1994-09-20CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 20, 1994 COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Gary Fickes; Mayor Pro Tem Jerry Farrier; Deputy Mayor Pro Tern Son Michael Franks. Members: Michael Richarme, Stephen Apple, Andy Wambsganss, and W. Ralph Evans. STAFF PRESENT: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager; LouAnn Heath, Director of Finance; Greg Last, Director of Community Development; Billy Campbell, Director of Public Safety; Tom Elgin, City Planner; Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator; Ron Harper, City Engineer; E. Allen Taylor Jr., City Attorney; and Sandra L. LeGrand, City Secretary. WORK SESSION: The Work Session began at 6:30 p.m., whereby Councilmembers and City staff reviewed all agenda items for tonight's meeting. The Regular City Council meeting was called to order at 7:00 a.m. by Mayor Gary Fickes. Agenda Item g2-A. Executive Session Mayor Fickes advised the audience that Council would be going into executive session pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, Sections 551.071,551.072, 551.074, 551.076 of the Open Meetings Act to seek the advice of the City Attorney with respect to pending and contemplated litigations, to discuss the purchase, exchange, lease of sale of real property, and to consider the appointment and evaluation of public officials, and regarding the deployment of specific occasions for implementation of security personnel or devises. Council adjourned into executive session at 7:02 p.m. Council returned to open session at 7:16 p.m. No action was taken as the result of the executive session. Agenda Item//2-C Recess Council recessed at this time to re. convene at Johnson Elementary School Auditorium, 1300 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes September 20, 1994 page two Agenda Item/f2-D. Reconvene at Johnson Elementary School Auditorium Mayor Fickes announced the meeting has been moved to the auditorium in order to provide additional public seating to accommodate the anticipated public turnout for agenda items #8-A, #8-B, and #8-C. These items will be taken out of order and considered immediately upon reconvening. Following the City Council's consideration of items #8-A, #8-B, #8-C, the meeting will recess again and reconvene at the City Council Chambers at City Hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue. Mayor Fickes welcomed all who were present in the auditorium and set ground rules for items #8-A, #8-B, #8-C on tonight's meeting agenda. Aeenda Item #4.A. Mayor's Reoort Mayor Fickes announced the kick-off for the "Adventure Alley" playground initiative was held last evening, noting the C.I.S.D. Superintendent, Bill Branum, Coach Bob Ledbetter and he wrote out their checks for their name bars. He challenged all Councilmembers as well as the audience to help support the fund raising of "Adventure Ally". The playground initiative will be a playground that all the citizens can be a part of; it will exceed all of our expectations. Agenda Item #8-A. Ordinance No. 480-139. 1st reading (ZA 94-803 Ordinance No. 480-139, 1st reading (ZA 94-86), Rezoning for an 11.76 acre tract of land situated in the Jesse G. Allen Survey, Abstract No. 18 (formerly Tiffany Acres). Current zoning is "AG" Agricultural, with a requested zoning of "1-2" Heavy Industrial District. Owners/Applicants: V.J. Strand dba V.J. Strand Excavating, Sally and Brad Scribner, Lee Roy Hess and Chris Cagle dba Prestige Gunite, Inc., Robert Van Til, Individually and dba Orlando Concrete, and Thomas Poteet. SPIN Neighborhood #15. Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, commented that thirteen (13) notices were sent to property owners within the 200' notification area and nine written responses have been received from within the 200' notification area, including: E.I. Wiesman, opposed; Barbara Ann Dudley, opposed; Mr. and Mrs. Bob Calhoun, opposed; Olen and Pearl Goldsberry, opposed; William Lippincott, opposed; A.W. and June Haney, opposed, Opal White, opposed, Scott Ducoff, in favor; Morris, Billie, Tim, Pam Kathy, Tracy, and M. Framer, opposed. Nineteen (19) written responses were received from outside the 200' notification area, including: J.L. Clow, opposed; John and Sandra Parry, opposed; Perry and Vera Vargas, opposed; Louise Ard, opposed, Martha Horton, opposed; Alan and'Carolyn Peters, opposed, Paul J. Schaeter, opposed; E. John and Nancy Keller, opposed; Stony and Julie Stubbs, opposed; Nan Medcalf, opposed; Dorothy Sammons, opposed, Brenda Covington, opposed, Mindy Thomas, opposed; Coralee Brannon, opposed, Ed and Melinda Downing, opposed, Steve and Carroll Ovelgonne, opposed; Jimmy and Barbara I-Iornick, opposed; Majorie A. Papillard, opposed; and Barbara I-Iudgens, opposed. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes September 20, 1994 page three Agenda Item #8-A. Continued Staff commented that due to the Planning and Zoning Commissions recommendation to deny, a super-majority vote of the City Council will be required to approve the request. Also, more than 20% of the land area within 200' of the request has expressed opposition. Councilmember Richarme asked the Zoning Administrator to list the uses in the Heavy Industrial zoning category. Mrs. Sally Scribner, an owner, stated she speaks for all other owners of this property. She asked to have this item tabled for 30 days in order to give the owners time to prepare their request. Mrs. Scribner stated if she cannot table this item for 30 days, she will ask for a withdrawal. She indicated there will be changes they could make, including changing their request to commercial. Mayor Fickes questioned if the owners are truly ready to address the concerns of the property owners around them, and of those of Council five to eight years ago, when it was annexed into the City in 1987-88. They will need to address the road and outside storage. This property came into the City as a non-conforming use. Councilmember Andy Wambsganss stated he does not want to come back in two weeks to re-hash this request which is before Council tonight. Ms. Scribner stated in the last couple of days, she has found something that will make this property a much better package. Motion was made to table ZA 94-86, at the request of the applicant, time certain the 2nd meeting in October (October 18th). Motion: Richarme Second: Farrier Ayes: Richarme, Farrier, Franks, Evans, Wambsganss, Apple, Fickes Nays: None Approved: 7-0 vote (to table). Regular City Council Meeting Minutes September 20, 1994 page four Agenda Item #8-C. Resolution No. 94-39 fZA 94-89L Specific Use Permit Resolution No. 94-39, (ZA 94-89), Specific Use Permit for the development of an indoor baseball facility and outdoor fields for instruction and entertainment per Ordinance No. 480, Section 45.1, #11 on Lots 4 and 5 of Greenlee Business Park, Phase I, and Lot 6, Greenlee Business Park, Phase II, and approximately 1.72 acres out of the J.A. Freeman Su~ey, Abstract No. 529, being a portion of Tract 6. A variance to the Masonry Ordinance and Bufferyard requirements will be discussed with this Specific Use Permit request. Current zoning is "I-1" Light Industrial District. Owners: E.L.F.M. Inc, Chris Lamon and the Keller Bank. Applicants: Texas Baseball Center, David L. Thorne and Robert Walton, Agents. The Zoning Administrator, Karen Gandy, noted the variances being requested with this applicant. The applicant requests that the landscape material required on the south border be placed along the South Kimball Avenue frontage and in the northwest comer. They also request the placement of a 6' wood fence along the northwest area designated as the F-2 bufferyard. Contrary to Note #3 on the concept plan, the applicant indicates verbally their intention to meet the F-2 plating requirements with credits being given for the existing trees within the 25' bufferyard shown. According to Ms. Gandy, nine (9) notices were sent to property owners within the 200' notification area, and six written responses have been received: James F. Lunsford, in favor; E-Systems, Inc. Pool Trust, in favor; Arlon Washburn, in favor; Johnny and Edna Beech, in favor; Malacha Lemons, opposed; Southlake Joint Venture, Billie Farrar, opposed. Twenty-two responses were received from property owners outside the 200' notification area as follows; Linda Parker, opposed; Dennis Minder, opposed; Philip Moore, opposed; John Taylor, opposed; Phillip and Jeff Norman, opposed; Johnny and Susan Campbell, opposed; Jerry Adcock, opposed; George and Corrine Turtle, opposed; Nolan and Lynette Clemens, opposed, Michael and Laura Heath, opposed, Dave and Pat Morgan, opposed. One written response was received from outside the 200' notification area with the following three signatures: Larry and Mary Forbus, opposed, C.S. and Marilyn Johnson, opposed, Darrell and Donna Fagile, opposed. A letter was received from property owners outside the 200' notification area with the following eight signatures: Donna Slechta, opposed; V.C. Locke, opposed, Thomas Tierney, opposed; Larry and Diane Faughn, opposed; Donna Halley, opposed; Robert Williams, opposed; Stacie Hamilton, opposed and Susan Logan, opposed. Three signed petitions were received at the August 18, 1994 P & Z meeting. Petition #1, eight signatures, opposed; Petition/f2, eighteen signatures, opposed; and Petition #3, eight signatures, opposed. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes September 20, 1994 page five Aeenda Item #8-C. Continued Kirk Williams, Attorney for the applicant, 5400 Renaissance Tower, Dallas. Mr. Williams stated the property in question is zoned "I-1" Light Industrial District and shows to be industrial on the comprehensive land use plan. They withdrew their request for variance to the masonry ordinance. There is no 3/4 vote requirement now and it has been approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Mr. Williams noted the original plan as compared to the revised plan being represented tonight. He explained they dropped the plan down several hundred feet with MEMO owning the property on the western edge. His clients are currently the owners on the northern 2/3 of the property. He presented a listing of conditions to be approved with the SUP, which are attached to the minutes of this meeting. Mr. Williams counted 219 trees but will enhance the landscaping on the northwest corner of the property with more trees. They will add pine trees for more dense landscaping. There are people from the baseball association present who have stayed with them on this baseball facility. PUBLIC HEARING: Billie Farrar, 600 Park Row, Arlington. Ms. Farrar stated this is the wrong location. She does not oppose the concept, only the location, since the City rezoned 160 acres a short time ago to Single-Family Residential. She asked, does the Council chose to live near this, with the lights, traffic, noise still being a problem. According to Ms. Farrar, now they need the City Council to vote to uphold the community. This is not a commercial park. Gene Schrickel, Civil Engineer, Landscape Architect and Planner, with Schrickel and Rollins, was present to speak in behalf of Billie Farrar. Mr. Schrickel described the homes and type homes in Southlake, adding, if a twelve-acre ballfield center is approved with lights, this will not relieve stress on anyone. He doesn't feel the landscape plan will solve the distraction in the area. Only earth, hills, thick walls will service the problem. A baseball area is not the place to put residential. The lights at Bicentennial park are 50' tall and the ones being proposed are twice that high. Lee Foster, 1713 Rainbow, Southlake. Mr. Foster stated we have been through this before. He commended Kirk Williams, but would like to see the plan approved, adding, he feels the applicant has complied with what the City Council asked them to do. Peter Sporrer, 1214 Woodsey Court, Southlake. Mr. Sporrer (SPIN #7) stated, at first he thought this project would be wild with noise. He stated he feels it is an excellent plan for industrial property, and that he is "taken back" by the beauty of the plan. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes September 20, 1994 page six Agenda Item #8-C. Continued Kenneth Young, 2931 Willow Creek, Grapevine. Mr. Young stated he is on the board of directors of the baseball association. They are planning 20% growth this year in the ass~'lation and they do not have the space. He stated he cannot imagine anyone opposing this use at this location. Johnny Campbell, 218 Westwood, Southlake. Mr. Campbell stated thirty (30) people in Woodland Heights area are opposing this use because of noise and lights. Once approved, the City Council cannot go back on their action. He requested this request be denied. Kirk Williams stated he has respect for Schrickel Rollins. He was surprised that Mr. Schrickel didn't discuss residential next to residential. The lights will be taller, as the City Council asked for taller lights. Mr. Schrickel stated he made a plan in Southlake several years ago, and at that time, there were no parks. That is why his plan was for a park in that area. Bill London, stated he was present at the request of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lemons on East Continental Blvd. He has been involved for sometime as a coach and other involvement. He stat~t "select baseball" is a wonderful thing, but is loud, density, and lots of traffic. This park will be fenced off; it is not a public park. Mr. London stated Mrs. Lemons is very upset that the city rezoned her property to residential and then is considering approving this use next to her. Rob Walton, Dallas, who stated he is a part of the project. He wants to give everyone an idea of what the project is. He gave an outline of himself as a pro-baseball player. He feels kids will benefit from his experience. He feels young people do not get taught the proper way to play ball and protect themselves. Walton noted the lights are 100 yards from any residential property. Fran Childs, Fort Worth, Texas. Ms. Childs stated she appreciates the patience of the City Council, adding, she cannot understand people opposing having a baseball family vs industrial in their area. She stated she is a friend of Billie Farrier, but feels this will be an asset to Southlake. Councilmember Stephen Apple stated, at the last meeting, a discussion was held regarding lighting, and that there would not be lighting in December or January. He proposed no lights during the first half of February as well. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes September 20, 1994 page seven Aeenda Item #8-C. Continued Greg Last, Director of Community Development, commented the landscape plan does not meet the bufferyard requirements. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED. Motion was made to approve Resolution No. 94-39, ZA 94-89, Specific Use Permit, subject to the third Plan Review Summary dated September 16, 1994 with the following: no public address system will be installed; no bleachers or stadium seating will be allowed; no sale or consumption of alcoholic beverages; age limit of nineteen (19) years or younger for the players; no camping. Field lighting will be as follows: following the lighting plan dated July 7, 1994; lights with directional hoods, focusing the lights on the field. No endings will begin after 10:00 p.m.; light to be terminated immediately following that; no lighting during December and January, and no lights Monday through Thursday during the months of September, October, November, and February. During the month of February, the lights will be terminated at 9:00 p.m. Phasing will be, Phase I, southwestern field indoor facility with 60 parking places, Phase II, southeastern field with an additional 40 parking spaces, and Phase III, remaining fields with an additional 20 parking spaces. In addition, there will be masonry on the north and east side and there will be in addition to the bufferyard requirement. There will be a minimum of 4" caliber canopy trees, equal to or less than 30' spacing along the north side and per landscape plan, down the west side. Motion: Apple Second: Richarme Ayes: Apple, Richarme, Farrier, Wambsganss Nays: Evans, Franks, Fickes Approved: 4-3 vote Council adjourned for recess at 8:44 p.m. Council returned to opens session at 9:10 p.m. Agenda Item #8-B. Ordinance No. 480-144. 1st readiw, (ZA 94-88) Ordinance No. 480-144, 1 st reading (ZA 94-88), Rezoning and Development Plan for Coventry, being a 103.76 acre tract of land in the T.M. Hood Survey, Abstract No. 706, being tracts 1, lC, lA, lB, 3A, 3C, llB, and Lots 1 & 2, Bradley Addition. Current zoning is "AG" Agricultural, with a requested zoning of "R-P-U-D" Residential Planned Unit Development. Owners: Helen Taylor and Harry J. Bradley. Applicant: PIMA Properties, Inc. SPIN Neighborhood #11. According to Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, thirty-five notices were sent to property owners within the 200' notification area and the following responses have been received. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes September 20, 1994 page eight Aeenda Item #8-B. Continued Twenty-one written responses within the 200' notification area: Lorn Bolton, opposed; Pete W. and Mary Smith, opposed; Bob L. Ramsey, opposed; J.L. Clew, in favor; Fernando A. and Bertha Casas, opposed; Glen, Alice, and Norman Burgess, opposed; Don J. and Annette Weeks, opposed; K.L. Sumner, opposed; Everett and Mary Allen, opposed; John and Ellen C. McCully, wants low density; Andrea Sanchez, opposed; Rita Ann Salinas, opposed; Jane Grant, opposed, M.M. Hardy, opposed; A.B. Garnetta and Joseph Stanyer, opposed; Larry and Sheila Crow, opposed, Mike and Jelynn Hall, opposed; Ben and Mary Goodman, opposed, Raymond and Karol Welsh, opposed, James and Wanda Glover, opposed, Bob and Ann Hinman, opposed; Joe and Gloria Barlean, opposed; Wanda Buschman, opposed; Patricia Moore, opposed. Sixteen written responses received from outside the 200' notification area: Paul and Lee Fahrenbrook opposed; Robin Jones, opposed; John Janbaz, opposed, Harold Knight, in favor; Mike Robertson, opposed; Joseph Re'ally, opposed; Gary and lulie Stakes, opposed, Donnie Darr, opposed; R.J. Maness, opposed; Richard Crowe, requested information on this item; Margaret Burnette, opposed; Alan Wood, opposed; Janice Coulter, opposed; David Margraf, opposed; Alan and Susan Egerton, opposed; Cindy M. Allen, opposed; Petitions were received on September 6, 1994, with signatures totaling 233 opposed. This total included 31 signatures from property owners which are within the 200' notification area and who have already sent written responses noted above, leaving a total of 202 signatures opposed from outside the 200' notification area. Bill Dahlson, representing PIMA Properties. Mr. Dahlson asked the City Council to consider the good of the site and the good of the community. They are not going to pursue SF-A1 as they did at the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. The P&Z Commission approved the 104 acre development with 127 lots. After discussion with the community, they revised that plan and now are presenting 101 lots on 103 acres. The original numbers include 164 lots. Lot size does not mean a quality development. They are proposing a site plan that will preserve the trees. The proposed development standards meet or exceed almost all of Timber Lakes, Stone Lakes, SouthRidge Lakes, etc. They propose a maximum of 2 1/2 story homes; 30' front yards, 15' side yards with rear yards at 35' to 40' with a depth of 150'. The use of Planned Unit Development enables flexibility in their standards. They are proposing the homeowners association to control open space, and the quality. They are requesting a development that meets the land use plan. Ron Maness, 420 Ravenaux, Southlake. Mr. Maness thanked the City Council for arranging this great facility. Every issue should be attended by this number of people. That means we need a new city hall. This latest plan does not change the opposition mind. They are not opposed to development, they are in favor of quality of growth. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes September 20, 1994 page nine Agenda Item #8-B. Continued Sally Hall, 1609 Mockingbird Lane, Southlake. Mrs. Hall presented a history of the comprehensive plan. Mrs. Hall explained that in 1990 the land in question was changed from medium density to low density because it did not have a use on it. She read from an attorney opinion dated 1992 related to land use, where is states that a comprehensive plan is not etched in stone and it can be changed. Mrs. Hall stated she feels this request is "spot" zoning. To have a changed plan presented at the 9th hour, that has not been reviewed and is not in the spirit. Mrs. Hail recommended the plan being presented tonight should be sent back to the Planning and Zoning Commission, or that Council approve it with changes. Ron Maness referenced the map and noted that the property owners who are opposing this action, will constitute a super majority vote of the City Council. Henry Kerry, Attorney for those opposing this zoning action stated he does not understand what the request is. If you have a good product, you stay with it from the beginning. He stated he feels this plan should not be sent back to the P & Z, but voted down tonight. Mr. Kerry went on to say the plat shows thirteen acres in streets, fourteen acres in the pond and cemetery. The master plan refers to low density. The property owners in the area do not want it. He commented on the five year contract with Trophy Club MUD #1 to provide sewer to this proposed addition. Mr. Kerry stated they are not opposed to development, just make it consistent with the neighborhoods. John Rafa, 1354 Estella Way, Southlake. Mr. Rafa commented on the quality of life. How can the citizens respond to "due process" when there are so many changes? Rafa stated Coventry does not protect the health, safety, welfare of Southlake. He recommends rejecting this plan. Ron Maness commented on drainage and stated he feels the calculations used by the City are incorrect. He stated 40% of the water will be taken up by the pond, and asked what will happen to the remaining 60% of the water. Dr. Allen Self, Fort Worth, Texas. Dr. Self commented regarding harmony, quality and decision. Dr. Self stated he has served as advisor to developers of quaiity additions over and over again, and his proposais have been accepted. He stated he cannot find quality in this development. He feels Southlake should seek harmony in the land use, enforce the master plan, encourage upseale housing, work with the developers, and reject applications that do not qualify. Ed Rankin, 1304 Plantation Drive, Southlake. Mr. Rankin stated when they moved to Southlake they went to City Hall, however was not told that a sewer easement will go across there property. He recommends voting this item down. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes September 20, 1994 page ten Agenda Item #8-B. Continued Mark Miller, 1328 Woodbrook Lane, Cross Timber Hills, Southlake. Mr. Miller stated there are in costs to bring sewer to their addition. Mr. Miller referenced the school system, and that "fewer is better", regarding numbers of students and costs to property owners. A bigger lot and more expensive home will help with school and city taxes. He asked, please vote this item down. Virginia Clow, 820 Shady Oaks Drive, Southlake. Mrs. Clow stated when this all started, they objected to 1/2 acre lots, however, quality can be on 1/2 acre lots. The presentations tonight are much better than the "mobs" at the last meetings on this issue. Sharon Hobbs, 157 Sweet Street, Southlake. Ms. Hobbs stated she does not have anything against 1/2 acre lots but she sells more one-acre lots than smaller ones. We need to keep the quality of Southlake, and it starts right here. There is a demand for one acre lots in Southlake. Donnie Dart, 1241 Post Oak Trail, Southlake. Mr. Dan' stated he moved to Southlake in 1980 as an investment, but has enjoyed the quality of life. Mr. Darr had questions regarding the impact fee committee for wastewater and surface water. PIMA agreed to provide $400,000 toward a sewer system. If there are 100 units in Coventry, where will the other 100 connections come from.9 Curtis Hawk, City Manager, addressed the questions of Mr. Dart regarding the Impact Fee Committee and the Capital Advisory Committee. Kelsie Nance, 1349 Cross Timber Drive, Southlake. Mr. Nance did not comment. Dennis McGrath, 2403 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake. Mr. McGrath commented regarding staff personnel voicing opinions in the newspapers, stating he feels they should remain neutral on issues. He feels the Planned Unit Development (PUD) is being used too often. Mr. McGmth criticized Councilmember Franks for being abusive during the September 6th Council meeting. McGrath asked the City Manager to name members on the Capital Advisory Committee and the Impact Fee Committee. Curtis Hawk stated State law requires that 3/5 of the membership in the committees must come from the development community. Domenic Carlucci, 2000 Peytonville Avenue, Southlake. Mr. Carlucci referenced drainage problems on his property, whereby the City stated nothing could be done regarding his problems. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes September 20, 1994 page eleven Aeenda Item #8-B. Continued Don Weeks, 1325 North Peytonville Avenue, Southlake. Mr. Weeks did not speak. David Bartholomew, 304 Waterford Court, Southlake. plan on Coventry should not have gotten this far. Councilmember Franks owes Mr. Maness an apology. Mr. Bartholomew stated he feels this Mr. Bartholomew stated he feels Mayor Fickes replied to Mr. Bartholomew that the City must go through the process, heating every applicant. Councilmember Franks stated he was not attacking Mr. Maness, he was representing a certain group of citizens who were in evidence and Mr. Maness said he was their representative speaking for them. Mr. Franks said the property owners had already gone, all he was saying was that if Maness was representing them, that he would like for Mr. Maness to speak to the group about civility and order in a public meeting. Councilmember Franks addressed Mr. McGrath's comments stating he is not going to apologize because any time dufing an invocation, people are yelling threats, he believes is not fight. Paul Fahrenbrook, 1865 North Peytonville Avenue, Southake. Passed. Betty Spfinger, 1024 Mission, Southlake. Mrs. Spfinger stated she is a ten year involved resident in Southlake. She asked Council to be fair in there consideration of this item. She feels compelled to speak in defense of this proposal tonight. She is perplexed by the hard core unrelenting opposition to this development which has the potential to be an enhancement to our community if everyone will work together. Mrs. Spfinger names all other developments in Southlake which are less than one acre, and are certainly not turning Southlake into a slum area. The owners of this land have fights to develope and sell this land. If we don't want it developed, we need to pull out the check books and purchase it. The bottom line is, this plan shows 101 houses on 101 lots on 103 acres, with an overall density factor of 1 dwelling unit per acre with on site sewer system. She asked Council to please look fairly at this request and be thorough in reviewing drainage, sewer, traffic, and any other mitigating circumstances and please be fair. Bill Dahlson, Attorney for the applicant, stated this property can be developed in an orderly manner. This plan is consistent with the land use plan and the standards exceed other PUD standards in the City. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes September 20, 1994 page twelve Aeenda Item #8-B. Continued David McMahan, developer, spoke for the quality of Coventry Addition. He stated he finds it interesting that people talk about quality. Mr. McMahan stated he developed Cross Timber Hills a few years ago. He stated Conventry will have twenty-two (22) lots of one-acre or greater. The minimum house size will be 2,700 square feet according to deed restrictions, however, he feels the house size will be 3,400 square feet, at a cost of from $275,000 to $350,000. Beverly Bradley, 1645 North Peytonville Avenue, Southlake. Mrs. Bradley stated she is the property owner and noted that Mr. Maness states if they would have had this plan first, they would not be here tonight. What is the problem? She and her family have lived in Southlake for thirty-five years, and not once have they ever raised their voices when development came in. Her philosophy of life is "live and let live". Mrs. Bradley commented on why they are leaving Southlake, stating they did not take this decision lightly. She asked Council to not make the decision lightly. Mrs. Bradley noted that on petitions opposing this development there were 119 names out of the 10,400 residents who live in Southlake. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED. City Attorney E. Allen Taylor Jr. stated he has been asked to review whether or not the current proposal is in conformance with the city's master plan. As previously pointed out and he has advised several Councilmembers, sometimes there is confusion between the 1988 plan and the 1992 plan. The 1988 plan provided that low density residential would have lots that were at least one acre in size, the 1992 amendment provided that in the overall development, the net density would result in lots of, in an average density of one living unit or less per acre. The problem is, it did not define what constituted the deductions from net. When you are making a decision on land use planning and you are using it to make zoning decisions which give or remove development fights, you have to be exact on how you reach determination on calculations. We have a plan document in 1992, that says, over the development, we must have one dwelling unit or less per acre as a net development density, but we never defined what constitutes net and we never specified deductions, therefore, it has to be interpreted as the net impact of the overall development will be one dwelling unit or less per acre. Obviously, we are in the same situation of Councilmembers, but presuming the exterior boundaries identify 103 acre tract and the proposal is 101 dwelling units, than this conforms to the comprehensive plan of the City as low density residential, and as such is consistent with the plan and Regular City Council Meeting Minutes September 20, 1994 page thirteen Agenda Item #8-B. Continued cannot constitute spot zoning under Texas law. Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 480-144, 1st reading, and the development plan for Coventry with 10! units on 103 acres, subject to the #3 Plan Review Summary dated September 16, 1994, with the pertinent drainage and water issues to be resolved prior to second reading. Motion: Farrier Second: Franks Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance. Ayes: Farrier, Franks, Wambsganss, Apple, Evans, Fickes Nays: Richarme Approved: 6-1 vote Council adjourned for recess at 11:40 p.m. Council reconvened into open session at City Hall A~,enda Item #3. A~oroval of the Minutes of the Seotember 6. 1994 Meeting, The Minutes of the Regular City Council meeting held on September 6, 1994, were approved as presented. Motion: Richarme Second: Evans Ayes: Apple, Evans, Farrier, Richarme, Fickes Nays: None Approved: 5-0 vote Agenda Item//5. Consent Agenda The consent agenda consisted of the following item: 5-A, Amendment to the White Chapel Place Addition, Developer Agreement. Motion was made to approve the consent agenda, item #5-A. Motion: Farrier Second: Apple Ayes: Farrier, Apple, Evans, Wambsganss, Richarme, Franks, Fickes Nays: None Approved: 7-0 vote Regular City Council Meeting Minutes September 20, 1994 page fourteen Aeenda Item//5. Continue ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON CONSENT ITEM The revised Developer Agreement for White Chapel Place Addition includes the installation of a sanitary sewer system in lieu of individual lot septic disposal system. With the cooperation of the developer and for the mutual benefit to residents of the neighborhood and the development's future residents, the developer will install a sanitary sewer to an existing sewer located approximately 500 feet west of White Chapel Place Addition. The Council agrees to credit up to $4,000 in Inspection and Administrative Processing fees as the City's share of the off-site sewer main. Agenda Item//6. Public Forum No comments were received during the public forum. A~,enda Item//7-A, Ordinance No. 623.2nd readiw, Tax Levv Ordinance. Ordinance No. 623, 2nd reading was considered. According to Curtis Hawk, City Manager, the ordinance will set the tax rate at $0.449 per $100 of valuation, a decrease of $0.006 from the $0.455 tax rate for FY 93-94 budget year. Councilmember Richarme commented regarding his comments during the last Council meeting, in that he proposed lowering the tax rate further, that after meeting with the Director of Finance and City Manager, his questions were answered. The First Public Hearing resulted with no comments from the audience. Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 623, 2nd reading, with a tax rate of $.449 per $100 of valuation. Motion: Wambsganss Second: Apple Mayor Fickes read the caption of the Ordinance. Ayes: Wambsganss, Apple, Evans, Franks, Farrier, Fickes Nays: Richarme Approved: 6-1 vote Regular City Council Meeting Minutes September 20, 1994 page fifteen Aeenda Item #7-C. Ordinance No. 624. 2nd readim, FY 1994-95 Annual Budget Ordinance No. 624, 2nd reading, setting the Fiscal Year 1994-95 Annual Budget was explained by LouAnn Heath, Director of Finance. A copy of the memorandum presented is hereby attached to the minutes of the meeting. The public hearing resulted with no comments from the audience. Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 624, 2nd reading, FY 1994-95 Annual Budget. Motion: Franks Second: Farrier Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance. Ayes: Franks, Farrier, Evans, Wambsganss, Apple, Richarme, Fickes Nays: None Approved: 7-0 vote A~enda Item #'/-D. Ordinance No. 480-142.2nd reading, (ZA 94-82L Ordinance No. 480-142, 2nd reading (ZA 94-82), Rezoning of a 3.122 acre tract of land situated in the Thomas Easter Survey, Abstract No. 474, being a portion of Tract lie and being the proposed Lot 1, E.C. White Addition. Current zoning is "AG" Agricultural, with a requested zoning of "SF-i" Single-Family Residential District. Owner/Applicant: E.C. White SPIN Neighborhood #7. Public Hearing. The Zoning Administrator, Karen Gandy, commented that twelve (12) notices were sent to property owners within the 200' notification area and two written responses have been received, from the following: Peter Sporrer, in favor; and, Kelcie Nance, opposed. Karen Gandy stated it is her understanding that the City and the Airport are continuing to work on an avigation easement that will be agreeable to both the City and the Airport. City Attorney, E. Allen Taylor Jr., commented that the minutes must reflect that a precondition to approval will be the execution by the property owner of an avigation easement, with language acceptable to both the City and DFW Airport. By placing this statement in the minutes, at some point and time if a problem or question arises, the intent will be clear in the minutes of this meeting. The public hearing resulted with no comments from the audience. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes September 20, 1994 page sixteen Agenda Item FT-D. Continued Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 480-142, 2nd reading as presented. Motion: Apple Second: Evans Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance Ayes: Apple, Evans, Farrier, Franks, Richarme, Wambsganss, Fickes Nays: None Approved: 7-0 vote Agenda Item #8-D. Ordinance No. 480-133. 1st readin~ (ZA 94-96) Ordinance No. 480-133, 1st reading (ZA 94-96), Rezoning request for 0.862 acres situated in the A.A. Freeman Survey, Abstract No. 522, being Tract 2A01B. Current zoning is "AG" Agricultural, with a requested zoning of "SF-30" Single-Family Residential District. Owner/Applicant: Jode Ann Wilson SPIN Neighborhood #13. The Zoning Administrator, Karen Gandy, noted that twelve (12) notices were sent to property owners within the 200' notification area and one written response was received from Elliott Vaughn, in favor. This tract and Tracts 2Al and 2A1A on either side of it were annexed into the City on December 21, 1988, in the existing configuration. The surrounding tracts have residential structures and the applicant plans to build one single-family dwelling on the subject tract. On September 15, 1994, the applicant requested to table a variance to allow a septic system and subsurface drainage field to the next Board of Adjustments meeting on September 29, 1994. During this two-week period, the City Engineer and others will be reviewing the feasibility of this property being served by sanitary sewer located at the end of Donley Court in SouthRidge Lakes Addition. Jode Ann Wilson, owner, stated she asked the City if she could tie onto SouthRidge Lakes sewer and she was told by Mr. Whitehead to call John Levitt, and he stated due to the gravity flow, it would not be possible. The property owners adjoining her in SouthRidge Lakes do not seem to want her to build her house. They feel they should be able to approve her building plans prior to her getting a building permit. Ron Harper, City Engineer, stated there is a utility easement from Donley Court to the property in question. Councilmember Farrier commented this property is in the wrong basin, that she should go to the north with sewer request. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes September 20, 1994 page seventeen Agenda item #8-D. Continued Tom Chapman, 402 Valverde Court, Southlake. Mr. Chapman stated he and others in SouthRidge Lakes has sent opposition to the Zoning Board of Adjustments, so that Ms. Wilson could obtain agreeable septic system. Mr. Chapman stated he wonders if this property is appropriate for SF-30 zoning, if so, this district requires sewer system. Mr. Chapman stated he feels they should be kept apprised of what Mrs. Wilson is doing as it will affect their property. He requests that the item be denied to give Ms. Wilson enough time to replat so that she will have enough land for septic system. Mayor Fickes stated he does not have a problem with zoning but does not want to see a septic system. Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 480-133, 1st reading. Motion: Farrier Second: Apple Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance. Ayes: Farrier, Apple, Franks, Richarme, Wambsganss, Evans, Fickes Nays: None Approved: 7-0 vote Agenda Item #8-E. Ordinance NO, 480-148, 1st readino (ZA 94-102l Ordinance No. 480-148, 1st reading (ZA 94-102), Rezoning request for Lots 1 and 2, J. Childress No. 253 Addition, being 6.002 acres situated in the John Childress Survey, Abstract No. 253, Tract 1H. Current zoning is "AG" Agricultural, with a requested zoning of "SF-1A" Single-Family Residential District. Owner/Applicant: John R. Smart. SPIN Neighborhood #13. The Zoning Administrator, Karen Gandy, reported that ten (10) notices were sent to property owners within the 200' notification area, and two written responses have been received within the 200' are: Lloyd Latta, in favor; and John S. Sanders, in favor. Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 480-148, 1st reading, as presented. Motion: Farrier Second: Richarme Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance. Ayes: Farrier, Richarme, Franks, Evans, Apple, Wambsganss, Fickes Nays: None Approved: 7-0 vote Regular City Council Meeting Minutes September 20, 1994 page eighteen Agenda Item #8-F. ZA 94-103. Plat Showine of Lots 1 & 2. J. Childress No. 253 Addition. ZA 94-103, Plat Showing of Lots 1 and 2, J. Childress No. 253 Addition, being a 6.002 acre tract of land situated in the John Childress Survey, Abstract No. 253, Tract IH. Current zoning is "AG" Agricultural, with a requested zoning of "SF-1A" Single-Family Residential District. Owner/Applicant: John R. Smart. SPIN Neighborhood #13. Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, commented that ten (10) notices were sent to property owners within the 200' notification area and three written responses have been received, from the following: Lloyd O. Latta Jr., in favor; John S. Sanders, in favor; and Maxine V. Beam, in favor. Motion was made to approve ZA 94-103, Plat Showing, subject to the third Plat Review Summary dated September 16, 1994. Motion: Wambsganss Second: Richarme Ayes: Wambsganss, Richarme, Farrier, Franks, Evans, Apple, Fickes Nays: None Approved: 7-0 vote Aeenda item #8-G. Ordinance NO, 480-150. 1st reading IZA 94-108) Ordinance No. 480-150, 1st reading (ZA 94-108), Rezoning request for 20.0 acres situated in the Heirs of Christopher Dart Survey, Abstract No. 2003, Tract 1, and the William H. Main Survey, Abstract No. 1068, Tract 3. Current zoning is "AG" Agricultural with a requested zoning of "SF-1A" Single-Family Residential District. Owner: Ann Tamsin Boardman. Applicant: Regents Park Joint Venture. SPIN Neighborhood #12. City Manager, Curtis Hawk, stated staff has received a request from the applicant to table this zoning request at City Council until October 18, at which time the preliminary plat will catch up and be on the same agenda. Motion was made to table Ordinance No. 480.150, 1st reading, time certain October 18, 1994. Motion: Richarme Second: Wambsganss Ayes: Farrier, Apple, Evans, Wambsganss, Franks, Richarme, Fickes Nays: None Approved: 7-0 vote (to table) Regular City Council Meeting Minutes September 20, 1994 page nineteen A~enda Item #8-H. Resolution No. 94-44. (ZA 94-110L SUP. Pina Oil Comoanv Resolution No. 94-44, (ZA 94-110), Specific Use Permit for petroleum operations per Ordinance No. 480, Section 45.1 No. 26, to allow the addition of an additive tank for fuel storage on Lot 1, Block 1, Fina Addition, being 14.356 acres situated in the C.B. McDonald Survey, Abstract No. 1013. Current zoning is 1-2" Heavy Industrial District. Owner/Applicant: Fina Oil and Chemical Company and Citgo Petroleum Corporation. SPIN Neighborhood #7. This item has been withdrawn at the request of the applicant. Motion was made to accept the withdrawal of Resolution No. 94-44. Motion: Farrier Second: Apple Ayes: Farrier, Apple, Franks, Wambsganss, Richarme, Evans, Fickes Nays: None Approved: 7-0 vote (to accept withdrawal) Agenda Item #8-I. ZA 94-111. Plat Revision of Lots 12R3-A and 12R3-B. Block 4. South Lake park Addition. ZA 94-111, Plat Revision of Lots 12R-3-A and 12R-3-B, Block 4, South Lake Park Addition, being a 2.35 acre tract of land situated in the Reis D. Price Survey, Abstract NO. 1207, and being a revision of Lots 12R-3, Block 4, South park Addition. Current zoning is "SF-1A' Single-Family Residential District. Owners/Applicants: Richard and Yolanda McPherson. SPIN Neighborhood #3. Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, noted that six (6) notices were sent to property owners within the 200' notification area and three written responses have been received: Jo Ann Fryer Scamardo, not opposed; Scott Erikson, opposed; Sue Wong, opposed. Richard and Yolanda McPherson, owners, were present for the meeting. Mr. McPherson stated Tarrant County is now approving septic systems, even though the property does not percolate, in the way of mini-treatment plants. Motion was made to go into executive session at this time. Motion: Apple Second: Richarme Ayes: Apple, Richarme, Evans, Franks, Farrier, Wambsganss, Fickes Nays: None Approved: 7-0 vote Regular City Council Meeting Minutes September 20, 1994 page twenty A~enda item #2-A. Continued Executive Session Mayor Fickes announced that Council would be returning to executive session at this time, pursuant to the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, Sections 551.071,551.072, 551.074, 551.076. Council adjourned into executive session at 12:50 a.m. Council returned to open session at 1:12 a.m. Agenda Item #8-I. Continued Motion was made to approve ZA 94.111, subject to the Plan Review Summary dated September 16, 1994, with the deletion of gl, requirement for right-of-way. Motion: Richarme Second: Wambsganss Ayes: Richarme, Wambsganss, Evans, Apple, Franks, Farrier, Fickes Nays: None Approved: 7-0 vote Aeenda Item gg-A. Resolution No. 94-45. Aonointment to Board of Adiustments. Resolution No. 94.45 was approved, naming Loyal Eubanks, as a member of the Board of Adjustments. Motion: Evans Second: Apple Ayes: Evans, Apple, Wambsganss, Franks, Farrier, Richarme, Fickes Nays: None Approved: 7-0 vote Agenda Items g9-B. gl0-A, gl0-E. #10-F. gll-A. Were tabled due to the late hour. The following items were tabled from tonight's meeting agenda, due to the late hour, including: gl0-A. gl0-E. gl0-F. Resolution No. 94-46, Changing fee schedule Variance to the Sign Ordinance as requested by Blockbuster Video. Appointing Charter Review Committee Members. Appointment to CGS Teen Court Advisory Board. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes September 20, 1994 page twenty-one #11-A. Appointment to Building Board of Appeals. Motion was made to table the items noted above, due to the late hour. Motion: Farrier Second: Apple Ayes: Farrier, Apple, Evans, Wambsganss, Franks, Richarme, Fickes Nays: None Approved: 7-0 vote Aeenda Item #10-B. Award of Bid for Sanitary Sewer System Imorovements for N-4 Wal- Mart Gravity Sour Force Main and Lift Station. Mayor Fickes stated that the second low bidder for the Sanitary Sewer Improvements for N-4 Wal-Mart Gravity Spur Force Main and Lift Station is H & W Utility Contractors, with a bid cost of $549,701.65. Motion was made to award the bid to H & W Utility Contractors, waiving the bid bond of Southern Mechanical due to an honest mistake in the bid. Motion: Franks Second: Evans Ayes: Franks, Evans, Apple, Wambsganss, Richarme, Farrier, Fickes Nays: None Approved: 7-0 vote A~enda Item #10-C. Bank Deoositorv Aereement Mayor Gary Fickes stepped down for this item. LouAnn Heath, Director of Finance, stated the City entered into a bank depository agreement in October 1992 with Texas National Bank, in Southlake. The agreement was for a two year period ending September 30, 1994, with the option for an additional two-year term upon mutual consent of the City and Depository. The City Attorneys reviewed the existing agreement and recommended certain changes. These changes ensure compliance with the Financial Institutions Reform and Recovery and Enforcement Act regarding the protection of collateral pledged to secure city funds in excess of the FDIC insured amount. Texas National Bank officials have reviewed this agreement and are scheduled to approve it at their September 20 Board meeting. This agreement will begin October 1, 1994, and end on September 30, 1996. Mrs. Heath commented the bank has provided excellent services to the City during the past two years and staff recommends the approval of this depository agreement. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes September 20, 1994 page twenty-two Aeenda Item #10-C. Continued Councilmember Wambsganss stated he has no problem with this agreement, however, he feels that at the end of the next two years, we should open this up for bids as there are other banks in Southlake that should be considered. He stated he has no problem with this renewal agreement at this time. Motion was made to approve Texas National Bank and the Bank Depository Agreement as presented. Motion: Wambsganss Second: Evans Ayes: Wambsganss, Evans, Apple, Franks, Farrier Nays: None Approved: 5-0-2 Councilmember Richarme was out of the room and did not vote. Mayor Fickes returned to the Council table. Aeenda Item #10-D. Emnlovee Grouu Health Insurance The City Manager commented regarding the employee Group Health Insurance, that staff concurs with the recommendation of our independent consultant, RWL Group, that Mutual of Omaha be selected for our group coverage. The consultants were present at the work session tonight to briefly summarize the recommendation. Mayor Fickes and Councilmember Evans participated in the review. According to LouAnn Heath, the Mutual of Omaha plan allows employees to select the PPO or HMO plan, therefore, the savings would probably be somewhere between the listed annual savings of $47,651 and $90,134 for each plan (or about $70,000). The Mutual plan contains the Baylor Hospital and Harris Hospital systems, and an extensive network of physicians. The HMO monthly dependent rates are $45.68 less than the current rates and the PPO dependent rate is $16.67 less. The HMO plan includes a 10% rate cap for the subsequent year and 15% rate cap on the PPO plan. All of the plans will save the City money. Given all the factors involved in the analysis, staff recommends the Mutual of Omaha Plan. Councilmember Evans stated the Mayor and he met with staff and the consultants, and Mutual of Omaha is a good stout company. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes September 20, 1994 page twenty-three Agenda Item #10-D. Continued Motion was made to approve the change to Mutual of Omaha for group insurance for the employees, to begin October 1, 1994. Motion: Evans Second: Apple Ayes: Evans, Apple, Wambsganss, Franks, Farrier, Richarme, Fickes Nays: None Approved: 7-0 vote Aeenda Item//12. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned by Mayor Gary Fickes at 1:20 a.m. 'Qvlayor (~try Fi~s - Sandra L. LeGrand City Secretary • City of South lake, Texas CITY COUNCIL MEETING y SIGN UP IF YOU WISH TO SPEAK DURING THE MEETING f DATE: / -9) NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE AGENDA ITEM J,,,, �jo rs 2607 %,j, LAIR -431 -r 004 8 4 Vfriel n M-ek9 e t5)6? A'aCC 3/ - 2 793 3 / q —.1 , K. #05 i , ( ,-'< 5'7/ ii ?,i ' ' /3 4:7 ----- r'4, . 4 ... 4 P I ki ( ,cif ,zi --6--- �r Y! l` Iue c l 2060 Po - A g 66 ..._6,—. Dbo t/dcw-s 133t W PC r-./) ---c--- ., i , N t A. C7,14 14l14 , -- E A 1 e- I i . 3 -- 6----_ — . 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IP T' ,i3 0 , 1 D->n 1(iNt yal) rof sM .cA-M1)2A (0 5 cO b/2_ 6_ 'ih u- --- * --- _ r k 0 City of Southlake, Texas CITY COUNCIL MEETING SIGN UP IF YOU WISH TO SPEAK DURING THE MEETING DATE: NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE AGENDA ITEM At 33z -94-1D `%'/ .49-e-<44, f 1 _ - -- gc ,i,4( t t I e c 6 ' C 4 L L ( ( " / ` A ' - % " ?,C ,A - c_ A /214 W of 5-e/ c G -?,/2 2\--Y THE STATE OF TEXAS * COUNTY OF IA ' li I, ( - -0 "as a member of the Au A make is of id vit and hereby on oath state th:a following: I, and /or a person or persons related to me, have a substantial interest in a business entity that would be peculiarly affected by a vote or decision of the as those terms are defined in Chapter 171, Texas Local Government Code. + P � F2AA The business entity i � (name and address) I have a substantial interest in this business entity for the following reasons: (Check all which are applicable) Ownership of 10% or more of the voting stock or shares of the business entity. Ownership of 10% or more or $5,000 or more of the fair market value of the business entity. Funds received from the business entity exceed 10% of gross income for the previous year. Real property is involved and have an equitable or legal ownership with a fair market value of at least $2,500. A relative of mine has a substantial interest in the business entity or property that would be affected by a decision of the public body of which I am a member. Upon filing of this affidavit with the City Secretary, I affirm that I will abstain from voting on any decision involving this business entity and from any further participation on this matter whatsoever. 9 A N Signed this day of ; 19 sign e o :.rficia/ Title ?k// BEFORE ME( the pn4e4igned authority, this day personally appeared 0 /1 .(J and on oath stated that the facts herein..ove stated are true -Co the best of t / knowledge or belief. / Sworn o and subscribed to b f ore me on this Az) day of Ait_E-741)-& , 194' . � t,�` v' SANDRA L LEWIN0 _I NOTARY PUBLIC / ✓�A /1L �2„ a " State of Texas otary Public in and for 41 1,0 0. Comm Exp. 02.04'97 the State of Texas My Commission Expires: 6m rAk+Gam='U41164) , Iti-16 -11 Type /Print Notary's Name TEXAS BASEBALL CENTER Specific Use Permit (it A-94-89) South Kimball Avenue CONDITIONS No public address system No bleachers or stadium seating No sale or consumption of alcoholic beverages No camping Enhanced landscaping at northwest corner Field lighting: Lighting Plan, dated July 7, 1994 by Ed's Lighting Service Lights with directional hoods focusing light on fields No inning after 10:00 p.m. No lights during December and January No lights Monday - Thursday during September, October and November Phasing - Phase I: Southwestern field, indoor facility and 60 parking spaces Phase II: Southeastern field and additional 40 parking spaces Phase III: Remaining field and additional 20 parking spaces vfrt DA942630293 092094p1g1 178D. T3222- 75000 -TEXA City of Southlake, Texas • MEMORANDUM September 16, 1994 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Lou Ann Heath, Director of Finance SUBJECT: Ordinance 624 FY1994 - 95 Budget During the budget work sessions with Council on August 17 and 18, the City Council reviewed the City Manager's proposed FY1994 -95 Budget. There are two components to the Budget, the Operating Budget and the Capital Projects Budget. In past years, the Council has adopted an Operating Budget. Adjustments to the proposed General Fund budget include an additional allocation to GRACE in the City Secretary/Mayor /Council Division, adding $2,500 for a total of $7,500. A reduction in the travel and tuition line items within the Division offset the addition. A major program discussed with the Council is the Neighborhood Sewer program. The proposed budget included $750,000 as a capital outlay line item in the Utility Fund's Sewer Division to initiate this program. At the work sessions, the Council directed Staff to explore an expanded multiple year approach, prioritizing neighborhoods based on needs. Public Works Director Bob Whitehead developed a three year $4,370,500 proposal, with five neighborhoods listed in the first year at an estimated cost of $1,158,000. The Capital Projects Fund Summary proposes that $1.3 million certificates of obligation be sold to fund the first year of the assessment program. The All Funds Summary retains the $750,000 as a transfer from the Utility Fund to the Waterworks Improvement Fund. These funds can be used for other water and wastewater projects not eligible for funding through impact fees. At the August 16 Council meeting the Corridor Study contract was amended and increased by $15,000. These funds were not reflected in the FY1994 -95 budget within Community Development. It is proposed that the funding included within Community Development for the Trails System Master Plan ($20,000) be instead allocated for this Corridor Study contract. The Trails System Master Plan is proposed to be funded through the Park Dedication Fee Fund. Operating Budget. The All Funds Summary reflects revenues of $14,485,420. Total Expenditures are proposed at $14,477,603. This is an increase of $271,310 over the budget presented at the work sessions. This increase is comprised of the $20,000 added to expenditures in the Park Dedication Fee Fund for the Trails System Master Plan. The balance of $251,310 is the operating transfer from the SPDC Operating Fund to the SPDC Debt Service Fund. This amount had been included in the SPDC Operating Fund summary, but was not reflected in the All Funds Summary. 76--/ Curtis E. Hawk FY 1994 -95 Budget September 16, 1994 Page 2 Capital Projects Budget_ This budget is a compilation of projects funded through bond sales, impact fees, the 1/2 cent sales tax, perimeter road fees, operating fund transfers and other sources. It lists all major capital improvement projects by fund, grouped according to improvement type. There are water and wastewater projects, streets /drainage and parks projects. The budget proposes $8,343,689 in revenues and other sources of funds. Total Expenditures proposed are $11,629,951. An Infrastructure Reserve Fund is established through the transfer of $820,026 from the General Fund operating budget for street and drainage improvements. The Capital Projects budget also includes the Assessment Program. At the Council meeting September 6, the Council approved 6 -0 the FY1994 -95 budget and amended FY1993 -94 budget on first reading of Ordinance 624. The September 20 meeting will be the final reading and public hearing on the budget. LAH 1 . • r •,- . - ,......................................................................___......................._ ______ 2 a '$ V U�] 7 g t x u) `' 0 3 N rn g�• . 0) O 1111 co Le <4 V .5 TS 41 0 o a ca E. \ H W u x) 0 �I w I VI f e b \ z - ta - � gib �. 2. H \ ` i fl L � ci) ta • �o \ 2 2 iizi.: , O A L ...., Ci al - 3 Itt 44 <0 i i c 0 fii El 0 (0) tie * ,- E -4.+ o z ��~ [ Ir'i +2, 04 CD 2 I R al i m 0 • es iii i ; 4S a 1 - 2 CCS C 4-) A 0 b -0 •� '5 Ali 0 - u ., v, i • O a -0 i ,4 E ....., 3 � a 1 z - !w cc 0 0 • I' '• V cd g os H 03 412 44 to 7: ti 0 1 1 • y� . \\ 11 •s Q .@ O O `' N Q r-1 z �+ [ C7 U i y -� g , � cd p N -I to H �v-, r . i-i 1 Irk 03 FC/ i " b ) 4) � i w �� dl - 11A; cis us g .4"-) CD a 2 , ... , . a ,_, .., - 0 ,z - , g ;_, p e Ts -014 cd I . 5 . E E g § r $ . o - y .5 z ° tz '3 7k i c4-1 "il m >, o L AO ci ft ....4 E 1 P e ›, L O U co C U a lam# 0 C a!-n , +2, E 4.4 �' ... SOW i 1 i W `° iii g _ i o m ' E CI CI) cd g E b 2 cd E J a • .n O u 0 N co a C 3 co • a 1 / 1 p s A Z 1— � . I z o • • 0) C . b E City of Southlake, Texas CITY OF SOUTHLAKE TEXAS OATH OF OFFICE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT /DENTON CITY OF SOUTHLAKE gi 6 "I, LLOYD O. LATTA JR., do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the duties of a ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS MEMBER, of the City of Southlake, State of Texas, and will to the best of my ability preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution '"'"` and Laws of the United States of America and of this State and the Charter and Ordinances of the City. I furthermore solemnly swear (or affirm) that I have not directly nor indirectly paid, offered, or promised to pay, contributed, nor promised to contribute any money or valuable thing, or promised any public office or employment, as a reward to secure m appointment or the confirmation thereof. So help me God." 2 LL D A JR. G _ [1: SW 0 SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME, THIS THE DAY • ,(, , 1994. / GARY '- CR MAYOR OF SOUTHLAKE ATTEST: A , Hlq, 1/4 14.4.. I o ',� 8, IRA L. L D ■ s CITY SECRETARY / \ y * ** • 0 r The Company You Keep® New York Life Insurance Company k* 4k, 2350 Airport Freeway, Suite 640 Bedford, TX 76022 SEPTEMBER 30, 1994 RECEIVED Bus. 817 540 -5442 Res. 817 329 -9085 Fax 817 545 -1228 SEP 3 0 1994 Larry Goldstein Agent TO: MR. STEVE APPLE CITY SEC FROM: LARRY GOLDSTEIN SUBJECT: SPDC I KNOW THAT YOU ARE AWARE OF HOW EXCITED I WAS TO SERVE ON THE SPDC, AS THIS PROGRAM WAS THE CULMINATION OF OVER TWELVE YEARS OF MY PERSONAL INVOLVMENT IN WORKING TOWARDS THE EXPANSION OF SOUTHLAKE'S PARKS AND RECREATION FACILITIES. THE PLANS THAT HAVE BEEN FORMULATED ALONG WITH THE CONTINUED INCREASE IN SALES TAX REVENUES ARE GOING TO MAKE OUR CITY ALL THE MORE ATTRACTIVE FOR CURRENT AND FUTURE RESIDENTS. ON SEPTEMBER 1ST I WAS ASKED TO SET ASIDE SEPTEMBER 14TH FOR A SPDC MEETING, AND CONFIRMED THAT DATE. ON SEPTEMBER 17TH I GOT A PACKAGE IN THE MAIL INDICATING THAT THIS MEETING WAS ON SEPTEMBER 22 INSTEAD. I HAD TO MISS THIS AS I HAD ALREADY MADE PLANS TO BE OUT OF TOWN ON BUSINESS THE 22ND. YESTERDAY, THE 29TH I RECEIVED MAIL REGARDING OUR NEXT MEETING ON OCTOBER 3RD, AT 6:OOPM. ON THE 28Th I HAD ALREADY CONFIRMED A BUSINESS APPOINTMENT ill FOR THE 3RD OF OCTOBER AT 7:OOPM. STEVE, PLEASE ACCEPT THIS LETTER AS MY RESIGNATION FROM THE SPDC. I JUST CAN'T PROPERLY SERVE ON THIS BOARD WITH THE LACK OF TIME TO SCHEDULE THE MEETINGS. I KNOW THAT YOU CAN FIND A QUALIFIED CITIZEN TO FILL MY SEAT. IF I CAN BE OF SERVICE IN ANY OTHER MANNER, PLEASE DO NOT HESITATE TO CALL UPON ME. r ......_ L--,.._ - 40) `'► j;I LARRY GOLDS 1 CC: GARY FICKES CURTIS HAWK i NVLIFE for Financial Products & Services Registered Representative for + NYLIFE Securities Inc. Y 1320 S. University Dr., Suite 900 Ft. Worth, TX 76109 New York Life Insurance Company New York Life Insurance and Annuity Corporation IA Delaware Corporation) Business and Personal Insurance Planning NYLIFE are C es Inc. 51 Madison Avenue. New York. NY 10010 1: City of Southlake, Texas MONTHLY ADMINISTRATIVE CALENDARS AND DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS August 1994 1 1 Building 4 -A Community Development 4 -B Complaints 4 -C 1 Finance 4 -D Municipal Court 4 -E Public Safety 4 -F Public Works 4 -G Street /Drainage 4 -H Ok Utility 4- I Park 4 -J 1 E 2 1/_ 4 V. r M w IA cn ' \ I- r- OOOt`O tOOr-IMr'1 I∎00 r1I�MN r- M .-1r♦ ri () 00 N CO N N .-I In Ql 01 N '--I r-1 1N N d' d' CD I d' r-I CO t0 d' t0 M CO Ei H N CDWo1 401 1 o 1 0 w ■ I� O1 M r1 0 r- ri Ifl N CO 01 M M t0 00 1fl d' ' C.- '--I d' '--1 t0 04 C. 0o Ill '1' M '--1 N 0 d' On O '--I d' d' d' M '--I o1 U) 1 lfl N ,400%.,D t0 d' N N H M H V C M ■ H0 1 H CD rq 0 w M ,• 43 E4 CM 04 4 01 d' tOCn000M0 O100N0 - I MM d' d'M t∎M 0 Q '-4 N N •-1 r-1 in ' 1' N Ill r•1 WW OM ' •4 Et CM CO 0 M '--1 t0 In M d' N N 1 E-12 1 E-I01 104 En 04 W a '- a W H al O 'a 04 gg On d' /n .-1 0o d' M 4.-1 M O N t0 r1 t■ O .-I CO d' O N .4 d' • rs (1) > 4 Q r 1-1 M N r1 r-I 00 00 Ifl ' CO d' d' N r-I 0 �I H O d' N 00t0d' d' M M Ia 0 E Z x E-1 O1 g cy H Ix U IH W Z wo1 m E - I ,'f'Z r-1 t0 M N O N On O On I - '--1 M O Ifl f3' CO N '-1 O '-I '--1 O O d' rd er 1-1 00 s Ill Ill N co a s p16 ml cn N> I�M si'*CyN000 t000NN0 NO 01ulOON000 d' 11 0 4 (•'-•1 On Ill in M o1 M cnx HEim 01 Z CD EA 0 Nd'. - N M ` O ' N'4N 01CD ON �Nd'O t0 000 � 4: z • Z •• W >+ to b v z •-I b b 4 •• Z 4 p 4: Ch W al 0 N -4-1 ri 0 0 a 01 cn CD C9 '-1 O . w o >1 z4 o El 0 • E4 Hz (1) •r1 I.1 1 1 0 0 0 r4 9r1 w' A H cn 0 +i O r-1 r-1 W 0 !� '-1 f + C: 0 1d �l b Q O W H .-1 Id Ul rd Id 4L b 0 -r1 Q,' r-1 0 W 1-1 M 0 01 • N In ••1 •.1 01 o r 1$.4 •r1 w 1-1 •r1 U H H cn z 0 (v (1) I 0 U �' x z 0 t ••-1 Z •r1 4-) O 0 U H ►•� E-I a E4 H •.1 4-) v > i� ••.4 o s1 • >•1 N • a • a w x a P cn to w H 9 cn r O N '..;s4 0 +� \ N r-I • 'C� I z1 x • cn o I -+ w 0 t2 � H cn�� gip I N 41 ri 0 E a'f lzi v0OZZZ 1 Z0 4 Za �a o0 uc o 0 v cO3EW- IwCcn0 g 1 M 0000000 M to 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 03 ON 0000000 '0 rtn0o 00 00000000 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 03 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 ' 6 N U3 ON r u1 0 0 r d' NO N CO r O t0 E H O tO ON d' O 00 H CO to V M M N 'd' H O% r O M N 0 I .-1 N M M t[1 d' u1 03 to r ul 00 .-1 d 4 -0 t11 O 0 N . . . H N O) 'O CO d' N d' H H r H r M ttl 03 H d O' r d' 0 W O 0 H d' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 On 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 M 0 H 0 0 0 0 r-10000000 in i g • • • • • • CO r O U) d' 'O d' O O N U) O to 0 M d' CO 0 0 N M 03 O U) r H O% O) M H 0 M U1 0 d' O) d' d' U) M d' 01 t0 'O I 1 O M CO 01 In d' CO CO CO t0 N O1 O N H 03 N H CO N M .. .. . . .. . . . . . . . W H 011 N H d' U1 d' U) U) H 'O H ON N H M H O H 04 O n .•i d' H to O to .1 sn N H ` H v i M M 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 M 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01"1 at 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 co U) in O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 03 011 H 0 • 03 ON CA N H CO M ON 0 U) • 0 U) CO O N 03 r 0 H E t-'1 t4 N M r ON H M CO N M U) H H ON CO H O. N 0 M H ai E - I Q O t0 N M 03 N M O M N U1 H H M d' 'O U) 0 03 . i W 0 E R O i N in N CO M U1 ON ON H H t0 N in Ty H 0 M 'O U) M !t -'WW�y g .3. 011 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 r 0 to O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N O i k7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 d' U) O O O O O H 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 H • O N 4 w e N0 r-000 • ▪ • I . 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Q t0 01 0 01 0 N N t0 h t0 0 N o1 En ' 1 IC O . 1 N V 141 to t0 M N P7 M M M M M N in to r- 1-4 N 0 O O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 J1 O a Ot N • V o Q O o N o O o 0 0 .i M H a p y 1� ! T O N t0 0 0' O M O 0000 0 N -• H a ! i P�7 1 H H 01 CA CA M t0 o h o 00 t0 Al h CD 1O U H W . . .i O V' O •i O N UN H O NO 01 01 M •�. A O I l N .-1 CD 0 V' N M t0 V' rim H 4 •� O N N N to N O .-1 N H 01 a Q ca i ll 41 W WW cm c0 `" o awws• w 8 �; a ° • c ° as1za0E .4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O z A h W 4 Z h', 4 M l-1 4r WI M 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a , O 0 00 0 0 00 0 V' 01 to ` 0 0 0 0 O O O O 0 N V' N CO t0 o O N O O tO N to 1[1 O •i •-1 : ' ,'F', M.iN N .-IM N d' N V' V' .1 111 N 0 M V H S C9 t0 M N M M R 4 01 O r 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • r • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • • • • V' • V' 0 0 0 0 0 CO N V' •i al 4.0 t0 .i 0 0 Al N t0 o t` h N Li R . H t/ � V . M 0 '0 t1' NO t0 t0 1T. O l ; ' • 0 O d' h d' N 1 t0 ` tt77 k1i ■ .-4 . rl 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • in M N W d' N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 'd' 0 V' CA H 1-11-4 O V' O No 01 O No t0 n CO 0) py O D co 0 t0 0 N 0 0 10 0 *0 '., Q, .-1 O ri d' h V' O1 M N M I o 1) V t' •.1 01 O V' 4 N ., Z z vi t~ w z I 04 Z N C/ -1 H H�1 CO v H *0 ON 0 0 \ O 0 0 O1 Q, *0 - '0 b 3 J x N H 1 15, 01 P H RC • 1 W -1 1 V1 VJ U' �! p4 - • - 1 W\ to Z .0 0 H I Z Q 0) 4J l� i y 0 1 1 o 0 L1 H W Z 44 i� H W o >..-1 .-1 W a 0 a H a bl 0 H .-1 +1 1-1 N N o w a V) Pr, • 4a M z W z 0 4.1 W -.4 ---4 11 0 *0 V H 'J Z 0 Z m H H w H •.1 I CO U 3+ - .4 ., CO M a C0 CO H w W 0 03 a H Ha H 01 •• 0 E eA .4g zz0HE - ' 1- 4 E Q N 4 *014.. 0 M C.)) C) Z 1 E44 O O C.) *0 V City of Southlake, Texas COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT FEE REVENUE REPORT FOR THE MONTH ENDING 31 AUGUST 1994 ZONING $ 2,330.03 NO. OF CASES (8) PLATTING 7,180.00 NO. OF CASES (12) SPECIFIC USE PERMITS 343.56 ?1,.. NO. OF CASES (1) BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT 500.00 NO. OF CASES (5) MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 338.40 '' NO. OF CASES (46) 1 TOTAL REVENUE $ 10,691.99 TOTAL NO. OF RECEIPTS (72) C: \WPF\REPORTS\REVNU -94.08 =. n GENERAL FUND Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance for the period ended August 31, 1994 with Comparative Actual amounts for the period ended August 31, 1993 (fiscal month 11 - 91.67%) Revised Percent Actual Percent 1993 -94 Year to Date Collected/ Year to Date Total Collected/ REVENUES Budget 8/31/94 8/31/94 Expaid. 8/31/93 9/30/93 Expended Ad Valorem Taxes $2,175,000 $17,623 $2,168,235 99.7% $2,118,765 $2,144,650 98.8% Sales Tax 865,000 94,158 743,407 85.9% 534,052 636,737 83.9% =: Franchise Fees 398,125 12,927 400,036 100.5% 294,623 305,909 96.3% Fines 232,400 29,872 213,920 92.0% 163,673 182,271 89.8% Charges for Services 63,545 1,807 50,001 78.7% 52,561 59,086 89.0% Permits/Fees 1,562,020 151,857 1,485,081 95.1% 1,134,840 1,251,287 90.7% Miscellaneous 36,175 1,818 28,886 79.9% 26,020 44,846 58.0% Transfer In -Other Funds 159,446 0 0 0.0% 0 159,446 0.0% Interest Income 90.000 7.925 93.629 104.0% 61.509 54.194 113.5% Total Revenues $5,581,711 $317,987 $5,183,195 92.9% $4,386,043 $4,838,426 90.7% PR Li EXPENDITURES City Secretary $219,000 $24,076 $187,422 85.6% $125,433 $143,026 87.7% City Manager 193,025 22,336 179,909 93.2% 132,105 152,073 86.9% Support Services 634,380 35,861 548,056 86.4% 408,879 502,644 81.3% Finance 256,090 25,891 236,434 92.3% 181,362 205,844 88.1% Municipal Court 167,183 17,982 140,915 84.3% 127,854 144,786 88.3% P! Fire 723,144 67,764 594,859 82.3% 491,795 566,832 86.8% iiii Police 1,028,989 104,881 952,841 92.6% 788,810 895,343 88.1% Public Safety Support 440,210 66,054 389,332 88.4% 323,320 357,268 90.5% Building 259,491 30,223 239,600 92.3% 139,040 154,005 90.3% Pm Streets/Drainage 1,441,301 242,985 1,189,139 82.5% 686,956 857,494 80.1% iiii Parks 226,522 13,295 180,894 79.9% 120,255 138,224 87.0% Public Works Administration 126,233 14,052 119,910 95.0% 58,115 102,064 56.9% Community Development 293.312 27.777 233.648 79.7% 217.796 234.170 93.0% Total Expenditures $6,008,880 $693,177 $5,192,959 86.4% $3,801,720 $4,453,773 85.4% Excess (deficiency) of Revenue over Expenditures ($427,169) ($375,190) ($9,764) $584,323 $384,653 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES AND (USES) Proceeds from C.O. Sale (net) 8565.827 $565.827 $0 $0_ ,,t Excess (deficiency) of Revenues and other sources over Expenditures $138.658 $556.063 ,$584.323 $384.653 FUND BALANCE OCT 1 $1,405,310 $1,405,310 $1,125,708 $1,125,708 i Net - Reserved for encumbrances 0 0 105,051 105,051 ENDING FUND BALANCE $1.543.968 $1.961.373 ,$1.604.980 $1.405.310 E E .... 1 01 \ 0 ri ch I 1 w Al 0 E-1 • a H z M PI 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 W W OOMOO40u1 ulNh 01001 40 Inc ON V 001 0004040 V 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O H NO 40 IA 01 000 M 00 OMO CO VOO CO C.-1 V OOOO ON00 0O hi • • • • • • • • • • . . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Q Q b040 U1 V41NNb CONO 0 OD U1 00f V 01 0144 V ul O U1 CO CO 0 40.1400 ul 0 p4 04000 O1 r1 u1N V ONO) b CON O V V 01 40 co V ul 01 M O h N n n 000 V' VI CO . 4. . . 4.. . . . . . . . 4. . . . . .... 41 W C4 p; 4 04.+00 u1 O 01 .4 V U1 04 O N 0 44 M N Ul m n n V ft) MUI0 Z V 01H. -1 N CO 00 CO CO 0 M U 1 04 � 01 NH 0 .4 .4 N N 41 •1 .i V.-1 V .i H .i .1 0 W W OOOOOUl000 000 OO 000M O 0 000 00 00 00 E D 0000O nulM n N 000. 0 0 V 0O V O OO 00 Ifl O Out Z C> CD 00 Or' V O 0 0004 0 CO 0 01 01 O 01 u1 .i .-4 ■ N 00 If1 InNM uI CO ONN 0 N ul .-IM .. 040N0 H nM H W Of0111410w Vn d .M m m .-1 M .140 0 0(40,4 ul N a 01 .-1 CO N V N 04 CO H H W _ .. 44 M W *0 * 0 .4 0 hb0u10CDO NWflN 0 a 0 CO O1 M 4-14101 V n0 4001 Nn D4 •P AP R W O 0D 0100 00001001 040101 0 N 0 01 0 0100101 001 0140 M N C O1 h .. 4-4 .-4 .141 .-4 41 .-4 44 .-4 41 4 -.404. .i • R a E∎o o f Al =Wm 4 0 0 E HM ,g0 1 OWHH r p 1 ...0 W O44 4O 04 bMU1 CO N 41041 CO 000 01110 OM 000 V 104000000000 00 W ,y",. N b40M01 01 04 01r4 V 10 01004 M m00 4001 N.0000u1.iu10000o0000 00 I: IA A b V01 10 VaOO 410001 CO rlhM 00 400104 V 0 Ch 0 4104 0004000 V O 0ul (� Q A 0401 .400DN04N400. V r r4 b .iN V 00 40 V ulOM V OfN o MM 0 H U R N CO 4-iV ODMb. -1010 400401 0 0 04 n0 OOMIfl u1000 NN Ob M V rt N C4 N 44 U . . . . .4 . . . . . . _ . . . . 4. . . . . . .. 4. . . W M R 4 V OMMbuIN ul 44 .10401 u1 01 00 0304 V OD V O 04 n 01 rl u MN O.iu1V 40Vn .4H r1 .-1 .i N rl ul OH V. ul N O .i h N M N N h .. E N M M Ha I O z •C O W N O h W .00.0 0 o 00 0000ou110000 0 000 0 (al H V OD 1fln Of b mom 0 0 to ul a0000 N 000 0000 0 • • p W y 0 NUI OO n W b r-.0.4 M u1 COW M 404010 N V N .i C00 0000 0 D4 . -1010101 N 0 NVn 01 N CO O 01 414. -1 NM M N CO CO in Ch .40 M U V M10ri 01 h 400400 N .-1 CD CO V.-4 N N M O h 01 V.-1 0441 0- 0 .0 .0 N V O1 01 .44 01.1 01440NN.i CO .4.405 H N N N 441 .i 41 .i 4g14 . (■414 §M CA ( � WQaaaz Z z U 8WW W W a U' E4 W40 U' VI O W h N N H a W W w W ZOO U a z O A O H H A y•y H D H '. . 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Ci fis c C s CITY OF SOUTHLAKE WATER AND SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND Comparative Statement of Revenues and Expenses 1 for the period ended August 31, 1994 and August 31, 1993 (fiscal month 11 - 91.67 %) Revised Percent Actual Percent 1993 -94 Year to Date Collected/ Year to Date Total Collected/ REVENUES Budget 8/31/94 8/31/94 Expended 8/31/93 9/30/93 Expended Water Sales - residential $2,700,000 $397,401 $2,283,136 84.6% $1,946,099 $2,294,377 84.8% Water Sales- commercial 510,000 44,218 415,526 81.5% 368,017 438,097 84.0% Sewer Sales 360,000 38,916 331,735 92.1% 208,525 237,213 87.9% a Sanitation Sales 335,000 29,025 309,577 92.4% 268,466 296,252 90.6% Other utility charges 337,500 38,872 334,526 99.1% 283,609 297,391 95.4% Miscellaneous 56,600 141 54,110 95.6% 55,276 75,380 73.3% Interest Income 65.000 7.927 65.916 101.4% 30.811 30.118 102.3% Total Revenues $4,364,100 $556,500 $3,794,526 86.9% $3,160,803 $3,668,828 86.2% EXPENSES Water $2,478,425 $239,856 $1,603,211 64.7% $1,221,417 $1,879,712 65.0% Sewer 688,921 159,795 651,400 94.6% 395,265 428,582 92.2% Sanitation 304,500 25,758 251,807 82.7% 215,537 263,050 81.9% Debt Service- !' Revenue Bonds 81,895 0 81,901 100.0% 79,719 79,719 100.0% iiii Other -Line Oversizing 25,000 0 19,713 78.9% 3,072 24,072 0.0% Transfers -other funds 269.613 0 110.167 40.9% 107.849 267.295 40.3% !P i Total Expenses $3,848,354 $425,409 $2,718,199 70.6% $2,022,859 $2,942,430 68.7% Net Income/(Loss) $515.746 ,$131.091 ,$1.076.327 $1137.944 $726.398 Po I li r iii 1 1 1 . r 6 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE Pi UTILITY BILLING ills MONTHLY REPORT AUGUST 1994 THIS MONTH THIS MONTH LAST MONTH LAST YEAR 8/31/94 7/31/94 8/31/93 ACCOUNTS BILLED: WATER $458,439.98 $389,331.34 $481,920.84 SEWER 39,138.92 37,639.21 28,691.64 GARBAGE 29,083.89 28,813.97 26,026.99 SALES TAX 2,247.52 2,225.33 1,878.84 OTHER 3,395.00 2,291.22 3,942.74 TOTAL $532,305.31 $460,301.07 $542,461.05 NUMBER OF CUSTOMERS: WATER 3,783 3,714 3,142 SEWER 1,478 1,440 997 ''° GARBAGE 3,500 3,459 3,131 TOTAL ACCOUNTS BILLED: 4,017 3,950 3,382 Le NEW CUSTOMERS: (increases for the month) in WATER 67 81 48 LE SEWER 38 59 55 *GARBAGE 41 79 46 A* `. TOTAL ACCOUNTS BILLED 67 78 48 tik iti CONSUMPTION BILLED (IN 000'S): WATER 111,581 95,129 130,700 Pm SEWER 56,221 45,177 50,518 6 * Beginning 6/94, all builder accounts will not be charged garbage. They are unable to utilize service while homes are under construction, because most solid waste is building materials. Once home is occupied by homeowner, garbage will be charged. c 40 m rjj 1.4 M O. 1 W PI 0 E4 a E Z H C p1 W W 0 401f1 O. M1b 0 n .4 O m ON 0.-4 I 1 WI Ul i 0 H IA U N 40 M O. N 000. 0 C) C) OU1 040 Co Co 0 in a H • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • O N O n O. 40 400. 1f14040M .40. U1 O. 0 U1 M M 0. n .4 0 C0 .0 N '.0 N .01 '4 .-1 .4 .4 0. .-1 .-1 n n 40 O N V' CO r- 0 c4 N 40 N 40 ON 0. 01 to 1f1 ■ A .-1 N .0 40 .-1 .4 Co U1 U1 n O. 04 .-101 N N ' .0 40 W. 40 UI U1 in A WW O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O , 0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 00 00 0 0 •j. 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O M t') CD CO O O O 01 LL I O Q k U n A ID CO 0) 01 n u) O 21 N u) 01 CO 10 N.+ 01 ss a co O 0 W U i. < . . { p 6 • N . . . a N N. 10 0 O N 0 V' a eY N n N u) u) CO 0 f1 1LL 11 N N M 0) N ID 11) tO N N Is. T \ k N 1- k H a k W • I--10 CD CD 0 10 p 010 .-10101 ON eV OOO r-. n O O t0 CO O J O O O N O O 01 1. CO O u) u) O 0 0 0 0 CO 0 0 0 01 I )) C fl N H= n O D .1 110 n I1Qp f i I M O011 01 to u 0 Z U n .-. a l-. 01 t0 OD O r- N1.. r- r-. r- a Q .... 10 .-I .4 N Ot u) O O 01 10 N u) III . .ti N N .I - N N R i LI) LLI W a O O CC 1 ~ d 5 W W N W N LLI 0 �OX. • W JJJ O W I u) N us t I t s • U � W k V � ¢ Y t .4 W Vf T t W 1. k • N N). t 0 LL1 5 # W N ~ a N J J # rn k t W DE � w k W fA H k N J A 2 W h k J e t LL1 O J J W � J W A J NA G _ U J 5 J J us N J Q { W W N J Q ¢ V ¢ Q Q KZ O Q OtW JKZ W y F Q - O 1g l4 W 1Q- O K O O LU O T O 0 CU 0 w $Q.0 1- 0. -as$&0 v 0 0 g Z 1 Ea IV 1010 O O N M V 1 10 r�0 d W .+ N [ O '1 V 1[) r� i 0 f d3 N dZ� i.. i C _ O 3 O VD O N C CITY OF SOUTHLAKE C ., _ SALES TAX REVENUES six year comparison revised 1993 -94 collected budget balance budget to date balance percent ,$865.000 $802.387 $62.613 7.24% FISCAL :::::::FISCAL>:: FISCAL :? :FISCAL::::. FISCAL : F A i % o 0 % % /0 /o Inc I �'T< 'kR> /o lnC BAR:: > /01nC '1 .' << /0 1nCTQ Inc (Dec) (Dec) (Dec) (Dec) (Dec) MONTH ! S I II. MO 90 3 < 9k 92 < <: 2 < October 0 16.7% 6.0% 9.0% 0 35.1 /0 ; : :::$ . > „. :: 16.7 /0 ;:.;. 40 >: 6.0% ;: 9.0% 4.. 95.1 /0 �'��$3°I'>7 $ 44 �$ .1.. $4 6y X 3.1. $�.�fl �t��s. �}� �:�$ o 51.0% November 0 50.8% 20.2% Nb 9.3 /o ; > > ;; ';';;;: ;;; 51.0 /o ;; :': -2 59.3% 4.8 /0 <: >'. 50.8 /o .; » > ; : 20 /0 >�I>425<; > >< >� `. 3� 1.1.7.. 2� ���. �� I��. &��.. 0 d� 35.2% s 16.9% 1.7% 0 December 18.1 /o :] : < : ': 35.2 /o :.:: : : : 16.9 /o :.;:.: > A 1.7 /o :.;:.; . 107.3 /o 8 3� Jan 69.2% o 7 /o .> _ o < _ >' <I` . 69.2 .:: . o 57 .3 /o January `'4#'. 28.8% ::. <:471#J6 36.Ell.l. 15.1 / ../ . ...1f 541.. 0 0 78.4% :,:.:;::::::39351:::.::: 0 0 ., 1 /o -12.1 /o ; 78.4 /o _ 1.9 /o ; >: 47.0% Febru ?<`?<1 °�'� .�� 6 .0 22 487 4U 1�5 �' .�9. 0 7.5% 13.8% 17.8% o c 107.5% /o ? :::: :: 7.5 /o >> >: 13.8 /o . > >'.: :: 17.8 /o : >> 34.4 /o March > ' ..„,..8` :: ;':`r . ., : . : 2. ,95 . 3 N : 44 ' s. .:::::'`.9,3 : r LI 0 0 38.8% 19.3% 0 Aril -23.5% 11 . 4 /0 7, . 38.8/0 .: 64: 19 /0 27.3/0 May .24::: »:: >:>31,5 :::<: 13.2% : <:: >: 3 ,. » 16.3% 12.0% ::::::::::::$.4423:::: 33.2% :» >; 6.7% 0 1.2% 13.8% 20.7% 0 June 55.7 /o :. ><: � 1.2 /0 ; '.: 13.8 /0 :. » > >: >< 20.7 /0 :. > > > : :: >.: >. 14.5 /o >2�1 t?�I<"� 44�' 37 89 . 43.1Qi�. 521)��. 5�! ��. Jul Q 0 9.2% 56.9% 0 33 0% /o -8.5 /0 9.2 /0 56.9 /o : :.:.:. : 16.9 /o J 4> <�8x�(� ; > > >�;3 47;01 51 , >8t156�: 94,1��.. . 12.5% 35.5% 0 22.1% u 40.8% :.::. > >: ;. .:::: 12 .5 /o :.;:<:<::'1::::: 35.5 /o : > :.:: -0.9 /o :;. >.:: <;:. 22.1 /o August ;;���E�!5► ><;;�9d9 3 95..1 �4$,.::.3..I.:. 48,290.. 58,9$0:; September 31,204 2 499 4.2% 37.004 :: 13.9% :::::::::4234V " 15.5% 3 :9�� 27.3% TOTAL 8311,699 $3- 96,106. 27.1% 8440148; 13.1% 8510,036' 13.8% .8636,738: 24.8% $802,387., 37.8% L SLSTAX94.W1C.3 REPORT DATE 09/09/94 ' First month of 1/2 cent additional sales tax. C C E CITY OF SOUTHLAKE SOUTHI,AKE PARKS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION SALES TAX REVENUES 1993 -94 collected budget balance budget to date balance percent $160.000 $115.502 $24.498 15.31% FISCAL YEAR at 93/94 October $0 November 0 December 0 January 0 February - 0 March 0 April 0 May 29,145 June 29,788 July 47,079 August 29,490 September 0 TOTAL $135,502 SLSTAX94.WK3 09/09/94 c : _ to aeaeaeaeasxaeee eaeaeseseasaeaeaeaeaeaeaee ee eaee eaaeaeaeae A aeaee ea�aee a 4st AA M O) MMmmmNm .-111VNNWOmmMWmNmNVOMmvmM 0 100.-0' -N1-N 0 IOM z C Nom mvemn .- NWNMmml'<Pm)010mThNW- r *OMMOm :7 m1 -00100W , m NN N N L ONmm NhmOON1 . mhh OV 4 - 01 h0 A V1-.*0 C40h e1 - OW 0 M U . - '-N .-W '-N'- 1N 1'-'- NV10 .-110' -1-N'- -- .-e.-1,-.-0 11 1 m v vMh .-mMmmmtNMVOMWM NOOIONh1-inm*10omme0W mmv(NN00 mm M CO hmVVhm00m 000.- O10mmWW(0W hmwNV(N '-m- •- 1 Na �I1 1 vvmmhNhN WW m -O m 1-0Om • oi4c4 OVM. loin • J.O VmNhmhWise 0VMNNafN.- Mm - IneWNNm)0 Min A .-m0RmMmmh .-001sMOVC10001VNmemmsvNNmm0. )OV OCIMWM Nm 1- O'- hmisM NVNo.- .-WNWOVVOhmmm . mm v- M mM10NV100VV *MVI m'- h01-00O - Inmmmh *MM '- W '-V - m NVW O'-N .- Vm0*0 OONW 00W co.-0 vV M is in m pa as ev NisN 4 V '-1*) - - O M M MNMMNM NNNNMNNNNMNMNNMNMMMMMNNMNMNM M MNMMV►NNN M NN M m m'- mOaVWWOWIn01 sOmMmmvm . OW(OmmW'- m0 v C 01 OmmhvOmWC" Nhm 010*0 1(O ho 'D.7 m Er .-00m-r 'NhWWmmm0mmmW0WOOmmWOMh■mv0M mOWOWVVh MN m >.O 10011 0m1-M0 *NWMWVm '- '- MOhr -NN OM .- .MO vmhm O10NM. �eOhh 0. N-- - 1 *W *Yf Om L a O v mmNV me Oh0V 1 - 11101■00100V000N0W0001 VO 4110N0* 1n'- O v1 mmOMOWNVm *OM *gymOOO h *1mmM --vh m-- 10 O .0 m m IfQ'10 h'-N N <NEOMO mhNIO vine) vine) 0:1.-v 1-W'- v M 10 0) '- MN M *CNN In 4+-o 4- V r M M M 1 0 MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMV ►MMMMMMMMMMMM M MMMMMMNM M MM M 4, L = a eataeataeataeataeaeaeaeatatat atatatataeaeaeaeat a tataeatataeaeatae be alai' at lea= 9e at 9e C m m '- mV0'- 0Nr-N0m4- 0100001000. mm'-'-O0- -1010 0) O•- v OW 0 m 0) .0 5 I: O E .0 O. OMNNmm*000MONNWM(Om 0 v.- 0000m.- In hV r- O 3 0.-00- mNWmvm '- vm'- 0 M'- h- mOm100-- NNOM '-Nm0 r- v0 »000N a v0 e O N ae - '-(1(4 '0NN 1 N N M'- N .-VMMN .-.-'- -m N 1 v .- .- N vM Q 1 1 1 11 N i 1 C M 0 0 r m - M C X ... *0.0*. 1- 7 0 >.L Inmh0000me-MOV .-V -m- - 1- Mm0Wm00mmhC)Oe'DOW NWOOmOm' m0 a 0. 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LL0 O* 440MM lUOWWW4.a00X=SYYJ -IEZM ce=mMMX333 aQO.+J3I -)-3- 061= MUNICIPAL COURT MONTHLY REPORT _ :: AUGUST 1994 TRAFFIC NON TRAFFIC C I Non State City Parking Parking Law Ordinance Total 1: 1. NUMBER OF CASES FILED: 897 6 25 5 933 1: 2. DISPOSITIONS PRIOR TO TRIAL: A. Deposit Forfeitures 0 0 0 0 0 B. Payments of Fine 248 3 13 4 268 C. Cases Dismissed 158 0 7 0 165 3. DISPOSITIONS AT TRIAL: A. Trial by Judge (1) Finding of Guilty 0 0 0 0 0 (2) Finding of Not Guilty 0 0 0 0 0 illi B. Trial by Jury (1) Finding of Guilty 0 0 0 0 0 (2) Finding of Not Guilty 0 0 0 0 0 C. Dismissed at Trial 0 0 0 0 0 it 4. CASES DISMISSED: A. After Defensive Driving 121 0 0 0 121 *,'' B. After Deferred Adjudication 114 0 1 0 115 O 1r; C. After Proof of Insurance 108 0 0 0 108 r 5. CASES APPEALED 0 0 0 0 0 6. WARRANTS ISSUED 13 0 12 0 25 c TOTAL REVENUE COLLECTED: CITY $30,226.84 STATE 18,465.00 TOTAL 48,691.84 i I; , aj I: 1: !/r / MUNICIPAL COURT MONTHLY REPORT I: JULY /AUGUST 1994 COMPARISON 1" JULY AUGUST A L it 1. NUMBER OF CASES FILED: 704 933 2. DISPOSITIONS PRIOR TO TRIAL: A. Deposit Forfeitures 0 0 I: B. Payments of Fine 164 268 C. Cases Dismissed 83 165 1: 3. DISPOSITIONS AT TRIAL: A. Trial by Judge Iiii (1) Finding of Guilty 3 0 (2) Finding of Not Guilty 0 0 B. Trial by Jury (1) Finding of Guilty 0 0 (2) Finding of Not Guilty 0 0 C. Dismissed at Trial 0 0 4. CASES DISMISSED: A. After Defensive Driving 90 121 B. After Deferred Adjudication 94 115 C. After Proof of Insurance 61 108 kw 5. CASES APPEALED 0 0 i: 6. WARRANTS ISSUED 7 25 TOTAL REVENUE COLLECTED: CITY $14,977.75 $30,226.84 ~X • STATE 9,795.00 18,465.00 TOTAL 24,772.75 48,691.84 r ii C I! li i iii 4//47-a . , I '• , iiii. ................. ................, .................. ::.••:•••::::•••.••.••.••.••::•: ................. .................. , :::::::::::::.•::: — >4 1 >4 ›i A 4-1 A A 0 k IIIIP :::::::::::::::.•:: . •••••••••••••••••• 1 _ -ri RI -1-I a- M::!::]::::::::::::::W: 3 5 3 rH al - H 4 - ) W A a) a) C14 r d r d en C.) 4-) 01,-1 -r-I -H • -FA • .0 ................. 0 Hi > W • > >4 > >1 t)14-.) r ............................— qj m 0 r -i w -.-1 W W 4-1 A P a) -r-I (1) (1) (1) 0) 0 - P a) 0 P a.) L ................................ ................ """...... . ..-1 p., P n ....„.... ... 44 P4 at E P 0 POO POO MU) ...:,..:,...:,...:,.:::::::::::...:.„...;.„!•..„.:.:......:.:....:!: .. t O . 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CI CN1 CN1 Csi CI 01 01 Cil 01 Cc1 lvl Cr) VI m rcl .4 VI ct .:II v/I vt, SOUTHLAKE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY MONTHLY REPORT Il August, 1994 / %woo POLICE SERVICES Citations Issued 933 Residential Burglaries 2 Arrests 38 Business Burglaries 2 Traffic Accidents 22 Vehicle Burglaries 0 Alarm Calls 159 Assaults 5 Animal Calls 59 New CID cases assigned 32 * Thefts Under $750 12 CID Investigations Cleared 48 * II Thefts $750 and up 4 Active CID Investigations 30 * FIRE SERVICES Residential Fires 2 Ambulance Calls: Commercial Fires 0 Vehicle Accidents 9 C Other Building Fires 0 Non - accident EMS 22 Vehicle Fires 0 Total Patients Transported 17 o Grass Fires 5 Grass /Weed Complaints 12 Fire Alarms - False 13 Burn Permits Issued 2 Fuel Spills /Leak 7 Pre -fire Inspections 19 Other Haz -Mat Calls 0 Building Plans Reviewed 28 r Bomb Threats 1 Lig Other Fire Calls: •42 0" ill SUPPORT SERVICES Total Police Service Calls 1763 Total Training Hours: Total Fire Service Calls 65 Police 160 Crime Prevention Surveys 8 Fire 44 Total DARE Classes Taught 0 Communications 72 Warrants Received 25 Volunteers 0 Warrants Cleared 13 Total Personnel Trained 28 Total Warrant Collections $2,736.50 9 -1 -1 Hang -up Investigations 10 *CID numbers for Det. Sessions only. Det. Ward's numbers were not II available. - . . r ::14:::: ::: H 0 0 0 0 0 1 : ::: : : 10 :::". 10 : 1 :: : : : :::.: 11 4 1 :" (kii; ............................ a. a. a. a. a. ...................... ... ......:.:.:.:.:.:.:................:.:.:.:.:.:....:.: :.......: 0 0y, 0 0 0 0 ......................... _......................... _................... ... ...................... ... :::::::::::::...::::::_. :: •...•••...••• .• K. .. ll i a a I ::: i::: co 1 r-1 r-1 -1 1-1 .. ................................ ,:,,.:.:.:.:.:.:....:.-..........::::::::::::::.::::::::::;::::::::: .."....................--cl--..:,„Zi:i:i*.:::;:: H 4 4 1 M i: ::::ta::::::::.:*:: 1 '::-:::?..-...........:•::::;....... ....44::0..i 1 1 1 1 1 Cr) 1 1 : 0 : al O O O al al al al : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :::: : : : : : : : :-N - : : :-.......-....:EL::: : : in En -....,. -..... -...., -...... .....„ ........ -....... ......„. ................. .fm..vr. 1 . a) ....,r1 o r-1 H I-1 o Lf) o 0 ................. .. ..14. r4 4 - ) m 0 0 . 0 1 Cr) H C Cr) vl • ••• • • • - "• •" • ' • " • '' • ' $-1 0 '■ ----. ----.. --- 01 ...... ......... -.- -........ 1 :::,:::::::::::,:::::::::-14..]:*::::.;g: ................ 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O al a) Cr) Ul G4 G4 P H rI 0 U a) 0) Q (A H-1 c23 O Q o N --� f o N U 5. r1 cn r.4 O ff - � x a l > E 4J °/ ;{ al -1- b J-) 'LS J-) 0 -H +' d: it -d CO 0 CO s~ -H ,0 #-t? • 1-1 0 (d fd 0 44 H_: 4-1 -H 4_1 1•) -ri a) o. tat: X 5' 44 4a • 0 J-) H E 14: W a) -d H -H H -H fa (1) 0 o a; JJ r-1 a r-4 a r-1 9 a s C3: r Ul r (l d 4-1 U r › (IS >1 x >4 >1 x • G .>~ r 1 y W : fd U) } .1 u) •-) S-I U) 4..) S-1 U r-1 'd 01 (d -H fd - --• ul al g r-1 ro n r , E •HI 4J 0 4J 04 a) x r-1 W 0; [-f -H a) �i -d 0 -1-1 -14 0 r-1 4-) J-) u) a) (d v E3 x JJ 1 0 -d 0 s~ -d H Ul -H U ' fd d ( fi -HI RS (U (U a) .0 O O q m a 3 u) z y u l X 3 3 Ai A • HI v a • H x --- a w • c; W ;; l0 N W al 0 r-1 N « N H H H 1-4 N N N u 0. 3 : . —.a? E . • • :...... --. a" 0,' cn 1 1 1 P ,.... 1 010 (..1 ,-, 1 , ..:.•...:..: <: i '.::::..:-....:•- .• .- * * * * * * * e e * * * * * * r. * * * e e * * ,•1 1-1 11 ••••1 O 1 . ig ' .., .:•:::::::tY: P.. ...: a' :._ .g &.. : , 7 , , , ,r g; .? V tir, a R V . A V .15 Cr, ; . g', g Cf 'cf g k i- . ri, 74 . I T 0 .9 t.zi & Iii st`..i 71; 1?.. re st 0 111 g..70, :,...,, a. a. 1 1 a. 1 1 1 1 c, a. 1 05 ' Cf1 l 1 N N 'n r1 . 0 , 't .,,,,41]:.;.-...-.4 ,-. .--• N O. est so .-1 N cn 1-4 1-4 1 1 < , 1 > .... ^. S CI 0 • 0 A4 " ›g -,,,,., ..= ....t 8 °•:.' 3 , E g a' t M 3 < 1 r i .4 1 8 r . ......::...... ...„..............:...... .. (.„ < In N < ON 00 eel • Os M 1-4 •0' tr) 4 4 .4.) so so ... sn OA v-4 V) < 00 .--4 .:.174:::::::‘/:: 4-. ' • en ,.; en • en v- ei so Tr s4-? 6 o ..t. .-1 o so; o ,..: ti ::::0::::::Vir co ' Zi- t- g ••• o tz •-■ '-‘ c.%) 8 i:) ! - 1 m th ON N 4- 8 [ N < .., ,-. < tr, ...., .-. . N- NI sel eh en 1-4 00 ,-, ....-1 .-1 E . U) 1 (...) _ LLJ 0 '...:',- . cr z. -0::-. ..... C —I (,...:.:. :::: 4 ■S Z .. > ..... .. 0 ) Z ,i 5 z CC «I ec u .-, 4.) u o 0 e..) 'a' o • ..14 LLI u 1 T t; < .NE .14 0 F., .0 .. d ...,, ...„) . - •••• 4) 40 03 40 In 0 0 al C " 0 ' F c . ,):.:':::'.'..E. - ---:..:::.': ui ,,, vi w vi 3 3 u) rx vi g ul mi • • .: .......:: 1 ci 2 Z .-..... . ... .14 2 < :.-.... -.....- ,.. Z 1 0 ....: cd , li , 1 . .„, „, < r. ....5,...:: .ci ; ill . 104.1 . I-I"' A l t -' 'It. > 'rCr - d- 4 ,u''' a L n- 121- 0 14 0. a 0 . fa 0 , t: - - ....97-.::..:-..... • - . T +0 U3 2 m 1 CID P N 0) m < ,-. 1 -Ve--3 City of Southlake, Texas M E M O R A N D U M Cr: September 12,1994 TO: Robert Whitehead, Director of Public Works FROM: Brad Payton, Street Superintendent SUBJECT: Monthly Report for Street Department August, 1994. Description July Aug 1. Tons of asphalt used a. Hot Mix Asphalt 12 77 c. Cold Mix Asphalt 750 300 d. Base Material 400 300 2. Lane Miles of Road Repaired 100 100 Cm-; 3. Number of Street Signs Repaired or Replaced (all types) 63 48 4. Feet of Ditch Line Cleaned and shaped 500 1500 5. Number of Vehicles Repaired 2 1 a. Dump truck repair transmission and replace clutch 6. Row mowed in miles of streets 92 92 C := . C s4-/7 BP /cbk low UTILITY DEPARTMENT REPORT MONTH August, 1994 rm July Aug GALLONS PUMPED FROM WELLS 0 0 PURCHASED FROM FORT WORTH 107,498,000 134,566,000 TOTAL PUMPED AND PURCHASED 107,498,000 134,566,000 WATER METERS SET 45 63 NEW WATER TAPS MADE 4 5 VALVES REPAIRED 13 3 1 VALVES TESTED 31 36 FIRE HYDRANTS INSTALLED 3 1 FIRE HYDRANTS REPAIRED 1 5 FIRE HYDRANTS FLUSHED 23 28 DEAD END WATER MAINS FLUSHED 7 1 WATER MAINS REPAIRED 1 0 WATER METERS AND SERVICE LINE REPAIRED 6 8 r* LOCKED METER FOR DELINQUENT PAYMENT -0- 9 i PULLED METERS 1 0 METERS REPLACED 3 0 MISCELANEOUS WORK ORDERS 214 267 SEWER LIFT STATIONS CHECKED (4 L.S.) 80 92 REQUIRED MONTHLY SEWAGE TESTS 10 8 SEWER PLANT MAINTENANCE (BANK & DOVE) 40 46 SEWER MANHOLES INSPECTED 1 4 MISCELLANEOUS PROJECTS 0 0 C Put the new high pressue plan and the Florence overhead storage tank into service on August 30, 1994. c i► .' 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