MARCH 21, 1995
COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Gary Fickes; Mayor Pro Tem Jerry Farrier; Deputy
Mayor Pro Tern,/on Michael Franks. Members: W. Ralph Evans, and Andy Wambsganss.
COUNCILMEMBER ABSENT: Councilmembers Stephen Apple and Michael Richarme.
CITY STAFF PRESENT: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager; Shana Yelverton, Assistant City
Manager; Kevin Hugman, Assistant to the City Manager; LouAnn Heath, Director of Finance;
Greg Last, Director of Community Development; Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator; Ron
Harper, City Engineer; Tom Elgin, City Planner; Jerry Williams, Deputy Director of Public
Safety, Fire Services; Analeslie Muncy, City Attorney; and, Sandra L. LeGrand, City Secretary.
INVOCATION: Councilmember W. Ralph Evans.
The Regular City Council meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. by Mayor Gary Fickes.
A~,enda Item g2-A. Executive Session
Mayor Fickes advised the audience that Council would be going into executive session pursuant
to Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, Sections 551.071,551.072, 551.074, 551.076
of the Open Meetings Act, to seek the advise of the City Attorney with respect to pending and
contemplated litigations, to discuss the purchase, exchange, lease or sale of real property and
to consider the appointment and evaluation of public officials, and regarding the deployment of
specific occasions for implementation of security personnel or devises.
Council adjourned into executive session at 7:06 p.m.
Council returned to open session at 7:45 p.m.
Agenda Item #2-B. Action Necessary/Executive Session
No action was necessary as the result of the executive session.
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes
March 21, 1995
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A~enda Item//3. Aooroval of the Minutes
The Minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting held on March 7, 1995, were approved as
Motion: Franks
Second: Evans
Ayes: Franks, Evans, Wambsganss, Farrier, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0 vote
Agenda Item #4-A. Mayor's Reoort
Mayor Fickes announced important dates with regard to the May 6, 1995, General Election,
noting filing for office began on February 20, 1995, and will end on March 23, 1995. Early
voting will begin on April 17, 1995 and end on May 2, 1995. The last day to register to vote
in the General Election is April 6, 1995.
Aeenda Item//4-B. City Mana~,er's Reoort
The City Manager, Curtis Hawk, announced that on March 22, 1995, at 7:00 p.m., there will
be a Joint City Council and Planning and Zoning Commission work session to discuss the
Corridor Study. The meeting will be held in the City Council chambers. The public is invited
to attend.
Agenda Item #4-C. SPIN Reoorts
No SPIN report was given tonight.
A~,enda Item//5. Consent Aeenda
The Consent agenda items are as follows:
5-A. Authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement with consultants for assistance in
accelerating construction of grade separations on SH 114, Phase One and Phase Two.
5-B. Award of bid for an Air Compressor and Pneumatic Hammer for the Department of
Public Works.
5-C. Award of bid for a Jet Rodder for the Department of Public Works.
5-D. Award of bid for a Brush Chipper for the Department of Public Works.
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March 21, 1995
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5-E. Award of bid for a Crack Sealer for the Department of Public Works.
5-F. Excuse absences from two consecutive Council meetings for Councilmember Stephen
Apple, per City of Southlake Charter, Section 2.0800)(4).
Motion was made to approve the consent agenda as listed.
Motion: Wambsganss
Second: Farrier
Ayes: Wambsganss, Farrier, Franks, Evans, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0 vote
State Highway 114 in Denton and Tarrant Counties. Phase One consists of a review of
the existing SH 114 schematic and development of improvement projects at the existing
at-grade intersections of White Chapel, Carroll, and Kimball. Also, to review the status
of the Dove Road construction and right-of-way plans furnished by TxDot, to determine
what items need to be completed to let that project for construction this fiscal year.
Phase One would identify a series of options for the City to consider "trading" to TxDot
for the 10% local match right-of-way commitment and the best approach to accelerate
the interchange improvements. Phase Two would consist of preparation of a City of
Southlake July 1995 appearance before the Texas Transportation Commission to present
the City's proposal and secure a new Minute Order. This task represents a basic
program of services which allows the City to appear before the Commission and outline
their request as it directly related to the interchange improvements on SH 114 through
Portable Air Compressor and Pneumatic Hammer for Department of Public Works. Low
bid was Moody-Day Company who met all the specifications, in the amount of
$10,750.00. The equipment was approved in the Fiscal Year 1994-95 Operating Budget
for the Water Utilities in the amount of $20,800.
Jet Rodder for the Department of Public Works. Staff recommends the bid go to Naylor
Supply Company for their "demo" unit in the amount of $28,575. They meet all of the
bid specifications and can deliver the unit within 10 days after the bid is awarded.
Funds for the Sewer Jet Rodder will be provided by the 19945-95 Operating
Budget for the Wastewater Utilities Division, at an amount of $35,000.
Brush Chipper for the Department of Public Works. Staff recommends the bid be
awarded to Vermeer Equipment of Texas, Inc., in the amount of $18,850. The funds
for the brush chipper were approved in the fiscal year 1994-95 Operating Budget at
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March 21, 1995
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Aeenda Item #5. Continued
an amount 6f $17,000.
Crack Sealer for the Department of Public Works. Staff recommends that the Council
award the bid to Crafco Texas, Inc. in the amount of $17,950. Funds for the Crack
Sealer was approved in the Fiscal Year 1994-95 Operating Budget for an estimated
amount of $20,000.
Excuse absences for Councilmember Stephen Apple. As a requirement of the Southlake
City Charter, if a Councilmember is going to miss two or more consecutive meetings,
the absences must be excused by the City Council. Councilmember Apple is out of state
on business.
Agenda Item #6. Public Forum.
No comments were received during the public forum.
Agenda Item #7-A. Ordinance No. 480-160. 2nd reading ZA 95-01.
Ordinance No. 480-160, 2nd reading (ZA 95-01), is a rezoning for 9.494 acres situated in the
H. Grandberry Survey, Abstract No. 581, Tract IH. Current zoning is "AG" Agricultural, with
a requested zoning of "SF-1A" Single-Family Residential District. Owner: William Casner;
Applicants: Linda Martin and Tim Piatt. SPIN Neighborhood #14. Public Hearing.
Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, commented that ten (10) notices were sent to property
owners within the 200' notification area and no written responses have been received.
The public hearing resulted with no comments from the audience.
Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 480-160, 2nd reading, as presented.
Motion: Farrier
Second: Franks
Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance.
Ayes: Farrier, Franks, Evans, Wambsganss, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0 vote
Agenda Item/f7-B, Ordinance No. 480-165, 2nd readine ZA 95-09.
Ordinance No. 480-165, 2nd reading ZA 95-09, is a Rezoning and Concept Plan for Ridgewood
I, being 18.03 acres situated in the J.I. Freshour Survey, Abstract No. 521, Tract 7C. Current
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes
March 21, 1995
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Aeenda Item #7-B. Continued
zoning is "AG" Agricultural, with a requested zoning of "SF-20A" Single-Family Residential
District. Owner: RoyalE. Smith, Jr. Applicant: PIMAProperties, Inc. SPIN Neighborhood
#16. Public Hearing.
The Zoning Administrator, Karen Gandy, commented that twenty-two (22) notices were sent to
property owners within the 200' notification area and eight written responses have been received
from within the 200' notification area, including: Daphine Johnson, in favor; Royal and Madlyn
Smith, in favor; Mary and George Ausley, opposed; Ladis Pokluda, in favor; Robert A. Jordan,
undecided; Carl Wilson, undecided; Robert Edmondson, in favor; and Marc and Becky
Summery, in favor.
One written response was received from outside the 200' notification area, from Alleane
Johnston, opposed. The applicant has met all the review comments of the second Plan Review
Summary dated March 3, 1995, with the exception of those items addressed in the attached
second Revised Plan Review Summary dated March 17, 1995.
The public hearing resulted with no comments from the audience.
Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 480-165, 2nd reading, subject to the second Plat
Review Summary dated March 17, 1995.
Motion: Farrier
Second: Evans
Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance.
Ayes: Farrier, Evans, Wambsganss, Franks, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0 vote
Agenda Item #8-A. Ordinance No. 480-143, 1st readine ZA 94-85
Ordinance No. 480-143, 1st reading (ZA 94-85), Rezoning and Development Plan of Versailles,
being 78.046 acres situated in the J.W. I-Iale Survey, Abstract No. 803, Tract lA and lA3.
Current zoning is "SF-20B" Single-Family Residential District, with a requested zoning of "R-P-
U-D" Residential Planned Unit Development. Owner: Kercho Kochweop Partnership.
Applicant: Versailles, Ltd., John Dickerson, Agent. SPIN Neighborhood #8.
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes
March 23, 1995
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Agenda Item #8-A. Continued
Motion was made to table Ordinance No. 480-143, due to the fact that a super-majority of City
Council was not present to act on this item. It will return on the agenda for the April 4, 1995
Motion: Farrier
Second: Wambsganss
Ayes: Farrier, Wambsganss, Franks, Evans, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0 vote (to table)
Agenda Item #8-B. ZA 95-03. Conceot Plan for South Hollow
ZA 95-03, Concept Plan for South Hollow, being 33.123 acres situated in the J.A. Freeman
Survey and the J.W. Hale Survey, Abstract No. 803, Tracts 2A, 2B, and 2C. Current zoning
is "SF-20A" Single-Family Residential District. Owners: Norman and Norma Brown, Dorothy
M. Rockenbaugh, and Joe Wright. Applicant: South Hollow Ltd. SPIN Neighborhood #8.
Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, commented that fifteen (15) notices were sent to property
owners within the 200' notification area and six written responses have been received, including:
Theron Ragan, in favor; Juanita Peters, opposed; Southlake J.V., in favor; Timarron Land Corp.
not opposed; William and Janice Minor, opposed. It was determined by the City Attorney,
Analeslie Muncy, that a super majority vote of the City Council is not needed on this item.
Mr. Art Clayton, 4129 Lake Drive, Southlake. Mr. Clayton was present, representing the
property owners.
Mayor Fickes led the discussion regarding the fence and that Council would like
to see a similar fence on what will be the future Carroll Avenue. The use of
wrought-iron, wood, masonry was discussed for the fence.
Motion was made to approve the Concept Plan for South Hollow, subject to the second Plan
Review Summary dated March 17, 1995, with the addition of fencing on the new Carroll
Avenue and old Carlisle Lane on Block 1, Lots 1-5 be masonry with wrought-iron and Lots 5-11
to be masonry with wood. Continental Blvd. to he masonry or masonry and wrought-iron.
Motion: Farrier
Second: Franks
Ayes: Farrier, Franks, Wambsganss, Evans, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0 vote
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March 21, 1995
page seven
Agenda Item #8-C. ZA 95-04. Preliminary Plat for South Hollow
ZA 95-04, Preliminary Plat for South Hollow, being 33.12 acres situated in the J.A. Freeman
Survey, and the J.W. Hale Survey, Abstract No. 803, Tract 2A, 2B, and 2C. Current zoning
is "SF-20A" Single-Family Residential District. Owners: Norman and Norma Brown, Dorothy
M. Rockenbaugh, and Joe Wright. Applicant: South Hollow Ltd. SPIN Neighborhood #8.
The Zoning Administrator, Karen Gandy, reported that fifteen (15) notices were sent to property
owners within the 200' notification area and responses include: Theron Ragan, in favor; Marvin
Kercho, opposed; Juanita Peters, opposed; Southlake J.V., Billie Farrar, in favor; William and
Janice Minor, opposed.
Motion was made to approve ZA 95-04, subject to the third Plat Review Summary dated March
17, 1995.
Motion: Farrier
Second: Franks
Ayes: Farrier, Franks, Wambsganss, Evans, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0 vote
Agenda Item #8-D. Ordinance No, 480-167. 1st reading ZA 95-18
Ordinance No. 480-167, 1st reading (ZA 95-18), Rezoning for 1.45 acres situated in the John
A. Freeman Survey, Abstract No. 529, Tract 2C. Current zoning is "AG" Agricultural, with
a requested zoning of "O-1" Office District. Owner/Applicant: Frank A. Ritz. SPIN
Neighborhood #8.
The Zoning Administrator, Karen Gandy, reported that seven (7) notices were sent to property
owners within the 200' notification area and one written response has been received from within
the notification area, from: William Craig Willan/Omega, in favor. Mrs. Gandy commented
this property is within the 65 "Ldn" Noise Contour and requires an Avigation Easement to be
filed on record.
Mr. Frank Ritz was present for the meeting, but had no comments.
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March 21, 1995
page eight
Agenda Item #8-D. Continued
Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 480-167, 1st reading, as presented.
Motion: Franks
Second: Wambsganss
Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance.
Ayes: Franks, Wambsganss, Evans, Farrier, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0 vote
Mayor Fickes commented on Frank Ritz building a "Holiday House" in Timarron
that was featured in Southern Living Magazine, adding, Southern Living gave
$3,000 to "Adventure Alley" and Mr. Ritz matched it with another $3,000. He
thanked Mr. Ritz for his spirit of generosity.
Agenda Item #8-E. Ordinance No. 480-168. 1st readine ZA 95-19
Ordinance No. 480-168, 1st reading ZA 95-19, Rezoning for 6.0 acres situated in the
Christopher Dart Survey, Abstract No. 2003, Tract iD. Current zoning is "AG" Agricultural,
with a requested zoning of "SF-1A" Single-Family Residential District. Owner: Joan Crowe.
Applicant: Graham Associates, Inc. SPIN Neighborhood #12.
The Zoning Administrator, Karen Gandy, noted a super majority of votes of Council is not
needed in order for Council to act on this zoning case. Ms. Gandy stated seven (7) notices were
sent to property owners within the 200' notification area and two written responses have been
received from: Michael Costello, opposed; and David Wirtala, undecided.
Richard Crowe, applicant, 1502 Plantation Drive, Southlake. Mr. Crowe was present to answer
questions of Council.
Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 480-168, 1st reading, as presented.
Motion: Wambsganss
Second: Farrier
Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance.
Ayes: Wambsganss, Farrier, Franks, Evans, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0 vote
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March 21, 1995
page nine
Agenda Item #8-F. ZA 95-20, Preliminary Plat for Olvmpla Addition
ZA 95-20, Preliminary Plat for Olympia Addition, being 6.0 acres situated in the Christopher
Dart Survey, Abstract No. 2003, Tract iD. Current zoning is "AG" Agricultural, with a
requested zoning of "SF-1A" Single-Family Residential District. Owner: Joan Crowe.
Applicant: Graham Associates, Inc. SPIN Neighborhood #12.
The Zoning Administrator, Karen Gandy, commented that seven (7) notices were sent to
property owners within the 200' notification area and two (2) written responses have been
received from within the notification area, including: Michael Costello, opposed; and David
Wirtala, undecided.
Richard Crowe, property owner, was present to answer questions for Council, commenting this
will not be a sewered subdivision at this time. It is a two lot subdivision.
Motion was made to approve ZA 95-20, subject to the second Plat Review Summary dated
March 17, 1995.
Motion: Farrier
Second: Franks
Ayes: Farrier, Franks, Evans, Wambsganss, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0 vote
Agenda Item #8-G. ZA 95-21, Site Plan for Yates Corner Storaee. Lot 1. Block 1, Yates
Comer Addition.
ZA 95-21, Site Plan for Yates Comer Storage, being Lot 1, Block 1, Yates Comer Addition,
and being further described as 3.16 acres situated in the Francis Throop Survey, Abstract No.
1511, Tracts 1AA, 1E and a portion of Tract lEI. Current zoning is "S-P-2" Generalized Site
Plan District. Owner/Applicant: Rickey McPherson. SPIN Neighborhood//5.
According to the Zoning Administrator, Karen Gandy, eight (8) notices were sent to property
owners within the 200' notification area and no written responses have been received. Mrs.
Gandy noted during the March 9, 1995, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, this item
was approved, subject to the Plan Review Summary dated March 3, 1995, deleting #14
regarding location of fire hydrants and utility easement for water service to fire hydrants;
acknowledging that the applicant will work with staff to resolve questions regarding irrigation
of bufferyards and interior landscaping and the allocation and placement of parking spaces, and
agreeing with the applicant that the mobile homes may stay until Phase 2 construction begins.
The applicant has met all the review comments of the first Plan, with the exception of those
items addressed in the second Plan Review Summary dated March 17, 1995.
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March 21, 1995
page ten
Agenda Item #8-G. Continued
Rick McPherson, 1900 Dove Road, Southlake. Mr. McPherson stated he would like to have
the sprinkler and shrubs waived. He commented on an eight inch (8") oak tree which will
require moving if the entry way is not moved to the south.
Greg Last, Director of Community Development, commented the issue of the
septic system is still unknown at this time.
Motion was made to approve ZA 95-21, subject to the second Plan Review Summary dated
March 17, 1995, giving staff the opportunity to get with the applicant to move the interior
required landscaping to the perimeter of the shrubs, giving the applicant credit for the existing
trees, eliminating the need for additional canopy and accent trees. With staff continuing to work
on the need and necessity for irrigation and also, give staff the flexibility to modify the south
entrance off of Kimball, in its location for purposes of saving the 8" oak tree. Also, waiving
the west and north shrubs.
Motion: Farrier
Second: Evans
Ayes: Farrier, Evans, Wambsganss, Franks, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0 vote
Aeenda Item #8-H, ZA 95-23, Revised Site Plan for Muller & Holdeate Construction
Services- Lots 2R and 3R. Block C. Commerce Business Park Addition.
ZA 95-23, Revised Site Plan for Muller & Holdgate Construction Services on Lots 2R and 3R,
Block C, Commerce Business Park Addition, and being further described as 6.6556 acres
situated in the Thomas Easter Survey, Abstract No. 474. Current zoning is "S-P-l" Detailed
Site-Plan District. Owner/Applicant: Muller & Holdgate Construction Services. SPIN
Neighborhood #7.
Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, commented that one (1) notice was sent to property owners
within the 200' notification area and no written responses have been received.
Bryan Holdgate, applicant, 3147 High Timber, Grapevine. Mr. Holdgate was present to answer
questions for Council.
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March 21, 1995
page eleven
Agenda Item #8-H. Continued
Motion was made to approve ZA 95-23, subject to the second Plan Review Summary dated
March 17, 1995, proposing that landscape plantings as required on the north and south property
line can be relocated to the east and west with no diminution to the quantities.
Motion: Farrier
Second: Evans
Ayes: Farrier, Evans, Wambsganss, Franks, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0 vote
Aeenda Item #8-I. ZA 95-24. Plat Revision of Lot 2R1. Block C. Commerce Business Park
ZA 95-24, Plat Revision showing Lot 2R1, Block C, Commerce Business Park Addition, being
a 6.6556 acre tract of land situated in the Thomas Easter Survey, Abstract No. 474, and being
a revision of Lots 2R and 3R, Block C, Commerce Business Park Addition. Current zoning is
"S-P-l" Detailed Site Plan District. Owner/Applicant: Muller & Holdgate Construction
Services. SPIN Neighborhood//7.
The Zoning Administrator, Karen Gandy, stated one notice was sent to property owners within
the 200' notification area and no written responses have been received. The applicant has met
all the review comments of the first Plat Review Summary dated March 3, 1995, with the
exception of those items addressed in the attached second Plat Review Summary dated March
17, 1995.
The applicant, Bryan Holdgate, was present, however, had no comments.
Motion was made to approve ZA 95-24, subject to the second Plat Review Summary dated
March 17, 1995.
Motion: Farrier
Second: Franks
Ayes: Farrier, Franks, Wambsganss, Evans, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0 vote
Mayor Fickes stepped down for Agenda Item #8-J, as he is a property owner within
200' of the property being considered.
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March 21, 1995
page twelve
A~,enda Item #8-J. ZA 95-25. Plat Revision showing, Lots 4R-2RI. 4R-4R2 & 4R-2R3. Block
A. Southlake Bank Place Addition.
ZA 95-25, Plat Revision showing Lots 4R-2R1, 4R-2R2, & 4R, 2R3, Block A, Southlake Bank
Place Addition, being an 11.7932 acre tract of land situated in the Thomas Easter Survey,
Abstract No. 474, and being a revision of Lot 4R-2R, Block A, Soutblake Bank Place Addition.
Current zoning is "C-3" General Commercial District. Owner: Gary Houdek; Applicant:
Kinder-Care Learning Center. SPIN Neighborhood #7.
Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, reported that ten (10) notices were sent to property owners
within the 200' notification area and one written response has been received, from Barry K.
Emerson, Texas National Bank (see letter included in the case folder).
The applicant, Roland Forrester, 1401 Windgate, Grapevine, was present for the meeting.
Motion was made to approve ZA 95-25, subject to the second Plat Review Summary dated
March 17, 1995, with item #3 being revised to delete the private access easement.
Motion: Evans
Second: Franks
Ayes: Evans, Franks, Wambsganss, Farrier
Nays: None
Approved: 4-0 vote
Mayor Fickes returned to the council table.
Aeenda Item g9-A. Resolution No. 95-08. annointment to Capital Imnrovements Advisory
Committee. Imoact Fees.
Resolution No. 95-08, appointments to the Capital Improvements Advisory Committee was
introduced by Curtis Hawk, City Manager, who stated it is required by Chapter 395 of the Texas
Local Government Code to update the current water and sewer impact fees and adopt a street
impact fee for the first time. There are a number of procedural steps required by the Local
Government Code, including a public hearing to consider land use assumptions that will be used
to develop the capital improvements plan. According to the Code, the Capital Improvements
Advisory Committee shall be appointed on or before the date of the land use assumptions public
hearing. The current members of the committee were appointed by Resolution No. 93-18 on
March 18, 1993. The resolution does not have a termination date for the appointments, but the
thinking at the time was to have 3-year appointments, since by Code the land use assumptions
and the capital improvements plan shall be updated at least every three years. The reason for
the new resolution is to add the specific reference to "roadway facilities" .
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes
March 21, 1995
page thirteen
Aeenda item gg-A. Continued
The membership of the Advisory Committee, by law, must be composed of not less than five
(5) members, with not less than 40% being representatives of the real estate, development, or
building industries. Our committee has seven (7) members in order to ensure that we usually
have at least five members at every meeting of the committee. Hawk noted the existing
membership on the committee has agreed to continue serving with the exception of Bob Hopkins,
who will not be able to serve, since traveling is required from his employer.
Motion was made to approve Resolution No. 95-08, adding Bob O'Neal as a member, replacing
Bob Hopkins.
Motion: Wambsganss
Second: Farrier
Ayes: Wambsganss, Farrier, Franks, Evans, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0 vote
Council adjourned for recess at 9:15 p.m.
Council returned to open session at 9:25 p.m.
Agenda Item #10-B. Develoner A~reement for Strathmore Addition (TimarronL
Ron Harper, City Engineer, presented the Developer Agreement for Strathmore Addition
(Timarron) stating the usual requirements for performance or payment bonds, maintenance
bonds, and letters of credit are all required in the agreement. Items of issue include:
Page 9, Park Fees: the Developer is requesting a 50% credit toward Park Fees.
Due to Spring Break, the Park Board moved the meeting to March 20.
Page 9, Perimeter Street Ordinance: The developer's cost for perimeter street fee
is $315.75. The reason it is unusually low is because in August of 1994,
Timarron provided engineering, construction, staking, administration and testing
for the construction of Continental Blvd. in front of Dominion Addition. The
Perimeter Street Fee would have been $8,315.75 (878.14 feet X $9.46 per linear
foot). The cost to Timarron to construct Continental was $8,000, therefore, the
Perimeter Street Fee is $315.75 ($8,315.75-$8,000).
Shana Yelverton, Assistant City Manager, reported that the Park and Recreation
Board approved a motion that would give Timarron 100% credit provided they
agree to make the trail which they have planned (White Chapel to Byron Nelson
Parkway) public. Rod Johnson, Chairman of the Park Board, was present to
answer questions.
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March 21, 1995
page fourteen
Agenda Item #10-B. Continued
Rod Johnson, Chairman of the Park and Recreation Board, stated at the Park
board meeting last evening there was an interesting landmark of cooperation
between the Park Board and the developer of Timarron. Johnson discussed
"rolling forward" any unused credits in subdivisions, and in so doing, would
leave part of the particular addition without open space or parks. He noted, "Idds
cannot play on golf courses." He encouraged Council to approve the developer
agreement but no rolling forward of credits.
Steve Yetts, Timarron Land Corporation. Mr. Yetts stated Timarron requests that Council roll
over credits into future phases. It is monetary prohibition to loose the credit.
Mayor Fickes stated he understands the feelings of the Park Board, but with
Planned Unit Developments and phased developments, it will prohibit the
developer from adding aminities.
Mayor Pro Tem Jerry Farrier commented that it would limit the development to
phased aminities, and it has been the intentions of City Council to roll forward
Steve Yetts stated the trail does lead to a twelve acre park, whereby residents of Strathmore, and
Glendover can take the trail to the park.
Motion was made to approve the Developer Agreement for Strathmore, Timarron, adding that
the credits be approved and that this trail be a public trail and future carry overs of credits
continue for this trail and other public uses in Timarron.
Motion: Farrier
Second: Franks
Ayes: Farrier, Franks, Evans, Wambsganss, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0 vote
Agenda Item #Il-A, Fiscal Year Ending Seotember 30. 1994. Audit Renort
LouAnn Heath, Director of Finance, presented the Audit Report for Fiscal Year ending on
September 20, 1995, introducing Jerry Weaver, with the firm of Tidwell and Weaver, and
noting in the management letter that the auditors mentioned two areas of recommended
improvements to our internal control structure: fuel inventory reconciliation and general ledger
reconciliation in water and sewer receivables.
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March 21, 1995
page fifteen
Aeenda Item #11-A. Continued
Jerry Weaver, Tidwell & Weaver. Mr. Weaver commented during this fiscal year the Southlake
Park Development Corporation was formed and is included in the City Financial Statement. He
stated the audit was made for the purpose of forming an opinion on the combined financial
statements taken as a whole. The individual fund and account group financial statements and
schedules listed in the table of contents are presented for purposes of additional analysis and are
not a required part of the combined financial statements of the City of Southlake. The individual
fund and account group financial statements and schedules have been subjected to the auditing
procedures applied in the audit of the combined financial statements taken as a whole. Mr.
Weaver pointed out various funds within the audit, stating the city is still on tract with a fund
balance of over two million dollars with $1.5 million dollars in undesignated funds.
Aeenda Item/f'/-D. Ordinance No. 635. Code of Ethics and Conduct
According to City Manager, Curtis Hawk, in looking at an ethics ordinance for Southlake, there
are two aspects to consider: one legal and one political. The ordinance incorporates the various
state laws pertaining to conflicts of interest. The obvious difference and advantage to the
citizens, is that violations of the state law must be prosecuted in the appropriate courts, usually
by the District Attorney, whereas violations of the ordinance can be handled locally. The
ordinance presented tonight incorporates changes discussed at the last City Council meeting.
Specifically, adding the Building Board of Appeals to the section which defines officers of the
City, and we have included language to require each officer, employee and board member to
sign a form acknowledging receipt of their initial copy of the Code, and language to provide for
the dissemination of the Code to each on an annual basis.
The public hearing resulted with no comments from the audience.
Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 635, 2nd reading, as presented.
Motion: Franks
Second: Farrier
Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance.
Ayes: Franks, Farrier, Wambsganss, Evans, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0 vote
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes
March 21, 1995
page sixteen
Agenda Rem #7-C. Ordinance No. 506-A. amendine Sign Ordinance No. 506.
Curtis Hawk, City Manager, stated staff has made a number of modifications to simplify the
ordinance, with City Attorney input, and to ensure that it is legally defensible. One sensitive
area is the treatment of political signs. This draft proposed to move them to the "exempt"
category since there were no regulations applicable to political signs in the last draft.
Analeslie Muncy, City Attorney, stated there are two main problems with exempting political
signs, size, structures, height, which concerns her.
Councilmember Wambsganss stated he does not feel we should have restrictions
on political signs as long as it is not infringing on the safety, health, and welfare
of the citizens.
Public Hearing:
Pamela Muller, 214 Westwood, Southlake. Ms. Muller referenced balloons and banners,
stating, she has concerns with balloons as they could cause damage to an airplane engine or be
a hazard to wildlife. Safety is her main concern, and she suggested balloons be removed from
the ordinance.
After discussion, motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 506-A, 2nd reading, noting if a
problem surfaces, the ordinance can be amended at that time.
Motion: Wambsganss
Second: Evans
Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance.
Ayes: Wambsganss, Franks, Evans, Farrier, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0 vote
Aeenda Item #11-B. Anolication of Perimeter Road Fee Ordinance.
The City Manager, Curtis Hawk, stated staff has had a problem with the application of fees for
the Perimeter Street Fee Ordinance.
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes
March 21, 1995
page seventeen
Aeenda Item//ll-B. Continued
Ron Harper, City Engineer, stated in his memorandum dated March 15, 1995,
that they have recently been asked for estimates of perimeter road fees to be
charged under the new Perimeter Road Fee Ordinance. Based upon their
understanding of the ordinance and of Council's direction, they have been quoting
a fee based upon the ultimate road section with drainage. He stated they have
been making judgement calls relative to the type of surface (asphalt or concrete)
based upon locations within the City. A copy of the memorandum from Mr.
Harper is hereby attached to the minutes of this meeting.
Councilmember Farrier asked what are surrounding cities doing?
After discussion, the City Manager asked to bring this issue back to the next City Council
meeting with an interim impact fee.
Aeenda Item//12. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned by Mayor Gary Fickes at 11:15
~ ~ )~ ~.l~l~yor~ickes
Sandra L. LeGrand
City Secretary
I, 61. as a member of the LAJ�Z i
make this affidavit and hereby on oath state the following: I,
and /or a person or persons related to me, have a substantial
interest in a business entity that would be peculiarly affected by
a vote or decision of the 2 6 1S - ZST as
those terms are defined in Chapter 171, Texas Local Government Code.
The business entity is .Z Gj Sow,
(name and address)
I have a substantial interest in this business entity for the
following reasons: (Check all which are applicable)
Ownership of 10% or more of the voting stock or
shares of the business entity.
Ownership of 10% or more or $5,000 or more of the
fair market value of the business entity.
Funds received from the business entity exceed 100
of gross income for the previous year.
Real property is involved and
have an equitable or legal ownership with a fair
market value of at least $2,500.
A relative of mine has a substantial interest in the
business entity or property that would be affected
by a decision of the public body of which I am a
Upon filing of this affidavit with the City Secretary, I affirm
that I will abstain from voting on any decision involving this
business entity and from any further participation on this matter
Signed this Z.- day of , 19 /1 .
r-- ', /l
�•ignatur:'of official
FR-v"" S
"14 0 rL�
v� ♦ Title 47
BEFORE E�, the dersigned authority, this day personally appeared
i � - C� J(/ /» and on oath stated that the
facts herei iiabove stated are true to the best of ):y
knowledge or belief.
Sworn � and subscribed to before me on this - day of
7!. �/ , 1 999.1 — .
'�o ► C Late of Texas Notary Public in and for Exp. 024497 the State of Texas
My Commission Expires:
J Type /Print Notary's Name
City of Southlake, Texas
March 15, 1995
TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager
FROM: Ron Harper, City Engineer
SUBJECT: Perimeter Road Fees
We have recently been asked for estimates of perimeter road fees to be charged under the new
Perimeter Road Fee Ordinance. Based upon our understanding of the ordinance and of Council's
direction, we have been quoting a fee based upon the ultimate road section with drainage. We
have been making judgement calls relative to the type of surface (asphalt or concrete) based upon
locations within the City.
Developers have expressed a concern relative to not definitely knowing whether the perimeter
road fees would be based upon 1) ultimate versus interim section, 2) asphalt versus concrete, 3)
drainage versus no drainage. Normally the perimeter road fee is finalized at the developer
agreement stage of the development process. With the recent increase of fees and the various
options possible the cost to the developer can vary greatly. While we have heard the expected
"grumbling" about the new fees, the greatest complaint appears to be the lack of certainty and the
"timing" of the decision. The Developers need to get their financial package together, normally,
prior to the preliminary plat. Their expressed concern is over the uncertainty of which fee to
include in their financing package.
I have enclosed two examples of the possible variations depending on which perimeter road fee
option is used. I have also included a matrix which shows the cost per foot of the various
perimeter road fee options. The largest differences in the fees are in those areas where we have
the option of charging either an ultimate section or an interim section. As you can see from the
matrix the difference for an ultimate A5U w /drainage ($78.33) and a 24' interim section
w /drainage ($47.50) is $30.83 per linear foot. For a developer with a large frontage and few lots,
this could amount to a large amount on a per lot basis.
W ou • ike some further direction as to what road fees should be quoted to developers.
I t't'wo"
RJH/ 1
City of South lake, Texas
Property located at Southeast corner of White Chapel and Bob Jones
Ultimate roadway for both roads is A4U, total length is 1,449 feet.
Section Cost /foot Total Cost
A4U w /Drainage (HMAC) $60.00 $86,940.00
A4U w/o Drainage (HMAC) $45.00 $65,205.00
A4U w /Drainage (Conc) $71.67 $130,849.83
A4U w/o Drainage (Conc) $53.33 $77,275.17
Interim w /Drainage (24') $47.50 $66,827.50
Interim w/o Drainage (24') $27.50 $39,847.50
Cost Comparison - Example 1
5100,000.00 — -
Legend 586,940.00
A4U w/Drainage (HMAC) 680 . 000 . 00 577,275.17 —
MU w/o Drainage (HMAC) 586,827.50
▪ A4U w/Drainage (Conc) 565,205.00
A4U w/o Drainage (Conc) $80.000.00
• Interim w /Drainage (24') - -
Interim w/o Drainage (24') 539,847.50
520,000.00 }
Total Cost
City of Southlake, Texas
South Hollow
Continental - A5U - 1,036.51'
Carlisle - C2U - 1,648.15'
Rainbow - R2U - 496.20'
Asphalt Concrete
Section w /Drainage w/o Drainage w /Drainage w/o Drainage
A5U $78.33 $58.33 $93.33 $70.00
C2U $48.33 $36.67 $55.00 $41.67
R2U $52.50 $40.00 $67.50 $50.00
Al24 $47.50 $27.50
C124 $47.50 $27.50
Option Total Cost
All ultimate w /drainage (HMAC) $186,895.42
Continental ultimate, Carlisle 24' interim, Rainbow ultimate residential, all w /drainage (HMAC) $185,527.45
A1124' interim $153,571.85
Cost Comparison - Example 2
5188,895.421 $185,527.45
5100,000.00 I - --
$0.00 - --
I Li M ultimate w /drainage (HMAC)
® Continental ultimate, Carlisle 24' Interim, Rainbow ultimate residential, all w/Mainape (HMAC)
All 24' Interim
City of Southlake, Texas
Perimeter Road Fee Options
Asphalt Concrete
SECTION w /Drainage w/o Drainage w /Drainage w/o Drainage
A5U $78.33 $58.33 $93.33 $70.00
A4U $60.00 $45.00 $71.67 $53.33
C2U $48.33 $36.67 $55.00 $41.67
R2U $52.50 $40.00 $37.50 $50.00
AI24 $47.50 $27.50
AI48 $92.50 $47.50
Cl24 $47.50 $27.50
CI48 $92.50 $47.50
City of Southlake, Texas
February 1995
Administration 4 -A
Building 4 -B
Community Development 4 -C
Complaints 4 -D
Municipal Court 4 -E
Park 4 -F
Public Safety 4 -G
Public Works 4 -H
Street /Drainage 4 -I
Utility 4 -J
Finance 4 -K
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C. Cases Dismissed 195 199
A. Trial by Judge
(1) Finding of Guilty 0 1
(2) Finding of Not Guilty 4 2
B. Trial by Jury
(1) Finding of Guilty 0 0
(2) Finding of Not Guilty 0 0
C. Dismissed at Trial 0 0
A. After Defensive Driving 68 71
B. After Deferred Adjudication 56 103
C. After Proof of Insurance 116 88
TOTAL REVENUE COLLECTED: CITY $22,445.50 $20,572.67
STATE 12,952.00 12,697.00
TOTAL 35,397.50 33,269.67
E -I
Non State City
Parking Parking Law Ordinance Total
1. NUMBER OF CASES FILED: 945 3 195 6 1149
A. Deposit Forfeitures 0 0 0 0 0
B. Payments of Fine 204 3 32 2 241
C. Cases Dismissed 164 13 18 4 199
A. Trial by Judge
(1) Finding of Guilty 0 0 1 0 1
(2) Finding of Not Guilty 2 0 0 0 2
B. Trial by Jury
(1) Finding of Guilty 0 0 0 0 0
(2) Finding of Not Guilty 0 0 0 0 0
C. Dismissed at Trial 0 0 0 0 0
A. After Defensive Driving 71 0 0 0 71
B. After Deferred Adjudication 101 0 2 0 103
C. After Proof of Insurance 88 0 0 0 88
5. CASES APPEALED 0 0 0 0 0
6. WARRANTS ISSUED 42 0 0 0 42
STATE 12.697.00
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February 1995
Citations Issued 1149 Residential Burglaries 3
Arrests 64 Business Burglaries 3
Traffic Accidents 27 Vehicle Burglaries 1
Alarm Calls 176 Assaults 1
Animal Calls 57 New CID cases assigned 51
Thefts Under $1,500 5 CID Investigations Cleared 38
Thefts $1,500 and up 5 Active CID Investigations 33
Residential Fires 5 Ambulance Calls:
Commercial Fires 1 Vehicle Accidents 13
Other Building Fires 0 Non- accident EMS 20
Vehicle Fires 1 Total Patients Transported 18
Grass Fires 18 Grass /Weed Complaints 30
Fire Alarms - False 18 Burn Permits Issued 4
Fuel Spills /Leak 5 Pre -fire Inspections 18
Other Haz -Mat Calls 1 Building Plans Reviewed 20
Bomb Threats 0
Other Fire Calls 15
Total Police Service Calls 912 Total Training Hours:
Total Fire Service Calls 40 Police 144
Crime Prevention Surveys 6 Fire 194
Total DARE Classes Taught 44 Communications 0
Warrants Received 0 Volunteers 0
Warrants Cleared 12 Total Personnel Trained 19
Total Warrant Collections $2,098.00 9 -1 -1 Hang -up
Investigations 7
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City of Southlake, Texas
March 09,1995
TO: Robert Whitehead, Director of Public Works
FROM: Brad Payton, Street Superintendent
SUBJECT: Monthly Report for Street Department
February, 1995.
Description Jan Feb
1. Tons of asphalt used
a. Hot Mix Asphalt 55 0
c. Cold Mix Asphalt 125 25
d. Base Material 50 450
2. Lane Miles of Road Repaired 100 100
3. Number of Street Signs
Repaired or Replaced (all
types) 44 57
4. Feet of Ditch Line Cleaned
and shaped 1000 0
5. Number of Vehicles Repaired 0 0
6. Row mowed in miles of streets 0 0
7. Haul spoil materials from various
locations to West Beach property
man hours. 0 960
BP /cbk