NOVEMBER 1, 1994
COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Gary Fickes; Mayor Pro Tern Jerry Farrier; Deputy
Mayor Pro Tern, Jori Michael Franks. Members: Stephen Apple, Andy Wambsganss, W.
Ralph Evans, and Michael Richarme.
STAFF PRESENT: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager; Shana Yelverton, Assistant City Manager;
LouAnn Heath, Director of Finance; Greg Last, Director of Community Development; Billy
Campbell, Director of Public Safety; Tom Elgin, City Planner; Karen Gandy, Zoning
Administrator; Bob Whitehead, Director of Public Works; Ron Harper, City Engineer; Kevin
Hugman, Assistant to the City Manager; E. Allen Taylor, Jr. City Attorney; and, Sandra L.
LeGrand, City Secretary.
WORK SESSION: The Work Session began at 6:30 p.m., whereby Councilmembers and City
staff reviewed all agenda items for tonight's meeting.
INVOCATION: Councilmember W. Ralph Evans.
The Regular City Council meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Gary Fickes.
Aeenda item ge2-A. Executive Session
Mayor Fickes advised the audience that Council would be going into executive session pursuant
to Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, Sections 551.071,551.072, 551.074, 551.076
of the Open Meetings Act to seek the advice of the City Attorney with respect to pending and
contemplated litigations, to discuss the purchase, exchange, lease or sale of real Property and
to consider the appointment and evaluation of public officials, and regarding the deployment of
specific occasions for implementation of security personnel or devises.
Council adjourned into executive session at 7:02 p.m.
Council returned to open session at 7:33 p.m.
Agenda Item #2-B. Action Necessary/Executive Session
No action was necessary as the result of the executive session.
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November 1, 1994
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Agenda Item//3. Annroval of the Minutes of October 18. and Soecial Meeting of October
25. 1994.
Motion was made to approve the minutes of the October 18, 1994, City Council meeting, tabling
the minutes of the Special City Council Meeting held on October 25, 1994.
Motion: Franks
Second: Richarme
Ayes: Franks, Richarme, Evans, Apple, Wambsganss, Farrier, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 7-0 vote
Agenda Item #4-A. Mayor's Renort
Mayor Fickes announced that a SPIN Retreat will be held on November 3, 1994, from 8:30
p.m. to 5:30 p.m. at the Solana Education Center.
Councilmember Richarme noted Keep Southlake Beautiful was awarded a grant from the Texas
Parks and Wildlife Department. The grant is for Keep Southlake Beautiful to develop a wildlife
habitat demonstration site in Bicentennial Park, whereby citizens will plant wildlife and
wildflowers. On November 5, 1994, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., a community work day will
be held.
Aeenda Item #4-B. City Manager's Reoort
Curtis Hawk, City Manager, noted the General Election will be held on November 8, 1994, and
voting will be held in the Fire Station for Precinct//3039 and//3470.
Agenda Item #5. Consent Aoenda
The consent agenda consists of the following items:
5-A. Authorization to advertise for bids for White Chapel Blvd., Paving Project.
5-B. Approval of Bids for Construction of the Middle School Joint-Use Gymnasium.
9-B. Resolution No. 94-48, Appointment of David Baltimore to fill the unexpired term of
Ernest Johnson as SPIN #12 Neighborhood Representative.
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November 1, 1994
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Agenda Item #5. Continued
Motion was made to approve items #5-A, #5-B, g9-B, as presented.
Motion: Apple
Second: Evans
Ayes: Apple, Evans, Wambsganss, Franks, Farrier, Richarme, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 7-0 vote
Requesting authorization to advertise for bids for repaving of White Chapel Blvd. from
Bear Creek to Highway 114. This project would be divided into two distinct contracts:
one from Bear Creek to FM 1709 and one from FM 1709 to Highway 114. The project
will consist of paving overlay and minor repair in distressed arms. The one major
reconstruction will be the elimination of the hill at Highland and White Chapel. In
addition, there will be bid alternatives to allow for the horizontal realignment of several
areas: Highland and White Chapel and the curves between FM 1709 and the Feed Store
on White Chapel. The plans for this project were prepared by Dunaway and Associates.
Bids for construction of the Middle School Joint-use Gym. The SPDC Board and the
Joint-Use Committee approved the low bid of the Ridgemont Company for up to
$726,056 which includes bid alternate g9 and gl0, gll, and g12 or #14. The bid
alternates included are fixed wooden bleachers within 150 capacity (gg), air conditioning
for the gym (gl0), 4 additional drop down basketball goals (gll), and resilient robber
athletic flooring (g12) or a resilient wood flooring (g14). The Ridgemont Company for
$723,835 includes bid alternate gg, gl0, #11, and #14 with a wooden floor.
During its May 17, 1994, meeting the City Council appointed the initial members of the
SPIN Standing Committee. At that time Ernest Johnson agreed to serve as
interim chair of SPIN Neighborhood #12 until another interested citizen stepped forward.
David Baltimore was appointed to replace Johnson, with a term to expire in May, 1996.
A~_enda Item #6. Public Forum
No comments were received during the public forum.
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November 1, 1994
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Aeenda Item g7-A. Ordinance No. 480-145. 2nd readine ZA 94-117.
Ordinance No. 480-145, 2nd reading (ZA 94-117), Rezoning request for 4.0 acres situated in
the John Childress Survey, Abstract No. 254, Tract 3. Current zoning is "C-l" Neighborhood
Commercial District, with a requested zoning of "SF-1A" Single-Family Residential District.
Owner/Applicant: David E. Walsh, Sr. SPIN Neighborhood//3.
The Zoning Administrator, Karen Gandy, stated the Land Use Category for this property is
"Mixed Use". Seven (7) notices were sent to property owners within the 200' notification area
and two written responses have been received from within the 200' notification area, from: Joe
Kennel, in favor; and C.W. Rickett, undecided.
The applicant, Mr. David Walsh, was not present for the meeting.
The public hearing resulted with no comments from the audience.
Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 480.145, 2nd reading.
Motion: Richarme
Second: Farrier
Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance.
Ayes: Richarme, Farrier, Franks, Evans, Apple, Wambsganss, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 7-0 vote
Aeenda Item gT-B. Ordinance No. 480-146. 2nd readiw, (ZA 94-99L
Ordinance No. 480-146, 2nd reading (ZA 94-99), Rezoning and Site Plan for Ravenaux Village,
being a portion of Lot 2, Block B, Ravenaux Village, and being 3.970 acres situated in the
Thomas Hood Survey, Abstract No. 706. Current zoning is "S-P-2" Generalized Site Plan
District, with a requested zoning of "S-P-l" Detailed Site Plan District. Owner/Applicant:
Christian Men's Network ("CMN"), a non-profit organization. SPIN Neighborhood #11.
According to Mrs. Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, seven (7) notices were sent to property
owners within the 200' notification area and two written responses have been received, from:
Countryside Bible Church, Tom Watson, Pastor, no objection unless there is an assessment for
road/curb/gutter/sidewalk construction; and, Howard Pangburn, opposed.
It was noted on October 18, 1994, this action was approved (7-0) subject to the third Plan
Review Summary dated October 14, 1994, with item #1 being modified to indicate the Council
wants the road built to the western edge of the Christian Men's Network portion and an
appropriate turn-around built on the adjoining property.
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November 1, 1994
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Agenda Item g7-B. Continued
Councilmember Richarme asked if the road would be public or
private. It was noted the road will be public and built to City
The Applicant, Dr. Paul Cole, was present for the meeting to answer questions of Council.
The public hearing resulted with no comments from the audience.
Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 480-146, subject to the third Plan Review Summary
dated October 28, 1994.
Motion: Farrier
Second: Richarme
Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance.
Ayes: Farrier, Richarme, Franks, Wambsganss, Apple, Evans, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 7-0 vote
Agenda item gT-C. Ordinance No. 480-150. 2nd reading (ZA 94-108L
Ordinance No. 480-150, 2nd reading, (ZA 94-108), Rezoning request for 20.0 acres situated in
the Heirs of Christopher Dart Survey, Abstract No. 2003, Tract 1, and the William H. Main
Survey, Abstract No. 1068, Tract 3. Current zoning is "AG" Agricultural with a requested
zoning of "SF-1A" Single-Family Residential District. Owner: Ann Tamsin Boardman.
Applicants: Regal Oaks Joint Venture. SPIN Neighborhood #12.
The Zoning Administrator, Karen Gandy, noted thirty-eight (38) notices were sent to property
owners within the 200' notification area and responses include: Richard and Joan Crowe, in
favor; James and Nelda Seals, in favor; J.T. and Robin Bryant, undecided; Thomas Schorn,
undecided; Roy C. Jordan, undecided.
Applicant, Wayne Lee, was present to answer questions for Council.
The public hearing resulted with no comments from the audience.
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November i, 1994
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Agenda Item #7-C. Continued
Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 480-150, as presented in second reading.
Motion: Richarme
Second: Farrier
Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance.
Ayes: Richarme, Farrier, Franks, Wambsganss, Apple, Evans, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 7-0 vote
Agenda Item/f'I-D. Ordinance No. 480-152, 2nd readin~ (ZA 94-116)
Ordinance No. 480-152, 2nd reading (ZA 94-116), Rezoning request for 5.06 acres situated in
the Heirs of Christopher Dart Survey, Abstract No. 2003, Tract lB. Current zoning is "AG"
Agricultural with a requested zoning of "SF-1A" Single-Family Residential District. Owner:
Joan Crowe. Applicant: Regal Oaks loint Venture. SPIN Neighborhood #12.
Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, noted fifteen (15) notices were sent to property owners
within the 200' notification area and two written responses have been received, Robert Koehler,
in favor; and Ann Tamsin Boardman, in favor.
The public hearing resulted with no comments from the audience.
Motion was made to adopt Ordinance No. 480-152, 2nd reading.
Motion: Wambsganss
Second: Apple
Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance.
Ayes: Wambsganss, Apple, Evans, Franks, Farrier, Richarme, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 7-0 vote
Agenda Item #8-A. ZA 94-119. Prelimina~ Plat of Wakefield Addition,
ZA 94-119, Preliminary Plat of Wakefield Addition, being 7.961 acres situated in the Heirs of
Christopher Dart Survey, Abstract No. 2003, being all of Tract 1Al and a portion of Tract 12A.
Current zoning is "SF-1A" Single-Family Residential District. Owners: Jimmy and Barbara
Hornick. Applicant: Graham Associates, Inc. SPIN Neighborhood #12.
Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, informed Council that seventeen (17) notices were sent to
property owners within the 200' notification area and two written responses have been received
by: Wendi Carlucci, opposed; and Hansel Ray Williamson, has no objections as long as lots
are one acre or more.
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November 1, 1994
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Agenda Item #8-A. Continued
Motion was made to approve ZA 94-119, subject to the third Plat Review Summary dated
October 28, 1994, deleting item #1.
Motion: Franks
Second: Farrier
Ayes: Franks, Farrier, Richarme, Wambsganss, Apple, Evans, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 7-0 vote
Mayor Gary Fickes stepped down for Agenda Items #8-B and #8-C
Mayor Pro Tem Farrier chaired the items
Agenda Item #8-B. Ordinance No. 480-154. 1st reading (ZA 94-123),
Ordinance No. 480-154, 1st reading (ZA 94-123), is a Rezoning request for 1.4065 acres
situated in the Samuel Freeman Survey, Abstract No. 525, Tract 3B2. Current zoning is "AG"
Agricultural with a requested zoning of "C-3" General Commercial District. Owner: Mrs.
Belle Lidster. Applicant: Hanover Development Company. SPIN Neighborhood
Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, noted eight (8) notices were sent to property owners within
the 200' notification area and no written responses have been received.
Councilmember Richarme asked the Zoning Administrator to
highlight the uses in the "C-3" Zoning District for the audience.
Richarme also noted that the City is in the middle of a Corridor
Study for F.M. 1709, F.M. 1938, and SH 114. The anticipated
completion date of the study is first quarter, 1995.
Dick LaBlanc, owner of Hanover Development, 8235 Douglas, Dallas, Texas. Mr. LaBlanc
was present for the meeting and stated he is in the single-family and commercial property
development business. Mr. LaBlanc stated he needs to reach an agreement from two more
owners of property and they own the remainder of the property. Mr. LaBlanc stated they are
familiar with the corridor study and the anticipated requirements of their property. Hanover
owns several lots on the site and wants to do a larger type development, however, if the larger
piece of property does not come together, they will develop in two parcels. In reference to a
time problem, Mr. LaBlanc stated he has no problem at this time, but after the first of the year,
he will need to move on.
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November 1, 1994
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Aeenda Item #8-B. Continued
Councilmember Richarme commented he would like to have them
work their project into the corridor study.
Councilmember Wambsganss stated he feels this property will be
"C-Y' but the study may not be done until summer, 1995.
Councilmember Apple stated we could wait three (3) years and the
property will still be "C-Y'. He would like to see it developed in
the larger tract, the risk is minimal.
Mr. LaBlanc stated in order for the large development to be done, they will have to purchase
a parcel of land from Conner Lam. Mr. LaBlanc asked to have this item and item #8-C tabled
until January 17, 1995 meeting.
Motion was made to table Ordinance No. 480-158, (Item #8-B, and #8-C) Ordinance No. 480-
155, until January 17, 1995, at the request of the applicant.
Motion: Apple
Second: Richarme
Ayes: Apple, Richarme, Farrier, Franks, Evans, Wambsganss
Nays: None
Approved: 6-0 vote (to table)
Agenda Item #8-C. Ordinance No. 480-155. 1st reading ZA 94-124
Ordinance No. 480-155, 1st reading (ZA 94-124), Rezoning request for 3.726 acres situated in
the Samuel Freeman Survey, Abstract No. 525, being a portion of Tract 1 of the W.E. Mayfield
Subdivision. Current zoning is 'B-2" Commercial Manufacturing District, with a requested
zoning of "C-Y' General Commercial District. Owner: Jimmy R. Parker. Applicant: Hanover
Development Company. SPIN Neighborhood #7.
This item was tabled with agenda Item #8-B, time certain, January 17, 1995.
Mayor Fickes returned to the Council table.
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November 1, 1994
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A~enda Item #8-D. Ordinance No. 480-156. 1st reading (ZA 94-125}. Rezoning and Concent
Plan for S0uthlake Church of Christ.
Ordinance No. 480-156, 1st reading, (ZA 94-125), Rezoning and Concept Plan for Southlake
Church of Christ, being 4.007 acres of land situated in the J.G. Allen Survey, Abstract No. 18,
Tract 5C2 and Tract 5C3, and Concept Plan approval of Lot 3, J.G. Allen No. 18 Addition.
Current zoning is "AG" Agricultural, with a requested zoning of "CS" Community Service
District. Owner/Applicant: Southlake Church of Christ. SPIN Neighborhood #15.
The applicant was not present for this agenda item.
Motion was made to table Ordinance No. 480-156, 1st reading, until November 15, 1994
meeting, when the applicant will be present for the meeting.
Motion: Farrier
Second: Franks
Ayes: Farrier, Franks, Evans, Wambsganss, Richarme, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 6-0 vote (Councilmember Apple was out of the room)
A~,enda Item #8-E. ZA 94-126. Plat Revision of Lot 3R. J.G, Allen No. 18 Addition.
ZA 94-126, Plat Revision of Lot 3R, J. O. Allen No. 18 Addition, being a revision of a portion
of Lot 3, J.G. Allen No. 18 Addition, and 4.007 acres situated in the J. G. Allen Survey,
Abstract No. 18, being all of Tract 5C2 and Tract 5C3.
This item was not considered tonight, but will appear on the next agenda.
A~,enda Item #8-F. Ordinance No. 480-157. 1st reading, (ZA 94-127L
Ordinance No. 480-157, 1st reading (ZA 94-127) Rezoning request for 16.92 acres situated in
the James Thomhill Survey, Abstract No. 1505, being all of Tract 2 and a portion of Tract 2A.
Current zoning is "AG" Agricultural, with a requested zoning of "SF-1A" Single-Family
Residential District. Owner: Naomi R. Morrison. Applicant: The Nelson Corporation.
SPIN Neighborhood//14.
Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, noted that fourteen (14) notices were sent to property
owners within the 200' notification area and three written responses have been received, from:
Southlake Properties, J.V., Phil Jobe, in favor; Dee Ann Kramer, in favor; Allen and Melissa
Ripley, opposed.
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November 1, 1994
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Agenda Item #8-F. Continued
Helen Eve, The Nelson Corporation, 5999 Summerside Drive, Dallas. Phil Jobe, Developer,
were also present for the meeting.
Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 480-157, 1st reading.
Motion: Farrier
Second: Apple
Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance.
Ayes: Farrier, Apple, Franks, Richarme, Wambsganss, Evans, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 7-0 vote
Agenda Item #8-G. Ordinance No. 480-158.1st readine (ZA 94-128),
Ordinance No. 480-158, 1st reading (ZA 94-128), Rezoning and Concept Plan for Stone Lakes
Phase IV, be'rog 24.64 acres situated in the lames Thomhill Survey, Abstract No. 1505, and
being a portion of Tract 2A. Owner: Naomi R. Morrison. Applicant: The Nelson
Corporation. Current zoning is "AG" Agricultural with a requested zoning of "SF-20A" Single-
Family Residential District. SPIN Neighborhood//14.
Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, commented that twenty-four (24) notices were sent to
property owners within the 200' notification area and seven written responses have been
received, including: Southlake Properties, J.V. Phil Jobe, in favor; Kenneth and Jean
Montgomery, opposed; Dee Ann Kraemer, in favor; Susan pace, opposed; Jeff and Kathy
Miller, undecided; Allen and Melissa Ripley, opposed; James and Elizabeth Neiwald, opposed.
SPIN //14 Representative, Carolyn Hobbs, submitted letters representing Chimney Hill and
Southlake Hills property owners.
A petition was received from property owners within the Stone Lakes, Chimney Hill and
Southlake Hills Subdivisions of Southlake to prevent Creekview street and Chimney Hill Trail
from being constructed as through streets and connecting with Dartmouth Drive. The petition
is hereby made a part of the record.
Public Comments:
John Blackburn, 1003 Chimney Hill Trail, Southlake. Mr. Blackburn expressed the concerns
of the majority of the residents with the plan to extend the streets. They wish to endorse Phil
Jobe as a developer, and the one acre lots being proposed. This plan will connect three
additions with the new one. Drainage was noted as an issue. The citizens have become
concerned with through streets that will connect Continental Blvd. with F.M. 1709. How the
city will control crime, and the safety of the children axe concerns.
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November 1, 1994
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Agenda Item #8-G. Continued
Fire and anabulance is not an issue here, as noted by the Fire Department. Police response time
is an issue. They will not argue this point. He referenced response time from various points
in the city and within subdivisions. Residents in the three subdivisions recognize the delay in
response time. People in the subdivisions are prepared to forfeit the response time vs. not
having a through street. They want to provide a safe environment. They want to ask the City
Council to approve the plan approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Rex Potter, 303 Waterford Court, Southlake. Mr. Potter stated he is the chairman of the Stone
Lakes Homeowners Association. They are pleased with Mr. Jobe's development. The people
are informed. They hope City Council will listen to each speaker.
Gene Hanson, 1306 Lakeway Drive, Stone Lakes, Southlake. Mr. Hanson stated he was
involved with the petition and 215-245 households feel strongly enough that this is what they
want to sign. He stated the citizens want to know that City Council is listening to them.
Joe Smith, 2049 Wedgewood Drive, Timarron, Southlake. Mr. Smith stated he in the Coalition
of Neighborhoods, and wished to voice his support for the citizens of the three neighborhoods.
Melissa Ripley, 901 Chimney Hill Trail, Southlake. Ms. Ripley stated she concurs with
everything that has been said.
Mark Pace, 806 Hillcrest Trail, Southlake. Mr. Pace stated they approve 100% what is being
said by the homeowners. He has four children under eleven years old and they are more
concerned with safety than response time.
Carolyn Hobbs, SPIN #14 Representative. Mrs. Hobbs stated on behalf of all the neighbors on
the crime issue, she has one thought. What will be necessary in the future, by connecting the
neighborhoods, would that be causing problems in the future?
Hagi Agili, 912 Chimney Hill Trail, Southlake. Mr. Agili asked Council to keep the plan as
presented tonight, with no through streets. He stated he feels the Southlake Police Department
is the best around, and he referred to response time.
Helen Eve, The Nelson Corporation. In response to the staff review letter,//2 dated 10-28-94,
they ask that City Council delete items #1 and//2, as the P&Z has. Item #3, whatever the City
Council chooses to do.
Councilmember Farrier commented in regard to cul-de-sac's not
serving more than twenty houses as noted in the subdivision
ordinance, and stated he feels there was logic when it was written.
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November 1, 1994
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Aeenda Item gS-G. Continued
Farrier stated he still feels the logic is good. He thinks the logic
that requires stub streets to the south was good and is still good.
He applauds the homeowers for their interest in this item, and the
way they presented their information and the way they brought
their community together to look at this issue. It is conceivable
that if we continue to develop subdivisions with minable numbers
of entrance and access points, that at some point and time, we will
have a subdivision that is blocked out to get any response. He
stated he is reluctant to see closing of streets that have been on the
drawing board for over five years. He stated he cannot support
that concept. If he could support concept, he would not go against
the subdivision ordinance.
Councilmember Richarme asked The Nelson Corporation
representative if they have had any traffic counts done and do they
know the number of vehicles in a twenty-four hour period that
might use that as a connector. The answer was no.
Mayor Fickes commented that he can support the crime and safe
streets issue. He stated he feels what the neighborhoods want is
Phil Jobe, 3830 Oak Lawn, Dallas. Mr. Jobe stated the zoning requested is for one acre lots,
and the owner will keep the 13 acres for her self. She plans to give an acre to each of her
children and that is all. He referenced many meetings he has had with the homeowners, and
noted this is a real issue to the homeowners. He took it very serious as a developer.
Councilmember Farrier asked Mr. Jobe if he can develop this plan
with no stubs and comply with the subdivision ordinance.
Councilmember Franks asked Mr. Jobe if the streets are stubbed
out, but City Council requires the developer to follow the
subdivision ordinance and does not grant a variance on it, what
will he do? Will it remain undeveloped or will he come back with
another plan that meets the subdivision ordinance?
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November 1, 1994
page thirteen
A~,enda Item #8-G. Continued
Mr. Jobe stated he does not know. This would put him in a tough position. If he gets put in
a box, he feels it is unfair to put him in a box. Mr. Jobe stated he addressed the subdivision
ordinance on the first submittal, and was directed by the Planning and Zoning Commission to
come back with this plan.
Councilmember Farrier stated he could not in good conscience,
allow this much of a subdivision to come in and not be in
compliance with the subdivision regulations.
Gene Hanson pointed out that their are thirty-five lots on a cul-de-sac in Stone Lakes.
Mayor Fickes stated he feels what was done here originally was
good planning; it made good sense at the time. He is not sure it
makes sense now. In the future we will probably have a fire
station in that area.
Councilmember Richarme stated he feels Council did themselves
a disservice by not continuing Cambridge.
Greg Last, Director of Community Development, commented that
all lots on the cul-de-sac meet the requirements of the curvilinear
ordinance, the requirement is 50% of the lots must be on a cul-
de-sac or have a radius of 800' or less. In his opinion, it wouldn't
meet the requirement.
Jeff Pitsbrough, 903 Chimney Hill, Southlake. Mr. Pitsbrough stated most people thought
Chimney Hill would be extended, but only to about 40 houses, not 250 houses.
Councilmember Apple asked, could you look at this as an isolated
picture, however, he has a bigger concern, 250 homes going out
two roads onto F.M. 1709. We have done it before.
Motion was made to approve ZA 94-128, 1st reading, subject to the Staff Review Letter g2, of
10-28-94, deleting #1, #2, and #3.
Motion: Franks
Second: Evans
Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance.
Ayes: Franks, Evans, Apple, Wambsganss, Farrier, Richarme, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 7-0 vote
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November 1, 1994
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Council adjourned for recess at 9:28 p.m.
Council returned to open session at 9:40 p.m.
Aeenda Item #8-H. ZA 94-129. Preliminary Plat of Stone Lakes. Phase IV,
ZA 94-129, Preliminary Plat of Stone Lakes Phase IV, being 41.56 acres situated in the James
Thornhill Survey, Abstract No. 1505, Tract 2 and Tract 2A. Current zoning is "AG"
Agricultural, with a requested zoning of "SF-1A" Single-Family Residential. Owner: Naomi
R. Morrison. Applicant: The Nelson Corporation. SPIN Neighborhood #14.
Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, noted thirty (30) notices were sent to property owners
within the 200' notification area and comments include: Dee Ann Kraemer, in favor; Southlake
Properties, J.V. Phil Jobe, in favor; Kenneth and Jean Montgomery, opposed; Allen and Melissa
Ripley, opposed; Marc A. Pace, opposed; Jeff and Kathy Miller, undecided; James and
Elizabeth Niewald, opposed; Stone Lakes Homeowners Association, Board of Directors and
Officers submitted a letter addressing their concerns.
Councilmember Farrier asked about different alignments and
configurations in the area. If this plan was inverted, where the
road were on the north side, and the cul-de-sac comes to the south.
Is that a plan that would work better or worse?
Mr. Jobe commented they have major drainage problems in that area they are trying to correct.
Greg Last commented you would have to run the storm drain
between lot lines, rather than in the street.
Councilmember Farrier complimented the developer for his
willingness to work with the homeowners and City Staff. It has
been a pleasure working with him. He has listened to Council and
made changes.
Motion was made to approve ZA 94-129, Preliminary Plat of Stone Lakes, Phase IV, subject
to the third Plat Review Summary dated 10-28-94, deleting items #4, #5,//7.
Motion: Apple
Second: Franks
Ayes: Apple, Franks, Farrier, Richarme, Evans, Wambsganss, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 7-0 vote
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November 1, 1994
page fifteen
Agenda Item ~9-C. Resolution No. 94-53. Authorizing Publication of Notice of Intent to
Issue Certificates of Obligation.
According to LouAnn Heath, Director of Finance, Resolution No. 94-53, authorizes the
publication of a notice of intent to issue certificates of obligation. The City is proposing
issuance of $6,595,000 certificates of obligation. The uses of the funds is as follows: 1)
Equipment for Public Safety and Public Works- $415,000; 2) Sewer Assessment Program-
$1,300,000; 3) Water Ground Storage Tank- $2,500,000; 4) Land- $2,178,000; and 5) issuance
costs including underwriter's discount- $192,000. The equipment debt will be retired over a five
year period. The remaining debt will be repaid over 20 years. The interest rate estimate is
approximately 6%. These certificates will be insured to the Aaa rating. The City's current
ratings are 'A' from Moody's Investor Services and 'A' from Standard and Poor's.
Motion was made to approve Resolution No. 94-53, as presented.
Motion: Franks
Second: Apple
Ayes: Franks, Apple, Farrier, Richarme, Evans, Wambsganss, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 7-0 vote
Agenda Item #10-B. Variance to Sign Ordinance for Wal-Mart
Bob Whitehead, Director of Public Works presented the request for variance to the sign
ordinance for Wal-Mart, stating Adams Engineering has made the request. The total signage
request is for two pole signs, one monument sign and wall signage on the east elevation of the
building. A copy of the memorandum from Mr. Whitehead dated October 26, 1994 is hereby
attached to the minutes.
Danny Adams, Adams Engineering was present representing Wal-Mart.
The variances as outlines in the memorandum from Mr. Whitehead were discussed.
Councilmember Farrier stated the information provided by Wal-
Mart is not to scale, the representation of the lettering is not to
scale and he has a hard time making an aesthetic judgement as to
what is appropriate at that location without a suitable rendering.
Mr. Farrier did not place the blame on Mr. Adams, but would like
this item to be brought back when more accurate renderings are
available to Council for review.
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes
November 1, 1994
page sixteen
Agenda Item #107~. Continued
Mayor Fickes asked Mr. Adams to have the pole signs at 20' with
brick and to draw the other things up to scale and bring back to
Council when completed.
Mr. Adams stated Council is asking him to take the message to Wal-Mart that he asked from
them prior to his being here tonight.
No action was taken on this item tonight.
A~enda Item #10-C. Develooer Aereement for Shady Oaks School
Director of Public Works, Bob Whitehead, led the discussion regarding the Developer
Agreement for Shady Oaks Elementary School. He stated the agreement contains the standard
language, however there are several noteworthy items that makes this agreement unique,
Page 3. Section E PERIMETER STREET FEES: No Perimeter Street Fee will
be required from the Project because CISD has agreed to be responsible for the
cost of widening Shady Oaks Drive to three lanes the entire frontage of the school
Page 3. Section F, ON-SITE SEWER LIFT STATION: Because there is no
sewer system in place to allow gravity flow service, CISD agrees to construct a
lift station necessary to handle the anticipated flow of the school. The City
agrees to perform murine maintenance on the lift station, but CISD will pay any
cost for components needed for repair.
Page 3. Section C. START OF CONSTRUCTION: The City will not require
CISD to submit payment and performance bonds before construction.
Page 5. Part IV. Section A. OFF-SITE DRAINAGE: CISD is not required to
contribute drainage pro-rata at this time, because of on-site detention provided by
CISD. If in the future the on-site detention facility is removed by CISD, drainage
pro-rata will be required to be paid by CISD. The amount of the pro-rate
contribution will be calculated at that time.
Page 5. Section B., OFF-SITE WATER: The Master Plan requires an 8-inch
water line in Shady Oaks Drive. The fire flow demands for the school facility
require that a 12-inch line be in place. The City agrees to pay for the 8-inch
water line and CISD will pay the difference of $24,950 for the over-sizing cost.
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes
November 1, 1994
page seventeen
Agenda Item #10-C. Continued
Page 5. Section C., PARK FEES: No Park Fees are required for the Project
because the proposed facilities are to be shared jointly between CISD and the
City. The City agrees to contribute $2,500 to the Project to "dress up" the
playground and ballfields.
Page 5. Section E., LANDSCAPING/FENCING: A joint landscaping project
will be undertaken upon the site. A landscaping architect will develop a
landscape plan which will include planting a number of trees and other plants.
CISD agrees to construct a 6-foot high wood screening fence, which will be 200-
feet in length along the north and south property line from Shady Oaks Drive
Eddie Cheatham, Engineer for CISD was present to answer questions from Council.
Motion was made to approve the Developer Agreement for Shady Oaks Elementary as presented.
Motion: Apple
Second: Richarme
Ayes: Apple, Richarme, Evans, Wambsganss, Farrier, Franks, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 7-0 vote
Agenda Item g2-A. Continued
Mayor Fickes announced that Council would be returning to executive session pursuant to
Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, Section 551.074 of the Open Meetings Act with
respect to appointment and evaluation of public officials.
Council adjourned to executive session at 10:35 p.m.
Council returned to open session at 11:05 p.m.
Agenda Item #2-B. Action Necessary/Executive Session
No action was taken as the result of the executive session.
Agenda Item g9-A. Resolution No. 94-47. Annointments to Building Board of Anneal
Mayor Fickes announced that Resolution No. 94-47, appointment to the Building Board of
Appeal will not be acted on tonight, but that it will be on the next City Council agenda for
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes
November 1, 1994
page eighteen
A2enda Item//12. Adiournment
The meeting was adjourned by Mayor Gary Fickes at 11:10 p.m.
City Secretary
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make is oidavit and hereby on oath state the following: I,
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mo The bu iness entity is
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I have a ubstantial interest in this business entity for the
following re ons: (Check all which are applicable)
iii b nership of 10% or more of voting stock or
shes of the business en ' y.
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Owners 'p of 10% or re or $5,000 or more of the
fair mar et value the business entity.
Funds recei e. from the business entity exceed 100
al of gross in••'me for the previous year.
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mar,1et value of a' least $2,500.
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`" business entity or p •.erty that would be affected
f by a decision of the blic body of which I am a
Upoi filing of this affidavit with the Ci Secretary, I affirm
*• that I will abstain from voting on any decision involving this
o business entity and from any further participation on this matter
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