indian Paint Brush Way, $outhlake. Ms. Patch stated she feels the building is an eye sore! She is strongly opposed to the architecture. Julia Armish, 804 Native Dancer Place, Southlake. Ms. Armish stated when her family moved to Southlake they were not expecting this high commercial area like Hobby Lobby. You can see the Hobby Lobby from their back yard swimming pool. She stated she is opposed to it. Bennett Barcus, 603 Stonebury Drive, Southlake. Mr. Barcus stated he got the notice of the SPIN meeting but did not get notice of the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. The graphic that they have seen is not acceptable. Obviously they have a fight to develop their commercial property, but he is hopeful that they will look at something like a Walgreens or that size building. He stated he is opposed to this plan. Public Hearing closed. John Drews stated he agrees to put stone ten feet (10') up the front of the building. Councilmember Debra Edmondson stated, "I had asked you at the SPIN meeting if a Hobby Lobby representative could be present." Drews stated he tried to get someone from the store to be present, but this is their busy season and he was not able to get Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of December 7,1999 Page27of 36 anyone here tonight. Councilmember Edmondson discussed the sign at the Hobby Lobby store in Allen and the outside advertising on their sign. She stated she is not interested in retailers advertising their wares on the outside of the building. Councilmember Rex Potter stated the City has always planned for this site to be retail, and stated what we have to do is to try and mitigate the look of the store, especially in the back of the building. He stated he is pleased with the plan for the landscaping. Potter said, "Economics does not work for me John, I would like to see you go back and try to work on the back of the building as well as the front of the building." Potter asked Mr. Drews if he could go back and look at the building again. Mr. Drews stated they would comply with the new lighting ordinance. Administrative Coordinator Malcolm Jackson stated he has to approve a lighting plan before it comes to the Council. Councilmember Edmondson stated she cannot support the Hobby Lobby store because the construction of the building is proposed as tilt wall. Councilmember Patsy DuPre made a motion to approve the request with variances, however, the motion died for lack ora second. Motion was made to table ZA 99-092, to the January 4, 2000 City Council meeting, continuing the public hearing at that time. Motion: Second Ayes: Nays: Approved: Potter Edmondson Potter, Kendall, DuPre, Edmondson Stacy 4-1 vote (to table to January 4, 2000 meeting) Councilmember Gary Fawks returned to the Council table. Agenda Item #7-C, Resolution No. 99-79, (ZA 99-102), SUP for Blue Bamboo Chinese Bistro. Resolution No. 99-79, (ZA 99-102), Specific Use Permit for the sale of alcoholic beverages for on-premise consumption per Zoning Ordinance No. 480, Section 45.1 (1) for Blue Bamboo Chinese Bistro, on property legally described as Lot 2, Block 1, 1709 Southlake Oaks Addition, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tan'ant County, Texas, according to the plat recorded in Cabinet A, Slide 3231, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas, and being approximately 1.8685 acres of land. Current zoning is "C-2" Local Retail Commercial District. Applicant: Uni-Foods, Inc. Owner: 1709 Southlake Oaks Ltd. Planner Ken Baker presented this case stating that six (6) notices were sent to property owners within the 200' notification area and no written responses were received. He Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of December 7, 1999 Page 28 of 36 noted that due to the limited scope of this request and the fact that no changes have been made to the previously approved site plan, no new review letter was generated. The Planning and Zoning Commission approved this item (4-3 vote) during their November 4, 1999 meeting placing a time limit of seven years from the date of issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy. Michael Koo, owner of Blue Bamboo Chinese Bistro. happy to answer questions of the Council. Mr. Koo stated he would be PUBLIC HEARING: No comments were made during the public hearing. Motion was made to approve Resolution No. 99-79, (ZA 99-102), SUP for Alcoholic Beverages for Blue Bamboo per the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission, limiting the permit to seven (7) years from the date of issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy. Motion: Second: Ayes: Nays: Approved: Kendall Potter Kendall, Potter, Fawks, DuPre, Edmondson, and Stacy None 6-0 vote Agenda Item #7-D, ZA 99-094, Revised Concept Plan for Durham Elementary School ZA 99-094, Revised Concept Plan for Durham Elementary School, being legally described as Lot 1, Block 1, Carroll I.S.D. No 1 Addition, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, according to the plat recorded in Cabinet A, Slide 2555 Plat Records, Tarrant Cotmty, Texas, and being approximately 30.475 acres. Current zoning is "CS" Community Service District. Owner and Applicant: Carroll Independent School District. City Planner Ken Baker presented this case and stated fourteen (14) notices were sent to property owners within the 200' notification area and no written responses were received. On November 18, 1999, the Planning and Zoning Commission approved (6-0-1 vote) subject to the Concept Plan Review Summary No. 2, dated November 12, 1999, requiring the applicant to determine what would be required of them to come into compliance with the new Lighting Ordinance before they go to City Council, and if they cannot come into compliance, be prepared to state the reasons why they cannot come into compliance and what steps they can take to try to alleviate the citizens' concerns. Mark Daniels, Total Program Management, Inc. 860 W. Airport Freeway, Suite 101, Hurst. Mr. Daniels stated at this time there is no sidewalk and we know it is on the Trail Plan. The Board is considering this issue at this time knowing that a retaining wall would have to be installed in order to accommodate the trail. He stated the P&Z asked them to consider the lighting on the building. The neighbors to the south are having problems with the lighting. They have talked to the neighbors and are considering wall packs on Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of December 7, 1999 Page 29 of 36 the building to shield the light from the neighbors. They will keep the light at a down pattern, which will shield the light. There was also a discussion about fence. They have agreed to put in an eight foot (8') wooden fence, however, the neighbors did not want the fence to be built, but would prefer the school to landscape the area. They are in the process of preparing the landscape plans for bufferyards with trees and want Mr. Sandlin to look at the plans before they submit those for final permit. Councilmember DuPre asked if there was a time frame for completion of the landscape plan. Mr. Daniels stated it should be completed by the middle of January. PUBLIC HEARING: No comments were made during the public hearing. Motion was made to approve the Revised Concept Plan for Durham Elementary School subject to the Staff Review Summary #2 dated November 12, 1999, and accepting the applicant's commitment to build the required Trail System sidewalk along Shady Oaks after the trail is extended to the site by adjacent properties and accepting the applicant's commitment to shield the wall packs and pole lights on site from neighboring properties. Motion: Second: Ayes: Nays: Approved: Kendall Potter Kendall, DuPre, Edmondson, Potter, Fawks, and Stacy None 6-0 vote Agenda Item #7-E~ ZA 99-104, Revised Concept Plan for Florence Elementary School. ZA 99-104, Revised Concept Plan for Florence Elementary School, being legally described as Tracts 1F and 1G situated in the Jesse G. Allen Survey, Abstract No. 18, and being approximately 14.25 acres. Current zoning is "CS" Community Service District. Applicant: Shade Structures. Owner: Keller Independent School District. Planner Ken Baker, presented ZA 99-104, noting that fifteen (15) notices were sent to property owners within the 200' notification area and one (1) response was received from K. Wayne Lee, DDFW Triangle Properties, 3220 West Southlake Boulevard, Ste. C, Southlake, in favor. The Planning and Zoning Commission approved (7-0 vote) this case subject to the Concept Plan Review Summary No. 3, dated November 12, 1999. The applicant was not present for this case. PUBLIC HEARING: No comments were received during the public hearing. Motion was made to approve ZA 99-104, Revised Concept Plan for Florence Elementary School subject to the StaffReview Summary #3 dated November 12, 1999. Motion: DuPre Second: Fawks Ayes: DuPre, Fawks, Kendall, Edmondson, Potter, Stacy Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of December 7, 1999 Page 30 of 36 Nays: None Approved: 6-0 vote Agenda Item #7-F, ZA 99-071, Site Plan for Versailles, Phase III ZA 99-071, Site Plan for proposed Lot 1, Block 6, Versailles, Phase III, on prope~:y legally described as a portion of Lot 2, Block 1, E.A. Smith Subdivision, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tan'ant County, Texas, according to the plat recorded in Volume 388-154, Page 91 Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas and being approximately 0.73 acres. Current zoning is "SF-20B" Single Family Residential District. Owner: Versailles III, Ltd. Applicant: Dickerson Development, Inc. Planner Ken Baker presented this case and stated ten (10) notices were sent to property owners within the 200' notification area and three (3) responses were received from: Katherine S. Barr, 1106 Fontaine Drive, Southlake, in favor; John F. Dickerson, 8333 Douglas, Suite 1300, Dallas, in favor; and Emily and William Alien, 1100 Fontaine Drive, Southlake, opposed, "It was not represented to us at the time of purchase of our home. We were told the sport court would be located in the lot by the pool. We are opposed to the request because it could/does decrease the value of our home." The Planning and Zoning Commission approved (7-0 vote) on November 18, 1999, subject to the Site Plan Review Summary No. 3 dated November 12, 1999, deleting Item #1 (allowing 20' throat width as shown). Dwaine Flores, Washington and Associates, 500 Grapevine Hwy. Ste. 375, Hurst, Texas. Mr. Flores stated they are working with Landscape Architect Keith Martin to save as many trees as possible. PUBLIC HEARING: No comments were made during the public hearing. Motion was made to approve ZA 99-071, Site Plan for Lot 1, Block 6, Versailles, Phase III, subject to the Staff Review Summary #3 dated November 12, 1999, and per the Planning and Zoning Commission's recommendation (waiving required throat depth and allowing 20' throat depth as shown). Motion: Second: Ayes: Nays: Approved: Kendall DuPre Kendall, DuPre, Edmondson, Potter, Fawks, and Stacy None 6-0 vote Agenda Item #7-G, ZA 99-103, Site Plan for Walgreen's Drug Store ZA 99-103, Site Plan for Walgreen's Drug Store on property legally described as Tract 3 and a portion of Tract 3C situated in the W.R. Eaves Survey, Abstract No. 500, and being approximately 2.260 acres. Current zoning is "C-2" Local Retail Commercial District. Applicant: Wilson & Stonaker, L.L.C. Owner: Conner Lam. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of December 7,1999 Page31 of 36 Planner Ken Baker presented ZA 99-103 stating that six (6) notices were sent to property owners within the 200' notification area and one (1) response was received from Robert D. Farmer, Farmer Madison Turner I Ltd, 7898 Broadway #120, San Antonio, Texas, in favor. A petition with sixty-one (61) signatures was received on November 18, 1999, opposing the request. It was noted that the Planning and Zoning Commission denied this item (6-1 vote) during their November 18, 1999 meeting. Willliam Stonaker, Wilson & Stonaker, L.L.C. Post Office Box 1955, Grapevine. Mr. Stonaker stated the proposed building would be 15,000 square feet on approximately two acres. The building's exterior will be Austin stone on all sides. The Applicant requested three variances which were denied by the P&Z Commission; but since has done a lot of work with the neighborhood. Phil Horco, with PSI, Scottsdale, Arizona; a Walgreen's Developer. Mr. Horco stated the Walgreen's building is the first part of development of a larger parcel of land. He noted there is also a "B" lot to the south of the Walgreen site that has been planned for purposes of the curb-cut, but there have been no plans for a building on that site yet. He stated they have been working with the surrounding neighbors on a proposal to restrict the use of that property. Mr. Horco reminded the Council that this is not a request for zoning but a request for Site Plan approval. The facts are the land is zoned for "C-2" and it is in the Corridor Overlay District allowing for retail at the intersections. Walgreen's has a sixty-year lease with the developers; however, can cancel in twenty (20) years and in increments of five (5) years after that. The hours of operation for the store are 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. It is not a twenty-four (24) hour store. The project for the Site Plan for Lot "B" will be presented to P&Z December 9, 1999 and is moving forward. Mr. Horco noted the development exceeds all City requirements, including landscaping, zoning, screening the entire area; they are providing 100' throat depth for stacking of automobiles. The reason for half of the drive being on the adjacent property is that it was at staff's direction per the City ordinance and subject to Council approval. Staff suggested Walgreen's work with the adjacent neighbor in creating a shared driveway in anticipation of future land use that may occur. With regard to elevations, the Applicant is using all Austin stone throughout the project. There is a ten (10) foot loading screen wall in the back of the property which is also Austin stone with masonry base. The standing seam metal roof is a green color; consistent with the architecture in the community. He commented on the three variances: 1.) 5-foot buffer; 2.) Acceleration lanes and stacking lanes; and, 3.) Driveway locations. Mr. Horco stated Walgreen's would voluntarily meet the following: · Building height will not exceed 35 feet · They will build a landscape berm to shield automobiles, subject to working out with staffthe site-triangles · They will meet the lighting ordinance · They will provide a photometric plan · They will dim the lights after 10:00 p.m. by 40% · On-site traffic control -o they will provide speed humps and post a 5 mph sign Regular City Council Meeting Minutes ofDeeember 7,1999 Page32of 36 Restrict the uses on the "B" lot to the uses in the existing "O-1" District with the exception of leaving in veterinarian offices, professional offices, and financial institutions. They will limit the uses on this lot through deed restrictions, subject to the City Council approval as part of the plat. PUBLIC HEARING: Stan Key, 105 Killdeer Court, Southlake. Mr. Key requested again that the development not have a lot of variances stating, "Our community did ask him to lower the building height to 25-feet -- why do we need to have all the extra space by having the 35-foot building height?" [It was noted that the 35-feet is the top of the tower only.] Rosanne Swagger. Ms. Swagger had comments regarding the signs. She asked about the lighting at midnight, and confirmed that the lighting would be off. Bill Stone, SPIN #13. Mr. Stone stated he co-hosted a meeting with SPIN #16. He stated ten or twelve neighbors were present. Their main issues were lighting and cut-through traffic, but there were no major issues by the end of the meeting. There were no zoning objections at this point. Public hearing closed. Motion was made to approve the Site Plan for Walgreen's Drag Store subject to the Staff Review Summary #3 dated November 12, 1999; amending Item #2 (a) to also acknowledge the applicant's request to relocate the plantings in the 5-foot bufferyard 'A' at the southeast common access easement at Peytonville; accepting the applicant's voluntary commitments ("Additional Stipulations and Conditions") presented at the meeting and accepting additional restrictions voluntarily agreed to by the applicant during the meeting to: 1) dim parking lot lighting by 30% to 40% after midnight; 2) turn off tower lighting after midnight; 3) remove two parking spaces from each side of the sidewalk at the northeast comer of the site in order to provide additional landscape treatments (and possibly public art) to enhance the comer; 4) take care in locating the sidewalk along Peytonville fight-of-way to avoid existing cedar elms, and 5) accepting applicant's voluntary commitment to make application to rezone "Lot 'B' to the south to a lesser intensity than the existing "C-2" District within 30 days of final plat approval. Motion: Second: Ayes: Nays: Approved: Edmondson DuPre Edmondson, DuPre, Potter, Fawks, Kendall, and Staey None 6-0 vote Mayor Stacy commended the applicants for their cooperation in working with the residents in the commtmity. Agenda Item #7-H, Request for Variance to the Sign Ordinance No. 704-A, for Walgreen's Drug Store Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of December 7, 1999 Page 33 of 36 Chief of Building Services Malcolm Jackson stated this appeal is to allow the tallest letter in their name, the W, to be 26 inches high and the other letters sized accordingly. The principal issue involved is their trademark logo has their name written in script. If the largest letter is 12 inches, the lower case letters tend to be unreadable. Mr. Jackson stated he agrees with the applicant. Motion was made to approve the variance to the Sign Ordinance as requested for Walgreen's Drag Store. Motion: Second: Ayes: Nays: Approved: DuPre Kendall DuPre, Kendall, Edmondson, Potter, and Stacy Fawks 5-1 vote Agenda Item #7 .Ir Ordinance No. 761, 2nd Reading, Amending Ordinance No. 682, Relating to TIF Zone Number One Ordinance No. 761, 2nd Reading, An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 682 relating to the manner of appointment and terms of office of the members of the board of directors of the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number One of the City of Southlake; providing that this ordinance shall be cumulative of all ordinances; providing a severability clause; and providing an effective date. Assistant to the City Manager Shelli Siemer presented Ordinance No. 761, 2nd reading, noting Ordinance No. 682, was approved on September 23, 1997, establishing the boundaries of the Reinvestment Zone and created the board of directors of the zone. Some recent legislative changes allow for these amendments to the section related to the T1RZ board appointments and terms of office. Also, these revisions reflect issues identified over the past two years related to the TIRZ Board appointment process. The changes are outlined in the ordinance, including: 1) Each board member serves at the will and pleasure of the governing body that appointed them to the board, and may be removed by a majority vote; 2) Clarifying that the TIRZ Board members who are also City Councilmembers shall serve until their term of office as a City Councilmember expires. The ordinance also changes the terms of office of the board members to two years instead of three years. PUBLIC HEARING: No comments were made during the public hearing. Motion was made to approve the 2nd reading of Ordinance No. 761, as presented. Motion: Second: Ayes: Nays: Approved: Edmondson DuPre Edmondson, DuPre, Potter, Fawks, Kendall, and Stacy None 6-0 vote Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of December 7, 1999 Page 34 of 36 OFFICIAL MINUTES- NOT APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL Agenda Item gl0-C, Authorize Installation of 4-Way Stop Signs at Brumlow/South Carroll Avenue and Continental Boulevard. Director of Public Works Ron Harper stated the 4-way stops at Brumlow/South Carroll and Continental Boulevard intersections were studied by Lee Engineering for warrants in June 1999. The intersection did not have the traffic at the time to justify a multi-way stop installation; however, there was a sight distance issue that caused Lee Engineering to recommend the installation. There have been several minor accidents recently that could have been prevented by this installation. The Director of Public Works is authorized to install any traffic control device if warranted. Past practice has been to bring non- warranted or sensitive issues to Council for their consideration. Councilmember Fawks asked if there was sufficient space at the intersection to make some improvements? Harper stated he would have to extend culverts to make adjustments. Councilmember Ronnie Kendall questioned the number of accidents. She stated she has a problem with the stop signs as there will be cars thirty deep in the mornings. Councilmember Patsy DuPre stated, "I understand Ronnie you saying that, but most of us people in the morning are making a right turn at the stop sign as opposed of going through the intersection. I live at the west side of White Chapel and Continental Boulevard and I don't think that slight delay bothers people that much. I am concemed that the realignment of Brumlow and South Carroll has created this hazard and has added to the accidents to that area. In the evening people coming fi:om Brumlow getting onto Continental Boulevard. DuPre asked if traffic control devices could be removed once they are put in, if they do not improve a situation? City Attorney replied, "yes". Harper noted that the traffic count warrants did not justify a traffic control device as of June 1999. If Council would feel more comfortable, the counts could be redone. Councilmember Fawks stated he agrees with Ms. Kendall's observation in that a 4-way stop will have a long line of cars in that area during rush hour. Fawks suggested more study and some more alternatives. No action was taken on this item. Agenda Item #12, Adjournment Mayor Rick Stacy adjourned the meeting at 2:10 p.m. Mayor ATTEST: Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of December 7, 1999 Page 35 of 36 Sandra L. LeGrand ~ ol ~ ~ ~ City Secretary ~:~ ~t1 ] ~ .~ 0 '.. .,..~ ~ N:\City SecretaryhMINUTES\cc-min- 12-7-9~$f~'.,0,,.~,.0.''' ~cn~x~ Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of December 7, 1999 Page 36 of 36 LAW OFFICES OF ARLEN D. "SPIDER" BYNUM, P.C. A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION HAMPTON COURT 4311 OAK LAWN AVENUE, SUITE 444 DALLAS, TX 75219 -2339 (214) 559 -0500 _ Q ARLEN DEAN (SPIDER) BYNUM O�C V DAVID A HARRIS t CLIFTON M FREEMAN FAX (214) 526 -3805 December 7, 1999 Billy Campbell, City Manager City of Southlake COPY 1725 E. Southlake Blvd. CtultiaC, Southlake, Texas 76092 Re: Zoning Board of Adjustments Dear Billy: The purpose of this letter is to advise you that I am resigning my position on the City of Southlake Zoning Board of Adjustments. Please bring this resignation to the attention of the Council so that they can appoint someone to fill this position. If you'd like to discuss the above, please contact me. Sincerely, 41 Ibli David A. Hams DAH /cll Y r CONFLICT OF INTEREST AFFIDAVIT THE STATE OF TEXAS § ...MINTY OF 1 § I, q„ ACS as a member of the i�1 C�yN c , make this affidavit and hereby on oat state the following: I have a substantial interest in a business entity or real property as defined in Chapter 171, Texas Local Government Code, and a vote is to be taken or a decision is to be made that will have a special economic effect on this business entity or real property. The agenda item affecting this business entity or real property is: COMPLETE (A) or (B): (A) The business entity is i re7 L L 94 � y k - c (name); or (B) The real property is located at: I have a substantial interest for the following reasons: (check all which are applic ble) �lvf Ql � Ownership of 10% or more of the v o i ng sto or charec of th business entity.._ Ownership of 10% or more or $15,000 or more of the fair market value of the business entity. Funds received from the business entity exceed 10% of gross income for the previous year. Real property is involved and I have an equitable or legal ownership of the property with a fair market value of at least $2,500. A relative of mine has a substantial interest in the business entity or real property that would be affected by a decision of the public body of which I am a member. Upon filing of this affidavit with the City Secretary, I affirm that I will abstain from voting on any decision involving this business estity or real property and from any further participation on this matter by discussion or debate. Signed this / day or , 1997. '' of f . ci . lui\J State of LC' County of , ,� ; ;�. t § / efore me / / J '4 i1; on this day person 11y \ appeared ,1((,,;,J' known to me (or proved to me on the oath of or through ) (description of identity card or other document) to be the pers whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. Given under my hand and seal of office this 7 day of 4 . (SEAL) Nota Public in and for the State of Texas H: \ LIB R4RY\Municipal\ MERGE \ConflictoflnterestA tTidavit.wpd brews Realty Group Real Estate Investment and Development December 7, 1999 VIA FACSIMILE Mr. Dennis Killough Senior Planner City of Southlake 1721 E. Southlake Blvd., Suite 100 Southlake, Texas 76092 Re: ZA99 -02 Site Plan Review Summary No. Four Dear Dennis: Regarding Review No. Four, we have the following comments. In order: 1.a. The reason we are requesting a variance for the columns is that wrapping the painted metal columns more than proposed results in a substantially different look than already exists in the current phases of the shopping center. Tonight we are bringing color display boards that show how the columns look in the existing phases. With this variance the new buildings will be more compatible with the existing phases. 1 .b. Articulation Charts Elevations for Retail B and Hobby Lobby P.7B -14 - As the chart indicates, with one exception, these buildings as proposed meet the articulation requirements. However, at the November 29 SPIN meeting several homeowners expressed a desire for us to reduce the height of the Hobby Lobby tower and "soften" the look of the front facing of Hobby Lobby, making it look more like Albertsons front. We agreed with these suggestions and since then have come up with an alternative design that is in my opinion a significant improvement over the previously submitted Hobby Lobby design. The tower height has been reduced from 47 feet to 33 feet and the entrance and sign band are now more compatible with the existing phases of the shopping center as well as the other buildings being built in Phase III. We will bring a color elevation board tonight that shows the alternative design. Although this new front design provides a much better overall appearance, it will not meet the articulation as well as the previously submitted design. I think, after the City Council sees the difference, that they will agree an articulation variance allowing the new design is preferable. Elevations for Retail A - P.7B -15 - Given the "articulated" appearance provided by the angular shape of this building and its three towers, we request a variance for the minor variations that exist with articulation. Elevations for Retail C - P.7B -16 - This retail building would completely articulate per the ordinance if the covered walkways over the Front, Left and Right facings did not "penalize" us for the articulation provided on the facing walls behind the sidewalk they cover. The building definitely has the "articulated" look desired by the ordinance. Also, we are putting mechanical equipment in a screened area on the ground. This will provide a low profile attractive building that is compatible with the rest of the shopping center. 1.c. The walls where concrete tilt wall is used will be finished with a "stucco type" coating that will provide a superior appearance when compared to the concrete blocks that were used on the prior phases. 580 Commerce Street, Suite 400 • Southlake, Texas 76092 -9113 • Telephone: (817) 251 -2258 • Metro: (817) 329 -1684 • Fax: (817) 416 -8418 2.a. Variance requested as provided for in the Zoning Ordinance. 2.b. Ok 3. This variance request allowing relocation of the bufferyards is needed given the phased development of the shopping center. 4. Drawings will be provided as requested. 5. Maintenance Agreement with adjacent residential developer is acceptable. 6. Acceptable. Finally, regarding citizen concerns about traffic and safety, one of the benefits of Hobby Lobby rather than other retail stores being the anchor tenant in this final phase is the relatively low traffic generated by Hobby Lobby. Although their building is the same size as Albertsons, based on industry averages, they will generate only 30 to 35% of the traffic that Albertsons does. Also, most of their traffic occurs during the day rather than at heavy drive times. Their hours are typically 9am to 8pm Monday - Saturday and 12 -6 on Sundays; although, during the holidays, at some of their stores they are open until 9. All deliveries are made during the times the store is open, typically in the late morning or early afternoon. For these reasons Hobby Lobby is a much lower impact store than almost all other potential anchors for this type of shopping center. If you have any questions or comments, please let me know. Age Sincerely 1111 NA I n 0 . II ews Realty - • I II II evelopment Manager JD /lsb . City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM December 3, 1999 TO: Billy Campbell, City Manager FROM: Kevin Hugman, Director of Community Services (ext. 772) SUBJECT: Authorize the Mayor to enter into a renewal with Minors Landscape Services, including Change Orders #1 and #2, additional facilities, for mowing of City parks and facilities Action Requested: City Council authorization for the Mayor to enter into a renewal with Minors Landscape Services of Fort Worth, Texas for mowing of City parks and facilities, including Change Orders #1 and #2, additional facilities, for $68,412.86. Background Information: The FY 1999 -2000 Parks and Recreation Division Budget contains a line item amount of $130,000 for contract mowing and landscape maintenance of City parks, City facilities, City rights -of -way and medians (50 acres), State rights - of -ways for FM 1709 and Highway 114 (81 acres), and Town Square public areas (1.5 acres). The 1999 mowing contracts for State right -of -way mowing (VMC Landscape Management), City right -of -way mowing (French Landscape Management), and Town Square public areas (Landscape Resources Incorporated) expired on October 31, 1999. City staff needs to seek new bids on the State right -of- way and City right -of -way 2000 mowing contracts. The Town Square public areas contract for FY 2000 was renewed with Landscape Resources Incorporated for $14,749.12. The 1999 contract for City parks and facilities with Minors Landscape Services also expired on October 31, 1999. However, the approved contract provides for two (2) twelve -month renewals. These renewals allow for factoring inflation and the inclusion of additional properties, but the total percentage increase must not exceed twenty -five percent (25%) of the original contract amount. The bid opening for this contract was held on April 20, 1999. Four (4) vendors submitted bids for this project, of which three (3) met the criteria for consideration. Minors Landscape Services submitted the low bid in the amount of $45,420.50, plus Alternate #1 of fire ant treatment at $10,062.36, for a total bid price of $55,482.86. The City Council awarded the contract for mowing services and Alternate #1 at the May 4, 1999 meeting (5 -0). ger I Billy Campbell, City Manager December 3, 1999 Page 2 Change Order No. 1, dated May 5, 1999, added the Department of Public Safety future site north of F.M. 1709 and east of Randol Mill Avenue. Change Order No. 1 totaled $2,275.00, a four percent (4%) increase. Change Order No. 2 adds the following properties into the contract for the next twelve (12) month period: • Bicentennial Park Phase II - thirty -one (31) cycles at $285.00 per cycle, totaling $8,835.00. • The Coker Property, located at the southeast corner of Foxfire and Lonesome Dove Road - thirteen (13) cycles at $140.00 per cycle, totaling $1,820.00. Change Order No. 2 totals $10,655.00 (a nineteen (19 %) increase), bringing the total contract amount for the next twelve (12) month period to $68,412.86. The total of Change Orders No. 1 and 2 increase the original contract total by twenty -three percent (23 %). City staff is satisfied with the performance of Minors Landscape Services over the six (6) month contract period, and there was no percentage increase in the service costs from the original contract amount. Financial Considerations: The FY 1999 -2000 Parks and Recreation Budget allocates $130,000.00 for contract mowing services. Authorization of the renewal of the contract with Minors Landscape Services for $68,412.86 leaves an unencumbered balance of $61,587.14 for the other three (3) contracts. The FY 2000 Town Square public areas contract totals $14,749.12, leaving an unencumbered balance of $46,838.02 for the remaining two (2) contracts. The FY 1999 total for these two (2) contracts was $21,989.00, and City staff is confident that the FY 2000 contracts for the remaining items will fall within the unencumbered balance. Citizen Input/ Board Review: The City Council authorized the Mayor to enter into a contract with Minors Landscape Services at the May 4, 1999 meeting on Consent agenda (5 -0). Legal Review: The City Attorneys have reviewed the contract for compliance with applicable laws and procedures. S84 • Billy Campbell, City Manager December 3, 1999 Page 3 Alternatives: Alternatives include the following: • Withhold authorization to renew the contract with Minors Landscape Services and proceed to open the bidding process prior to awarding a contract for these services. Supporting Documents: Supporting documents include the following items: • Copy of the renewal contract with Minors Landscape Services. Staff Recommendation: Place as an item for consideration for the City Council to authorize the Mayor to extend the contract for annual City owned parks and facility mowing services with Minors Landscape Services in the amount of $68,412.86. KH C&3 City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM December 3, 1999 To: Billy Campbell, City Manager From: Ron Harper, Director of Public Works Subject: Authorize award of bids for Gypsum Board, Glazing, Mechanical, Electrical, Fire Sprinkler, Scaffolding, Metal Stairs, Fiber - reinforced Plastic, Roofing, Exterior Insulation Finish, Joint Sealants, Doors, Finish Carpentry, and Terrazzo Flooring for Town Hall, and to reject bids for Masonry. Action Requested: Authorize the award of bids for various sub - trades for the construction of Town Hall and reject bids for Masonry. Background The City opened bids for various elements of the Town Hall Information project on November 9, 16, and 30, 1999. There were a total of 15 bid packages advertised during this period. In reviewing the bid tabulations, you may notice that several of the projects only had a single bidder. There are several reasons for this. First, this is a large project and many bidders did not have the resources to perform the project. Second, a commitment to meeting the project schedule was a requirement, and bidders were not willing or able to commit to this schedule. Even on most of the projects where a single bidder responded, the costs were within project parameters. Several of the bid packages need some additional explanation. Gypsum Board/Ceiling Systems — three alternates were proposed for this project, all of which would provide an enhancement and upgrade to the ceiling designs and construction. Staff recommends acceptance of the alternates (cost $3,628). Electrical System — An alternate was proposed which would provide an enhanced lighting package on the interior perimeter of the building. This would provide for recessed down lights in lieu 5D -1 City of Southlake, Texas of standard 2'x 4' flow fluorescent fixtures. Staff recommends acceptance of this alternate (cost $65,029). Finish Carpentry and Millwork — Two alternates were proposed which would provide for enhancements to ceiling areas (consistent with alternates for Gypsum Board/Ceilings) and providing a better grade and finish of woodwork in the Council Chambers. (Staff recommends acceptance of these alternatives. Cost $42,332). The total bid for this package exceeded the cost estimate by approximately $288,000. The recommended alternates account for a portion of this. In addition there is millwork and cabinetry that will be funded out of the FF &E budget approved by Council ($1,400,000). The actual overage is approximately $140,000 and is available from the project contingency account. Doors Frames and Hardware — This item was approximately $108,000 over the estimate. Due to timing Staff recommends that this item be awarded at this time since re- bidding will probably not result in significant savings. The funds are available in the project contingency account. Masonry and Cast Stone — This item was bid approximately $572,000 over estimate. The Construction Manager has reviewed the bid and has found several areas where the bid prices were out of line with known prices. The Construction Manager feels that there is good reason to re -bid this item in order to obtain fairer prices. Staff recommends that the bid for Masonry and Cast Stone be rejected. Financial Considerations: The individual bid tabulations for each project is attached. Staff is recommending that 14 projects be awarded for a total of $5,324,462. The equivalent estimate for these packages is $5,139,652. The difference $184,810 will be funded out of the project contingency account and the FF &E budget. It is important to note that this project is still anticipated to be within budget ($10,890,000 construction cost). Attached is an Overall Budget Analysis sheet that reflects this information. At this time contracts have been awarded in the amount of $2,644,223 versus a budget of $2,692,552. If all the bids proposed are awarded as recommended, the city will have awarded bids for $7,695,592. This represents almost 80% of the total bids to be awarded for this project. 5D -2 City of Southlake, Texas Citizen Input/ Board Review: None. Legal Review: None. Alternatives: Council can approve the award of bids as recommended by staff or can modify any of the recommended alternatives. An addition, council can instruct staff to re -bid any of the projects. Supporting Documents: Bid Tabulations Overall Budget Analysis Bid Award Summary Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends that this item be placed on the December 7, 1999 agenda. Staff recommends that all bids be awarded as described and that the Masonry and Cast Stone bid be rejected and that staff be instructed to re -bid this item. to r Ron H. Director of Public Works 5D -3 SOUTHLAKE TOWN HALL - OVERALL BUDGET ANALYSIS 12/1/99 BID PACKAGE DESCRIPTION BUDGET BUDGET CONTRACT TOTAL CONTRACT TOTAL LOW BID TOTAL STREET CLEANING $21,000 1 $21,000 HOISTING /CRANE /EQUIPMENT $50,000 , $50,000 PERIMETER PROTECTION $25,000 $25,000 DUMPSTERS $25,000 $25,000 DUST PROTECTION $38,000 $38,000 FLOOR OPENING PROTECTION $7,600 $7,600 TEMPORARY WINDOW /PROTECTION $12,500 $12,500 CAST STONE PROTECTION $9,625 ! $9,625 CLEAN EXTERIOR SKIN 1 $4,111 $4,111 BELOW GRADE WATERPROOFING $13,340 $15,000 $15,000 SIGNAGE $12,521 $12,521 WINDOW TREATMENT $19,536 ! $19,536 EXCAVATION $126,345 $109,1011 $109,101 CONCRETE & FORMING $882,259 $989,730 $989,730 ELEVATORS $148,920 $131,100 $131,100 ELEVATOR PROTECTION & OPERATOR $45,800 $45,800 STEEL $1,063,313 $933,846 $933,846 UNDERSLAB PLUMBING $53,705 $51,328 $51,328 UNDERSLAB ELECTRICAL $17,327 $15,000 $15,000 BRICK - SUPPLY ONLY $114,250 $126,025 $126,025 BRICK PROTECTION $2,400 $2,692,552 $2,400 $2,644,223 MASONRY & CAST STONE $1,998,350 1 $1,998,350 GYPSUM BOARD /CEILING SYSTEMS $821,315 $783,8531 $783,853 GLAZING SYSTEMS $376,434 $310,840 $310,840 MECHANICAL/PLUMBING SYSTEMS $1,197,580 $1,178,5331 $1,178,533 ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS $761,409 $764,617 $764,617 FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS $118,435 $102,047 $102,047 SCAFFOLDING SYSTEMS $162,500 $145,204 $145,204 METAL STAIRS $223,584 $202,952 $202,952 FIBER REINFORCED POLY $51,000 $46,354 $46,354 BUILT -UP METAL ROOFING $204,113 $188,417 $188,417 EXTERIOR INSULATION FINISH SYSTEM $65,280 $63,200 $63,200 JOINT SEALANTS $68,340 $64,300! $64,300 DOORS, FRAMES, & HARDWARE $255,267 $363,700 $363,700 FINISH CARPENTRY & MILLWORK $678,629 $966,910 TERRAZZO FLOORING $155,766 $5,139,652 $143,535, $143,535 $5,324,462 HANDRAILS $142,200 1 $142,200 CERAMIC TILE $53,221 _1 $53,221 PAINTING & VINYL WALLCOVERING $173,134 1 $173,134 ACOUSTICAL WALL PANELS $50,000 1 $50,000 CARPET & RESILIENT BASE $129,967 $129,967 METAL TOILET COMPARTMENTS & ACCESSORIES, FIRE EXTINGUISHERS & CABINETS $32,135 $580,657 $32,135 $580,657 SUBTOTAL $10,411,211 $7,695,5921 $10,547,692 CONTINGENCY $478,789 $342,308 $342,308 CONSTRUCTION BUDGET $10,890,000 $10,890,000 OVER/UNDER 1 $0 5D -4 -1 O ! 0 mIT� ':or ! 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A A A— N r v Z O CT 0 CO V W CO 0 O CO 03 0 CO A O O O in CO O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O co '< O O O O O O 0 O 0 0 0 O O O O 0 0 0 0 bb O 0 0 0 b O O _. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 1 N CB (o 5D -19 Town Hall Bid Award Summary Item Low Bidder Amount Gypsum FCS $783,853.00 Glazing Jennings 310,840.00 Mechanical Berger Engineering 1,178,533.00 Electrical Mills Electric 764,617.00 Fire Sprinkler Mutual 102,047.00 Scoffolding MDM Scaffolding 145,204.00 Metal Stairs Irwin Steel 202,952.00 Fiber Reinforced DEC 33,377.00 Plastic (Supply) (Installation) FCS 12,977.00 Roofing Supreme Systems 188,417.20 Exterior Insulation Triangle Plastering 63,200.00 Finish Joint & Sealants North Texas 64,300.00 Waterproofing Doors University Building 363,700.00 Specialties Finish Carpentry FCS 966,910.00 Terrazzo Flooring American Terrazzo 143,535.00 $5,324,462.20 5D -20 City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM December 3, 1999 TO: Billy Campbell, City Manager FROM: Kevin Hugman, Director of Community Services SUBJECT: Approval of the Five (5) Year Parks Capital Improvement Program for FY 2000 through FY 2004, including FY 1999 -2000 Capital Improvements Budget. Action Requested: City Council consideration of the five (5) year Parks Capital Improvement Plan (CIP), including the FY 1999 -00 Parks Capital Improvements Budget. Background Information: At the time of approval of the Parks Five (5) Year CIP by SPDC at their October 26, 1998 meeting, staff committed to annually reviewing and refining project costs for factors such as inflation, clearer definition of project scope, etc. Staff has been working on the revision process, and now seeks approval of the refinements and the Parks Capital Improvement Budget for FY 1999 -2000. SPDC and the Parks and Recreation Board prioritized ten (10) capital projects at the September 27, 1999 joint meeting, and the Parks and Recreation Board prioritized the remaining projects at their October 11, 1999 meeting. Staff took this direction and incorporated the prioritization into the Proposed Parks Five (5) Year CIP and the FY 1999 -2000 Parks Capital Improvements Budget. The proposed Capital Improvements Plan was considered by SPDC at their November 1, 1999 meeting. At this meeting, several changes were made to the proposed plan, including allocation of $1.25 million over three years towards the proposed Carroll ISD natatorium, and changes in funding regarding a Recreation /Teen Center. Initial considerations in the development of the CIP included: • a projection for sales tax growth of 15% per year, • maintaining the existing bond issuance schedule of FY 2001 and FY 2003, • the award of a $500,000 indoor grant from TPWD for the construction of a Community Center, • Joint Use allocations of $20,000 every other year, and Matching Funds Program at $100,000 each year. The CIP was not approved in its entirety at the November 1, 1999 meeting with the Board wanting to discuss it further in December. The Board did approve the FY 2000 and FY 2001 projects, and the allocation of funding 10 X -1 Billy Campbell, City Manager December 3, 1999 Page 2 towards the proposed joint use natatorium. Included in this packet is the 5- Year CIP as determined by SPDC at their November 1, 1999 meeting. Subsequent to this meeting, staff has undertaken an extensive review of all SPDC expenditures, from inception of SPDC to September 30, 1999, and estimated outstanding expenditures to complete projects in progress or planned, and outstanding debt payments for land acquisition. We are also looking at various scenarios for additional debt issues. Finance Director Sharen Elam has worked with the City's financial advisor, Jim Sabonis of First Southwest, to analyze debt capacity based on three approaches, which could generally be described as aggressive, moderate, and conservative. Sharen will discuss the scenarios and the assumptions of each in detail with SPDC at their board meeting on Monday, December 6, 1999. Additionally, each scenario will be analyzed using the 15 % per year sales tax growth rate currently assumed, and a more conservative estimate of 10% per year sales tax growth. The information for these scenarios will be presented to the SPDC at a work session prior to their meeting on Monday, December 6, 1999. SPDC is expected to consider and approve the 5 -Year Parks Capital Improvements Plan for FY 2000 though FY 2004 at their December 6 meeting. The approved CIP will be brought to the Council at their December 7 meeting for their consideration and approval. Financial Considerations: The Parks Five (5) Year CIP allocates approximately $14 million in project expenditures over a five (5) year period from FY 2000 through FY 2004. Citizen Input/ Board Review: SPDC and the Parks and Recreation Board prioritized ten (10) projects at the joint meeting held on September 27, 1999. A follow -up prioritization of twenty -six (26) total projects was approved by the Parks and Recreation Board at their October 11, 1999 meeting on Regular agenda (7 -0). The refined Five (5) Year Parks CIP, including the FY 1999 -00 Parks Capital Project Budget, were based on this prioritization and presented to SPDC. SPDC discussed the proposed Parks Five (5) Year CIP at their October 25, 1999 meeting. Desiring to have more members in attendance prior to approval, the Board provided staff with feedback and tabled consideration of the proposal (4 -0). At this time the Board requested a Special Meeting for November 1, 1999 to consider the Parks CIP. The attached CIP is the result of this meeting as discussed previously, and the SPDC will consider, and is expected to approve the 5 -Year Parks CIP at their December 6 meeting. N:\Parks & Recreation \BOARDS \CC\ParksCIP- 00.doc /0/&& Billy Campbell, City Manager December 3, 1999 Page 3 There are a number of adults and teens that are expected to be at the SPDC meeting and the City Council meeting to voice their concerns regarding the Recreation /Teen Center project. Legal Review: Not Applicable. Alternatives: Alternatives include the following: • Disapproval of the 5 -Year Parks Capital Improvements Plan for FY 2000 through 2004, including the FY 1999 -2000 Parks Capital Improvements Budget. Supporting Documents: Supporting documents include the following items: • Copy of the Five (5) Year Parks CIP, including the FY 1999 -00 Parks Capital Improvements Budget, as determined by SPDC at the November 1, 1999 meeting. Staff Recommendation: Place as an item on the December 7, 1999 City Council meeting agenda to consider the Five (5) Year Parks CIP, including the FY 1999 -00 Parks Capital Improvements Budget. i/ KH N:\Parks & Recreation \BOARDS \CC\ParksCIP- 00.doc K -3 PARK BOARD PROJECT PRIORITIZATION - October 11, 1999 (1) Continental Trail Phases I and II (2) Bob Jones Trail Head Improvements (3) Teen Center Study (3) Capping Wells at Bob Jones Park (3) Bleachers (3) Two Game Fields and Lighting (4,5,10) at Bicentennial Park (4) Bob Jones park Development (4) Nature Center Improvements (4) Smith Park Planning and Phase I Improvements (4) On -Road Signage (5) Loop Trail Durham /CJHS /Bicentennial Park (5) In -Line Hockey Court Cover (6) Girls Softball Complex (7) Koalaty Park Phase I (8) Smith Park Construction (8) Recreation Center Planning (9) Recreation Center Construction (10) Koalaty Park Phase II (11) Noble Oaks Park (12) Lonesome Dove Playground Improvements (13) Equestrian Facilities at Bob Jones Park (14) Portals (15) Senior Activity Center Parking (16) Sheltonwood Phase I (17) Aquatic Center Planning (18) Aquatic Center Construction 10, SOUTHLAKE PARKS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Capital Improvements Plan - FY 1999/2000 Beginning Fund Balance $752,750 FY 99 Reallocation -Teen Center Planning $150,000 FY 99 Reallocation- Koalaty Park Planning $10,000 Interest Earnings $125,000 TPWD Grant Proceeds $250,000 Operating Funds Transfer $500,000 Total Beginning Fund Balance $1,787,750 (1) Continental Phase I and II trail construction $320,000 (2) Bob Jones Trail Head Improvements $16,000 (3) Teen Center Study $10,000 (3) Capping Wells at Bob Jones Park $20,000 (3) Bleachers $11,000 (3) Two Game Fields and Lighting (4,5,10) at Bicentennial Park $200,000 (4) Smith Park Planning and Phase I Improvements $50,000 (8) Recreation Center Planning $500,000 Matching Funds Program $100,000 Joint Use Projects $20,000 Special Protects $50,000 TOTAL PROJECTS $1,297,000 Total Ending Balance $490,750 /01.0 FY 2000 and 2001 Approved by SPDC 11/1/99 SOUTHLAKE PARKS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Capital Improvements Plan - FY 2000/2001 Beginning Fund Balance $490,750 Interest Earnings $175,000 Operating Funds Transfer $500,000 Bond Proceeds $4,400,000 Total Beginning Fund Balance $5,565,750 (4) Bob Jones Park Development $1,810,000 (4) Nature Center Improvements $100,000 (4) On -Road Signage $10,000 (6) Girls Softball Complex $900,000 Recreation (Teen) Center $1,500,000 Joint Use /Natatorium $500,000 Matching Funds Program $100,000 Special Projects $50,000 TOTAL PROJECTS $4,970,000 Total Ending Balance $595,750 lopil SOUTHLAKE PARKS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Capital Improvements Plan - FY 2001/2002 Beginning Fund Balance $595,750 Interest Earnings $125,000 Operating Funds Transfer $500,000 Total Beginning Fund Balance $1,220,750 (7) Koalaty Park Phase I $250,000 (8) Smith Park Construction - Phase II $300,000 (5) Loop Trail Bicentennial /Durham /Cj $230,000 Matching Funds Program $100,000 Joint Use Projects /Natatorium $520,000 Special Projects $50,000 TOTAL PROJECTS $1,450,000 Total Ending Balance (229,250) IOK•l SOUTHLAKE PARKS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Capital Improvements Plan - FY 2002/2003 Beginning Fund Balance (229,250) Interest Earnings $175,000 Operating Funds Transfer $500,000 TPWD Grant Proceeds $500,000 Bond Proceeds $5,500,000 Total Beginning Fund Balance $6,445,750 (9) Recreation Center Construction $5,500,000 (10) Koalaty Park Phase II $250,000 Matching Funds Program $100,000 Joint Use /Natatorium $250,000 Special Protects $50,000 TOTAL PROJECTS $6,150,000 Total Ending Balance $295,750 !0 %'49 SOUTHLAKE PARKS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Capital Improvements Plan - FY 2003/2004 Beginning Fund Balance $295,750 Interest Earnings $125,000 Operating Funds Transfer $500,000 Total Beginning Fund Balance $920,750 (11) Noble Oaks Park $280,000 (12) Lonesome Dove Playground Improvements $125,000 (14) Portals $50,000 (15) Senior Activity Center Parking Lot Expansion $30,000 (16) Sheltonwood Phase I Development $300,000 (17) Aquatic Center Planning $290,000 Matching Funds Program $100,000 Joint Use Projects $20,000 Special Projects $50,000 TOTAL PROJECTS $1,245,000 Total Ending Balance (324,250.00) Proposed Future Projects (13) Aquatics Center Construction $2,900,000 (18) Equestrian Facilities at Bob Jones Park $3,500,000 pp, c� 12.J7)q CC "q. Project: Walgreens Plaza SWC Southlake Blvd. /Peytonville Rd. Southlake, Texas Additional Stipulations and Conditions The stipulations and conditions addressed in the City of Southlake "site plan review" summary dated 11/12/99 for Case #ZA99 -103 for the above - referenced project are acceptable with the following additional conditions: 1. The building elevations shall be redesigned pursuant to the revised elevations attached hereto. The height of the standing seam metal roof shall not exceed 35' at the tower locations. 2. A 3' landscape berm shall be installed by the applicant on Southlake Blvd and Peytonville Road frontage. The final design of the 3' landscape berm shall be subject to staff approval with regard to the transition areas, visibility triangles and line of sight at the driveway intersections, pursuant to City of Southlake standards. 3. Applicant shall meet all standards set forth in the City of Southlake lighting ordinances. In addition: A. Applicant shall provide a photometric study showing compliance with the City of Southlake lighting ordinances as part of its building permit application. B. Applicant shall not install floodlights either on or facing the building. 4. Applicant shall install speed bumps in the access drives at locations to be approved by the City staff. Onsite traffic directional signs, including signs limiting the speed limit onsite to 5 MPH and other traffic control signage shall be included in the applicant's building permit application be subject to staff approval. 5. Applicant intends to divide the property into two Tots pursuant to Plat Application Case #ZA99 -117 and the Staff Report dated 12/03/99 (copy attached). Applicant shall prepare for the City of Southlake's review and approval a set of Conditions, Covenants and Restrictions ( "CC &R's ") in a saps form acceptable to the City of Southlake prior to the recordation of the plat. The CC &R's shall provide (at a minimum) that the adjacent property to the south of the subject Walgreens property (Lot "B ") shall be restricted to the following permitted uses: A. Any use permitted in the 0-1 Office District in the City of Southlake. B. Dog and Cat Hospitals or Small Animal Hospitals if conducted wholly within a completely enclosed soundproofed and air conditioned building, providing that noise or odors created by activities within the building shall not be perceptible beyond the property line; that no long term boarding of animals is permitted except where related to medical treatment; and that no animals are kept outside the building at any time. C. Financial institutions. D. Health service facilities to include clinics, office of dentists, doctors, and other practitioners of healing arts, licensed or similarly recognized under the laws of the State of Texas; offices for specialists and supporting health service fields, such as physical, audio and speech therapy, podiatry and psychological testing and counseling; dental, medical and optical laboratories and blood banks, ambulance dispatch stations, stores and display rooms for the sale and rental and medical supplies and equipment. All other permitted uses under the Section 21 "C -2 Local Retail Commercial District" shall be prohibited. stips , - svx3. U O3 .rro�rol '3W p rlses�ua .ti r�ueorxta ;" ' it Sou v� • SW Lad a 1 E t t ; ° o 1 .0.r.-845154N63W6 , _. ii7�W�v'v4'! 1 E DOa6L. 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COA " a..._, A / di • / I F 0 :.,. ) fr 1 of Jo . (iti " 6.1 e k Ala _ MI Iwo 4Mil AM ... .. 1 bl touC ki • ..... ... ,... ,,. ... MI all One Weck Drive, P.O. Box 12600, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 411 December 7, 1999 To whom it may concern I would like to offer my support to the teens of Southlake in their attempt to make the idea of a teen center a reality. I am both a parent of a Southlake teen and an educator at Carroll High School. On a daily basis, I see that teens need a safe place of their own to go throughout the week and especially on the weekends. I fully support their goal to build a place they can call their own. Sincerel / 3 Robyn L. Green RN, BSN, MA Instructor- Health Science Technology (Carroll High School) t e004v CARROLLHIGHSCHOOL (iit. r )Y ��, Principal :. , Dr. Daniel Presley i � T ' 4 Assistant Principals Counselors ,. Jerry Hollingsworth Libby Hyland Vicky Otterman Debbee Lekavich Susanne Warren Becci Rollins Chauncey Willingham Sylvia Zamora December 1, 1999 To Members of the Southlake City Council and the Parks and Development Committee: In recent weeks I have spoken to a great number of students at Carroll High School concerning the development of the new Teen Center in Southlake. I believe that a new Teen Center is a facility that will be very important to our community. Our community is truly blessed with a wealth of great young people. Giving them a place, outside of home and school, in which they can feel "ownership" is very important. I view the proposed Teen Center as a positive meeting place, outside of school, in which our youth can feel comfortable and engage in enjoyable, supervised activities. It is also very important to the students that they have a voice in both planning and developing the center. It has been my experience that the ownership that evolves with young people, when they are consulted and truly listened to, fosters a sense of pride that leads to positive results. I admire the foresight that has led to the vision and proposal of the Teen Center in Southlake. I encourage you to continue to listen to our young people. The insight that they provide into what they both want and need is usually quite valuable. Thank you for making them an important part of the process. If we at Carroll High School can be of assistance to you in the planning and development of the Teen Center in Southlake, please do not hesitate to contact me. Our students are very important to us and we would be proud to help expand programs and opportunities for them in our community. Si cerely, ; ( ' ...■ i . Daniel B. Presley Principal 1501 W. Southlake Blvd. • Southlake, Texas 76092.817- 481 -2185 • FAX 817 - 481 -7826 i + C iv ilio WE,' THE UNDERSIGNED, DO NOT SUPPORT A ST + 42 '.. ; OF C:11 d TEEN CENTER, BUT RATHER A COMMUNITY RECREATION CENTER. TEEN ACTIVITIES SHOULD BE ADDRESSED AND • I$CI,UDED IN A COMMUNITY RECREATION CENTER. FEEL FREE TO CALL FOR FURTHER COMMENTS 1 PRINT NAME ADDRESS PHONE # DATE 1 1.1.1 Sb 1.. Ci - u�i' ° - t « 4�-'i c 1 2. 3 j)a4 � r ► r t33( Ptt lci- LK4v-q'3417 144/4? } 3 2 • g 1331 gv - L,� I Z 1 P iet 1 4.5a1.77/64/4144.5 l 11 ) eiorm ? 2. f'. 4 •: ^744~ '4I /.39:570 40W - X fl 42 f - c . 1 6 •C - 4, ( c - t50fiue4sc 1.. 3 wi -'t L I - y �° --04 Iii 7 - 4L4 Ai #A1 Q i e 12-5ft. it,co 12- alit& gEile . la) /V?And ii 8 - -rah fQ((J -i iJk Z` (Z 1 - AbC1 get (4. lettl -77a 9' 1 2 0 • r isa d 15 , 3t L 'tVV'(J)T) b? ,( ' ' II �?I �73� e fi Q\A(\,, 11. r t 3oc U rr CAW 1 .- te ' 9/ L) 12 "', w -c 3 1 0 0 y .A 1 '64 ? " ii 3 ''jig `l j � �'6 - ' 1 13 . � -,r_ /,; C i `41- ! 41 - r, / 7L: -`f� L , (: •,f (---,,,-/./ f 2� .a l_ ' : e -.7 / -, . ?> I 14 . f ~ f , ,i 2. 1 /'.r(' p( { ''i' r / /1) /f.--'•. '1, -)? -'9 t/ / 'i.j.,. • ,/ / - i ",' / 7 - ; 1 15 • - 1 4 r l , � t i -�- /341' i F y ivt , % ; 7,-" 12-4 - 411 1�, 4 t ' 1 7 7f I -4 tefah' JOLnte«• glir 1 .. DEC 0 ': fv t Sandra LeGrand From: Sent: Bess Frost [ Monday, December 06, 1999 2:29 PM To: SLegrand Dear Mrs. Legrand, I think that the Teen Center is a great idea! I am a senior this year and wish that I was going to be around to use it. Bess Frost Get Your Private, Free Email at http: / /www.hotmail.com Sandra LeGrand From: * Britni * [ Sent: Sunday, December 05, 1999 10:03 PM To: SLegrand Subject: Teen Center Is For a Good Cause!! DEC Dear City of Southlake, I think that the Teen Center should be built for many reasons. For both the Parents and Teens in our community. It will provide a safe enviornment for the teens and the parents will know where the kids are and that they are safe. It will provide good socialism for the teens in Southlake and many of the parents are sure to help chaperone this fun entertainment. Please reconsider the choices and see that the Teen Center is for a very good cause and it will be a great and safe place for the teens of Southlake to hang out. I am looking forward to see progress on the Teen Center and I hope that it will be built!! Good Luck to all and THE TEEN CENTER IS FOR A VERY GOOD CAUSE!! - Sincerly, Brittany J. Get Your Private, Free Email at http: / /www.hotmail.com Sandra LeGrandM From: Mitzi Long [ Sent: Saturday, December 04, 1999 3:06 PM To: slegrand DEC Subject: Youth Center Dear Sandy Legrand: I wanted to drop a line and express my opinion on building a youth center. It has been my experience moving from Plano that a recreation center is a better use of tax dollars than a youth center. I do hope you take the time to survey the community before proceeding with the plan to build a youth center. Thank you for your time. Regards, Mitzi Long phone and fax: (817)329 -1860 mobile: (817) 800 -0320 DEC ik9 s . Sandra LeGrand From: Kim Bush mot [+ Sent: Friday, December 03, 1999 9:17 AM To: Sandra LeGrand; Billy Campbell; Kevin Hugman Subject: Teen Center Received a call from Ms. Cecilia Swartz, 251 -1003, 1321 Bryon Nelson Pkwy. She wanted to let all parties involved in the decision about the teen center know that she and her husband oppose a separate Teen Center. They are "most unhappy" about the suggestion of a separate facility from a multi -use facility. ✓l G r2 L G !G //G LL /L c % P G V / G G Pi COPY 1 '' I '( / ti / ✓i b t 1 NOV ! Sandra LeGrand' From: RKTNSL Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 1999 1:54 PM To: SleGrand Subject: Teen Center I am writing in support of continuing the building of the teen center as planned. I would like to know why it was killed. Some issues are important enough to continue. My wife and I feel this center would benefit the entire City. Our kids need a safe place to hang out with their friends other than our homes. They don't have much freedom now, this would give them that freedom. Please reconsider. Sincerely, Rick Brockington coPY am fir. 1 _ 6 °.) lJ December 2, 1999 DEC Dear Editor, � • I would like to take this opportunity to thank each Southlake city council member who supported the decision to review plans for a one million dollar / 5500 square foot "stand- alone" teen center in the Southlake area. As a mother of three children and a resident taxpayer, I firmly believe that had the council failed to survey a broader opinion base of this matter such would have shown fiscal irresponsibility. Although I do not personally support a stand -alone teen center, I will accept the final decision reached by council based upon their commitment to thoroughly examine the issue. Despite another commentator's statement that money is not an issue in Southlake, I must strongly disagree. I expect the city council to take responsibility for each tax dollar just as I take responsibility for the amount of money in my child's pockets. Although not as well publicized, residents need to be aware that this teen center request is in addition to an already planned multi -use Southlake recreation center. Thus, the residents of Southlake are being asked to additionally support this million dollar (exclusive of staff salaries, annual maintenance, insurance, etc.) stand -alone teen center. As our teens attend school eight hours per day / nine months per year, excluding extracurricular activities, I find the usage level of a stand -alone center versus cost to be unbalanced. Further, I, unlike some others, would much rather see our teens "running" around a dedicated section of a 50,000 square foot multi -use recreation center. Interaction among adult and juvenile neighbors and family friends would be the norm, not the exception and our teens could actually walk down the hall from their designated teen center to the gym. But, as the proposed teen center currently stands our teens options would be severely limited. Their sole choices would be either gathering in a 5500 square foot room or its parking lot. Finally, I believe a stand -alone facility does not provide an atmosphere of community, but instead perpetuates today's intolerance of anything different than oneself. As one commentator so succinctly put it, "I doubt if he thought I might be there, that he would go to it anyway." That statement speaks for itself. Sincerely, Dana McGrath Southlake Resident Sandra L..eGran c>f F: RKTNSL �� ' rom Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 1999 1:54 PM To: SleGrand Subject: Teen Center I am writing in support of continuing the building of the teen center as planned. I would like to know why it was killed. Some issues are important enough to continue. My wife and I feel this center would benefit the entire City. Our kids need a safe place to hang out with their friends other than our homes. They don't have much freedom now, this would give them that freedom. Please reconsider. Sincerely, Rick Brockington Sandra L.eGrand tits h; -J From: RachyBabel3 I Sent: Monday, December 06, 1999 5:29 PM To: SLegrand `' Subject: Teen Center I would like to have the Teen Center in Southlake. I think it is a good idea! I would love to have one!!! Rachel - age 13 Sandra LeGrand From: Al Suarez [ .e -L- y I Sent: Monday, December 06, 1999 5:35 PM To: SLegrand Subject: Teen Center. I believe we need a tenn center so that we (the teens of southlake) have a place 2 hang out wit other teens our age. Get Your Private, Free Email at http: / /www.hotmail.com Sandra L From: courtney standerfer [ Sent: Monday, December 06, 1999 6:00 PM To: SLegrand City Council - Hey, My name is Courtney Standerfer. I think that the teen center was a really good idea, and we had the money and the land. But if city council is going to take that away from us, or make it a community center, then I think you are being unfair. I want to support the community, but teens need a place where they can hang out and not have to worry about a senior's bingo game or a little kid's movie, or something of that area. I just think that we deserve a place for US. Please don't take away something that you promised us. Thanks, Courtney Standerfer Get Your Private, Free Email at http: / /www.hotmail.com Sandra LeGrand" From: Mitzi Long [ � Sent: Saturday, December 04, 1999 3:06 PM To: slegrand Subject: Youth Center Dear Sandy Legrand: I wanted to drop a line and express my opinion on building a youth center. It has been my experience moving from Plano that a recreation center is a better use of tax dollars than a youth center. I do hope you take the time to survey the community before proceeding with the plan to build a youth center. Thank you for your time. Regards, Mitzi Long phone and fax: (817)329 -1860 mobile: (817) 800 -0320 Sandra LeGrand From: RKTNSL DEC Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 1999 1:54 PM To: SleGrand , i Subject: Teen Center ! C: ;�/ I am writing in support of continuing the building of the teen center as planned. I would like to know why it was killed. Some issues are important enough to continue. My wife and I feel this center would benefit the entire City. Our kids need a safe place to hang out with their friends other than our homes. They don't have much freedom now, this would give them that freedom. Please reconsider. Sincerely, Rick Brockington Sandra LeGrand. From: Sent: Monday, December 06, 1999 5:56 PM To: slegrand � a Subject: teen center t` CFn rE 1 C. _ hi, .t _ my name is elke youngers and i have a teen and and eight year old boy. we are in huge demand for a place for our young teens, because they have no place to go on the weekends and would like to hang out with their friends while doing of watching sports. they are too young to hang with the highschoolers and too old for the park programs. they have nowhere to go. our whole family and everybody we talk to, knows that southlake is the place to be, so let it be T H E place to be for our young teens too!!!! please let us have this center now 1 I sincerely, the youngers family Sandra Le Grand From: * Britni * [ Sent: Sunday, December 05, 1999 10:03 PM To: SLegrand DEC Subject: Teen Center Is For a Good Cause!! Dear City of Southlake, OFFICE C, CM' 5777E -6,y I think that the Teen Center should be built for many reasons. For both the Parents and Teens in our community. It will provide a safe enviornment for the teens and the parents will know where the kids are and that they are safe. It will provide good socialism for the teens in Southlake and many of the parents are sure to help chaperone this fun entertainment. Please reconsider the choices and see that the Teen Center is for a very good cause and it will be a great and safe place for the teens of Southlake to hang out. I am looking forward to see progress on the Teen Center and I hope that it will be built!! Good Luck to all and THE TEEN CENTER IS FOR A VERY GOOD CAUSE!!- - Sincerly, Brittany J. Get Your Private, Free Email at http: / /www.hotmail.com Sandra LeGrand DE l From: Rob Jones [ Sent: Monday, December 06, 1999 5:23 PM To: SLegrand C r; , .,/ Subject: Rob's Suggestion for Council it Hi Sandy, Please pass on the following to the city council. For best effect, read it to 'em while they're eating. I know they miss hearing from me. Dear Council: It is my fondest hope that you continue to pay only lip service to the youth center. Just make a good show in public and then tie the project up in detail. I especially hope certain councilmembers will vote against funding the project. Then we can watch the backlash bounce you out on your happy little haunches in May. Don't you love a story with a happy ending? With all due respect, Rob Jones PS: Loved the Kirby's saga. Nothing like putting our best foot forward. I'm the last one to hear anything around here, so if I've heard, Card for Rob Jones everyone has. San dra LeGrand . ' `� From: Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 1999 9:03 AM To: SLegrand f 0 C Subject: TEEN CENTER Hi, my name is Erin Oglesby and Sarah Hixson, and we are supporters of the Southlake Teen Center. We don't know much about this, but from what we have heard, we were about to have a teen center, but then it was taken away from us. We were asked to possibly e mail you and tell you why we think that we should have this teen center. We both think that it would be a great, and also safe place for us kids to hang out with other kids. As i recall, we have never had anything like this in our area, so it would be really fun. Sincerely yours, Erin Oglesby and Sarah Hixson \i , h Sandra LeGrand T_ From: Bess Frost [ _ __ Sent: Monday, December 06, 1999 2:29 PM To: SLegrand Dear Mrs. Legrand, I think that the Teen Center is a great idea! I am a senior this year and wish that I was going to be around to use it. Bess Frost Get Your Private, Free Email at http: / /www.hotmail.com