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CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 6, 1995 COUNCILiVIEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Gary Fickes; Mayor Pro Tern Andy Wambsganss; Deputy Mayor Pro Tern, Pamela Muller. Members: W. Ralph Evans, Sally Hall, Michael Richarme, and Ron Maness. STAFF PRESENT: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager; Assistant to the City Manager, Kevin Hugman; LouAnn Heath, Director of Finance; Bob Whitehead, Director of Public Works; Greg Last, Director of Community Development; Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator; Tom Elgin, Planner; Ron Harper, City Engineer; Billy Campbell, Director of Public Safety; E. Allen Taylor Jr., City Attorney; and, Sandra L. LeGrand, City Secretary. INVOCATION: Councilmember W. Ralph Evans. The Regular City Council meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Gary Fickes. The Oath of Office was administered by the City Secretary to newly elected Councilmember Place 5, Ronald J. Maness. Agenda Item #3-A, Executive Session Mayor Fickes advised the audience that Council would be going into executive session pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, Sections 551.071,551.072, 551.074, 551.076 of the Open Meetings Act, to seek the advice of the City Attorney with respect to pending and contemplated litigations, to discuss the purchase, exchange, lease or sale of real property and to consider the appointment and evaluation of public officials, and regarding the deployment of specific occasions for implementation of security personnel or devises. Council adjourned into executive session at 7:10 p.m. Council returned to open session at 7:45 p.m. Agenda Item #3-B. Action Necessary/Executive Session No action was necessary as the result of the executive session. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes June 6, 1995 page two Agenda Item #2-A. Ao0roval of the Minutes of the May 16. 1995 City Council Meeting. The Minutes of the May 16, 1995, City Council meeting were approved as presented. Motion: Wambsganss Second: Maness Ayes: Wambsganss, Maness, Muller, Richarme, Hall, Evans, Fickes Nays: None Approved: 7-0 vote Aoenda Item #4-A. Mayor's Reoort Mayor Fickes announced that the Annual Council Retreat will be held on June 15, and June 16, 1995, at Solana Education Center, 3 Village Circle, Suite 202, Wesflake. Hours are: Thursday, 4:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. and on Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. The retreat will include all phases of budget planning. The public is invited to attend. The Mayor also announced that on June 13, at 7:00 p.m., Council will conduct interviews for appointments to Boards and Commission. Agenda Item #4-B. City Manager's Reoort No report was given at this time. Agenda Item #5. Consent Agenda The consent agenda consisted of the following items: 5-A. Authorizing the purchase of Recycling Bin Covers. 5-B. Authorizing the Mayor to enter into an Intcrlocal Agreement with CISD for Park, Playground, and other Recreation Facilities, and authorizing the Mayor to approve Addendum gl to the Interlocal Agreement for Park, Playground, and other Recreational Facilities. 5-C. Authorizing the Mayor to execute Professional Services Contracts with Cheatham and Associates for preparation of legal descriptions and exhibits for CDBG Projects in Oak Hill Estates and Sutton Place Addition. 5-D. Authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract for an Engineering Study for Pavement Distress. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes June 6, 1995 page three Agenda Item #$. Continued Motion was made to approve the Consent Agenda, Items g5-A, g5-B, #5-C, and ~5-D as presented. Motion: Richarme Second: Wambsgamss Ayes: Richarme, Wambsganss, Hall, Evans, Maness, Muller, Fickes Nays: None Approved: 7-0 vote ADDITIQNAL INFORMATION ON CONSENT ITEMS At the May 16, 1995 City Council meeting, Dick Johnston presented a proposal for the City of Southlake to purchase hard plastic covers for recycle bins. The cost of the covers is $3.25 for the covers, and freight charges of approximately $1500. This quote works out to a total cost of 3000 covers for $11,250. According to the Director of Finance, LouAnn Heath, the recycling fund cash balance is $18,535.29. The Interlocal Agreement for Park, Playground, and other recreational facilities and Addendum #1 to the agreement was presented. The base agreement is a revision of the original Interlocal Agreement, approved in April 1994, and establishes an "umbrella" agreement between the City of Southlake and Carroll Independent School District for the use and maintenance of joint-use facilities. Addendum #1 is specific to the Carroll Middle School Gymnasium/Recreation Center and establishes additional requirements to the base umbrella agreement for use of this particular facility. The JUC committee has worked for many months to develop an agreement, applicable to all joint-use facilities, that would adequately protect the interests of the School District and the City, while reducing the overall tax burden of the residents of Southlake. The CISD Board of Trustees unanimously approved the agreement and Addendum #1 at its May 22, 1995 meeting. Community Development Block Grant projects have been discussed during many previous discussions. The designated target areas are Sutton Place and Oak Hill Mobile Estates, under the grant program. A copy of the memorandum from Greg Last, Director of Community Development is hereby attached to the minutes of this meeting. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes June 6, 1995 page four Agenda Item//5. Continued The engineering study of Pavement Distress and Failure of Sewer Trenches is most needed, as the City of Southlake has, along with other cities, suffered distressed and failed pavement in these last couple of wet years. The known areas of pavement distress are over utility trenches. Those utilities include both sanitary and storm sewers and in all cases, where the utilities are buried deeper than ten feet. A copy of the memorandum from Bob Whitehead, Director of Public Works is hereby attached to the minutes of this meeting. Agenda Item #6. Public Formn Senly Cooper, 2504 Roiling Lane. Mr. Cooper came before Council concerning the proposed sewer project in his neighborhood of Raintree, Rolling Lane, Greenbough, and Shady Lane. He asked Council how the project can be justified when only a few people need or want the sewer installation. If the project is forced upon them, the property owners do not feel they should have to pay for it. Mr. Cooper added, "Southlake used to be a quite relaxing City. Who made it like Arlington?" Marlene Tetrault, 2505 Rolling Lane. Ms. Tetrault came forward with the same statement as Mr. Cooper concerning the proposed sewer project in their area. Cullen Calame, 419 North Pearson, Southlake. Mr. Caiame stated he is present representing his neighbors with a petition stating they do not want a water ground storage tank in their neighborhood. They want the issue stopped. Mr. Calame expressed the most logical location for a ground storage tank is behind the commercial development on F.M. 1709, not in a residential area. Mr. Calame stated his property is directly across the street from the proposed location on Pearson Road and he will seek litigation against the city if they try to put the large tank in that location. The petition is hereby made a part of the record. Agenda Item//ll-D. Tronhv Road Connection to T.W. Kine/Kirkwood Blvd. Curtis Hawk, City Manager, stated that the Town of Trophy Club plans to connect the extension of Trophy Wood Drive to T.W. King immediately north of Kirkwood Blvd. in order to have an eastern entrance to the town. This item was discussed with City Council approximately six months ago. At the time Southlake discussed concerns about the increased traffic load on Kirkwood and T.W. King if the connection is made at the proposed Trophy Wood extension. Mr. Hawk stated it is the practice of Southlake to assist our neighboring communities in any way possible that does not place a burden on our community. Hawk stated Trophy Club has assured Southlake they will work with us in whatever way required, including traffic control devices and paving of T.W.King. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes June 6, 1995 page five Agenda Item #11-D. Continued Mayor Jim Carter, Town of Trophy Club. Mayor Carter stated they are seeking the extension of Trophy Wood Drive for the convenience of the residents of Trophy Club, as this will save them about five (5) miles travel and they want Southlake's concurrence that they will not hold up their project. Councilmember Maness asked about traffic count data. Carter stated about four (4) years ago, there were about 500 trips per day. The new entrance will benefit a larger number of families, and he estimates at this time there will be from 1,200 to 1,500 cars per day. This is a only a temporary situation. The permanent entrance will be constructed at a later date as it becomes necessary. The permanent entrance would be on State Highway 114, and it is a matter of economics. Mayor Carter stated the time frame for opening of the entrance is September, 1995. Councilmember Hall asked what is the time frame for the Interlocal Agreement and what will be the terms of the agreement? Curtis Hawk, City Manager stated the language will be determined after the construction starts and Southlake sees what needs to be done. Councilmember Wambaganss asked staff to look at the need for a center turn lane. Mayor Fickes asked that, in the event traffic levels require signalization, would Mayor Carter be part of the agreement. Curtis Hawk stated the agreement will be on the next agenda for consideration. Mayor Carter stated they will look at anything reasonable. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes June 6, 1995 page six Aeenda Item gg-A. Resolution No. 95-12. Annointment of a Health Authority and desionation of a Health Officer. Resolution No. 95-12, was approved, naming the Southlake Medical Clinic and the Health Authority and Dr. John Ansohn as the Health Office for the City of Southlake, for another two (2) year term, ending in May, 1997. Motion: Richarme Second: Hall Ayes: Richarme, Hall, Evans, Muller, Maness, Wambsganss, Fickes Nays: None Approved: 7-0 vote The Oath of Office was administered to Dr. Ansohn by the City Secretary, Sandra L. LeGrand. Agenda Item #8-A. Ordinance No. 480-171. 1st readine ZA 95-41. Ordinance No. 480-171, 1st reading (ZA 95-41), Rezoning for 2.0 acres situated in the T.J. Thompson Survey, Abstract No. 1502, Tract lB2. Current zoning is "AG" Agricultural, with a requested zoning of "C-3" General Commercial District. Owner: Dr. Gene White: Applicant: Brad White. SPIN Neighborhood #15. Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, commented that fourteen (14) notices were sent to property owners within the 200' notification area and two written responses have been received, including: Edward W. Hughes, in favor; and Clarence Hill, in favor. Ms. Gandy reminded Council that the applicant petitioned Council to add a "full service car wash" use to the zoning ordinance. The Council approved the second reading of this ordinance change on May 4, 1995. The applicants request for a Specific Use Permit will appear on the City Council agenda concurrently with the second reading of this rezoning request. A representative of the applicant, John Scholene, 4514 Travis, Suite 350, Dallas, Texas, was present to answer questions of Council. Councilmember Richarme asked if he has talked to the property owners to the south, and he questioned the bufferyard, asking if the plantings will be adequate to protect property owners on each side. Richarme stated he does not feel the Bufferyard "B" will give the neighbors protection from noise, litter, flumes. Mayor Fickes stated the issues will be addressed with the Specific Use Permit. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes June 6, 1995 page seven Agenda Item #8-A. Continued Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 480-171, 1st reading. Motion: Hall Second: Wambganss Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance. Ayes: Hall, Wambsganss, Evans, Maness, Muller, Richarme, Fickes Nays: None Approved: 7-0 vote Councilmember Richarme noted that given he will not be present for the next meeting, he asked Council to be sensitive to his concerns on the car wash. Agenda Item #8-B. Ordinance No. 480-172. 1st readin2 (ZA 95-42). Ordinance No. 480-172, 1st reading (ZA 95-42), Rezoning and Concept Plan for Park Place Estates (advertised as The Highlands Addition), being 23.321 acres of land in the R.J. Paden Survey, Abstract No. 1255, Tracts 3A, 3B, 3C, and 3D. Current zoning is "AG" Agricultural, with a requested zoning of "SF-20A" Single-Family Residential District. Owner: Stephen W. Smith; Applicant: Terra Land Development Company. SPIN Neighborhood #13. The Zoning Administrator, Karen Gandy, noted ten (10) notices were given to property owners within the 200' notification area and three written responses have been received, including: Naomi Morfison Johnson, in favor of amended request; Joseph Fitzpatrick, opposed; and Brandon and Kay Baker, opposed. Councilmember Richarme asked Ms. Gandy to explain curvilinear vs straight as an al'rOw. Karen Gandy replied, curvilinear is a subdivision requirement where 50% of the lots within a development must have 50% of the frontage of the lot on a curved portion of the street, 800' radius or less; all cul-de-sac lots and ail lots on block lengths less than 800' count as curvilinear. Then it meets the intent of the ordinance for a curvilinear design. Councilmember Hall commented on the CISD football field being near this addition, with lights, the marching band, parking, noise. Hall added, she is hopeful that the new residents do not come to the city to complain about these things. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes June 6, 1995 page eight Agenda Item #8-B. Continued Bobby Harrell, 920 South Peytonville Avenue, stated he lives near the development and is one of the owners of Terra Land Development. Mr. Harrell stated he met with the homeowners adjacent to this property. Ms. Johnson will have larger lots next to her. They agreed to put in wooden screening. They agree with he staff review letter with the exception of item #1-C. Councilmember Muller stated regarding him not wanting to comply with the 30,000 foot lots. What is the hardship in this case? Councilmember Hall commented on the 1,000 ft. long, 6' high fence to the south in regard to water flowing off from Carroll High School. Mr. Harrell stated he will have a mandatory homeowners association, and they will maintain the fence, entry features etc. They plan to put in an upseale wooden fence, with masonry and iron on Peytonville,with the wooden fence to the south. Councilmember Maness stated he objects to the wooden fence. A 1,000 ft. wooden fence is a serious concern to him. Councilmember Richarme stated, is this an appropriate use of the land and have they addressed the drainage? Richarme stated he feels it is unfortunate that the developer flipped the road on the north. Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 480-172, 1st reading, subject to the third Plan Review Summary dated June 2, 1995. Motion: Richarme Second: Muller Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance. Ayes: Richarme, Muller, Maness, Wambsganss, Hall, Evans, Fickes Nays: None Approved: 7-0 vote According to Mayor Fickes the concept plan needs to reflect that item #C has not been deleted and that the lots need to be 30,000 on the south. Bobby Harrell stated he understands the comment regarding the concept plan. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes June 6, 1995 page nine A~,enda Item #8-C. ZA 95-43. Preliminary Plat for Park Place Estates ZA 95-43, Preliminary Plat for Park Place Estates (advertised as The Highlands Addition), being 23.321 acres of land situated in the R.J. Paden Sur~ey, Abstract No. 1255, Tracts 3A, 3B, 3C,and 3D. Current zoning is "AG" Agricultural, with the requested zoning of "SF-20A" Single-Family Residential District. Owner: Stephen W. Smith; Applicant: Terra Land Development Company. Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator commented that ten (10) notices were sent to property owners within the 200' notification area and three (3) written responses have been received, from: Naomi Morrison Johnson, opposed to first submittal and in favor of the amended submittal; Joseph Fitzpatrick, opposed; and Brandon and Kay Baker, opposed. Motion was made to approve ZA 95-43, subject to the Plat Review Summary dated June 2, 1995. Motion: Richarme Second: Muller Ayes: Richarme, Muller, Maness, Wambsganss, Hall, Evans, Fickes Nays: None Approved: 7-0 vote Agenda Item #8-D. Ordinance No. 480-173.1st reading, {ZA 95-47}. Ordinance No. 480-173, 1st reading (ZA 95-47), Rezoning for 3.44 acres situated in the J.G. Allen Survey, Abstract No. 18, being a portion of Tract 2C31 and the entire Tract 2C32. Current zoning is "AG" Agricultural, with a requested zoning of "SF-1A" Single-Family Residential District. Owner/Applicant: Viran Nana. SPIN Neighborhood #16. Zoning Administrator, Karen Gandy, noted fourteen (14) notices were sent to property owners within the 200' notification area and one written response has been received from Olan E. Willoughby, 2655 Johnson Road, opposed. One written response has been received from outside the 200' notification area from Marshall Milton, 2530 Johnson Road, undecided. He questioned how this will affect the neighborhood, property values and taxes. Due to Mr. Willoughby's opposition, the land area in protest exceeds 20% and will require a super-majority vote of the Council to approve this request. Dick Johnston, property owner to the south, expressed he is in favor of this zoning change. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes June 6, 1995 page ten A~enda Item #8-D. Continued Motion was made to adopt Ordinance No. 480-173, 1st reading. Motion: Wambsganss Second: Richarme Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance. Ayes: Wambsganss, Richarme, Hall, Evans, Maness, Muller, Fickes Nays: None Approved: 7-0 vote Aaenda Item #8-E. ZA 95-33. Preliminary Plat of Huse Homeulace, ZA 95-33, Preliminary Plat for Huse Homeplace, being 16.63 acres situated in the R.D. Price Survey, Abstract No. 1207, Tract 2C. Current zoning is "AG" Agricultural, with a requested zoning of "SF-1A" Single-Family Residential District. Owner: Peggy Denton. Applicant: H. Creek Development. SPIN Neighborhood #3. The applicant has asked that this item be tabled. Councilmember Richarme asked to either deal with this item or table it until the second meeting in July, as there will be no City Council meeting the first Tuesday in July, due to 4th of July Holiday Alien Taylor, City Attorney, stated pursuant to Article 3.12 Local Government Code, the law does specify that a plat needs to be acted upon within 30 days of being submitted; however, the law does not say, "preliminary plat". He feels, that Council should table until the June 20, City Council meeting. Council always has the right to disapprove a preliminary plat. Motion was made to table ZA 95-33 at the request of the applicant, time certain June 20, 1995. Motion: Wambsganss Second: Hall Ayes: Wambsganss, Hall, Evans, Maness, Muller, Richarme, Fickes Nays: None Approved: 7-0 vote (to table). Council adjourned for recess at 9:35 p.m. Council returned to open session at 9:45 p.m. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes June 6, 1995 page eleven Aeenda Item #8-F. ZA 95-44. Plat Revision Kimball/F,M, 1709 Addition. ZA 95-44, Plat Revision of Lots 1R1, 1R2, and 1R3, Block 1, Kimball/F.M. 1709 Addition, being 5.1245 acre tract of land in the Samuel Freeman Survey, Abstract No. 525, and being a revision of Lot 1, Block 1, Kimball/1709 Addition, and a portion of former Kimball Avenue, as shown on the Plat Recorded in Cabinet A, Slide 146, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas. Current zoning is "C-Y' General Commercial District. Owner/Applicant: Hanover Development Company. SPIN Neighborhood #4. Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, commented no written notices were required to be sent to property owners within the 200' notification area, and no written notices were received. The applicant has met all the review comments of the first Plat Review Summary dat~l May 12, 1995, with the exception of those items addressed in the second Plat Review Summary dated June 2, 1995. Councilmember Richarme stated when this plat came before Council the first time, it was for one coordinated development. What are the ground rules for approval or denial of this plat revision? According to Allen Taylor, City Attorney, the subdivision regulations set out the standards that must be met. If a plat submittal fully conforms to the requirements to that ordinance, Council has a ministerial duty to approve the plat. The Council's discussion that they want to look at the project as a unit, is valid. Council actually has more flexibility in dealing with a plat revision than with a plat. Gary Teague, engineer with Teague, Nail, and Perkins 915 Florence Street, Fort Worth. Mr. Teague introduced Dick LaBlanc with Hanover Properties, who explained the revised plan. Councilmember Richarme reminded Mr. LaBlanc about the initial statements about bringing in an entire plan at one time. What happened? Mr. LaBlanc explained the revised plan. Motion was made to approve ZA 95-44, subject to the second Plat Review Summary dated June 2, 1995. Motion: Wambsganss Second: Maness Ayes: Wambsganss, Maness, Hall, Evans, Muller, Richarme, Fickes Nays: None Approved: 7-0 vote Regular City Council Meeting Minutes June 6, 1995 page twelve Agenda Item #10-A. Develooer Aereement for Coventry Addition. Phase I. Bob Whitehead, Director of Public Works, presented the Developer Agreement for Coventry Addition, Phase I, stating all the usual requirements for cash escrow, letters of credit, performance bond or payment bond are included in the agreement. There are a few items in the agreement that make this addition unique, including: Page 1, GENERAL REOUIREMENT$; Section C: Added to the paragraph is "and after the final plat of the addition has been approved." Because of an apparent misunderstanding, the usual sequence of events were not followed. Usually the final plat is approve by the Planning and Zoning Commission prior to the Developer Agreement being presented to City Council. This normal procedure is not specifically stated in any ordinance. Upon notification of this procedural difference the Developer has submitted the final plats which will be considered on the July 6, 1995 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. The Developer has requested that staff proceed with the agreement in order to provide as much construction time during the "dry" summer time to construct the off-site sewer. This sewer will provide sanitary sewer service to many existing subdivisions and homes in the area south of Dove Road and west of North Peytonville. This added clause in Section B, will assure that the final plat is approved before building permits are issued and if the agreement is approved, allows the developer to proceed with construction of the off-site sewer. Page 4, Section B. DRAINAGE: the last sentence has been added. This statement affirms that the Developer agrees to comply with all provisions of the Texas Water Law. Even though State Law requires all development to comply with provisions of the Water Code, this statement will assure this understanding with all developers. Page 4, Section C. LAW COMPLIANCE: is added to assure our requirement that development is to be constructed within the bounds of all applicable laws. Page 5, Section D., STREETS; Developer proposed to construct an alternative roadway cross- section at the east entrance off of Shady Oaks. The street will be 25 feet wide instead of 30 feet in the 50 foot right-of-way. The design is to soften the entrance and save trees. This design is in keeping with earlier discussion with the neighborhood. Drainage will be handled by small detention ponds on each side of the street. The 25 foot street width will provide two travel lanes, however, "no parking" will have to be posted through this section of the street. City engineering has reviewed the plans and concurs in the engineering design. To accomplish this alternative roadway the City Council will need to waive the following requirements in Ordinance No. 217 Streets: Regular City Council Meeting Minutes June 6, 1995 page thirteen A~,end~ Item #10-A. Continued * Section 4.1, C, 1, b, which requires a 30 foot minimum pavement, and * Section 9,1 which requires a 60 foot right-of-way for a non curb and gutter street. Page 7, Section I, START OF CONSTRUCTION: added is the first sentence. This again refers to the final plat approval in relation to the start of construction. page 9, Article IV OTHER ISSUES: Section A, OFF-SITE SEWER: This section allows Developer to complete homes prior to the completion of the off-site sewer. Developer will be allowed to pump out of a holding facility for off-site disposal until the TRA Denton Creek Pressure System Phase III is completed. This section also provides for the Developer to be reimbursed for the oversizing required for the off-site sanitary sewer. City Ordinance No. 493, Sewer extensions, provides in Article V that the City will pay for the oversizing of a "interceptor line" if required by the City, and if it is larger than 8 inches. Article V also provides methods for the City to reimburse the Developer for these additional costs. The Developer of Coventry Addition is requesting that the City reimburse the oversizing cost either: pay Developer in two (2) years rather than the five (5) years given in the ordinance, or b) compensate the Developer by allowing 50 % credit against allowable fees that will be charged in both phases of the Addition with any remaining oversizing cost to be paid within three (3) years. Either of these requested options is a modification of the Ordinance and will need Council approval. Page 10, Section B OFF-SITE DRAINAGE: It has been determined that the Addition's contributions to the critical structures downstream of the development is a total of $37,000. Phase ! will be charged $20,000 of the total. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes June 6, 1995 page fourteen Agenda Item #10-A. Continued Page 10, Section D, PARK FEES: Developer has presented information to the Park Board, and Park Board at their May 5, 1995 meeting is recommending to City Council to grant a 30% credit toward the Addition's Park Fees. the Addition Phase I has fifty lots, therefore, 50 lots X $500/lot= $25,000 X 70% = $17,500. Page 11, Section E. PERIMETER STREET 0RDINANGE: The Addition abuts two perimeter roads, Shady Oaks and North Peytonville. Because this development was started prior to the change in the perimeter road fees, the old fee of $50,000 per mile or $9.47 per foot is used to calculate the fee. Page 11, Section G: Developer has requested that Lot 29 be allowed to commence building as part of the addition's construction. This is similar to Council's release of lots along North Carroll Avenue for Phase I of Lonesome Dove Estates. In both cases the lot abuts a paved street and public water and fire hydrants are already in place. As noted in the Agreement, Lot 29 will be one of the five (5) early release permits as per Section I-A of this Developer Agreement. Phase 11, Section H, OFF-SITE CREEK MAINTENANCE FUND: This section was added by the Developer's own decision. It was not required by the City Staff or any ordinance. Nor is this section and fund in lieu of any other fee required in this agreement. The "fund" will provide $15,000 in two installments for the City to maintain or improve the south fork of the Kirkwood Branch Creek. This is the creek that flows north parallel to Shady Oaks Drive from Highland north. Council should be aware that currently the City has no public easement for this creek except as it crosses the Ravenaux Place Addition. However, the "fund" could be used for maintenance or improvements to the bar ditches and other drainage improvements in the area. In addition to this Agreement, and as per the City Council direction, staff has made the drainage plans available to the developer of Wakefield Addition and his engineers. They have had a set of the plans for approximately two weeks and at this time staff has not received any comments back from their review. The City is not required to incorporate any of the review comments from the outside engineers review; however, staff would use any appropriate comments received. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes June 6, 1995 page fifteen Agenda item #10-A. Continued Dale Clark, managing general partner for Coventry Addition. Mr. Clark stated he purchased the property in November, 1994, and stated he has tried to answer concerns which are in three categories including: drainage, off-site sewer and the development fitting in with the rural neighborhood. Clark stated an "English Country Town" will be the feeling one gets when entering into the addition. He explained the route sewer would take to connect to the Trophy Club line. Clark explained the N-1 sewer line as it serves Coventry is scheduled at this time to start in July and is to be completed in mid October, 1995 barring unforeseen difficulties. The crew is to start at the south end and work upward, according to Clark. Mr. Clark discussed drainage, stating the concern for impact has been voiced. He plans the use of retention ponds which would either reduce the flow or it would remain the same. Councilmember Maness stated to Mr. Clark, as you know there was tremendous opposition to this development from day one, for a number of reasons. Is safe to assume that in this proposal, noting the shifting of streets to save trees, that the original agreement of 101 lots and a minimum of 21,000 square feet still remain? Councilmember Richarme stated where Mr. Maness is coming from is the nine items that were identified in the October 4, 1994 minutes. It was agreed that when the Developer Agreement was discussed for Coventry that these nine (9) items would be discussed. The nine (9) items addressed during the October 4, 1994 meeting were discussed. Motion was made to approve the Developer Agreement for Coventry Addition, Phase I, with the two modifications: 1) In Section D, Streets, that we allow a 25' street width for Shady Oaks Drive, with the inverted concrete curb from the entry up to the point of the knuckle be built, with the city retaining a 60' right-of-way; and 2) Page 9, Article 4, that the developer be reimbursed for oversizing over a five (5) year period; however staff will tie the funds to actual receipts (3 % inspection and 2 % supervision fees) as they come in. Motion: Richarme Second: Maness Ayes: Richarme, Maness, Hall, Evans, Wambsganss, Muller, Fickes Nays: None Approved: 7-0 vote Regular City Council Meeting Minutes June 6, 1995 page sixteen A~,enda item #10-B. Develooer A~,reement for Timber Lake. Phase V. Bob Whitehead, Director of Public Works presented the Developer Agreement for Timber Lake Phase V, noting the items that make this addition unique, as follows: Page 4, Paragraph B, has a statement added. This statement affirms that the Developer agrees to comply with all provisions of the Texas Water Law. Even though State Law requires all development to comply with provisions of the Water Code, this statement will assure this understanding with all developers. Page 4, Section C, LAW COMPLIANCE: is added to assure our requirement that development is to be constructed within all boundaries of the law. page 9, OFF-SITE AND/OR SEWER PRO-RATA: is deleted because all of the sewer is coming from previous completed phases of Timber Lake Addition. Page 9, Paragraph A. OFF-SITE DRAINAGE: stated that Developer agrees to pay pro-rata towards the cost of replacing critical drainage structure. Developer will pay $10,745.94 towards the culvert expense in the West Continental drainage structure. Page 9, OFF-SITE WATER: is deleted because water lines will link to previous phases of Timber Lake Addition. Page 10, Paragraph B., PARK FEES: There are no park fees charged to this Addition. Park land in the amount of 5.3 acres was donated by the Developer to the City during the construction of Phases III and IV. Also, the Developer agreed to install certain improvements on park property in conjunction with the construction of Country Walk. City Council agreed to accept the park land and credit the Developer 100% toward park fees at the April 5, 1994 meeting. Page 10, Paragraph C., PERIMETER STREET ORDINANCE: Requires the Developer to pay $13,628.89 toward perimeter street West Continental Blvd. Because this Addition was presented to Planning and Zoning before the new Perimeter Street Fee was adopted, the old fee of $50,000 per mile is applicable. Page 10, Paragraph E. FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF ADDITION: Timber Lake Phase V is the final addition being constructed in Timber Lake Addition. Before Phase V is accepted by the City, the Developer is required to submit all necessary documents, such as-built plans and benchmarks, on all previous phases of Timber Lake. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes June 6, 1995 page seventeen Aeenda Item #10-B. Continued Motion was made to approve the Developer Agreement for Timber Lake, Phase V. Motion: Wambsganss Second: Richarme Ayes: Wambsganss, Richarme, Muller, Maness, Evans, Hail, Fickes Nays; None Approved: 7-0 vote Aeenda Item #11-B. Discussion: Possible chanee to Ordinance Reauirement of 6.000 sa.ft. Buildings to be Fire-Snrinkled. The City Manager, Curtis Hawk, explained this item has been brought forth at the request by the Southlake Church of Christ. Ordinance No. 619, adopted the 1994 Uniform Building Code, with a locai amendment that requires a sprinkler system in buildings with 6000 square feet or larger. On May 15, the architect for the church submitted a request for a variance to the Building Board of Appeals. The letter from Paul Ward, Building Official, to Skip Blake sets out the options available to the applicant. Mr. Blake wants the City Council to act on this matter, not the Building Board of Appeals. If City Council wants to consider lessening of the sprinkler requirements, they will need to direct the staff to proceed with whatever is necessary to effect the change. Mr. Hawk noted our ordinance is the most restrictive in the region. The norm is probably around 12,000 square feet. When this ordinance was approved, it was the recommendation of the Public Safety/Public Works to set the square footage at 6,000 sq.ft. Director of Public Safety, Billy Campbell, stated the 6,000 sq.ft, was chosen based on the city's ability to fight fires. Since the ordinance has been in place, 43 buildings have been built under this amendment. Director Campbell is to prepare a chronological account of the fire code amendments. Director Campbell will meet with Mr. Blake in regard to the aiternatives to sprinklers in the church building. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes June 6, 1995 page eighteen Agenda Item #11-C. Discussion: An A~,reement with Chamnion Recvclin2 for Paner Recycling at School Sites. Champion Recycling has been approached by several Carroll faculty members and school administrators concerning an in-school recycling program. This program helps schools fulfill state recycling requirements and hold down disposal costs. Champion does this by placing recycling bins, called Paper Retrievers, at neighborhood schools. City's concern is that the current ordinance governing waste disposal would require a contract between Champion and the City for provision of this service. Lewis Allen, Laidlaw, was present to answer questions of Council, stating they do not want another hauler coming in as they can also provide this program for the schools. Councilmembers Wambsganss and Hall stated they feel it would be great for the schools to begin recycling as a way to help the environment. Mayor Fickes suggested Mr. Allen meet with the schools as soon as possible in order to sell this service to them. Aoenda item/t'/-A. Ordinance No. 634. 2nd readine. Driveway Ordinance. Curtis Hawk, City Manager, stated Tom Elgin, ?lanner, has made the revisions requested by City Council as part of your approval of the first reading held on May 18, 1995. As a result of comments at the first reading, staff has added the City of Addison in the comparison chart, as well as including a copy of the City of Grapevine's driveway criteria and a driveway spacing analysis of William D. Tate. Also included are excerpts of the transportation porfons of the corridor study pertaining to this matter. Tom Elgin, Planner, made a presentation of the ordinance based on the changes and additional information provided, as noted above, and was asked to look at the "internal storage section" prior to a vote being taken on this ordinance. Public Hearing: Scott Martin, 591 East Dove Road, Southlake. Mr. Martin spoke for Mr. Bill Kemp, who was not able to be present. According to Mr. Martin, Mr. Kemp feels he could live with everything in the ordinance except for inbound lane (figure 178-7) and wanted his comments brought forth. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes June 6, 1995 page nineteen Aeenda Item #7-A, Continued Motion was made to table Ordinance No. 634, 2nd reading, time certain June 20, 1995, in order for comments made tonight to be incorporated into the ordinance. Motion: Wambsganss Second: Hall Ayes: Wambsganss, Hall, Evans, Maness, Muller, Richarme, Fickes Nays: None Approved: 7-0 vote (to table) A~enda Item #7-B. Ordinance No. 579-A. 2nd readine, Amending Truck Route/House Moving Ordinance, The City Manager, Curtis Hawk, expressed that the only change in Ordinance No. 579, is in Section 3D, which adds Kimball Avenue from the intersection of F.M. 1709 to the intersection of S.H. 114 as a north/south truck route, and removed Carroll Avenue from the intersection of F.M. 1709 to the intersection of S.H. 114. The signs are in place on both streets, and the "no truck" signs on Carroll will be enforced following approval of this ordinance. The Public Hearing resulted with no comments from the audience. Motion was made to approve the 2nd reading of Ordinance No. 579-A. Motion: Wambsganss Second: Evans Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance. Ayes: Wambsganss, Evans, Hall, Maness, Muller, Richarme, Fickes Nays: None Approved: 7-0 vote Agenda Item #8-G. Ordinance No. 639. 1st reading Re~ulatino Public Access on Private Prooertv. This ordinance was not acted upon tonight. Agenda Item #3-A, Executive Session Mayor Fickes informed the audience that Council would be returning to executive session pursuant to the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, Sections 551.071,551.072, 551.074, 551.076. Council adjourned to executive session at 1:20 a.m. Council returned to open session at 1:40 a.m. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes June 6, 1995 page twenty Agenda Item #3-B. Action Necessarv/C0ntinued Motion was made to authorize staff to proceed with the purchase of Lot 19, Block 2, West Beach Addition, for the purchase price of $22,500. Motion: Richarme Second: Evans Ayes: Richarme, Evans, Hall, Maness, Muller, Wambsganss, Fickes Nays: None Approved: 7-0 vote Agenda Item #9-B. Resolution No. 95-14. Annointments to SPDC Resolution No. 95-14, appointing members to the Southlake Park Development Corporation (SPDC) was approved naming Ron Maness and Sally Hall as Council appointments and Rod Johnson as member at large, for terms to expire in May, 1997. Motion: Wambsganss Second: Evans Ayes: Richarme, Evans, Hall, Wambsganss, Maness, Muller, Fickes Nays: None Approved: 7-0 vote Agenda Item//9-C, Resolution No. 95-15. aooointments to Economic Develonment Advisory Committee. Resolution No. 95-15, was approved naming Rick Wilhelm and Michael Richarme to the Economic Development Advisory Committee with additional members being appointed at a later date. Motion: Evans Second: Muller Ayes: Evans, Muller, Maness, Richarme, Wambsganss, Hall, Fickes Nays: None Approved: 7-0 vote Regular City Council Meeting Minutes June 6, 1995 page twenty-one Aeenda Item #9-D. Resolution No. 95-16. Aooointment as DFW Air~ort Reoresentative from Council Resolution No. 95-16, naming Pamela Muller as the Council Representative to DFW Airport Neighborhood Forum and other Airport issues. Motion: Richarme Second: Maness Ayes: Richarme, Maness, Muller, Wambsganss, Hall, Evans, Fickes Nays: None Approved: 7-0 vote Aeenda Item//9-E. Resolution No. 95-17. aooointment to Joint Utilization Committee ¢.IUC) Resolution No. 95-17, naming Michael Richarme as Council representative Southlake/CISD Joint Utilization Committee, was approved. Motion: Muller Second: Maness Ayes: Muller, Maness, Richarme, Wambsganss, Hall, Evans, Fickes Nays: None Approved: 7-0 vote to the Aoenda Item #12. Adjournment Motion was made and approval given for adjournment at 2:00 a.m. Motion: Richarme Second: Muller Ayes: Richarme, Muller, Maness, Wambsganss, Hall, Evans, Fickes Nays: None Appri~ ~ ~! ~ I~l tff'ayor Ga(-y Fi~kes City Secretary City of Southlake, Texas CITY COUNCIL MEETING SIGN UP IF YOU WISH TO SPEAK DURING THE MEETING DATE: 6- ‘ - p � NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE AGENDA ITEM SE4 L r C oZ.S'o ti A d /7 +v/ / 3 ti 4.5—r° �c c 5oS o L.a 1 -3y1 1 1/ j , 1 � rsn Gi - re G 9/ 5 ft t c4-5T. City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM June 2, 1995 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Greg Last, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Authorizing the Mayor to execute professional services contracts with Cheatham and Associates for the preparation of legal descriptions and exhibits for Community Development Block Grant projects in Oak Hill Mobile Estates Addition and Sutton Place As you may recall during previous CDBG discussions, we have recently received confirmation that Sutton Place and Oak Hill Mobile Estates have been approved as qualified target areas under the CDBG grant program. We are bringing this item forward for Council direction at this time due to the need to acquire needed R.O.W. or easements prior to submittal of the 1996 CDBG application, typically in January. We need to proceed with the required research and exhibit preparation as early as possible so that we will have an eligible CDBG project this upcoming year. Following you will find an approximate schedule for proceeding with the necessary research and R.O.W. acquisition prior to submitting the 1996 application. TIMING OF IMPROVEMENTS: The construction of water, sewer, streets and drainage improvements for both additions will be a multi -year implementation due to the limitations in annual funding provided by the program. The engineering staff feels that it is likely that the S2A sewer line will be in place and in service prior to the N -1 (McMahan) sewer line and this would make it more feasible to construct improvements in Sutton Place first. Our estimation of phasing at this point, pending level of interest by target area owners, would be as follows: CDBG CDBG CITY YEAR PROJECT PARTICIPATION PARTICIPATION NA R.O.W./Easement Preparation - Sutton Place (FY 1995 -96) 0 12,440 NA R.O.W./Easement Preparation - Oak Lane (FY 1995 -96) 0 21,835 1996 Sutton Place - Sanitary Sewer 131,745 0 1997 Sutton Place - Water Improvements 86,720 0 1998 Sutton Place - Streets and Drainage 140,000 82,307 1999 Oak Lane - Sanitary Sewer (possibly 2 year project) 130,000 103,330 2000 Oak Lane - Water Improvements 112,225 0 2001 Oak Lane - Streets and Drainage 145,000 75,797 BUDGET IMPLICATIONS: These projects, although funded mostly by the County, will still _ _ require expenditures on the part of the City. In effect, we would be leveraging a small amount to City of Southlake, Texas gain a greater benefit. As shown in the previous chart, R.O.W. and easement preparation would come from FY 1995 -96 funds. This would be funded by the Utility Fund. The chart also shows that there may be City participation required above and beyond the CDBG allocation to do a certain portion of the project. Some additional phasing or staged construction might be pursued which would lower or reduce the City participation amount. Any costs of acquiring the needed easements would also be a cost to the City, outside the CDBG funding. Public works staff will incorporate these costs into future budgets for your consideration. Please keep in mind that all of these stages and costs for the program improvements are rough estimates at this time. We will be back before Council to receive direction many times regarding these projects as well as discussing the costs during the budget review sessions. PROCESSING: Staff will need to coordinate some neighborhood meetings as soon as possible to discuss the CDBG opportunities for improvements with the citizens in the targeted areas. We intend to describe the program and the timing of the improvements. OTHER ISSUES: There are some ancillary issues which we are aware of but have not resolved at this time. The City of Keller is currently providing water service to the residents in Sutton Place. There may need to be some type of buy -out for Keller to transfer these accounts. Oak Lane is being served by a private water system (CCN Number 11566) owned by a Mr. McKee. We are unsure at this time what his position will be with regard to the proposed CDBG improvements. We will forward you information pertaining to these issues as we resolve them. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions. GL /ls enc: Professional service contract for Oak Lane Professional service contract for Sutton Place Engineer's Estimates for Sutton Place Engineer's Estimates for Oak Lane cc: Bob Whitehead Lou Ann Heath Ron Harper Eddie Cheatham Tom Elgin G:\ W PF\PROJECTS \CD B G96 \CC -1. RE V City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM June 2, 1995 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Bob Whitehead, Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Engineering Study of Pavement Distress and Failure of Sewer • Trenches City of Southlake has along with other cities suffered distressed and failed pavements in these last couple of wet years. Staff has had numerous meetings with soil testing companies, contractors and engineers to fmd a solution. These meetings have been to no avail, as the exact cause of the pavement distress is unknown. However, the known areas of pavement distress are over utility trenches. Those utilities include both sanitary and storm sewers, and in all cases are where the utility is buried deeper than ten feet. It is suspected that the sewer trenches have consolidated thereby causing voids under the pavement. Then when repeated heavy loads cross the pavement above the voids the pavement fails. Because many of the engineering /soil testing companies have working relationships with current developers, we have had a problem finding a firm to conduct the analysis. The firm of Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc., has been highly recommended. The company specializes in construction material evaluation. The attached proposal will specifically address the pavement distress in Timarron Phase I, however, other areas such as Timber Lake Phase I, Southridge Lakes, and Southview will also be studied. A concrete penetrating radar will be used to locate voids under the pavement. The product of this study will be: • "determine the cause(s) of the pavement distress and develop remedial recommendations for the failures; • identify locations where possible additional distress may occur and propose preventative measures to reduce the likelihood of failures at those locations; and • make recommendation for modifications to existing streets design standards and construction procedures to minimize pavement distress in future developments." The estimated total cost is $72,300. Of this total $2,200 in Task 7, Petrographic Studies 5/) Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager Engineering Study of Pavement Distress June 1, 1995 Page 2. (analysis of the concrete) is optional and probably will not be used. Four thousand, six hundred dollars ($4,600) is in contingencies, and Task 6, Investigation of Base Course and Subsurface Materials is to be paid for by Timarron. Task 6 cost is $19,800. Therefore, the minimum cost to the City will be $45,700 and maximum of $52,500. Staff would recommend that the City Council authorize the City Manger to enter into a contract with Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc. for the Investigation of Pavement Distress. Please place this on the June 6, 1995 City Council meeting. / ‘fri ' / - BW/sm Attachment: Proposal wp60 \wthead. mem \wiss. pro E .. . !" 1 ..4 s \Ke- — S � C � v0.1, YYU 11 \t<:( , -\ !. F < f ` , al r J 1 lu)3 ynfAs OF eai 1 <_ -\j 7\ c.v. \\- . Z 5 i.; 5 P,\\,-,,_, Li„,,,,_ ,:&,, , \u . of -3'4}3 \ • ,(„� Q(i, 11 ;1 SV - 4„.._ CG ,s\- �i.1;1c C (.0 1 ( •) \ L O' ), A�■, A �y c C , 0 \ l �l t� C W �l CC c.\ 1 1� CI 4y .s t,U,,3 wA a c , yd l j Cit S i t7(` ', c in.c. 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WE THE UNDERSIGNED DO HEREBY OPPOSE ANY AND ALL PROPOSALS TO LOCATE SAID WATER STORAGE GROUND TANK AND PUMPING STATION WITHIN ANY NEIGHBORHOOD AREA NORTH OF F.M.1709. RESIDENT • / ADDRESS; 1 , 0 i J■ki_t isifiL..., f Allillr # ow - NW /2 -- 00si v / Co -, ' / ii 41 **7 4 •�* Inc - Q,,,,00 c A,-- IP ,, 4,,,i4 1 s a 0 ,v, R , , _ - siaze....__I (-,---'. C e ariAgi r)SE, 3.400 Guy LkA .. 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(41; ' - ' • * hc 0Ages- 1 cl,...., Arne 1 PETITION I WE THE CITIZENS OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS AND CITIZENS OF THE CITY OF KELLER, TEXAS DO HEREBY OPPOSE THE FOLLOWING PROPOSAL; 1 THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE PROPOSES TO PURCHASE LAND ON THE WEST SIDE OF PEARSON LANE,( NEXT TO AND DIRECTLY NORTH OF THE EXISTING WATER STORAGE GROUND TANK), LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OF I KELLER, TEXAS OR PURCHASE LAND ON THE WEST SIDE OF HARRELL RD. (ACROSS THE STREET FROM FLORENCE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL).LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OF SOUTHLAKE, FOR THE PURPOSE OF BUILDING, I ERECTING, INSTALLING A WATER GROUND STORAGE TANK AND PUMPING STATION AND UTILIZING THE PROPERTY FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE CITIZENS OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS. WE THE UNDERSIGNED DO HEREBY OPPOSE ANY AND ALL PROPOSALS TO L OCATE SAID WATER STORAGE GROUND TANK AND PUMPING STATION WITHIN ANY NEIGHBORHOOD AREA NORTH OF F.M.1709. 1 RESIDENT NAME' ADDRESS: (.1*.' aby ).....x.›.... . c.).Q.Q.0„..,,,, A. ,.. t . e. v4 0 Q.em›...s.::,.. LrAf-sre K a wP - UOL I! WIJIMIREL 4 e. Vls vt c,m1-1 M -lam ,, -. 1 EAKII/Igi , /5 - – 6 (A) i , , b i ______________________ c r Ili i r 0 I . 1 1 Aw Imo la al Pal 4 Paii MO A61 s ' ec IR r PETITION WE THE CITIZENS OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS AND CITIZENS qi OF THE CITY OF KELLER, TEXAS DO HEREBY OPPOSE THE FOLLOWING Ai PROPOSAL; THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE PROPOSES TO PURCHASE LAND LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OF KELLER, TEXAS FOR THE PURPOSE OF BUILDING, ERECTING, INSTALLING A WATER GROUND STORAGE TANK AND PUMPING STATION AND UTILIZING THE PROPERTY FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE CITIZENS OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS. 3 WE THE UNDERSIGNED DO HEREBY OPPOSE ANY AND ALL PROPOSALS TO LOCATE SAID WATER STORAGE GROUND TANK AND PUMPING STATION WITHIN ANY NEIGHBORHOOD AREA NORTH OF F.M.1709. RESIDENT NAME; ADDRESSL I ,/- 1, i 7 ,/ ,,,,"47_ afarir„, ,, . ,,, . „..,, . - ,, .dre .e, IF k‘3.110 --.1/ i .0., - / � ∎ / iffillri, sow / -- (7 // / / A 4g ILIIKOrAKAY 12 f AlP //' 4r , A/ 4 Air ..w ,' ''' -A■al -'4■1‘,L .../ ..- - vs 1 j C.......... E r ii; { i L 1 PETITION WE THE CITIZENS OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS AND CITIZENS 1 OF THE CITY OF KELLER, TEXAS DO HEREBY OPPOSE THE FOLLOWING PROPOSAL: 1 THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE PROPOSES TO PURCHASE LAND ON THE WEST SIDE OF PEARSON LANE,( NEXT TO AND DIRECTLY NORTH OF THE EXISTING WATER STORAGE GROUND TANK), LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OF I KELLER, TEXAS OR PURCHASE LAND ON THE WEST SIDE OF HARRELL RD, (ACROSS THE STREET FRQM FLORENCE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL).LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OF SOUTHLAKE, FOR THE PURPOSE OF BUILDING, ERECTING, INSTALLING A WATER GROUND STORAGE TANK AND PUMPING STATION AND UTILIZING THE PROPERTY FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE CITIZENS OF SOUTH LAKE, TE WE THE UNDERSIGNED DO HEREBY OPPOSE ANY AND ALL PROPOSALS TO LOCATE SAID WATER STORAGE GROUND TANK AND PUMPING STATION WITHIN ANY NEIGHBORHOOD AREA NORTH OF F.M.1709. RESIDENT NAME; ADDRESS; ,S cRA �-. .3 + 1 PIA8.s� t,Y ' —/-,e 411 ,,,,.: • \ 4 - a/6d i _i_lei2- A.. .L........_... t r - - _ �„ " ice/ / V 1/ �C� -t,U -� i Alg- 1 7 tom iMMMPAMW C SWAM& WIEri E ........ amelm■II■= =MEWS.. 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