OCTOBER 3, 1995
COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Gary Fickes; Mayor Pro Tem Andy Wambsganss.
Members: Sally Hall, W. Ralph Evans, Ron Maness, and Michael Richarme.
CITY STAFF PRESENT: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager; Assistant City Manager, Shana
Yelverton; Director of Finance, LouAnn Heath; Director of Public Works, Bob Whitehead;
Director of Community Development, Greg Last; Zoning Administrator, Karen Gandy;
Assistant to the City Manager, Kevin Hugman; City Attorney, Wayne K. Olson; and, Sandra
L. LeGrand, City Secretary.
INVOCATION: Council member W. Ralph Evans.
WORK SESSION: The work session was held where agenda items for tonight's meeting were
discussed by Council and staff.
The Regular City Council meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Gary Fickes, who
announced that during agenda item #8-A, Solana PUD request, the applicant, Tom Allen, has
announced that they are amending their request for PUD by deleting Product C and D which is
duplex and apartments.
Agenda item #2-A. Executive Session
Mayor Gary Fickes advised the audience that Council would be going into executive session
pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, Sections 551.071,551.072, 551.074,
551.076 of the Open Meetings Act, to seek the advice of the City Attorney with respect to
pending and contemplated litigation, and to discuss the purchase, exchange, lease or sale of real
property and to consider the appointment and evaluation of public officials, and regarding the
deployment of specific occasions for implementation of security personnel or devises.
Council adjourned for executive session at 7:05 p.m.
Council returned to open session at 7:35 p.m.
Agenda Item #2-B, Action Necessary/Executive Session
Motion was made to authorize the City Manager to proceed with the condemnation of utility
easement as discussed in executive session.
Agenda Item #2-B. Continued
Motion: Wambsganss
Second: Richarme
Ayes: Wambsganss, Hall, Evans, Maness, Richarme, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 6-0 vote
Agenda Item #3, Minutes of the Regular City Council Meetim, September 19. 1995
Motion was made to approve the Minutes of the regular City Council meeting held on September
19 and continued on September 26, 1995.
Motion: Richarme
Second: Hall
Ayes: Richarme, Hall, Evans, Maness, Wambsganss, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 6-0 vote
Agenda Item #4-A. Mayor's Report
Mayor Fickes informed the audience that a number of council members, Ralph Evans, Michael
Richarme, Pamela Muller, Andy Wambsganss and others went to Austin and met the Texas
Highway Commission last week. A presentation was made concerning improvements, primarily
asking for an interchange at Kimball Avenue and SH 114. The purpose was to continue to go
before the Commission, and hopefully, they will provide some funding for this project. Council
has been going before the Commission since 1987.
Agenda Item #4-B. City Mana~,er's Renort
No report made at this time.
Agenda Item #4-C. SPIN Renort
No report made at this time.
The consent agenda consisted of the following items:
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October 3, 1995
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Consent Agenda Continued
Resolution No. 95-27, Abandonment of an easement between Lots 39 and 40
SouthRidge Lakes.
Resolution No. 95-39, setting the Public Hearing date to discuss proposed Land
Use Assumptions for Southlake Impact Fee Study.
Resolution No. 95-40, appointments to Southlake Youth Advisory Council
Motion was made to approve the Consent Agenda as presented.
Motion: Wambsganss
Second: Richarme
Ayes: Wambsganss, Richarme, Maness, Hall, Evans, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 6-0 vote
Resolution No. 95-27, releasing an easement between Lot 39 and 40, Block 3,
SouthRidge Lakes Phase III, Section One was approved. Mr. Richard Morgan, Lot 39
and Scan Brennan of Lot 40, have requested that the 15-foot easement between their
properties be released by the City of Southlake. Standard operating procedure requires
property owners to request in writing the release of an easement, pay a $150 fee to have
the City release an easement and also obtain the services of a public surveyor to draw
the easement description.
Resolution No. 95-39, setting the public heating date to discuss Land Use Assumptions
for Southlake's Impact Fee Study. The City Council recently appointed a Capital
Improvements Advisory Committee and has hired planning/engineering/financial
consultants to complete a study to update water and wastewater impact fees and to adopt
roadway impact fees. The first public heating date is scheduled for November 7, 1995.
Resolution No. 95-40, recommends the appointment of representatives to the Southlake
Youth Advisory Commission. Criteria considered includes: past involvement in the
program, attendance at meetings, input from the high school and middle school, and a
written application.
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A~,enda Item #6, Public Forum
E.D. Rankin, 1304 Plantation, Southlake. Mr. Rankin referenced the petition he presented
during the last meeting regarding the Solana request and tonight presented another forty-four (44)
names for the same petition. Now, he is not worried about high density apartments, but is
concerned with the request for high density housing. He expressed concern with the number of
children that this high density housing will bring into the Carroll School District. Another reason
to object, according to Rankin, is removing commercial property from the current tax roll.
Council has an obligation to the residents. This request could be rejected for public safety
Council member Hall responded to Mr. Rankin by naming the current residential
PUD Developments, noting this density is the same as those. The IBM/MTP
property was zoned in 1985. Hall commented on traditional zoning with
residential zoning at 2.18 units per acre.
Mr. Rankin asked Mrs. Hall to stay with her platform when she ran for a place on the City
Public Hearing Closed.
Agenda Item #7-A, Ordinance No. 480-181, 2nd reading (ZA 95-79).
Ordinance No. 480-181, 2nd reading, (ZA 95-79), Rezoning and Concept Plan for Greenlee
Business Park, being 6.715 acres situated in the John A. Freeman Survey, Abstract No. 529,
legally described as the northern portion of Lot 7R and all of Lot 8, Block 1, Greenlee Business
Park, Phase I, and being revised to Lot 8R, Block 1, Greenlee Business Park, Phase I. Current
zoning is "I-1" Light Industrial Zoning District. Requested zoning is "SF-20A" Single Family
Residential District. Owners: David and Beverly Thorne and ELFM Corporation. Applicant:
Terra Land Development Company.
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Agenda Item #7-A. Continued
Zoning Administrator Karen Gandy noted five (5) notices were sent to property owners within
the 200' notification area and one (1) written response has been made, from South Kimball
Avenue JV., c/o James F. Lunsford, in favor. Mrs. Gandy noted the applicant is purchasing
all of Lot 8 and the northern portion of Lot 7R. They have submitted an amended plat for staff
review, moving the common property line to the south to match the lot configuration shown on
the concept plan. It is their intention to submit a plat revision of Greenlee Business Park and
to incorporate the thirteen lots into the Cambridge Place Addition.
Council member Hall commented that this is a piece of industrial land being
changed to residential, with no impact on the school district. Is the audience
telling Council to do it on one hand, and not to do it on the other hand? This is
the general trend.
Public Hearing:
Doug Talbert, 110 Stonewood Court, Southlake. He does not have a question, but a comment,
in that this is the first City Council meeting he has been to in Southlake, and stated, it is
insulting to sit here and compare the two and say that changing the zoning from industrial to
residential is the same as comparing commercial to residential.
Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 480-181, 2nd reading, in lieu of the Concept Plan
Review Summary dated 9-29-95, to include changing the set-back on g2 to 30 feet.
Motion: Hall
Second: Wambsganss
Ayes: Hall, Wambsganss, Evans, Maness, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0 vote
Council member Richarme left the room and did not vote on this item.
Agenda Item #8-A. Ordinance No. 480-179. 1st readine (ZA 95-73)
Ordinance No. 480-179, 1st reading (ZA 95-73), Rezoning and Concept Plan for Solana
(Residential), being 199.2 acres situated in the W. Medlin Survey, Abstract No. 1958, the IJ.P.
Martin Survey, Abstract No. 1015, the James B. Martin Survey, Abstract No. 1134, being a
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Agenda Item #8-A, Continued
portion of Tract 1, and includes all of Lot 4, Block A, MTP/IBM Addition No. 1 as recorded
in Volume 388-211, Page 68. P.R.T.C.T. and Cabinet G, Slide 208, P.R.D.C.T. Current
zoning is "C-3" General Commercial District, "CS" Community Service District, and "P-U-D"
Planned Unit Development District. Requested zoning is "R-P-U-D" Planned Unit
Development. Owner: MTP-IBM Phase II & III Joint Venture. Applicant: Maguire Thomas
The Zoning Administrator, Karen Gandy, stated twenty-four (24) notices were sent to property
owners within the 200' notification area. Four (4) responses have been received from within
the 200' notification area: W.P. Fletcher, 116 Sweet Street, in favor of single dwellings, but
opposed to multiple dwellings; Bonnie B. Hays, 29325 N. White Chapel Blvd., okay if as
proposed; J.W. Riemenschneider, P.O. Box 254, China Springs, Texas, opposed to Product C
and D; Martin Schelling 601 N. Wall Street, Grapevine, in favor; Harold D. Kruckenberg, 1730
Hunter's Creek (outside the notification area), opposed. Seventy-two (72) written or phoned
oppositions to multiple-family housing were received from persons outside the 200' notification
area as of 9/27/95.
Tom Allen, MTP, stated he wishes to amend the request continuing with Product Type A and
B, omitting Product Type C & D.
The Zoning Official was asked to define "mixed use." Mixed use is commercial and residential,
but no industrial. Tonight Council will be considering Plan #4, and the Plan Review Summary
dated September 29, 1995. Council member Hall stated the property was zoned in 1985, and
mixed use has always permitted residential. Greg Last, Director of Community Development
confirmed that mixed use has always permitted residential uses.
Council member Hall stated the mixture of commercial with residential has never
worked. Council has approved some of those in the past and they have come
back to haunt them. She feels we should keep residential on the residential side
of the divided boulevard and non-residential on the other side.
Tom Allen, Maguire Thomas Partners, 9 Village Circle, Westlake. Mr. Allen confirmed that
they wish to amend their request to delete Product Type C & D (apartments and duplexes). Mr.
Allen stated they have been here for ten (10) years and don't plan to leave. The relationship
between them and the City has been beneficial to both. To pursue this is not what they are all
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Aeenda Item #8-A, Continued
about. The right thing to do is drop the request for apartments and duplexes.
Mr. Allen referenced all the meetings with SPIN groups. MTP/IBM brought the property into
the City. They think there is an ability to bring high quality mixed use. This will allow people
to walk to work or ride bikes to work. Their approach is a quality development. This land is
not fully developed with infrastructure. They are very cognizant of the school issues. They
have paid nineteen (19) million dollars to the CISD and with this development, it has a potential
of bringing in another three million dollars per year.
Councilmember Richarme asked, of the 199 acres of land, what percentage is
open space? Greg Last answered, 21.1 acres or 11%. Mr. Allen stated they plan
to leave the creek in its natural state.
Councilmember Maness asked what is the average assessed value of a residential
lot? Lots will sell from $65,000-$70,000 per lot with homes of from $350,000
to $375,000. Mr. Maness stated the City has been lucky with PUD
Developments and with IBM they will be lucky again. At large, what does the
community really get from this?
Tom Allen replied the community does get top-of-the-line corporations. They put well-done
mixed use projects in place. They provide amenities such as the health club. They want to offer
the employees of these companies the right to live next door to where they work. Taxes will
go up from the commercial for the city and school. They build streets; infrastructure. They
have written checks to the State for 8 million dollars for SH 114. They feel they carry their
own weight.
Councilmember Maness stated we don't have schools today for this development,
somewhere we need to stop. He noted he has no problem with the project.
Councilmember Wambsganss stated the dollars this will provide is far greater
than any other projects that have been done in Southlake.
Councilmember Richarme stated the City has a 1.4 year inventory of lots on the
ground at this time, this is low,
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Agenda Item #8-A, Continued
Tom Allen stated regarding their time frame, they plan to move forward quickly with Phase I.
He noted they do not build an empty building. Until they have uses, they won't be building.
Jackie Phillips, 1334 Woodbrook, Southlake. Ms. Phillips presented a petition with 162
signatures opposing the change of this property from commercial to residential. She had
questions regarding density and zero lot lines. Ms. Phillips stated the citizens will take a major
hit, m-wise in the schools. With 325 new kids added to the schools, we will have a short fall
with educating kids until the commercial comes. She asked Council to not change the Master
Council member Wambsganss commented that this project does match the Master
Ed Rankin, 1304 Plantation, Southlake. Mr. Rankln stated the people in Los Colinas do not
walk to work. He repeated he is not concerned with high density apartments at this time, but
with high density housing, and is concerned with the number of children that this high density
housing will bring into the school district.
Jim Giffin, 3002 Briar Lane, Southlake. Mr. Giffin stated this issue is entirely about what type
of product we, the citizens of Southlake, want in our city. He stated he views the job of the
City Council as first and foremost to work for the voting residents of Southlake. Our school
system is already being burdened with rampant growth in population without the commercial and
industrial growth to provide offsetting tax revenue. We've grown approximately 20% each year
for the last three years. Adding any type of high density housing only exacerbates an already
difficult situation. He asked that Council just say no to any multi-family zoning in Southlake.
We don't need it, and we don't want it.
Dan Smith, 3459 Southlake Park Blvd., Southlake. Mr. Smith stated his house is 7/10 mile east
of the property in question. His main concern is crowding of the school system. 254 houses in
the development is 330 more kids. He expressed concerns with residential before the
Toby Thomas, 4041 Hilltop, Southlake. Mr. Thomas stated he is opposed, not to Maguire
Thomas, but to any high density in Southlake. He likes the rural setting and enjoys the horse
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Aeenda Item #8-A. Continued
farms around him.
Dennis McGrath, 2403 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake. Mr. McGrath stated he commends
Maguire Thomas for the number of hearings and public meetings they have had--other
developers should take note!! He also commends Maguire Thomas for taking out the high
density in Product Type C and D. He stated commercial at the southern end needs to be looked
at. If commercial goes too deep, it allows for pockets, and someone will want to put in pockets
of high density. For the north part of town, this will give a chance to support commercial.
Martin Schelling, 2665 North White Chapel Blvd., Southlake. Mr. Schelling stated he lives
directly across from the Maguire Thomas property. He is put out that people from the south
are opposing this zoning change. He does not have a problem with commercial on the southern
part of the plan. He gave building permit information for the past several years. He added,
"you can ride a horse to water, but you cannot make him drink." Just because the City has
2,000 lots, does not mean we will have 2,000 homes. He supports housing backed up to North
White Chapel Blvd. The best use for this property today is single family. They will put in
infrastructure, build Kirkwood Blvd., and they will only get their share of permits.
Judy McGregor, 2545 North White Chapel Blvd., Southlake. Ms. McGregor stated they were
not opposed to multi-family zoning. The Thoroughfare Plan already planned for it. If they are
allowed to put in residences, and they build Kirkwood Blvd., they will have the best of both
worlds. No apartments, and we have IBM.
Pat Maskzano, SouthRidge Lakes, Southlake. Mr. Maskzano stated he moved to Southlake for
the quality of life for his family. He asked what is more important than education of the
children. The schools are now over crowded, as are the parks.
Councilmember Hall stated Council is under a lot of pressure in relationship to
school growth. She appreciates those feelings, she feels them also. The
interesting thing is that the State of Texas is ten years behind the way other
states fund education. We are also impacted as new people come into Southlake
and bring their children; they don't pay school taxes until the next year. Our
School Board and City Council have gone down to Austin many times to discuss
this. Impact fees for the first year will take care of the growth needs within this
school district. Thirty other states have that fee but not Texas. What can City
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Agenda Item #8-A. Continued
Council do about that. We have done everything possible for a Council to do to educate a
school district about the growth. In 1989 Council told the school district to expect this growth,
exactly the percentage. They hired a consultant that told them differently; we told them 15-20%
growth and the consultant told them 7-9%. Council has worked and worked to prepare the
school district. The Mayor and Council had a school site for the district in the southern area
and we had it for free, but it was refused by the School Board. A free piece of land, which at
any point and time, they could have sold it and had tax dollars taken care of. She stated she
realizes their concerns, but this City Council has done everything possible to work with the
School District and the State.
Mayor Fickes stated we build gymnasiums for the school, we build playgrounds,
and supply land for them. We have done everything we can for the school
district. That is an excellent effort by this City to meet the problems the school
district has.
Councilmember Hall stated here is a request from a company that has pumped in
two million dollars per year into the school district, and has had no impact on it.
Since 1985, Maguire Thomas has pumped 2 million dollars a year into the school
district. Other developers have contributed nothing into the district.
Mayor Fickes stated MTP/IBM has helped the City by purchasing an aerial fire
truck, ambulance, elevated water tower, etc.
Councilmember Hall stated MTP/IBM has been the responsible partner for the
City for many years. Of the non-residential PUD, consisting of eighty-five acres,
one third of that is solid forest. The entrance to our city, she noted, they are not
going to cut it down. They will retain the rural entrance at their cost. I doubt
we will get that from any other development.
Councilmember Wambsganss stated the growth in Southlake is too fast- and it has
been for several years. The issue here is, if we are going to make a stand to
slow down or stop residential development, this is our worst case scenario. It is
the developers who will facilitate the infrastructure for developing what is going
to be the nicest piece of commercial property in Southlake. This property merits
Council consideration and approval in its current form.
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Agend~ Item #8-A. Continued
Councilmember Richarme asked the City Attorney if our existing PUD
regulations for residential PUDs allows a 10% commercial component. Does
Council have the ability, within the ordinance, to specify the location of that
commercial 10% or do we not have the authority.
Councilmember Richarme asked for an executive session.
Aeenda Item #2-A. Executive Session. Continued
Mayor Fickes advised the audience that Council would be going into executive session pursuant
to Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, Sections 551.071,551.072, 551.074, 551.076,
of the Open Meetings Act, to seek the advice of the City Attorney.
Agenda item #2-B. Action Necessary/Executive Session
No action is necessary as the result of the executive session.
Agenda Item #8-A. Continued
Councilmember Richarme expressed concern for the lack of retail on the southern
portion of the project. Also he would like retail to front on Kirkwood only and
not onto Dove Road.
Tom Allen answered "yes" to taking the access off of Dove Road.
Councilmember Richarme stated the City has a strong need for a fire hall site in
that area of town. Is this something we can consider? Allen noted yes, it is
something we can consider.
Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 480-179, 1st reading (ZA 95-73), as amended
eliminating the Product C and D; adding restriction that ancillary commercial uses to the south
with the only access being Kirkwood; inserting the notation made to the motion in P&Z item
//4, that bufferyards be deleted that are shown on the Concept Plan but establish bufferyard
requirements at the Site Plan stage. Motion is subject to Concept Plan Review Summary #4,
dated 9/29/95, deleting item #3.
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Aeenda Item #8-A. Continued
Motion: Wambsganss
Second: Evans
Mayor Fickes read the caption of the Ordinance.
The following discussion was had before the Council voted on the motion.
Richarme commented that before this item comes back for its 2nd Reading, he
would like to find out from the people who expressed opposition to this plan, if
what has been proposed and a motion made on tonight, fixes their concerns or
not. If their concerns were over multi-tenant [multi-family] and now multi-
tenant is gone, does that fix their concerns or are their concerns primarily on the
change from commercial to residential? Richarme would like to clarify their
concerns before this item is brought back for a second reading.
Wambsganss stated he felt the citizens of Southlake should be proud of
themselves tonight because they got something they wanted -- there was a
substantial concession made -- and they should feel like they are going home
with a win.
Hall also commented that there had been numerous meetings over the last four
weeks between the Council and Maguire Thomas, as well as those between
Maguire Thomas and citizens, discussing this issue -- it did not come before
Council blindly.
Councilmember Richarme brought up another point he would like to find out
about: the impact the proposal has on the school system. He said he had talked
with five Board members during the last month, and all five were in favor of the
plan as presented with multi-family units. He would like to find out how the
School Board feels and have their feelings about the plan now. Council member
Hall and Mayor Fickes said they had talked to them and that they had no
problems with it.
The motion was continued with the vote, being no further discussion.
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Agenda Item #8-A. Continued
Motion: Wambsganss
Second: Evans
Ayes: Hall, Evans, Richarme, Wambsganss, Fickes
Nays: Maness
Approved: 5-1
At this time, Mayor Fickes announced the following items would be continued at the next
Tuesday night (October 17, 1995) "continuation" meeting. They are:
8.L - Preliminary Plat for Village Center
8. F - Site Plan for Office Complex -- off of Lakecrest, east of Timber Lakes
The Mayor said there may be other items continued, depending on time restraints.
Aeenda Item #8-B. Ordinance No. 480-180, ZA 95-74. 1st Reading
Ordinance No. 480-179, 1st reading (ZA95-74), Rezoning and Concept Plan for Solana (Non-
Residential), being 127.2 acres situated in the U.P. Martin Survey, Abstract No. 1015, being
portions of Tracts IA1, lC, 2A, 2Al, 2A2, 2A5, 2A6, 2A7, and the James B. Martin Survey,
Abstract No. 1134, being portions of Tracts 1 and lC. Current zoning is "C-3" General
Commercial District, "CS" Community Service District, and "P.U.D." Planned Unit
Development. "C-3" General Commercial District, "0-2" Office District. "HC" Hotel District,
and "CS" Community Service District. Request zoning is "PUD". Owner: MTP-IBM Phase II
& III Joint Venture. Applicant: Maguire Thomas Partners. SPIN Neighborhood #2.
Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, summarized the request. She mentioned the property will
be bounded on the east by the proposed extension of Kirkwood Blvd. The Land Use Plan
designates the area as "mixed use/flood plain." She commended three (3) notices were sent to
property owners within the 200' notification area; no written responses have been received.
There have been numerous phone calls addressing opposition to the multi-family request. At
the August 3, 1995, P&Z Commission meeting, the applicants request to table was granted as
was at the August 17, 1995 meeting. On September 7, the P&Z Commission did recommend
approval of the project with a 4-2-1 vote, subject to staff's review comments dated September
1, 1995. P&Z did restrict the ancillary uses to approximately 6.7 acres as shown on the
amended Concept Plan adjacent to Kirkwood. P&Z also had the applicant indicate the area that
would not be
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Agenda Item #8-B. Continued
developed; left open in its natural state throughout the remainder of their project. P&Z also had
the applicant commit to 8 units per acre on their multi-family use. The applicant has since that
time, deleted that aspect of their proposal. At the September 19, 1995 City Council meeting,
Council did accept the applicant's request to table until tonight's meeting. The council has the
applicant's 4th submittal and staff review comments.
Tom Allen, MTP/IBM, stated they wish to amend their request to delete all ancillary uses,
making it totally non-residential. Mr. Allen stated they are looking to do a major office building
on the property.
Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 480-180, 1st reading, subject to the Staff Review
Summary dated September 29, 1995, deleting item #2, based on the applicant's amendment to
do all commercial (no residential).
Motion: Wambsganss
Second: Richarme
Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance.
Ayes: Wambsganss, Richarme, Evans, Hall, Maness, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 6-0 vote
Council adjourned for recess at 10:35 p.m.
Council returned to open session at 10:40 p.m.
Agenda Item #8-C, Ordinance No. 480-182, 1st reading (ZA 95-83) Meadow Ridee Estates
Ordinance No. 480-182, 1st reading, (ZA 95-83), Rezoning and Concept Plan for Meadow
Ridge Estates, being 37.416 acres of land situated in the John A. Freeman Survey, Abstract No.
529, Tracts 1, lA, lC, iD, and 3A. Current zoning is "AG" Agricultural, with a requested
zoning of "SF-20A" Single-Family Residential District. Owners: Mike and Ginger Jacobs,
Dwaine Petty, and E.R.O. Development Company. Applicant: Biscoe Clark Company. SPIN
Neighborhood #7.
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Agenda Item #8-C. Continued
The Zoning Administrator, Karen Gandy, stated that twenty-one (21) notices were sent to
property owners within the 200' notification area and fifteen (15) responses have been received,
including: Howard E. Cart Jr., 311 S. Kimball Avenue, opposed; Janice Mioller, 165 S.
Kimball Avenue, opposed; Dennis Minder, 223 Eastwood Drive, opposed; George Thayer, 217
Eastwood Drive, opposed; Larry Faughn, 215 Eastwood, opposed; Michael Schroetke, 211
Eastwood Drive, opposed; Carlos Donfis, 213 Eastwood Drive, opposed; George and Confine
Tuttle, 219 Eastwod Drive, and John Logan, 211 Eastwood, opposed. Darrell Faglie, 505 S.
Kimball Avenue, in favor; Gary Fox, 4302 Heritage Avenue, Grapevine, in favor; Teresa Jane
Thompson, 510 Azalea Drive, Grapevine, in favor; Jerry and Marg Forbus, 595 S. Kimball, in
favor; Gerald Thompson, 1227 Terrace Drive, Grapevine, in favor; Jack Petty, 616 S. Kimball
Avenue, Southake, in favor; Sally Ezell, 280 S. Kimball Avenuie, Southlake, undecided.
Mrs. Gandy stated there is no longer a need for the super majority vote by Council because
many of those opposing this action have changed their vote.
Councilmember Maness asked Mr. Biscoe what he thinks he agreed to do to
correct the drainage.
Jim Biscoe, Biscoe Clark Company, 8300 Douglas, Dallas. Mr. Biscoe stated they have worked
with the neighbors to resolve concerns, noting that the original application showed sixty-two (62)
lots and at the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting they agreed to one acre lots on the
western boundary which left 58 lots. The lots that border Woodland Heights average one acre
lots with the remainder of the lots at 20,000 square foot. Drainage is a big concern. They also
agreed to provide a three-board rural type fence along the west side. Biscoe stated he will
provide a detention pond to the north on Lot 29 and 30. The contractor will go onto the Minder
property in Woodland Heights to do a cut which will make the water move. The property will
deed restricted so that when a home is built, a fence will be built.
Councilmember Hall noted a letter which was sent to property owners from Mr.
Pattie Minder, 223 Eastwood Drive, Southlake. Mrs. Minder stated the property owners are in
support and agreement with the things noted tonight. She did not understand what was meant
by two (2) trees per lot. The property owner of Lot 13 also agreed to have her lot graded for
drainage correction. She stated she would rather have houses than commercial next to her.
Dona Schroetke, 211 Eastwood Drive, Southlake. Ms. Schroetke stated she recended her
opposition and agreed to grading of their lots. She would like to have one more lot taken out
behind her property. She wants to see screening and landscaping plan prior to the second reading.
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Page 16
Agenda Item #8-C. Continued
Sonny James, 305 South Kimball Avenue, Southlake. Mr. James stated he lives across the
street, east of this property. They have always opposed anything but residential. They are in
favor of this addition. They are not concerned with the size of lots and houses; only the value
of the homes.
Daryl Fagley, 505 South Kimball Avenue, Southlake. Mr. Fagley stated they are in favor of this
Carlos Dorris, 213 Eastwood, Southlake. Mr. Dorris stated his concerns have been addressed.
He referenced drainage, as a lot of water comes off Woodland Heights. He is in favor.
Councilmember Richarme expresssed concerns with the Land Use Plan, stating
this property was low density residential. He is concerend that the developer
could turn around and sell the property after he gets approval.
Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 480-182, 1st reading, subject to the third Plan
Review Summary dated September 29, 1995, deleting items #1 and #2.
Motion: Wambaganss
Second: Maness
Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance.
Ayes: Wamabsganss, Maness, Hall, Evans, Fickes
Nays: Richarme
Approved: 5-1 vote
Aeenda Item #8-E. ZA 95-89, Plat Revision Commerce Business Park
ZA 95-89, Plat Revision of lots 1R1 and 1R2, Block A, Commerce Business Park, legally
described as a 1.5703 acre tract of land situated in the Thomas Easter Survey, Abstract No. 474,
and being a revision of Lot 1, Block A, Commerce Business Park as shown on the Plat recorded
in Volume 388-214, Page 60, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas. Current zoning is "I-1"
Light Industrial District. Owner: Randy Pack; Applicant: Landes & Associates, Inc. SPIN
The Zoning Administrator, Karen Gandy, noted that three (3) notices were sent to property
owners within the 200' notification area and no written responses have been received.
Steve Anderson stated a dental office will front onto Commerce Street.
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes
October 3, 1995
Page 17
Agenda Item #8-E, Continued
Motion was made to approve ZA 95-89, subject to the second Plat Review Summary dated
September 29, 1995, deleting item #1.
Motion: Wambsganss
Second: Evans
Ayes: Wambsganss, Evans, Hall, Maness, Richarme, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 6-0 vote
Aeenda Item #8-G. ZA 95-85. Conceot Plan for Southlake Retail Center
ZA 95-85, Concept Plan for Southlake Retail Center, being 3.351 acres situated in the W.R.
Eaves Survey, Abstract No. 500, Tract 2B, and proposed Lots 1,2, and 3, W.R. Eaves No. 500
Addition. Current zoning is "C-2" Local Retail Commercial District. Owners/Applicants:
DKV (Sutton) Partners II, L.P. Drews Realty Group, General Parners. SPIN #13.
Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, commented that eight (8) notices were sent to property
owners within the 200' notification area and no written responses have been received.
John Drews was present to answer questions for Council.
Motion was made to approve ZA 95-85, subject to the third Plan Review Summary dated
September 29, 1995, deleting Items #1, #2, #3.
Motion: Richarme
Second: Evans
Ayes: Richarme, Evans, Hall, Maness, Wambsganss, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 6-0 vote
Aeenda Item #8-H, ZA 95-94, Site Plan for Scholtzsk¥'s
ZA 95-94, Site Plan for Schlotzsky's, being proposed as Lot 1, W.R. Eaves No. 500 Addition,
and being legally described as a portion of Tract 2B, 0.826 acres situated in the W.R. Eaves
Survey, Abstract No. 500. Current zoning is "C-2" Local Retail Commercial District. Owner:
Schlotsky's Inc., Applicant: Perspective Design, Inc. SPIN #13.
Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, commented that five (5) notices were sent to property
owners within the 200' notification area and no written responses have been received. The
applicant has met all the review comments in the Plat Review Summary No. 1 dated September
15, 1995, with the exception of those items addressed in the Plat Review Summary No. 2 dated
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes
October 3, 1995
Page 18
Agenda Item #S-H, Continued
September 29, 1995. John Drews stated Schlotzsky's has worked very closely with them. John
McNall, Schlotzsky's, stated he has no problems with the Plat Reviews Summary except for
items #10-C and #11.
Motion was made to approve ZA 95-94, subject to the Plat Review Summary No. 3 dated
September 29, 1995, deleting items #10-C and # 11, also incorporating Blueline #A6.
Motion: Richarme
Second: Wambsganss
Ayes: Richarme, Wambsganss, Hall, Evans, Maness, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 6-0 vote
Aeenda Item #8-I. ZA 95-70, Plat Showing for Lots 1,2, and 3, W.R. Eaves No. 500
ZA 95-70, Plat Showing for Lots 1,2, and 3, W.R. Eaves No. 500 Addition, being 3.351 acres
of land situated in the W.R. Eaves Survey, Abstract No. 500, Tract 2B. Current zoning is "C-
2" Local Retail Commercial District. Owner/Applicant: DKV (Sutton) Partners II L.P. Drews
Realty Group, General Partners. SPIN #13.
The Zoning Administrator noted that eight (8) notices were sent to property owners within the
200' notification area and no written responses have been received. A single lot Plat Showing
for this tract was approved subject to the Plat Review Summary No. 1 dated February 1, 1994,
but was never filed of record.
It was noted by Greg Last, Director of Community Development, that a common
access easement will be widened to 26' to be in compliance with the Driveway
Motion was made to approve ZA 95-70, subject to the fifth Plat Review Summary dated
September 29, 1995, subject to item #4 being in compliance with the Driveway Ordinance.
Motion: Richarme
Second: Maness
Ayes: Richarme, Maness, Hall, Evans, Wambsganss, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 6-0 vote
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes
October 3, 1995
Page 19
Aeenda Item #8-J. Ordinance No. 480-184, Ist readine ZA 95-95
Ordinance No. 480-184, 1st reading (ZA 95-95), Rezoning for 3.678 acres situated in the J.G.
Allen Survey, Abstract No. 18, Tract 6El. Current zoning is "AG" Agricultural, with a
requested zoning of "SF-1A" Single Family Residential District. Owners/Applicants: Joseph
and Kimiela Mortazavi. SPIN #15.
Four (4) notices were sent to property owners within the 200' notification area and no written
responses have been received according to Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator.
Randy Sullivan, North Richland Hills, a representative of the applicant stated he is only building
one house on the property.
Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 480-184, 1st reading.
Motion: Wambsganss
Second: Hall
Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance.
Ayes: Wambsganss, Hall, Evans, Maness, Richarme, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 6-0 vote
Aeenda Item #8-K. ZA 95-96. Plat Showim, of Lots 7 & 8, J.G. Alien No. 18 Addition.
ZA 95-96, Plat Showing of Lots 7 & 8, J.G. ALlen No. 18 Addition being 3.678 acres situated
in the J.G. Allen Survey, Abstract No. 18, Tract 6El. Current zoning is "AG" Agricultural,
with a requested zoning of "SF-1A" Single Family Residential District. Owners/Applicants:
Joseph & Kimiela Mortazavi. SPIN #15.
Four (4) written responses were sent to property owners within the 200' notification area and
no written responses have been received. The applicant has met all the comments of the Plat
Review Summary No. 1 dated September 15, 1995, with the exception of the items addressed
in the Plat Review Summary No. 2 dated September 29, 1995.
Motion was made to approve, subject to the second Plat Review Summary dated September 29,
Maness, Richarme, Wambsganss, Hall, Evans, Fickes
Approved: 6-0 vote
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes
October 3, 1995
Page 20
Agenda Item gl0-A, Variance Request for Driveway on Continental Blvd.
Variance request to Ordinance No. 483-C, Section 501 (H)(i) by Terry Wilkirson for a driveway
on Continental Blvd.
Bob Whitehead, Director of Public Works, presented this item to Council, stating this section
of the ordinance prohibits any driveway onto an arterial street; in this case, Continental Blvd.
Councilmember Hall stated at the last meeting, this case was presented as a
driveway for heavy equipment and it is going to be a driveway to his house. She
stated it is very unsafe to come out of the driveway onto Continental Blvd.
Motion was made to deny the request and comply with City ordinances.
Motion: Hall
Second: Richarme
Ayes: Hall, Richarme, Maness
Nays: Wambsganss, Evans, Fickes
Tie Vote: 3-3 vote
Motion was made to grant a variance on a condition that the City maintain a $1,000 in trust to
the City, and that it satisfy the Public Works Director, and in the future it is deemed that this
driveway creates a public health hazard, the money in escrow be used to remove the driveway.
Motion: Wambsganss
Second: Evans
Ayes: Wambsganss, Evans, Fickes
Nays: Hall, Maness, Richarme
Tie Vote: 3-3- vote
Motion was made to deny the driveway with a suggestion that the applicant remove the concrete
and gate the opening for necessity for heavy equipment.
Motion: Maness
Second: Richarme
Ayes: Hall, Maness, Richarme, Evans
Nays: Wambsganss, Fickes
Approved: 4-2 vote
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes
October 3, 1995
Page 21
Agenda Item//12. Adjournment
Motion was made to continue this meeting on October 10, 1995 at 7:30 p.m. for the remaining
items. The meeting ended at 12:50 a.m.
Motion: Richarme
Second: Wambsganss
Ayes: Richarme, Wambganss, Hall, Evans, Maness, Fickes
Nays: None -
Approved: 6-0 vote
,, '
'Sandra L. LeGrand
City Secretary
OF 10/3/1995 CONTINUED TO 10/10/1995
COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Gary Fickes, Mayor Pro Tem Andy Wambsganss,
Deputy Mayor Pro Tem Pamela Muller, Councilmember Sally Hall, Councilmember Michael
Richarme, Councilmember Ron Maness, and Councilmember Ralph Evans.
STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Curtis E. Hawk, Assistant City Manager Shana Yelverton,
Assistant to the City Manager Kevin Hugman, Director of Finance Lou Ann Heath, Director of
Public Works Bob Whitehead, Director of Community Development Greg Last, Zoning
Administrator Karen Gandy, City Engineer Ron Harper, and Acting City Secretary Kim Bush.
INVOCATION: Councilmember Ralph Evans.
The continuation of the Regular City Council meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor
Gary Fickes.
Public Forum.
Several citizens requested to speak regarding the City's intentions for the pumhase of property on
N. White Chapel for a public works facility. Mayor Fickes informed the audience that there was
no agenda item addressing this issue, but he would open the public forum and allow three persons
to address the Council on behalf of those in attendance. Mayor Fickes reassured the audience that
no vote at tonight's meeting would take place in regards to this issue, and that the item would be
placed on City Council's next agenda for October 17.
John Richardson, 4637 Homestead, informed the Council of his concerns about the proposed
public works facility to be built at N. White Chapel and Bob Jones Rd. Mr. Richardson stated
the following for the record: (1) when he moved to his home he believed the area to be zoned
one-acre residential; (2) he was part of the original group that worked to get this area annexed into
the City to avoid an unsightly helicopter operation from locating in the area; and (3) he believes
there are other alternatives for the City.
Pam Rice, 455 Brooks Ct., thanked the Council for returning her calls. Ms. Rice commented that
she wanted the Council to know that she and her neighbors were opposed to a public works
facility being built in the area. She expressed concerns with this type of "industrial" use (1)
deminishing property values; (2) being a nuisance due to excessive noise and lights; and, (3)
creating unsafe roads because of truck traffic including rock haulers.
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes
October 10, 1995
Page 2
Don Osley, 4380 Saddle Ridge Rd., commented that he agreed with Mr. Richardson and Ms.
Rice. He presented to the Council photographs depicting what he sees happening to the area if
a public works facility is built.
Emilia White, 455 Bob Jones Rd., expressed concern that the City would purchase the property
before all the citizens have had a chance to express their concerns.
Mayor Fickes assured the audience, again, that he signs on the purchase of property, and he will
not sign any purchase contracts before addressing this issue as an agenda item.
Agenda Item #8D. 1st Reading Ordinance No. 480-183. (ZA 95-88).
Zoning Administrator Karen Gandy presented to the City Council Ordinance No. 480-183 a
rezoning for 3.38 acres situated in the William H. Martin Survey, Abstract No. 1068, Tracts 2A3
& 2A3A1. Location: West side of the private street, Marantha Way. Current zoning is AG, with
a requested zoning of SF-1B. Owner/Applicant is Lawrence L. Post. Ms. Gandy stated that five
notices were sent to property owners within 200' and as of this date no written responses had been
Mr. Post was present to answer questions of the City Council. He stated that he intended to build
one single family home for himself.
Councilmember Richarme expressed his concerns with this being a private, gravel street with no
public access for ambulance service, etc. Mr. Post commented that he owned all the property
originally and had made provisions for public right-of-way to be dedicated from each person who
purchased a lot. He commented that he considered the road public--to be used by the City for
whatever purpose.
Director of Community Development Greg Last informed the City Council that as far as the
records show, the road was never dedicated to the City. The property was annexed into the City
in 1988, but there has been no dedication to the City or acceptance of the road by the City.
Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 480-183 on 1st Reading.
Maness, Muller, Richarme, Fickes, Wambsganss, Hall, Evans
Greg Last commented that the 2nd reading of the ordinance would not be until the
City Council meeting on November 7 due to public notice requirement.
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes
October 10, 1995
Page 3
Agenda Item No. 8F. ZA 95-90. Site Plan for an Office Complex,
Zoning Administrator Karen Gandy presented to the City Council ZA 95-90 a Site Plan for an
Office Complex being Lot 6, Hiriam Grandberry No. 581 Addition, and being further described
as 0.908 acres situated in the Hiriam Grandberry Survey, Abstract No. 581. Location: South side
of Southlake Blvd., approximately 80' east of the entrance to Lake Crest Addition. Current
zoning is O-1, office district. The owner/applicant is Dr. Timothy Huckabee. Ms. Gandy stated
that ten notices were sent to property owners within 200' and as of this date one written response
has been received from Mr. Dan Altena, 103 Springbrook Ct. Mr. Altena commented that if it
was going to be O-1, they would request that a fence and appropriate landscaping be provided.
Dr. Timothy Huckabee was present to answer questions of the Council.
Councilmember Maness questioned why a drive could not be provided from the cul-de-sac to Lake
Crest instead of having another access drive onto FM1709.
Director of Community Development Greg Last explained that when we approved the Lake Crest
plat, it was with the understanding that provisional access would only be accommodated if there
was single family development on this parcel of land and not office or commercial or any other
type of use. There is no right-of-way dedication between the Lake Crest entry and this property
--it is a right-of-way reservation.
Councilmember Richarme questioned which drive would be more safe. He was concerned with
this drive being too close to the Lake Crest drive onto FM1709.
Councilmember Wambsganss noted that the homeowners in Lake Crest addition expressed that
they would be against any commercial development next to them if the traffic was routed through
their subdivision.
Councilmember Richarme suggested that the drive be moved further west on the property to allow
for more distance between this drive and Lake Crest. Councilmember Richarme also commented
on the building design standards that had been set by Dr. Ansohn's office on Southlake Blvd., and
suggested that this level of design be followed by others.
Motion was made to approved ZA 95-90 subject to staff's review letter of 9/29/95 changing item
#3 by moving the driveway access further to the west on the property.
Motion: Richarme
Second: Maness
Dr. Huckabee commented that he had a problem with trying to comply with the required
landscape parking islands for the rear parking area. If he was to put in all that is required, it
would leave him short on the number of required parking spaces, and he would have to go to the
Zoning Board of Adjustment for a variance.
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes
October 10, 1995
Page 4
Greg Last informed the Council that the P&Z Commission recommended approval waiving the
requirement for the required landscape parking islands for the rear parking area (item #4).
Council suggested that if the FM1709 drive was moved to the western most property line, the
applicant would be able to provide two more parking spaces up front.
The previous motion by Richarme and the second by Maness was withdrawn.
Motion was made to approve ZA 95-90 Site Plan subject to the staff review letter of 9/29/95
changing item #3 to reflect relocating the common access to the western side and delete item #4
and provide two landscape islands in the rear parking lot and relocate the two displaced stalls to
the front parking lot.
Maness, Muller, Richarme, Fickes, Wambsganss, Hall, Evans
Agenda Item No. 8L. ZA 95-76. Preliminary Plat. Village Center.
Zoning Administrator Karen Gandy presented to the Council ZA 95-76, the preliminary plat for
Village Center, Lots 1-6, Block 1, and Lots 1-7, Block 2 being 44.328 acres situated in the T.
Mahan Survey, Abstract No. 1049 and being a portion of Tract 6 and also being Lot 3, Block 1
of the previously approved Preliminary Plat of Farrar Addition and all of Lot 1, Block 1, of the
Farrar Addition; Current zoning is C-3, Commercial District; Owner is James Farrar, et.al.; the
applicant is the Midland Development Group. Ms. Gandy stated that a revised plan was submitted
this evening, 10/10/95. Staff has reviewed the revised plan and has noted the reduction of seven
(7) lots in the pad site area. One written response has been received from Mary E. Zemrod in
favor of the plat.
Councilmember Hall questioned the location of the pipeline and how much property is required
on either side of the line. Staff indicated that it is a 20' easement offsite to the west.
Councilmember Richarme noticed that there was no driveway access to F.M. 1709 from the pad
sites shown. Richarme questioned whether they could come back later and put driveways in.
Councilmember Richarme commented that it appears there would be the opportunity for another
major in/out driveway.
Staff commented that the developers will be coming back to Council with a concept plan and a
further site plan where driveway issues will be discussed.
Mayor Fickes questioned the possibility of getting with the state highway department to configure
a right turn only onto S.H.114 and eliminate any attempt to turn west bound on S.H. 114.
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes
October 10, 1995
Page 5
Donald Silverman, representative for the Midland Development Group, was present to answer
questions of the Council. He stated that they would be agreeable with making that a right turn
only onto to S.H. 114. They can position a triangle in the roadway so as to accomplish this. Mr.
Silverman commented that there would be more driveways for truck traffic around the perimeter
and maybe one or two more drives, although, it is their intent not to have any direct access
driveways into any of the pad sites on F.M. 1709. They have discussed no left-hand turns at any
of the drives except at the traffic signal drive.
Councilmember Maness thanked the applicants for the willingness to be flexible and listen to the
concerns of the Council and make some changes. He commented that he thought this was a lot
better plan.
Councilmember Evans questioned the location of the roadway and whether or not Council should
consider again the possibility of aligning with Westwood. Council discussed the opposition
expressed by the homeowners in Westwood to this alignment.
Community Development Director Greg Last commented that item #1 (regarding minimum center
line) of the staff review letter dated 10/10/1995 should be deleted. Mr. Last pointed out that this
will not be an issue because it will go away with the S.H. 114 right-of-way taking.
Motion was made to approve ZA 95-76 Preliminary Plat for Village Center subject to the
Preliminary Plat Review Summary No. 4 dated 10/10/1995 deleting item #1.
Maness, Muller, Richarme, Fickes, Wambsganss, Hall, Evans
Agenda Item No. 12. Meeting Adjourned.
Motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 9:00 p.m.
City of Southlake, Texas
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Presented to City Council during Public Forum on Septenber 19, 1995
No Multi - Family Zoning!!
My name is Jim Giffin and I reside at 3002 Briar Lane, Southlake.
I and many others came to Southlake to enjoy a country like setting of homes set well
apart and send our children to one of the best public schools in the country. As of
today, we are sending our children to one of the best schools in the country, but the
living environment in the city is no longer what it was when I moved here.
We now have stone and brick walls lining our streets so that it appears we are driving
in a tunnel. PUD's with Zero lot lines have been approved. And now under
consideration is a further degradation of the atmosphere I moved here for, multi family
units. In other words APARTMENTS.
This issue is not about the quality of development that is being proposed. McGuire
Thomas has a history of building quality developments. This issue is entirely about
what type of product we, the citizens of Southlake, want in our city.
I view the job of the city council as first and foremost to work for the voting residents of
Southlake. There is not currently any provision (to my knowledge at least) for
apartment building in Southlake. That's the way the citizens of Southlake like it. If
some developer cries that his development will not work without apartments, I say
change the development NOT THE ZONING.
With every surrounding town already having zoning allowing multi family
development, I cannot see why Southlake needs this type of zoning. What does it bring
to me the common resident that I need? With apartments readily available in
surrounding towns only minutes away, no new businesses will need them. So what
benefit do apartments provide to the residents of Southlake? I see none except to
provide a reason for the walled and gated communities being developed.
Our school system is already being burdened with rampant growth in population
without the commercial and industrial growth to provide offsetting tax revenue.
We've grown approximately 20 % each year for the last three years. Adding any type of
high density housing only exacerbates an already difficult situation.
Once we have zoning for multi family in one place, it will develop other places. Just as
the PUD zoning has done. First, a high quality, high dollar development is proposed to
lure the city into creating a new zoning category; and then, the less than high dollar
developments creep in once the zoning has been created. That will happen with multi
family. It has happened everywhere else. The buyers and developers of land in
Southlake knew when they bought their property what type of development our zoning
provided for. History does repeat itself. Let's learn and benefit from the experience of
others and not repeat the same mistakes.
NEED IT AND WE DON'T WANT IT. If that message is not clear to you, I suggest that
you owe it to the residents of Southlake to put this issue before them for a vote.
Thank you for you time.
September 19, 1995
# ##